
Whatever You Imagine

Date:  February 9, 2005
Place:  Ista Weyr Bowl -- Southeast
Game:  PernMUSH
Copyright Info:  The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey 
l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.


Kassi's Note:  What we have here is a short pair of scenes that I've 
chosen to post mostly because the first of them is a continuation of
the green runner saga, but the second was a fun bit in its own 
right. :)  Kassima visits M'rek and ends up talking business, then 
after the bronzerider gets called away runs into a young man named
Greech and his extraordinary companion, Akka.


The Log:

The huge looming entrances of the living caverns are easily visible from
here, and you glide downward to land, scattering firelizards as you do so.

You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles,
cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully.

M'rek was talking to a small cluster of Istans with greatly animated hand
gestures when he sees that green he recognizes land, and he stops whatever
discussion he's in the middle of to wave and stroll over, "My duties to
Telgar, how are you and the Lady Lysseth, Kassi?"

Lysseth's landing is efficient and unhurried, and she rumbles politely to
what other dragons might be in the vicinity as her rider climbs down and
performs her usual Ista ritual of shucking all heavy leather accoutrements.
"Frying," she answers cheerfully, turning to greet the bronzerider with a
broad grin. "Don't know how you stand it. That big... yellow *thing* up in
the sky! We never see that at Telgar. I don't even know what the name is
for it. Her Ladyship is quite magnificent; and I, a'course, am infinitely
the better for having feasted m'eyes on your splendor. Even if'n 'tis a
formal, duty-giving splendor. You?"

M'rek chuckles and then executes a sweeping bow before he says, "I'm well.
And I was thinking about you all day yesterday, and yet never had a chance
to see if you might be able to drop by. I need to give you a couple of
names for runners." He laughs, "Did you get a chance to warn poor M'tri? I
was really thinking that L'vor would be the one saddled with that
particular prize." Counted it upon it, it would seem.

Kassima bows low back to him. "Thinking of me all day. Sweeter words a man
never said, even if'n 'twas more in the purpose of an errand than aught. I
thought we might nay have finished talking about those." Straightening, she
flips her braid back over her shoulder. "I warned him, and told him I'd ask
you about the best venue t'make a show of buying it from him--but I worry a
bit. He doesn't seem t'think me having it is any better a solution. What
kind of wife doesn't trust his husband t'take care of herself, I ask you?
So you *did* throw the match--" This would not seem a surprising thought
for her. "I wondered. Had you warned him what he might be in for?"

"Shards no." is the response from M'rek, "If he'd have known, he'd have
paniced. I was going to stake out his ledge and watch to see who came for
it. You could do the same with M'tri. Or. See who tries to buy it. M'tri
could stand to make some marks." He laughs, "I'm all business, aren't I?
And that's such a waste of your charming company. So. How are you, Kassi?
Everything going well and stuff?"

Kassima can but whistle, low--admiring, maybe; disturbed, possibly; and
it's also entirely possible that she's both. "Here's hoping that trying
t'buy it's all they'd have done, if'n he was unknowing--that's nay bad
notion. Lyss could at least keep an eye on what visitors Daikoth and
Tisiath receive." She barely flicks a glance back to her dragon, nor barely
needs to. Lysseth's brief rumble has the sound of an affirmative. "M'tri
could certes stand some marks that aren't mine. He's determined t'do me out
of all m'clothes and jewelry, y'know. What harm business? M'company is
yours t'do with as you please." She flashes him a bright grin. "'Tis you
I'm here t'be seeing, after all, in case you could use a distraction from
being ground-bound. Or an ear t'talk to, or someone t'run errands, or
whatever else might suit your fancy. I'm well enough now that the taste of
those wretched things is finally fading from m'memory a touch. I was a
stupid, stupid woman that day. And you? Truly?"

M'rek chuckles, "I know. But. There's also Nezzarth, and I was going to
keep an eye on it. It's not the real one." Still, it does sound a bit
callous, perhaps. "Is he? Well. Ask for no fewer than 20 marks for it. That
would be my recommendation. Then take no less than 5." He laughs then,
"Aye. It's amazing to think I've been here so long, but then, my best
friends are being very good about coming for a visit. And I appreciate it."
More laughter follows, "Wouldn't have been so bad if they hadn't turned on
us. Bah." A shudder before, "So. Would you take one of the filled runners
to Gerome? You can tell him it's a fake. Then. We'll have to see who else
could sit on one. What about Learan?"

"Does anyone *have* the real one?" Kassima wants to know. "Does Vahara? Is
that how you're going t'be figuring out what goes inside? I'm tempted t'be
asking what L'vor's done t'you that you'd set him up thus. Though if'n he'd
stand t'get at least five marks from it, that may nay be such an ill
thing." The 'best friends' gets a broader, warmer grin. "'Tisn't entirely
unselfish, y'know. Speaking for m'self, but probably they'd say the same. I
did come t'be a distraction, but because I enjoy talking with you, too.
We're all just a bunch of addicts looking for enough M'rek-time t'keep us
going," which is at least part tease, and accompanied by a wink. "*Gah*.
Gross. Next time, M'rek, next time, I'm only participating if'n the things
are *fresh*. To Gerome... aye, I can be doing that. I could imagine him
enjoying having a lure for these figurine-chasers. Learan...." Her brow
furrows a moment as she mulls over this. "Mayhaps. That puts it near
t'Cailin, but it doesn't sound as if'n whatever the statue's about, it has
aught t'do with her or her lad, aye?"

M'rek nods, "Aye. Someone has it. Somewhere. Vahara had it, but she said
she put it in storage and it went missing from Bitra. It's probably in the
room of some flock member who scavenged it." a half snort and then M'rek
digs the toe of one boot into the dirt of the bowl, and his ears turn red,
"Why, Kassi. You're going to make me blush and wish I could repent my evil
ways." A wink follows before, "It doesn't have anything to do with Cailin
or Cain, and it might entertain Cailin a bit as well. But. You'd have to
ask Learan. Can you think of anyone you know? I'm hoping to spread them
out. Make them work for it."

Kassima snorts quietly. "Doesn't it just figure. Although who would see a
figurine of a green runner, of all things, nay knowing 'twas significant,
and think, 'I *must* have that' boggles the mind." Oh, but she does grin
all the wider with impish, shameless delight for the blush, and tells him,
"Don't even think of repenting the evil--well, the *wicked* ways, at least.
Wickedness is part of your charm. Are you seriously *blushing*?" She makes
a show of squinting at his ears, and laughing. "I can ask him. Can't
promise he'll do it, but 'twill ask him. Anyone I know--well, there's
Roddy, a'course. Otherwise...." She works her lower lip between her teeth
as she thinks, a boot-toe idly tapping the ground. "I wonder if'n... ach,
but nay," she denies, with an abrupt, short laugh. "He's trying t'simplify,
nay complicate. What about one for Josilina? If'n she'd take it. She did
say she was curious about the things. But if'n these buyers are apt t'be
dangerous, that might be an ill notion."

[Editor's Note:  M'rek got disconnected here.  Alas!  Some time
passes; then....]

Greech emerges from the tunnel to the inner caverns.

Greech shambles out of the west cavern. He nods politely at the dragon and
rider, murmurs something to the air above his right shoulder and points in
the general direction of the green, and then gawks about.

Kassima is stationed near her lifemate--leaning against her, in fact, arms
folded, apparently in some sort of silent conversation. However, Lysseth is
a little prone to notice things like gawking and pointing. Her rumble is...
not quite pleased, but not hostile, and certainly gets Kassi's attention:
"Heyla--something we can help you with?"

Greech shakes his head and grins at the greenrider. "No'm. Akka", he
gestures at the empty space above his right shoulder, "...usually does the
helpin'", he finishes, then peers more at Lysseth. "Pretty dragon".

"Kassima," Kassi supplies, with a quick smile. "Never ma'am; never, ever.
Akka?" The empty air in the indicated spot gets a glance that turns into a
longer, slightly nonplussed look. "Looks like she--he?--has wandered off or
something. Ah, thankee for that." The greenrider's eyes travel up to her
lifemate now. "Her Magnificence always appreciates being admired."

A long glance at Kassima follows her second sentence, apparently conveying
an attitude of resignation. "No, ma...er, Kassima", he replies to the
greenrider. "He's right here, but just hard to see for lots of folks". He
sidles a little closer to the green bulk of Lysseth, looking up at her. "I
rode a dragon once", he says, looking at Lysseth. "It was fun."

Kassima's brows finish their upward journey, coming to rest in that
familiar, high place, with one hidden beneath the drape of her forelock.
"Ah," is all she can really think of to say. "'Twill be taking you at your
word, then." Lysseth is not nonplussed, but is wary, perhaps perceptibly so
with her wings rustling like that. Her rider slaps a comforting palm
against the dusky green hide. "Did you? Most people seem t'be thinking 'tis
enjoyable, although there are always a few who don't like it. And throw up,
if'n our luck isn't in."

Greech slants a look at Kassima, over to Lysseth, and then back to Kassima.
"I liked it", he says, in a nearly defensive tone. "Akka liked it too, or
that's what he said". Having delivered himself of that, probably one of his
longest sentences ever, he shakes his head at Kassi's last statement. "Dumb
to throw up", he pronounces.

"Didn't say that you didn't," Kassima points out, amiably enough. "I'truth,
I said that most do. I'm sure whichever dragon 'twas was glad of it. Lyss
is happier when her passengers enjoy themselves. Particularly if'n it means
they don't throw up on her neck." The dragon doesn't even dignify this with
a reaction. "Nay argument here, but sometimes they can't seem t'help it."

Greech smiles sunnily at the two, then. "I like you", he says, although
it's unclear if he's referring to Kassima or Lysseth. He cocks his head at
his right shoulder, nods at something, then looks at the two again. "Akka
likes you too."

Kassima grins a little. "We appreciate that," she answers, the better to
cover all bases. There's another pause before she says, "On both counts.
I'm sure his good opinion is an honor, aye?"

Lirit arrives from the northwest, near the corrals.

Greech, like many other unfortunates who are a trifle slow-witted, picks up
the cadence of the speaker. "Aye", he says, smiling at the new term. "Aye",
he repeats, then he smiles and waves at Lirit. "Hi, Lirit. This is
Kassima", he stumbles slightly over the multiple syllables, "And Lysseth."

Lirit meanders the length of the Bowl, deep in thought, turning to head for
the Hatching Grounds. Maybe sight of the eggs will help settle her a
little.....she looks up in momentary puzzlement. "Hi, Greech" she says,
nodding to the others before lapsing back into her own thoughts.

Lirit walks into the Hatching Grounds through one of the large entrances.

It's not a hard cadence to pick up; there's more than a bit of a lilt to
it, although most of the words are clear. "Busy lass," Kassima supposes,
looking after the direction Lirit went. "Or thinking, mayhaps. Her name is
Lirit? And yours is Greech?"

Greech nods enthusiastically and follows that with another of his seemingly
perpetual grins. "Aye", he says. "Lirit is nice", then hooks a thumb at
himself. "I'm Greech, and this", he points at the air above his right
shoulder again, "is Akka."

Kassima supposes, "Mayhaps 'twill run into her sometime. I'm visiting now
and then, mostly t'see M'rek, and sometimes Kaylira. She's m'daughter. 'Tis
a pleasure t'meet you both." She nods solemnly to him, and then again to
the air where Akka seems to be.

A rare flash of intelligence sneaks into Greech's eyes. "Duty to your
Weyr", he pronounces, then blinks and is suddenly back to normal. "Thank
you", he carefully says, then waves off towards a little spaded up hunk of
ground. "I gotta go", he tells her. "Lyss wants me to hoe."

Kassima flashes him a smile and answers with a perfectly formal, "Duties
t'Ista and her queens in return, and our thanks. You're quite welcome."
Although what seems at first to be an indication that her dragon desires
garden-work gets a pair of blinks, she figures it out and nods agreeably:
"A'course, a'course; we'd nay want t'keep you. Good luck with the hoeing,
aye? And a good evening t'you."

Greech looks a little puzzled, as if he might not remember what it was that
incurred that formal reply, but smiles and carries on. "I like hoeing", he
tells Kassima. "Akka eats bugs". With that, he carries on, ambling off
towards the far end of the bowl, smiling and nodding at other residents
that he meets.

Greech leaves northwest, toward the corrals.