-------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Future Is Forsaken Date: June 3, 2004 Place: Telgar Weyr Lake Shore Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: There are things coming up in the future about which any dragonrider would rightly be nervous: the end of the Pass, with all that means for the Weyrs, is part of it. For Gay, Liabeth's first rising--something that hasn't yet occurred for all that the pair graduated some time ago--is another. She and Kassima discuss these future worries among other things when she runs across the greenrider and her son at the Lake Shore. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: Gay heads over from the central bowl. As isn't exactly abnormal for her, Kassima, having had the Lake momentarily to herself--if one doesn't count her lifemate and the sleepy, rather snow-marked bundle of toddler in her lap--is seated atop a rock and singing, albeit softly: "...my life? What would it take t'make you see that I'm alive?" Kaisan's answer to this? A yawn and to squinch his eyes tighter shut. Everybody's a critic. [Editor's Note: Credit to Clay Aiken for his 'Invisible,' a line from which I borrowed for that pose. :) ] Gay comes from the bowl slowly, long and loose, hands deep in her pockets. She's whistling cheerfully, if tunelessly - but it does off as she comes upon the Wingleader, only able to catch the last, quiet bit of song. "Evening," she calls, brushing a stray curl out of her eyes. "If I were invisible--" But what Kassi would do if she were invisible will have to remain a mystery for the time being. She cuts off the song upon being greeted, turning about enough to see by whom without disrupting her son's descent into sleep. "G'deve, Gay," she calls back in amiable fashion. "Enjoying the spring weather? Methinks it may actually be a tiny fraction closer t'*nay* freezing m'toes off the second I set foot out m'weyr this sevenday, for a miracle." There's a certain wry amusement there. "That's about it. Was going stir-crazy, cooped up in there - And if -she- thinks I've go nothing better to do, I've got to oil her or bathe her or something." Gay wrinkles her nose as she kicks sprays of sand along the beach as she walks over. The sprays cease as she comes closer to mother and son. "So, when it was only sorta-cold, I figured I'd better get out before I killed us both." She flashes a wide grin, then glances over to Kaisan. "How's he doing? And you. And her." A glance to Lysseth. Kassima grins up at her erstwhile mentee. "See," she teases, "that's when you should try and convince her 'tis *absolutely imperative* that you go t'Boll, or Nerat, or Southern for some sort of crucial duty. Collecting seashells for the next group's Weyrling gifts or something. Nay that Lyss every buys excuses, I admit, but she's in love enough with the sun that she's more apt t'nag me than the other way around." Her fingers smooth a lock of the toddler's silky true-black hair without thinking, which gets his attention enough that his eyes crack open just a trifle. He seems very uninterested in anything that might require physical movement, however. "He's tired out, thank *Faranth*. He's been stir-crazy too; finally hauled him out here t'chase him around the Lake and play for a couple of hours, and that did the trick. Got me extra exercise too, so 'twas being virtuous, right?" Uh-huh. The idea amuses even her. "So I'm a bit winded, and Lysseth's half-entertained, half-grousing that we should have gone somewhere with an ocean. Yourself, and your lady?" Gay finds a nearby rock to sit on, managing somewhat more gracefully than she might have in the past. "Oh, she never needs a whole lot of excuses to go somewhere new and different. It's just time, lately. Y'know, projects pile up when the weather's good - then I had to be home a lot to help with my mother - nothing big," she assures quickly. "She'd been sick for a time, and was recovering - Anyway, more time in bloody Lemos than here, almost." She peers over at the little boy, noting, "Tell her cold weather'll tire you out quicker, as will the altitude. Hey, you!" Wiggling fingers at him, she continues, "Oh, her Ladyship's fine. She's not pleased with the mud." "She's all right?" Kassi inquires, concerned; the assurance gets a nod, though a slow one. "Recovering's always good; though it can't have been any good sickness if'n it took awhile. M'best wishes a'course t'her if'n you'd pass 'em along. Shells if'n I don't know about a lack of time. Why I *ever* thought having a two-Turn-old, a four-Turn-old, a thirteen-Turn-old, and a Wing full of riders at once would be a bright idea--" She gives Kaisan a little nudge to get his attention: hey, kiddo, be polite. He wiggles a bit and opens blue-green eyes more fully; he announces to Gay, "S'eepy." A moment's thought on his part must tell him this needs more explanation, since he adds, "Ran an' ran an' ran." Kassi grins at the eloquence--such as it is--of her youngest, and agrees, "Daresay nay. I don't blame her. How many oilings *does* she have you giving her a day?" "It wasn't great," Gay admits, twisting her mouth a little, a heaviness to her words. "But I've got a bit of pull now - and can fly past the snowed-in roads - so we got a Healer in, and she was feeling better in days." A smile, then; "Of course. I'll tell her. I'm hoping I can get 'em to visit when she's back to herself... And you obviously were bored, Kassi - needed even more on your plate to keep things interesting?" Kaisan gets a serious nod, and she offers, "I get sleepy when I do that too. -- And I'm lucky if I can keep her to two. Can't wait for summer." Kassima says, clearly noting those signs, "I'd guess nay... but so long as she's well *now*, that makes up for much. Good of you t'help her; good of the Weyrleaders t'give leave, and--bored? *Bored*? Oh, aye, a'course! I was weeping nightly from the dullness of it all," she laughs. "Now I just weep for joy at being able t'sleep nights, sometimes. Occasionally. Once or twice a sevenday." If Kaisan were older, he might look smug at this evidence of his evil. But he's not, and so he only bobs his head in a little nod. "Ran all way 'round Lyss," he adds, lest she not realize his valor. A pity it's barely comprehensible, mixed in with another yawn. "Two. Have I mentioned lately how much I *don't* envy you?" Kassi wonders. Gay shrugs, noting, "She's my mom, so -" Seems obvious to her, anyway. "But, yeah, it was good of them. A bit of leave, more running from hidework to Lemos to home to Fall..." Her hands gesture - on, and on, and on. "Well, is this one the last, then?" She grins and nods to the boy. "And she's a lot of dragon for someone with short legs, yeah? Good on you." A wry grin to his mother; "I don't envy me. At least she doesn't care much about the weyr." "Your relationship with your mother's always been good," Kassi observes, with half a smile. "Still got in plenty of work, I'll warrant. The last?" She peeks down at her son, who's curling in closer in her lap in an attempt to absorb heat. "I don't know. Doubtless he should be, but if'n I ever had a chance at another... well, nay that 'tis all that likely I fear. But I'd likley be daft enough t'take it." Kaisan gives another nod, and a rather sweet smile, satisfied now that the nice lady has been convinced of his glory. "You'll swell his head," Kassi protests, amused. "About it being spic-and-spotless, y'mean?" Gay stretches out her legs in front of her, crossing them at the ankle. "Well. I guess so. Better now that I'm -away-. Funny how that works out, yeah?" She grins, glancing down at Kaisan for a moment. "Can't imagine it. But I guess there's got to be something fun to it if you'd have another." A nod, as her gaze shifts towards the bowl and her ledge. "Yeah. I mean, I'm not a slob, but if she were on me to straighten up all the time to, I'd go barmy, I swear." A rolls of her eyes and her expression softens as she notes, "But if I were as nice a colour as her, I might be a little vain about it. Just wish she were a bit - smaller." Kassima makes a decidedly amused sound. "Naught that surprises me terribly. M'mother's sort of the same way. As am I t'my daughters, most likely, depressing a thought as *that* is. Fun?" She laughs under her breath and folds her arms a bit more tightly around Kaisan. "In many ways 'tisn't fun at all. But then there's Kisai wanting help in writing a story for her Papa about men kicking each other between the legs. Or Kaswyn wrapping himself up in one of his father's quilts and pretending he's a dragon. I love m'children. Mess, yells, and all." Her eyes roll skywards; she grins and says, "You're scarcely puke green or some hideous color. Aye, though--Lyss's size has been a blessing, and that she's nay as vain as one of her clutchsisters. But in exchange I get her grumping in m'head all the time. Things balance." "It does balance, I think. I honestly wonder if the riders who talk about how great it is -all the time- are quite right." Gay taps her temple lightly. "I mean, it's a gift, and I'd never ask for my life to be different - but there are a few drawbacks." A pause, then; "Very few. Anyway, kicking each other between the legs? Some story, that." Kassima casts her eyes skywards in an exaggerated roll. "Mayhaps *they* have the most docile, agreeable lifemates ever known--though would that be great all the time either? Lyss wouldn't be Lyss if'n she never quibbled. Fffh. The shorter expected lifespan, the work of oiling and washing, the injury, everything else, those are on the same coin as all the blessings, if'n on the different side." Suddenly, she grins. "Much like having children. Oh, don't you know it. She was six; 'twas something about two riders fighting over who'd be Wingleader, and so they kicked each other between the legs yelling 'There can only be one' or some such. She's a creative child." Gay nods emphatically, curls bouncing. "It's all the little quirk that make dragons - and people - interesting. If we're all nice and sweet all the time, certainly wouldn't be interesting. And - yeah." She sobers slightly at the list, nodding. "Hey - you don't mind me asking, how long'd you go before either of you were hurt? We're doing okay so far, but..." A shrug, then she laughs. "Creative. There can be only one. That's brilliant." "Interesting, nay. Saccharine, aye." Kassi's tone is droll. "Nice *most* of the time is certes a virtue, but people are people. And wouldn't *be* people without their bad moments. So." She traces a finger along Kai's cheek as she speaks; trust the mother of a two-Turn-old to know about bad moments. "Strange as it sounds... I've never been Threadscored. Lysseth's had only minor touches--wingtips once or twice, and tail's end. It helps that she's fast and that we haven't been chasing much Thread since we became Wingleader. We've both had char-burns though, in plenty, from drills and Fall, and she's wrenched her wings only too often; I think her first bad burn was in... oh, fifth Turn? I've gotten injured more from accidents than flying, ironically enough. Since you two fly in the Queen's Wing and all, you may never have *serious* injury--though 'twouldn't bet against it; I've seen plenty of injured queens." The last, of course, gets a grin. "Should've seen her illustration of one of 'em cutting the head off a bad guy. Now *that* was brilliant. Brilliantly red." Gay nods to that, peering up as the clouds drift in. "Strange? Sounds lucky to me. We've been fine so far - I've just been wondering. Seems like there's so much of her, odds are against it not happening. I suppose I shouldn't worry - Lysseth looks no worse for it." She shoots a quick grin over towards the green, then; "Ugh. Gross." Kassima inclines her head in acknowledgment, but points out, "Thing is, we'll be out of the Pass altogether soon--your luck doesn't have t'hold out much longer. Nor mine. I'm starting t'think 'tis likely I'll live through it--something that wasn't so when I Impressed, you can be sure, nay that I'd have believed it. Lyss didn't even scar much. What there is, you can scarcely see." A fond look is darted towards her lifemate. "A benefit of being grey-marked already; she thanks you, though, for confirming her vanity. Nay so gross! 'Twasn't accurate enough t'be really gory. Just stick-figures, basically. The difficulty was more nay laughing at 'em." "Yeah, there's that. Not quite sure what I'll do with myself, when it's over. But it must be worse for you." Gay flushes, adding quickly, "Er - I mean, you both have been at it for so long, must be tough to think of what it'll be like." A cough, then she looks back towards the green; "No worries, Lysseth. -- Ah, okay. Six - right. Just lots of red scribbles, I guess?" A slow and rather droll grin crosses Kassi's face. "Aye, aye, rub our nose in our greater ages," she teases. "You're right, though. Disgusting though 'tis, we've fought Thread your full lifetime and then some. We're both ready t'stop, get a rest, call the battle won. But then... there's the feeling that we'll have served our purpose; y'ken? Be done, obsolete. I'm nay ready t'be obsolete. I'm hoping a lifetime of greater leisure will prove its own reward--especially after I buy m'island full of bronzers, y'know! Mayhaps you should buy an island too. Training the bronzers t'fan properly could give you something new t'do." What a mental image. "Red scribbles, and a circle with bugged-out eyes and its tongue sticking out flying off. She even colored the tongue pink. Her sister would've approved." Gay cracks, "Well, at least we're still supposed to crank out the eggs. If she ever rises." She grimaces, then; "I don't think anyone'll be obsolete. That experience is invaluable - so we'll remember how to do it right next time." And, just to destroy the hopeful optimism, she pulls another face. "Ugh, bronzers. Keep 'em. And that picture does sound impressive." "See! Always a bright side! Wouldn't worry about her rising, though. She's nay as young for a first rising as some, but given the time of the Pass I'm nay really surprised--we'd be flooded with dragons if'n the queens kept rising so often." A sigh escapes Kassi. "One hopes nay. But comparatively... we've been working t'save and preserve lives for Turns, y'know? Big stuff. Horrid stuff, deadly stuff, but big. Being custodians of knowledge just doesn't have the same feeling of *impact*, even if'n the impact is really there. Sure as shards the Holders won't think 'tis as worth rewarding. Going by Records, they never do." Her eyes roll towards the sky again. "What," she asks then, "you don't like bronzers? Hey, now, some of 'em aren't that bad. And they do have their uses." Her grin's a bit impish, and she ruffles her sleeping boy's hair. "Well - there is that. I'd just like to get the whole thing -over with-, rather than wait." Gay shrugs, adding, "At least I'm much less convinved it's -my- fault these days. I'll worry in Malaith goes up first." She considers the greenrider's words for a moment before her dark eyes go wide. "We'll have to figure a way to try'n stop that then, yeah? Some sort of scheme to make sure they don't forget. I mean, there's threatening people, but I really don't think that's the way to go..." She seems excited - a purpose! "Eh, haven't found a use for 'em yet. Boys mostly irritate me. Still." Kassima slants Gay a look of sympathy. "Nay exactly looking forward to it, as I recall. At least you'll have the clutch aspect. I don't know of many riders of clutchparents who *haven't* found their lifemates having babies pretty amazing. For what 'tis worth, odds are high on Liabeth being next over Malaith or Mirrath or Kimbrith or any others." Does she grin at that excitement? Well, yes. But she has the decency to duck her head and hide it a little. "Tricky it might be, but we'll definitely have a challenge in a few Turns. I'd wager quite a lot on it. Doubt they'd *stop* giving tithe, but if'n we suddenly find the quality of tithe dropping within a few Turns of Interval? I for one will nay be shocked. Mmm. Well, they *are* irritants for much of their lives, most of 'em. I really haven't known that many in m'life I'd want t'wake up with either, if'n you get me, as far as that goes." Gay shakes her head a little, assuring, "No - Actually I'm not so bad with the idea. I just don't - I don't know. I've had such a rough time feeling like I'm decent at this that it feels bigger than it is, you know? That it's been over three turns. But - the odds do make me feel a bit better. Should have figured she'd take her time - she's slow enough about everything else." She looks a bit chagrined at Kassima's grin, but she's used to such reactions to her enthusiasm. "Hey - I mean - It's something to do, and it's better than just plotting out how I'd invade Boll or something." As for boys, all she adds is, "Just hope it's someone I like okay." "Three Turns is scarcely time for her t'mature," Kassi says, but the sympathy is still there. "Queens fly at two at Pass's *start*, nay end; when Liabeth is ten and hasn't yet risen, then, then I'd worry. But even so, there was a queen once who didn't fly until she was... shells, fair old for it; twenty, thirty? Her clutch was healthy. You just never know. I do think Liabeth most likely though, and admit some curiosity as t'who'll do the flying. In your case there isn't a clear favorite in the field, really." She grins outright now. "*Better* than Boll? What priorities! But I see your point. And I don't blame you for finding excitement where you can--just don't *wish* us into difficulty, heya?" and her voice is teasing again. "Mmm. That's always a bonus. Nay the end of the world if'n 'tis nay, but certes preferrable." There's a quick sigh, then a nod. Gay answers, "True - all true. It'll happen eventually. And yeah, I'm kind of curious too. She seems to like an awful lot of dragons - and me, I'm friendly with some of the riders, but... not that kinda friendly." She laughs, shaking her head. "No, won't do that! I want to find a way to stop trouble before it -happens-. There's got to be something useful we can start doing sooner rather than later, yeah?" To the last, she simply nods - not much else to add to that. Kassima assures with a half-shoulder shrug, "You don't have t'be, Faranth knows. It should hopefully work itself out. If'n you absolutely can't stand whoever... well, you're the clutchmother; you can probably order 'em t'stay nay closer than the Galleries or whatever if'n they truly annoy you, but here's hoping that's nay necessary. It could well be a complete stranger. Lyss's first was." She tilts her head, not quite nodding, not quite dissenting. "Do *actively*... I don't know. Even later there may be a limit t'what we can do actively if'n the Holds continue to tithe somewhat--once the Pass is over, t'some extent we have t'rely on their conscience and adherence to Tradition. As you say, we can't really *threaten*. But even now, I imagine 'twould do nay harm t'try and *think* of contingency plans should it occur later; and a'course we'll always keep helping out in blizzards and avalanches, mudslides, transport, fires, that sort of thing, but I'd hate t'see those happening more often just t'prove to the Holders we're still useful." "Well, at least that'd be interesting. Odd. But interesting." Gay grins, noting, "Bet it's less awkward then a good friend. No relationship to change. But yeah, I hope it works out okay at least. It'd be nice to have someone to hang out with while we're grounded." There's a half-smile at that idea, then, back to business. "Well - maybe we could try to help out in non-emergency situations? Or come to tea? Or bring flowers? I don't know. Just keep the stories going and the conversation going and the goodwill strong." Kassima opines, "Depends on the nature of the friendship--I've had it both ways, and sometimes the friendship thing *is* bloody awkward. Especially if'n 'tis a woman. But a handful of the males, it didn't seem t'hurt aught; any road, y'know you'll have plenty of Candidates coming t'egg-gawk once they're here, so you'll have company out the ears soon or late." A rather reminiscent grin: bets on her having been an egg-gawking Candidate, once? "Coming t'tea," she says then, thoughtful, "isn't a bad idea. Socializing certes can't hurt--and in Bitra, we've got the added possibility of contributing marks to their economy, those of us who gamble, so that helps. I don't know about flower-bringing though. They do *owe* us the tithe by right, reluctant though I'd be t'put it t'them in those terms--I don't think we should have t'bring 'em gifts or be extra-nice t'get it. Nay saying if'n someone wants t'bring flowers that's a bad thing. But 'twould prickle m'pride t'show up at Lord Vorlin's doorstep with a bouquet just t'get him t'give me the produce we're owed." Gay glances towards her ledge again, pushing slowly to her feet. "There are Candidates. Faranth. I can't imagine that. They all think I know what I'm doing," she says, tone slightly amazed. "And maybe there's something between demanding what is owed to us and bringing flowers - either way, I think it's sort of - my sort of thing. I need to think about it more." She grins, then tilts her head towards the bowl. "Her Ladyship says she's dusty. At least it's the first oiling of the day..." "You aren't the *most* clueless person on the face of the world, y'know," Kassi points out, eyes gleaming with laughter. "Despite what you seem sometimes t'think! You'll be fine. And me, I'm glad t'leave that sort of thing t'you, at least for awhile--early on, I'm going t'be taking as much time t'just rest, and sun, and be as I can, likely as nay. Horrible of me, I know." With a last grin, she says, "Could be worse, then. G'deve t'you; our regards t'your lady, aye?" "Aw, Kassi. That's not horrible. You'll certainly deserve it, both of you." Gay offers a grateful smile, then nods. "I'll pass it on - and good night to the three of you - enjoy the weather." She breaks into a jog towards the bowl, muttering, "I'm running - is that better?" Gay heads in the direction of the central bowl, leaving the shimmering lake.