-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weyrling Graduation, Benden Style Date: April 12, 1996 Places: Benden Weyr's Living Cavern and Northern Bowl Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: Wow. :) I'm editing this log in January, 2000, nearly four years after it was taken, and I can't even begin to list how many memories it brings back. On this night, the Weyrlings of Dyinath's clutch were officially graduated, several--Meli, T'lar, and Aph--being taken into Wings on the spot. Also on this night, a lot of former Weyrlings got very, very drunk to celebrate. ;) Pass the glasses of green stuff and raise a toast: to Moonrise Wing forever! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: You walk past the lintel and into the wide living cavern. P'tran nods to Lily and smiles broadly, looking at another of the small objects from the tray. "They're absolutely lovely. Keep them handy, I believe we're going to start soon." T'garrick walks in from the bowl. Salless glances up as the wingleader of Dawnslight enters and snorts cheerfully. T'lar walks in from the bowl. Meli walks in from the bowl. T'lar walks in with Meli on his arm. T'ren walks in from the bowl. Meli enters in a swish of fabric, saluting with her free hand, the other on T'lar's arm. K'nan walks in from the bowl. T'lar smiles, salutes and waves. Lily turns to see the weyrlings entering, a bright smile on her face. Aphrael walks in with the other weyrlings, saluting with a smile. Kassima waves, nods, salutes, and whatever else is appropriate, smiling brightly to everyone. "G'deve, all." Kylarr blinks as everyone comes in, moving to sit by his mother. P'tran turns from the tray and smiles as the others enter. He opens his jacket a bit, now wishing he had a chance to change out of his flying leathers. T'lar escorts Meli over to a table. "Would you like something to drink? Meli sits down carefully, mindful of her skirt, and nods. "Some juice, please." R'val watches peopoe file in as he lifts certain edibles from teh trays, munching contentedly. T'garrick looks impecible, and gives P'tran a perfect salute. R'val salutes T'garrick sharply, "Evening, sir!" T'lar gets two glasses of juice from a passing drudge who blushes at something he whispers to her. P'tran tries to smooth down his hair a bit (but fails) and nods in response to T'gar's salute. "Evening T'gar, glad you could make it. I just got back from sweeps myself." Kassima takes a glass of citron and a seat, in that order, manuevering carefully so as not to trip over her skirts. She glances over at Meli and T'lar and hides a smile behind her glass. Kylarr watches R'val and also takes a few choice tidbits. K'nan wanders in from the bowl, smiles over at everyone, and heads over to the Skyfire table. He drops down onto the bench, and looks around. Hmm. People seem to be saluting everyone. He peers about in search of someone to salute, finds P'tran, salutes him, and finds M'kla. He salutes her, too. He then looks faintly thoughtful, as if trying to remember if he missed anyone. T'garrick nods politely to R'val. "Good evening." He grins at P'tran. "If I pace any more, my ledge will break off, and Chiloth will have no place to sit. At least, that is what he tells me." P'tran grins at T'gar's comment. R'val spots Kassima and waves at her, "Hey, greenrider! how're you enjoying the parties?" Alyssa smiles faintly and quietly at the weyrlings as they file in, then looks back down at Alnar and draws his blanket around him more securely. T'lar returns to seat next to Meli and near the other weyrlings. He smiles and waves at Alyssa and Lily amoung others as he maneouvers across the Living Cavern. Kassima grins at R'val. "Enjoying them quite well, thank you. And yourself?" Aphrael takes her usual seat and pours her klah, almost able to forget its a day any different from any other apart from the fact she's dressed up. She'd better not be spilling things over her clothes this time. Meli sips at her juice, striving to act somewhat dignified, and not to spill on her only dress. She keeps herself from scritching at her nose, barely. P'tran looks over to the others and starts searching the caverns with his gaze, looking for someone. R'val grins at Kassima, "I'm lovin' every minute of it! Here, have a bonbon." Lily smiles happily at T'lar and Meli, her eyes twinkling. She raises her glass to them with a wink. K'nan glances around, and hrms. He's forgotten something, he just knows it. Kylarr looks up at R'val. "Bonbon?" Meli grins at Lily, unable to restrain herself much longer. "Evenin', Master Miner." Kassima chuckles. "Don't mind if I do." She accepts the proffered treat with a sigh of bliss. "Delicious. Positively delicious." T'lar says "Hello, Master Lily. How goes the mining business?" R'val nodnods to Kylarr and offers him a treat of some kind, "Try this...I don't know what it is, but it's good." Cerilla walks in from the bowl. Salless gives a rueful smile to the weyrlingmaster. T'lar half stands and gets off a salute to Cerilla almost knocking the juice into Meli's lap. Meli half rises in her seat, giving Cerilla a salute with a heartfelt smile. P'tran continues searching the caverns for a bit and then ahs as he sees someone walk in. He makes his way through the growing crowd. "Evening, Cerilla," he says with a grin. "I meant to update you that I've taken Kassima into Thunderbolt the other day." Lily winks at Meli, "Just Lily, please..." her voice trailing off as the juice goes pouring. Aphrael sets down her mug carefully, before half standing to salute Cerilla. Kylarr nibbles quietly on the bonbon, watching with wide eyes. Benden Weyr> Meli says, "Gah, no one will rise completely? :)" Cerilla wanders in late of course, pulling off her flight jacket and tossing it onto a chair. She returns salutes here and there out of habit, then blinks for a moment. "Wait a minute... you are all graduated, or near enough. No more saluting." R'val glances at Kylarr and smiles at the boy, sipping his wine as he munches, "Like 'em, Kylarr?" Meli catches at the mug just before it spills, resettling it on the table top. K'nan blinks. That's it. Graduation. T'lar says "That's why we were only half standing." P'tran raises an eyebrow at Cerilla. "A Weyrlingmaster asking someone not to salute?" he says in mock-surprise, starting to get into the mood of the party. Kylarr nods his head vigorously. "Sure do! Lots better 'n tubers!" Aphrael slumps back into her seat, smirking over at T'lar. R'val grins at Kylarr, "You should talk to Kassi. She doesn't like tubers either." He notes, turning his head to regard Cerilla. Kassima waves a particularly persistent fire-lizard away from her head and seems about to salute, then catches Cerilla's words and just nods respectfully instead. Hearing a comment about tubers, she turns to the source and grins. "Anything's lots better than tubers." T'lar says "Oops, sorry, Meli. Don't want to mess up that dress." Cerilla nods amiably at the Weyrleader, glancing over at the Rider in question. "I'd heard. A good addition to Thunderbolt, I'd say." At his teasing, she gives the Weyrleader a rueful smile. "You know me better than that, P'tran!" Kylarr makes a face. "Got that right. Tubers are..icky." He takes another bonbon. Meli smiles, patting T'lar's arm. "No harm done." R'val adjusts the collar on his new gather outfit and smiles, "How's it look,a nyway?" He asks the nearest people, glancing at Kassi. P'tran laughs at Cerilla and grins broadly. A little more seriousless he says, "They've all earned it, that much I can say." T'lar mutters to Meli, "... could cut... and dip them... What..." Kassima nods in agreement. "Absolutely. There's nothing, absolutely nothing good about tubers." Lily smiles approvingly at P'tran's coment, then at her friends. Meli laughs, eyes flicking over towards Kassi and back to T'lar. "Sounds perfect!" T'garrick clasps his hands quietly behind his back, his expression masked by his thick brown beard as he looks at the weyrlings one at a time from his position against the wall of the cavern. Kylarr chuckles, "They make good projectiles sometimes. Specially at Myklarr." Cerilla nods emphatically, looking around the room at the ex-Weyrlings. "Um hmm, they were a hardworking bunch." She adds wryly, "And a lucky one, at that." P'tran ums and says to Cerilla in a lower voice with a mischievous smile, "I hope you have a speech prepared, I never know what to say at these things." T'lar mutters to Meli, "And... that... her's and... T'ren." K'nan glances down at his own, normal riding clothes, and sighs. Looking back up and absently grabbing something to eat from nearby, he looks around at everyone else. Maybe they won't notice. Meli laughs even louder, eyes twinkling, then covers her mouth with her hand. Cerilla shrugs affably at the Weyrleader, her voice just audible if one were to listen closely. "I just make 'em up." Aphrael blinks and peers over at T'lar and Meli. Salless just shakes her head. "No tubers. Well, Leilanth better get flying right quick, or I'm going to be short of hands. Despite the earnest efforts made recently at providing me more...." she winks at T'garrick, "It'll be a while before they're good with a knife." T'garrick grimaces wryly. "We hope." T'lar smiles innocently at Aphrael, Kassima and T'ren like he said nothing at all about them to Meli. Kassima raises one eyebrow at Meli and T'lar, smiling. "Something amusing?" P'tran grins at Cerilla and chuckles, then peers over at Salless. "Leilanth will rise in her own good time, she's already shown that." Meli continues to chuckle, well nigh a titter even, but just shakes her head. Lily smiles up at K'nan, offering a tray of goodies t ohim. Aphrael rolls her eyes at T'lar. "Come on T'lar. We've shared a barracks with you for almost Two turns. Don't try to play innocent!" T'lar shakes his head. "No, nothing. Aphrael, you wound me. What did I ever do to you?" R'val glances at Aphrael and grins, listening. K'nan smiles over to Lily, and takes one of the 'goodies'. He murmurs quietly, "Thanks..." Salless grins at P'tran, and chucks the Weyrleader's cheek. Kassima laughs slightly and says, "She's right, though. We know better than to trust innocent looks by now." Aphrael snorts lightly, "I can think of a -few- incident," She replies, eyes twinkling. Latiar walks here from the Inner Cavern. P'tran heads away from the Weyrlingmaster for a moment and whispers something to Salless. She nods to him. "Already taken care of. A few helped themselves a little early," she says with a slight smirk. Lily grins at K'nan, "Exciting, this, isn't it?" Meli leans over slightly. She mutters to T'lar, "...good idea...chocolate...tubers....Kassi " Ursa walks in from the bowl. Alyssa murmurs, "They all look very...young." Kassima peers at Meli suspiciously. "What was that about tubers and Kassi?" Cerilla coughs slightly, and agily steps up onto a chair. Her voice is clear, though she isn't yelling, and carries across the room easily. "Could I have your attention please? Thankyou." R'val smiles at Alyssa, standing at her side. "They are." He says quietly. T'lar chuckles and looks over at Kassi. He begins to laugh quite heartily. Ursa saluites as she scampers in quickly. T'lar chokes down the laughter. Kassima looks away from Meli to turn her full attention to Cerilla, ignoring the laughter. She'll find out about that later. K'nan is about to reply to Lily, when Cerilla gets up and yells. He raises a finger to Lily, grinning, and turns to listen. T'nnar walks in from the bowl. Salless waves her dustcloth at the wingleader of Skyfire. P'tran quietly head over to a skin of Benden Red and pours himself a glass, looking up as Cerilla starts to speak. Meli's eyes twinkle as she gives Kassi her best wide-eyed innocent look, then she turns to watch Cerilla. Latiar smiles broadly at he steps into the Cavern and glances around. He grins and peers over at Cerilla. P'tran nods to T'nnar silently as he comes in, smiling to him. Lily turns to watch Cerilla, smiling. T'lar squeezes Meli's hand under the table. Benden Weyr> Ursa says, "what'd i miss? :)" Benden Weyr> P'tran says, "Nothing, it just started :)" Benden Weyr> Ursa says, "wahoooo!" Aphrael just shakes her head lightly, then turns to watch Cerilla. Benden Weyr> Latiar smiles and wonders if it is okay if he comes? Kylarr munches on a bonbon, eyeing the events curiously. Benden Weyr> K'nan says, "Everyone else is here, why not, Lat?" Benden Weyr> Latiar shrugs, "Great!" Cerilla speaks clearly, a small smile touching her lips as she looks around at the new Riders. "Well, I'll bet this is one day you all have been looking forward to for a long while." She pauses as a few chuckles pass through the crowd, and then continues. "As you all know, this night marks the stepping up for our new Riders, and a welcome to the Weyr-proper. I'm sure moving into your own weyrs will be one of many treats associated with this occasion." T'nnar returns P'tran's nod, then flicks a wave to the others in the cavern. He approaches the tables. R'val sits down with his mug, and grins as he listens. P'tran grins broadly at Cerilla and nods about the weyrs part, remembering his own time. Sionelle walks in from the bowl. Ursa looks around at the other weyrling's finery, smoothing down her work clothes with an uneasy, foolish grin as she listens. She pokes at her trousers a moment before looking immensely relieved cause at least their clean, then turns her eyes back to Cerilla. Aphrael nods at Cerilla, smiling slightly. Her gaze drifts over towards K'nan, and she smiles at him. Benden Weyr> Sionelle eeeps! Too many people. T'lar leans over and whispers quietly to Meli. Benden Weyr> F'hlan considers reemerging, somewhat more coherent. Sionelle steps into the living cavern, blinks at the crowd, and makes her way over to a wall. She holds it up with one shoulder. The color in Meli's cheeks rises slightly, but all she does is bite her lower lip, and give T'lar a slight nod. K'nan's attention is divided between Cerilla and Aphrael in any case, so he catches her smile, responding with a warm one of his own. Lily glances between Meli and T'lar, smiling happily. Cerilla waits for the whispering among the new riders to subside at the thought of private weyrs, after two turns of sleeping with 40 other dragon pairs. She then raises her voice to be heard, seeming amused. "This will be the last -- well, I *hope* it will be the last time I'll be preaching to you from atop a chair! But rest assured," she adds amusedly, "If you mess up out there, it'll get to me somehow." She winks teasingly at the group, and finishes, "But for tonight, we're here to celebrate. MasterMiner Lily has made you all wonderful graduation rings, which Weyrleader P'tran will present to you." With that, she casts P'tran a sharp salute, a cocky grin crossing her face. Alyssa peers toward Lily, curious as to what she has created, remembering very well her other masterful creations. Meli cocks her head to the side, eyeing the tray with some interest, then turns to watch the weyrleader, her hand still clasped in T'lar's under the table. Lily flushes a bit and hands a covered tray to P'tran, grinning widely. T'lar smiles at Lily. He mouths, "They look wonderful." P'tran looks up and nods to Cerilla, taking a sip of wine first before setting aside the glass for now. He smiles and looks over to the Weyrlings. "I think I can say with confidence that you're all going to make fine Benden riders no matter which wing you are eventually assigned to. Master Lily here has created for you a little token of our feelings towards you." He steps to one side to show the tray that Lily had set out earlier Ursa turns to look at Lily with a delighted/amazed expression on her face, murmering to her neighbour, "... forty rings! ... the effort involved?" Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "40? I thought it was 30? <I'm so confused.>" Benden Weyr> Cerilla fehs and can never remember. 30, 40, it's all way too many. ;) Benden Weyr> Ursa says, "yah, whatever. :)" Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "Who cares. Let's party." Benden Weyr> K'nan says, "35, how's that?" Benden Weyr> Aphrael chuckles. :) Benden Weyr> Sionelle hangs about in the Living Cavern doing nothing. No really. Just like she always does. Benden Weyr> K'nan grins. Lily glances from the tray to the now-graduated riders, smiling. F'hlan walks in from the bowl. T'garrick allows himself a small grin. F'hlan hobbles into the cavern, looking rather more awake than when he last left, and blinks at the gathering. Benden Weyr> P'tran says, "OOC note: The rings are +details on the tray. I'm going to RP handing them out, you can look at the +detail and get a copy later if you want to record it on yourself or make an object :)" Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "Party's in the LC. Jaeleka." Benden Weyr> Jaeleka grins evilly....Oh, this will be fun! Let me loose..now to find the place on my own... F'hlan smiles a little, as he pauses to lean against a wall unobtrusively, and studies the activity before him. P'tran smiles and waits for things to setttle down a bit. "All right, I'd like to start presenting the rings. First I'd like to take care of the former Weyrlings that have been selected for Wings already ..." Portock walks in from the bowl. Portock nods to everyone as he walks in. P'tran looks over to Kassima and smiles. He picks up one of the rings and motions her over. Kylarr sits back and takes a glass of wine, hoping nobody will notice. Kassima smiles and stands, walking over to P'tran and managing somehow not to trip over her skirt. Impulsively, she snaps a quick salute as well. R'val sits back, sipping at his drink and watching. He grins at Kassi's salute. Cerilla steps down off the chair, moving to the side of the room. She folds her arms neatly across her chest, watching with a pleased smile. T'lar smiles as Kassima moves forward to accept the first ring. --- The ring is rather delicate, but very flashy with it's emerald stone, a full carat in weight, and cut into a round shape. The deep hue of this stone is breathtaking, and when the sun hits it, a rainbow of lighter greens, and blues, shimmer and sparkle across its surface. The stone is carefully set into a ring of gold, surrounded by what appear to be intricately crafted dragon's wings, outstretched for flight. On one 'wing' is inlaid a tiny pattering in rubies and onyx, the seal of Benden Weyr, while on the other are engraved the initials K and L. --- P'tran smiles to Kassima, then straightens and gives her a salute. He picks up the ring and hands it to her. "I'll be looking forward to riding with you in Thunderbolt, Kassima." F'hlan moves carefully off to a side chair, where he can see everything that's going on, and watches with interest. Kassima can't hide a slight gasp of awe when she sees the ring, and she glances over to Lily with a bright grin. Then she turns her gaze back to P'tran, accepts the ring, and slides it onto her finger. "Thank you, sir. I look forward to riding with the Wing as well." Emne walks here from the Inner Cavern. Lily beams at Kassima and raises her mug of ale in salute. P'tran smiles at Kassima and nods. He picks up the next ring and calls out, "Aphrael, step forward please." Emne slips in quietly and finds a seat hastily R'val raises his mug as well, grinning at Kassima proudly. T'lar gives Aphrael a thumbs up as she goes forward. Aphrael blinks. She opens her mouth about to object, then realises she -shouldn't- be objecting. "Uh, sir.. I'm not in.." Portock goes and sits down near Alyssa and gives her a wink and a nod of reassurance. P'tran grins. "I've taken care of the ones in Wings, and now I"m doing the others." Jaeleka wobbles in happily, clutching a lone sock. P'tran adds, "You'll all be selected for wings in the coming sevenday, but to celebrate your official graduation I'd like to give out the rings now." Aphrael nods and quickly moves foward, accepting the ring with a smile. She salutes sharply. "Thank you, Weyrleader." R'val grins broadly at Aphrael, his eyes dancing with amusement. K'nan chuckles very softly, and smiles, leaning on the table with one elbow as he watches Aph. Cerilla nods, following along P'trans comment with, "So you can all admire them in a drunken stupor tonight." Another rider gives her an odd look, and she shrugs at him. "What? You think they *won't*?" P'tran gives Aphrael a crisp salute as she accepts the ring, still smiling. Aphrael places the ring on her finger slowly, then flashes a grin over at Lily, "They look great!" Jaeleka wanders past the sea of legs, and sits in the nearest empty space closest to the 'pretties'. P'tran clears his throat to cover a chuckle at Cerilla's comment F'hlan grins, very lightly, fingering one of the two rings on a thong around his neck. R'val grins at Rilla's comment and mutters, "I'll see that they shardin' do.' He grins at Kassi, "You can drink at last!" Davidon walks here from the Inner Cavern. Meli chuckles at R'val's comment, muttering something about 'brandy' to T'lar and the others. P'tran picks up the next ring. "Meli, please step forward." Lily grins at Aphrael, winking. "Only the best for my friends." T'lar's smile broadens. Kassima chuckles. "After two Turns, 'twill be a wonder if I haven't lost my taste for the stuff," she murmurs in return, then grins at Meli's comment. R'val slides up to Kassi, and presses a frothing mug of ale into her hand with a wicked grin, "Drink." Meli rises, fairly smoothly, and crosses over to the weyrleader in a swish and swirl of cloth. She stops, straightens, and salutes crisply. Aphrael slides back into her seat, then chuckles at Lily. She turns to watch Meli accept her ring. T'garrick drawls slowly, his Lemosian accent extra strong. "Sir...I think that you might have that rider in the wrong group. Meli's in a wing, if'n she will take the bid of the riders of Dawnslight, and join us in our wing." Davidon looks at the huge crowd, not stepping any closer then the doorway. Alyssa waves Davidon toward a seat near F'nar, Portock, and herself, away from the crowds. Meli, about to thank the weyrleader and take her ring, stands agape, jaw dropped, then starts and says proudly "I would be most honored to accept." P'tran grins and salutes in return, surprising himself with how he's getting used to something he hardly ever does himself. He is about to hand the ring to Meli when T'gar speaks and holds back for a moment. T'lar stifles a whoop as T'garrick offers Meli a position in a wing. Davidon waves to Alyssa and pushes through the crowd to her group, "Thank you!" he whispers to her as he takes a seat, "What a crowd!" P'tran okies, and did hand her the ring then :) F'hlan glances at T'garrick and smiles, from his side seat. Jaeleka watches, mouth agape at all the bustle. Kassima rolls her eyes good-naturedly and accepts the mug, then grins brightly at Meli, eyes sparkling with excitement for her friend. Meli breaks into a grin, accepting the ring, giving another salute, this one to the Master Miner, before stepping over towards T'garrick to give him a quiet thank you. P'tran ahs and nods to T'gar with a wry grin. "Finally finished agonizing over your selections then." Ursa watches Meli with a proud grin for her fellow weyrling. T'garrick gives a wink. "Then you have 60 of the finest riders in Benden Weyr ready to call you one of their own. Welcome to Dawnslight, and congratulations." He gives P'tran a wink, salutes Meli neatly, and falls silent again. Lily raises her mug to Meli with a happy smile in acknowledgement of the salute. Jaeleka raises her own small hand in an imitation of a salute, but is distracted by her sock, which she proceeds to 'oo' over. R'val beams at Meli as he hears the word Dawnslight, "Welcome, wingmate!" He calls out, raising his mug in Meli's direction! P'tran chuckles at T'gar. He turns to pick up another ring. "T'lar, step forward please .." T'lar rises and tries to appear somewhat serious as he moves to stand before P'tran. He stands at attention and salutes crisply. Kassima raises her mug of ale to Meli in a toast, saluting her with her free hand. "Congratulations, greenrider," she murmurs quietly. P'tran smiles and salutes properly in return, handing him the ring in the next motion. "It was well-earned, T'lar. Seems to me it was only a short time ago you were Taylar with the great ideas about riding straps." P'tran grins R'val :winks at Kassima with a teasing grin, "i'm saving that fruit wine of Tinya's for the ones who graduate into my wing." Alyssa's expression perks up a little when she watches T'lar come forward, murmuring, "Shells, he's grown..." T'lar takes the ring and slips it on. "Thank you, sir. I still have some ideas about riding straps." Cerilla leans to whisper a few soft words of congratulations to Meli, and turns again to watch the ring presentations continue. She nods to a few riders passing through the crowd, and her manner seems... lighter than anyone has seen it for the past two turns. Kassima wrinkles her nose. "Aye, but what about the wine you bought at the Gather, hmmm?" She winks, then returns her attention to the festivities up front. P'tran chuckles and nods. "You better. I wouldn't expect any less of you." T'nnar inclines his head slightly, then nods to P'tran when his gaze is met. T'lar snaps a quick salute and smiles. "You bet, sir." P'tran smiles a bit more, and then turns back to the tray and selects the next ring. F'hlan smiles slightly at the newest Benden bronze rider. After a time F'hlan's little girl Mehlani appears beside him, peeking quietly at the activity, and F'hlan scoops her up into his lap. T'lar returns to his seat, pausing to give Meli a little hug. Meli waits til T'lar can step away, then leans towards him to admire his ring. Jaeleka waves her sock happily at the ring recipients. Davidon tries to catch a peek at these rings. T'garrick interrupts from time to time to invite a few others of the weyrlings into Dawnslight. Most seem cheerful, some groan. Something about excercises at dawn.... P'tran picks up the next ring when he spots T'nnar's glance and looks over to him. He nods and smiles and says simply, "Yes." R'val moves to Meli's side, and pours a goblet full of a light-colored fruit wine, which he offers her, dark eyes snapping with mischief and a rakish grin, "Here, wingmate. A gift from someone who's glad to have you in his wingl" T'nnar turns to T'lar, looking at him for a few moments, then asks, "You won't try those ideas out on your own, weyrling?" He gives him a steady, appraising loog. Lily, by now quite happy, gladly takes another mug of the ale, returning her attention to the ceremony. Meli grins, taking the goblet quietly, turning to watch T'lar and T'nnar. P'tran has the next ring and hand and looks towards the caverns again. "Ursa, step forward please ..." T'lar turns to T'nnar. "Sir? I would get permission first, of course." Ursa jumps to attention as her name is called, and quickly approaches the Weyrleader. After watching the other Weyrlings, she's all the more aware of her own lack of finery, but even that can't deminish the pride and joy in her step. She snaps a salute, standing tall, a foolish grin on her face. K'nan smiles amusedly over at T'nnar and T'lar for a moment, then turns to smile at the other weyrlings, congratulatory. T'nnar purses his lips, nodding slowly. Then he reaches into his riding jacket, pulling a know. "I must warn you that more or less everything that you heard about Skyfire and me is true. Would you ride with us?" P'tran smiles at Ursa and gives her a crisp salute. "Welcome to ranks of the brownriders at Benden." He hands her the ring. T'lar looks almost baffled, as if he doesn't quite hear T'nnar correctly. "Me? You want me in Skyfire?" He smiles goofily. "I'd be honored." Lily smiles happily into her mug, then at Ursa and P'tran. Ursa accepts the ring, turning it over in her hands to look at every facet of it as fast as she can take it in. She snaps another salute. "Thank-you sir. It's an honour." F'hlan gets a slightly wistful and nostalgic glint in his eyes, as he watches T'nnar and T'garrick claim their new Wingmates. The bronze rider leans over a bit to whisper to Mehlani, explaining to her what's going on. Jaeleka places her precious sock carefully on the ground, patting it lovingly. P'tran looks over to T'nnar and says to him with a teasing tone, "I take it I won't hear any more comments on Skyfire being bronze-light anymore?" Meli grins at T'lar, then her eyes widen. "Skyfire? North bowl?" she mutters. K'nan chuckles softly, and mutters something about T'fian being wrong for once, quietly to himself. T'nnar hints a smile as he motions for T'lar to walk closer. Then he salutes him, and gives the dawnslight patch. "Congratulations, rider." he says. Ursa slips the ring onto her finger, giving Lily an enourmous smile as she passes her on her way to a seat. Benden Weyr> K'nan peeeeeeers at T'nnar. Benden Weyr> K'nan says, "Dawnslight? Eh? :P" Benden Weyr> P'tran thinks me must have picked up the wrong patch in his excitement :) Benden Weyr> T'garrick says, "T'nnar's just jealous. :)" Benden Weyr> K'nan grins. T'lar looks from T'nnar to Meli, losing a bit of his smile. He moves forward to T'nnar and accepts the patch. "Thank you, Wingleader." Lily toasts Ursa with a merry smile. Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "He just wanted Meli and I to be together." T'garrick ahems. "Just because you are in different wings doesn't necessarily mean, um, arrangements cannot be made...." P'tran looks down to the tray and picks up another ring but then scans the living caverns for a few moments. "We seem to be missing a few Weyrlings this evening," he says with a wry grin Aphrael chuckles over at Lily, then moves over towards her, She mutters to Lily, "... have... had..." Jaeleka pushes herself to a standing positon, somewhat unsteadily. Lily smiles crookedly at Aphrael. She mutters to Aphrael, "Only four..." Hiccup. T'lar looks over at T'garrick and blushes as he returns to his seat. Jaeleka wanders over to P'tran, her hand held palm out. "Pretty?" she asks in a serious voice. P'tran hmms? and looks down at Jaeleka and chuckles. "Now don't tell me you went off and Impressed without anyone knowing it." R'val sits down near the others, sipping his fruit wine. He glances at Kassi," Hey Kassi. Even though you're not in my wing...' He grins teasingly, "would you like to try some of this?" Aphrael blinks at Lily, then bursts out laughing, "Only -four- tanktards?" She shakes her head in amusement. Jaeleka blinks innocnetly, her hand reaching up in the air for hte ring. "Mine?" F'hlan splutters a little, charmed. Mehlani, in her father's lap, smiles tinily. Jaeleka sits on the ground, and pulls her remaining sock off, then stands again, offering the sock to P'tran in exchange for a ring. T'lar chuckles at Jaeleka. "There's a rider for you. A bit young however. Lily's laughter is cut off by another hiccup. "Four since you came in, that is." Kassima peers down at her mug of ale, mostly drained by now. "Well...." She puts down the mug and smiles. "Certainly, why not? Many thanks, R'val." P'tran hrms and furrows his brow, pretending to be deep in thought. He then shakes his head sadly. "I'm sorry, Jaeleka, but these are not for you. Perhaps some day when you grow up ..." R'lan walks in from the bowl. Jaeleka nods seriously. "No pretty. No mine." She bends and places her sock on P'tran's foot and wanders into the crowd. Aphrael giggles at Lily, then pours another tanktard, handing it to Lily, "Make that five." She whispers, then winks. P'tran ahems and chuckles, bending down to pick up the, er, gift left to him. R'lan lingers at the entrance for a long moment, folding his arms across his chest. He quirks an eyebrow, scanning the large crowd for familiar faces. Meli drinks from her goblet, eyes lifted in pleased surprise, and grins at R'val. Cerilla stiffles a laugh, her eyes on P'tran's new footwear. "How... fashionable." Lily drains the mug she's holding and takes the one so kindly offered by Aphrael, "Thanks...wonderful way to *hic* relax." K'nan chuckles, and climbs to his feet, making his way over to Lily and Aphrael with a grin. Jaeleka grabs a random pant-leg, sticking a rather grimy thumb into her mouth. T'lar stands and raises his glass. "I'd like to propose a toast. To Moonrise Wing. The best of Benden, this time around." R'val pours a mug full of shining fruit wine, beaming at Kassima, "I'm proud of you, friend." he claps her on the shoulder, then hugs her briefly and hands her the mug with a grin, "You'll like it." P'tran does not see R'lan come in right away due to the crowd. He looks over to the weyrlings and smiles, placing the sock aside and out of the way. He smirks at Cerilla and then says, "The other rings will have to wait til the other Weyrlings get back from their duties. Cerilla, do you want to say anything else?" F'hlan, situated in his chair off to the side of the cavern, spots an unfamiliar rider and nods politely to R'lan. Then, to T'lar's toast, he smiles again. Meli raises her glass to T'lar's toast. "Moonrise." Aphrael giggles over at Lily, then smiles up at K'nan, "Heya.." She pauses as she hears a toast, then calls out, "Moonrise!" R'val raises his glass of fruit wine and grins at T'lar. R'lan smiles faintly, then clasps his hands behind his back. He strides in casually, making his way towards the Benden Weyrleader. Kassima chuckles. "Whatever you say, T'lar." She accepts the mug, returns the hug, and grins. "I'm sure I will." Raising the wine in a toast, she says, "To Moonrise!" Cerilla shakes her head, one brow arching sardonically. "I think they've heard me say enough over the past two turns, don't you?" Ursa looks around frantically for a glass to echo the toast. She finally snatches one from a distracted Rider, ignoring his "HEY!" as she raises the glass, saying simply, "Moonrise!" P'tran grins as he hears the toasts being made and figures that about destroys any chance of any more 'official' words. He chuckles and nods to Cerilla with a smile. "In that case, let the celebrations begin." Meli grins at Cerilla's comment. "Well, if you've no more t'say to us, p'rhaps we've something we can say t'you" with a glance at Kassi and Aph. An apprentice enters the LC and elbows her way through the crowds, then leans down and whispers something to Alyssa, who nods and turns to F'nar. "I need to go check on something," she says softly. "Can you keep an eye on Alnar for a moment?" Lily raises her mug, grinning happily, "I'll drink to that, T'lar," she declares before downing half the tankard. T'lar says "Speech, Cerilla. Speech!" P'tran finally sees R'lan and nods to him with a smile, "Benden's duty to you and Ista, R'lan." F'nar nods. F'nar picks up Alnar, cradling him in his arms. T'garrick folds his arms and leans against the wall, not participating in the toast, but looking approving. Kassima drinks to the toast, then sets down her mug--with an arched eyebrow of surprise, because it really is good stuff--and nods to Meli. Her gaze wanders then to Aph. K'nan chuckles, "Heya, Aph. Congratulations..." He grins around at everyone, "Well, I'd say everyone here'll be drunk in an hour or so." He winks. Jaeleka sighs, and sits upon the ground, grabing a small fistfull of dirt. Alyssa walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Lily hiccups again, giggling to K'nan. "Will it take that long?" Benden Weyr> Alyssa oys. Full dragon parking lot in the bowl. Cerilla looks at T'lar as though he'd just grown a third arm. "What, you haven't heard enough of my speeches already? And here I thought you all didn't appreciate being lectured to at dawn," she teases. Benden Weyr> P'tran pauses to do knot adjustments to selected former Weyrlings ... Aphrael glances upwards, then smiles hesitantly between Meli and Kassi. To K'nan she replies softly, "Thanks, K'nan." She chuckles at his comment. T'lar says "It's not dawn now, Cerilla." R'val glances at Kassima with an air of anticipation, "Well? What do ya think of it?" Meli gestures Aph and Kassi to join her in a clear space near where the tray used to be, watching T'lar and Cerilla as well. R'lan gives a faint grin, casting another quick glance about the cavern. He chuckles, "Well, since I don't...hmmm...nope, don't see any others, suppose I'll have to be th'Istan voice, eh? To...Moonrise, is it?" He reaches the Weyrleaders side. F'hlan, kind of gaze, watches the young celebrants. Kassima smiles. "It's good, R'val--but then, you knew that, didn't you?" She nods to her friends. "Ready?" K'nan rolls his eyes down at Lily, "Well, for some of us, anyhow." He nods, and raises an eyebrow, looking between Aph, Kassi, and Meli. Hmm. R'val grins at Kassi, "I knew." He sips more of the wine. Aphrael moves over to join Meli and Kassi. P'tran grins at R'lan. "The Weyrlings' Wing," he says in response to the name 'Moonrise'. "We just had the graduation ceremony for them and a few were selected for wings." P'tran picks up his glass of Benden Red. Davidon looks for a mug of ale for himself, and brings it back to his quiet seat, watching the activity. Meli clears her throat and calls across the general noise 'Ahem, um... we'd like t'share our sentiments about our weyrlinghood w'you, especially w'the weyrlingmasters. Kassi wrote this for us." Jaeleka stands, wandering about until she finds a most empty mug, which she picks up carefully with both hands and carries off to a quiet corner. R'val grins crookedly, "Oh dear, a Kassima composition." T'lar moves to stand with the others. Kassima can't help but add, "At Meli's suggestion." She flashes a grin over to her friend. R'lan gives a nod, rising on his tiptoes for a moment to gaze across the cavern, again. He glances back at P'tran, "Mmm...too bad I didn't come 'round earlier, then. This the part where you get 'em so drunk they forget which wing they were put in?" He grins. Jaeleka lifts the mug with some deliberation, draining it of the few dribblets it contained. Lily smiles at Meli, Kassi, and Aph. After hiccuping, she takes another drink of her ale. Ursa leans back with a sardonic grin, nodding to R'val, "Should be interesting." R'val winks at Ursa, 'Should be! Say Ursa, would you like to try some of this stuff?" He gestures to his bottle of fruit wine, at his side. P'tran rolls his eyes and grins wryly. "Why do you think we schedule it when there's no thread falling for at least the next two days?" In her father's lap, Mehlani twists round to whisper something up to her father, and whatever she says -- which comes out mostly as "... you... drunk... Daddy?" -- makes him struggle to keep from laughing. K'nan leans against the table behind him lightly, supporting himselfon one arm as he waits, an easy grin on his face. Benden Weyr> Meli says, "Hmm... talk amongst yourselves while we wait to see if Rilla gets back :)" Jaeleka smacks her lips appreciatively, and stnds, leaving the now empty, empty mug, to sit in the corner. R'lan lifts his eyebrows, looking back to P'tran, "You hear I'd stepped down as Wingleader?" T'lar motions to a drudge and moves off to one side to talk to her a bit more privately. He cajoles, she giggles. Then she goes off into the kichen. P'tran ums? at R'lan and his eyebrows go up. "No, I haven't heard that." T'garrick slips out quietly to get back to work after a while. R'lan gives a nod, "Mmmm. Few sevendays back." Jaeleka does a slow circuit of the room, looking for another abandoned mug. Lily stops a passing drudge and grabs two tankards of ale, handing one of them to K'nan. "Drink...s'good schtuff. 'N itsh a party too." Meli clears her throat. "Well, guess we'll start anyway..." T'garrick walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Ursa peers at teh bottle curioulsy< "Can't say I'd mind if I do, R'val. Thanks." While passing the former weyrlings table, Jaeleka sees two partial glasses of juice. K'nan smirks over at Lily, and accepts the tankard. "Thanks..." Turning back he sips the ale a little, watching the three ex-weyrlings. Jaeleka reaches up at the table, and unable to reach, pushes a chair closer, climbing with some effort up the chair and leans across the table for a glass. Davidon walks towards the inner cavern. P'tran nods to R'lan, taking a sip of wine. "By the way, please help yourself to the wine, Faranth knows we have plenty of it out tonight ... If I may ask, any particular reason why?" Kassima nods and steps forward to the approximate center of the Living Cavern. Raising her voice, she calls, "Over the past two Turns, we of Moonrise have been under the beneficial jurisdiction of Cerilla and the Assistant Weyrlingmasters. It's been said that being an AWLM is a thankless job. This song was written to try and amend that." She smiles, glancing over to her friends before starting. Lily settles back with her mug to listen. Benden Weyr> Kassima gives a spam alert on this song, just so you're warned. :) P'tran blinks and looks over to his newest wingrider suddenly. Benden Weyr> Cerilla grins. Kassima takes a deep breath, and then begins to sing quietly in a clear soprano voice that carries across the Living Cavern. If you listen, you can make out the words: "Standing on the Hatching Sands, shells were breaking all around-- Candidates with burning feet, waiting, hoping to be found. Till the moment magical, when we felt young minds meet ours And knew with our new lifemates, we'd fly higher than the highest stars." Stepping forward to stand on either side of Kassi, taking her hands, Meli and Aph join in, their voices blending into a soft three-part harmony: "But that was only the beginning of our constant work and endless toil. Feeding, mucking, bathing, and soothing the itching hides with oil-- Building strength, both ours and theirs, with exercises long and hard-- Thinking of the future days when with their breath, Threads would be charred." Aphrael takes a small step forward, light soprano voice picking up the melody, her concentration solely on the song as she glances out towards the bowl. "And now, it seems, the time has come--the time is here for us to try. To soar on the wings of a dream, to fight the Fall, to flame, to fly. To risk ourselves, and worse, our souls--the wonderful dragons we ride, In Threadfall--peril dangerous, whose threat can never be denied." T'nnar drinks some wine after the ceremony. He moves next to Cerilla, and starts conversation in a low voice. But he stops speaking as the song begins. P'tran pauses a moment in his conversation with R'lan to listen. Meli's deeper alto now rises alone, giving voice to the emotions all riders must face. With soft gestures, she emphasizes the heartfelt words. "You, our teachers, understand, for you must face this every Turn. You know what it is like to watch in agony as Threadscores burn. You know what we'll be going through, watching our wingmates be lost-- But know, no matter what it takes, we'll always stand and pay the cost." R'lan smiles, giving a faint shrug, "Not quite sure, wanted a change...was tired of kickin' back in the reserve wing, y'know? _Anyway_, they stuck me in an active wing as a rider for a sevenday or two, _then_ decided I wasn't doin' enough and stuck me wit' this thing." He leans, allowing P'tran to catch sight of his new knot. R'val pours Ursa a glass as he listens, his eyes on the weyrlings. Kassima reaches to clasp the hands of Aphrael and Meli, and the trio raise their voices to sing the last verse together, joined by some of the other weyrlings: "Through almost two Turns of time, we've learned the lessons that you gave. Though 'twas hard work, we are aware that this knowledge our lives will save. Despite the frustration and work that we know we've put you through, You've taught us well--and so for this, we give our many thanks to you." Jaeleka turns on the chair, placing her hands on teh back of it and watchign the singer with rapt attention on her face. Cerilla stares dumbfounded at the new Riders, complete unaware that they had such entertaining talent. She smiles then at T'nnar as he approaches, quietly turning back to listen to the music with rapt interest. T'lar keeps his mouth shut, knowing he can't carry a tune in a bucket. He waits until the others finish and then applauds them loudly. Meli grins as the music trails off, and calls out "To the Weyrlingmasters!" T'lar says "To the Weyrlingmasters!" Aphrael smiles happily, then echos Meli, "To the Weyrlingmasters!" Jaeleka claps with her tiny hands. "Moe! Moe!" she warbles. "Moe song!" Kassima smiles at Cerilla and, as she ends the song, gives the Weyrlingmaster a salute. "Thank you, Weyrlingmaster," she says quietly, then grins over at her friends. "Aye, to the Weyrlingmasters!" Lily raises her mug and drinks heartily. K'nan smiles, and echos the new riders, softly. "To th'Weyrlingmasters." P'tran grins broadly at Kassima as she finishes, then nods at R'lan's words and looks back to him for a moment, but his attention is split between him and the former weyrlings Ursa chimes in, raising her glas with a hearty cheer. T'nnar turns to Cerilla, with the expression that would be a passable grin on almost any other face, and gives one "To the Weyrlingmasters" of his own, but not as loud. R'val raises his glass, then drinks in silence. Cerilla seems startled by the salute, a sheepish smile crossing her face. She returns the salute sharply, her cheeks a bit flushed. "Er... thankyou." For once, she doesn't seem to know what to say in the two turns she's been standing before these dragonriders. Jaeleka reaches for one of hte glasses behind her, grabbing it with two hands, and lifting it precariously from the table. P'tran raises his glass in earnest and nods. "To the Weyrlingmasters", he says, grinning and looking over to Cerilla. P'tran leans over to R'lan and comments to him quietly, "Weyrsecond now? Congratulations are in order then ..." Susaen enters from the Bowl. Jaeleka lifts her glass with some difficulty, and attempts to drink. INstead, she merely succeeds to spill its contents down her front, and drop the glass. T'lar takes the tray from the returning drudge. He thanks her with a little kiss on the cheek. Moving over to the other weyrlings, he passes out glasses full of rich amber fluid. Brandy. R'lan rolls his eyes and grins, "Mmmm, Germaine and J'rus apparantly decided my workin' all th'day and all th'night just wasn't quite enough, so..." He chuckles and nods, "Thanks, though." T'nnar turns to the Weylings then, then waves to one of them for attention, somewhat more cheerfully than usual. "Aphrael, during the last Fall, I noticed that your talent in dragonriding rather matched your entertaining value." Lily sets mug number six aside with a hiccup and leans over to avail herself of a nearby tray for mug number seven. Meli relaxes, stepping out of the center and reclaiming her goblet. She grins when she spots the tray with T'lar. "Eh, wondered about that..." and heads over. Susaen walks in with a slightly red face. Normally she doesn't carry things with her, but this time she is armed with a small hammer at her waist and a hide bag in her hand. Small. She is also wearing spectacles, possibly so she won't make a spectacle of herself? This remains to be seen. P'tran grins wryly at R'lan. "You never have enough to do as a rider, you know that," he comments. Aphrael clears her throat, blinks dumbfounded at T'nnar. "Um.. why thank you sir." She manages to get out. Kassima slips back over to her seat and blinks at the brandy, sipping her still-full glass of fruit wine. "That's not *the* brandy, is it?" she asks, then has her attention caught by T'nnar's words to Aphrael. Ursa finishes the toast, a pleased glint in her eye at the wine she's drinking. R'lan gives a shrug with his eyebrows and flashes a grin, "Never hurts to complain to make it seem like a little bit more, neh?" K'nan reaches back into his pack, and pulls something out, a bottle of wine. He holds it in front of him, and considers the dark liquid within for a minute almost regretfully. R'val blinks, "The brandy? Oh dear.' He grins. Cerilla looks imploringly to P'tran as the phrase continues about the crowd, and steps forward, clearing her throat softly. "It's unfortunate the Assistant Weyrlingmasters aren't here tonight..." She looks around towards the bowl hopefully, muttering to herself. "Coulda sworn T'fian was here just a second ago. Anyway! Thankyou all for that music, if I'd known you had such talent I'd have had that in the drills too." She smiles, and continues. "You all have been *very* successful in everything you've done the past two turns, and I'm sure that will continue in your individual wings. Good luck, and remember if you do need us, the Weyrling staff are still around for you." Jeshua walks in from the bowl. Lily spills a good bit of the drink as she sees Susaen, almost flushing guiltily. Jaeleka sighs, and returns her attention to the table behind her, attempting to climb onto the tabletop. T'lar takes the last glass and savors the first sip. "Ah. Now I remember what I was missing. Jeshua salutes her wingleader and the Weyrleader precisely, and then grins at the nearest weyrling before beginning to chat. P'tran has not seen the Masterminer yet, as the crowd is quite large in the LC T'nnar looks at Aphrael, "I know that you don't have the time for both, and it is likely to stay that way." he says, "The weyrleader has allowed me to ride with you. Will you join my wing?" Meli finds a seat, fruit-wine in one hand, the brandy in front of her for next, and watches Aphrael with a smile. Benden Weyr> T'nnar doesn't trust himself to mention the name, nope nope nope. :) Benden Weyr> P'tran laughs :) R'lan clears his throat and gives P'tran a pat on the shoulder, "I'll not take all your time. Clear skies I don't happen to trip over you again before I go." He smiles crookedly at the Weyrleader and wanders aimlessly into the crowd. Benden Weyr> Cerilla laughs! Now that you've practiced, I'm sure you'd get it right. ;) Aphrael tries not to look too much startled, and simply nods after a moment, "Of course, I'd be honored too. Thank you sir." She salutes crisply. Susaen stands near the doorway and hollars, "E'd!" She hasn't seen P'tran or Lily yet, but there is something on her mind. Until she's discharged her task, she can't proceed with hassling the weyrleader or reminding Lily about drinking. Benden Weyr> T'nnar grrrrins! Jaeleka manages to get both her arms and one leg up onto the table, but can't seem to get the second leg (whici is now dangling in mid-air) up onto the table as well. Jeshua looks up, hearing that voice, and looks to see which weyrling just got tapped. "Aphrael!" she grins. Lily hiccups and tries to hide behind K'nan. Master Susaen here. With glasses on? Benden Weyr> T'nnar says, "Yeah, right. 'salute' is the only thing they can think of when they come before me. :)" Ursa raises her glass again, cheering for Aphrael. P'tran nods to R'lan and smiles. "Sorry, my attention is being pulled in several directions at once," he says to him before R'lan wanders off. T'lar almost spews good brandy on Meli as he hears that name yelled across the Living Cavern. He looks up to see the Master Miner. Benden Weyr> Jeshua hugs Aph. Congrats, hon. You've been chosen for a great wing. Benden Weyr> Aphrael could grovel. But I thought that might ruin my dress. ;) K'nan blinks up from the bottle of wine, and blinkblinks at Aphrael and T'nnar, his smile slowly growing into a wide grin. Kassima beams and raises her glasses--she seems to have acquired three somehow, all filled with different drinks--in a toast. "Congrats, bluerider!" she calls to Aph, grinning at her friend. Benden Weyr> Cerilla says, "They're trained well. ;)" Meli splutters a bit, sliding quickly out of the way. She follows T'lar's gaze, and very carefully divests him of his glass before Master Susaen arrives. Benden Weyr> K'nan pouncesnugs an Aph, to make her feel welcome. Congrats! :) Alyssa walks in from the bowl. R'lan meanders through the crowd, looking about. He mutters faintly to himself. Something about not recognizing a fardling person, here....or something to that effect. T'nnar stares down a rider who cheered too loud, too near, for barest moment, just before giving the patch to Aphrael. Then he salutes her.. Benden Weyr> R'val nahs. She wasn't chosen for Dawnslight ;) P'tran hmms? and looks up, thinking he heard a familiar voice. He pauses, then shakes his head, "Nah ..." He looks over to T'nnar and Aphrael and smiles Jaeleka waggles her free leg in the air, grunting as she tries to climb up fully onto the table. Benden Weyr> Aphrael hugs back. Thanks. :) T'lar moves to intercept the Master Miner. "Yes, Master? You wanted me." Benden Weyr> Meli notices the three musketeers seem to be in three different wings.... hmm... Jeshua wanders across the room and finds a seat near K'nan at the wing table, clearing a place for the new tablemates. She nudges K'nan. "We should probably pour our new wingmates some wine, eh?" Benden Weyr> R'val HUGS! Aph and Meli and Kassi and all of ya. Congrats, you silly weyrdlings ;) Alyssa walks back into the living cavern and looks for a long moment at P'tran, thoughtfully, wondering if she should interrupt him. F'nar intentionally ignores the entrance of his weyrmate, concentrating on the flickering flames at the far end of the cavern. Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "Was that on purpose?" Benden Weyr> K'nan says, "Oh no, they're flanking us. ;)" Benden Weyr> P'tran says, "Of course. You think we're crazy enough to put them all together? :) (j/k) ... No, it just worked out that way, really :)" Aphrael accepts the patch, staring worlessly down at it, then smiling over at K'nan. Benden Weyr> R'val says, "Divide and conquer ;}" Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Like I said, Meli--put us in the same wing and you doom the world. ;)" Benden Weyr> Alyssa congrats all you former weyrling types. Don't come see me, if you know what I mean. Benden Weyr> Cerilla says, "Obviously a subconscious choice by the WL. ;)" Susaen might have glasses which prevent her from making embarassing mistakes, but she has some amusing difficulties with the glasses, too. "E'd. There you are. My dear Lily told me that you and our posted dragon were graduated. Is this true?" The glasses happily slide down her nose, requiring that Susaen lift her chin a little higher. The glasses look like a bird tentatively aloft on a high wire. K'nan starts, as Jeshua nudges him. He grins at Jeshua, "Stop sneaking up on me.." He glances over at Aphrael, and smiles to her. Without turning from that, he speaks quietly to Jareth's rider, "'Sides, I've got th'last bottle of wine from Saer right here..." Meli sips at the fruit-wine, then the brandy, then eyes Kassi's third glass. "Wha's in that one?" R'val stares at K'nan, "You actually brought a bottle of Saer's wine out of your weyr?" Kassima stares at her glasses for a moment, trying to figure this out. "Let's see. This one's fruit wine, this brandy... I forget what this one is." She sips it and gahs. "Ah, aye--it's ale." Jeshua giggles. "The last one? You're a lucky man." Jaeleka manages at long last to pull her second leg up onto the table, and rolls over so that she can get into a sitting position on the tabletop. T'lar smiles proudly and nods. "Yes, Master Susaen. We have graduated and been assigned to Skyfire wing. Welcome to the celebration." K'nan winces. He spoke too loud. Trying to hide the bottle behind him, "Um...no, you must've misheard me, R'val..." P'tran ums and sighs to himself slightly. He definitely recognized the voice that time. He takes a sip of his wine, then takes a bit of a longer drink and heads over towards the Masterminer. Meli shudders at Kassi. "Ale, blech." and resumes taste testing her two glasses-ful. R'lan pauses in his wandering about the cavern, then chuckles. He calls out to nobody in particular, "Shells, somebody bring me a drink so I can get drunk and start meetin' people." R'val sits next to K'nan, homing in on him like a hungry predator, "No no no! I heard the word 'saer' and the word 'wine'." He smiles sweetly, "gonna share, K'nan!?" Lily relaxes a bit. Susaen hasn't spotted her yet. Taking another swig of her ale, she hears the word 'wine' and turns questioningly to K'nan. "S'it good?" Kassima shrugs. "Didn't want to turn down a polite offering," she observes, polishing off the ale with a faint grimace. Then she starts back in on the fruit wine with a much happier expression. Jeshua grabs onto the neck of the wine bottle. "Skyfire's got first dibs." R'val spots Kassima and grins, "So you like it?" He inquires. K'nan takes a step away, taking cover behind Jeshua. "Skyfire riders only, you two...hey!" He smirks. "Th'new ones first, though, Jesh." Meli frowns playfully at R'val as he approaches. "You gave 'er some?" Jaeleka reaches for the remaining glass of juice, knocking it over as her hand overshoots the mark and crashes into its side instead of grabbing it. Its contents spread across the table and seep onto the floor. Kassima nods enthusiastically. "Aye, it's as good as y'all said 'twas!" She takes another sip with a happy sigh. Lily shrugs and grabs a couple of tankards of ale, weaving somewhat unsteadily through the crowd and bumping rather abruptly into R'lan. Benden Weyr> P'tran says, "Ok, I think I got the knot updated for the Weyrlings that got picked. I was going to so the weyr-thing tonight but its getting late. Grab me over the weekend and we can do it then :)" Susaen says to T'lar with great pride, "Well. I have something for you and The Posted Dragon." She leans down to fiddle with the bag. Her glass are in grave danger of falling off, and we know what chaos ensues when Susaen doesn't have her glasses on. (Twilight Zone Music). Meli eeps as she catches Jaeleka's move out of the corner of her eye. She rises,moving over to the girl. "Hey now, l'il one. Whatcha doin' on the table?" Salless hears the glass hitting the floor. She spots Jaeleka and sighs. She sends a drudge over with a safer mug and a towel. Aphrael angles over towards K'nan and Jeshua, grinning, "What's this I hear? Skyfire riders drink first?" Name Sex Position Status Idle Q --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Alyssa (F) Asst.Dhealer 1m * Aphrael (F) Bluerider IFeelTheSame/IFeelNothing 11s * Cerilla (F) Weyrlingmaster No more Weyrlings? 1m * F'nar (M) Wingsecond WhyAskWhy?TryBendenRed. 53s * Halyn (F) Headwoman 7m * Jaeleka (F) Resident 59s * Jano (M) Resident Uh-oh. Did I do THAT? 35m - * Jarryl (F) Resident Sr. App. Healer 52s - * Jeshua (F) Bluerider WeyrRecluse 1m * K'nan (M) Greenrider WithinTheWallsOfEryx 1s * Kassima (F) Greenrider What'sAnUberWaffle? 0s * Lily (F) Weyrminer 41s * Meli (F) Greenrider UberTuber??? 17s * P'tran (M) Weyrleader 23s * Portock (M) Weyrhealer Ever healing or sleeping 3m * R'till (M) Weyrsecond 33s * R'val (M) Bluerider Twins boys! WHEE! 0s * T'lar (M) Bronzerider WeyrAllALittleLooney 12s * T'nnar (M) Wingleader redaelgniW 57s * Ursa (F) Weyrling bear & the android 3m ---------------------------- ( 20 players ) ------------------------------- Jeshua leers at R'val, protecting the bottle. Alyssa sits down beside F'nar slowly and murmurs an apology that gets lost in the din of the crowd. Jaeleka blinks innocently at Meli. " R'val grin sat Kassima and winks,' i've got two more bottles of it!" He pokes K'nan in the side, "If you have Saeriv's wine..you'd best share!" He eyes Jeshua sternly. Jaeleka says "Drink?"" R'lan takes a step back and reaches out, either attempting to steady Lily or keep himself from being doused with ale...perhaps both, "Don't think so.." He chuckles, "Um....former Weyrling, I presume?" T'lar reachs up and pushes the glasses back up on Susaen's nose. Not safe if they fall off , no sir. "That's very kind of you. Thank you." Meli nods to the drudge, taking the mug. "Here, some juice sweetling..." and lifts Jae up in her arms to try to settle her on her lap, away from the mess. P'tran makes his way to Susaen. "Um, Master Susaen? Benden's duty to you and the Hall," he says formally, smiling. "I hope you've come to wish our newly graduated Weyrlings well." Jaeleka wraps her arms about Meli's neck. "Fanks." K'nan grins over at Aphrael, "Aye, th'last bottle....get off it, R'val, yer not getting a drop..of th'stuff I got from Saer..." Kassima chuckles. "Two more, eh? Then consider yourself a wealthy man, R'val...." She takes another sip of the wine and grins. Ursa looks at her half-empty glass of fruit wine, then jumps up with resolve. "I need ale," she states. "Now." and scampers for a tankard of ale, her face positively gleeful. Lily hands over one of the mugs and raises the other in a happy toast, grinning merrily. "Nope..'m just a Miner, cele..*hic*...bratin' the graduation." F'nar's eyes drop but then resume looking at the fire. He's obviously trying to ignore his weyrmate. Jeshua looks back aat R'val and hands the bottle to Aphrael. "That's right! Saer's wine it is." R'val grins, "I do, kassi, I do. And I for one am going south this sevenday to buy much, much more of it!" Meli gives Jae a gentle pat on the cheek, and starts to rock her gently, looking over at the merriment with a grin. Kassima laughs. "Is it better than the dessert wine you bought at Nabol, then?" Jaeleka leans back in Meli's arms, a sweet smile on her grubby face. R'val hrmphs at K'nan, "I shall remember that! HmpH!" He grins, "Greedy, greeydy." R'val bobs his head, "Much Kassi, much. Much more palatable." Susaen is still rummaging around in her sack, but she smiles up at P'tran, glasses thankfully still in place, "The hall's duty to you, too. I came to congratulate the new riders and to present E'd, who has always been close to the mine craft like Journeyman T'garrick, with a gift from all of his. OH. And The Posted Dragon, as well." R'lan chuckles, accepting the mug and taking a swallow from it. He clears his throat, "Start celebratin' early, m'lady miner?" He winks. Meli's eyes widen a tad, glancing down at Jae. "Um... help?" to anyone. She spots Alyssa and tries to call to her over the crowd. "Hey, 'lys?" Alyssa looks up rather belatedly at Meli. Aphrael laughs softly, accepting the bottle from Jeshua, "Okay.. this better be worth fighting over," She grings and takes a healthy swig, eyes wide as she hands the bottle back. "Aie! That -is- good!" Benden Weyr> R'val giggles. Man, Susaen cracks me up. Jaeleka cooes innocently in Meli's arms, her eyes wide as she watches the crowd. Tinya walks in from the bowl. Salless brings over a wet towel to clean up the little one. "Here ya go, Jae. Let's not get the pretty lady dirty." R'val grumbles, "Saer's wine, and they won't share it. It's a crime!" Ursa tries to concentrate on her ale, then finally puts the tankard down with a thump. She just sits there with a puzzled look on her face. P'tran nods to Susaen, raising an eyebrow at the glasses (this being the first time that he's seen them) and then nods in approval with a genuine smile. "That's very nice of you, Master Susaen." Meli gives a funny face at Alyssa, wrinkling up her nose and pointing down at Jae's nappy. "help?" she seems to implore. Jaeleka smiles at Salless. "Wet." she states emphatically. Lily smiles blearily up at R'lan, "Soon 's I finished th' rings." She raises her mug, "'S nice to see 'em graduate *hic* 'n all." R'val spots Tinya and waves frantically at her, "Tinya! Hey, yo'ure just in time to join the party!" He grins, waving her over to his table. " I hapen tobe drinking that fruit wine you gave me. Jeshua shakes her head. "Not a crime. It's a /privilege/. Kassima grins. "I'll take your word for it. Better or worse, though, this is terrific wine." She raises one eyebrow curiously. "What's so special 'bout this 'Saer's wine'? Is it anything like that Flirk's klah?" Tinya strides in, carrying a bulky bundle that seems to be composed of a number of wineskins, some larger than others. She stops, freeing one hand to wave. "Hi. I'm told there's some riders in need of congratulating here." Meli whispers to Salless, attempting to shift the child off to someone who can change her. T'lar says "Nice of Master Susaen to come at this special time." The look in his eyes is a bit dubious. "What did you bring Nicoth and me?"" Jeshua's eyes follow the bottle. R'val snorts at Jeshua, "To not share Saer's wine with me! It's a crime I tell you."" His eyes widen hugely at Tinya, 'You brought /more/ wine?" he grins at her gleefully. Jeshua says "Better." Jaeleka bounces up and down in response to the body shift. "Howssy" she chants. Salless calls toward the Inner Caverns. "Get Deeni in here. THis little one's in need. T'nnar stands up, after finishing the wine. He greets the assembly with a nod, as he prepares to head out of the cavern. R'lan gives a nod, "Mmm-hmm...definately a reason to overcelebrate." He grins, taking another swig of his ale. "Oh," He wipes his face, "Sorry, R'lan, Tsanth's rider, Windstorm Wingle...er...Belio...no...Istan Weyrsecond." He chuckles, "Sorry, it's changed a lot recently." Meli smiles up gratefully at Salless, attempting to distract Jae with her ring a moment, to slow the bouncing. P'tran glances over to T'nnar for a moment and smiles. "Good selections, T'nnar," he comments K'nan chuckles softly, "Back, ye thirsty Dawnslight riders, th'bottle is rightfully ours..." Jaeleka inhales with a loud "oh!" as she sees the ring. "Pretty!" she says with wonderment. "Mine!" T'nnar smiles to P'tran, then glances to Cerilla nearby, "Good training, as well." Then walks to the exit. Meli shakes her head above Jae's curls. "Neh, look sweetling. Not yours." Tinya grins at R'val, nodding. "Indeed, you think I'd come to a party unequiped?" R'val snorts, "Who needs yer wine eh? I'll drink Tinya's lovely fruit wine!" Benden Weyr> K'nan grins, and watches R'val employ the 'sour grapes' theorem. ;) T'nnar walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Jaeleka pouts. "'leka wan pretty." Lily squints over at Susaen for a moment, sloshing her ale a bit over one edge of the tankard. She grins and toasts R'lan again, taking another drink. "S'nice to meet you. *hic* 'M Lily, Mashter Miner, poshted here at Benden with E'd and all." Then she pauses. "Ishta?" Tinya wanders over toward R'val, and then peers at the seals on the wineskins, finally selecting one. "There, that's the same stuff you had last time," she hands it to him, "And this is a different kind, little bit sweeter." R'val winsk at Tinya, "I should've known better. Join me?" He raises his half-empty glass of wine, "i was about to refill...we can share. Kassima here, a newly graduated greenrider, happened to be praising your wine!" Tareen walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Jeshua giggles a little, but still hasn't gotten her hands on the bottle. She tries not to drool. "It's not every day one gets to have some of Saer's wine..." Jeshua throws an arm around K'nan's shoulders and leans toward the bottle. Ursa slides along the bench to be right next to R'val and his new bottles, bringing her ale and her almost empty wine glass with her. R'val takes the flask with a grateful smile at Tinya, opens it, and savours the arom, a radiant expression on his face, "Perfect!" he enthuses, then fills his mug, and one for Tinya. Spotting Ursa nearby, he fills one for her as well, beaming all around, "To the new riders of Benden!" He says, raising his glass. Kassima chuckles. "I'd have to have m'tastes burnt out not to appreciate this wine," she quips. Having finished her glass, she sips the brandy and hmmms. "You know, I think this stuff has only gotten better since you and Aph made it, Meli." T'lar gives Master Susaen K'nan grins up at Jeshua, "Well...if y'want some, go fetch us all some glasses, eh?" Hearing her name, Meli calls over to Kassi..."Eh, do me a favor an' bring me my glasses? I left 'em over there..." pointing at her brandy and wine. Tinya sets the other wineskins down on the table, separating out a couple of little ones. "And these here are more of that blue liqueur, and a green one, which I _think_ comes from a melon." R'val gestures Kassima over with his now full glass, C'mon over, Kassi, have s';more." Susaen says, "Aha!" She pulls something small, and something large from the ugly bag. One thing is certain, these are not ugly gifts. They are the same, one large, one small, fashioned out of silver. The silver is beaten, and encrusted in them are the shape of a dragon and rider, made of stones of high quality. Something about them suggests Nicoth and T'lar, something about the colour suggests Skyfire Wing. She hands them over to T'lar. "Tiercel's diamonds." T'lar gives Master Susaen's glasses another push up just in case. R'lan nods, "Mmm-hmmm. Ista. Master Miner, eh? Good t'meet ya. Used to be a harper, m'self." Lal walks here from the Inner Cavern. Jeshua pouts a little. "You want to hold the glass?" she asks teasingly, before jumping up to get glasses. Lal blinks as she walks in. R'val inspects the newly set down flasks, "Green?" He murmurs, intrigued, "I've never drank anything /green/ before." F'nar gets up and makes a big deal of going over to where Tinya and R'val are sitting. "Hello, Tinya!" Jaeleka leans back, popping her thumb back into her mouth, patting Meli's ring with her free hand. Since Susaen's glasses are in front of her eyes, the eyes finally focus on Lily. My my my. But she waits for T'lar's reaction. Lal says "What's with all th'folk..." Tinya shrugs out of her jacket, slinging it across the back of a chair which she drops into. She takes her mug from R'val, and takes a long drink. P'tran blinks and his eyebrows go up as he sees the gift. "That's a rather extravagant gift, Master Susaen. You didn't have to go through all the trouble, really .." He is smiling, however. T'lar gapes at the gifts. "Oh." seems to be all he can say. Meli sighs softly, giving Jae a light hug, watching her friends tasting all those tempting drinks. Kassima nods and picks up Meli's glasses, bringing them over to her with a smile before wandering back over to R'val. "You really are too generous," she says with a slight grin. Tinya tilts her head up and grins at F'nar. "Well, hello there. Sit down, have a drink." Ursa peers over. "Green? They had something green at the Dawn-Sisters." K'nan leans over, while Jeshua fetches some glasses to drink from. He mutters to Aphrael, "Congratlations,... a... addition t'Skyfire." F'nar smiles and does so. Quite obviously and animatedly, in fact. R'val nods to Ursa, 'They did, bu tI Never tried it. Want some, Ursa?" he sips from his fruit wine and sighs contntedly, turning to Tinya, "You, my dear, are a lifesaver. So how're your travels going?" Tinya pushes the skin slightly in Ursa's direction. "Here, then, try it and tell me if it's the same stuff. They make this one at Cove, among other places." Lily, unaccountably, flushes. Istan Brownrider. Gulp. She takes a long swig of her ale. "S a pleasure to meet'cha too *hic* R'lan. Harper? Y'still sing?" Jaeleka pulls her thumb out of her mouth to mutter "pretty" then pop the thumb back in. T'lar says "These are incredible, Master. Thank you." He leans forward and gives her a kiss on the cheek. "How can we ever thank you." Lal goes and finds a seat quietly in a corner, giving Lily a rather surprised, sideways glance as she sits. R'lan takes a step back and bows with a flourish. He straightens, "Every chance I get, m'lady." He takes another swig of his ale and grins. Meli sips at her drinks, keeping them off far enough to the side to be out of reach of little fingers, and rocks gently. P'tran smiles at T'lar's reaction and says to Susaen, "It's a fine gift, Master Susaen, and the Weyr appreciates it as well." Jeshua comes back with a few glasses, and holds them out to be filled. "I'm sure K'nan's already said something, but we'd like to welcome you into the wing." Lysseth> Prefeth and Juliath sense that Lysseth yawns and rumbles. << What's all the fuss about in there, anyway? >> Ursa fills her cup before she admits, "I didn't have it but once... I was usually an ale gal, myself." Then she grins crookedly, "They saved the special drinks for the Riders, y a now?" Susaen says to P'tran. "Yes, but Tiercel just has this stuff laying around our quarters. And I thought it suited." It is probably clear that Susaen is very fond of T'lar and Nicoth. Extravagant, it is. Aphrael smiles up at K'nan, She mutters to K'nan, "Thank you,... just... we're... wing.." R'val winks at Ursa, 'Ale? Feh! Why drink ale, when you can have such perfect wine as this!?" Tinya shrugs, as she gets around to answering R'val's question. "Not badly. Actually kept me busy and Weyrbound the last sevenday or so, though. How've you folks been up here?" A rather loud bugle filters through from the bowl as Nicoth lets his approval be known. Tinya chuckles at Ursa. "Well, then you're certainly entitled tonight." Davidon walks here from the Inner Cavern. R'val hrms to Tinya, "Ben well. Run ragged by my new twin sons.' He grins. Susaen tells T'lar, "That big one was made to clip onto riding straps. Those sharding smiths managed to extract for black diamonds from me to make this silver casing." An afterthought. "The big one is for Nicoth." Another frown at Lily. What is that girl up to? P'tran grins at Susaen and nods. Lily arcs a brow and smiles impishly at R'lan. "What sorts of songs?" she asks, leaning back and slumping rather unevenly into a chair. Kassima considers the green drink. "I wonder," she muses, "if there's not a way to dye ale green." What is the point of these musings? Faranth only knows. Susaen jumps at the bugle, her glasses slipping dangerously. K'nan smiles at Aphrael, "So'm I, Aph.." He grins, and fills four glasses. One for Jesh, Aphrael, himself, and he pours the last glass and sets it aside, since the other new Skyfire wingrider seems to be busy. Aphrael finally slips into a seat, grinning at Jeshua, "Thanks. Glad to be in the wing." She eyes the wine eagerly. Davidon walks in and looks around again, waving to those he knows. R'val casts a grin at Kassima, "Why bother? Just drink this green stuff here." P'tran blinks and chuckles. "Well, Nicoth seems pleased with it at least." Ursa snorts at R'val, "Stable hands didn't get perfect wine or any other sort too often. 'Sides. What's wrong with ale?" R'lan makes a grand sort of guesture with his mug, grinning, "All sorts, Lily. Broken hearts, Unrequited loves, soaring dragons, songs of the Tillek fishing boats going to sea...you name it." T'lar says "Thank you. I just don't know what to say." He looks up as Nicoth bugles. "Yes, Nicoth is pleased. Excuse me. I'd like to show these to my friends." R'val smiles at Ursa warmly as he drinks a bit more unsteadily now, "Nothin' much. I just like wine better." Kassima flashes a grin of her own in return. "You've a point there," she acknowledges, nodding almost to herself. Lal turns to Ursa. "Naw a thing, Miss. That's what I had t'be drinkin' in th'kitchen, when I Was a scullion." Tinya grins at R'val. "Babies all over the weyr. I'm beginning to believe what I was told, it _is_ something in the water here." Jeshua sips delicately, and then raves, SMOOCHING K'nan on the cheek. "You are a very smart man, you know that?" Lily startles at the sound of the bugle, spilling a bit of her ale. Downing the rest of that mug, she looks around for another, grabbing one from a nearby tray. She slouches in the chair and takes a swig, "Have a favourite song?" F'nar smiles at Tinya. "Well, I'll say I've not been doing so well lately." R'val laughs merrily," I sometimes wonder, Tinya. I just hope it doesn't get her anytime soon, again." Susaen nods to T'lar. Then she turns to P'tran, "A fine bunch of riders you have here." She looks them all over, carefully. Davidon glances over to Lily, "Are you alright?" Dragon> Lysseth and Juliath sense that Prefeth rumbles sleepily in reply. << I don't know. Some *boring* thing I imagine.." R'lan smiles faintly and nods, "Different one every sevenday, it seems." Jaeleka sucks slowly on her thumb, her eyes half-closing. She wraps a tiny hand about Meli's. Lal looks over Lily as well. "Ydunna seem well, Miss Lily. Naw attall." Dragon> Juliath bespoke Prefeth and Lysseth with << My lifemate seems much *warmth* but I do not understand the images she sends me. >> T'lar moves over to Meli with the two silver pieces in his hands. His face shows his stunned feelings. K'nan smirks at Jeshua, picking his own glass up carefully. Wryly, "S'been alleged b'fore, Jesh..." Lysseth> Prefeth and Juliath sense that Lysseth yawns again. << Probably. My lifemate's mind is getting fuzzy. Maybe she's being *bored* into fuzziness. >> Susaen hollars, past P'tran, "Lily!" Ursa raises ehr glass of the green shtuff to Lal, murmering to her, "Aye." before tasting what's in her glass. Her eyebrows shoot up suddenly. Lal says "What be wrong. Miss Ursa?" Meli leans her chin onto Jae's curls, sipping occasionally at her drinks, watching. P'tran hmms? and looks over towards Lily, puzzled at Susaen's sudden exclaimation Alyssa looks for a long time at Alnar, then her eyes travel slowly across the cavern as if she had not before noticed F'nar leaving and is just noting he has moved to sit with Tinya. She then takes in what has become a rather boisterous party. Meli looks up as T'lar arrives, with a smile lighting up her face. Her gaze travels down to what he's holding, and her eyes widen. "Wha's that?" Davidon figures that no one can hear him anyway, and sits again. Lily smiles merrily and raises her mug to Davidon and Lal in turn. "Never better," she declares, somewhat loudly. About to reply to R'lan, she startles at Susaen's yell, falling right out of the chair and onto the floor, spilling her nearly full mug of ale. She squints up at Susaen, "*hic* Master?" T'lar says "Uh, Meli. Look what Master Susaen gave Nicoth and me." He holds out the two gifts. "I can't believe it." Aphrael takes a long sip of the wine, eyes closed in appreciation. "If this is what you have stocked up in your weyr, K'nan, I should visit more often." She winks lightly. Tinya looks over at F'nar, finally asking, "So what's been up?" Jeshua grins and sips again. "How'd you get this? What'd you do, sweetie?" Jaeleka mumbles incoherently around her thumb, her eyes blinking sleepily. Ursa shakes her head, "Oh, nothing's wrong. Try the green," she suggests. And frowning, she says, "No, I don't think it's the same as what I had at the Dawn Sisters, I'd remember this." Her frown melts into a grin as she has another sip. Lal gasps! and runs to Lily's aid. "Miss Lily! YEh better naw drink t'much more!" Susaen points at Lily, drunk on the floor and says to P'tran, "Just look at Lily. I hope she isn't like this all the time?" R'lan blinks, crouching down to assist the fallen Lily. R'val raises his mug with a grin to Tinya and Ursa, 'Drink up, my friends. Time for s'more of this stuff..." He regards Ursa closely, "So does the green stuff taste adequate?" Lal looks up at Susaen. "Oh naw ma'am naw attall! She's me teacher, Miss! An' a good one!" K'nan chuckles softly, and winks back. After taking a long sip, he grins, "Hey, th'invitation's always been open.." Rolling his eyes over at Jeshua amusedly, "That, m'dear wingmate, would be telling." Meli just shakes her head, eyeing the silver pieces. "Wow" she manages, trying not to disturb Jaeleka too much. Lal tries to pick Lily up. "C'mon now, Miss." P'tran looks down at Lily and then back to Susaen with a soft sigh. "No, Master Susaen," he says, feeling like he's a child reporting to his fosterer after doing something wrong. "I'm sure she was just, er, caught up in the moment." Davidon looks to be sure the lady is alright, but stays where he is, seeing that she's being helped. Tinya chuckles at Ursa. "Unusual, isn't it?" P'tran says urgently to the others assisting her, "Please get her some air. And I think she's had quite enough." Aphrael grins and nods, "True, but before I wasn't really -allowed- too, y'know." She lets that sink in, then greatfully takes some more of the wine. Lal nods to P'tran. T'lar shifts both to one hand and reaches out to snag a full mug of ale on a passing tray. He turns the bottom to the ceiling and drinks it all in one long draught. Lily slowly stumbles up, shaking her head. "'M fine. Really. S'just the ale." R'val hrms and downs the rest of his latest mug in one gulp, taking up the flask of green liquid in his hand and pouring it into his mug. He sniffs the substance, "It smells normal enough.' He sips it, "But it tastes..hmm. Unusual>" Lal nudges Lily. "Miss Lily, let's go fer a walk in the bowl now...." Meli's eyes, already wide from glancing at Susaen's artistry, widen even further as she watches T'lar down the mugful. Jeshua awws and leans over to nibble K'nan's earlobe. This is definitely not like her, but then her glass is half empty. "Awwwww, c'mon." Lal supports Lily as she rises. Ursa snorts at R'val, echoing, "adequate?" but not bothering to reply. To Tinya she nods enthusiastically. "Aye, unusual." Kassima comments, "Y'know, they've got a drink down at Boll called the Green Dragon--I wonder if that's green, as well?" She ponders this for a moment, then shrugs. "Not that it matters. Just idle speculation." Sipping her own glass, she nods sagely in approval. K'nan smiles wryly, "Ah, of course, like not drinkin', an' all..." He winks, then pulls back from Jeshua with a grin, "Hey, stop it there, back, I say." Susaen says, "Lily. Lily." F'nar smiles at Tinya. "Oh, nothing much. Just feeling like I've been ignored lately." Lily leans against Lal and R'lan and finally makes her way to something resembling a standing position, weaving slightly. "Don't wanna leave th'party." She peers at Susaen. "Mashter?" Tinya grins over at Kassima. "Could go find out. It's a good night for a party." T'lar says "I want to go give Nicoth his. I'll be right back." He turns back after a few steps. "Unless you want to come?" Jaeleka's thumb falls from her mouth, her lips still working as though it were there, her eyes closed fully. R'val glances at Kassima, watching her reaction. He grins, unsurprised, "Thought you'd like it.' He kisses Tinya's cheek, "We owe you! You saved our party.' He grins. Lal says "PLEASE, Miss Lily, just fer a wee bit." Aphrael blinks and sits back slightly, draining the rest of the glass, then looks around for some more. P'tran ahems and says to the general crowd, "Go a little easy, please, everyone. No need to go crazy, at least not all at once," he adds with a slight smirk Susaen looks at P'tran as if she was his foster mother. But she doesn't blame him or expect an excuse, she's more surprised than anything. "Lily, just look at yourself. You've come along way from the square-shouldered miner, accompanying her master to all the Istan Weyrs." Glasses or not, Susaen can still make no sense at all. Jeshua says "Back? *giggle* You've got nice earlobes." Lal tries to practically carry Lily off to the bowl. Given her size and strength, this should be pretty simple. Tinya grins at F'nar. "And no wonder, sulking over by the fire like you were when I came in. You gotta join in." Kassima chuckles. "Should be. This is a party, after all." She takes another drink from her glass, a smaller one, and adds, "I'll probably find out soon enough, what with Lyss's infatuation with Boll." Lal gently urges. "C'mon now...." Meli smiles up at T'lar, and sighs as Deeni finally arrives to shift Jaeleka. She smiles at the little girl, rising and brushing at her dress just a little. "I'll go w'you for a moment. R'val nods to Kassi with a grin, "No doubt.' He tilts his gaze at Ursa, "SO, you like this green stuff? What's it called, Tinya?" T'lar smiles and nods and head through the crowd to the tunnel out to the bowl. T'lar walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. R'lan clears his throat, calling after the carried-off Miner, "Well...um...nice t'meet ya, ma'am..." He finishes off his own mug. Davidon sips of a mug of ale he collected for himself. Tinya turns back to Kassima. "They've got a klah liqueur that's awfully fine there, but that's the only one of theirs I've had, myself. Good stuff, though." Lily smiles happily at Susaen. "Yup...*hic*...went to Ishta..." her voice trails off as Lal attempts to drag her out. "Think m'apprentice wants to go for a walk, Mashter Shusaen." She waves to R'lan, "C'mon and meet the Miner Dragon.." Lily walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. F'nar snorts a little bit. His conscience is hitting him, hard. But he's definitely trying not to show it. "So are you enjoying your vacation?" Meli slips out, grabbing her brandy as she goes, working her way through the crowd. Lal walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Meli walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. P'tran nods to Susaen in quiet acknowledgement and finishes off the wine in his glass, which is still the first glass he's had all evening Lysseth> Meli works her way out of the entrance, moving towards T'lar, Nicoth and Juliath. Lysseth> Lal says "Awright Miss Lily, walk around a bit. See how that goes fer yeh." Kassima hmmms. "Really? I've heard of all kinds of drinks down there, but never had the chance to try any m'self. What's klah liquor?" Lysseth> Lal is giving orders like a mother to a child. Lysseth> T'lar moves over to Nicoth. He holds up the silver dragon and rider so that Nicoth can see it. "Master Susaen made it for you. Let me put it in place." He hangs it on the straps. Tinya grins at R'val. "Harper's Folly. Told you it was from Cove." Jaeleka cuddles in Deeni's arms as the woman takes her from the room. Jaeleka walks towards the inner cavern. Lysseth> Meli eyes the piece more closely, watching as T'lar attaches it. "Think that'll affect th'balance?" she lets slip, the calculating rider a moment before she grins and just admires it. Aphrael gets up and wonders over to the weyrlings table, where most of the brandy is still left. She glances about, but no one seems to object, so she pours herself some. Ursa snickers. "Call it The Green Stuff. We'll all know what you mean." K'nan smirks at Jeshua, "I'm glad y'think so, m'friend." Noticing Aphrael's glass, he leans over to refill it. Lysseth> Lily wavers around the bowl, unevenly, peering up at T'lar and Nicoth for a moment. She mutters to Lal, "'M not that drunk. Just a little dizzy." *hic* R'lan takes a deep breath and sighs, resting his empty mug on a nearby table, "Um...well..." He glances about, his conversation partner having fallen into a drunken stupor, "Guess I'm off, then. Ahem." Lysseth> T'lar says "I think it's light enough not to matter to him. Besides, I'll only let him wear it on special occasions, not while flying Thread." Lysseth> Prefeth lowers his head and *whuffs* curiously at Lily. Tinya winks at F'nar. "I'd be enjoying it more if there were more of it. I'm back to flying Falls at home, though I'm let out once duties are done." Susaen turns to P'tran, "What makes people do that?" She is refering to Lily. Why she's asking P'tran can only be chalked up to her misconception that everyone is a master miner in disguise. Lysseth> Nicoth reaches over to nuzzle Juliath's flank. Lysseth> Lal sighs, and walks over. "Miss Lily. I think yeh may need t'go t'bed." Lysseth> Juliath nips playfully at Nicoth's tail. Kassima waves over to Aph to catch her attention and says to her, "Just so you know, that is some fine brandy y'all made those Turns ago. It's even finer after all of this time." She smiles at her friend. "Just thought I'd mention that." Jeshua takes a big swig of wine, her grin widening a bit more. She leans against K'nan's shoulder, possibly impeding his pouring, and beams at Aphrael. Lysseth> Lily peers at Prefeth, hiccuping as she patpats the blue's nose. "Hi there." Lysseth> Lal says "E'en that whuffin' dragon o'er there agrees." F'nar smiles and tries to laugh. Of course, it doesn't really sound that good. "They've got you going back and forth?" Veyon walks here from the Inner Cavern. P'tran shakes his head. "People just get caught up in the celebration, Master Susaen, that's all. Trust me, it does NOT mean she does this all the time." Veyon sits down quietly. Lysseth> Lily shakes her head, going a bit dizzy and leaning against Prefeth's muzzle. "'M not tired," she says petulantly." Aphrael hmrs absently at Kassi, then grins, "Ayep. Long time ago now." she says, almost fondly. She takes a sip and grins. Lysseth> Lal says "Umm....Miss Lily. I think yeh may be...." Lysseth> T'lar says "I'll need to fix his straps for better, more secure fastening, but it's wellmade for this." Lysseth> Prefeth rumbles deeply, tail moving back and forth. Susaen nods to P'tran, looking rather scholarly and dry in the glasses and saying, "Well now, which of these are new graduates then?" P'tran adds, "In fact, Lily has been nothing but an asset to this Weyr and we're honored to have her. She made the lovely rings that we just handed out to the Weyrlings" Lysseth> Lysseth cranes her neck to peer curiously at Lily, rumbling a comment to Prefeth. Tinya nods, then shrugs. "I can go where I want, s'long as I don't neglect what needs to be done. And," breaking into a wide smile, raising her glass in a bit of a salute, "I'm definitely finding the company more congenial up here." R'lan makes his way towards the bowl, waving an arm at P'tran as he catches a glimpse of the Weyrleader across the cavern. Lysseth> T'lar fastens his own his vest and sighs. He lets one arm slip around Meli's waist. "Want to go back to the party?" Lysseth> Meli grins again, patting Nicoth's side. "Looks right well on 'im." Kassima nods reminiscently. "Aye, that 'twas--two Turns or so! Never did get around to drinking it after the Hatching like we'd planned--of course, if we'd done that, then there wouldn't be any now." P'tran hmms? and manages to see R'lan and nods to him. "Clear skies!" Lysseth> Meli grins. "Yah, I seem t'be a bit behind on th'drinking." Alyssa gets to her feet and places the sleeping baby over her shoulder, then wends her way through the throngs to the bowl. Susaen says, "I'm glad to hear that about Lily. She's one of my favorites, you know." Lysseth> T'lar laughs. "Can't have that, now can we. C'mon. I'll buy the next round." Lysseth> Prefeth snorts lightly, then *licks* Lily with his tongue, covering her in dragon slobber. P'tran points out to Susaen who among the riders are the ones that just recently graduated P'tran nods to Susaen and smiles. "I know." F'nar smiles at Tinya. The expression doesn't flow to his eyes. "Well, then, why don't you stay up here more often? It's not like..." His eyes follow how weyrmate out to the bowl. Lysseth> Lal says rather timidly, "Miss Lily? Would yeh--oh dear! Mister Blue! Why'd yeh go an' do that?" Alyssa walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Lysseth> Lily peers between Prefeth and Lysseth. "You two *hic* talking about me?" Then she pouts at Lal, the pout turning into an icky face. "Iew. Prefeth!" Lysseth> Nicoth lays his neck across Juliath's back. R'val hrms, sipping, "Harper's Folly. "He tastes thw wor,d "Yup. I remember now." Lysseth> Lal gives Prefeth a look. Susaen says, "They all look alike wiith those jackets on." She pushes her own glasses up, as they slip off. Lysseth> T'lar says "Hi, Lyssa." Lysseth> Meli waves at Alyssa as she and T'lar head back inside. "Leavin so early?" R'lan walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Aphrael chuckles softly at Kassi, "Yeah.. besides, Cerilla would have killed us if we had've.." Lysseth> Lysseth puts on her most angelic expression and warbles sweetly to Lily. Veyon curls his legs up underneath him, and looks out at the bowl. Tinya brushes a finger across the scrape mark on her cheek. "'Sides, home can be dangerous. Our weyrlings aren't so well-behaved as your recently ex ones are." She grins, then looks sharply at F'nar as he breaks off in midsentence. P'tran grins at Susaen and chuckles. "Oh, they're all very different personalities, believe me." Jeshua slurps down the rest of her drink and abruptly slides into sleep, her tolerance completely overwhelmed by one drink. Lysseth> Prefeth rumbles amusedly as he tilts his head, regarding the miner carefully. Lysseth> Alyssa offers Meli the barest of smiles. "It's late for me. And my son. Good night...congratulations." P'tran hands his empty glass to a drudge. "Is there anything I can do for you, Master Susaen, before I retire for the evening?" Lysseth> Lily tries to wipe the dragonslobber from herself, staring balefully up at Prefeth. "And you just *hic* watch that tail of yours." Lysseth> Meli's smile fades somewhat, catching Alyssa's mood. "Thanks, 'lys. Night" she replies, more quietly. R'val glances at Tinya and grins, "WE pride ourselves on well behaved weyrlings. Even if we occasionaly get ones like Kassi." He winks at Kassima teasingly. Kassima chuckles. "Aye, though we didn't know that--well, you didn't, anyway--when you made the stuff. Serendipity, you know," she says, warming to her subject. "We'd thought to have a party after the Hatching, but are having one now instead and the brandy's grown better with age. Not what we expected, but still a good thing. Serendipity." She repeats that last word in a solemn voice, nodding sagely. Lysseth> R'lan wanders into the bowl, making his way towards Tsanth. Lysseth> T'lar says "Night, Lyssa. Thanks." Benden Weyr> Anra congratulates all the graduated 'lings. Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "Thanks." Tinya giggles, grinning at both R'val and Kassima. Susaen says to P'tran. "No thank you, I should get home to Tiercel. But congratulations to the weyr from MinerHall. I mean the new riders and all." K'nan chuckles softly down at Jeshua, and gently settles her in the chair so she doesn't wake up covered in ale, picks ip the bottle and his glass, and stands to head over to Aphrael and the others. Davidon walks towards the inner cavern. Lysseth> Alyssa nods to T'lar, slips through the throngs of dragons, and looks up for the watchrider. Benden Weyr> P'tran does as well, and is about to head off. weyrs will be granted over the weekend and next week as I catch you online :) Lysseth> Lal sighs. "C'mon Miss Lily. TIme fer bed. I'll take yeh t'th'caverns..." Lysseth> Alyssa signals M'nar's mint green Gelth, who flies from the Star Stones to give her a ride to Pavanth's ledge. Kassima gives R'val the evil eye for a moment, then laughs ruefully. "Hey, now. I was fairly well behaved--I never actually drowned you, y'know!" Lysseth> Prefeth blinks innocently. -Him-? His tail lashes lightly, as if tempted. Benden Weyr> K'nan says, "G'night, Boss!" F'nar sighs, and looks at the floor. He mutters something to himself about sorrow, or maybe that was to everyone. He excuses himself to the bowl. Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "Night, boss." F'nar walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Benden Weyr> Kassima wafflesalutes the Fearless Leader. "Zhai, bossman!" Lysseth> R'lan climbs up, situating himself on Tsanth's neck. Lysseth> T'lar says "Better catch up to her, F'nar." Lysseth> Lily turns toward R'lan, ignoring the fearful tail, and waves happily. "Clear skies!" She shakes her head, "Lal, do I gotta?" Lysseth> From atop Pavanth's neck, F'nar walks out from the caverns, just looking at the ground, only up enough to haul himself aboard Pavanth. Tinya looks after F'nar, then shakes her head. Turning back to R'val, "Huh. What's with him?" Lysseth> Pavanth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry him aloft. P'tran nods to Susaen and smiles. He turns to the others, catching F'nar head out suddenly. He glances over to the bluerider with a questioning look, but he's already gone. Lysseth> Lal begins to drag Lily across the bowl. "Yes." Aphrael blinks at Kassi, wondering if she should mention the fact she has -no- idea what her friend is talking about. Instead she just nots politely. "Really?" Lysseth> Juliath settles down, curled up with Nicoth, as Meli and T'lar move back inside. Lysseth> Lal picks up Lily like a sack of citrons. Lysseth> T'lar watches Alyssa and F'nar. "Whoa. What's that all about? Lysseth> Meli shakes her head. "No idea... worries me a bit, it does." Lysseth> From Tsanth's neckridges, R'lan waves a hand at Lily and chuckles, "Get some sleep, Master Miner Lily...I'll reintroduce myself some other time, eh?" R'val blinks owlishly after F'nar, forcing his eyes to focus, "I've no idea t all. Hah! You needed a good dunking Kassi.' He grins wickedly at her, and then refills his mug, "Anyoen for a refill?" Lysseth> T'lar nods. "Me too. Shall we>" Lysseth> Meli nods. Meli walks in from the bowl. T'lar walks in from the bowl. P'tran says to the others. "Congratulations to all of you. To the ones that have not been selected for Wings, you will be quite soon. The celebration can continue as long as you like, but try not to get rowdy," he adds witha smirk. T'lar and Meli return, arm in arm. Lysseth> Tsanth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry him aloft. Lysseth> Lily waves to R'lan as she is picked up by Lal again. Kassima nods enthusiastically. "Aye, really. See, serendipity's when you find something you didn't mean to find, or something like that." She looks puzzled for a moment. "Uh, aye, something like that. But having a party with this aged brandy is something we didn't expect at first, right? So it's serendipity. I think." Lysseth> Lal heave-hos Lily onto her back....again. Salless ahems. "I won't let them get rowdy," she states. "Either that, or what they break, they clean up." K'nan meanders across the LC, but stops as T'lar and Meli reenter. He grins over, and calls, "Congrats, an' welcome, T'lar!" Lysseth> Lal says "Sheesh. G'NIght." Lal walks in from the bowl. Salless drains the Klah in the Klah pot to make some fresh. Susaen walks on out, giving T'lar a very kind smile, but he may not even see her in this crowd. Susaen walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. T'lar says "Thanks, K'nan. Thanks." Lal walks to the lower caverns, Lily on her shoulders like a sack. Lal walks towards the inner cavern. P'tran grins at Salless and chuckles. Tinya empties her mug, then holds it out to be refilled. Kassima chuckles. "Nay me, thanks--still got plenty in this glass. And I'm sure I got enough good dunkings back when Vidarth was drowning me on a near-daily basis--and even more now with Lyss doing the same, thanks to Vidarth teaching her all the tricks." Aphrael clears her throat, "Serendipity." She repeats, no closer to understanding. So she smiles. And nods her head. She underdtands, yep. "Ah." Lysseth> Nicoth raises his head off of Juliath's back and peers down at the Master Miner. A bright glint of silver shows on his riding straps. Veyon stands, "Perhaps I should hed out also." Veyon walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Meli practically drags T'lar away, towards Aph and Kassi and Ursa and the rest. P'tran smiles at the former Weyrlings and heads out. R'val grins at the weyrling speeches and refills Tinya's mug, "How're you enjoying the part, Tinya?" P'tran walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. K'nan grins. "Y'r welcome...oh, here." He offers the new bronzerider a glass of Red. "Best on Pern. From Saer's store...well, from mine, but /was/ from his, a few Turns ago." Tinya grins. "It's a good party. Glad I didn't miss it." Kassima says seriously, "I'm sure it will make sense after a few more drinks, Aph." K'nan is heading towards the same group as T'lar and Meli, so simply follows along. T'lar grabs the glass of red as he dragged away. "Thanks, K'nan." R'val grins at Tinya, "I'm glad you joined us for the party. You seem to have a knack for showing up in time." Aphrael smiles at Kassi. Not -this- she understands. Nodding sagely, she begins to drink, to seek to understand a word Kassi is saying. Benden Weyr> Lal says, "G'Night all. Lily, don'y lose your job, okay? :)" Benden Weyr> Lily snugs. Night, Lal. :) Tinya chuckles. "Dys's training at work. She found me early, made sure Li and I were taught right." Meli and T'lar and K'nan reach the knot of people around Aph and Kassi. "So... what's t'drink now?" Meli asks them. Kassima rambles on. "The unexpected is such a marvelous thing, don't you think? Mainly because it *is* unexpected. If you knew it was going to happen, what would be the fun in that? None at all. Have a little more brandy, Aph?" K'nan chuckles as he wanders up to the group, "You're already making up for all th'time y'weren't allowed t'drink, I see?" Lysseth> Susaen stands tall and strong, Master Miner of all Pern, just below the large bronze dragon. She looks dwarfed, indeed. Small, yes. But really this slight woman with spectacles and a straight back tries to keep these dragons supplied with firestone everyday. Maybe she's not so small? "Nicoth, you are a fine Dragon and a good miner." This is a high compliment indeed. R'val smiles, "I haven' tseen Dys in weeks.' He says thoughtfully, and sips his wine. T'lar sips the red wine and a look of ectasy comes over his face. "Ah. This is good." K'nan restoppers his bottle of wine, and -carefully- secures it back in his pack as he talks. He winks over at T'lar, and drinks some from his own glass. "Aye." Aphrael's eyes glaze over. And not from speaking to her lifemate, either. She perks up and nods at the offer of more brandy. "Ah," She continues, not realising she's encouraging Kassi. Kassima grins sunnily. "With a vengeance," she affirms, raising her glass of fruit wine in a toast to something-or-other. Tinya wrinkles her nose as she thinks, then says, "Been a couple sevendays for me, too. We went off to Ista one night, and since then she was busy, then I was." Lysseth> Nicoth lowers his head to the human's level and regards her with softly whirling blue eyes. K'nan laughs, raising his own glass. "To the freedom to drink?" Kassima returns to her explanations. "Now, let's say we'd known this brandy would be here back when we made it. Then we wouldn't have gotten such a surprise this afternoon and it wouldn't have been so much fun! Do you see what I mean now? No? Here, then, have a bit more of this wine...." R'val raises his glass with a grin, "I'll toast to that!" he pronounces. Tinya laughs, raising her glass as she catches the toast. "Can't think of a better thing to drink to!" K'nan grins, and drains the remainder of his glass in one swallow. K'nan then reaches to his right in search of something to steady himself on. Meli manages to snag some of said brandy finally, and pipes up with a 'We?' to Kassi, she of the 'I saw nothing' candidacy. :) Aphrael glances towards K'nan, smiling a greeting, then her eyes snap back as Kassi pours her some more brandy, "Thanks," She begins, but Kassi's already talking. T'lar stands on the edge of the crowd with one arm around Meli, sipping the good Benden red. A look of extreme contentment on his face. Kassima raises her glass, the ruby color of the wine glinting richly in the light. "Indeed, in very deed!" Lysseth> Lily comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern. Lysseth> Susaen looks completly astonished. And yet, her glasses do not fall off. She gapes at Nicoth attractively and then she even has the grace to blush. Just like if Elvis kissed her cheek or something. Kassima peers at Meli. "Huh? Oh, right, you made the brandy. But you probably knew there was still some left, so I meant we as in the rest of us, you see? It all makes perfect sense, really, if you just look at it that way... I think... well, maybe not." Lysseth> Lily stumbles out, losing her balance, and running right into Susaen. Lysseth> Nicoth gently whuffles Susaen. He is careful not to be too strong. Humans are weak and silly, this one especially. Meli, quite a bit behind the others in terms of distilled spirits, shakes her head, lifts a questioning brow, and looks to Aph for some help with this, since Aph's been listening to this conversation all the way along. Aphrael raises her glass in the toast, "To drinking." She echos somewhat, glad to be not so the focus of Kassi's talk anymore. T'lar says "You guys made the brandy? Pass some over this way." Tinya finishes the brilliant red wine in her glass, and refills it from another of the skins she brought, this a deep purplish color. Aphrael blinks at Meli, then smiles. She knows how to help. "Ah," She says, feigning understanding. Kassima drums her fingers against the table. This all makes such sense to her; she just doesn't understand Aph's confusion. "Okay, maybe think of it this way," she says to Aph. Not talking to her anymore? No such luck. "When Prefeth splashes you, isn't it more fun when it's unexpected than when you can see it coming from a mile away? That's what I'm talking about with this brandy. It's more fun when it's splashing us unexpectedly! Wait... that wasn't my point. Did I have a point?" Meli gives up, deciding to follow Aph's lead, and starts to punctuating her sips of brandy with a random "Ah" now and again to let Kassi know she's still alive. K'nan lets go of the chair he grabbed, and stands again on two feet, though a bit more unsteadily now. He looks mournfully at his now-empty glass, and looks about for something more. Kassi he just ignores. Aphrael clears her throat, nodding at Kassi. She puases. There was a point? "Um.. about brandy, I think.." Lysseth> Susaen falls down, her glasses falling off, too. Hopefully no one will step on them. "Lily, Lily!" She squints blindly, her hands reaching around. Sometimes she looks so undignified. T'lar decides this conversation is something only the women understand. He get his glass refilled and listens. In fact, his glass doesn't seem to get empty. Somehow, it gets refilled at the perfect moment. Benden Weyr> Kassima sighs happily. I'd forgotten how much fun it is to play a drunk char. :) Benden Weyr> K'nan is nowhere near drunk yet, but is heading there cheerfully. Kassima nods soberly. "Right, right, the brandy. It's better because we didn't expect it to be here. See? What's so hard to understand about that?" Benden Weyr> Veyon wouldn't know :) Benden Weyr> T'lean hehs at Kass...that used to be my specialty after flights....and everybody was fair game... Lysseth> Lily gropes around, fingers curling around something small and glasslike. Ah, the glasses. Glasses? Master Susaen. Blushing deeply, she sits up and hands the glasses over. "Umm...Master Susaen?" Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "The one and only flight that Nicoth flew and lost, I got in lots of trouble with drinking." Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Actually, Kassi isn't drunk yet either. Just kind of fuzzy-minded...." Aphrael opens her mouth, ruining Kassi's thoery. "Um, because we knew it was here?" Benden Weyr> Alyssa makes herself not comment, Kassi. Kassima blinks, astonished. "How'd you know?" Aphrael blinks back. "Well, er, we -put- it here." Lysseth> Nicoth rumbles in confusion as the two humans crash into him. He uses his snout to push them upright again. Meli looks at Kassi as if she almost expects vtols to pop out of her mouth, it's open so wide. "Yah, we made it, we hid it..." R'val nudges Tinya a bit encouragingly and grins at her, "How's the wine?" Lysseth> Susaen says, "I lost my glasses, Lily." A little desperation in her voice. Somehow she finds herself standing. Lysseth> Juliath rumbles back, awoken by the movement. She lifts a lid and watches with slowly whirling eyes. Kassima frowns, puzzled. "I thought... I thought someone else took it away after the hatching." She gets a mildly depressed look. "Well, that just scorches my theory to cinders, doesn't it?" K'nan finds some wine in a skin laying free on a table, and refills his glass. He grins at Kassi, "Aye, pretty much." Tinya grins. "It's good, of course. Like I'd bring something I didn't like myself." Meli patpats at Kassi's hand, hoping that will placate her. 'Was a nice theory, though, whatever it was." R'val glances at Kassi, "Your theory scorched? Well, drink s'more then." He nods to Tinya with a grin, "S'more wine?" Lysseth> Lily leans against Nicoth as she stands, peering up at him. "Maybe we should *hic* promote him. Helpful dragon." Reaching up to pat him, she realizes she's got something in her hand. "Ummm *hic* these yours?" T'lar discovers that his feet are tired. He sits in a nearby, empty, seat and pulls Meli into his lap. Kassima brightens. "But, no matter! I have another theory! See, I bet the brandy's better because we had to wait for it, right? I mean, if we'd gotten to it right away, it wouldn't have been as enjoyable. Maybe that's 'cause it's had time to ferment, I don't know, but maybe it's 'cause we had to go two Turns waiting for the brandy when we thought we'd get it all at once." She raises her glass to be filled with a hopeful smile. Tinya peers into her glass, then nods, holding it out. Ursa takes up R'val's offer, even if he wasn't offering it to her. "Yes!" and holds out her empty glass. R'val fills Tinya's mug, only spilling a bit with his unsteady hand, and then, beaming happily, he fills Ursa's, "I was gonna offer you some too!" Meli gives a soft 'whoop' and lands in T'lar's lap, spilling some of her brandy on the floor. Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "Of course, brandy has to ferment for at least 10 years, but that's not important right now." K'nan reaches over and fills Kassi's glass with a grin, then glances around. "Hmm.", he says. "Somethings missing." Aphrael blinks, and lets her head slump onto table. Too intellectual for her. Lysseth> Susaen squints at Lily and the glasses, breath rushing out with relief, "Thank you, Lily." She takes the glasses, putting them on. Lily's drunken face looms into view, "Lily, you're drunk." Susaen rarely drinks. Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Kassi doesn't know that. :)" R'val glances at K'nan, "What?" Benden Weyr> K'nan says, "The brandy was aging at Weyrling Time? ;)" Kassima's brow furrows as she ponders this. "What's that?" she says in an almost clear voice. Lysseth> Lily peers blearily at Susaen...all three of them.."Drunk? *hic* Me?" Meli murmurs "Baklava?" and starts to tickle T'lar. T'lar switches to ale. Now that's something he understands. "Did you people know you were headed toward a good drunk?" K'nan frowns. "Dunno. R'val, we're drinking, talking, we're at Benden...what's missing?" R'val hrms at K'nan, "I have no idea. Sounds just about perfect to me." Kassima beams. That's easy. "More wine?" she suggests. Lysseth> Nicoth croons to Susaen and Lily. He settle back down next to Juliath. K'nan grins wickedly at T'lar, "I should hope so, otherwise we've wasted an awful lot of good wine." Ursa beams at R'val, taking her full glass. "Thanks." T'lar giggles and squirms. "hehehe...stop that....you know I'm ticklish.....quit....Meli!" R'val winks at Ursa with a drunken grin, "So how do ya feel Ursa?" Lysseth> Susaen says, "I knew this would come of living at a weyr. I warned you about this." Of course E'd was drinking, but Susaen conveniently didn't see that. "All except E'd whose a good boy at heart." Meli chortles, and tickles a bit longer, until it threatens to spill her drink. Then she stops and lifts her mug in a toast to the bronzerider. K'nan grins at Aphrael, head-down on the table, and pats her shoulder comfortingly. "I think she's stopped now, m'dear." You say "Who's stopped? Was someone else saying something?" K'nan says "Kassi, your wine's getting cold." T'lar tries to catch his breath and touches his mug to her glass. "Greenrider." R'val snorts, "S'posed to be cold, K'nan!" Aphrael peers up hopefully at K'nan, then cringes at Kassi. "You sure?" she asks doubtfully. Kassima hmmms and tries a new subject. "Have you ever wondered why tunnelsnake bodies twitch after their heads are cut off?" she asks conversationally, then blinks again. "Isn't it supposed to be?" K'nan shhs at R'val with a grin. Lysseth> Lily shakes her head, falling backwards and ending up leaning against Prefeth, somehow. "S'not their fault, Mashter. *hic* Was just celebratin'. Finished 60 rings 'n all." Tinya chuckles at K'nan, and it turns into a laugh at R'val. T'lar gahs. "Kassi, let's not talk about that now." Benden Weyr> Aphrael says, "60 rings now? :)" Meli shifts around to get more comfortable in her nice, cushily padded seat, and watches the next round of Kassi-ese. R'val sticks his tongue out at TInya, grinning. Benden Weyr> Lily did rings for Igen too.:) Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "She's drunk." Tinya sticks her tongue out right back, then winks. Benden Weyr> Aphrael ahs. :) R'val winks at Tinya and tickles her with his free hand. Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "I looked at them, Lily. Very nice." You say "But it's such a fascinating question, really. How do they do that? And why? Why doesn't the head move after you cut it off, too? I mean, the jaws should be able to snap or something. That only makes sense." Lysseth> Susaen shakes her finger, "I hope you havent' been copulating with those wild riders." She shakes her finger, looking just like the Church Lady for a moment. Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "Yes, very. Thank you." Benden Weyr> Kassima giggles at Susaen. "Isn't that conveeeeeeeeeeeeenient?" K'nan settles down into a chair next to Aphrael, possibly because standing is tiring, or possibly because he's afraid he won't be -able- to stand for much longer. He takes a drink from his glass, grinning. "It's because of the fish, Kassi, blame the fish. Tinya eeks, scooting her chair backwards and slapping her mug down on the table before she spills it, then lunges forward, tickling R'val back. R'val yelps indignantly and hurriedly pushes his mug aside, to tickle Tinya in earnest, "Aha! Tickle a Benden rider will you!" He hiccups and tickles. Meli starts to get into the swing of this. "Fish? Ah, th'fish they ate 'fore you killed 'em? Start to wriggle their way out?" Kassima's eyes widen. "Why, aye, of course! It's the fish! Those fish are to blame for everything," she says irritably, taking a sip of her wine. "Absolutely nothing in this world doesn't have their evil influence. They're in with the tubers, I tell you!" Lysseth> Lily chokes, her jaw dropping. "Me? Copulate with riders?" She shakes her head, "Oh, no, Master, I'd never copulate with the riders. Not even that /brownrider/ the Weyrleader assigned to help with firestone mine searching." Benden Weyr> Lily smiles. Thanks, all.:) Benden Weyr> R'val watches Kassi rave like only a bad drunk can ;} Benden Weyr> Jaeleka /tried/ to get a ring, but was denied...*sigh* K'nan mutters to Aphrael. Benden Weyr> Kassima bows. I try. :) But insane lunatic maniacs can rave this way too, you know. :) Tinya laughs until she starts to cough, then glares at R'val over her mug as she snatches it up and takes a long drink. Lysseth> Susaen continues, "You know that drinking lowers your defenses and makes you vulernable. And riders have no sense of morality where their hormones are concerned." She eyes Lily, with worry. Lily is one of her favorites. T'lar looks at the bottom of his ale mug from the top and sighs. He glances at Kassi when she starts in about the fish and decides not to listen. He signals for more ale, not wanting to get up just now. R'val takes his mug and pulls from it loudly, slurping wine, "A truce, bluerider?"h e grins over the rim at Tinya mischieviously. Benden Weyr> K'nan merrily leads Kassima on odd rants. ;) Lysseth> Lily hangs her head. "I don't think any of the riders would...deflower me, Master. Really, they're very nice." Tinya sets her mug down, grinning. "A truce, indeed." Meli pipes up for the tubers. "Neh, tubers are great... you c'n boil 'em, broil 'em, bake 'em, fry 'em, mash 'em, dice 'em, even slice 'em." Aphrael giggles at K'nan and nods, glancing at Kassi, She mutters to K'nan, "Then... guess... give... to... eh?" Kassima starts to get more emphatic. "Why, I bet they're even in league with Slithereth, those scoundrels! They all live in the Hot Springs, just waiting for some innocent person to step in and then they bite their toes right off! And, um, I'm not exactly sure what the tubers have to do with all of this... but there's got to be something. And you know, the snakes started it all. They did, they really did." R'val nods enthusiastically to Meli, "I like 'em myself!" He then turns back to Tinya with a grin, "S'more wine?" Tinya peers into her mug. It's not quite empty. She cleverly solves the problem by upending the contents into her mouth, and holds it out with a nod, and a smug grin. K'nan grins, and pours a glass of wine. "Here y'go Kassi..have s'more." Lysseth> Nicoth lowers his head so that his nostrils are below Lily's hemline. His sudden exhalation blows her dress up to her waist. K'nan then pours himself and Aphrael two more glasses, and winks to her. "Still, can't let 'er get ahead." R'val refills Tinya's mug with a less than steady hand, pouring a few dollops on the thirsty floor. He then refills his own glass unsteadily and grins fuzzily at Tinya. Lysseth> Susaen * laughs at Nicoth!!!!!!! Kassima smiles gratefully at K'nan. "Thanks. I'm sure I'll be able to figure this out with just a few more drinks. Maybe... maybe it's the fish and the snakes that planted tubers to begin with! Aye, that's it--those evil creatures brought tubers to Pern somehow, and Slithereth oversees the whole operation from the safety of his latries. Oh, woe, wurra wurra and woe, for just look what they've done! Just look!" After repeating that more quietly a couple of times, Kassi seems near tears. "Tubers, tubers, everywhere... everywhere, tubers...." Lysseth> Susaen looks at Lily and the way her nuptials, for the briefest of moments are exposed to all and sundry, and has her doubts. Aphrael giggles at K'nan, "Of course not," She murmers, raising her glass and drinking deeply. Meli sips at her brandy some more, she's not downing this too rapidly, if you took the time to notice, but grins at Kassi, leaning against T'lar. Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "Kassi is not leaning against T'lar, Meli is." Lysseth> Lily eeps, trying to bring the skirt back down and cover herself. She turns to Nicoth and pokes his snout. "Hey, how'd you like it if I did that to you? Would you like to be exposed in front of a green or something?" R'val watches Kassima bemusedly, his eyes crossing briefly, "Kassi, wha the heck are ya talkin' about?" Kassima takes another deep draught from a glass of brandy. Whose? She doesn't know. "No, wait. Fish don't have hands. Did they used to have hands, and the dragons bit them all off? That might explain a lot...." Kassima regards R'val for a moment, eyes not really focusing. "Uh... ask Aph. I've been talking to her all this time, I'm sure she knows." K'nan grins, and takes a long sip of wine..which turns more into a swallow, really. Lysseth> Nicoth whuffles what sounds like a laugh, he raises one wing to shelter the smaller green at his side from the cold. R'val says to Kassima with a wise, calm, drunk demeanor, "Kassi, in times of trouble, there's only one solution. More wine." Aphrael uh-ohs. Please dont ask, please dont ask. She pushes some more brandy within reach of Kassi. Kassima gives another one of those sage nod things. "Aye, R'val, you're quite right. Quite right." She holds out her glass expectantly. Lysseth> Susaen says, "Well, anyway, Lily my dear, I'm glad to see you, and just..well..a master worries you know." Meli hms, trying to help Kassi out (Or perhaps just confuse her into unconciousness) "Neh, Kassi, th'fish bit off the snakes legs, an' so the snakes try t'eat the fish, and then when you chop th'snake heads off, th'fish wiggle out, s'why the snakes keep slitherin' when they're headless. Th'dragons just watch." T'lar sips at the ale and listens to the conversation. His free hand rests around Meli's waist and seems quite comfortable there. Tinya was caught just taking another drink during Meli's last comment. She sputters a bit. R'val eyes Tinya mirthfully, "Keep the drink in yer mouth, you silly rider.' He grins at her. Benden Weyr> Alyssa is going to bed, for any revellers who might notice. :) G'night, guys, and congrats. Kassima grasps the brandy as well and takes a long swallow of that, listening to Meli with fascination. "But tunnelsnakes still have legs," she says. "So your theory makes no sense, you see? But maybe if the snakes eat the fish because the fish took the snakes' *wings*--aye! That all makes sense now! And maybe the fish all live in big houses inside the snakes, with little farms and maybe they've even got fishy families, all in the snakes. Wouldn't that be nice?" Benden Weyr> Aphrael snuggaLyssa. Night! Benden Weyr> Kassima zhaiwafflethwaps an Alyssa! :) Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "Night, Alyssa. HUGHUGHUG" Benden Weyr> K'nan says, "Night, Alyssa! *HUG*! :)" Lysseth> Lily snorts at Nicoth and turns to smile crookedly at Susaen. "I'm fine, Master. Really. Never been better. It's /very/ nice to see you again." Tinya chuckles, shaking a slightly unsteady finger. "At least I got it there. Don't go spilling any more of my wine on the floor, you." R'val nods at Kassi happily, 'Sounds perfectly sensible ta me!" R'val sticks his tongue out at Tinya agian, "Spill wine on the floor? Me? Never!" Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Meli, it's impossible to weird me into unconciousness. :) To quote the great Zaphod Beeblebrox, "Don't try to outweird me, babe. I get stranger things than you free with my breakfast cereal." :)" Meli taps a finger along her chin. "Neh, th'fish bit off -other- snake legs, y'see? They used t'have more. No Holds in th'snakes, just caves. Otherwise, why'd they want t'leave when you cut th'head off?" K'nan chuckles at the others, and grins sidelong to Aphrael. It's apparent that he's trying to whisper, but it's a bit loud, "They're all a few suits short of a dragonpoker deck, I think." Lysseth> Susaen smiles, thinking perhaps wrongly, that Lily is sobering up. "Wonderful. Well, I have to get back to Tiercel. You know about him and the closet and everything." She gets up, wondering what happened to the dragon that was suppose to take her back home. Kassima nods happily. "Isn't it, though? And you've got a point, Meli, about the caves. But I think the fish bit off the wings--or the extra tails. That'd explain why *those* are gone. There's only one problem with this theory...." She leans forward and looks around solemnly at everyone. "How do the fish make wine inside the snakes?" Benden Weyr> Meli, however, has completely steered you off tubers, if you noticed :) Tinya returns the sticking-out-of-tongues, then points at a few drops on the floor. She shakes her head, then winces as she manages to bite her tongue slightly. Recovering, she retorts, "Oh yeah? Tsk, what they teach blueriders here." T'lar begins rubbing his hand up and down Meli's arm, gently. "I think that the snakes had a bunch of legs and now, they don't. Something had to happen to them. R'val winsk, "They teach us /everything/ we need ta know, I'll have you know!" He drinks his wine and burps. Ursa has reconnected. Tinya's expression goes scornful. "You don't even fly the Nine before you graduate." Kassima beams at K'nan. "But I have a dragonpoker deck right here, see? And it's got all the cards in it." She pulls a deck from her pocket and stares at it for a moment. "Aye, all the cards, every one of 'em," she repeats happily. Aphrael giggles madly at K'nan, "It sure looks like it." She whispers back, not exactly loudly herself. "Least I don't need to try and understand it all anymore." Meli tsks tsks at Kassi. "Wine? Neh, wine's made automatic-like in th'fish bellies an' they just belch it up when they want some." R'val grins a tTInya mischeviously, "I'm hoping you'll help me make up fer that." T'lar peeers at Meli and shakes his head. Not gonna touch that one, no way. Aphrael snorts at Kassi and steals one of the weyrling cards. "Nope, not anymore it doesnt." Kassima's expression clears. "Like dragons with firestone! That's how it's done! But... I bet it's made from tubers, that wine. See, they use their tuber harvest to make wine from inside the burping fish somehow." Lysseth> Lily smiles at Susaen, her head clearing a bit as she breaths the cool night air. "Going so soon? Take care, Master...and don't be so long between visits." Ursa looks from face to face. She doesn't say anything. She hasn't said anything for a long time. This conversation has clearly lost her turns ago. So she contents herself with what she thinks is a knowing look. Benden Weyr> K'nan giggles. Meli grins. "Eh, but that'd make tubers a good thing, wouldn't it?" Kassima gapes at Aphrael. "Gimme that back, or I'm gonna tell!" Lysseth> Jazmin emerges from the passage leading to the guest weyr. Aphrael waves the card in front of Kassi. "Nah, who ya gonna tell? Cant go ratting to the weyrlingmasters anymore, y'know." Kassima shakes her head. "No, no. See, the burping fish wine is very bad. Very bad. It's even worse than the worst ale ever." Benden Weyr> K'nan says, "Heya, T'fian!!!" Benden Weyr> Aphrael pouncesTiffy! Kassima sticks her tongue out at Aphrael. "I'm gonna tell Slithereth, so hah!" Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "Tiffy! 'bout time." Benden Weyr> T'fian says, "Bout time? For what?" Meli frowns at this, though she stifles a smile. "Eh, how'd you know? When'd you ever have belching-fish wine?" Benden Weyr> Ursa hugs her mentor. I'm a graduate now! Lysseth> Jazmin wanders out, looking somewhat sleepy. Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "You showed up." Benden Weyr> Kassima tosses hot coffee with a lid on it to T'fian. :) Benden Weyr> Jazmin congrats her mentee! :) Benden Weyr> Ursa peers at teh Knot. Well, sorta, anyhow. Aphrael rolls her eyes and dunks the card in the brandy in front of her. "That's us." She says, wisely. Kassima hrms. "I think that's belching fish wine right there," she says, pointing to the ale. Then she blinks at Aphrael. "You just ruined my whole deck," she complains. K'nan nods to Aphrael, grinning. "Aye, s'you...Weyrlings in alcohol." Benden Weyr> T'fian says, "Told 'Rilla Friday was incredibly bad day for me, T'lar. Sorry I missed all the fun." Benden Weyr> Aphrael is in your wing, T'fian. Be afraid. ;) Benden Weyr> Kassima grins. You get to watch the aftermath, though, T'fian--all of us being weyrd and drunk. :) Lysseth> Susaen glances back saying, "I won't, Lily my dear." And a secretive smile for Nicoth, too. IN the space of 15 minutes she's gone, flying aback the miner craft hall watch dragon. Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "We are too. Wish you could have been here. Come on down. We're in the getting drunk stage." K'nan then promptly picks up the ale, card included, and drinks it. Except for the card, of course. Benden Weyr> T'fian knows Aph. :) (Knew it yesterday, actually. :) Benden Weyr> Meli was, is, and will be logging, as will Kassi I'm sure. Tinya rolls her eyes at R'val, then sticks her tongue out at him again, careful to pull it back in this time. "Last time I offered to take you, you fell asleep on me. Prob'ly gonna do it again, too." Jazmin walks in from the bowl. Aphrael hrms at Kassi and shakes her head. "I can fix that." She takes hold of the rest of the deck about to dunk it in the brandy.. *blink* "Hey!" Kassima fishes--how appropriate, considering her topic of conversation--the card from the ale and mops at it with a towel. "Towels," she says, in that rambling conversational voice again, "are very good things to have around." Benden Weyr> Aphrael pthbts. You knew b4 us.. Kassima pockets the deck quickly, and sticks her tongue out at Aphrael again. Lysseth> Lily smiles warmly as Susaen leaves, then up at the dragons around her. Benden Weyr> T'fian says, "That I did, Aphrael. :)" Lysseth> Meroth backwings for a landing. Lysseth> T'fian quickly slides down Meroth's foreleg and jumps to the ground. T'fian walks in from the bowl. Meli nods at this comment of Kassi's, she's finally making sense. "You should always know where your towel is. At. At where your towel is. At where is your towel. Whatever." Jazmin peers at all the people and nabs both klah and a seat in a quiet corner. K'nan grins at Aphrael. "Sorry...jus' wanted t'see what Weyrling and Ale tasted like." T'fian wanders into the living cavern, looking down at his feet as he enters. Ursa salutes, since she's given up on the conversation. Wait. She doesn't have to salute anymore. She salutes anyhow, drunkenly. Kassima glances up and smiles at T'fian. "Oh, good, sir--you're here! You can tell us all about the fish and the tunnelsnakes. Meli, you tell T'fian your theory--I'm sure he'll know whether it's right or not." Whew, she won't have to talk for awhile now. She sips contentedly at her brandy, then comments to Meli. "Right. Where your towel is at, you should know always forever and ever." Aphrael snorts. "Now she got the rest of the deck back!" She blinks at K'nan, "Hey, why for? I'm right here." she teases, with a grin. Meli starts to salute at T'fian, catches herself, then decides to salute anyway. "Thanks, weyrlingmaster." T'fian looks up and smiles softly at Kassima. "Sure, what's up?" he asks, putting on a smiling face. "And don't call me 'sir'. I'm a bluerider." Aphrael grins happily over at T'fian, "Good eve, wingmate!" She calls out, saluting. K'nan smirks, "Really? Oh, didn't notice......" K'nan reaches over and tickles Aphrael as she greets T'fian, just to test if, indeed, she is really right there. T'fian rolls his eyes at Meli. "And don't you go around saluting me, either." He smiles to T'lar and Aphrael. "Welcome to Skyfire Wing... now I get to see if it's like I remembered it." Aphrael snorts and pokes K'nan hard. "Silly. Open your.. eeeek!" She squirms, "Stop *giggle* that!" Jazmin sips at her klah, watching the runnering around without comment. Kassima ohs. "Okay, mister bluerider," she says with a happy grin. "Now, I think that the reason tunnelsnake bodies twitch after you cut the heads off has something to do with the fact that they're allied with the tubers and the fish. Meli agrees about the fish, but she thinks the fish ate the tunnelsnakes' extra legs and that's why the tunnelsnakes swallow them whole and they wriggle once the heads are off. That makes the bodies move, you see. And then there's all that stuff about the belching fish wine, but I'm not sure I understand that myself." Meli drats softly to herself as Kassi starts off again, she'd hoped the greenrider would forget all about that if Meli just didn't reply. T'fian chuckles at Kassima. "No. It's just muscle spasms. You see them whe---" he pauses and shakes his head, smile gone. "Never mind. Excuse me while I go get a mug of klah." Kassima hmmms. "Muscle spasms," she says dubiously. "I don't know... the fish thing made a lot more sense to me." Benden Weyr> Kassima giggles madly. I'm having lotsafun with this. :) Tinya chuckles, grinning in T'fian's direction. "Have wine instead. It'll help." Taking her own advice, she refills her mug again. K'nan tickles some more, grinning. "Why?" T'fian glances over at Tinya, trying to remember if he's seen her before. Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "I'm back." Benden Weyr> K'nan says, "No, you're front!" Aphrael meeeeeps and tries to tickle back. "Cos if you don't," *giggle* "I'll have to fight back!" Benden Weyr> Lily says, "Congrats to you all again. Think I'm gonna crash. G'night!" T'lar reaches for his mug that sits on the table. This puts his face against Meli's shoulder. He turns to nuzzle it before leaning back. Benden Weyr> T'lar waves. Benden Weyr> Aphrael snuggaLily!!! Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Zhai, Lily! :) *Wafflethwaps.*" T'fian nods. "Yes, I have met you. The knot gives you away," he says to Tinya. He smiles. "I don't drink. Thank you for the offer though." He moves over to the klahpot and pours himself a mug. Benden Weyr> K'nan HUGS! Night, Lily! T'lar says "Klah? T'fian, not on graduation night. Have some brandy." T'fian shakes his head to T'lar. "No thank you, bronzerider. I don't drink." T'lar shrugs and smiles. "I tried." Benden Weyr> Meli says, "'Night, Lily! Thanks again, the rings are froody!!" Kassima blinks at T'fian and seems to regain some sobriety. She's not really all that drunk... and isn't that a scary thought? "We wrote a poem 'bout y'all," she comments. "The Weyrlingmasters, I mean. More of a song, really. Should see it sometime." After saying this, she idly stirs her wine with a fingertip. K'nan laughs, and tries to continue to tickle while defending himself.In so doing, he knocks his entire chair over , falling out of it. Benden Weyr> Lily is gonna leave the rings in the LC for a while, in case anyone wants to copy them.. T'fian smiles at Kassima. "Thanks," he says. "I'd like to see it sometime." T'fian sits on a bench at the long table for Skyfire wing. Tinya grins back at T'fian. "Your loss. And it really is, I brought southern wines up with me." Jazmin walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Aphrael giggles madly, pressing her advantage, then eeks as she overbalances, and topples down onto the floor after K'nan. Kassima grins. "We've still got a copy somewhere or other written down. Sang it t'night, after we got the rings." She hmmms. "Since I seem to remember being sensible then," she says serenely, "it must've been before they brought out the brandy, too." Davidon walks here from the Inner Cavern. T'fian chuckles softly. "Musta been," he replies simply and then takes a sip of his klah, looking over the rim of the mug at nothing. Meli leans her head against T'lar's chest, closing her eyes. T'lar says "It's a good song. I didn't sing, thank Faranth. I just led the cheering section." T'lar replaces the mug on the table and devotes both arms to holding Meli. Kassima shakes her head. "Not that good a song," she protests, taking another small sip of the wine. T'lar says "I think so." K'nan makes an attempt to tickle Aphrael some more, then drops his arm and rests for a moment, still giggling helplessly. Ursa peers at T'lar and Meli through slighttly drunken eyes. Remember the scene this morning, she asks R'val , "So when does she hit him over the head with a frying pan?" Kassima shakes her head mutely; for all her blathering earlier, she doesn't seem to be quite so talkative now. She leans back in her chair and contemplates the wall. Davidon waves to everyone before sitting down. Meli lifts a lid drowsily, to peer at Ursa. "Hm, he's not T'ren tho." T'lar says "What did I miss?" Aphrael laughs and tries to fend off K'nan's hands then blinks, looking up at the roof. She's only just seemed to have noticed she's not the right way up. T'fian glances over and nods to Davidon silently before going back to contemplate his mug. Ursa peers at T'lar, now, then nods to Meli."I do believe you're right. He's not." Davidon nods politely, "Is this the private part of the evening?" he asks quietly. Meli adds, as she closes her eye again, "An' I'm not 'fira" K'nan slowly stops laughing, and grins..."Aph...I think wer on th'floor." T'lar says "I think I want to hear this when we're sober." Kassima peers down at Aph and K'nan. "Is that the floor?" she asks curiously. "I wasn't sure. Thought it might be the ceiling." Meli mmms, nodding as she snuggles in. T'lar stands, picking Meli up in his arms. "Well, night all. I think I'll put Meli to bed." He grins. "Maybe in Juliath's couch even. Aphrael glances over at K'nan, then starts to laugh uncontrollably, "Either that, or things are -really- weyrd." T'fian glances up and nods mutely to T'lar and Meli. Kassima smiles at T'lar. "G'night, then, bronzerider," she says, raising her glass in a salute. T'lar says "Night all." Tinya waves to T'lar and Meli, while giggling quite a bit at the pair on the floor. T'fian stands and leaves the long table for Skyfire wing. T'lar walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. K'nan joins in the helpless laughter, ltrying to work himself up onto one elbow. Lysseth> T'lar says "C'mon, Nicoth, Juliath. Let's get to bed." Lysseth> Juliath lumbers south. Lysseth> Nicoth lumbers south. Lysseth> T'lar walks south. Benden Weyr> K'nan grins. I think 'Ballroom Blitz' is an appropriate song for all of this. ;) T'fian picks up his mug. "If you will all excuse me. Congratulations, my former weyrlings," he smiles and then makes his way towards the bowl, carefully avoiding the two riders on the floor. T'fian walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "And the man in the back said everyone attacked and it turned into a ballroom blitz? :)" Benden Weyr> K'nan nodnodnods. Benden Weyr> K'nan says, "Everyone, attack. ;)" Benden Weyr> Kassima hmmms. "You're right. Oddly appropriate." Aphrael giggles and barely manages a wave to those leaving as she struggles to stang again. Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "I like it." Benden Weyr> Meli says, "Night, all !!! :) Keep up the good work..." Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "Night all." R'val sips his drink unsteadily and regards TInya closely, 'YOU k?" He brps. Kassima laughs at Aph. "Maybe you should go to the hot springs. Might have better luck standing up in the water." Benden Weyr> Aphrael snuggaMeli! Benden Weyr> Kassima zhaiwafflesnugs a Meli! Benden Weyr> Kassima still thinks Mirror Song is even more appropriate, though. "There's no real sanity, just plain confusion...." :) Angelique walks in from the bowl. Davidon looks up and wwaves to Angelique. K'nan manages to get a hand around the edge of the table...and stops there, apparently quite content. He grins lopsidedly over to Aph. Angelique waves as she comes in. She looks around and blinks. Tinya giggles, nodding. "M'fine." Draining her glass yet again, and holding it out, "'Cept I'm out of wine." R'val grins at Tinya crookedly and refills her glass, "Not fer long!" Angelique takes a seat by DAvidon. Aphrael grins at Kassi, "Boll'd be even better! But I doubt we'd even get there, somehow," she mutters, grinning at K'nan as she pulls herself into a mostly-upright position. Tinya smiles, an expression of sugary sweetness. "I knew I could count on you!" Davidon flickers a surprised, and glad smile that Angelique sits with him, but it fades after a moment as he leans close to speak with her. Kassima doesn't seem to be drinking too much anymore, now that she's had enough to make her pleasantly lightheaded... and then some. She sips idly at her glass now and then, and peers down at Aph. "You're right," she laughs. "We'd never get the right visualization. But wouldn't that be a great thing if we could?" K'nan thinks, with difficulty. "Aye, don't think we'd make it to Boll...springs sound good, though....um..where'd everyone else go, Aph?" His head has passed beneath the tablecloth. Angelique ohs as she talks with Davidon. She watches the riders,grinning. Kassima intones, "We're all in hiding from you, K'nan. Don't want to share the wine, dontchaknow." Aphrael blinks at K'nan, then giggles. "We're running. Better catch up to us! Its a race to the springs!" She doesnt move though, just watches for the moment. Kassima blinks at Aphrael. "You're not going very fast," she observes mildly. "Bet I could get there faster than you." Not that she makes any movement herself, except to toy with her wineglass. K'nan tries to get up quickly, since everyone's running..he doesn't believe Kassi..and *thud* his head hits the bottom of the table. He falls back on the ground, but can see everyone know, at least. Kassima waves down at K'nan. "Hey, what're you doing under there? Why aren't you hiding? Don't you know how this game is played? We count to, um, 20, and you go hide. Then we'll try to find you." Davidon speaks quietly to Angelique, half of his attention on how much fun the riders are having. Aphrael bursts into laughter, crawling a little closer to K'nan, "You okay?" She asks, wincing sympathetically. K'nan reaches up to rub his head, "Ow. I'm okay." Aphrael smiles and nods, backing out from half under the table and half crouching there. "I think," She says, with carefully formed words, "Most of everyone has left." Angelique smiles at the riders and decides to go to bed. She waves goodnight to all and heads off to the dorms. Angelique walks towards the inner cavern. Benden Weyr> Angelique waves goodnight to all. "Have fun. :)" Davidon watches after Angelique then shrugs, leaning back. Kassima blinks. "Really?" she says, astonished. "But... there's lots of people here...." She glances around at all the empty tables. "Err, there were. Where'd they go, anyway?" K'nan makes his way back to a sitting position, and looks around. "Hmm...I'think yer right, Aph...mebbe they all went t'the springs." Aphrael frowns and shakes her head. NOT such a good idea. "I don't know.." She pulls herself up into one of the seats, blinking slightly. Kassima looks irked. "I bet they're all having a party there without us. Bet they even invited Slithereth." K'nan waves his arms around a bit before he finally grabs a chair and pulls himself up into it. He then states, quite seriously, "I do believe we're all drunk." Davidon walks towards the inner cavern. Aphrael nods at K'nan, "I do believe that you're right, dear." Kassima raises one eyebrow. "Really? Now what gave you that idea?" She glances at the table she's leaning against... which is loaded with empty bottles and glasses. "Huh. Well, maybe you're right." Tinya goes wide-eyed, staring at K'nan. "No! You can't be serious!" She spoils the effect badly by beginning to giggle halfway through. K'nan chuckles, "Oh, good, I was afraid I was wrong." Kassima shakes her head. "Nah... no one's ever wrong when they're drunk, you know," she says in a perfectly factual tone of voice. K'nan grins. "Oh, good." He looks around. Kassima says in a serene voice, "I do believe that we are all, indeed, most spectacularly drunk. Perhaps it is because of the wine." F'hlan, who for quite some time has lingered quietly in the corner of the cavern tonight, watching the festivities, smiles faintly to himself. Tinya nods, solemnly. "If it wasn't for the wine, we could drink all night." K'nan nods quietly, leaning on his elbow. He would talk, but he's watching Aph, instead. Tinya frowns, aware there's something wrong with that statement, but unable to find where it's untrue. Kassima tilts her head. "But if it wasn't for the wine, what would we drink?" Aphrael blinks tiredly, the elation starting to drain out of her. Her hair, and quite probably her dress is by now a mess. She smiles over at K'nan warmly. Tinya shrugs. "I dunno. Green stuff?" F'hlan shifts the sleeping form of his daughter Mehlani, who has fallen asleep in his lap, and glances around the cavern. Kassima hrms. "But if the green stuff isn't wine, then what is it?" She blinks over at Aph. "Did you know you have wine in your hair? I think it spilled when you were on the floor." K'nan smiles fondly back, "I meant t'tell you that y'looked beautiful, earlier t'night, but I forgot, and then we all got drunk, and the fish made me fall on th'floor." Aphrael glances at Kassi, then dutifully tries to peer at her hair. "Nup," She replies, "Can't see the wine." Kassima says suddenly, "There's those fish again! I told you they were up to no good." Benden Weyr> F'hlan .oO (This is the Lower Caverns. It's 11pm Pacific time. There are riders here. They're drunk. I'm not. My name's F'hlan. I carry a shoulderknot.) Tinya shrugs, again. "Dunno that either. But s'not wine. Too sweet for that." Benden Weyr> Kieri says, "Gil Favor Introspection!" Benden Weyr> T'fian grins. Benden Weyr> Kassima laughs. Ah, Dragnet. :) Benden Weyr> K'nan laughs! Benden Weyr> Kieri says, "That, too. :)" Aphrael pauses, looking back over at K'nan. She chuckles, "Yeah, I looked nice earlier, now tho.." she winks and smiles. "Thanks, though.." Benden Weyr> Aphrael laughs!! Kassima ponders this. "Wine with sweetener in it?" she suggests. F'hlan very carefully rises, shifting Mehlani's weight in his arms, and starts to hobble off towards the inner caverns to put the child in the nurseries. En route, he says sagely, "Blackberry liqueur." K'nan chuckles back, "Ah, y'look jus' as beautiful now." He smiles, then looks about the table. Finding a glass of...the green stuff...he takes it. K'nan says "F'hlan! Join us?" K'nan offers the glass of Green Stuff to the bronzerider. Kassima blinks, surprised. "Wow! Blackberries are green? I did not know that." Aphrael smiles over at K'nan, and leans over to kiss him soundly. Something she wouldnt do in front of so many people if not for the wine. F'hlan says blandly to Kassima, "My suggestion for what you should drink next, if you need the input." To K'nan, he grins a bit, over his daughter's snuggled head. Tinya thinks about that for a minute, then shakes her head. "I don't think that would be good." She blinks at F'hlan. "I thought it was a melon. Maybe that's the other one, the one from Boll." F'hlan tells K'nan kindly, "I must put my child to bed, I fear..." Kassima ohs. "Now that makes more sense," she agrees. "Thanks muchly." K'nan forgets about his previous goal of subverting F'hlan, and instead slides an arm around Aphrael's back, returning the kiss. T'fian walks in from the bowl. Tinya thinks of a telling point, and turns to Kassi, jabbing the air with a finger to punctuate her point. "Ah, and wine is _not_ green! So it couldn't be just sweetener." F'hlan, apparently in an uncommon good humor, for his eyes are bright tonight, smiles benignly to the younger riders, and turns to limp off with Mehlani. It takes him some time, for his scored leg is behaving little better than his usua bad one, and he is gone for some time. Kassima taps her chin thoughtfully. "I hadn't thought of that--but maybe whatever they use to sweeten it is green, so gives it that green color." T'fian walks in again, shivering even through his jacket, and makes his way over to the klahpot to refill the mug he's carrying in his right hand. His left hand is closed around something else. F'hlan returns, eventually, sans daughter and makes his careful way through the cavern once more. Aphrael leans into K'nan, sighing happily. Kassima sits in her chair, fingers steepled as she ponders the green stuff. She stares at it for a long time--not drinking, just gazing at it. "Looks kind of like tunnelsnake ichor," she says finally. "Maybe that's what it is." Tinya frowns, at a loss for a moment to respond. Finally she asks, "But sweetener's white, or tan. Why would they make it green just to go in wine?" T'fian makes his way over to the Skyfire table, slumping down on the bench and playing idly with the black, red and blue cords in his hand. Tinya blinks, at that last, then wrinkles her nose. "Ewww. Do you really think so?" Kassima says in a flash of tipsy brilliance, "So people will think it's more exotic and buy it! Nay, wait. That can't be right. I think it's that ichor thing." F'hlan, once more in speaking range, puts in straightforwardly, "You've sampled it, I trust?" Tinya looks up at F'hlan, then nods. "Lots. I brought it with me." Peering at the various skins littering the table, she finally locates the appropriate one, and holds it up. "See, it's southern." Kassima glances up and nods. "Aye, that we have. Wonderful stuff, even if it is tunnelsnake ichor." She frowns suddenly. "Though I don't know why that'd be sweet. That just can't be right. It's got to be green sweetener, if anything." But that still doesn't make much sense to her, and she stares intently at the wine, lost in thought. F'hlan offers a nod, and says, "So the issue at hand is identifying it?" He adds, "I lived in Southern a few Turns." Tinya shakes her head, which does minorly bad things to her balance. Recovering, she says, "The question is: is it wine? With green sweetener, or something." Benden Weyr> Aphrael blahs and needs to get going. :( Take care all. Benden Weyr> T'fian says, "Seeya, Aphrael. :)" Benden Weyr> Kassima awwws and wafflesnugs her sie. Zhai, Aph! :) K'nan smiles lovingly down at the bluerider, leaning to kiss her again. Leaving the one arm to hold her, he reaches to pick up the Green Stuff glass. He mutters to Aphrael, "... love....Wait, y'graduated, didn't..." Benden Weyr> K'nan acks. :( Night, Aph! F'hlan considers this seriously. "I am less than experienced in such matters. But surely you were told what it was?" Tinya adds, as sort of an afterthought, "When were you in Southern? Have we ever met?" She completely neglects, of course, to mention where _she's_ from, although it is indicated by her knot. F'hlan shakes his head to the last question, but ventures, "F'hlan, Tzornth's rider," by way of introduction. He goes on, "I was on medical leave, in the Hold of my weyrmate's family; they look to Southern Weyr." Tinya shrugs, with a slightly lopsided grin. "I know what it's _called_, it's Harper's Folly. And I sorta think I was told it was made from melons. But I didn't really ask, they just said, 'Drink this,' and so I did." T'fian sets down the knot he'd been idly playing with and picks up his mug of klah. After he takes a sip he sets the mug back down and stares towards one of the walls quietly. F'hlan smiles earnestly. "I would ask my weyrmate to identify it, then, but she is on duty at the Hall." Tinya smiles. "She's a harper, then? Oh. Tinya, Liath's rider." Belatedly, she gets caught up on the niceties. F'hlan inclines his head affably. "She is. Welcome to Benden, rider. Belated of me, but I expect I'd not have been heard earlier." Tinya chuckles, nodding. "I expect you could be right. So, you don't know either if this stuff is wine or not?" F'hlan says "I fear not. I managed to, ah, miss the local brews while I was South." Tinya grins, shaking her head very slightly (and thus with more success than last time). "Pity, that. Some very interesting items get turned out down there." T'fian stands and makes his way toward the bowl once again, forgetting the knot lying on the Skyfire table. "I'm going to bed. Good night, everyone," he says and walks out. T'fian walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. K'nan snuggles with Aphrael, murmuring back and forth with her for a little while, until, slowly, they both manage to pass out.