------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Infiltration System Date: October 9, 1996 Places: Benden Weyr's Northern Bowl and Living Cavern Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: Thera's green Lilith is near to her first rising, but that isn't the only havoc being wreaked on the Weyr--renegades have been menacing Benden's sweep range, and now that they've left Tinya with a crossbow wound in her shoulder, the situation is heating up. P'tran begins a discussion that threatens to get heated at points itself; Kassi finds herself thus caught between the two sources of worry, but while one problem won't be resolved for some time yet, the other has a solution more near to hand. This log doesn't include Lilith's flight (which, for the curious, was won by Nicoth), but instead covers much of the pre-flight tension and all of the renegade chatter. :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: You fly downwards towards the ground. <*> Adonith lands at his mate's side but cannot resist staring at the luscious green. Benden LC> S'riv grumbles, not looking amused, "Seems Cioth noticed the green this time...I donna think it be a good idea ta be stayin'." <*> Lilith preens a bit in the waining light, the last beads of sun dripping down her smooth hide. <*> Vidarth backwings for a landing. <*> Cioth rumbles a soft warning to all around, saving a croon for the pretty gren near him. Benden LC> Thera looks up at S'riv distractedly, and back down. "Sorry that you have to go Sir." <*> Prometh rumbles admiringly at Lilith removing the last bits of dust from his well-oiled glistening hide. <*> Vidarth croons warmly towards Lilith as he lands, whirling his eyes at her. <*> R'val slides down from Vidarth's back and lands in a crouch. <*> Lysseth lands beside Adonith, snorting faintly at the crooning and rumbling males as she folds her wings to let her rider dismount. You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles, cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully. Benden LC> S'riv chuckles, "I wouldna be...the less people in a flight...especially one such as I who be havin' problems controling his emotions ta begin with....the better for ya." Benden LC> Alyssa hrms, looking at the bowl. "Lysseth just arrived..." R'val walks beneath the lintel and disappears into the living cavern. Benden LC> K'tyn blinks, a little distracted. "Food? Did someone say food? Salless? Food, please." Benden LC> R'val wanders into the cavern, waving, "Evening." He glances at Thera for a long moment and smiles at her, nodding with a grin to Alyssa as he sits down. Lilith rumbles a warning to the other green, and chirps pleasently at the rest of the gathering. Benden Weyr> Thera wonders if she's breaking taboo by admitting that her dragons gonna rise? You walk past the lintel and into the wide living cavern. Benden Weyr> K'ti says, "I never knew there was a taboo..." Benden Weyr> S'riv says, "nothing I have ever heard of" Benden Weyr> Thera has no clue. Just most ppl seem to fight it is all.. Benden Weyr> Teyal grins, "It'd probably be noticeable ICly.. your dragon would be Really Green. Benden Weyr> Kindre hi's shakily...oh, I'm in time, Thera? :) Benden Weyr> P'tran nopes. "A rider would generally know when his/her dragon is going to rise soon." K'tyn waves to R'val, then nods at Salless as she brings him a plate of food. "Don't see why y'asked for it. S'not like y'gonna eat it." Salless grumbles. Benden Weyr> S'riv says, "she's been denying it all day Pete:) Saer is gonna have fun withthis:)" Thera waves weakly at R'val, and breaks into a smile at her cousin. "Kassi...i'm so glad you're here." Benden Weyr> P'tran grins. "How you handle proddiness is really up to the character's personality :) It's different for everyone ..." Alyssa smiles affectionately at Kassima and pats Thera's hand. "See? Everything will be fine." R'val glances at Thera and her weak smile, "Are you allright, Thera? You look rather pale." Kassima wanders into the room, immediately scanning it as though looking for someone. Finding her, she walks over to Thera with an absent wave of greeting for everyone else. "Heya, coz..." she says to the other greenrider quietly. "Lyss told me you that she heard you were looking for me? Is something wrong?" Benden Weyr> Kassima went into denial last time, but then, she's always in denial. ;) S'riv chuckles, "As soon as the flight be o'er she will be, aye.." Benden Weyr> Alyssa nods. :) Like Lessa...it was hardly noticeable because of Lessa being that b*tchy all the time. ;) Benden Weyr> S'riv says, "who?" Benden Weyr> Teyal waves, rushing off to RL. Benden Weyr> K'tyn nods. I think you're doing fine, Thera. :) Thera scoots over. "Nope, just been missing you is all." Patting the seat beside her for the greenrider to sit, she looks about at the rest of the cavern's people. "They seem to think that Lith's gonna rise. Can you believe that?" R'val nods towards Thera, unsurprised, "Vidarth certainly thinks she's going to. He's hovering over her quite intently." Benden Weyr> Jehrina says, "Theoretically, you'd be prolly less aware of the imminence of the fact, Thera, simply becxause it's your first tikme. However, given teh recent rash of risings here, you'd likely be more able to recognize wahat was going on. :)" Thera wriggles a bit in discomfort. "She isn't is she? I don't want her too." K'tyn snorts. "She willl rise, Thera. Prometh knows these things. Tis perfectly normal." Kassima settles down in the indicated place, chuckling. "I believe it, aye. Mainly because I agree with it--furthermore, so does Lyss. She's mightily bright, coz." Benden Weyr> K'ti says, "Or you can just be like a woman having PMS and get defensive that you aren't having DRS." S'riv chuckles, "I'm somehow no suprised at that R'val...no like you or yer shardin' blue ta no be hoverin' around afore a flight. Alyssa glances at K'tyn and says softly, "Kiat, please...Thera's nervous enough as it is." Benden Weyr> T'lar waves and snugs appropriately and bolsters himself to come out and play with the proddy rider. :) Benden Weyr> K'ti says, "Dragon Rising Syndrome ;) Eventhough you know you are *grins*" Thera curls a lip. "I could leave...she'd be better then, and stay out of my head more, away from other dragons." Alyssa clears her dry throat and sits back to look at Salless. Lysseth> Nicoth backwings for a landing. Salless nods at Alyssa as she orders something. Salless unlocks the wine cabinet to pour Alyssa a single goblet of Benden White. S'riv chuckles and nods to K'tyn, "I donna know why she fights it so..a few hours, it'll be o'er..she may even enjoy it." Lysseth> Adonith rumbles at Nicoth, warningly, as his bejewelled goes between Lysseth and Lilith. R'val coughs softly, "Leaving with Lilith in this..condition..would be a bad idea, Thera." Benden Weyr> T'lar dohs. It's easier to ride the dragon if you're on it. Kassima nods to Lys and smiles comfortingly at Thera. "'Twill be all right, cousin; trust Lys in that. And while you can certainly get away from other dragons--up to the Star Stones, or someplace--you can nay, should nay leave the Weyr right now. You may nay think she's proddy, but--well, if it even *looks* as though she is, she'd best be staying weyrbound. As should you." S'riv smirks a bit, "Aye...r'val may no be able ta fawn on ya if ya left.." Lysseth> T'lar slides precipitously down from Nicoth's back. Lysseth> Prometh warbles greetings to Nicoth, though his deep blue gaze rests on Lillith. R'val snorts quietly at S'riv, "Shut up, Saer." Lysseth> Nicoth grumblerumbles at the other male dragons. S'riv chuckles, "Why? Hittin' a wee bit close ta home, Urival?" T'lar walks in from the bowl. Karise walks in from the bowl. R'val smiles, "No, S'riv, as usual, you've very little idea of what you're talking about when it comes to me." Lysseth> Prometh warbles to Erinyth, offering her a wing to snuggle under. He warbles at Lilith. Got two wings... S'riv smirks, "Yer a healer Urival, there donna be much t aknow past that." T'lar sidles in, looking around to see who's here. He waves to friends, stopping to talk at several tables. Alyssa looks from rider to rider and says, a bit more firmly, "Must we have contention, always?" before she takes a long drink of her wine. Lysseth> Lilith holds out one wing delicately, flexing it in the gentle breeze, as if testing the currents. Karise wanders in, hands stuffed in her pockets. She makes her way over to the food. Lysseth> Adonith snorts at Prometh as he sidles closer to Lysseth. Lysseth> Cioth yawns. Lysseth> Erinyth crooons, sidling up under Prometh's wing. R'val glances at Alyssa and sighs, "With S'riv around, I think so.' He just shakes his head, frowning. K'tyn looks up, grinning. "Karise, love. Come join me?" He pats the bench near him. Lysseth> Vidarth regards Lilith with steadily whirling eyes. He croons quietly at her. S'riv laughs, "Ohh Aye, it be m' fault that ya hover like a watchwher when somone be mentionin' a flight, Urival..that be rich." Thera closes out the cavern's conversation, and leans against her cousin, whispering. T'lar moves over to where Kassima is sitting. "Mind if I sit?" "Um? Oh, sure," Karise's head bobbles, as she turns her direction for the bench. She plops dowm. opening the collar of her jacket. R'val raises an eyebrow, "Since when is being in the cavern 'hovering'?" Kassima sighs, rolling her eyes faintly. "Apparently," is her wry reply to Lys's question, and she nods to T'lar. "Of course." Thera mutters to Kassima, "Can't... her... does... have... now?" Thera whispers "Can't i turn her off? Why does it have to be now?" P'tran walks in from the bowl. Salless tells her girls to look sharp when the weyrleader walks in. S'riv shrugs, "Anytime ya be in it I would think....since ya tend ta bring a cloud with ya." T'lar looks Thera over carefully and looks back out to the bowl. Seeing P'tran, he smiles and pops off a sorta salute. "Evening, P'tran." P'tran comes into the LC a little hurriedly, carrying some scrolls under one arm. He drops them onto a seat nearby. "Evening all," he says a bit quickly, and continues to the klah pot S'riv salutes the weyrleader offhandedly and sips his klah. Alyssa finishes her wine and looks balefully toward the bowl, catching sight of P'tran and saluting automatically. "Evneing, sir." Kassima sighs and, with a quirked, rueful smile, shakes her head. She mutters to Thera, "You can't, cousin, nay... or... be... or another time... case, and this is... as... can... so... she... it... the... and, well,... of..." Thera senses Kassima sighs and, with a quirked, rueful smile, shakes her head. "You can't, cousin, nay now or ever; 'twould be now or another time in any case, and this is just as well as any time can be. 'Twill nay be so bad, you'll see. Jes' make sure she bloods it when the time comes, and, well, she'll take care of the rest." S'riv sighs, "Do ya believe this sir? Another shardin' green...again...shells, it must be in the water here." R'val nods respectfully towards P'tran, and doesn't respond to S'riv. K'tyn waves to P'tran, then turns to his benchmate. T'lar tries not to listen to the conversation between the two women. He motions to a server and orders. P'tran hmms? and glances over to S'riv absently, not having quite heard him. "Pardon?" he says as he pours a mug of klah S'riv chuckles, "Another shardin' green be proddy...it must be in the water, or the air...shells, this be worse than when 'rina were pregnant." Kassima snorts in amusement at Saer's words. "Shells, I've been saying that for Turns now. The water's to blame for everything." Alyssa looks at Thera beside her and at Kassima close by and sits back to give them privacy, releasing Thera's hand belatedly. R'val peers at Kassima oddly, "If it weren't for water, we'd not be alive, Kassi." He grins. Thera looks over at the bronze rider. "It'd be different if you had a green! You'd understand! But instead, you just sit there and mock, blame the water, and the weather...i wish you had one whit of a clue what this is like!" T'lar says "Oh? You rank water up there with tubers as causing the ills of the world?" Karise gives a semi-salute to P'tran, before blinking over to K'tyn. "Um...sure I am," A nod emphaises her point. "Just doing the usual." She runs her fingers through ragged locks, before leaning back. S'riv chuckles and smiles sweetly to Thera, "Nay lass, I think I'll let ya enjoy it." Kassima quirks an eyebrow, but amends, "All right, then, *Benden* water is to blame for everything. Other water is fine. And aye, 'tis right up there beside tubers, mayhaps even a bit beyond." P'tran smirks slightly at S'riv as he takes a sip of klah and picks up his scrolls again from their precarious position on the seat. "Well, I wouldn't know about that," he comments. "Greens get proddy as they will. They don't adhere much to schedules." K'tyn slides an arm about Karise, hugging her tight. "Well, I am glad to see you. Keth and I were getting worried; you seemed to be working so hard." P'tran glances over to Thera for a moment, but does not make any note of her outburst. Thera growls low, and rocks back into her seat, glaring at S'riv. R'val blinks towards Thera, wisely saying nothing to her. S'riv smiles, "Look at it this way lass," he sips his klah, "ya ne'er lose." Kassima chuckles. "Oh, males' riders get their fair share, Thera, when their dragons lose a flight... but anyway. I wouldn't say, from the way Lilith's lighting up the evening, that you'll have to put up with this much longer anyway." Thera says "I don't even want to play." T'lar laughs. "Sure, Kassi, whatever you say." He glances over at P'tran's stack of scrolls. "Got a lot of work to do, P'tran?" Karise smiles a bit haphazardly, before nodding. "Aye.....weyrlinghood is nothing like this." Another quick grin, and she gets up quickly, coming back to her spot with a plate full of wherry. Alyssa touches Thera's arm gently. "Thera, it's a part -- an important but infrequent part -- of who Lilith is. It's a small thing compared with all the joy she gives you, isn't it?" T'lar thanks the server who brings his wherry and greens with a smile and a soft comment. Settling into his meal, he listens to the various conversations. Thera sighs, "Yes, but not right now, for the now she hurts, and i hurt, and this klah is making me headache worse." R'val glances towards Thera and smiles sympathetically, "Try chamomile tea, maybe, Thera? It's good for headaches and nerves...sometimes>" P'tran rearranges the scrolls a bit, having to place his mug down on the table to do so. "Indeed," he comments to T'lar. "I want to look over some maps that we have of the Lemos area." He gestures to the other maps still posted around the caverns. "T'gar's maps will come in handy as well." S'riv laughs, "Get the klah from her an' give her some wine, Alyssa...ya know that that be what she needs now." K'tyn pushes his food about on his plate, having eaten most of it. He laughs at something Karise says. T'lar says "We didn't find anything on those renegades after the meeting, try as we might. I think Asrai's suggestion of checking the caves would be best." Kassima nods firm agreement. "Alyssa's absolutely right, Thera; it may be hard to remember now, but in the long run, 'tis worth it. If'n the klah's causing problems, I'd suggest trying cider or wine instead; they're good for stress-headaches. Or M'kla's klah. That fries the brain enough that 'tis hard to notice the ache." Karise peers up at K'tyn, brow raised slightly in question. "Alright....what did I say?" R'val grins at Kassi wryly, "Didn't do much to you while you were proddy, Kassi, and you gulped it by the ton." K'tyn grins, poking Karise in the nose gently. "Twas what you didn't say." P'tran finishes arranging the scrolls and gathers them up carefully. "I think you're right," he says to T'lar. "I don't think they could have gotten that far yet, but they may head in that direction as it was suggested at the Weyrmeet." Kassima laughs drily. "It did quite a bit towards improving my headache and disposition, R'val, but even M'kla's klah can't work miracles." Thera pushes her klah mug away hesitantly, and looks out to the bowl again with a sigh. R'val blinks at Kassima and grins archly, "It improved your disposition, Kassi? I didn't notice." P'tran overhears Kassima and frowns slightly. "That's not M'kla's klah in the pot now, is it?" Karise coughs, nearly dropping the wherry slice from her hand. "What I didn't...." A wry grin follows, and the girl rolls her eyes. "Oh, really, K'tyn....." T'lar looks thoughtful as he takes a drink of klah. "You know, I've been thinking about this. The holdless are going to not want to talk to dragonriders, but they might talk to other holdless. S'riv yawns and bites his lip ,"Get yer sorry hide out o' the bowl." he mumbles under his breath. Kassima raises her eyebrows, and smiles sweetly. "Aye. Trust me on that one--I'd have been much worse without it." To the Weyrleader, she shakes her head. "Nay, sir; I think 'tis Z'nar's brew this evening." Alyssa turns to glare, rather surprisingly, at R'val. "Leave Kassima alone, please," she tells R'val softly. S'riv look to T'lar, "The holdless will talk ta us if we ask...they wonna have a choice, if I havea say." K'tyn grins, his eyes twinkling. "No' lass," he says, adopting his father's thick hills accent. "Can ye no' see I'm tryin' tae tell ye som'ethin P'tran nods to KAssima and picks up the mug again, the scrolls now tucked back under his arm again. He takes a wary sip of it, then shrugs noncommitally. R'val raises both eyebrows at Alyssa and says, mildly, "I'm teasing, Alyssa." Benden Weyr> Kassima almost said that it was F'lger's klah, but resisted the impulse. ;) K'tyn grins, his eyes twinkling. "No' lass," he says, adopting his father's thick hills accent. "Can ye no' see I'm tryin' tae tell ye som'thin' here?" Lysseth> Lilith streaches out on the ground, equidistant from the dragons on either side of her, and rests her head on her forelegs, eyes whirling brightly. R'val has to grin at Kassi's comment, "I trust you! And I wouldn't want you to have been worse. Oy, you were bad enough asis." Benden Weyr> P'tran smirks :) Benden Weyr> K'tyn grins at Kassi.:) T'lar looks over at S'riv. "Oh, now that will get us the answers were looking for." The tone of his voice drips sarcasim. "We need to be nice. Gets more cooperation." Alyssa shrugs at R'val and turns to request another glass of wine, looking a bit defensive still. Karise chuckles under her breath. "Oh jays, Kiat....and how am I suppose to eat with you talking like that." A grin covers tired features, as she finally gets sustance to her mouth. S'riv snorts, "I still say we can do this without outside help. I stillbe lookin', an' will find somethin'." P'tran hrms as he glances about the caverns. "I take it from the tension in here that people are either upset over the renegades or that someone's green is about to rise for the first time." T'lar says "Yes, P'tran." Thera mutters something about S'riv not being so nice, or hadn't T'lar noticed. Alyssa, after taking the wine from Salless, says to P'tran, "Right on both counts, sir." R'val sighs, "The latter, sir, I believe." he glances at Thera and smiles faintly. K'tyn kisses Karise on the cheek, then leans back. "Here then, I'll let you eat. But you'll excuse my starin' cause I've not seen you in an ages." P'tran smirks. "I was going to ask 'yes to which', but I figure you mean both," he says to T'lar, then nods to Alyssa. "I thought as much." S'riv glances to P'tran, his voice irritated, "Aye, when it rains..." T'lar says "What I was thinking, S'riv, is for some of us to go in without our lifemates." P'tran hmms. "Well, the former I cannot do anything about this minute, but the latter shall pass." S'riv grins and cracks his knuckles, "Aye....I could go for that..a sharp knife be all ya really need with renegades.." Eyes roll again, as Karise murmurs, "Well, you act as if I'd mind something like that." She giggles, then takes another bite of food, leaning up against K'tyn. Kassima smiles faintly at Lys. "Eh, don't mind him, Lys; 'tis naught but words. And he's right. I *was* awful." She runs a thumb lightly over the deep, healing gash on her hand with a slight wince. R'val glances at S'riv, "Sharp wit would be more helpful. And a plan." T'lar puts a hand over his eyes at S'riv's comment and sighs. P'tran rolls his eyes briefly in S'riv's direction. "As I mentioned in the Weyrmeet, we will not be indiscriminately killing anyone unlese threatened. My concern right now is to stop the raids." S'riv grins to Urival, "I'll take m' knife ta yer head an' wil lsee what wins." Alyssa takes Kassima's scarred hand and smiles faintly. "You were fine...and are fine." K'tyn looks up, part of S'riv's ocmment ringing in his ears. "I agree with R'val. We'll get more with sweetener than with vinegar." T'lar says "I was just thinking that with a little cunning similar to these renegades, we might find something we can use." R'val smirks at S'riv, "Typical." Thera snorts. "None of you all could ever pass for renegades. You've been here too long." Karise nods, "Or really good tracking." She shakes her head over something, muttering about riads under her breath, before peering over at Thera. Lysseth> Kindre smiles at the large number of dragons assembled and heads into the warmth of the cavern. Kindre walks in from the bowl. Thera says "Especially none of you bronze riders." S'riv grins to T'lar, "Aye.....we could infiltrate...get somone, say Urival, ta fly by, shoot at him ta prove our intentions...then slit their throats in the night." Kassima chuckles. "You're being kind... but thankee." Turning her attnetion to the other discussion, she throws in her own two marks' worth with, "Eh, the wit's more likely to catch 'em than the knife, but the knife has its uses at defending the wit if need be." P'tran gives a nod of greeting to Kindre as she walks in. "Evening." T'lar looks over at Thera. "Then we'll get Asrai and you and any others who know how to act to help us." S'riv snaps a salute to Kindre, and grins, "This has potential." Alyssa turns her attention from Kassima and Thera to nod at Kindre before listening to the riders, frowning a bit at S'riv and his teasing. Benden Weyr> K'tyn cracks up at S'riv. :) Whammo! Thera shrugs. "I don't know how to act, m'self, i just know that you all will stick out like sore thumbs." P'tran takes a sip of his klah. "S'riv, that will be quite enough," he says calmly, without raising his voice. R'val smiles towards Kindre as she enters, waving, "Evening Kindre." Thera waves to Kindre with a weak smile. T'lar says "Evening, Kindre." S'riv grins to P'tran, "Yer no fun this eve sir." K'tyn waves to Kindre, an amused look on his face as he follows th many conversations in the cavern. Kindre smiles, "Evening," she half-mutters on her way to the klah pot. Looking back up, she nods, "How are you, Weyrleader?" Before sending her own salute S'riv's way, "Sir," and takes a seat, asking generally, "How goes?" Karise blinks. Someone to infiltrate? Jays...." she murmurs, setting her food on the table, half finished. She nods to Kindre, before taking a sip at her juice. P'tran shrugs. "Well, there's little fun where renegades are concerned," he comments dryly. "In either case, my orders are clear; no indiscriminant killing." Kassima calls, "Heyla, Kindre!" She waves to the goldrider, turning back to Thera with some concern. "You bearing up all right, coz?" S'riv chuckles, "T'would no be indescriminant...but they shoot at a rider, they die. That be all ther ebe." T'lar nods to Karise. 'Infiltrate. Surely some of us can carry it off. It's worth a try, at least." Thera nods. "I'm thinking about going to the springs for a bit." P'tran glances back to Kindre and grins wryly. "A bit busy this evening," he replies. motioning with his mug to the scrolls under his arm. Sighing deeply, Alyssa comments, "It would be nice if this were ended without anyone else getting hurt..." S'riv smiles, his eyes aglow, "had t'fian an' I found them that first eve'...we woulda had some fun.." Benden Weyr> S'riv says, "but instead we scared the hell out of a newbie" T'lar eats, trying to ignore S'riv's further comments. P'tran hmms. "Infiltration," he comments softly, pointedly ignoring S'riv's comment. K'tyn shakes his head. "To infiltrate the renegades...You'll need to look like you're half starved and a bit tetched in the head. Can that be done?" Thera nods to Lys, "Without blood shed by us or them." Karise shrugs, then adds, "I don't know.....being a weyrling has taken a lot of skills outta me. Jays, I haven't helld my crossbow in over two turns now." She grimaces, adding, "And too much weight. I was a rail when I first, um, visited. R'val frowns thoughtfully, "Who could we use to infiltrate 'em, P'tran?" Alyssa tells S'riv softly, "I hate what they did to Tinya, Faranth knows, S'riv...but they're still people." Kindre's eyes widen a bit, "So I see, Weyrleader...I just left a few of those myself for a little break." Her heaad tilts as she catches up with the recent conversation. S'riv nods to K'tyn, "Aye, it could be done. An' the trackin' be no great thin'." K'tyn nods at Karise. "As was I, remember?" P'tran comments. "Well, infiltration is not something that I had considered before. It would be very difficult indeed." T'lar sees he's gotten P'tran's interest. "The person or persons could be newly holdless over some dispute with a holder. That way, their better health could be explained." S'riv shakes his head, "ALyssa, lass, they may be people..but they will pay." R'val nods to P'tran, "Renegades are not trusting folk. And I don't know anyone who could fool them." Lysseth> Notreth backwings for a landing. Kassima tilts her head. "Aye, might be a wise thing. 'Tis your decision; only you can say what might be best for you t'do. Infiltrate, eh?" She grins wryly at Karise. "Don't know about the half-starved, but it shouldn't be too hard finding someone a bit crazy in the head around here." P'tran nods quietly as he listens to the various opinions being expressed around him. Alyssa nods to S'riv. "Yes, S'riv, they will. But not with indiscriminate justice. There are Holders and Weyrleaders to dole out punishment..." Thera stands shakily, "I'll be down at the springs if anyone needs me." Karise grins. "Aye....but mine was do to having to track tunnelsnakes for food." She winks, poking K'tyn in the stomach. "And you couldn't pass any more than I do." She blinks, then looks over to P'tran. "Sir....when can I have my crossbow back?" S'riv grins, "I bet I could." he says plainly, "No really...with as much ill as I talk o' both hold an' weyr, I could pull it off." Alyssa stands at Thera's side. "Want us to come with you, dear?" Lysseth> Jaen slides quickly down Notreth's shoulder, hitting the ground lightly and giving the brown dragon an affectionate slap on the neck. R'val blinks up at Thera, "Could you use some company?" P'tran glances over to Thera as she stands before turning his attention back to the conversation. T'lar warms to the subject. "Asrai was at the caves of Lemos until recently. She could give us pointers on behaviour as well as the layout of the caves." Kindre wonders, "You okay, Thera?" K'tyn frowns at Thera, noting her paleness. "I am not sure that's a good idea, right now. Perhaps a lie down in the infimary?" Thera shrugs. "If you want too, but only if. I don't need a nursemaid Lys." She grins at her friend, and sets her chair back inplace behind her. Alyssa's attention wavers between Thera and T'lar, nodding to the bronzerider's comments. "I was just implying company, Thera...I'll be there shortly." She glances meaningfully and hopefully at Kassima. T'lar smiles reassuringly at Thera. "It will be over soon, Thera. It will turn out all right, really." P'tran hmms? at Karise. "Oh, yes, your crossbow," he says, grinning slightly. "I still have that safe and sound up in my weyr. You can stop by later to retrieve it if you like." S'riv says "if ya could get a rider in, they would have a constant link ta their dragon..full time intelligence, an' no real danger tathe rider..you could be there in an instant." Thera nods to Kin, "I'm fine, nothing that warm water won't help." She hugs Lys, and heads out to the bowl. Thera walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Kassima hmmms. "Infiltration," she murmurs again, intrigued. "Certainly sounds like a challenge. And an interesting one... if just a tinge on the dangerous side, mind." Catching Lys's glance, she nods. "If you want me to come along too, coz, Lys, then I will." K'tyn hms, looking after Thera. Karise nods, chuckling. "Aye...I'd like to practice again.....it'd be fun to hunt with Erinyth. The pens are nice, but it's still not the chase." She smiles, faintly, as she leans forward in her spot. Lysseth> Thera walks out to her dragon. "Come 'ere you, stop this gaming, and leave me be." P'tran responds to S'riv, "The problem with using a rider is that you'd have to have the dragon rather far away as to not alert the others.' S'riv nods, "Aye, like back at the weyr e'en." P'tran says "No, if were to go with the infiltration idea, I think it would have to be a non-rider."" T'lar says "It could work, sir. Just would take some time to set up. The dragon could stay at the weyr, the rider would have to go in on foot." Lysseth> Lilith warbles plaintively. "I don't care if you like the attention Lith, i can't take this, let's go." S'riv says "but when I hunt with Cioth, we split up ta cover more area." Kindre perks up a little, her mind finally catching the inplication of the subject being spoke of, "If no one offers, I'll go...I've only been out of Half Circle for two turns...could easily aact as I did when I arrived here in the north..." Frowning a bit, she tilts her head, "How would a nonrider communicate?" Benden Weyr> T'lar pouts. "But I want to go, P'ran." :) Benden Weyr> S'riv does too:) P'tran shakes his head. "you're going to have a LOT of trouble convincing a dragon that he or she should stay way back at the Weyr separated by that kind of a distance from their rider." Kassima adds, "And get him or her to *stay* away, regardless of the rider's danger. *Nay* easy, if possible at all; I know Lyss couldn't do it. Sharding mother-hen of a dragon." This last is said fondly, for all of the exasperation implied by the words. "Nor ought we ask that of a dragon," Alyssa pipes up to P'tran. K'tyn rests his arm on Karise's shoulder, nodding agreement. "Prometh'd not stand for it." Lysseth> Thera reaches her arms up and around her dragon's muzzle. "Cant'cha just be mine? Why do you have to go off and let someone else have you..." R'val nods, "Surely such a distance, for such a long time, between dragon and rider..it'd be quite a strain?" Karise nods, "There's no way a rider could...no matter how good they'd be at the role. Benden Weyr> P'tran says, "It's non canon to have rider and dragon separated by that kind of distance. Besides, this is a nice way for non-riders to get more involved in the plot" S'riv snaps, "Just havea gold order them." He doesn't seem convinced, but is unwilling to give up so fast. Lysseth> Jaen walks towards Cioth, "Hush dear, you'll offend Notreth," she murmurs to the child in her arms, but the brown does not look at all offended. She glances towards the riders causing the commotion, peering at their knots. T'lar frowns. "But that takes some of the safety factor out of the action." Lysseth> Jaralth backwings for a landing. Lysseth> Thera says "S'no fair, i Impressed you, not them." Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "I know. Just had to pout." Lysseth> Adonith warbles to Notreth and his rider before sidling against Lysseth once more. Lysseth> Cioth rumbles, leaning in to give jaen a friendly whuffle. Benden Weyr> P'tran grins :) Benden Weyr> Kassima thinks it'd be cool, but could never do it ICly even if it were going to be riders doing it. Just *try* getting forty-one FLs to just leave you alone for an extended length of time, much less Lyss. ;) Lysseth> Thera looks over at the lady, startled. "Hello Ma'am." Alyssa tells S'riv gently, "I would not ask any dragon to do that, Saer. It's unhealthy and unfair." Lysseth> Notreth warbles plesantly in return Benden Weyr> Kindre laughs at Kassi! S'riv chuckles, "I've spent all m' free time huntin' for these people, for many a sevenday, ya canna just count m' out os shardin' fast. Lysseth> Prometh rumbles greetings to Notreth, then warbles sweetly to Erinyth and to the luscious glowing Lilith. K'ti walks in from the bowl. Karise shakes her head. "Nothing safe about this, dragon or no." She hmms, adding, "But weyrfolk are a bit more hearty." P'tran hms again and considers, but shakes his head again a second time. "No, a rider cannot do this sort of thing. Even if the dragon were willing, *I* don't want rider and dragon separated by that kind of distance." K'tyn looks up, smiling. "K'ti! I see you're well?" Lysseth> Jaen nods, "Thera, isn't it?" She glances at the green. "Having a problem with your dragon?" T'lar sighs and thumps the table with his fist, hard. "Shells! I don't like the idea of someone going in there without backup." He looks up suddenly, "Firelizards! They could go with the person and let us know of danger." R'val grins, waving towards K'ti. K'ti glances about then walks herself slowly. No, she's not going to grace with a waddle, around the outside of the cavern. She wavs to K'tyn and R'val on her way past. S'riv SNORTS, "Flits? Ya must be jokin'.." Kethran enters from the Bowl. Alyssa smiles at T'lar. "No, Saer, T'lar's right. Well-trained firelizards would be of great assistance." S'riv says "ya can hardly get most flits ta do much more than eat." Lysseth> Thera sighs, and nods. "Yes, i'm Thera, and yeah...she won't listen to me." Lysseth> Jaen gives the green a closer look, but does not comment on the obvious. P'tran considers, taking a sip of klah with a thoughtful expression on his face. "Firelizards? Well, maybe ..." Kethran wanders in from the inner caverns, waving absently, as he pours himself a mug of juice. He glances over at S'riv, and then at Alyssa. "What are we having fire-lizards doing?" he wonders. K'ti calls over, "Eat 'n get inta what they're not supposed ta, Saer." Lysseth> Thera notices this, and smirks. "I know, i know, but i don't want her too, and i'm not happy about it." Kassima hmmms at T'lar's suggestion. "A thought, but would a person disguised as a renegade want to have any fire-lizards? Would it ruin the disguise? Fire-lizard eggs aren't that hard to come by, but...." Lysseth> Jaen merely thins her lips and nods. "Well, that's not to be encouraged...under any circumstances. Have you talked to one of the weyrlingmasters? Kerlyn, or Flannery?" Kindre continues to frown, quietly offering, "Then mayhap send two people? At least they'd have a better chance...they could try to pass as siblings..." She obviously doesn't like the idea of putting anyone in this kind of danger. T'lar says "My three are well behaved. That would give the person a link back to the Weyr. Gotta make sure the flits aren't banded though." He smiles at K'ti. "Hi, K'ti." Lysseth> Adonith encircles Thera with his tail and whuffles her quietly. After all, she Impressed one of his clutchsiblings. R'val chuckles, "Firelizards. They'd just get in the way and cause problems, I think." Alyssa shakes her head. "It would be best to have someone with his or her own firelizards." S'riv mumbles, "ya canna count out the riders so easily sir...it be our kind that were hurt, we should, must, be in on this." Lysseth> Jaen walks closer to the weyrling. K'tyn blinks. "They can carry small things, like a brief note." P'tran comments to Kindre. "Getting one person in would be difficult enough. Getting two would be a stretch." K'ti waves towards T'lar too, then finally makes it where she's wanting to go. She slowly sits down. Boat, yes. A large boat coming to port, or so she wonders. T'lar says "S'riv. People at Benden Hold were hurt well before the shooting." Lysseth> Thera shakes her head. "They aren't here now Ma'am. I went to lessons on this sort of thing, but its very different now that it's happening." Lysseth> Cioth BUGLES, whuffling Jaen again, obviously wanting scritches. S'riv says "Aye, where I be from." P'tran nods to S'riv. "The riders were never counted out, S'riv, but even riders can't do everything." Karise nods, slowly, leaning back on the bench. "So then.....who?" she wonders. R'val nods to T'lar, "And the Lemosians suffered when they were robbed. Their tithe train, that is>" S'riv grins slightly, "Benden riders can sir." "As second in charge of dragonhealing here," Alyssa says firmly, "I'd very much argue against the well-being of a dragon whose lifemate is not only too far away but in danger. And T'lar is right. Everyone has been hurt by this in some fashion." Kassima chuckles. "About nineteen of mine would be able to do it, though I'd only *recommend* Zabreneva. The rest are too shy or too likely to do battle or just fly off when they got bored. Getting them to stay with anyone but me would be the hard part; I think you're likely correct, Lys." Benden Weyr> Karise whees and locks solid. Kindre sighs, nodding to the Weyrleader, "But P'tran they'd have more of a chance...my brother and I were welcomed easily enough when we came north...I just do not like the idea of someone attempting this alone is all." P'tran says "As admirable as your loyalty to Benden is, S'riv, still, riders and dragons can do many things, but there are some things that they can't do, and it's beginning to sound like this is one of them" Kethran nods. "Maybe some of the residents could search, in groups of two or more?" he asks. K'tyn hms. "A young woman might be able to get in where a young man would be under suspicion, sir." Benden Weyr> Alyssa idles for a few S'riv grins, "We could always let them capture one o' us..M' for instance." Lysseth> Jaen maintains a cool demeanor. "Well, I don't ride a female, but I'd suggest that you come to terms with your greens--" she tilts her head for a second "--with Lilith's impending...um...instinct. Fast. You're all that will be anchoring her to the ground, soon." Karise hrms to Kethran, adding, "Searching is one thing...tracking's quite different. Signs are easier to look for if you know how." P'tran listens to more of the opinions being expressed, and then looks over to Kethran. "We may need resident for more than that, it seems, but yes, that would be a good idea." Kindre nods quickly at K'tyn's words, "I actually had an easier time being accepted when my brother bailed..." She blinnks at S'riv, shaking her head. S'riv nods to Karise, "That be the truth." Lysseth> Thera grins a bit, and scritches at Adoniths tail. "Stop that, you'll have Lith telling me how wonderful you look in moonlight again." She swats at it gently, in jest. R'val hrms, 'Tracking's a skill. It's not easy if you're not trained..." T'lar hmmmms. "I talked a bit with Asrai. She was not, at that time, willing to go back. She will help anyone who plans to though. I think two people would be safest. Kin, perhaps. Or lovers running from a bad or forces marriage." Benden Weyr> P'tran thinks, BTW, that you came up with great ideas for this plot that I never expected :) However, I don;t want to usurp the RP from Thera :) Benden Weyr> Karise nods. :) Lysseth> Thera looks up, and aquires a more serious attitude. "How can i anchor her, when i can't even anchor myself?" K'tyn sighs. "I'd've been perfect, thin half-wit waif that I was." Benden Weyr> T'lar grins. You're right. We are ignoring the proddy rider. :) K'ti says "iffin yer jus wanting lack o'suspicion, send in a pregnant woman. Dress her as a run 'way drudge an no one'd ever suspect her sellin out." She chuckles quietly on that." Benden Weyr> R'val smirks. I think th at'll change when she takes flight ;) S'riv hmmms, "If they captured m'...we would know where they be in an instant...one way or the other." Karise pokes at K'tyn, winking, "Not as much as I. Used to live out there alone, you know." Benden Weyr> P'tran has to log off in about 5 minutes anyway so he'll be extricating himself soon :) Kethran sits down next to K'tyn, and thwacks him lightly on the arm. "Waif? yes. Half-wit? Never." Kassima rolls her eyes. "Saer, the willingness to be self-sacrificing is admirable, but I somehow doubt Cioth would take kindly to the notion. I can't see any dragon warming up to *that* idea." Benden Weyr> S'riv can't stay for the flight, so is involved in other things;) Lysseth> Adonith whuffles Thera again and glances at Lilith pensively. Lysseth> Jaen frowns a little. This isn't her department. "That's a big question. Maybe you better just focus on your green for now, and worry about the more abstract issues a little later in the sevenday." Benden Weyr> S'riv says, "6pm Pacific scuks for me:)" Benden Weyr> Kassima can't chase, so ditto. ;) T'lar looks over at the Weyrleader. "Perhaps you could consider this and let us know what we can do to help." Benden Weyr> R'val can't chase because he riders a ..err, what'm I saying? K'tyn grins at Karise. "So did I. Meroth found me and cornered me good at Igen." Benden Weyr> Karise is, well, green. So she'll hang out with Kassi. ;) S'riv grins, "Who said anythin' about sacrifice?" P'tran takes a long drink of klah, finishing the mug. He raises a hand. "All right, I think I've heard some good ideas here tonight, but I don't think we're going to get a chance to resolve it this evening." Lysseth> Jaen raises an eye at the blue, who she has recognized right away. Looks like a done deal to her experienced eye, but you never know. Kindre nods at Kassima and looks at S'riv, "I'm sure they've some idea of the flack they make get from the dragon of a kidnapped rider, too...smart enough to know what to take from tithes..." Karise chuckles, then sighs, happy mood placated. "Tinya found me at Healer Hall..." Lysseth> Thera laughs, and rests her head against her green's side. "All she wants to do is babble and preen and other silly things that no respectable dragon would do, that /my/ dragon didn't do until yesterday." K'ti pushes up from the table again then ends up waddling towards the lower caverns. K'ti walks towards the inner cavern. Kindre then bobs her head at P'tran, "True enough." S'riv chuckles, "Who knows...mayhap a rider would want ta join them." Lysseth> Notreth eyes Lilith with a mildly interested glance. What he'll do is not certain. Kassima shrugs. "To be convincing, that they'd captured you, you'd probably have to let yourself be injured. That's something of a sacrifice, I'd say--of health, and of your dragon's peace of mind." She nods to Kindre. "If they'd wanted to capture, they wouldn't have shot at Tinya as they did, I'd be thinking." K'tyn looks after K'ti. "I hope she's okay," he murmurs. T'lar finishes his meal and sits back with a sigh. P'tran hands his empty mug to a passing drudge and adjust the scrolls he has tucked under his arm. "I think we better continue thus discussion tomorrow and come up with a plan for this. I'm starting to like this idea more and more." P'tran says "I still believe we need a non-rider for this task, however." S'riv shakes his head, "THey didna want ta shoot tinya...T'fian an' i figured that out when we looked...that were a hot head..I still thin kshe flew inta somethin' they didna want her ta see, an some hot head shot...shardin' fine shot too." Lysseth> Jaen glances around. Where's a senior greenrider when ya need one? "Well, I'm, um, told that greens are all very distinct personalities..." she maintains a discreet distance from the weyrling. R'val nods towards P'tran, "I agree, sir. I don't think a rider could pull it off." Alyssa rises and says in general, "Excuse me, then...I'd like to check on Thera..." T'lar says "I hate to say it, but I agree with you, P'tran. I was thinking of going myself when I suggested it." Lysseth> Thera looks back at the rider's dragon. "Makes me wish i had a brown sometimes." Lilith shoves her rider, almost knocking her over. "Ok ok Lith, i love you and all, but this headache is killing me, and you're driving me insane..." P'tran nods to Alyssa as she rises. "That might be a good idea if this is going to be her first flight." "She's already told me she's nervous, sir," Alyssa replies to P'tran, offering him a salute. "I don't want her to feel alone." P'tran Turns back to the others. "I hate to cut the discussion short, but I have some maps to look over and the next Threadfall to plan for. We'll continue this tomorrow. Good night." Kassima nods and gets up herself. "An excellent idea, sir. Sleeping on the notion might provide inspiration for farther ideas besides. Lys, mind if I go with you?" T'lar rises. "I think I'll go with Lyssa. Can't imagine how she feels, but I'd like to see if I could help." Alyssa shakes her head and offers a hand to Kassima. "Please, she'd love to see you. Oh, P'tran, good night, sir. Sleep well." Kindre sits quietly, stewing somewhat in her thoughts as she stares into her mug. Starting up, she hmms? "Flight? Who, Thera? Goodnight, Weyrleader," she says though her eyes are still wide and curious. Lysseth> Jaen shakes her head. "Headache? That's a bit unusual. Get some fellis or something. You'll need to be able to concentrate when she rises." R'val rises to his feet, murmuring quietly, 'I'll come too." T'lar says "Night,sir." P'tran nods and heads out P'tran walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Lysseth> Lilith creels her indignance, and raises her head to guard over Thera, and any other dragon she might want to possess. T'lar says "Thera said the Hot Springs, right?" Alyssa walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. T'lar walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. R'val walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. You walk down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.