-------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Fort Weyrling Graduation Date: May(?), 1996 Places: Fort Weyr's Skyspace, Central Bowl, and Living Cavern Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: Not all that long after Kassi and her group have graduated, it's Channie's turn, and Meli, Kassi, Aphrael and Jerethan have all decided to attend. After all, the trio of clutchmates has gifts in store for Channie and her clutchmate Aladis! It was interesting to see how this graduation ceremony differed from that thrown for the Benden Weyrlings; ours had fewer people, but I think I preferred it, by and large. :) Still, this is a fun scene, thus why I decided to post it at last. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: <*> Lysseth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air! <*> Between Juliath's lower neck ridges, Jalynn grabs the straps <*> Between Juliath's lower neck ridges, Jerethan emerges with a gasp, still grinning. <*> Prefeth BUGLES to the Fort watchdragon, banking slowly downwards. <*> Prefeth spirals down lower into the bowl. <*> Juliath rumble-trumpets, following Prefeth smoothly. <*> Lysseth trumpets to the watchdragon as she folds her wings and spirals in a downward direction. You spiral down lower into the bowl. <*> High above the bowl, Juliath spirals down lower into the bowl. <*> Prefeth spirals down towards the Center of the bowl, and backwings to a landing. You spiral down to the ground, and backwing to a landing. <*> Above the center of the bowl, Juliath spirals down towards the Center of the bowl, and backwings to a landing. <*> Astride Juliath, Meli grins. "Tha' wasn't so bad, eh?" <*> Between Juliath's lower neck ridges, Jalynn grins from ear to ear. "I'll never get used to that and I love it. Thank you for bringing us Meli." <*> Prefeth warbles to the Fort dragons as he touches down lightly. <*> Between Juliath's lower neck ridges, Jerethan grins. "As always, smooth as silk. Juliath is wonderful," he says to Meli. <*> From Prefeth's neckridges, Brianna smiles. "Thank you Aphrael. We appreciate the lift. And thank you Prefeth." <*> Lysseth rumbles a greeting to the dragons as she lands, the backfanning of her wings stirring up some dust. <*> Astride Juliath, Meli reaches 'round to help the passengers with the buckles if needed. "Well, we love t'help out too, when Fall permits." She grins at Jereth. "Your tongue's gotten even smoother, I think." <*> From high atop Kemith's brown neckridges, Styphnal unbuckles himself from the riding straps. <*> Styphnal slides down to the ground with the help of Kemith's riding straps. The brown requards Styphnal curiously as his steps away. <*> Astride Juliath, Meli unbuckles herself from the riding straps. <*> From Prefeth's neckridges, Aphrael unstraps herself and looks back to make sure her passangers are alright. She grins at Bri, "You're always welcome." <*> Styphnal walks across the bowl and enters the lower caverns. <*> Jalynn slides down to Juliath's extended foreleg with some help from the straps, then makes the short jump to the ground. <*> Between Juliath's lower neck ridges, Jerethan blushes a bit. "Well, Harpering does that to a man," he agrees. "Thank you again... 'tis a long walk from Harper." <*> Jerethan slides down to Juliath's extended foreleg with some help from the straps, then makes the short jump to the ground. <*> Meli slips smoothly down from Juliath's neck to her foreleg and to the ground, giving her a gentle caress. <*> Jalynn turns and curtsey's to Juliath. "Thank you for bringing us." Kassima extricates herself from the riding straps and prepares to dismount. You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles, cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully. Brianna clambers down Prefeth's side as the blue dragon crouches down after a silent word from his lifemate, offering a foreleg as his swirling eye watches the proceedings. Juliath's eyes whirl contentedly, watching the passengers with some interest before settling herself. Jerethan nods his appreciation to the green. "Thank you, Juliath... any time you need a scritch, you know where Harper is..." High above the bowl, Kessith spirals down lower into the bowl. Above the center of the bowl, Kessith spirals down towards the Center of the bowl, and backwings to a landing. Meli laughs softly "Don' get a swelled head, luv.." she mutters. Kessith lands more or less gently with a soft thump on the ground. Astride Prefeth, Aphrael grabs a hold of a bag, taking care to be especially protective of it as she slides down Prefeth's side. Aphrael climbs down from Prefeth's neckrides with practised ease, reaching up to give her lifemate a thankful scritch as the blue dragon crooons. Mounted on top of Kessith, Rhyana turns around, and grins. "That was a good landing. We're all set. Just slide down gently. Jerethan chuckles. "Me, or Juliath?" he asks. Meli's laugh continues at this. "Juliath, you silly." She resists sticking her tongue out at Jereth. Mounted on top of Kessith, Ellia fumbles her straps undone and nods. "I dislike heights...." she grins nervously, and proceeds to not be at a height any more. Mounted on top of Kessith, Rhyana nods at Ellia "You first..." Ellia slides down from Kessith's broad shoulders, landing more or less nimbly on her feet. Kassima notices Aph's bag and grins. "Ah, good, you brought the... stuff." Jerethan grins. "Just making sure," he winks at Meli, and then looks around. Rathenna slides down from Kessith's broad shoulders, landing more or less nimbly on her feet. Rathenna slides down gently, and grins at the others. Rhyana slides down from Kessith's broad shoulders, landing more or less nimbly on her feet. Aphrael grins and winks at Kassi. "Ayep, indeed." Meli casts a glance at Aph and Kassi. She mutters to herself, "... green... stuff... ? " Rhyana slides down, patting Kessith on the shoulder, murmuring "Good landing..." to him before joining the others. Aphrael flashes a grin at Meli, "No, we went to Benden for this stuff." Kassima chuckles. "Did you bring the good stuff, or the not-so-good stuff?" Eleos dismounts from Prefeth with the use of the blue dragon's riding straps. He lets out a sigh of relief as he reaches the ground, Prefeth rumblechuckling in amusement. Ellia looks around the bowl, looking very relieved to be safely on the ground. Rhyana laughs at Ellia. "It's not _that_ bad, surely... Ellia giggles nervously. "I'm TERRIFIED of heights," she admits. Rhyana glances around. "If you'd excuse me for a moment..." she says, making her way back to the living cavern. Rhyana walks across the bowl and enters the lower caverns. Jalynn grins and looks around. "It's been a while since I've been here." Aphrael makes a face, "Both, Kassi. Well, who knows, by the time we finish the good stuff, the other might not taste so bad." Jerethan grins happily as he watches Ellia. "Don't get yourself Searched," he advises with a laugh. Eleos smiles, "Thank you Prefeth and Aphrael..." Ellia lauighs. "One rider in the family is bad enough. I'm going in to see him now!" SHe grins. Ellia walks across the bowl and enters the lower caverns. Kassima nods, grinning impishly at Meli. "We wouldn't be so evil as to bring the *green* stuff." She glances at Aph and adds, "And we do have to get rid of it somehow...." Jerethan smiles. "So where is it?" he asks, looking around. "The party, I mean." Rathenna shrugs her shoulders. "Rhy said something about them starting out here..." Aphrael smiles in return to Eleos, "You are most welcome, Lord Eleos." Looking back over to Kassi she tries not to laugh outwright. "Alright, shall we join the others? The living cavern perhaps?" Jalynn says "I don't know. Maybe we should check the living cavern first." Meli nods. "Sounds good..." Aphrael walks across the bowl and enters the lower caverns. Meli walks across the bowl and enters the lower caverns. You walk across the bowl and enter the lower caverns. Eleos comes in from the bowl. Rathenna comes in from the bowl. Jalynn comes in from the bowl. Jerethan comes in from the bowl. L'ton stands as everyone enters. Ch'ran gets up and grins. "Ell!" he says, giving his sister a hug. "You've gotten short!" T'yn turns to stand and smiles at all the new arrivals. Brianna comes in from the bowl. F'ren waves an arm, "Come on, Weyrlingmaster, you can help me greet the Lord Holder, as he makes his way across the room towards Lord Eleos. "Greetings, Lord Holder. Welcome to Fort." Rathenna makes her way in, nodding at Rhy, and then walking over to Shirana. "Journeyman Shirana? Rhy said that it'd be all right for me to come assist." Jerethan comes inside and waves enthusiastically to his friends, and then sobers a bit as he spots Shirana. He clears his throat and tries to compose himself into a more Harperly attitude. Eleos smiles, "Weyrleader, good to see you again." Aphrael clears her throat and grins. "Benden Weyr's duty to Fort weyr and her queens." Anise walks up to the Lord Holder and stands quietly next to F'ren. She smiles warmly at the assembled people. Meli echoes Aph's sentiment with a grin. V'han waves to Jereth happily. Kassima nods to everyone. "Benden's duty to Fort and her queens," she says with a smile, echoing Aph as usual. Shirana says, "I'm glad of the help, Apprentice. Although so far, nothing has been required of us." L'ton waves to Aphrael. Jerethan thinks for a moment, and then adds his voice to Aphrael's. "And Harper Hall's duty to Fort Weyr, and its queens," he says, with a nervous glance at the Journeyman. F'ren smiles. "And good to see you as well." F'ren then motions to Anise, "And you know our Weyrlingmaster." Ellia giggles. "You're only half a wandswidth taller than me, 'Ran." She spots Shirana and nods, as she hears Thenna's statement. "Yes... We heard that Fort has a lack of Harpers, and we have a lot of relatives...." she ruffles her younger brother's hair cheerfully. T'yn waves to Jerethan also. Aphrael waves over at the weylings, grinning as she spots L'ton. "Heya!" L'ton grins at Shirana, "We should be requiring a few things of the Winecraft as well if I remember how Fort get togethers usually end up.." Eleos smiles, "Ah, yes, good to see you again, Weyrlingmaster..." He takes Anise's hand and kisses it softly. Ch'ran swats at Ellia's hand. "You and your ruffles!" he grins. Shirana's lips form around the phrase `lack of harpers'. Right. "Well, I'm sure that even Fort needs more than three of us, yes." Shayna heads away from Netina, coming back to take her seat at the weyrling table. She sips her juice, looking around at all the people. Jalynn smiles a hello to everyone. Anise takes a step forward and dips a curtsey to the Lord Holder, "Lord Eleos, how nice to see you again." Jerethan returns the waves cast in his direction, his posture a good deal straighter than when he entered. The grin still remains on his face, as it always does after he flies adragonback. Ellia points to Jereth. "Well, will four do?" she grins, in good spirits for the first time in days. F'ren smiles. "Please make yourself at home, Lord Eleos. The graduation ceremony will be starting shortly." Rathenna smiles at Shirana. "If there's anyway I can help... I also.. " she blushes slightly "wanted to see Rhy graduate. Shirana says, "With 'Thenna and you and Jereth, Ellia, it makes Six. We've Uma and Maeve about somewhere." L'ton walks over to Aphrael, "How are you and Prefeth these days?" F'ren steps back, leaving the Lord Holder in the hands of the Weyrlingmaster for now and makes his way over to speak with a Wingleader. Ellia grins. "Six.... well, that should surely do for this...." Rathenna grins at Ellia. "Yes... at least it means we all get a break..." Ch'ran pokes his sister firmly in the ribs and tickles her. "Oh, quit being a bother," he laughs. Aphrael chuckles softly at L'ton. "Very well, thanks. How is Tasorth? He must have grown since I saw him last?" Anise straightens back up and takes the Lord's arm, "I'm so glad you could come to see our weyrlings graduation. I'm so proud of them all." L'ton beams, "Oh, he's got almost his full growth now I think." Jerethan grins at Rathenna. "A break? We'll likely be playing until our fingers fall off," he points out. Jalynn wanders over to the table and snitches a slice of the bread like she used to. Ellia is in the middle of a nod to Thenna and lets out a little strangled squeak. She turns on 'Ran and grins. "Scamp," she gasps out. "Always causing trouble." F'ren finishes speaking with the Wingleader and makes his way over to Ellia. "Ellia, hi!" Channie comes up the steps from the Inner Caverns. Kiala comes up the steps from the Inner Caverns. Channie blinks as she walks back in, gawking at all the people. Brendan comes in from the bowl. Jerethan heads over to join V'han and Channie and T'yn. "Heya... congratulations. And I do have a gift for all of you. Nothing tangible, though." Aphrael ohs and nods. "That's great! I'm glad you are finally graduating," She pauses, looking back at her fellow Benden riders, "Have you met Meli, green Juliath's rider, and Kassima, green Lysseth's rider?" T'yn moves through the crowd and moves up beside V'han. He turns and then smiles at Channie. Channie salutes everyone. Kassima waves to Channie and Kiala as they come in. "Heyla, you two! How'd the race go?" Kiala waves to everyone. Spotting Aphrael in the crowd she cries out "Aph!!" V'han grins to T'yn and waves Channie over. Ellia grins up at F'ren. "I haven't had an excuse to visit in ages, not when I could say hi. So Hello!" She grins. "How's Zyanth?" Eleos smiles and nods to Anise, "I like your outfit, I didn't know Riders dressed like that..." T'yn blinks and then a slow smiles shows. " Aphrael waves and grins. "Channie, Kia!! How are you guys?" Meli grins. "Well met" with a short nod and sparkling eyes. F'ren smiles. "Zyanth is fine, though he'd sure love to hear some of your music again." T'yn grins and waves as Channie chats with friends. T'yn turns to V'han and nods. "A good crowd." L'ton smiles, "I think we've met. And it's my pleasure to welcome you all to Fort." Brianna finds a glass of wine and wanders off to speak with someone she spotted from Reaches. Kiala skirts around the edge of the crowd as she makes her way to Aphrael and Kassima. Ellia grins. "I have a few pieces half done-" she glances over at Shirana. "But only one I'm allowed to play. I could tune for him again, I imagine." Jerethan smiles at T'yn and V'han. "I'm very proud of both of you," he says, and offers a hug. Ch'ran sits down again, grinning, surrounded by whole heaps of people. T'yn scans the crowd and then waves to Brendan. Rhyana glances around, and looks a bit nervously at all the guests. She murmurs to another weyrling standing near her "I never thought I'd see this many people come to see us graduate..." Pamela walks out of the tunnel along the southeastern wall. Anise looks down at herself, "Oh, I picked this up at some gather or another. I just liked the color and the way it swishes around my legs. See?" She turns in another circle for the Lord Holder, skirts skipping up to show some of her muscled legs. Channie waves to T'yn and pushes her way over to stand with him. Shirana says, "You'll be quite busy making music for his Rider, this night, Ellia." V'han grins and gives Jereth a hug. "Thank you, my friend." Eleos grins and nods, "It looks wonderful on you..." Brendan waves over to T'yn. "Congratulations, Rider!" Rathenna nods at Brendan, and then turns back to glance at Shirana. T'yn eyes move to follow Channie. He turns to smile at her as she nears him. "Your beautiful!" Aphrael flashes a grin at L'ton, "We like to visit here now." She winks and glances over at Kia, heading closer. "Kia, how goes things? How is Valin?" Kassima smiles. "'Tis good to be here," she says, then grins at Kiala. "Sorry I couldn't stay to see how the race went, but I had to pick up a couple of things. How'd it go?" F'ren chuckles. "Well, someday when you're free, pop on up." and then he glances outsdie. T'yn turns and waves to Brendan. "Thanks Brendan." Channie smiles over to T'yn. L'ton smiles, "Well, we are certainly the richer for it." Ellia grins. "I will, when I can. Thank you." Meli chuckles at all the noise. "Hard t'believe you are graduatin' already. Seems we were jus' here for th'hatching." Kiala blushes at the mention of Valin. "Oh. um.. he's good I suppose. He'll be leaving soon for Southern though. How are things with you??" V'han smiles to Channie. "Stunning, Nie." Anise's eyes go fuzzy for a moment as she stops abruptly, "Excuse me Lord Eleos, I'm afraid I've duty to attend to." She squeezes the Lord's hand before leaving to go stand next to her Weyrleader. T'yn nods slowly. "You said it V'han." T'yn offers Channie his hand. Kiala smiles at Kassima and giggles. "You missed it. Channie and I actually won, though I think she had to drag me over the finish line.." Channie blushes again and tugs on her hair. Jerethan returns the hug with a smile, and then releases his friend. "You look different, somehow. Must be that end-of-weyrlinghood." Eleos raises his eyebrows and nods to Anise. Aphrael chuckles at L'ton. "Is your weyrmate about?" She asks, then blinks back at Kiala, "He is, why is that? Oh, we're fine." Styphnal has left. F'ren smiles as he pauses to look around the room before calling out in a voice generally reserved to calling out to airborne wings, "Everyone, if I may have your attention. The graduation will begin out in the bowl as soon as everyone moves out there." T'yn turns to Brendan. "I'm happy you could come Brendan. How are you this evening?" Shirana motions to the Harpers, and leads them out like a mother quail. V'han chuckles. "Guess that's us. We'd better go outside." Shirana heads out the cavernous entrance to the bowl. Meli heads out the cavernous entrance to the bowl. Rhyana glances at F'ren, and makes her way out to the bowl. Ellia winces at the sudden loud voice and trails after Shira. L'ton shakes his head to Aphrael, "She's out with another class.." He nods as he listens to F'ren and motions to the weyrlings to head out. Ellia heads out the cavernous entrance to the bowl. Rathenna heads out the cavernous entrance to the bowl. Brianna smiles, taking her cup of wine with her. V'han heads out the cavernous entrance to the bowl. Brianna heads out the cavernous entrance to the bowl. L'ton heads out the cavernous entrance to the bowl. Jerethan follows Shirana after one final slap on his friends' shoulders. F'ren heads out the cavernous entrance to the bowl. You head outside to the bowl. Rhyana walks across the bowl from the Lower Caverns. Eleos walks across the bowl from the Lower Caverns. Jerethan walks across the bowl from the Lower Caverns. Aphrael walks across the bowl from the Lower Caverns. Anise walks across the bowl from the Lower Caverns. T'yn walks across the bowl from the Lower Caverns. Ch'ran walks across the bowl from the Lower Caverns. Lrisseth comes from the northwest, by the weyrling barracks. Kiala walks across the bowl from the Lower Caverns. Channie walks across the bowl from the Lower Caverns. Shayna walks across the bowl from the Lower Caverns. Jerethan exits and follows Shirana, letting the weyrlings take the places of honor. T'yn moves to stand with the other weyrlings. Kessith warbles at all the strange people, and then bugles somewhat defiantly. Brendan walks across the bowl from the Lower Caverns. Ch'ran joins the group of weyrlings. V'han moves into place, smiling braodly. Jalynn walks across the bowl from the Lower Caverns. Anise looks at F'ren for permission and then calls out in her command voice, "Weyrlings! Please stand with your dragons in color rank." She smiles as her charges line up properly. Shirana covers her ears. Kassima smiles at Kiala. "Sounds like you had a good time, anyway. Good luck with your egg," she adds, remembering what the prize was. She heads over to stand near Aph and Meli and watch the festivities. Gunnar walks across the bowl from the Lower Caverns. Adroth comes up from the lake shore. Darieth croons back to Kessith. Prefeth rumbles softly, watching happily as his lifemate moves nearer to him. F'ren comes to a halt, Fort's dragons arrayed by wings in the bowl and smiles as the Weyrlings fall prompty into place. Ch'ran moves to take his place amongst the other blue weyrlings. Adroth turns to watch as T'yn moves to join him. Channie smiles as she walks over to stand with Kemith, patting his foreleg. L'ton moves over to stand next to Tasorth as he moves to his place in the line. Uma walks across the bowl from the Lower Caverns. Shanth warblecroons to his lifemate. Shirana gathers the Harpers to her, well out of the way of Dragon and Rider. Shayna moves to stand beside Lrisseth, beaming broadly. Kiala nods to Kassima and finds herself a spot. Mallorith warbles as V'han stands next to her near the end of the line with the greens. Ellia slips over to join the little knot of harpers. Jerethan inclines his head to Uma, standing near Shirana with the other harpers. Shirana's face lights up as she spots Uma, and she waves. Rhyana makes her way over to Kessith, and together they find their place among the weyrlings. Aphrael glances at the other Benden riders, thoughts of their own graduation on her mind as she turns to watch the Fort Weyrlings. Rathenna makes her way over to join the Harpers, still beaming at Rhy. Uma trails after the huge exodus, letting out a whoop as Shirana waves. "Heyla!" she calls out, grinning to all the visiting apprentices. Jerethan returns the greeting to the Journeyman with a smile, and then returns his gaze to his friends and their dragons. F'ren looks over to L'ton, Wingleader, is your Wing ready to graduate?" V'han lays one hand on Mallorith's foreclaw as he waits. Lrisseth warbles musically at her lifemate, gazing calmly at the crowd. Shirana shhhh's Uma, doing her best to look severe. It doesn't work. "Show is about to start!" Adroth rumbles softly as his head turns to watch this mass of humans. Uma turns her attention to the Weyrleader as he speaks, sidling up to Shirana and beaming. L'ton salutes F'ren, "Weyrleader, we are ready." T'yn sofly strokes the dark brown hide and shifts positions to see better. Rhyana glances over at T'yn, leaning one hand on Kessith's shoulder, and watching carefully. Shirana slips her arm about Uma's waist, and watches with an odd, focussed intensity. Shayna straightens her shoulders, letting one hand rest on Lrisseth's foreleg. F'ren nods, "Very well." and then he turns to the assembled crowd. "Lord Eleos, honored guests. Welcome to Fort Weyr and the graduation of its most recent group of Weyrlings." With that he turns to Anise, "Weyrlingmaster, if you'll commence the graduation?" Anise steps forward and nods to her Weyrleader before addressing the weyrlings and the crowd. "This is the happiest and saddest day for a Weyrlingmaster. Happiest because I let my weyrlings go forth to do the duty for which they have been trained. I know that I and my Assistants have done have done our best to prepare you to do battle with our ancient enemy, thread. If you all perform in the manner I know you can, you'll all be a credit to the weyr." She pauses and looks at each weyrling for a moment. Rhyana looks down at her feet. Uma murmurs to Shira, a glint of mischief in her eyes, "Good, too, for Anise, because she gets all these rascals out of her hair, for the nonce." V'han grins as he returns Anise's look. Shayna watches the weyrlingmaster intently, hanging on every word. T'yn head high, he slowly nods. Eyes bright with pride. Ch'ran nods solemnly, watching Anise. Anise bites her lip for a moment before continuing, "This is also the saddest day for much the same reason as it is the happiest. Each of you will be endangered each and every day that you do your duty to the weyr and Pern." She swallows and clears her throat as emotion wells up in her eyes, "We've lately been reminded of what exactly happens to dragons, weyrlings, and riders when they fly to thread. They are injured and they die." L'ton closes his eyes for a moment as Anise speaks of the recent death. Ch'ran winces slightly and nods. Jerethan nods as he hears this, staring briefly at the ground in remembrance of E'kir and Thath. V'han looks at his feet for a moment. T'yn nods saddly. Anise looks up to the skies above the weyr, "Let's pause for a moment and remember Thath and E'rik, the weyrling pair that will not fly with the wings." Shirana shrugs. And hisses back, "She'll have another bunch before long." Channie lowers her eyes, and looks up at Kemith for a moment before turning her eyes skyward. Adroth rumbles saddly and ssoftly. Uma coughs, averting her eyes from the Weyrlingmaster to glance at the ground. She seems to move closer to Shira, nodding faintly at Anises' last comment. Darieth croons quietly into the silence of the bowl. Shayna gazes downward, a solemn look on her face. She strokes Lrisseth sadly. F'ren's jaw clenches slightly and then he looks skyward for a few moments. T'yn moves closer to Adroht and arm moves around the great forelimb to hum him. Shirana stands straight, and looks up, her jaw set. Anise looks back at the weyrlings, "Let's also remember all the hard work that you have done. And each of you have met and exceeded my expectations for you or you would not be standing here today. Congratulations on this achievement and may you have clear skies as you begin your life as full riders at Fort Weyr." She wipes a tear from her face as she turns and says, "Weyrleader?" T'yn slowly smiles and hugs Adroths foreleg again before standing straighter. F'ren smiles. "Thanks, Anise." and then he looks at the Weyrlings, "L'ton, perhaps you'd care to lead your Wing in showing how you feel about the Weyrlingmaster and assistants?" Tears continue to drop from Anise's eyes but with less frequency as the Weyrlingmaster again gains control of her emtions. Adroth muzzle turns from his rider to the Fortleaders. Eyes whirl brighter and faster with excitement. Shirana covers her ears. Ch'ran frowns slightly but still stands straight. L'ton nods and closes his eyes again for a moment. Ellia bites her lips, looking intently at her brother. Shayna watches proudly, standing straight once more. Her fingers rest softly on the warm hide of Lrisseth's foreleg. Tasorth stretches his neck skyward and lets loose with a resounding bugle of pride that echoes across the bowl. T'yn nods at the words. His stance proud and happy. Adroth stands to his full height and neck extends with his BUGLE. Kessith joins Tasorth in bugling, the sound echoing around the bowl, almost deafening Rhyan. Lrisseth bugles loudly, the sound reverberating across the bowl. F'ren smiles as he watches the Weyring dragons salute their Weyrlingmaster.' Shanth rears up slightly and bugles as well, leting his tones mingle with the other dragons'. Mallorith stretches her neck skyward and BUGLES in pride. Kemith arches his neck and fans open his wings, his rough sounding *BUGLE* added to to his clutch-sipb. Anise beams at /her/ weyrlings. Under the sound of the bugling you can see her mouth making the movements for "Thank you." over and over again. Uma shifts in resigned anticipation, wincing slightly at the onslaught dragonsong, then laughs, and adds her own exultant yell to the cacophany of sound, "WHOOOOOP!" Adroth wings half open on the final note and then rustle as he resettles. Jerethan grins as he listens to the merging bugles of the dragons, as they show their gratitude, and pride, for their Weyrlingmaster. L'ton turns to Anise and raises a sharp salute, the noise too much to even offer words. Rathenna grins at Rhyana and Kessith, and then beams at the other weyrlings, though she looks a bit deafened. V'han stands at attention and salutes Anise smartly. Ch'ran salutes as soon as he catches L'ton's movement. T'yn turns and salute Anise. Eyes misting for the moment. He grins as he wipes away some dust. Uma turns and grins happily through the din to the Weyrlingmaster, "They do you proud, Anise!" Brianna winces at all the noise, but can't help smiling. Lrisseth adds one more loud bugle, trumpeting her lifemate's emotions. Rhyana salutes Anise, her eyes damp with tears and her mouth grinning broadly. Anise returns the weyrlings salutes with one of her own, one much more crisp and precise then she normally gives, perhaps echoing the feeling behind this true salute of her class. Channie smiles and adds her salute as well, standing up even straighter. F'ren smiles as the bugles die down. Turning he first says, "And I'd like to add mine and the Weyrwoman's thanks for a job well done, Anise. Not only am I proud that you're one of my clutchmates, but that you've done Fort proud with this group of Weyrlings." With that said he turns to face the Weyrlings.... Shayna steps foward, clearing her throat nervously. "We have something else to show our appreciation," she says, trying to get everyone's attention. "Channie will present it on behalf of the weyrling class." Shirana releases her ears as soon as Uma's exhuberant whoop is over, as if the Dragon bellows are nothing beside the sound of her lover. V'han grins broadly. Uma leans into her Shira slightly, murmuring once more, "Do we know yet to which Wing's they'll be assigned?" T'yn grins and moves to see better. Anise straightens up with surprise and waits for Channie to approach. F'ren grins as he hears Shayna and steps back. Ch'ran barely represses a whoop of mischievous joy as he watches Channie. Uma blinks at the unexpected deviation from the traditional ceremony, watching Channie in surprise. She nudges Shirana gently, pointing, "Look." Shirana says, "NOt me, love. I like surprises." Rhyana beams at Channie. Shirana is looking! T'yn nods with pride. Channie smiles and blushes as she walks forward, she pulls from behind her a tray with five rings-- The large golden ring sparkles in the light, it's polished surface glimmering. On the ring's face is the delicate engraving of Fort Weyr, and set in two rows are colored stones, each flashing with a life of it's own. Three rubies, two emeralds, two saphires, and one shimmering diamond set in the center. Each stone representing a weyrling who has graduated into the Fort Weyr Wings. "We wanted to get you all something--to let you know we appreciated you all." Channie smiles, "One for our weyrlingmaster, our Assistant weyrling masters, and our Weyrleader and Weyrwoman." she blushes, her hands shaking as she holds the tray. Anise reaches out and carefully takes one of the rings, the one that looks like it'd perfectly fit her finger, "It's beautful. Wherever did you get them?" She slides the ring onto her hand, "And how did you get it to fit so well?" Channie smiles secretly. F'ren smiles as he watches and then looks over to the Weyrlings as he says quietly, "Well done." V'han chuckles. L'ton smiles, raising his voice, "Give us our secrets, ma'am. It's not like we haven't had time with you." T'yn nods slowly as he watches Anise's face. He slowly smiles with pride. The Weyrwoman and the assistant weyrlingmasters come forward to take their gifts, murmuring their thanks. Ch'ran just plain grins. Shayna beams happily, watching to see if the rings all fit. Rhyana grins at L'ton, and smiles, watching Anise and the others. Channie smiles as everyone gets their ring and slips back into the lines. F'ren takes the indicated ring as well and then steps back to stand with Anise and the others. Anise wipes her eyes again and laughs, "I'm going to be all puffy and no one will want to dance with me." Eleos grins at Anise. Lrisseth whuffles softly, jeweled eyes whirling a calm blue. F'ren smiles and looks out over the Weyrlings as he begins to speak, "You all arrived here at Fort more than 18 months ago when a Fort rider and their dragon swooped down out of the sky and brought you here. Since then there's been many changes. Most of you that started out are no longer here...." Shanth watches, his eyes whirling quick, grean, and cheerful. F'ren says "...and for those of you that left the sands with lifemates, you've traveled a long road of training and growing to stand here today..."" V'han grins as he listens, one hand lightly stroking Mallorith's flank. T'yn slowly nods as he listens. L'ton glances at Ch'ran and Channie with fond smiles for each. Shayna stands still, eyes shifting to catch those of her wingmates. F'ren says "Based upon your Weyrlingmasters recommendations and the observations of myself and the Wingleaders, we now wish to welcome you to full rider status. As of this moment onwards, you are Dragon Rider of Pern." Adroth moves his tail around his side and cirls it beside T'yn. Eleos applauds! Anise applauds the group of weyrlings. T'yn grins. Eleos whistles through his fingers in a decidedly un-Lord-like manner. Jalynn applauds and grins from ear to ear for her friends. V'han grins happily. Brendan apllauds, swallowing hard. Ch'ran glances back and forth at the other weyrlings and finally lets out his suppressed WHOOP! Jerethan applauds, pride filling his eyes as he regards his friends. Channie WHHhhoouuups and tosses her arms into the air in a sign of victory. Aphrael grins and cheers, Prefeth letting out a sound bugle of happiness for the new riders. Shirana applauds, then covers her ears, looking sideways at Uma... Brianna chuckles and applauds the new riders. F'ren smiles as he calls his Wingleaders to attention and gives the graduates a salute. "Welcome to the Wings, Riders." Kassima grins and applauds energetically for her friends, Lysseth adding her own trumpeting note of approval. Darieth lets out a bugle much louder than one would expect from one of the smaller blues. Rathenna cheers for Rhyana, and grins broadly. Shayna grins from ear to ear, letting out a delighted whoop! Uma smiles sweetly to Shirana, then turns back to the newly-graduated Riders and applauds delicately. L'ton smiles and returns F'ren's salute. "Our pleasure, sir." Zyanth BUGLES! V'han grins and returns F'ren's salute. "Thank you, sir!" Shirana uh huh's, and drops her hands to clap, dubiously. F'ren chuckles. "Now, I'm sure you're all anxious to get into the fighting wings, but that will happen over the next sevenday or so, as the Wingleaders invite you into their wings. So have a bit of patience." Rhyana glances around at all the cheering, and blushes deep, echoing V'han's words softly. "Thank you!" T'yn nods, at a loss for words and also salutes. Channie adds in her salute, sniffling back a few tears. F'ren smiles. "Anise, if you'd care to give a final dismiss to the wing?" Shayna returns the salute, still beaming crazily. Shanth stretches up his wings and rears skyward, letting out a terrifically loud BUGLE that nearly knocks his lifemate over. Ch'ran staggers slightly, and salutes. Ellia winces and grins, still watching her brother. Shirana gives up and just covers her ears. Weyrlings! Anise nods to F'ren and then calls out, "You're dismissed, /Riders/. But if I hear that any of you is causing trouble, I'm still going to come after you and take you over my knee." T'yn laughs as he throws his head back and yells. Joy and pride deepening his voice. Anise snaps off one last salute. Eleos ooohs, "I'd like to see that..." Ianni walks across the bowl from the Lower Caverns. L'ton grins at Anise as he returns her final salute, "Promises, promises." T'yn grins and salutes Anise again. Shayna giggles at Anise's comment, returning the salute and leaning against Lrisseth for support. Channie blinks and giggles as she returns Anise's salute. V'han laughs and yells his delight to the skies. F'ren grins. "And now, there's refreshments and such in the living cavern for everyone." Uma leans in toward Shirana, "Shards! I'd hoped the Weyrleader would announce assignments tonight." She grins wickedly. "Would love to know who gets that Ch'ran, yup." Ch'ran salutes Anise again and glares upwards at his dragon, as if daring him to try the bugle trick again. Shanth is, miraculously, quiet. Rhyana smiles, silent as a single tear traces a line down her cheek. She merely leans on Kessith's broad leg and smiles some more, amazed she's made it this far. V'han returns Anise's salute before running around to hug his clutchmates. Adroth echoes his lifemates with a BUGLE that mixes with the yell. Shirana grins. "Shall we try for him? I'm sure we could keep Shanth under the cot..." F'ren grins as he overhears Uma, "What? We have to have a few surprises saved for later." Shayna follows V'han's example and begins to hug each wing member happily. Anise gazes out at the weyrlings, a slightly sad smile on her face. T'yn turns to hug Channie and then lifts her and whirls her around. "We made it!" Shirana blinks at F'ren. And blushes. How can he hear _anything_, with all the dragon bugling, is beyond her. Uma grins to F'ren, "Don't want to start a riot, eh?" She winks to the man, "Why, you've become as diplomatic as a Harper, F'ren!" Channie grins as she turns to hug the rider who's closest to her tightly. "Wwwhhhee! T'yn!" Rathenna glances at Shirana and Uma. "Why'd you _want_ 'Ran..." V'han walks to Anise and hugs her tightly, whispering his thanks into her ear. Ellia braeks into a giggle as she's in the middle of the Harpers, and says softly, "I got no use for him, he's my brother... if you can get him to do anything useful with him, Faranth help you." F'ren laughs. "Maybe I shoulda been a Harper, eh?" Lrisseth bugles loudly, joyously into the skies. Anise reaches up and gives V'han a solid kiss on the lips, "Congratulations." Ch'ran bounces around the gathering of Weyrlings, hugging everyone he can catch. Brianna chuckles. Mallorith bugles in delight. Shirana smiles blandly to 'Thenna and Ellia. "Well, I thought Shanth might be able to clean the room...y'know, we've been threatening to bring in Miners!" V'han grins and kisses back. "Thank you, Anise!" He bounces around, hugging everyone. Uma chuckles, giving the Weyrleader an affectionate look, "As long as you didn't try to sing, yes." Shayna hugs the others, bouncing from person to person enthusiastically. T'yn grins and pats v'han on the back as he passes. F'ren laughs. "Hey!" and then winks at the Harper. Ellia grins. "So that's what you do with a little brother." Eleos ooohs, "Was someone going to sing?" L'ton harumphs, "Too much hugging, not enough wine.." He turns to move towards the Living Cavern. Ellia adds thoughtfully, "Or is that a little bother?" Channie moves around from person to person, hugging each one tightly. Anise calls over to F'ren as she's hugged by another new rider, "See how happy they are in a couple of mornings when T'quinn or one of the others has them doing dawn sweeps over the peaks." T'yn grins at Ch'ran and claps him on the back. Ianni walks across the bowl and enters the lower caverns. L'ton walks across the bowl and enters the lower caverns. F'ren laughs as he hears Anise, "They'll love it...for about one sevenday." Rhyana grins at Ellia, and makes her way to hug Anise, mururing a soft "Thank you!" Jalynn finds Channie and gives her a big hug. "Congrats. Your going to have the best time now." T'yn moves to Anise and smile. He takes her hand in his and murmers a quiet message. Anise returns Rhyana's hug with enthusiasm and says you're welcome. She then turns to T'yn and listens to him. Ch'ran sneaks up on Anise and gives her a hug when she's not looking. "Thank you for everything...." Shayna slips through the crowd to Anise, and gives her a warm hug. "Thank you for everything," she murmurs softly. Emmy emerges from *between*, chirping curiously. Emmy swoops down towards F'ren. Channie smiles and returns Jalynn's hug, "Thank you! And I sure hope so!" T'yn smiles and adds. "Thank you.' Anise's face brightens even more when she hears T'yn's praise. She then gets swept up by Ch'ran and hugs the boy who then passes her on to Shayna's attention. F'ren smiles as he sees a firelizard heading for him. Shirana turns to the half-a-gaggle of harpers, and holds a quick conference. Eleos sees that Anise is busy and walks over to F'ren and shakes his hand, "Congratulations, Weyrleader, a fine class indeed." Jerethan waves at T'yn, V'han, Aladis, and Channie from his position with the other Harpers, grinning happily. Kassima grins at Channie. "Congratulations again, brownrider," she says. Then she adds impishly, "Or should I call you ma'am?" T'yn turns and hugs the next trainer. Ch'ran grins and bounces through the crowd, finally catching up to his sister and pouncing on her with a hug. Uma tosses another grin F'ren's way before turning back to speak quietly for a moment with the other harpers, noting Shirana's murmured words with a nod. Channie giggles happily at Kassi and hops over to her to hug her tightly, "Thank you Greenrider ma'am." Meli chortles at Kassi. 'Yeh, maybe we should salute 'em all jus' to confuse them." Emmy flutters her wings and drops a package near f'ren Emmy carefully sets the tray down. Ellia squeaks. "Hey you, scamp," she grins, and hugs her brother back fiercely. F'ren shakes the Lord Holder's hand. "Thank you, Eleos. I'm sure you'll be seeing them at Ruatha while on sweeps." Emmy flutters into the air and pops *between*. Kassima hugs Channie back and laughs. "You're welcome, ma'am!" She salutes her friend sharply. Shayna circulates through the crowd, hugging everyone she knows, and many she doesn't. Lrisseth watches her, wrbling softly. Jalynn chuckles. and steps back out of the way. Channie laughs and keeps giggling as she returns the salute. Anise manages to extricate herself from all the hugs and heads towards the cavern, "Let's go in and get out of the cold." She looks down at her chest, "I'm almost blue!" Anise walks across the bowl and enters the lower caverns. Shirana nods to the Harpers, and leads them back into the LC. Shirana walks across the bowl and enters the lower caverns. Uma walks across the bowl and enters the lower caverns. Ellia walks across the bowl and enters the lower caverns. Rathenna walks across the bowl and enters the lower caverns. Rhyana walks across the bowl and enters the lower caverns. Channie walks across the bowl and enters the lower caverns. Ch'ran trots down after Anise. Shayna walks across the bowl and enters the lower caverns. Ch'ran walks across the bowl and enters the lower caverns. T'yn walks across the bowl and enters the lower caverns. Eleos smiles, "We look forward to it..." Jerethan walks across the bowl and enters the lower caverns. Aeon pops out of /between/ smoothly in a tiny rush of cold air. Jalynn walks across the bowl and enters the lower caverns. Brendan looks back at all of the dragons before following the other harpers. Brendan walks across the bowl and enters the lower caverns. Meli walks across the bowl and enters the lower caverns. You walk across the bowl and enter the lower caverns. Rhyana goes off into a corner with Thenna, and starts talking quietly. Shayna forgets something and runs back out. Shayna heads out the cavernous entrance to the bowl. Brendan makes his way over to stand with the rest of the Harpers, ready should they need him. Jerethan grins to Channie and T'yn. "As I said... I'm so proud of you two, and of Kemith, and of Adroth. It almost feels as good as if I were graduating... better, because I'm not as nervous as you certainly must be." Shirana tunes her lute on the rememberance of Uma's gitar notes, then offers pitches to the other Harpers. Aphrael comes in from the bowl. T'yn stops Brendan and says, "Glad you could come Brendan." he releases the harper and moves back to make room. He waves and smiles. Cavin walks out of the tunnel along the southeastern wall. Uma makes a gesture toward Brendan, "Go ahead, Brendan. Get your instrument, please?" Brendan smiles at T'yn. Jerethan blinks as he hears the notes, and excuses himself to stand withthe other Harpers, tuning the loosened strings quickly. Cavin comes in slowly, quite surprised by all the people present. Brendan nods and fetches his harp from the clutch of instruments, quietly running thriough an excersice for a quick check on the pitch. F'ren comes in from the bowl. T'yn moves beside his friends and turns to listen. Ellia slips over to join the clutch of harpers. F'ren grins as he enters, looking very happy. Anise sits quietly in one corner, sipping juice and watching the ex-weyrlings with those same sadness-shadowed eyes. Uma turns as Jerethan whispers something to her, then grins and nods, "Sure. I'm certain they'd really love that." Channie whispers to a drudge who scurries off. Kassima wanders over to where Channie is and grins at her friend. "Aph, Meli, and I picked up something for you... kind of a token of friendship, y'know, and to commemorate the occasion and all...." She glances over to Aph and Meli as she fiddles with the wrapping on the bundle she's been carrying around. L'ton walks over to Anise to lean over and say something quietly to her. F'ren spots Anise and walks over with a smile. "Ya gotta let 'em go, Anise." Eleos comes in from the bowl. Uma smiles to Shirana, remarking quietly, "You want to go first, love?" Aladis comes in from the bowl. Shirana smiles and steps forward. "Harper Hall's duty to Fort Weyr, and the new Riders. I'll take this chance to remind you all of something you don't need to be reminded of, I'm sure. Rhyana rolls over and curls up next to Kessith, her head nestled near one of his front legs. Meli calls to Aladis. "Perfect timin'!" and waves her over. She begins the song with a bold chord, and starts singing in a Dragon's hollow voice, at once bold and demanding. F'ren turns to listen to the Harpers. Brendan nods to Uma that he is ready, and then smiles over at Jerethan. "I know where my weyr is at," The Bold Brown dragon sighed. "And thirsty is how I appear From such a trying ride." Anise nods in reply to F'ren and listens to L'ton's voice. Ellia grins at the beginning of the song. The Vintner looked askance at him And rolled his eyes and cried, "A Drunken Dragon? Not by me! My wine you'll be denied!" F'ren chuckles as he hears the first strains of the familiar song. L'ton mutters to Anise, "... and... apologies... not working... will do my..." Now, she turns her voice to a cajoling tone... "Oh, Vintner, said the dragon bold, "You've such a lovely brew And Barrels you have brought to us, Sure, you can spare a few? And even though you say you won't, I would if I were you! So let me have a cask or so? I'll share with my rider, too! Aladis enters with a somewhat dazed expression on her face, running a hand through her curly hair. She snaps off salutes to the riders and sidles over toward her friends. Kassima waves over to Aladis. "Great timing," she calls with a smile, still fighting with the wrapping on her package. "Darn it, you. Open!" Uma grins at Shirana's choice, and lets her own gitar support the other harper's melody with an unassuming bass counterpoint. With the next verse, her voice rises from a confidential aside to a confident boast... "Since I was just a Dragonet I've always held my wine And even have been known to drink A bit before I dine... But surely, Vintner, you would not Withold your drink divine? For I know where my weyr is and I shall get home just fine!" T'yn mouth opens and then closs as he listens. He grins. Her lute takes the melody for a verse, traversing the ground from triumphant success to unsteady wobble, and She takes up the next verse with a wheedling tone. "Do you know where my weyr is at?" The Dragon asked the wherry. "I don't, and wouldn't tell you If I did; because you're very Drunk, you disreputable and Sadly lacking, scarey Misplaced, sotted, losted Misbegotten Dragon-berry!" Aphrael smiles as she spots Aladis, waving over to her, one eye watching the harpers still. Anise graps L'ton's hand and drags the bluerider down next to her so that she can talk with him, "Don't you ever think that you had anything to do with E'kir's death. Thread is the worst enemy because it's capricious. There was no way that anything either of us could have done would have anything to do with his dying or not. The wind just blew the wrong way." Now, her voice turns whiney, full of self-pity and despair. "I used to know where were my weyr I used to know it fine. I think I erred upon the side Of confidence in wine. And now, in circles I am stuck Above the world flyin' I wonder where my warm ledge is And if my Rider's cryin'? Jerethan can't resist giggling at the song, even though he's heard it before, as he plays a simple, supporting bass-line on his own gitar. Her voice takes on a tone of draconic repentance, laced with weariness and sad hopelessness "Do you know where my weyr has gone? I haven't got a clue. And if I could but get there now I'd gladly share with you The Benefits of my advice To always keep in mind That when you don't know where's your weyr, It's awful hard to find!" Shirana lets Uma and Jerethan handle the accompaniement, and just sings. Ch'ran chuckles to himself. Anise gives L'ton an ernest and intension look, "Understand?" L'ton mutters to Anise, "... spend enough time... between... Tasorth... I... from... betweening... Boll without a... I'd spent... time... E'kir... too. But I... thought." The chords become simple, and her voice takes a sound of deep, warm love, and abiding security "I know where your weyr is at" The dragon rider's thought Rose gently up upon the wind And home, his life-mate brought. "Now stay you here, beside my side, Of drink, forsake the lot. And you'll know where your weyr will be Right here, where I wait patiently And nevermore you'll have to be A drunken Dragon sot! She ends the song simply, with a final iteration of the melody of the last drunklines, and holds the last chord for a long moment before releasing the strings and muting them with her right hand. L'ton nods to Anise, "Understood. G'eve, ma'am, and thank you." Shayna comes in from the bowl. Anise pulls at L'ton, "Don't go yet. Sit with me for awhile and try to be happy. I need someone that understands what I'm going through and you're the closest I've got right now." Uma laughs! her own fingers stilling as the song comes to its end. Jerethan grins, and finishes up with the last chord, coming to rest simultaneously with the Journeyman. T'yn smiles and applaudes. L'ton nods and settles in beside Anise, filling a pair of glasses with a rich red wine. Uma gives Shirana an appreciative look, leaning close. Then, teasingly, "Shipfish?" Meli grins at Kassi. "Got tha' package open yet?" Anise looks at the wine that L'ton offers her and looks over at F'ren before refusing it, "I better not, L'ton. I'll stick with the juice." Aladis chuckles as she applauds, moving through the crowd toward Anise and L'ton. Smiling somewhat sheepishly, she murmurs, "I'm sorry I was late, but Asabeth...has been a bit difficult." Shirana straightens from her bow, then turns halfway to Uma, and mouths, sotto voce, "You wouldn't." Kassima laughs as she hears the end of the song, having finally gotten the stubborn bundle unwrapped. She smiles at Channie and Aladis. "Like I was saying, Aph, Meli, and I got these tokens of our esteem for you...." She places the gifts on the table before her. You carefully set the elegant Brown goblet down. F'ren laughs and claps as he moves away from Anise. "What's this about Shipfish?" he says to the Harpers. You carefully set the elegant Green goblet down. L'ton nods to Aladis and moves Anise's wineglass over to join his own, picking up the first. Ellia applauds the end of the song, grinning to herself. Jalynn applauds at the end of the song, smiling softly. Shayna wanders back inside, catching the end of the song. She slides into a seat, her glance frequently coming to rest on the sparkling object on her finger. Anise looks up at Aladis, "That's alright, belive me I understand the difficulties that come with riding a green." She moves closer to L'ton, leaning against the other bluerider. Channie smiles and blinks as she looks at the goblet, "Oh!" she cuts through the room and looks at the gifts, "Oh Kassi!" Eleos smiles and claps, "Well done, harpers." Uma smiles, all innocence, "I wouldn't?" She leans back in her chair, tossing a grin to F'ren. "Shirana has this -lovely- song, Weyrleader. 'Shipfish' is it's title..." she calls out. Channie carefully picks up the softly colored Brown goblet. Shirana's cheeks redden. Channie smiles and beams as she looks at the glass, "Ohhhh! How wonderful this is!" F'ren grins. "Oh, lets hear it. Just so long as its not about that time I was made to help kidnap the MasterHarper to Shipfish Island when I was still a Weyrling." Brendan tries discreetly to catch Channie's eye to wave to her. Aladis blinks as she turns to Kassima, then looks at the goblet. "It's...lovely. I don't know what to say," she murmurs as she picks up the creation. Cradling it in her hand, she bends to give Kassima a bit hug. "Thank you!" Channie looks up and waves to Brendan, "hi!!!" Cavin edges his way through the merriment, headed out to the bowl. Aladis carefully picks up the softly colored Green goblet. Brendan smiles and gives the thumbs up signal to Channie. Shayna grins over at Shirana, calling out, "Let's hear it, Shirana!" Kassima smiles. "We ordered them from Jaconda--you remember her--and Margret, of Smithcraft. I hope they're all right." She hugs Aladis back and beams. "Meli and Aph had something to do with them too," she notes, nodding to her friends. Uma laughs, shaking her head, "Oh, no..." She glances toward Shirana, looking slightly repentant as she notes the other harper's heightened color. "It's sort of like one of the Teaching Songs, really." Her voice lowers, "You know I love that song, Shira." T'yn moves through the crowd sand smiles as he nears Brendan. "So you did make it!" he beams happily. L'ton leans closer to Anise, "Do you remember a few turns back, the night K'ri and I were weyrmated? She hauled me off to Shipfish Island and gave me the facts of life.." Meli smiles, watching the new riders. "Congratulations." One of the drudges makes sure that Rathenna goes home. Shirana sighs, adding a touch of melodramatic overacting. "Nay, WeyrLeader, it is not your embarassment, but my own. I wrote this," And she pauses. "I wrote this when I had only nine turns, and I should be forgiven for it. But for Uma's sake..." Channie nods, "I know Jaconda very well!" she touches the goblet carefully with her fingers. Anise giggles at L'ton, "You mean before K'ri weyrmated you, you'd never?" Cavin glances back as he vanishes, looking for somebody but not taking much time. Uma beams! Cavin heads out the cavernous entrance to the bowl. Shirana looks to Uma, her features softening a bit. Channie smiles to Meli, "Thank you!" L'ton grins, "Well.." F'ren grins at Shirana. "Oh, then I do have to hear this one." Aladis peers a long moment at the goblet. "I've never seen something so lovely." She smiles, looking up to Meli and Aph. "This is great. Now we can actually drink wine in them." She winks, "Or some of that other stuff you talked about." Anise raises an eyebrow at L'ton, "Well had you or hadn't you?" T'yn turns to listen. Shayna turns to focus on Shirana, listening to the song with a smile. L'ton smiles at Anise, "Let's just say it was a novel evening and leave it at that, shall we?" Anise leans closer to L'ton and asks him another question. Kassima gestures to Aph. "And I believe we have something for you to put in them as well," she notes, grinning mischievously at her friend. Aphrael clears her throat, "Oh yeah. "She brings forward the bad she's been carting around all day and sets it down near Channie. "Just a little something for you and your fellow weyrlings to share.." L'ton nods to Anise, lifting more wine to his lips. Channie grins from Aphrael, to the bag, then peeks inside, "Really? what's it?" Aladis giggles at Kassima, then watches Aphrael. "What's that?" she asks quietly. Kassima mutters to Aphrael, "Make sure to... them that... to... we don't... home." You whisper "Make sure to give them that one flask. Just to be sure we don't accidentally carry it back home." to Aphrael. Anise bites her lip for a moment and then says, "Well, someday I may have to rectify that, that lack of diversity in your life." Aphrael grins, "Take a look, Nie." She glances at Kassi and nods. "don't worry I did." She winks. Kassima grins. "Something we picked up at Benden Hold the other day...." Shirana repeats the last two lines on her lute and ends with a short chord and a thump as she mutes her courses. She manages to redden another three shades in the process. Eleos catches a bit of Anise and L'ton's conversation and chuckles, looking for some ale. Channie blinks as she counts the bottols in the bag, "Heeh heeh!" she grins, "Oh wait, what's this one?" she pulls out the bottle of Tillek from the others. Uma smiles happily, then murmurs to Shirana, "Thank you, sweetling, for indulging me." She gives the woman an impulsive hug, gitar thudding lightly against her hip as it hangs on its shoulder strap. Turning, she calls out to the Weyrleader, "See! It's simple, but sweet." Singhe arrives quietly and unobtrusively. Shayna slips out of the living cavern, murmuring something about a friend waiting outside. Shayna heads out the cavernous entrance to the bowl. Aladis nudges Channie, winking to her. "Mind if I try some of that?" L'ton raises a little toast to the bluerider on his shoulder. "You're a good friend, Anise." Singhe stands at the back of the crowd, shifting the weight of his gitar case on his back. Kassima smiles. "It's wine. A bit heavier-tasting than the rest, for some variety." Aphrael glances down at the bottle and blinks. "Oh, that was just an extra one we put in. The Benden Red is good stuff though." Ianni stands, smiling at the pleasure of the others, and wanders out. Brendan waves to Master Singhe! Ianni heads out the cavernous entrance to the bowl. Channie smiles to Aladis and then giggles, "I'd be happy to share it with you. But there is Benden red here too! What woul dyou rather have?" Uma glances over toward the cavern entrance, after speaking quietly with her fellow harpers for a moment. Noticing Singhe, she smiles and gestures him over. T'yn moves through the crowd to come up near Channie and Aladis. He smiles and peers over to watch. Anise turns her head and brushes her lips against L'ton's cheek, "And I'll always be your friend L'ton, probably even a better one now that I don't have to worry about teaching you things." She chuckles, "Unless, of course, you'd like me to teach you some things." Jerethan inclines his head to the Master as he enters, then returns his attention to Uma. Aladis winks at Channie, "First one and then the other?" A couple drudges come in, dragging a heavy trunk with them. They set it down with a heavy *THUNK* Channie dropped Stately trunk. Singhe nods greeting to his fellow harpers and makes his way over to them unobtrusively. L'ton grins, "Learning is a part of life, but I'm keeping you from the Lord Holder." Brendan begins to play some soft background music, mostly old folk tunes, while people are milling about, talking. F'ren grins at Uma. "A very nice song, yep." Shirana greets Singhe with what might just be relief. T'yn cates Brendans eyes and smiles. Eleos waves to Singhe. Channie grins to Aladis, "Alright, this one first then!" she smiles and fills Aladis' goblet up. F'ren moves over to speak with Eleos, "Lord Holder, do you think you'd have some time in a few sevenday to come here to the Weyr for a dinner and meeting with Vivian and I? We'd like to talk about how we might expand our work together, Weyr and Hold." Anise looks back at L'ton and giggles, "You think so? I'm sure he's got women everywhere fawning all over him. After all if you catch him in the right mood you might end up a Lady Holder." She leans against the rider's shoulder again, "Besides, I like getting to know you better." Aphrael grins at the former weyrlings. "Enjoy that. We must be headed off ourselves." She glances to Kassi and Meli. Aladis's eyes are perhaps a bit brighter than usual as she lifts her glass to Channie. "To graduation and to our teachers?" Ch'ran waves his sister over. "C'mere, you," he grins. "I got a Turnday present for you. Brendan looks down at the harpstrings, keeping the music gentle and sweet with a few embellishments, like light sparkling on a mountain's stream, or the light in a joyous dragon's eyes. L'ton waves to Aphrael, "I'll come visit soon." Channie carefully holds up the new goblet her friends gave her, "To graduation, and our teachers!" she agrees. Ellia blinks and stands, slipping over to join her brother. "You what?" Brendan looks up at Uma with a smile, not missing a beat. Aphrael winks over at L'ton, "You'd better," she murmers, "Clear skies." F'ren blinks and glances out towards the bowl. Kassima nods. "Aye, I'm afraid we must." She stands up and waves to everyone. "Benden's duty, all, and clear skies. Enjoy the wine," she adds, directing that last to Channie and Aladis with a friendly wink. Uma winks to Brenden approvingly, then murmurs something to Jerethan, prodding the boy forward slightly, encouragingly. Shandra comes in from the bowl. Aladis takes a drink from her glass and then leans over to murmur something to Channie. Seeing that the Benden riders are departing, she smiles and waves. "See you later." T'yn waves to Kassima and Aphrael. Matthies comes in from the bowl. Channie frowns a bit and moves to give the Benden riders hugs and such, "Thank you all for coming!" Meli collects her things with a nod before heading out to the bowl. Meli heads out the cavernous entrance to the bowl. Aphrael heads out the cavernous entrance to the bowl. Matthies says "hi" Ch'ran grabs something furry from somewhere inside his jacket and dumps it unceremoniously into his sister's arms. "Her name is Flame Dart." he grins. Kassima smiles. "Welcome, brownrider. We'll see y'all at a later date." You head outside to the bowl.