-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ice Ice Baby Date: January 5, 1997 Places: High Reaches Weyr's Skyspace, Eastern Bowl, Western Bowl, Lake Shore, Ice-Sculpture Tent, and Living Cavern Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: I wonder whether naming a log after a Vanilla Ice song will earn me a one-way ticket to Hades, do not pass Go, do not collect $200. Nevertheless, it seemed fitting: Kassi, Kindre, R'val, Meli, and others visit the High Reaches Winter Festival here, and between the sledding contest and the ice-sculpture competition there's plenty of frigid entertainment for all. :) Everything prefixed by Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> takes place in the ice-sculpture tent. Special thanks go to Kindre, my IC and OOC partner in crime on this occasion, as she's the one who came up with the notion for our sculpture submission. ;) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: <*> Lysseth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air! <*> On the Star Stones, Teranth warbles a greeting to Green Lysseth of Benden Weyr. <*> Vidarth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air! <*> On the Star Stones, Teranth warbles a greeting to Blue Vidarth of Benden Weyr. <*> Herath emerges from Between with a blast of cold air! <*> On the Star Stones, Teranth warbles a greeting to Gold Herath of Benden Weyr. <*> Lysseth trumpets a reply salutation to Teranth, circling over the Bowl before heading eastwards. You spiral downward in the bowl, towards the east wall. <*> Above you, Herath circles lower in the bowl, towards the eastern wall. You fly down to land gently on the ground. <*> In the sky directly above, Herath backwings to a neat landing on the ground. <*> Dh'lon comes out of the snow ring. <*> Vidarth tromps over from the western side of the bowl. <*> R'val slides down from Vidarth's back and lands in a crouch. Public announcement: M'rgan tosses a snowball in your general direction. "The HRW Winter Festival is starting (for events info, read '+bbread/events 2'). All are invited. '+go hrw-bowl' to pop on over." He steps away from the mike but now far enough as his mutter can still be heard. "How /much/ did this cost me?" Kassima waves to all and sundry. "Benden's duties to the Reaches and her queens!" she calls, unbuckling her straps and preparing to dismount. You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles, cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully. Silora remains in the depression in the snowbank for a moment, hand lifting near her mouth and then dropping again. Cheeks flushed, she lifts herself to a sitting position, only to fall back again since her balance is not great. From her gold Herath, Kindre pulls off her helmet and waves a greeting, "Benden's duty to High Reaches and her queens!" before sliding down her mate. Kindre gives Herath's neck a loving rub before she slips down with the polished ease of familiarity. The gold's eyes seem to burn through Kindre until she is certain her lifemate is sure-footed on the ground, then turn equally as hot to the surroundings in a quick survey. R'val salutes with a grin, his expression excited, "Benden's duty." Glancing askance at KAssima, he asks, "Where to then>?" Dh'lon waves to all those arriving. Belaryth notices his rider's head pop out of the snowbank, lumbering even closer and then snaking out his long tail helpfully. Silora grasps it, smiling thanks as she clambers out of the bank with his aid. "Some people around here are nice, at least." A caress to her lifemate's neck, she then takes shelter against his huge leg as she gathers more snow. And feels the snow Br'mar put down her jacket slowly melting. "Ugh." M'rgan pauses in mid-jig as dragons start dropping all around him. His arms down flop to his side as he tries to regain some dignity. Or is he just reaching for a snowball? Dh'lon approaches the Big Wooden Sled with a little apprehension. Dh'lon throws the sled down, gets a running start and jumps onto the moving sled. Big Wooden Sled moves towards the western side of the bowl. In the bowl, to the west, Dh'lon gets an excellent start, gaining more and more speed as his flies down the hill. Dh'lon aims for the bump... the sled and Dh'lon seem to hang in the air, gracefully arcing to a landing, stopping before hitting any of the spectators. Br'mar snaps to attention and salutes the new arrival, then turns around with a guilty start as he hears Silora's complaining noises. "Umm, Sil... you didn't get too wet, did you?" In the bowl, to the west, Dh'lon re-orients his self, and goes to fetch the Big Wooden Sled. Keriann laughs as snowballs fall all around her, and she glances over at Karina to assess timing. Seeing the Benden dragons landing and other riders arriving, she gets to her feet and salutes. Big Wooden Sled moves over from the western side of the bowl. Dh'lon strolls over from the western side of the bowl. Kassima shrugs at R'val. "Wherever you wish?" she suggests with a grin, then blinking over at M'rgan. "What in the world...? Oh, I get it. You've just gone mad, right, Mart?" Karina stands up as rider and people start arriving. She spits out some snow and quickly salutes all the new riders. She reaches up and removes some snow ontop of her head. Silora frowns playfully at Br'mar, letting a snowball go as he looks concernedly at her. "Take that!" Obviously she's not too wet, though during the course of the evening she'll surely be missing for a few minutes to change tunics. She spies people arriving and attempts to straighten her hair, sending a welcoming smile over the bowl. Kindre chuckles as she strides up to her fellow riders aand catches the greenriders comment. "I think that a fair enough assessment...how are you, M'rgan" R'val shakes his head at Kassima, and turns to look around. He grins as he spots Keriann, "Heyla, you." Dh'lon announces, "Alright.. If anyone wants to take a try at the sled come up here and line up! I'll be judging and the best performance gets a prize." He grins. Kassima comments to Kindre, "Well, 'tis the only thing that makes sense. Either that, or we're hallucinating. I think M'rgan going insane is more probable, so...." Dh'lon says "Remember though, one at a time." Br'mar wipes snow out of his face, and grins wickedly at Silora. "Trying to get me to put you over my shoulder again, Sil?" he asks, watching her face for a reaction. Dh'lon says "Also, the ring that the drudges set up over there is for snowball fights. Please keep them in there so people don't get cot in the crossfire (OOC: Or spammed)" Silora sticks her tongue out like a child, then turns on her heel and runs up behind M'rgan, hands on his shoulders. "Never!" She calls this back at Br'mar, waving at the riders who've arrived. "Welcome." R'val strokes his chin and grins at Kindre and KAssi, "anyone for sledding? M'rgan closes his fingers around the snowball, slipping it behind his back. "I wouldn't say that I've gone mad." He turns towards Kindre, "Good day, weyrwoman," using that greeting as a distraction as he suddenly whips his arm around, sending the snowball towards Kassima. As soon as the snowball has left his hand, he pelts over to the sled, joining the line (where he hopes he'll be protected from retribution). Keriann waves to R'val, calling "Hi," before she glances around, obviously trying to fix the location of some people with snow sticking to various parts of them. R'val chuckles admiringly at M'rgan's fast delivery and grins as he hurries off, "oh dear. This is war, i'm sure." He glances at KAssi. Dh'lon grins as M'rgan steps up. "You're the first one so go ahead and try the sled. One try per person though." Kindre chuckles, "Agreed...oh," her brows quirk up, "sledding? I'll have a go at it if there's...." Her words get caught in her throat as the blurr of white crosses her sights, "What the..." Karina glances at Keriann trying to catch her attention. She looks around at all the new faces and shifts, a nit uncomfortabl. But at the gentle croon of Ysareth, she relaxes. Kassima aighs! and, wiping snow out of her eyes, chases after Mart. "A'course nay! Hard to go mad when you're already there!" she yells at the brownrider, then aighs as, in trying to scoop up a ball of snow to toss at him, she slips and falls on the ground with a *thump.* "Oof." Br'mar bites back a laugh, and heads off towards the sledding contest. Particularly observant people, however, might notice that he reaches for something in his pocket, grinning smuggly after assuring himself that whatever it is is still there. Silora frowns as M'rgan isn't evidently keen on protecting her, and stands her ground as she watches people make for the snowfighting ring and the sleds. "Hmm. Sledding." M'rgan waves jauntily back at the others as he hops onto the sled. He knows he's in the free now. M'rgan approaches the Big Wooden Sled with a little apprehension. M'rgan throws the sled down, gets a running start and jumps onto the moving sled. Big Wooden Sled moves towards the western side of the bowl. In the bowl, to the west, M'rgan shoots down with lightning speed, using precision to turn this way and that. his comes to a complete stop in a flurry of snow and a *shoosh* at the end of the hill, standing victoriously. Tiarith tromps in from the weyrling barracks. Keriann grins at Karina as her fellow weyrling catches her eyes. She heads over to her side and lowers her voice. She mutters to Karina, "... M'rgan..." In the bowl, to the west, M'rgan re-orients his self, and goes to fetch the Big Wooden Sled. Dh'lon grins, "Not bad, M'rgan." Tiarith looks about, not having seen so many people in a while. She bugles to Belaryth. In the bowl, to the west, M'rgan waves even more arrogantly now as he picks up the sled. Big Wooden Sled moves over from the western side of the bowl. Kassima climbs to her feet and dusts snow off her slacks, shaking her fist after Mart. "You'll nay get away so easy, brownie!" is her shouted threat, but she can't seem to keep a straight face as she says it. She then turns to Kindre and gives the goldrider a nudge. "Want to give it a try? I bet you can do better than that." Kindre frowns good-naturedly, "Jays, does his luck never cease," she asks more rhetorically than anything. Karina nods, doesn't say anything but simply nods. Eyes glittering with mischief as she follows the progress of one particular rider. Silventh bugles cheerfully at all the other dragons, just because. Rillae walks in from the weyrling barracks. Dh'lon has the sled brought back to its starting place then asks, "Anyone else want a go?" M'rgan meanders over from the western side of the bowl. Dh'lon says "Line up for using the sled please. One try per person." Rillae follows Tiarith out, winding her way through the people. Kindre then bobs her head quickly and shrugs, "Why not? I've ridden more dangerous things, I suppose," she chuckles after saying that. "Oh, I'm sorry...who was after M'rgan?" R'val glances to Kassi and Kindre and away, at the sleds, "IT looks fun." Kassima wrinkles her nose. "It *has* to, eventually. Nay anyone can win at *everything,* *all* the time. Give it a try, Kin--it looks fun." She turns and sticks her tongue out at Mart. "That was pure luck, you know." Br'mar bows politely to Kindre. "Please, go ahead." Dh'lon waits for people to line up for using the sled. M'rgan sweeps the palms of his hands across his jacket, dusting off the snow. "Go on. Let's see if you can do better." He just can't let up, can he. Belaryth rumbles softly, moving away from his lifemate to where the other dragons are watching the snow-spectacle, amusement in his voice. Silora hrms, standing to one side of the sledding line and watching, giggling at M'rgan's self-assuredness with one eye on Br'mar. She turns at the sound of Belaryth's voice, then back at the line again. Kindre quirks a brow to Br'mar and smiles, "Thank you," before her eyes roll at the brownrider. Some mumbling is heard as she tries this new feat. Kindre approaches the Big Wooden Sled with a little apprehension. Kindre pushes off with her feet... The sled creeps down the hill, gaining speed as it goes. Big Wooden Sled moves towards the western side of the bowl. M'rgan flicks some snow from his bangs with a snap of his fingers against the drooping black tendrils. "I'd call it skill myself." In the bowl, to the west, Kindre zigs and zags at first, but slowly gains control of the sled enough to have a pleasant ride down at least half of the hill. Kassima harumphs at M'rgan. "You'll see, all right." She walks over to get in line after whoever's after Kindre. "You go, Kin!" is her shouted encouragement. Big Wooden Sled moves over from the western side of the bowl. Kindre zigs and zags at first, but slowly gains control of the sled enough to have a pleasant ride down at least half of the hill. R'val approaches the Big Wooden Sled with a little apprehension. Dh'lon turns to watch Kindre's progress. He grins and hmms to himself... "Um, only one try, Kindre." He chuckles. Dh'lon says "One person inside at a time, R'val." R'val re-orients his self, and goes to fetch the Big Wooden Sled. R'val*meant to L sled, not enter sled. Sowwy. Kindre re-orients her self, and goes to fetch the Big Wooden Sled. In the feeding grounds, Most of the animals are somnolescent with midday drowsiness, dozing on their feet, or peacefully chewing cud. In the feeding grounds, Keravn leaves through the gate, latching it securely behind him, and heading west in the bowl. Dh'lon hmms, "That was okay, Kindre. A little shaky though." Rillae finds Br'mar and elbows him. "A little festival?" Br'mar blinks over at Rillae. "What, you didn't know, sleepyhead? I assumed you were conserving your strength for this..." Dh'lon smiles, "Anyone else? Perhaps now you'd like to try, R'val?" R'val nods to Dh'lon uncertainly, "I Guess." Kassima chuckles and claps for the goldrider. "You did fine!" At M'rgan, she makes a face. "Skill, hah. I think you have nay skill, just luck all the time. 'Twill run out eventually--one of these days!" In the bowl, to the west, Keravn dropped Gaming Stall. Rillae chuckles. "Nope. Just conserving strength in general. Tried the sled yet?" Dh'lon grins, "Go ahead then." R'val approaches the Big Wooden Sled with a little apprehension. Kindre chuckles, "That was wonderful," she exclaims, her joy not diminished by Dh'lon's assessment. "Well, still, I rather enjoyed it despite my lack of skill. Simply need to practice," she smiles. Dusting snow from her legs and arms, she grins, "Thank you, Kassi...and true enough on his luck." Silora turns her head towards the Living Caverns, murmuring something about wondering whether the harpers will begin the singing and dancing soon. She turns her head to grin at a large crafter who's been dumped from a smaller sled at her feet. "Careful now." Br'mar shakes his head. "Not yet... I think I'm after R'val." R'val throws the sled down, gets a running start and jumps onto the moving sled. Big Wooden Sled moves towards the western side of the bowl. In the bowl, to the west, R'val goes sliding wildly out of control down the hill, narrowly avoiding the crowd at the end of the hill as the sled tips over and unceremoniously dumps R'val on the floor. In the bowl, to the west, R'val approaches the Big Wooden Sled with a little apprehension. Big Wooden Sled moves over from the western side of the bowl. M'rgan has the smirk of a feline who just ate an avian. "So you both keep on saying. But it hasn't let up yet...And I don't think it ever will." R'val re-orients his self, and goes to fetch the Big Wooden Sled. Dh'lon chuckles at R'val's spill onto the snow. Kindre stifles a giggles at her friend, "Oh, poor R'val..." Rillae claps a hand over her mouth, hiding her laugh. "Oh dear." R'val Stands somewhat unsteadily and wipes snow off his person, "Yikes!" he exclaims, "That's quite a wild ride!" Rillae chuckles at R'val. Keriann grins as she watches R'val be dumped onto the snow before she glances at Karina and nods. She begins to head in the appropriate direction, trying to look as though she's just out for a stroll in the snow. Dh'lon grins amusedly then turns and asks those assebled, "Next?" Kassima tries very, very hard not to laugh as she watches R'val's ride. A few choked sounds emerge from her throat regardless, though. "Um... nice ride, R'val," she manages, with an approximation of a straight face. She wrinkles her nose and steps out of line long enough to sock M'rgan lightly in the arm. "Nay luck lasts *forever.* Get used to it, brownie... you'll be beaten someday." M'rgan points to Kassima at Dh'lon's call. "Take her. Let's see how lucky she is." Kindre rolls her eyes and grins at M'rgan, "No? Oh, that's right, you -meant- to lose that hand of poker...must try to remember that," she says and taps her head. When R'val returns, she wonders, "Are you alright? Looked like a fun spill, I have to admit, but..." Dh'lon grins at Kassima, "What do you say, greenrider? Care for a try?" R'val sticks his tongue out, oh so maturely, at KAssi, "Feh, don't you sniker at me till ya do better yerself." Kassima blinks and looks over at Dh'lon. "Hmm? Oh, aye, I suppose so, but I'd thought he was next in line...?" She points to Br'mar, having heard his comment about being after R'val. Rillae hmms and wanders around the bowl, looking at the stalls. Dh'lon says "Well, I just ask who wants to go next. Did you, Br'mar? I can't keep track with all these people mulling about." Br'mar chuckles, and winks at Kassima. "Oh no, my lady, you first. I insist." Rillae walks towards the western side of the bowl. R'val Smiles a bit sheepishly at Kindre, "I think I'm allright. It was a bit of a shock to tumble so fast, but...i'm fine, I believe. I bet I looked silly though." Kassima blinks again. "Lady?" she asks, incredulously. "Me? Faranth, I think that's only the third time in my life I've been called a lady... well, thankee. We'll just see, Mart," she repeats, heading over to the sled. She pauses to ask Dh'lon, since he seems to be in charge, "May I?" Stealthly, two females sneak up as close as possible to the vaccinity of M'rgan and in a flash they rush him , trying to knock him off balnce into the snowdrift behind him. Dh'lon nods, "Sure thing, Kassi." Silora puts a hand on her hip, watching the goings-on with another smile. But there's no way in all the sharding planet she's getting on that sled. She giggles as the weyrlings sneak up on M'rgan, ready to see him get..something. Splattered with snow perhaps. Kassima nods her thanks, and eyes the sled a trifle dubiously... then, shrugging, decides to take the plunge. Hopefully, not literally. Big Wooden Sled To go forward, type 'travel' ONLY ONCE. Then return the sled by typing 'leave' and then type 'return'. "Come on, Kassi, you can surely do well at this," Kindre calls after the sled. Turning back to R'val, she smiles, "No, not at all...well," she admits with a smirk, "mayhap a bit. I waas lucky not to have the same fate." Kassima throws the sled down, gets a running start and jumps onto the moving sled. You move towards the western side of the bowl. Kassima shoots down with lightning speed, using precision to turn this way and that. her comes to a complete stop in a flurry of snow and a *shoosh* at the end of the hill, standing victoriously. In the bowl, to the east, M'rgan opens his mouth to make another smart comment when suddenly, in a blur of bodies, he ends up on his arse in a snowdrift. His eyes are wide in surprise and confusion. In the bowl, to the east, R'val grins towards Kindre, "I think you must be a natural at it." Lysseth> In the bowl, to the west, Kassima re-orients her self, and goes to fetch the Big Wooden Sled. Big Wooden Sled moves towards the eastern side of the bowl. You wander towards the eastern side of the bowl. Karina starts giggling horribly and glances at her co-conspirator. R'val whistles softly, "Wow! Kassi did great!" HE shakes his head. Br'mar bites back a giggle at M'rgan's sudden dip into the snow. He glances over at Silora, and reaches into his pocket again, with a secretive grin. M'rgan finally comes to his senses enough to exclaim, "What the shards!!!!" He can barely see above the snowdrift that surrounds him. Dh'lon applauds and grins, "Very good." Kassima drags the sled back to the East, and grins at R'val. "Thankee, thankee! All luck, though," she admits. "It'd be hypocritical for me to say else, after what I told Mart, I suppose." Kindre claps, "Perfect," she exclaims and actually bounces once for her victory. "Hmm, oh, hardly, R'val...I was lucky, honest, that's all." Keriann giggles as she and Karina are successful at bowling over M'rgan, and she squirms a short distance away, sitting in the snow for a minute. R'val returns Kassi's grin idly then nods to Kindre, "luck probably had something to do with it, but you never know." Dh'lon watches the snowball fight out of the corner of his eye partially. After Kassima returns victoriously he turns to Br'mar, "Your turn." Silora laughs heartily, a joyous sound, and throws her head back a bit as she steps nearer where M'rgan disappeared into the snow. She reaches a hand into the snowbank, searching for something of the brownrider's clothing to help haul him up with. "See, it's not only me that ends up in snowbanks!" Br'mar approaches the Big Wooden Sled with a little apprehension. Karina manges to take a few tentative steps backwards before running for cover...well out of his reach. Br'mar pushes off with his feet... The sled creeps down the hill, gaining speed as it goes. Big Wooden Sled moves towards the western side of the bowl. In the bowl, to the west, Br'mar goes sliding wildly out of control down the hill, narrowly avoiding the crowd at the end of the hill as the sled tips over and unceremoniously dumps Br'mar on the floor. Kassima applauds as she sees that someone seems to have dumped M'rgan into the snow. "Oh, excellent work, whoever did that!" In the bowl, to the west, Br'mar re-orients his self, and goes to fetch the Big Wooden Sled. Big Wooden Sled moves over from the western side of the bowl. Br'mar goes over from the western side of the bowl. R'val grimaces, "Br'mar took a fall allrighty." Dh'lon acks at Br'mar's spill. M'rgan's armwaving in the snow surrounds the outline of his body with wings. As a hand appears in front of his eyes, he grabs onto it gratefully. Br'mar comes back over, shaking wet hair out of his eyes. "Good thing we only get to do that once. I couldn't afford any more bruises than this." Kassima looks over at Br'mar and inquires, "Are you all right? Looks like you took rather a wild ride...." R'val grins to Br'mar ruefully, "I know how you feel." Dh'lon pats the sled and looks around, "Anyone else want a try? How about you, Keriann?" He looks at the weyrling. Karina glances from M'rgans progress out of the snow to the Br'mar then to the sled, she arches her eyebrow and walks over its area. Silora missed Br'mar's spill as she leans over the snowbank, putting one leg out in front to keep her balance as she tries to help M'rgan out. "Silly...." She pulls as hard as she can on the hand that clasps hers, frowning as she can't seem to get any purchase. "Hmph. You've been eating too much herdbeast, Mart." Kindre winces a bit after she watches Br'mar's spill, "Jays..." before her attention is pulled, "Hmm? Someone dumped him in the snow? And I missed it," she asks with an indignant smirk, "Ah well. Yees," she echoes the others, "you didn't get hurt much, did you?" Keriann scrambles to her feet quickly at Dh'lon's question, with a quick glance over at M'rgan. "Sure." She seems to be in a hurry. Keriann approaches the Big Wooden Sled with a little apprehension. Keriann shoots off down the slope, careening towards the western side of the bowl. Big Wooden Sled moves towards the western side of the bowl. In the bowl, to the west, Keriann gets an excellent start, gaining more and more speed as her flies down the hill. Keriann aims for the bump... the sled and Keriann seem to hang in the air, gracefully arcing to a landing, stopping before hitting any of the spectators. Dh'lon blinks and grins, "My, very nice." In the bowl, to the west, Keriann re-orients her self, and goes to fetch the Big Wooden Sled. Big Wooden Sled moves over from the western side of the bowl. "Wow," Kindre utters, "not that, R'val, is skill, not just simple luck..." Keriann heads over from the western side of the bowl. Karina claps as she watches Keriann "Very nicely done!" M'rgan takes a firmer grip on Silora's hand as he pushes against the snow with his left hand. "Come on, Silora." His feet slip and slide as he tries to find a firm spot to place them. Keriann smiles happily, "That was fun! Thanks!" Br'mar laughs. "Oh, I'm fine, thank you for asking. No more than I deserve, in all likelihood." He wanders over to the crowd by Mart and attempts to warm his hands on Silora's neck. R'val nods his head, eyes widening, "You're quite right, Kindre." Kassima laughs and pokes at the fallen M'rgan with the toe of her boot. "Hear that? I'm nay the only one who thinks you've been eating too much. I tell you, brownrider, you're going to wind up too fat to ride." Dh'lon smiles, "So far M'rgan, Kassima and Keriann have the best attempts I think." Dh'lon says "Anyone want to see if they can do better?" Karina steps forward "I will..." High in the bowl, Cyth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air! On the Star Stones, Ulanoth warbles a greeting to Green Cyth of Ista Weyr. Kindre waves a hand, "I'll not chance it myself...eating the snow is not a favorite passtime of mine," she admits with a chuckle. Karina approaches the Big Wooden Sled with a little apprehension. High in the bowl, Cyth bugles to the watchdragon Silora pulls with all her might, the snow sliding out from under her boots as she digs her feet into the bowl floor. A few more 'oomphs' are heard before she successfully brings at least M'rgan's head out from the snowbank, hauling backwards. Then she squeals again as cold fingers are placed on her neck, dropping M'rgan's hand in the process. R'val grins wryly at Kindre, "I'm with you there...One tumble was quite enough." Karina throws the sled down, gets a running start and jumps onto the moving sled. Big Wooden Sled moves towards the western side of the bowl. In the bowl, to the west, Karina shoots straight down the hill, never turning, but gaining an immense amount of speed. Karina twists the sled at a right angle at the last minute, landing spectacularly and safely. Dh'lon blinks, "What? Someone got in when I wasn't looking?" He whirls about. Br'mar laughs aloud. "Oops... didn't mean to scare you, Silora." Keriann holds her breath as she watches Karina gain speed. When Karina lands, Keriann claps, "Nicely done!" In the bowl, to the west, Karina re-orients her self, and goes to fetch the Big Wooden Sled. Dh'lon wows, "That was a good one too." Big Wooden Sled moves over from the western side of the bowl. Dh'lon smiles, "That was good, weyrling." M'rgan smiles with relief as he starts to make some progress out of the snow bank, only to yelp with surprise as he's dropped back into it. "I am /not/ getting fat!" he asserts as he rolls around in the snow, packing it down so that he can get out. "And if it wasn't freezing, I'd prove it to you." The blue scarf winds tighter around his neck as he rolls about. High in the bowl, Aberuth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air! On the Star Stones, Ulanoth warbles a greeting to Brown Aberuth of Ista Weyr. Karina heads over from the western side of the bowl. Kindre offers her own, "Crackdust, well done!" Dh'lon looks around, "Where did she get to? Oh, there she is.." He grins, "That's the best one so far." Karina smiles proudly and pulls a strand of hair away from her face. Kassima snorts and, probably foolishly, offers Mart her hand. "C'mon, get up before you strangle yourself with that scarf. Silly brownrider." Above the bowl, to the west, Aberuth banks and lands neatly on the ground. Kylee grins at Karina. "I suppose you wouldn't let me take a crack at that, would you?" Silora turns to grin widely at Br'mar grabbing his hands in obe of hers and then holding them behind her back as she tries to reach in and find some part of M'rgan again. Hearing a muffled curse, she realizes that wasn't the spot, and finally finds an arm again. "Sorry, and I never said you were fat. You'll never be fat, dear Mart." This time the efforts of both her and M'rgan allow him to climb out, and she winks. "Fun?" Karina laughs "Why not? she grins at Kylee. Kylee whoops Kylee approaches the Big Wooden Sled with a little apprehension. Margret walks over from the western side of the bowl. Dh'lon says "Okay, anyone else want to try to beat Karina?" Dh'lon chuckles, "Guess so." Kindre wrinkles her lips, tempt readable on her face, "Well, if no one else is waiting, mayhap I'll caution another try..." and then grins. "May I go after she does," Kindre asks Dh'lon. Margret walks over, smiling, and buckling her jacket. Nippy here it is. Aberuth wanders over from the western side of the bowl. In the sky directly above, Cyth wings down and lands lightly on the ground. Dh'lon turns and speaks to Kindre, "Well, I don't want to let anyone have more than one try for the competition. After the prize is given out, you can, sure." R'val grins at Kindre, "That's brave of ya." M'rgan is on his hands and knees in the bank as he catches Kindre's words. He lifts his head mournfully, "What'd I miss?" Two arms reach in to get him and with their help, he's finally out. "It's more fun when you put someone else in the bank." He starts to eye Keriann and Karina with the look of a wherry getting ready to swoop. Kylee takes a deep breath and pushes. Kylee shoots off down the slope, careening towards the western side of the bowl. Big Wooden Sled moves towards the western side of the bowl. In the bowl, to the west, Kylee shoots down with lightning speed, using precision to turn this way and that. her comes to a complete stop in a flurry of snow and a *shoosh* at the end of the hill, standing victoriously. Above the bowl, to the west, Ularrith rises effortlessly into the sky from Ularrith's ledge, low on the western bowl wall. Kindre is still smiling as she waves, "Benden's duty to Ista," and then bobs her head at Dh'lon, "Sounds fair enough to me." P'ral swings a leg over Cyth's neck and slides down her foreleg. In the bowl, to the west, Kylee re-orients her self, and goes to fetch the Big Wooden Sled. Karina glances uncomfortably at Keriann as M'rgan is now free. She shrugs, takes a deep breath and watches as the sled is off again. Margret waves, "Ista's duty t'th'Reaches an 'er queens." Yep. "Sleddin?" Big Wooden Sled moves over from the western side of the bowl. Br'mar chuckles, and looks down at Mart, thoroughly amused. "So much for your triumph over those too, huh?" Above the bowl, to the west, Ularrith bursts out of his weyr with a warbling cry of excitement. His wings beat mightily, and not particularly gracefully, as he plunges across the bowl. Silora snorts, letting Br'mar's hands go as she wipes some thrown snow off her jacket. "This is dangerous for all these people who aren't used to the freezing white stuff." Dh'lon smiles, "That was pretty good too.. Is there anyone else who wants a try at the sled who hasn't gone yet?" He pauses to rub his hands together briefly in the cold winter air. Kassima tilts her head. "You missed several tries, Mart... but I think Karina beat us both." She jabs him in the shoulder. "And I'll have you know, I did nay worse than you, so there! Luck, I tell you. 'Twas all luck. Though I'll admit, a couple looked more like skill... but yours wasn't one of them." She chuckles and winks, then turns to see how the sledding's proceeding. In the bowl, to the west, Keravn walks into the tunnel to the living cavern. Margret hmms and grins. "I'd care fer a try at th'sled, ifn ye nay mind." Belaryth raises his head to bugle a response at his clutchmate Ularrith, wings spreading slightly from his spot in the bowl. Br'mar chuckles at Silora. "The sled, or the half-crazed riders cavorting in it?" he asks innocently. Dh'lon smiles, "Go ahead then." Dh'lon was directing that at Margret by the way. :) Drudges wrapped tightly in cloaks and jackets make their way across the bowl, depositing hot klah and spiced cider at the various stands scattered across the bowl. Margret grins at Dh'lon and walks over to the sled Margret approaches the Big Wooden Sled with a little apprehension. Margret pushes off with her feet... The sled creeps down the hill, gaining speed as it goes. Big Wooden Sled moves towards the western side of the bowl. In the bowl, to the west, Margret goes sliding wildly out of control down the hill, narrowly avoiding the crowd at the end of the hill as the sled tips over and unceremoniously dumps Margret on the floor. In the bowl, to the west, Margret re-orients her self, and goes to fetch the Big Wooden Sled. In the sky directly above, Ularrith wings down to a quick landing on the ground. Silora giggles softly, watching a grown man go down in the snow...and he wasn't even sledding. Just trying to very carefully walk. "I don't know which...thank goodness I'm getting used to this." In the bowl, to the west, Margret laughs as she gets tumbeled off into the snow and stands up. Cyth rumblebugles happily at Ularrith. Big Wooden Sled moves over from the western side of the bowl. Margret meanders over from the western side of the bowl. Dh'lon winces, "Ouch. That looks a little painful." Ularrith lands in a snowdrift right next to the Istan green, his tail twitching out to caress her. Margret smirks, "Ah, Snow dinna hurt, s'nice 'n soft." she says, and reassures Aberuth that she is fine. The Brown doesn't look too worried as he's more interested in this white stuff. In the bowl, to the west, Kylee mutters in concentration. Br'mar chuckles, and slips an arm around Silora's waist. "Good thing. You belong here, after all." In the bowl, to the west, Kylee grins and take the belt from the stall owner. Kindre pulls her collar close against her neck and shivers just slightly, "Crackdust, I'll never think home cold again," she chuckles lightly. Noticing the warm treats, she smiles gratefully as she looks them over. Dh'lon says "Anyone else?" Kylee meanders over from the western side of the bowl. Silora turns to look at Br'mar for a long moment, nodding her head and making frost-covered hair bob around her ears. "That I do, even more so every year. I was actually /hot/ last trip to Boll." She turns to Dh'lon, shaking her head to indicate she's not in line for the sledding. Dh'lon says "Nobody else wants a try at the sled?" Kylee shakes her head and grins, "I think I've already done my best." Margret scoots out of the way of any sledders and makes a snowball to lob at Aberuth. Dh'lon says "Okay then, I guess it's time to announce the winner in that case. The winner can go to M'rgan to see about their prize." Dh'lon grins at the brownrider. Dh'lon puts a hand on the sled and hmms to himself, thinking for a moment. His gaze scans the crowd and then he announces, "I'd have to say that Karina's attempt was the best I've seen tonight. Though I've seen some good ones.. and some not so good ones." He grins. Dh'lon says "Congratulations, Karina." Kylee smiles at Karina. Kassima walks over to Kindre and R'val, and comments, "'Twas fun, that... so. What to do next?" She pauses to smile and applaud Karina as Dh'lon announces the winner. "Right good show, 'twas!" Kindre chuckles and offers her congratulations, "Well deserved!" M'rgan laughs and claps. "And the prize is...a toss in the snowbank." He mock-lunges towards Karina before holding out his hand politely. "Don't worry. I'm not going to do it...right now." Keriann applauds Karina, "That was a great run, Karina." As M'rgan says the prize is a toss in the snowback, she laughs and takes a very large and obvious step away from Karina. Margret grins and claps, snow flying off her hands, "Con grats." Kindre tilts her head, "Hmm, games mayhap? Or should we get something to warm ourselves?" Watching yet another dumping, she blinks, "I think it may be time to just become scarse, to be true..." Karina smiles and beams but casts a cautious glance at M'rgan. She blushes slightly at all the congrats. Br'mar joins in the applause, good humouredly. Kassima hmmms. "Games sounds like a notion... did you, perchance, bring marks?" Silora snorts at M'rgan, laughing. "Now, be nice. Surely you've got a getter prize for her than that?" Her hand still lingers on Br'mar's arm, though that's probably because she's feeling like the ground is a bit slippery with all these people playing in the snow. R'val's eyes alight, "GAmes, eh?" he says, glancing to kassi and Kindre. Dh'lon smiles as the matter of the winner is settled. He steps away from the large crowd somewhat. Kindre waves a small leather pouch after pulling it from her pocket. Keeping it from a particular rider's sidhts, she nods, "Of course, and I hope I do better than just even this time around," she smirks. M'rgan winks at Silora. "When am I not nice? Anyway, it's an egg from Phenix's clutch. These ones should come out normal 'cause I got to the clutch before she could bury it in a snowdrift." Kassima blinks at M'rgan. "That queen of yours *didn't* bury her clutch in the snow? Mayhaps there's some hope for her daughter, then... 'twas up past the middle of night, digging hers out of the ice. Warped looking things. Must run in the family...." She turns to grin at Kindre. "Well, mayhaps we can make a few light wagers... or nay. There've been games tents in the past, y'know, that would give prizes if you won...." Br'mar smooths Silora's hair, letting his fingers drift through it as he brushes the snow out. "What's next, then?" P'ral stands leaning against Cyth, huddling into his flight jacket to keep warm, and watching the activity. Dh'lon's gaze drifts over the crowd from his vantage point slightly outside it. "Prizes," Kindre asks s her eyes widen, "tht could be fun, then. Shall we be off to find some?" Margret spys P'ral and, ruthlessly, makes a snowball and hurls it at her fellow istan, "Hey, P'ral!" she calls out. Silora snorts delicately at M'rgan's comment about being nice, eyes flipping from her classmate's to Br'mar's. "Something warm, I'd guess. Did I see cider come out?" She wrinkles her nose as a bit of the snow-crystals from her hair fall on her face, gently. Kassima nods. "Sounds good to me! R'val, you up to a game or two?" Dh'lon mutters to Kassima, "R'val... always... I..." Dh'lon whispers "R'val is always up to it I think *grin*" Kindre bobs her head, "You've got to come watch my awful luck at them, R'val..." Br'mar shakes his head. "I didn't see anyone... but I'm sure it's around here somewhere. Can't have a carnival without some way to keep us all warm." Kylee grins at all the tenderfoots. R'val nods to Kindre, "Sure thing." Kassima stifles a snicker at Dh'lon's words, and nods agreement, eyes dancing with amusement. "You may be right, at that. How 'bout you, Dh'lon? Want to come watch us flub all the games, too?" In the bowl, to the west, Keravn wanders out of the living cavern. M'rgan raises his hand in a 'see you later' gesture towards the others. "I'll try my luck in a bit." Dh'lon nahs and shakes his head with a grin at Kassima, "Thanks anyways though." Silora raises an eyebrow at Br'mar, remembering M'rgan's comment earlier about keeping warm, and shakes her head slightly, as if to clear it. "Hmm...what's on that table over there?" She points to an area where some people are crowding around a low table. Kassima chuckles. "Suit yourself." She lifts her hand in a sort of half-wave to Mart, commenting, "All the better for us, then, you jinx. Shall we, then?" This is directed at her fellow Bendenites. P'ral looks up at Margret's shout, just in time to get hit in the face with the snowball. Kindre chuckls, "Let's," and waves a hand ass they move off to try their luck. Margret snikers as she nails P'ral. "ha! Ha'nt lost m'touch yet!" M'rgan rubs his hands together as he moves through the crowd towards P'ral, and Ularrith and Cyth. "Awful weather for a vi..." He winces, covering his own face as the snowball smacks into the older man. You wander towards the western side of the bowl. Kindre wanders over from the eastern side of the bowl. R'val walks over from the eastern side of the bowl. In the bowl, to the east, Keriann finishes conferring with some of her fellow weyrlings, and the huddle breaks apart and heads over toward the snow ring amidst laughter and good-natured teasing. "That looks like it might be it over there," Kindre says while pointing to a decortive tent. In the bowl, to the east, Kylee heads off to the Ice Skating Rink. In the bowl, to the east, M'rgan opens his eyes again, just in time to catch a streak of a meteorite crossing over the diving cliff. In the bowl, to the east, Dh'lon heads into the snow ring. Kassima hmms as she sees the ice-sculpture tent alongside the gaming stall. "You know, Kin, we'll really have to try our luck at that sculpting business a'fore the eve's out... but aye, that looks like it may perhaps be." R'val ambles after the K's, looking about him thoughtfully. In the bowl, to the east, Br'mar strides into the weyrling barracks. Jaria strolls out of the lower caverns. Kindre bobs her head thoughtfully, "Can't be too hard to do, I would think. Just chipping away and ice...but, true enough," she grins while her hands go to her hips, "we'll have to give it a try." Jaria wanders out of the Lower Caverns, and glances around quietly, eyeing the dragons and...riders.."Kassi!" Jerethan walks out of the living cavern. Jerethanwaves as he emerges from the Living Cavern, safely bundled up in layers of clothing. Kassima hrms, inclining her head. "Should we try that first, do you think? Make sure we've got all our energy and all, a'fore we tire it out on the game--Jaria, Jereth! Heyla! Benden's duties!" Kassima wrinkles her nose as she looks at the sculpture of the wherry head. In the bowl, to the east, Silora hrms, watching Br'mar go with a slight grimace and a glance down to her slightly-wet tunic. She mutters something to anyone within listening distance about changing her tunic to a dry one, and heads for Belaryth's side. "I'll be back!" In the bowl, to the east, Silora clambers up onto Belaryth's back, the dragon's sparkling eyes watching closely. Jerethan waves to the Bendenites cheerfully. "Heyla! Harper Hall's duties to Benden Weyr." Above the bowl, to the east, Belaryth rises effortlessly into the sky from the ground below. Kindre, recognizing Jerethan, waves, "Hi there...both of you, Benden's duty!" Her gaze falls back on Kassima, "Mayhap we should...get it out of the way?" In the bowl, to the east, A slightly faint yellow meteor roughly 6.2 degrees long streaks across the sky, its afterimage hanging in front of your eyes for several seconds. R'val whistles softly as he peers upwards, "That was a beauty." Kassima hmmms and nods. "Aye, sounds like a plan to--whoa!" This is said, obviously, as she spots the meteor. Jaria chuckles, "Healer's duties to you Benden..and her queens." inclining her head to Kindre. Jerethan gazes up toward the sky, suddenly captivated by the image before him. In the bowl, to the east, There's a barely noticable streak passing neatly between two bright stars in the constellation called |. When you blink again, it's gone, and you're left unsure whether you really saw a meteor or not. In the bowl, to the east, Kirienne nods in greeting to all. In the bowl, to the east, Wyith rumbles. In the bowl, to the east, M'rgan raises his arm, his finger tracing the meteor's path until it abruptly disappears. "What was wha..." Kindre mutters before she follows the upturned glances, catching only the left-behind streak of light. Looking back, she smiles, "How goes at the Hall? We were lucky enough to hear some lovely songs last eve." In the bowl, to the east, P'ral wipes the snow from his face, and notices M'rgan standing near him. In the bowl, to the east, Lysseth raises her head when the meteor makes an appearance, rumbling quietly as she watches. Jerethan unslings his gitar, and plucks quietly at it, his gaze fixed on the stars above as he watches, idly tuning. In the bowl, to the east, Ysareth lifts her head to the sky and warbles questioningly and makes her way over to the side of her rider. Karina looks up at the green and smiles "Those are meteors, dear..beautiful, aren't they..?" her voice trails off Kassima grins. "'Greenriders Always Win' was m'favorite, for some strange, unfathomable reason... mayhaps just because 'twas the most truthful of all." She glances again towards the ice sculpture tent, and then the sky, apparently torn. In the bowl, to the east, You watch as a yellow colored slightly faint light streaks off into the distance from the Shipfish constellation. Jaria chuckles softly at Kassima. Her head tilts upwards and just catches the last streak, "Oooh..." she murmurs softly watching. In the bowl, to the east, M'rgan points to a bit of the snowball that's still sticking to P'ral's shoulder. "I was saying that this is lousy weather for a visit." Kassima smiles as a solution comes to her. "I think I'll let Lysseth be my eyes, and go ahead and take a look at the tent... Kindre, what say you?" In the bowl, to the east, P'ral brushes off the snow. "Cyth wanted to come, and a bunch of other Istans were going." High in the bowl, Prometh emerges from Between with a blast of cold air! On the Star Stones, Ulanoth warbles a greeting to Bronze Prometh of Benden Weyr. High in the bowl, Prometh trumpets a brassy greeting to the watchdragon as he circles lower. Kindre smirks, "For some reason, hrm," she nudges Kassima before noting her own favorite, "The one about the plains in Keroon I rather fancied. It was so light and made me feel like I had seen them or the like..." Her voice trails off as another streak of light crosses the skies. "Yes, I'll do the same of Herath...jays, though the lump is asleep, as usual. Let's give it go." R'val continues to peer upwards into the sky. In the bowl, to the east, Misty appears out of *between* and finds a place to land. Kindre offers a waves, "Hope to see you later..." annd then enters the tent. You enter the ice-sculpture tent. Kassima hands Kindre a knife and takes one of her own, setting to cutting the ice. "Something tells me," she comments with a laugh, "that this is going to turn out to be unusual, to say the least...." R'val pushes the flap open and comes into the tent from outside. Kindre takes the offered knife, "Well, admittedly, I've mainly just used knives on fish and ropes, but think I won't do too much damage," she chuckles before experimentally drawing the blade lightly across the block of ice before her. R'val pokes his head in and glances about. Kassima chuckles and pulls out yet another knife, to use as a model. She whistles cheerfully as she chips at the block of ice. "I think this is a marvelous idea for a sculpture, don't you?" she asks Kindre conversationally. "So glad you thought of it!" Over the sounds of ice being carved, she doesn't hear R'val enter, else she'd probably wave to him. R'val wanders over to KAssi and Kindre without comment, glancing at the sculptures with a low whistle. R'val peeks over Kindre's shoulder, "What's up, you two?" he asks nosily. Kassima curses as she nearly cuts into her hand, startled by the bluerider's question. "We're making a carving," is her reply, as she tries to turn the place her knife slid into a feather. Meli pushes the flap open and comes into the tent from outside. R'val steps back from Kassi with a faint frown, "Sorry I asked." he replies, and waves to meli as she enters. Kindre bobs her head and giggles as her knife chips away uneven cubes. "I've not idea -why it popped into my head," she chuckles, "but seemed at least a fitting offer of Benden...heyla, R'val," she says catching sight of him nd waving to the block, "Ice sculpting...hello, Meli." Kassima shrugs. "'Sallright," she says with a smile. "Y'just surprised me. But aye, 'tis what we're doing...." She pats the ice thing beside her. Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture: It takes a moment or two for your mind to focus on the vision offered by this daunting sculpture, so unusual and bizarre is the subject. Gleaming a sleek silvery white as the ice condenses on the surface, this creation bears the aspect of a wherry's head. A wherry's head that wears a truly horrifed expression--for a good reason, judging by the ice belt-knife jutting out of its skull, right between the eyes. The beak gapes open, frozen in a silent scream; the eyes, widened, stare with hopeless terror. This gruesome work was not done by professionals, nor people with any expertise at the task; the places where ice has been chipped away are plainly visible, though an attempt has been made at etching thin lines into them to give the appearance of feathers. The eyes have been rubbed smooth, but are still a bit irregular, and the beak is a bit crooked--somehow, though, this only adds to the overall effect. The knife itself has been crafted most carefully, with the 'blade' honed to the appearance of razor-sharpness. Some people might recognize it as being modeled on one housed in a sheath at Kassima's belt. However, a rough-hewn circle crowns the hilt of this one, with a KK engraved deeply into the ice to give tribute to the twisted sculptors. The warped creativity of the Benden riders who are to blame for this doesn't stop there, though! Instead, they have cut deep grooves around the knife where it is sunk into the wherry's cranium, and filled them with Benden Red. The wine has been poured onto the blade of the knife as well. Occasionally, some of the 'blood' leaks out to trickle over the wherry's fearsome countenance. Looking on the left bottom side of the neck--which is unevenly cut, as though the beheader of this pitiful avian did not do a clean job--you see the names Kassima and Kindre, and a cut diamond-shape containing a Roman numeral two: the symbol of Benden Weyr. R'val chuckles, "It's....one weird carving!" Kassima looks over and waves to Meli cheerfully. "Meli, heyla! Good to see you made it!" R'val laughs softly, "It's so...gory." Kassima hmmms and surveys it. "I suppose so," she says, putting her knives away. "But it seemed like a good idea for something different. Unusual." Kindre seems a bit intent on what could be an eye...or maybe a foot, its hard to tell with her attempts at hacking. "This," she says with a touch of frustration, "is harder than it looks. At least fish are soft, if slippery." Finishing the...yes, it is an eye after all, she stands back. "Unusal indeed..oh, here," she hands the knife back, "I'll end up falling on it or the like if I hold it much longer." R'val hrms, "I'd imagine. IT doesn't look all that easy by any means..." Davidon pushes the flap open and comes into the tent from outside. Kassima chuckles. "I think we've done enough damage, anyway... to ourselves and the sculpture," she adds ruefully, glancing at her blistered and, in some places, cut, hands. Meli dropped Shipfish. Deri pushes the flap open and comes into the tent from outside. Shipfish: Crystal clear, with traces of blue hiding within its icy depths, this smooth, rounded sculpture curves up overhead, carved itno a shipfish leaping from the slight waviness of a deep ocean surface. Smaller chips of ice rise up from the base to represent the resulting spray. The shipfish itself seems to look right at you out of caring eyes, its mouth slightly open as it gives a joyful cry to the wind. Kindre turns hearing the flaps sound entrances again, "Hi there, Davidon, Deri...wonderful hatching, by the way Davi...I love...um, hrm, I've yet to name him. Anyhow, been hre long?" Davidon pokes his head into the tent and then grins as he waves, "Hey! Oh, I'm glad you like him." Sassy trills peacefully on his shoulder too. "Oh, we just got here...not long ago." Meli tugs at her ear, admiring the work. "Hey, reminds me... wha's t'eat 'round here?" R'val grins, "A number of things in the Living Cavern i suspect." Kassima steps back and wipes her hands on her slacks, wincing a bit as some of the scrapes come in contact with the cloth. "They were serving cider out in the East, but I'm nay sure what's to eat, if aught. 'Twas thinking of going to hear the storytellings, m'self." "In th'living cavern? No special feast tent?" Meli asks, glancing at the tent flap as if she could see through it. Kassima shakes her head. "Nay that I've seen." Kindre chuckles at Meli, "I'm not certain...they did bring some kind of treats to warm us after the sled trials, but we've not found a spread or the like yet. Oh," she turns to Davidon, "I do! He's precious." R'val shakes his head at Meli, "Unfortunately, it seems not." [Editor's Note: I've left in the following pages to clarify that, ICly at least, we actually did all spend some time working on these things. ;) ] Meli pages to Kassima, Kindre, and R'val: Hmm. Ok, assume I spent some long while carving or something? :b R'val pages to Kassima, Kindre, and Meli: sure :) Long distance to Kindre, Meli, and R'val: Kassima laughs. If you'll assume the same of us. :) M'kel pushes the flap open and comes into the tent from outside. Davidon shivers again, looking around the tent, "What are you working on in here anyway?" he asks, eyeing the ice before grinning at Kindre. "I hope he doesn't get lost." Deri chuckles at the little bronze. "Can't you find a different perch?" M'kel pauses for a moment in the doorway before moving in closer to examine the sculptures. Kindre shrugs, "I've really not seen anything that indicates a feast, least not yet." Flakes of ice litter her boots and ankles and she shakes each one in turn to try to shake them free. "Hmm? Oh, no chance, Davidon, I think even Herth finds favor with him." R'val grins towards Davidon, "THanks muchly, by the by. This little green's a beauty." Kassima wraps white cloths extracted from her belt pouch around her hands to hide the very shallow slices she made in her clumsiness, and shakes her head. "Nay, nay feast that I've seen... Benden's duties to Igen and her queens," she adds in greetings to M'kel. An older man pushes his way into the tent and, spotting Davidon waves to him, "Davidon, Alyssa needs you back at Benden." he says with a frown, motionsing the young dragonhealer to come with him. Public announcement: M'rgan figures that since his marks pouch isn't quite bare yet that he can squander a bit more. "Yes, the HRW Winter Festival is still going on (+go hrw-bowl). Right now, the big thing is to get your ice sculptures done for the judging in a half-hour in which you can win a firelizard egg from a gold clutch. Come on over to the frigid north and RP some fun with us." The clinking in his marks pouch is suddenly absent. Davidon blinks, and then frowns, his gather cut short by chores. "oh..." looking over his shoulder he sighs, "Sorry...I have to go everyone...I'll try to return later." Deri frowns, "I'll come with you love." Kindre turns to follow Kassima's gaze and echoes her greeting, "Benden's duties," and smiles. Blinking at the abrupt entrance of the man, she frowns a bit, "Oh, leaving Davidon?" M'kel turns from his examination of the wonderful Shipfish sculpture and returns the greeting, "And Igens duty to the Reaches and her Queens." Davidon nods mutely, looking disapointed, he heads out into the cold again. Meli blinks a bit. "Did someone mention cider?" Davidon pushes the flap back and leaves the Ice Sculpture Tent. Deri pushes the flap back and leaves the Ice Sculpture Tent. Kindre grins and bobs her head, "Out where we were just sledding, in fact." Kassima nods. "They were serving it earlier, after the sledding... shall we go see about this bonfire business, all? I'd like to hear the stories, if they're being told." M'kel wrinkles his nose as he looks at the sculpture of the wherry head. Kassima wrinkles her nose as she looks at the sculpture of the wherry head. Meli grins at Kindre. "Sounds good t'me..." She moves to step off, remembering to mind her split skirts at the last second. Meli pushes the flap back and leaves the Ice Sculpture Tent. Kindre pushes the flap back and leaves the Ice Sculpture Tent. Kindre strides north into the tunnel to the hatching grounds. In the bowl, to the east, Selan offers his hand to P'ral, "Pleased to meet you." Meli says "So, where's this storytellin'?" In the bowl, to the east, Dh'lon comes out of the snow ring. In the bowl, to the east, Selan says "It may be 4 soon, there's a little orphan we might foster." In the bowl, to the east, Keriann comes out of the snow ring. Kassima hrms. "Nay sure. Might do to go asking about in the east; seems to be where most people are...." In the bowl, to the east, C'lus laughs at the pair of feet sticking out of the snowbank and throws a bit of snow on it. In the bowl, to the east, Jaria comes out of the snow ring. Dh'lon strides over from the eastern side of the bowl. Jaria walks over from the eastern side of the bowl. In the bowl, to the east, Selan says "Hi Keri!" Meli nods, smiling at the activity all around them. "Well, then, off we go." In the bowl, to the east, Karina kicks her feet and struggles to free herself from the snow. Ysareth loses her attention from her 'game' and trumps ove to check out the pair of legs she calls her rider. In the bowl, to the east, Keriann is tugged along with Dh'lon and Jaria as they head to the other side of the bowl, but she manages to lift a hand and wave, "Hi!" Keriann goes over from the eastern side of the bowl. Dh'lon walks along, arm in arm with Jaria and Keriann, wet and cold and grinning. :) Kassima waves to Dh'lon and Jaria in passing, then grins and bobs her head in agrement with Meli. "Aye, let's!" You stride towards the eastern side of the bowl. In the bowl, to the west, Deri looks around and sighs, "Left without me." Meli strolls over from the western side of the bowl. Dh'lon wrinkles his nose as he looks at the sculpture of the wherry head. R'val wanders over from the western side of the bowl. Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> Keriann pushes the flap open and comes into the tent from outside. Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> Dh'lon icks at the knifed wherry sculpture. In the bowl, to the west, The man continues his spiel outside the Ice Sculpture Tent. "Carve your own creation for the chance at a firelizard egg. It's all right in here." Juliath whuffles slightly, sending a cloud of breath over her corner of the bowl. Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> Jaria pushes the flap open and comes into the tent from outside. Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> Simile pushes the flap open and comes into the tent from outside. Keriann wrinkles her nose as she looks at the sculpture of the wherry head. Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> Jaria frowns faintly, "Hmm..what /shall/ we sculpt?" she nods to Simile, "H'lo..Healer's duties to Harpers." she grins. Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> Simile says "Harpers duties to Healers. I have no idea what to sculpt, either."" M'rgan uses his teeth to tug off his right glove. Sticking the glove into a pocket, he warms his bare hand against the ceramic of the klah mug. "Who's we? I haven't visited Ruatha much lately." Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> Dh'lon wows. "Sick sculptures." In the bowl, to the west, M'kel hauls himself up onto Imrath with the help of a proffered foreleg. Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> Keriann makes a face as she looks at the wherry head sculpture, "That's gross." As she turns to look at the shipfish sculpture, she sees Simile, and she smiles. "High Reaches' duties to Harpers," she says, with a quick glance at Dh'lon. Above the bowl, to the west, Imrath leaps into the sky from the ground below. Jaria wrinkles her nose as she looks at the sculpture of the wherry head. Kassima waves over to the others as she peers about. "Hrm, wouldn't say I see a fire hereabouts...." Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> Dh'lon just waves absently, dripping melted snow. "Duties." Selan says "Oh, Aiyanna, my wife. I forgot how long you've been away." Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> Jaria giggles, "Kassi built it?" she lifts finger to point to the names.."And Kindre." Meli, having done the same peering, nods her head. "Yeh, they must have it away f'the ice rink an' such so as not t'melt it." Garrek steps into the bowl from the Lake Shore, moving slowly with that aid of an old cane. Simile wrinkles her nose as she looks at the sculpture of the wherry head. Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> Dh'lon nods, "I say we carve a huge, big bubblie pie." Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> Dh'lon smiles, "Just 'cuz I'm feeling hungry." Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> Keriann glances at Dh'lon and smiles. "A bubblie would be good now," she agrees. She heads over to the blocks of ice and starts looking at them. Meli hrms. "Try th'lake shore?" she suggests to the group. In the bowl, to the west, Maverick turns around as he looks at the tents. Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> "Hungry..finish first and then eat." Jaria mutters to herself, eyeing blocks of ice. A couple of drudges walk past the group of Benden riders, there arms laden with wood. Their direction takes them past the rink and over to the lake shore. In the bowl, to the west, Kindre comes out of the entrance to the hatching grounds. Garrek moves slowly towards the gathered people, adjusting his sweater a bit more to block the cold. Kassima hrms and nods. "Aye, sounds worth a shot... or, we could always just skip it and pelt each other with snowballs. I guess we get a chance to do that every day, though." In the bowl, to the west, Kindre smiles on her way through and nods her head. Kindre goes over from the western side of the bowl. Ysareth leans close and whuffles her rider, Karina squirms and kicks her feet. She holds her legs still as the green gently takes a leg in her mouth and gently tugs to dislodge herlifeamte. She releases itr and warbles and Karina now sits on her rump, pouting in the snow. Meli tracks the progress of the drudges, nudging R'val as she points at their bundles. "There goes th'wood..." M'rgan slowly grins. "Aiyanna? The woman I dumped all the laundry on when I came here?" Selan smiles, "The same." In the bowl, to the west, Deri sighs and watches the people. Kassima watches the wood go by. "Where there's wood, there's fire... well, nay precisely, but close enough in this case. I think you were right, Meli." C'lus laughs outragously now at Karina and walks over shaking his head, offering a hand as he does so, "Did you like your trip?" Kindre trails up late, "Sorry about that," she offers in way of slight apology. "So, what're we doing," she asks and grins at the Bendenites she's managed to catch up with. M'rgan switches the mug to his left hand as he holds out his right. "Congratulations, Selan!" R'val nods to Meli with a grin, "There it goes, allright." Meli chuckles again, rubbing her hands together briskly. "Well, let's go see f'they've got any fire yet, or jus' wood." Selan grins, "Thanks, and you." Karina pouts and glares up at C'lus "Oh you...!" she starts but bites back her comments and accepts the hand. She stands and starts brushing snow off her. Garrek makes his way towards the western bowl, grumbling to himself about the accursed cold and stiff joints. Kindre bobs her head in agreement, "Anything warm sounds like a very good idea indeed," she smiles. Selan says "Shall we head for the Shore? There's a song I'd like to sing tonight." Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> Keriann points to a particular block of ice, that's already slightly rounded on one end. "How about that one?" Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> Jaria dropped Bubbilicious Icy Cool Bubbly Pie. C'lus chuckles as he comments, "Hey, I only threw one snowball...unlike SOME people I could name.." Kassima yawns. "And that should be warm. Enough debate. I want to see this bonfire thing." She heads, decisively, for the lake. You meander toward the lake shore. Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> Dh'lon works away. Lalalalalaa. Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> Dh'lon says "A spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down.." Kassima hmmms. "Well, here's the bonfire, but I don't see many folks... 'spose we can just tell ourselves stories, eh? 'Least 'tis warm." She steps up to a seat nice and close to the fire, holding out her hands. Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> Keriann unsheathes her beltknife, and she works on one end of the block of ice. R'val sits down near the fire with a shiver, "I suppose so, Kassi, but who will start?" Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> Dh'lon whittles away with his large knife. "Lalalalalala." Kassima shrugs. "Whomever, I imagine. Faranth knows I'm nay a master storyteller, so I suspect it should be someone else... could always do one of those round-robin story ideas." Kindre hugs herself against the cold whil nodding, "True there. Warmth equals a happy Kin," she jokes before finding aa plce close enough to heat without caatching herself on fire in the process. R'val grins, "Don't be modest, KAssi, you're quite good." Kassima wrinkles her nose. "Ach, nay so good as you think! 'Sides, most of what I know are children's stories." Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> Dh'lon wishes he had a ice pick. Meli dropped Brightly Glowing Bonfire. Brightly Glowing Bonfire: A cheery, warm, orange glow rises from this large mass of wood, piled up over five feet high. Cracklings and poppings accompany the odd shower of sparks, landing with a slight hiss in quickly melting snow along the lakeshore. Various drudges move among the crowd, distributing hot mulled wine or cider as needed, while others occasionally trudge in from the bowl with armloads of wood to replenish the fire. Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> Keriann hums one of the more catchy tunes as she tries to make the block of ice turn into a bubblie pie. Kindre's lips wrinkle up in one corner, "I don't know many stories myself...especially not ones that are entertaining..." Selan says "I have a song I'd like to sing." Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> M'rgan pushes the flap open and comes into the tent from outside. Kindre smiles as her shivers slowly subside by the warmth of the fire, "Wonderful, the air seems to have frozen are minds for the moment." Kassima hrms? and looks over to Selan, spotting his Ruathan knot. "Benden's duties to Ruatha! I've certainly naught against your singing if you wish it... how about you all?" she asks of the other Bendenites. Meli finds a suitably large rock along the shoreline, brushes off the snow with her glove, and seats herself carefully, spreading her skirts so that they keep her legs warm while not drooping into the melting snow -too- much. "Hmm..." she murmurs, eyeing her slippers. "Boots an' wherhide're much more practical." This doesn't stop her from accepting a mug of mulled cider, however, with a pleasant smile and a sparkling eye. M'rgan wrinkles his nose as he looks at the sculpture of the wherry head. R'val sits carefully down near Meli, and helps himself to a mug of said cider, huddling near the fire. Selan takes out a travel guitar from a case and starts to tune it a bit. Selan starts to play a lively foot-tapping tune on the instrument. Jerethan wanders toward the bonfire and waves lazily. "Heyla, all. Am I intruding?" Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> Jaria lifts the pie, oof, and reads the bottom. Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> Karina pushes the flap open and comes into the tent from outside. Ah There were three old Gypsies came to our Hall door They came brave and boldy-o And there's one sang high and the other sang low And the Lady sang the Raggle Taggle gypsie-O@emit Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> C'lus pushes the flap open and comes into the tent from outside. Meli waves a hand at Jereth once she recognizes his silhouette against the fireglow. She shakes her head, murmuring a 'not at all' at him as she listens to Selan sing and play. Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> Karina comes in with wide eyes. She lets out a few 'oh's' and 'ahs' as she sees some of the sculptures. R'val glances up at Jerethan and nods faintly, sipping at his cider. Jerethan quirks a brow at the song, settling back down to listen appraisingly to the song. Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> M'rgan steps over to the side to watch a young boy carve a runner out of the ice. It was upstairs and downsatairs the lady went Put on her suit of Leather-O It was the cry all around the door She's away with the Raggle Taggle Gypsy-O@emit Kindre shakes her head as she waves Jerthn over, "No," she says in a hushed tone so as not to disturb the song, "just listening and warming ourselves." Kassima hmms? "Nay 'tall," she calls quietly, gesturing to the several seats left around the fire. It was upstairs and downsatairs the lady went Put on her suit of Leather-O It was the cry all around the door She's away with the Raggle Taggle Gypsy-O Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> Keriann stands with Jaria and Dh'lon, gathered around a block of ice. She nudges, "Get that piece," as they work. Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> C'lus smiles as he beginss to glance around the tent, noticing all the different works being done and completed. It was late that night the lord came in Inquiring for his lady-O The servent girl she replied to the Lord She's away with the Raggle Taggle Gypsy-O Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> C'lus smiles and points at a block of ice lying around, nuding Karina, "Shall we?" On then saddle for me, me milk white steed Me big horse is not speedy-O Tongiht I'll ride to the wide open field And it's there that I'll spy my lady-O Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> Dh'lon yays as his group finishes. Then he grins. So he rode east and he rode west He rode north and south south also But when he rode to the wide open field It was there that he spied his lady-O Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> Jaria glances at the creation and then back at her numb fingers, muttering something about it not being this cold at the hall. Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> Dh'lon winks at Jaria and Keriann, "Good work." Oh why did you leave your house and your land Why did you leave your money-O Why did you leave your only wedded Lord To be off with the Raggle Taggle Gypsy-O Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> C'lus smiles, "So, what should we do?" Yerra, why do I care for me house and me land What do I care for money-O And what do I care for me only wedded lord I'm away with the Raggle Taggle Gypsy-O Last Night you slept in a goose feather bed With Blankets drawn so comely-O Tonight you'll lie in a wide open field In the arms of a Raggle Taggle Gypsy-O Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> Keriann grins at Jaria and Dh'lon. She cheers, "It looks great. And I'm getting hungry now. After the contest, I might go warm up and get something to eat." Yerra, what do I care for a goose feather bed What do I care for blankets-O Yerra, what do I care for me only wedded lord I'm away with the Raggle Taggle Gypsy-O Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> Dh'lon grins, "Good idea. Get warm and get fed." He chuckles. Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> Karina chews on her lower lip and hinks. "Well, I am certainly no artisan.. Maybe a gold gaurding her clutch..Or would that be very difficult?" she laughs not knowing much about ice sculptures Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> Jaria nods, huddling under her cloak, "Me too..wait." she leans over the sculpture and looks to chip off a hole. So He rode east and She rode west He rode high and I rode low I'd rather have a kiss of the yellow gypsy's lips Than all of your cash and your money-O Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> C'lus laughs, "That would take a good bit of time I'm afraid, even for ice. Something simple and small would be good though..." There were three old Gypsies came to our Hall door They came brave and boldy-o And there's one sang high and the other sang low And the Lady sang the Raggle Taggle gypsie-O Selan finishes the song with a flourish as he listen for critiques. Meli applauds, calling out hurrahs as the song concludes. Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> Keriann watches Jaria chip away at a part of the sculpture. When Jaria finishes, Keri walks to see that side, and she grins, "Oh, that's cute, Jaria. I like that." Kindre smiles and applauds, "What a lively tune! Is that a cretion of your own?" Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> Karina giggles "Oh" she says "Howabout...a boat?" she suggests not having too many ideas Selan shakes his head, "An old Trader song." Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> C'lus smiles widely and nods his head, "Perfect.. Small and simple, quickly done." Kassima smiles and claps enthusiastically. "'Tis a good job of singing you've done, make nay mistake! Thankee for letting us listen." Kindre 's yes widen and she nods, "Well, it's a lovely on at that." R'val claps approvingly. Jerethan chuckles quietly, listening for the answer to Kindre's question, and then grins. "Yeah, it sounded like it. A few words changed, here and there. Though it's almost like that song I did for F'hlan," he grins. Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> Dh'lon looks around at the other sculptures, then back at ours, "I like ours best." He grins. Kassima grins at Jereth, then sighs. "Which reminds me, I still need to pay you for that. How much are you going to be claiming 'tis worth?" Selan smiles, "Nice to know the harpers sing our songs a well. Pray tell what were the changes? Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> Karina simply stares at a hunk of ice looking quite perplexed. Jerethan laughs quietly at Kassima's reminder. "Truly, Kassima, it seems hardly worth it to accept payment for that song when t'was so much fun to write." He grins at Selan, and smiles, explaining the changes in the written-down version he saw in the archives. Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> C'lus grins as he picks up a small carving object and moves on to one side of the ice, starting to cut away as he smiles, "Just start chipping away.." Kassima snorts, wrinkling her nose. "You'll take the payment, Jereth, and be glad of it--I don't ask m'friends to do such good work for free, y'know!" Selan nods, "Your right, very much the same." Jerethan chuckles, blushing quietly in Kassima's direction, and shakes his head. "I can't for the life of me remember what we agreed upon. Though t'was fun to see the look on F'hlan's face. That made it worth it!" Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> Keriann glances around the tent at Dh'lon's words, looking at the other sculptures. "Yes, I like ours best, too," she laughs. "And being hungry has nothing to do with it, right?" Finally seeing Karina and C'lus, she waves to them, calling, "Hi!" Kassima laughs. "Oh, aye! The look on his face when we told him 'twas his party was worth it, for me... now and then, I like to surprise people. So! Another song, or shall we wander about more, or what?" Jerethan chuckles. "I might even be persuaded to perform that one, should I be asked," he comments, with a wry smirk. Meli peers upwards, trying to gauge the hour by checking the stars, but the fireglow and the heavy snowclouds make it nigh impossible. "When's th'judgin' supposed t'be?" Simile says "Of the ice sculptures? About now, I guess." Kindre chuckles at the tlk of the song and then shrugs, "I'm not certain...mayhap we could head back tht way so as not to miss it?" Blinking at Simile, she smiles, "Really? Did you enter anything," she wonders. Kassima grins. "Mayhaps in a time! After the judging? So long as you don't do the one about Moonrise, I'll be satisfied... Kin, think we should go see how the head does?" Jerethan frowns a bit, trying to remember, and peers back toward the bowl proper. "There does seem to be some activity over there," he comments -- and then rolls his eyes at Kindre's question. "Let me guess -- another Slithereth? Or a wherry head?" he asks. Simile says "Inspiration didn't strike." Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> M'rgan pushes the flap open and comes into the tent from outside. Kassima eyes Jereth. "How'd you know 'tis a wherry's head?" Jerethan grins gleefully, and plays a rather impish chord in his gitar suddenly -- one that happens to be the first chord from "The Proddy Song", just by coincidence. "Just a lucky guess." Kindre nearly sputters and eyes Jerethan curiously. "Are we that predictable?" Chuckling as she turns back to face Simile, she says, "I think we were beyond inspired, to be true." Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> Jaria bumps her nose against the ice bubbly pie..Silly wherry. Kassima groans at the chord, and sighs. "So disappointing to know we're predictable!" She grins, though. "C'mon, let's go see how the sculptures do? Bet yours will win a prize, Meli." Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> Jaria tries to cut a slice of pie, ermm..it's ice..so she doesn't quite succeed. Jerethan chuckles, and turns to follow the other Bendenites. "All right. /Now/ I'm interested in the judging." Simile chuckles. "I saw the wherry head. You didn't drink all the wine, some was on the sculpture. Meli rises from her seat, brushing loose what snow had reaccumulated on her. "Eh, maybe... but it'll be fun t'watch anyway." Kassima laughs and nods. "'Twas meant to be, aye... realism, y'know." She stands up, and heads out herself. You walk north towards the main bowl area. Meli goes away from the lake shore, back to the main bowl. At the lake shore, Kindre grins and bobs her head, "I'd like to see the reactions if nothing else. Oh," she comments and widen her eyes, "Yours will do well, Meli...it's gorgeous." In the bowl, to the west, N'ren nods, "Have a good time." Meli walks towards the western side of the bowl. Horrifying Knifed Wherry Head Sculpture> M'rgan moves over towards Keriann, Jaria, and Dh'lon. "Did you all do a sculpture?" Jerethan walks away from the lake shore, back to the main bowl. You stride towards the western side of the bowl. You enter the ice-sculpture tent. Meli pushes the flap open and comes into the tent from outside. R'val pushes the flap open and comes into the tent from outside. Dh'lon nods, "I supervised." He grins. Kindre pushes the flap open and comes into the tent from outside. Danuta pushes the flap open and comes into the tent from outside. Simile pushes the flap open and comes into the tent from outside. Keriann turns at M'rgan's question, and she nods. She grins at Dh'lon, "We'll see how well you supervised pretty soon, I think." Several of the carvers pick up the pace as the deadline nears. Muttered curses can be heard as a few, in their haste, chip off a little too much. Jerethan pushes the flap open and comes into the tent from outside. Jerethan wrinkles his nose as he looks at the sculpture of the wherry head. Simile pushes the flap back and leaves the Ice Sculpture Tent. Kassima waves cheerfully to everyone as she enters the tent, wandering over to see how a certain severed head is holding up. Satisfied, she turns to see the rest of the sculptures, whistling impressedly at a few. R'val steps in silently, surveying the tent. A woman moves behind the young boy carving the runner, tapping his shoulder. "Two minutes, Frolly." Wave tossed boat pushes the flap open and comes into the tent from outside. Karina dropped Wave tossed boat. Wave tossed boat: Though one of the smaller sculptures in the tent, this is by no means the least detailed. Primarily seen is a huge wave of blue which rides slowlyup into a near tunnel like manner. Positioned at the very crest of the wave sits a small fishing boat, sails tattered and torn from the violent movements of the wave.A simple boat, with strangely no passengers upon it. Inside can beseen, if one looks closely enough, a tiny basket with a semblance of a small fish sticking outTwo oars are also seen in the display, one having fallen completely out of the boat and is horribly in the very center of the wave's tunnel. The Other oar is located in a normal grove upon the side of the boat, where it should be. Kindre gazes over the other sculptures with an impressed look on her face. "Jays, these are great...oh," upon examining the pie, "and clever as well." Weaving back through and around people, she closses the distance between her and the wherry. Jerethan chuckles quietly, and grins at the Bendenites. "Even though I'm posted to Reaches, I can't say I'm totally hoping that you all won't win," he comments. Seeing Kassima over near the severed wherry head sculpture, several people turn to each other and begin whispering. In the bustle of the crowd, only the words rumor and true are clearly overheard. Dh'lon glances around the tent as it fills and he smiles at the faces he recognizes, nodding to them and complimenting the others on their sculptures. Kassima glances over the crowd, looking a bit perplexed by what little she could make out. "What?" she asks of the tent in general. Karina finishes the work on the boat and blinks "Did we really do this C'lus..?" she laughs "Though you did most of it..!" C'lus chuckles and nods, "Yep, we did." Karina takes a few steps over towards Keriann "Which one did you all do..?" Keriann moves to the side a step, to give Karina a clear view at the sculpture she and Jaria are still standing next to. "Dh'lon supervised," she laughs, as she points to it. Dh'lon chuckles as he hears Keriann talk about him. Kindre frowns a bit, "Pay no mind, Kassi," she says to the greenrider before looking over the creation for a few moments. Shrugging, she smiles, "Just stories anyhow." Karina grins and nods "Wow, that is so lifelike!" she leans clos to inspect the ice bubbly pie. Danuta walks over to join Kassima. "Have you put an entry in?" Kassima hrms? and, smiling, nods. She pats the wherry's head fondly, minding the wine. "Aye, this is mine and Kindre's work." C'lus wrinkles his nose as he looks at the sculpture of the wherry head. Jerethan gapes at Kassima. "Really?" he asks impishly. "I never would have known." He grins at the bubbly pie, and then glances over at Dh'lon, Jaria, and Keriann. "This is the home-team, eh?" M'rgan rolls his eyes at Kassi's words. "Well, who else would do something like that." R'val bounces on his feet idly and glances at Meli, smiling, "Nervous?>" Jaria looks innocent, "Home-team?" she peers at Jerethan, "Nope..hey, you're posted here?" as she eyes Jereth's knot, "Since when?" Kindre grins lopsidely at the creation and nods before sending a joking sneer at Jerethan. "Kassi's experience with a knife, though, outdid mine." Dh'lon chuckles quietly at Jereth. "Only two of us are High Reachers so I don't know if it's the 'home team'" Meli chuckles at R'val. "Neh. Don' much care f'I win or no, since I don' really need another 'lizard. Was fun t'make it though, neh?" she asks of her sculpting partner. Kassima snorts, and points to Kindre. "'Twas her idea! I just added the knife and the blood... I think 'twas a good idea, too." She grins. "Whether it wins or nay, 'least 'twas interesting carving it." Keriann smiles, "Thanks, Karina. It was Dh'lon's idea, but Jaria did a lot of the work." She adds fairly, "Dh'lon did help carve, though. Even if he says he just supervised." She smiles over at the harper and lifts a shoulder. "A team of sorts, anyway." Jerethan smiles. "For about a month, now," he tells Jaria, inclining his head. "Still, it' close enough enough," he tells Dh'lon. "Yay Reaches!" R'val grins sheepishly at MEli, "I had fun, though I felt rather lost. I'd never done that before..." "Thank you, Kassi," Kindre chuckles, "and we're right proud of it, too," she adds. Jerethan chuckles. "Still, I don't envy the judges," he comments quietly. "I mean, it'd be hard to pick one of 'em as the best." Kassima grins at Meli and R'val. "I think you two did a spectacular job, m'self." Dh'lon grimaces at the disgusting, gorey sculpture that Kindre and Kassima are proud of. ;) R'val grins at KAssima, pleased despite himself, "Well..Meli did most of the work.:" Meli runs a hand against the side of the shipfish a moment. "Hardest part was smoothin' it out, an' you did well at that." Jerethan chuckles, catching Dh'lon's grimace, and winks reassuringly. "Truly, I don't think it can be appreciated fully by anyone who doesn't get proddy," he comments lightly. Danuta laughs at Kassi's and Kindre's sculpture. "Imagination ran wild there" R'val grins with pride, "MEli, you're too kind." A group of people, the supposed 'judges' of this event quietly enter the tent and begin looking over the nearest sculpture, starting with the wherry. Kindre bobs her head, "Again, as I said on the walk here, it's great, Meli, R'val. Best of luck." Dh'lon laughs at Jereth, "Perhaps that's it." R'val smiles and nods, "And to you, weyrwoman!" Kassima is very proud of her disgusting, gory work, oh yes. "Aye, we are." She runs her fingers over the 'feathers', commenting, "Looks a lot like that one wherry's head everyone keeps reminding me of... thought I might as well get *something* out of all that joking and teasing. G'luck, Meli, R'val, Dh'lon, everyone!" Jerethan blinks at Danuta. "What makes you think it's only imagination?" he wonders innocently, witha wink at Kassima. M'rgan pokes his head between Meli and Kindre for a moment to interject, "Luck? I thought it was all skill." Dh'lon grins at Kassima, "Luck to you and everyone else, too." Jaria wrinkles her nose as she looks at the sculpture of the wherry head. Several of the judges nodding approvingly at the details present, one judge even goes a little pale and quickly moves on, bringing them to the Shipfish sculpture. Meli laughs. "Heyla, Mart! Neh, luck's more'n likely the culprit... we've not had much practice at this." Keriann wanders a bit away from her sculpture, perhaps to leave room for the 'judges' to view when it's turn comes up. She asks Karina, "You and C'lus did the boat together?" R'val bobs on his feet lightly, and watches the judges. Kindre grins and crosses her fingers before winking, "Luck to everyone," before giving Kassima a light nudge as judges finish their survey of the sculpture. Karina laughs "We did..Well, he did most of the work.." she admits Kassima wrinkles her nose. "Oh, Faranth. I'm nay proddy, if 'tis what you're insinuating. Lyss wouldn't be so predictable as to rise six months after last time, so I'm nay worried... feh, Mart! Luck, I tell you. You're the one who keeps saying 'tis skill." She grins, and watches the judges carefully for their reactions, smiling a bit at the paling one. As the judges walk around the shipfish quietly, examining the details of it, they speak together momentarily before moving along, on to the Pie. Meli can't help but interject "Eh, a proddy rider'd never be able t'do such fine detail work" with a broad grin. One of the men steps up, and lifts the pie up to glance at the bottom, smiling slightly as he shows the others, muttering, "Clever" as he replaces it for a final look before going to the boat. Keriann smiles at Karina and moves to take a good look at the boat. "I thought you knew about things other than boats," she says to C'lus, backing away as the judges approach the boat sculpture. With the final sculpture being looked at, one of them jokingly says, "Happened to me once.." as they move on to complete the other numerous sculptures before deciding upon the winner. C'lus chuckles and nods to Keriann's comment, "I do.. Though we were in a hurry and the boat seemed a quick thing to do." Karina nods in agreement with C'lus "Quick and easy..." The small group of judges converse among themselves secretly, chattering away as they glance occationally back at each sculpture as they go over it. Dh'lon watches and waits.. Kindre's swallow can be heard audible as the judges come to their decision. Meli tugs at her ear, standing mostly still and watching the crowd as much as she watches the judges. M'rgan finds his eyes unconciously drifting back over to the Wherry sculpture, fascinated by the horror. Finally as one judge steps forward to give the verdict, the rest step back, all smiling widely while they watch the reactions of those that participated. Selan pushes the flap open and comes into the tent from outside. Taleena pushes the flap open and comes into the tent from outside. Keriann smiles at her fellow weyrlings and speaks quietly to them. For some reason, she nods her head over toward the judges, before turning her attention to hear. Jaria eyes the judges out of the corner of her eye, one finger resting on the pie, unaware of the chilliness of it. She glances at Dh'lon and Keriann and winks, finally removing her finger and huddling under her cloak. Dh'lon hrms and watches curiously. Kassima folds her arms and watches the judges, grinning slightly as she sees Mart apparently mesmerized by their dread wherry. Dh'lon smiles back at Jaria, returning the wink reassuringly. The judge waits till the crowd grows quiet and begins to give the decision, "After much consideration, we the judges have found each and every one of these sculptures most well done. And with so many here, we could not bring ourselves to have one winner.. So.. For the Most Disturbing Sculpture, we give to the Wherry. For the "Most Mouthwatering" we award the Pie. To the Shipfish sculpture, we award the "Most Realistic" and to the Boat we give the "Most Original".. Karina grins at Keriann and nods her head, she looks up and over at the judges. Taleena nods to Selan, then whispers back, "And I think we got here just in time for the awards." Dh'lon grins, "All winners..." Meli chuckles, smiling and offering congratulations to the others. Smiling widely the judge gives a clap for the winners and says, "Congratulations, all of you. If you'll just follow along we can get you to your prizes.. which I'm sure most of you eagerly await." Jaria breaks out a smile and hugs Keri and Dh'lon, darting a smile to the other participants. R'val smiles, offering congratulations to the winners. Karina blinks and looks to C'lus, she grins at their 'most original' boat. She calls out to the others "Hey, congrats everyone!" Asrai pushes the flap open and comes into the tent from outside. Kindre claps, resorting to even one whistle, before hugging Kassima and calling out congrats'. Selan applauds! Kassima grins and turns to Kin. "Wow, Kin, we're disturbing!" She seems inordinately pleased by this, then turns to beam at Meli. "Congratulations... and to all of you, as well," she adds, oofing as she is suddenly hugged. Keriann laughs and applauds all the winners, hugging Jaria back. "Nicely done," she says. M'rgan claps his hand in congratulations before moving towards the tent flap. "Come into the living cavern and claim your egg." Dh'lon winks at Jaria, giving her a hug. M'rgan pushes the flap back and leaves the Ice Sculpture Tent. Taleena smiles and claps for the winners. Asrai walks in smiling and heading towards those she knows, seeing the knifed wherry head sculpture she stops dead in her tracts, "Oh please, someone tell me that's not Kassi's." Kassima beams proudly at Asrai. "'Tis, mine and Kindre's!" Selan wrinkles his nose as he looks at the sculpture of the wherry head. R'val chuckles dryly, "who else would carve that?" He winks at Asrai. C'lus chuckles and waves over to Dh'lon, Jaria and Keriann, "Good job ya'll." Asrai groans rolling her eyes, "Kassi, I /told/ you not to tell me that!" Kindre giggles, "Heyla Asrai...most disturbing award to boot! Seems we've got n oddity streak going," she winks." Danuta grins. "Congrats, all" Kassima snickers at Asrai, and glances at Kin. "Shall we go see the eggs, then?" Selan pushes the flap back and leaves the Ice Sculpture Tent. Taleena pushes the flap back and leaves the Ice Sculpture Tent. Meli pushes the flap back and leaves the Ice Sculpture Tent. R'val pushes the flap back and leaves the Ice Sculpture Tent. Dh'lon grins at all the commotion, "I say you get the prize, Jaria." Asrai giggles, hiding it behind one hand, her violet eyes twinkling, "they are actually going to give you two an egg....for that?" Jaria snorts, "I have a fair, thank you..but let's go see the eggs." Kindre bobs her yes, "Let's...yes, Asrai," she giggles. Asrai shakes ehr head following the coud. Jaria pushes the flap back and leaves the Ice Sculpture Tent. Asrai pushes the flap back and leaves the Ice Sculpture Tent. Dh'lon hugs Keriann and Jaria both, "Good work." Kassima grins and nods. "Aye, aye! And why nay? 'Tis certainly disturbing...." Oh, yes, she's one proud greenrider. "C'mon, let's get a move on, then!" You stroll through the archway, into the lower caverns. You wander through the archway, into the living cavern. Benden Weyr> Asrai looks at the +flights...then runs screaming to find a hiding place. Taleena enters the Living Cavern and looks around, then nudges Selan gently, nodding to the clay pots. "Probably over there." Benden Weyr> Suzotchka wouldn't even look. Benden Weyr> R'val Fears proddy Kindre. Benden Weyr> Ryialla says, "Yipe yipe yipe yipe.." Asrai strolls into the cavern from the lower caverns. Benden Weyr> Kindre snickers :) Benden Weyr> Meli strokes out over proddy Kassi :) Kindre walks into the cavern from the lower caverns. Selan nods and offers his arm to Taleena again, "I'd say your right." Danuta meanders into the cavern from the lower caverns. Jaria meanders into the cavern from the lower caverns. Benden Weyr> Kassima snugs an evil Ryi! And peeeeers at Meli. I'm not proddy! (Yet. ;) C'lus walks in from the tunnel to the bowl. Benden Weyr> Davidon brushes his teeth for all those lady riders who's dragon's don't get to win. Oh, j/k. :) Benden Weyr> Ryialla grins. But, Kassi, it's much more fun to be proddy. :) Karina strides in from the tunnel to the bowl. Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Sure, and I'm going to be proddy tomorrow. Today, I'm just slightly more twisted than usual. ;)" Taleena smiles and takes Selan's arm again. "Shall we find a seat nearby?" Keriann wanders in from the tunnel to the bowl. Benden Weyr> Meli says, "Proddy for a whole week RL? Wowzah!" Asrai follows close behind Kindre and Kassi. Karina follows te rush of people into he cavern. She grins at the eggs as she walks by and heads for the juice. "How about going for number fifty one, Kassi," Kindre asks with a grin, "Herath will surely not speak to me if I dare two in one eve." Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Well, onset-proddy. Meaning pretty mildly. Real proddiness starts Tues, as usual. :)" Benden Weyr> R'val hides Vidarth away. Dh'lon strolls in from the tunnel to the bowl. Kassima chuckles. "You sure, Kin? The wherry head part *was* your idea...." Dh'lon wanders in and stays near the edge of the crowd. Selan nods. Asrai looks around with wide eyes, not of course where she /should/ be looking...as a result she bumps into the two riders as they stop to chat. Kindre's eyes widen and she nods, "I'm beyond sure...shells, it was your mastery of knives that truly made it come to life. And the wine." Crossing her arms on her chest, she smiles, "I'm very sure. Selan leades Tal over to a small table with a couple of chairs and pulls out a chair for her. Meli peers carefully into each pot. "Are these Phenix's, Mart?" she asks quietly. Karina sips on her juice s she makes her way back towards the crowd. Taleena smiles and sits down in the chair, watching all the people. "Gee, I forgot how crowded the Weyr was. I haven't been here since I was little." Keriann stops by a table long enough to pour a mug of hot cider, before she takes it with her to an out of the way seat. M'rgan watches as C'lus rights his name on the fifth pot. "Yes, they are, Meli. I can never figure out where the greens put theirs." Kassima grins at Meli. "Alluire's going to be a granddam again, looks like! And a great-granddam before too long." Meli shifts slightly to move over to the next pot. "So, who chooses first, or how else d'we do it?" she asks, then chuckles at Kassi's comment. "Yeh. Wonder if she'll be able t'tell?" Perfect Sky at Dusk Sapphire Egg shivers slightly. Selan says "Do you want one Taleena?" Asrai plops down in a seat nearby, much more comfortable in her usual garb. Meli steps back so others can see, tapping a finger against her chin. "Hmm, s'hard t'decide. They're all beautiful." Asrais violet eyes glance over the eggs, peeking up through the sand, "You're right Meli...very pretty!" Taleena raises an eyebrow as she catches the movement from one of the eggs. 'I'd say we got here just in time." She chuckles at Selan's question. "I'm not sure." She gestures to the bronze and blue on her shoulders. "These two are a handful as it is." M'rgan watches the eggs with a bit of trepidition. "Looks like they're about ready. Since only five are claimed, the rest'll be open to anyone." Meli finally points at the Obsidian egg in the second pot. "Think I like tha' one best, kinda reminds me of Jul's egg." Asrai smiles looking aruond for some scraps, she smiles brightly at a passing drudge that hands around some bowls of fresh scraps. Asrai selects some choice peices then hands the bowl to Kassi. M'rgan moves over to pick up the tenth pot. "Why don't we move these into the kitchen where it's warmer." Just as he reaches for the pot, the egg gives a little hop. "Quickly," he adds. Ryialla wanders in from the tunnel to the bowl. M'rgan steps away from the tables and heads into the busy kitchen. Meli grins, following along and helping carry a pot as she goes. Meli steps away from the tables and heads into the busy kitchen. Kindre catches sight of Ryialla and waves, "Hi there...just in time for a hatching." Kindre steps away from the tables and heads into the busy kitchen. R'val looks up from watching the chaos to grin towards Ryialla as she enters, "Hey Ryi!" Kassima carries a pot as she goes, too, pausing just long enough to wave to Ryi. You step away from the tables and head into the busy kitchen. Danuta comes into the kitchen from the living cavern. Ryialla comes into the kitchen from the living cavern. Shimmering Iridescent Opal Egg shudders once before lying still. Meli quickly moves to grab some meat scraps from the large pot kept just for such a purpose, grabbing a loose cloth as well, in order to protect her gather clothes. "Timed it jus' right, they did!" R'val comes into the kitchen from the living cavern. Shaylar comes into the kitchen from the living cavern. Jaria gives Keri a glance and wavles her over, "C'mere..hey, I spent more'n a day here already..almost feels homey again." Taleena takes a few scraps from a passing drudge's bowl, just in case... Ice-White Glacier Egg cracks open, and a Energetic Turquoise Blue Hatchling tumbles out. The shards no sooner fall to the side then this blue firelizard bounds out into the world. His body is muscular, but small, like a coiled spring ready to release its energy on the unweary. The base color of his hide is greyish blue. But added to it are touches of a deeper blue, as well as flecks of gold and green. If he were to stay in one place, he might be mistaken for a chunk of turquoise if the light was poor, but this firelizard is unlikely to remain still for long. Shaylar peers through the crowd, and shurgs, taking a few scraps herself. Forest Shadows Emerald Egg begins to convulsively shake. Asrai grins plopping down close to the pots without crouding them overly, sitting crosslegged she makes a pile in front of her of her scraps. Kassima grins wryly at Meli. "Clutches do seem to have good timing sometimes... odd thought, isn't it?" She picks up some meat from the passing bowl, nibbling on a scrap as she watches one of the pots carefully. Danuta picks up a handful of meat from one bowl andlooks at the pots Asrai gives Kassi a funny look. Karina grins and holds out her handful of mixes meats. Jaria chuckles at Kassi, and mutters something about silly green-riders, before maintaining an innocent look. Energetic Turquoise Blue Hatchling squawks once before racing off in search of those tasty smells. His wings fly behind him like a kite as he bumps into Karina's foot. Keriann smiles at Jaria and makes her way over to her. "I wish it were," she says, watching the hatchlings. "Which egg was your prize, Jaria?" Kindre peers over Kassima's shoulder, remaining out of the way and able to see at the say time. "True enough about the timing...crackdust, two in one night!" Grinning at the blue, she nudges Asrai, "Aw, look at him go." Forest Shadows Emerald Egg cracks open, and a Befuddled Amber Brown Hatchling tumbles out. This brown firelizard huddles in the remains of his home as he stares all about him in confusion. His long muzzle and the quirky jerks of his head as he looks about only add to the appearance of one who is not all that comfortable in the physical world. As his driving hunger slowly prods him out of his hiding place, the rich overtones of amber can be seen teasing the fertile earthy-brown of chest and feet. Shaylar chuckles softly, "Oh my. He's a live one." Karina tries not to laugh at the poor dear "Are you alright, little guy? How about some food to make up for your trip, eh?" she dangles the meat out to him. Jaria peeks at the pots again, and points towards the fourth one, "Thatta one..I think." she grins, "You sure you don't want it?" Kassima gives Asrai an innocent look in return, and looks over to watch the hatchlings with a smile as she licks a bit of the meat juice from her fingers. Shaylar scoots behind Keriann at the sight of a brown hatchling, muttering something about five being enough. Asrai giggles and nods, but then looks with sypathy upon the Brown, holding out a dripping peice of wherry towards him, giving it a little twirl, "This what you're looking for little one?" Energetic Turquoise Blue Hatchling bumps a few more times against the foot before a piece of meat slaps against his muzzle. *chomp* Taleena leans forward in her seat, waving the meat at the little brown gently. "I guess one more wouldn't hurt anything." Ryialla grins at Kindre and Kassi, and snags something from one of the platters being offered around. The spiderclaw, still alive, tries to get back up on Ryi's arm. Blazoned Glory Rainbow Egg starts to crack down the middle. Danuta looks at the brown and offers a piece of meat, humming softly under her breath. The green on her shoulder trills encouragement. Meli watches quietly, keeping an eye on the obsidian egg as she watches each tiny hatchling appear. Kassima grimaces at Ryi's spiderclaw, then swiftly turns her attention in the appropriate direction as the rainbow egg cracks. Karina giggles at the blue "Eat up little one..We got plenty of that stuff!" She moves her foot so he wont hit it again... Keriann nods to Jaria, "I'm sure, I have more than enough to do as it is." She gives Shaylar a quick salute as the AWLM scoots behind her, and she grins. "Are you going to try for one at all?" Kindre nearly leaps fro her skin, "Jays, Ryialla, it's still live," is her horrified question before she gains some kind of composure. Befuddled Amber Brown Hatchling takes a single step forward before stopping abruptly, his eyes looking all about in confusion. C'lus smiles over at Jaria and the blue as he turns back to the ice quartz egg, watching it closely. Shaylar nods, "I'm hoping for a bronze...maybe a blue." She returns the salute with a flourish, slinging meat juices into the air. Energetic Turquoise Blue Hatchling nudges at the hand, holding the meat, squawking for more. Danuta grins. "Poor little one." She moves the meat slightly closer. Blazoned Glory Rainbow Egg cracks open, and a Timid Silvery Green Hatchling tumbles out. This green firelizard only pokes her head out from under a silvery-green wing for a moment before the sounds and movements overwhelm her and she hides again. Perhaps if she can't see them, they can't see her. The tip of her green tail, which is entwined in silver strands like a thousand delicate chains, twitters up and down, in accompanient to the beating of her heart. Her wings are slightly overlarge for her tiny body, but she's sure to find that a comfort when the world frightens her. Nightfire Shadowed Obsidian Egg wigglewiggles and then pauses. Asrai chews on her lower lip for a moment before leaning a bit forward so that the Brown might get a wif of the meat scrap, "I think you were looking for food, little one...and perhaps a friend?" Her voice is pitched low so as not to frighten the little fellow. Ryialla nods. "So I gathered." She dangles the spiderclaw away from her. It squirms vigourously, and tries to nip at Ryi's hand. "Oh no, you do't." Taleena cocks her head at the brown. "Hi little one, you look lost... Strange place you ended up, huh?" She then glances over at the green which has just hatched. Karina smirks "More little one? Sure sure.." she reaches into the poy next to her and grabs a ahndful and that mushy stuff. Energetic Turquoise Blue Hatchling stumbles towards Karina. Jaria watches the eggs quietly, "One will be 'nuff for me." she tilts her head and just sits watching the fourth pot. She lifts her head long enough to call out a "Congrats." to Karina. Kassima awwws quietly as the little green emerges from her shell, enchanted. "A sweet lass, that one... ach, lass, we're nay going to hurt you. C'mon out from there and eat, hmmm?" Her tone is very soft, obviously the greenrider's best attempt at soothing. R'val sits back to watch, sipping at his klah. Karina picks up the little blue hatchling and moves off to the side feeding him, upon seeing Shaylar she salutes wit her free hand "Evenin', m'am.." she looks down sheepishly at the creeeling blue. Danuta carefully divides the meat into two, extending both hands to the brown. "Come on, little one." Shaylar peers around Keriann, and sends a smile C'lus' way, and spotting the green, "She's beaut." She wiggles her meat a bit, but retracts it...sighing, "I don't NEED any more firelizards." She mutters. Timid Silvery Green Hatchling uncovers her head for just a moment at the sound of a voice. She chirps once before diving for cover again. Keriann wipes a bit of juice off her hand where it fell, and she nods to Shaylar. "Oh! Let me get out of your way." She squeezes back a little farther through the crowd, to let the AWLM have a more clear shot. Kindre calls over a congrats to thee Weyrling as the tiny blue finally claims her as his pet. Turning back, her face softns at the sight of the green, "So shy...like Ced," she comments before chuckling. Befuddled Amber Brown Hatchling waddles a few steps forward, snatching a piece of wherry from an outstretched hand. He chomps at it for a moment, swallowing about half, before staring up at the faces surrounding him. The wherry still dangles from his tiny maw. Meli chuckles at the green. "Eh, she's quite your opposite, Kassi" Chill Breeze Ice Quartz Egg begins a slow rocking. Kassima sighs and smiles sympathetically at the green. "Scary world, isn't it?" she inquires with a faint chuckle. She tilts her head and peers at the hatchling. "But that doesn't mean you're any less hungry, eh?" She extends a finger with the meat scrap draped across the tip, holding it quite steady. Nightfire Shadowed Obsidian Egg cracks open, and a Inkwell Bronze Hatchling tumbles out. This bronze firelizard appears to have been dipped in an inkwell. Only when he drops his head to explore the floor around his shattered egg do the streaks of gold-bronze on his neck ridges betray his true coloration. His tail is short, almost stubby, and he wiggles and waggles it depending on his mood. Right now, it sticks straight back as this hatchling is /hungry/. R'val glances to Kindre and grins, "What do you think, should I try for one, or is two in one day too greedy?" C'lus smiles and picks up some pieces of meat and moves towards the ice quartz egg, waiting for the little lizard inside to finally exit. Danuta chuckles at the little brown. "Plenty more where that came from" Taleena grins at the brown. "Poor little guy, so lost." She wiggles her meat scrap a little hesitantly, still debating on trying to impress one of the hatchlings. Timid Silvery Green Hatchling darts out of her hiding place to snap at the meat scrap, almost taking the finger with it. Asrai's violet eyes sem to melt, "Well, that's a start little one...but...don't you think you should finish what you already have? No? Alright here...try this one next.." Its a much smaller piece...a one bite type peice. Ryialla smiles softly at the green, and looks down at the struggling spiderclaw ruefully. The spiderclaw continues to try and work its way free. The claw opens and closes against empty air. Kindre laughs, "Ah, can't be greedy about taking on mouths to feed, R'val. Why not try," she asks and shrugs her shoulders. Shaylar acks as her cover moves, and sighs, tossing the meat up into teh air, and promptly drops it as a bronze hatches, "Shards, he's cute." She scrambles to get the meat into his view. Jaria watches from her corner seat near the pots. She turns an amused glance to Shaylar and inclines her head in greeting, "Evening, ma'am." R'val grins at that from Kindre, "I suppose..." R'val glances uncertainly to the eggs. "Goodness!" Meli exclaims. "Quite the handsome fellow!" she says to the bronze, holding out scraps towards him, the raw herdbeast dripping slightly onto the floor. Taleena jerks her hand back as the little green almost bites it. "Oooo!" Kassima grimaces faintly as her hand almost becomes a Hand Sandwich. She withdraws a bit, not wanting to become the Dish of the Day. "Lass, fingers aren't precisely what I'd call *appetizing*," she remarks as she holds out another meat scrap. Not quite close enough for the green to bite her fingers, hopefully. Timid Silvery Green Hatchling stumbles towards Kassima. "Congrats Kassi..I think." Jaria looks almost as befumbled as the brown, "Or rather, should I give condolences to the green?" she asks teasingly. Inkwell Bronze Hatchling takes a chomp of a bit of eggshell but quickly spits it out when he finds it not to his liking. Taleena chuckles to Kassima. "Congrats! But don't we call it 'finger' food?" She winks, then turns her attention back to the eggs. Danuta offers her meat again to the brown, crooning softly. R'val Grimaces at KAssi, "Two greens in one day? Aie, you poor woman." Meli laughs, scooching forward a bit more, mindless of her skirts, and waggles her meat a bit, almost but not quite splattering those on either side of her with its juice. Chill Breeze Ice Quartz Egg cracks open, and a Curious Bronze Hatchling tumbles out. At first, all that stands out on this bronze firelizard are his eyes, which flick to and fro in curiousity. Enormous, whirling jewels faceted out of the darkest rubies, they seem to overwhelm his small body. As he steps from the shell, you can see the reason for this lack of proportion as a seemingly endless tail slithers into sight. He lets out a tiny bugle of hunger as he tromps purposefully across the floor. Kindre bobs her head when Meli's words reach her, "True enough there. Sturdy little fellow, hmm?" Blinking, she watches Kassima nearly lose a finger before smiling, "Oh, another green, 'grats! She's the near-opposite of the one from earlier," Shaylar grins at Jaria, "Evening. Out for a hatchling? There's some," she checks the meat in her hand, "herdbeast scraps for anybody. Oh, you've already got some." She gris and goes back to waving at the bronze, "No no no...not eggs, herdbeast." Kassima gently picks up the green, cradling her in one arm and seeming much less afraid of getting bitten now. "Oh, that was bad," she comments to Taleena with a grin and a wrinkled nose, then turns all attention back to the hatchling after murmuring thanks for all the congrats. Jaria chuckles, "Out for a few days..needed to deliver something to Judith, and she let me stay for the festival." Befuddled Amber Brown Hatchling slurps down the remains of his scrap, tilting his head this way and that as he tries to figure out what exactly is going on. Taleena laughs softly as she watches the newest hatchlings. C'lus smiles and holds some meat down twoards the little bronze, chuckling as he notices the large eyes and tail. Ryialla grins over at Kassi. "Congrats, Kassi!" She's distracted enough watching the greem toddle over to Kassi, she stops paying close attention to the spiderclaw. The spiderclaw must have sensed this, for it makes a grab at Ryi's other hand..and succeeds. Infinite Brilliance Diamond Egg begins to pulse with its occupant's exertions. Asrai giggles, "that's right...take things a step at a time. Things are much easier tht way." As she continues to reguard the Brown, her head tilts to one side in an amazing mimicry of the little one's actions. She gives the small piece a little wiggle, trying to make it look enticing to the confused little Brown. Ryialla drops the offending spiderclaw, which tries to scuttle away. She pops her hand in her mouth, and nurses her injured finger. "Ow." Inkwell Bronze Hatchling turns cross-eyed as a bit of blood dashes against his nose. He takes a lick and then moves forward, to the source of such tasty things. Danuta moves the piece of met in her left hand a little nearer the brown, moving it slightly from side to side. Jaria oohs and watches her egg start to move. She slips a hand into a pot, unmindful that her sleeves get a bit wherry-meated, and turns to watch the egg intently. Kindre winces, "Shells, Ryialla...you alrights," she wonders with squinched eyes. Inkwell Bronze Hatchling stumbles towards Meli. R'val regards Ryialla sympathetically, then smiles and congratulates MEli. Meli switches her herdbeast to the other hand, feeding it quickly to the bronze, wiping the first on her cloth, the fingers chilled slightly by the cold scraps. Gabrion wrinkles his nose as he looks at the sculpture of the wherry head. Infinite Brilliance Diamond Egg cracks open, and a Mischievious Oak Brown Hatchling tumbles out. This brown hatchling seems to delight in the effect his appearance has on his audience, and he flicks his wings to and fro, as if taking a cape-swirling bow. His chest and legs are patterned with streaks of darkest brown, while his wings are tinged with a forest green, giving him the appearance of a great oak, able to withstand the wind no matter how it blows. Shaylar oohs, and notices ANOTHER bronze, "Hmm...so many hatchling, so little meat...Congrats Meli." She turns her attention to the other bronze, carefully shying away from the browns. Taleena nods congrats to Meli, then holds out her meat scrap to the other hatchlings. "Oh, Meli, he's a beaut," Kindre exclaims as the firelizard finds favor with her. "Congratulations." Ryialla mumbles around her hand. "mmmpmhmmMMspiderclawmmokay." Curious Bronze Hatchling zig-zags unevenly as he explores the world around him, though he continues toward C'lus, smelling the meat. Keriann oohs as the new brown hatches. "I like him!" she says, smiling at Jaria. Jaria chuckles softly and holds out a fistful of wherry meat to the brown. "Faranth, looks like he'll be a handful." She laughs at Keriann, "And I wonder why?" C'lus smiles and wiggles the meat back and forth, playing foolishly with the little bronze as he walks over. Meli continues to stuff 'beast into her bronze's mouth as quickly as he can manage it, slowly moving him closer and closer until he's safely snuggled in her skirts. Perfect Sky at Dusk Sapphire Egg shudders thrice before stilling. Kindre chuckles a bit at Ryialla, "Okay...I think...shells, I hate those sharding things, live or no," which is proved by her distasteful face at the mention of it. The spiderclaw runs about for a second, and then decides to get as far away from the firelizards as possible. It scuttles up the nearest leg it can get to..which happens to be Kindre's. R'val nods towards Kindre, "THey're quite..distateful aren't they?" Shaylar turns to chuckle at Kindre, "Shouldn't have hurt its feelings..." Ryialla waves her hand in the air for a moment. "Nasty little critters." She gets some nice, motionless herdbeast instead, and sees the spiderclaw run up Kindre's leg. "Er..Kindre..." Kindre's attention are taken mostly by the Impressing young firelizards and their new pets when, "What the..." and covers her mouth to muffle her scream. Shakinng her leg in an odd dance, she tries to rid herself of the vial little thing. "I know, I know..." she says. Mischievious Oak Brown Hatchling makes a little flying hop off of the pot, almost catching himself on Jaria's hand. He chitters back and forth as he pokes here and there around her, determined to get in some trouble. Curious Bronze Hatchling stumbles towards C'lus. Danuta offers the meat to the confused brown again, still crooning softly. Asrai looks over, her attention diverted or the moment, yet the scrap still sits on her finger. She giggles as she watches Kindre try to get the thing off her, coving it with one hand, "Oh <giggle> Kindre!" Taleena grins as she watches Kindre try to rid herself of the spiderclaw. Jaria cocks her head towards the Benden contingent and blinks, the lizard for the moment forgotten, it isn't till he starts to peck that she flinches and turns to glare at the little thing, "You silly thing." she uncurls her fist, revealing a handful of foodstuff. Keriann grins at Jaria, watching the little brown hatchling carefully. She looks up only long enough to congratulate C'lus on his new bronze firelizard. R'val leans towards the goldrider and helpfully bats the thing off her leg with a grin at her, "there you go, Kindre." Kassima turns towards Kindre and starts laughing. "Kindre!" she exclaims, then swoops to try and grab hold of the spiderclaw... but can't quite manage, with Kin hopping around like that. "Hold still a second, will you? Oh, never mind; R'val's got it." Befuddled Amber Brown Hatchling practically tumbles over a pile of meat but he doesn't seem to mind, contenting himself with gobbling it down. Shaylar grins at C'lus, "Well, that's a good choice, there." Meli hmms, finally noticing the fuss with the spiderclaw. "Tasty, though" is her only comment. Mischievious Oak Brown Hatchling buries his snout in the hand, grabbing a piece of meat. The rest he scatters about with a few firm shakes of his head. Perfect Sky at Dusk Sapphire Egg cracks open, and a Subdued Sapphire Blue Hatchling tumbles out. This blue hatchling's steps are slow and measured, his wings low and sails dragging. As his body dries, the glistening wetness gives way to swirls of amethyst blending into the sapphire of his hide. The edges of his sails are almost translucent, hinting at the sky on a crisp spring day. As the scent of raw meat wafts to him, his tiny maw parts for a moment but nothing escapes. C'lus smiles and picks up the curious little bronze, and tucks him away on his arm as he starts feeding it, stepping towards the rear giving others more room. Kindre contiues her jig of sorts as muffled curses slip from her mouth. R'val managing to free her of the wicked little beasty, she seems decidedly cross. "Sharding...monsters...crush...find it..." Ryialla reaches down and flicks the offending spiderclaw in the general direction of the firelizards. "Hope one of you guys'll eat. Jays, I'm sorry, Kindre. You ok?" Asrai snaps her head back, smiling brightly down at the Brown, "Not so fast...you'll choke!" She picks out select pieces trying to get the Brown to take one from her hand. R'val touches Kindre's shoulder with a smile, "It's ok, Kindre, the thing's gone now." Jaria giggles and takes her other hand to replenish the meat in her hand, "You can slow down a bit..y'know that?" Shaylar sighs, and giggles at the brown, "Now I know why I have so many. Cute things." She almost reaches her meat to him, before noticing he's found some, already, and turns to wiggle the meat for the blue. Meli scooches back as the bronze finally falls asleep. "Now, wha' t'name you, young man" she murmurs to him. Kassima nods to Kin sympathetically. "I don't much like the things m'self, 'cept as 'lizard-food... though, they're nay really bad eating, either." She hmms at Meli. "Got anything in mind? I've chosen Kismet for this lass." Mischievious Oak Brown Hatchling stumbles towards Jaria. Befuddled Amber Brown Hatchling stumbles towards Asrai. Kindre continues to frown, but nods, "Yes, well enough...I hope it gets eaten at that," she says and sneers at the spiderclaw amidst the 'lizards. "Just...creepy is all." Blinking, she flush a bit and offers, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be so disturbing." Shimmering Iridescent Opal Egg begins to crumble under the force of the hatchling's blows. Meli quietly replies to Kassi "Not sure yet... Something inky perhaps." Shaylar sighs softly at the beautiful blue, and dangles her meat enticingly, "Come and live in my fair, little one. You'd like it there." Jaria stuffs the brown, which somehow landed in her lap, "Okie..more's coming." R'val grins at Kindre, "They are quite nasty, aren't they? Taleena turns her attention back to the eggs and hatchlings, offering her meat to the blue gently, then pauses to watch the opalescent egg crumble. Asrai smiles with delight as the Brown finally catches on, "that's it, one at a time.." She continues to instruct the Brown as she feeds it, slowly scooping him onto her lap. Shimmering Iridescent Opal Egg cracks open, and a Delicate Antiqued Gold Hatchling tumbles out. This tiny queen firelizard spreads golden wings, still damp from the egg. Her dazzling gold hide is streaked with black, giving her an antiqued appearance. All delicate bones and small proportions, she will grow only to the size of a large brown, but behind those eyes tinged with red from hunger, there is a mind as sharp as the wherrys' best hunter and yet as compassionate as a puppy. Ryialla says "Oh, she's a tiny one.." Kassima hmmms thoughtfully. "Inky... inky. Cav might know a good name for something inky. How about Nib? I think 'tis the name for the end of a pen, or some such...." She ohs as the gold makes an appearance, and smiles. "Now there's a sweet-looking lady." Taleena ooos as the gold finally comes out of her egg. She immediately forgets her hesitation and offers the gold the meat scraps. "What a pretty little girl!" Subdued Sapphire Blue Hatchling puffs out his chest before slowly moving forward. His red whirling eyes show interest in all the food around him, but he doesn't race for it like his clutchsibs. Kindre bobs her head, "Yes.. I just have a thing about them," sh says and then quiets to watch the tiny queen. Shaylar drops her meat to the floor as the queen hatches, "Oooh...how pretty." She shakes herself, and dips another herdbeast scrap and uses it to attempt to waft the smell of the piece on the floor at the cute little blue. Meli can't help but ooh upon spotting the queen. "Quite th'delicate beauty, neh?" R'val smiles at Kindre, "Nothing to be ashamed of." Delicate Antiqued Gold Hatchling shivers her wings, shaking off the remaining bits of shell and yolk. Karina looks ovcer from her side of the kitchen and admires the queen, she smiles down at the placated blue in her rigt arm. "I'm not," Kindre says almost too quickly. Sighing, she watches the progress of the stately young queen. The late time seems to suddenly register with Kassi as she jerks her head up. "Oh, shells! I've dawn sweeps on the morrow! I'd best get back to the Weyr... Mart, Jaria, 'twas good seeing you again; R'val, Kin, Meli, Ryi, I'll see you back home. Benden's duties and clear skies!" She practically sprints from the cavern, muttering curses under her breath. You brush the hides aside and step into the lower caverns.