
Exchanging Foibles

Date:  April 12, 2003
Place:  Telgar Weyr's Hot Springs
Game:  PernMUSH
Copyright Info:  The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey 
l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.


Kassi's Note:  This is a sequel of sorts to the log just preceding it,
since it takes place later on the same evening.  It's simple, but kind
of fun. :)  Kassi and Bronwynn chat amiably about I'sai, their 
dragons, runnerbeasts, and other good stuff, getting a bit better
acquainted than they had been in the past.


The Log:

Fehuth flies over the edges of rock and lands on the far end of the springs.

Bronwynn slides to the ground, giving Fehuth a loving pat.

Lysseth doesn't seem to have stirred much from her earlier soaking place;
now fully asleep, the green is floating with her dark wings spread out to
buoy her in the steaming waters. Kassima, now, is swimming quiet laps
around the massive pool. The return of Bronwynn and Fehuth gets her to
pause for a moment, treading water long enough to call, "G'day
again--didn't get your full measure of soaking in earlier?"

Bronwynn slips from Fehuth with a smile, "No, I guess not. I didn't get a
chance to soak as long as I'd have liked before." Fehuth notes the sleeping
green and omits his usual friendly rumblings. His rider strips quickly and
is slipping into the water in record time. "Did you ever heard from Is
about the chess set?" she asks, closing her eyes as the steam rises around

"I don't know if'n one ever gets t'soak as long would like, at least while
'tis still so bloody cold out there. Another reason I haven't left yet,"
Kassi admits, shifting to a backstroke to make conversation easier.
"Haven't heard yet--he must've had an errand or some such, though, since
Taralyth's gone; he left after I dozed off, I'm fair sure. And probably
after Lyss did. Though either way, she's too dead to the world t'be much
help at the moment."

Bronwynn smiles over at the snoozing green and then casts her eyes to
Fehuth, "Take care not to wake her," she warns the large brown as he eases
himself into the large pool. "I'm sure he'll like it. It did sound very
fine, even if he only uses it as a decoration." She thinks on this a
moment, eyes narrowing, "Though I've never seen his weyr, so I don't really
know that, I guess." Her shoulders shrug, just breaking the water's surface.

Grinning at the caution, Kassi swims a few strokes before offering to the
brownrider, "If'n he *did* wake her, so long as 'twasn't with a splash or
some such, don't fear that she'd nay be able t'get back t'sleep straight
away--she's proven entirely good at being lazy when she has the chance.
Still, Fehuth, your consideration's appreciated." Eventually, the
greenrider's swimming takes her to the rim-space near her dragon that she
occupied before, and she reaches out for that stone, holding onto it as she
catches what breath she's lost. "I've seen it, but nay since he occupied it
with M'kon. He's mentioned wanting more furniture, more decoration, as I
can well understand; it'd have t'seem rather empty now... I got the set
a'fore M'kon went t'Benden, so I can't claim 'twill be aught but
serendipity if'n he finds it useful in his new weyr-layout. Still, I hope
'tis so."

Bronwynn frowns slightly before a light chuckle breaks her lips. "I'd
talked to him about reorganizing my weyr and he never mentioned his own. I
think he was trying to set me up with A'ran though and wanted my attention
there." She shakes head, still wearing a laughting grin, "He seems to think
I'm better of weyrmated..."

Kassima turns around so that her back's resting against the pool rim,
tilting her head back and allowing her eyes to fall briefly closed. She's
unbraided her hair some time since her earlier soaking, and it floats about
her, seeming to darken the water in her immediate vicinity with a cloud of
black. "I don't know whether he'd have mentioned it t'me if'n we hadn't
been in the Storage Rooms at the time, and me asking why he wanted a
table." One eye cracks open to flick an amused look towards the brownrider.
"*Was* he? Shells--he should warn you, if'n you *did* get together with
A'ran, you'd have t'give up that nay spawning idea. He's a Thunderbolt
rider, after all." There's a light, facetious note to her voice.

Bronwynn's smile turns wry, "Well, I'm not sure that I'sai is all that
familiar with my ideas on spawning... He's never asked at least. I really
don't know why he's so intent on fixing me up." Her laughter bubbles
brightly before she reveals her most recent thought. "I think he got it in
his head somewhere that I'm a seductress," the idea is obviously quite
ludicrous to her.

"I doubt he'd be thinking on that. Thunderbolt's reputation isn't his first
priority, for some bizarre reason," Kassi quips, managing a straight face
even if her eyes dance within it. "Mayhaps *A'ran* is the one he's intent
on fixing up, though that doesn't make much more sense--huh, does he? Why
would he be thinking that? Didn't sit in his lap and bat lashes at him or
aught, did you?"

Bronwynns' gray eyes flash, "Should I have?" she asks with a sly smile.
"Now that you mention it, he did seem rather intent on A'ran. He was
probably just trying to flatter me into agreeing, anyway." A bit sheepishly
she add, "Might have worked a bit too."

"I'd nay particularly say so," Kassi returns mildly, with a blink in
return. "Rumor'd have it that he's involved with enough women as it
stands... but 'twould be like him, the flattering to win you over to an
idea. Oh?" Her right brow lifts a fraction. "Are you developing an interest
in m'Wingmate truly, then?"

Bronwynn tilts her head to the side, a slender finger tapping her full
lower lip as she thinks, "A'ran? I really don't know him very well. He
seems nice enough. He helped me in the beasthold with Sophie one day." She
lets out a bit of a sigh, "No, I just meant I'sai's flattery... Makes me
nervous to think I can be so easily talked into things by him. It wouldn't
surprise me at all to learn he's got throngs of women."

"Sophie?" Kassi questions, finally lifting her head back from its tilt.
"Truth, I don't know him that well, either, for all that he flies with me;
he's one of our newest. Never heard aught t'suggest he's nay nice, though."
An amused snort follows. "Methinks half the world can be easily talked into
things by him. And aye... I don't know the *truth* of it, haven't asked him
directly, but the gossips would have it he's nay wasting any time there.
Ladies at Igen and Ista and High Reaches, nay t'leave out the
Crafthalls--and y'know, *I* think he might have his eyes on a Southern
bronzer and a Fort bluerider too. Though he refuses t'be confirming that."

[Editor's Note:  Yes, Kassi's making the last part up based on I'sai's 
interest in Ozy and L'nan's respective bedroom prowesses. ;) ]

"Sophie is my runner," Bronwynn explains, waving a hand in the general
direction of the stable, droplets of water flying from her fingers. "He has
that many? I guess I'll try not to waste my time -there- then. Sounds like
he has enough on his plate." She frowns slightly, eyes dark.

Kassima repeats, "Your runner," sounding curious. "You've a runnerbeast
here, then? D'you have much opportunity t'be riding? Fehuth doesn't get
jealous? Ah, well," she relents enough to admit, "as said, I don't know the
truth of it. And these same gossips are the ones who told me m'daughter was
having a seven-way encounter with a bunch of flight-lost women in the
middle of Ista's Bowl one day. *I'd* say he has enough on his plate, but
this is me; I can still count the number of lovers I've had outside a
flight on one hand, hey? And that includes the drunken incidents." Pause.
She appends, perhaps a bare shade deadpan, "He *did* ask me about the
bedroom prowess of that bronzer and bluerider, though. So that part at
least I'm nay getting secondhand."

Bronwynn nods, "Yes, my runner," she repeats witha grin. "My family bred
them in my native hold and I decided I wanted one, a bit of something
familiar. I don't get to rider her often, but the stablehands do a
maverlous job with her. Fehuth thinks she great, though it took a while for
him to make the distinction between food and friend. He thinks that come
the end of the pass we should get more. He like the idea of collecting
them," she shakes her head, an expasperated and affectionate glance heads
towards the now dozing brown. She chuckles at Kassima's count her lovers,
"I can count all of them on one hand, flight or not," she muses. "Though I
suppose you and Lysseth don't have the option of losing..."

Kassima listens with interest; at the end, after the glance to Fehuth, she
grins back. "Naught wrong with that, then, so long as Fehuth isn't minding;
I've a runner of m'own, truth be told, and half-interest in a handful of
others, but nay *here*. They're at Greystones, where
m'cousin-by-handfasting's trying t'breed sprinters. Mayhaps that's what you
should do, if'n you can get the wherewithal--'twould count as collecting
after a fashion, hey?" Half-teasing, all amused, but not mockingly so.
"Aye, precisely. And as many Turns as we've been paired, there've been a
good many flights, so I tend t'leave them out of m'calculations lest I
sound like a thorough harlot. Flights are a different issue, anyway, as
likely isn't news t'anyone hereabouts."

Bronwynn smiles, "Agreed. Flights are belong in their own count, if one at
all. Though I do think it's a shame about I'sai. I was never very fond of
my mother, but I think she spoke true when she said 'Don't bother with the
charms, you're not the only one their charming'." Her grin is wide, "I
never thought I'd be quoting my mother," she admits. "You have sprinters,
do you? Sophie is more of an endurance mount. A very smooth gait. She was
probably wasted on me, seeing as how I don't have much time to give her,
let alone rest her limits. She's getting older now and doesn't seem to mind
my lack of attentions at all."

"Probably easier nay t'keep count, though in some ways 'tis interesting.
If'n naught else," Kassi comments, wry, "'tis a way t'be meeting people...
ach, whether they're worth bothering with might depend on what you're
wanting, d'you ken? But if'n you're nay of a mind t'share... oh, Faranth, I
understand how *that* is. I shudder in horror every time I catch Mum's
words coming out of m'mouth." She affects such a shudder right then, for
illustration purposes. "The one I own's more a stud than a good sprinter
himself--and retired now besides, but aye, the ones I half-own sprint.
Jessamyne's still trying t'come up with a cross that produces speed and
enough stamina t'nay burn up, or better yet, mayhaps get a stayer...
welladay, have you considered letting some of the weyrbrats exercise her?
If'n she's feeling frisky, they might enjoy a ride and it could do her
good, from what I've heard of runners."

Bronwynn frowns, "I'm not sure if I've a mind to share, actually. Perhaps
I'm more holdbred than I would have guessed. I think I might be a tad bit
possesive, might be Fehuth's influence on me, really. He always wants us to
have things. My weyr is full of all sorts of useless knick-knacks," a quick
glance to the brown to make sure he's still dozing. "I never liked the idea
of sharing R'yn and aside from him, I haven't had many partners, let alone
ones I thought I'd see again, or often enough to have any claim." She leans
back in the water, rewetting her dark hair, slicking it to her head, "I
should offer Sophie to the weyrbrats, with a stablehand watching out for
her, of course. She's an excellent mount, experienced or not."

Kassima's nod isn't surprised, but is rather sympathetic. "I'm nay much for
sharing either, generally. Though I've gotten a wee less straight-laced
than how 'twas a'fore; now I don't see much wrong with it so long as 'tis a
casual pairing, friendly, y'know? Like L'nan and me: we don't love each
other or aught, we're just attracted friends. And so I don't mind that I'm
scarcely his only lady. But I still couldn't see sharing anyone I felt
strongly for, so far be it from me t'be casting stones at you for feeling
the same. Truth, I've never understood how anyone *could* want t'be sharing
someone they loved." Shifting subjects: "What sort of knickknacks? You
mentioned something about decorating your weyr... aye, 'tis liking that
idea I am. Mind you, I've a bias. I've a weyrbrat daughter who'd likely
enjoy the chance t'ride a runner now and then."

Bronwynn smiles widely, "I'd be glad to have your daughter ride Sophie.
She's a sweet mare, excellent manners on the ground and in the saddle. I
know when I was young being around runners was very comforting to me. I'd
spend a good many nights sleeping in the stables while the weather was
warm. The knicknacks? We've got some lovely wood pieces, bowls and wall
hangings. Little things mostly, not too expensive. He's rather fond of
wood," a thumb is poked in the brown's direction. "He insists I buy more
jewelry than I'll ever wear, too. Basically, if it can be bought, he wants
it. I do my best to keep a few marks in my pouch, but sometimes he wins me

"Actually, I might have two," Kassi supposes, thoughtful; there's a smile,
though, in return for the brownrider's. "'Twas thinking of Kimlyn, but
Kisai's old enough and might have an interest--Kyjain might too for all I
know, but he hasn't shown quite the interest in 'em Kim has, so... was it
convienient, back in the day, having a weyrmate whose brother was a
Woodcrafter? The jewelry's interesting--" She follows the direction of the
thumb-poke to give Fehuth a curious glance. "Don't know if'n I've ever
heard of a *dragon* who favored jewelry. I'm just as glad Lyss isn't like
that; I spend quite enough on jewelry on m'*own* without needing any help
from her, thankee!"

Bronwynn laughs, "Well, however many young ones you'd like to occupy, just
send them down to the beasthold. Anyone with a fingerroot is a friend in
Sophie's opinion. When R'yn and I were together we'd sometimes be able to
get some nice things at a bargain price, but now I'm back to spending more
marks. He's funny about the jewelry. He just likes for us to have things.
And shiny things too. He doesn't have much use for anything, thought, just
wants it. So the weyr can look a bit like the stores when I haven't been up
on keeping it tidy." And judging from the careless pile of clothes, tidy
isn't one of her stronger characteristics.

Pleased, Kassima replies, "I'll do that; Kimlyn will doubtless be thrilled,
and *I'll* have t'worry less about taking her home--she was watching the
breaking of the yearlings one Turn with a *bit* too much interest, if'n
y'know what I mean. I'd sooner have her nay decide t'give that a try on her
own. A bit of a nest-maker, hey?" she hazards, with an amused grin for that
sleeping brown. "Understandable enough. Only problem with having a Weyr
that looks like Stores is finding the things you want when you need 'em, I

Bronwynn chuckles, "Definately a problem. And he won't let me get rid of
anything. I have to sneak stuff out while he's a sleep and in a weyr
-thats- not easy. As for breaking yearlings that's best left to expertss. I
was young enough when I was searched that I never tried my hand at it. How
old are you children now. I apologize but I can never keep them straight in
my head..."

Kassima bobs her head in definite accord. "Occasionally I help out a bit
with a particularly stubborn one, one that just needs someone who can stick
to its back 'til it gets used to the notion--that's how I ended up
interested in runners, anyway; won a bronco-riding contest at Herder Hall's
rodeo, and bought m'mount, and Jessamyne decided he'd make a good stud. So
I'm all right with that. But aught that requires real expertise... shells,
what d'you have t'do, ask Wingmates t'come take your stuff away?" That
would ostensibly refer to the knickknacks more than to runners.
"Twenty-five, twenty-two, eighteen, thirteen, eight, and negative five and
a half months, respectively. Don't be worrying; I'd be surprised nigh unto
shocked if'n you knew the ages of m'children off the top of your head."

Bronwynn grins, nodding as Kassi explains her experiences with green
runners, "A skill I'd like to have someday. Perhaps once the pass ends and
I have more time for it, though I daresay it seems like the sort of thing
best done the young and quick to heal." She nodds again to the list of
ages, "You've got some nice breaks in between the last few. It's really
wonder you carried them all to term. YOu must be keen to catch the early

"Oh, probably. What isn't? But you're scarce old, and if'n you survive the
Pass, you might have a great many Turns t'be filling; riders in Interval
live long lives, they say. It might still be worth the trying, if'n
trying's your fancy. I'd nay mind learning t'ride 'em t'race m'self--but
Lyss would likely as nay have a fit at the notion." Kassi's sigh of regret
is slightly exaggerated, and the look she casts towards her lifemate is
only fond. "Aye, well. There's luck in it, in part--and in part 'tis that I
figure at this point I must be as fertile as a canine bitch. Don't care
t'think long on how many more I might've had and lost without ever knowing.
Truth, with so many Turns passing after Kisai without sign, I figured I'd
had m'last until I turned up pregnant again."

Bronwynn grins, "Well, I've never been very good with children. I suppose
it's been my luck not to have them. And especially in those early turns
with R'yn when we were scarcely out of childhood ourselves. At this point
it look unlikely that I'll be having any, not unless Fehuth become a bit
more skilled in his chasing and happens to catch a green with a man in her
weyr. Despite whatever I'sai might believe, I'm not a seductress. If
anything I'm rather unlucky with men." At this point a huge yawn breaks her
comments, "My, that was a big one," she mentions afterwards with an
increasingly sleepy smile.

Kassima inclines her head in wry acknowledgment. "'Tisn't always best for a
young pair t'have children, really. Sometimes it works out, but nay
always--I'd nay say though that there's any reason you couldn't have any.
Winning a male-ridden green's possible. And, shells, I'm nay the lucky sort
either, and I've six with a seventh t'come." The greenrider flashes an even
more wry grin. "So all things are possible, hey? Anyway. 'Tis looking as
if'n you might do better t'seek a bed a'fore you keel off in the water,
if'n you don't mind m'saying so."

Bronwynn nods quickly, "No I think you're right." A moment of silence and
the brown stirs, stretching a wing sleepily over the water. "I know it's
nice here, but I stay I'm going to look like dried fruit," she chides,
Fehuth becoming more awake all the while. In an easy movement Brynn is out
of the pool, dripping her way to towels and eventually clothes. "It's been
nice to have some bathing company," she offers the greenrider with a grin.
"And hopefully I'sai will like his chess set. You'll have to keep me posted
on that."

A quiet laugh issues from Kassi. "Aye, I don't doubt I look like a terrible
prune at this point m'self--a reason nay t'leave the water until everyone's
gone! But likewise, and thankee again for the offer of the runner-rides for
m'kidlings. They'll like as nay thank you too, if'n they get the chance."
Flashing a grin back, she agrees, "Here's hoping, and 'twill do. Clear
skies t'you both on your way t'your weyr, eh?"

Bronwynn is quickly astride Fehuth, "And clear skies to you," she offers
before the dark brow takes to the night sky.

Bronwynn climbs atop Fehuth, giving him an affectionate pat as she settles
between his neckridges.

Fehuth rises up from the steamy waters heading north over the rim of the Weyr.