
The Greenrider Flirt-Fest

Date:  November 18, 1997
Place:  Telgar Weyr's Living Cavern
Game:  PernMUSH
Copyright Info:  The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey 
l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.


Kassi's Note:  What happens when you put one of Telgar's weyrdest 
greenriders and the most bizarre greenrider of both Ista and all Pern 
in a room together?  Most people might not have wagered their marks on 
long-winded flirtation... especially not coming from Kassi.  But 
stranger things *have* happened (hopefully), and far be it from Kassi to 
behave as expected!  Everything here pretty much explains itself.  My 
humble thanks go to Jh'rin for showing me just how proper nonsensical 
rambling *should* be done. ;)


The Log:

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Herath offers a rumble of greeting, the 
best she can do in ways of being kind. << Welcome, dear Siaroth, to 
Telgar. >>

Benden LC> Jh'rin bounces in, removing his helmet and pushing his hair out 
of his eyes. "Hey, Ista's greetings and duty to Telgar and her queens, 
most especially from Dawnsflame, best bloody wing aloft, if you don't mind 
me saying. Evening, all. Did y'know it's raining out there and it's 
blooming cold?"

Benden LC> Jorenan looks up at Jh'rin and grins pleasantly in greeting. 
Then he does a double-take.

Benden LC> K'tyn moves over to a nearby table to inspect the klahpots; 
finding a warm one can be a little difficult on cool nights such as this. 
As the Istan rider passes near, he looks up and over, offering his 
greetings and salutations to Ista Weyr and her queens.

Benden LC> Jorenan suddenly realized he -shouldn't- expect to see Jh'rin, 
you see.

Benden LC> Kerlyn closes one eye, replaying the conversation. When she 
opens it again, she nods, "Aye sir, I suppose I did. I was just expressing 
that I didn't think courtesy was the sole provice of those impressing at 
Benden. It's my belief that several bad redfruit here are giving teh whole 
barrel a bad name." Kerlyn's probably never got a metaphor straigh in her 
entire existance.

Benden LC> R'val chuckles, "Heya, Jh'rin. Yes, tis raining and very cold. 
Welcome over."

Benden LC> Elese looks up, eyebrows knitting together at the entrance of 
the Istan rider. "Who in the world is that?"

You backwing for a landing on sands of the bowl.

You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles, 
cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully.

Benden LC> Ceria glances at Makear with a smile.

Benden LC> Jh'rin salutes K'tyn, calling cheerfully, "Evening, Weyrleader. 
Jorenan! Here's where you got to. Faranth's footfalls, y' look great. Oh, 
hey, fire. That looks pretty good."

Benden LC> K'tyn looks back at Kerlyn. "I agree with you, and whole 
heartedly at that, Kerlyn," he says quietly, nodding a greeting to Makear 
as he pours himself a mug. "Klah, anyone? I've nearly a full pot."

Benden LC> Jorenan grins and answers, "He's Jh'rin, green Siaroth's rider 
from Ista." He suddenly realizes that Ceria's come in while he wasn't 
looking, and waves her over. To Jh'rin, he just chuckles. "Good to see 
you, too, Jh'rin."

Kassima bounces down from her dragon's neck, looking... cheerful. Yes, 
cheerful. Not that this is an anomaly or anything, but even Kassi doesn't 
normally go around looking like she just had her veins infused by Flirk's 
klah. Some of this is probably attributable to the large box she holds, 
which seems to contain a number of wineskins. "Heyla, dragons!" she calls, 
skipping her way towards the LC. Fear the overly-bubbly greenrider.

You walk past the lintel and into the wide living cavern.

Makear smiles back to Ceria as she wanders over toward the food table, she 
grabs a meatroll and then continues on into the lower caverns

Makear walks towards the inner cavern.

Elese ahs, tapping the table with her fork for a moment. "Interesting, he 

Ceria walks over to Jorenan as he waves to her.

Silanda snorts. "I must've been around the wrong ones, then," she murmurs.

Jorenan nods to Elese. "That's for sure." He grins at Ceria and says, "I'm 
sorting stores records and planning a kitchen garden for us. Want to help 
with one or the other?"

"Heya, hiya, hoya!" Kassi hails as she walks into the room, not *quite* 
skipping--but not far from it, either. "Duties to the Bakers, Ista and her 
queens, and everyone else! Heyla, sir, all. Today is just a beautiful day 
for travelling, don't you think?" Setting the exceedingly large box of 
wineskins down on a nearby table with a *thunk*, she promptly salutes Kiat 
the second she has a hand free.

Jh'rin crosses the living cavern in some pretty long-legged strides as he 
replies to K'tyn, "Klah'd be better than a rainshower in the middle of the 
Igen desert just about now, thanks, Weyrleader. Faranth's flameless 
breath, but it's different around here! How long've you all been settled 
in? I...oh...hi." That's to Kassima, along with a big defecation-devouring 

Elese chuckles slightly, setting her fork down. "Used to live here, did 

Jorenan hmmms. "You know, I have no idea," he says with a grin.

Kerlyn seems suprised to have K'tyn's agreement, and nods a little 
uncertainly by way of reply. "Ahh, no thank you sir." After a pause, 
"Sionelle wasn't sure if you'd need an any of us to amplify here report on 
the trip?"

Ceria grins back at Jorenan. "I'd be happy to help with either," she 

Kindre walks in from the bowl.

Pierron nods thoughtfully as he eyes the junior Queenrider.

K'tyn offers Jh'rin the pot and waves to the stack of mugs nearby. "Make 
yourself comfortable," he urges, turning to face the Istan. "Ah! Kindre, 
Kassi. Heya."

"Thanks much," Jhor replies to K'tyn as he takes the proffered pot and 
half-fills a mug with klah. Milk and a lot of sweetner make up the rest of 
the mug. "Kindre! HEY. Ista's duty and all that, and shards and blast, 
y'look great, ma'am, want some klah?" Grin. More grin. Gringringrin.

Pierron gets his usual odd look from Kindre before she offers a quick 
smile. Moving quickly from his gaze, she offers, "Good eve...and Telgar's 
duties to Ista Weyr and her queens, Jh'rin," before turning her back to 
find herself a glass of wine. That done, she then finds a seat and smiles. 
"Good evening, Weyrleader. How's faring this damp night?"

Kassima just beams at the weird Istan greenrider. In fact, she beams at 
everyone. Jh'rin, K'tyn, Pierron--Pierron?--and, of course, Kindre. "Kin, 
heya!" she hails her friend, waving cheerfully before snaring up a 
wineskin from the supply. "You wouldn't believe the look on K'rick's face 
when I told him that I really *was* going t'collect on all those ancient 
wagers we've made! Hah! Enough t'make me fall from Lyss, laughing--and 
along with the sight, I've seven Turns worth of winnings." Slapping the 
box fondly, she gets to the point of this little announcement. "Anyone 
care to share the wealth, while I'm in a generous mood?"

Jorenan nods to Ceria at her agreement, too. "Master Ofira said you might 
like to." He finishes sorting the stores reports and sets them to one 
side. "I'm tired of looking at these, though. Let's talk about a garden."

Kerlyn excuses herself quietly to Silanda, and makes her way to the bowl 
exit, saluting K'tyn again as she passes.

Kerlyn walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Ceria smiles. "Well, you've been here longer than I. You probably know 
what will grow best," she says.

Silanda settles back to her sewing, a thoughtful look on her face.

Kindre laughs and slides a flirtatious wink to the charming Istan 
greenrider. "My word, Jh'rin, but if you don't cause a blush to rise to my 
cheeks each time we pass company. How fares those warm skies of yours?" 
Kassima's words draw another chuckle and wave of hands. "Thank you, but I 
actually managed to do a bit well at our own last Hatching to be 
comfortable for a bit."

Telgar Weyr> Kassima fears that her over-caffeinated state has finally 
managed to warp Kassi's brain to entirely new levels of demented 

Telgar Weyr> Kindre fears! ;)

Telgar Weyr> A'lex  . o 0 ( Like that's possible )

Jorenan grins at Ceria and shakes his head. "They weren't really using the 
garden the past couple of Turns, and I've only been here since a bit 
before midsummer. And I grew up in the South, so I'm stuck. Master Ofira 
suggested basil."

Telgar Weyr> Kindre giggles A'lex!

"Dear Faranth, Kin," Kassi mock-gasps, pretending shock. "You let yourself 
be *ma'amed*? Oh! That I should live to see the day!" Raising one hand to 
her forehead, she pretends to swoon in dismay. Perhaps she's already been 
partaking of the wine supply.

Elese rolls her eyes toward the ceiling as she consumes the rest of her 
dinner. As if these Bendenites weren't bad enough...

Jh'rin finishes preparing his own klah, helps himself to a rather large 
section of baklava, and flops down near Kassima. "Y'know," he observes as 
he takes a big bite of baklava, "you ladies s'go dow't'Ista'n thunbav." 
The sticky pastry gunks up the rest of his words, and he takes a moment to 
wash everything down.

Ceria thinks a moment, considering the climate of Telgar. "Basil should 
grow nicely here," she agrees. She hesitates to ponder what else will grow 

K'tyn salutes Kerlyn's retreating form, taking a seat near the hearth. 
Smiling genially, he overlooks the LC, a strange flash in his eyes as he 
looks from Kindre, to the flirty Istan and to Kassima. Gritting his teeth, 
he looks away.

R'val walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Jorenan frowns a bit, and then finally asks, "Where're you from 
originally, Ceria?"

Ceria's green eyes immediately cloud over at Jorenan's question. She 
blinks at him for a moment before replying, "A little cothold near Benden 

Jh'rin, in a gentlemanly way, wipes crumbs from his mouth using the back 
of his hand and studies K'tyn carefully. "Something wrong, Weyrleader?"

Kassima breaks the seal of one wineskin, nabbing several glasses that have 
been set conveniently nearby. "Are y'certain, Kin? You know how K'rick 
is--his alcoholic goods are *nay* t'be missed... and what's in this box is 
some of his best. Silly rider never *could* bet decently at a Hatching." 
Pouring a glass of the rich red wine, she offers it to the 
incomprehensible Istan. "Thunbav?" she tries to repeat. "Don't think I've 
ever tried that. Is it something you can teach me?" She plunks herself in 
a seat near the other greenrider, missing Kiat's expression entirely.

Kindre has to force down the swallow of red wine she sipped from her glass 
at the Wingsecond's dramatics. Chuckling once she's sure it's safely down 
her throat. "I must be getting soft in my elder turns," she teases. Not 
able to make out the visiting greenrider's words, her brows knit slightly. 
"Thunbav...what? Jh'rin, your speech is worse than that of our own 
S'jeet..." Grinning to show she meant no harm with her words, K'tyn then 
draws her attention. "How are you? Feels like an age since we've sat and 

K'tyn shakes his head. "Oh, no. Nothing at all. Please, do sit." He smiles 
at Kindre. "It has been an age--or at least some 4 days, I think. Since 
the Hatching at Fort."

Jorenan nods slowly. "Well, the climates not all that different here. 
Maybe a little colder and drier. Did anyone have an herb garden there?" 
His eyes bounce around the cavern quickly, hitting Weyrleader, Istan 
hyperactive rider, Telgari hyperactive rider, and slightly calmer 
goldrider. Life suddenly seems vaguely normal, and he relaxes a little 
more than he has since the Benden riders arrived.

Jh'rin makes himself at home, then, and grins at Kassima and Kindre. 
"Sorry, I was eating. I was just saying," and since Kindre's looking away 
he focuses his attention on Kassima and her dazzling eyes, "that you and 
that devestatingly charming goldrider should come down to Ista and show 
them what truly beautiful women are like from the peaks of Telgar and get 
some warmth on your skins."

"True enough," the goldrider agrees with a nod to the Weyrleader, "though 
that was more socializing than not." The latter of her words hint at some 
vague disappointment before she shrugs it off. "Hopefully we'll be able to 
get a good talk in soon enough. So," eyes shift to the near-famous 
greenriders nearby, "to what to we owe the pleasure of your visit, 

Jh'rin grins. He seems to grin a lot. "Just wanting to bask in th' 
peerless delight of beauty, ma'am."

Elese raises an eyebrow. "Eloquent," she murmurs.

Silanda glances aside, at Elese. "Greenriders tend to be," she replies 
softly. "Almost as much as bronzeriders."

Elese chuckles. "I think that one could give some bronzeriders a few 

Jh'rin winks at Elese and Silanda and bows from the waist. "Ah, but y'see, 
my dear and dulcet ladies, it's not the color of the dragon but the color 
of the tongue. Mine's sterling. Paid enough for it." Wink.

Said dazzling eyes blink with surprise, their owner just not used to such 
open flattery. However, she is in a peerlessly good mood, and recovers 
with reasonable aplomb. "Ah, but certes we could nay compete with the 
women of Ista? After all, it can't be denied that they've a head-start in 
the sun-bronzing catagory!" She raises her glass in a salute, though, to 
the greenrider's silver tongue, and adds mischievously to Kiat, "I think 
you may have some competition in the flattery arena after all, sir."

K'tyn blinks at Jh'rin, and finds himself at a loss for words. He blinks, 
watching Jh'rin closely, or so it seems. But then again, it may be that 
Kiat is a bit myopic.

Ceria shrugs uncomfortably, her eyes blank. "I don't know," she says. "I 
mean, I'm sure they did, but I never had anything to do with it."

Elese grins slowly, then starts to laugh. "Dipped in sweetening, too, I 

Silanda rolls her eyes, though she's smiling.

Kindre places a hand on her chest and flutters her eyelashes dramaticly. 
"Well, don't you just know how to charm a person," she remarks before 
chuckling. "A sterling tongue you have indeed," she continues in her more 
usual manner.

Jh'rin shrugs, looking around him with a grin as he leans back, putting up 
his feet on the nearby chair. "Weyrleader...I don't know what I'd do if I 
had so much pure and incomparable wonder to see each day as you do in 
these ladies. I'd be happier than a porcine with his very own personal 
slop pile and a fresh chunk o'cabbage t'call his own."

Elese gives up and bursts out laughing.

Silanda does, too, nearly dropping her sewing.

K'tyn blinks at Jh'rin--He's not offended, no, just puzzled.--and asks: 
"May I ask, Jh'rin, from where do you hail?"

Kindre can't help but join in the laughter, her wine glass finding a place 
on the table to keep its contents from spilling out. "If everyone at Ista 
was as charming as you, Jh'rin, I'd certainly visit more often."

Jh'rin's grin spreads. Is that possible? His cheeks sure creak. "Right 
smack dab here at Telgar Weyr, yer bronzeriderness. But I've been Istan 
fer...ah...a while. Turns. Turns, yeah."

Jh'rin tags on a wink to Kindre and Kassima both. Lotsa blinking there.

Elese blinks. "Telgar, eh? I don't recall your face..."

Jorenan nods quietly to Ceria, getting a little lost in the banter 
happening around them. "Well, I think rosemary and sage and mint would 
work. We could find a farmer and ask. Or resesarch. I'm sure Master 
Ofira's got a few scrolls about kitchen gardens."

Silanda tilts her head to the side, regarding Jh'rin curiously.

Jh'rin looks behind him, as if to be sure that Elese and Silanda are 
addressing him.

Ceria nods. "I could ask Jayna," she offers, her eyes brightening again. 
"She might know. I think she worked with the herb garden at Benden."

Jorenan cocks an eyebrow. "Jayna? I don't think I've met her."

K'tyn blinks, and then grins. "That does explain something, then," he says 
quietly, draining the last of his klah from his mug. "May I get you 
something to eat?" He inquires of Kindre and those about him. "I find I 

Elese shrugs, contemplating the greenrider. "Well, I can't expect to know 
everyone who was spawned here."

Ceria shrugs. "She works for Siani," she explains. "I haven't seen her 
around much since we got here."

Kassima's eyebrows fly up in surprise--not at the flattery, or at least, 
not entirely, but at the metaphor. "Y'know, you sound just like a relative 
of mine. Next thing I know, you'll be comparing yourself to a fire-lizard 
thrilled because his charge just bought a green dragon cheese-sculpture, 
and he thinks 'tis a lady 'lizard for him t'be flirting with. 'Least, I 
*think* 'tis how that saying used to go." She's being winked at? Again? 
Oh, what the heck; you only live once. She winks back. And then blinks, 
for good measure. "Telgarian? I'truth? Huh. Well, slap m'dragon and call 
her Fritz."

Telgar Weyr> Silanda lol. A lot. Kassi, yer evil. :)

Jorenan nods. "Sure, I think that's a good idea. And I'll check with the 
scrolls and see what I can find. This time of year, all we'd need to do is 
get the garden ready for winter, anyway. And maybe start some things 
growing inside."

Silanda snorts at Kassi's words, and asks Jh'rin, "What was your name 
again? I'm tryin' to see if I remember you..."

Telgar Weyr> Kassima bows modestly. Indeed I am! :)

Kindre's head tilts a bit as a bit a slow realization dawns on her. "Ah, 
that's right...I recall you saying so last time I was at Ista." Kassima's 
words cause fresh chuckles to erupt from the goldrider before she's giving 
K'tyn a slight nudge. "Bewitching lad, hmm?"

Jh'rin looks at Kassima then. "Uh." Eloquent, ain't he? "Uh. Was there an 
offer of Benden red I heard earlier, sweet and wondrous greenrider whose 
eyes are enough to make grown men weep and grown women wail in black and 
bloody envy?" That said, he tells Silanda, "That'd have been Jorin whilst 
I was here, ma'am. Maybe you knew my father, B'ley? Gold-plated son of a 
biscuit baker he was, but he was my sire."

Ceria nods. "If the ground is already frosting over, I don't know how much 
we'll be able to do with it," she says.

Telgar Weyr> Kindre just wows...he is GOOD! ;)

Silanda nods, a smile lighting your face. "Aye, I remember you now, and 
your sire as well. How's Ista been treating you?"

Jorenan quirks an eyebrow at Jh'rin thoughtfully. Would a biscuit baker be 
a bad thing, then? Hmm. Perhaps he'd resent that, if anyone but the 
irrepressible Jh'rin had said it.

"Well," Jh'rin replies with a general wave, "I got me a dragon. I got me 
three kids, and I got me a weyr that's mostly dry 'cept when I have those 
incidents gentlemen don't discuss and aren't supposed t'have after they 
get outta swaddling." Grin. Wink. Laugh. "Kidding there. I'm great. 

Silanda snorts. "Sounds like you've been well enough. Me, I've been making 
space for a whole lot of Bendenites, and spending a lot of time confused."

K'tyn looks at Jh'rin, "Lad, you seem to have a good heart, but... your 
information rate is not on par with your noise ratio," he says 

Elese nearly laughs out loud again.

Jh'rin peers at K'tyn. Closely. The look on his face says, quite clearly, 

Ceria grins in Jh'rin's direction.

Kassima can't help but grin as the other greenrider originally seems to 
lack for words. However, the tables are turned on her before she can even 
blink. She does, however, snort. "Sweet? Me? You don't know me very well, 
do you? But aye, there's 'Red aplenty for the having." She holds up one of 
the spare glasses, the deep red wine within glowing like the heart of a 
ruby. "Though I must say, I like your phrasing. Black and bloody envy, 
indeed! I wager you've broken your share of 'Caverns lasses hearts in your 
day, t'have discovered such terms?"

Jh'rin fetches wine for himself. Without hesitation. Without shame. And, 
perhaps to some's surprise, without spillage.

K'tyn sits back down after quietly conferring with Pierron. Interestedly, 
he looks from Greenrider to Greenrider, their 'war' of words most 
intriguing. He winks at the residents nearby, a faint grin on his face.

Kindre blinks a few times at the Weyrleader, her expression not as easily 
readable as Jh'rin's. Looking at him perhaps a bit too long, she soon 
shrugs her shoulders and sips at her wine, smile back in place. "Mayhaps 
an apt assessment, Kiat, but it's rare we've such jovial company about. 
Would you like some wine instead of klah?"

At the far end of the table from the other two greenriders, V'dan can be 
heard to murmur, "If what the Weyrleader just said is a *bad* thing, 
Kassi's in trouble." For once, the little geek is actually out of kicking 
range--but this doesn't save him from getting the Evil Eye from Kassi.

Telgar Weyr> Kindre hopes yon Log Mistress has the cameras going...this 
is, to be honest, priceless ;)

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "But of course, Kin! Of course! ;)"

Jayna walks here from the Inner Cavern.

Pierron adjusts his apron and tugs on his mustach.

Telgar Weyr> Kindre woohoo's ;)

Kassima finishes trying to burn a hole in the back of V'dan's head by the 
force of her stare alone, and drinks off about a quarter of the wine 
glass. Parched throats are only a hindrance in verbal wars, after all. 
"What think you of the wine?" she inquires of the other greenrider with 
honest curiousity.

K'tyn shakes his head at the lovely goldrider. "Nay, Kin. I cannot 
imbibe... it affects my judgement, and as Rina says, I've too little of 
that, already--I canna afford to lose any." He grins a little.

Jh'rin downs a good bit of the wine with a pleasant lip smack of approval, 
followed by the requisite, "Aaaaaaah!" that seems to go with gastronomic 
appreciation the way tubers go with gravy or F'hlan goes with lower 
caverns girls. "That's just flaming delightful stuff," he proclaims and 
refills his cup. "So, green-eyed greenrider," he says to Kassima -- in 
case the description wasn't obvious, "how're you doing?" Again he flops 
into a chair, apparently, unlike K'tyn, not worried about losing his 
reason. Probably because there was none to start.

Elese just watches and shakes her head. "Amazing. So much hot air in one 
breath...its a wonder they don't suffocate."

Jorenan just falls silent under the verbal barrage. At times, it seems 
that his eyes will pop out of his head, either that or he'll explode from 
holding in laughter.

Silanda raises an eyebrow at K'tyn. "I do believe I saw you imbibing at 
Benden not a few sevendays back...or is that why you're not drinking now?"

K'tyn watches Jh'rin flop into a nearby chair, and grins, suddenly and 
sharply. "You amaze me," he says after a bit. "Your sweet, and easy charm 
have been noted through out Pern, but none of it does justice to the real 
thing. A toast to you, Greenrider of Ista."

Kindre seems honestly surprised for a moment. "She...hmm," wrinkled lips 
keep whatever words she thought of saying just thoughts. "Well, I think, 
for once, I disagree with the Weyrwoman on something." Lifting her 
shoulders in another dismissing shrug, she drinks more of her own wine 
before looking back over to the pair of wordful riders.

Jh'rin, grinning and blushing a bit, lifts his wineglass to K'tyn. "I 
understand sweet and easy describe me well, Weyrleader, and thank y'for 
those kind words."

"Flaming delightful's a word for it, aye," Kassi agrees, swirling the wine 
around in her own chalice. "Though if'n you prefer *flaming* drinks, I'd 
recommend Aphrael's Doom Brew or What's In the Bottle. The former's known 
for making excellent fireballs. The latter just seems t'spontaneously 
combust once you've drunk it. As t'me? Well enough, thankee; any day when 
I've time t'visit places," and Benden in particular, as her cheerfulness 
would attest, "is a good day. Have I been so far remiss in m'manners t'nay 
give you m'name? Alas; I'm far gone already, t'neglect mentioning who I am 
to handsome men! The name's Kassima, green Lysseth's perpetual source of 
argument, debate, irritation, oilings, and other such riderly things."

Elese glances over at Jorenan and murmurs. "It must happen to them when 
they Impress..."

Jayna waves a quiet g'night and gets back to work.

Jayna walks towards the inner cavern.

K'tyn drains his klah, slipping back into what can be called a 'watchful' 
silence, his gaze never leaving those about him as they chatter back and 
forth amongst themselves and with others. "Kassi, I think," Kiat murmurs 
quietly, waving to Jayne as she heads out. "That you have met your match 
in verbal wordplay."

Jorenan nods to Elese thoughtfully. "Only some up 'em," he says. "The rest 
turn into taciturn farts."

Jh'rin regards Kassima over the rim of that wine glass. "What makes 
y'think that a man like me hadn't asked after the name of someone whose 
eyes are enough to bring a man to his knees, Kassima? Whose face could 
inspire Harper Hall in and of itself fer...what? Three passes alone. Why, 
I'll bet you and that sweet Kindre there could keep a dozen harpers busy 
fer the rest o'time."

Kindre giggles a bit. Mayhaps it's the wine, mayhaps it's the fact that 
she thought she had seen it all; knives at Mart, gruesome sculptures of 
ice, proddiness...Nothing, though, seems to have prepared her for this 
bantering between flirtatious Greenriders. "Now I've seen it all," is a 
quiet rush of words from the diminuative rider. "I quite concure, K'tyn," 
is remarked in her usual voice.

Jorenan claps a hand over his mouth. Did he really just say that? Hrrm. He 
must have, from the looks he's getting.

Elese snickers. "That's true enough. Wonder what it is..."

Silanda chuckles at Jorenan...but quietly.

A few crashes of dishes echo from within the kitchen just a moment before 
the near-muffled words of an elderly drudge filter into the cavern. Heavy 
sigh precedes, "I thought I'd be done with this with F'hlan left at 
Benden. Good Faranth, child, get yourself together." The murmurings of 
apologies follow before the kitchen seems to click back to usual working 

Actually, Kassi's always been like this--but those fortunate enough to 
have missed the years of rambling prior to her Impression might not know 
that. Lucky them. "Thankee, Baker, for nay putting us into that category," 
she replies grandly to Jorenan, raising her glass in a toast to him. To 
Kiat, she replies, "'Twill believe that when I'm seeing it! I can yammer 
the ears off of a death-stiffened ovine, as Mum used t'say." Nevertheless, 
though she's adept at babble, she's woefully out of practice at either 
giving or receiving compliments, and actually flushes at that last. "Well, 
mayhaps," she admits, "though nay in the fashion you're thinking. The only 
songs I'm accused of inspiring tend t'be more about knives and torturing 
blueriders than aught else! How many songs have you inspired, Jh'rin? I 
would lay a wager that 'tis nay less than two dozen. Your exploits seem 
t'be known over the length and breadth of Pern."

Jh'rin hmmms at Kassima, though he's peering toward the kitchen too. 
"Don't worry!" he calls out loud enough to carry across a wing during 
Threadfall. "I do that sorta thing all the time!" His voice thankfully 
lowers to Kassima. "I seem t'inspire other things from people, Kassima. 
Like...uh...nausea. Or just flatout laughter. That's only after the 
clothes come off. Fancy a turn around the bowl, by the way?"

Jorenan just... laughs. There isn't much ele he can do, after a pair of 
comments like that. He glances into the kitchens; crashing cookware always 
catches his concern.

K'tyn unobtrusively slides his chair a little closer to Kindre's, easing 
his arm along the back of her seat and idly draping his arm over her 
shoulder. "A turn about the bowl?" he queries. "In the rain?"

Silanda speaks up. "Nobody likely to be out lookin'?"

Kassima hides a grin at the sounds from the kitchen. "Knew you would have 
t'be the sort that Caverns lasses have a thing for. 'Tis a good thing the
 wine's close enough that we can serve ourselves, else we'd have nay hope 
of getting any glasses undropped...." Tilting her head to one side, a 
half-smile tugs at one corner of her mouth as she replies, "Oh, I doubt 
that. A turn around the Bowl? 'Twould do nay harm, I wager, if'n y'don't 
mind cold. And rain," she appends, nodding to the Weyrleader.

Elese sighs, getting to her feet. "I think I've heard enough," she 
murmurs. "Much more of this and I'll get cavities."

Jh'rin lifts the wineskin and stands, holding down a hand to Kassima. "I'd 
bet I can find ways t'keep things warm, Kassima. Kindre, dear and sweet 
and kind lady whose smile turns my heart into a veritable pile of amorous 
aspiration...you stay well and as perfect as you are just now, 'kay?"
Ceria blinks at Elese.

Telgar Weyr> Kassima yays! We're already up to cavities? Does this mean 
that soon, we'll need to hand out insulin? ;)

Jorenan keeps his grin to himself, though he gives Elese a quiet nod. 
"Good night," he says.

Telgar Weyr> Elese grins and has some syringes around here someplace. :)

Kindre's smile seems to curl up a bit more, whether due to the closeness 
of the Weyrleader or his words is hard to tell. "Some people find a walk 
in the rain a bit enchanting. W...you should try it sometime." Finding 
great fascination with her wine suddenly for a few moments. "Just be sure 
not to catch a cold. Jays, I'll certainly try, dear Jh'rin. Do not lose 
that bewitching way of yours."

Silanda waves to Elese. "'Night..."

Telgar Weyr> Kindre LOL Elese :)

Elese retrieves her sewing and heads for the lower caverns. "G'night."

Jh'rin bows to Kindre, then to Elese. "Night, lass. I'll look forward 
t'being dazzled by y'another night."

Elese walks towards the inner cavern.

K'tyn unconsciously tightens his hand---around Kindre's shoulder as Kiat 
listens to the verbose Istan greenriders. "Yes. Perhaps a walk in the rain 
is what you need,' he suggests smoothly. "The bowl is quite lovely, all 
wet and rocky as it is."

Kassima sets down her now-empty glass, snagging a second skin and taking 
the other greenrider's hand. Drawing herself to her feet, she chuckles 
under her breath and inquires, "D'you oft participate in flattering-
contests, Jh'rin? For I daresay I could make a pretty sum of marks 
wagering on you in such a one. 'Twill endeavor nay t'do so, Kin, I promise 

As he lifts Kassima's hand toward his lips the Istan wingsecond answers 
gallantly, "I'm nothing like flattery, greenrider. Just the reflection of 
the inspiration washing over me whenever I see the likes of you. Not," he 
adds after kissing her knuckles, "there's a soul on Pern like you."

Kindre gives K'tyn a slight nudge...just enough to seem playfully 
scolding. "You, my dear, are just terrible," she whispers before calling 
to the departing pair, "Clear skies if I don't get to see you both again 
this eve. I'll be sure to visit, Jh'rin, if not for the warmth, then for 
your kind words."

"I revise m'opinion, Jh'rin," Kassima remarks, smiling ruefully, "of your 
complimenting prowess. Rather than silver, you could only have a tongue of 
gold. Might I say that I'm surprised 'twere nay snatched up by some 
enterprising Harper early on in life? Or were you?" Though it's remarkably 
hard to curtsey with no hands free and wearing riding leathers, Kassi 
still manages it somehow, before saluting Kiat with the wineskin and 
waving it to Kindre. "Clear skies t'you both, sir, Kin. 'Twill see you on 
the morrow, if'n nay later this eve."

Silanda waves to Kassi and Jh'rin both, still chuckling at the exchange.

Kindre chuckles a bit, though quickly attempts to hide the sound with a 
cough, at K'tyn. "That you will," Kindre calls after her friend.

K'tyn oofs quietly as Kindre elbows him, and he shifts a little, turning a 
rather spectacular shade of red after muttering something to Kindre.

Jh'rin smiles warmly at Silanda, bowing to her as well, then, as he tucks 
Kassima's hand under his arm, remarks to Kindre, "Any time I can remind 
you, weyrwoman, of the singularity of yer beauty, which surely glows from 
within you like a candle beckons to the lost in the middle of the night, 
you just come to Ista. Not my fault the bronzeriders slack off reminding a 
weyrwoman she's even more dazzling than her dragon." Then, with a wink at 
Kassima, he adds, "Well, you who melt my heart, shall we go?"

Silanda takes up her sewing again, letting out a soft chuckle every now 
and again as her thoughts amuse her.

"He is truly harmless," Kindre notes almost defensively, "and becoming a 
dear friend." A fresh burst of giggles grips her person as she nods her 
gratefulness. "A pity we can't have the pleasure of your charms here each 
cold day, Jh'rin. Clearest of skies." Her attention that goes solely to 
the Weyrleader...well, him and her wine.

K'tyn looks at Jh'rin, visibly keeping his teeth from gritting as he 
smiles at the rider from Ista. "Fare you well, Jh'rin. May the winds waft 
you away."

Jorenan rubs his eyes tiredly and stands up. "Well," he says to no one in 
particular, "I'm off to bed. Good night, all of you." Yes, he's going to 
bed alone. This is the privilege and right of every apprentice on the 
planet, to go to bed alone without feeling odd, even in the middle of 
rampant flirtation.

Silanda waves to Jorenan. "'Night."

Jorenan trudges out, his hides firmly in hand.

Jorenan walks towards the inner cavern.

"Thanks, Weyrleader." Jhor doesn't know K'tyn wants those winds to waft 
his rump away from Telgar. "G'night t'you too, Jorena...ah, bother."

Kassima just shakes her head in admiration at such eloquent flattery from 
a man who's rumored to dress himself up as a woman and declare himself 
pregnant when his green rises. Of course, she likes weirdness in a 
greenrider. "Lead the way, O moon of my delight," she replies, gesturing 
grandly with the wineskin towards the Bowl exit.

Telgar Weyr> K'tyn LOL! MOon of my delight!! Yes!!

Jh'rin grins crookedly at Kassima and, leaving off with propriety, puts 
his arm about her shoulders and guides her outside.

Jh'rin walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Telgar Weyr> Kassima can BS, too. ;)

You walk down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Sorath lumbers here from the north.

Kassima blinks as she walks out of the Living Cavern with the Istan 
greenrider. Blinkblinks. Weyrlings? What are Weyrlings doing out here in 
the rain at this time of night? "G'deve, A'lex, N'kshar, D'thon," she 
greets them by name.

A'lex salutes the riders as they come out of the living cavern, straining 
to keep his firestone sack from hitting the wet ground.

Jh'rin takes a drink of wine and leans close to speak to the greenrider 
nestled inside his arm. He mutters to Kassima, "... these poor... are... 
companionship... wine... months... Should... flaunt our... fortune... 
Someplace more discreet and... be kind." 

You sense Jh'rin takes a drink of wine and leans close to speak to the 
greenrider nestled inside his arm. "Kassima, these poor weyrlings are 
without companionship and wine for months still. Should we flaunt our good 
fortune in front of them? Someplace more discreet and private might be 

D'thon passes his sack to the other hand, saluting rapidly.

N'kshar looks up at the mention of his name, giving as big of a smile as 
he can manage, considering the large sack of firestone over his shoulder. 
"Evening, ma'am. Evening sir." He says towards the two riders, hoping not 
to get a violent reaction from Kassi by calling her ma'am.

Kassima nods in agreement, tilting her head up slightly to meet the other 
greenrider's eyes--and shuddering slightly, an instinctive reaction to 
being called ma'am. She mutters to Jh'rin, "... a cruel... doing.... 
springs... far from... accessible... adragonback,..." 

Jh'rin senses Kassima nods in agreement, tilting her head up slightly to 
meet the other greenrider's eyes--and shuddering slightly, an instinctive 
reaction to being called ma'am. "Methinks you've a point, Jh'rin. 'Twould 
be a cruel thing t'be doing. There are hot springs nay far from here, 
accessible from adragonback, if'n 'twould suit...?"

Jh'rin's grin gives Kassima an affirmative response, and he makes his way 
to his green. "Lead on, dear lady."

D'thon makes a strangled sound. He mutters to A'lex, "... never have 
expected... of..." 

Kassima laughs, shaking her head ruefully. "If'n there's one thing I've 
never understood how anyone can call me, 'tis 'lady.'" Hiding a grin at 
the overheard words from the Weyrling, she simply waves her wineskin 
cheerfully at them as she steps over to where Lysseth--who seems 
exceedingly amused, for some reason--awaits.

N'kshar turns his gaze towards Kerlyn and R'val expectantly, trying his 
best to keep his legs steady under the weight of the bulging sack of 

Jh'rin uses the azure riding straps to pull himself astride Siaroth.

You place one hand on Lysseth's neck and she warbles down at you fondly. 
You grin and scratch her eyeridges once before climbing up onto her lower 
neckridges, using the riding straps and Lysseth's thoughtfully offered 

<*> A'lex says "C'mon gang."

<*> A'lex walks north.

<*> N'kshar walks north.

Kassima snaps her straps in place out of force of habit as Lysseth gets to 
her feet. "The entrance is just above," she calls over to Jh'rin before 
signalling Lyss to take off. "Impossible t'miss, I promise you."

<*> Lysseth springs from the ground, the air from her wings churning up 
dust as she takes to the skies.

You spring into the air and catch the thermals rising from the bowl floor 
to carry you aloft.