-------------------------------------------------------------------------- All That Glitters Date: June 11, 2001 Place: Telgar Weyr's Lake Shore Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: It wasn't previously a custom of Kassi's to give birth- gifts to the fathers of her children; knowing her, she figured that not having killed them during labor was gift enough. ;) Still, even before she had a personal interest in the matter, she'd heard about I'sai's tendencies to give the mothers of his children gifts after they were born--and decided to adopt it, just this once. This log features their gift exchange, as well as more public interaction with Teye, some cuteness with Kisai, and a bemusing number of flower wreaths. Kassi's gift to I'sai was actually a sort of exercise in symbolism for me; ten points to anyone who manages to guess all the ideas expressed by it. :) (Not counting you, Is. ;) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: Taralyth flies in from above and lands in the waters of the lake. Teye heads over from the central bowl. All that glitters is not gold; some of it is blue, such as the clear waters of the Lake--and some of it is green, the green of a dragon's hide and the green of the meadows not far from the bank. And then... then there's the wild array of colors that blinds rather than glitters, which would be Kassi's jacket where she sits with Kisai, weaving chains out of wildflowers. The world has gone insane today, but Lysseth warbles to Taralyth anyway. Astride Taralyth's neck, I'sai peeps over his newly-landed dragon's neck, the better to espy what and who's already present - only, "_Taralyth_. You landed on the _flowers_. Timbril's gonna kill us - " and never mind that there are plenty of blooms all over the place, for all that a few indeed had the audacity to creep into the landing field itself; Taralyth ignores him, but for the heightened glint to those bright eyes, the better to warble right back. I'sai slides down from Taralyth's neck. Teye runs full speed out into the meadow, hopping and skipping over high grass and imagined barriers. She's laughing happily, gaily on her way to the water's edge. Spotting the flash of color though Teye stops short a few feet from her goal. "Hello?" she calls a bit unsure as to just who could be here at this late hour in the afternoon. Lysseth cranes her head to peek towards Taralyth's chosen parking space. Alas, poor blossoms, she knew them well; what an infinite jest! "Just blame it on Lysseth. She ravages the water lilies regularly anyway," Kassi calls up, grinning; a stray wildflower gets waved to Teye, before the greenrider knots its stem amidst the others and sets the resultant flower-crown on her daughter's bewildered head. "Does she eat them?" I'sai asks with guileless interest, reaching a hand up to Lysseth's chin; and to Teye, however muffled by the bright-winged dragon between them, "...Nobody here but us fish. Glub, glub." That dragon, now, he's content to see the ash-green well settled, and then turn blue eyes to scrutinize the latest arrival from head to toe. Teye bites her bottom lip rather nervously as she nears the gathering of dragon and rider. "I was just coming for a swim but I can come back later if /they/ mind." Long fingers waggle at the dragons timidly. Ever-obliging, Lysseth drops her head to better allow this chin scritch. Isn't she generous? Her eyes are as soulful as any martyr's. Kassi reports, "Methinks they'll survive. Even if'n they have turned into giant fish landed on the meadow and all. She doesn't eat them so much as strew them all over herself and then go flying so that they rain from the sky." Taralyth's not above showing a bit of fang, too - but that gaze of his still whirls brilliant blue, and the swifter for it. I'sai laughs; and continues that now-traditional greeting caress, till at length he rubs his palm across soft hide one last time and warms it in his pockets instead. "Raining from the sky. That'd be something. I wonder how much it'd hurt if one did that from _really_ high up... well, anyway. It's sharding cold there, trader-girl, you're a braver man than I, but if you want to shiver, Taralyth won't stop you." Teye slips up beside Kassi and the babe to nod a greeting. "That's a pretty wreath. I bet I could get a quarter mark for it if it didn't wither. Too bad." Her eyes alight as fingers begin to pry clothing from her body. "It's only cold if you're not spoiled to steam baths, sir. I'm quite used to bathing in cold water. I even broke ice once to do it." Kassima and Lysseth snort their amusement in unison, the sounds eerily similar... even if the dragon's is rather louder, and probably threatens to muss I'sai's hair. All the more reason for her to sigh in woebegone fashion as the marvelous hand departs. "Probably nay very, though they probably make an interesting splat. Splat," she repeats helpfully for Kisai's benefit, detangling her fist from the flowers that she's trying to pull off. "Just don't tell anyone, Teye, if'n you'd be so kind. Methinks half the Weyr would crack up laughing if'n they knew I could weave flower-chains. Did you nay lose any toes from frostbite?" I'sai's hair -does- ruffle, but he steps into it, sidling closer with a quiet-murmured offer to take their daughter up - or just, there! tuck a sunlit bloom behind her ear; absently, and quite sincerely, "I do like being spoiled. No sense in toughening unnecessarily... though s'pose it doesn't do for you to get too acclimated, now that the roads are beginning to dry up a bit." Teye drops her laced up vest to the ground then slips out of her boots without even hinting at a loss of balance. Wiggling a full set of toes for the green rider's benefit. "Just tingly." While peeling out of her leather pants, she turns to watch I'sai with the dragons. "Have we met? You look familiar. I'm Teye, trader extraordinaire. Anything you need, I have or can get. Just ask around. blah blah..you know the spiel I'm sure." Kassima laughs softly at the murmur, at the flower, and shifts her hold to offer their child to her father--Kiss's eyes peeking quizzically out at him from behind the now-cockeyed wreath. "She's dry," her mother adds. "For the moment. Better thee than me, Teye; I'm spoiled rotten and nay afraid of admitting it, and Is, you should believe her about her goods. She even had something 'twas willing t'spend marks on." "Heard of you," I'sai says, and while he'll look back once Kisai's bolstered on his shoulder, even idly watch when not peeling baby-fingers from his nose, there's unreadable reserve in those gray-glinting eyes. "...'Sides, there was that patched-up blanket, and all. Do you give discounts to people with Turndays?" Pause. "People with Turndays near, at least... and if -you're- recommending her, Kassi, maybe you'd advise me on something for Ila and 'rain. Of course, she looks rather busy for shop-talk," and his tone's a dare. Teye snorts. Naked as a fresh-hatched dragon, the tomboy saunters into the cold water pausing only to dive into the depths past the dragons as soon as she's in past her knees. Pride, or perhaps cold tolerance keeps her from squeeling out her rebelion to the obviously frigid waters. After a moment, her dark hair surfaces from the blue depths followed by the rest of her. "I'm never too busy to sell. Discounts? I'm sure you'll find my prices reasonable without cutting off my arms though. Tarien has a turnday in a couple f days I think. Who else?" Kassima matches reserve with curiousity, slanted upwards even as her fingers seek out the makings of a new chain. "Patched-up blanket... oh, *shards*, Is, m'sorry. I should've been wishing you a happy Turnday straight off." Her sheepishness seems genuine; so does her offer of, "I could be trying. What sorts of things d'you like? And watch that Kiss doesn't get your hair--" Excuse her while she breaks off to shiver at Teye's frozen feat. I'sai senses Kassima speaks in a lower voice, pitched for your ear alone: "As for presents, I'm still owing you one, when there's occasion for the giving. I already have it wrapped up. So don't think you're getting off scot-free." Too late; Kiss has one fair strand quite firmly in her gooey grasp, and gums it as happily as it were her own. But since she can't tug too hard, not yet, I'sai even smiles and bumps her nose with his own; "Mine's a Turnday and a half gone. It's fine. Just need something for one-Turn-olds, nothing costly, so they can beat it up and chew on it and lose it and find it again and it's no great matter. But -fun-." Slight pause, in which the smile widens. "Taralyth says it -is- cold." You sense I'sai adds as quietly - and look at that teasing smile go! - "-I- have yours -with- me. So you'll just have to wonder about it, and wait... Tell me when." Teye dunks herself to push her hair back from her face before turning to the supposed dragon. "Cold? Nahh, it's just a little sharp. Once you numb up and move around a little its the getting out that's hard." She laughs happily, spins in the water then splashes toward the dragons. She misses of course. Who wants to splash such a huge dragon after all? "I think I have a couple of rattles and some blocks she may like. Wood imports from southern. The rattles came from a small hold near the sea as I recall. You might wanna take a look first to make sure they're safe. I don't know much about babies things." Kassima folds her legs tailor-style to divide her attention between the spectacle of father and daughter, and the conversation between rider and Trader--adding cheerfully, "Still, 'tis twenty and fifth if'n memory serves, and so it should be noticed. At least nay anyone's given you a big floppy pink hat." As if this were a regular danger. "Something that could be frozen so they can chew on it when they teethe might be an extra bonus, I'd be guessing. Just don't let your So get ahold of a rattle. You wouldn't believe the racket a 'lizard can make with one of those," she explains for Teye, "at least if'n m'Kyril's aught t'be going by. You really are insane, aren't you?" Doubtless a question prompted by the water, and marked by amusement rather than concern. I'sai senses Kassima slowly lifts one eyebrow, darting a wondering glance up at him and that smile. "You *do*. Then I'll wait and wonder indeed, and be glad that *yours* is in Lysseth's strap-pouch, so it can be a fair exchange. Only nay until you've completed your exchange with the Trader, I should say." Who wants to splash such a huge dragon? Why, another huge dragon - at least, under warmer circumstances; Taralyth's content to pose in languid, flowery comfort, and only eavesdrop upon the cold. "Wood, unless it's truly unusual, I've a fine source of my own. Anything else, more of a novelty?" his rider questions, adding afterward, "Five-and-twenty it is, and no such hat -yet-, although Ryi had quite the look in her eye." And any sourness in that last, well, it's leavened by good-humored resignation. You sense I'sai teases - after a furtive glance towards those straps to assess the relative bulge of the pouch - "But what if I don't complete such a trade? And is it breakable?" Teye says "Happy turnday." Bright teeth chatter a little bit. Teye suddenly disappears in the waves for a few moments then pops up several yards away only to stroke back quite proficiently. Winded, she comments, "There is one thing I recall now that I think about it. ..."" Lysseth is certainly in no position to splash, herself, earth-bound creature that she is; she'll settle for blowing breath against her rider's growing chain to make it sway. "She has jewelry," notes the flower-weaver. "I bought a ring for Kisai, though 'twill be a bit before those wee fingers were big enough." For all that they might be big enough to hold his hair hostage in their fierce little grip, even if she *can't* pull. Alas, alas, no making her father as bald as *she* is. "Don't tempt me," her mother further warns before waiting with interest for Teye's revelation. Swirling facets follow the girl's path, much as one might trace a passing shipfish; Taralyth snorts his raised-browed rider's question: go on. I'sai himself is silent within jewelry-thought, and the greater intricacies of wiping baby-drool off his cheek without smearing it further on self or sleeve. I'sai senses Kassima assures, "Quite, so don't you go banging against that pouch," however temptingly full it may bulge. "I *suppose*," she then drawls, laughter lightening her lilt, "you can have your present even if'n you don't. Since you're so kindly taking this mistreatment of your hair." You sense I'sai feigns a sigh of utmost relief; and then says, "Yours is too." Pause. "If you tried really, really hard," and slews a laughing glance to see how she takes -that-. Kassima, nothing if not resourceful, fishes a soft cloth from her pocket to offer wordlessly upwards. I'sai senses Kassima squints up at you as she proffers that wiping-surface, attempting an expression of utmost suspicion despite her open merriment: "You got me a *rock*, didn't you." Everybody wants a rock to wind a piece of string around?" Nimatu darts in from the central bowl. Nimatu swims down into the water obviously after something. Nimatu surfaces while holding a small packtail in her foreclaws. Dark eyes rise to the sky pensively. "I wasn't sure what it was really until you brought up that freezing thing. The smiths sent it along with me a while back. Let's see now. Its shaped like a ring, but about as big as my hand. It's just thick enough for the baby to hold onto though and you can open it up through a plug to fill it with something. I guess cold water, ice water would work. It's textured too. Bumpy. Very odd. They said it was safe but I didn't know what they meant it was safe for." Nimatu glides over to the boulder and lands. She begins eating the packtail she just caught. "What's it made from?" Kassima wants to know, as she completes her wreath of white and violet with a grand flourish and solemnly crowns herself. "'Tis sounding like a thing t'be chewing on, only if'n 'tis metal--" I'sai- once he's accepted and employed the cloth in question, a quieter murmur marking thanks and relief - speculates, "Sounds good to bang against things. They'd like that. What's it made of? Not - " and then, then he laughs. You sense I'sai makes a show of consideration, and then murmurs, "Sort of. Part of it. In the very, very loose sense of the word. Why, is mine a rock, will they match?" Nimatu finishes the packtail and launches into the air again, heading towards the lake. Nimatu swims down into the water obviously after something. Nimatu flies out of the water without a snack. Nimatu chitters her frustration and dives back in. Nimatu swims down into the water obviously after something. Teye shrugs a bit helplessly. "I'm not sure really. It doesn't look like metal, or wood. It reminds me of something I had as a child but I can't remember what it was either. Maybe...maybe a gourde? Its just so oddly shaped for one. Nimatu comes back up empty handed. Nimatu plunges downward beneath the foam. Nimatu flies out of the water without a snack. Nimatu swims down into the water obviously after something. Teye begins to shiver as she talks. Reluctantly the half developed girl heads for shore. Her lips are blue and her skin prickles with goosebumps. Nimatu resurfaces and glares in the direction of her escaping prey. Nimatu swoops into the air diving back down into the water. Nimatu flies out of the water without a snack. I'sai says, pale eyes a little distant - Taralyth'd been distracted from the girl by the firelizard's hunt, though now he swings his muzzle up over a wingbase to warble to an overflying wing - "I've seen them knotted up and such, still on the vine. Can be to good effect, the hard part is getting it not to rot... mmm. Preserving it. Wonder how they do that." I'sai senses Kassima starts to make a show of considering the question, but upon realizing that he just did that, elects to visibly mull instead. "Part rock," she concedes. "Part sand. Whether they match, well, we'll just have t'wait and find out." Nimatu swoops into the air and banks to crash into a nearby wave. Nimatu comes back up empty handed. You sense I'sai speculates on a squint, "Glass is made of sand..." and tilts a brow up at her: well? Nimatu glides across the surface of the lake, moving her head back and forth as she looks for her prey. Kassima grins outright, shaking her head and murmuring something about weird minds; in the meanwhile, "A gourd... well, I suppose it could be. Sounds as though it might be worth looking over, Is--since you wanted m'advice." The fire-lizard's repeated dive are watched by green eyes and green-blue, Kiss distracted from her hair-gumming by the flickering bright thing. Nimatu swims down into the water obviously after something. Nimatu surfaces a fingertail in her grasp. I'sai senses Kassima's lashes drop to half-veil her eyes; she allows, casual, "So 'tis. A'course, so is--so is--so is a *pile* of sand." So there. Rubbing at chilled arms, Teye turns to watch the fishing flit. A grin surfaces then broadens into something bright. "Wow, she's beautiful!" Nimatu chitters in triumph as she surfaces with a fingertail. She flits toward shore, the fingertail wriggling in her grasp. As she glides past Kassima the fingertail falls from her grasp and lands with a splat in Kassima's lap. Green-blue-gray considers; "Couldn't hurt," Is finally says, if with the further tease, "Could it? ...Especially if thereby we save the trader-girl from a cold - " never mind that she's already gotten out; he's broken off at the sight of falling fish. You sense I'sai'd slitted his eyes before all of this fish business: "Has Timbril been talking to you? Just because Demila - er. Well." Or would, if Kassi didn't jerk back with trained reflex, eliciting a surprised sound from Lysseth as her rider impacts with her side. Delicately, Kassi tweezes the fish-thing out of the grass and holds it up: "Methinks you dropped something." She's probably addressing the 'lizard. Probably. "I'll be amazed if'n she doesn't get pneumonia. How d'you do it, Teye?" Nimatu chitters and dives, neatly picking the fingertail from Kassima's hand. She chitters a thanks to Kassima and flits over to the boulder. Teye's teeth clentch before she takes in a deep breath and wipes the water from her skin. Next she begins to wring out the long chestnut locks which drip like a small rainshower upon the sand. "Do what? Swim? It's not so hard. Just don't inhale when you're under water." I'sai senses Kassima mutters as that fish-tail writhes between her fingers, "Is it true that she kicked you?" "Swim in water that looks fit t'turn you blue," Kassi clarifies. "I know, you explained, but I still find it rather amazing." Her nod to the fire-lizard is as solemn and sincere as if the small creature were human. "Blue, purple," I'sai says when he has breath back, eyes the widened for it. You sense I'sai admits, "It -is-," as if it were his fault for not ducking in time. You sense I'sai does then more sunnily add, "Not that I hadn't teased her, first." Teye quickly begins to pull on her leathers, mindless that her struggles are due to being still wet as she forces them over her body. "It's better'n being dirty. Not like there are hot baths out on the trails or wherever I go." Her gaze flicks over to I'sai curiously. "Are...are you okay mister?" Her chattering teeth got in the way for a moment. "I'd be better if I weren't worried about falling fish clonking me in my the head," I'sai says, wry. "Or worse, Kisai - " the more so given how she still has his hair in clutch. I'sai senses Kassima quietly rattles her tongue: tsk, tsk. "Your reflexes aren't what they should be--oh, well, *that* explains it. I'm sure you earned it fully?" You sense I'sai contrives to look wounded, not just then but now; "Not -fully-. And it's not as if one could knife her... I have been carrying them around, you know, for balance, even if I haven't been entirely lessoned right." Teye shoots a quick smile at the dragons. "I'm going to go warm up then dig out that ring thing. It's in the wagon somewhere. Find me later and I'll have it for you to see okay? Kassima quips, "See, this is why I couldn't have made a life of traveling. Nay hot *baths*." Oh, woe. Oh, dismay. Oh, wurra wurra and mourning. "Methinks she'd be surprised t'be hit from above by fish, poor lass," she agrees with due solicitousness. "She'd probably cry. Right in your ear. Be sure t'gyp him out of marks horribly, won't you, Teye?" Teye smirks. "Only to make up what I lost from your deal, Kassi." Nimatu finishes off the fingertail and turns towards the three people. She sits pack and watches them for a bit. I'sai senses Kassima consoles, "I'm sure you tried your best, at least. Macami probably *would* have fits if'n you knifed her daughter--" Gee, y'think? "Now there's a fine idea. And a hint, if'n I don't mistake." "Loudly - Traitor!" I'sai exclaims, albeit with some fondness, and even Kisai's eyes seem to focus on this prospect. "Later it is. And if you've anything else in your pack you think I just have to have, trader, you're welcome to try..." after an artistic pause, "Not that I can afford much, mind. All the best to the healers, when you see them." Teye briskly waves to the couple and dashes off at a lazy gait through the grass. "Bye!" Teye heads in the direction of the central bowl, leaving the shimmering lake. Kassima just grins, grins a merry and unrepentant grin. "I had t'say it, Is. I haven't been wicked t'you in too long a span." Her chortle is wicked; then, "Avoid the Healers, Teye!" she calls. "They're evil! --Ach, shardit. Missed." "I should have said you'd be good for any extra marks," I'sai says mellowly, leaning for a nose-pop! to Kisai again. "And since my cousin's a healer, I'll take that as a compliment - anyway - " and bright eyes flick towards towards Lysseth's sack, and back. "That depends entirely on what you buy," Kassi primly protests, as Kiss, too young yet to smile, still manages a crow of delight. Shrill delight. "You're as impatient as a four-Turn-old on Turnover. 'Twill strike a bargain with you," she says as she gets to her feet, calmly bestowing upon his head a wreath of flowers yellow, white, and blue. "I'll give you yours if'n you give me mine. Fair deal?" "-Five- Turn," I'sai argues - but agrees, "So long as it's within a close proximity of time, hm?" _He_ doesn't have to go anywhere; he can just rebalance Kisai - carefully, carefully, her eyes are closing - and delve one hand into his jacket's not particularly substantial pocket. Kassima doesn't reply right away; her expression is exaggeratedly pensive as she turns from her dragon's side with the wild-wrapped box in careful hands; finally, "Oh, all right, *five*." With great reluctance. A smile for Kisai, and she shifts her own hold to one one-handed in order to hold out the other for her present with eyes no less eager than his. Perhaps *she's* four. Nimatu darts in the direction of the central bowl, leaving the shimmering lake. Wild-wrapped? His is bright as her jacket - but I'sai juggles, _gives_. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Message 54 Date Received: Mon Jun 11 19:13:46 2001 From: I'sai To: Kassima Subject: For Kassi: ============================================================================== Wrapped in a gaudy scarf block- and splatter-painted with red and orange, green and yellow, with a pair of googly eyes staring out from one corner: Subtle metal links encase a suede loop of leather, only a shade paler than its light-drinking black and thus barely distinguishable from the wherhide itself; too smoothly aglisten to be iron, too strong and dark to be silver, they trace a series of openwork diamonds formed along a sequence of Ks where the letters' slanting legs meet their mirror-opposites. While the belt's design allows for interchangeability of buckles, the current one presents a larger such diamond, the lozenge solid face-on but slender of silhouette, and gently honed at its edges. The closest of inspections reveals minute bosses, near-flush with its upper obverse side and thus hidden when worn, that when properly pressed relinquish the tiny hairpicks - also usable as toothpicks, or knives - sheathed inside. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kassima accepts the parcel with careful hand, tucking the box into the crook of her arm to better poke and tug fastidiously at the wrapping--"Nice scarf," she compliments with a mischievous glance upwards. "Particularly the *eyes*--" Only then her fingers release the contents, and she runs the metal-guarded leather through her hands; she traces the buckle, fingers one of the matched Ks. "Is, 'tis beautiful!" I'sai's stilled, watching - but then tension washes from him, leaving renewed brightness in his eyes; "Good, good. The leather, y'know, you can change its colors, replace it when it wears - " Kassima carefully sets down--no, better yet, offers him his box, so that both hands may be free to work at replacing her worn and simple belt, though re-attaching the knives and pouch will take more fussing; later, later. "I like black," she assures cheerfully, "and 'twill even do when I'm proddy, I warrant, unless next time I decide t'wear a *dress*--hmm?" Her fussing fingers have found one of those tiny bosses; she wonders, "What are...? Oh!" The released pin is held up for delighted inspection. "You could skewer someone's *eye* with this! How marvelous." With the weapon replaced, the new belt fastened, she asks, "Does it suit?" I'sai accepts it, leaning self and child and box against Taralyth's haunch - the young dragon eyes all this with no little curiosity - and even starts with those wrappings, careful with them for all their wildness ... but ears are cocked to her commentary, and he stops to regard her as the pin goes up. "Good, good. See, I figured if what's-her-name ever goes for my eyes, and looks like she'll actually get them, you can poke them out -first- to save me from them. Or something like that.... And," he's no swift reply; he actually looks, and assesses, and decides, "...Yes, I do think so. Glad I didn't have them make it all shiny after all." And then, -then- I'sai lets the last wrapping fly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To: I'sai Subject: That Gift: ============================================================================== The goblet's cup is white--misty, translucent; milky enough for its color to register, yet not so opaque that whatever liquid were poured into it would be *entirely* obscured. Clouded color could instead peek out through the tangled skein of white-gold that wraps this blanched glass in its pale maze, that streaks down the upper stem to disappear into its glossy black as might a shower of falling, fiery stars. The night's darkness is not given long to reign supreme. Bright lines of overlayed bronze begin thin, but increase slowly in width until they are ready to span the midnight pool of the base in an eight-pointed star. A simple pattern, but one enhanced by the glitter of what lies between each ray: small blue diamonds and emeralds alternate spaces, the sparkle of their facets defying the shadowy setting. ...Oh, yes, and let it not be forgotten that there are four slickly new one-mark pieces nestled snugly, smugly in the cup. Wind to thy wings, Kassima, green Lysseth's rider and Thunderbolt Wingleader, Telgar Weyr. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kassima finishes her turn to rock back on her heels and watch anxiously *his* unwrapping; along the way, she can point out, "As if'n I haven't already saved you from her *once*. But I live t'be assisting." Her smile is a touch sheepish, but pleased, even though she ducks her head. "Your taste is excellent. I don't know whether you'll think the same of mine." I'sai peeks in - and immediately pleads, "Hold the baby? This looks breakable, this looks -very- breakable - Taralyth, watch that nose," and the young bronze pulls back his muzzle with a mild snort of reproof. "...And look, how it -gleams-." Kassima almost as immediately complies, reaching to gather Kisai--now drowsing, nearly asleep--in a gentle grasp, the flowers of her tiny crown brushing against her mother's cheek. "I *warned* you," she adds, before, "D'you like it? 'Tis mostly for toasting births and Turndays; I figured you could use such a thing." I'sai, once he can set the glass free, hold it gently to the light - "It's marvelous," he breathes. "All that, and out of glass, it's so fragile. So's going to have to be kept -away-." It's her turn to breathe out her relief, eyes lighting at once. "M'cousin's a wonder," Kassi admits freely. "I commissioned it months agone, figuring 'twould take a time... don't forget, will you, t'be looking *inside*?" Inside, right - I'sai tips, murmuring something about what vintage could this be - and out clink the marks, new-cut cool in his palm. "...From the _bet_. And, you know, this doubles mine." Kassima confirms with the beginnings of a grin, "I did promise you a cut. And thought, in retrospect, that a third would be more fair than a quarter... one-mark pieces so you wouldn't think I'm giving that one *back*. I rather intend t'be keeping it." I'sai's "Rare, that," is distinctly appreciative; and he lifts the glass, swirls it, the better to fill it with evening's spring-light breeze: "To Kisai: Long life, delighted and delighting life, and much success at confounding enemies... and, why not? friends." I'sai tacks on, "But not us." Kassima lifts Kisai a bit so that the baby can see, or could see, were she only awake; her eyes follow the toast, and she cups an invisible glass with her fingers to toast the sentiment. "But nay us," she laughingly agrees. "'Twill second m'wish for all of that--and may she have more friends to confound than enemies, even if'n scoring points off of friends isn't quite as fun." [Editor's Note: I'sai got disconnected here, I believe, so that ended up being the closing sentiment.]