-------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Grapes of Wrath Date: June 28, 2001 Places: Telgar Weyr's Lake Shore and Living Cavern Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: A bit of a dual log, this: it features both a quick scene with I'sai by the lake, and then the Welcome Dinner for the Candidates of Herath and Chezroth's clutch--which Kassi, being a Candidate Coordinator, makes sure to attend. This event, planned mostly by Macami with the assistance of the Bakers (Ofira, I'm told, was responsible for the menu) was a wild success, thanks in large measure to the efforst of Macami, K'ran, and the Candidates themselves. :) As for the reason for the title... well, you'll see. ;) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: I'sai heads over from the central bowl. Imagine, if you will, a peaceful scene. The water still, unmarred by ripple; the meadow, softly green and edged with flowers; the sounds of various buzzing insects; a single dragon curled on the sandy shore, her muzzle regularly darting into the water to attempt to snag some glinting light that might be a fish... now forget the serenity part, since there's a distressed baby in the vicinity. Kassi's walking up and down the nearest shore, patting Kisai's back and murmuring soothing nonsense as the girl wails on. Judging by the number of footprints, this has been going on for awhile. Let's hear it for Lyss's tolerance. I'sai'd been absently kicking at stray leaves as he approaches the lakeshore; but funny thing, as those wails become increasingly audible, another such leaf - no, a young firelizard - spurts free of her sling to join the other fairs still in residence. Is' pace slows a degree, as he rubs his shoulder - "What happened? Here, c'mere." The 'lizards perched on rock and shore are glad enough to chitter welcome, for all that tempestuous Zabreneva might eye this newcomer a bit warily--and Kevazyr, well, he's off trying to chew Koreyn's tail off, no doubt. "She's all right," Kassi assures quickly, seeing the merry wanderer; "Just cranky, so I brought her down where there's fresh air...." She turns her circuit to head closer as commanded, her expression wry and frustrated both. "Good timing, though. She's started t'quiet down--probably too tired t'keep it up." Which would figure, going by the redness of Kisai's plump cheeks, and the gleam of tears dried and fresh. "Hand her over if you want," I'sai says in a softer tone once she's near, once he can read those clues on their daughter's face; "Wouldn't think she's teething, this young, but y'never know... it -is- fresh, it's nice, all those others gone from splashing earlier." Naught, though, after some initial trilling to even senior Zabreneva, tries a splash or two: problem is, she's no skipping stone, it's more of a plop. Kassima is willing, though before she hands over the child she removes the cloth protecting her shoulder to attempt to drape and cover his; then, then the much more precious burden, with those blue eyes so red-rimmed. "A bit early, but I've heard of babies born with a tooth, so 'twouldn't rule it out. Was there splashing, earlier?" Though a few of her 'lizards may trill with their equivalent to laughter, Lysseth at least has the decency to peek beneath the water in case the poor small cousin has drowned. Bubble, bubble... not drowned yet, and little Naught fusses toward the silvery surface; at length she gets a scrabblehold on a moss-slick rock, and from there peers querulously up at the great green nose: she's learning, oh yes she is; soggy as she may be right now, you just wait! Meanwhile, I'sai stops holding -his- breath, as Kisai's so carefully settled onto the shoulder-cloth so helpfully provided; "Me too, 'd make nursing scary... and yeah, washing, saw 'em when we were coming back from sweeps." Lysseth once again earns kudos by drawing her head back ever so slightly, less she be in danger of inhaling the tiny golden thing and forever rendering any future 'I didn't inhale' defense invalid. Muzzle is set on crossed fore-limbs, the better to regard small Naught with large blue eyes less querelous than entertained. "'Tis a beauty you've Impressed--that sling's for her?" Kassi thinks to question once her attention's off the immediate task of transferring their daughter who, in father's arms, still cries; but softly, interspersed with hiccups for breath. "As if'n some men don't already find nursing scary. Candidates with dragon-washing for a chore would be my guess... they're likely all be getting ready for the dinner now." I'sai holds their mood-fragile daughter near, one callused palm gentle cup for her dark-fuzzed head; as softly, "Thanks, and yes; So's spending that much more time with me, too, since she eats so often..." but his eyebrows are intact, it seems, raised above his glance her way. "Yours is doing well? And how much of a dress-up occasion is it for us normal riders? I can see a show for the candidates and all, but attendance all formal is one of the many reasons I'm glad Mart's the wingleader." And Naught, now, she reaches up a tiny paw that's made tentative only by their relative sizes: how near -is- this large creature? Can she... touch? Kassima hovers just off to the side to keep watch; trust him though she does, maternal instinct is strong stuff. "He'll end up too fat t'fly, would nigh wager you, but at least that means he won't munch on bits of your anatomy." Always a relief, that. She tips her head beneath that glance, turning to gaze over the swarm she calls hers. "Kevazyr's been picking fights with Darvan and Koreyn--a third bad-tempered one, wouldn't you know? But they're all in good health, crooked tooth or nay. And a bit of meat can usually distract him. I don't know if'n you'd have t'dress up; I plan to," though for now she can but tug wryly at her plain, slightly drool-marked shirt, "but as much t'make the Candidates feel at ease if'n they decide to as for any other reason. What, don't you have any fine clothes that don't stifle or itch or prickle? What of those overalls with the open sides?" An inching forward on Lysseth's part does make touch possible, the green's breath warm and gentle yet no doubt perceptable. She's stilled enough. Waiting. And Naught does touch, lightly, lightly, some instinct keeping her talons the barest pin-touch within the soft hide of her paw; and bright eyes whirl the bluer for it. She did it! And the big one is up there, and she's down _here_: it's as if she's holding her up. As for I'sai, he smiles, though it's more readily attributable to the warm child-weight within his arms; or to, "Very funny, summer or no. But yes, I appreciate making them feel comfortable - glad it's your job! - and while that outfit's drafty, for the others it's more that... that it'll be hot in there with all the food, the candidates, and so on; and I can't just wear a low-cut and high-hemmed dress like you, hey? As for So, he'll just hop up, waddle over, and then give it a go. Wonder where your 'Kevazyr,' where he'll end up in the pecking order." A very gentle rumble issues from Lysseth's throat; what an impressive little one! Everybody sing: she's got the whole world in her hands; she's got the whole world in her hands.... Kassi spares a thought, a glance, a smile for the dragonkin pair, though brief. "I live t'be amusing," she confirms, softly in respect for the tired baby whose wailings are now whimpers, mostly free of further tears. "Low-cut, high-hemmed? *Me*? Surely you jest. Still, I'd pay something t'see you in such a get-up. Would that help? Here's hoping So doesn't splatter--and I imagine he'll be somewhere around... oh... well, there's Zabre and Kyril, and most of the greens, a'fore any of the blues. I'm sure he'll snap his way as far up as he can go. What of your lady?" Tiny Naught stares upward, delighted, even as her wingsails flutter in the rumble's breeze: do that some -more-. She chirps now, at I'sai: look, look! look at her... look at me! - but though he does spare a glance, and his mouth's corners do quirk up again, for now he stays put with the humans; "I don't see why I'd jest," says he. "Just hem up your skirts. You could do it. And if you're feeling modest, wear all your necklaces to try and cover things up. As for Naught... as for her, I dare say So's pleased that there's another firelizard smaller than -he- is around; but for him, it's more that pecking's too much -work-, I'd figure." "'Tis generally for younger women t'wear the outfits meant t'make eyes pop," Kassi half-chides, cheeks touched by red but eyes a-glint for all of that. "Besides, you've never seen m'sewing. I suppose I *could* wear... well, nay, nay, that'd never do." Speaking of doing, Lysseth can be indulgent when it suits her; though her next rumble is shorter, she accompanies it by a soft sigh of breath. Will that do? "--Or is this more of that flattery, in which you're taking lessons? I still mean t'be asking you about that. A pity Naught--an unusual name--isn't green. That might wake him up." A pause to check again on Kisai before she adds in a murmur, "Thankee for taking her. Methinks she just might be about ready t'give up on the crying game." I'sai tilts a dubious brow - younger women, ha! - but does allow over his daughter's head, "Must be part of the great eyes-in-jars conspiracy. You're welcome, of course; and no flattery; but with the dinner coming up, I suppose I oughtn't ask you about those knife-throwing lessons after all, or at least, not for tonight... just as glad if it doesn't wake him up, I need them to get along." Slight pause. "What's that which won't do, though?" Kassima gives an exaggerated sigh, eyes rolling back and one hand coming to her forehead: "Alas, alack, you've found us out. 'Twere going t'collect the popped-out eyes and keep them to admire forever and ever and ever." It's a childish, intended-to-be-spooky voice she adopts for the latter, but she mercifully dismisses it before continuing, "Thankee, then--and you can ask, but I'd have t'be agreeing nay for tonight; for soon, though. They're overdue. Only I may hold them hostage until m'curiousity is sated." Such a villain, she. Her turn to dart a sidelong glance. "Don't you worry that they'll team up t'be eating *both* your eyebrows if'n they do? ...Oh, well, 'tisn't much. A dress Ro of High Reaches made for me. Only a piece of the top's missing, and 'tis slit up t'*here*, and I'm sure 'twouldn't be seemly." I'sai whispers as if to little Kisai, expression eased somewhat of its shadows, "Your mother is very, -very- creative. Are you going to be a Harper when you grow up, hm? or simply a storyteller who entices them out of their marks, without a blue-and-white knot as warning?" But to the woman herself, "Curiosity, you say; I'll try not to cut my brows off with them, and persuade the firelizards that they've better things to do." Such as, it seems, sitting back on the rock, tail wrapped about paws so only its tip dances, and peering 'round to try and see herself in -Lysseth's- eyes. "And if not knives tonight, perhaps the dress, better now then when you'd catch chill; while I'd remembered Ro - she'd said to say hello to K'nan last time I saw her, a season or so ago - hadn't recalled that she was a seamstress." Kassima grins at the whispering, or at the lightening, or perhaps at both. "Were your sweeps long?" she asks quietly. Kiss does not have questions. Kiss has hands, with which to attempt to clasp her father's shirt, clinging close in her well-merited exhaustion. "You flatter again, in any event, and I'd nay put Masterharper beyond her with those lungs... so long as she's happy." As Lysseth turns her muzzle aside to allow those blue, blue facets to reflect gold back to Naught, she confirms, "Curiousity. About lessons, about parents, but there are probably better times. Very wise of you t'be leaving the brows intact. There's a point in the dress... and I should wear it, at least once, for festivities; methinks I promised 'twould. Her skill with a needle was remarkable. She made Kay a fine quilt, brown dragon and all, back a'fore the 'Reaches stole her away." "-Did- she. Brown dragon, you say; and I'd say she wouldn't be happy if she were that Masterharper... well. Well. If not this evening, a livelier night; and how about..." Is turns his head; "There's getting to be a crowd by the caverns; why don't I take her, while you change - to whatever it's going to be?" "Some people are happy with position and prestige," Kassi muses, but a passing thought; she offers a grin and bows to him. "'Twill look forward, a'course. Whenever you wish it t'be. Would you? Thankee--I'll see you later, lady-love--" That to Kisai, while she stoops to swiftly kiss a baby cheek. "Meet you in the Caverns, shall I?" she asks as she strides for her dragon. You place one hand on Lysseth's neck and she warbles down at you fondly. You grin and scratch her eyeridges once before climbing up onto her lower neckridges, using the riding straps and Lysseth's thoughtfully offered foreleg. <*> Lysseth spreads her wings to their full extent, bringing them down with a rush of wind as she leaps nimbly into the air. You spring into the air and catch the thermals rising from the bowl floor to carry you aloft. You fly towards the south end of the bowl. <*> Lysseth zips directly to her ledge, but her stay is--relatively--brief; in due course, she springs free again, to spiral with delicacy towards the waiting ground. You fly downwards towards the bowl. You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles, cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully. You walk past the lintel and into the wide living cavern. Pierron humphs thoughtfully as the Wingleader of Thunderbolt arrives. Falone walks over to the candidates table with a smile. He stops by the serving table on the way and pours himself a glass of juice. Kassima: Though those who don't know Kassima are apt to see only a striking woman who looks younger than her actual 39 Turns, 2 months, and 1 days of age, garbed in a rather becoming fashion, those who do know her may be wondering what psychosis has taken the rider's mind this time. The dress she wears is flattering, yes--but it's not her usual style. From the diagonal-cut neckline that leaves one arm and shoulder bare to the skirt slit up to the thigh on the sleeved side, this drape of black sisal clings closely to its wearer to make her tall frame seem less lanky and more elegant. Interestingly enough, an embroidered dusty pine-hued dragon wraps herself around the garment, head on Kassi's shoulder and tail twining about her ankles. It makes a good match for both her shadowed-emerald eyes and the jade hairpiece that she wears: another darkly verdant dragon is nestled at the crown of her head, transfixed by pins which also serve to secure the long river of blue-black tresses that cascades to mid-calf. Simple sable slippers complete the ensemble. Beyond her rings and a pair of silver-and-emerald earrings, Kassi wears no other ornament, including a knot; however, given the motif of her outfit, it likely wouldn't be hard for anyone to guess that she is the lifemate of a green dragon. Falone takes a seat in one of the spots at the candidates table and takes a drink of his juice. Zaidra is equally uncertain of what to do, but since no one's /saying/ anything, or yelling at Falone for being seated, she takes a seat near him. Safety in numbers, and all that. She skips the juice, however, although she does continue to peer around the room. Roma walks here from the Inner Cavern. "Merciful Faranth," Kelt mutters to himself as the figure of the Harper momentarily darkens the bowl entrance, eyes casting quickly over the teeming cavern. Picking his way inward with several steps, he begins unbuttoning his dark blue riding jacket unhurriedly with one hand, his riding helmet tucked under his opposite arm. A number of baker apprentices lurk near the kitchens, waiting for their sign to start serving the food when everyone is seated. Some of them go round to fill people's glasses with drinks of their choice. Kassima doesn't quite *teeter* in, but her gait isn't the normal easy swing--not in *that* skirt, nor with pins threatening to stick her in the head. "Nay too late, yet," she murmurs upon seeing that people are still gathering. "Good. Where's m'chair--" There it is; and, begging her pardon of various people she passes along the way, she makes her way towards it with a cheerfully-called, "G'deve!" along the way. Alessandra walks in from the bowl. Macami stands, as more and more people seem to find a seat, shivering in her summer dress, before taking a spoon, lightly hitting it against her wine glass. The harper gets a friendly smile, but she seems more focused on the candidates. "Candidates, everyone, may I have your attention, just for a short moment?" She smiles, which seems to lift her out of her foul mood. Somewhat. Roma looks around for the group of candidates, hands nervously fiddling with her skirt. Once spotted, she heads directly over there, standing near Zai. Tarien heads slowly to the table with the other Candidates, though she's a good deal slower, since she takes the time to search each face before finally choosing a seat. Attention turns to Macami then, and she nods, though doesn't speak. Falone looks up at Macami with a smile as he listens to her. Green eyes turn to Macami, as Zai gives the shivering woman her full attention. Alessandra wanders in, giggling softly to herself. Oh yes. The dinner. She pauses where she is, at a small basin, washing her hands before wiping them off with a towel. Jaedia slides into a chair and quickly turns her attention to Macami as the rider requests it. Kassima slips into her seat with a quick smoothing of skirts, folding her hands on the tabletop; her eyes and attention focus unerringly on Macami. Perhaps she's trying to set a good example. Telgar Weyr> Shawnah phews. Okay. Out I come. :) I'sai walks in from the bowl. Rumple-collared K'ran lurks near the end of the table the Candidates have chosen, his gaze sweeping casually towards Macami as she speaks. Again he dares the taste of that stolen icing, and again to the glare of the attending Bakers -- all the ne'er-do-well, he. Shawnah walks here from the Inner Cavern. "Candidates, I have the honor of speaking for Telgar Weyr, welcoming you here. Many of you have been brought here by dragons, some of you have always lived here, but no matter your background, your upbringing, no matter where your home was, we are happy, delighted to have you here with us now. You are a welcome addition to the Weyr, and I don't mean that because you do so many everyday chores for us. You are the ones that have been chosen to stand for Herath and Chezroth's clutch, so every single one of you is special. This evening is for you, so that we can celebrate that you are with us now. Welcome, candidates." After that long speech, Macami raises her glass of wine for a toast. Shawnah steps into the living cavern, looking around a moment before moving closer to her fellow candidates. "Hi guys," she whispers, and then glances over to Macami as she speaks. "Welcome," K'ran's quick to echo, and ale-mug's at the ready -- storm-dark eyes drift towards the assemblage of Candidates, there, dancing with the smile that curves his lips. Falone smiles and raises his glass of juice. And with others of Skyfire, I'sai slips in just in time to raise toast, fingers curled about invisible glass, to regard those candidates as if assessing, already, who might one day join -them- in Fall. Kelset weaves his way as quietly as possible toward the filling tables, removing his heavy jacket to reveal pressed linen sleeves, cuffed at mid-forearm and an elegant, tan leather vest. Negotiating around the thick guitar strap also situated across his shoulders, he settles into a seat near Kassima, giving the woman a slight tap on the shoulder and a soft grin as he passes. Arriving at his seat, he arranges his jacket upon the back of the chair, his helmet below it, and swiftly slips into the seat, no sooner rested than glass is in hand and raised in the air. Roma looks a bit bewildered as she takes her seat, but someone from the kitchen fills her glass, and she raises it after Macami's speech. Kassima echoes likewise, smiling broadly to them and filching someone else's glass of Red to do the hosting, "Be welcomed, all of you." V'dan's frowning attempts to get his glass back are met with quick swats. Speech time. Perfect time for the bakers to put the finishing touches to the buffet table. On the same pale green and pale blue striped table linen, colourful porcelain dishes hold a variety of food. The theme quite obviously seems to be summer, and the smells are rather mouth-watering. And there's a variety of food indeed: Chilled rindfruit balls, both orange and green Chilled crushed tomato and basil soup, flavored with garlic Fillet of whitefish in puff pastry with sauteed fungi and fingeroots Salad of marinated legumes with chopped white and greenroot Wheat salad tossed with a citronjuice and mint dressing Dense, rich, creamy cheesecake with a berry topping Telgar Weyr> Alessandra says, "Of /course/ my computer kicks me off right before Cami's speech. ^.~" Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "This is so not fair. Now *I'm* hungry. ;)" Telgar Weyr> Roma says, "Ew, vegetables! :)" Macami smiles at the candidates. "You may drink wine to celebrate, but I expect no alcoholic excesses." Her Candidate Coordinator custom-made stern look returns for a moment, but then she smiles again and sits back down. Demila walks in from the bowl. Telgar Weyr> Jazmin offers Kassi some pringles. Telgar Weyr> Kassima mmms, Pringles. Danke, Jaz. :) Telgar Weyr> Macami grins, Kassi, Ofira's comment when she sent me the mail was: Eek, now I'm starving.:) Telgar Weyr> Zaidra ooohs...Pernese Tabouli. :) Shawnah's eyes dart around the room, noting everyone raising glasses in toast, and after a moment of quick thinking, simply nods and slips into a seat near Roma. As the food arrives though, she half-stands, then sits back down, eyeing the food. Falone woohoos at Macami's statement, the tries to hide. Jaedia listens obediently, and raises her glass at the appropriate time, even as she darts a glance at the food being laid out. Demila slips in quietly, possibly going undetected. She's changed clothes and now wear a pretty purple dress with matching colored sandles that strap up her ankles. Her hair is neatly combed. As neatly as her head of curls will allow. Alessandra has no glass with which to toast Macami's statements, but she offers a small cheer nonetheless; then she's at K'ran's side, behind him, tapping on his shoulder. She mutters to K'ran, "... what?... got..." Zaidra has raised her glass as well, setting it down when the moment is over, stealing glances at the serving table from the corner of her eye. Telgar Weyr> Macami grins, we should also celebrate the hatching of the ducks Dumpling, Destiny and Discord.;) Falone raises his glass along with Zaidra and returns to his seat, setting the glass on the table. Kelset mouths a silent but easily read "Well said," before touching the glass to his lips and closing his eyes as he allows the fine wine to mull upon his palate for a moment. Opening his eyes once more, a bright grin flashes across his features, and he exchanges what can only be appreciative comments about the bedecked serving tables with the 'rider to his left. Telgar Weyr> Shawnah laughs. First bring out the duck soup ;) Tarien lifts her glass in salute at Macami's welcome, and lifts it to her lips. The wine is given an almost longing look, but even after permission is given to partake, she remains where she is. Serving tables are given several long looks, and she murmurs softly, "Shells, it all looks wonderful, doesn't it?" Falone steps quietly into the kitchen a moment. Falone walks off towards the kitchen. Macami notices all those hungry gazes, and then grins. "You know, it's a buffet, Master Ofira thought that might work best. The cheesecake is the dessert though, so try the other food as well." That said she stands and walks towards Kelset. "Telgar Weyr's duties to Harper, and thanks for joining us here. I'm sure a song or two will be most welcome later, after the initial hunger is sated." From the kitchen, Kaira looks up at the young man as he enters. "Leafstone's duties." Kiharu walks here from the Inner Cavern. From the kitchen, Falone smiles. "Kalin duties." he says. "Where can i get some small fruits? Preferably the same kind." he asks curiously. While he'll argue a dark look back towards that Baker he's made himself nemesis to, K'ran blinks pleased surprised at his clutchmate, and, "Congratulations," he bids. "I think?" But the Candidates, they earn his attention -- and to lend a breath of informality, he helps himself to a chair, cocks it back on its rear legs, and asks, guileless, of one of Shawnah or Tarien, "Pass the soup?" I'sai, once he's lightly mimed a sip - and perhaps the vintage's that much headier for being imaginary - speaks briefly with his wingmates and then eases past Demila, aiming a ruffle toward those combed curls, and toward the visiting craftsecond. From the kitchen, Kaira points behind the counter. "I'm not sure, but I think that's where they are kept." Alessandra giggles, nodding slightly. "I named it Discord." And then she's off again, settling into her usual seat at the Thunderbolt table, empty handed. Kelset pushes his chair back, rising at Macamai's approach. He inclines his head respectfully toward the woman, returning, his voice a soft, melodic tenor, "Harper's duties to Telgar, her Queens, and her fine crop of Candidates. I would be most honoured to play a song or two, in lieu of more able entertainment." The shadow of a grin playing about on his lips, he adds, "Thank you for your invitation." Macami bows her head, smiling. "We are very honored that Harper Hall sent their Craftsecond to us. I am Macami, brown Tivuketh's, pleased to meet you." Somehow, and don't ask her how, Kassi manages to keep from openly salivating as her eyes turn towards the buffet table. Thus distracted, she even allows V'dan his glass back in favor of having to give more swats. "For a meal entirely without red meat," comments the greenrider, "that certes looks delicious." Eventually, even her eyes must wander free; they spot I'sai, lingering on his shoulder, and she nods her approval of his choice of outfit. They spot Kelt, and she tries to catch his eye before flashing him a pleased smile as she rises to glide as best she can towards the Promised Land. Shawnah looks over to Alessandra, a little guilty, before she offers, "Named mine Dumpling.." with that, she nods over to K'ran and, after getting some of the soup herself, passes it on to him. From the kitchen, Falone smiles and walks over to the counter. He picks through the fruit and puts several small pieces into a bowl. He then turns to the stores and comes back with some ice. He dumps the ice into the bowl with the fruit and pulls out the bottle of benden white he grabbed. He pours some of that into the bowl also and grabs a tenderizing mallet. He begins crushing the ice and fruit into a frozen slush. He smiles as he finishes and walks over to a nearby cabnit to grab a large glass. He walks back and pours the contents from the bowl into the glass. He then takes a couple of leftover small fruits and puts them on top of the drink and walks out into the living cavern. Falone walks in from the kitchen. Falone walks in with a fairly large glass and steps up to Macami. With a smile he offers the glass to her. Demila wanders around, not knowing everyone here. Eventually she ends up slightly behind Macami, looking up and listening to whomever she is talking too. She doesn't say anything though, just stands there. Roma looks back and forth at the candidates sitting around her, then shrugs. "Well, it's a buffet. I guess we have to, um, move." So saying, she does. And the table is indeed grand, and even most-vegetable-hating Roma piles her plate high. But no cheesecake, yet. "Well met, Macami," Kelset returns, brushing several long curls back from his eyes. A slight trace of seriousness accompanies his next words as he adds, "It was my pleasure to come--I'm not here primarily as Craftsecond... think of my visit this evening as that of a ever-in-spirit Telgar Weyrharper." "No Discord at dinner." Or Dinner -- K'ran slants a laugh after Alessandra before turning that hopeful look back towards the Candidates. "Any other good D-names, Shawnah?" and after words more a joke actually -bring- that soup his way, he ladles himself a steaming helping and then makes for the tables himself. Telgar Weyr> Kelset was really tempted, he must confess, to mention Benden there. Ah, well. Telgar Weyr> Jazmin says, "Kelset!" Kiharu slips in, taking a moment to straighten her mussed hair, her face slightly flushed from running. With a minimum of noise she manages to get into an empty seat next to the rest of the Candidates, hopefully unnoticed. Macami turns her head to Falone, almost running into her daughter as she takes a step back. "Oops, Demi. Oh, you look so pretty!" She gets a soppy maternal smile on her face, then smiles at Falone. "What is this?" Master Kelset's words find her attention. "Ah, you have been posted here in the past, I take it? Then welcome back. I wouldn't know, I am a recent arrival here at Telgar, less than a turn ago." Falone smiles at Macami. "A little something special i just made for you. I hope you enjoy." he says. Tarien sees to her own plate, since the soup has already been passed, though she'll cast a faint, if slightly shy smile in the bronzerider's direction. Though the plate is piled high, it's awhile before she actually eats anything from it, and even then, she's set to nibbling rather than actually -eating-. With as little fuss as possible, she waves over to Kiharu, and scoots over to make room for the newest arrival. Macami warily takes the glass and sniffs at it. "For me? Well, thank you, Falone." She smiles, though seems to be a bit hesitant to drink it. Alessandra rises absently, then returns to her seat with a small plate, a large slice of cheesecake atop it. Who needs dinner? Kassima helps herself to a serving of soup, a generous cut of fish, a bit of everything else, and a glass brimming with red wine. These trophies she carries back to her Wing's table. "If'n you like, Kelt, we could sit you in the Nurseries with screaming children t'make you feel at home," she notes while passing by, with a wink... and then she has to ask, "You've gotten a duck too, Alessi? Or has some other critter taken t'being named with Ds?" Her eyes slant towards Shawnah with a bit of concern as she speaks. Under her breath, "Ducks aren't all that self-sufficient while young." Kelset shakes his head, a smile upon his lips. "You wouldn't have known," he says simply. "Telgar is very lucky to have you." With another respectful nod to the Candidate Coordinator, he turns about, catching the wave of I'sai and the smile of Kassima, returning both with a bright smile of his own as he makes his way back toward his seat near the latter. Alessandra nods quickly, spearing a piece of cheesecake with her fork. "Yeah. Named it Discord. We'll see once it's older whether it's a drake or a hen." Falone chuckles at the reaction from Macami. "I wouldn't poison you, Macami." he says with a teasing grin. "Hah! I'm not fully that homesick, Kassima," Kelt responds, arriving at his seat just in time to reconsider his selection of course as he sees the greenrider return, laden with food. "Allow me the nostalgic indulgence of remembering the /good/ things..." Macami at last takes a sip of the concoction and actually looks rather pleased. "Very refreshing, Falone. Hey, you might end up on kitchen duty for a while. Though it's a bit chilly for me, but then I'm very touchy when it comes to cold." Impressive goosebumps on her arms now too. Roma leans down the table to look at Shawnah, putting scattered bits of the conversation together. "You have *another* one?" Zaidra has been holding back from the crowd of candidates and riders, waiting till there's a lull at the table. Now she rises, curls bouncing as she moves, and serves herself a little of everything, returning to the table to eat. Overhearing Roma and Shawnah, she asks, "A duck? We're going to have a duckling in the barracks?" She's caught between dismay and amusement at this. Demila takes the hand and beams up at Macami. "I'm very hungry. Do you like my dress? Isn't it pretty?" K'ran spurns the wine, foul stuff, to freshen his ale, and with laden plate returns to his chair -- there to rock blithely back again, stab idly at feast's bounty with a fork, and remark, "You're going to have a travelling show's worth of critters before you're done, Shawnah." And to Zai, "No, no ducks in the barracks." I'sai waits till Kiharu's well past, absently fingering the edge of -his- velvet coat, to ease to boot-toes so as to better see through the crush - and then cast a smile towards the dark-haired wingleader so spotted; light steps take him just close enough to mention, "So you knew each other then? And congratulations, Craftsecond, though I hope hidework'll not drown your song." Falone grins and nods to Macami and turns towards the serving table. He stops and places some whitefish on his plate along with some orange rindfruit balls. He also grabs a bowl and puts some salad into it and heads back to the table where the other candidates are. Macami smiles down at her daughter. "Yes, very pretty. What's that about ducks I'm hearing, did they hatch today, did you see them?" At reaching the buffet, she starts ladling soup into a bowl, for her daughter. "Look, nice soup first, then some fish, and later we'll share some cheesecake." She apparently seems to have forgotten about Demila's earlier mishaps of the day. Shawnah bites her lip at that, "It depends on when Schmitt decides it's old enough to.." she cuts off as K'ran speaks, "But.. they're so cute.. I was never allowed pets at the hold.." she shakes her head, and back to Zaidra, "No duck in the barracks.." she finishes. Alessandra looks over at Shawnah, calling over the short distance -- "Shawnah, Dumpling can stay with Discord when you're in the barracks, if you want. You can just come get it when you're out and about." Pause. "That is, if Macami and K'ran don't mind." "If'n the rest of us can't get away from the screaming children, Kelt, why should you?" Kassi teases, pointing a spoon at him. Not much of a weapon, soup-filled as it is. "Met him when he was a Weyrharper at Benden and Telgar, Is. He gave me a singing lesson once, to the probable pain of everyone listening... glad t'hear you've been promoted again, Kelt." To Alessi, "The drakes are prettier, methinks, but I'm partial t'hens. Or so I have t'say. Dismay would bite m'nose off if'n I didn't... that sounds like a good idea t'me?" She arcs a brow at Macami and K'ran, watching curiously for their response. Roma grins at Shawnah between bites. "K'ran's right -- you're going to have a whole beasthold of your own if you keep it up!" Zaidra arches an eyebrow at K'ran, hearing him lay down the ban on ducks, then asks Shawnah. "Oh...well...do we get to see it at some point?" And while waiting for an answer, she's efficiently starting in on her food, eating neatly, if quickly. She tastes the wine, and seems to like it for all she's never had it before. "What's next, Shawnah?" She asks lightly, pausing. "A canine?" But the question is laced with affection for her blue-haired friend. Mishaps? What mishaps? Anything that happened earlier is also forgotten by Demila. She nods in agreement to all the food Macami selects. "Yup, they hatched and I watched. Terac was mean, he told me I was ugly." she puts on a pout face. Falone sits down in a quiet corner of the table and begins eating his meal. Mid-nibble, Tarien grins at the group, and remarks, "The assistant steward, she's got a canine, you know. And I bet that it'll probably have pups at some point -- if there's another one around to... er, help." Macami carefully carries the plate over to her former seat, then pulls Demila into her lap. "There we go. Now that was mean, I will have to talk to Terac. But you know how he is, he loves you anyway." She ruffles those tempting dark curls on Demila's head. K'ran braves a bite of the fish before gesturing Shawnah towards Alessandra with his fork. "Leave Dumpling with Alessi, Shawnah -- and do /try/ to keep in mind that chat we had the other night, hm? The one about thinking?" He favors Tarien with a dark look, there: "No, no no. We've got enough critters in that barracks altogether." Kiharu lets out a sigh, having gone to serving-table and back in what seemed a blink of an eye, but not briefly enough to have heard the ban on avian pets in the barracks. Ducks, at least. "More ducks?" she inquires of Macami, with a wry grin as she seats herself. Kelset, on his feet behind his chair, grins deeply at I'sai as he draws near, eyes rolling to the ceiling briefly as he listens to Kassima, laughing softly. "Frankly, Kassi, if I were given to boasting, I'd point out that any weyrchildren left with me would be screaming no longer. And, thank you... I hope my shoulder can grow accustomed to the additional weight once again." Turning his emerald gaze to I'sai, he responds, voice serious, "My sincere thanks, I'sai. I hope that at every point I am performing hidework merely for the sake of the song, though mine becomes less important than the Hall's. How have you been? I couldn't name a finer place for you to have ended." They must be tempting, it seems /everyone/ wants to ruffle them. Running a hand through the hair she actually worsens it rather than helps it. "And I love him lots too. Even if he is mean sometimes. " settled onto the lap, she works on eating. Shawnah laughs, taking a random forkful of food from her plate, "Maybe I should join the beastcraft when this is over?" she asks of Roma, and then tilts her head at Zai, "You know.. that's not a bad - oh, really?" she looks at Tarien with interest, puts the forful of food in her mouth.. squints at the fork, wrinkling her nose - she'd taken a bit of cheesecake /and/ whitefish. Mmmm. Now that that's settled... Alessandra peers down at her cheesecake, realizing that she's barely even picking at it. Humf. "I just hope Schmitt decides they're ready to leave the nest soon. I wonder what the others will think of Discord." One of those 'others' is currently around her neck -- her ever-present gold firelizard. Corwin walks here from the Inner Cavern. Tarien turns a too-innocent smile on K'ran over the top of her glass. "What? It was only a suggestion..." A nod is given to Shawnah, then she turns her attention back to that food on her plate that she keeps playing with rather than eating. Kassima comments brightly around a rind-ball, "I vote that if'n any Candidate ends up with a canine pup, Tarien be assigned the duty of cleaning up after it." She's not entirely serious; a quick wink gives that away, before she swivels her attention towards the Harper. "A shame 'tweren't here a bit earlier, then. A'fore Kiss half-deafened me. M'lizards were willing to accept Dismay, Alessi--but then, Lyss told 'em to. They generally do as she says, since she's been known t'half-drown 'em if'n they don't." Roma rolls her eyes, and gestures with a fork-full of food at Shawnah. "You know, I'd not normally suggest it, but yes, beastcraft would seem to suit you!" Alessandra points absently with a full fork towards her golden neck-warmer. "Chaya here more or less keeps the others in li-- ack! Chaya, you pest." The gold is currently munching, happily, on her stolen piece of cheesecake. Alessi gives Kassima a wry look. "Maybe I'll try that..." Shawnah then says in her own defense to K'ran, "But I /did/ think.." hey she did promise she wouldn't try for any more /firelizards/.. "But yes K'ran, I'll make sure Dumpling's not in the barracks. Nny seems to think it's food, anyhow." she sends a smile of thanks over to Alessandra, and then just beams at Roma. Macami tilts her head at something. "Oh. Tivuketh tells me Schmitt is ready to talk to me again. At last." Her solemn mood returns in full force. "Demi, you be good, okay?" She kisses her daughter, then walks over to K'ran and Kassima. "You won't mind if I slip out now? Got some personal matters to attend to." She looks somewhat unhappy. I'sai follows the glance toward the other coordinators, though his lingers a moment on the brownrider's young daughter, with a murmur that it won't be long till his eldest's her age; then, though, "-Lessons-, you say; don't suppose Ryi also enjoyed something of that tutelage? And - 'occupied,' Kelset, thank you, if to more specific purpose than at the Hall, and... but that's for another night. No doubt the Hall's song is worthwhile, though your own's rather more memorable, even to a raggedy boy." Demila slides into her mothers abandoned chair. "I'll be good. You and Schmitt make up good, kay?" she giggles. Zaidra listens to all of the chatter around her, as she rapidly cleans her plate. She isn't greedy, just fast. When Roma makes her comment, she picks up her glass, sips, sets it down, and points out to Shawnah, "Well, the rules, at least, don't /say/ anything about adopting ducklings." Roma says "Or canines." Falone turns towards Macami with a slight smile. He mutters to Macami, "... hard... Macami.... before... it." he says with concern. Macami chuckles as she hears her daughter's words. "I'll try, dearling. But you be good." She wags a finger at Demila's words, then nods in response to something Falone murmurs to her. "I won't." Kassima's expression as she peers up at Macami is concerned. "A'course, Macami. If'n the Candidates rebel and start forming a lynching mob, methinks we can suppress 'em, though 'twould be a shame if'n you missed the fun of that. G'luck with the personal matteres, whatever they are." Alessandra garners a glance over and an open grin. "Just wait until Ilessa's into her terrible twos and you've another newborn alongside. They're worse than 'lizards. I promise." Alessandra caves, absently feeding that gaping maw with bits of cheesecake. It's apparent she won't finish it herself. "Don't remind me, Kassi. I plan on taking people up on that offer to watch Essa." Telgar Weyr> Macami yawns muchly. This has been one long day. You guys have fun at dinner, while I go to bed at last.:) Kelset folds his arms in front of him, leaning his weight against the back of his chair, the corners of his lips turned slightly upward. "Another night, indeed," he murmurs, nodding once. "However, I would add that I mean that seriously: I would be very pleased to get to talk with you in a more extended manner any evening you might have time. As you know, I've always kept a late schedule." Turning his head slightly to address Kassima, he says, "If I'd have known, I would have promptly drug my Special -- our dear Jaeleka -- from her engagement at Fort. She's the master of lullaby." Falone nods, seemingly satisfied by Macami's words. Shawnah looks towards the other conversations going on around her, chuckling at something she happens to hear now and then. When Zai and Roma speak, though, she giggles and winks, "I may just cause them /to/ add those rules.." she says. Macami walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Telgar Weyr> I'sai waves, thanks, and wishes you a good night. :) Telgar Weyr> Kassima waffles to Macami! Sleep, sleep. :) Telgar Weyr> Shawnah says, "Nighters Macami :)" Telgar Weyr> Kiharu says, "night :)" Telgar Weyr> Alessandra snugs Macami! Demila works on her meal, eating quietly and being good like she was told to. Telgar Weyr> Falone waves to Macami. "G'night, Cami." Telgar Weyr> Demila snugs Macami. Telgar Weyr> Macami woos and feels loved now. Night! *poof* K'ran drifts a light gaze back along toward the candidates, and for all that he's still fencing with his meal, he reminds, "Avoid firelizard hatchings. Avoid duck hatchings. Avoid anything that's going to require you to split your attention, if you should happen to Impress -- you won't be -able- to split your attention, the way May'll work you. Everyone clear?" "Nor will you find me welching, Alessi, unless work forbids. Which it shouldn't. If'n I haven't learned t'work around children by this point...." Kassi leaves that to dangle, and leaves her mostly-emptied soup bowl too, in favor of attacking the filet-o'-fish. "Don't I know it, Kelt! I've still a copy of the lullaby she wrote for Khari; so does Khari, come t'be thinking of it." Kassima turns her eyes, then, to watch the Candidates. Perhaps for their reactions. Perhaps to see if they form that lynching mob mentioned earlier. Shawnah looks down to her plate, pushing the cheescake far away from the whitefish before taking another bite of the food, "Yes, K'ran." she mumbles around the mouthful. Zaidra glances up at K'ran after this admonishment, and, even though she knows better by now, his tone requires the response, "Yes, sir." Telgar Weyr> Shawnah says, "Doooon't tempt me Kassi ;);)" Falone feeds some of his whitefish to the gold firelizard on his shoulder and nods at K'ran's words. "Yes, K'ran. But I think I have enough with Nimatu here." he says, indicating his gold. Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "I won't. We're all dressed in fancy clothing; it'd get ruined if you dragged us out and hung us. ;)" Tarien turns that sweet, angelic smile on Kassima, briefly, then turns her attention back to her plate once again. I'sai nods, slowly, surprise lingering only in the slight widening of eyes, the crook to his mouth; his tenor's simply quiet agreement, "All right. And perhaps," a nod indicates Alessandra, "I'll bring Ilessa, appease my mother and solve both their concerns... Have you met Aless? One of Kassima's chosen." Roma shrugs at K'ran and continues eating. "Yes, sir," she says, lightly. *She* follows the rules. Telgar Weyr> Corwin says, "I'm sorry, all. I'm just really tired and have a headache. :(" Demila finishes the main course and starts in on the cheesecake. With Macami gone, the slice is all hers. Alessandra smiles over at Kassima, eyes dancing gratefully, before -- absently -- she rises and dumps her plate in the bins. But then she hears her name, peering over at I'sai, and she walks over to the bronzerider. "You mentioned me?" Corwin walks towards the inner cavern. Telgar Weyr> Roma says, "Go take something for it, Corwin! And see you later. :)" Telgar Weyr> Corwin says, "I just did, Roma. Thanks. Night everyone." Kassima retorts amiably, "Chosen, I'sai, you make her sound like a member of m'secret harem or some such thing rather than m'Wing." With the replies now given, she addresses the Candidates in general. "Ducks and 'lizards aside, how's Candidacy been treating you lot? Any snorers? Bed-wetters? Dead animals found mysteriously in presses?" These assents supplied, K'ran's back to that lighter, convivial tone. "Excellent, excellent. Don't want to have to send anyone home..." His gaze follows over towards Alessandra before returning to the Candidates; and he's wondering, "So which of you can dance?" The look Shawnah sends Kassima-wards is far from angelic, if not -quite- evil. Grey eyes glitter briefly before she loks up as Nny suddenly appears out of *between*, chiruping curiously as he lands on Shawnah's shoulder, jewled blue-green eyes staring at the food. Shawnah offers, "We have a fainter." Falone chuckles and nods at Shawnah's comment. He turns towards K'ran and shrugs. Zaidra laughs, adding to Shawnah's comment. "This is true, we do have a fainter. Parme. He's um...well, he couldn't make it tonight." She lowers her voice then and suggests, "I think he fakes it some time." A soft chuckle escapes Kelt's lips as, leaning slightly toward the greenrider, he says, "And you should hear the way her voice has developed, Kassi. Naturally, she's had the finest training possible, but it's still to her credit." A wink is given before the gaze of the Harper is returned to I'sai and, after listening for a moment, directed to Alessandra. "I have not," he answers, straightening up and extending a hand to her. "It's my pleasure, Ilessa... I'm Kelt, of Harper Hall. Any chosen of Kassi's gains a measure of respect by me -- a bit of healthy reservedness, of course, but certainly a measure of respect." Grinning, he murmurs to I'sai, "Your mother would be delighted to see you, frankly. She speaks glowingly -- and I don't blame her! -- of you." Falone sighs and pushes his half-eaten meal. He motions to one of the drudges and has his mug refilled with some ale. He takes a quick drink from the mug. Telgar Weyr> Shawnah so confuses herself. Grr. Demila thrums her feet on the chair legs, watching all the activity. Alessandra raises an eyebrow slightly. "I'm Alessi. My daughter is Ilessa." With twinkling eyes at that little tonguetwister, she crosses palms with Kelt, nodding slightly. "Well met, Kelt." I'sai teases, "It'd have to be a secret, wouldn't it? And see, that dress' delightful," and it's a long moment more before he thinks to assure Aless, with not the slightest trace of repentance, "I was eavesdropping. Glad you two could meet... and, Kelt, that's kind of you to say; perhaps, one day, she'll speak so to my face." That last's more quietly said, if perhaps not quietly enough; and so he murmurs his excuses, and steps away. Shawnah tilts her head at Zaidra, "Aaw. That's too bad.." and then K'ran's question finally sinks in, "Uh. No. Not me." Roma nods quickly. "And, um, there's this girl from, uh, somewhere north," she's not saying, "who sleeps all wrapped up in her blankets like it's a cocoon." One of the girls at the other end of the table blushes and mumbles. Telgar Weyr> Kiharu missed a lot it seems. Alessandra nods once to I'sai, then again to Kelt, before peering back at K'ran. "Did you mention dancing?" And oh but her eyes are sparkling again. There's a glance at a certain few of those candidates... Telgar Weyr> Roma says, "nothing hugely substantial, except the new directive that none of us can have ducks, or canines, (or firelizards). :)" Jaedia has connected. Telgar Weyr> Roma says, "I mean, new ones." "First I've ever heard of a *man*--" Kassi wisely elects to halt that thought right there, though my, her eyes do dance. "What does he faint at, aught in particular? Mayhaps the Healers should take a look at him. Aside from his physical, I'm meaning. That is, if'n he's using this fainting t'get out of chores... 'twouldn't sicc the Healers on a person otherwise." Her hand raises: see? Greenrider's honor. Twisting back towards Kelset, she agrees, "I can believe it, Kelt. She always was terribly determined, along with talented. You should tell me about Is's mother! I've always wondered--" This sentiment's accompanied by a wicked glance the bronzerider's way... one which fades at that quiet utterance, replaced by pensiveness and a murmured good-evening. "I do, sometimes," Tarien replies to K'ran's query. Then, "It's not so bad in the barracks -- no different than the dorms. At least, in the barracks, you're not subjected to the Uncles snoring and the Aunties wailing all night." Telgar Weyr> Shawnah just grins innocently. Telgar Weyr> Jaedia says, "Wow! It finally let me back! :)" K'ran lets arch-browed gaze linger on Falone, on Shawnah; but then aims it past, toward the others. "Zai, Roma, Tarien? Any dancers -- oh, sure, Alessi, I think we could cook something up." Kassima swivels about again--it's like a Pernese tennis-match--to ask Roma, "She's from further north of here? High Reaches, mayhaps? Aren't many places colder than here, as best I know... though I'm biased. I maintain that Telgar's a big chunk of ice in disguise." Falone grins at K'ran. "Yes, I can dance. But I don't do it often." he says at the look. At the word 'dancing' Zai blushes a bit glancing over at Alessandra, but to K'ran she says, "/I/ for one, am really not a dancer. I sing, a little, but with Master Kelset here, you certainly don't need me. Jehan, though...he's quite good. Where is he, anyway?" Alessandra lifts her chin up, setting a hand at her hip. "Cook something up?" she echoes, winking impishly Zaidra's way. Kelset purses his lips slightly in self-depreciatory amusement. "My apologies, Alessi. I beg your indulgence for an old man who has slept, at times, perhaps too close to the drum heights," he says, withdrawing his hand after clasping hands with the 'rider. Tilting his head slightly to the side, the simple response to I'sai is given of: "I think, someday, she will." In return to Kassima, he chuckles, shaking his head. "You'll extract naught from me, fiendish one, that might land me in trouble. Well..." he affects a pause for thought. "At least, not without some significant flattery." Roma glances briefly at the girl at the other end of the table, now sending a glare back Roma's way. "Um. 'Reaches, I think, ma'am," she answers Kassima, then using the back of her chair as a blind, points down the table. She pretends to not hear K'ran. Shawnah eyes the look that passes between Zaidra and Alessandra, brows going up in curiosity, but bobs her head, "Yeah.. I've been told I have a nice voice, but.." she shrugs, sending a look Kelset-wards. Demila hops down from her chair, yawning fit to slit her head open. She heads towards the bowl. Falone looks around, as if looking for someone. He gives a deep sigh as he doesn't find the one he's looking for and takes another drink of his ale. "Later?" K'ran returns to Alessandra, a touch plaintive -- and his furtive glance towards Kelset and I'sai may have the why of it. But, "Reaches isn't so cold," he protests mildly. "Snow versus ice, whichever you'd rather, between here and there." Perhaps I'sai hears; in any case, he aims to intersect Demila if only briefly and murmur - eyes on the candidates' assemblage, Shawnah and Zaidra and the others - to her alone, "So many of them, and most trying to be adult; it's tough. In a crowd, the more so. Perhaps you'd have better luck seeking them out in ones and twos or even threes, hey? that's what I'll do - but not tonight." Jaedia returns to the cavern, and to her place at the table after having disappeared briefly to adjust her hair or something. She hadn't said. Since her wineglass is not yet empty, she reaches for it and sips while trying to get an idea of the conversations going on around her. Alessandra giggles, nodding faintly to K'ran before wandering over to a quiet corner of the cavern -- to listen, and watch, until something demands her full attention. A quick, laughing glance is afforded Zai as Kiharu latches unto that from her place far from that other, surely enough, even if at times she did seem to have selective hearing, her reply one of stifled amusement. "I suppose you'll have to make do without Jehan, then, unfortunately. Would it be much for it to be impromptu?" Kassima straightens in her seat at mention of the M-word, clearing her throat. "Candidate, may I remind you that I've asked you *five times now* t'be cutting that out? This time, methinks I may have t'be consulting with the other Coordinators about an appropriate reminder." A pause. "Unless, mayhaps, you could swear nay t'do it in the future. I do prefer t'give warning first. Anyway, the 'Reaches--they're snow *and* ice, I've generally found. Benden's the one that's snow alone. But 'tisn't much worse than here," she concedes, "if'n worse at all." Zaidra sees that impish look that Alessi flashes, and her own expression turns slightly alarmed. And she murmurs something about turndays and dancing lessons as a quick explanation to Shawnah and Roma. She hears Kiharu, though, and asks her, sweetly, "Are you volunteering, then?" Roma winces at Kassima's reprimand. "Yes ma'-- I mean, just yes. I'll try to remember, *honest*! And, well, cold is cold, in my view, whether it's snow or ice or just sleet and wind." Jaedia shivers slightly at all this talk of cold, despite her high-necked dress and long sleeves. Kelset's eyes trail the exodus of the bronzerider for a moment, thoughts deep below the surface of his countenance revealing themselves as subtle ripples of expression. At last, a breath is exhaled, and, turning around, he lifts his supple leather gitar case from the back of his chair. Placing it on the seat of the chair, he unfastens the case and, opening it, lifts a well-polished gitar from inside. The instrument is visibly the more rare and valuable for the many turns it must have seen. Slipping an instricately woven gitar strap of blue and gold about his shoulder, Kelt places a foot on his chair and, leaning the gitar against his knee, begins softly tuning. Kassima crinkles her nose up at Kelt, then, swallowing a bite of fish before protesting, "Fiendish? *I*? Ah, well, flattery I can do, so long as you don't mind if'n 'tis outrageous. I'm a bit out of practice. When would you have me flatter you within an inch of your life?" What an ominous suggestion that may be. "All right, Roma, that's fair. Just know I'll come up with something if'n it does happen again--Maylia would be punishing you far worse than I ever would, so 'tis nay for nay reason that I want t'break you of that habit." Her grin to the Candidate is a bit wry. Then, "Well, now, I'd mostly agree, except for the sleet. Lysseth hates it so that she's given *me* a dislike of the stuff. You're nay from a cold clime, are you, Jaedia?" Shawnah sends a curious glance Demila and I'sai wards, and then another towards Falone. Brows scrunch together as she tries to think, and then she just goes back to finishing off her meal, letting herself listen to what's going on around her instead of just talking. Demila looks up at I'sai and smiles. She doesn't answer just grins and departs. I'sai grins after her - and then slips over to settle at Skyfire's table for the majority of the night. Demila walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Jaedia shakes her head emphatically. "No. I'm from the Weavercraft. It's /warm/ there. And Bitra's the only other place I've been to, and that was summer, so it wasn't bad." Teye walks here from the Inner Cavern. Falone catches Shawnah's look and gives her a weak smile. He then finishes his ale and sets the empty mug on the table and listens silently. K'ran dares the nudge of a booted toe towards Roma's knee beneath the table, underhanded -- underfooted? -- reassurance for whatever it's worth. A quiet word or two for her and her only, and then he's letting storm-dark gaze drift again, drift towards the others. "Have we done all that? Told each other all our stories; where we're from, and all that?" Tarien flashes a sympathetic smile to Roma and murmurs softly, "It's hard to keep them all straight sometimes, who wants to be called ma'am and sir and who doesn't." Teye slips into the cavern on silently bare feet. She looks obviously nervous about this whole 'party' thing. "Aye. Boll. That's explaining it," Kassi sympathizes, swirling her fork through her serving of legumes. "I'm from Greystones m'self, so I didn't much care for Benden's winters. A'course, this is our summer; it could be worse... but we can't quite match Bitra's bounty. Such orchards they have!" Though she slews a glance towards Kelt as the tuning reaches her ears, her attention is more caught--just now--by K'ran's quandary. "I don't believe that's been done, K'ran. At least nay formally." Aisling walks in from the bowl. "Only if you shall, Zai, but then, I wouldn't have any skirts to flourish," Kiharu answers, lifting brows expressively in exaggerated dismay, "Or burn, I'm afraid. Of course it'll do more harm than good to let me dance instead of someone far more capable. Harm to others that is." The faintest of chuckles slips from her. "I'm not that reluctant to try, though. Want to?" Kelset leans closely to the gitar, adjusting the second-thinnest B string with minute turns. Glancing back to his friend, he comments wryly, "I fear almost any flattery from you, Kassima, would send me within an inch of my life. Advice heard: perhaps I'm safer in humility, as far as you are concerned." Roma concentrates on finishing her food, pausing to offer a small smile and a nod to K'ran. Another bite, then a grateful look at Tarien for understanding. "It's okay." Aisling meanders into the cavern, whistling softly and off-key as she makes her way towards the food table. Her gaze moves across the tables as if perhaps she was looking for someone. Teye runs her fingers through her hair which actually looks recently brushed for once! There's a silken ribbon tying it back about midback; crimson on chessnut. She slips up behind Tarien mischieviously then whispers in her ear. Jaedia leans momentarily towards Roma to murmer, "So much easier to just call them all Ma'am and Sir, and that way it's not so obvious when you've forgotten their name." Then, she nods to Kassima, and proves she hasn't forgotten that rider's name, "The orchards are lovely, Kassima." Shawnah shakes her head as she listens to Kiharu, murmering something about nothing wrong with skirts. Another look sent towards Falone, this one sympathetic, and then she's just listening to conversation again, though a nod of greeting is sent Aisling-wards, and then to Teye. Aisling catches a bit of the conversation, her nose wrinkling slightly as she tries to explain. "How would you feel is the only thing you were called was 'girl' or candidate'? I like my name, I wouldn't even mind you admitting that you didn't remember it, but I hate being called 'ma'am'" Kelset, plucking the final string one last time, gives a brief nod to himself. Straightening up, he adjusts the gitar for a moment, sliding the strap to where it rests comfortably upon his shoulders. He promptly makes his way toward the empty space between the buffet tables, where he draws to a halt, turning to face the array of decorated tables, brimming over with occupants. Clapping his hands together once, the sharp report echoing about the vaulted ceiling of the cavern, he calls, his voice, though no shout, no mean feat of volume, "May I have everyone's attention?" Tarien lifts her glass in greeting to Aisling, as she spots the greenrider, then grins over her shoulder at Teye. Mischief sparkling in her eyes, she murmurs, "Maybe, if you ask nicely?" To Jaedia, next, she grins, nodding, "That's another good reason -- but it seems like some of them just don't consider that part. It's a lot of new faces to get used to." Falone motions, once again, to a passing drudge and his mug is filled with ale. He stands up quietly and slips out into the bowl, hoping not to draw too much attention. Falone walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. "But more often than not, I /am/ just called 'candidate'.." Shawnah says suddenly, and then straightens, turning her attention over to Kelset. Zaidra opens her mouth to make a comment back to Kiharu, then closes it when the Harper speaks. She turns her attention to him, waiting. A glance for Kassima, and K'ran lifts his shoulders in a mild-enough shrug for all that he dashes back the dregs of his ale and rises. Ill-prepared to govern profile-swapping while Kelset's carrying on, he simply drifts a few steps closer to Tarien, to Teye, while affording the Harper his attention. Roma grins at Jaedia, "But I've been here all winter." Plate clean, she takes the opportunity to hop up and get a slice of cheesecake before it all disappears. Kelset speaks, and Roma returns to the table, fidgeting to adjust her full skirt in the chair. Kassima exhales an overdone sigh. "I'm never going t'get t'flatter anyone again," she mourns. "What if'n I promise nay t'call you Keltie-Weltie-Kissy-Kins?" She overhears Ais, if not Jaedia's murmur, and throws that rider a grateful grin. Then, to Tarien, "Rather a lot of new faces for us t'get used to," she points out, reasonably. "I don't mind having t'repeat the request two times, even three, but five's a bit much. If'n in doubt, call someone by rank. That generally doesn't offend. The orchards *are* lovely, aren't they, with the river running through?" But then Kelt calls for attention, and she must needs abandon both conversation and food long enough to hearken. "Not by me." Aisling says quietly, offering Kassima a quick grin before her attention rests on the harper, despite the occasional longing glances towards the food tables. Teye gives a shy smile to K'ran as she leaves Tarien's side for the company of the bronze rider. "It's awful crowded in here tonight. And hot too." Tarien offers a nod of acknowledgement to Kassima, coupled with a faint smile. That same smile is turned on K'ran, briefly, before she, too, turns her attention to the Harper. "Awful," is K'ran's quiet echo; and while he'll offer the once-Trader a tiny smile, he's afterwards carefully disciplining his expression towards neutrality as he watches Kelset. "Have something to eat, Teye," he suggests. Kelset, his figure one of flashing gold and shining brown between his striking curls, formal clothes, and dark brown gitar, lifts his voice, rich with resonance, to address the cavern. "I am Kelset, Craftsecond of Harper Hall, for those of you whom I have not met. I am very proud to have served Telgar, and Benden before her, as Weyrharper for more Turns than I will recount. I would like to join with Telgar, on the behalf of not only the Hall, but all of Pern, in offering my most sincere congratulations to all of you who attend this evening as Candidates. As it seems the sharpest pangs of hunger have been sated, I would beg your indulgence, as there is a song I feel would be fitting for this occasion. Have I your permission?" Teye is far from educated on harper ettiquette. She turns from Kelset's little speach to slink toward the food and do her best to disappear into the walls perhaps. Kelset's hands are clasped behind him, his gitar resting against his front by its gitar strap, his eyebrows lifted, a slight smile upon his lips, as he makes the traditional request for the blessing of the audience. Aisling moves to settle into a seat, her stomach forgotten as a hunger of a different sort dances through her eyes. She spares a glance towards Teye, considering her thoughtfully for a moment but soon her attention drifts back to the harper. Shawnah grins, lifing her half-full winglass towards the craftsecond in a little salute, "Please, indulge us, Harper!" Kassima glances towards K'ran and mirrors his earlier shrug, hers a bit bemused and amiable both. "Introductions might go better with everyone relaxed by food and song?" she supposes, her voice pitched low so as not to carry far beyond him. "I've nary a problem with a bit of music m'self. And Kelt's certainly very good." Leya walks in from the bowl. Zaidra's green eyes are riveted on Kelset from the first word, and though she's heard him perform, informally, during her visits between her hall and his, she's caught now, watching him in a formal setting. Just as Shawnah and Kassima speak, she adds, "I think the honor would be ours, sir." Leya quietly slips in, trying her best not to bring attention to herself as she glances about, then quickly slips into an empty seat. Kelset's eyes meet each person first as she speaks: first Shawnah, then Zaidra. Nodding slowly, he replies, "I thank you." He allows silence to descend for a moment before, a wooden pick held between thumb and forefinger, he strikes the first note, a low E. Then, fingers effortlessly weaving back and forth upon the strings, a melody is begun. It is immediately haunting--dorian in mode, the song is dark, not with the night of minor, but with the ambiguousness of twilight. Kelset's fingers are almost impossible to follow as he fills the cavern with sound. Pulse beats vitally in the rythym, as ringing low notes mark the triplet beats of the music. When at last he sings, Kelset's voice seems soft, yet fills the cavern as if voiced from all corners at once. The tempo is even and unhurried, each word given its life, each pause given its breadth. "You met me... the day of my birth. I was born in the flash of /between/ in the sparkle of tears in the eyes of the mother and father that I've ...left behind. You know me... white-robed as a child. I have played in the shadow of wings to the songs of the riders who bore all the sisters and brothers who grew ...with me there." Shrug for shrug -- K'ran keeps his voice low, low beneath Kelset's song, as he frames a reply to Kassima. Alessandra moves, finally, after so long in silence again -- but only to cover her mouth to stifle a gasp of awe at words and at music. Aisling remains silent, almost even neglecting to draw a breath. Browns knit in puzzlement as she tries to follow fingers, relaxing as the words fill the air. A brief glimpse of green may be seen at the cavern entrance as if another body tries to squeeze her way in. The greenrider's expression grows a bit distant as sharing her sight with another. Teye looks up from her meatroll munching, pausing despite the mouthfull to listen. Her dark brows knit momentarily. Lips twitch into a lopsided grin before she turns back to her grazing hungily. Kelt's picking shifts to a steady, heart-beat strum, and the sound of the gitar seems to grow, as if filling the expanse with something harder to define than volume. The melody to the chorus is not intricate, but even, and easy to follow... one meant to be sung by many. "And as we all stand, so let me stand tall. And as we all wait, so let me stand high. And if I am found... so let me not fall. And if I am not... so let me still fly..." Jaedia listens intently to the music, her almost empty wineglass held loosely, forgotten, in her hand. Leya leans foward to send a smile and a small wave to her wingleader and anyone that may look her way before turning her attention to Kelset and his melancholy song. Her elbows propped on the table, she rests her face in her hands and listens. Zaidra is completely still, eyes focused on the singer, ears hearing only the music. Her brows are slightly creased as she concentrates. Telgar Weyr> Jehan appears! Telgar Weyr> Roma says, "Yay! Zai wants to dance with you. :)" Telgar Weyr> Jaedia applauds! Telgar Weyr> Zaidra did /not/ say that. Telgar Weyr> Kichevio will come watch, then. :) Kelset's voice softly fades as he holds the last word of the chorus, and the gitar descends once more into the cascading notes of the verse. Where the verses preceeding had been ambigous, and the chorus resolved, the next verse is melancholy, and Kelt's voice, a vessel of expression, mirrors pain. "I see you... sometimes in my dreams. and you're flying like light in the sky and I'm standing alone in the night and in tears I look down and my feet ...in despair. You've taught me... taught me to hear. you have taught me that dragons will sing as their lifemate is dying in awe of the terrible beauty that they ...leave behind. Kassima settles back in her chair to listen, twisting a stray strand of blue-black hair around and about one finger. A smile touches her face at the lyrics; slightly absent, though, as she tips her head up to listen to K'ran's response. Shawnah leans forward slightly as she listens to the words, closing her eyes to let the song sink in. Alessandra keeps that hand hovering over her mouth, fingers trembling, perhaps, just slightly. Jehan slinks in, newly-shorn hair still spiky with damp from his hasty bath. He pauses in the shadow of the doorway to listen, eyes wide. The strong chords of the chorus return, their force and accenuated downbeats full of determined conviction. The refrain is sung again by the Harper, full of implication. "And as we all stand, so let me stand tall. And as we all wait, so let me stand high. And if I am found... so let me not fall. And if I am not... so let me still fly..." For the nonce, Aisling seems entralled in the song, her gaze intent as if trying to gather each word close to her. Jaedia's wineglass slips from her fingers and she notices just in time to grab for it with her other hand, catching the rim and diverting the last swallow of wine onto the floor rather than her dress. Then, she settles back into awed silence, still holding just the rim of the glass. Roma rocks slightly from side to side in her seat in time to the song. And as the chorus comes around again, this time her lips move with the words. You sense K'ran's words? He seems at a bit of a loss; eventually settles on a furtive hook of a shoulder, and, "Harper's here for a reason -- may as well let him play." Kelset's voice soars, high and clear, as he ends the chorus in a blazing ascent to the octave above its beginning. The note rings about the cavern like a thing alive as, beneath it, Kelt lets the strings of his gitar come alive in answer melody, fierce in its voice, bold in its answer, as the blurred fingers of the Harper move in an order only he can see about the neck of the gitar. K'ran senses Kassima agrees, just barely audible between her quiet voice and the music, "Nay quite the music for dancing I thought we might have, but 'twill give the Candidates something t'think about." A slight pause. "I doubt he knew 'twere planning another activity just now. Filled as the place is--'tis a challenge t'keep track of all at once." This final time, the gitar crescendos into the picking pattern of the verse, the thirds ringing strikingly as they are now raised, making every down-beat major. However, on the off-beat, the key still rings dark. The tempo slows very slightly, and as Kelset sings the final words, the gitar drops from beneath him, and his voice is left alone. "You see me... see me as I am. when at last I shall stand I will sing with the dragons in birthing our dawn; if at the end I'm still standing alone... ...still I'll fly." Telgar Weyr> Erdrick pops on and peers at the LC. Telgar Weyr> Jehan says, "It's a pah-tay." Shawnah sits there in silence a moment, and then around the room, uncertain as to clap or not. Teye dumps her dishes into the bin a little loudly before turning to whoop and clap as befits any newbie to an operatic concert. Alessandra is silent, still, then rises, starting off the applause loudly. Zaidra can't help but clap, and isn't embarrassed to do so, especially since she's been told "Applause is always appropriate." So she does, but, it's reverent applause, following a stretch of awed silence. Jehan applauds as well, though he uses the ensuing noise as cover to let him slep into a seat with the other candidates. It takes Aisling a few moments more to reply, her gaze moving towards the bowl as a fond smile comes to her lips. Only then does she begin to applaud, the strains of a delighted croon slipping in from the bowl. Jaedia at first seems a little irritated with the applause spoiling the moment of silence after such a soul-touching performance. However, after a few moments, she sets her glass on the table and joins in. Kassima raises her hands to applaud the Harper and his song, the sound not overly loud, but measured and heartfelt--and accompanied by a broad smile. Silence falls, and Kelset, bearing the soft smile of one caught between the wholly engrossing reality of a song and the awakening to the world it is given to, is still for a moment. He shivers suddenly, then breaks into a wide smile to his those seated. "Thank you," he murmurs, before lifting his voice to say this last: "You all are part of an honour you will never leave behind. None of you." With that, he begins making his way toward his seat. Roma grins at Teye's whoop, and joins in the applause. "Wonderful, don't you think?" she asks Shawnah quietly. Through the Harper's song, K'ran's ventured back away from Kassima -- given her an ambivalent shrug of his shoulders before withdrawing toward the table of candidates. Yet for all the majesty of Kelset's performance, the young man's applause is rather guarded, subdued. Leya applauds as enthuisiastically as any of the candidates, smiling at Kelset in appreciation of his lovely song. Telgar Weyr> Kelset is testing his resolve to never apologize for typos tonight through severity and frequency. ;) Kiharu adds her own cheer in echo of Teye' own acclaim, clapping in a spatter of applause for the harper's performance. Shawnah at last begins appluading, nodding to Roma's question; "Beautiful." she murmers. Telgar Weyr> Leya honestly hasn't noticed any, but then I tend typo pretty bady myself so I tend to ignore them. ;) Idly brushing a palm over his hair in vague hopes that he can get it into some semblance of order, Je seems unusually sober. Perhaps the music, perhaps something else. Aisling glances sideways towards to candidates, perhaps to gauge their reaction to the music. Her gaze rests on K'ran for a moment before flickering on. Roma realizes, suddenly, her forgotten cheesecake sitting there all forlorn on her plate. She grabs a fork and digs in, before someone else gets it. Telgar Weyr> Shawnah dittos ;) Telgar Weyr> Kelset grins. All the better. "He's right, y'know," Kassima seconds, as she picks up her fork to work at her own generous slice of cheesecake. "Impress or stay Standing, there'll always be Candidacy t'remember... whether you repeat the experience or nay. Each is unique, I'm told." Another glance to K'ran, and she suggests, "Mayhaps now is a time for the telling of our stories, now that the Craftsecond has begun with such a ballad?" Brow furrowed, Tarien remains silent throughout the song, and the aftermath, too. Her expression is pensive, though guarded, and her gaze drops from Kelset, to her juice. Every so often, she shifts, looking uncomfortable. Teye grabs another meatroll and ambles back over to Tarien. She checks her hand. IT's dirty of course so she wipes it in her pants before picking a piece of lint from the gorgeous velvet on her dress. "Did anyone tell you that you're ravishing lately? Alessandra suddenly rises, slipping off into the lower caverns. "Pardon me... I'll be back later." Alessandra walks towards the inner cavern. Jehans' face immediately smoothes out into a practiced blandness. He looks as if he'd rather withdraw, as well...too many people in too small a space for his comfort. Kelset, having arrived at the tables once more, finds an empty seat and collapses into it. His eyes sparkle with undisguised interest, however, as he hears stories mentioned by his tablemates. Zaidra catches Jehan's eye, and offers him a reassuring smile. Jehan catches Zai's glance, and smiles wanly in return. He rises from his seat at the end of the bnech, and heads in her direction. Shawnah looks back to K'ran as he returns to their table, one brow quirking up thoughfully. That thoughful look is spared for Kassima as well, before she sends a beam over towards her fellow candidates and settles back, waiting to find out if it's story time or not. Jaedia glances around the table, eyes pausing on Jehan as she notices him, but missed his actually arrival at the table. After smiling briefly, she turns curious eyes back to Kassima. Roma glances up from her cheesecake, humming the chorus tune (or at least a version of it) under her breath, and oblivious to other conversations exclaims, "Jehan! You cut your hair!" Zaidra moves over slightly, making room for Jehan. She wasn't going to comment on his hair but when Roma does she /really/ looks at him, and tells him, "It looks nice." Kassima seems to take these curious and/or interested expressions as an affirmative; setting down her fork for a moment, she asks, "K'ran, did you want t'start? Since your idea 'twas. Unless there's anyone who's led such a fascinating life that they want t'talk about it right away--in which case I'm all ears, but I don't promise nay t'use any particularly scandalous incidents in a song later." Overhearing the hair compliments, she takes a look at the Candidate in question herself. "Nay bad," she agrees. "Looks easy t'be taking care of, too." Jehan colors promptly, and nods. "It was..uh.. getting too long, really," he nods, ruffling what little remains of the former silky mane. He settles in next to Zaidra. Roma grins at Jehan, and adds, "Looks nice." Then quiets down to finish that cheesecake. K'ran's shoulders lift and fall, wordless accord to Kassima's suggestion. On his way back towards his seat at the Candidates' table he freshens his ale-mug a second time -- and while he'll take the measure of Jehan's new haircut, after another moment he's musing, "Night's in all your honor, so one of you all ought to begin, I'm thinking. Who'd like to speak, first? Tell us a little about you, where you're from, what you like?" Tarien flashes a brief, if still vaguely uncomfortable smile in Teye's direction and gives a tiny nod, but turns her attention to K'ran, rather than elaborating. Muted, surprisingly, is any reaction on Kiharu's part as her quick, discreet glance finds Jehan, minute in appraisal if short, noting his expression more than the cropped hair. "It won't be any trouble on your chores at least," she comments evenly, sparing a smile, before K'ran's question has her looking elsewhere. Aisling shifts her chair so that she can hear the candidates, eyes brightening at this prospect, more characters for her stories. Jehan is still dreadfully pink..and it shows up very clearly on his fair skin. "Thank you," he mumbles. Shawnah swirls her wine around in her glass a bit, glancing around. When it's apparent no one else is going to speak first, she clears her throat. "Well.. I'm not very interesting.. but.." she sends a look towards K'ran, questioning. All this fuss over Jehan causes Jaedia to turn and eye the young man for a moment. Her eyes take in his hair and his pink cheeks and she nods slightly, as if only now noticing something might be different. That taken care of, she looks around the table to see who will volunteer first. Kassima lifts her glass of wine, tipping it towards Shawnah in an informal half-salute. "You'd be amazed," she comments, "how few people there are whose stories aren't interesting at *all*. I vote you go ahead, if'n K'ran agrees." Kelset, having procured another glass of wine, lets out a light laugh, calling, "Speak!" in encouragement to the Candidate before tipping back the contents. Guarding his gitar carefully from collision with the myriad of obstacles between himself and his place at his former table, he makes his way toward the latter destination. K'ran pulls a pleasant smile back to his lips; beckons Shawnah go on with an interested gesture of one hand. "I'll lay a wager that most of the weyr could outdo you in the uninteresting department," he says. "Tell us about yourself." Leya quietly stands up and slips out of the room. Leya walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Zaidra toys with her half-empty wine glass, and watches her friend, urging softly, "C'mon Shawnah, tell us about you. Anyone with blue hair has got to have /something/ interesting to share." And she smiles encouragingly. Shawnah blushes slightly, but grins and clears her throat again, "Well.. I'm from Fort Hold.. my parents are Harpers.. kinda.." she nods towards Kelset, "You may know them. Nathaniel and Sevan.. they barely made Journeyrank but they help with the teaching around some of the Holds and Weyrs. So I," she shrugs, "have been around a bit.. which I guess is good, 'cause not many people from Holds get to travel a lot. As for likes, well.." she grins sheepishly, "I like animals, as most of you have figured out, and I can sing - though despite my parent's insistance from the time I was a little, I don't want to be a Harper." she sends another glance to Kelset, this one apologetic, "And that's about it.." she runs a hand through her hair then and giggles, "As for the hair.. it started with an accident when I was trying my hand at dying some cloth, and ended up likeing it." Having risen from his seat and skulked over behind Shawnah while she's told her story, K'ran bends his head down close to the girl's ear; encourages, conspiratorially, "Now. Since you went first, you get to pick who goes next." Aisling listens carefully, as if trying to memorize each detail. Her fingers twitch as if she was trying to grasp a writing stylus that was not there. Jaedia smiles at the last of Shawnah's story, eyes lifting to glance momentarily at her hair, then flick around the table in anticipation of who might go next. Shawnah squeaks, looking up to K'ran a moment before she sends a look towards her fellow candidates, gaze automaticly lingering between Roma and Zaidra, "Umm.. Zai?" she asks, looking apologetic. Kassima gives a lock of her own hair a fond, protective tug, wincing as one of the hair-needles digs in a bit. "Doesn't sound as though there's any 'kind of' about your parents' Harperdom. Wouldn't have t'be a Master or even Journeyman t'be a Crafter. Mayhaps some night we should ask the Candidates t'sing... it sounds as though there are plenty who know how." Her eyes and attention now turn to Shawnah's choice of successor, interest and curiousity mingling in her expression. Kelset murmurs a word of heartfelt thanks to the Baker who has filled his plate with food as he returned, and settles in to his food, hunger sharp now that his office has been performed. He listens to Shawnah with visible interest, nodding vigorously at the girl's first glance, and grinning his understanding in response to her second. Jehan nods in agreement to Kassima's comment, with a slight grin. He pointedly doesn't volunteer to sing, himself - the tuneless humming he uses to soothe the runners si about as musical as he gets. Roma murmurs to Kassima, "Unless you *want* to get a headache from tone-deaf singing..." then turns her attention, brightly, to Zai. "/Excellent/ suggestion, Kassi," Kelt responds, rapping the table once for emphasis. Casting a brief glance at the Candidates, amusement traces his next comment: "And it seems they're more than eager." Jaedia's head turns towards Zaidra at her end of the table, leaning forward on her elbows so she can watch the other candidate gather her thoughts and tell her story. Shawnah breaths out a squee at that insistance, and sinks down in her chair a bit, though she keeps her attention on Zaidra. "I've heard worse," Kassi assures in the same undertone. "But you may be right. It might be embarrassing for those who aren't musical by nature." Though that doesn't stop her from slanting a grin at first Jehan, then Kelt. Jehan colors again, though he reaches for a pitcher of water on the table to hide it. Or attempt to hide it, anyow. Zaidra takes in Shawnah's story, and it's in her head to ask, "How do you /accidentally/ dye your hair?" When Shawnah's picking her to go next. Green eyes squint at her friend, but only briefly because then she's telling everyone. "I'm an apprentice Healer, originally from Nerat. My mother is a gardener, and specializes in herbs, my father runs a fishing boat - the Day Dream - and I've an aunt who's a harper, actually." And she smiles to Kelset here. "In fact for about a turn before I apprenticed to my hall, I dreamed of being a harper like her..." A pause. A sip of wine. And she continues. "I've volunteered for Fort's SAR team, as some of you know - that's how I met K'ryn and L'nan - and I've helped out patching up riders here and at 'Reaches during Fall...including X'dren..." She stops there...not wanting to make the mood somber. To lighten things she adds, "And I still think y'all are making up this whole thing about buttless pants." Telgar Weyr> Shawnah laughs! Telgar Weyr> Kelset finds that even funnier as he discovers that X'dren is a real player. Kassima's mirth falters for a moment; she lifts her glass again, this time in toast. "X'dren," she repeats in a quiet voice, and drinks. The cup is then set down with a quiet click. "I could *wish* we were making up this whole thing about buttless pants. Just don't listen to anyone who tells you all the greenriders wear the fardling things." Jehan has to ask, albeit tentatively, "But what are they -for-?" Once again K'ran's stealthed his way around the table, now to Zaidra's shoulder; and now he's bidding her, "Choose who goes next," even as his smile's turned pained for Kassima's suggestion and for Kelset's enthusiastic embrace of it. Aisling's cup raises in a toast at the name, her frown flickering across her face at -those- pants. "It was more of a... fight that wound up with little vats of dye flying about.." Shawnah murmers to Zaidra, and then snerks behind her hand. Alessandra walks here from the Inner Cavern. Roma almost -- *almost* -- flicks a forkfull of cheesecake across the table at Jehan. "Hush!" Kassima flicks a faint smile K'ran-wards. "I meant," she clarifies, "on another evening, if'n at all." Jehan looks indignant. "What?" he asks, voice going a bit shrill...and just happening to crack like badly made pottery. The Candidate promptly looks utterly mortified. Zaidra smiles to K'ran, and chooses...."Jehan." Alessandra wanders back in, a faintly green tinge still in her cheeks. She makes her way over towards her seat at the Thunderbolt table again, settling down quietly. "Let me know when," K'ran returns, and he's drawing back from Zaidra the better to stalk -her- victim. "I can arrange to plug my ears that night, hm?" Storm-dark gaze drifts towards the newly-coiffed boy, then -- target! "Tell us about yourself, Jehan." Jaedia winces and casts a glance at Jehan, which stays there as soon as Zaidra as chosen him for the next speaker. She cups her chin in her hand, idly wiggling a leg as she watches the candidate. Kiharu keeps a straight face, barely, the exchange followed with avid glance and quirked mouth. She winces as the youth's voice breaks, and he's chosen shortly afterward. What luck. Kassima then quirks a full-out grin at Jehan--one marked by a certain rueful humor. "Beats the shards out of me. J'lyn likes 'em, so gives 'em away t'people. If'n you ask me, they must be so your butt will be cold, but why anyone would *want* that...." Upon Alessi's return, she gives the other greenrider a thoroughly sympathetic look a moment before settling in for Jehan's tale. Zaidra mouths, "Sorry" at Jehan and pushes her wine toward him. Just in case. Shawnah's snerk turns into a sympathetic smile for Jehan, though at Kassima's explaination she has to caver her mouth lest a snicker escape. Kelset makes quiet business of the completion of his meal, his attention most fully claimed by the banter of the cavern and the relation of Zaidra's history. Relaxing with a soft sigh into his seat, he takes another long, appreciative sip of wine, emerald eyes shifting to Jehan. Jehan makes a hopeless fish-face for a moment, before regaining some composure. Another brush of his hand over the rusty colored fuzz - he's still not used to it. "Well. I'm from High Hills hold, in the fort region. My father's the holder..or crofter, really, since it's nothign so grand as it sounds. WE breed runners there - mostly draft beasts. Uhm...I've two older brothers. I left at about thirteen to travel with some of the Trader clans, to figure out what I want to do with myself. Ended up at Fort Weyr, in the stables...where I got Searched," IT comes out in a quick torrent of words, as he if attempted to cease being the center of attention as quickly as he can manage. Once he's finished, he reaches for the goblet offered to him. Roma leans forward, urging, "But what things do you like? You left that part out." Alessandra smiles wanly back at Kassima, then stares down at the empty spot of table in front of her. Jehan blinks, bewilderedly. "Mmm. Well, I like animals - 's why I work with runners, really. And gaming," he allows, Kassima's attention perks up at the magic word. "*Gaming*. Y'don't say. We may have t'talk another time, Jehan, you and I." Uh-oh. Jehan nods, biting at his lip. "Dice..cards, anything, really." Kelset, wine glass in hand, pushes his now-empty plate away from him and, rising, makes his way a few seats over, bringing his seat with him and positioning it next to Alessandra. Leaning inward, he murmurs something to the greenrider. "Stablehand," says K'ran approvingly. "Man after my own heart." And now he's taken up station at Jehan's shoulder. "And gaming?" Too late, "Ware Kassima, Jehan. Anyway. Who goes next?" Shawnah looks between Jehan and Kassima, the look for the boy turning even more sympathetic. Alessandra blinks over at Kelset, then smiles softly and whispers in return. Kassima's smile isn't openly wolfish, but it's likely a little too pleased for peace of mind. "Cards," she repeats in delight. "Oh, this should be fun. I don't suppose you throw knives, by any chance?" K'ran, for his warning, wins a raspberry. Jehan flicks a finger at Jae. "Knife throwing? Faranth, no," he replies, emphatically. Aisling's lip move slightly after each candidate's remark as she repeats the salient points to herself as if to reinforce them in her memory. Kelset's lips curl in soft amusement as he murmurs a response to Alessandra. With a sigh that can only be described as disappointed, Kassi says, "Such a pity...." She focuses her attention on Jaedia after popping the last bite of cheesecake into her mouth. "Well," Jaedia says as soon as she's been identified. She rises to her feet, the better to tell her story, hands carefully smoothing wrinkles in her dress, though it doesn't do much good. "My mother is Master Tailor Delma - and it's her who made this dress, so if you like it you can come talk to me later about commissions - and my father's a Bitran named Baxtalo - he's real good at cards and games and stuff and he's just wonderful. My life has been very normal, I think, though of course I find it fascinating. I've always had lots of clothes, because my mother likes to try out ideas on me. I know lots about all the weaving things, but I can't actually /do/ anything more than mend and sew a little. And I haven't decided what I'm going to do. I'm waiting for something to call me - though of course I'm a candidate, now, so maybe I will end up knowing what I'm going to do. Back at home (did I say I'm from the Weaverhall? I don't think I did) I worked in the kitchens until Greylin showed up and decided to bring me along here, and then I rode a dragon." She pauses for breath, then continues, "And I like rain, and sun, and sand, and flowers, dragons, runners, beautiful things, clothing, dancing, music - but I can't sing - and I like to write poetry, and I like to listen to ballads and stories with heroes, and, er, hm," she pauses, as if thinking for just a moment and quite ready to go on at length as soon as she remembers what she wanted to say next. Kelset grins deeply to Alessandra, nodding once, before returning to his former place, attention now turned to Jaedia as she speaks. Alessandra giggles softly, watching the harper, before attention turns to watch the candidates. Shawnah quirks a brow at Jaedia, chuckling softly. Zaidra has been listening to Jaedia, of course, just as she'd been listening to Jehan before, and when the other girl is done (or seems so) Zai takes a deep breath, as if on her behalf. Aisling eyes Jaedia for a few moment. "Amazing. All that in just a few breaths, Maybe she should be a harper." She notes with a smile towards Kelset. Again K'ran's skulked his way around the table, and at Jaedia's side he's dragged that rogue's grin back to his lips. He reaches a hand for the girl's shoulder; remarks, "Sounds like y'could be a Harper or a Smith or anything else in the world, Jaedia. Anything else?" before reminding her, "Remember to pick who talks next." "Multiple interests are useful that way," Kassi comments, concurring with K'ran's assessment; she excuses herself for a moment, returning in due course with another bowl of soup. "Harper sounds the most fitting, but 'tis hard t'be telling on the basis of likes alone." Kelset's grin is broad in response to Aisling's suggestion. "She certainly has the bellows for one!" he agrees, nodding slowly, his tone revealing his comment to be pure praise. Jehan lapses back into silence, face nearly as red as his hair. The goblet that Zai gave him is drained off almost immediately. Zaidra offers Jehan another reassuring smile, then turns back to the group, waiting to hear from the next vict - um - speaker. Jaedia bites her lip and glances first at K'ran, then around the table, "Well, I forgot what else I was going to say, so I think that's it." She plops down in her chair again. "And..." she narrows her eyes as she looks up the table and down again, pausing for a few moments on each person who hasn't spoken - just to see if she can make them squirm. Finally, she points at Kiharu and chirps, "Your turn!" She then wrinkles her nose at Aisling and repeats, "I can't sing." Kelset, however, since he hasn't precisely suggested she should be a harper, gets a pleased grin. "Thank you." Kelset, laughing lightly, nods once to Jaedia. "Your welcome," he returns merrily, sipping at his wine glass as his attention is directed by the speaker to Kiharu. He sits reclined slightly in his seat, one arm crossed liesurely across his stomach. K'ran continues to perform as makeshift master of ceremonies for this impromptu storytelling session, and even as he makes his way around towards where Kiharu sits, he asides an amused muttering to Kassima. "So, Kiharu," he'll then beam. "Your turn, hm?" You sense K'ran, idle, remarks, "Wonder when one of 'em'll pick you to go next." A slight exhalation of breath from Kiharu as she finishes sipping at her glass, having made full use of the pause to rest or such. And fortunately, too, as she's next. "Oh, time for some interesting things," is muttered dryly, the glass set down. A frown wrinkles her brow a moment. "Though there's not much to say on my part, except that I'm from near Fort, as well, born in a cothold my mother owned. Nothing terribly original either, I'll sound an echo of Jehan when I say I took care of runners because I was rather clumsy with everything else. My mother made wines, but I couldn't make a wine if my life depended on it. Weaving was more like knotting everything together, on my part." She pauses to take another drink from her glass. Kassima's relatively dainty partaking of the soup is interrupted by a sound of humor at whatever that muttering was; she turns her head a fraction to reply in like tone, though one ear stays tuned for Kiharu's tale. "Cheers t'your wonderful mother and her glorious vocation," she does comment, grinning. Shawnah grins, murmering under her breath the oh-so-obvious, "A lot of us from Fort-wards." K'ran senses Kassima mutters back, laughter beneath, "If'n we're fortunate, mayhaps never. I know scarcely a thing about animals--I'd never fit in with this crowd." Alessandra is silent as she listens to the others, pulling out a wrapped mint stick -- blame Kassima -- from a pocket. A grin thrown towards Shawnah, and K'ran's assuring, "K'ryn was over here complaining, just the other night, about how we were robbing Fort of all her best people--" and, amused, "*Bah*," to Kassima as he brandishes the mostly-drained mug of ale he's been nursing. Aisling tilts her head towards the bowl, listening for a moment before the greenrider begins to slip out. "Alright." She mutters softly. "We can fly." Aisling walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Shawnah chuckles, "Taking all /his/ rescuers, at least." she says with a grin towards Zaidra, and then she's glancing around to see who the next victim will be. Zaidra grins at Shawnah, also scanning the room, waiting for the next name to be called. "He did seem pretty perturbed about that." A grin from Kiharu then, "Well, if only I'd the same talent," she notes wryly, "Maybe then I'd have brought a vintage or two to Telgar, and she'd have been more pleased. But... I had more luck with runners. Other animals, more or less the same, but runners were easier, for me." Shrugging lightly, she continues, "I think the stable-master was hoping that I'd stay at the Beasthall and apprentice there, even if I didn't come home with the runner he needed. It was on my way home from Keroon, several months journey, that well, I got Searched, and I think I was just as surprised as my runner was. Had to leave her on the roadside, afraid that the dragons might have eaten her," she chuckles. "And...well, I should choose someone after me, right? Roma." That's directed with a short apologetic nod, before Kiharu plops back down in her seat. Jehan is red, still...perhaps the watered wine in the goblet has affected him more than it should. He beams, benign and a bit vapid, on the other candidates. Kassima crinkles her nose good-humoredly at K'ran, waggling her soup spoon at him in return before matching Kiharu's grin. "Naught wrong in being something other than a Vintner, certes. I have a definite respect for that Craft, but 'tis from personal bias. Nay worries on that score, though. Any dragon of more than a couple of Turns of age would know nay t'eat a riding beast unless starving, without his or her rider's permission." Roma's turn: that makes her the next recipient of Kassi's expectant attention. Zaidra slips out of her seat before Roma starts her story, returning with a large glass of water, which she sips slowly. Alessandra watches K'ran and Kassima, a bit of a smile slowly curving her lips -- hidden relief, most likely. Then her attention, too, turns to Roma. Roma, caught with a last bite of cheesecake in her mouth, looks up in surprise, apparently hoping she'd be overlooked. At least she swallows it down with a drink of juice before standing to speak. "Um. H'lo. I'm from Hold Balan, really, lived there all my life. But just before this last winter set in, we -- me and Da and Ma, that is -- traveled to the Weyr with a tithe train, to offer services over the winter. Da's a handyman, and Ma's a cook, and me, well, I do lots of things, mostly cleaning." She smooths out her skirt, or at least tries to. "What else? Um, I kinda like spinning, it's pretty brainless to do. I mean," she glances quickly at Jaedia, "I mean you don't have to think hard about it while doing it. And I'm learning to weave, although I'm not real good yet, so maybe after the hatching I'll see if I can join the weavercraft. Oh, um, and I like klah with extra cinnamon." With that, she sits back down, sighing with relief. Jaedia waves a hand in the air at Roma, then glances at K'ran as if asking if she can ask a question. Kassima props her chin on interlaced fingers, the dragon atop her head appearing to peer just as she does. "Weaver's warmer, anyway," she offers, grinning. "Just beware of Craftsecond Katlynn if'n you end up there, or even if'n you don't but visit later with your dragon. She might convince you that putting pink lace on any clothing item is a *sane* thing t'do." Alessandra quite visibly gags at the idea. "Pink lace? That's a punishment, not a fashion statement!" Roma raises her eyebrows at Jaedia. "Hm?" Then looks warily at Kassima. "*My* dragon? Right." Clearly dismissive. "But pink lace? Um. Maybe, on the *right* outfit.. but not in general." Kelset, gazing somberly at the rim of his glass, swirls the small amount of wine at its bottom slowly. "I don't know," he muses, brow furrowed. "I'd take pink lace almost any day over..." He looks up. "Over fuchia." K'ran stills a guffaw even as his gaze drifts towards Jaedia. "Hmm? -- and Kassima, it's not -just- Katlynn who's on about it. Talisha was, once upon a time, trying to get every third man she met into frilly pink underwear." Smug, he ambles past the serving tables, freshens his mug of ale; "Me," he goes on, "*I* only ever agreed to try cramming myself into someone's pair of special pants." Alessandra chokes at that, eyeing K'ran. "Aye, and would that I had an artist around the day ye did that." Jaedia grins and sits forward to ask Roma, "Your name's the same as that Hold down South. Is that just a coincidence, or is there a story behind that?" Kassima clicks her tongue at the Craftsecond, waggling one finger. "Kelt, Kelt, you should know 'tisn't chivalrous t'remind someone of past defeats... Tali was trying t'get *men* in frilly pink underpants? Faranth. That's a bit much even for me. But as I recall, she didn't have t'push very hard t'get you into those buttered buttless things." Zaidra whispers to Shawnah. She mutters to Shawnah, "You... think... pink... /on/ those buttless pants... you?... mean...if..." Shawnah stares at K'ran. "Not of the buttless varity, I hope?" and then, "Wait. Men in pink frilly panties?" Telgar Weyr> Shawnah yays for mutter! Roma colors and raises her voice to answer Jaedia's question. "Coincidence. Da's name is Roland and Ma's is Padma. So.. there. And can you all *please* change the subject?!" That last directed to the pants-and-lace group. Shawnah just stares at Zaidra with that 'get out of my head look', then just busts up laughing. Kiharu's mouth twitches as her eyes shift to K'ran. "Least with those you don't need frilly pink.." Not quite finished, she ducks her head, unsuccessfully choking back her merriment for what seems the longest moment. Zaidra stares back at Shawnah, also breaking into laughter. Jaedia nods and sits back in her chair, fiddling with her glass and casting glances over at Zaidra and Shawnah. "She -dared- me," K'ran returns to Kassima, as if that should explain the whole of it; but a flashing smile to Alessandra, and, "All y'need to do is ask, you know -- and alright, Roma, but you've got to pick a subject, hm?" Kelset extends a hand apologetically, even his propensity for acting unable to keep the grin from his lips. "My humblest apologies, Kassi; I am justly repremanded," he says, managing to keep his chuckle largely unvoiced. Roma looks lost. "Uh. Um. Actually.." and she smiles sheepishly. "I think I'm going to go sleep now. So you all can talk ALL YOU WANT about *those* pants." Zaidra bites her lip apologetically, and her green eyes go to Roma's face. "Sorry, Roma." "She dared you," Kassi allows, with exaggerated resignation. "So you did it. I assume. As I recall, 'twas hiding under a table at the time." Gracefully, graciously, she inclines her head in a solemn nod to Kelset. "Think naught of it, Kelt. We've gotten rather off the name of the game, though... mayhaps now is the time t'tell your story, K'ran?" Roma grins, getting up from the table. "It's okay, Zai." She waves at the assembled group as she heads quietly out of the cavern. Shawnah brings her laughter under control, biting her lip as her shoulders shake while she tries to end the last of it. At last, "S.. sorry Roma. No more frilly pink buttless talk, I promise!" she then looks back to K'ran. "You forced yourself into /girls/ pants?" Roma walks towards the inner cavern. "She -dared- me," K'ran repeats the more plaintively, the guilelessness of the protest matching the earnestness in the look he shares with Shawnah. "Which story, though? There are so many, and I've never had a talent for telling." Alessandra shakes her head slightly, watching K'ran with fond eyes. Finally she has the stomach to go and get dinner, however slightly cooled it is. Kassima intones with affected pomposity, "Your life in a thousand words or less--i'truth, why nay? Where d'you come from, what d'you like?" she repeats from earlier, attempting to mimic his voice. "That sort of thing. 'Twas a truly terrifying thing, Shawnah. And worst of all, 'twasn't drunk when he did it, so I could but be aghast and cower in true fear." Shawnah tilts her head at Kassima, "So.. he got undressed in /public/, then put on girl's pants?" she gives the bronzerider a sidelong glance, "Ah yeah. I'm scared now.." and then she goes silent, waiting for K'ran to tell his story. Telgar Weyr> K'ran says, "There is such a huge temptation here to begin, "I was born a poor black child."" Telgar Weyr> Roma laughs Telgar Weyr> Mansi giggles. ;> Telgar Weyr> K'ran dates himself badly with that bit of pop culture, but. :) Telgar Weyr> Shawnah /snerks/. Telgar Weyr> Zaidra laughs. Zaidra arches an eyebrow at K'ran, and waits. Kichevio walks in from the bowl. Mansi walks in from the bowl. Pierron adjusts his apron and tugs on his moustache. Kichevio moves through the people. "Get settled, and you can meet everyone," she says to Mansi. Kichevio walks towards the inner cavern. Mansi walks towards the inner cavern. Shawnah stares as Kichevio and an unfamilier one walk though. "Shards! /Another/ one?" she exclaims. So, wounded, K'ran returns to his chair; sharpens tongue and steels belly on another swallow of ale, and demonstrates, sure enough, that he's little talent for tale-telling: "Twenty Turns and eleven months ago, Traders Baeran and Kimree -- who dealt fabrics and livestock, odd combination as it was -- added me to the family, and promptly decided never to have another. I spent my first sixteen and a half Turns travelling with 'em both; grew to like girls and ale pretty quick. But eventually had enough of fighting with da, so stuck around Telgar when they moved on." An easy shrug of his shoulders punctuates the story. "Timbril put me to work in the stables at first, and later in the infirmary after I almost got into a scrap with K'nan one night when he was proddy. And that's where Sionelle's Brynarth Searched me from. So -- Candidacy, and then a hatching, and for some reason I -still- haven't figured, Indrath decided he liked me. The rest, as they say, is history. As to what I like to do?" A glance after Kichevio that angles, gradually, towards Alessandra and finally settles on his ale-mug confirms that his hobbies haven't changed much since his youth. But after K'ran flashes a quick grin answering Shawnah's wonder, he drifts storm-dark eyes Kassima's way. "-Your- turn, now. And then Alessi, if she's feeling up to it." Kassima vocalizes, in case it wasn't clear: "Women and alcohol, a'course. Respectable hobbies, I'm told." A bit pensive, that, but only a bit. "Could be Searching 'em up until the Hatching," the greenrider points out after a sip of her wine, wiggling fingers after the departing Mansi. "So--ach, *my* turn? Oh, you lot don't want t'hear about me. My life's been terribly, terribly dull. Really." Alessandra nods faintly at K'ran, raising her juice slightly at him, those dark eyes dancing. Then, to Kassi -- "Dull? Wherryhead lady's life, dull? I doubt that." Shawnah shakes her head slowly at K'ran, rolling her eyes, and then looks to Kassima, "I doubt that somehow." she says with a grins. Zaidra smiles over to Kassima, "Please tell us? Before we start ma'am-ing you again?" Her green eyes glitter amusedly as she says this. "At least give us the exciting bits, few and far between as they may be," K'ran argues -- though he'll aside back towards skeptical Shawnah, "Get me sometime when I don't have a head full of ale, and I'll give you the longer, less tongue-in-cheek version, hey?" "Time-honoured, at the very least," Kelt comments, in reference to K'ran's practices, a slight, one-sided grin upon his lips. A laugh escapes from his lips before it can be prevented at Kassima's claim. Leaning forward, shaking his head once, he says, "Come now, Wingleader! I won't comment on how interesting /I/ think your life has been, but I'd give ten marks as soon as one that /you/ are utterly convinced of the interest of your life," grinning fully. Shawnah nods to K'ran, still grinning, and turns back to Kassima, silent. Kassima clears her throat, giving the various people the Eye. "You'll be sor-ry," she warns in singsong. "But since you asked for it. 'Twas born of Keyran and Yvani, who have a minor Holding under Greystones' dominion; 'twas found at Ruatha by brown Chaeth, who brought me t'Benden to Impress m'Lysseth. Nay anyone's business how long ago *that* was. P'tran tapped me after a far from perfect Weyrlinghood. Since then, I've changed Weyrs once. I have six beautiful children from five different fathers who all bear the Sacred Letter. I've been Wingleader of Thunderbolt for... Faranth help me, thirteen Turns now. I've killed a giant tunnelsnake and made R'val bounce up and down on one foot naked yelling 'I love t'dance with dead wherries.' M'likes are knives, marks, gambling, alcohol, brewing, making M'rgan squeak, tormenting men, and dressing up as a man t'break the hearts of High Reachian women." Her voice turns facetious at the last; her eyes gleam their amusement. "And *whatever* you hear, I have never actually castrated anyone, ever. Nor did I keep that wherry head. Greenrider's honor." Kichevio walks here from the Inner Cavern. Alessandra positively snorts, eyeing Kassima. "You sure about that? Lysseth didn't sneak it in behind your back?" Kassima shakes her head emphatically. "Lyss *ate* it. Trust me, 'tis long, long gone." Shawnah stares at Kassima, in open awe, and then just giggles. Kelset covers his eyes with one hand as he leans back in his seat. "Poor, poor, R'val..." he mutters, shaking his head slowly. Zaidra asks, innocently, "Who's R'val?" Kassima reasons, reasonably enough, "He should've known better than t'choose 'dare.' Honestly! But now 'tis your turn, Alessi... and oh, R'val's blue Vidarth's rider. He's still knocking about someplace. A bit notorious for trying t'seduce aught that'd sit still for it--nay offense t'any of his weyrmates, who were all good women as best I know." Alessandra blinks, peering up. "Me? All right... I was born at Fort Weyr, I'm the eldest of seven children. I think I heard a couple people say they remembered Ekaterina -- that's my baby sister, down at Ista Weyr. Spent five Turns with m' aunt and uncle in their caravan. Yes, for those of you wondering, that's where I learned to dance." There's a pause, as she takes a sip of juice. Then, "I got Searched the first time... nigh on ten Turns ago, it's been. What a frightening thought. Was left standing on the sands -- only to turn around and be Searched for Fort Weyr. Sort of my homecoming, I don't know. I found myself on the Sands after all the dragons hatched again, so I came home and became an assistant headwoman. Got searched /again/. Stood again. Was left standing again. I went back to my job -- then got Searched again, by Merielan's Alerith. Needless to say, my head was spinning. T'was during that candidacy that I pulled the great table dress-up prank. Thunderbolt and Skyfire tables got trussed up in ribbons and wherry feathers, M'rgan's chair had pink frilly undies on it and Kassima's had leather undies." Another pause, as she takes a sip of juice again. "This time, though, Kiyoth found me on the Sands and I wasn't left alone. I managed to stumble through weyrlinghood, and on the night of graduation Kiyoth decided she wasn't waiting anymore and rose. I'sai's Taralyth caught her, and I ended up pregnant with Ilessa. Kassima tapped me for Thunderbolt before anyone knew I was pregnant. Had her, went back to active duty. Then I made the mistake of getting drunk with J'lyn at the Lava Lounge. Baaad combination, seeing as I'm pregnant again. ...Oh yeah. Likes. I like fine wines, champagnes, ducks -- only not to eat, sewing, playing my flutes, singing, dancing. If I had chosen a craft, I think it would have been either weavers or harpers." Kelset lifts the fingers of the hand covering his eyes slightly in concession. "Truth, Kassi. I can't say he was faultless, especially as he was quite aware of what manner of character he was dealing with. But I can mourn for the man, can't I?" flashing a quick grin to Kassi, he leans forward once again, shifting slightly to face the 'rider sitting several seats away as she speaks. Telgar Weyr> Kelset loves this event. Pose bombs rule. Kichevio chuckles as she slips into a seat. "Alessi's life story in one minute or less. I'm vastly impressed." Shawnah blinks at Alessandra, "You Stood four times? How'd you stand it? I've seen people mad at the world for /life/ for being left /once/.." "No accounting for taste," is K'ran's grave agreement to Kassima, but he lapses back towards silence as Alessandra tells her story only to follow on with, "I've just -got- to work with Indrath on his timing." But then he'll angle a cheshire smile towards Kichevio and challenge, "Care to have a go? Enlighten the Candidates, everyone else in earshot, plus this tiny mind as to your own storied past?" Alessandra winks Kichevio's way, sticking her tongue out towards the other greenrider. Candidates, take notes for future use: Kichevio and Alessandra are a frightening combination, especially when paired with Talisha. Then those dark eyes take in Shawnah. "Yeah. Four times. Thing is, you just have to realize that it's not a fault of yours that you're left standing. You can not hate the world because of it. Just keep hoping, but realize you have to go on with your life." Kichevio looks interested. "Are you sure they want to hear _that_? It's deadly dull compared to Alessi's." "Singing," Kassi remembers, grinning. "Pipes. Cooking. Other fine hobbies--and Alessi, I know I *must've* told you the story of how I ended up with the twins; you should've *listened*," though, said in a tone less I-told-you-so than amused, the chide lacks any real power. "I suppose you can, though i'truth, he *did* ask for it... welladay, you're right there, Shawnah. Which is mayhaps the problem. Anyone whose life is ruined by Standing once--how many dragons would seek out a depressed, bitter personality? Some do, but I wonder. Though 'tis just a theory. Oh, go, Kich, go." "The Hall should have gotten to you sooner," Kelt says, smiling slightly. "However, I would never begrudge Kiyoth the privilege." Finishing his last sip of wine, he shifts once more in his seat to regard Kichevio, his eyebrows lifted, despite the well-known inevitability of a story once one has been picked. Shawnah beams at Alessandra, "Well said. I for one, will not be upset when - if - my lifemate's not there." she then glances over to Kichevio, "Yeah Kichichi! Your story, too." she looks over her shoulder to peer at Kelset, "And how about you, sir?" Kichevio sips klah for energy. takes a very deep breath, and starts her Saga. "Born in a beasthold just outside Telgar Hold, _hated_ it, didn't get along with my family, moved to the Weyr, became a Seamstress, got Searched for Igen, was left standing--to my grave and utter disappointment, I sulked for a month, Shawnah--came back here, was still a Seamstress, got Searched for Daelyth and Nraith's clutch, nearly got run over by a certain overeager green..." Watch her grin. "Weathered the frightened shrieks of everyone as they envisioned _me_ on a green, survived weyrlinghood, tapped into Thunderbolt, flying along merrily, life is good. There." Kelset clears his throat slightly, murmering to the 'rider to his left, "I, ah, think she meant you..." Lifting his voice, he says, "I give you the award for wasting the fewest words," teasingly. "If the Craftsecond won't have a go," K'ran offers, low and conspiratorial, "we could always make up stories about Pierron." A furtive glance towards the living cavern's master, and then back to the others. "Like how he dips Candidates in batter, fries 'em up, and has 'em with tuber crisps and a bit of vinegar." Zaidra laughs at that, because it's rather obvious that K'ran is kidding. Her green eyes turn to Master Kelset, and she asks softly, "Please, may we hear /your/ story, sir?" Kichevio adds to K'ran's tall-tale. "And then he gives them to Sionelle, who _really_ gets mean." Shawnah grins sheepishly at Kichevio, "But you got over it, neh? Some don't.." another look over her shoulder, then, and she winks at Kelset, "Nono. You, Harper Craftsecond sir. You must've had an interesting life, too, living among these odd Telgari.. uh.." she trails off and eyes K'ran, then Pierron, and scoots a little farther away. Kassima protests at once, "Ketchup! He has them with ketchup! And he gets the ketchup all over the sleeping furs, which is why he hasn't had any lovers since Sionelle. The story's spread that he does disgusting things with ketchup and vegetables in bed, and nay anyone's willing t'chance it." With a belated headshake for Kich's purported screams, she bobs her head in concurrance with the others. "Go ahead, Kelt. Nay fair your being exempted!" Alessandra notes towards Shawnah -- "And we're some of the most normal ones here at this Weyr." Then, "Come on, Kelset, please, for us?" And she's giving the harper her most innocent, sweet, pleading smile. Don't laugh. Shawnah just -looks- from Kassima to Alessandra. "Okay. I am very scared." she murmers in an aside to Zaidra. More than content, curled silently in her chair and allowing the lift of her eyebrows now and again at certain points in the stories, Kiharu seems more inclined to listen amusedly than add anything by way of comment, though she does mutter to Kassima, "Now that's effectively ruined ketchup for me," before appearing considerably taken aback by Alessi's comment on er, normality. Kelset's given a look now in waiting for his story before anything else distracts her. Publicly pinned, Kelt sets down his empty wine glass and spreads his hands apart. "Fair enough." He lets out a long breath, furrowing his brow and squinting at the far wall of the cavern, considering how to begin. "I was born at Keroon, and, blessedly ignorant and woefully prepared, saught to turn my love of our Hold Harper's songs into a vocation. I was knotted as a Harper, and tapped as a Special Apprentice to Master Caoilfionn, one of the greatest singers on Pern, then and now. I passed through the ranks very quickly--too quickly to adapt, sometimes--and at the age of sixteen turns found myself posted to Benden Weyr as a Jr. Journeyman under the Weyrharper, Skye. There I met Kassima, R'val, Kindre, Alyssa... some of the closest friends I've had. Full Weyrharper by that point, I moved to Telgar Weyr... incidentally, betrothed, at that point. I was to be handfasted to a Journeywoman Baker at Benden Hold at the ripe age of--" Kelt rolls his eyes. "Seventeen. However..." He pauses just long enough to reach next to him, grab a glass of water, sip from it, and replace it before continuing. Zaidra murmurs back, "Yeah, me too...deliciously scared." And she grins. Shawnah makes a face, "Eew. You scare me too." she decides, and turns to listening to the harper's tale. Kichevio wrinkles her nose. "Hadfasted at _seventeen_?" she mutters disbelievingly. "That's when life begins!" "Did you escape?" K'ran wonders, perhaps a trifle eagerly. Kassima's reply to Kiharu is breezy and thoroughly laced with mischief: "I do try, so thankee most kindly for the compliment." As Kelt speaks, the greenrider nods along with the bits of the story she recognizes. "Mirala," she supplies, "was the woman. Wasn't she?" Zaidra just laughs softly at Shawnah, telling her, "I was kidding." But her attention's back on the conversation, hearing 'handfasted' and 'seventeen' in the same breath. Kelset lifts his eyebrows, shaking his head slightly, saying, "However, I suddenly found myself receiving a Master's knot and, scarce two Turns later, stepping into the role of Craftsecond under Masterharper Rathenna. During that time... well, I found that the real love of my life was the Hall, and when people make such discoveries, relationships last not long. The betrothal was abandonned. That was when I finally left Telgar, much to my regret. I stepped down and resumed my duties as Voice Master for a time, and now, after many Turns, have once again donned the Craftsecond knot. My likes? Singing is my life. I love singing late at night to empty Courtyards. I love talking with children who hear song more purely than those of us who have grown up dare to believe. I love talking with dragonriders about a kind of relationship I can only dream of. But one I think I know, in part, through my music..." He shrugs self-consciously. "And I have already gone on too long. I must add, however, that I have yet to meet the individual, outside of Keroon, who can outrace me on runner-back." Kelset nods slowly to Kassima, eyebrows lifting slightly. "Faranth, but you've a memory, my friend. Yes, Mirala she was," he answers, smiling. Kichevio smiles at the mention of dragonriders, absorbing the tale. Shawnah tilts her head, "Think you know through music?" she asks, always curious. Alessandra notes, softly, from where she's slowly working her way through a small dinner, "Music can give you an understanding that mere observation can't. When you listen to a song, there's something about it that speaks to your heart instead of your mind." There's a pause there, as she suddenly blushes. "Sorry, I just... sort of understand what he means." Kassima doesn't deny the compliment; says, rather, with sheepish humor, "'Tis what makes me a good gambler. I met her at a Gather some Turns agone, y'know. Quite a vivid individual. We ran around getting our faces painted and making candy." Further proof that some people never grow up. "Someday, you need t'race m'cousin Jessamyne on one of her sprinters." She's prompted by Shawnah's question to speculate, "His love and devotion for music may make it seem like a lifemate of sorts? Oh, Alessi, that's probably a better theory." Kelset leans forward, resting his elbows on the table and placing his chin upon his hands, gazing intently at Shawnah. "Through music," he repeats, nodding. "Music is a kind of language through which thought and emotion pass in a way which is purer than anything else. Anything, save perhaps that strange and wonderful bond between a 'rider and his or her lifemate. I believe I share, in some way, that amazing touch of a dragon to the Candidate it has found on the sands with the people I perform for, or listen to." He shrugs, smiling softly. "But perhaps that's wistful of me." He regards Alessandra solemnly, nodding slowly in agreement. "I think you said it well." Shawnah shakes her head, "I've never really felt that when I sing.. when I hear the truely talented" a nod to Kelset, "Yes, to a degree.. but not me. One reason I know I'd not make a good Harper." Kelset nods more quickly as Kassima speaks. "That is /also/ part of it... you see how deep that kind of relationship is? I think... I just think that anyone can seek out that manner of relationship with life, through whatever medium. That's... that's what I was trying to express with the song earlier." Bemusement gripping his expression, K'ran can but shake his head; can but guess, "Out of my depth, I think." He puts back the last of his ale with an indolent movement and then, then begins to rise. "Out of my depth and needing to be rid of some of this drink, and maybe check on Jehan to see that he hasn't burst into flames. G'd'eve, all of you." Kichevio says thoughtfully, "It's the relationship that matters, I suppose...whether it's with a dragon, or your craft, or with life in general, just _having_ it makes life worth living, gives you a purpose." Alessandra looks down at her dinner, quietly. "When you hear someone's life in the lyrics of a song, that life becomes yours, at least until the music stops. ...Good night, K'ran, take care." Kelset lifts his shoulders slightly, a smile traced across his lips as he returns to Shawnah, "Then song's not your lifemate." Expression turning slightly apologetic, he lifts a hand to K'ran. "Thank you for your excellent running of things tonight; it was a pleasure for all of us, I am certain." Zaidra opens her mouth to say something, but changes her plan and simply sayd, "Good night, K'ran." Kassima has to say, can't help it, "I don't believe it can be *as* strong... but that isn't t'say 'tisn't worth having, worth pursuing. 'Tis only a differing kind of bond." Her glass is lifted again--empty now--to K'ran, moments before she rises to rectify the 'empty' problem. "G'deve, K'ran; m'regards t'Jehan if'n he isn't dead." Shawnah stares at her now empty wineglass. "I think.. that's what I'm looking for. Something I love enough that.." she trails off, unable to find the words, and nods to K'ran, "G"night K'ran. Thanks for the dinner." "That would something to envy in itself," is what Kiharu offers to the Harper from where she's curled, "Whether one's found the same in whatever he or she has chosen.. wish I could say I have." Then a nod is given K'ran, and a smile. "Goodnight!" Quick to wave away that accolade, K'ran aims a generous gesture back toward the Candidates, the others -- indeed, everyone else. "Don't thank -me-," he laughs. "All I did was start 'em talking. They did the hard work." And then he's threading his way through the remnants of the evening's crowd, slipping back out towards the bowl even as a couple of his Dawnslight wingmates fall into step with him. K'ran walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. "It comes in time, I think," Kichevio reassures Kiharu. "Sometimes without even noticing." "In the perpetual cry of the old to the young, and I don't blame you that this is little comfort," Kelt says, turning understanding green eyes to Kiharu, "You have time, yet." A slight smile to Kassima, he nods his immediate agreement. "I wouldn't ever be so bold as to claim it is as strong, my dear 'rider. Those like myself can only speculate." Alessandra whimpers suddenly, faintly, and turns away, pausing only long enough to kick her chair back into place before she's almost running back into the inner caverns, face distinctly green. Alessandra walks towards the inner cavern. "While 'twouldn't say any of us are old in any sense," sayeth Kassima, with a mock-glare Keltwards, "'twill concur with that much: nay everyone finds it right away. Nay everyone even finds it by our ever-so-advanced age. But most people find it... sooner or later. Oh, dear." She watches Alessi depart, clearly torn between sympathy and laughter. "I *did* tell her that story, y'know." Kichevio laughs. "It's partially Jaly's fault too," she points out, "for getting drunk in the Lava Lounge again despite all good advice to the contrary." Kassima snorts her amusement. "Can't blame *him*. He ends up with some embarrassment and another child in due course, nay with all the bothers of pregnancy, childbirth, and tending the kidlet in question. Easy t'see why he'd nay necessarily be deterred!" In case anyone's confused, she explains for the Candidates and Kelt, "This isn't the first time Jal's gotten pregnant with some poor, innocent, hapless greenrider and knocked her up. Which reminds me, oddly... anyone willing t'take a bet with me? 'Twill bet a mark that Schmitt will get pregnant someday. Just don't ask me why. 'Tis a *secret*." "I suppose we have a few Turns left in these bones," Kelt concedes, rising slowly to his feet. "At any rate, I must beg the pardon of all those present: I must return to the Hall, and sleep stalks me rather boldly. It has been an evening of pure pleasure, however." Kichevio pretends outrage. "What, has everyone quit betting on _me_?" Shawnah sits back in her seat, yawning, then peeks over to Kassima, "I'll take you up on that bet.. though I've no marks to give.." she looks over to Kelset then, and nods, "Thanks for the lovely song, and story, sir." she says. Kichevio seconds Shawnah. "Thank you for your company, Master Harper. Kassima flicks her fingers in airy dismissal. "Kich, Kich, the pool on whether you, Jasmyn, and Alessi will all get pregnant at once with L'son's babies died off when the news about Alessi came out. There *is* a minor pool concerning you and Jasmyn both at once, mind you, but that's neither here nor there at the moment. This is a special bet, one I need t'make--oh, good, Shawnah. Wouldn't normally bet with someone who doesn't have the marks ready, but this is an unusual sort of wager." With Kelt risen, she directs her smile to him upwards. "Likewise, Kelt. You'll have t'come listen to us blather more often, and share your stories too." Zaidra echos Shawnah and Kichevio. "Thank you, sir." Tarlo walks in from the bowl. Kiharu's lips curve slightly, mild in contrast to the mirth in her gaze, "I think at least I shan't have to worry about that soon," she allows. The girl turns to give the departing Kelset a wave and courteous, "A good night, Master Harper, and I hope, more songs in evenings to come." Tarlo enters, with Tarrik absently on her shoulder. She looks faintly tired and a bit wan, but she seems quite satisfied with everything - a look of relief when she gazes down at her sleeping son. Kichevio just shakes her head at Kassi. "You're going to lose marks, Kassi...hi Tarlo!" She takes in the situation with a glance, and asks softly, "You want me to hold him for a bit?" Jehan slips in from the candidate barracks, in search of a night-time snack. He's nearly silent in his soft indoor slipper-boots, newly short hair ruffled from the pillow of his coat. Kelset, stretching his arms high above him, allows a warm smile to briefly erase the weariness from his physiognomy. "Thank you," he responds, making eye contact with each person. "My congratulations, once again, to all who are Candidates; it was an honour to meet you." Lifting his riding jacket from the back of his chair and slowly drawing it over his arms and shoulders, he notes to Kassima, "It is my serious intention to return as soon as I can. I have been absent far too long. There are many people I need to get to know." Slipping his gitar case over his shoulders, he waves another warm farewell, retrieves his helmet from under his chair and, giving a smile to Tarlo as he passes, picks his way toward the bowl exit and disappears without. Kelset walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Zaidra watches after the Harper as he leaves, then turns to smile at Tarlo and Tarrik, and greet softly, "Evening..." Telgar Weyr> Kelset thanks everyone for the lovely evening. I'm about to drop dead from exhaustion. Peace, everyone. Kassima lays a finger alongside her nose. "Didn't say how 'twas betting in this pool, Kich. Duties t'Harper and her Masters," gets called after Kelt, an afterthought. "Welcome back, Jehan. Nay dead, I see... worry about what, Kiharu, children?" The woman adopts an ominous tone: "You never know. G'deve, Tarlo...." Her voice drops to just above a whisper. "Has the wee lad been keeping you up?" Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "G'night, Kelt. :)" Telgar Weyr> Kiharu waves. "Night :) Jehan mubmles his greeting, as he heads over to scavenge for food. Tarlo nods. "Afraid so." she murmurs. "He's been really fussy tonight - it was rather bad, I'm afraid. He's alright now, though." She looks over. "Jehan, would it be a burden to ask you to bring me a plate of something too? Anything's fine." Jehan looks up from his contemplation of various hearth-breads, and offers a small smile. "Of course not." He's only been here how long? Surely hecan't be sweet on the Goldrider already... Kassima shakes her head in mild amazement. "Must be something going about. Kiss was fussing up a storm earlier, 'til Is took her--'twas thinking I'd never make it to the dinner. Ooh, and Tarlo, there's cheesecake with fruit topping. A dairy product. The Healers would be proud." Tarlo perks. "Cheesecake?" A pleading smile is thrown at He Who Gets The Food, before she turns to Kassima. "Usually the chamomile helps, but for the amount he was fussing I didn't want to dose him all that much." Shawnah's nodded off to sleep at her seat, oblivious to everything. Kichevio repeats her offer with a chuckle. "Tarlo, I'll take him if you want your hands free for eating." If Kiharu was alarmed at Kassima's remark earlier, it's not that evident, though the girl does sidle slowly to the exit, beaming at Tarlo en route. "I think I'll be going to bed as well," she manages, "Night, everyone." A nod, quick if polite, to each, before she disappears into the caverns. Jehan serves up cheesecake, before retrieving his own share of a sandwich. "Here," he murmurs, proffering the plate to Tarlo. Tarlo shoots Kichevio a grateful look. "Would you? He's cried himself out, so he'll sleep like a log." she promises. Tarlo hands off the sleeping spawn to Kich, and takes hold of the cheesecake with a grateful smile. "Thank you, Jehan." Zaidra waves tiredly to Kiharu. "Night." "I should've dosed Kisai, likely, but I thought 'twas just a temporary thing; she's over the colic, thanks be t'Faranth." Kassi sips leisurely at her second cup of wine, her own plates entirely cleared. "She acts rather like she's teething, for all that she's a bit young for it. With luck, mayhaps your lad wore himself out with the fussing and will sleep. G'deve, there, Kiharu--sleep well and all that." Jehan smiles, and curls up on the edge of the hearth...his favored seating. The scrap of sandwich disappears in short order. Kichevio takes Tarrick, holding him to her chest with the ease of someone who's done this _way_ too many times. "Got him. He's down for the count. Eat your dinner." Telgar Weyr> Tarlo smirks. Y'know, one day someone's going to decide how to spell my child's name. /I/ don't even know how to spell my child's name. Tarlo attacks her cheesecake with a vengeance. Telgar Weyr> Kassima thought it was Tarrick at first from the +bbpost and your +pos, but then later it turned into Tarrik, neh? Telgar Weyr> Kichevio says, "Darn, I thought I had it right..." Telgar Weyr> Tarlo says, "Half the time it's Tarrik, half the time it's Tarrick, one of these days, our minds will get made up - no worries, in any case. ;>" Telgar Weyr> Kassima snickers. Just lemme know, when it is made up, if it's not Tarrik, so I can fix the Tree again. ;) Telgar Weyr> Tarlo needs to tap K'ran anyway. No listing on the +pos, naughty person! Telgar Weyr> Kassima checks and oohs, no, I think he must've added it recently. Telgar Weyr> Kichevio hopes he won't have an identity crisis when he grows up...;) "The fish is excellent, too," Kassi suggests helpfully. Telgar Weyr> Tarlo says, "Woo, he went with 'k'!" Kichevio chuckles. "Cheesecake's better." Tarlo says wryly, "After the night I've had, dessert before dinner is the least I can indulge in." Kassima shakes her head, her nose wrinkling in faint distaste. "Cheesecake's all right--tonight's was excellent, don't get me wrong--but 'tis really too rich t'be liking very often, I find. A'course, 'tis good in that 'tis a dairy product." Although she sounds more regretful of this than actually enthused. Sliding a look towards the remaining Candidates, she wonders, "Think you that Tarlo should tell her story, too? For all that we're technically done with the game, methinks." Jehan looks up from the remains of his after meal, and brushes off his lap. "No, I'd like to hear it, please." Tarlo blinks. "Story? I'm telling a story? What kind of story am I telling?" Zaidra sits up in her chair when Kassima offers that, "I think that's an /excellent/ idea." Green eyes flicker to Tarlo, and she adds in her best wheedling tone, "Please? Just your life story in a thousand words or less....nothing...scary." Kichevio explains softly, in deference to Tarrik. "We've all been telling our one-minute life stories, even me." Shawnah's head has lulled back now, mouth agape as a drip of drool sloooowly makes its way out of her mouth. "Where you came from, what you like, your general history," Kassi supplies readily. "And meanwhile... Zaidra, y'know, I'd bet there are grapes on the food tables somewhere. 'Twould be interesting t'see what would happen if'n someone sitting near her dropped them in Shawnah's open mouth there." Tarlo hrms. "One minute life story? Let me think for a minute." she grins at Kassi. "Ah...not an actual 60 seconds or less type of thing." Zaidra laughs, but shakes her head no, "It might be interesting...but /you/ don't sleep in the same barracks as she does. She'd get even." Telgar Weyr> Shawnah blinks innocently at Zai. Who. Me? *batbat* Telgar Weyr> Zaidra says, "No the /other/ girl with blue hair." Kassima gives this point due consideration. "You're right," she decides. "I don't. But if'n you tell the other Candidate Coordinators I'm doing this, *I'll* get even." That's a prelude to her sliding out of her chair and creeping, as best she can in that gown, towards the grapes in question. "Nay strict time limit, Tarlo, I *hope*. 'Twasn't that fast when 'twas my turn." Tarlo chuckles, and considers. "Alright..." she muses for a moment. Zaidra shakes her head at Kassima, eyes dancing. "Who? Me? Tell? /Never/." Kichevio stifles a giggle as she watches the drama unfolding. A single, albeit loud and long, snore sounds from where Shawnah's sitting. "I was born into a trader clan, fourth child out of six. We kept a winter hold in Keroon, and dealt mainly in textiles. I grew up loving color and texture, and my mother and elder sister taught me to sew at a relatively young age. Eventually I learned to draw, at least in a rudimentary fashion, and I started to design clothing, at first only basic stuff, then more often. My father decided to give me a chance and gave me some fabric and a runner and a map, and let me strike out on my own. I was hoping to earn enough commissions to get the attention of the folks at Weaverhall, and when I came to Telgar for the first time, I was lucky enough to have Alerith's rider Merielan notice me - the adopted daughter of the Weaverhall Craftmaster, Nuala." Tarlo takes a breath and continues. Tiptoe, tiptoe. Stealth-Kassi does indeed find a bowl of grapes; a small number are liberated, for the purpose of sneaking back towards Shawnah. Still trying to keep vewy, vewy quiet--she's hunting Candidates!--she poises a grape over that gaping, snoring maw. Of course, before she can drop it, she must needs listen with interest to Tarlo's storytelling. So she just stands there, with that grape dangling. How silly is this? Zaidra eyes Kassima, eyes Shawnah's chair, /just/ close enough that she can nudge it with her foot and still listen to the story. Her attention divided, she thinks about her options. Another snore escpaes as Tarlo takes a breath - it's really not that she's finding the story boring, she fell asleep loong before it started. Now.. what would happen if a grape were to be dropped into that drooling mouth mid-snore? Jehan watches Kass out of the corner of his eye, grinning foxishly. Does Kassima see that too-close foot, or does she merely share Shawnah's curiousity? Whichever it is, during the next available snore: bomb's away! Tarlo says "I became a student there - I loved it for the learning, but most of the other girls found me...a bit prudish, I suppose. But only a month or so later, I got Searched - by Alerith - the same dragon that took me to Weavercraft took me back out again. I went through Candidacy, stood for Daelyth and Nraith's clutch, and Cariath found me on the sands." Her eyes glaze. "She was so lovely." she murmurs, and then snaps out of her reverie. "Umm...after that was weyrlinghood where I was undoubtedly one of the banes of our weyrlingmaster and her assistants' daily lives. And K'ran and I came to our understanding. A few months after we graduated, I accidentally Impressed Zeppo, and K'ran won Steel, and now here we are. Dragon - two if you count Indrath, baby, weyrmate, fire-lizard, canine. Me." Jehan jerks his eyes away from the exploit with the grape to eye Tarlo. There's that puppyish look again: almost a simper, though he quickly jerks his eyes away. Kichevio adds cheerily, "And _everyone_ in the Weyr guessed that she and K'ran would weyrmate before she admitted her feelings for him." Zaidra listens to the story, really, she does. She can even answer a pop quiz about it if asked. But, if Kassima drops that grape, her foot'll kick out at the same time. Tarlo smirks. "One day I was glumming about the barracks, utterly determined that there wasn't a man in existence who could tolerate me. Kich and Tali gleefully announced that the next man who walked in would end up my weyrmate." she snickers. "Guess who. And he knew before I did, the lech." Kichevio sticks her tongue out at Tarlo. "Could've been worse. Could've been A'ser. Or L'cher!" Kassima did indeed drop the grape. Though whether it *hit*, well, that's harder to say. "I could be wishing it always worked like that," she mutters under her breath with some humor. "I'truth, Tarlo, I didn't start paying much attention to the Weyrlings until 'twere almost finished training, and even I could read the writing." *SnEEERKcoughcoughhack* is the next sound that comes from Shawnah as she sits bolt upright, look of panic in her eyes as she grabs for her throat and coughs for all she's worth, until a grape goes flying across the room, to land before some random person - candidate or rider? "What the - okay. What was /that/?!" the girl demands, jumping up, and then - Tarlo, "When did you get here?" Tarlo looks smug. "I never did tell any of you what happened at Starcraft." A pause. "At least, I don't think I did." she makes a face. "Stop me now, though. There are four subjects I can go on about endlessly: my life-mate, my weyrmate, my son, and clothes." she grins at Shawnah. "Been here for a while, dear." she says cheerfully. Zaidra had kicked the chair, but obviously too late. Stifling laughter at her blue-haired friend's predicament, she tells Shawnah, "You missed Tarlo's one-minute biography." Jehan immediately bursts into a fit of giggles, which he tries valiantly to stifle. This only results in a series of decidedly undignified honking noises and snorts. Kassima has prudently taken a step back and hidden her hands, with the other grapes, behind her back. And give her credit--she stifles her laughter at the Amazing Flying Choked-Up Grape pretty quickly, all things considered. "Must've been some sort of strange dream," she suggests to the Candidate, changing her expression to one of bemusement and concern. "...Starcraft. I don't think so, Tarlo." Tarlo presses her hand to her lips to keep from spewing cheesecake. Jehan is red-faced, and nearly rolling off of the hearth. Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "I've said it before, I'll say it again. Some people never grow up. ;)" Telgar Weyr> Jehan says, "you;re only young once, but you can be immature forever." Kichevio unobtrusively nudges the grape behind her chair, and tucks Tarrik a little closer in case of other missiles. "Do tell, Tarlo." Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "You're only as old as you can con yourself into believing you are. With pranks like that, Kassi can convince herself quite cheerfully that she's, oh, sixteen at *most*. ;)" Telgar Weyr> Shawnah dies laughing. I have to admit: this is the first time I've ever been ICly choked by a grape ;) Telgar Weyr> Zaidra says, "First time for everything?" Tarlo manages to recover enough to note, "It's not terribly naughty - when you're a Weyrling, you just can't go and do things like that...but it was the first time I really realized something was going on." she manges to recover, and waves her fork around for emphasis. "Cariath is fond of the stars, so much so, she asked to go to Starcraft to learn more. I indulged her," a smile, of /course/ she indulged her! "And well, Indrath's an ardent explorer, and it was a place he'd never been, so he and K'ran came along as well." Shawnah glares, just glares, from Zaidra to Jehan to Kassima to Tarlo to Kichevio, and yes, even to Tarrik, and slowly takes her seat, "Uh huh. Well, if I found out who did it.." she lets it go at that, and nods to Tarlo, clearing her throat a little more, "Well. Evening then, Tarlo.." she trails off then, and listens to her story, trying to catch up. Kassima starts edging back towards her seat while the getting's hopefully good, those grapes getting helpfully deposited on some poor soul's plate while he's not looking. Grapes on top of legumes. Yeah, that's tasty. "So what happened?" she naturally wants to know, resuming her chair with as much grace as she can muster at this late hour. Tarlo grins to Shawnah. "Evening," she says smoothly, and continues, "After we'd been to see one of the journeymen, we walked back to where we'd left the dragons, and we stopped to chat. And K'ran sort of used the spacing of the moment to corner me between Cariath and Indrath." She does start to grin now, getting an only slightly less dopy look then when she talks about Impression. "And as we talked, he got very very close....." Kichevio remarks to no one in particular, "These are the best stories." Kassima's expression is a bit vaguely wistful. "In a sense," she agrees. "Did he kiss you, then?" She's still radiating innocence, too. Zaidra listens, interested, the way 15-turn-olds /always/ are when someone's talking about mushy stuff. Tarlo giggles. "No. In a rather weak-kneed fashion, I reminded him that we were weyrlings and had to be careful...and he told me I was right, and pulled away, but as he mounted Indrath, he told me I wouldn't get away for very much longer." Then she ooh's at Kichevio. "Hey, do you remember when Fasolth taught all the Cariath and Saulith and the other greens how to smooch?" Shawnah's gaze happens upon those grape-topped legumes, and a brow quirks up suspiciously for the greenrider who just /happened/ by that table reciently, though she quickly looks back to Tarlo, "Aaw." Kichevio giggles. "Yep. I just kept thinking that May was going to blame _me_, because I'd kissed T'mas earlier and Saulith saw me and asked questions. Kassima doesn't look at the table. Doesn't look at the grapes. Doesn't look at Shawnah. Nope, her attention's completely on Tarlo and her story, because, after all, she has nothing to hide. "It does sound romantic," she agrees with a sigh. "And you didn't realize then he had feelings for you? --Faranth's sake alive, Fasolth *is* incorrigible." Telgar Weyr> Mansi hmmms. Any RP to be found? Telgar Weyr> Shawnah waves at the LC :) Tarlo grins wryly, "No more so then he did any other female. Don't you remember his 'I know women' speech? Were you there for that?" Mansi walks here from the Inner Cavern. Jehan drifts off to sleep, as well, tucked agianst the corner of the hearth. Kassima gives an emphatic headshake. "I don't think so. I don't remember laughing hysterically, as such speeches usually make me do." Tarlo grins. "Kich might have been there." Relatively new to the weyr, or more specifically, candidacy, Mansi aimlessly wanders into the caverns with a pensive expression upon her face. As she spots several weyrfolk seated at the nearby tables, riders and candidates alike, she asks aloud, "Where do we get sheets for out cots? Mine has crawlers in it" Eeew. Shawnah eyes Tarlo, "What was this famous speech?" she asks, and then glances over to Mansi. "You! I saw you come in earlier, didn't I? Welcome!" awefully chipper for someone just woken from sleep by a killer grape.. Kassima has to glance over and blink at *that* question. "Crawlers. Faranth's sake--'twas sure the cleaning the Barracks got a'fore Search would've gotten rid of that... wonder if'n someone's breeding the things. Welladay, there should be fresh sheets in Stores. A belated welcome t'you, by the by." She doesn't vocally echo Shawnah's question, but her eyes express interest. And innocence. Don't forget innocence. Tarlo mmms. "Something about how he knew women, and that all women could be devided into four categories: His mother, sisters - which his fellow weyrlings of the time counted as, female dragonriders, and Girls You Slept With." Zaidra offers to the newcomer, after Kassima tells her where to find sheets, "The left hand side of the room is cleaner. Stay away from Parme. He's messy. And he faints practically if you look at him, and hi, I'm Zai." Mansi, mumbling each name to herself as they're given, nods as she walks closer to the table, although a piqued shiver races throughout her as she mentions, "Crawlers everywhere it was disgusting." Breathing a deep sigh, she smiles her thanks, "I'll find those immediately then," and belatedly, she adds, "I'm Mansi, I was from Igen and now I'm here and" She looks about herself and concludes, "And now I'm here." Kassima's brows attempt to climb up into her scalp. "K'ran," she decides, "is insane. Wildly, completely, totally insane, and if'n I find him sharing that little sentiment with any daughters of *mine*--" Good-natured, but there's a hint of genuine protectiveness. "At least I can hide safely in the 'female dragonrider' category. Always good news." On a belated note: "I'm Kassima. Or Kassi. Call me ma'am, and 'twill hunt down those crawlers and make you eat them." Yes, she's kidding. Maybe. "Saulith picked you up?" "Shawnah" Shawnah offers Mansi, and then grins at Tarlo, "I'll have to agree with Kassima there." then, "Heed her warnings Mansi.. she's telling the truth." Tarlo notes wryly, "He's edited that opinion since, I'm sure. He keeps hoping people will forget that little speech." she looks over. "Crawlers, huh? Invite some of the fire lizards in there, they'll make quick with the little nuisances." Zaidra glances at Shawnah, "Hey, you could put Nny to work..." "No ma'am, I'll remember that," she promptly repeats and taps at her scalp as if to imprint the admonition into her brain; torn between seating herself and feeding herself, Mansi chooses the later and nearly races to the serving table while answering, "Saulith picked me up. Or more so, stared me straight in the eye." Just as she readies herself to snag a meatroll, she asks, "Have you ever tried a crawler? They're rather nasty" K'ryo alked in from the bowl. Really, he did. Tarlo says "Can't say that I have, but I'm sure the fire lizards find them delicious." K'ryo slowly walks in from the bowl, per habit, heading straight for the wine stash. Kassima has to second, fervently, "Nor have I, nor would I *want* to. I leave the eating of crawlers to the Blue Brigade--they're glad enough t'be doing it. Felicitations t'both Saulith and you, then... just missed the welcoming dinner, actually. 'Twere telling our stories of who we are, where we came from, and what we like; you're welcome t'share yours if'n you wish." Grinning at Tarlo, she quips, "Nary a chance of forgetting *that*. About like 'tis hard t'forget K'tyn trying t'order that all women in the Weyr should go around without clothes whenever 'twas a flight." Tarlo blinks. "He did?" she snickers. Zaidra waves to the newly arrived person at the wine stash, and turns to Mansi, offering, "If you don't want to tell your story, come sit with us? Or, even if you do, actually." Tarlo nods. "Indeed." "He *did*. Greenrider's honor." Kassi holds up her hand for the third time tonight. "A'course, he'd just lost a flight, and Cav had won it, and afterwards Cav wandered into the Living Cavern in his underwear. Well, Kiat was a bit torqued and said that from now on--he was Weyrleader at the time, I should note--women had t'go around naked after flights, but men had to be appropriately dressed at *all times*. Kiat's now Weyrleader of Igen," she appends for the Candidates, "but I've never heard of them wandering around naked, so mayhaps he's given up that dream." Tarlo announces with all due solemnity, "Now that's unfair. I think Nimiriel should announce that all the -men- have to go naked during flights. It'll certainly make some of the decision a bit easier." she snickers. Shawnah has started to nod off again.. perhaps not the safest thing in the world. But she jerks awake again as she's spoken to, "Huh? Oh! Yeah.. I bet he chased them all over there to begin with.." she says, and then peeks over at the newst addition to the living caverns, offering K'ryo a wave, before, "Women had to /what/?" Zaidra whispers to Shawnah, "And we thought the buttered pants were scary???" Mansi, lost betwixt the varied conversation in the caverns, is drawn toward Zaidra's invitation to sit - but not before she manages to serve herself a heaping portion of every available item on the day's menu. Hungry, she is. Once seated, she dramatically rubs her hands together and begins, "Well, I'm originally from Islan Hold do you know where that it?" As if everyone should. Tarlo winces at Zaidra. "They got to you with the buttless pants business too?" Then she turns attentively to Mansi. Mansi then perks: "Naked men... ooh." What news for her adolescent ears! Telgar Weyr> Shawnah snickers at the thought of buttered pants ;) Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Blame Tali for those. ;)" K'ryo snatches up a full skin of wine -- those who've been around awhile would also recognise this as a pattern -- and rumbles off to the Dawnslight table. He acknowledges a wave be a new faces in the crowd that are paying him attention. Telgar Weyr> K'ryo blinks at his pose. Wow, concert with drinks. Pardon me is I don't make too much sense. Kassima repeats, "Go around naked. Oh, we didn't, a'course. I for one wouldn't go naked in public, Weyrleader's order or nay. But fortunately he came to his senses." Laughing, she admits to Tarlo, "Mayhaps nay such a bad notion--*after* flights, though, nay during. Islan... can't say it strikes an immediate bell, Mansi; what Holds are near it?" Of course, with the buttless and buttered pants coming up again, she nearly chokes on her wine, but manages to waggle fingers to K'ryo in greeting as he passes. Telgar Weyr> Shawnah laughs. Rping under the influence? Baaaaad idea. Did that at a flight once... ;) Shawnah shakes her head, "How could anyone /order/ people to walk around naked. After flights even! Even candidates?" Mansi's attention is noticeably distracted by the thought of naked men and the fact that her adolescent imagination is operating in overtime. A shake of her head dispels this and with a blushing smirk, she returns to her story, "Islan Hold its near Ista Hold. I'm surprised you haven't heard of it my father is a major holder." Or at least, she'd like to believe. "Anyways, I was born 'n raised there and then after traveling a bit, lived at Igen Hold.." "We didn't have Candidates at the time. But he did say all women, so I can only *presume*...." And shrug her shoulders at the foibles of men. That's what Kassi can do. No comment on the 'major holder' bit; she's content to simply listen, and nod encouragement for the story to continue. Just as Mansi opens her mouth to continue about the concluding portion of her story, a reasonably large woman emerges from the kitchen, barking out several names - hers included. "Shards, figures I've got duties while I'm resting," -- she's always resting it seems - "I'll have to finish later if you'll excuse me." And within a second or two, she's discarded her tray and off to the kitchens. Telgar Weyr> Mansi must excuse herself and head off for the night. 4 hours left to work and 0 sleep. ;> Night everyone! Telgar Weyr> Kassima grins. G'night, Mansi. :) Mansi walks off towards the kitchen. Kassima rattles her tongue, darting a dirtly look after the serving person. "Chores at this time of night--even I'm nay *that* cruel and evil, Faranth's phlegm." Shawnah blinks, "Faranth's phlegm?" "I've sworn by Faranth's fecund flaming femur and Faranth's spleen on a stick too many times," Kassi explains, a bit apologetic. "It seemed time t'start trying new oaths." Telgar Weyr> Tarlo can feel herself spacing out, and will hence head out. Telgar Weyr> Kassima probably needs to zip soon, too. Been RPing for... let's see... about nine hours straight? I'm scorched. :) Telgar Weyr> Shawnah /dittos/. That and Freakazoid will be coming on in a few. :) Telgar Weyr> Zaidra is heading for bed also. Oooh. Mass exodus. Telgar Weyr> Lenka grins. I was surprised to see so many of you on still. I just woke up. (Bit late, too...) Shawnah suddenly stands and, zombie-like, makes for the inner caverns. Shawnah walks towards the inner cavern. Kassima finishes off her glass of wine and admits, stifling a yawn, "I'd probably best be getting t'sleep, too. And hope Kiss doesn't wake me up again a'fore 'tis morning-light. G'deve, everyone." Zaidra absently follows Shawnah toward the barracks, yawning, then saying, "Night all." Zaidra walks towards the inner cavern. You walk down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.