
Life Begins At Forty

Date:  September 6, 2001
Places:  Telgar Weyr's Star Stones, Southern Bowl, and Living Cavern
Game:  PernMUSH
Copyright Info:  The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey 
l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.


Kassi's Note:  Neither Kassi nor I deserve the friends we have in some
of the people of Telgar. :)  This RP was a surprise for me--I'd noticed
that it was Kassima's fortieth Turnday, but hadn't really expected
anyone else to know; I figured she'd sneak off to some bar and get 
drunk in an attempt to forget that some people would say she's Over the 
Hill from now on. ;)  But instead, I'sai summoned her via Taralyth and
Lysseth down to the Living Cavern, where a nefarious plot lay in 
wait....  My eternal, heartfelt thanks and appreciation go to I'sai, 
Talisha, Shawnah, and Zaidra for the gift of a truly wonderful, 
memorable evening, to K'ti for her hand in I'sai's beautiful present,
and to the helpless victims who got caught up in the melee of half-naked 
men and alcoholic cake for staying around to play rather than screaming 
and running for their lives. ;)


The Log:

Dragon> Lysseth senses that Taralyth fairly twinkles with ill-repressed
delight: << Lysseth... O Lysseth! >>

Lysseth> Taralyth senses that Lysseth's attention is caught quickly by that
twinkle--O say can you see; O captain, my captain--O but for a muse of
fire! << You call me, O Taralyth? >>

Dragon> Lysseth senses that Taralyth does; he does indeed; and, touched to
rider's tenor timbre, << You are requested to bring your rider to the -main
cavern-. >> More sparks. More twinkling.

Lysseth> Taralyth senses that Lysseth takes this in; twinkle, twinkle,
little star.... << It is well, >> she reports in the space of a moment, her
own contralto lent momentary echo by rider's puzzlement; << She had been
intending to find yours anyway--but she does bid me ask, should she be
afraid? >> Should she send some hapless lackey to walk into the Cavern
ahead of her, so that he takes the full force of whatever lethal traps have
been set?

You place one hand on Lysseth's neck and she warbles down at you fondly.
You grin and scratch her eyeridges once before climbing up onto her lower
neckridges, using the riding straps and Lysseth's thoughtfully offered

<*> Lysseth spreads her wings to their full extent, bringing them down with
a rush of wind as she leaps nimbly into the air.

You spring off the edge of the Star Stones, soaring up over the bowl.

You fly downwards towards the bowl.

Dragon> Lysseth senses that Taralyth can be prim: see, see? << She told him
that -he- should be afraid, >> and isn't her rider to be believed?

<*> Lysseth spirals down, down, down from her star-watching perch, wings
caressing the darkness and abandoning it only reluctantly for the touch of
earth; and Kassima, she's quick to dismount. Muttering. Muttering things
about strange bronzeriders and lethal traps, no less.

You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles,
cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully.

Lysseth> Taralyth senses that Lysseth does see! Shall she be prim back to
him, all pursed thought and stuffy brain? << Ye-e-es, >> plays out,
feather-light and wisped as fine, << but getting revenge *beforehand*...
that's a greenrider's prerogative! >>

You walk past the lintel and into the wide living cavern.

Pierron humphs thoughtfully as the Wingleader of Thunderbolt arrives.

Nervy humor lightens I'sai's stride, for all that he's swinging quite the
burlap sack by one hand: by its contours, though, at least it's not

Dragon> Lysseth senses that Taralyth whispers light agreement; for she's
brought her, after all, she has she has.

Talisha waddles--oh dear, /waddles/--into the cavern, hands resting on her
rather -hugely- pregnant stomach. "Mmph. Evening." She casts a slight smile
toward Reiden, scuffling her way across and toward the serving table,
reaching for some of those sugary-sweet pastries. Behind her, close behind,
a rather dashing young Rider hovers, decked out in a full length cloak of

Kassima does not, for once, pay much attention at all to Pierron's
greeting. No. She's busy being stealthy and suspicious and other such words
beginning with S, creeping into the Cavern as much as boot soles allow...
and shifting to a fuller if still wary walk only once no flaming darts
explode from the walls. "You don't get t'kill me until *after* I give you
your gift," she accuses I'sai immediately upon seeing the sack; then,
"G'deve, Tali, everyone. Faranth's fecund kidneys doing a scandalous Istan
dance, but haven't you spawned that child yet?"

Zaidra walks in from the bowl.

Shawnah walks here from the Inner Cavern.

Zaidra wanders into the room, pausing to salute and greet all the riders,
and offer a friendly wave to Reiden.

I'sai sends a wink to his onetime wingmate - and her escort gets a
brief-sketched bow; "Gift? Gift?" he says, contriving primness -just- for
the occasion. "After it is... 'lo, Sha-naw-nah. Was I slow? Sorry."

Lysseth> Taralyth senses that Lysseth concurs: she brought her, just for
him and for his; perhaps this is the green's gift, delivering up her rider
into the claws of the bronze pair of the shadow of death?

Dragon> Lysseth senses that Taralyth murmurs something about out of the
mouth of... the Eye Rock, anyway; << Such remarkably -pleasant- gifts,
Lysseth. >>

Reiden realizes after a moment that he's no longer alone. He gives a small
wave back in the direction of Talisha and Zaidra when they notice him. He
peers into his mug, noting the the lack of klah. He stands and makes his
way towards the klah pots.

"Not yet..any time now." Talisha replies to Kassima with a briefly amused
smile, half-turning to glance across at the greenrider. "K'ryn's hanging
around just waiting for it to 'pop'. Somehow I don't think it'll /pop/."
Brows raise in good humour, and then she's waving at I'sai, and trying to
shoo the black-cloaked Rider over to a table with her. "Hi Zai, Shawnah."

Kassima bobs her head--warily, still warily--to the Man In Black as well,
not to mention the strange stranger... oh, yes, and Shawnah and Zaidra too!
She's going to turn into a Pernese variant on those head-bobbing dashboard
ornaments if she isn't careful. "G'deve, g'deve, g'deve," she calls before
making a face at the bronzerider. "Belated. I know, I know--but 'twas that
or give it to you half-done."

Shawnah walks into the living cavern, hands behind her back, a kind of
nervous smile etched to her face. A look is sent toward I'sai, along with a
quirked brow. "Heya Is." she greets. Another quirked brow is sent toward
Talisha, and then behind to the rider with her before she beams a real
smile. "Heya everyone else, too." a looks is darted toward the kitchen
before she makes her way to a seat.

Kassima adds, then, always the helpful one, "Nay, 'twill nay pop. More of a
squelching, accompanied by screams, and... well, I suppose your legs do
*sort* of pop when they disjoint, but you're nay really paying enough
attention t'*hear* at that juncture, so...."

Telgar Weyr> Talisha laughs! I can just imagine little
Kassi-bobbing-thingys in the backs of cars all around the world.

Telgar Weyr> Shawnah says, "That... is Scary. ;)"

Telgar Weyr> Kassima is going to get one for the forest-green sportscar
she'll drive someday, ayep. ;)

"So you're still here, Reiden - like the cooking?" I'sai asks, pleased, as
a few more Skyfire riders filter in... and Sunstrike, and Shadowflame, and
would the greenrider's own wing leave her unattended; "Half-done,
half-baked, something like..." he trails off, seeing -Shawnah's-

Lysseth> Taralyth senses that Lysseth's response is breezy, breeze through
that rock to make it sing: << I do try, Taralyth--at least for you. >>

Zaidra wrinkles her nose slightly at Kassima's
rather...specific...description, and greets Shawnah with a murmured,
"Evening Headwoman Shawnah-ma'am" before slipping into a seat near her.

Dragon> Lysseth senses that Taralyth, at -that-, curls tail 'round all the
way to muzzle, and simply radiates smugness.

Talisha just stares at Kassima-the-evil-head-bobbing-dashboard ornament,
green eyes going wider, and wider, until they couldn't possibly -get- any
more round. "I don't want to hear, I don't want to know.." Hands go up to
cover her ears momentarily, least she be hit by more tales of squelching
bone-popping baby birthing, and she drops into a seat, stealing a glance to
the black-coated Rider. Black-cloak gives Kassima a /look/. A look which
involves much glancing up-and-down, and back again, before he leans in to
murmur to Tali.

Reiden pauses for a brief moment to regard I'sai. "Aye," He answers,
filling up his mug. "the food's really good." He smiles slightly at that,
tasting his klah just a tiny bit before adding a small amount of sweetner.
As an afterthought, he gathers up a few meatrolls as well.

Kassima takes in this growing assemblage with great suspicion indeed. "If'n
there's a lynch mob coming," she hisses to the so-pleased one, "'twill be
very disappointed; that's *bluerider* style... I don't know you, do I?" she
asks Reiden then, eyes flicking towards him. "That might make you safe. Try
the spiderclaws if'n you get the chance." Culinary advice dispensed, she's
free to go a-rummaging through her satchel, though not without a long look
back at Darth Rider over there.

Lysseth> Taralyth senses that Lysseth's laughter takes the form of crystal
pinging in the light of dawn, and her mind paints him in an indulgent
shimmer of diamond-dust: smugness suits him, and perhaps he should be smug
more often.

Shawnah blinks innocently at Kassima. Perhaps a little /too/ innocently.
"Lynch mob? Why would we.. they.. need one of those?" another look is sent
toward the kitchen, and then a beam is sent toward Reiden, "Heya.. how're
you liking the Weyr?"

I'sai lets his eyes hood in a slow, thoughtful smile; and says nothing to
Kassima but, "Thank you." To Reiden, "That's good." To Shawnah once she's
done replying, and he's eased closer, a whisper: "... done? ... ready ...
in hand."

Reiden shakes his head at Kassima's question. "No, I don't think we've met.
Spiderclaws? I'll make sure to try them." He says, carefully trying to
balance his load of klah and meatrolls. "My name's Reiden." He says, he
starts to extend a hand in greeting before realizing that the meatrolls
would go tumbling to the floor. To Shawnah, he smiles. "I'm liking it alot,

Darth Rider, after much whispering-conversation with Talisha, gets up and
strolls in all nonchalance to the serving table, pouring a drink for
himself. There he stays, one hand resting against a hip - a hip which can
be seen covered in shiny black, and watches. "There's no mob." Tali just
grins, looking altogether *too* pleased for some reason. "How's little
Kisai, Kassima?"

Shawnah bites her lip, shaking her head as I'sai asks his question, then
chuckles and leans forward to give farther explaination, She mutters to
I'sai, "/Tell/ me... it... And..... baker... signal... it should... few..." 

Kassima casts a worried look back at Shawnah. A very worried look. "I knew
that grape thing would come back t'haunt me someday," she mutters under her
breath, giving up the rummaging as a bad job for the moment in favor of
keeping her cautious eyes on the Cavern proper. "Kassima," she returns to
Reiden, flashing a quick smile to him and tapping her collarbone. "Or
Kassi. The woman who's always followed around by this green thing that's
occasionally useful and insists everyone call it Lysseth. Well met." And if
she grins at the near-plight of the meatrolls, well.... "Have I mentioned
lately that you all scare me? Um. She's quite well. Learning the finer arts
of tormenting her mother, thanks be t'her father, the perpetual sadist."

Telgar Weyr> Kassima has to say, these repeated references to the Baker
Signal are giving her a mental image of a round ball of light with the
silhouette of a pie in it suddenly appearing in the sky. ;)

Telgar Weyr> Shawnah giggles!

Telgar Weyr> Kassima abandons that line of thought before she finds herself
writing a script for The Adventures of Batterman and Muffin, however. ;)

Telgar Weyr> Zaidra says, "But but then we could have the line, "Holy
Canole, Batterman!""

"Mmmm. 'Have I mentioned lately' ... marvelous ... are you? Timbril's ..."
murmurs I'sai, still sotto voce. Then, bright as anything, "Talisha,
Zaidra, how should we start?" Maisie, eyeing Darth Rider, just giggles: all
fifty-three Turns of _her_.

Telgar Weyr> I'sai groans!

Telgar Weyr> Shawnah says, "Okay.. am I going to have to get out the
pun-beating fish? ;)"

Telgar Weyr> Kassima hees! Hmm, and there'd be new villains. Mr. Freezer
Burn, Cakewoman....

"If'n I may make a suggestion, 'Nay lynching the greenrider' sounds like a
good place t'begin, regardless of what one's beginning," Kassi recommends
hopefully. In the meanwhile, she darts glances towards the Cavern's other
occupants, perhaps trying to see whether anyone else is as clueless as she.

Meanwhile, H'var runs a hand through his cropped hair, shakes his head, and
makes his way through the growing crowd to Reiden's side: "Kassima...
Turnday ... _extra_-special... gambling."

Zaidra looks toward Kassima, "They already told you...no lynch mob...not
tonight anyway..."

Shawnah colors slightly, and answers I'sai, not in a mutter this time,
"Quite honestly.. yes.. but, eh." and then her gaze darts to Kassi, "Ah..
so it /was/ you wo tried to kill me with the grapes.." her eyes flash with
some unreadable emotion.. and then she sending poor Reiden an appologetic

Talisha dimples a little grin at Kassima, head canting to the side, "She
is? Oh I'sai, your so bad." She's still holding onto those sweetrolls, so
after a quick bob of her head in I'sai and Shawnah's vague direction, she
waves one of the sugary things at Darth Rider over -there-, and sinks down
lower in her seat. "Start with him?" Tali suggests, innocent as ever, all
bright smiles and halo hovering above her head. Black-cloak man of course,
struts up toward Kassima. Jauntily.

I'sai mentions with some seriousness, "Bet she might help - or, I don't
know, if you want an ear sometime," for all that it's near-silent; it's
only afterward that he hastily draws himself up to sit, with sack, on
Thunderbolt's table: the better to suggest to Kassi, "Since Zaidra's quite
right, how about tomorrow instead?" Talisha? She gets a smile equally
bright, and then he draws up his knees, too, the better to watch the show.

Kassima observes darkly, "But they *would* say that, wouldn't they?
--A'course, that could be truth. There are ways and ways and nay all of 'em
involve rope," and there's a line just begging to be taken out of context,
really. "Me? You? Oh, nay, Shawnah, certes nay. That was... A'ser." Who's
safely not here. "I meant another incident involving grapes entirely. Um."
This last would be the greenrider's immediate reaction to Darth Jaunty and
his Strut of Leather-Cladness. Dutifully, Kassi repeats, "Lynching
tomorrow. Got it. I'll make a note on m'schedule."

Reiden smiles and nods quickly to Kassima. "Well met, Kassima." He quickly
drops off his food at a nearby table before his meatroll balancing act goes
bad. He nods as things are somewhat explained to him. "So that's what all
the excitement is about then." He chuckles quietly as if everything makes
sense now.

I'sai flashes yet another smile Kassi's way, the better to not - quite -
watch the show. He mutters to Zaidra, "... up?... late, I know... I've...

The strange man in black continues on his jaunty-bounce-stepping way toward
Kassima, one leather gloved hand still splayed against a hip, the other
lifted to rake fingers through his cropped black hair. "Are you Kassima?"
He asks in a deep, breathy voice, eyes alight with humour - lips twisted in
a grin. Dropping back a step he waits for her name, one brow quirked, as he
informs her, "I'm V'der, Rider of blue Darth.." And then, /then/ he whips
back one side of the long black jacket, revealing a rather shameful attire
of shiny black leather ribbon ties all that hold it to the man's body.

Zaidra flicks her eyes over to The Cloaked One briefly, then softly answers
I'sai, She mutters to I'sai, "... sir,... this... the... P'me swapped my
dawn... for... duty... So... some." 

Telgar Weyr> Kassima... just... dies.

"Glad to ... poor P'me," and then I'sai breaks off.

Telgar Weyr> Shawnah cracks up!!

Telgar Weyr> Talisha makes sure everybody knows this /wasn't/ her idea.

Telgar Weyr> I'sai cheers Talisha on. O:)

Poor Kassi. Unwise Kassi. For all her worry, she doesn't do the sane thing
when asked about her name and deny it; no, she *nods*. Silly girl. "'Twas
last time I checked--" And at this point she'd normally nod in friendly
fashion and say well met and all, but, well, see, that *leather*... and
those *ribbons*... and she's just going to stare instead, if that's quite
all right. "...Oh, my."

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "You people are evil, I tell you! Evil!

Talisha shrinks down into her seat all the more--as much as a hugely
pregnant woman can shrink anyhow--and watches from behind her hair, the
better to hide herself you see. And after a moment, she'll whistle, then
peek around innocently. That wasn't her, nope.

Telgar Weyr> I'sai says, "He's even a -fashionable- stripper."

Telgar Weyr> Talisha bats her lashes. We get lessons from you, Kassi.

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Y'know, for revenge, I should have Kassi get a
copy of that outfit to wear next time she's proddy. ;) Awww, how sweet of
you to say! I think. ;)"

Shawnah just boggles. Yes, boggles. Oh, and looks completely innocent
herself.. yep.

I'sai marvels with a straight face - relatively - "Just imagine how long it
must've taken to tie that -on-."

Even though the world more or less made sense just a few moments ago, you
couldn't tell by the look on Reiden's face. He blinks a few times before he
becomes extremely intent on studying his food. Some things are perhaps
better left ignored...

V'der, dashingly handsome man that he is, flashes Kassima a mouthful of
glaringly white teeth, a pair of dimples digging ditches deep into his
tanned cheeks. "Then Kassima, my dear Lady, this.." And here his brows lift
seductively, the man moving his torso in a way /no man/ should be able to
move, as he strips himself of the jacket, of the gloves, "Is for /you/." A
quick turn, boot heel scraping against the floor - and suddenly music
starts up from a corner of the cavern, a trio of pipe players starting up a
jaunty little tune.

Telgar Weyr> Shawnah ... can't... stop... laughing!

Zaidra is at once rivetted, and then repelled, turning to I'sai and
whispering, She mutters to I'sai, "... to... stuff..." 

"I want that outfit in pink." Talisha states, trying hard to keep a
straight face - lips curving, just enough to betray a grin. "Maybe with a
few feathers on it."

Kassima probably knows how Reiden feels. She has that poleaxed chicken
expression that at least one person always ends up wearing at moments like
these. Maybe she was struck blind by the teeth? "..." she says--or, rather,
doesn't--as she more or less falls into her chair. Still staring. "...Next
Turn," she finds the mind to aside to I'sai, "I'll get you one t'match, so
you can see for *yourself*." All without looking away from the most, err,
interesting spectacle, you understand.

"Well, he'll not..." I'sai pauses in watching Kassima's reaction - and the
others' - to make a sufficiently vague gesture in the air; he adds, "...
Ymedath ... troubled?" Pink. Feathers. "You do that, Talisha, Kassi. But no

Shawnah's mouth gapes open, a fierce blush appearing in her face as her
holder-bred side shows itself. She can't help but stare though, even as
that blush spreads to her neck. And then another apologetic glance is sent
Reiden's way. The fight to be Headwoman or Imp at this moment is going
quite strong, it seems. A wide grin is shot toward Talisha though, and then
another glance darted toward the kitchen.

"Don't speak.." V'der murmurs to Kassima, breathy-voice dropping into even
more husky tones. The man turns more, sending a come-hither glance over his
shoulder to the greenrider, before he tosses his head back, moving his
torso - this side, that side - and then he spins, and leaps up onto the
table closest to Kassi, boots making a loud stomping noise. The
pipe-playing trio switch tunes, this one fast, upbeat, and the man executes
a series of winding moves, all while making sure the ribbon-lacings on his
pants loosen *just* enough.

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Talisha, you are *Satan*. ;)"

Telgar Weyr> Talisha grins. Hey, it could be worse. O:)

Telgar Weyr> Shawnah says, ".... I think I'm about to wake up the whole
house.. ;)"

Reiden risks a few quick glances up the the continuing spectacle, taking
long hard sips of klah.

"...." Kassi can manage the don't speak part just fine. Really. Okay, so
she does manage a, "Gleep," but that surely doesn't count as real speech.
What, oh, what is an innocent greenrider to do in a situation so far
outside her realm of experience? Especially with her present Wingmates
looking *entirely* too entertained by this spectacle, even going so far as
to clap in time with the music? The only thing she can do. Find a
thirty-second in her belt-pouch and see, out of sheer morbid curiousity,
whether she can't toss it so that it falls in those loosened pants.

Talisha's just here for the food, really. She sits there munching away on
the sugary sweetrolls, gaze flicking between poor Kassima, and the
dancing-man in leather. "She's speechless!" This it seems, amuses her no end.

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "'When all else fails, toss marks down
somebody's pants.' There's something to write on the Lava Lounge wall the
next time I go. ;)"

<Weavers> Syeara says, "A 32nd? Surely he's worth more than a 32nd Kassi? :)"

<Weavers> Kassima says, "Kassi's stingy, though! Unless it's a matter of
revenge. ;)"

Telgar Weyr> Shawnah heard the Wall was broken!

Telgar Weyr> I'sai says, "It got fixed with wall #4. Unless it's broken
really recently?"

Zaidra watches, fascinated, intrigued. A quick shake of her head sets her
curls bobbing, but also answers the Assistant Weyrlingmaster's murmured query.

Shawnah is biting her lip now, eyes misty with the laughter she's holding
in. And the gaping.. oh the gaping! At last managing to tear her eyes away,
she looks over to Reiden, "Oh.." choke, cough. "I'm sorry, really I am!"

"And spending -marks-," I'sai murmurs, once he's confirmed with Zaidra;
half-hissed, "Anyone see the denomination? I missed it."

V'der shakes his groove-thing up with a few bouncing steps, wiggling his
leather-covered tush at Kassima as if to acept that mark -there-. But no
no, at the last moment he turns, and drops onto the table on his stomach,
slip-sliding his way to one end, where he's greeted with the cheers of
people by now crowded around. Grinning, the man raises his brows - and
spins, facing the other way, and does it -again-, this time coming up
toward Kassima's end. The mark is caught in his hand, and with a rougish
wink, he tucks it into the front of those ever-loosening leather pants.
Getting up, V'der gives his hips a little wiggle-wiggle, and the shirt,
well that comes off.. and the pants? Oh those pants.. they drop. And he
jumps around suddenly, displaying a bright red: '4' on one cheek, and a '0'
on the other. It seems he's wearing nothing more than a pair of buttless
leather pants. Without the legs.

Telgar Weyr> Kassima falls right off her chair.

Telgar Weyr> I'sai says, "...Tell me that's Thunderbolt's table. ;)"

Telgar Weyr> Shawnah DIES!

Telgar Weyr> Talisha looks innocent as always.

Chalis walks here from the Inner Cavern.

"Imagine P'me's face if he -did- see this," I'sai murmurs once he's caught
his breath and stopped looking quite _so_ worried - "...Y'know, we ought to
tell Mart it was Skyfire's, just to see him trying not to eat off it."

Telgar Weyr> Shawnah aies and has not the time to warn Chalis beofre it's
too late!

That *thunk* would be the distinct sound of Kassi's head hitting the
tabletop in front of her. However, the table's *other* occupants--which is
to say, her Wingmates--cheer fairly raucously, and one poor brownriding
woman swoons outright. "...Y'know," Kassi's voice drifts up, thus proving
that she hasn't actually passed out, "tomorrow, when I visit home, Mum is
going t'ask me, 'And did you do anything special for your Turnday at that
Weyr place, dear?' And I can just *see* me trying t'explain this whole
concept...." Though she does steal another peek at the bluerider. She can't
help it. It's like a Trader wagon wreck, only with less clothing and more
shaking involved.

Telgar Weyr> Chalis says, "Oh dear."

Telgar Weyr> Kassima loves you guys. She really does. No other Weyr could
possibly harbor such evil, evil people. ;)

Zaidra grins at I'sai's comments, murmuring back, "He'd faint, of
course...maybe they both would."

Telgar Weyr> Shawnah squeees at Kassi. ;)

V'der laps up the attention from the ladies--and the men alike, it has to
be said--as he continues shaking his tush around wildly, dipping down until
his bare-cheeked backside all but hits the table. right near Kassima's
head. "Then you tell your mum you met a dashing young man.." He breathes to
her, huskily, turning about so that those blazing numbers are displayed to
the cavern at large. Hips swivel a few times before he drops again, to
murmur, huskily-sweet, "And if you need somebody to warm you up tonight..."
And there he leaves the suggestion, both brows lifted to the greenrider as
he sits, or rather squats, at the end of her table.

Telgar Weyr> Talisha says, "Err.."

Telgar Weyr> Talisha says, "I'm so dumb *lol* You didn't say that ICly.
Take out what he said about her mum *pleeease* *begs*."

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "No, no, I did, no worries. ;)"

Telgar Weyr> Talisha says, "Oh you did? Oh good. Lol. I'm getting mixed up
as to whats on the knot, and what's not. *grin*."

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Mind you, when I next see my mother, it will
also be for my birthday, and I'm not going to try to explain this to her
*either*. ;)"

Telgar Weyr> Shawnah snerks!

Telgar Weyr> Talisha laughs. Whyever not? ;)

Telgar Weyr> Kassima doesn't think she'd take, "Hey, Mom, my character
turned forty the other week and her friends got her a very wiggly
stripper!" in stride, somehow. ;)

Chalis actually does take a couple of steps into the cavern. And when she
lifts her gaze to take a proper look around she actually does take an equal
number of steps backwards. And plants one hand firmly against the cavern
wall which she kind of shrinks towards.

Telgar Weyr> I'sai snickers.

Talisha just keeps right on staring at the bare-cheeked man, and those
numbers, and.. well, what those numbers are painted upon. "Why don't /I/
get a rider for /my/ turnday." She sniffs, crossing arms over her pregnant
belly. "Kassima gets all the luck."

"If we just -time- it right..." I'sai agrees, only to then mutter sotto
voce, "She didn't say he was going to do -that-." But a smile chases it;
and a, "...Think your brother'd like this?" once he spots the Southern

Shawnah does laugh now, her own cheeks - those on her face you people in
the gutter - blazing, bright red. "I almost feel silly about my surprise
now.." she murmers. And then, somehow, perhaps by some sixth sense, she
turns to see Chalis, and she beams a bright smile, "Oh, hello there." she
offers, as if there weren't a near naked man sitting on the table beyond.

"Gleep." Kassi's back to being articulate again. And red, oh, red red red
red red. Crimson, vermilion, carmine, scarlet, rouge, ruddy... it's Kassima
and the Amazing Technicolor Complexion! "I'll keep that in mind?" she
tries, her voice only squeaking a *little*. Honest. Quite magnanimously,
she tells Tali, "I'll see if'n I can't buy you one for your next,
somewhere--" Which means she has to ask V'der, and with quite distressingly
sincere curiousity, "D'you think you'd be willing to come dance for Tali
when 'tis her Turnday *too*? She's really quite cute, y'know--or so the men

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Be careful what you wish for, Tali. ;)"

Reiden tries his best not to look. Really he does. His curiosity gets the
best of him however, and he ends up watching with a very confused and
somewhat embarassed look on his face. He mumbles something to himself and
shakes his head.

Telgar Weyr> Talisha snickers. "I'm never careful."

Zaidra waves over to Chalis, after pulling her eyes from the spectacle on
the table, of course. "Come sit with us?" is called, and she pats a chair
near herself and Shawnah.

Chalis flushes and gives both Shawnah and I'sai a startled look upon being
addressed. "Um. Hi." She smiles a bit anxiously, turning to I'sai, "And,
well, I don't know if my brother would really..." At which she manages to
relax enough for a small grin, "I'll ask him tomorrow if this sort of thing
would cheer him up?"

"Let us know what he says," I'sai invites. "Though can't promise he'd get
it, have to have a really special Turnday for -that-... and shards, but is
V'der going to fall off that table, or what?"

V'der reaches out with one hand to trace, if allowed of course, a finger
over Kassima's jawline, teasingly, as he grins at her. "Perhaps I may
return for her turnday." He glances sidelong at the other greenrider, the
pregnant one trying hard to hide in her chair, and pushes thick black bangs
away from his forehead. "But really, I'm here all for you.." Suggestive,
oh-so suggestive. After a moment spent gazing at Kassima's face, dark eyes
soaking her up -- he jumps away, and sweeps up his jacket, draping it
around his shoulders, unfortunetly not bothering to cover up those painted
cheeks--Best to leave them on display and all, in his opinion--and drops
into a seat nearby the turnday lady, grinning.

Kassima doesn't pull away, but does blush even redder if possible, looking
at least for the moment much closer to, say, fourteen than The Number Which
Will Not Be Mentioned. After all, most Unmentionable Age Greenriders have
this blushing thing under control by now. "I'm... quite, um, flattered,"
she manages at length, "truly--" And then, well, she just breaks off to
blush *again* at the scrutiny, finally turning to look at the others
accusatively. "You are all *evil*," she declares, never mind that some of
the Cavern's current occupants are probably quite innocent of evildoing.

Telgar Weyr> I'sai applauds Talisha!

Telgar Weyr> Zaidra says, "That was splendid....and hilarious."

Telgar Weyr> Shawnah too! And now I feel corny.. ;)

Telgar Weyr> Kassima does, too. If her player can get her breath from
laughing enough to do so. ;)

Telgar Weyr> Talisha laughs. Thanks. And thanks to Kassima for not running
away! *giggles*.

Zaidra pipes up, "I'm a weyrling. I'm afraid we're not allowed to be evil."

Suddenly, there is a clattering sound from the kitchens, followed by a bit
of cursing, someone shushing.. and then the sound of something being
rolled, with squeaky wheels, closer and closer..

Chalis just kind of fingers her way along the cavern wall, and while not
exactly looking _away_ from the .. goings on .. does take care to keep as
large a distance as possible while still approaching the chair offered by
Zaidra. In a stolen moment she whispers, wide-eyed, "Are _all_ Turndays at
the Weyr like this?"

"If that's true," says I'sai, eyeing all the blushing - and carefully not
that sound - "Then surely their teachers shouldn't count as evil either."
There's that smile: really.

Shawnah just smiles at Kassima, and then eyes the kitchen, a brow quirking up.

Zaidra murmurs to Chalis, "Well...the last one I witnessed was
Alessandra's...and J'an did the Istan Sand Dance for /her/."

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "This is one of Kassi's curses: despite the fact
that she normally possesses a good survival instinct, at times like this,
she's more apt to be paralyzed than flee. Someday, some past bluerider
victim will take advantage of this to cut her throat while she's staring
helplessly at strippers, no doubt. ;)"

Shawnah adds quickly as Zaidra speaks, "Oh, no.. they're normally a lot
more.. normal." right.

I'sai, overhearing, "...'Istan Sand Dance'?"

Talisha just looks -amused- at all the blushing, her brows lifted in a
/most/ humorous fashion. "Depends whose Turnday it is," She supplies toward
Chalis with a wink, turning her attention back to the buttless wonderman
over there, still paying all of his attention to Kassima. "Istan Sand
Dance?" She echoes curiously, "I'd like to see that."

Kassima's ears fix on the cursing and creaking, and she starts to turn
towards the kitchen with a very anxious expression. "I'm afraid t'be
asking... I really, really am... oh, Zai, you're allowed, you just have
t'be *subtly* evil. Nay too overtly evil, or May might catch you. Either
that, or be evil when May's being evil too." That made sense, right? She
assures Chalis gravely, "I don't *think* so--" Though she doesn't sound
quite certain. "And I'sai, *you* are evil incarnate. You're a bronzerider
with the heart of a greenrider, an unhealthy and unnatural combination that
will someday see us all fleeing to the Red Star to escape your dark and
twisted ways." Yes, that's a compliment.

Telgar Weyr> Talisha /laughs/.

"And I'm terrified t'ask about this Istan Sand Dance," Kassi tosses in for
good measure. "So I'll just third the others' query; 'tis safer."

Telgar Weyr> Shawnah says, "Bronzeriders are just greenriders with shiny
dragons. ;)"

And then the living cavern is full of smells.. something sweet, something
fruity, and something.. bitter? That might be the smell of brandy or whine
if it were being boiled. A moment later, the Squeaky-Wheeled thing is
brought out, pushed by a beaming Baker. A rather large cake is the center
piece, the frosting colored, of all things, a nice pretty pink. Surrounding
it are several dozen smaller cakes, each with either green or pink frosting
covering them. To top it all off... well, Shawnah /has/ warned of
accidently burning the Weyr down one day... in front of the cake is a bowl
full of fruit and some sort of liquid... on fire.. and that must be where
the smell of boiling brandy is coming from.. And there is Shawnah, trying
her hardest /not/ to look that way, a mischevous smile pulling at her lips.

Compliment? I'sai colors, high on his cheekbones, and all he can say to
such a qualified source is a warm, "-Thank- you." And then... in comes the

Telgar Weyr> Talisha says, "Pink!"

Zaidra shrugs, "It was J'an's dance, not mine. It's...it's hard to explain.
Be he was amazing." She colors faintly, admitting that, and then adds,
"Alessi gave dancing lessons to Kiharu and Savanna and me, as well...but
that was before...everything."

Reiden blinks a bit as all the occupants of the living cavern are declared
evil by the greenrider. Obviously he's never quite thought of himself as
being evil, so he shrugs, assuming that maybe he wasn't included in that
statement. Just when he's about to turn back to his food, hoping that
everything is somewhat normal again, the cake arrives. Reiden eyes it with
suspicion. Well, cakes are harmless, right? He does start eating, but he
does give it the occasional suspicious glance.

Kassima murmurs something about the Greenrider Trio, and Tarlo, and dancing
lessons, which is lost as she trails off to watch the arrival of The Cake
with wide, wide eyes. "...Wow." Ooh! She didn't say gleep! She's improving!
"Wow... that's *pink*, 'tis, and--wow... ooh! Fire!" Always a good sign,
that exclamation. Kassi starts to beam, evidently pleased by such a
confection, pink or no--but then she pauses, and gives Shawnah, then V'der,
suspicious looks. "More dancing men aren't going t'jump out of the cake,
are they?" she has to know.

Telgar Weyr> Kassima wants cake in RL now. ;)

Telgar Weyr> Shawnah is gnawing on a brownie :D

Telgar Weyr> Zaidra was just thinking that. But birthday cake on demand
would be a dangerous thing. :)

"Ooh, a pink cake!" Talisha approves the colour selection, her head going
up-down up-down as the squeaky-wheeled thing is brought out. "Pink is just
-the- nicest colour you know. It's lovely.. it's almost the same colour
Kassima's cheeks were just before." She rattles on in a conversational
tone, likely to herself, then murmurs in-whisper to one of her tablemates,
"Too bad nobody thought to turn /I'sai/ into the cake, and have him covered
in pink frosting. That would be one way to get him into the colour."
Glancing back at the flaming brandy bowl now, "Is that safe to -drink-?" 

V'der, for his own part, simply bares those bright white teeth at Kassima
again, shrugging muscles shoulders up.

Telgar Weyr> Kassima knows this isn't what you meant, Tali, but has this
mental image of Shawnah waving a magic wand at I'sai, and poof, there's a
pink-frosted cake with very irate-looking turquoise eyes. ;)

Telgar Weyr> Shawnah oooos. Hmmmm... ;)

Telgar Weyr> I'sai snickers.

Telgar Weyr> Talisha giggles. Oooh.. too bad she can't do that *grin*.

"-J'an-," I'sai murmurs: of all people... but at the scantly-heard sound of
his name, he twitches a glance sideways at that -other- greenrider.

Shawnah chuckles, spotting Reiden's look. "It's harmless." she promises,
including Kassima in that one as well, "Well.. other than the fire maby..
and the little cakes have alcohol in them.." And then she eyes the fire,
then the baker, "Umm.. what now?" obviously, this dish is a first for her.

Telgar Weyr> I'sai debates: frosting or feathers?

Kassima suggests absently, still eyeing the pink cake as though it just
*might* turn into a dancing man, "J'an should learn the Dance of the
Scarves from A'lex, mayhaps... Tali, 'twasn't *that* pink!" Denial, denial.
She supposes, "Mayhaps if'n the fire were put out first, and stars, there
looks t'be enough for everyone *and* all the riders' dragons, almost.
Alcoholic cakes?" The greenrider visibly brightens at this concept.

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "For I'sai? Well, there'd be benefits to
either.... ;)"

Telgar Weyr> Talisha says, "Both. *sagenod*"

Reiden looks at Shawnah, still a bit suspicious. After a moment he shrugs.
Well, it can't get any worse than the last little spectacle. At least he
would hope not...

Telgar Weyr> I'sai would have to agree that frosting is better than tar.

Zaidra quirks an eyebrow toward the turnday woman. "Dance of the Scarves?"
she asks, but then she's frowning, hearing that the cakes are alcoholic,
and turning to I'sai for a judgement call there.

Telgar Weyr> Shawnah /now/ pictures Is frosted and feathered...

"Not burning to a crisp, so it'd have to be," sagely says ex-baker -
barely-apprentice - I'sai; and meanwhile, he gauges once, twice, and
...there: slides the sack along the flagstones to thump against the table
by Kassima's feet. "Hm? Have it when it's all flamed, not soaking, so's you
just have the taste."

Telgar Weyr> I'sai thinks the feathers might take out some of the fun of
the frosting, though. - I hear that flambeing something doesn't actually
remove all the alcohol, but for the purposes of rp, close enough. ;) - And
present's delivered now instead of later (though it can be opened later)
just because I'm gonna faceplant into the keyboard in a few poses. :)

Telgar Weyr> Shawnah noddles.. so.. do I put /out/ the fire now? ;)

Telgar Weyr> I'sai says, "You can try. ;) Though it will burn out
eventually when it's used up the alcohol, I believe..."

"Oh but you -were- that pink!" Talisha nods enthusiastically to Kassima,
silly grin plastered allover her face. "You were, you were! And it was
almost as good as somebody /wearing/ pink, though I can't say the colour
suits you as much as it would /I'sai/." The poor girl has a fascination
with seeing I'sai in pink, pity her. And then, curious: "Dance of the
scarves? Sounds like something A'ser would be into."

Shawnah also looks from Zai to Kassima, and finally says "I think we need a
'show off your weird dance' night.." a look is sent Talisha, and then a
giggle as she turns back to the table.. and the fire has gone out. Pity.
She then tosses out for Zai, "The bigger cake is just cake."

"'Tis this dance involving... well, scarves, thin and filmy ones, and a lot
of wrist motions, and wiggling of hips; *I* can't really do it, but A'lex
can," Kassi brightly assures, safe in the knowledge that 'Lex is not here
to kill her for this. "I know pink doesn't suit me; there's more than one
reason I don't like the color--on *clothes*, 'tis; 'tis just fine for
alcoholic flaming cakes." She *likes* alcoholic flaming cakes. Approval and
delight clear in her voice. Momentarily replaced by curiousity: "Can I open
this, Is, or would a ravening tunnelsnake leap out and go for m'throat,
making a mess and making it hard for people t'keep their appetites?"

A'lex - but I'sai finds a smile even so; "Go ahead," he offers. "And, er,
no, not quite a tunnelsnake, though close... appetite shouldn't be a
problem, though, not with what -Shawnah's- dished up."

Chalis is pretty much all wide-eyed amazement, combined with a number of
uncertain frowns and pleased smiles, the last of the two aimed to Shawnah.
"Ooh. 'Show off your weird dance' would be good. Although just now I'm
having strange visions of some 'Dance of the scarves' performed with
flaming fruits and cake instead of the scarves."

Kassima comments to Chalis, "I'd like t'see *that*," even as she digs into
the bag without further ado. Eagerness for presents knows no age limits,


	The grainy texture of leather turns into an almost shine in this jacket
lending the rich dark color depths beneath the leather sealant which allows
the coat to be worn in all weathers. Folds, creases and sewn lines create
darker patches accenting the fabric dyes that were used, and a series of
small hide straps at the shoulders almost look like a fringe. At closer
inspection, though, they are ties for removable sleeves and leather tucks
beneath the ties to keep the wearer warm.
	Light and dark browns mingle on the jacket's surface, creating the
illusion of textures inherent to the jacket. Darker hues, shadings of
color, show that it's merely sealed leather dye painted on the hide. The
image is of an overly large tunnelsnake, coiling from the right sleeve
across the shoulders then down the left sleeve menacingly. At the right
wrist, where the leather gathers for a cuff, a fancy dagger with a K in the
hilt pierces the tunnelsnake through the eye. A triumph over such a large
creature. When the sleeves are removed, all that remains is the texture of
snake hide across the shoulders, mere decoration then. On the back is a
circle encompassing a symbolic-style green dragon. Attention was paid to
detail in the whirling gem of an eye down to the small barely defined
straps, as if someone were watching from a ledge and painting the image of
Lysseth. On the front right panel is a stylized K in emerald green, a
matching color to the dragon on the back.
	On searching the jacket, at the bottom of the back panel the letters
'K'ti' can be seen in a dark black that nearly blends into the jacket


Shawnah blinks. "Umm... /A'lex/ has done this.. dance?" she asks, head
tilted as she watches Kassima open her present. A grin is sent to Chalis
then, and a sidelong glance for both Talisha and I'sai, "And does it end
with I'sai covered in pink frosting?"

Zaidra is visibly fading, drills and elevator duty rapidly ganging up on
her and making her sleepy, so though she laughs at the jokes, she's mainly

"I want to learn this Dance of The Scarves as soon as this little one has
popped." Talisha rubs a hand over her stomach, trying to jab a jutted-out
baby limb back into place. "With some pink scarves though, maybe green."
Green is afterall, the very best colour of all, especially when combined
with pretty pink. She squirms around in her seat, a bit of an effort
considering the baby bulge, to face in Kassi's direction, and get a better
view of the present unwrapping. "Hm?" That to Shawnah, and she pipes up
with, "Nah. That's just in my dream." Pause, "/Kidding/."

I'sai murmurs as she's opening, "I'd originally asked for just a vest -
see, when I'd heard from someone-or-other," some tattler, "that Slithereth
had ripped up your old jacket, seemed like a vest that looked like a trophy
of his hide would be appropriate payback... an' K'ti suggested having
sleeves that you could leave off if you wanted, or button on if you wanted,
whichever." A startled look up, "None of that, you.
...What's-your-name-again?" this to Chalis, "Don't listen to her."

Kassima rummages, rummages, until she can pull free The Present in all its
leathery glory--no, not V'der-like leathers; a jacket, rather, of
remarkable quality and vivid decoration indeed. "Oh, *my*," and this an
entirely different tone from the earlier exclamation, rather more awed.
"K'ti did--aye, there's the name--Faranth, 'tis *beautiful*." She holds it
up to display, even as she turns a wide and full smile on the giver. "She
would! Perfect 'tis, Is, as everything else; I owe you one. Again.
Thankee." She spares a moment then for a wicked grin at Tali. "We can find
you some pink scarves, I'm sure, and K'ryn would nay doubt be *thrilled*.
Pink frosting? Ooh, Shawnah, *there's* a notion."

Chalis turns red again but smiles all the same and quips back to I'sai,
"Chalis. And I don't see why I shouldn't be listening to someone with such
excellent suggestions." She cranes her neck slightly to look around at the
said gift, and lifts a hand to her mouth in impressed surprise. "Oh, my."

Talisha eyes the leather jacket from afar, still grinning, still chattering
on about pink this-and-that to tablemates, most are which are by now
rolling their eyes and groaning. "Oh that jacket is *gorgeous*! Maybe I can
twist K'ryn's arm into going and getting me something like that, since he
/missed/ my /turnday/." Bitter about that? Of course! "He probably would
too.." that on the subject of scarve-dancing, and then she pushes up from
her seat, and waddles across to the wheeled tray-thing. "Should I help serve?"

"Call it a trade for the drum," I'sai suggests with a smile that shares
teasing with rue; to Chalis, to Reiden - and only small exaggeration -
"Hope you couldn't hear Kisai's banging on it from the inner caverns?
....And you're welcome, Kassi; and happy Turnday! and Myk says so too, and,
and... glad you like it. K'ti'll be glad too." And then, "Keep saying that,
'Chalis,' and the good headwoman will put you to a lot _more_ work. Night,
all; and, Zai? You look about ready to turn in yourself," Maylia's
assistant isn't shy about hinting, even if it's through a yawn of his own.

Shawnah snickers at Kassi and dares, with a waggle of her brows toward
V'der, "Or perhaps your dashing escort would like to show that idea off?"
Hmm.. leather-pink frosting. Yummy. The jaket is apraised then, eyes
widening, "Oh my.. but that's nice." she murmers.

I'sai walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Telgar Weyr> Talisha waves Nini to I'sai :D

Telgar Weyr> I'sai zzzz'night's, and looks forward to reading what happens
afterward. O:)

Zaidra nods to the hastily-departed I'sai, stifling a yawn. "Happy Turnday,
Kassima," is called, and a bundle deposited on the table as Zaidra rises
and heads toward the bowl. "That's from all of us. It's not much, but...it
comes with great affection and regard. Night all." And she gives the
greenriders and the scantily clad bluerider a parting salute before heading
toward bed.

Zaidra walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Shawnah blinks at Talisha, and then giggles and shakes her head, "Sit down
hon.. I've got it.. unless you /want/ to injure your back carrying that
around any more than you have to?" she winks, teasing. A -llok- is sent
after I'sai then, and then a thoughtful one given to Chalis. Tossing a wave
to Zaidra, she ahems, "Okay.. whose for cake?"

Kassima, for all of her good-humored crinkling of nose, protests, "The drum
*was* a good gift, Is--" But she smiles as he departs, and shakes her head,
murmuring something under her breath. "He was fleeing the icing, nay
doubt," she suggests to the room at large. "Isn't it, Tali? I especially
like the dagger going through the 'snake's eye; lovely care for detail
there." Reverently, she folds the item and tucks it back into its bag,
perhaps to avoid getting cake on it. "--Oh, thankee, Zaidra; you didn't
have to, but--shells. Thankee, and g'night," and yes, she's rambling at
this point. "Me, me!" is her answer to Shawnah.


A wrapped bundle, tied like a scroll, except that when you open it, you
find a set of handkerchiefs. An odd gift, perhaps, but you'll notice that
each is embroidered with a green dragon looking much like your Lysseth,
surrounded by an array of stars: one gold, one bronze, four amber (to
signify brown), and two green.


V'der heard that! The man's dark head lifts, and he casts a slanted look at
Miss Turnday, lips twisting into a rather wide grin indeed. "If someone'll
put pink frosting on me.." He wags his brows in a most ridiculous manner at
both Kassima and Shawnah, the former getting wink before he jumps up,
chivalrous man that he is to offer, "/I'll/ get yours, Kassima dear, it's
the least I can do."

Talisha continues on her waddling-way across to where the wheely tray is,
one hand placed at the small of her back, the other swinging along as she
walks. "Oh.." A sheepish grin to Shawnah, and she turns slowly, waddling
all the way back to her chair. "Spose it wouldn't be a good thing to go and
get a back injury this close to birthing, especially If I'll end up with
popped-bones and squealchy this-and-that as Kassima said before." She eyes
Darth Rider appreciatively as he gets up, then grins, shifting attention to
Kassima. "I like the dagger, not the snake so much, just the dagger. Ooh,
I'll have some cake! Do you think the alcohol will matter? Nevermind, it
might put little-unborn to sleep, so they stop *kicking* me."

Kassima sits down to open the newest bundle now, revealing once she's
untied it a lovely set of embroidered handkerchiefs; these, too, get a low
appreciative whistle. "Shardit, in a minute here I'm going t'start getting
teary-eyed and lose m'reputation *entirely*," she murmurs. Thankfully,
there are forces of evil to save her from the forces of sentiment; she
turns a very nice shade of rose indeed at V'der's suggestion. "I'd think
the Bakers would be most skilled at that!" she protests, throwing said
Bakers an 'I am *so* sorry' look along the way, but she does grin with
genuine gratitude at the final offer. "That's entirely kind, thankee so
much. I don't think that much alcohol would hurt... wait, wait. *They*?"

Talisha puts in quickly, so as not to cause confusion, "I say /they/
because I don't want to say /it/. It isn't a nice thing to call
baby-unborn, and Imanath won't say if they're a he or a she."

Reiden having finished his food and klah, slips out as quietly as possible.

Reiden walks towards the inner cavern.

Shawnah laughs, handing one of the small cakes to V'der, givng him a
once-over with her eyes. She quickly blushes again though and averts those
eyes, "Oh.. there's some cake /without/ any alcohol too.." blink, "They?"
she lets out a sigh then, as Talisha makes her explaination.. then..
"Maybe.. they /are/ a.. they?" a hand is lifted in a wave after Reiden, and
then a beam is sent to Chalis, "How about you? Cake? Something to drink?"

Chalis sits up in her chair and grins back to Shawnah, "Oh yes, please!
Just some juice or something -- the cakes look lovely!" Talisha gets a
curious glance, "Why wouldn't Imanath want tell you if it -- er, they -- is
-- are? -- a he or a she?"

V'der sketches a rather elaborate bow to both the Bakers and Shawnah,
winking at the latter as the cake is handed to him. One his way back to
Kassima's table, he fetches a serviette, and places the cake upon it. "For
you." Dipping from the waist, he holds out the cake and bows to the
greenrider, and thus displays his numbered cheeks to the rest of the
cavern--one streaked with a run of pink icing, no doubt put there by a
serving girl who walks past, trying to hide the frosting on her fingertips.

Kassima ahhhs to that, confusion clearing from her expression. "Lyss never
says aught about it either," she agrees. "And I'm sure he or she
appreciates nay being an it. That's always *possible*--Alessi, after all,
is having a they," she notes, nodding to Shawnah while also following her
lead in waving to Reiden. Chalis gets a wry grin. "By the by, this is
horrid of me nay t'have asked sooner, but I don't think we've met?"

Kassima accepts the piece of cake given to her with due grace, and even
without a blush--which doubtless wouldn't be the case if she could see the
frosting. "Y'know," she drawls, "we'll be having a Weyrling graduation here
soon, V'der; mayhaps you should speak t'May about doing a performance for
the new riders?" Just in case she hasn't invited death enough tonight already.

Talisha crinkles her nose /right/ up at that. "It's defintely not a /they/,
Imanath's told me that much." Shrugging one shoulder up, she calls to
Shawnah, grinning, "I'll have some of the alcoholic cake, it can't hurt
much anyhow - not this close!" And a laugh, "Imanath won't say because she
thinks it should be a /surprise/, she wouldn't even tell Tavorth."

Chalis giggles and shakes her head in protest to Kassima, "Not horrid of
all, you've been," V'der gets another furtive look, daringly a little
longer this time, "rather otherwise occupied! I'm Chalis. Nice to meet you
in such an.. original fashion." She grins to Talisha, "Well, that is
considerate of her, I suppose. As long as you agree."

V'der chuckles warmly, dark eyes glinting mischeviously beneath those
floppy black bangs. "I'll be sure to go and see Maylia about it soon. The
Weyrlings better be introduced to the famous Telgari buttless leather pants
in proper fashion." Not that the way V'der is wearing them is proper
fashion, but that's all beside the point y'see. "But really, fair lady, I
was only here to please you.." He winks rather broadly at Kassima then,
grinning clear from ear to ear.

Shawnah gives V'der, or rather, V'der's buns, a sidelong glance, and then a
look is sent that passing serving girl.. and was that a wink? In any case,
she grabs two more plates, putting the non-alcoholic kind on one for her,
and balances a drink for Chalis on the plate as well before heading for a
seat, depositing everything for people on her way.

"'Otherwise occupied' is one word for it," Kassi agrees with a straight
face, somehow. "Kassima, or Kassi, green Lysseth's. A pleasure. I just hope
you haven't been traumatized for life or aught? A'course, if'n you *wanted*
t'be traumatized for life, I'm sure it could be arranged at this rate."
Excuse her now while she tries not to snort cake out her nose at the idea
of a proper introduction to butt-free pants. "Which is really too generous
of you, V'der, i'truth! But 'twould be *selfish* t'keep you all t'myself,
y'know...." As certain serving girls might well agree.

Talisha waits until somebody serves her a piece of that deliciously
alcoholic cake, breaking it into little chunks with a fork. "Everybody who
comes to Telgar ends up traumatised at some point or another, don't they?"
She puts in idly, smirking at the pink-fingered serving girl still
wandering around in the background. Pieces of cake are popped into her
mouth slowly, but the woman only manages to finish half of it, before she's
pushing the plate across the table toward a wingmate. "there. I'm all full
up and--ohh..ow." One hand goes to her stomach, rubbing at it. "Time for me
to get some sleep. /Happy/ turnday Kassima, hope you have a great night." A
wink, and a waggle of her brows as well as a /look/ toward V'der, "Enjoy
it." And she gets up, waddling toward the exit.

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Tali, I've said it before, I'll say it again.
You're the devil. ;)"

V'der continues to grin away, mouth slicing a curving line ear-to-ear. "I'm
just trying to do my part to make the Weyr better for everybody, anything I
can do, I'm happy to do it." Of course, his tone is still overlain with
/suggestions/, the naughty kind. "And the offers is still there, Kassima.
If'n you need a warmth-mate.." Winking, he pulls back however, to drop into
a seat and consume some cake and drink himself.

Telgar Weyr> Talisha grins and snugs all round. "Thanks, I think ;) Night

Talisha walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Telgar Weyr> Shawnah sniggers and snugs Talisha! ;)

"Oh, I think I have been!," Chalis beams to Kassima, and Talisha, "but then
again, I've been to the odd sailor's bash or two, though they were minus
the," cough, blush, "buttless leather pants. I'm only sorry I had no idea
it was a Turnday, or I would've got something." Shawnah gets a thank you as
Chalis digs into the served cake, and to Talisha a wave good night.

Kassima casts a concerned look at her fellow greenrider at the 'ow,' but
since it's not followed up by primal screams of agony, it fades after a
moment. "G'deve, Tali, and thankee--" Ack. More blushing occurs. Really,
one would think she'd have some sort of *quota* on this. "Oh, dear... oh,
Faranth, that's a lovely thought, Chalis," yes, let's leap to distracting
topics! Poor greenrider, still easily flustered after all this time. "But
i'truth, I'm still amazed anyone even remembered or thought of it."

Telgar Weyr> Kassima snugs Tali g'night! Thanks again for the most
*memorable* evening. ;)

Telgar Weyr> Talisha grins. No problems ;) Night.

Telgar Weyr> Chalis waves to Talisha, and is mightily impressed with
Telgarian parties :)

Shawnah just chuckles lightly, "Good night, Talisha!" she calls cheerfully,
and then settles to eating her own cake. Another sidelong glance is sent to
the bluerider, this one full of amusment, before she goes to listening to
the conversation.

Telgar Weyr> Shawnah notes she will have a turnday in 3 IC weeks.. ;)
*grins to Chalis* You don't know the half of it. Oh! I still haven't
seen... Mr. 'Flibbles'? in action! I donno why that reminded me of that,
but... :)

Telgar Weyr> Kassima perks up and starts thinking of Possibilities. ;) I
think Mr. Flibble's only made an appearance once, (un)fortunately--I've got
a log of him doing his thing posted, but as best I know he hasn't
terrorized the LC again since. :)

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Ryi would be the one to ask, though. She's Mr.
Garrison to his Mr. Hat, as 'twere. ;)"

Telgar Weyr> Shawnah laughs! "Yeah.. I've seen it threatened many times..
but never had the.. pleasure?" :)

Chalis giggles again, mumuring of V'der, "At least he seems to be rather
dedicated to his work." She smiles at Kassima over a pink-forsted forkful
as she gazes around at all the cake, drink, stripper, "I'll say they
thought of it -- I can't exactly imagine that this is normal!"

Telgar Weyr> Chalis erks. 'Mr. Flibbles'?

Kassima has made a few inroads on her own slice, for all that she's trying
to savor it. "This is fabulous, by the by," she tells the Bakers between
bites with all apparent sincerity. "I suppose the recipe's a Craft secret
and I shouldn't ask... oh! And I really am horrible; I haven't
congratulated you on your promotion yet, Shawnah. Or would it be more
appropriate t'be offering condolences?" One eye closes in a wink to Chalis.
"'Normal' is a hard thing t'be defining at *Telgar*, though--but I'd say
you're right. However," and here she glances sidelong at the cheerfully
pantsless bluerider, "methinks the dancing qualified as unusual."

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "He's the Scion of Death."

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "More seriously, he's an avian-shaped puppet
owned by Ryialla, and used to torment innocent LC people. ;)"

Telgar Weyr> Kassima finds the log:
http://www.crosswinds.net/~kassima/flibble.htm, if you're curious. :)

"Oh thank you, Kassima, ma--uff." one of the bakers begins, cutting off -
perhaps at a crucial moment? - By her fellow, who continues. "And of course
it is!" he says with a wink, "But, we'd be glad to make it again if ya ever

Kassima beams at the wise fellow, broadly. "Methinks," she quips, returning
the wink, "that this could be the start of a beautiful friendship."

Shawnah snickers, shaking her head at Chalis, "We aren't exactly /noted/
for being exactly normal around here.. but yes, that was a bit more
abnormal than usual." she colors slightly then, and gives Kassima a
sheepish grin, "I think either one would work.. but Tibril left everything
nice and orderly for me." A yawn escapes, then. The baker meanwhile dips
his head to Kassima, beaming.

Telgar Weyr> Shawnah brings up the page to read in the morning.. or more
likely afternoon - I think I'm about to crash! For real this time. ;)

Telgar Weyr> Kassima is going to have to follow suit soon--it's 4am here. ;)

Telgar Weyr> Chalis snugs and thanks muchly for the RP. Have been gone for
a few days and this was quite a return :)

Telgar Weyr> Shawnah says, "Nearly 5:30am here :)"

Telgar Weyr> Shawnah beams at Chalis. Happy to oblige! :)

Telgar Weyr> Lenka shoos and sends you all to bed. You're making me sleepy
and it's only 10am here!

Telgar Weyr> Kassima grins and thanks likewise, of course! A pleasure to
ICly meet you, even under such... odd... circumstances. ;) Eeep. Sorry,
Lenka! But sleep, sleep is goooood.... ;)

Telgar Weyr> Lenka grins. That it is (:

"She would," Kassi agrees, approves, as she finishes off the last few
crumbs of cake. Yawning is contagious; she covers one of her own, her
expression immediately turning sheepish. "'Tis likely terribly ill-mannered
of me, but methinks I'm going t'have t'be heading up t'my weyr
soon--alone," she clarifies swiftly for V'der, but with her expression so
amused that it'd be hard to take it for a sting. "--If'n I'm t'be of any
use at drills. If'n I'd had any idea, I'd have caught a snooze this

Chalis waggles her fork in Kassima's direction with a grin (spreading a few
extra crumbs around the table), "Good night, and happy Turnday to you! I
hope all the festivities don't give you all _too_ bizarre dreams."

Shawnah laughs and stands, "And I should be heading off, myself.." a look
is shot to V'der, to see his reation to Kassima perhaps, "And I'll be up
bright and early to help finish cleaning all this up." a grin is sent to
Chalis then, "I /always/ have weird dreams though." she says, and nods,
"Good night to you.. and happy turnday Kassi!"

Chalis waves to Shawnah as well and winks, "Remarkably enough, I wouldn't
mind a brief respite from continuous and never-ending mending tasks, should
the Headwoman find she needs help tidying up the caverns in the morning."

Kassima gathers her goodies to herself as she rises, hugging the presents
as a small child might rather than a woman of an Entirely Unmentionable
Age. "Believe me, so do I," she says with amused fervence. "But thankee
both--you, too, Bakers, a'course--and g'night t'you likewise!" A moment's
hesitation before she swoops just long enough to present V'der with a kiss
on the cheek, with a murmur of more embarrassed but sincere thanks for him
likewise, and then she's sprinted off before any more blushes can occur. At
least, where people can see.

You walk down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Telgar Weyr> Shawnah laughs and snugs Kassi!

Telgar Weyr> Kassima snugs. G'night, all! Thanks again; I had a wonderful
time. :)