-------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Flashing--Err, Smashing Success Date: March 7, 1998 Places: Telgar Weyr's Central Bowl, Southern Bowl, and Central Bowl Skyspace Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: This aerial display was a success indeed, due to the efforts of those who flew in it--and I think everyone did a great job, personally. :) Speaking from my perspective, it was a lot of fun. Thanks again, all who participated! This log is missing a chunk of the RP in the Central Bowl below; if anyone possesses the missing piece, I'd love to have a copy to add here. Things preceded by <*> take place away from Lysseth while I'm riding her. Other than that, all should be self-explanatory. :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: Public announcement: Kindre taps the MUSH mike for what she promises is the last time :) "It seems some quick hunters found all of our hidden eggs. Congrats! The Inter-Weyr aerial will be starting in about 10 minutes. All riders from all Weyrs are encouraged to join and welcome to participate! Just arrive in the South Bowl of TGW and join the TGW dtu :) Romilly walks here from the south. Romilly walks carefully through the snow, but slips and lands face first in a snowbank. Nethelby grins at Rmilly, and calls to her. "Romilly, are you okay?" Romilly rolls over and wipes the wet snow out of her eyes and off ehr face. "I'm fine, Neth. Just this blasted snow I'm not used to. Mertinel picks up some interesting looking edibles, and helps herself to some legume soup. Jorenan refills a huge platter of mushrooms on the feast table. Then he walks the table, checking the other foods on it. After replacing several other things that were getting low, he begins a circuit of the tables to see who's looking hungry. Mertinel giggles at Romilly. Grego watches the pair from the MBH with a hint of wariness, though he doesn't stop eating. As a pair of fellow apprentices join him, he starts to jabber a detailed commentary about the food he's eating, all of which basically consisting of 'Try it, it's good'. Mertinel smiles at Grego. "Hello." Romilly stands up and carefully walks over to the food. Kathall murmurs to Mertinel under the hubbub, "This bread and cheese might suit the soup, too, if you like." Then she's moving down to help Jorenan. Nethelby says "That's good.." Rhone smiles as he stands outside the Starsmith's tent sipping on some Klah. R'val grins at Romilly, "Snow's not so bad, you get used to it." Sandar goes and grabs a few more stuffed caps and baklava, which he starts eating together. Also he drops a few skins of seabeachplum wine on the table that he brought along with him. Mertinel smiles at Kathall. "Ooh, I never thought about that," she murmers. "Thank you." Grego, attention caught by R'val's voice, peers at the bluerider for a moment or two. Taral walks south. Romilly grumbles and finds some warm stew, and stuffed mushrooms, then adds some bread to it and cautiously walks "Indeed," Kassima agrees, polishing off the remnants of her meal in record time. "Just watch for things flying from above." After that cryptic warning, she yells over to Kin, "Hey, Kin! 'Tis nigh time for the aerial, don't you think?" Kathall flashes a smile back at Mertinel. "What's this, Sandar?" she asks next, hovering beside the skins he dropped. Romilly walks over to more sturdy ground... namely a rock. Sandar grins at Kathall. "It's seabeachplum wine. My da vints it. It's a bit sweeter than ordinary wine, 'n stronger too. And it's purple. Feel free to try some," he offers. Kindre watches Sandar drop something upon the tables. "Oh, please tell me that's that wonderful wine you have at times, Sandy...?" Hearing her name called, she turns and bobs her head at Kassima. "I do believe you're right." Waving her hands to draw some attention from the gathered crowd, she calls above the hubbub, "The aerial, viewable from this area, will be starting shortly! Grab some food and drink and make yourselves comfortable!" Tothun finally starts to move. He wanders over, moving slow and still caefuly cradling the baby green he so recently recieved, to an area to the other side of the main festivities, and again looks between all the people, as if trying to find someone still. He looks almost nervous, though. R'val snatches at a cheddar-dusted mushroom, and munches cheerfully. R'val serves himself a bowl of the Legume Stew. Kathall hovers more uncertainly. "I've no head for wine," she warns, "but ... well, it's a sort of Gather. I suppose I could try." She scoops up a skin and sips carefully. "Good," she tells Sandar quietly under Kindre's announcement. "And look, the aerial's starting, too." Jesica hmmms and goes about getting herself some food and drink, though she chooses klah over the wines offered Jesica takes one of the small glass dishes of fruit salad and tastes the refreshing concoction. R'val munches on a bowl of stew and grins at Kathall, 'Try the Fort stew. Delightful stuff.' Catalina does a double take as she spots Sandar. "Sandar!!! Hi!" Sandar grins at Kindre, "it is," he replies, though she's occupied with other conversations and likely won't hear him. He pours a glass for her and slips it on the table nearby where she stands - it's so purple its vint is unmistakable - and then goes back to stand by Kathall. "The aerial? Oh...!" Nethelby gets some food and walks over to Mertinel. "Shall we find a place to watch the aeriel from? Grego already has enough food and drink for three or four people, but, hearing Kindre, settles himself a little more comfortably. A small stone, plucked from below his rump, is carefully set to one side. Kassima stands up and wipes off her hands, tossing her napkin down onto her plate. "The sacks are over there," she tells Kin and Tas, pointing in the appropriate direction. "The ones with the stone are to the left. Lyss is already set up and ready t'go, so whenever you are...." Oarin walks here from the south. Rhone heads into the SmithCraft Tent. Sandar blinks and waves to Catalina. "Oh, hey there!! It's good to see you," he tells the girl. Mertinel nods, her mouth full of mushrooms. Lysseth backwings for a landing. Jayna walks here from the south. Catalina grins. "Long time, no see. How have you been?" Jorenan serves an ancient Auntie a plate of food, resisting the Auntie's insistance that she doesn't need two pieces of baklava. His quiet answer makes the Auntie cackle and shout, "Good lad! I wish there'd been some like you when I was young! Come back when the dancing starts and I'll show you a good time." And that, of course, turns Jorenan's eartips pink again. Kathall nods to Sandar, then slips off towards R'val (and the stew). "I suppose I can take a break, hmm?" she mutters with a tired smile. "Mind if I stay by you? You can tell me who all the dragons are." J'lyn walks here from the south. Grego hms as he sees a cluster of people go into the Smithcraft tent, and follows. Grego heads into the SmithCraft Tent. Sandar waves a skin of seabeachplum wine at J'lyn. "Evening!" Nethelby walks over to the fence and climbs up onto it, still holding her food. Taral walks here from the south. Dorn walks here from the south. Mertinel follows Nethelby. Tothun finally seems to spot who he was looking for, and smiles wide again. He quickly works his way through the crowd, being as careful as he can not to disturb the 'lizard in his arms while swerving between people, and ends up by Oarin, grinning up at her. Kindre busies herself with brabbing some of the sacks and then moves off towards her dragon. Ro emerges from the passage to the entrance cavern. Kassima grabs a last mushroom for the road before loping over to where her dragon waits, her braid flying along behind her. "All right, Lysseth-me- lass. Let's get to the south and make certain the bags are still in one piece." You place one hand on Lysseth's neck and she warbles down at you fondly. You grin and scratch her eyeridges once before climbing up onto her lower neckridges, using the riding straps and Lysseth's thoughtfully offered foreleg. You lumber south. <*> J'lyn walks here from the north. <*> Lysseth steps as daintily as she can over to where her rider indicates, already well-laden with sacks and rider. "Going t'be flying with us, Jal?" Kassi calls down. <*> T'saren walks here from the north. <*> T'saren uses the straps and Solarith's offered foreleg to mount the bronze. T'saren thumps Solarith's neck affectionately in thanks as soon as he is settled. <*> Kindre walks here from the north. <*> J'lyn looks up at Kassima. "Do you need me? My stomach is a but queasy right at the moment..." <*> From atop Solarith, T'saren suits up for the display, checking over his lifemate's straps very carefully before mounting up. <*> Kindre smiles a greeting to all and begins to harness Herath with her straps and then climbs up. <*> Kindre gives Herath a soft, loving pat on the side. Humbling her oft high-held muzzle, Herath dips close to the ground and Kindre half-steps, half-tugs herself up with courtly ease. An unusally easy and contented glint is in her eyes as her lifemate bestrides her. <*> Nestled in her familiar spot on Herath, "We could, I believe," Kindre calls to J'lyn after overhearing his question to Kassima. "But if you can not, no worries." Dragon> Telgar dragons sense that Lysseth clears her throat. << Ahem, ahem, ahem... Mousketeer Roll-Call, folks; can anyone planning to participate in tonight's aerial extravaganza raise their wingspars nice and high so I can see 'em? :) >> Dragon> Telgar dragons sense that Cirameth waggles a wing, although he's not quite at the weyr yet. Dragon> Telgar dragons sense that Herath does her Herashack << Ooo! Ooo! >> <*> Above, From the Telgar Star Stones, Kl'loh's brick-brown Yoxath rears on hind legs and bugles a greeting to blue Cirameth and his rider, Ellwiny of Ista Weyr. Dragon> Telgar dragons sense that Solarith wiggles a wingtip. Kassima nods down to Jal. "We could always use another good greenrider, Jal, but nay if'n 'twill be at the risk of your health." She refrains from mentioning that having him retch on someone from above would probably be bad for Weyr-Hold relations. Dragon> Telgar dragons sense that Lorieth sighs, and raises her sharding wing... <*> J'lyn uses Lorieth's forelimb as a step and seats himself between the green's neckridges. <*> On Lorieth, J'lyn mounts up, and nods. "If I feel myself getting bad, I'll drop out." <*> Cirameth backwings for a landing. <*> Herath rumbles a greeting to Cirameth. "Telgar's duties to Ista and her queens," the her rider calls and waves. <*> From Cirameth's neckridges, Peyra doesn't seem to know the formal protocol, so he keeps his mouth shut. <*> On Lorieth, J'lyn looks at himself. "I should've changed. If I change genders halfway through this, Kassi, be it on your head!" <*> From Cirameth's neckridges, Ellwiny twists in the straps and shoots a quick grin at Peyra. "Hey, no problem. We certainly don't mind." She looks out at the other dragons and riders, and snaps off a quick salute. "Ista's duties to Telgar." <*> Richenda comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern. <*> Gracefully astride Herath, Kindre waves cheerfully at Richenda. <*> Lorieth sticks her tail out to goose Richenda. Kassima calls over to the other riders, "Jal, you take the spot 'tween Guarith and Alymbrith, all right? I don't want Guarith getting his rump torched again. Tas, you're up at the point with me; Kin, you'll be flying underneath, and I hope your flamethrower's in good shape. And Jal, I've been accused of trying to unman men before, but please! 'Tis *nay* my way!" Grinning, she twists about as best she can and waves over to the Istan rider. "Duties to Ista and her queens, bluerider, and welcome! Will you be flying with us tonight?" <*> From Cirameth's neckridges, Peyra waves. "Hi, miss Kassima!" <*> Richenda glances at the dragons, greets in particular those she knows, and waves to Kindre...then eeeks and turns to bat at Lorieth's tail. "SILLY." <*> Lorieth whuffles the Headwoman. <*> Mounted upon Solarith, T'saren nods to Kassi, then pulls his goggles down over his eyes and gives everythign a last going-over. "Ready when you are, Wingsecond," he calls over the babble of voices around the dragons. <*> From Cirameth's neckridges, Ellwiny adds to Peyra, "Have fun." At Kassima's calls, she turns back around, searching the faces until she finds the woman, and smiles broadly, waving. "Ista's duties! And, yes, I'll be flying, if you'll give Cira and I the honor." <*> Thregga comes dashing out of the living cavern, her young gold Beneth already waiting. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I was finishing some stitching Richenda was teaching me," she calls her excuse while bestriding her lifemate. Once atop, she adds. "We're ready...We're below, too, Kassi?" <*> From Cirameth's neckridges, Peyra gets off the dragon carefully. <*> Peyra climbs down from Cirameth's neck, using the blue's extended foreleg as a stepping stone between himself and the ground. <*> Richenda mmmhmmms and scritches the dragon. "Stop steaming up my gown, you." After a brief kiss to the dragonhide, she hurries on toward the center bowl. <*> Richenda walks north. <*> Peyra looks up toward Cirameth and Ellwiny. "Thanks, mi - Ellie." <*> Lysseth turns her head at the exclamation from Riche, probably thinking that it refers to her rider as it so often does. "Evening, Headwoman," Kassi calls with unusual preoccupation. "Thregga! Good t'see you with us; aye, you'll be below with Herath and Kin. The pleasure is all ours... Ellwiny, wouldn't it be? The place between Milleniuth and Toupeth on the left is yours if'n you wish it. And evening t'you too, Peyra! Just get some of those sacks of 'stone and flowers, all right?" Telgar Weyr> <J'lyn> Lorieth loves you, Richenda, as you remind her of packtail. ;) Telgar Weyr> Richenda says, "Ohgeethanksmuch. :)" Telgar Weyr> Erdrick decides not to comment. <*> Taral walks here from the north. <*> Peyra looks around, finds a sack and brings it to Kassi. "This one?" <*> From her gold Herath, "We're honored you could join us, Ellwiny," Kindre echoes Kassima and smiles as Thregga seems to get into place. "You'll be just fine," the older goldrider tells the younger, "just follow us dearheart." Kassima laughs and replies, "Aye, though 'twas speaking to Cirameth's rider! Thregga, can you grab some flowers too? We'll all need 'em in plenty. Signal me when you're ready t'go, and we'll begin the fun and games." <*> Cirameth lowers his head to Peyra's level, and gives the baker an affectionate whuffle before lumbering over to his place. Ellwiny slips off as soon as the blue's come to a complete stop, and grabs a sack of 'stone and one of flowers that some nameless person hands to her before scrambling back up. <*> Thregga blinks a bit. "Huh? Oh!" Scrambing down Beneth's hide, she runs to procure sacks of flowers and begins handing them out to those in need. Finally through, she hops back atop her dragon. "All set Kassima!" <*> On Lorieth, J'lyn chuckles. "I don't need flowers, do I, Kassi?" <*> Peyra grins. "I can always help." He grins as Cimareth whuffles at him. "Hey, I'm carrying these for you, right?" Kassima yells over to J'lyn, "Shells, aye, man! How're we supposed t'give proper tribute without *flowers*, I ask you? Larinyl! Grab Jal some flowers, post-haste, would you?" The scrawny young man scrambles to do as he was requested, eventually coming up with two large sacks to offer J'lyn. <*> On Lorieth, J'lyn accepts the flowers with a wrinkled nose. "Flowers. How are people to take me seriously with flowers?" Kassima snorts cheerfully to her Wingmate. "The idea's to *entertain*, nay be taken seriously. Now then... everyone set t'do some flying?" <*> Comfortably mounted on Solarith, T'saren checks over the assorted sacks of things strapped to Solarith, making sure everything is ready to hand. Finally satisfied, he gives a nod and gesture to Kassi, signalling all is prepared on his and Solarith's end. <*> From Cirameth's neckridges, Ellwiny chuckles delightedly at the scurry and confusion around her, and bends to check that her own bag of flowers is well-secured. "Wouldn't do for you to fall too soon," she explains to the flowers, then straightens and signals her readiness. Kassima waits until the last of the riders has signalled readiness, then shouts, "Right! Up we go!" Raising one fist, she signals Lysseth to launch up into the air. <*> Lysseth springs from the ground, the air from her wings churning up dust as she takes to the skies. You spring into the air and catch the thermals rising from the bowl floor to carry you aloft. <*> Solarith rises up from the bowl. <*> Herath rises up from the bowl. <*> Lorieth rises up from the bowl. <*> Cirameth rises up from the bowl. You fly towards the north end of the bowl. <*> Herath flies over from the south end of the bowl. <*> Lorieth flies over from the south end of the bowl. <*> Solarith flies over from the south end of the bowl. <*> Cirameth flies over from the south end of the bowl. <*> In the midst of the formation flying overhead, green Milleniuth and brown Indyth both can be spotted, flying in perfect synchronization with the rest of the dragons. <*> From the direction of the South flies a large V of dragons, ranging from smallest to largest in classic Threadfighting format--save, of course, for the small green at the leading point of the V. Lysseth bugles in what one would swear is a welcome to those below, spreading her wings to ride a thermal up over the great hourglass-shape that forms Telgar's Bowl. <*> Herath arrives wingtip to wingtip with young gold Beneth as the two queens fly beneath the v-shape made by the other dragons above. Flying steadily as the rainbowed hues of their kind dance high in the sky, both then bugle a greeting to the crowd below. <*> Solarith adds his own bass trumpeting to Lysseth's bugle, ranging right behind and left of Lysseth's much smaller green form. His bronze wings shimmer with each slow beat, easily keeping his place in the V. <*> Lysseth waits until the wing has achieved sufficient height up in the skies, pausing for a moment to hover as best a dragon can. After that one heartbeat of stillness, she breaks off sharply from her place in the lead to swing out in a wide arc, the beginning of a slowly descending spiral. Her trumpet encourages the others to follow her lead, as if her rider's signal wasn't enough. <*> Lorieth adds a counterpoint warble to the other dragon's noises, making it sound eerily haunting. Her bright wings catch thermal after thermal, wasting no movement as she drops after the others, each in their place, dropping into a lazy but tightening spiral. <*> As the dragons above begin their first manuever, so do Herath and Beneth. The two golds begin to slowly turn in an amber circle and await the drawing "tornado" of dragons falling from the welkin. Nosetip to tailtip their circling slowly increases. <*> One by one, the dragons bugle, and adding their own voices to the thundering greetings, green Milleniuth and brown Indyth sound their own arrivals, and they follow the lead of green Lysseth. Milleniuth, it would seem, can't help but add a few extra bugles, sounding proud and loud. <*> Solarith peels off to follow Lysseth in the spiral, wingsails cupping and spilling the cool Telgar air with each beat. He gives voice to a loud rumbling hiss, seeming to add to the effect of a draconic tornado descending to suck up the golds and the Weyr below them. <*> Kilth and her rider, S'cot, join in the spiralling cascade of dragon forms, following fast on Indyth's tail and the head into the shallower embrace of the sky. Copying the calls of her wingmates, Kilth trumpets as she peels off to join the tornado shape. <*> Cirameth lifts his voice in a clear, bugled note as he, too, turns on a wingtip and joins the graceful spiral. Following on Milleniuth's tail, he answers the green with a series of warbles, each louder than the one preceeding. Dragon> Telgar dragons sense that Solarith just loves appropriate sound effects. Now all we need's a light show. ;) Dragon> Lysseth bespoke Telgar dragons with << That's up next, Solarith. ;) >> Telgar Weyr> M'kla says, "That's what you've got flame for, boy!" Dragon> Telgar dragons sense that Solarith knows. :) Anyone bring a sheet of metal to use for thunder? ;) j/k Dragon> Herath bespoke Telgar dragons with << Can I do a banshee call?? Huh? Huh? ;) >> Dragon> Telgar dragons sense that Lorieth turns into Xena. << AYAYAYAYAYAYAY!! >> <*> Lysseth folds her charcoal-limned wings closer and closer to her sleek, streamlined frame as her spiral decreases in size, tightening until she is missing the wings of the circling queens by a mere hair's breadth. With a roar of triumph at the manuever successfully executed, she folds her wings to plummet down towards the crowds like a meteorite of darkest jade. One could almost swear that she is about to impact with the ground (not to mention a few people on said ground) when she snaps her wings open to their fullest extent, and instead rockets overhead quickly enough that the wind screams in her wake, nearly close enough to the spectators for them to reach up and touch. Dragon> Lysseth bespoke Telgar dragons with << Just so long as no one sings the Barney song, I don't care what sounds you make. ;) >> <*> Herath, not one to be left out of the fun of phonics, adds her deep rumble of calling to the lyrical voices of her mates. Beneth, too, finds it equally appropriate to call a warning to the people gathered below a moment before she and Herath begin to fall to the ground with eery quickness. Their bulky forms seem about to plummet full to the ground when their wings copy those of Lysseth - each snaps them open like the golden sails of a sea-vessel and curl back up into the sky. <*> Milleniuth is only a beat behind Lysseth as the dragons spiral down, and with as much finesse as the older green -- not to mention a baritone yell bursting out from her rider E'rian -- Mil whips neatly away from the golds and takes her turn to skim the crowd, so close that one might almost spy E'rian grinning like a maniac on his lifemate's back. Dragon> Telgar dragons sense that Lysseth peers at Herath. << Hooked On Phonics worked for thee? >> Dragon> Telgar dragons sense that Herath just couldn't resist :) <*> Solarith drops like a thunderbolt to one side of Lysseth, doing his own crowd-skimming in a slightly different area. Just as it seems like the large bronze is about to collide with a banner strung above a festival tent, he snaps out his sails to their fullest and shoots upward again like a fountain of bronze water, letting out a brassy trumpet loud enough to echo throughout the bowl, and probably set spectators' ears to ringing. <*> Kilth comes terribly close to the ground...one might think her rider, S'cot, was trying to nab a treat from the food tables by just how close! Her creamy verdant wingsails parachute open just in time to keep the two from causing any damage. The rider's faint, "Woo!" can be discerned as the pair pull back up into the sky. <*> Brown Indyth is both larger and less agile than his clutchsib Milleniuth -- but Indyth seems determined to prove that he can pull off any move the green can. He follows the same track Milleniuth had done, though a touch higher up, a trifle less lightning-quick. Mehlani, nevertheless, smiles at the brown's acrobatics as well. <*> Cirameth pulls his wings in against his sides and twists away from the queens as the tornado formation breaks up, streaking toward the crowds like a bolt of blue lightening, his glistening hide close approaching, approaching, until it seems close enough to touch, when suddenly his wings snap open with a tremendous boom, carrying the dragon and his hugely- grinning rider back up into the sky, as if their fall was no more than a dream. Kassima's grin isn't that much smaller than E'rian's as her green tilts her wings to bank nearly straight upwards again, shooting back into the star-spangled heavens with a bugle of delight that quite equals the vocal expressions of her temporary wingmates. Perhaps out of some sheer imp of playfulness, the green does a slow twist in the sky along her diagonal trajectory, stopping only when she reaches the height that was hers before the spinning cyclone began. Her wings flare, and she flattens out to soar leisurely overhead... her rider holding up one hand to signal a pause before the next stage begins. <*> Herath and Beneth climb back up into their previous positions and await the signal to perform the next aerial trick. Herath trumpets to the other dragons as they, too, begin to rise back up into the navy-black welkin peppered with stars. <*> Solarith soars up to resume a spot behind Lysseth again. swerving from side to side in as tight a series of turns as such a large bronze can make. Finally he evens out his course, waiting for the next series of manuevers to begin. <*> Cirameth rises up towards the other dragons in a wide, lazy spiral which deposits him back into his starting position. He hovers, waiting patiently for the next signal. <*> When the dragons have all resumed their place in the original V- formation, Kassima drops her hand, and several dragons rise out of the ranks to fly even farther in the sky than their brethren. After giving another signal, Kassi unlashes a sack from Lysseth's straps and draws out a chunk of firestone, beginning to stoke her dragon's flames for the light show portion of the program. Telgar-Bowl> Oarin blinks and squints her eyes. "There too far up for me to see" she whispers to Kathall. Telgar-Bowl> Kathall nods and drops her hand, unnecessary anyway at the evening dark. "We'll see." Telgar-Bowl> Mehlani breathes softly, "It's a rope drill..." Never mind that the dragons are fairly high up; she seems to know whereof she speaks. Telgar-Bowl> Asrai ahhs, nodding. "Yes, this is where they will demonstrate our thread fighting drills. The one higher up will drop painted ropes, it will be the jobs of the ones below to flame them. Its quite a sight, one many don't see due to the danger with the real stuff." <*> Solarith gives off another bugle as some of the other dragons begin their upward flight, then turns his head to receive the firestone his rider begins tossing into his waiting maw, keeping his forward flight steady so T'saren won't miss a throw. Telgar-Bowl> Savak weaves through the crowd, ending up next to Ro, keeping his gaze skywards, trying to see what's to happen next. <*> Herath and Beneth seperate slightly, still gliding just a few dragonlengths below their mates above. Kindre grabs the wand of the flamethrower at her side and begins to tinker slightly with the setting while Thregga follows her cue. Both golds fly at attention an await the actions of the top tier higher above. Telgar-Bowl> Kathall directs towards Mehlani and Asrai, "They'll be flaming? I'd better get the food covered...." Telgar-Bowl> Erdrick nods at Kathall, "They'll be flaming. Telgar-Bowl> Kelanna runs a hand through her hair lightly. Telgar-Bowl> Grego's attention perks up at the mention of paint, and he squints, trying to see a little better. Telgar-Bowl> Mehlani bobs her head earnestly to Kathall and smiles shyly to her. Telgar-Bowl> Asrai nods to Kathall, "Yes, that's probably a good idea." Telgar-Bowl> Erdrick winks at Asrai, "Now if only I had my flamethrower? We've got no ground crew after all..." Telgar-Bowl> Kathall's automatic smile jolts slightly -- recognition -- and she murmurs Mehlani's name in belated greeting. "...Ash in the food," she agrees to Asrai. "Master Ofira would have me skinned and served for you tomorrow at supper if I let it go to waste like that." Telgar-Bowl> Romilly leans back on her rock and watches closely. <*> Cirameth cannot help emitting a warble of pure excitement as he turns his head back towards his rider, who waits with chunks of firestone held firmly in each hand. His wings cut a smooth pattern through the air, as he chews the tossed 'stone, waiting for the fun to begin. <*> The sound of crunching stone fills the air, probably loud enough to be heard--albeit barely--from below. It's a thankful thing that the dragonriders seem to know their business enough to neither drop their bags on anyone's head nor allow their lifemates to let 'crumbs' of the rocky substance fall to the ground below. There is a pause while the great and glorious beasts of our salvation take the time to digest the phosphine- boring rock... and only after a suitable interval do the dragons on the upper level open their own bags to let the contents spill out. Short ropes painted an uncannily Thread-like shade of silver writhe and twist in the winds, descending in a glittering rain upon the waiting V. Telgar Weyr> M'kla GROANS and puts her head in her hands. Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "The Vader cape made me do it, M'kla!" Telgar Weyr> M'kla says, "Kassima Kassima KASSIMA...I do believe that is the first (and better be the last) time that's ever been used in public view." Telgar-Bowl> Asrai giggles, "Well, hopefully we won't get much if the wind holds for us. I will have a few words with Kassi if ash ruins my dress." She winks at Erdrick. "Hopefully they won't miss any..or ash might not be the only thing w have to worry about." Telgar Weyr> L'mis hsm? <*> Kilth falls back into her position behind Indyth, S'cot quickly feeding 'stone into her maw while stroking her neck with his other hand. Soon the quaint green is ready, and just in time. The ropes falling from above herald the familiar orange glow of flame from her maw! Disintegrated before they pass her by, only gray ashes are left to drop to the grounds below. Telgar-Bowl> Kathall halts on her way to save the precious dinner, however, at that twisting, silvery sight. Face upturned like a cup to rain, she fills her expression with pale, helpless awe, murmurs, "Threadfighters..." Telgar-Bowl> Mehlani's attention goes up again -- and the girl might be seen to tense ever so softly, a thrill of nervousness tracking across her features. Telgar Weyr> Kassima couldn't help but use it just *once*. Telgar-Bowl> Catalina wows... Telgar Weyr> M'kla says, "Kassima used the phrase: Great and Glorious Beasts of Our Salvation in RP." Telgar-Bowl> Erdrick chuckles, grins at Mehlani then looks up watching. Telgar-Bowl> Kelanna watches with wide eyes. She grins. "Amazing.. Telgar Weyr> L'mis hee. Telgar Weyr> M'kla says, "Jehrina would roll." Telgar Weyr> D'ton snickers. Telgar Weyr> Erdrick says, "Should have known that she did that" Telgar-Bowl> Oarin just stares at the magnificent creatures. "I just don't understand....they're so beautiful" she breathes. Telgar Weyr> L'mis says, "And maybe then heads would roll?" Telgar-Bowl> Taral defly sidesteps a falling bit of ash, not once taking his eyes away from the awe-inspiring sight. <*> Lorieth bugles, and banks up the side of the cliff with amazing agility, and daintily BELCHES forth a huge ball of flame that envelopes a large clump of the painted ropes and dives thru the ash, dispersing it with her wings. <*> Milleniuth flames! And in sync with her, so does brown Indyth, the night sky flaring with the blaze that the dragons spit forth. <*> Herath trumpets as several ropes fall down their way. Kindre is quick to waves the wand and char the thick ribbons to nothing but dust and memory. Winging to her right in a quick an agile move, the gold brings them closer to another patch of ropes to be contended with. Soon they, too, are nothing but gray memory in the black skies. Telgar-Bowl> Catalina covers her mouth with one hand. A truly spectacular sight, especially in the dark. Telgar Weyr> J'lyn says, "I kinda liked it, Kassi. Don't let Older-Than-Me tell you what to do... *smoochaM'kla*" Telgar-Bowl> Kathall shakes herself free and jumps to help the other bakers covering pots and platters from the sifting ash. Time enough to marvel, later. <*> Solarith raises his head to stare at the descending ropes, then lets out a burst of flame that chars the ones nearest him to drifting ash in a run of pure fire. He cuts off his blast with precision, timing it exactly so that no rope remains unburned, then dives to just above the queens to flame another clump. <*> Lysseth *roars* a challenge up to the descending ropes, her eyes whirling brilliant vermilion despite the fact that this isn't the real enemy; to her, Thread is Thread, and this rope requires flaming nearly as much as the ancient peril of Pern does. Rising up from the Wing, she gapes open her jaw and exhales a burst of green-golden flame large enough, and dazzling enough, to be called a true fireball in every sense of the word. Rather than banking to allow the char to fall, she continues to fly right into the heart of the fire--and vanishes *between* a split second before she can singe her nose in the doing. When she reemerges several meters above, her rider's shout of glee is loud enough to be made out even by the dragons below as she quickly resumes her place in their ranks. Telgar-Bowl> Savak's eyes open wide, seeing the flaming sight in the sky, arms wrapping himself, sighing, enraptured and amazed by the sight. Telgar-Bowl> Romilly woahs.. and continues to watch. <*> Thregga's wand is soon issuing forth the familiar hiss of fire as she and Beneth catch several "clumps" of their own. Beneth, in her excitement, bugels at the ribbons as they disappear! <*> Cirameth rises immediately to the challenge, blasting forth a gout of flame which engulfs a tangle of painted ropes above him. With a triumphant bugle, he turns sharply, pulling the other wing around so that the resulting wind dissapates the ashes. Telgar-Bowl> Grego isn't gawking at the dragons. Sure, his jaw's resting on his chest, but that's it's natural location, really. And his eyes are always that big. ;) Telgar-Bowl> Erdrick chuckles, "That Green must have been Kassi's who blinked in and out." Telgar-Bowl> Asrai just smiles as she watches the rope drill carried out with expert precision. There is an undeniable look of pride in her violet eyes. Telgar-Bowl> Mehlani does not gape, nor do her eyes go wide; the lass has drawn in a breath, however, and she hasn't appeared to release it yet. Her expression is full of wonder. Telgar-Bowl> Kathall retreats from her task towards Oarin and Romilly again, but her eyes stray up only warily, intermittently. "Well, it's different, all right," she grants in a murky undertone. "And Lysseth leading them, of course." Telgar-Bowl> Erdrick chuckles and mutters quietly to Mehlani, "Don't forget to breath now and then." Telgar-Bowl> Grego mutters, as he hears how much work Lysseth--and, one might assume, her rider--is doing, "Maybe she'll be too tired to bargain closely for those knives." Telgar-Bowl> Mehlani makes a noise that might almost be a giggle, to Erdrick's mutter. Telgar-Bowl> Catalina overhears Erdrick's comment to Mehlani and just then realizes she's been holding her own breath, which she lets out. Telgar-Bowl> Merla heads into the central bowl area from the lake shore to the north. Telgar-Bowl> Asrai glances over at Grego with a smile and a wink, "Don't wager on that." Telgar-Bowl> Erdrick looks at Grego in surprise, "Kassi not bargin? I don't think so." <*> As though the first few firebursts were a signal, the riders waiting above dislodge the contents of their second sacks onto the dragons. The fresh load of 'Thread' is met with great enthusiasm by Lysseth, who this time chooses to arch her neck and head backwards enough to flame nearly straight upwards. Whipping her head down and maintaining a steady flame, she illuminates the smoke-filled night sky with an arc of golden light intermingled with glowing sparks of sullen orange: the cinders, all that remains of the ropes once her flame has touched them. <*> Herath and Kindre wing over to catch another tangle of ropes heading their way. Roars of flame burst out from her 'thrower as the turn yet another gather of ribbons into graying dust. Telgar-Bowl> Merla wanders over from the runner pasture, her eyes scanning over the sky. She's not paying much attention to where she's walking, other than that she's generally heading southeast. Telgar-Bowl> Grego laughs as he hears the people contradicting his hopes. "Ahwell. I know better than to expect an easy barter from her." <*> Solarith rises back to his proper position with a clap of wings, stirring wind-borne ash in his wake. Just in time too, for a tangle of painted rope gets flipped into the space he needs to cover, and practically into his face. A veritable sheet of orange and yellow flame erupts from the bronze's muzzle, clearing the space in front of him for almost a full dragonlength and leaving only gray ash to fall on beneath and behind him. <*> Cirameth observes with whirling eyes the complicated maneuvers of his newfound wingmates, then notes the new round of 'Thread' to combat. His wings beat a resolute path through the cool air, as he spies a clump descending directly towards him. With a quick burst of energy he propels himself nearly vertically upwards, his breath exploding in a bright blast of flame which reduces the threat-apparent to yet more ash, which his wings cut through, as a shipfish through water. <*> On Lorieth, J'lyn hangs on for dear life as Lorieth powerdives after a falling clump of 'Thread' gets too close to the ground, as her riders kilt goes flying up way further than it should. Readjusting her flight after searing the rope to atoms, J'lyn swears caustically at the green while he readjusts his kilt. <*> Kilth waves her way through the bulkier forms of brown and bronze beside her. Moving to catch a tangle of threads and rope, she quickly chars them into nothing more than puffs of gray dust which falls quietly like snow to the grounds below. Telgar-Bowl> Kathall is surreptitiously busy with divesting herself of some of that ash. Telgar-Bowl> Asrai giggles, blushing into her wine before commenting to Ro and Lani, "And /that/ is why one should not wear a kilt while flying." Telgar-Bowl> Romilly whistles enthusiastically at J'lyn as he readjusts his kilt. Telgar-Bowl> Erdrick blinks at the green, "J'lyn?" he whispers. Telgar-Bowl> R'val glances at Romilly and snickers. Telgar-Bowl> Mehlani giggles, actually giggles, to Asrai. Telgar-Bowl> Oarin pops a little stuffed mushroom into her mouth, making sure to chew and swallow before she looks up again, so as not to choke. Dragon> Telgar dragons sense that Solarith snickers at J'lyn. That got a reaction from below! ;) Telgar-Bowl> Catalina tries very unsuccesfully not to giggle at J'lyn. Telgar-Bowl> Kathall swings a startled look up between Romilly and R'val. "What did I miss?" Telgar-Bowl> Erdrick looks from Mehlani to Asrai to J'lyn, blinks. <*> With a few last, intermittent bursts, the flames die away entirely, leaving only dust and char where the ropes once were. Kassi straightens from her perch on Lysseth's neck, and raises her hands in yet another signal. Her Lysseth drops down from the point of the V, once again beginning to circle in a relatively wide, clockwise path. Telgar-Bowl> Romilly laughs. "If I'mnot mistaken, Our Kilted Rider... J'lyn, I think.. just .. ummm... showed what he had under his Kilt. Telgar-Bowl> Erdrick's look just makes Asrai giggle more heartily. Telgar-Bowl> Ro tries to stifle a giggle, but fails horribly. Telgar-Bowl> Grego, fortunately, didn't see J'lyn's own little aerial display. He was busy chatting with one of his fellow apprentices-- something about knives. He blinks as he hears the display, then huhs as he hears Romilly. "Gotta love Weyrs," he quips. Telgar-Bowl> Kathall looks nonplussed. Telgar-Bowl> R'val shakes his head, "Faranth only knows why he's doing such a stupid thing as to wear a kilt while riding." Telgar Weyr> J'lyn says, "What did that last pose of mine do to the crowd?" Telgar-Bowl> Catalina chuckles. Telgar-Bowl> Taral overhears Romilly's comment and stifles a laugh. Telgar-Bowl> Kathall says "I hope he doesn't go /between,/ then. He'd freeze." Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Shocked them, I think. ;)" Telgar Weyr> M'kla laughs. They all started blinking and peering. Telgar-Bowl> Oarin grins towards the group discussing kilts. Telgar-Bowl> Kelanna laughs softly. Telgar Weyr> Erdrick says, "Quite a show stopper J'lyn" Telgar Weyr> J'lyn says, "So I did good? <G>" Telgar-Bowl> Catalina turns red as she purses her mouth shut as she hears Kathall. Not gonna laugh, not gonna laugh... Telgar-Bowl> Romilly pulls her cloak about her a bit more, savoring hte warmth of the fur lining. "Well, at least HE's used to the cold." Telgar-Bowl> Savak looks away, blushing at the sight of J'lyn's kilt flying up, looking down at the ground. Telgar-Bowl> Asrai smirks, "If Lorieth was listening to Kassi, she prolly did that little manuver on purpose." Telgar-Bowl> Kathall shakes her head and mutters something or other before turning back to the show. <*> Herath begins to slide closer up to Beneth, allowing the younger queen to fly in front of her. The younger gold beats her peach-amber wings in quick, even strokes as she begins to fly in a circle. Herath follows right behind, her sails moving her at a faster and faster pace. Both riders peer above and await the signal to begin the final manuever. Telgar-Bowl> Ro looks at Asrai, eyes wide "You really think so?" Telgar-Bowl> Grego flashes a grin at Asrai, his expression suggesting that he, at least, is prepared to think the worst of Kassi's motives. Telgar-Bowl> Asrai nods, "Its one of Kassi and Lysseth's favorite tricks." Telgar-Bowl> Erdrick chuckles, "Figures." <*> Cirameth dips down to join the clockwise-moving circle, behind Lysseth and the other chromatic dragons, his measured, even wingbeats keeping him smoothly in position behind the dragon in front of him. <*> Solarith banks wider than Lysseth, starting his circle farther out and in the opposite direction. An occasional burst of flame comes from the bronze's mouth, seeming timed as his flight takes in the entire width and length of the bowl below. Another bronze flies about a length behind, emitting similar bursts of flame at the same intervals. Telgar-Bowl> Savak looks up towards the sky curiously, turning his gaze fully upwards, moving through the crowd again, ending up on ones side of it. Telgar-Bowl> Kathall's head slowly tracks the bronzes' flight. "What are they doing now?" Telgar-Bowl> Asrai giggles, "They have to get rid of the left over flame. Very interesting way of doing it that Kassi came up with. That looks really cool." Telgar-Bowl> Kathall says "They chewed too much stone, you mean, Asrai?" Telgar-Bowl> Erdrick laughs, "I think they planned this." Telgar-Bowl> Kathall ducks her head. "Oh." Telgar-Bowl> Asrai shrugs, "Could very well have been on purpose." She nods in agreement with Erdrick. <*> Lorieth banks into the circle with the other chromatics, keeping the circle tight and picking up speed. <*> Lysseth seems to feel that this is a good idea, and lifts her head to breathe spouts of flame up into the air as the clockwise circle starts gaining a greater and greater velocity. The wind inside of each circle and between the two circles--*especially* between the two circles--starts to become turbulant, requiring more fine manuevering from the dragons to keep in place. Signalling the others to follow her lead, Kassi frees the only sack she has remaining, waiting to drop it until both circles have reached their maximum speed. One certainly hopes that it doesn't contain firestone. Telgar-Bowl> Erdrick grins at Kathall, "That was a very good point though, I'd nae have thought to ask that." Telgar-Bowl> Romilly studiesthe formations wistfully, watching them closely as if to memorize them. Telgar-Bowl> Savak's breath catches in his throat as he sees the double circles of flame, eyes widening. Telgar-Bowl> Kathall crooks a rueful smile back at Erdrick. "I heard riders talking about timing their dragons' flame once, is all. It does look something against the sky." Telgar-Bowl> Asrai Takes her lower lip between ehr teeth, chewing on it as the circles above become tighter and faster. <*> On the inner circle, green Milleniuth flies in such tight circles that she is almost pirouetting in place... while on the outer, brown Indyth does his best to hold his place amongst the larger dragons. Both E'rian and K'star bring forth their final sacks, flinging them into place with deftness that suggests that surely can't be stone they've got in there. Telgar-Bowl> Catalina can feel her heart pounding as she stares up at the sky. Telgar-Bowl> Taral laughs. "I wonder what those riders would think if they could hear us down here..." Telgar-Bowl> Erdrick grins at Mehlani, "Quite a show." Telgar-Bowl> Kathall says "We're not saying anything bad, at least." Telgar-Bowl> Taral grins evilly. "Not that it would matter... They appear to be concentrating quite hard up there." <*> Herath takes her cue from Lysseth and the others. Fast wingbeats bring her and Beneth into a quickly rotating circle, both seeming to have quite an amount of speed. Kindre, as seen by those in the air, begins rummaging through a sack, Thregga following her in this motion. <*> If Solarith has any flame left now, he holds it back intentionally as he and the other metallics in the outer circle pick up speed. The movements of his rider are blurred by height and speed, but it's obvious he is also untying a sack and readying its contents. Telgar-Bowl> Grego grins over to Kathall. "Oh, I think I heard a remark or two when that kilt flew up, but nothing -bad-." Telgar-Bowl> Mehlani bobs her head to Erdrick, watching the display, still smiling a litte. Telgar-Bowl> Erdrick grins at Kathall, "I wonder what J'lyn would think of your *between* comment though." Winks to show he's kidding. Telgar-Bowl> Ro giggles again, murmuring "Kilt." under her breath. Telgar-Bowl> Kathall composes her expression carefully for Grego. "No, nothing bad. He /would/ freeze if he went /between/ in a kilt, I'm sure of it. But that's not bad, just common sense." Telgar-Bowl> Taral laughs. Telgar-Bowl> Romilly chuckles and winks at Grego. "Wasn't a comment from me..." <*> Finally, when one can hear the whistle of the wind over the wings of the speeding dragons, Kassi upends her sack into the center of the chromatic circle--and rich Benden red roses, with black ribbons both tied around the stems and floating free, drift out of the bag to be buffetted about by the frantic currents. Lysseth lets loose a single long stream of fire as her rider does this, illuminating the sky so that the blooms may be seen and appreciated for their beauty as they descend to the crowd below. Telgar-Bowl> Taral says "Wasn't mine either." Telgar-Bowl> Catalina gasps. "Oh, that is -so- beautiful!" Telgar-Bowl> Kathall says "...Flowers? Are those actually flowers?" Telgar-Bowl> Asrai laughs out loud, "So /that/ was the suprise!" Telgar-Bowl> Ro gasps, enthralled by the vision of the flowers and flame. Telgar-Bowl> Erdrick blinks, looking up, "Roses?" <*> On Lorieth, J'lyn quickly unlashes two sacks, and opening them, drops their contents slowly down onto the crowd below. A soft gentle rain of black-and-white orchids from one sack and black-and-white roses from the other representing Telgar Weyr, the home Weyr of him and his dragon, and the host Weyr for the Festival, cascades down onto the heads of the awed crowd. Telgar-Bowl> Grego's gaze follows the flowers, and he scrambles to catch one as it lands. "Real flowers," he tells Kathall. Then, as if on impulse, he offers the flower to her, with a flourish. Telgar-Bowl> Taral laughs happily and catches several of the flowers. "How wonderful!" Telgar-Bowl> R'val brushes orchids off his head with a grimace. <*> Seated upon Solarith's neck, T'saren immediately begins dumping the contents of his own sack between the two rings of dragons, letting the vibrant Igen yellow daffodils, black orchids, and ribbons it contained drift from the opening and swirl through the air to the crowd below. Telgar-Bowl> Kathall accepts the blossom clumsily, with an equally awkward smile. "And I don't even know you, good sir. But thank you. Real flowers--" <*> Flowers! Flowers are upended from the sacks of K'star and E'rian as well, a cascade of multi-colored blooms. Red and orange, yellow and blue, of all shades. Telgar-Bowl> Erdrick picks up two roses and hands one each to Asrai and Mehlani with an impish grin. Telgar-Bowl> Romilly Wows, then reaches up to catch one of the Orchids that fall down. Telgar-Bowl> Savak blinks, as a couple of flowers land on his head, an orchid and a rose, holding out his hands to catch them, looking down at them curiously. Telgar-Bowl> Mehlani blinks, gasping aloud, and then smiles in startlement to Erdrick. <*> Cirameth sprays flame into the air above his head and picks up speed, his speed increasing without any apparent effort on his part. Nor does he seem much affected by the increasing turbulence around him-- in fact, he seems to be enjoying it immensely. His rider holds a sack towards the center of the circle and, at the signal, upends it. As Cirameth lets loose another, longer burst of flame above, below a multitude of orange tiger lilies, black ribbons tied around their stems, cascade out of the bag, representing Ista Weyr. Telgar-Bowl> Catalina grins and grabs a rose and inhales, then sighs happily and looks up at the incoming flowers. <*> From the golds falls forth black ribbons bedecked with glorious blossoms - Thregga's are tied about beautifully dyed Fort brown carnations while Kindre unleases ribbons tied about gorgeous High Reaches blue-dyed carnations as well. Dumping their sacks into the whirlwind created by all the circling dragons, the ribbons fall with decided flair upon the crowd below. Telgar-Bowl> Grego winks at Kathall, bobbing his head and losing himself in the crowd. From the hint of blush above his sorry attempt at a beard, he rarely does such things. Telgar-Bowl> Llestra reaches out to pick up a rose that falls nearby, handing it to a delighted Torande. The little girl bounces in her mother's lap, beaming. Telgar-Bowl> Erdrick grins at Mehlani, "Maybe you can put it on your dress or something." Telgar-Bowl> Kathall watches Grego go silently, and tucks the flower into her jerkin with focused care. Telgar-Bowl> Asrai reaches up as well to catch a few of the blooms. "Oh wonderful, they represent all the weyrs." Telgar-Bowl> Kelanna giggles as she picks up a tigerlily. Telgar-Bowl> Llestra Takes up a black orchid for herself, waiting for a white to match it as she wraps her arms around Torande again. Telgar-Bowl> Savak catches a couple more flowers in his outstretched hands, keeping careful not to damage them. <*> S'cot quickly busies himself with his own sack of florals -- rich purples, lavender, and silver flowers mix into the falling winds created by his own Kilth and her fellow dragons. <*> Lysseth continues circling at the same breakneck pace until the last of the flowers has been dispensed, at which point she begins to slow, bugling to the other dragons to tell them to do so as well. The winds begin to calm, and the light from the fire dies, as the Festival's aerial display comes to its close. Telgar-Bowl> "I'm not sure... where..." Now with an empty wineglass in one hand and the big, soft yellow bloom in her other, Mehlani blinks several times, smiling, blushing again. Telgar-Bowl> Asrai she takes the rose from Erdrick with a smile. "Thank you Erdrick, that was sweet." she then sets down her wine glass so that she might clap enthusiastically for the dragons above. Telgar-Bowl> Ro glances at Erdrick, Asrai, and Mehlani before turning her gaze back to the display. Telgar-Bowl> Kelanna tucks a couple of the flowers behind her ear. Telgar-Bowl> Oarin smiles and inhales the sweet smell of the flowers, her frail frame looking eligant in her vivid blue dress. Telgar-Bowl> As the dragons slowly end their display, Taral begins a vehement applause for the dragonriders. Telgar-Bowl> As the Istan flowers fall, Llestra collects as many of them as she can, grinning up towards the dragon that dropped them. Telgar-Bowl> Erdrick grins and looks back up to the sky. <*> Lorieth folds her wings with a warble, and makes a gentle bank down to a landing. Telgar-Bowl> Asrai takes one of the tiger lilies that she caught and tuck it into Ro's hair. "Here you go Ro. Oh . that looks great." She says with a grin. Telgar-Bowl> Savak cradles the flowers carefully in his arms so he can clap in appreciation, still watching the display in the sky. Telgar-Bowl> Grego watches Kathall for a moment through the crowd, then lifts his gaze, joining in the applauds. "Marvelous show." Telgar-Bowl> Catalina claps. "Beautiful, just spectacular." Telgar-Bowl> Ro blinks, startled "Mmm, wha..?" Telgar-Bowl> Kelanna places a flower lightly on R'vals head Telgar-Bowl> Kathall slips towards the table again, to safe and familiar ground, and busies herself with ... whatever. <*> Lysseth furls her own wings, dipping down out of the circle and skimming once more--more leisurely, this time--over the spectators below. Grinning from ear to ear like a royal idiot (but, it might be noted, a very happy royal idiot), Kassima lifts her hand a final time to wave to the crowd, then directs her dragon and the others of the Wing to head towards the South for a landing. Telgar-Bowl> R'val grins, and tickles Kelanna's nose with the flower. You fly towards the south end of the bowl. <*> Lorieth flies over from the north end of the bowl. <*> Lorieth flies downward to the ground. <*> Cirameth flies over from the north end of the bowl. You fly downwards towards the ground. You backwing for a landing on sands of the bowl. Telgar-Bowl> Above, Solarith slows his flight and banks off as the darkness of the now-unlit sky once again envelopes them. He drifts down, skimming the crowd as he directs his flight towards the south part of the bowl as lazily as one of the flowers his rider dropped to represent Igen Weyr, finally coming to a gentle landing there in a flourish of wings. <*> Above, Solarith flies over from the north end of the bowl. Telgar-Bowl> Above, Herath bugles a farewell to the crowd below as Kindre waves. The pair follows Lysseth with Thregga and Beneth right behind them. <*> Above, Herath flies over from the north end of the bowl. <*> Solarith backwings for a landing. <*> Cirameth backwings for a landing. <*> Herath backwings for a landing. <*> J'lyn slides down Lorieth's shoulder to her forelimb, then jumps to the ground. <*> Settled between Solarith's neckridges, T'saren loosens the empty sacks from his lifemate's straps, letting them fall to the ground as he dismounts. <*> T'saren slides down from Solarith's neck, using the bronze's foreleg and riding straps for assistance. "Woooooo-*hoo*!" Kassima jubilates, pumping one fist in the air. "That was incredible! Shells, but I'll be sharded if'n I've ever had such a wonderful time at one of these things! Jal, are you okay? Lyss told me what happened with the kilt...." She unbuckles her straps and scrambles down to the ground as she says this, pausing to untie the sacks while she goes. <*> Kindre gives Herath's neck a loving rub before she slips down with the polished ease of familiarity. The gold's eyes seem to burn through Kindre until she is certain her lifemate is sure-footed on the ground, then turn equally as hot to the surroundings in a quick survey. You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles, cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully. Merla walks here from the north. J'lyn smooths his kilt, still blushing an obscene shade of red, and shoots a dirty look at Lorieth. "No, I didn't think it was funny, and I don't *care* if they enjoyed the 'show' I gave them. If you ever do that again..." he trails off. J'lyn nods to Kassi. "Yes, I'm fine. This big lump seems to think it was *funny*. She did it *on purpose*!" "That was sharding great," Kindre exclaims in a loud and happy voice. "Y'all did so great! Jays, and the dragons outdid themselves!" Giggling at J'lyn, she looks up to Ellwiny. "Thank you so much for participating. I'm so glad you could!" The arrival of Kimbrith's rider brings...if possible...an even wider smile to her face. "Merla, good eve!" Kassima shoots a look up at Lysseth, questioning. The green only gives her most innocent rumble by way of reply. "I *am* sorry about that, Jal. 'Twas nay funny, I agree." Odd how she's trying to suppress a grin, then, isn't it? Clearing her throat, she hurriedly changes the subject. "Oh, aye, Ellwiny--'twas our pleasure and honor indeed t'have you fly with us! Oh, Merla, evening t'you too!" Kindre, obviously in a good mood and looking to drag more people into it, remarks, "I'm going to go drag K'tyn down from the weyr to come join the festivities. Pardon me a moment." With that she's hurrying up the stairs. Kindre walks up the stairwell to Herath and Prometh's weyr. From Cirameth's neckridges, Ellwiny grins and leans forward against her lifemate's neck. "No problem, Kassi! It was truly a pleasure" she fairly beams, looking immensely proud of herself and of her lifemate. Looking around, she glances upwards. "Clear skies, all!" Herath rumbles to Cirameth as he prepares to depart. Cirameth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry him aloft. "Clear skies!" Kassi yells up, waving enthusiastically. She's obviously so hyped that she'll be doing *everything* enthusiastically for awhile. "Duties to Ista and her queens, and all that sort of... oh, bother. Some things never change." Herath huffs a bit before settling down for a short nap. J'lyn looks around. "I don't know if I dare go join in the festivities or not." Marna comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern. Tias grins at J'lyn. T'saren grins over at Kassi as he gathers up the empty sacks from departing riders. "The day you catch someone with a goodbye is the day Solarith turns green." Golrath backwings for a landing. Kassima laughs a touch giddily, leaning back against her ash-dusted lifemate. She's quite heedless of the finery that she's no doubt dirtying further. "I'll look for a giant green in the skies when it happens, then. Ach, Jal, what's the worst that could happen? I don't think there're dragons there t'be blowing your kilt up again." J'lyn hmfs. "You never know. On Golrath, L'mis pulls off his goggles and surveys the scene, still atop his lifemate. T'saren rolls his eyes at Kassi, then hides a smirk at J'lyn's discomforture. Nobody will catch him going up on a dragon in a kilt for intricate riding, huh-uh! He shakes his head and chuckles, then moves off to stow the armload sacks back by the firestone bins. L'mis slides down Golrath's foreleg from his seat between the neckridges. Kathall walks here from the north. Kassima folds her own empty sacks, waving them over to L'mis in greeting before tossing them on the pile as well. "After all of that," she declares, "I'm in the mood for naught so much as a good bargaining session. Think Grego's still about out there?" Gloves still on, L'mis utters a "Hrm" to himself as he looks up at Golrath for a quick, yet silent exchange. Kathall shuffles towards the living cavern. Stops. "That way," she directs for Kassima, "last I saw him." Then she drops her eyes. "That was a spectacular aerial, if I may be so bold." Kassima smiles with genuine pleasure at the compliment, flicking a stray bit of ash from her bangs rather absentmindedly. "Thankee... believe me, I certes enjoyed it, and it means a lot t'know that others did too. Nay ash got in the food or aught, did it?" Kathall shakes her head, gaze still respectfully averted from the assembled personages. "We got it covered, and it'll wash off us, ourselves. The flowers were -- wonderful. Perfect?" L'mis then turns and strides toward the central bowl. He halts with a half-smile toward brownrider T'lak. "I trust it was a successful display," he says to his friend. "I had a few errands, so I missed the ceremony." "You don't have to avert your eyes, y'know," Kassima informs the Baker with a hint of a grin. "You'd think we were respectable or something, for Faranth's sake. A florist in Boll is to thank for the flowers... they've been a part of every Benden aerial I can recall, and it seemed a nice tradition t'keep going." She bounces a bit on her heels, admitting, "I've still enough adrenaline to keep me awake all night, I suspect. Which is why I'd best do some bargaining a'fore it wears off. Would any of you care t'come with me? The more folk pester Grego, the better the prices will be, I'd wager." Kathall manages a smile. "Habit," she protests. "Thank you again for the entertainment, and I'll leave you to Grego. He said something about you being too tired to bargain for knives, I believe--" J'lyn says "What else does he sell besides cutlery, Kassi?" T'lak nods, and tells L'mis, "I'm sorry you missed it. But I'm sure anyone in the crowd will have the details -- if you bother to ask." He jabs a fist at the bluerider's side and chuckles. "Got to go. See you, pal." T'lak then turns and heads toward his Baleth. Kassima grins broadly at Kathall, one of those grins that shows teeth. Lots and lots of teeth. "He doesn't know me very well, does he? I'll be glad to enlighten him. Let's see... there'd be baby toys, bracelets, glass things, ice skates... all sorts of stuff." L'mis shakes his head and heads north. L'mis walks north. Kathall knows those teeth, by her sudden sharp look. She shoots off a hasty murmur at the green rider before slipping on. She mutters to Kassima, "... be..." You sense Kathall knows those teeth, by her sudden sharp look. She shoots off a hasty murmur at the green rider before slipping on. "He gave me a flower -- be nice to him, hmm?" Kathall walks beneath the lintel and disappears into the living cavern. Kassima chuckles deep in her throat and calls after Kathall, "I'll try!" She's whistling, far too cheerfully, as she steps out towards the Central Bowl. You walk north.