
I Have a Headache *This Big*

Date:  January 26, 2000
Places:  Telgar Weyr's Southern Bowl and Storage Rooms
Game:  PernMUSH
Copyright Info:  The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey 
l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.


Kassi's Note:  It's not precisely unusual for Kassi to have a hangover,
though it's less common for her to drink herself to the point where she 
needs an ice-pack for her head the next day.  She's evidently not the
only one in need of a headache remedy--but she and J'lyn might have 
succeeded only in sowing seeds for future migraines, as rumors begin 
amongst the riders there about just why the Wingleader and Weyrsecond 
are blushing so much.  And what, precisely, did those cryptic references 
to 'Marcus' and 'this morning' mean?  Do inquiring minds really want to 
know, or would ignorance be bliss?


The Log:

You backwing for a landing.

You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles,
cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully.

Taralyth, wrapped-up-in-a-ball Taralyth with his wings for wrapping paper,
lifts a couple lids to peer - Lysseth; he warbles congenial greeting.

Lysseth rumbles an oddly smug-sounding greeting to the other dragons as she
settles herself, barely waiting for her rider to touch ground before
curling comfortably. "Evil green wench," Kassi mutters, eliciting a
distinct draconic snicker, before pacing her way to the waiting Caverns.

You walk past the lintel and into the wide living cavern.

You walk off towards the kitchen.

You push your way past scurrying kitchen girls into the storeroom 

You walk off towards the Storage Rooms.

Whinde walks in from outside the room.

Ryialla cranes her head, peering at the 'thingies'. "Oooh, they're pretty.
Wonder what they're doing in storage?"

In one of the far rooms - dusty rooms, it must be added - I'sai agrees,
"That's what Leya asked," nodding to the little glass figurines that make
up a firelizard fair. "-Keara- said they were probably -cursed-."

Enter the greenrider, grimacing. Well, sort of. Kassi is a greenrider, and
she is grimacing, but it's hard to really see this grimace as she has her
head down and what appears to be a cloth pressed against her brow. "Dear
Faranth, the rooms're crowded," she realizes. "I don't suppose any of you
have seen those thingies for the head about? The ones you fill with snow
and plunk on your head when you have a headache fit t'be splitting diamonds
with?" Wait--isn't she forgetting something? "Oh, and g'deve, too." That's

I'sai tilts his head and, upon second thought, snags the second bronzelet
with a momentary, wicked grin; he then wraps up the four in the poor
purple-backed fleece, meanwhile murmuring to Ryialla and the others,
"-That- doesn't sound like the headwoman either, thankfully."

Whinde steps into the room to see that it's quite crowded "Oh. Hi." she
says, making herself small against the shelves.

Ryialla reaches out a gentle finger to touch one. "More likely they were
just put in here when someone passed, and were forgotten about." She's an
almost 39-Turn-Old woman: too old to be believing in curses. Kassi's
familiar voice causes her to look up, and smirk. "Have a wee bit too much
last night, hmm?"

"That was my guess," I'sai agrees, leaning amiably back on one foot, "Only,
they thought it was depressing to think that there wasn't any family to
take it... Wish you could have joined her, Ryi?" with a wave towards the
nanny's quiet voice.

Kassima manages a somewhat halfhearted glare at Ryialla. Perhaps the
bloodshot state of her eyes will make up for some of what it lacks in
effort. "You could say that. And the mishap in drills didn't help matters,
let me be telling you." Summoning her scattered thoughts, she squints
towards the figurines. "What're those? They're cursed? Are you going t'be
giving one t'Mart, by chance?"

Lysseth> Taralyth stretches out his neck a little to sniff, nostrils
flaring to show a hint of their crimson lining: wherefore smug? An oiling,
a lively wherry or two...

Ryialla chuckles. "Always, I'sai. Always." The word 'mishap' brings a
somewhat worried look to her face. "What happened? Anyone seriously hurt?"

Lysseth> Lysseth is fresh-oiled, yes, though lacking that distinct 'entrail
breath' that would mark a recent feeding; no, her smugness comes not from
those sources but rather from something her rider has done to judge by the
way the Aura of Smug diminishes slightly once Kassi is no longer present.
She offers, in fact, an innocent warble. Smug? Who, *her*?

Leya finally decides speak, "I doubt there cursed, that just was Keara
said." She shrugs, "I just think they're pretty."

"They are real nice," I'sai offers, after a wry chuckle Ryi's way and a,
"Better you than me..." He then adds, "Uh, yeah. Hope it wasn't too bad,"
andworriedly looks his clutchmate over one more time -just- in case he'd
missed spotting any lost limbs, gaping wounds, or other possible results of

Lysseth> Taralyth's diamondine eyes take on a subtly speedier whirl; he
stretches, talons digging into the admittedly muddy ground, to take a
better look. No longer smug? How disappointing. He even yawns.

Lysseth> Tovith just watches the other two dragons, his eyes only half
opened as he keeps his back to the chilly wind.

Kassima finds a section of shelf stable-looking enough to lean against,
covering her eyes with the cloth for a moment. "Nay, nay injury taken. But
'twere trying something complicated, and Kilvath--she's *just* off yet
another maternity leave, would you believe; Alicienne litters more'n a
bloody *feline*--got twisted about and nigh collided with Kilth, who
swerved and nearly hit Guarith, who whapped Alymbrith in the head with his
wing... 'twas like a game of dominos, 'twould swear it. Thank Faranth it
didn't get past the blues or we'd have had one shard-all mess." Her
description is given in a tone at once exasperated and faintly amused; it
probably did make a spectacle. "They're nice, but what are they? Glassy

Ryialla mms. "Decorative figurines. There a whole fair in there?" She
starts looking around, to see if she can find any others floating about.
"Whole fair should be together.."

Lysseth> Lysseth tilts her head, just so; a yawn. Should she be affronted?
Probably. Does she want to bother with being affronted? That's a better
question. Finally, she settles for a similar show of disdain: a *larger*
yawn, large enough that her jaw pops and all of her unusually long teeth
are displayed to fine advantage. How lovely.

Leya returns I'sai's worried gaze with a confused one of her own, then
shrugs, "How many kids /does/ Alicienne have anyway?" She picks the gold
firelizard figurine and holds it up, "Yeah, they're just little glass

I'sai's just been shaking his head at the sound of those swervings and
bumpings and near-bumpings and this and that and the other - and then he
shrugs, too; "Careful, they might raid. But... show them the
thing-you-stick-flowers-in and the, uh, other thing?"

Lysseth> Taralyth may be keeping an eye for that Tovith, but - well. As
long as Lysseth's putting -that- on display. He reaches out with one dark
talon-accoutered paw and, so to speak, tries to put his foot in it.

"Sounds pretty," Kassi agrees muzzily, pushing with reluctance away from
the shelf to head towards the nearest stack of cloth and begin poking at it
as if this will somehow reveal the head-thingy she seeks. "Six now,
methinks? Aye, six. And two miscarried that I recall. That she doesn't have
more isn't for lack of trying. Going t'have t'work with her on that
maneuver tomorrow morning, see if'n we can avoid another fracas." More
poking ensues before she thinks to wonder, "What are you lot looking for in
here, anyway?"

Lysseth> It's impossible to describe Lysseth's expression in words. The
sort of startlement a human would show if someone abruptly stuck a hand in
their mouth as they yawned doesn't translate well onto draconic features,
but Lyss does her noble best. Her bugle of surprise comes out as more of a
squawk. She stares at Taralyth with due reproach, waiting with
ill-concealed impatience for him to stop playing dentist, thank you.

Lysseth> Lorieth backwings for a landing.

Leya giggles at I'sai, but dutifully sets the gold down in her lap and
picks up a multi-colored bird and a blue and green swirled blown glass
vase, one in each hand. "These are what I pulled out first.'

Ryialla says offhandedly, "Blankets." Never mind she's nowhere near where
they're stored - instead poking about in random boxes. "Sharding thing fell
apart. And it was only 10 Turns old." She's kicked up a bit of dust, and
has to stop to stifle a sneeze.

Lysseth> Taralyth leans over his paw - which is currently occupying space
in Lysseth's maw - and warbles to her with remarkable, blue-eyed cheer.
Just hold that pose.... -Then- he withdraws it, and shakes off any spare
spit and such: much better. Now he can even warble to Lorieth. That wasn't
so bad, was it.

I'sai's booted foot - twitches. He sets down the four he'd borrowed, too.
"Real nice. Only ten... actually, I'm looking for some, you know, things.
Too. Weyr-things. Blanket. Maybe a pillow. Something to put my feet on so's
it's not cold in the morning. That sort of thing. Leya, now, she's going

Kassima looks up from the cloth stack she was pawing through. It's
evidently escaped her attention that this stack is comprised of frilly
lingerie and not anything that's apt to yield an ice-pack. "For the baby?
Bonny idea, Ryi. Mayhaps they'll be around where the head-cloths are." The
underwear receives a frown. It's starting to sink into her head that
wherever such things are, this isn't it. "Ohhh... those're lovely, Leya. I
like the blue and the green."

Leya blinks at Ryialla, "Ten turns? But that's a long..." she trails off
she decides not to finish that sentence." She grins at I'sai, "Some things
to make my weyr look nicer."

Leya nods to Kassima, "I this must have been someone's fair that they had
done in glass."

J'lyn walks in from outside the room.

Ryialla squinches her nose at Kassi. "No, for me. I'm holding off on
getting a blanket for the baby for a couple of months, so I don't lose it."
She nods at Leya. "That sounds like it's probable..hey," she chuckles.
"Good thing it wasn't your lot, Kassi."

They're all in one of the dustier storerooms - Keara excepted, who's
momentarily escaped - and currently a few glass firelizards are sitting out
and about, along with other assorted items. Most of them considerably 

J'lyn wanders in lookinf peaked. "Yeesh, it's a bloody conven--" He breaks
off at the sight of Thunderbolt's Wingleader and tries to avoid looking at
her. Instead he busies himself by searching through the boxes and bags for
some unnamed item.

Leya finally stands after she sets the glass items pack in the box, laying
them on top of the cloth strips. She carefully places the box by her small
pile of previously buried treasure, then brushes dusts off of herself.
Ryialla cranes her head out, then snaps off a sharp salute to J'lyn.
"Anything we can help you find, mayhaps? We've got some lovely glass
figurines - and, oh. Holler if you come across a headache band, hey?"

Keara finishes scolding the poor apprentice and turns to go back to Is and
Leya, then starts. People. Oh my. She stalks back over towards Leya, now
covered in flour as well as being rumpled.

I'sai teases Leya, "Don't think that was the headwoman either, do you?
Seems like we're safe - and tell me you're not done." He peeks over the
assorted boxes to see who specifically it is, blinking dust away of his 

Kassima blinks at Ryi from under the rapidly-melting cloth on her head.
"Lose it? Ryi... remind me t'be glad I've never seen your weyr. And *that*
would take entirely too much glass. D'you have many 'lizards, Leya? Might
want t'be careful with glass things if'n you do--don't know whether your
lot's as accident-prone as mine, but putting pretty things a good distance
from any perches still couldn't hurt." She glances over at J'lyn's
entrance, and--get this--goes a festive shade of red and turns to rummage
through the lingerie with greater endeavor. Never mind that ice-packs are
not generally found with underwear. It's being busy that counts.

Figurines? He don't need no stinkin' figurines. The large Weyrsecond shakes
his head carefully. "That's what I'm looking for as well." He
surreptitiously glances Kassi-wards. Evidently he's not the only person on
a mission.

Dragon> Tsieth bespoke Telgar dragons with << Greetings to Telgar dragons
from Tsieth of Ista! >>

Lysseth> Tsieth backwings for a landing.

Lysseth> Lysseth opens and closes her jaw a few times as though in test. It
still seems to work, bronze dragon germs aside.

Dragon> Tsieth bespoke Lorieth, Lysseth, Taralyth, and Tovith with << Good
evening! >>

Lysseth> Laureva springs lightly from Tsieths back and onto the ground.

Dragon> Telgar dragons sense that Lysseth rumbles in amiable salutation. 
<< Duties to Ista and her queens, and welcome, Tsieth. >>

I'sai backs away from Keara. Cautiously. In time to mention ever so
solicitously, "Are you quite all right, Kassima? It's not too warm in here,
is it? You look dreadfully red... I wonder why everyone has these
headaches. -I- don't. Yet."

Ryialla peers suspiciously at J'lyn. "You are?" Her gaze flickers back and
forth between Kassi and J'lyn. Festive Red Kassi, even. Mildly, she says,
"Oh? Indulged a wee bit overmuch yestereve, perhaps?" There's something
dangerous in her eyes. This is a woman whose been denied the pleasures of
wine for too long. Resting a hand on the small swell of her abdomen, she
mms at I'sai. "Were you drinking, too?"

Lysseth> Taralyth noses companionably at Lysseth - give it a little time -
and then tilts his headknobs Tsieth's way for wordless greeting of his own,
curiously examining the older dragon.

Leya nods to I'sai, "No, I think I'm going to look around some more." She
looks at the other riders, "Unless I suddenly get a headache I suppose."

Kassima murmurs something quite sotto voce about not being surprised.
Stealthily as she can, she sneaks away from the unhelpful frills in search
of another pile of cloth that might prove more rewarding. "Fine, fine," she
assures I'sai in a mutter. "'Tis just... uh... the lighting. Truly told."

Lysseth> Laureva vaults lightly onto Tsieth's back.

Lysseth> Lysseth slants Taralyth a dubious look, wiggling her lower jaw
from side to side a moment more before gingerly closing the basket of fangs
she calls a mouth. And *keeping* it closed. Thus, her warble to Tsieth is
somewhat muffled.

Dragon> Telgar dragons sense that Tsieth sighs heavily at his forgetful
rider. << I will visit again soon! >>

Lysseth> Tsieth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to
carry him aloft.

"I'll look around too," I'sai decides. "Tell me if you get a headache,
Leya... the lighting? Well. Well." He rummages through some boxes, airily,
more for show than anything else.

"The light's very reddish over here," Kassi offers helpfully, if somewhat
lamely. Now would be a very good time to crawl under this table and check
under there for an ice-pack. Yes. That's a *perfectly* logical place for
someone to have put one.

Leya frowns as she looks Kassima sneaking away, then glances back over
J'lyn. She shrugs almost imperceptably and nods to I'sai, "I will." She
begins to poke around in a pile of boxes near I'sai, but keeps on eye on
the others.

Lysseth> Taralyth watches Tsieth go, and then stares, consulting with
Tovith. He hadn't -meant- to shut her up. He hadn't realized it was
possible, says the speculative glint to his eye.

Keara watches the 'action' for a short time, then sighs and heads for the
exit, saying quietly, "Have baklava in the oven - must go take care of it."

"So, what did all of you do yesterday evening?" I'sai lofts across the room
- by his light tone, it could have been all together - even as he holds up
a sequined pillow for Leya and Keara's - for Leya's appraisal. "Bakalva?

Lysseth> Tovith just stares back at Taralyth, an unreadable expression on
his face. His gaze flicks over at Lysseth, then back to Taralyth. Briefly,
his expression seems to be one of amusement, but then it goes back to
carefully blank.

Lysseth> Lysseth regards both brown and bronze with wariness, the
flickering of her tailtip--to, fro; to, fro--giving away a worried green
mind. A quiet rumble is sent towards Lorieth. Her fellow green will help
her stand against whatever those untrustworthy males are up to, right?

Leya smiles at Keara, "Sounds good!" She then eyes I'sai's pillow, "Not too
bad. It's missing quite a few sequins on it's edges though." She brushes at
the dust. "And what color is it under all that?"

There's a *thump* from under the table--the distinct sound of someone
starting and hitting their head on the underside of it--followed by a
brogued yelp: "Ouch!" Silence for a moment, then an almost too-loud
rattling of boxes. She's just looking for her headache-thingy. Don't mind
her. "Drank," Kassi finally decides upon as a safe answer. "Drank a very
great deal. G'luck with the baklava, Keara."

Ryialla grumbles, "Some people apparently had fun, and much alcohol." Glare
at Kassi. You know how some people have those bursts of hormones when
they're pregnant? Apparently, Ryi's had one of those. "I hope you did
something that'll have you wind up pregnant, Kassima. That'll teach you."
She turns away, moving over to a pile, and starts sorting it."

I'sai rubs at it - with something of a smirk even as Ryialla speaks -
"Green? I think? With some ... is that purple... hard to tell. Maybe we
should give it to your wingleader. For her head. It sounds as if she might
have ... bumped it."

J'lyn's eyes about pop from his head and he -looks- at Kassi and Ryialla.
Turning a bright bright red, he resumes digging, hiding as much as he can.

Leya looks over at the table and winces as she hears the *thump*, "Now
she'll have a headache for sure," she murmurs under her breath. She looks
back at the pillow, it's safer. "Green and purple? Huh." She nods, "I don't
know if she'll take it though."

Another thump. Another yelp. This time followed by a long stream of curses;
this isn't doing a great deal for Kassi's headache. "Will you people *stop*
doing that?" she calls, Raging Magenta almost audible in her half-strangled
voice. Said voice subsides into mutters: "I just wanted a headache-thingy,
I don't see what's so wrong about this that makes me deserve torture...."

Lysseth> Taralyth sniffs at his clutchmate - little help _there_ - and then
goes about preening the base of one long wing with an off-brand version of
supreme innocence, just happening to have to arch his neck to do so.

Ryialla plucks something from a pile, and stalks over to the table Kassi's
under, tossing it to her roughly. "With /triplets/." She whirls on her heel
and disappears deep into the room. Well. At least Kassi got her headache 

I'sai teases, with an eye on the others - especially J'lyn - "She says she
wanted a headache, didn't you just hear her? So if she looks at it... we
can try." He breaks off to give the pillow a trial toss towards that
dangerous under-the-table zone, whispering afterward, "If it returns to us
in a froth of spilled stuffing and shattered sequins, we can at least be
glad it's not _us_."

Lysseth> Lysseth knows affected innocence when she sees it. Remember who
her rider is. It's a game that more than one can play; she, too, can
flutter and pose. Tail curls around just *so*, slinking about to where it
can be groomed by muzzle-swipes accompanied by coquettish tosses of head.
She's not sure precisely why she's doing this, but if she's learned one
thing, it's that it's usually safest to play along if you're not sure what
the game is.

Leya looks rather worried at I'sai teasing. "Yeah, but she's my wingleader.
I can't exactly hide from her," she says quietly, then waits to see what

"Augh!" yells Kassima at Ryi's curse, and "Augh!" she yells again as she's
beaned in the head by a pillow. There's a pause, and then a horrified,
"'Tis a *pillow*. With *sequins* on it. How can this be real?" And then...
understanding dawns. "Ohhhh. I get it now. Today is all some very strange,
strange dream, and none of it actually *happened*. Right?" Poor Wingleader.
She sounds so hopeful, too.

"...Oh," I'sai finally says in a whisper of his own. "Good point." And
then, hopefully, "It sounds as if she survived, Leya, so you're that
far..." Louder, "Of course it didn't. Soon you'll wake up in the middle of
last night."

Even through her worry, Leya can't help but smile and stifle a giggle at
her wingleader's reaction to the pillow. She doesn't say anything though
and just turns and rumages through some box, any box, so that it hides her

J'lyn scrunches his eyes shut at I'sai's shouting. "Little bronzerider, if
you yell like that again, I swear you'll be flying dawn sweeps for the rest
of your life."

There's a moment of rustling, and then Kassi's head peeks out from
underneath the table, cheeks still colored a bright rose--a color which
clashes cheerfully with the sequinned pillow she's affixed to the top of
her head with the headache-band-thingamabob. "At least I'd be drunk.
Everything made a lot more sense when I was drunk," she mumbles. "Where'd
Ryi get this head thing? Mayhaps there's another one Jal could have." Note
that she is still not looking at the Weyrsecond in question.

Leya's amusement dies as she hears J'lyn, she peeks over her shoulder at
J'lyn, then quickly turns back. "Oh no..." she says softly.

Pale eyes fly wide: just because he's shorter than _M'kon_, along with the
rest of the world - I'sai sighs, "Yessir-Weyrsecond-sir," ...and gives Leya
a reproachful glance for not protecting him.

Ryialla calls back, "Can I wake up in the middle of the night a couple of
months ago?" Then, there's a happy squeal. A rather piercing squeal.
"I'sai! Look what I found!" Ryi pops out of hiding, a large blanket -
midnight blue, with silver bits glittering in it - tied cloak-like about
her, a hat fashioned like a bronze firelizard perched on her hat. She
points at said hat.

Lysseth> There's the game, and then there are the rules. Taralyth meanwhile
keeps an eye on things while continuing with his ablutions - but then his
wings startle abruptly wide, and he snakes his head around.

Leya gives I'sai her best timid helpless look. What could I do? her eyes
seems to say. She glances back Kassi, but she's not smiling near as much
this time.

Lysseth> Lysseth pauses en midst her ministrations. She studies the bronze
a moment, still holding her pose--then very carefully, very deliberately
extends her wings too. Perhaps this is a game of Taralyth Says?

Leya sighs, She mutters to I'sai, "... it... it was just..." 

Kassima tries to give Leya a reassuring look, she really does, but between
bloodshot eyes and a pillow on her head and her wince and squeak of pain at
Ryialla's squeal... well, let's give it up as a lost cause and leave it at
that, all right? Covering her ears with her hands, she scrunches up into as
much of a ball as she can manage. "'Tis all a dream," she chants. "All a

J'lyn scowls over at Kassi. "Then I must have had the same dream. Believe
me, girly, I was just as 'thrilled' as you were this morning."

I'sai squints at Leya - not going to believe that look for an instant - but
gives her a wry nod before mustering himself up to slowly, slowly peek over
the boxes in Ryialla's general direction. Not that he approaches her. Not
with that squeal. Not after J'lyn's warning. "It's amazing," he says rather
weakly. "I've never seen anything quite like it..."

Lysseth> Taralyth eases up slightly, eyes' erratic whirl slowing - and then
stares at Lysseth: what? Eventually his focus shifts to inspect her wings;
perhaps she's holding them out because there's ... a bug on them. Or dirt.
Or ... something.

Leya isn't looking any happier. She winces as she eyes J'lyn warily. She
does manage to give Ryialla a smile, if a rater weak one.

Ryialla does approach I'sai, grinning cheerfully. "This hat is the ugliest
thing I've ever seen. Actually, no. Second ugliest." She takes it off her
head, and holds it out to I'sai. "Should put it with the pillow. Gift it to
someone you can't stand."

"At least you didn't have t'be wondering how you got mistaken for a man,"
Kassima fires back, opening her eyes again to serve Jal with a glare to
match the scowl. "I say we should blame Marcus, and... and *lynch* him.
We'll lynch him with the vine so everyone can be warned by his fate."
Hello, is this making any sense to anyone? Probably not. But she seems
oblivious. "Give it to Mart," she then offers helpfully in regards to the 

Lysseth> Lysseth herself seems somewhat uncertain. Is she not playing the
game correctly? Oh, dear. She's forgotten what to do in such a situation.
Perhaps it will help if she holds her wings out even wider and makes a show
out of inspecting Taralyth's in turn. A wing for a wing, and confusion for

J'lyn shrugs. "Do whatever you want, Kassi. Just don't mention my name in
the report." He digs around a bit more, and comes up. Tossing one at Kassi,
he says, "Here. This is what we're both looking for."

Leya is doing her best to hide among the stacks of boxes, hoping to make
herself as invsible as possible.

"Um," I'sai says, a breathless trying-to-hear whisper, "Thanks but no
thanks, I, uh, already got rid of the pillow and it wasn't to someone like
that, it was..." he leans in to ask even more quietly, "What do you think
they're -talking- about? Not as if they haven't gotten drunk before, would
be my be - guess."

Kassima catches the second headband-thingy, and wraps it around her
forehead for good measure. There. Now she is indeed protected from the
forces of cranial torture in the world. "Thankee," she mutters, rubbing at
her eyes. "Methinks I could manage that. Anyway, I can't actually kill him.
Who would supply me with White Lightning then?" The others are shot a
somewhat befuddled look. Understanding has ceased to exist.

Ryialla mms. "Maybe I will give it to Mart." Blue eyes flick back and forth
to J'lyn and Kassi, and suddenly, she smirks, leaning into murmur something
to the young bronze rider.

Lysseth> Taralyth looks over those wings this way, that way - and then,
with her looking over _his_, suddenly swivels his dark muzzle to peek at
his own. Is there something wrong? Maybe _he_ has the bug; with an
apologetic warble, he sinks back to his haunches and furls his pinions, so
the imaginary critter will either fly off or, well, be crunched.

Leya whispers back to I'sai in such a quiet whisper that it can barely be
heard, "Well, when people talk about waking up with each other I tend to
think of one thing..."

Lysseth> Lysseth relaxes back onto her haunches, closing wings close to her
sides and radiating Smug once again. Whatever the game was, she won it. She
thinks. Her return warble is gracious and forgiving; whatever he's
apologizing for, it's quite all right, really.

J'lyn narrows his eyes at Leya and I'sai. "You two have until the count of
5 to get moving, or you're on dawn sweeps for a Month."

J'lyn says "One."

J'lyn says "Two."

"Good idea," I'sai'd begun to say to Ryialla, eyes widening further at her
whisper - and then at Leya's, he reaches for her sleeve. "Come on. Let's
get the things. An' go." Even just to the next room.

Telgar Weyr> J'lyn bahahas. Drill Sergeant Jaly.

Leya swallows hard, her eyes widening as she meets J'lyn narrowed eyes and
quickly picks up her stuff, nearly breaking some of the glass objects and
makes for the door with I'sai.

J'lyn says "Three."

Telgar Weyr> Leya cowers.

Kassima blinks, and slants a look at Jal from under the sequinned
head-adornment of doom. "Isn't that a little harsh?" she hazards, in the
vague tones of someone who has No Idea what is going on.

Ryialla stretches langoriously, setting the hideous hat back on her head to
do so.

J'lyn scowls at Kassi. "Not especially."

J'lyn says "Four."

I'sai hurries with -his-, wrapping up glass in cloth, and gives -Ryialla- a
glare made brief by his sudden disappearance into the next room.

Leya follows I'sai in the next room, glancing worriedly over her shoulder
every few steps.

Ryialla chuckles.

Telgar Weyr> I'sai sighs. Mart is niiiiiicer. Kinder. Gentler, even. (I
suppose the question would be, though, is -Kassi- impressed. ;) )

Kassima finally crawls out from under the table and straightens, brushing
dust from her clothing with as much dignity as she can muster. "What'd they
*do*?" she wants to know, sounding somewhat plaintive. "They were just sort
of standing there. Well, that and they threw this *thing* at me, but it's
nay even as bad as what Ryi's wearing." The pillow is removed from her head
and set gingerly aside.

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Mart? Nice? Kind? Gentle?? I'sai, you are
living in *such* a dream world. ;)"

Telgar Weyr> I'sai says, "It's a comparison thing. ;)"

J'lyn says "I just don't feel up to being gossiped about when I'm in the
same room." He takes a look at Leya and I'sai. "Are you two -really-
wanting dawn sweeps?"

Ryialla pulls off the hat again, tucking it under her arm. "J'lyn, they
/are/ leaving." After all - he only said 'moving'. Not 'moving all the way
out of the storerooms area'.

A little scuffling in the next room is probably I'sai making as if he's
leaving altogether - which he's not; he whispers to Leya, for her ears
only, "I missed the waking-up part."

"Oh." *Now* Kassi gets it. She shrugs, though she does redden another
notch. Clearing her throat, she shoots a mistrusting look towards Ryi. "I'm
more worried about *her*."

Lysseth> Taralyth shifts skittishly, and only slowly resettles; at least
she's Smug again: the world has tipped back into appropriate parameters.
Still, his wings are carried in a notable hunch, invisible bug-corpses and

Ryialla smiles sweetly at Kassi. "I'll take dawn sweeps. Mind carrying the
babe while I do them?"

Leya nods to I'sai, then whispers back, "Yeah, well, I'm pretty sure that's
what I heard. It sure sounded like it."

Lysseth> Lysseth curls about herself, very pleased indeed. She has
unsettled a male. Her work here is done. Wings are flicked out, then folded
in again; see, nothing wrong with *hers*.

I'sai, endeavoring to listen, can't catch much; he says even more quietly
to his clutchmate, "Not that's so ... unusual, is it? People getting drunk,
and, uh, things. Here..." he unwraps the tumble of glass and such, and
begins to repackage the items more neatly.

Lysseth> Tovith has been watching the show with barely concealed amusement.
Now, as Lysseth, shows off her wings, he rumbles his approval.

Kassima suggests in a dry tone, "Tell you what: if'n you can find a way
t'manage such a transferrence, make *L'cher* carry it and I'll let him off
dawn sweeps for a time. He's lost all his underpants again anyway." A
speculative look is shot towards that lingerie from earlier. Hmmmm....
"Anyway, could be worse. At least they're nay Pierron." Way to jinx
yourself, greenrider.

Leya nods silently to I'sai as she also tries to listen and, following his
example, begins to wrap up her own glass objects.

Ryialla offers out the hat. "Bet it could be modified, if y'want t'give it
t'him. Make great underpants, these."

Lysseth> Taralyth snorts. Oh, -now- Tovith shows signs of life. Don't see
-him- sniffing over Ularrith, you don't.

Kassima's expression can only be described as horrified, and she backs
carefully away. "I. Don't. Want. To. Be. Knowing. How. That. Could. Make.
Underpants." She glances towards Jal as though considering trying to hide
behind him, in fact. Some things are worse than embarrassment factors, and
the thought of underpants made from bronze dragon hats is one of them.

On cue, I'sai murmurs to Leya, "Didn't Ryi say something about triplets?"

Lysseth> Lysseth gives a toss of her head and lash of her tail to
acknowledge the attention, preening a moment. It's a good thing she doesn't
pick up that thought about Ularrith. Tovith and Taralyth flirting with
Ularrith would probably be a vision fit to warp her fragile little mind.

Leya frowns, then slowly nods, "She did, but I though she was joking. Maybe
she wasn't..." she says in hushed tones.

"But how could she know already?" I'sai says practically. "Even if it's a
really, really long-lasting hangover so it happened longer ago... in which
case, they're in real trouble, so you," that's right, you," should probably
tell Nadja."

Lysseth> Tovith snorts at Taralyth. Like he'd ever sniff over Ularrith.
Tovith turns her attention to his favorite, at least for right now, green
and leans his head a little toward her to better admire her.

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "I'sai? You're evil. Just for the record."

Telgar Weyr> I'sai thanks you, and just has to know - which particular one
did it? ;) The Nadja Factor?

Leya nods to the first part and keeps nodding until he gets to the 'you
tell' part, "Me tell!" her voice rises to a loud whisper, before getting
quiet again. "Why me?"

Lysseth> When it's one's wingleader's dragon... Taralyth sulks, and not
particularly prettily at that.

Ryialla flips the hat over. "It'd be pretty simple - just cut here, and add
some of that stretchy stuff, so this part covers the behind and this the
front." She pokes at the 'lizard's neck, thoughtfully. "Maybe a hollow.."

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "And making Leya tell, yes. ;)"

I'sai says a little sulkily, "Shhhh. She's -your- wingleader, so it's in
the ... chain of command. Sort of. Besides, Nadja, I don't think she
-respects- me." Imagine that.

Telgar Weyr> Leya says, "What's so evil about Nadja?"

That does it. Very carefully, very deliberately, Kassi pulls the headache
band down over her eyes. "La la la la la, I don't heeeeeeeeeear you," she
sings. Maturity, Kassima be thy name.

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "She's a Healer! Healers are Evil! (At least, to
Kassi's mind they are. Kassi has dealt with Ushu.)"

Telgar Weyr> Ptodek says, "Who's Ushu?"

Telgar Weyr> J'lyn says, "The most INEPT Healer on Pern"

Leya peers at I'sai as closely as she can in the dim light, "It does not,
and she doesn't have to /respect/ you for you to tell her that something is
wrong." She glances back toward the other room, "Besides we don't /know/
that they need a healer."

Lysseth> Lysseth can deal with being admired. It's a tough job, but
someone's got to do it. Aren't her wings pretty when half-furled just *so*?
And what about that coy tilt of her head? A sympathetic warble is directed
towards Taralyth. Don't hate her because she's beautiful, dahling.

Telgar Weyr> Whinde says, "Probably because she's a healer, just like her
counterpart Naiad. :)"

Telgar Weyr> Leya says, "Wasn't he a NPC here for the longest time?"

Telgar Weyr> Kassima nodnods. Still is. Ushu is the *other* bane of Kassi's
life, along with Mart. Rose petals are his favorite solution to any given
health problem. He received his Journeymanship on the basis of research,
not field competance. ;)

I'sai whispers back, "Does so." Does so does so does so. "Well, if you
don't tell her, and then something happens to your wingleader..." he shrugs

I'sai returns guileless blue-glinting eyes on Leya, "It's up to you."

Telgar Weyr> J'lyn says, "Guileless. WHATEVER, I'sai..."

Telgar Weyr> I'sai says, "Some things can be faked? O:)"

Leya glares back at the evil I'sai, "If so, then you get the healer. I'm
not, /because/ she's my wingleader I'm not going to run and get a healer
when there is most likely nothing wrong." She pointed looks away, "And I'm
trying to listen," she says stiffly.

Ryialla sneaks up to Kassi, and murmurs something in her ear - loud enough
that it can be heard over the la-la-laing. "Flexibility, Kassi."

"Well, ...I'll listen with you," I'sai allows indulgently.

"Ididnaywantt'knowthat!" Kassi breaks off sing-songing to wail,
backpedalling at a respectable rate *away* from Ryialla.

Lysseth> Taralyth eases a little at the warble, even shakes out his wings a
spar-worth or two: well, -all- right. If she insists.

Lysseth> Tovith just gives Taralyth a smug glance, then looks back at
Lysseth. He slowly unfurls his wings, waits long enough for Lysseth to see
them in all there glory, then snaps them back into place. Look at those.

Lysseth> Lysseth grants Taralyth a look brimming with innocence. Insist?
*Her*? That does not stop her from appreciating the display, however. Both
males' wings are duly admired and warbled over. She'd wolf-whistle if she

I'sai murmurs after a few more moments, "...Or maybe we should just go,
Leya, put these things away. Catch the last of dinner, if we're quick."

Kassima backpedals so far, in fact, that she winds up running into one of
the shelves. This set's top shelf was covered with, of all things, hats
just like Ryi's. They shower from above, one falling securely onto Kassi's
head. "Ryi... this is all *your* fault somehow. *Everything* is your fault.
Yours and Mr. Flibble's."

Leya frowns suspiciously at I'sai, "I don't want to go yet. I want to know
why we had to leave the room."

Ryialla aws. "Does this mean you don't want the hat, Kassi? L'cher'd get
such /good/ use out of it.." Ryi must get some perverse pleasure out of
tormenting the younger woman, or something.

I'sai rephrases, "Want to stay and listen and ... promise to tell me
anything you find out?" He even gives her a meek, "Please. I'm hungry, you

Lysseth> Aurian nods to the various dragons as she wanders into the Living

Leya sighs, and gives in, "Oh, all right." Well, I guess she didn't give in
all the way as she smiles sweetly, "And you can get Nadja on your way if
you want."

Lysseth> Taralyth stretches his wings out the rest of the way, he does, and
then eases them back to - with another tenor warble, this one bespeaking
departure - leap into flight.

Lysseth> Taralyth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to
carry him aloft.

Kassima tugs the hat off her head with due haste, and attempts to plop it
on Ryi's instead, whether Ryi is already wearing another hat or not. The
more the merrier, right? "Why don't you explain the uses of hats to him,
Ryi? You'd understand a lot better than 'twould. Honest."

I'sai murmurs as sweetly, "If I want. Always kind of you to be
considerate..." and he grins sideways at his clutchmate, and ambles on off.

Ryialla reaches up with her hands, trying to keep the hat - this one's blue
- off her head. "But he'd appreciate it so much more from someone young as
attractive as you - not this old, pregnant rider here."

Kassima gives Ryialla an Evil Eye. "Given that 'tis *L'cher*, I don't think
I *want* him t'be appreciating aught from me. Mayhaps you could leave them
on his ledge as a gift from a secret admirer or some such thing."

Leya yawns, resting her head in her arms as leans against the wall behind a
large pile of clothes. Her eyes slowly, slowly beging to droop, then before
she knows it she's asleep.

Ryialla chuckles. "Nah. I think I'll give mine to M'rgan. As a hat." An
impish grin appears. "How's that headache, Kassi?" Ah. That's the plan.
Torment her and make her forget the throbbing mess.

"Thank Faranth you mean as a hat," Kassi mutters, rubbing at her head.
"Y'know, Ryi, I think all the barking it against tables and whatnay hasn't
done it much good. I'm going t'try and flee now and see whether *fleeing*
helps. Fleeing always helps." She gives the other greenrider a worried
glance. "You won't do aught evil after I'm gone, will you?"

Ryialla smiles, her eyes twinkling. "Oh. Not any more than usual."

Kassima does not seem very relieved by this, but gives a wary nod and backs
carefully out of the Storeroom. If evil is inevitable, at least she can
escape being in its presence, right?

You leave the Storage Rooms.