
Daughters Dearest

Date:  January 3, 2005
Place:  South Boll's Lava Lounge
Game:  PernMUSH
Copyright Info:  The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey 
l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.


Kassi's Note:  Kassi's discussion of Wing formations with Ylysse and
R'huen is disrupted by the arrival of three High Reachians in the 
Lava Lounge.  After all, who'd want to pay attention to business when
there are sources of good gossip tidbits available? ;)  Kassima and
S'rist later commiserate on the topic of daughters who spend time with
older men, and being unconscious on the Lava Lounge floor.


The Log:

Caritha climbs up from the caves below.

S'rist climbs up from the caves below.

Shalyn climbs up from the caves below.

Shalyn smiles, "Ok you can take the blindfold off now."

Shalyn arrives in two with a blindfolded weyrleader and a fellow
co-conspirator of a greenrider, "Kassie!"

S'rist takes off the 'blindfold' also known as a multi-colored sock. "Ah,
the Lava Lounge... I guess all the talk of it last night put those fruity
drinks into your mind, hmm Caritha?"

Seated around one of the tables with two other riders wearing Telgar knots,
Kassima's bent over a large piece of hide, indicating something drawn on it
with a charcoal stick. "I'm thinking if'n we put you *here*, see, then
Alymbrith's wings will take less strain--" Her head as well as those of her
Wingmates turns at the sound of clattering feet; her brows lift at the
influx. "Duties to the 'Reaches and her queens," she greets in turn,
amiably enough. "Oh, g'day, Shalyn."

Caritha grins at her father, nodding, "Well yes. Ought it not? I was
figuring that if I got you drunk enough, maybe you'd go make me wingleader
too." She offers up a wave to the Telgar wingleader and riders, "High
reaches duties to Telgar."

Shalyn giggles and is in the process of ordering three of the
aforementioned 'fruity drinks' (after a bit of an argument with Marcus) and
brings them to her roommate and weyrleader, "Hey if you make her a
weyrleader you have to make me her wingsecond, she needs someone
responsible around."

S'rist gives a nod and a greeting, "'reaches duties to Telgar." then he
looks over at Caritha again and laughs a bit, "Right, I don't think there's
enough juice here to get me to that point..."

Ylysse and R'huen, the other Telgar riders in question, dutifully echo
their Wingleader's greetings to the 'Reaches trio, but both seem focused on
the formation diagram. Well, that and their drinks. Large glasses of
something greyish and noxious sit in front of all three at that table. "Is
getting the leaders drunk a key t'promotion these days?" Kassi wonders with
amusement. "Faranth, that'd probably amuse K'ran. I can just envision
everyone at Telgar trying t'bribe him with mugs of ale and beer, wherever
he goes."

Caritha accepts the drink from Shalyn, rolling he eyes at the weyrleaders
words and Kassima's, "Apparently." She looks more than a bit pleased by the
drink offered up to her, "BUt I think my father needs something stronger
than this - do you actually drink things other than ale, daddy? You've
never been fun enough to take me drinking, you know - thats why we had to
take you on our own." She sips on her drink, pouting adorably, just like
she did as a little girl when trying to get her own way, "But why do you
say that about me? I've been oh so very responsible this past 6 months or
even more, thanks to P'wert's influence, you know. Or is that the problem,
that I don't get into enough drunken brawls for the post?"

Shalyn giggles at Kassie's comment, "Seems to be, that's the only
explanation we can come up with. Why don't you guys leave work behind and
join us for a bit?"

Shalyn giggles, "I still remember whem mama let Moh and D'san take me to
the Rusted Hulk after graduation."

S'rist makes his way over to a seat, "Well, you know, I've never thought it
was proper to go out drinking with your daughter, you know? As for what I
drink, when I come someplace like here, I have a few things other than just
ale, if the mood hits me right."

Kassima quips, "I'm almost--almost--afraid t'ask what 'tis an explanation
for. Almost. But curiosity always does get the better of me, alas." She
slants an inquisitive glance to her Wingmates, but R'huen shakes his head;
Ylysse follows suit a moment later, more reluctantly. "We have to marshal
effective arguments for why we don't want to end up where she's put us,"
the female bluerider says, drolly. "Thanks, though." Kassima chuckles under
her breath and, though she doesn't abandon the table, does nudge her chair
a bit to face the others and leave the Telgar riders to their marshalling.

Shalyn removes the umbrella from her drink and takes a sip, "Well we figure
he (indicating S'rist) is exhausted and working too much. He made one of
our clutchmates a wingleader."

Caritha takes another sip of the drink that Shalyn had procured for her -
she obviously doesn't seem to have any reservations about going drinking
with her father, "I'm not a little girl anymore, you know. I don't see why
you can't go drinking with me any less than with a clutchmate of mine like
M'rek. Except that I can't try to get into some sort of a brawl with you or
anything, that simply wouldn't be appropriate." She offers up another
charming smile to the weyrleader, "Besides, do'nt you want to supervise my
learning about the various offerings at a place like this, rather than
leaving it up to chance? Not that M'rek wasn't a good teacher but he's ot
taken me drinking for far too long." She looks over to see if Kassima would
agree with her arguments, Shalyn stating the more than obvious motivation
for the jaunt already.

Shalyn grins, "Oh so he mustn't have heard about when we dragged Rose out
here from her very own courtyard."

S'rist looks over towards Shalyn, then back to Caritha, "Have you been
dragging off holders' daughters for nights of drinking at distant taverns?
Just what kind of trouble have you two been causing?" That doesn't stop him
from ordering a drink from the bar though, no point in making the trip down
without having at least one something...

Chuckling, Marcus shakes his head and pours S'rist a glass of Monsoon.

"I'truth? Huh. Must be someone spectacular," Kassi supposes, snagging her
death-in-a-glass from her table to take a swallow. "If'n they've merited
promotion so relatively early. Aye? Truth be told, I bring m'children here
all the time," she adds, grinning wryly; it's clearly a response to
Caritha's look. "But Marcus always gives me these *looks* about it.
A'course, I don't actually let 'em have alcohol until they're at least, oh,
sixteen. And if'n they get sick on the floor, *they* have t'clean it up."

Shalyn giggles, "Here, there and a few other places. Volcano Island in the
middle of the night once." she sips, "Oh M'rek is nice enough but he spends
far too much time in some of the less reputable holds and even beat up the
Masterharper once. So understandably we're at a loss." she snurfs, "_He_
(indicating Marcus this time) diden't want to serve me these. Diden't
believe I was a rider."

Caritha grins upon hearing Kassima's words, "See daddy. And I'm already
seventeen turns now, you know. Even if you forgot it was my turnday - maybe
that's what you should give me as a present, promotion to wingleader."
She's quite happy to tease her father for the moment as she sees him leave
the bubbly fruity concoction that Shalyn brought off to the side in favour
of his own drink, "You probably arne't old enough to be drinking Shalyn,
he's right about that. Just remember to go back ot your own ledge after
this - I'm not about to have you get sick in my weyr, even if you'd be the
one who had to clean it up."

Shalyn raspberries Caritha, "I remember S'din's lessons as much as you do
Miss Smartypants." she giggles.

S'rist returns to his seat and eyes the fruity drink, "Drinks like that
only make me get hungry, need something with a bit more of a kick in it to
make it worth while. And she's right, you should watch it Shalyn, you may
be a rider, but you're still mighty young to be drinking anything strong."

Kassima does blink with surprise when that name is given. It isn't appalled
surprise, however; closer to delighted, as is her tone when she repeats,
"M'rek! Shells! Now there's one who could do a fabulous job. Although he's
got so much on his plate already... but he's been tempered in some ways,
young rider or nay. What I can't believe is that the reprobate hasn't
*told* me. We could've done the Nines t'celebrate or something. I don't
know that the incident with Rodric is too big a mark against him." The grin
that curves her mouth is most amused. "Rodric seemed t'find it more
entertaining than aught, last I knew."

Shalyn nods, "Don't like the strong stuff, s'why I got these."

Caritha simply shakes her head at Kassima, "You sound like you are as bad
as he is. Obviously thats why I've not made wingleader, P'wert doesn't go
sending me out to bars and to get into fights with holders and the like."
She drinks some more of her fruity drink, shaking her head at S'rist, "I
like these, as long as they aren't too bubbly. The ones with lots of
bubbles make my head hurt far too much the next day but this is just right
for feeling happily befuddled. But I agree that Shalyn is too young." She
sticks her tongue out at her wingmate, "You should just have some nice
fruit juice and watch."

Shalyn returns Caritha pink salute, "Yes mother."

S'rist gives a chuckle and takes another sip from his much less sweet
drink, "Well, I suppose that a sweet drink for sweet lasses, and hard drink
for, ah, men. Nothing wrong with that being the way of things." He just
watches the interplay between the two young greenriders and gives a bit of
a shake to his head before another sip.

Shalyn giggles, "Actually that's not really accurate... I ask you what kind
of mother sends her young greenrider daughter to the Rusted Huld with two

Kassima agrees without rancor or indeed anything but cheer, "Oh, nigh as
bad. But I can only aspire t'his heights, really. I can at least promise
that I've never beaten up Rodric." Which thought seems to amuse her, for
some reason; she hides a grin behind her glass. "Wait, wait, but who'd be
*sending* M'rek out t'bars? He seems t'get there on his own. With
remarkable frequency." She flicks a glance down at her glass of Thread and
murmurs after a laugh under her breath, "Here's to masculinity," tipping
the glass back to drain about a quarter of it off.

Shalyn shudders at how the older greenrider can slam it back and takes a
sip of her 'girlie' drink.

Caritha finally seems to notice the colour of the liquid in the Telgari's
glass and chuckles at the remark that accompanies it, "She doesn't look
very manly, daddy. Are you sure you are feeling well if you are losing your
sight after not even a single drink?" She does seem to be making fairly
quick work of the tall glass that had been placed in front of her earlier,
taking yet another sip, and winking at her father "My mother simply advised
me about finding a ledge that would fit a bronze dragon, which was rather
wise in foresight. Can't say she ever sent me drinking with blueriders

S'rist chuckles, "Well, your mother is always the practical one precious."
He takes a long pull at his mostly noxious drink, "And I just said in
general, there are exceptions to every rule. There has to be or things
wouldn't be complicated and confusing enough when you try to run them."

Shalyn giggles, "It was a strange day, but me Moh and D'san had fun."
unlike Caritha and Kassi, Shalyn is most definitely nursing her drink.
"Well there is still room of a handsome blue on our ledge, even with Dowath
warming up the stone."

Kassima supposes as an afterthought on the subject of mothers, "Depends on
the blueriders. I'd trust any daughter of mine with Ylysse." The
grey-haired bluerider behind her gives an audible snort. "With M'tri, too;
but only because I'm sure he's too rightfully fearful of Lanisa's vengeance
t'make eyes at other women. My own mother's advice usually comes more in
the form of which jewelry goes with which color dress. Faranth forfend life
ever be *logical*. Things would be dreadfully boring then."

Shalyn grins, "I'm glad Oenoneth made an exception out of me, it's been fun
so far."

Caritha actually manages to drain the remainder of her tall glass with her
next sip, "Mother is practical, at least about choosing a ledge thats true.
But she never had useful advice on fashion and its a pity." She grins at
Kassima, "Wanna trade mothers on occassion? Though P'wert is interested
enough and has a wonderful eye for colour and cut so I suppose its not too
much of a loss." She smirks at Shalyn, "If you find yourself a blue, feel
free to invite them over, just stay away from P'wert, as I've warned you
before. He's mine, all mine."

Shalyn grins, "What makes you think I haven't? You've been away so much.
And I keep telling you I don't want P'wert, but if you want to try to punch
out Oenoneth you're welcome to try."

S'rist chuckles a bit, "It's one thing to share drinks with ya'll, it's
another to hear discussions on your menfolk..." He finds that reason enough
to finish off his drink and get another one to replace it.

Kassima's next sip of her Thread is more leisurely, if not precisely
dainty. She lowers the glass to match Caritha's grin with one of her own.
"If'n yours wouldn't be too startled t'be grandmother to my swarm, it might
be a plan. But you'd need t'brace yourself for a lot of nagging about how
many children *you* should have from mine. Was P'wert ever involved in the
Minecraft? I know him, a'course, a bit, from when he Stood at Telgar, but I
truly can't be recalling." The talk of other men is shamelessly
eavesdropped upon with interest, but she doesn't offer comment.

Shalyn grins at Caritha, "I told you it wold be a shock to his system."

Caritha giggles at S'rist as she reaches for the third fruity drink that
Shalyn had brought over originally, the one that was left untouched by the
bronzerider, "You know P'wert and I are weyrmated, daddy. I thought you'd
be glad to know I'm only talking about him. If I started talking about
stuff from before then, about D'ru and Delia or something, then I could see
you not wanting to know." She shakes her head in response to Kassima's
question, "No, he's from a holding in Igen and then was an errand runner
and last before impression, a clothier at Igen weyr. He'd been considering
maybe apprenticing to the weavers or something if he'd not impressed, not
the minecraft at all. He makes lovely dresses, though not enough time for
it anymore, unfortunately."

Shalyn turns back to Kassi smiling, "P'wert attended Oenoneth's first
flight and came to visit me the day after. He really is a nice guy."

S'rist sits back down with his second drink, and props his feet up on
another chair. "Well, true, times before that I probably don't need to know
a thing about. Right, just color me oblivious and I'll be twice as happy
than if I knew the stories that are likely about to be told. Like my own
times before Matheny, probably best to let those stories gather dust now..."

Shalyn thinks, "Considering how many of my clothes are too small now I
wonder if he would make me a couple of new dresses."

"About D'ru and Delia?" Kassima wonders, tilting her head to one side.
"What's D'ru up to now? Haven't seen him since the Bitra concert, I don't
think. Ah, right--Igen. That's familiar. I don't think I ever knew about
the clothing," and at this she makes a good-natured face. "I might've asked
him for design ideas otherwise. The things you learn about people... oh,
aye, Shalyn, I believe it; I don't see him oft, but I've run into him a
time or two since the Hatching where he Stood with us. 'Twas pleasing t'see
his Dowanth find him." Her eyes flick towards S'rist with open interest at
mention of stories.

Shalyn grins at S'rist, "Well now I'm curious."

Caritha shakes her head to Shalyn, "He still owes me a dress or two that
he's not managed to finish in the last turn since we met up. The weyrlings
have him far too busy." She then nods to Kassima, "He's got a lot of really
nice sketches and great ideas. He'd love to talk fashion with you any time
he was free, he really is a sweetheart, I'm not about to deny it; I know
how lucky I am. As for D'ru, he's weyrmated to Delia, Boameth's rider at
Igen. She's expecting in another, three or so months I think it is." She
winks at her father, "You actually had promised me some of those stories
once when you tried to reassure me that I'd straighten out my own life some
time or another. Didn't you say it took you five turns?"

S'rist chuckles a bit, "Well, I did promise one day, though I'm not sure if
tonight is the right night to get into any of them." He takes another long
sip from his drink, switching how his ankles are crossed in the other chair
he's laid claim to for the evenings imbibing.

Kassima nods thoughtfully, making a mental note of the notion. "Nay that I
don't already have too many dresses for m'own good, but some of the
younglings could use decent replacements. Felicitations t'both of you on
the match, if'n you'd be so good as t'pass 'em along t'him. D'ru's
weyrmated *again*?" That's just as amused as the statement preceding it was
sincere. "Bright stars, but that man is out t'outspawn us all. Must be the
kilt. Well, good for him, and for her."

Shalyn smiles, "Why not? I'd love to hear one or two myself. Papa's told me
a couple about he and Mel from his younger days."

Caritha starts working her way though that second fruity drink, her face
aglow as she smiles at Kassima, "I'll be sure to do that. and he's got some
really lovely dress ideas for young girls, but I don't know how old your
children are." She sips on the drink, "And D'ru does seem very smitten with
Delia, but its actually not his baby, its P'werts from Boameth's last
flight, right before she met D'ru. THey were weyrmated within a sevenday or
so of meeting if you can believe it. P'wert and I took nearly a turn. Maybe
it is that kilt, its certainly suprising, I can't deny it was to me the
first time I saw it." She shakes her head in disbelief over the older rider
pair and then looks between Shalyn and S'rist, "Well I suppose if you think
that Shalyn is too young to go hearing them... maybe we need to go send her
home to bed or something so you can share your stories.." She winks at the
younger greenrider

Shalyn grins and tilts her head up into the air, "What's that? I think your
mommy is calling you home 'ritha. It's past your bedtime after all." she
blows a kiss at Caritha playfully.

S'rist gives a bit of a laugh and shakes his head, "No no, I don't think
some of those stories should be shared at all, that's more of what it is.
They're not my proudest times." He takes another long sip from his glass
and just shakes his head again.

"They run the gamut," Kassi says of her children, with an automatic fond
smile. "The youngest t'date's about t'turn five, but he's a lad. The
youngest lass is fifteen. And would probably sooner die than wear a dress
in public, lest the lads make any smart remarks. P'wert's? Well, shells. I
*am* behind. Another set of felicitations t'him, then." She can only shake
her head at the concept of weyrmating within a sevenday, but it's not
exactly a disbelieving shake; in this gesture, too, there's amusement
that's easy enough to see. "He won that kilt at a Benden Festival back
when. I recall it well. Mayhaps the embarrassing stories should be written
down and hidden, t'be found only once those concerned have all passed on?"
With wry humor, she explains, "That's what I've been doing with most of
mine. The ones half the world doesn't already know."

Shalyn grins, "There are ones that everyone doesn't know?"

Shalyn says "Even papa's told me a few stories about you."

Caritha sticks her tongue out at Shalyn again before rollign her eyes,
"I've got a weyrmate to wait up for, don't know what's keeping you up so
late, squirt." She turns back to her father, batting her eyelashes, "Well
if you want me to know that I could one day grow up into a responsible
adult, don't you have to teach me that even weyrleaders used to make fools
of themselves?" She giggles at Kassima, "He won that thing at a festival? I
can't even imagine where it came from but as I said, its certainly amsuing
and he seems to enjoy it a lot."

S'rist chuckles a bit, "Oh, I'd say there are quite a few that no one knows
about. You know there just is always a few things you do as a youth that
when you're ten turns older you look back and just have to wonder what you
were thinking back then to let it happen?"

[Editor's Note:  Shalyn got disconnected here.]

Kassima confirms with a laugh, "A bare few. From a'fore Impression... or
things I haven't done *quite* so publically. Granted, there isn't that much
I try t'hide anymore. Did you ever say just what stories those were?" She
cocks an eyebrow at the youngest greenrider in query. Then, with a nod to
Caritha: "He did! And it came from a Weaver I know, believe it or nay--I
acquired the thing for our prize tent, if'n memory does serve. Oh, aye,
Weyrleader, I know of those sorts of things. Only too well."

Caritha giggles at Kassima, "I don't know why a weaver would have made
that, but then again, perhaps they enjoyed it as much as Roo seems to." She
sips on more of the drink, her giggles becoming more frequent as the
alcohol takes effect on her, "Shells, its not been more than what, two
turns since I've graudated and I've had plenty of things to be embarrassed
about already. But its rather unfair that you hint at it so often and then
don't share - how am I to know what to avoid, withou being provided proper

S'rist chuckles as he takes another long sip from his drink and looks over
at Caritha, smirking perhaps just a little, "Well, perhaps one little
story, to help you with some lessons you shouldn't learn on your own
then... simply put, don't agree to keep an eye on anyone else's out of weyr
relations when they're visiting."

Kassima abandons her table to amble over to the bar and order a fresh glass
from Marcus: Sea Spike this time, to judge by the colors. "You've never met
Simian," she replies in wry humor, settling back into her chair. "M'cousin.
He does exquisite work and loves fine fabric--but he also loves colors.
Bright colors. As many of 'em as possible. A kilt with hints of nigh all in
the rainbow? He was only too happy." She drops quiet however at the magical
words 'one little story,' sitting back to listen in.

Caritha lifts her drink to her lips, looking more than a little interested
at the prospect of a story from her father, "Do tell - what kind of
relatives does one need to avoid watching? What kind of trouble could they
ever cause?" She looks back at Kassima, "Might want to have him get in
touch with Josilina, of the blinding colours. Poor girl is upset aobut the
fact that the clutch actually has some reasonable looking eggs in it this
time, unlike the cacophony of colour that Semirath's clutch mostly hatched
from. I'm just glad she came from one of the only normal eggs in that clutch."

S'rist chuckles a bit as he sips at his drink, "Well, in particular, in my
case, young female cousins. Everything was going well till Dzurath got away
from me and went chasing a green on the second day of her visit...." He
gives a shrug, "That was quite the awkward situation for a little while
after that."

"Y'know," says Kassima, thoughtful, "that isn't a half-bad notion. If'n I
knew the weyrwoman better, 'twould be tempted t'commission a blouse or the
like with some sort of wild-colored eggish print as a gift. I saw how well
she loved those eggs at the clutching. Apparently they're entirely Volath's
fault." Her eyes sparkle as she speaks of the Telgar bronze. "I offered the
theory that mayhaps 'twas dressing in grey while she was proddy that
infected Lhiannonth's eggs with greyness, but I don't think she liked the
idea. Was Semirath's egg a grey one then?" Her brows arch; she wonders,
"Was the person whose cousin she was terribly miffed?"

Caritha raises an eyebrow and then suddenly her cheeks go red as she
realizes what is being implied, "Oh. I suppose I'd best make sure that
P'wert's brother doesn't come visiting when Semirath is proddy... or for
that matter if Dowanth goes chasing and catching a gold. He's said he wants
to come see snow one day so I've promised him a visit up to High Reaches
this winter." She giggles at Kassima, "She really is still rahter miffed
about it - I heard the candidates talking about egg painting or some such
nonsense. Semirath's egg was, thankfully, a nice perfect black - like a
midnight sky on a moonless night. Perfect, without any clashing colours or
awful patterns." She drains the remainder of her drink and then stands up,
sighing, "Why does G'non need to talk with me at this of all times." She
looks at S'rist, "Maybe you could transfer me into Snowstrike? At least
then I'd be able to go deliver my wing reports over drinks in a bar...
though I suppose the transfer would need to be temporary, until the next
time M'rek goes fighinting with Lord Vorlin or something to get demoted
again." She looks more than a bit disappointed to have to leave but offers
up a wave.

S'rist gives a bit of a chuckle, "Well, you better go report in. And yes,
she was a bit miffed, but she got over it enough, fortunately for your sake."

"Sria warned Vel that he'd have 'protecting the eggs from paint' as one of
his clutchsire duties. That," Kassi comments, grinning, "is something you
just don't hear at Telgar. Black eggs are lovely--and red ones, but I'm
biased there. M'regards t'your Wingleader; g'luck in your meeting with
him." She raises her glass in parting salute, with a smile. "Oh? Fortunate

S'rist gives a chuckle, "The person that asked me to cousin watch is
Caritha's mother... that's how. But that was such a long time ago, feels
like it happened to a different person and I'm just reading about it in
some ways."

"Oh," Kassi replies, in surprise. Again, with growing amusement: "*Oh*.
That'd be fortunate enough for both of you, then, I should imagine. I take
it 'twas a'fore you and she became the Weyrleading pair?"

S'rist chuckles and nods, "Yes, I'd only been graduated maybe a turn at the
time, still had trouble with talking Dzurath out of chasing everything that
had a green or gold tail. Not that I was a whole lot better myself..."

Kassima observes with a glance in the general direction of the beach,
"Lysseth would flay me alive and wear me as hat if'n I said a thing against
the occasional chasing of greens. Still, for a Weyrleader... better that he
doesn't, 'twould think. And certes nay other golds. 'Twere a bit of a
woman-chaser yourself then?" After a moment she adds with a touch of
sheepishness, "Nay that you really need t'answer that, since 'tis a
potentially nosy sort of question."

S'rist nods a bit, "Right, for a weyrleader it's best to not do too much
chasing. A few greens now and then seems alright, since Dzurath really
doesn't have the agility to catch them, he's definitely built to catch the
golds, or at least Jenryth." For the latter part he smiles, "I chased a
few, till I caught a gold, then I didn't need to chase any more... or more
she caught me, not sure which way that went."

"I recall the minor havoc when Laerth caught a green once, while P'tran was
Weyrleader. Mayhaps 'tis a particularly bad idea when the Weyrleaders are
weyrmates," Kassima theorizes, swirling the remaining liquor around in her
glass. "If'n 'tis going t'cause tension between 'em. Nay that I know that
one first hand; I've never been one of the greens a Weyrleader chased or
caught." There's a grin for the last. "Was it catching or being caught by a
gold? Or more catching or being caught by Matheny, and 'twould nay have
mattered if'n she rode blue?"

S'rist smiles as he finishes off his second drink, "It was being caught or
catching Matheny. We had what can only be called a really rough time of
things for many a turn before we gave up on hating each other and realized
we were just plain crazy about each other instead."

Kassima has to grin at this. "That's something I hadn't heard. What rumors
I hear out of High Reaches--which isn't so many; I haven't many ties there,
save M'rek now and a'course Vel for the time being--paint you and she as
fair happy together, all this time, but I didn't know it'd been one of
those love-hate things. But if'n she thought she hated you, why'd she ask
you t'be looking after her cousin?"

S'rist grins, "Well, at the time I was the one hating her, and she was
trying to make nice... after that, it was flipped around for a turn or so,
then back after, ah, an incident in the stores. We had some very
interesting times those first few turns I was a rider, and before that as

Kassima adds after a moment and after making a face at her own
forgetfulness, "Nay t'mention Emilly, a'course. How could I forget Em? I
know G'rad, too, after a fashion, but... nay so well. More as a friend of
his mother's than a friend of his. Should I ask about this Stores incident?
It sounds interesting." She offers a grin. "Mayhaps 'tis one of the keys to
a successful long-term pairing, in a way. Having so much history a'forehand."

S'rist gets up to get another drink and shakes his head, "I'll not say more
than the name... 'nother key to being weyrmated so long so happily is that
the secrets you share with your 'mate stay that way. Least that's what
seems good to me, not right to make the woman you love part of gossip and
all." He flops back down into his seat and takes a good hit from the monsoon.

"Aye, if'n 'tis secret then 'twill agree with you. I haven't the first
firsthand clue about what makes a successful weyrmating, a'course." Kassi
taps her index finger against the side of her glass. "Watching others has
given me some clues as t'what *doesn't*. Cheating being the sure-fire
method t'screw it up, but Faranth knows there are other ways."

S'rist nods a bit at that, "Yep, that's a good way to mess it up for
certain. There's not much to make a difference between being weyrmates and
just sharing a ledge, but that there is the first way to mess up that

Kassima bobs her head to that. "Some call it weyrmating even when you're
really just sharing a ledge, I guess. I don't know all that much about it.
I've never had the fortune. Sometimes I've almost thought 'twas lucky,
seeing how it hurt friends of mine when the pairings almost invariably
broke off--which was usually because one or the other couldn't keep their
pants on."

S'rist nods a bit, "I have to agree with you, it's not for a lot of people.
I'm really hoping it goes well with Caritha and P'wert, but with how she's
acted before now and being on a green... sometimes I just worry 'bout my
little girl."

"Methinks 'twould be worth trying with the right person. I don't know at
this point whether I could give up m'own space, though. I've had it longer
than I care t'be admitting." Kassi flashes a brief, wry grin. "...Ah. I can
be understanding that. M'daughter Kaylira rides a brown at Ista--I don't
know whether you'd ever have met her; she was weyrmated t'M'llon for a
time. I didn't think that could work out and tried t'warn her, but... she
had t'go with her heart. Wasn't much consolation when their breaking up
hurt her. I've heard a few things about Caritha and relationships. If'n any
of it's accurate, I certes hope things with her and her bronzer go better
this time."

S'rist gives a nod as he sips on his third drink, taking it very slowly, "I
certainly hope that it goes better than her past ones. She's had her share
of... unfortunate relationships already I think, even at her young age."

Kassima breathes out a sigh. "At... seventeen, didn't she say, just one
relationship like that would be more than the fair share. Shells,
regardless of age that might still be true. But I certes haven't heard much
good about how things turned out with G'rad or M'rek, 'tis true."

S'rist nods a bit, "And from the sounds of it D'ru as well..." He just
shakes his head, "I for one am quietly glad it's Delia with him and not my
little Caritha. Not that I have much against the man, but he has a few
turns on my own father..."

"D'ru must have some sort of mysterious super-charisma. Nigh every time
I've run into him, it seemed like he was with a new lady." Kassima pauses.
"Which mayhaps wasn't the sort of thing you'd want t'hear. Sorry. I don't
think he's a bad man, though, but I don't really know him well enough t'be
saying. And... well, I can't be saying much about age-gaps without being a
flaming hypocrite, but 'twill admit that more than one of Kaylira's
interests have bothered me for about the same reason. Hypocritical or nay."

S'rist sets his glass down and eyes the half full beverage for a bit
longer, "I agree, it's one of those things that if it was yourself, you'd
think nothing of it, but when it's one of your daughters... well then
everything changes. I know Caritha's a greenrider now, but she's still my
daughter, which makes some things rough. I can't imagine what it's like for
those parents from the holds that see their children go off to the weyrs."

Kassima polishes off the dregs of her own glass, turning about in the chair
to place it on the table behind her. "Exactly. They're always the little
girl, however old they are, so t'see some much older man going after
them--even if'n i'truth 'tis more her going after the much older
man--raises the hackles. Shells, methinks Kay had a thing with J'cot for a
time, and Valenth is Lysseth's *clutchsire*. I digress, though. Think you
'twould have been harder or easier if'n she'd Impressed male?" She casts
him a curious look. "Were you from the Weyr initially?"

S'rist hmms and shakes his head, "Honestly, I don't think it'd have made a
whole lot of difference in the long run if she had." He reaches for his
glass and finishes off the whole half glass in one long series of swallows,
ending it with an 'ah'

"Awkward either way, really. With a green, there are flights and mayhaps
having t'see 'em proddy, which I've fortunately nay had t'face yet. But
with a male," Kassi says, crinkling her nose briefly, "they can get into
nay small amount of trouble after *losing* flights. Six of one, half-dozen
of the other."

S'rist nods a bit more at that, "You speak the truth there with that, no
doubt at all, it's just as bad either way when you think about it. So I
guess that's just one thing I should try not to think about."

Kassima quirks a half-grin. "True enough. If'n easier said than done. At
least for now she's with someone she seems t'care about and all, who isn't
so very much older than she. Didn't she say something earlier about it
taking about a Turn for 'em t'settle together? That's a good sign, too."

S'rist nods as well, "They did, and he came to meet Math and myself before
it got to that point as well, another good sign if you ask me." He eyes the
now empty glass on the table before him and hmms, "Now do I have another,
or do I make sure I can make it home by stopping now?"

"Did he? That *is* promising. It makes me like him a little more in a way,"
Kassi admits with a smile. "That level of consideration isn't exactly
common as best I know it. D'you think you're apt t'wind up sleeping on the
floor after another? Because 'twill warn, I know from far too much
experience that the floor here isn't that comfortable. They really need
t'be installing pillows."

S'rist laughs a bit, "I've woken up with my face on the floor here one too
many times to let that be what happens to me... no, I was thinking more on
if I'd be able to get anything done once I got back to the weyr. As it is
now I might be able to do some dragon oiling, or work on some riding
straps. Another and I'll be taking a nap."

Kassima grins in understanding, and in fact nabs her empty glass to raise
it in a toast of sorts. "Here's to the Lava Lounge floor, then! I see what
you mean. An unfortunately necessary consideration, with the pesky rank and
responsibility business. Which would you rather have? The work done, or the
break and nap?"

S'rist raises his empty glass and chuckles, "To the Lava Lounge floor...
and honestly, I should see the work done. Responsibility has broken my
desire to be quite as reckless as I once was."

"I'd say 'alas,' but for the 'Reaches 'tis probably better that way," Kassi
has to admit. "Shells, 'tis probably even better for you. I may even be
virtuous and go home mostly sober m'self, for all that m'Wingmates would
doubtless tease me endlessly."

S'rist chuckles and gets up to his feet, "If you're still mostly sober
after what I've seen you put away so far, then you're not a woman for the
little fruity drinks like Shalyn and Caritha, that's for certain."

Kassima's grin at this would suggest she takes it as a compliment. "I
Impressed at Benden," she says, with a quick wink. "You know what they say
about the Bendenite tolerance. Those fruity drinks are fine for an
appetizer, but for arguing over formations? Stronger fare is needed. It's
been a pleasure meeting you, Weyrleader; I do hope things go well with your

S'rist smiles and nods, "Pleasure meeting you wingleader, clear skies for
your trip back to Telgar." With that he turns and makes his way down the
ladder to head home.

S'rist climbs down the crude ladder.