-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go Fish! Date: March 24, 1999 Places: Bitra Hold's Great Hall, Courtyard, and Orchard Beside the Bitra River Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: A simple little event organized for the sake of Weyr- Hold RP, this turned out to be short, but fun. Mart, Jannea, Kassi, and Lady Filliana do their best to see who can get the most fish... and who can get the fewest shoes. Will Kassi's assertion that the river is full of footwear be borne out? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: You choose the stairs leading down. Allus takes one of the seats as well - one off to one side, closer to the hearths itself. Filliana glances up to Neliea, then smiles, if not for a few seconds. "Odd. That's what Apprentice Healer Leigh said, but she was referring to Tenefel's and my honeymoon at Boll. Or so she said." Kassima walks into the room with the faint click of bootheels against stone, a knapsack slung over her shoulder and her clothing careworn enough that she might, perhaps, be mistakable for someone else for a moment. "Duties to Bitra, her Lord, her Lady, and her card-sharks," she calls by way of greeting, eyes picking out Filliana amidst the throng in order to present her with, of all things, a bow. Telgar Weyr> Kassima reminds any interested folk that the Bitran fishing shindig should be starting in not too long now. :) Telgar Weyr> Neliea grins and notes that you came at a good time Kassi. Filliana looks up at Kassi curiously then chuckles. "Card sharks? Oh, I'd think not.." she grins at the greenrider. "We do, however have a new Steward for the Even Odds, and from what I remember of you, Kassi, you were fond of the games there." Neliea looks over to Kassima as she enters, offering a wave towards the Wingleader and nods to Filliana. "Really," she asks, blue eyes starting to twinkle amusedly. "Those clothes really don't seem your size though," she indicates and means the clothes in the Lady's lap. Allus offers, "I'd be more fond of them if I ever won anything." All right, so he wasn't asked. "Some things never change," Kassi remarks, slightly cryptic. "Your memory doesn't fail you, Lady. Greetings, Holder folk I don't know--duties t'you and yours, also, be they nay of Bitra. Nel, 'tis a pleasant surprise t'be seeing you here--for the fishing, dare I hope? We need t'be kicking Bitran tail, y'know." Filliana sends Neliea a big, tired grin, even though she appears as if she hasn't slept in days. She pokes the bluerider's arm then says, "They're for the little, Nel, and Tenefel is insisting I pick a color. Now how can I do that if I don't know if it's a boy or a girl?" As Kassi speaks to Neliea, she raises her brows then laughs. "Oh Neliea's on Bitra's side, don't you know? She's been here so long we adopted her." Kassima rolls her riding helmet to and fro between her hands, and affects a frown. "Me against all of Bitra? That's hardly fair odds, Lady," she chides. "Really, shouldn't you be adding Benden or Woodcraft or both t'your side at least...? As far as colors for children go, I heartily endorse green. Perfect color for any occasion. Who's having the baby?" Neliea feigns being hurt by the poke from Filliana as she looks towards Kassima with a resigned shrug at the adoption comment. "I suppose I could help Bitra, if it means the Lady doesn't strain herself," she replies blithely with a grin. "/She's/ the one expecting, Kassi." Filliana shifts to look upward toward the fireheights. "Might this have anything to do with a certain lifemate's coloration?" she asks with a smile. "As I recall Lysseth is very green." She then frowns a little. "Much like I look in the mornings anymore." Kassima snorts at the younger bluerider. "Well, never let it be said that I quailed from any odds," she remarks, philosophical. "As to Lysseth, she's green, but nay *very* green, or I'd nay have taken her from the Weyr--nay worries on that score!" A blink, then, and a second look at Filliana at Neliea's words. "M'gossip connections are *that* out of touch?" she marvels. "I must chasten them thoroughly. Felicitations, Lady, and hopes for a bonny lad for you; lasslings are naught but trouble, and you can be taking that one from me!" Filliana nods thoughtfully. "Lasslings are trouble? I was thinking she'd be a comfort to her Ma in things female. You know, someone to understand the feminine mind? I hardly think males understand that." She looks toward Deckard for confirmation or rejecion. Neliea chuckles as she shakes her head in completle disagreement, "Lassling's are nay trouble. Iriana's been a perfect dear...now at least." To the other comment, the rider replies amusedly, "I suppose you could have Lysseth help you, if you need it..." Deckard blinks "Ummm,the female mind is ah somewhat of a mystery to me Me Lady" he says Kassima chuckles under her breath, appropriating a chair for herself. "My two certes are; 'tis the lad who's been quietest and calmest yet of the lot... though we'll just see whether that changes when he's two. A'course, m'lasses are a bit... peculiar. Stark raving mad, actually. Family trait. Kay, at least, has inherited m'distaste for most things of the distaff." A hand is waved in airy dismissal of Neliea's suggestion. "Me, admit needing help! Sooner would it rain packtail from the sky. However, if'n m'lizards should happen t'snag a fish or two... well, 'twould nay be adverse to the contribution, let us say." Kassima confides to Deckard then, "Me, too, and I've had one in m'skull for thirty Turns now." Filliana points with her hand to Deckard, nodding agreement with what he's said. "You see? That's exactly what I mean. Though Tenefel says it doesn't matter, I think he's probably hoping for a male. Do males wish for sons, Deckard?" Deckard says "I can't really say,I've neave been a father before" Neliea chuckles quietly at the Wingleader's comment, shaking her head amusedly as she listens. Deckard says "However I would'nr care what it was" Kassima suggests to Filliana, "Might depend whether they've ever had *any* children, in part. The father of m'lad once said he didn't care whether 'twas lad or lass; 'twas miraculous all the same." Some fleeting expression flicks through her eyes at the memory, darkening them, but swiftly banished. "Since you're both young, nay reason you can't have many children of both types if'n it pleases you." Filliana chuckles at the thought. "You know, of course, that Tenefel is saying ten littles for Ten?" Telgar Weyr> M'rgan says, "I'm about to go to the fishing derby at Bitra if anyone needs a ride." Kassima stifles a snort as best she can. "Ten? Aiyaiyai--now there's another reason I'm glad t'be a dragonrider, Lady! Three children are quite enough for me, though I'd nay mourn if'n I had another. Mayhaps after he sees his firstborn in the toddler stage, he may change his mind about that figure." Filliana nods thoughtfully. "He's had Zynassa with him for a long time now, but, to be honest, I don't think he's ever seen that toddler stage. Well," she pauses to think, "he has siblings. What do you think, Nel? Pink or blue?" "Pink?" Kassi repeats, nose crinkling a touch. She evidently doesn't care for pink. "If'n you ever *do* have children," she advises Deckard in an amused-sounding undertone, "do them a favor, and lad or lass, don't consign them to the horror that is pink." Neliea was happy listening as she looks back towards the cloth with a shrug, "Neither? Choose something that can look just as adorable on a little lad or lass." Looking over to Kassi, she grins and inclines her head, "I'm not partial to pink either." Kassima grins at Nel in undisguised approval. "A'course," she remarks, "a deep sapphire-blue can look equally dignified on lad or lass. Might just sew a bit of ribbon on it for a lass, so that folk wouldn't be confused." Deckard pages to Filliana, Kassima, and Neliea: I don't know I should really be packing some more Filliana wells, standing up quickly then smoothing out her clothing, "How about if we take a walk down by the river? I'm not sure I can eat much if we catch anything, but the walk will do me good." "I'm certes dressed for it," remarks Kassi with a grin. "Walk or fishing either one--though we must be careful nay t'be letting our boots fall in the river; there're enough in there as 'tis!" Neliea nods as well, standing and glancing towards the river, "I'm dressed for it too and you should stay in shape regardless." Filliana looks up quickly at Kassi then bursts into laughter. "Boots? Who said anything about boots?" Oh, those eyes couldn't hide that teasing look. Kassima shakes a finger at the Lady Holder, amusement glinting green in shadowed-emerald eyes. "Ah-ah, Lady of Bitra, you fool me nay 'tall; I know of the shoes your river is teeming with, and has been for Turns--a'fore 'twas a rider, even, and Faranth knows *that's* been a canine's age or two agone!" Filliana folds her arms over her waist lightly. "Why I do believe the handymen had gone into it and removed every last one of them, but I could be wrong. You'd not be interested in a slight wager on it? I'd say there were a few, but not many." "Lady," responds Kassima, "the day I am nay interested in a slight wager will be the day the dragons have been done with keening for my Lysseth for at least three months. Shall we on to the river? You'll see, I warrant you--shoes swim in it like fish, and they'll be landed in plenty, chortling through their shoe-tongues at having fooled your clever handymen." Filliana begins to walk in the general direction of the courtyard. She grimaces as she passes the food tables. "Ugh." she says quietly, bustling past them. "This way.." Kassima rises from her chair and reshoulders her knapsack, ambling after Filliana in a lanky stride. The look she gives the food tables is mildly wistful, but brief. Filliana walks out the main doors to the courtyard. You walk out the main doors, to the courtyard. Jannea tugs her skirts back so they don't look too windblown. "Yessir. I'm ready." Filliana smiles at the rider and his fare as she enters the courtyard. "Bitra's duties to Telgar." she greets them. "You're just in time to see me win a bet with Kassima." Kassima, following the Lady Holder out from the Great Hall, brightens at the sight of the other two Telgar-folk. "Ah, so 'twill nay be me against all the Hold after all!" she says, with some delight. "Good t'be seeing you could make it, Jannea, brownie. Care t'be joining in the shoe wager?" "Don't you start up with the sirring," M'rgan snaps back, his words completely overblown for the situation. But then he's had a frustrating day. "If one more person calls me sir I swear I'll..." Whoops. His head snaps around at the greeting and he plasters a smile on his face. "The Weyr's duties to Bitra...Lady Bitra. I wouldn't mind seeing Kassima on the losing end of a bet, I'll admit." Filliana turns toward the greenrider, her face filled with a smug grin. "Losing end of a bet? Well now, it seems there'll be at least two of us then." "You'll do what... sir?" Kassi can't resist taunting, before she remembers her manners. "You two haven't been formally introduced to the Lady, have you? Lady Filliana, these distinguished individuals are Jannea of Telgar, and her foster-father, M'rgan, Wingleader of Skyfire and my personal archnemesis. He only says that because I kick his tail in bets all the time. Lady, rest assured--there *are* shoes in that river of yours. There have been ever since I first met m'old friend Aphrael on its shore, at a Gather here many Turns agone!" Filliana nods to M'rgan then thinks for a moment as she scans his face thoroughly. "I believe we've met? Perhaps at the tour of the hold? Aren't you from 'Reaches? One of the riders who was swapped?" Jannea gets a warm smile. "Welcome." she says to her softly. Jannea gives the Lady Filliana a shy "Thank you," as she lets the oldsters talk. Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "*Oldsters*?!? Jannea, you tempt death.... ;)" If looks could kill, Kassima would at least be sporting a major papercut as M'rgan glares at her. But he can't keep up that look for long with the Lady Holder around. As much as he might want to. "Yes. Ularrith..." A glance is given to the lounging brown dragon behind him. "...Hatched on the Reaches' Sands." Kassima merely smiles sweetly at the brownrider, clearly aware that he can't misbehave in front of a Lady Holder... and perfectly willing to take advantage of the fact that she suffers few such compunctions. "Had any luck dragging this brownriding lout to the Weavercraft for that dress yet, Jannea?" she wonders while the lout in question converses with the Lady. Filliana claps her hands together gently, as she nods. "Right. I do remember when you came to visit. It's good of you to come and visit again. We were just going down to the river. Would you and Jannea like to join us?" She reaches into the pocket of her outfit and pulls out a cookie. A little flaky, but still fairly in one piece so she hands it to Jannea. Jannea glances over at Kassi and tries to keep her quiet. "No ma'am," she says, aware she's walking on thin ice at the moment and in august company. "Kassima," Kassi corrects, unperturbed. "Never, ever, ever ma'am. As the Lady says, 'twere headed river-wards, perhaps t'fish--and thus m'wager, which I'm *definitely* going t'win." Such confidence. One might almost suspect her of dumping shoes into the River herself on the sly. "What dress is this?" M'rgan asks quizzically, momentarily distracted from his discussion with Lady Bitra. He's unable to repress a chuckle though as Jannea is given a cookie and as he stares at it with a slight smirk he gets around to answering Filliana. "Yes, if you don't mind the company. I was told that there was some fishing to be done." Jannea takes the cookie and smiles up at Lady Filliana "Thank you." Happily, M'rgan seems to have been distracted and she might be spared the scene until later Filliana offers Jannea her arm as she crooks it, ready to go. "Let's go and see what sort of boots we can find, shall we? After all, I should be practicing for being a Ma, right?" As she looks at M'rgan, she asks, "You won't mind if Jannea accompanies me, do you?" M'rgan tilts his head ever so slightly towards the cookie. "Jannea's been on quite a cookie-making binge lately. Perhaps it will lead to a job for her. Hmm? Oh, no. That's fine." He does a little handwave towards Filliana, motioning that it's all right by him. Jannea slips her arm around the Lady Bitra's and smiles. "I've never caught any boots before, ma'am." Kassima wonders of Mart and Jannea both, "Had you heard about the job fair thing that's said t'be occuring at the 'Reaches? Might be a useful thing for someone thinking of an Apprenticeship to attend. I thought of taking Kay and Khari, but I've nay found the chance yet." She clips her long-carried riding helmet to her belt finally as she speaks, and adjusts her knapsack on her shoulder. The rider's certainly dressed for fishing: namely, shabbily. "Lady, if'n you want exposure to the dangers of motherhood, you're welcome t'look after any of my trio for an hour or so. I guarantee 'twould be... enlightening." M'rgan steps over beside Kassima, murmuring to her with confusion. "What's this about fishing and boots?" Filliana chuckles as she pats Jannea's arm. "I caught one of Tenefel's boots when he was tossing it in anger. It made quite a *plop* as it hit my palm. I think it startled him more than it did me." At Kassi's offer she smiles. "Certainly they can't be as bad as you lead them out to be." Off she goes in the direction of the valley. Filliana heads out the gates and down the ramp. Jannea heads out the gates and down the ramp. Kassima explains in an undertone, "River's full of boots, Mart. I used t'think 'twas because Aph dumped all the clothes she stole into it. I've never been able t'fish here without catching footwear--and m'wager's that I'll find plenty again." You stroll out the gates, and down the ramp into the central valley. M'rgan comes down the ramp from the hold proper. Filliana follows the orchard path to the northwest. Jannea follows the orchard path to the northwest. You follow the path to the northwest into the orchard. M'rgan walks into the orchard from the Central Valley. "The river is *not* full of boots," M'rgan remarks back to Kassima in the sort of voice he'd use on one of his tale-telling children. "Why would it be full of boots? That doesn't make any sense." "'Tis full of boots!" Kassi stubbornly insists. "Or shoes, which are close enough! You'll see. Methinks they swim upstream here t'spawn or something. They probably spawn baby booties." Jannea giggles at Kassi's explanation. Filliana picks up on the word booties as she releases her hold on Jannea. "Booties? There are booties here too?" Her eyes twinkle as she leans down to look for a good fishing rod. "Do you know what you sound like?" M'rgan answers back with a shake of his head. "Kegan wouldn't even tell a tale like that and yet you, a rider and wingleader, say it with a straight face. If I didn't know better I'd think you'd been addled by proddiness. Except that I know it doesn't work that way for you." Jannea ignores her fosterfather and Kassi's bickering. "How do you fish, Lady Filliana?" Kassima heads to get a pole herself, taking a moment to stick her tongue out at Mart. "You know 'twouldn't be taking Lyss from the Weyr if'n she was proddy besides; give me *some* credit. She's never risen but at the Weyr, nay matter how much Falsanath's always trying t'convince her t'do otherwise--and I'll have you know that 'tis a perfectly sound tale. You'll see. I'll have the Lady's marks clinking in m'belt pouch ere the day is over. And if'n you behave, I might even loan you a few t'buy Jannea that dress." Filliana hmms, turning to look over at Jannea from her bent position. "How?" she chuckles, "Not very well, I must admit. Master Thalia has told me exercise is what I must do, so this outing suited me well. Have you fished?" Jannea shakes her head, pokiing at the various poles and knocking them together. "Never. Not many fish in the lakes at the Weyrs." Filliana returns the fishing pole to the rack. A roll of his eyes is M'rgan's answer to Kassima's proud words. Still doubtful about this entire situation, he slowly strolls towards Jannea and Filliana, catching the end of their words. "You didn't always live at a Weyr though, Nea. You lived here for a time. Though you were probably too young then to remember it." Jannea has just chosen a pole and drops it as M'rgan speaks. "I did? I don't remember it at all. And I'm sure I would have, papa." Kassima makes another face at the brownrider, then looks in earnest amidst the poles for one that will suit her. "'Twill have t'be sturdy, t'be hauling up the shoes," she mutters. Kassima grabs a fishing pole as she strides past the rack. Her pole is rather flimsy, and looks like it isn't going to take much pressure. M'rgan starts to crouch down, reaching for his fosterdaughter's pole. His pants start to bunch up around his thighs and he gives them a sharp tug so that he can bend down more. "You weren't more than four or five when you left here." Jannea takes the pole, clutching it tight to her. "I only remember 'Reaches, papa." Kassima snorts with vague disgust at the flimsy pole and returns it, picking up something rather more sturdy. Stooping, she scoops up a pair of wrigglers. "Any wagers, Lady," she murmurs to Filliana, "on how high a brownrider would scream, were a wriggler dropped down the back of his shirt?" Filliana sputters then laughs at Kassi's wager offer. "Oh. Well, now," she starts, then holds her hand out about waist high. "This high?" It's obvious she's misinterpreted the word 'high'. Apparently it's time for another of his patented warning glares and Kassima earns another one of them from M'rgan. "Probably about as high as a greenrider would after she was tossed into the river, boots and all." Slowly the man rises to his feet again, brushing at his knee which had gotten buried in the dirt when he'd crouched down to get Jannea's pole. Jannea is used to this banter. "Maybe that's how the boots get in the river then." "'Twas thinking more along the lines of a soprano shriek--though I'd be unsurprised if'n he *jumped* that high, Lady." Kassi swings the wriggler in Mart's direction, clearly considering whether or not to throw it. "I don't believe you *could* pick me up and throw me, light as I am," she taunts. "You aren't strong enough! Why, the shoes you snare will likely be too heavy for you t'bring in, and you'll reel in naught but an empty hook, and claim that as *proof*. Speaking of which, shall we set to the task of fishing?" M'rgan looks over at Jannea with amazement, his eyes shining for his brilliant fosterdaughter. "You know, Nea, you might have something there. That's probably how the boots get in there. If there are any boots in there. Which I doubt." Filliana has chosen a rod then made her way carefully toward the edge of the river. Peering into the water, she tosses her words over her shoulder toward Kassi. "I see no boots..." she says then gets ready to cast. Filliana takes a fishing pole from the rack and walks up to the water. Buhzzzzzzrrrp. Filliana's lure sails out over the clear blue ocean and lands with a plop. Filliana waits patiently for a fish to strike her lure. Filliana's lure suddenly disappears beneath the waves! Jannea makes a face as she eases a wriggler from the bait pail. She rather clumsily baits her hook and moves to the edge of the pond. Filliana laughs as her line gets hit. Her back arches, as the line tightens. Your hook already has a wriggler on it. "You'll see," Kassi retorts, unfazed. She settles herself on the bank, cross-legged, sleeves rolled up and rod in hands. "I'm going t'get you, little fishie," she sing-songs as she studies the water, perhaps contemplating how to make the best cast. Jannea plunks her hook into the water. Rather without style, but it gets the job done. Jannea's pole dips slightly in the water. Jannea waits patiently and then squeals like a younger child. "I got something!" Filliana cranks the line hard, alternately pulling and releasing the pole as she works the fish to the beach. Filliana cranks the line hard, alternately pulling and releasing the pole as she works the fish to the beach. Jannea pauses as she feels her line catch on something. She strains mightly, finally revealing, at the end of her line... a shoe? Filliana hauls the exhausted fish up onto the sand. Filliana just caught a 24 pound fish! Jannea proudly holds up her shoe. "See, papa. There are shoes in there." All thoughts of casting are driven from Kassi's head, however, at the sight of the shoe dangling from Jannea's line. "Hah!" she crows with triumph. "I haven't gone dimwitted after all! See, brownie, I'm nay wrong *all* the time... oh! Felicitations, Lady!" That at the sight of Filliana's fish, of course. Filliana blinks at that wiggly thing at the end of her line. "It's a... fish?" she murmurs disbelievingly. "Oh dear.." Kassima advises, "Plop it in a bucket of water, Lady, so it can live until we're ready t'be killing them; neater that way, less apt t'be attracting bugs and 'lizards." M'rgan would probably be making his doubts known again despite Jannea's evidence to the contrary but he's got that slightly dazed look of a dragonrider communing with his lifemate. Abruptly the man takes a step back. "If you'll excuse me. Ularrith needs me." Jannea takes the shoe off her line. Attempting to cast the hook into the water, Jannea succeeds only in snagging the hook in a tree overlooking the pond. With a bit of effort, Jannea manages to untangle her fishing line from the tree. M'rgan walks down the path out of the Orchard. Jannea frowns, glaring at the tree. Kassima is nothing if not sympathetic. "The trees are evil here, too," she comments, eyeing that particular piece of foliage. "Evil trees and a shoe-filled river, which is what makes fishing here such a challenge. 'Tis boring, otherwheres." Jannea gets her pole ready. "One more try." Attempting to cast the hook into the water, Jannea succeeds only in snagging the hook in a tree overlooking the pond. With a bit of effort, Jannea manages to untangle her fishing line from the tree. Filliana leans over the fish, gingerly picking it up by it's tail with just a few of her fingertips. As it wriggles there, she admires it. "I think I should probably take it inside for the kitchen help to do... whatever is necessary." She does grin at Jannea, though. "I think it goes in the water?" Kassima volunteers, ever-helpful, "I could. But it may nay be helping your stomach t'be seeing that, Lady, you're right." Filliana laughs at Kassi's comment then wiggles the fish at her. "See this? Fish. No boot." Kassima removes a hand from her rod to point towards Jannea's catch. "See that? Shoe. Nay fish!" Kassima plunks her hook into the water. Rather without style, but it gets the job done. With a flick of her wrist, Kassima makes a graceful cast, the hook landing smoothly in the water of the pond. Kassima peers into the water and sees a fish nibbling at her bait. Suddenly the fish strikes and Kassima pulls on her line. After a few minutes of fighting, Kassima pulls in her line and reveals a juicy speckler swinging from her hook. Kassima's pole dips slightly in the water. Kassima hesitates at the feel of a sharp jerk on the end of her line. She quickly yanks at her fishing pole. When the hook emerges, it is bright and shiny... and empty. Look like Kassima will have a story to tell about 'the one that got away'. Jannea plunks her hook into the water. Rather without style, but it gets the job done. Jannea's pole dips slightly in the water. Jannea peers into the water and sees a fish nibbling at her bait. Suddenly the fish strikes and Jannea pulls on her line. After a few minutes of fighting, Jannea pulls in her line and reveals a juicy speckler swinging from her hook. "And this," says Kassi, staring mournfully at her own hook, "is neither fish *nor* shoe. Alas; this river seeks revenge on me for knowing the truth about its shoe-filled sole... err, soul." Jannea squeals again at the fish on the end of her line. Filliana stops quickly to watch Jannea's pole bend. "Hold onto it!" she says rather loudly. "Don't let it get away!" Jannea pulls the fish up, fighting with it every inch of the way. Filliana lets the fish dangle by her side as she begins the walk back to the Hold. "Do come in when you're done. I'll have the cooks get this one started." Kassima bobbles her head to the Lady Holder, apparently not ready to head in herself just yet. "Will do, Lady, and thanks. G'luck with your pregnancy and the color-choosing and all." Jannea scampers off with her fish, intent in beating the adults back to the Hold. Jannea walks down the path out of the Orchard. Filliana laughs as Jannea rushes by. "Littles!" she mutters, then grins at Kassi. "Thanks so much, I'll see you soon." Filliana walks down the path out of the Orchard.