-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Revenge of the Goose-Girls Date: September 13, 1998 Place: Master Beast Hall's Pond Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: How now, Mother Goose? The Beastcraft's Rodeo continues, and its next event is a goose-herding competition... inspiring Kassi to break out an array of strange items meant to help her cause. Just call her the James Bond of the avian world. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: <*> Lysseth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air! Dragon> Kvasith bespoke Lysseth with << We got here before you! >> You wind down from the sky above. Lysseth> I bespoke Kvasith with << Yes, but we are not last, so we are not the kidneys. >> <*> Owyn grins. "Oh, I'm not sure. They've their own charm, once you get to know them, and they make a lovely meal..." He waves to the riders, squinting at their knots before calling, "Beastcraft's duties to Telgar. You're just in time to join us in herding some avians" <*> From the sky above you, Torinth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air! <*> Kaitra peers into the pen, trying to evaluate the gaggle of geese in some way, when Birioc's question draws her attention. With a grin, she shrugs. "Enjoying it fairly well, and yes. Sales are going well. And you, sir?" <*> Aurian chuckles as she waves, "And Telgar's to Beastcraft and her masters.." <*> From the sky above you, Void wings out over the coastal waters towards Ista Island. <*> Lysseth lands neatly near Kvasith, rumbling a low and indeed almost inaudible greeting. "Duties t'the Beastcraft and her Masters, all... and t'everywhere else 'tis appropriate t'give duties to. Herding avians?" You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles, cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully. Kvasith rests his head on his forefeet, no staring at her this day. Owyn nods. "Indeed!" He indicates the gaggle of geese milling about in the pen behind him. "In a moment, I'm going to let these geese out, and then anyone who cares to compete will try to get them back in. The winner will be the person who gets the most geese back in" Kiyana comes in from the road to the west. Kaitra's grin falters just a tad as she recognizes the riders. Perhaps it has to do with the bronco event, perhaps not. All the same, she calls a cheerful, "Beastcraft's duties to Telgar!" As the riders arrive. Birioc snorts like a porcine as he hears Owyn's greeting to the Telgar riders. "More like get bitten by a goose," he drawls in an aside to Kaitra. As he watches dragon after dragon land and female rider after female rider climb down, the journeyman straightens his posture and brushes off some dirt and feathers on his shirt, his eyes glinting with interest. "BeastCraft's duties to Telgar," he calls out with a little too much eagerness. M'kla comes in from the road to the west. Fahlina comes in from the road to the west. Kassima whistles sharply, eyebrows lifting. "Sounds like an intriguing challenge t'me... stress being on *challenge*. Can't say I've ever herded geese a'fore." From the interested, curious way she's watching the creatures, one might wonder whether she's even *seen* geese before. At the call of greetings, she straightens to nod amiably to each person she hears. "And returned, Apprentice--good t'see you again, by the by--Journeyman, all. M'thanks for the courtesy. M'kla! There you are!" Owyn grins. "Thanks to the generosity of the Vintnercraft, that winner -" he recaps the victory conditions for the new arrivals "- that is, the one who gets the most geese back into the pen after I let them out - will get two skins of a lovely Benden vintage, as well as a roast goose" Birioc rubs his chin thoughtfully at the mention of the prize. "Benden, eh? I can think of a few good uses for a good Benden wine." He continues to stroke his chin as his gaze wanders from Telgar rider to Telgar rider and a tiny bit of drool wets the corner of his mouth. It must've been the mention of the roast goose that has set him to salivating. Aurian peers at the geese, "Are they the kind that bites?" Kiyana eyes Owyn as she approaches. " What are you up to now, Master Owyn?" M'kla chuckles, "All geese will bite lass...depends on how mad ye make em." Owyn's eyes dance. "Taking another opportunity to extend the appeal of avians, of course, Kiya Aurian rakes a hand through her hair, she hmmmms, "Ohhh well that shouldn't be to hard." Kaitra's eyes sparkle just a bit - after all, it's a rare occasion that an apprentice gets her hands on good wine. Her arms fold, and she straightens just a little bit, ambling over to Kiyana. "Care to work together on this? And share the prize?" She asks, in an undertone. Kassima looks apt to drool, too, but not from the mention of the goose. "Wiiiiiine," she murmurs, going starry-eyed. "*Benden* wine. Oh, I've just *got* t'give this a try." It's a shame that Kassi isn't one of the geese; clearly, waving a wineskin at her from within the pen would get her to come running. "Just so long as they don't bite me in the rump. I don't need beak-marks to add t'my collection!" " Avians have appeal?" Kiyana asks dryly, glancing at the geese. Kaitra gets a cocked eyebrow and a slow smile. " Now that sounds interesting." Birioc sidles closer to Aurian, feigning a knowledgeable aire. "Afternoon, ma'am. Journeyman Herder Birioc at your service. Did I hear you asking about the geese?" All of this is said in a slow Boll drawl. Telgar Weyr> Neliea says, "Are they chasing geese at the MBH now?" Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Haven't quite started yet. :)" Telgar Weyr> Neliea says, "I didn't miss it? Yea! :)" Aurian glances up at the sidling Journeyman, she cocks an eyebrow, "Yes... I did.." Kaitra nods, slowly, a smile lighting up her own features. "Hmmm, the prize seems to be two skins of benden wine, and he didn't say a thing 'bout apprentices. And, a roast goose." She eyes the pen of geese. "Now, the question is, how to do it." Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Nope! Just get your rump to the pond! :)" " Herd 'em towards each other?" Kiyana suggests with a chuckle. " The one who catches it'll share the stash wi' the other?" Birioc takes this teaching opportunity to step a little closer to the Telgar brownrider. "What can I help you with? What question can I answer for you...I'm sorry but I didn't catch your name." His teeth gleam in the sunlight as he smiles. Owyn takes up the latch. "If we're all ready," he says, carryingly, "we can begin?" "Aurian, brown Kvasith's rider.." she glances to the geese, "Oh its starting.." Kaitra spies Birioc paying an amazing ammount of attention to the Telgar brownrider, and grins, nudging her fellow apprentice. "At least we won't have any problems from him, he's too busy tryin' to herd her..." This, of course, is said in a very quiet voice. Louder, she nods, "We're ready!" Telgar Weyr> Neliea tears herself away from the TV and moves. :) Kiyana grins at Kaitra and shakes her head, nodding quietly to her mentor. Kassima aims an elbow to nudge Auri lightly in the side. "Quit flirting, Auri... the games are about to start." She dips one hand in her pocket to rifle around for something, apparently intending to use a prop of sorts. How curious. Birioc flicks a glance at Owyn, his mouth twisting connivingly as he overhears the man. But when he looks back at Aurian he is all beaming smiles and mildly attentive eyes. "If you've never worked with a goose before, I can help you, Aurian. That's a lovely name." Xylath wings down from the sky above. Neliea nimbly climbs down from Xylath's neckridges, pausing to gently brush a hand along her lifemate's muzzle as he turns a large light blue muzzle to his lifemate, wuffling her hair gently in return. Aurian ummms in confusion. She blinks. Owyn opens the gate, and beckons the geese out. A moment or two of milling around follow, and then the geese tumble out of the pen, and scatter to the four winds. Most seem to be heading for the pond Neliea removes her helmet and gloves, deftly climbing down and landing next to Xylath at a small tilt. So, she rushed a little, but hopefully she didn't miss anything. Straightening and standing back a ways, she watches the geese with a slight smile. "Nor her," Kaitra continues her quiet commentary on the subject of Birioc and the brownrider. "Too flustered. Benden wine, here we come!" Edging towards the pond, she crouches, holding her arms wide, waggling her fingers. Kiyana yelps as geese start tumbling out all around her and twists, trying to find one to herd. She leaps in front of a gander, stomping her feet and waving her arms in an effort to turn it from it's course, back towards the pen. " Hai!" When the geese are freed, Kassima removes from her pocket--with a great flourish--her secret weapon. It's a handkerchief. A pink... lace... handkerchief. Confident in the powers of pink lace to frighten *anything*, she sprints after the fleeing birds, intent on getting into a position from where she can scare them back *towards* the pen. "See the lace and flee, flying dinners!" she yells. Melodramatic? Who, *her*? Telgar Weyr> Aurian dies at Kassima! Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Hey, if it works on men.... ;)" Telgar Weyr> Neliea blinks and just stays away from Kassi...."Scary greenrider..." :) Aurian slides off her jacket as she remembers what she' here to do, she waves it at some of the geese, "Move your feathered fannies.." Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "Well so far it's worked on horses and men and now geese" Chuckling oh-so-sweetly at Aurian's attempts to herd the geese, Birioc moves to join her. Crouching down he spreads his arms wide and waddles after the animals, dodging to the left and the right in an attempt to block their escape. Suddenly challenged geese rear back, honking and threatening to snap. A particularly bold goose waddles through Birioc's legs, and - finding freedom opening before it - hop runs towards Kassima, too focused on the water to notice the fearsome handkerchief. Meanwhile, the two apprentices seem to have confused their gander, as it keeps turning round to avoid one or the other of them Aurian stamps a booted foot at some of the geese, "Move back shard it!" Neliea slips off her jacket, following Aurian's exapmle and moving towards the feathered geese. Giving her heavy jacket something that's similar to a *crack*, she moves carefully towards those walking pillow feathers towards the pen. Hey, everyone else is doing the same thing and she doesn't have to lean over. Not yet at least. Kaitra gives the greenrider an astonished look, as the woman confirms her belief that all riders must have some fatal flaw. This one, insanity. Pink lace, indeed. Now, to convince a goose to go where you want it to, not where it wants to. Perhaps a yelling, waving, waddling Kaitra is enough to turn some from the pond? She's trying it, her voice rising above the honking. Kassima uses the small nefarious scrap of frippery as she might a wet towel, trying to snap it at the rear ends of her feathered foes. "Back! Back! Yield to the powers of the lace, edible cretins, lest I be forced to route you with ribbons and sisal! Back, say I!" Okay, who gave the greenrider too much caffeine this morning? However fearful the lace, though, it does't seem to be working, and Kassi isn't blind to this fact. "These critters are as water-obsessed as barren women! This calls for a back-up plan." She sprints backwards ahead of the charging goose in question as she this time rummages through her belt pouch, searching for secret weapon number two. No matter how they may run, the birds don't look apt to get away from the lunatic rider. Fingers waggle as Kiyana bites back a giggle, dodging around to block off the gander's escape, sending it fleeing towards Kaitra. She follows, her voice shrill as she tries to spook the beast towards the pen. " Hai! Back, back, beast!" And they say Kiya doesn't know anything about geese. Sandaled feet stomp upon the ground, stirring up dust clouds towards the gander. " Back you go!" Hands flick out, swift, never touching the gander, but boxing it in, away from freedom, towards the captivity of the pens. Birioc stifles a mild curse as the goose sneaks between his legs and makes a break for freedom. The Herder doubles over to peer between his knees at the animal, concluding after a moment's thought that that animal is too smart for him. Still crouched over, he starts to waddle towards the next goose when he hears Aurian. He lifts a finger to his lips in a shushing gesture as he looks up at her and then he motions for her to get lower. "You can't push them. It'll only scare 'em." A smithcraft apprentice yelps, clutching at a nip on the back of his hand. The goose that got him backs away, until it hears the crack of Neliea's jacket. At this sharp sound, the goose senses a threat, and charges towards the outstretched wherhide. Meanwhile, a number of geese have stopped their headlong flight to the lake, watching Kassima warily to see what she'll do next. A shout of triumph indicates the first success, on the the part of an Igen wingsecond, as Kiyana and Kaitra seem close to capturing their first Aurian peers at Birioc, she's short enough as it is. How low does she have to get.. She dashes closer to some of the geese. Kaitra looks past the weaving long neck of the goose, making eye contact with Kiyana. "Almost, almost..." she says, creeping forward, arms spread wide and fingers waggling. See? Who needs pink lace. Kassima draws from her belt pouch, after a suitable (if brief) dramatic pause, Secret Weapon Number Two. It's... a sandwich! A perfectly normal sandwich, with soft, crumbling bread and a delicious-smelling filling. So much for lunch. A piece of cornbread is similarly exposed, and, hunkering down, the greenrider starts to waggle these at the geese in what she fancies is a tempting fashion. "C'mon, c'mon... follow the sandwich, follow the sandwich...." She turns to walk backwards towards the pen this time, clucking her tongue and always holding the foodstuffs *just* out of reach. Feet stomp, dust raises as Kiyana closes in on the gander, nimbly avoiding the serrated beak as she skips from foot to foot, waggling her hands and fingers in his direction. " Back, beastie! To the pen wi' ye! G'wan, get in there!" Her voice shrills slightly as she steps down on a rock, but apprentice keeps going, grinning in Kaitra's direction. Telgar Weyr> Kassima shouts, simply because she can't resist, "Follow the gourd! Follow the goooooooooourd!" Neliea paues in moving, um, cracking her jacket like some trainer's whip while keeping said bundle of Weyrhide in her hand as she moves towards the water. Catching Birioc's waddle, she arches an eyebrow and shakes her head. Never tried that, but whatever squaks your gander might work. Speaking of squaks, there's goose heading in her direction. Um, that isn't good is it? Maybe she can use this to her advantage. "Over here you walking bundle of feathers! Yeah, you," she taunts the goose, moving rather quickly in the direction of the pen and /away/ from the water. Hopefully she doesn't fall backwards. Birioc's rear nearly drags on the ground as he crouchwaddles alongside Aurian, trying to use their two bodies to press the geese back. His fingers trail in the grass as he spreads his arms wide, much to the anger of a goose they are starting to surround and earning them a loud *honk* of protest. Telgar Weyr> Aurian ties Kassima down while she tries to find the right size strait jacket. The Herder apprentices' gander looks rather confused as the gate clicks shut beyond him, giving them their first success. Meanwhile, Kassima's strange behavior has a handful of geese interested, and they straggle behind her towards the pen. One of these is, in fact, too interested in the sandwiches to look where it's going, and blunders right into Aurian's back, knocking her towards Birioc. Neliea's stratagem seems to have backfired, as the pursuing goose catches up, and takes a firm grip on the wherhide with its beak, pulling backwards suddenly Aurian stumbles against Birioc, she yelps. Kiyana hahs softly, before making towards another goose, jerking her head at Kaitra. " Over here." This one, quite obviously /not/ a gander, quickly finds Kiyana on it's far side, 'tween lake and her. The waggling of fingers and screeching of insults continues as the young... in her mind... senior starts to force it in Kaitra's direction. " Back! Back! To the pen, I say!" She limps a bit, and one foot doesn't stomp as hard, but she'll be danged if she's gonna give up now. Kiya doesn't like wine, but she loves goose. Kassima is quite content to use insanity as the Pied Piper of Hamlin used music, and slowly and steadily makes tracks towards the pen, her Holy Grails of Goosedom trailing a few tantilizing crumbs on the way. "C'mon... you can hear the sandwich calling," she whispers to the geese as she waddles along, backwards no less. "They're saying, 'Eat me... eat me....'" She waggles the sandwich a bit to emphasize the point. At least it's less scary than pink lace. Kaitra lets out a whoop, as she and Kiyana achieve success. "Next one?" and with a nod, she takes up a finger-waggling position at an angle to her fellow apprentice. Her own voice adds to the clamour of the event, yelling and whooping. Neliea oofs in surprise as she takes a firm grip on her jacket, briefly fanning about the goose's head. "Oh, shards! You are /not/ getting my jacket!" Not if she has a say about it and she does. Keeping a light grip on her jacket, maybe she can think of a way to keep her Wheyhide in one piece. In the tangle, her necklace slips out of her tunic, swinging like a pendulum but fortunatly it's too far up for that beak to reach. Ooooh, pretty shiny thing? When Aurian stumbles against him, Birioc doesn't yelp though he tumbles on his rear in the grass. Instead he looks pretty darn happy about the whole situation and he beams up at Aurian as he tries to steady her. "Sneaky little beasts, aren't they." Aurian blinks and blinks, she yelps again and scampers off of Birioc as quickly as she can stumbling into some geese. Confusion erupts as Kassima reaches the gate, and she loses most of her followers. Still, with 3 geese inside, she leaps into the lead. Aurian's stumble serves a similar purpose, getting a goose inside for her. With successes by various others, there are now just four geese outside - the one holding Neleia's jacket, the one being trapped by Kaitra and Kiyana, and two of Kassima's lost followers Kassima lobs her sandwiches neatly into the pens, apparently figuring that the geese deserve them. Fair's fair, after all... and besides, the filling was starting to leak out over her hands. Ugh. One more ploy. This time, she removes a wrapped object from one of her pouches, unwrapping it to reveal... multiple pipes? Yes. Apparently, she wants to try and lure them in with music; no one ever said she was sane. But when, standing by the pen, she lifts the pipes to her lip and plays a note... something's wrong. Maybe there's something caught in the pipes, or maybe her playing really *is* as bad as she always claimed--but the resultant sound isn't *musical*. It sounds, in fact, rather like... a goose mating call? Uh-oh.... She's going to play hard to get, is she? Birioc likes that game. Twisting on his side and then on to his knees, the journeyman is soon back on his feet and he follows after the Telgar brownrider. "Good work!" he cheers as she gets one goose in there. "Now for the rest. I say we change tactics and make them chase us." Like he's chasing Aurian. Putting deeds to words, the Herder stamps his boot and claps his hand by the nearest goose, tyring to anger it. Kiyana bites her lip as Kassima's lead skyrockets, but she won't give up. Yelping as she comes down on her bad ankle, she pitches forwards towards the goose. A squawk, and she windmills, catching her ballance. " In with you," the apprentice cries. " G'wan!" Goose is circled, herded towards her partner as she hops on one ankle, hands before her, shoving at the air before the avian. " C'mon! Home wi' ye!" Kaitra spreads her arms wide, the goose is going to have to duck if it's too chicken to go into the pen, to get past her. Fingers keep waggling, yells keep comming, though she's getting a little hoarse. Aurian dashes up to a goose and pokes the stupid bird, she makes sure it sees her and heads back towards the Pen.. Neliea remembers that the goal is getting this goose /into/ the pen as she spots the other two stray geese. She's going to regret this, but that jacket can always be mended and thankfully it isn't her Thread fighting one. Still playing tug-o-war with the stubborn feathers, she tries to go about this another way. Dancing. That beak's distracted and they're almost dancing, right? Well in any case, she tries to take the goose into a few dance steps towards the pen. "Hope you like to dance you silly bird..." Birioc waggles his fingers invitingly in front of the goose's beak as he continues to threaten it verbally. "Yeah, you're a stupid bird. You'll never catch me. Nope. Nope. Cause you're stupid. Nyah nyah." So he might lose a few fingers. It'd be worth it for the wine and the rider. Nyki comes in from the road to the west. R'val comes in from the road to the west. Aurian's ruse seems to work, as the goose begins to chase after her. Unfortunately, however, Kaitra's arms are a little high, and her quarry ducks under them. The two geese collide, and settle to the ground, stunned briefly into quiescence. Neliea and Birioc, meanwhile, each manage to get their geese to just outside the gate, but now have to get the gate open and keep both of their targets interested R'val walks over to the crowd, waving to the Telgarians. He peers at the goose chasing. Aurian hahahs as the goose chases her, she pinches another goose on her way to the gate, trying to get another one to join the other angry waddling bird that's after her tuckus. Kiyana hahs quietly and leaps towards the geese, reaching down as if to scoop the twain into the pen by herself. A jerk of her head goes to Kaitra as she circles around the stunned pair, still hopping on one foot. " C'mon, Kaitra! Help me get 'em in 'fore they recover!" Kaitra curses, loudly, as the goose escapse, and spins around nearly loosing her balance. As the geese collide and settle, she whoops! "Grab'em!" is called to her parnter, diving for them. Nyki stands back from all the insantiy, laughing at everyone's antics. She pulls out her wineskin from her bag and sips at it. Kassima peers in puzzlement at her pipes, and tries again. *Squawk.* That is *not* an alluring sound to her, however tempting it may be to the geese, so she sighs and slips the things into her pocket. The time for subtlety is ended. Stealthily, she sneaks towards the two quiescent geese... and, upon reaching them, lunges to try to slap one on its goosely rump. "Take that!" she yells in triumph, whether or not her hand actually *contacts*. It's the idea of the thing, you know! Neliea glances at Birioc and then the gate and then the goose. "Can you get to the gate? I'm a little tied up here..." The way she's 'dancing' with that goose isn't something you want to pause from. Kiyana hahs quietly and leaps towards the geese, reaching down as if to scoop the twain into the pen by herself. A jerk of her head goes to Kaitra as she circles around the stunned pair, still hopping on one foot. " C'mon, Kaitra! Help me get 'em in 'fore they recover!" Grimacing as he nows that he's going to regret this, Birioc crouches down again but this time he thrusts his rear towards the goose, wiggling it invitingly as he fumbles for the gate. He inches forward, still wiggling, trying to keep a hold of the gate. "I've got it! I've got it!" Maybe. Ninya comes in from the road to the west. R'val shake shis head with amusement, watching. Ninya steps over to the pond, glancing at the chaos and wondering if she's made a mistake. Nyki sees the confused look on Ninya's face, and she grins, motioning the girl over to the place she snagged out of the chaos. Neliea piviots herself, the jacket and maybe the goose towards the pen. Do they go in is anyone's guess. "Okay, let's see if they go in," she says almost wincning at Birioc's latest tatic. That's going to hurt. The quiescent geese - with help from Kassima, go to the apprentice pair, and are quickly put into the pen. Birioc's and Neliea's follow soon afterward, after a few nips, and the feathers begin to settle. Owyn chuckles. "We have a somewhat unusual situation..." He nods to Kassi. "You, Wingleader, come out best singly, but Kiyana and Kaitra there have matched you jointly. Perhaps the three of you could share the meal?" Ninya steps nearer to the pen, almost tripping over a stray goose. "What's going on?!" she shouts. "Need help?" Kiyana grins at Kaitra, leaning against the pen now that she can rest. " I don't mind, Master," the apprentice assures. " I was just in it for the fun, anyway." Nyki's felinish eyes flick about. She sips on her wineskin as she quietly watches the events, an amused grin playing on her lips. Kassima dusts crumbs and whatnot from her hands, scrubbing them against her slacks for good measure, and pausing a moment to catch her breath. "So long as they're willing t'share the wine," she says, flicking a grin towards the two apprentices in question, "I'd hardly be objecting, sir!" Kaitra hurahs, as the final pair land in the pen, grinning at her parner-in-herding. What? Share? With a...a ... Telgar rider? Oh, dear - but Benden wine's worth anything. "Sharing's fine, sir." she answers, looking hopefully towards Kassima. Aurian whews as the geese are put away and she doesn't have to deal with the geese anymore... though the goose dinner and wine would have been nice. Birioc's elation at getting his goose in the pen despite the damage to his tuckus is quickly overshadowed by Owyn's announcement of the winners. "All that work for nothing," he grumps briefly as he rubs at his rear, his eyes going to Kassima's behind. "I'll bet she didn't get bit," he mutters to himself before he shrugs off his mood and looks around in search of Aurian. Nyki catches sight of a familiar form out of the corner of her eye, and grins. "Mir!" she goes over to snug the girl soundly. "Where you been all day?" Ninya steps away from the pens and the group of geese-herders, looking around hurriedly for anyone she might know. At last, she spies someone. "Naldo!" Neliea sighs as she retains her jacket after a rather...intresting dance. "Whew, it's finally in," she mutters, lifting the jacket and carefully inspecting it for any rips. There's a reason why Weyrhide is so strong, but still... Mirala wanders over, scanning the crowd. She blinks, grinning at the girl. "Hey Nyki! Oh, I've been hanging around." Naldo turns at the sound of someone calling his name. He spots his fellow Bitran. "Ninya! Hey!" he calls. Aurian stretches, "Well done Kassima" Kassima bows to the two K-named folk, with a wince when she straightens. Bit or not bit, her rump's still not happy with her after yesterday's fun and games. "Sharing's fine, aye. Felicitations t'you both... ach, thankee, Auri! 'Twas luck, y'know." Everything's luck to her. Aurian nods to Kassima, "Twas the sandwiches.." Kiyana smiles at Kassima, still standing on one ankle. Looks like this lass may be out of comission for a bit. " That it was," she agrees completely. " And congradulations to you, as well." Neliea chuckles, slinging the jacket over her shoulder. "Should have known that food would have done it, Kassi. Congratulations, though. At least you didn't get nipped." Nyki grins at Mirala, looping her arm around her waist. "Well, I had the worst hangover this morning..But I bought you something!" she reaches in her backpack and pulls out a small ring box, handing it to her. Kvasith leans down to wuffle at the geese. He rumbles an inquiry. Owyn nods, with a smile. "Good, good." He takes the two skins from a steward, handing one to Kassima and the other to the apprentices. "The goose," he notes, "you just need to tell the kitchens when you want it." The Master raises his voice again to address everyone. "Thank you all again for participating - I hope you don't /all/ hate geese now" Naldo lands on all fours. He stands, and brushes himself off before walking over to Ninya. "Hey." he says. Birioc feels a tug on his sleeve while he's searching for Aurian and he looks down to see a young apprentice standing there. Whispered words are exchanged between the two and the Journeyman Herder's expression grows more serious by the second. "All right. Take me there." Birioc heads southeast towards a field containing large herdbeasts. Aurian calls to Kvasith, "Don't even think about it..." " Don't worry Master Owyn," Kiyana says sweetly. " My opinion about geese remains completely unchanged." Mirala grins, putting her own arm through Nyki's. "Oh! Shells, thanks," she looks around, and leans over to talk in Nyki's ear. An eyebrow raises slightly at Naldo's graceful landing, but Ninya says nothing. Couldn't have done much better herself. "Watching the geese, Naldo?" she half-shouts over the crowd of people. "In a /tree/?" Kassima grins at Neliea. "For which I'm most grateful, you may be certain." Her expression brightens measurably as she accepts the 'skin, green eyes practically glowing. Not hard to tell that she loves her wine, is it? "Thankee! Ah, nay... they're rather interesting, actually." Stealing a glance back towards the penned creatures, she adds, "They remind me of a few men I know. They only do what you want if'n you bribe 'em with food first." Naldo grins, and he shrugs. "Hey, it got me away from all," and he gestures all around him, "This." he shouts. Kaitra smiles her congratulations to Kassi, and licks her lips in anticipation of the goose dinner. "I couldn't hate geese, sir, but I think," a dubious glance is cast to the pen, "That I'm going to regret this next time I pull cleaning out the avian shelters for chores." Nyki opens the ring box for Mir to reveal a silvery rope looking ring speckled with gold stars. "It's a friendship ring." she grins, and listens to what Mir says. She nods.."Definetly. Wanna go look at the clothes some more?" Neliea grins at Kassima, "I can tell, though I'm not going to be too eager chase any geese anytime soon..." Nyki takes Mir's hand and leads her away from the chaos.. Nyki heads southwest towards the road. "Kassima I do believe there is a winecraft tent nearby.." Aurian grins at the greenrider. Mirala heads southwest towards the road. Ninya ducks the elbow of a passing Ruathan. "Okay, I can see why. Want to come with me, take a look around?" She gestures towards the road and the stands. "I don't know many people here." Naldo nods. "Sure. You're the only familiar face I've seen here today as well." Ninya chuckles. "I've seen a few others, but none that would recognize me. I've been away from Ruatha too long." She heads quickly towards the stands, nimbly dodging the crowd. Ninya heads southwest towards the road. Kassima beams as Aurian speaks the magic words, though she does take the time to head over to her dragon and stash the wineskin in a strap-pouch with loving care before answering. "Sounds like a delight t'me, m'friend--though I'll have t'find a chance t'shop about other tents sometime while I'm here. 'Tis only a few sevendays till Khari's Turnday, and I still need t'find a good present. Wine just won't do." Naldo heads southwest towards the road. Kassima turns to ask the two Apprentices, "Would either of you care t'be getting a glass of wine or summat with us ere the next event, whenever 'tis?" Owyn, for his part, leans against the pen, and almost seems to be conversing with the geese. At least, he makes soothing sounds, and gradually feathers are unruffled Kiyana cocks her head, thinking. " Aye... lemme see if I c'n find something to lean on, though..." She glances around for a stick or anythin' useful. Aurian chuckles at Kassima, "When I was small I used to have a little wooden boat that I would put in the pond and tug it about on a string." Kaitra glances to Kiyana, and offers her arm as support. "D'you want to get checked out by the healers?" She asks, softly. "Looks like that hurts." To the greenrider, she looks more than a little suprised. "That would be... fine, sure, wine." Tasso comes in from the road to the west. Kiyana shakes her head, wrinkling her nose. " I'm sure I'll be fine, just need a bit o' support." She, like all healers, even beast ones, knows she's invincible to the harms visited on smaller beings. (Hah!) But she does lean on the other apprentice's arm. " Maybe I c'n find something in the tents." Aurian pulls herself up onto Kvasith, carefully. Her fingers grip at the straps as she eases herself onto his back. Calista comes in from the road to the west. Neliea glances towads the path leading towards the lliama, deciding to go see what's in that direction. Neliea heads east towards a field of smaller herdbeasts. Katreana turns to Calista "I guess there over." Kassima smiles at the two, swiping a straggle of hair back from her eyes. "In that case, then, shall we? I'm eager t'see whether they've Green Stuff or Harper's folly. A few of the tents do; y'never can know--which is one reason why I always to them go." Calista smiles, "Oh well." " Sounds a plan to me," Kiya agrees, glancing at her partner/walking stick. Katreana says "I'm sorry, to make you have missed them, would you like to do something else?" Kaitra mouths the words, green stuff, and Harper's folly, curious but in a dubious sort of way. "Uh. Okay?" She says, letting Kiya establish the pace. Katreana says "I learned how to play dragonchess this morning until Kreolin's Feline ruined the game." Calista chuckles, "Felines do that.." Kassima gestures for the other two women to precede her, eyes sparkling. Ah, what fun it is to inform the uninitiated! "After you, then." Kaitra heads southwest towards the road. Tasso waves and winks to Kassima, on his way to check out the corral. You head southwest towards the road.