
In Hot Water Already?

Date:  January 27(?), 1996
Place:  Benden Weyr's Hot Springs
Game:  PernMUSH
Copyright Info:  The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey 
l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.


Kassi's Note:  This is a log I'm posting circa early 2000, as I 
realized that I didn't have many logs of my Weyrling days posted and
they were after all a critical time in Kassi's life.  Having begun 
the editing process, I can see why I didn't post them sooner, though.
My RP sucked.  You have been warned. ;)  Another point of interest:  at
this time, I didn't pose Kassi's accent.  I think I'd already decided
she had one, but it only showed up as an 'aye' rather than 'yes' here
and there.  ICly, she would have been speaking in that brogue of hers all 
her life--but in this log she sounds more like a Valley Girl or 
something, and now you know why.


The Log:

Kassima waves to Rickon as Lysseth bounds to the pool eagerly.

Prefeth all but bounds over to the dragonpool, splashing in, and sending
water flying. Aphrael rolls her eyes and strips quickly, waving at Rickon,
"Heyla, how goes?" She asks softly, wading into the pool after the blue.

Rickon says "Shards...is that /really/ Prefeth and Lysseth?"

Prefeth slides into the dragon pool.

Aphrael slides into the dragon pool.

Lysseth warbles and eyes Rickon. Kassi chuckles. "Yep, that's her. Growing
like a weed--still too thin, though. Guess she always will be." Kassi
fetches and dons her ubiquitous towel before going after her lifemate.

Lysseth slides into the dragon pool.

You slide into the dragon pool.

Aphrael giggles and splashing her lifemate playfully, then grins up at
Rickon, "Aye.. they're growing so fast I can barely keep up."

Kassima grins. "Aye, and Lysseth's gotten almost as large as Prefeth,
though not quite." She says this with obvious pride.

Prefeth SNORTS, his tail flicking back and forth as he rolls over, causing
a huge wave in the pool.

Lysseth trills and whips her tail through the water, splashing everyone in
the pool thoroughly.

Rickon says "They're beautiful..."

P'tran picks his way around an outcrop by the lake shore that is wreathed
in steam.

Aphrael smiles softly, watching her life mate splash in the water, "Aye,
they are." She says, her voice so soft you can barely hear.

P'tran smiles as he comes in from the lake shore. "Good evening all," he
says, standing by the edge of the pool.

Kassima turns and salutes the Weyrleader, looking kind of silly since she's
still dripping from that last splash.

Rickon waves to the Weyrleader. "Hi." He seems almost back to his usual self.

Aphrael watches her lifemate lovingly, then blinks and turns. She quickly
salutes, sending water everywhere.

Rickon watches the two young dragons. "How can anything grow that fast?"

P'tran nods to Rickon as well and takes a step back from the edge to avoid
being splashed, as he is in full flight gear.

Prefeth crooons and nudges Aphrael, looking up at her. Aphrael grins and
sinks into the water, scratching at Prefeth's hide.

Kassima gets splashed by Aph's salute and just grins. Perhaps it is sheer
coincidence that Lysseth aims her next splash at Aphrael, rumbling with her
version of draconic laughter.

Aphrael glances up at Kassi with a grin, then moments later Prefeth's tail
darts out, sending a small splash at Kassi and Lysseth.

P'tran grins as he watches the young dragons, then nods at Rickon's
statement. "They tend to grow *very* fast at this stage," he comments.
"It's a full time job just caring for them."

Rickon grins and stays firmly put up on the cliff, out of the range of even
draconic splashes. "I'm still jealous.!"

T'lar picks his way around an outcrop by the lake shore that is wreathed in

Prefeth manages to look innocent as his eyes go firstlidded, crooning
greatfully at the attention.

Nicoth climbs around an outcrop by the lake shore that is wreathed in steam.

Kassima smiles. "Aye, that it is, sir. But more joy than duty." She watches
with a chortle as Lysseth pounces firmly on Prefeth's tail.

P'tran glances around and nods to T'lar and his dragon with a smile.

T'lar salutes P'tran as he and Nicoth come over from the bowl. "Evening,
sir. Evening, all."

Kassima waves to T'lar and Nicoth, ducking the splooshes of water from both
Prefeth and Lysseth.

Rickon looks at Nicoth and blinkblinks. "Shards, and to think I..." He
stops suddenly.

P'tran turns back in time to see Lysseth's move and grins again. "Just be
careful they don't get too playful in here," he warns. "They're still young
and can get hurt if they get too frisky, especially if the pool starts to
get crowded."

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Prefeth and Lysseth with <<  oh. Water fight? >>

Aphrael waves at T'lar, then cringes as Prefeth rolls over, throwing his
weight against Lysseth and sending them both under.

Lysseth> I bespoke Prefeth and Nicoth with << Of course! Splashing is 
fun. >>

T'lar says "Hi, Rickon. This is Nicoth."

Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Nicoth and Lysseth with << It makes our lifemates
*happiness* >>

Rickon says "I know...and Shards, I can /watch/ him growing."

Kassima grins. "I'll certainly try, sir, but it's very hard to deter
Lysseth when she wants to do something." Still, the green doesn't pounce
Prefeth's tail again once she surfaces, though she does dunk him quite

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Prefeth and Lysseth with <<  Yes. At least this
water is *warm* >>

Lysseth> I bespoke Prefeth and Nicoth with << More like *hot.* But no worse
than *image of the Sands*. >>

T'lar laughs. "Yes. I think you can. I have to oil him three times a day to
keep him from itching.

P'tran looks over as the dragons go underwater with some concern, and he
raises an eyebrow. "That's what I mean," he comments. "Have them be a
little more careful. They're not so small anymore where they can romp
around so much."

Rickon says "It's not fair."

T'lar looks at Rickon. "What's not fair?"

Aphrael pushes her dripping hair back from her face, laughing at the antics
of the two. "They get on so well, dont they?" Prefeth snorts! sending a
stream of water towards the shore.

Rickon says "Dragons. I can't suss them out."

Rickon has a faint twinkle in his eye, but you probably can't see it from
down there. "Why do they pick who they pick?"

Kassima nods and Lysseth does desist, though occasionally she sends smaller
splashes Prefeth's way. She ducks her head under and blows bubbles
contentedly. "That they do, Aph," Kassi responds. "If you call trying to
drown each other getting along well...."

T'lar shrugs. "Who knows."

T'lar regards Rickon. "Wanna help me bathe him?"

Rickon says "Tempting, but I'm trying to stay something resembling dry 

Aphrael cringes, glancing back to make sure Prefeth didnt get anyone, then
grins. "Aye, well, they seem to have fun." She keeps a closer eye on
Prefeth, who warbles complacently, now still for the most part in the 

Rickon grins.

P'tran looks over to Rickon for a moment. "I'm not sure I understand what
you meant ..."

T'lar says "Good luck. These guys splash hard."

Kassima grins. "Can't understand why," she observes, ducking underwater

Rickon says "What I mean is...that whatever choices the dragons make never
appear to be fair."

Nicoth heads for the water, not bothering to wait for his lifemate. The
other dragons will do for fun.

P'tran grins very slightly, not at Rickon's statement but to something else
entirely. "None of us really understadn the dragons' choices, Rickon."

Rickon says "And right now, it feels very unfair."

P'tran adds, "But the fact that a dragon found you suitable to Stand must
mean something. Why you didn't Impress? *shrug* I really don't know. No one

P'tran says "Any more than I really know why I did Impress when I did"

Rickon says "Doesn't make it feel any fairer."

Jerethan picks his way around an outcrop by the lake shore that is wreathed
in steam.

Jerethan enters, carrying a bundle of clean clothes under his arm, and a

T'lar waves to Jerethan as he strips for bathing.

Aphrael glances up at Rickon, then back to Prefeth, "Then, it wasnt fair
that Prefeth chose me? Is that what your saying?" She asks quietly.

P'tran nods to Rickon slowly. "I know, it doesn't. But it is something we
all have to accept."

P'tran glances over to Aphrael

Rickon says "No...that isn't what I'm saying. I'm just trying
to...rationalise getting rejected, I guess."

Lysseth rumbles slightly as Kassi resurfaces and continues her scrubbing

T'lar glances over at Rickon and then, heads for the water and his dragon.
"Rickon. We talked about this before. No it doesn't seem fair and we don't
know why. And who says you were rejected."

Vidarth climbs around an outcrop by the lake shore that is wreathed in 

R'val slides down from Vidarth's back and lands in a crouch.

Lysseth> I bespoke Prefeth and Nicoth with << Now, this I do not
understand. This water is warm. So how come your humans strip off their
skinthings? >>

Rickon says "I was rejected by the dragonets who were on the Sands at this
Hatching. You can't deny that."

R'val nods toward sthe groupas he leaps off Vidarth's back, and the blue
heads towards the dragon spring, "Evening, everyone."

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Prefeth and Lysseth with <<  It is what he likes. >>

Prefeth croons and nudges Aphrael, who nods. "I'm sorry.. I just /know/
Prefeth and I belong together."

P'tran shakes his head. "Don't think of it as being rejected. A dragon
thought you were suitable to Stand, but your lifemate was not out there
this time. That's really all it means. Nothing more than that."

Kassima salutes R'val jovially.

P'tran nods a greetung to R'val as he comes in

R'val smiles towards the weyrleader and nods respectfully as he heads
towards the group. Vidarth, of course, joins the dragons in the pool.

T'lar says "No, you just weren't chosen."

Rickon says "What I mean is...oh..."

Vidarth slides into the dragon pool.

R'val slides into the dragon pool.

Aphrael looks up and smiles at R'val, saluting him with a lot less water
invovoled than last time.

T'lar salutes R'val from his place in the water.

R'val strips down to his trunks, and flops into the pool after his dragon,
grinning at the weyrlings, "How goes it, this evening?" He salutes in return.

P'tran nods to T'lar. "Exactly. That's all it means."

Lysseth> I bespoke Prefeth and Nicoth with << I don't understand it,
though. And why does my lifemate put on a skinthing to go into the water?
This is strange. >>

T'lar says "Think of it as your dragon wasn't there not that you were
rejected by the others."

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Prefeth and Lysseth with <<  Maybe your lifemate is
strange. >>

Kassima nods agreement with T'lar and P'tran.

Lysseth> I bespoke Prefeth and Nicoth with << True. But though she may be
strange, she is mine nonetheless. I will just keep trying to understand
her. >>

Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Nicoth and Lysseth with << All lifemates are
strange, that is why we are here for them. >>

Rickon says "Yes, but it /feels/ like being rejected."

Dragon> Prefeth and Lysseth sense that Vidarth crooooons a greeting. <<
Hello, little ones! >>

Kassima says quietly to R'val, so as not to interrupt, "Goes well, thanks.
This hot water is great for poor, sore muscles, and the dragonets seem to
like it, too."

Aphrael grins at R'val, "We're good." She says, with a smiles at Prefeth.

Lysseth> I bespoke Vidarth and Prefeth with << Heyla! We were just talking
about our Strange Lifemates. >>

Nicoth raises a wing and looks over at the other two hatchlings. When they
turn to look at him, he brings the wing down for a big splash.

P'tran places a hand on Rickon's shoulder. "I can't say anything else
that's going to make you feel better, Rickon," he says, his expression a
mixture of compassion and seriousness. "It's just something that has to be

Jerethan glances at Rickon. "See? They agree with the song I had you read."

Dragon> Prefeth and Lysseth sense that Vidarth croons knowingly. << Ah.
Lifemates are very strange. >>

Rickon OOCly notes he's on the cliff, P'tran.

R'val grins at Kassi and Aphrael and speaks quietly, "The springs have long
been the boon of tired riders after a fall, and the same goes for weyrlings
methinks. Or so I remember. 'HE grins.

Lysseth sputters, then snorts a spray of water at Nicoth with a slight 

P'tran OOCly doesn't place his hand on Rickon's shoulder then :)

Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Vidarth and Lysseth with << My lifemate and I are
both well. I have not asked her about the *sadness* she was feeling
yesterday. >>

Benden Weyr> Jerethan notes how long the reach of the Weyrleaders is... :)

Nicoth returns to his bathing.

Lysseth> I bespoke Vidarth and Prefeth with << Look at mine. She takes off
her skinthing to put on another when others don't wear their skinthings in
the water at all. What *sadness,* Prefeth? >>

T'lar scrubs his lifemate's hide.

Rickon says "There isn't anything you can say. I have to work through this

Dragon> Prefeth and Lysseth sense that Vidarth croons worriedly. <<
*Sadness*? Your lifemate seems fine to me. >>

Jerethan strips down to his trunks as well, and waves up to Rickon. "Come
one down; it's warmer here."

Prefeth ducks under the wave, rolling over and causing a splash to head
towards Nicoth and T'lar.

Jerethan slides into the dragon pool.

P'tran nods to Rickon quietly.

Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Vidarth and Lysseth with << It is not good. It is
the opposite of *happiness* When she thought of *picture of a man* she felt
that way. >>

Rickon climbs down from atop the cliff.

Dragon> Vidarth bespoke Prefeth and Lysseth with << Who is this man? >>
Lysseth> I bespoke Vidarth and Prefeth with << Who is *picture of the 
man*? >>

T'lar holds on to Nicoth to keep from getting submerged.

Jerethan waves to Rickon as he dives beneath the water of the dragon pool.

Kassima scrubs a suspiciously quiet Lysseth, ducking underwater every now
and then to keep her head from freezing.

Rickon grins. "I guess I can't avoid getting wet, either."

Dragon> Vidarth and Lysseth sense that Prefeth is silent for a while, the
croons softly. << I do not know this *picture of a man*. My lifemate knew
him before we were together. She thought of him when I was speaking to
Meroth about 'miners'. >>

Jerethan grins back. "'specially if I pull you in!"

R'val pulls out a handful of sweetsand and begins scrubbing intently at the
scaly patches forming on Vidarth's chest. HE grimaces, and murmurs,
"Shards, Vidarth lad, you're gettin' bad this time of year."

P'tran glances towards the lake shore and sighs. "Shards, I have to go. I
have to attend the Lord Holders' Conclave tonight and Lord Carow and
Marissa need a ride there.

Rickon grins, and then dives in, aiming himself like a tornado at Jereth.

T'lar says "Have a good time, sir."

Rickon slides into the dragon pool.

Lysseth> Vidarth and Prefeth sense that Lysseth croons sympathetically. 
<< I do not know this *sadness.* But I hope your lifemate feels more
*happiness* soon. >>

Aphrael pauses slightly, glancing at Prefeth with a slight frown, then
continues to scrub.

Jerethan glances over at R'val. "Need some help with Vidarth? That's a lot
of area for one... Gaaaaaah!" he adds as Rickon lands nearly on top of him
and drags him under.

Kassima salutes again. "Enjoy yourself at the Conclave, sir."

Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Vidarth and Lysseth with << I do not wish to talk
about it further. My lifemate hears and I dont want to remind her. >>

P'tran smirks at T'lar and gives a quick nod to the others as he heads out

Nicoth looks over at Rickon. He snakes his head under water and blows
bubbles under Rickon.

P'tran picks his way across the rocks to the sandy lake shore.

R'val shakes his head to Jerethan with a smile, "No thanks, Vidarth needs
to get used to being washed alone, thanks." He turns back to his dragon
after nodding towards P'tran, "Good luck sir.."

Rickon comes up. "That will teach you to...hey! Who's tickling me?"

Nicoth blows harder.

Dragon> Prefeth and Lysseth sense that Vidarth croons approvingly. << Try
to bring her *happiness*, it is what dragons do well.>>

Kassima looks innocent--genuinely innocent, for once.

Rickon swims away from the tickling.

Jerethan surfaces and sputters, then notices Nicoth. He grins, points, and
tries not to laugh.

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Vidarth, Prefeth, and Lysseth with <<  Silly person,
this one. Not happy. >>

Lysseth> I bespoke Vidarth, Prefeth, and Nicoth with << Why is he not
happy? >>

Nicoth raises his head and cocks his head.

Rickon stops, treads water, and follows Jerethan's pointing. "Hey!
Nicoth...you rogue."

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Vidarth, Prefeth, and Lysseth with <<  Don't know. >>

Lysseth gets a mischievous look and ducks her head, blowing lots of bubbles
at everyone she can.

Nicoth warbles and cocks his head the other way.

T'lar says "Who are you teasing now, Nicoth?"

Dragon> Vidarth bespoke Prefeth, Nicoth, and Lysseth with << My rider says
it has something to do with the Hatching at which you were born, Nicoth. >>

Vidarth tilts his head towards the small bronze, his eyes whirling blue to
matchi his hide, and he rumbles amusedly.

Prefeth snorts lightly, rubbing against Aphrael gently, in an almost
apologetic way.

Jerethan grins and lunges toward Rickon. "Now you've /really/ asked for 

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Vidarth, Prefeth, and Lysseth with <<  Oh. He has no
lifemate? >>

Rickon tries to dodge, doesn't quite manage it, and collides with Jereth.

Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Vidarth, Nicoth, and Lysseth with << If we all
splash him at once, will it not make him *happiness*? >>

T'lar moves on top of Nicoth to get his back ridge.

Jerethan ows and dunks Rickon, tickling him mercilessly.

Lysseth> I bespoke Vidarth, Prefeth, and Nicoth with << That might make him
*happiness.* It is worth a try. >>

Rickon comes up spluttering and laughing. "Stop that!"

Dragon> Vidarth bespoke Prefeth, Nicoth, and Lysseth with << Silly
dragonets. I doubt that will cheer him. >>

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Vidarth, Prefeth, and Lysseth with <<  Ok. I will
try this time. >>

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Vidarth, Prefeth, and Lysseth with <<  You have
better idea. >>

Jerethan grins. "I refuse!" he shouts and dives under the water, tackling
Rickon's legs out from under him.

Lysseth> I bespoke Vidarth, Prefeth, and Nicoth with << What should we do,
then? >>

Aphrael smiles and hugs Prefeth tightly, barely paying attention to all the
commotion in the pool. Suddenly Prefeth gets a /look/ and turns to regard
the other dragons.

Dragon> Prefeth, Nicoth, and Lysseth sense that Vidarth pauses, then
admits. << I don't know, really. I am not sure at all. >>

Rickon tries to kick himself free of Jerethan's grasp.

Benden Weyr> Jerethan sees Prefeth and uh-oh's.

Dragon> Vidarth, Nicoth, and Lysseth sense that Prefeth rmbles softly, << I
still think to splash him would give him *happiness* >>

Vidarth lowers his head towards the three small dragonets and gives them an
almost conspiriatorial glance, his eyes whirling somewhat faster.

Jerethan gets Rickon's foot in his back and OOOOF's under the water,
sending a series of bubbles to the surface. He stands, sputters for a
moment, and then laughs.

Lysseth seems mostly silent, engrossed in something else, but her flicking
tail and rustling wings do move small waves towards everyone in the pool,
at random. Kassi chuckles. "Stop it, silly, or I won't be able to scrub you

Rickon grins at jerethan.

Lysseth> I bespoke Vidarth, Prefeth, and Nicoth with << Splashing with that
other human does seem to give him *happiness.* >>

Jerethan grins and shakes his head, still trying to catch his breath.
"Shards, I wish I'd had you for a brother," he says.

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Vidarth, Prefeth, and Lysseth with <<  Ok. When? >>

T'lar is engrossed in his scrubbing of Nicoth's back.

Dragon> Prefeth, Nicoth, and Lysseth sense that Vidarth hrms. << Well, if
you three are determined to try that, then I suppose you ought. >>

Rickon blinks and then suddenly sobers.

R'val gives a particularily rough patch a vigorous scrub, bending his
should er into the effort.

Lysseth> I bespoke Vidarth, Prefeth, and Nicoth with << I will snort him
with bubbles! Bubbles are good. They give much *happiness*. >>

Prefeth rumblechuckles, moving around to take a place in the pool that
might be contued as strategic.

Rickon says "I never had a brother...but I did have a cousin."

Lysseth suddenly starts moving stealthily through the water.

Vidarth watches the three weyrling dragonets with a distinct air of
approval which goes unnoticed by his busy lifemate.

Kassima rolls her eyes. "Ten marks says they're up to something."

R'val glances towards Kassi, and then at her green, and grins, white teeth
flashing, "Lysseth? I wouldn't doubt it. She's almost as mischievious as
you are, Kassi>"

Alyssa picks her way around an outcrop by the lake shore that is wreathed
in steam.

Jerethan pauses to catch him breath. "I had two brothers. Both
oh-so-serious, never any fun. And they made it clear what they thought of
me. I was just enjoying what I've missed all those years. They'd never have
let me tackle them... like this!" He dives again toward Rickon's feet.

Kassima chuckles. "What do you mean, almost?" she asks with fond pride. "I
think she surpasses me."

Alyssa wanders in, walking with hands behind her back, smiling abstractly.

Kassima waves to Alyssa, though keeping a careful eye on her scheming

T'lar says "I had 5 brothers and sisters. It was a crowded family."

Aphrael thwaps Prefeth playfully. "Stay still, what are you- oh." She grins
and falls silent.

Rickon swims out of the way.

R'val glances at T'lar, "I had four brothers, and I found my cothold very
crowded.' He smiles.

Jerethan surfaces again and glances at his intended target.

Aphrael waves at Alyssa!

Rickon says "Teron was great...he was fun-loving, lively, crazy...loved 

T'lar sits on Nicoth's back. "Hi, Alyssa.

Jerethan swims over toward Rickon, sobering once he hears the past-tense.
"What happened?" he says softly.

T'lar returns to scrubbing, yet Nicoth seems to be watching something else.

Alyssa waves and continues along the edges of the water, smiling distantly
and content with her own thoughts.

Rickon has the sort of lookon his face which suggests he would be looking
at his boots if he wasn't in the water. "He was murdered...and I was framed
for it. Okay?" There's a defiant air in his voice.

T'lar says "Murdered? Who?"

Jerethan nods to Rickon. "Ah," he says. He shoots a glance at T'lar.

Prefeth warblecrooons happily, eyes whirling quickly.

Rickon says "They never caught who did it. Established that it wasn't me,
but they never caught him."

T'lar realizes maybe he should be listening.

Alyssa heads over to the side of the cliff.

With a suddeness that makes it impossible for even their lifemates to
interfere, the three weyrling dragons launch a splash attack on Rickon!
Prefeth is the first, splashing him with a great wave of his tail, and then
Nicoth uses his wing for a similar, but splooshier, attack. During all of
this, Lysseth ducks beneath the water and blows great big bubbles at
Rickon! All three rumble with draconic amusement as they watch their victim

R'val shakes his head, chuckling as he watches the draconic sneak-attack,
"Oh, shards.." He mutters to himself.

Jerethan nods. "They finally did, then. That's good. But that's a horrible
thing to have happen, and even worse that you got blamed." He pauses. "I
can't bring him back; I can't... Gaaaaaaah!" Jereth repeats as he gets
caught in the onslaught.

T'lar says "What the?"

Kassima gasps before shouting, "LYSSETH!" She shakes a finger at her rogue

Lysseth warbles unrepentedly, and splashes Kassi thoroughly to boot.

Aphrael blinks and gapes at Prefeth and the other dragons, not sure wether
to laugh or yell.

Jerethan sputters and glares at the dragonets.

Nicoth looks at T'lar evenly and ducks for rinsing.

Vidarth rumbles deep in his chest, draconic laughter rumbling through the
hot springs as he watches the little dragons exuberantly splash Rickon.

Prefeth warblecrooons with a smug tone, rolling over onto his back.

Despite himself, Jereth grins. "They're trying to tell you they like you,"
he says to Rickon, indicating the dragons. He glances over at his friend.

Rickon gets totally drenched. "Hey!"

Lysseth bugles triumphantly, sending another spurt of bubbles in Rickon's
general direction.

R'val chuckles, "And doing it with glee, it would seem. " He casts a fond
eye on the young dragons.

Kassima groans, but is laughing. "Great glee, indeed."

T'lar laughs. "Nicoth says they were trying to make you happy since
splashing with Jerethan seemed to."

R'val winks at Kassima with a grin, "A rogue, ysseth is, just like her
rider!" He tsk tsks in mock consternation.

Rickon laughs. "Young dragons are as bad as young humans, I think."

Alyssa heads over from the side of the cliff.

Nicoth lowers his head to regard Rickon closely and seriously.

Kassima gives R'val her most sweet, endearing, innocent look. "Who, *me*?"

R'val rolls his eyes at Kassima, "Feh. Don't give me that look, you
mischief maker." He grins.

Jerethan grins at Rickon, hearing the laugh. "Like I said, everyone here
likes you, Rickon. You've no shortage of friends, even if they are

Alyssa sighs and wanders back along the rocks, watching riders, residents,
and weyrlings play with a soft smile...obviously still thinking elsewhere.

Kassima chortles and splashes R'val herself. "Mischief maker, huh?"

Jerethan waves to Alyssa. "Get in here!" he yells.

R'val splutters and spits water at Kassima, "That you are!"

Nicoth flicks his tail shooting a thin spray of water toward where Alyssa

Jerethan grins at Alyssa. "No one gets out of here dry, so you may as well
get warm while you're at it!"

Kassima wrinkles her nose playfully. "Eww, R'val spit." She grins and dunks
R'val lightly before going back to her scrubbing.

Alyssa stops and looks down at Nicoth with a mysterious little smile, nods
to Jerethan in a way that makes it clear she has no idea what he said, and
continues along.

T'lar slides down off Nicoth's back and begins scrubbing the other side.

Rickon looks back at Nicoth.

R'val pulls Kassima under as he dunks her, then pushes her teasingly, "Go
on, silly, wash yer little green. Honestly, you weyrlings. "He chuckles
playfully and turns back to Vidarth, shaking a finger, "You encouraged
them, didnt' you? Hmm?"

Nicoth is still looking at Rickon.

Jerethan grins and decides to break up the confusion by dunking Rickon.

Kassima shakes her head, admiring Nicoth. "Bright Faranth, he's a giant.
And I thought Lysseth was big!" She grins to R'val. "You think I can't
splash you of my own free will? I can prove it, if you like!"

Rickon says "What is it, Nicoth?"

Allegro appears from beneath Jereth's hair and takes off into the air.

Allegro chitters as she's pulled under for the third time and decides to

Allegro chirples once and vanishes between.

Nicoth turns his attention up to Alyssa. He uses his tail to pull her into
the water.

Jerethan uh-oh's and ducks as Alyssa passes by in the grasp of Nicoth's 

Alyssa squeals and flails the empty air for a moment, trying to get her
balance, then she falls headlong into the water.

Nicoth whuffles at Rickon and nudges him backward into the water.

Rickon falls backwards, and goes under. Coming up, he mock-glares at 

Jerethan grins at Rickon and helps him to stand -- so he can dunk him 

Nicoth looks from Rickon to Alyssa and seems quite satisfied with himself.

Jerethan glances at Alyssa, now thoroughly soaked. "As I said, come on in!"

T'lar whaps Nicoth lightly on the foreleg. "Nicoth. You gotta be careful.
People can break."

Nicoth lowers his head to Alyssa and croons anxiously.

Alyssa splashes around and stands up in the water, hair bedraggled and
partially unbraided, her fringes of bangs lying against her eyes. She
splutters as she surfaces, disoriented and looking rather...unkempt.

T'lar moves to stand by Nicoth's head. "You okay, Alyssa?"

Rickon says "Lyssa...you okay?"

Jerethan grins at Rickon and nudges him, then turns his gaze back to 

Alyssa brushes her bangs out of her eyes and looks at her clothes. "I just
got these," she whispers mournfully.

Kassima blinks, having not noticed anything up until now, intent on
scrubbing Lysseth despite her splashing. "Are you all right, Alyssa?" she
asks with concern.

Alyssa then slaps her hands on the surface of the water, spraying water all
over Nicoth. "Silly dragon!" she laughs. "Silly, silly dragon!"

Nicoth whuffles Alyssa so close that his breath blows her bangs from her 

Nicoth pulls his head back in surprise.

Rickon grins and helps Alyssa splash Nicoth. It's /almost/ an even contest,
although with Nicoth growing so much, it won't be pretty soon.

Alyssa grins and rubs Nicoth's eyeridge. "Are you going to tell my weyrmate
that you ruined the cloak he just got for me??"

Jerethan shrugs and helps, too.

R'val continues energetically scrubbing as he looks over at ALyssa and
grins, "How're you doing, Alyssa?"

Nicoth cocks his head at Alyssa's comment. He then rears back from the
unexpected splashing. He moves back so suddenly he falls over.

Jerethan suddenly turns and begins splasing Rickon instead.

Rickon rounds on Jerethan, starting a regular 'splash war'

Alyssa giggles and responds to R'val, "Well, thank you. Though I am
thoroughly soaked now and can hardly MOVE in this mess of clothes.

T'lar says "Heh, watch it. Nicoth might have gotten hurt."

Jerethan ducks and laughs. "So lose the clothes!" he shouts to Alyssa, the
last word getting a bit garbled as Rickon sets a wave into Jereth's mouth.

Kassima grins and offers Alyssa a towel. "Here, you can wear this instead,
or just dry off with it."

Nicoth bugles as he rights himself.

R'val laughs and smiles wryly at Alyssa, 'Take 'em off then, you can't
really bathe dragons fully dressed, don't you know.' He says, quite
reasonably, and turns back to his scrubbing.

Alyssa helps Nicoth up, then wades to the edge of the rocks. "I feel like I
weigh twenty stone in this...I'll never get these off."

Benden Weyr> Ursa says, "Boy. Looks like the place to be is the hot springs."

Benden Weyr> N'fan reallies?

T'lar says "Need some help?"

Alyssa blinks. "Help with what?" she says, struggling to get the soaked
cloak off.

Kassima is sporting a towel, of course, cleverly tied to endure the rigors
of Lysseth's splashing. "With all these dragons around, determined to
splash, it's a wonder I'm not wet every second of the day...." She grins to
R'val. "I managed to help was Vidarth fine, though I *was* sans boots."

Jerethan looks around. "Any volunteers to help Alyssa?" he grins.

T'lar says "With the clothes, of course."

Rickon grins. "I would, but I don't know what F'nar would say."

R'val merely chuckles at Alyssa's remark and turns back, "Why, help
dragonbathing of course." HE hmms? at Kassima, "Well, Kassi, getting wet is
inevitable with weyrling dragons. Wet, muck-coated, oiled..' He chuckles.

Kassima chortles. "True, but with so much oil, at least it's easy to keep
one's skin soft and healthy." She snickers. "Though I can't say the muck
does the same thing."

Lily picks her way around an outcrop by the lake shore that is wreathed in

Lily has arrived.

T'lar says "Hi, Lily. Come on in the water's fine. If you don't, a dragon
will help you in."

Alyssa gets out, somehow, and stands dripping on the rocks, her clothes
streaming water everywhere.

R'val grins towards Kassi impishly, "Oh, I'm sure muck's good for your
complexion Kassi. better be anyway, you'll certainly be seeing enough of it
in the next few sevendays.""

Rickon grins. "Yep...best to strip off now, or you'll wind up like Alyssa."

Lily picks her way over the rocks, a fluffy towel slung over one shoulder.
She waves and smiles. "I'll jump right in...just a sec."

Alyssa makes a face at Rickon, then beckons to Lily. "Can you give me a
hand with these wet clothes? They weigh a LOT."

Kassima waves to Lily, working diligently at a spot on Lysseth's neck. She
chuckles at R'val. "Aye, well, fortunately there's shovels so we don't have
to touch the stuff too often. Better than latrines, I still say." Her nose
wrinkles expressively.

Jerethan glances at Rickon. "Or like you," he adds, and lunges toward 

Rickon says "Anything's better than latrines."

R'val grins at Kassima, "That's one chore that's well behind you, "He says
with a wry laugh.

T'lar pushes at Nicoth. "Over on your back, big guy. Time for tummy

You say "You've full agreement from me on that score, Rickon! And I'm quite
grateful for that, R'val, grateful indeed."

Rickon says "And meanwhile, I'm left hoping I'll get Searched again and, of
course, if I do..."

T'lar says "You'll Impress."

Lily nods to Alyssa, "I'd be glad to help," she says, quickly stripping

Rickon says "T'lar, I might not even get Searched again."

T'lar says "You never know."

Rickon says "And if I do, I'll have to do latrine duty again...I'm honestly
not sure it's worth it."

Kassima shrugs. "And then again, you might. Who knows? Maybe one of this
lot will Search you, if they're old enough by then." She grins.

Alyssa smiles thankfully at Lily and manages, somehow, to get the wet
boots, leggings, and tunic off, leaving her in the already-soaked thin
muslin undertunic and shorts. "Shells, the air is cold..."

Rickon winks at Kass.

Kassima bursts into laughter at that.

T'lar laughs and looks at Nicoth. "Oh. It's worth it. Believe me."

Rickon says "Not if I get left on the Sands again. But...no risk, no gain,
I guess."

Lily shivers and nods to Alyssa, "C'mon, let's jump in." She grins at
T'lar, "Need some help scrubbing?"

Jerethan looks admiringly at Lysseth, who rumbles slightly.

[Editor's Note:  The below +rwho is included just for nostalgia's sake.
The neat thing is, a lot of these people are still around.]

  Name         Sex   Position         Status                      Idle  Q
* Alyssa       (F)   Asst.Dhealer.    WeyrSif                       1m    
* Aphrael      (F)   Weyrling         WeyrMarvin                   15m    
* Brooke       (F)   Visiting         I'mJustAGirl,InTheWorld..    40m  - 
* Caitlyn      (F)   Weyrharper                                     1s  - 
* Duvetyne     (F)   Asst.Weyrweaver  Prolly darning socks...       5m  - 
* Garsall      (M)   Resident         DazedAndConfused?             3m    
* Jazmin       (F)   Brownrider       WeyrSmFurryCreatureFrAlph     2m    
* Jerethan     (M)   Resident         WeyrDirkGently                5s    
* Jeshua       (F)   Bluerider        LivingWithANewLove           57s    
* Kassima      (F)   Weyrling         WeyrTowel.                    0s    
* Lily         (F)   Weyrminer                                     12s    
* N'fan        (M)   Bluerider        WeyrRavenousBugblatterBst    13s    
* P'tran       (M)   Weyrleader                                    59s  - 
* R'val        (M)   Bluerider        WeyrArthur?                   3m    
* Rickon       (M)   Resident         WeyrRomulan                  20s    
* T'lar        (M)   Weyrling                                      49s    
* Ursa         (F)   Weyrling         android dragonet              1s    
* W'liam       (M)   AssistantWLM     Vertical.                    23s  -
----------------------------- ( 18 players ) -----------------------------

T'lar says "No, just about finished actually."

Alyssa wades back in, shuddering and a touch blue from the cold. She moves
closer to the dragonets and their lifemates, then ducks underwater to rinse
her hair.

Lysseth blows big bubbles underwater at Alyssa playfully.

Rickon goes under suddenly.

Lily jumps into the spring, grinning an apology as she splashes a bit, "You
know, this place is kinda nice."

Rickon comes up again. "Hey! Who was that?"

Alyssa reemerges with a giggle and hugs Lysseth, clearly in a grand mood.
Seeing Rickon surface, she points immediately at Jerethan.

Nicoth swishes his tail at Lily, causing a small tidal wave.

Jerethan says "Who was what?""

Rickon 'torpedoes' Jerethan.

Jerethan gaaahs and tries to dodge -- not in time.

Lysseth warbles, actually allowing herself to be touched by someone other
than Kassi, for once.

Alyssa giggles over and over, leaning against Lysseth's flank as she 

Lily laughs cheerfully, splashing back at Nicoth and swimming over toward
him. "Its good to see you too."

T'lar finishes washing Nicoth's belly and sends him into the deeper water
to rinse.

Rickon starts tickling Jerethan unmercifully. "Hah. Got you."

Lysseth splashes Alyssa gently before turning to watch the humans splash,
her eyes whirling with a bright blue-green.

Nicoth rights himself and warbles at Lily.

Jerethan giggles and makes a halfhearted attempt to dodge, then whirles
around and starts tickling Rickon back. "No, got you!"

Prefeth rumblecroons and turns, pouncing on Lysseth's tail with total

T'lar laughs. "Nicoth just asked where the one with the funny things on her
face is. He means Master Susaen."

Alyssa kisses Lysseth's snout and rubs her eyeridge, her own eyes so alight
with laughter than they shine.

Rickon and Jerethan start an all-out tickle-fight, both breathless with

Lily laughs back, and patpats Nicoth's flank. "She'll come and see you
soon, I'm sure, Nicoth. Would you like to see her again?"

Lysseth licks Alyssa's face with a rumble of draconic laughter, yanking her
tail away from Prefeth with a grand splash that totally douses him.

Aphrael yawns, floating sedately away from most of the splashings.

Nicoth lowers his head for proper attentions and rumbles lightly.

Jerethan tickles Rickon back, then catches a foot when Rickon lifts in a
feeble attempt to dodge. He tickles the foot merclilessly.

Alyssa moves away from Lysseth and Prefeth, not wanting to get involved in
this splashwar. With a sigh, she ducks under the water and swims lazily,
her long legs kicking behind her.

Rickon kicks his foot free and 'attacks' Jerethan again.

Prefeth snorts in Lysseth's direction, then turns his attention on his
lifemate, stalking her silently.

Lily swims up to Nicoth's head and gives his nose a hug before reaching up
to scritch an eyeridge gently. With her other hand, she sends a spray of
water in T'lar's direction.

Vidarth reluctantly climbs out of the dragon pool.

T'lar says "Heh. You're picking up bad habits."

Vidarth crawls out of the spring, finished. He then shakes water madly all
over the place, rustling his wings to fling the water away.

Jerethan lets himself be caught, then wraps his arms around Rickon and
lunges forward just as his attacker arrives, taking them both under the 

T'lar ducks under Nicoth to come up behind Lily. He gives a big
doublehanded splash.

Lysseth spreads her glistening wings, and then slaps them on the water to
drench everyone about.

R'val reluctantly climbs out of the dragon pool.

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Vidarth, Prefeth, and Lysseth with <<  It's 
raining. >>

Prefeth disappears under the water.

A few bubbles come up from where Rickon and Jerethan disappeared.

R'val waves as he leaves the pool and drieshimself off before dressing,
"See you all about."

Lysseth> I bespoke Vidarth, Prefeth, and Nicoth with << Rain is cold. I do
not like the rain. >>

Kassima waves with a cheerful salute. "'Night, R'val!"

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Vidarth, Prefeth, and Lysseth with <<  It was
Vidarth. Lots of water on him. >>

T'lar waves. "Night, R'val.

Vidarth climbs across the rocks to the sandy lake shore.

R'val picks his way across the rocks to the sandy lake shore.

Alyssa swims back to the side of the pool and gets out again, then calls to
R'val, "Wait!"

Alyssa hangs her head. "Shards."

Lily eeps, turning around her eyes shining with merriment, "Splash fight?
If you wish..." She waves cheerfully to R'val and sends another spray of
water T'lar's way.

Juliath climbs around an outcrop by the lake shore that is wreathed in 

Meli picks her way around an outcrop by the lake shore that is wreathed in

Alyssa says rather woefully, "I don't have any dry clothes..!'

Kassima waves to Meli and Juliath!

Meli gives a wave and a soft grunt. "Evenin'"

Juliath slides into the dragon pool.

Jerethan reemerges, sputtering, right in front of Nicoth.

T'lar says "I'd let you borrow mine, Lyssa. But everything would be a bit

T'lar waves to Meli. "Hi.

Kassima hrms. "You could borrow mine, but they'd still be a bit short on 

Lily glances toward Alyssa, "You can borrow my towel if you want. My
clothes are dry."

Prefeth burst from the water right near Aphrael, sending a /huge/ wave over
the once sedately floating person.

Nicoth rummbles and pushs Jerethan underwater with his snout.

Meli watches Juliath soak as she quickly strips out of her clothes.

Jerethan says "Gaaablub"

Alyssa looks at Lily. "I can't walk all the way back with just a TOWEL 

T'lar says "Let him up, Nicoth. Now."

Rickon reemerges some distance away...and nearly gets landed on by a green
dragon. "Eep!"

Meli slides into the dragon pool.

Kassima looks down at her towel. "What's wrong with a towel?"

Lily frowns, "Well, it's a big towel...and very fluffy."

Juliath cocks her head to the side, giving a quiet rumble.

Jerethan comes up again -- this time away from Nicoth -- and right behind

Prefeth bugles joyfully, warbling a greeting to Juliath!

Alyssa smiles rather sadly at Lily. "All right...thanks."

Rickon doesn't notice Jerethan, being too-busy mock-glaring at Juliath, and
then shielding his ears from prefeth.

Meli, enjoying the warmth of the spring on sore muscles, says to Alyssa "We
could have one o'these rogues bespeak another dragon an' have someone bring
you some clothes, if y'like?"

Lily shrugs, "Unless you want to borrow my tunic...it's long and all."

Jerethan LEAPS out of the water, crashing into Rickon and sending him under
the surface -- again.

Rickon pulls Jerethan under with him.

Juliath SNORTs at the young men, anxious for her bath.

Prefeth leaves his spluttering lifemate and all but /bounds/ over to
Juliath, sending waves in all directions of anyone remotely close.

Alyssa nods to Meli. "I saw N'fan and Reveth fly in...perhaps they
could...if it's OK? It's really cold out."

Meli nods "Sure, Alyssa..." as she furrows her brow a bit.

"Gaahblub," says Jereth again as he submerges.

Lily is almost submerged under the water with the wave Prefeth sends
splashing her way.

Rickon comes up again, grinning.

Juliath cocks her head at Prefeth, giving him a soft trumpet, watching his

Jerethan surfaces a moment later, laughing in Rickon's direction.
"Definitely glad I sayed at Benden for a while," he says, shaking his head.

Ursa picks her way around an outcrop by the lake shore that is wreathed in

Spineth climbs around an outcrop by the lake shore that is wreathed in 

Maarie picks her way around an outcrop by the lake shore that is wreathed
in steam.

Zuseth climbs around an outcrop by the lake shore that is wreathed in 

Meli chuckles. "Reveth wanted to know what the 'skinthings' were, 

Alyssa gets back in the water, shivering, preferring to wait in the warmth
of the springs fo rher clothes.

Ursa waves as she makes her way here.

Prefeth warbles kinda-not-really apologetically to Lily, then flicks his
tail towards her, playfully splashing her.

Meli blink blinks. "Eh, 'lys, where should he look for clothes?" she asks
over the general noise.

Alyssa smiles at Meli. "Anything will do...as long as it's long enough.
Only Selenay is close to my height..."

Kassima sighs. "Well, I've become enough of a raisin for one night. Gotta
go, all. See you on the morrow!"

Zuseth slides into the dragon pool.

Kassima picks up her clothes and heads back to the barracks in her towel.

Lily waves cheerfully, pushing the wet hair out of her face, shaking her
head and splashing at Prefeth's tail.

You reluctantly climb out of the dragon pool.

Lysseth reluctantly climbs out of the dragon pool.

Lysseth climbs across the rocks to the sandy lake shore.

Zuseth lumbers slowly into the warm waters.

Maarie slides into the dragon pool.

Kassima waves.

You pick your way across the rocks to the sandy lake shore.