
Give Us Your Stuff!

Date:  January 23, 1998
Places:  High Reaches Weyr's Gather Grounds; the Fortune Teller's 
Tent; the Weavercraft Gather Tent
Game:  PernMUSH
Copyright Info:  The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey 
l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.


Kassi's Note:  Ever wonder how A'lex first got his reputation for 
belly-dancing, or being attached to the color purple?  Then this is
the log to answer all your questions!  The Telgar Contingent signs up
for a scavenger hunt, with the assistance of Channie and Jesica; the 
results end up being... well.  Memorable.  Many thanks go to everyone 
on Team GUYS!  Y'all made this a blast!  We may not have won the 
competition, but I'd bet we had a more surreal time of it than anyone 
else. ;)


The Log:

Dh'lon waves a hand to Kassima as he steps away from Rathenna and Kalthanan.

Kalthanan inclines his head to the Masterharper. "That's good to hear,
ma'am. Are you here for the entire festival or....?"

A cry of consternation echoes across the throwing field as the most recent
participant in the Barrel Toss just misses setting a record by no more than
a handspan.

Rathenna considers. "It depends." she replies. "On there not being a crisis
elsewhere, and if no one burns the Hall down or anything..." She smiles.
"You .. understand how it is."

Lysseth> High above the mountains, As you look up you notice a bright white
meteor passing across the Winebottle constellation. It quickly fades from

Kalthanan smiles. "I do indeed, ma'am. I heard you mention my name, may I
show you around?"

Deannus grabs a strap and swings down from Kiryath's neckridges. Using the
extended foreleg as a prop to bounce off of, she lands in a neat crouch a
few feet away, and turns to flash a grin at the brown. He, of course, is
used to this and only heaves a resigned sigh.

"What is it with you and wanting t'take these long, walking scenic routes?"
Kassi asks wryly of the two-Turn-old who toddles at her heels, even as she
lifts one hand to wave to Dh'lon. "Duties to High Reaches and her queens,
bluerider--long time, nay seeing! And t'Harper Hall and her Masters, and
Fort and her queens, too," she adds as another dragon arrives. Taking Kay's
hand, she meanders over to where the one person she knows is standing. "How
goes the festival thus far, Dh'lon?"

Deannus starts calling out duties to every knot she recognizes as she
glances around, wincing at the sheer number of people.

Dh'lon looks down at the two children accompanying Kassima and smiles
slightly, "Long time indeed." He hrms, "Things seem to be going well...
duties to you and your weyr as well, by the way."

T'dry swings gracefully from Avroth's neck, using a thoughtfully extended
forleg, he slides to the ground. His eyes are distant as he speaks silently
to his dragon before giving him an affectionate rub on the nose.

A festive cheer ripples through the crowd at the Barrel Toss as a Weaver
manages to better some of the earlier throws to become the current champion.

Rathenna smiles at Kalthanan. "I'd be delighted." she replies. "I've seen
it a few times, but I'm afraid I'm horrible at remembering my way around

Lysseth> High above the mountains, A extremely dim white streak hangs
against the sky for what seems like an age, then gently fades from view.

Kassima chuckles and snaps an impudent salute to the other rider. "Indeed.
I don't believe you've met the hellion and the spawnling, have you? The
former would be Kaylira, here." The greenrider tousels the hair of the
older girl, who seems a bit perturbed by this treatment. Gesturing to the
baby in her sling, she adds, "And the latter, Kharisma. Shells, it's been
an age since I was last here! How fares with you, and Wyith, and everyone

T'dry tugs off his helmet and gloves, standing on Avroth's forelimb to peer
over the crowd.

Kalthanan inclines his head. "Would you like to begin out here or start

Deannus makes her way over to T'dry's side, murmering excuse me's as she
trods on a few toes. "Worse'n th'last gather we went to," she says, laying
a hand on Avroth's forelimb and looking up at the bronzerider. "Where to

Dh'lon smiles and nods his head, "No, I had not." He nods to the children
and then hms, looking back at Wyith who lays at the outskirts of the
gathering. "Wyith is fine, as am I.. and as for everyone else, you'll need
to ask them. What about you?"

Rathenna smiles. "You decide." she replies evenly. "Make up your mind, and
I'll follow."

Laughter can be heard from within the tent at the Barrel Toss as the
crafters manning the event seem to have mysteriously disappeared from view.
After a few moments an Apprentice races through the waving tent flap,
quickly followed by two of his fellow crafters. Those in pursuit are
shouting as their juice soaked hair begins to splatter and stain their
tunics while the first mischievous Apprentice yells back, "the Journeyman
warned you not to fall asleep at your post!"

T'dry peers about. "Baker's always a good first bet. Expecially since the
craft's here at the reaches. I bet they have some really good stuff."

Kassima nods to her friend. "I hope t'have the chance to. It seems likely,
since we'll be here until the bitter end. Don't even *ask* me how I am. Ask
me, instead, why I thought 'twould be a good idea t'volunteer t'take two
pregnant Bakers, one month-old infant, one two-Turn-old toddler, and a
four-Turn-old lad on a straight flight all the way here from Telgar. I
believe it can be safely said that I have gone fully insane at this point;
you *have* been warned... what're those folk yelling about, over there?"
She nods towards the tent holding the barrel toss.

Shannen slides neatly down to Faemirth's foreleg, then hops to the ground,
pausing to give her dragon an affectionate smile and scritch an eyeridge.

Dh'lon raises an eyebrow slightly as he listens to Kassima speaking. Then
he turns and glances over at the barrel toss. "Oh, seems someone has played
a prank of some sort.." He gestures at the mad dash of apprentices chasing
one another.

Deannus rubs the back of her neck, squeezing close to Avroth as a group of
shouting littles go racing by. "Sounds good t'me," she says, bouncing up on
her toes to look around for the Baker Tent. "Hey! Shannen!" Bounce bounce,

Kalthanan motions around. "Well, this is where they decided to setup for
the Festival. Today's picking went well and I think everyone is off in the
kitchens at a 'lizard hatching. We could always look at the tents. Did you
need a new outfit?" He asks with a smile.

Rathenna shakes her head slightly. "I had a new one made for the Igen Hold
wedding." she replies. "And I really shouldn't spend more marks on clothes
this half-turn."

Kalthanan inclines his head. "What about the Smithcraft tent? Need anything
for them or the Beastcraft?"

Shannen pauses a moment, blue hued gaze sweeping the colorful scene that
assaults her eyes, forcing her to blink several times and draw a careful,
calming breath. Where was her brain...? "Dea," she returns, spotting the
brownrider and sighing, relief etched across her features.

Laughter can be heard from within the tent at the Barrel Toss as the
crafters manning the event seem to have mysteriously disappeared from view.
After a few moments an Apprentice races through the waving tent flap,
quickly followed by two of his fellow crafters. Those in pursuit are
shouting as their juice soaked hair begins to splatter and stain their
tunics while the first mischievous Apprentice yells back, "the Journeyman
warned you not to fall asleep at your post!"

T'dry looks over at the greenrider. "I thought you didn't like these
things, Shannen?"

Kaylira brightens visibly and takes a step towards the apprentices... only
to be hauled back by one strap of her jumper. "Nay you don't, minxlet. Just
try and run off, and I'll send you back t'Telgar t'stay with proddy Uncle
V'dan." At Kassima's threat, the little girl visibly shudders. "Sounds
interesting... methinks 'twill have t'take a look, later. Shells, 'tis
crowding up right quick hereabouts!"

Rathenna considers. "I'm interested in perhaps commissioning a bit of
jewelry." she says. "Perhaps. I want to do something special for Rhy, I

Dh'lon smiles a little bit, "I suppose." He scratches at his chin and
shifts to the side as a baker passes by, loaded down with a tray of

"Elaborate, T'dry?" Shannen asks as she trots off in the direction of T'dry
and Deannus, casting a quick, reassuring glance over her shoulder at
Faemirth. She's never actually /been/ to a Berry Festival, after all...

T'dry looks about at the milling crowd. "Well it's kinda like a gather..."

Kalthanan motions towards the Smithcraft Tent. "Alright, ma'am. After you."

T'dry points. "THere's even Harpers here."

Rathenna smiles at that, making her way inside.

Rathenna heads into the SmithCraft Tent.

Deannus tugs on T'dry's sleeve. "Can we go to th'weavercraft tent
afterwards? An' we need t'see th'smiths too, so we can get you a new
graduation present," she says. "Seein' as how y'can't wear th'buckle I got

Kalthanan heads into the SmithCraft Tent.

T'dry nods and pats the belt-lump which is well hidden inside his jacket.

Laughter can be heard from within the tent at the Barrel Toss as the
crafters manning the event seem to have mysteriously disappeared from view.
After a few moments an Apprentice races through the waving tent flap,
quickly followed by two of his fellow crafters. Those in pursuit are
shouting as their juice soaked hair begins to splatter and stain their
tunics while the first mischievous Apprentice yells back, "the Journeyman
warned you not to fall asleep at your post!"

Shannen sends another of those sweeping glances around the assembled crowd,
letting it rest for a few extra seconds on one tent of the next before it
works its way back around to the other Fort Riders. "A bit like a Gather,"
she agrees quietly. She's trying...and now T'dry's making her want to turn
around and run home. How like him.

Dh'lon hms, "Someone is very predictable in their pranks."

Deannus sighs, "It's such a nice belt too." She starts forward, pushing her
way through the crowd, nevermind she's not tall enough to create a truly
effective path through the press of bodies. "Hey look! Fortunetellers..."

T'dry smiles to Shannen before setting off after Deannus. "Well I for one
am glad you came." He motions her to follow the retreating brownrider.

Deannus glances over her shoulder at her two companions, then flashes a
positively mischevious grin and pushes aside the flaps leading into the
Fortune Teller's tent. The Bakers can wait.

Deannus enters the Fortune Teller's Tent.

T'dry enters the Fortune Teller's Tent.

Shannen draws a carefully deep breath, dipping her head as she starts
though the bit of a path left by Deannus and T'dry, receiving an elbow here
or a stomp there, but determined not to be left behind.

Kassima eyes the tent dubiously, shaking her head. "Remind me t'stay away
from that place. I've nay urge t'become juice-soaked." Catching sight of
the sign, she arches up one eyebrow. "There's a scavenger hunt? I'd nay
heard about this. A'course, since this is the first time I've gotten out of
the Weyr in about ten months, 'tis unsurprising that I'm a bit behind on
the news."

Shannen enters the Fortune Teller's Tent.

With cheers of encouragement, a group of Weyrlings shout to one of their
own as she hauls a barrel upon her shoulder, preparing to throw against one
of the Weyr's Blue Riders at the Vintner's Field.

Dh'lon nods his head, "I heard there was a hunt, yes." He smiles, "I've
never been that fond of such things though.."

Kassima grins and remarks, "I've always rather liked 'em, though it's been
ages since I got much chance t'try m'hand at one. 'Twill have t'be finding
an interested non-rider, methinks. I doubt Kay counts--though she'd make a
perfect scavenger." Okay, so maybe 'kleptomaniac sneak-thief' would be a
better term.

Dh'lon makes somewhat of a face and sighs, "I believe I need to find a
place to sit down. This is all beginning to take somewhat of a toll on me..
too much activity."

Kassima snorts at Dh'lon. "You don't know the meaning of the word until
you've flown halfway across the continent with small children. Insofar as
I'm concerned, the more activity the better. Any tent in particular you can
recommend, for looking about in?"

A vintner Journeyman waves to a group of Traders summoning them to try
their hand at tossing the barrel, "You'll travel all Pern, but before you
go, be certain to give our barrels a throw!"

Dh'lon thinks and then shrugs slightly, "The weavercraft tent usually has
something interesting.. the winecraft tent probably has something to drink."

Kassima shakes her head, not without regret. "Still staying off of the
liquor for the most part, but weavers... 'tis an idea. Mayhaps they'd have
a dragon on a stick this time."

Dh'lon chuckles a little, "Perhaps."

With a loud 'crash' one of the participants at the Barrel Toss looks
dejectedly at a pile of bands and wooden slats upon the throwing field. A
befuddled Apprentice is overheard asking the supervising Journeyman:
"Should I measure to the center of the debris or the edge?"

W'il walks out from the surrounding area outside the weyr.

W'il waves at the other riders as he looks around.

Dh'lon waves as he notices W'il.

W'il heads into the SmithCraft Tent.

Kassima nods absently, resting her hands on her hips as she considers.
"Think I'll wait for the rest of the contingent," she decides, "a'fore
doing aught. They might bring some non-riding types along--a shame I've
lost track of Ofira and Ceria!--and mayhaps I can cajole one of 'em into
shackling themselves into a team... duties to the 'Reaches and her queens!"
she pauses to call over to the greenrider. "Ach, shardit. Missed. Again."

Dh'lon chuckles again, though he seems kind of distracted.

Deannus leaves the Fortune Teller's Tent.

T'dry leaves the Fortune Teller's Tent.

Dh'lon looks around the area, "I wonder if there's somewhere to sit down."

Shannen leaves the Fortune Teller's Tent.

Kassima suggests wryly, "Something wrong with your dragon's leg, of
asudden? 'Tis where I usually sit, when nowhere else is handy."

Dh'lon hrms and glances over at Wyith who has curled up at the edge of the
clearing, "He usually doesn't like it when he's napping."

Shannen emerges looking noticeably more amused than when she entered the
fortune teller's tent, arms folded neatly over her chest as she looks about
for a few moments. A priceless little adventure, that was.

Deannus glances around before starting in another direction, festival-fever
taking over before she can ask her companions where they'd rather go.

Deannus lifts up the flap and enters the main area of the Weavercraft tent.

T'dry watches Deannus tear off in a new direction. With a little sigh and
shake of his head he once again gives chase.

T'dry lifts up the flap and enters the main area of the Weavercraft tent.

"Really?" Kassi inquires, interested. "Curious... but dragons have their
quirks, Faranth knows, just like everyone else. I suppose if'n 'twere
asleep, I'd nay want anyone sitting on m'arms either."

Shannen had fun last time, and might have frun this time. Drawing herself
up quickly, she trots off after her companions, still shaking her head in
quiet amusement. Nevermind the people--this is proving entertaining.

Shannen lifts up the flap and enters the main area of the Weavercraft tent.

Dh'lon says "I doubt you would. I offer to help test it sometime though."

Kassima replies drolly, "If'n I'm ever foolish enough t'fall asleep in the
presence of High Reaches riders, you've m'blessing--so long as you know
that I'll whip you soles to sternum if'n you break m'arms in the process."
She winks, to show that she's just kidding... well, mostly.

Dh'lon hehs and says with a slight smile, "I'm not that heavy."

"I doubt you are," Kassi equitably agrees. "Which is a good thing; 'twill
save m'whip some wear and tear. And if'n there's one thing I *don't* need,
'tis *another* flayed bluerider hide for m'walls."

Dh'lon raises his eyebrows, "Another? Who else have you flayed?"

From betwixt Nraith's neckridges, A'lex says "Everyone Alive??"

High atop Nraith, A'lex assists with the de-strapping, then waits for the
others to dismount.

High atop Nraith, Silen gasps for air at the quick trip. "Yeah! he bellows,
maybe a bit _too_ happy."

High atop Nraith, Jayna shivers with excitement. "Oh, thank you, A'lex.
Thank you, Nraith. That was wonderful!" She manages to destrap, with
A'lex's help.

Jayna climbs down from Nraith's neck using his riding straps. Nraith
watches her carefully the whole time.

Kassima assures Dh'lon, "Trust me, you're better off nay knowing... 'Lex!
Silen! Jayna! Person I don't know! Heya, hiya, hoya--hey, you could be just
the persons I was looking for. Well, sort of. Wasn't looking for anyone
*specific*, but...." She shuts up and just settles for waving to them with
the hand that's not holding tightly to Kaylira's smaller one to keep the
lass from running off.

Dh'lon shakes his head, smiling.

From betwixt Nraith's neckridges, Silen waves vigorously to Kassi with one
hand, and unbuckles his straps with the other; then slides precipitously
off of Nraith's shoulder.

Astride Nraith, A'lex laughs at Kassi, "Who let her out of the infirmary?"

Silen climbs down from Nraith's neck using his riding straps. Nraith
watches his carefully the whole time.

Kassima snorts cheerfully to A'lex. "Hey, *someone* had t'provide transport
for Telgar's hapless, Flu-stricken Bakers! Besides, I've been out of the
Infirmary for two sevendays. Let me tell you, trying t'catch up on drills
has *nay* been easy."

Jayna grins broadly. Her heart is still beating wildely. "Kassi, heya!!
Where's Kharisma? Who *are* all these people?" Her words come out in a
rush. After all, it was only her second ride on a dragon, and she's *never*
seen the Reaches!

Willow climbs down from Nraith's neck using his riding straps. Nraith
watches her carefully the whole time.

Silen bounces over to Kassi. "Hey! How ya doin'?"

A'lex slides down Nraith's riding straps and lands carefully beside him.
Nraith rumbles quietly as A'lex pats his side in thanks.

Willow climbs off the dragon abit stunned.

Dh'lon wanders off, looking for someplace to sit.

Willow looks up at the dragon. "Thanks."

A'lex notices Rillae and waves.

Wroxath glides to a landing on the mountainside.

Nraith whuffs.

Ceria slides off Wroxath's back to the ground, landing lightly.

D'thon slides off Wroxath's back to the ground, landing lightly.

Rillae gives A'lex a wry grin and waves. "How goes, bronzerider?"

Silen waves to D'thon and Ceria. "Hey!"

A'lex smirks, "It goes well. And yourself and your lovely Green?"

Ceria smiles and waves to Silen.

Jayna rubs Nraith's side gently, despite her excitement. "Thanks again,

D'thon grins and waves back.

Public announcement: M'rgan spends those extra credits that are burning a
hole in his pocket. "The HRW Berry Festival has started and it continues
through until tomorrow night (ending with gold Elisanth's Flight and the
start of our OOC Search). Right now we have a firelizard hatching in our
kitchens, a meteor shower (thanks, StarSmiths!) flying over our skies, and
various bubbles of RP around our Weyr. You can also start registering your
teams for the scavenger hunt at #420. See the HRW and general boards for
more details."

Kassima laughs and rests one hand on the sleeping form of her second
daughter, who is currently resting in her bright paisley sling. "Right
here, Jayna! As to the people... this is Dh'lon, blue Wyith's rider.
Dh'lon, these are... um... the people. I'm quite all right, Silen, save
that I've nay yet found a non-riding sort t'make up a team with me--and
mayhaps a few others--in the scavenger hunt! I'm thinking of asking Jaeleka."

Nraith rumbles pleasantly.

Rillae looks about the clearing. "Tiarith is well. Thank you for asking.
Been to any of the tents yet?"

Silen grins. "Jaeleka's here?" he asks, and cranes his neck around to look.

Dh'lon turns around from his search for a suitable seat to wave at 'the

Willow wonders around abit, feeling awkward not really knowing anyone.

Kassima nods to Silen, even as Kaylira waves a rather hyperactive greeting
to the various Telgarians. "Aye; I believe she's gone to the kitchen. M'own
fair inform me that there's a clutch hatching there, so I am staying far,
*far* away."

Jayna nods respectfully at Dh'lon. She can't quite help the smile pasted on
her face. "Nice to meet you, sir. And, sorry, Kassi. Didn't see Kharisma
there in the sling. Guess my eyes don't know where to turn!"

A'lex rolls his eyes, "A clutch? Oy! Yes, keep me far from there..."

Shannen steps out of the Weavercraft tent.

Dh'lon inclines his head to Jayna, flashing her a brief smile.

Willow listens to those around, not sure where to go, or what to do. Just
hovering on the edge of the groups of people, pulling her shaw around her
shoulders tighter.

Jayna looks at Willow, looking a bit lonely and unnerved. "You can come
with me if you like, Willow. . . ever see a firelizard hatching? We could
go into the kitchen, if you like. . . "

A'lex looks at Kassi, "So, am I on your scavenger team?"

Rillae grins at A'lex. "I think I'm going to try out the fortune teller."

Rillae enters the Fortune Teller's Tent.

Willow looks over Jayna. "Could we go watch?"

D'thon grins at Kaylira mildly, glancing at the weaver tent. "Hmm... wonder
who's around.

A'lex says "Fortune teller? Wow!"

Jayna grins at Willow. "Sure! Just follow me."

Jayna grabs the other girl's hand.

Rillae leaves the Fortune Teller's Tent.

Ceria stands next to D'thon and glances around curiously.

"Certes," Kassi replies to A'lex, grinning, "if'n you want t'be, and we can
find an interested non-rider for certain! Think you that Nie might want
t'join in, too--oh, fortune-teller? Shards... must've missed that. 'Twill
definitely have t'go see such a thing, even if'n the last time I went, the
lady kept telling me I should find m'self a man." She wrinkles her nose at

Shannen slips out of the tent on silent feet, having somehow managed to
lose both of her companions amid the various items that populate the
Weaver's tent. Decidedly alone, she cuts a quick path for the nearest,
unpopulated area, taking up a mute stance beside near the edge of the
grounds, hands tucked neatly into her pocket.

Avroth whuffles and unlids one eye, peering distratedly at a group of
littles lauging and giggling nearby. He exhales firestone-tainted breath
gently in their direction and watches them wander away quickly. Mission
accomplished. He relids his eye.

Willow follows Jayna, her hand in hers.

A'lex wrinkles his brow, "Non rider... hmmmmm."

D'thon glances up at the weavertent. "Care to come, Ceria...?"

Ceria nods. "Sure," she says. She starts to walk toward the weavertent.

D'thon lifts up the flap and enters the main area of the Weavercraft tent.

Dh'lon climbs the steps of the Gazebo, examining the antique press and
assortment of juices within.

A'lex ponders, "I'm going to go see who I can find to help, and yea, Kemith
says Channie will play, so sign us up!"

Ceria lifts up the flap and enters the main area of the Weavercraft tent.

Silen looks around for something interesting, and ducks into the smithcraft

Silen heads into the SmithCraft Tent.

Shannen drops to the ground quietly, assuming a cross-legged seat in the
soft grass, leaning back on her hands as her eyes slide around the chaotic
scene of their own accord. This will suit her nicely for the next
candlemark, or so.

Kassima nods to A'lex, gnawing on her lower lip thoughtfully. "Aye. A shame
Kay or Khari wouldn't count--especially since Kay's such a *useful* little
sneak-thief. Aren't you, minx?" Kaylira does her best to look innocent.
Since she's so young, she even manages it fairly well. "See whether you can
find Jae, eh, 'Lex? She'd probably be in the kitchens, or thereabouts."

A'lex nods some more to Kassi, and wanders off...

A'lex enters the Fortune Teller's Tent.

Kassima sighs slightly as the others go, whether in relief or in
disappointment Faranth only knows. Without preamble, she seats herself
cross-legged on the ground not far from one of the tents, pulling Kaylira
down with her and gazing up at the sign speculatively. "Marks and
dragonpoker cards?" she mutters under her breath. "If'n Mart's t'credit for
this, *why* am I nay surprised?"

Indulging in the quiet, people-watching pass time that seems to monopolize
much of Shannen's idle time, the greenrider sends a limp-wristed wave
B'ael's way as she catches a glimpse of him through the crowd. Not that she
expects him to see it...

B'ael looks over and flashes a grin at Shannen as he turns in a circle,
looking about him.

B'ael goes into the Winecraft pavillion.

Kassima wiggles her fingers at the various travellers, usually missing but
not seeming to really mind. From her faintly harrowed expression, she
probably appreciates the chance to sit and rest.

B'ael leaves the Fortune Teller's Tent.

Seated atop Aberuth, Margret unbuckles after aberuth lands, "There y'go,

Kassima looks up at the arrival of a brown and his rider, waving her one
free hand in greeting. "Duties to High Reaches and her queens!" she calls.
Even if it probably won't be heard, considering the crush, Kassi's always
been one to stick to formalities like a burr on a sock.

B'ael moves over towards Shannen and grins, "having fun ?"

Aberuth trills happily at any greeting, and looks around for Trianneth...
Where'd she go?

From Aberuth's back, Ianthe glances down at the clearing--"This is it,
then?" She smiles brightly, and manages to get untangled herself, slipping
off. Luckily, controlled enough not to cause injury, though a bronze and
green exiting ::between:: a few moments later seem slightly perturbed at
that slight clumsiness. Ahem.

Ianthe slids down Aberuth's side to the ground, cautiously stepping on his

Margret swings a leg over and slids off of Aberuth easily.

Shannen looks up as she catches something between herself and whatever
nothing it was she's been staring at. "Fun?" she repeats, blinking a few
time as she leans her head back to catch sight of B'ael. "I s'pose." Of
course, Shann's idea of fun might well be sitting on the grass all by herself.

Margret's very used to it, and gives Ianteh a hand. "There, lass."

B'ael smiles down at Shannen, "Find anything to decorate your weyr with ?"

Seaylin vaults down Maraseth's side to the ground, using her foreleg as a

Ianthe steadies herself a little better--there. Ahem! She meant to do that.
Really. A thankful smile to Margret, then an appraising glance about the

Margret grins and ruffesl Ianthe's hair, "G'wan an have fun lass.." She
nods at Aberuth, who settles to one side.

C'lus clambers down Maraseth's side to the ground, as the dragon rumbles

L'ran slides down Sivorth's leg and drops to the ground.

L'ran looks around at everyone.

Shannen shakes her head a bit, sitting up properly to cast a dismissive
wave off toward the Weaver tent. "Nothin' I can't live without. 'Sides, I
had most o'my stuff brought up from Southern. It's not so bare...You?" she
asks quietly.

B'ael shrugs, " Just got here Shannen, and anyways don't have any ideas."

Kassima gets to her feet with the faintest of groans. Calling another quick
round of duties, she glances down at Kaylira, who's fidgeting in boredom.
"Shall we have our fortunes told, lass?" The little girl can't possibly
understand, but brightens at the idea of *doing* something. With another
wave, the greenrider and her daughters head off to the aforementioned tent.

You enter the tent.

The old woman says, "Sit, sit, let me tell your fortune."

The old woman leans close to Kassima and whispers something to her.

The old woman whispers, mysteriously, "You are a pretty thing, dearie. Why
are you bothering with me? You should be out there meeting people. Plently
of unwed people there are out there. Perhaps one is for you?" Then she sits
back and looks at you sagely.

You leave the tent.

Ceria walks toward the fortune teller's tent.

Ceria enters the Fortune Teller's Tent.

Deannus's eyes go wide as she sees the crowd has nearly tripled, and
squeezes close to T'dry, not leaving the bronzerider much room to manuvuer."

D'thon enters the Fortune Teller's Tent.

"Had my uncle bring one up," Shannen answers, somehow managing to shrug one
shoulder despite the fact that she's leaning back on her hands. No easy
feat to accomplish..."So I've got one, anyway."

T'dry tucks his hand inside Dea's. "Which way was it?" He looks back and
forth, then jumps to try to see over the mass of bodies in front of him.

R'val walks out from the surrounding area outside the weyr.

Tinya strolls out from the surrounding area outside the weyr.

One of the younger vintners tears himself away from his compatriots at the
Barrel Toss as he spies Margret approaching.

Ianthe emerges from the Fortune Teller's Tent, looking thoughtful--and
hungry? Imagine that. Then, another glance around the gather grounds... but
finally migrating back towards the person she knows, temporarily. "Not
here?" she asks of Margret, curiously.

Margret misses Ianthe's question, stepping up to the barrel toss.

Deannus shrugs. "I dunno, yer th'tall one, see if y'can see it," she
chuckles, grinning up at T'dry.

"'Tis a conspiracy, I tell you," Kassi mutters, glancing back over her
shoulder at the tent. "A conspiracy! Meet a man, get married... feh. As
if'n I could." Mutter, mutter. Pausing just long enough to procure a bubbly
for Kaylira, she heads over to sit on Lysseth's foreleg--with a wave, of
course, to Tinya. "Tinya! G'deve and such, bluerider."

Margret listens to the excited Vintercraft Apprentice before following the
crafter to the Barrel Toss event to take a closer look.

B'ael ohs at Shannen and nods. He looks around once again.

Margret taps experimentally upon the smooth side of an old barrel before
following the Journeyman Vintner behind a stack of barrels and out of sight
to participate in the Barrel Toss.

R'val nods politely to Kassima as he walks in, arm in arm with Tinya.

A'lex waves at the hoards as he slips into yet another tent.

Margret looks rather pleased at her hurl and smiles.

T'dry waves as he spots some of the others from Fort. "Baz! Shannen! Over

Shannen hardly seems worried that she's managed to end the only
conversation to approach her for most of the evening. A soft nod is sent
B'ael's way. If he leaves, he leaves, and she can go back to her quiet

Margret leans over the prizes assembled atop the award table while
carefully inspecting the assortment.

Tinya waves to Kassi as she walks by with R'val. "Can't stop now," she
calls over her shoulder. "I've promised him wine first thing!"

Tinya goes into the Winecraft pavillion.

B'ael turns back and grins, "Wanna help me find somethign for my weyr
Shannen ?"

Margret walks up and looks at the table, Hmmm. "Hey, ianthe..." She looks

Rolan walks over and asks uncertainly "Daennus?

Kassima snorts cheerfully at Tinya. "Faranth forfend you should be late for
*that*! G'luck in finding whatever vintage you're looking for."

Pausing beside the Barrel Toss prize table, Margret's attention is drawn to
the 'first' place awards displayed there.

Margret looks behind her for the young woman, "Ianthe?"

R'val goes into the Winecraft pavillion.

Deannus's eyes snap to Rolan, vague recognition flaring in them. "Rolan,
right?" she smiles.

Caristan wanders in with a smile on his face, not quite sure where he's
going and in no hurry to get there, just soaking in being surrounded by all
of these different people.

Shannen pulls herself to her feet with a deft hop, brushing a few lingering
blades of grass from her backside before she sends a crisp nod to B'ael. If
the bronzerider is brave enough to accept her advice, why not give it? "All
right. But you go first," and she casts a worried little glance at the
crowd assembled around and before her.

Rolan nods "Yeah, i thought i remembered you, how are you?

Ianthe nudges through some people, to continue the conversation--"You
didn't find her?"

B'ael grins, "Sure thing Shannen." he motions to the weaver tent, "Perhaps
in there ?"

Jesica moves over to Deannus and grins, "Hey Dea."

Deannus's smile fades into a bright grin. "Doin' good, 'cept fer bein' all
crowded here," she says to Rolan before turning to Jesica. "Hey! Thought
I'd lost ya in all th'people."

Margret shakes her head, "She's prolly 'sleep... Looky, I got inna first
places fer th'barrel toss. Waht should I get?" (type 'first')

"They've a few rugs in there, yes," Shannen agrees with a soft shrug, pale
blue eyes slipping off toward the Weaver's tent yet again. Seems to be a
popular haunt this evening. "More likely t'find one in there than anywhere
else, I s'pose."

Jesica chuckles and grins, "I snuck into the kitchen to get something to
eat and got a friend to go with me."

B'ael nods at Shannen ,"Aye, I'm sure you're right." He heads towards the

B'ael lifts up the flap and enters the main area of the Weavercraft tent.

Shannen lifts up the flap and enters the main area of the Weavercraft tent.

Rolan says "well uhm it was nice to see you again"

Pausing beside the Barrel Toss prize table, Margret's attention is drawn to
the 'first' place awards displayed there.

One of the younger vintners tears himself away from his compatriots at the
Barrel Toss as he spies Jesica approaching.

Deannus grins. "Is that where they're hidin' all th'food, then? Oh..Jesi,
this is Rolan, Rolan, this is Jesi, an' T'dry." She gestures to each person
in turn. There. Introductions done.

Ianthe examines the selection carefully. "Hmm. I dunno." Then, eyes drawn
to the tokens... "Picnic baskets?" she asks questioningly.

Jesica smiles and waves to the men, "Hallo."

Rolan says "Well met sir, maem."

Margret looks at the liqueur, and then the basket tokens.. "I'm nay sure
which... I kin get a basket from mas'er mum any day tho..."

T'dry nods to Rolan and Jesica. "Well met."

Deannus tugs on T'dry's hand. "She said th'food's in th'weyr kitchens,
wanna go see if there's any left?"

T'dry's eyes get wide. "There'd better be!" He tugs her hand and sets off.

Rolan enters the Fortune Teller's Tent.

Deannus laughs, waving as she's tugged away.

Ianthe tilts her head, following Margret's gaze to the liqueur, then
looking back over the others. "Well, then take that, then."

Ceria leaves the Fortune Teller's Tent.

D'thon leaves the Fortune Teller's Tent.

Ceria glances at D'thon. "Where to next?

Margret picks the booze, "M'gonna take this t'me weyr, Ianthe..."

One of the younger vintners tears himself away from his compatriots at the
Barrel Toss as he spies Caristan approaching.

Caristan listens to the excited Vintercraft Apprentice before following the
crafter to the Barrel Toss event to take a closer look.

Jesica listens to the excited Vintercraft Apprentice before following the
crafter to the Barrel Toss event to take a closer look.

Ianthe nods quickly. "I can wait down here, but you'd better come back,"
she says with a smile. "Otherwise, how'll I get back?"

Caristan taps experimentally upon the smooth side of an old barrel before
following the Journeyman Vintner behind a stack of barrels and out of sight
to participate in the Barrel Toss.

D'thon glances up. "P'raps to compare notes..." He grins to Kassi, dodging
through the crowd. "How goes?"

Ceria follows D'thon over to Kassima with a smile.

Jesica appears atop a nearby barrel as she sits down to watch some of the
other participants before attempting her own throw.

Caristan leans over the prizes assembled atop the award table while
carefully inspecting the assortment.

Caristan takes a closer look at the prize table, gazing at the second place

Margret grins at Ianthe, "Ye'll have t'find some handsome rider t'give ye a

V'beda waves and nods as she passes through the crowd.

Handsome? Hee. We're kidding, right? Ianthe's scared to death of handsome.
She blanches a little. "Um... do I have to?"

Kassima looks up from wiping stray bubbly stains from Kaylira's face, and
grins at the two Telgarians approaching. "Heya, you two. Methinks I'm just
now starting t'recover from our trip," she quips to Ceria with a wink.
"'Tis amazing how quickly the memory of three days solid with three small
children fades when you're in a crowd like this! Either of you find aught

Jesica taps experimentally upon the smooth side of an old barrel before
following the Journeyman Vintner behind a stack of barrels and out of sight
to participate in the Barrel Toss.

Seaylin remains standing in front of the board, perhaps trying to memorize
the entire scavenger hunt list.

Jesica leans over the prizes assembled atop the award table while carefully
inspecting the assortment.

V'beda waves higher as she spots Seaylin. "Seay! Skyreth told me to find
you about a team for the scavenger hunt."

Listening attentively to the Junioe Apprentice vintner behind the prize
table, Jesica examines each of the third place awards.

Jesica taps experimentally upon the smooth side of an old barrel before
following the Journeyman Vintner behind a stack of barrels and out of sight
to participate in the Barrel Toss.

D'thon shrugs. "The fortune teller was amusing," he informs Kassima.

Jesica leans over the prizes assembled atop the award table while carefully
inspecting the assortment.

Pausing beside the Barrel Toss prize table, Jesica's attention is drawn to
the 'first' place awards displayed there.

Ceria grins at D'thon and Kassima. "Definitely amusing," she agrees.

Seaylin looks around at the sound of her name and raises a hand to guide
V'beda over. Pitching her voice to carry, she nods. "We're looking. Master
Gabrion, if he ever gets freed up..." Seay looks over towards the winecraft
tent, "...and C'lus here, and me." Seay smiles. "Now you I hope.'

Kassima snorts sardonically. "The first thing she said t'me was that I'm a
pretty thing who should be out meeting men, Faranth help me."

Margret smiles. She mutters to Ianthe, "... me... aye.... some... w'yer,..." 

Ceria smiles. "She told me that there was a dragon in my future," she says.
She chuckles.

D'thon coughs, eyes dancing. "Preserve us all," he intones. "She told me to
listen to somebody dressed in red. I mean, this isn't a wedding Gather..."

Ianthe ohs, softly, then glances around.. there's bound to be somebody out
there she can make friends with, right? She nods at Margret. "I
understand." At least vaguely, anyway.

Caristan enters the Fortune Teller's Tent.

"Told me that, too," Kassi admits. "After she told me t'marry a Herder. And
told Kay that there were bubblies in her future, which the lassling
*insisted* on having come true. Remind me t'be thankful that Khari's nay
old enough t'be bubbly-mad yet, eh? Blasted things're messy!"

Margret grins and heads back to Aberuth, brandy in hand.

Margret swings up and settels between Aberuth's neckridges.

Aberuth rises higher, out of the area.

Caristan leaves the Fortune Teller's Tent.

V'beda gets big eyes as she reads the list. "Seay, firelizard egg shards! I
stuck a few in my pocket..." and she starts rummaging around in her pocket,
then the other one.

D'thon blinks. "Come to think of it, has the hunt begun?" he asks Kassi.

Kassima nods an affirmative to D'thon. "Begun it has, and it lasts
throughout the Festival--or so says yonder sign."

Seaylin blinks and stares at V'beda, then goes back to the list. "Did you?"
Seay smiles lopsidedly. "I guess it was lucky you did that."

D'thon blinks at the sign. "Oh, my..." He chuckles. "This is /interesting/.

Jesica hmmmms softly as she looks about at all the strangers, she doesn't
have anyone to join the scavenger hunt with.

Ceria follows D'thon's gaze to the sign.

V'beda keeps digging in her pocket, then pulls out a couple big pieces,
loosing them as she yanks her hand out. They go flying on the ground in
front of her, hitting a few people in the back. "Ooops! Sorry!"

Caristan looks over the list of scavenger hunt items, not having the first
idea of where anything on the list might be.

Kassima nods to D'thon, "Interesting indeed. Somehow, I find it remarkably
easy t'believe that Mart's behind it a--Nie! Jae! There you are!"

Jaeleka waves to Kassi, cradling a hand benath the bib pocket of her
coveralls. "Hey, guess wht? I was looking for Master Ofira in the kitchens,
and.." She points to hte bluge in her coveralls.

Kassima peers at the coveralls curiously. "Don't tell me... what color did
you Impress this time?"

A few beshelled people turn around then look around warily to see if
anymore strange objects will come flying at them.

Jaeleka laughs at Kassi, and pulls the fabric back to expose the little
bronze cuddled within.

Channie waves to Kassi, and D'thon as she walks up with Jae. Her jacket is
open, and there's a little buldge inside to one side. "hey! We finaly made

V'beda tries to see where the shards went before they get stepped on.
"Jays, I'm turning into a clutz." She sees a big chunk of black one by her
boot and grabs it, handing it to Seaylin. "You hold this so I don't cause
permanent damage with it."

Ceria grins at Jae. "What's his name?" she asks her.

D'thon bl;inks. "How many got them?" he asks Channie.

Jaeleka Hms at Ceria "I haven't decided yet..its got to be just right."

Ceria nods seriously. "I understand," she says.

A'lex emerges from the SmithCraft Tent

Kassima whistles her appreciation of the respective jacket bulges, as
Kaylira waves enthusiastically to the various folk she recognizes--and
those she doesn't, for that matter. "Remind me t'be glad I stayed far, far
away, would you? Hey, Jae, I wanted to ask you--think you'd be interested
in joining a scavenger-hunt team?"

A'lex grins, "Hey! THERE you guys are! I just met the Masterharper and

Jaeleka nods her chin Channie's way "I think I was asked..and thats why I'm

Seaylin scurries after the shells, trying to avoid getting her fingers and
the shells before they're trampled. Not too successful, one loose shard
gets ground beneath someone's heel, but Seay grabs two and holds them up
with a grin.

Ceria grins at A'lex. "Hi," she calls.

A'lex grins at Ceria. "How goes?"

Ceria smiles. "I'm still recovering from the trip over here," she says

Channie waves to A'lex, her one hand covering the lump in her jacket,
"Heyla bronzerider!"

Kassima beams at 'Leka broadly. "Oh, good!" she enthuses. "We've ourselves
a team, then! Don't suppose you happened t'pick up any 'lizard shards,
perchance...? I've a whetstone in m'pocket that'll serve as one of the
items, but I've naught else from the list on me."

R'val comes out of the Winecraft pavillion.

V'beda hmms. "A Fortune Teller?" and decides to take a look.

V'beda enters the Fortune Teller's Tent.

R'val lifts up the flap and enters the main area of the Weavercraft tent.

Jaeleka puts a hand to her pocket and pulls out a small shard of egg - "For
luck" she nods.

Tinya comes out of the Winecraft pavillion.

A'lex snickers, "Rough 'tweening?" He turns to Channie, "Hello Brownrider
of my soul! What are you hiding." He glares at Kassi, "You didn't give her
her birthday present early?"

Ceria shakes her head. "I didn't go between," she tells him.

D'thon grins to A'lex again. "Hi again," he comments mildly.

A'lex frowns, "You didn't whyever not?"

V'beda leaves the Fortune Teller's Tent.

D'thon blinks and blushes. Rather severely.

Jaeleka sticks hte egg shard back into her pocket.

Ceria turns rather pink. "I can

"*Between* naught," Kassi retorts. "We flew here straight, from Telgar.
With three kids. Just so y'know why I'm a bit battier than usual... nay,
'Lex! 'Tis nay m'fault she's got a bulge in her pocket, I promise you! Oh,
Jae, you're a lifesaver. That's two items, right there!"

Ceria turns rather pink. "I can't," she says to A'lex.

Tinya lifts up the flap and enters the main area of the Weavercraft tent.

D'thon glances to Ceria, then to A'lex, then to Ceria again. He appears
rather red under his tan himself.

The team Give-Us-Your-Stuff has been added to the list.

Channie smiles at A'lex and hops over to him, opening her jacket slightly
to show him the sleeping gold firelizard she's hiding, "Isn't she beautiful?"

V'beda lifts up the flap and enters the main area of the Weavercraft tent.

A'lex looks confused, "You can...t..." He beams, throws his arms around
Ceria and pulls D'thon into the embrace, "Congratulations, It is yours

A'lex looks over at Channie with a start, "Oh! More little ones today!
Congratulations to you too!!"

D'thon looks mildly embarrassed, glancing at Ceria. "Well,. if it isn't,
there will be words..."

"More little ones?" asks Kassi, sounding confused. "Nie? You're preggers too?"

A'lex coughs...

Ceria's blush grows deeper. "Of course it's his!" she says to A'lex.

Seaylin climbs up onto Maraseth's back, using her foreleg as a step.

Maraseth flies up, out of the area.

C'lus enters the Minecraft Tent.

Jesica just looks kind of lost and so settles herself into a corner to
watch the goings on."

A'lex stops coughing long enough to smile at Ceria s'more.

Channie blinks at A'lex, seeming to catch onto something, "my turnday is
still a long while off.::

A'lex laughs at Channie, "And glad I am to hear it."

As a fairly young, red-haired woman who bears some slight resemblance to
Kassima makes her way across the clearing and over to the greenrider, Kassi
gives Kaylira's cheek a kiss and hoists the girl up for the woman to take.
"Methinks she's getting a bit tired, Simaeva. Your timing's impeccable, as
always." With a grin from 'Maeva and a grumble from the girl, the two head
back to the Weyr proper. "Shells, but that lass has energy... 'Lex, did you
happen t'see any slates about, while 'twere accosting yon Masterharper?"

D'thon sighs. "Well, if'n the worst comes to the worst, we could always
make a hunt team out of it - call ourselves the "Expecters" or something..."

Jaeleka perks up at the mention of the Masterharper. "Slates?"

Ceria giggles. "There's a thought," she says.

D'thon glances at Kassi. "You game, Kassi?"

One of the younger vintners tears himself away from his compatriots at the
Barrel Toss as he spies Deckard approaching.

Kassima nods to Jaeleka, getting up to walk over to the sign where the
items are listed. "Says here that a slate with a Teaching Song's one of the
things we need to procure... hmmm, D'thon? For what?"

A'lex shakes his head, "No, but she told me who to check with...Kalthanan,
Ellia or Jerethan can get us one!

Deckard listens to the excited Vintercraft Apprentice before following the
crafter to the Barrel Toss event to take a closer look.

D'thon cocks his head, unconsciously mimickijng a favourite posture of his
dragon. "For the scavenger hunt...?"

Jaeleka siddles over to A'lex "She's here? Where?" The words aren't quite
whispered - but darn near close.

Maylia wanders out from the surrounding area outside the weyr.

Deckard taps experimentally upon the smooth side of an old barrel before
following the Journeyman Vintner behind a stack of barrels and out of sight
to participate in the Barrel Toss.

A'lex snickers at Jaeleka, "She *WAS* in the Smithcraft tent with the
Mastersmith, but they were on their way somewhere for food I think."

Kassima brightens at the mention of the latter name. "Jereth! I know him!
He's posted here... if'n there's a Harper we're apt t'run into, 'twould
think 'twould be him." Grinning at D'thon, she nods enthusiastically. "I'm
game, aye. We've been making up a team--me, Jaeleka, 'Lex, Nie... hey,
Maylia, didn't I hear someone say that you wanted in, too?"

Deckard leans over the prizes assembled atop the award table while
carefully inspecting the assortment.

Jaeleka sighs, disappointment etched clearly in her features.

Deckard takes a closer look at the prize table, gazing at the second place

Maylia spots Alex and Jaeleka, and trots towards them. "Aye, Kassi. I'd
like to!" She calls.

D'thon blinks. "Sounds rather massive. But..." He grins ferally. "Why not?"

Kassima laughs and, taking up a stylus, starts writing on one of the sheets
tacked to the board. "All right, then, D'thon. Insofar as names go... what
say you to 'Give-Us-Your-Stuff'? 'Tis simple, direct, gets to the
point...." She winks.

D'thon glances to Ceria. "Coming, love?" He turns back to Kassi and shrugs
with a wink. "No objections here..."

Ceria laughs at Kassima's suggestion. "It is direct," she agrees.

A'lex laughs, "Great, bandits we are now..."

Ceria nods and slips her hand into D'thon's.

Rathenna emerges from the SmithCraft Tent

Kassima asks as she scripts the names on the paper in her flourishing,
rather florid handwriting, "You want in too, Ceria? Methinks 'twill be a
case of the more, the merrier--especially given all of the stuff we'll need
t'be finding."

Tanghos emerges from the SmithCraft Tent

Ceria nods to Kassima. "I'm in," she says.

D'thon glances at the sign again.


Information for Team Give-Us-Your-Stuff:

Team was created on Fri Jan 23 21:38:32 1998.

        Kassima is connected.
        Jaeleka is connected.
        A'lex is connected.
        Channie is connected.
        Maylia is connected.
        D'thon is connected.
        Ceria is connected.


Tanghos asks the Masterharper lightly. "The Winecraft tent?"

A'lex nudges Jaeleka, "There she is."

Rathenna nods at Tanghos. "Certainly." she replies. "That *was* the idea,
after all."

Tanghos smiles and slowly directs the pair in that direction.

Tanghos goes into the Winecraft pavillion.

Jaeleka oofs as she's nudged, and follows A'lex's pointing. Nodding, and
trying hard not to stare at the Masterharper.

Rathenna goes into the Winecraft pavillion.

Kassima steps back from the board, surveying her handiwork with
satisfaction. "Now," she mutters, "if'n only the brownie were about, so
that I could steal a card and mark from him... I've the whetstone, and
'Leka has the shards. Mayhaps the Weaver tent would be the best place
t'look for thread and a scarf, eh? T'say naught of the needle."

D'thon fumbles in his pocket. "I've a needle and thread here - shards, the
needed it on a spool, didn't they?"

Channie wonders back up to the group after going who-knows-where and looks
around, she has missed pretty much all of the conversation, "Um, what did I

A'lex puts an arm about Channie's waist, "I'm not exactly sure, we're a
team, and now we must find stuff..."

Shannen steps out of the Weavercraft tent.

Jesica hmmmms a little and listens, to shy to approach any of the people,
since she doesn't know them.

Channie slips an arm around A'lex and grins up at him, "did I hear right?
That D'thon is to be a father? Or, am I starting rumors again?"

Kassima explains to Nie, "We're just nattering about the items we need
t'find, I think... aye, D'thon, I fear so. Some of these things are going
t'be tricky. I suspect we'll have t'go down south for the flower and
seashell... and a Weyrling's knot?" She just snorts at the mention of
rumors, shaking her head slightly.

A'lex shakes his head, "And Ceria is going to be a mother..."

Ceria smiles at Channie.

Channie sighs softly and flashes the expecting parents a huge smile,
"That's wonderful! Congrats to both of you! Jays, you must be so excited."

Caristan wanders around, looking for someone that looks as lost as he is to
talk to. He walks up to Jesica and says, "I'm Caristan, a guard cadet at
Tillek... do you feel as lost here as I do?"

Shannen, with a blanket tucked under one arm, manages to push and press her
way through the crowd, stopping beside Faemirth long enough to tug on her
riding jacket and check the green's straps. A quick glance is sent over her
shoulder, confirming that there's no one she ought to be worried
about...She's had her fill of society and conversation. "Time t'go home."

Shannen hops up to Faemirth's foreleg before swinging herself up to settle
comfortably between the green's neckridges.

D'thon blushes slightly. at A'lex. "Hmm..." He glances to Kassi. "THe knot
isn't a problem - " He produces one from his pocket - a Benden knot at that.

Jaeleka looks about as the talk is now on babies nad expecting and that
just isn't her style.

Faemirth wings upward, out of the area.

A'lex says "You carry your weyrling knot with you?"

Kassima quirks up an eyebrow at the appearance of the knot. "You're certain
you don't mind, D'thon? I still have mine, but I'd nay give it up... nay
that I think we'll *have* to, but y'never know. 'Tis nay specified."

Maylia shifts her weight from one leg to the other, thinking. "I've not got
my weyrling... " she grins as D'thon produces one like magic.

Jesica hmmms softly and digs into her pocket, pulling out her favorite
shell, "I've got a shell ma'am. It's one I found when I was 10 turns old."
She holds out the small but unbroken pink shell.

D'thon chuckles. "Oh, well, if we have to, this'll do just as well." He
then produces a /Telgar/ weyrling knot.

Ceria glances around as everyone seems to be finding items except for her.

Laurelin smiles as she walks through the crowds, nodding to those she
recognizes, and asking if everyone's having a good time.

D'thon shrugs to A'lex. "I'v never thrown any of my knots away..."

Maylia blinks at D'thon. "You turning into J'cob, or something? With his
colleciton of knots?" She inspects him with a wary eye, looking for that
baker CraftMaster knot the greenrider had managed to procure somehow.

D'thon then pulls a very, very faded lavender and white Weaver knot out of
his carry-sack, just to prove the point.

A'lex snerks, "Me neither, but I don't CARRY them with me...

Jaeleka grins, turning to Maylia' I got lots of resident knots. But not
weryling ones."

Ceria blinks at A'lex and D'thon.

Kassima blinks thrice--first at the ma'aming, then at the appearance of the
shell, and third at the girl's offering of it. "D'you want t'join our team,
then, lass? And, please--the name's nay ma'am; 'tis Kassima. Green
Lysseth's rider, Wingsecond, general lunatic, and other such pithy things.
May I have the pleasure of knowing yours?" With a respectful nod and a call
of duties to the wandering weyrwoman, she adds in an undertone to Maylia,
"Speak nay that name, lest he himself appear, and pull *everything* we need
from his pockets somehow."

Jesica chews on her lip, "Me family lives in Boll, on the coast. I found
lots of shells there."

Maylia gives D'thon an odd look, then Jae. "But do y'carry them around?"
Kassi gets a grin, before the young greenrider casts her eye about in case
what her mentor says is true.

Laurelin enters the Fortune Teller's Tent.

Channie slips a hand inside her jacket to stroke the firelizard sleeping
there. "What are the other items we need?"

Jaeleka frowns at Maylia "Well, not usually the Bitra one, but most often I
hav the Benden one and hte TElgar one. Yeah."

D'thon shrugs. "You never know when a knot will get you into places you
couldn't otherwise be." He winks, obviously not wanting to explain the
meaning of /that/ comment.

Jesica grins at the offer, "My name's Jesica, most people call me Jesi

"A fine place, Boll," Kassima approves. "And one I intend to visit quite
oft once the lassling's old enough. Maylia, I keep all of my old knots,
from Greystones resident up--but I swear t'you, I don't carry 'em around.
It must be some quirk of male riders who have Os in their names. Are
y'certain you're willing t'give it up, lass? Though I *am* hoping that we'd
be able t'return it t'you."

Channie lifts her hand and waves hello to Laurelin.

Ceria raises an eyebrow at D'thon.

Laurelin leaves the Fortune Teller's Tent.

Jesica nods, "It's okay, I've got more at home, sides, Snow might decide
it's food when he wakes up."

Kassima retorts to D'thon, "Nay, and I don't think I even want t'know.
Ah... Jesi, then. Well met, Jesi. What say you; d'you wish t'be joining the
hoard of Give-Us-Your-Stuff, in return for this shell? Would you lot mind?"
she wonders of her teammates.

A'lex grins, "Works for me!"

Jesica chuckles, "Well join iffen nae one else minds, or iffen they do I
can give it to you."

Channie nods her head in agreement at Kassi, having no idea what she should
start looking for, "Sure Kassi."

Jaeleka doesn't give voice to any problems.

J'cob strides out from the surrounding area outside the weyr.

Maylia blows the annoying stray strand of hair from her face. "Well, I've
kept mine too, of course." She shrugs, with a smile. "I sure dont' mind.
S'long as you aren't carrying two score of knots?"

J'cob wanders in, greeting people left and right.

Jesica blinks and shakes her head, "Knots? I've not got any knots."

A'lex grins at J'cob, "Heyla!"

Maylia blinks. And stares at Kassi. The woman was right. In an undertone,
she mutters to her mentor, "Remind me not to do that again, hmmm?"

J'cob grins at A'lex, "How're you?'

A'lex chuckles at Maylia.

A'lex says "Well, and yourself?"

Kitrell strides out from the surrounding area outside the weyr.

Taelenna stands by the registration board for the scavenger hunt, idly
watching the goings-on.

D'thon blinks at Maylia. "You're talented," he comments mildly.

Channie pulls away from A'lex and wanders over to the sign so she can have
a look at it. "hmm, lets seee"

Maylia grins wryly at D'thon, then casts a smile on the girl from Boll. "I
was just kidding," She says quietly.

Laurelin moves over to where Taelenna stands, and smiles a greeting to her.

"Told you so," Kassi quips under her breath to Maylia before firing off a
quick wave to J'cob--accompanied, as always, by a call of duties--and
turning to add Jesica's name to the roster of her teammates. Jostled by the
motion, Kharisma murmurs groggily and starts to stir in her sling. "Hssst,
love... sleep, sleep. I'll be more careful of you henceforth. Well! That
gives us the shell, the knot, the whetstone, and the shards. Still plenty
t'be found, but 'tis a good starting set. What think you we should go next
t'seek for?"

Jesica grins, "Well me ma and da are trying to foster me at Fort Weyr, with
one of me cousins."

Kitrell heads right for the a beeline for the Winecraft tent, well... maybe a

Taelenna smiles at Laurelin as the Weyrwoman walks up to her. "Hello," she
greets, grinning. "I didn't see you wander in. How are you?"

Matheny walks out from the surrounding area outside the weyr.

J'cob looks Kassima over and decides (wisely) to spare her the widest
distance. He approches Laurelin quietly.

Channie looks up at kassima, "What's an awl anyway?" her nose wrinkles up
slightly as she holds a finger against the list.

Kitrell heads right for the Winecraft tent, well... maybe not -right- for
it... he sort of is weaving all over the place, arm in arm and singing
raucously with some other tall thin man who seems to be having a hard time
keeping Kitrell moving in that straight line.

Jesica hmms, "An Awl is ised in either leatherworking or weaving/sewing."

Willow walks out from the surrounding area outside the weyr.

"Tannercraft tool. 'Tis the thing we use t'poke holes in straps--y'may know
it better as 'That hole-poking thing,'" Kassima clarifies with a wink.
"'Tis what I usually call it."

Laurelin shrugs slightly and says to Taelenna, "I've been here and
there...keeping an eye on things, you know. Are you enjoying yourself?
Planning on joining the scavenger hunt?" She indicates the board next to
Taelenna with a nod of her head.

A'lex says "All, that's every little bit, as opposed to None, which is...

Fixer spins in the air, once before dropping back to Willow's shoulder,
enjoying the free ride.

Maylia steps close to Channie, asking her, "Are there stables around we
could get into?" very quietly.


Welcome to the High Reaches Weyr Berry Festival Scavenger Hunt. Below are
the items you'll be looking for. Remember, none of these items are "real"
or coded. Instead you should just RP around them. The winner isn't chosen
by who gets the most items but which team has the best tale to relate about
their adventures while looking for these items.

     Trundlebug               Dragonpoker Card
     Awl                      Purple Scarf
     Tannercraft 1/32 Mark    Stirring Spoon w/a BakerCraft Mark
     Weyrling's Knot          Bubbly
     Firelizard Egg Shard     Whetstone
     Pot of Numbweed          Small Spool of Blue Thread
     A Needle                 Slate w/a Teaching Song On It
     Runnershoe               Unbroken Seashell
     Tropical Flower          

To find out how this scavenger hunt it going to go, do 'rules'.


Caristan looks over the list of scavenger hunt items again, giving it a
blank look as he can't think of where to find any of the items.

Jaeleka asks Kassi "What am I supposed to look for?"

D'thon coughs, eyes dancing. "Imagine the sight tomorrow when they find all
the runners unshod..."

Kassima reads over the list, murmuring a few words to herself. "If'n
Kaylira can't find a bubbly and a trundlebug, I'll eat a raw wherry. Again.
Jae, you're the closest thing to a Harper in our merry band--think you
could find a slate t'write a Teaching Song on?"

Channie giggles at A'lex and rolls her eyes. "oh, I get it I get it!" She
says to Kassi" To Maylia she nods, though a bit slowly, "There are....ah,
lets see, I've never been to them though." She speaks very quietly to the
Telgar rider so no one else can overhear. "Should we go scout it out?"

Taelenna shakes her head. "Oh...I don't believe so. I've never been good at
those things. I am enjoying myself, though...found a new little friend."
Tael opens her riding jacket slightly to reveal a small, curled-up bronze
firelizard. "From V'beda's clutch." She smiles, then looks at the
greenrider who's approached Laurelin.

Jaeleka nods at Kassiand asks A'lex for those names again "You said you
were given some?"

A slender young woman, she seems too thoughtful and serious for her
twenty-three turns, until you notice the twinkling of her greenish-brown
eyes peeking out from under rich auburn bangs. The rest of her hair is
otherwise otherwise pulled straight back into a long runner's tail that
sweeps down far past her shoulders. Her clothes are simple: a soft, long
sweater of grey-blue that hangs freely over snug black trousers tucked into
knee-high black wherhide boots. On her shoulder is a knot in the blue and
black of High Reaches Weyr, a single gold thread woven through it,
signifying her position as junior weyrwoman to her lifemate Elisanth.

Maylia drapes her arm across Jae's shoulders, nodding to D'thon. "Exactly.
And I'd prefer to not have to get one off a stalion." With a nod and a
giggle, she glances towards the path. "Lets!"

D'thon glances to Ceria. "Think you could filch one of Ofira's spoons while
she isn't looking?"

Channie waves to her other team-mates and goes off in search of the stables.

D'thon chuckles. "Let's go, then," he winks.

Jesica hmmms and looks at the list

A'lex says "Kalthanan, Ellia or Jerethan..."

Laurelin oos at the sight of the newborn firelizard, and smiles. "He's
lovely, Taelenna...I knew V'beda's clutch would crack soon." She notices
Taelenna's smile and turns to see J'cob there, and her smile broadens

A'lex says "Assign me something..."

Jaeleka nods at A'lex. "Any idea where I might find them?" Sshe looks about
the rather large grounds.

Jesica hmms and bends over to collect one of the shards V'beda dropped,
"Anyone get the shell?"

A'lex shakes his head, "Nope..."

J'cob grins at Laurelin, "Ah-ha! I kne you'd be here. Wha have you been up
to lately?"

Jaeleka sighs at A'lex's response. "I guess I got to go looking."

Fixer trumpets loudly, trying to breach the din of the crowd. All this
noise, and no one speaking to him!

Laurelin says, "J'cob!" and she hugs the green rider without too much
warning. "It's good to see you!"

Kassima points to A'lex. "You'll be needed t'help kick Mart's rump in
dragonpoker so that we can steal a card and the mark piece from him! In the
meanwhile, think you know where we should look for a purple scarf? Aye,
Jesica--got it right here." She holds up the shell, with a flashed smile.
"What d'you next wish t'be looking for?"

Kitrell emerges from the aforementioned winecraft tent with a glass in one
hand and a new looking skin slung over one shoulder. Still arm in arm with
his companion, he weaves his was rather purposefully towards Laurelin,
taking the occasional sip from his glass and sloshing the more than
occasional bit over the side. "No Grelon, I will not sit down... have to
pay my respects to the Lady of the Weyr!" he complains in an alltogether
too loud of voice, still heading roughly in Laurelin's direction.

J'cob laughs, unused to being hugged unless someone's trying to get a skin
out of his hands, "Good to see you also."

A'lex says "Dragonpoker?"

Jaeleka heads off on search...

Jesica hmmms, "Well we need a pot of numbweed, which I think I can get,
since I saw the infirmary back that aways. Though I'll have to think of a
way to do it."

Caristan enters the Minecraft Tent.

A'lex says "Purple scarf, Weaver's tent..."

Maarie , the guiltiest of hugging skin stealers, slips into the smith tent.

Willow looks around, and sense she does have some time, heads into one of
the tents.

Willow carefully lifts the mesh above her head and moves into the Pin the
Tail on the Runnerbeast tent.

Maarie heads into the SmithCraft Tent.

Laurelin lets J'cob go, still looking very pleased to see him. "It's been a
while, hasn't it..?" A loud, boisterous voice calls her attention for a
moment to a seemingly unstable man weaving through the crowd, but not for
too long, since there usually are quite a few of them at any sort of
gather. "J'cob, do you know Taelenna?" She indicates the young woman beside
her to the other rider.

Kassima nods enthusiastically to A'lex. "The game of games, bronzerider!
*Shells*, but it's been a time since I've played with anyone different. I'm
looking forward to a chance, believe me... ooh, Jesica, good plan." She
considers, tapping her chin thoughtfully. "Mayhaps you could tell 'em
y'know someone who's in need of it? We *are*, after all, in need of it.
Sort of. Aye, A'lex, that sounds about right. Care t'go scarf-questing with

J'cob shakes his head, "No, most likely after my time here, you know.
Pleased to meet you..." he peers (could his sight be going already?) ..

Jaeleka carefully lifts the mesh above her head and moves into the Pin the
Tail on the Runnerbeast tent.

A'lex nods, "Surely ma'am. Mayhaps we'll see a present I can buy for my
Brownrider too..."

Kassima snorts at A'lex. "Ma'am me again, and you won't have hands left
t'carry those presents." It's hard for her to sound truly threatening,
though, especially since her voice is kept low so as not to wake the baby
again. "After you, Your Grandiosness!"

Jaeleka emerges from the Pin the Tail on the Runnerbeast tent.

Taelenna glances up at the sound of Laurelin speaking her name and smiles.
"My name is Taelenna, although Bluerider is fine. You're welcome to call me
either." She extends a hand to J'cob.

A'lex says "Follow me your Excellence..."

A'lex lifts up the flap and enters the main area of the Weavercraft tent.

Willow emerges from the Pin the Tail on the Runnerbeast tent.

You enter the main area of the Weavercraft tent.

From the Clothing Area, Pelar looks around. "Isn't there any other weavers
here to help you folks?

"Your *Excellence*?" Kassima repeats in disbelief as she ducks into the
tent. "Even Ryi never called me *that*. Which way from here, bronzeboy?"

A'lex says "Would it be clothing or Other??"

A'lex isn't much on accessories, apparently.

Kassima crosses her arms loosely over Khari in her sling, considering this.
"Eh, well... 'tis clothing, I *think*. Can't say I've ever gone looking for
a scarf a'fore." She's not that much on accessories, either.

A'lex nods.

A'lex ambles over to the clothing display area.

A'lex leaves the main area of the Weavercraft tent.

From the Clothing Area, R'val shakes his head, "We've been helping
ourselves, mostly."

You stride over to the clothing display area.

A'lex smiles at R'val, "Heyla!"

A'lex grins at Tinya.

A'lex says "Telgar's duties to the Weavercraft."

Tinya smiles and waves at A'lex and Kassi. "Heyla, you two," she greets the
other Telgari.

Pelar sighs "I guess those other prentices wandered off to the bakers tent
for bubblies again. How may I help you?

Pelar nods to the rider who just entered. "And Weavers duties to Telgar and
her queens. Sir."

Kassima wiggles her fingers cheerfully to Tinya. "Don't mind us. We're here
t'try and procure a purple scarf through some ways and means. Is there any
chance, Apprentice--duties t'your Hall and her Masters, by the by--that we
might have a purple scarf on *loan*? I don't really favor scarves, see...
and I don't think purple is 'Lex's color."

A'lex shakes his head, "Nope, not my color..."

Pelar hmms "When will you return it?"

R'val waves to the other Telgarites and tucks a second, less colourful
tunic under his arm, with a grin, "I'm ready to move on, Tinya, soon as I
pay. Any luck on your end?

Kassima assures the apprentice, "After the scavenger hunt. Would you be
willing to loan it to us until then, if'n A'lex promised t'do the infamous
Dance of the Scarves to entertain you in return?"

A'lex looks at Kassi, "The WHAT?"

Kassima nudges A'lex with her elbow. "Just play along," she hisses.
"Remember Marinda of Boll and her Dancing Veils?"

Pelar digs around in a pile of miscaleanious stuff hunting for a purple
scarf. "Ah Ha! Here we are. One purple scarf. You promise you'll bring it

A'lex smiles and nods, clearly NOT thrilled with this prospect at all.

A'lex pulls the short knife from the top of his calf high sock, "Here, hang
on to this as insurance."

Kassima bobs her head so vigorously that it's truly a wonder that it
doesn't fall off of her neck. "Aye! On m'honor, that of m'dragon, that of
m'Weyr--and that of greenriders everywhere, if'n you won't buy those. Here,
A'lex." She hands him the scarf. "Dance for the man, will you? A deal's a
deal." She just grins at him, a grin that clearly says, 'I *told* you I'd
get even for the saluting.'

A'lex eyes Kassi, but hold the scarf up in front of his fack and shakes his
kilted hips, slowly.

Pelar shakes his head. "No need Sir. If I can't trust the word of a
bronzerider then I'd just as well pay for it myself.

Tinya rolls her eyes at Kassi's antics and laughs, then holds up a bolt of
a rich periwinkle fabric, heavy but fine. Her eyes pick up glints of the
color, becoming more indigo than navy. "What do you think of this?" she
asks R'val.

R'val squints thoughtfully at the fabric, "I think it's a very pretty
colour, m'dear. Going to buy it?"

A pair of pipes are relocated from Kassi's belt pouch to her hands, and she
starts playing a tune appropriate to the Dance of the Scarves. The tune
breaks off at Pelar's protest. She looks rather disappointed. "Ach, are
y'*certain*? 'Tis a once in a lifetime opportunity, I swear t'you!"

"But, 'Lex, we've nay bargained for the spool and needle yet!" Kassi
protests. "How're we ever supposed to convince people t'loan us things if'n
you won't dance for 'em?"

A'lex keeps shaking his hips, "Might you have a spool and needle we can
borrow kind Weaver?"

Kassima watches A'lex shake his hips for a moment, then decides to change
tactics. "Apprentice, I fear that if'n you don't loan us a spool of blue
thread, and a needle, he might feel obliged t'keep dancing like that all
night. 'Twill scare off your customers, I'm certain."

Pelar chuckles at the two and then reaches into his pouch and extracts a
metal needle and spool of thread. "Here you go and don't bother to return
the thread, but I'd like the needleback please."

A'lex hikes up his kilt a bit. A threat?

A'lex grins. "Thanks!"

Tinya nods. "I'm thinking of it," she says, though the expression on her
face says she's still not decided. To help decide, she gets out her mark
pouch and thumbs through the contents, looking speculative. Kassi and A'lex
get another amused glance.

Kassima accepts the items with as low a bow to Pelar as she can manage,
considering that there's a baby-sling, complete with baby, strapped to her
person. "Thankee, most generous of Weavers! Your kindnesses will nay be
forgotten." A pause, and then Kassi thinks to wonder, "By the by... would
you happen t'know whether there are any dragons-on-a-stick for sale in this

R'val grins and proudly displays the second shirt to Tinya, more of a cream
colour than white, and quite typical, "how do you like this? It's a bit on
the plain side, but I like it."

A'lex says "Dragons-on-a-stick? Is that like Wherry-on-a-stick? Yuck!"

Kassima snorts at A'lex, pocketing her pipes, the spool, and the needle.
"Hardly. 'Tis a riding toy, Dances-With-Scarves. I think Kaylira'd be mad
to own one, but I've nay been able t'find one yet."

Pelar hmms "I Belive we have one or two in the other section of the tent,
If you'd care to look there. If there is noone to help you just bring it
back to me.

A'lex ties the scarf about his neck, all sexy like. "Oh, okay..." He seems

Jesica moves over to this section of the tent.

Jesica steps out of the Weavercraft tent.

Jesica comes ducking in, panting, "Kassi, you in here?"

Kassima gives the apprentice another florid curtsey. Something about this
questing business brings out the worst in her. "Thankee, most wise and
virtuous apprentice. With your aid, we shall surely triu--oh, Jesica! Aye,
I'm here. Did you get the numbweed?"

Tinya chuckles softly. "You would," she comments, but with a smile that
softens the words. She has set the periwinkle fabric aside, and picked up
the green sisal again, hmmming softly.

Jesica comes up to Kassie with a small pot of numbweed, nodding, "Yeah, but
the apprentice in the infirmary followed me. You ever tried tae lose a
healer? I've been running from tent to tent trying to lose him. He wanted
tae see the person that burned their hand on a too hot bit a food."

R'val wrinkles his nose at Tinya, "Hmph. Cruel woman." He teases, and
kisses her amiably on the cheek. He watches her choose fabrics.

A'lex laughs.

Jesica shakes her head, "Stay away from healer apprentices, their worse
than a working dog hearding runners."

Kassima grins at Jesica, rather ruefully. "I've tried losing Healers a
number of times... but 'tis rarely successful. They're so blasted
*persistant*! Let's hope you've shaken him lose, though. If'n nay, we'll
just have t'burn poor 'Lex's hand t'give him something to look at." She
surely must be joking, yet... the speculative glance she gives 'Lex is
hardly reassuring. "'Twas just going t'step over and look for a dragon on a
stick a'fore heading out again. After that... well, what think you, Jesica,
Scarf-Man? Where to?"

A'lex keeps laughting, "But you got it...."

Jesica hmmms, "Anyone get an awl? I bet that they have one here since they
do leatherwork."

A'lex says "To Dragon-on-a-stick then?""

Kassima nods, setting her fist to her heart. "To the dragon-on-a-stick! And
an awl, too, hopefully!"

You head over to the tapestries and other goods display area.

Jesica strides out of the clothing display area.

A'lex steps over to this section of the tent.

A'lex steps out of the Weavercraft tent.

"Oh, blast," Kassi wails after taking a quick look around. "They're nay
here!" She's careful to keep her voice down, not wanting to disturb
Kharisma again... but her disappointment is plain. "Blast, blast, blast. I
suppose that *would* be too easy, though. Do either of you see any awls

Several items catch A'lex's eye...

Jesica hmmms and leans over to whisper to one of the journeymen in here,
"Can.... me... need a awl.... Perhaps... if you...." She grins as the
journeyman looks at her and then nods, handing something over as Jesi beams
at him, "Thank you... oh I promise."

Kassima asks of Jesica, looking a touch hopeful, "Did you promise that 'Lex
would do the scarf dance again?" It's not that she likes watching so much
as she enjoys seeing the expression on Crafters' faces. Honest!

A'lex eyes Kassi, "You just want me to be the laughingstock of the entire
Festival, don't you?"

Jesica giggles and shakes her head, "Nope, something easier to find. One of
my friends at Boll has a clutch about to hatch, promised him an egg from
it, if he'd see it in his heart to get me an awl." She holds up the awl
with a grin and a wink.

A'lex grins, thankfull.

Kassima nods quite matter-of-factly to A'lex. "You're quick on the mark,
bronzer," she approves. "Oh! Even better than a scarf-dancing
bronzerider... though there's less humiliation there. Sharditall. But,
'twill certes sui--" She blinks and turns towards the entranceway of the
tent at the sound of an animal's scream. "Lysseth!" she yells. "Don't even
*think* about eating that runner!"

A'lex says "Oh no..."

In her sling, Kharisma stirs again--rather fretfully, now--at the screaming
and yelling from the runner and her mother respectively. Unhappy blue eyes
open as she begins to whimper.

Kassima rattles her tongue in dismay and immediately hefts Khari from her
sling, holding her close and murmuring soothing nonsense. "There, there,
lassling... shhhh, now. 'Twas just Mum making an arse of herself again."
This doesn't seem to reassure Khari much, who is now working her way up
into a full infantile screaming fit. "Err... methinks we'd best get out of
here, ere the Weavers complain," Kassi remarks between attempts to reassure
her child.

A'lex nods, "Lets."

A'lex ambles into the main area of the tent.

A'lex lifts up the flap and enters the main area of the Weavercraft tent.

Jesica nods and chuckles before turning and heading out, "What have we got
left to find?

Jesica moves into the main area of the tent.

Jesica lifts up the flap and enters the main area of the Weavercraft tent.

You amble into the main area of the tent.

You leave the main area of the Weavercraft tent.

Jesica steps out of the Weavercraft tent.

Maylia gives Kicker a glare to equal his own, before settling down, well
out of kicking range. "What'd you do?" She asks the couple.

A'lex steps out of the Weavercraft tent.

Taelenna also reaches out to catch Kitrell, but isn't quite close enough.
Wincing slightly, she steps around the bench to offer her free hand to him,
the other still holding the wineskin. She glances at Laurelin, "Shall I
send the wonderful Apprentice Grelon for two more glasses?" A mischevious
glint appears in her eyes as the apprentice groans -- not another errand!

A'lex wanders out of the Weaver tent with a purple scarf tied about his neck.

Trina tries to will her blush away, as she arrives, Halam in tow, by
Triene. "I'd like you to meet a friend of mine. Halam, this is Master
Triene, Master Triene, this is Halam, I met him at the Igen gather."

Channie waves heppily at A'lex and Kassi.

As the throng of legs clears for a moment Dienara steps out of it in front
of the barrel toss and spots the sad short person. She holds her other pies
carefully and walks over to stand in front of him.

"We'll check the sign," Kassi calls over her shoulder, while rocking and
trying to soothe a definitely distraught baby. A distraught, rather loudly
*wailing* baby. She certainly seem to have inherited her parents' lung
capacities. "Don't scream so, love! Look--'twas just the runner. Honest."
Khari does quiet a bit at the sight of the beast, if only because he
distracts her from her righteous indignance.

Denys looks up at the girl, and wiggles his fingers again.

Deannus comes out of the Winecraft pavillion.

Jesica grins and comes out with shell, pot'o'numbweed, and an awl in her
hands, "Okay."

Halam bows politely to the master."Telgars duty to you Master."

Kassima seems only then to realize that there's something odd about seeing
a runner here. "Uh, Maylia, Nie... dare I even ask...?"

Dienara smiles and would wave but she has too many bubblies. "Hi. I'm 'Nara.

Triene bobs her head, smiling. "Well met, Halam..." she falters slightly,
taking a quick glance at Lianver to check up on him, and back at the young
man. "I'd offer a hand, but..." She holds up the bubbly in one hand, and
the other streaked with sticky juice despite her best efforts.

Channie checks on the runner to make sure he won't pull free and run around
the gather 'eatting' people and hurries over to Kassi. "I never did get to
say congrats to you for having such a lovely baby!" She beams at her
friend. "oh, we had to get runnershoes." Silly of the greenrider to even ask.

Maylia beams a smile to her mentor. "The list didnt say runner shoes
without the runner attached, did it?"

Kitrell turns his head to look back at Grelon, who is standing there
looking absolutely aghast at the thought of what sort of trouble he's going
to get into having let Master Kitrell fall over. "Yes! Grelon lad! Some
glasses... and no dirty ones mind!" He smiles at the boy then, reaching
into his pouch to pull forth a random mark and tossing it randomly towards
the lad.... good thing Grelon is young and has decent reflexes. "Now off
with you.... and buy something to eat for yourself too!"

Denys looks at the one called Nara, "I'm Nys." he says.

Trina grins a little, "How're the kids?"

D'thon hands Kassima the spoon. "We got this," he comments. "Took us some
doing, too..."

T'vor comes out of the Winecraft pavillion.

Beldaviar wanders about the gather and hmms.

T'vor mounts Penath with a nimble and practiced motion, using a
thoughtfully lowered forelimb. He nestles himself into his spot between two
neckridges. From the ground, he all but disappears from the view.

Triene casts a wry glance at Lian busily working away at his first bubbly.
"Enjoying the Gather, I think. Such excitement... their first one, really."

Dienara carefully sits down in front of Denys juggling her pies
successfully, quite a feat for a four year old. She asks him, "Why are you

Kassima has to blink at that, but starts laughing almost immediately. "So
that's how 'twill do it! Would you believe, we managed t'get the scarf,
needle, thread, and awl, with only a bit of bribery for the weavers?"
Gently jiggling the now-whimpering Kharisma, she flashes Nie a wry smile.
"Beautiful and bonny she is, but her lungs are too strong for her own good,
I fear! Oh, thankee, D'thon. Slip it into m'jacket pocket there? M'hands
are a bit full... what'd you have t'do?"

Channie holds out her hands so she can take the baby is Kassi wants a rest,
"Sounds like you've done most of the work. Though I guess your fingers
swere safer!"

Laurelin still chuckles, getting herself under control. "Perhaps glasses
would be a good idea...though if you're used to going without, I don't want
to force you to use a drinking vessel, Master Kitrell...." She grins.

D'thon accordingly does so. "Tell ya about it some other time, Kassi. 'Twas
a little messy."

L'ran slips quickly down Sivorth's extended leg.

Denys shrugs a little to 'Nara. "Everybody gots a mama and papa, 'cept 'nys."

Kitrell smiles, watching the apprentice war with himself a moment before
turning on his heel and running off in search of glasses and food.
Although, since the boy hasn't eaten all day, he's sure to forget those
glasses. Kitrell shakes his head at the lad's retreating back and smiles
contentedly, reaching up to take Taelenna's hand and help himself to his
feet. "Ah, thank you m'dear rider. An excellent suggestion to get him off
and away." He smiles then, brushing himself off with his free hand.

You set Kharisma down with utmost care.

Channie carefully gathers Kharisma up into her arms.

Dienara makes a little o with her mouth and looks around at all the big
people milling about. She looks back at him, "You don't have a momma /or/ a

Channie smiles dreamily as she snuggles the baby close against her, giving
her just a little gingerly bounce in her arms to sooth her crying, "There
you are love. All safe and sound!"

Taelenna can't help but grin as the apprentice runs off, his ambitions
renewed with the mark. She helps Kitrell up, but lifts the other hand, the
one clutching the wineskin, in greeting to L'ran. "I thought you'd be
pleased with me," she replies to the SeaCraft Master.

A'lex mutters to Channie, "... with..."

Denys shakes his head, "Only gots Sissy, but dunno where she went."

Channie looks up at the bronzerider with all but glowing eyes. She mutters
to A'lex, "You... long." 

Dienara asks, "She big one?

Maylia can't help but sigh at Khari. "She's grown, so much." The young
greenrider says, a smile that could only be described as goofy on her face.

Kassima gratefully and gently passes her baby over to her friend.
"Thankee... well, aye, m'hands didn't suffer any damage--but don't ask
about the rest of me! I'truth, 'twas better than the first time... but nay
by any truly appreciable margin." Almost drolly, but not without a smile at
Nie's murmurings, she inquires, "Satisfied now that 'twas telling you true
about her paternity? Wait a second--" She turns her head, peering puzzledly
over the crowd. "Did I just hear Trie? I thought...."

A'lex nods, "Aye, you do."

L'ran smiles at Taelenna's greeting, and looks around.

Denys nods, "She big one.."

Laurelin glances over at the sounds of crying, but sees that the child is
being taken care of. Her attention goes back to her companions, and she
gives L'ran a warm smile, glad to see him there, and waves to him. Then she
turns to the seacrafter and asks, "And why is it that you wanted to be rid
of him so desparately, Master Kitrell?"

R'val steps out of the Weavercraft tent.

Rathenna comes out of the Winecraft pavillion.

Kitrell resumes his seat on the bench as soon as it's righted and holds out
his now empty glass towards Taelenna for a refill, staring pointedly at
Laurelin as he does so. He smiles at her and chuckles a little, looking
towards the bluerider. "Ah, very pleased m'dear, very pleased indeed." His
voice drops to a mock conspiritorial level as he says, "I've been trying to
get rid of him all day..." He shakes his head at that and sighs in relief.

Triene pauses slightly, her head tilted just so to hear better. "That
lilt... Kassi...."

Tinya steps out of the Weavercraft tent.

Rh'lain comes out of the Winecraft pavillion.

R'val kisses Tinya on the cheek as he walks out with her, "That was a
success. Where to now?"

Dienara nods slowly, "Thr hard to stay with." She looks down at her
bubblies and then up again, "Hungry?

Beldaviar looks around and finds a quiet tent to stand around. He casts
about and blinks, realizing it's the Baker tent. "Oh, so here you are," he
grumbles. "Where were you before I lost my daughter?"

Channie giggles quietly at Kassima, and at A'lex, though she gives the
bronzerider a longer look, someone searching as if she's asking him something.

Kassima grins at Maylia, rather goofily as well. "More than I'd have
thought, in just a month. She was so tiny! And she still *is*, compared
t'Kay, but... and she only gets more beautiful every day, a'course." Since
her ears were listening for the voice, she hears it more clearly
now--especially when her own name is mentioned. "That'd be me,
Craftsecond!" she calls over, trying to pitch her voice so as not to wake
the baby.

Halam grins "lets go to the event gazebo

Denys looks at the bubblies, "Those yers."

A'lex just smiles at Channie, maybe answering...

Taelenna pulls the stopper out of the Master's wineskin and fills his glass
three-quarters of the way. As she closes the 'skin, she asks Kitrell, "Did
you choose to have him come with you, or was he sent by someone?"

Trina nods to her companion, "Have fun, Master Triene." She gets tugged by

Dienara nods and smiles a little, "My dadda got for me.." She looks around
and frowns, "Lost again.

L'ran begins to wander slowly, looking at the various tents in a desultory
attempt at sociability.

Maylia dreamily looks at Khari, her hands moving to the approximate size
the infant had been at birth. "Wow." She says, simply. "Wow." You'd think
the rider'd never seen infants grow, before.

Denys says quietly, "You dadda nice." The little boy curls up a bit.

Trina climbs the steps of the Gazebo, examining the antique press and
assortment of juices within.

Triene looks slightly dazed, nodding to Trina while hearing two familliar
voices, opting for Kassi instead. "Kassi?" She stands up on her tiptoes a
bit, looking. "Goodness..."

Dienara nods a definate yes to that and then offers him one of her pies in
a fit of generosity. "He be nice to you too.

Channie puts her cupped hand over the back of the babies head, rocking the
little screamer quietly. "So, what else does the mighty list?" She's
blushing faintly as she looks away from A'lex.

Kassima just grins at Maylia, recognizing that look. "Considering spawning
one of your own?" Helpfully, she picks up one end of A'lex's scarf and
waves it up in the air to help Triene spot her. "Long time, nay seeing,
cousin-mine--long time, nay seeing indeed!"

Kitrell raises an eyebrow at Laurelin and chuckles, eyes narrowing with his
smile. "Well ladies, he was forced upon me by some other members of the
craft who think I can't seem to take care of myself..." He trails off to
smile at Taelenna for refilling his glass and then continues looking at the
women with an expression of pure innocence on his face. "And do I look to
you two like I -need- an escort?" With his unruly looking hair, mock
innocent grin, and sparkling eyes... well, yes, in fact he does probably.

Denys blinks, accepting the pie rather shyly, "Tankoo.." he says.

Tinya frowns slightly, looking around, then shrugs. "I haven't the faintest
idea," she says to R'val. "Anyhow, I chose last time. Your turn."

R'val wrinkles his nose at Tinka, and winks, "Oh, fine then..."

R'val heads into the SmithCraft Tent.

Beldaviar coughs and pokes the tent-flap, "You aren't responding," he says
slightly sullenly. "First you try to lose me, then you ignore me when I
find you? Is this how you treat an old customer?" Grumbling, Beld wends his
way about the tent, sure to find his errant daughter somewhere around here.
Meanwhile, he -does- shell out for another bubbly.

Triene finally spots the violet scarf connected with the dark haired cousin
and waves enthusiastically back. "Very very long time..." she calls back
over. Evidently, loudness must be a shared trait. She stays where she is
however, tending to someone shorter in the crowd.

Dienara smiles slightly and bites into her pie again getting yet more
crumbs on her tunic. She silently hopes her momma doesn't see em.

Maylia sighs, tearing her eyes from the infant. "Me? Oh. Well."
Flabbergasted, the girl blushes. "I only just joined the Wing, I'd doubt
Ursa'd be pleased at my getting grounded so soon." But then, there's that
contradictory -look- she's gazing at Khari with.

The little screamer seems to have quieted considerably in her Aunt
Channie's arms, and is now wriggling and kicking in her blankets in an
attempt to settle herself back down for sleep. "Thankee," Kassi says to Nie
with almost pathetic gratefulness. "I really shouldn't have yelled, but I
thought Lyss was going to... well, y'know, 'twas a long trip. 'Twill have
t'take her hunting, come morn. I believe we still need the bug, the card,
the mark, the flower, the bubbly, and the slate. I still think we should
steal the card and mark from His Brownieship."

Laurelin grins at Kitrell, trading yet another glance with Taelenna. "No,
no...not at all," she says, not wanting to insult the man. Then she adds,
seemingly unable to resist, "So...the seacraft won't let you go anywhere
without an escort?"

Taelenna smiles, agreeing with Laurelin after they exchange a glance. "Of
course not."

Maylia starts hunting around in shadows, peeking under tent flaps, behind
posts, and the like. Hmmmming to herself.

Jesica hmmms, "Well I won some dark red roses from the barrel toss, do
those qualify as tropical?"

Channie giggles quietly at kassi, skillfully holding the wriggling little,
and keeping her blankets wrapped around her. "Why are you going to steal
Mart's? I thought you had your own cards."

A'lex grins, "Dragonpoker..."

Denys brings the bubbly to his lips and takes a great bite, dirtying his
face even more than it already was.

L'ran chuckles. "If you're offering escorts, ladies...

Maylia lifts up a tarpolin, and shakes her head. Then under another tent
flap. All dark, shadowy places.

Laurelin adds, that mischevious look in her eyes again as she says to
Kitrell, "I mean, I don't know why they don't think you can't take care of

Tinya heads into the SmithCraft Tent.

"I'truth!" Kassi calls back to Trie. "I'truth! Why, I've nay even met your
children yet, have I--or you mine? Much less congratulated you on your
promotion!" Grinning at Maylia, she winks. "Probably nay. But then, if'n
'twere grounded during the winter, 'twould nay be so bad...." Letting that
suggestion dangle, she explains to Channie, "'Tis more fun that way. Plus,
I won't have t'lose m'own card *or* mark. And I've nay been evil to him in
over a Turn; I need *some* excu--Maylia, what in Faranth's name...?"

D'thon blinks. "Kassi, I've an idea. We can buy a bubbly, right?"

Beldaviar converses with the tent as if it were an old friend, "Say, you
remember that," he bites into his bubbly, "that gather a while back...?"

Under a bag, dropped carelessly by someone, something moves. Something
about the size of a small firelizard, who pokes his eye out, glaring
balefully about.

Laurelin grins as she hears L'ran's familiar voice come up behind them. "As
if -you- need an escort, L'ran..."

Kassima wrinkles her nose at D'thon. "Aye, but who wants t'spend the marks?
'Twill be better if'n we can convince him t'*give* us a bubbly." Oh, yeah.
Wishful thinking is a wonderful thing.

D'thon nods. "Do trundlebugs like bubblies?"

Channie walks over to A'lex with the squirming baby and smiles at him, "You
got to hold her when she was born bronzerider?"

Maylia Hmphs. And scoops up the bag and whatever was underneath it. Indeed,
it was a firelizard. "There." She places the canvas bag out of the way.
"Getting Snarl, Kassi." She explains. "Trundles, you remember them, right?
Go get one!" With that, the blue launches himself into the air.

A'lex blanches, "Uhhh, no, I've not held her yet. But I was there to say
hello when she showed up."

Dienara finishes her bubbly thoughtfully and looks around, "Played games?"
she asks Denys.

Channie giggles quietly at Kassi, and her explination of why she wants
Mart's card. "oh, good luck getting that brownrider to give you a card Kassi."

"I've never asked a trundlebug in order t'find out," Kassi has to admit,
one eye following Nie as she walks about with Khari. "Oh! Think he can
bring one back without tearing it t'bits, mentee mine?"

Kassima asks sweetly of Nie, "Who said aught about *giving*?"

A'lex grins.

Denys nods sadly, he points at the pin the tail tent, "Big man won't let
Nys play there anymore..."

Maylia heads back towards the others, grinning. "And how's your hand,
A'lex?" she asks. "He used to leave them for me, on my pillow. Presents."
Her wrinkled nose shows her opinion of that. "But we should try anything."

Channie frowns slightly at A'lex's expression, "You didn't want to hold
her?" Tilting her head she watches his face for a moment before her
attention is drawn back to kassima. "Ah! That's what I was missing."

A'lex holds up his left hand, it's only slightly bruised. "Pretty good."

T'dry strolls out from the surrounding area outside the weyr.

Dienara looks indignant, "Why not??

Kitrell barks a laugh and grins wryly at Laurelin, waving a hand in front
of his face, "Oh, they're just concerened I'll do something unbefitting my
rank or something like that... Totallt groundless assumption!" He pauses
then and after a second of thought mutters softly, "Well, maybe not." He
quickly leans forward then and continues in a conspriatorial voice, "It was
my original plan to fall asleep somewhere and let him wander off. But it's
much better this way...." He chuckles then, leaning back and taking on an
authoritative air. "After all, he should be sufficiently chanstized for
leaving a drunken Masterfisherman all alone at a festival with two
beautiful dragonriders..." He shakes his head then, chuckling softly.
"Sufficiently chastized indeed!"

Triene laughs merrily, watching her babbling cousin and just shaking her
head. "It has just been too long. But thank you, and kids? Pern still goes

T'dry steps up on Avroth's thoughtfully extended forleg and climbs quickly
up on his neck, seating himself securely between his dragon's neckridges.

Avroth rises higher, out of the area.

A'lex swallows, "I've just never held one before..."

Kassima suggests, the lateness of the hour apparently getting to her,
"Perhaps we should go on a trundlebug hunt... scouring the realm for our
dread foes, and bringing one home as a prisoner of battle in glory and
triumph! A'lex, if'n your hand has healed, you really should hold her.
You'll see why getting your hand nigh broken was all worthwhile." Or so she
hopes. Wouldn't do to have a vengeful, scarf-dancing bronzerider after her.

D'thon chuckles. "Kassi, couldn't we just have our lizards do all the
hunting for the smaller items?"

L'ran raises an eyebrow. "Chastised? I think you should give him a few
extra marks Master Kitrell."

Kitrell takes another sip from his wineglass, smiling cheerfully at the
ladies and leanind back slightly on the bench, balancing himself there as
only someone who is completely sober could do.

Jesica hmmms and tickles Snowfrost a grin crossing her face, "I know the
Perfect place to get tropical flowers."

Denys explains, "Nys put the tail on man's nose, instead of picture, but
Nys couldn't see anything, didn't mean to.."

Laurelin's smile is slowly becoming a very big grin, the longer that
Kitrell speaks. At the compliment she blushes softly and uses L'ran's
comment to divert attention. "Hey!" she says, and gives the rider a small
push, still grinning. "What is this, a setup?"

Channie glances at A'lex to see if he would indeed like to hold the baby,
but she asks Kassima, "a bug is the only thing we have to get now? Did we
get the pie?"

Maylia sighs, drumming her fingers against her belt. "A trundle bug hunt?"
A mischievous grin tugs at her mouth, which she steadfastly disallows.
"Anyone for a quick trip to Healer Hall? They've thousands of the beastly
things." Again, that glint to her eyes. "As Master Kelset knows." She
murmurs, softly. Anyone who's compared pranks with her knows of this story.

Kassima makes a face first at Trie, then at D'thon. To the former, she
answers, "Two daughters, and the world has *nay* come to an end! I think
some of the weyrfolk were shocked--can't imagine why! And D'thon, I suppose
we *could*, but... what would the fun of that be? Nay quests? Nay searching
or hunting in the dark dread of night for the trophies we require t'win the

Dienara listens to Denys intently and then laughs so hard she nearly falls

Beldaviar continues to trudge about the tent. He sighs a bit, finishing his
fifth bubbly and looks around for a familiar little form. Hmm. That'd be
his entire family, actually.

Denys blinks, frowning, "Why 'Nara laughing at 'Nys?"

D'thon shrugs. "There's always the numbweed," he grins.

A'lex looks nervous, but nods to Channie, "Sure, I'll try..."

Kitrell laughs at L'ran's comment and shakes his head. "Ah, I don't know
about that L'ran... maybe if he'd wandered off earlier in the evening, I'd
be more inclined to offer him a few marks to keep his mouth shut, but...."
he trails off with another chuckle.

Kassima shakes her head ruefully at Maylia. "Though I hate to admit it, I'm
too tired t'really trust m'self *between*. I should turn in soon, all told.
Well, Nie, if'n Jaeleka has the slate and we can get the mark and card from
Mart... that'd just leave the bug and pie. Jesica got the numbweed for us.
Now, how t'get a mark-free pie...?"

L'ran nods. "We worked out the setup long ago... don't let him fool you."

Triene laughs softly and manages to wave Beldaviar over, noting Lianver is
still here. She hopes. "Two of yours, two of mine... tis truly amazing."
She turns around, "Beld?"

Dienara wipes her eyes as she tries to stop laughing, "Not laughin at you!"
She giggles again, "Laughin at big man.

Taelenna smiles. "Beautiful? Well, there's Laurelin, who's certainly
beautiful, and then L'ran..." She steps back, pretending to get a good look
at the brownrider. "I suppose you could call him beautiful if you wished
to, but you *certainly* weren't describing me." Tael winks at both men.

Beldaviar looks about, "Hmm?" still fairly lost.

L'ran rolls his eyes. "I think Taelenna has had enough wine."

Denys oh's quietly. "Why laughing at big man?"

Dienara grins, "Cause he silly like dadda.

Laurelin grins and gives Taelenna a look that speaks volumes, and then
says, "Oh, I don't know, L'ran...with the proper preparations, you could be
quite pretty..."

Jesica hmmmms softly and scritches Snowfrost gently as the baby blue
finally wakes up fully.

Jaeleka comes out of the Winecraft pavillion.

Denys hmmms, "Your dadda silly?"

Channie nods slowly and grins at Kassi, "Are you going to flee back to

Jaeleka heads into the SmithCraft Tent.

L'ran acks. "I've been trying for turns for 'dashing', I don't think
'pretty' is in the cards."

Dienara nods several times, "Silly dadda.

Kitrell widens his eyes at L'ran and looks from Laurelin to Taelenna with
wide innocent eyes. "Setup? Why whatever are you talking about?" He laughs
then at Taelenna's words and shakes his head. "Sorry L'ran, but I've not
had enough to drink yet t' be any sort of judge as to your attractiveness."
He raises an eyebrow and tries... rather unsuccessfully.... to look serious.

Taelenna sighs, giving the wineskin a wistful look. "I've not had a drop,
L'ran. Our errand-runner hasn't seen fit to bring glasses back yet." She
glances sideways at Laurelin, grinning, then chuckles at Kitrell.

Channie sets Kharisma down carefully.

A'lex carefully gathers Kharisma up into his arms.

Denys oh's, "Sissy not silly, Sissy mean.."

Triene off handedly hands the second bubbly to Lianver. She yawns
slightly... unexpectedly. "Beld?"

Kassima shakes her head to Nie, with a yawn. "'Twill be sleeping aboard
m'dragon or something, I suspect. Lyss and I are here as ride and escort
for the pregnant Baker-types and the children, with Ylysse giving Simaeva
transport. We'll likely be here until Ofira wants t'head back."

Dienara blinks at Denys, "Mean??

L'ran grins wickedly. "Then I think, Taelenna, that it's time someone gave
you some wine... something has to change."

A'lex looks nervous, but smiles down at the child.

Maylia nods to Kassi, understanding. "Well, anyone else for a trip to
Healer Hall?" She asks. "You never know, I could try my hand at filching
bubblies from the kitchens, again?"

Denys nods, "She leaves 'Nys all the time, 'cause she likes to go with big
men." He pouts a little.

Kanie wanders into the Gather.. Looking around Curious.

Laurelin bursts out laughing at both men's ridiculous behavior. She says to
Taelenna, "Maybe it's time to have some, then. With or without the
glasses." She holds out her hand for the wineskin, quite expecting to get it.

Kitrell grins at Taelenna. "Ah yes, sorry about that m'dear. I gave the lad
half a mark... and I'm sure he'll be off spending that all night... we may
have to try and coerce someone else to get some glasses for us," he says,
smiling rather pointedly at L'ran.

Channie looks at Kassi, "you can stay up in my weyr if you want. I've a
huge bed, and plenty enough room for everyone." He turns to A'lex, watching
him with the baby.

Dienara thinks on that for a moment, "Go with daddas?

Kharisma seems to have settled down considerably, and is now in a
comfortably drowsy state. The only reply she gives to being shifted from
one set of arms to another is a yawn and a quiet gurgle.

A'lex is totally absorbed in the little face.

Denys shakes his head, "Not daddas, strangers."

Kassima nods gratefully to Nie. "I can sleep on the floor or something,
Nie, honest--but the space would be appreciated, for real and true."

Denys lifts up the flap and enters the main area of the Weavercraft tent.

L'ran throws up his hands in surrender. "Aye, Master Kitrell. I'll get some
glasses, and another wineskiin." He disappears into the throng only to
reappear in a few moments with the requisite glassware and a wineskin
bearing the Benden seal.

Denys steps out of the Weavercraft tent.

Channie shakes her head, "oh Kassi, you don't have to sleep on the floor.
There is room a' plenty in that bed. I /never/ sleep in it!"

Trina lifts up the flap and enters the main area of the Weavercraft tent.

Channie shudders slightly, "I'm going to get rid of that awful thing."

Taelenna looks from L'ran to Laurelin to Kitrell, then grins as the
brownrider of the group goes to get more wine, and glasses. "Is that red or
white, L'ran?" she calls.

A'lex looks up at Kassi, "She's beautiful."

Kitrell grins widely and looks triumphantly at the ladies as L'ran goes off
to get the wine and glasses. But when the 'rider returns a few moments
later bearing a skin of... gasp! What is that in your hand....? Benden?!?
Oh dear, oh dear....

Dienara glances about at all the big people with big eyes, "Why she do dat?

D'thon sighs and yawns. "Oh..."

L'ran says "Red, Tael."

Denys shrugs, "She like them better'n 'Nys."

Channie leans against A'lex and looks up at his face, beaming at his

Dienara pouts along with Nys, "Dats no fun.

Triene scoops up Lian's sleepy body and glances at Beld. "Where's Nara?"

Laurelin withdraws her hand, as obviously nobody noticed she had held it
out in the first place. She puts both behind her back, and watches as L'ran
returns with a new wineskin.

Kassima laughs, and nods once to Nie. "You've m'gratitude, then,
brownrider. Thankee most kindly... oh, 'Lex, isn't she? Too perfect by far
t'be mine, it seems--I know nay by what blessing that's been proven false.
If'n you'll excuse us, though, 'Lex, we really should retire."

Kitrell narrows his eyes at L'ran as the brownrider holds out the skin of
wine. "I should have figured this sort of thing would happen if I sent you
off for it L'ran." He shakes his head sadly and sighs theatrically looking
wistfully at the still mostly full skin of Tillek white in Taelenna's hand.

Denys nods, "She mean..."

Triene leans over and carefully picks Lianver up.

Kanie lifts up the flap and enters the main area of the Weavercraft tent.

Jaeleka emerges from the SmithCraft Tent

L'ran fills a glass and hands it to Laurelin. "I'm sorry, Kitrell," he
lies. "It was all I could find."

Dienara nods in agreement with Nys, "Yea..

Dienara asks, "Live here?

Taelenna smiles and holds the wineskin out to Kitrell. "Why don't you have
this one, Kitrell...you can share with Laurelin or me, and the other will
share with L'ran."

A'lex gave you Kharisma.

A'lex sets Kharisma down carefully.

You gather Kharisma up into your arms.

A'lex says "Thank you."

Triene wanders back to the tent..

Triene pushes aside the low hanging tent flap and steps inside the
Starsmiths' Tent.

Denys shakes his head, "No live anywhere, just with men that Sissy goes with."

Kassima gathers her child close, and nods to A'lex. "Any time, m'friend.
Any time. You'd make a good father, y'know. 'Tany rate... g'night, you lot.
'Twill likely see you again in the morn."

You place one hand on Lysseth's neck and she warbles down at you fondly.
You grin and scratch her eyeridges once before climbing up onto her lower
neckridges, using the riding straps and Lysseth's thoughtfully offered

<*> Channie waves to kassi, "You know the way up to my weyr right?" She calls.

<*> Dienara hmms sadly.

<*> Jaeleka waves a slate excitedly at Kassi.

<*> Maylia waves to Kassi."Sleep well!"

<*> Channie turns to A'lex and slips her arms around him, "I've really got
to get myself some gather clothes."

Kassima nods down to the others, her hands still occupied. "Good work, Jae!
And g'night, team! Methinks 'twill find it, Nie, and thankee again."

<*> Laurelin takes the glass that L'ran offers, and says amiably, "Well,
this was probably all that was left after Master Kitrell visited the
Winecraft tent." She smiles.

<*> Taelenna laughs at Laurelin's comment. "Most likely," she agrees.

<*> D'thon sighs. "'Tis late, and I's better be going... be back tomorrow,"
he informs anyone who's listening. 'Night..."

<*> D'thon takes Wroxath's offer of a leg as assistance, climbing up onto
his back.

<*> Jesica chuckles and just kind of listens to alll the comments.

<*> Lysseth springs from the ground, the air from her wings churning up
dust as she takes to the skies.

You rise up, out of the area.