-------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Graduate Date: April 8, 2002 Place: Keroon Hold's Main Hall Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: No, this log doesn't involve any young men having affairs with older women (much as I've always wanted to write a filk that included the line 'Here's to you, Kassi Robinson' ;), nor any mentions of plastics. Instead, it involves the graduation ceremony for a certain set of Istan Weyrlings, which just happens to include Kassi's daughter Kaylira. Many kudos go to everyone who was at this event; I had a blast RPing with y'all. :) And special thanks are due to Naomi, whose fire-lizard's clutch opened the festivities by Hatching. The hatchlings were based on the Ista Weyrlings and their AWLM team, and the brown that Kassi Impressed was the one based on Kaylira, something which continues to tickle me. :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: You step in through the doors to the Main Hall. Kassima: Kassima is a woman gifted magnanimously by genetics: one would likely guess her to be younger than her actual actual age thanks to high cheekbones and a brow lines dare not touch, and metabolism and height have both dealt a good hand in her slender 5'10" build. Her elfin features make a fine setting for canted eyes the color of emeralds in shadow; a shrewd glint lightens these even when mirth does not, and the well-shaped brows above lend eloquence through their mobility. For this important occasion, Kassi has dressed herself in lavish, luxurious elegance. Fitted snug against her torso, the bodice of her gown is crafted of a pale, summery gold brocade that carries hints of a colored pattern within. While laced intricately up her back in lattice-design, the front is left free from any ornamentation save for the trim of tatted lace that edges the low-scooped bustline. Her pale shoulders go bare; the sleeves instead swoop down low on each arm, their drifts of near- translucent green and gold sisal pooling to her wrists. Rich bronze-green sisal, lent a silken sheen by the metallic strands shot through the weave, falls from her hips, split wide open at the front to reveal an underskirt of lighter material that's dyed a shade of gold only slightly more pallid than the bodice. Hemming both overskirt and underskirt are lengths of thin brocade placed against a wider band of velvet ribbon. She's chosen her jewelry to match: a heavy necklace of gold-set emeralds follows the delicate line of her bared collarbones, while more of the green jewels sparkle beside tawny topazes in her dangling earrings. Her wealth of blue-black hair has been caught up in a wide cuff of gold filigree just at her crown, and pours down from there along her shoulders and back. Kyrola laughs some more. "And now you'll get some more!" she says with glee toward M'llon. "Oooh, look at those." Fluria just smiles so sweetly at M'llon and glances down and up again. "You have a visitor," She says innocently and then her attention focuses soley on the little creature in her hands. Bit and pieces of the meat dissapearing as quickly as she can break them up. The blue, for the most part, isn't paying any attention but to Fluria's meat-filled fingers. Kaylira crooks a finger at the latest arrival, having been waiting since getting hte heads up. "Hatchlings, mum!" M'llon looks down at the green that has eaten the meat that he dropped, "Oh shards! Where did that come from?!" like duh.. it came from an egg. He stares at it for a long time, as if afraid tomove. Divya says, "Congratulations, M'llon! It's a girl!" Kassima steps into the main hall as quietly and unobtrusively as she can manage, slippered feet at least not making as much noise on the floorstones as booted ones. "Duties to Keroon and her Lady, and to Ista and her queens," she greets the room in general, though her eyes are already scanning the room for one--ah-hah. There. "Faranth, kidlet, one isn't *enough* for you?" she teases affectionately, threading her way through the throng to where her daughter stands. J'radin picks up the bit of meat he dropped and watches M'llon dance for a bit, holding the morsel in his fingers but not paying any attention to it or the rest of the firelizards. Kaylira gives her mother a helpless look. "I wasn't trying. Honest. It ate the bit I was wagglign at I'sai.. long story.. quick before they're all gone. Orhave you finally had /your/ fill?" As if. Taleir looks over towards the disconcerted Weyrleader and shakes his head, chuckling. "Don't just leave her there M'llon, that's cruel!" Fluria chides in a friendly manner, her own firelizard hatchling slowing his intake. "She must be cold and you have such warm hands..." Of course, the Firelizard probably isn't cold, but she's trying to work her `Pity' magic on the bronzerider. Flamboyant Chittery Green Hatchling jumps gracefully onto the floor and moves towards a piece of meat that has completely mezmerized her. M'llon tries to move slowly away from the little green but she just hopes closer as he moves, lamenting softly, "Why must my life be totally surrounded by girls.. just once I would like a little support is all." At Fluria's words he sighs and bends down to pick her up, "Bromith is no help." Y'il grins at the Weyrleader, chuckling quietly. I'sai glances up from his crouch at the sound of that voice - "Kassima," he greets softly, and rises. "You're looking stunning - Kai, do we have a cloth anywhere? For our hands," and no doubt for their hatchling's muzzles and drying, egg-wet hide. Kaylira speaks up saucily, overhearing the 'girls' lament. "Careful sir, you might just end up with one or two more at that rate." Jascela grins over at the Weyrleader. "She's very pretty, Sir..." She grins at Kaylira as well and waves to Kassima. Kyrola just smiles as she watches the Weyrleader and Weyrwoman, shaking her head. "And people wonder why I haven't got a weyrmate," she remarks to no one in particular. Flamboyant Chittery Green Hatchling stumbles towards J'radin. Kassima makes a face at the young brownrider. "Feh, is this any way t'be treating your progenitor? You tempt me t'forget about giving you your graduation present and t'keep it all for m'self. You know I've already half a slew; if one happens to stumble this way, I won't say I'd starve the poor wee thing, but trying...." The soft greeting distracts her; she turns her head, a bit slowly. "Assistant Weyrlingmaster," she returns, as quiet. "Thankee. You're as kind as ever." Divya is standing by Kyrola, and she waves to the newly arrived Telgar rider. "Hello, Kassima! Just in time for the end of the hatching." M'llon is not exactly feeding the little firelizard, it is more like throwing bits of food at her, which fortunately she is good at catching. Kaimi feeds the little hatchling a bit more and snorts, "We could just use your shirt I'sai. Since it's all your fault." Comes her quiet response. "I heard that Kyrola," Comes the familiar voice of Fluria, her eyes briefly on the Junior Weyrwoman. But she is smiling and it doesn't seem to bother her at all as she once again focuses on M'llon and then her own blue 'lizard. Kaylira grabs up a handful of meat. She's not expecting her mum to walk away emptyhanded. "Just in case," she remarks with an impish smile as she hands the dainties over. J'radin gives a yowl as the green hatchling grabs the meat and takes a nip out of his thumb in the process. "Hey, watch it!" He looks down at the green greedster before him and groans. "Shards. Just what I needed." He sighs and begins to shove food at his little green thing. "I suppose calling you 'Pita' for 'Pain in the arse' would be frowned upon." Kassima turns her head again to flash Divya a grin, after wiggling her fingers amiably Jascela-wards. "'Tis nay always the way? But perhaps 'tis as well; I see that the new riders have ensnared a few." That with a pointed look towards Kaylira's tiny green, a moment before she accepts the meat with a good-natured sigh. "You're incorrigible, minx, you do know that?" I'sai closes his eyes briefly; and then just says, "_Not_ my shirt." Kaylira gives her mother the sweetest of smiles. "True enough. But I daresay you'd have words if I wasn't that way. Besides, there are a few more eggs left. You can always give the food to someone else is you aren't intersted." INnocently, Kay reaches for the strips of meat, 'intent' on taking them back. Jascela keeps scritching her now sleeping Green and smiles at Brees. "You excited yet, Red?" Kaimi gives I'sai that innocent look again, "But it's cloth. You didn't ask for anything other than that...." Brees grins over at Jascela and nods. "Of course. Graduation and then no more restrictions." She reaches over to stroke the blue lightly. M'llon looks up at Kyrola and Fluria, offering the oh so intelligent response, "Huh?" Winter Season Egg cracks open, and a Shy Vigilant Bronze Hatchling tumbles out. Dark, very metallic bronze, this bronze has swirls across him, quite the proper young man. He is quite attractive enough, but tending to be quite and pensive at time, joyful and friendly at others. It takes a lot to get brought into this bronze's circle, but once you're there, it's purely wonderful. He will be kind and caring, but a little dependant upon his pet for everything, much like the rest of his kind. Kyrola smirks. "Good Weyrleader," she says with a grin, then looks toward the hatchlings some more. "You'll have to teach me how to train them like that, Fluria." Kassima aims a light slap at Kay's thieving fingers. "Tch-tch! You know better'n that, sprat... but what's left of the clutch? There's the question." She cranes her head to try and see, keeping a somewhat ginger hold on those meat strips; wouldn't do, presumably, to ruin her new outfit. "Ah, two lad-lings. Pretty, nay? Though I always say that." Kaylira snickers at her mum. "LIttle.. uh, brown.." fingers point. "Bronze.. uh.. gee.. thought I saw a blue. Not sure." Shy Vigilant Bronze Hatchling immeadiately gets himself out of the direct public eye, not feeling amazingly comforatble with all the strangers around, making hwer way towards someone who seems safe enough.... Fluria shifts the little firelizard in her hands as he begins to doze. The creature doesn't burp but instead curls into a tight ball and his tail begins to wrap around Fluria's hand. "No no no, little darling, not there. Let's see you can rest..." The Weyrwoman trails off and frowns in thought as her attired leave very little places for her to put the firelizard. Finally, with an apparent stroke of inspiration, she places him upon her head where he promptly begins to nestle amidst the braids which end up making a nice little nest for him. Of course, it looks a bit silly but Fluria has never been one to care much about such things. A moment and her eyes are on Kyrola and she grins. "Someday, but I learned from the best, Germaine," There is a wink and then she turns to look at M'llon expectantly. Y'il looks down at himself, still dressed in his dusty weyrling-gear. Then he notices the other's finery and says nothing, merely stroking his new friend's hide with downcast eyes. M'llon chuckles as he does hear that, "Talk to Jacera.. I came pre-trained." He stops throwing the food at the green in his hand as she has not made any moves to bite him he decides to let her eat this piece from his hand, judging by his posturing, he might as well be hand feeding a tunnelsnake. Impishly Kind Brown Hatchling simply sits in the sand, looking around, creeling loudly. Naomi sighs softly, has managed to get her hair together and she rises, moving to speak to one of the drudges. Divya has to add her 2 marks' worth. "You should also talk to Rilsa one day, Kyrola. She's the baddest brownrider at High Reaches. I only hope I can pull off half the things she's done before I retire." Kaylira nudges Kassi, "There's one." Pointing to the creeling brown. "And the little bronze is hiding." And begins looking to see where the tentative creature could have gotten to in this crowd. Brees is dressed in weyrling gear as well though it's clean. She grins over to Y'il. "Thought of a name yet?" Y'il tries to get rid of the very few pieces of meat left in his lap, flipping them sand-wards. Kyrola continues holding out a bit of meat in her hands, most of her attention on Fluria, and she smirks. "I'll have to go speak to Germaine and Rilsa," she adds, flicking a gentle smile up to Divya. "You know what I mean," Is tells the baker. "The only way you can have my shirt is if I take mine off now, _and_ you get me a better, un-stained replacement. And you tell your weyrleaders it's your fault I'm shirtless through the ceremony." Y'il looks up at Brees and shakes his head. "No, not yet. It has to be perfect." Divya doesn't like to see the firelizard so unhappy. She finds a fishroll in her belt-pouch, wrapped in a napkin. She unwraps it and tears it into pieces, using a soft underhand pitch to share them with the brown. Kassima stays mostly put for the moment, letting the meat strips dangle from her fingers--which are held out a short distance, the better to keep any dripping bits clear of her skirts. "He's very *vocal*, isn't he?" she observes of the brown, with more amusement than distress. "--Hiding? Faranth, he must be one of the shy ones, then. Poor thing." Taleir shifts little Reed carefully to the crook of his other arm and flexes the sleeping muscles painfully. Kaylira gets down to almost on her knees - the better to peer under legs and such. "Right, now I've heard it all - bronzers coming pre-trained and too shy to go barechested. Whats next?" Kaimi hmms, "Might be worth it." Innocent look (tm) Then she grins, "Alright Is, your shirt is safe. We wouldn't want everyone to see if you lost that Istan tan yet would we?" Y'il speaks up mildly. "I don't like to go about without a shirt on either." "Just me," Is tells Kay with a small sniff. "And it took a -lot- of training... so. There you go, Kai. Napkin? Dishrag - clean? Something." Y'il gets an approving nod. Impishly Kind Brown Hatchling gets up and begins to wander, wanders, wanders, bumps right into... Impishly Kind Brown Hatchling stumbles towards Kassima. Pink Rose Egg cracks open, and a Rather Ridged Blue Hatchling tumbles out. Rather ridged, this blue seems to be more of a drill sergeant than a simple follower. He is a light sky blue color, almost powdery on his underbelly, but from the top of his head down his spine runs a darker color, in many 'strands', making it appear as though the blue has exceptionally long hair. Authoritative, strict, but not when it's not called for, this blue will certainly keep it's new pet's hands full. Fall Season Egg cracks open, and a Story-Teller Green Hatchling tumbles out. Dull mossy green covers this fire lizard. At times when she moves, it looks almost as if you could reach out and touch velvety softness instead of hide, but with just another move, the illusion is gone. The color is darkest in a strip down her back lightening subtly as it trails out over her wings and around her belly. Totally lacking in modesty, she shies away from very little. Very vocal, at times this green's trills and creeling might seem as if they could almost be a story if you understood firelizard. Y'il adds, "It's bad to go herb hunting without a shirt," he offers. "And you can get a bad sunburn too." Brees looks over at Y'il and just laughs. "Or you could get a tan if you wash that big bronze boy of yours without one and then you wouldn't have to worry about the sunburn." Taleir notes, "But only if you don't have a good tan to start with, so I guess it's a vicious cycle." Kaylira points out, "Well, we're not herbing, nor under blazing sun..." Kassima does spare a glance for those conversing about shirtlessness; it's an automatic response, really. She does, however, bite her lip hard to keep from making any comments beyond, "Mayhaps as well; who knows but that everyone might get shirtless, and things would just go insane from there... oh, my. Pshh, little one, shouldn't you watch where you're going?" She doesn't put any heat into the chide, though, too preoccupied in gathering up and feeding the small confused 'lizard. Taleir glances over at the two new hatchlings, admiring the distinctive coloring of the blue. I'sai can't help but laugh Taleir's way, "Looks as if you tan well yourself, sir. Brees, how would you compare Istan tans to those of Igen?" A small smile, "Everyone getting shirtless, that'd have to be the Lounge." Kaimi eyes I'sai, "Everyone? I don't think so..." Divya notices that the brown ignores the fishroll and has demanded food from Kassima. She chuckles and says, "Look, Kyrola. Not even Kassima escaped without a new friend." Fluria gives M'llon what some people know as her mischevious look as she leans in to whisper something to him. Of course she has to keep her head pretty straight, but that isn't too hard for her. Kaylira bites back a laugh, turning to her mother, "Well, the bronze is hiding well and truly - oh, hey. You dont need me to find it now, do you?" Grinning at seeing the brown bundle currently gathered up in Kassi's hands. Taleir looks round again at the foodstuffs in a speculative manner. Shy Vigilant Bronze Hatchling continues over to the unthreatening looking one... Followed slowly by the newly hatched green, though she doesn't know it... Shy Vigilant Bronze Hatchling stumbles towards Kyrola. Y'il replies to Taleir. "Oh, I don't know. I think the green one's kind of nice too." Story-Teller Green Hatchling stumbles towards Divya. M'llon is in the middle of giving his little green a piece of meat but at Fluria's whisper he nearly drops the meat at the green, clearing his throat as he recovers, a grin on his face, "Indeed." Brees grins over at I'sai. "Oh, I appreciate them both." She winks and giggles more. "The Lava lounge, or if you're at Igen with goldriders it could be the living cavern." Kyrola chuckles. "Well, everyone's getting friends," she remarks, and then blinks. "Oh dear." She sits on the floor cross-legged. "Hello there," she greets the little bronze, proffering him that bit of meat on her fingers. Jascela looks curiously over at M'llon for a moment, distracted from listening to Brees and I'sai. Fluria winks at M'llon and moves away from the hustle and bustle to where breathing might be achieved easier. As she does she spots Naomi and goes to speak to the Headwoman quietly, the firelizard still tangled in her hair happily. I'sai tilts fair brows, "...Let's make it the Lounge, then. Safer. Even with splinter-children running about." Taleir remarks to Y'il, "After all that feeding of firelizards, I'm getting a bit peckish myself. Do ya see any more of those fishrolls around?" Kassima peeks up at Kay long enough to quip, drolly, "Go ahead and try; you might just be finding yourself with more than one new charge... oh, or mayhaps nay. Felicitations," she calls over towards the new Impressees, with a brief and somewhat sheepish grin for Divya before her eyes return to the little brown she's stuffing. "Can you believe this child?" she asks him. "All sass and brass. The Lava Lounge is more a place for pantslessness than shirtlessness, if'n some of Telgar's folk can be believed," she adds for good measure without looking up again. Y'il nopes. "But there's supposed to be a dinner later on." Divya youches and looks down to see a green firelizard attacking her boot. "Hey, that's not edible, you silly thing. Cut it out!" She tries to pick the firelizard up, and has to shift her grip very quickly to avoid losing part of a hand. She asks wildly, "Anyone got meat for this bottomless pit? Just to hold her until I get to the kitchens?" Brees grins over at I'sai and laughs. "Splinter-children?" J'radin finishes feeding his green and shakes his head. "Pita ate the last of hers. At least she seems to be falling asleep. She's kinda cute, I guess." "I wouldn't know anything at all about that," I'sai professes - "Divya! Over here. We've got some," lazy-spinning blue eyes peeking up from his wrist. Kaimi tucks the little now stuffed and mostly asleep bronze on her shoulder as she steps back a bit to listens. Kaylira blows her mother a kiss nad offers Divya a scarp or two (filched, of course, from her mother). Elisse steps away from Erath's Couch. Naomi has her back to the Weyrwoman as she approaches, watching as the drudges and other kitchen staff begin to bring out the first parts of the meal. Taleir nods appreciatively, "I had nearly forgotten about the dinner." Reed turns over and belches in his sleep and Taleir pats him gently. "Headwoman Naomi, yes?" Fluria asks, her voice low and not all that imposing. Her face once again is calm and vaguely smiling, almost as if she were day-dreaming. Y'il eyes Elisse speculatively. "Hey, Elisse, you walked in on a bunch of hatchlings. Hope you like 'lizards!" He grins, displaying the newborn gold on his forearm. Kyrola strokes the little bronze as she continues feeding him tiny pieces, looking up for more when she runs out. "Can I get a little meat down here?" she asks, her tiny form made smaller by her seat on the floor. Brees grins over at Jascela. "So, what's your view on tans." She winks with a giggle stroking the sleeping blue in her arms slightly. Naomi turns, at the question and smilles, "Yes," She glances at the other woman's knot, "Weyrwoman Fluria, Divya says, "Thanks, Kaylira! I appreciate it." She manages to get the food into the green's mouth and quiet her down long enough to make her way to I'sai and get more food for both herself and Kyrola. Naomi says "I presume." She smiles, "I'm sorry for all of this chaos, really..." Jascela looks at Brees and grins at her. "Well, you've seen my tan enough times by now. You should be able to guess easy enough." Kaylira wipes her hands off on her pants - not yet changed for hte festivities - like many of her 'mates. Fluria nods her head and her lips part in a slightly bigger grin. "I wanted to thank you and Keroon for hosting the dinner and ceremonies," She says and then one hand waves. "Do not worry about it. It was a distraction that I imagine has banished some of the tension of the young weyrlings." Besides, she is just as guilty with a Firelizard curled in her hair. I'sai hands over what scraps his young Dare can spare; "How's it feel, Div? Being here, watching _your_ weyrlings graduate." Kaylira mutters to Kassima, "... I was... you're... ready for... - and... add,... you might... after... me for... least through..." Kaylira whispers "Hey, I was just thinking, mum, since you're all ready for hte festivities - and looking great I might add, think you might look after 'tina for me for hte eve? Or at least through the ceremony parts?" Elisse seems almost rushed as she finds her way into the room-- and spies Y'il. As well as the golden firelizard in his arms. "Only when they're smart enough to distinguish rump from head-- unlike my old green. Are there more out there?" She hurriedly searches for the meat. Brees grins over at Jascela and nods. "Oh, um, yeah, there is that." She blushes faintly under her own tan. She starts to bounce slightly on her toes. Y'il nods to the blue. "That one hasn't picked anybody yet, actually." He smiles. "Some drudges left meat in bowls on the hearth." Rather Ridged Blue Hatchling gets up off the sand finally, deciding he needs to find his own pet, and he goes a searching and he finds... Rather Ridged Blue Hatchling stumbles towards Tamina. Jascela grins mischeviously as Brees blushes. Kassima leans in to catch Kay's murmur. "A'course," she assures at a more audible level, with a spot of color--presumably from something the young woman said. "Though if'n she gets hungry and I end up with multiple hungry young ones all creeling m'ears off, I hope you realize 'twill be having m'revenge." Tamina glances down in surprise as a hatchling approaches her and she stoops down to scoop the little fellow up. Snagging a few of the scraps of meat left, Tamina glances around with an almost embarassed expression, discreetly feeding the little firelizard. Naomi nods, "Its our pleasure, Weyrwoman." She glances over at the hearth, "It seems things have died down, if you'd care to begin?" She asks, watching out of the corner of her eye as more drudges begin to bring out dinner. Elisse shakes her head suddenly, watching the blue Impress to Tamina. "Oop, seems I was too late, Y'il." Eyes flicker back toward the gold. "Got a name yet? When'd you Impress 'er?" Divya says, "It feels a little odd, Is. I don't feel old enough for this, and Konnevath certainly doesn't remember they're lifemated to eggs he sired. He's just here because I told him a pretty gold wanted to see him." Taleir sighs contentedly as the last of the firelizards finds a new pet. Fluria nods her head to Naomi and says, "I'll got get them settled and to their seats then." ANd turns around to walk back whence she came. And arriving she takes in all the weyrlings gathered and starts making shooing motions with her hands as she leans in to say something quietly to M'llon. Fluria mutters to M'llon, "... about... want to... seats... shall I?" Y'il ums, recoking in his head. "No, no name. The eggs started to rock just as a few of got here. . . not too long ago, actually. But it's Taleir here who actually managed to attract the first one." Brees grins over at Jascela her blush fading. "I think that's the cue to sit. Want to sit by me?" Taleir shrugs happily, "I just happened to be right there practically as he came out of his egg. His name's Reed, by the way." Kyrola grins up at Divya as she finally gets her little bronze situated and safely asleep. "Well, I'm glad you're here... I certainly don't feel old enough for this either." She clambers to her feet, settling the bronze on her shoulder. I'sai can't help but grin, "How old did you think you'd have to be? Glad you made it, after all; wasn't sure I would, we've got our latest batch," and the possessive is his Weyr's rather than truly personal, "flying in pairs, now, and there's a lot to keep track of. ...Looks as if they might be starting? Just need t' clean my hands - " Jascela smiles at Brees and nods. "Sure!" She stands up and moves to join Brees, still scritching her baby 'lizaard. M'llon is now holding a small sleeping firelizard, holding it with both hands in front of him as if still not quite sure of it. Peering around at the others to see what they are doing with the sleeping things, looks at Fluria he grins, 'Not me.. .. you go head." J'radin cradles Pita in one arm and then takes his seat, his forehead breaking out in beads of sweat and looking a bit flushed. He sinks into the chair with a sigh of relief and tries to pay attention. Brees makes her way over to take a seat resettling the blue baby on her lap. Fluria nods to M'llon and turns again towards the Weyrlings still milling about. Her hands come together with a loud *SMACK* and she says, "All right folks, take your seats. Dinner is about to be served. And if I see one roll go flying..." The threat is said with a smile, but she is probably serious. Then she turns back to M'llon and makes a gesture for him to put the firelizard on his shoulder. And it's just then that a drudge emerges, balancing a pan of fresh, soft cloths wrung out with cool water, and a small basket to put the soiled cloths in. "For your hands, guests..." Kaylira hands her little one over to Kassi - mercifully without waking the small creature. "Did someone say we'd have time to change our clothes?" M'llon looks at his shoulder, at Fluria's gesture, "Yeah, I have my knot on.. oh!" He gets the message finally, putting the firelizard on his shoulder which takes the move in stride, settling in there. Elisse mms, chuckling softly and half-smiling. "Really? And-- Reed. Pretty name. Seems like everyone I know's got a new one of those things." Eyes scan the room, and she crosses her arms. "I shouldn've been late." Tamina feeds tidbits one at a time to her new firelizard and turns her attention to Naomi and Fluria. She carefully adjusts the firelizard to cradle him in the crook of one arm, before moving to an open seat. The bluerider takes a damp cloth on her way past with a smile of gratitude. Kassima finds herself an unoccupied seat, since this appears to be the popular action of the moment, and takes one of the cloths from the pan as it comes by, murmuring a quiet thank-you. The young 'lizards coil contentedly in the hollows of her shoulders, though Zabreneva seems a bit torqued to have lost her rightful perch. "Sounds like you'd best hurry if'n you want to, Kay--" Kaylira disappears like a flash. Taleir gets cautiously to his feet taking care not to jostle his sleeping friend. Nods a smile of encouragement to Y'il as he moves to wash up and take an out-of-the-way seat. "Best of luck!" Divya gratefully accepts the wet cloths with hearty thanks. She wipes off her new firelizard gently as well, getting the last of the egg-goo off her hide. Then she waves to I'sai and hurries back to stand near Kyrola. Oh well, Fluria will tell her if she's in the wrong spot. Y'il makes his way to stand with the rest of his compatriots, nervous all of a sudden. Y'il takes the cloth and water and washes up briefly yet with care. I'sai returns the wave, and once he's stood long enough in line, cleans up his hands likewise - and firelizard, and face, thanking the drudge quietly; he offers Kaimi another, and then suggests to Taleir as he nears, "Stay back by us? There's room." Jascela looks curiously after the departing Kaylira as she sits down beside Brees. She also shifts her 'lizard to her lap. Elseve gets up cradling the sleeping blue, looking down at the beastie and sighs making her way towards a seat, letting the sleeping lizard stay in her lap. Kaylira returns shortly, hair astray and free of any confinement.. though she isn't in her gear anymore. In fact, unless looks really deceive, she's changed into a dress. Will wonders never cease? Without a word, she joins her fellows. Brees grins over at Y'il brightly and takes a cloth quickly cleaning her hands. Kaylira: Although tall, and bearing the curves correspondant to her age, Kay still carries hints of her tomboy nature. It's in her canted grey eyes, how they peer out of beneath her blue-black curls and carry a smile, or glints of silver when the moment comes upon her. Or how her care isn't for things like the neatness of her clothes, or that her nails may carry a smudge or two of dirt beneath them. Lightly browned, and well toned, she carries herself with a confidence. No girlish squeals or shy facades for Kay! Instead a brightness of eyes and flash of smile that mark her as comfortable with who and what she is. Kaylira is wearing a Gather dress. It has long sleeves and is made of a russet-brown linen/wool blend that compliments her lightly tanned skin and pale eyes. The rounded neckline only hints at curves, and the fabric just skims her body on its way down to her knees. A tiny indigo blue firelizard with lapis lazuli flecks on its wings is embroidered with sisal flame. The sleeves lightly hug her arms down to the wrists, so movement is not impeded. Shallow pockets are hidden along the seams at her hips. A discrete tag along a side seam bears the phrase, 'crafted by Sr.App. Radar'. Brees croons over at Aquileth and makes her way carefully over to the bronze's side. Kaimi does offer I'sai a smile at that, seems she can't stay mad, not really. And takes the chance to clean up a bit then as well. Elseve happens to slip into the seat on the otherside of Jascela, the one not occupied by Brees. Rhianwen comes in through the main doors from the courtyard. J'radin sighs as he remembers that it's time to change, so he pushes up from his seat with effort and leaves the room, returning in the next moment or so with an only-slightly-rumpled black tunic and freshly-pressed dress trousers. He's still juggling the green 'lizard, and slumps back into his chair. Kassima smiles her recognition of Kaylira's dress; she smiles at her daughter in general, before finishing up with her cleaning and reaching to set the cloth where discards go. Fluria waits for M'llon, but when he starts moving she follows afterwards. One arm winds through his own at this point. Of course the height differance might make them almost comical, if Fluria didn't look so serious. Jascela flashes Elseve a bright smile as she sits. "Hiya Elsie... Did you get a 'lizard too?" She looks back as Kaylira returns and grins to her. "Oh, another pretty dress..." Elseve nods, sighs, "Unfortunately." She mutters to Jascela. Kaylira shrugs at Jascela, trying not to look like she hasn't a clue what one does in a dress. "Well, it seemed appropriate," she remarks to the younger girl, dismissing any other possible motive for dressing up. Y'il looks self-conscious as he stands in his bare feet and dusty orange shirt. Jascela smiles at Kaylira again, then looks up at Elseve curiously. "Unfortunately?" M'llon smiles at Fluria, leading her towards a seat, stopping in front of a chair he starts to pull it out for her. Brees giggles over at Elsie. "He's cute. Seems a lot sweeter than fire here." She grins over at Kay. "It's nice. Not that you're getting me in one tonight." Naomi moves over to Fluria and M'llon, mutters softly to them about going and checking on the rest of the meal, if they'll please excuse her, and she makes her way into the kitchen. Naomi goes through the archway into the kitchens. Kaylira snickers at Brees. "I dont think /in/ would be the problem," she teases without decorum. Kyrola straightens her jacket out, her riding leathers looking well-tended and neat, waiting patiently next to Divya, giving the 'Reaches brownrider a smile. Elisse trots toward the grouping of girls and glances at her own outfit. "I should've dressed for the occasion, too." Tamina quietly mops up her firelizard and her hands then properly disposes of the cloth. She settles into a seat and lays the drowsy firelizard on her lap and somewhat out of sight. The little blue settles with a contented puff of breath. Fluria nods to Naomi as she speaks and then slides into her seat. One hand again rests on M'llon's arm and then she smiles, looking out over the hall. Taleir settles Reed into a less awkward position and smiles encouragingly at the Weyrlings. Brees giggles over at Kaylira. "Hey, don't we get rid of those pesky restrictions?" She leans back in her seat one hand moving down to the blue on her lap. I'sai mentions quietly, "Kassi, this is Taleir, he's Y'il's - that fellow over there - his cousin. Taleir, this is Kassima, Lysseth's rider and Thunderbolt wingleader, and Kay's mum too." Kaylira's eyes twinkle. "S'what I hear, though I *hear* you've got plans Brees. " Jascela looks curiously at Brees and grins. "Do you?" Kaylira rolls her eyes. Some people's children really need a boot to their posterior. Brees blushes slightly and coughs. "Um, not that I'm aware of..." She trails off blushing a bit more looking everywhere but at Jascela. I'sai thinks to add, "Kay's in the one in the reddish-brown dress over there, with the -look- on her face. Rides brown, y'know. And Kaimi - Taleir, had you met Kaimi when you were visiting Ista? She gives good pepper." Elisse sniffs softly, grinning a bit at the Brees--but doesn't insert her words into the conversation. She merely listens. M'llon smiles at Fluria but remains standing, letting everyone get to their seats and settle down, waiting patiently for quiet. He ends up waiting longer than he expected as his green wakes up and squawks in his eat. Dislogging the thing from his shoulder, putting her down on the chair he clears his throat. Kassima's eyes flick up and she bobs her head to Taleir, offering a friendly sort of smile. "A pleasure t'be making your acquaintance," she says, tilting her head slightly to the side. "And duties t'you and yours. You must be terribly proud of your cousin?" For I'sai, there's a quick glance and small nod of acknowledgment for the introduction. Y'il slides quickly into his seat, one of the last to do so. The gold on his forearm cheeps and is transferred to his shoulder, where she looks on with sleepy curiousity. Kaylira's eyes widen. "Ooops. Wrong person.." Both Brees and Jascela are given a sheepish smile. No harm no foul - or something like that. Right? Divya's green creels until she rider starts stroking her bulging little tummer and humming softly. Reassured that she's not alone, the baby drifts to sleep, allowing Divya to pay attention to M'llon. Tamina leans one elbow on the tabletop looking at the gathered weyrlings with visible amusement. She turns her attention to the Weyrleader as his firelizard squawks, murmuring to herself, "Well, that'll get everyone's attention. Hope he doesn't sit on the poor thing." Kaimi starts to offer a smile as she is introduced and then just stops.. and blinks, mulling that over it seems, "I what?" Rhianwen steps into the hall, looking about her as if to make sure she isn't late. Deciding that whether she is or doesn't matter, she makes her way with only slightly hurried steps towards the seats set out, flashing occasional smiles towards those she knows as she does so. I'sai supplies, patiently, "Give good peppers. Hot peppers, no less. So watch your tongue 'round her, Taleir." M'llon smiles as it quiets down, "G'evening everyone and I would like to offer a formal thank you for your attendance." He grins at the weyrings, "Even if you didn't have much of a choice." The food is just about set up, so let us eat.. and drink.. and be merry.. as tonight some very well deserving weyrlings will graduate." He reaches for his glass, lifting it at the end for a toast. Kaimi ohs, nods and smiles, "Well yes. Istans like lots of peppers in there meals. But there are always _safe_ dishes too." Taleir acknowledges the greetings with interest and mutters "Well met Kassima, Kaylira, and Kaimi...I'll bear the peppers in mind." He happily toasts the weyrlings with a shake of the head at I'sai. Kaylira acquires a glass. "Hear, hear! And thanks to those who got us here as well." Lifting hers and nodding in the direction of the various folk responsible. I'sai quirks disbelieving brows Kaimi's way - smiles Taleir's, winsomely - and, as M'llon's speaking, waves only silently toward the arriving redhead, from where he stands with others that look on. Dare stirs; he quiets the hatchling with a light stroke of his thumb. Kassima picks up her glass to lift it high, enough so that the hatchling on that shoulder stirs irritably in sleep. "To the Weyrlings," she murmurs, to no one in particular but with her eyes and her smile trained primarily on her daughter. Kyrola murmurs, "To the weyrlings," as she lifts her glass, filled with water. There is a rather proud maternal sort of smile on her face. E'ric comes in hastily his face flushed. He quietly moves over to his seat nodding to some of the other riders and passing M'llon and Fluria an apologetic glance. Rhianwen lifts her glass to M'llon's toast, then looks around as if wondering who to talk to first, a sip of wine taken. M'llon smiles and takes a drink, setting his glass down, "Eat before it gets cold.. we will do the rest of the ceremony once we have had our fill of the wonderful food that Naomi has had prepared for us." With that he takes his seat beside Fluria, he smiles and nods to E'ric. Divya lifts her glass of Tillek white wine and says, "To Konnevath and Zaith's weyrlings!" Tamina joins in the toast by raising her only recently-filled cup. She glances up and down at the weyrlings at the table, her voice joining others as she says simply, "Contragulations." she sips from her drink then sets it down. The blurider spots E'ric and lifts a hand to discreetly wave to him. I'sai claims a drink of his own, and sips, but not before offering it to a very puzzled hatchling to examine. Dare sniffs, licks at the edge, but has the good sense not to drink. Elisse merely sits back in her chair and grins slightly up toward M'llon and Kaylira, her glass of juice lifted slightly to join the toast and then sipped at. E'ric passes a wave to Tamina before taking taking a glass that is handed to him. "Congratulations from me as well." he says before taking his seat. Kaimi echos the toast along with the others, smiling brightly at the collective group as she does so. Fluria raises her glass as well in the toast and practically beams at the various weyrlings. Her eyes pick them out easily and she looks at each and every one of them before taking a small sip from her glass of wine. Then she turns to look at M'llon as he sits. Taleir says "Well done, all." He empties his glass with a flouish and, as Reed wakes, starts to sneak food to him. "There, you are, laddie, there's plenty more." Kaylira settles back to her seat, and digs in, looking terribly relaxed - despite the unusuall attire. Y'il sips at his water, feeling a little overwhelmed. He nods at the well-wishers. Kaylira snickers softly, She mutters to Y'il, "Hey, look at... likely... pick... I..." J'radin begins to eat a bit of the food before him, but stops and sighs, pushing the plat away without having really eaten much of anything. He looks down at his green hatchling and shakes his head. "You've taken away my appetite, apparently. Pita is a good name for you." M'llon nearly sits on his new firelizard, standing up more quickly than he had started to sit as an alarmed creel comes from below him. His cheeks turn a bit red as picks the baby firelizard up, setting her back on his shoulder, while he slinks back into his seat. Fluria giggles at M'llon's antics and as he sit she leans in to say something softly to him. E'ric notices all the newly hatched firelizards and smiles mumbling something to himself about missing it, before poking at the plate of food in front of him. Jascela looks toward the Weyrleader and giggles softly. "Careful, Sir." Y'il mutters to Kaylira, ""I've... been... dinner before.... don't... to... to say... anything...." Rhianwen is always happy to eat, and goes to it with gusto, though careful not to get anything on her new dress. Talking does seem to be put to the wayside - she does take the time to grin at M'llon's firelizard squishing attempt. Someone else's chuckle causes Tamina to glance toward M'llon. She grins and shakes her head before glancing over the contents of her plate. The blue baby firelizard in her lap apparently isn't too sleepy, as his head suddenly pops up so he can get a whiff of the food. Kaylira tucks her hair behind her ears, and gets Y'il a glass of wine. "You're the guest of honour. If you don't dance on the tables or make fresh with the Weyrwoman, you'll probably do just fine. Now, its not Benden, but its still pretty good. Eat up, enjoy!" M'llon almost offers his to E'ric as he hears the mutter but must have decided that wouldn't exactly work because he takes another drink of wine, a big drink, before smiling at Fluria, asking her softly, "Did I do okay? I mean other than trying to kill my firelizard?" Kassima tugs her plate a bit closer to herself, taking up utensils to start to eat quietly and neatly. Imagine that. Kassi's managed to grasp dinnertime decorum; will wonder's never cease? A low chuckle escapes her at the Weyrleader's near-'lizardicide, but otherwise she stays silent for the moment, perhaps out of a wish not to wake her own. "You're doing fine. You're almost as nervous as the weyrling though," Fluria says with a smile, her wine cup almost to her lips again. "Just take a breath and it will be fine," Then she takes a sip, eyes snaking out over the crowds. Y'il sneaks a glance to either side of him to see how they use their utensils, what they eat and when. He takes the glass and looks at it dubiously, taking a sip. He swallows hard. "That's nice, Kay. Thanks." Divya leans to mutter to Kyrola, "Good thing I don't have to stand to talk. I don't have to worry about squashing my green." She looks down at the sleeping hatchling in her lap and says, "That reminds me, I need to think of a name for her." E'ric manages only a slight chuckle as he overhears M'llon's comment and watches him drink almost half his glass of wine in one gulp. He takes a small sip of his own before nibbling briefly a small bit of something green on his plate, pushing the meat aside. I'sai's likewise tidy as he eats, Dare bundled up in a napkin in his lap, his pale gaze a touch distant - though now and again it slips down the table, towards the weyrlings he'd helped train, and becomes a smile. Kaylira smiles to herself, and periodically points out a utensil, or something tastey, managing to do it with a nonchallant ease - if Y'il happens to follow her gestures, and use them to his advantage, well, thats his business. Not that its all /that/ hard once everyone else digs in. Kyrola smirks toward the Weyrleaders and grins widely over to Divya. "As I do for mine," she replies. Elisse chuckles softly at Kaylira's antics, her own glass tilted slightly to her lips. "I should try that wine sometime." Taleir , happy that his one-bite-for-me-one-bite-for-you strategy seems to be keeping his firelizard quiet and contented, manages to obtain a refill and sips appreciatively. He shakes his head at the discomfiture of his young cousin but knows that Y'il is in good hands. Kaylira murmurs at Elisse's comment. "Why not now? We've graduated - if only unofficially at this point." Eyes twinkling. "Its why its on the table you know." J'radin sighs and pushes his food around on his plate, looking like someone who has no appetite. Rhianwen sends a smile down Kaylira's way, overhearing her conversation with Y'il "It's not bad, despite not being Benden wine." She agrees, taking another sip from her own glass. "So how's it feel to be an almost rider? I imagine being able to drink wine again makes it worth it?" Among other things. Jascela hmmms thoughtfully at Kaylira's words for a moment, then reaches out for a wineskin, filling her glass then looking at Elseve, silently asking if she'd like hers filled as well. Y'il sets the wine aside and gratefully sips his water, growing more adept with the mechanics of a formal dinner by the second. He overhears the strange rider and smiles. "I wouldn't know. . . I've never had it before." Elisse grins slightly toward Kaylira, her food slowly being devoured. Between bites, she remarks, "I haven't had it for turns, now. Turns and turns." But if that was to convince Kaylira of something, it has the opposite effect, "And you're right." A wineskin is reached for, empty glass is found, and wine is set beside her juice. Elisse stares at it a bit. "And it's good?" Blink. Kaylira mms at Rhianwen, swallowing a mouthful of food. "Well, lets see, I /really/ missed this" - her glass is lifted. "And, I'm in a dress. I'm not sure if that says I'm happy about graduation or scared out of my wits." The little blue firelizard in Fluria's hair arouses to the scent of food. In an instant he is up and disentangling himself from the Weyrwoman's hair. She whinces and helps, not wanting bits of it being yanked out. A moment later he is crawling down her arm and watching Fluria's every move with eating utensils with wide baby eyes. After a moment she stops and stares back at the 'lizard with the still-buldging belly. Naomi comes through the archway at the southeastern end of the room. Naomi returns unobtrusively, pausing by the entrance to the kitchen to have a word with one of the cooks ominously standing and observing. Elseve looks ove at Jas and nods, being thoughtfully contemplative, "Yes." M'llon finishes the rest of the wine in his glass before he starts to pick at the food on his plate, keeping a eye on both Fluria's blue and his own green. Kassima eyes Kaylira for a moment. Yes, she's been shamelessly eavesdropping; is that really surprising? "I don't think I want t'be knowing why one would wear a dress if'n scared," she mutters to the green 'lizard on her left, who doesn't seem particularly fazed by the concept. Y'il makes his introductions. "Y'il, rider of Aquileth. You are?" Jascela fills Elseve's glass then lifts hers and takes a sip of the wine. Rhianwen giggles at Kaylira, smoothing her own dress "It's been a while for me, too - the dress bit. I drink wine all the time since S'ris convinced me it was so good. Never did like it growing up - and in a vintner hall, too." All that wasted time. Another smile is sent towards Y'il as she forks up another mouthful, pausing to say "I'm Rhianwen, Winseth's rider. Congratulations to you as well." Y'il smiles. "Thanks." He looks down at his plate. "This is wonderful!" Jascela grins over at Rhianwen as she overhears the dress talk. "Lots of girls in dresses tonight that usually don't wear 'em." The little blue creels at Fluria and she just chuckles and shakes her head. So she continues to eat, ignoring the firelizard. At that point he huffs and his head turns the other way and looks straight at M'llon. Oooo...menacing baby firelizard staring at big manly Weyrleader. Kaylira tsks at Rhianwen, such a shameful past! "Well, the dress I've had for some time - surprised it wasn't too short, actually. I'd have sworn I'd grown a bit. And Rhianwen and I stood together, Y'il. Last time I was at Ista. She was one of hte lucky ones then - though I've got a good enough reason for having been looked over then." Y'il smiles. "I thought I'd heard your name come up before, Rhianwen." He shakes his head. "I've been so busy with weyrlings that I hardly know any of the other riders." J'radin sips some of his wine and watches his green quietly. At least Pita hasn't awoken at the mere presence of food. E'ric finishes off the few vegetables on his plate and pushes the rest aside, eventually pushing the plate off in front of him and taking an offer for a refill on his glass. M'llon blinks and leans back from Fluria, staring back at the little blue, a soft whine, "Fluria.. make it stop." Relsan comes in through the main doors from the courtyard. Rhianwen nods to Jascela "I used to wear them all the time, but somehow nowadays I find leathers ever so much more comfortable and convenient - I think occasions like this are nice just so we /can/ dress up." She comments between bites, before smiling over at Kaylira "Mine's new - it's much more daring than I ever would have worn before.." Modesty? What's that? Then she laughs "Lucky ones, were you? To not impress? I doubt my Winseth sees it that way - although your own lifemate would find it to be a truth, indeed. If you'd impressed then, what would he have done?" She reaches for her wineglass again, looking over at E'ric "Aren't you going to eat any of that?" I'sai leans over his plate to half-hiss down the table, soft but carrying, "J'radin! What'd you name her, anyway?" Fluria glances up at M'llon after taking a bite of wherry, a bit of sauce on her chin. She chews and frowns in puzzlement at M'llon. However she doesn't speak before swallowing and then, "Make what stop?" It is then she notices the blue and she chuckles. "He likes you, just ignore him or he'll learn that is the way to get to you." Jascela giggles softly at M'llon as she sips at her wine and nods to Rhianwen. "I just always hated wearing 'em..." She glances down at her dress and shrugs a bit. Elseve raises her glass to her lips, takes a long sip, sighs contentedly, "I like being graduated, Jas." She grins at Jas. Kyrola smiles over toward Rhianwen, giving her a slight wave down the table, before returning her attention to Divya and the little bronze and green firelizards. E'ric looks over at Rhianwen and shakes his head. "Nope, I tend not to eat meat if I can help it. Sulaith I think eats enough for the both of us." he chuckles. "I prefer to eat vegetables. I guess thats what I get for coming in late." He gives a soft snort and a half grin. Y'il overhears Elseve. "We aren't graduated yet, " he points out. Divya finishes her glass of wine, and after a glance to Kyrola asks the server for grape juice as her refill. The drudge gives her a startled glance before giving her the requested beverage. The brownrider applies herself to her food and says, "This is really good! Not that we dont' get good food when we aren't angering the Bakers, but this is seasoned differently that meat is normally at 'REaches. I like it." Jascela grins at Elseve. "You're not graduated /yet/, Elsie... Oh, do you like my dress?" Elseve glances down at Y'il, "Close enough though, Y'il..." She smiles, "We should hurry and get graduated in any case." She grins and then looks to Jascela leaning over and whispering to Jascela. Kyrola chuckles to Divya's statements. "Well, we always like what we don't get often, that's for sure," she replies. "Not that this isn't quite good," she adds easily. Kaylira demures at Rhianwen, "If I'd impressed then? No danger of that - Pheirth wasn't there. And if he had been, well." Not really an answer, but. "Are too graduated, Y'il. Short of being thrown into wings and whatever else they've planned." Jascela is given one of those 'you're not helping' looks. M'llon pokes at the little blue with his spoon, "Cut it out." He rolls his eyes at Fluria, "You are so much help." Ah.. look at that, his wine glass is full again, how convenient. He takes another drink then gets back to eating his meal. J'radin gives a half-start at I'sai, then says "Uhm, I've been calling her Pita. Short for 'Pain in the arse' because she bit me when she Impressed, but it fits." J'radin says "Sir." Elseve smiles, She mutters to Jascela, "... was... earlier,... eyes... you,... how lovely you..." Elisse chuckles softly at the chatter, still drinking at her juice glass in almost silence. Perhaps her outfit is what's tugging a bit of shyness from her depths. Taleir turns to I'sai and says, "I understand, you've come over to Ista especially to help train this class of Weyrlings. From what I've seen of them, you've done an outstanding job. What are your plans now? Are you off back to your home Weyr, or are you staying on?" Jascela leans over to hear Elseve's whisper, then blushes considerably. She mutters an embarassed thanks to the Greenrider. Rhianwen grins at E'ric "I couldn't live on vegetables alone - I think your Sulaith has the right idea, myself." Meat and tubers - good stuff. She catches Kyrola's wave as she turns back towards her plate, and returns it with one of her own, following it with a "How are you and Zaith?" before responding to Kaylira with a smile. "I'm sure that if Pheirth had been in that clutch, he would have wanted you then, too." She notes, neatly flipping a nice rare piece of meat onto her fork and bringing it to her mouth...mm. Y'il blinks at Kay. "We aren't graduated until they say so and we are tapped into wings. That's what the Harpers say." Kaylira half-fills her wineglass, and tops up Y'il's. (preferably while he isn't looking - that boy /could/ loosen up abit). "Pain in the..." I'sai laughs - the more so, warming, at the title tacked on. "Good one. None of mine've -bitten-, but eyebrows... well. Let's hope she lets you sleep decently, not yowling red-eyed before the sun's even up. Getting enough rest these days?" that last slid it more seriously at the younger man's appearance. To Taleir, "Hm? Oh. I'm already back at Telgar, actually; May - she's our weyrlingmaster - summoned me back since Cariath'd clutched and she wanted another hand. But it's nice to visit, see them..." see who's left. Fluria watches M'llon out of the corner of her eyes as she munches on wherry in gravy and various vegetables upon her plate. The blue in turn gives a little sound that is part croon and part bugle as he is poked at. However he just clings tighter to Fluria's wrist and then starts to stare at M'llon's green. "So what are you going to name her?" Kaimi sits quietly chatting at the little bronze hatchling for a while, quite intently considering that she didn't want him before. About face it seems. But then, that's a shock. Tamina walks through the doors out into the courtyard. Kassima slants a sidelong look towards Taleir at the question; a corner of her mouth quirks, and she finds it a convenient time to reach again for her wine. "Excellent food this evening," she comments amiably to those seated nearest her. "I don't know whether Ofira herself could have done much better." M'llon puts down his utensils, clearly not getting much eaten he stands up, clearing his throat a bit he begins, "If there is anyone who would like to say a few words or toast, please feel free." He retakes his seat but is careful to check it this time before he sits down. He smiles at Fluria, "I was thinking Fluria had a nice ring to it.. but then you would just reciprocate so I don't know yet." Y'il finishes the last of the edibles on his plate, saving aside some of the rarer bits for a snack should it be necessary. He nods to Kassima. "It's better than the weyrs meals, almost, and that's saying something." He grins at Kaimi. Fluria smirks a bit at M'llon and says, "Well, I was going to name him Malin." Which is a sort of mangled version of M'llon. That said the little blue's head whips around like she did call his name and he already knew it. The Weyrwoman stares at the firelizard and then smirks. "I suppose his name is Malin. He responds to it certainly." Taleir seems suprised to find that between them he and his firelizard have completely obliterated their dinner. Ah well, Reed settles back into the crook of Taleir's arm to sleep and the man fills his glass once more. Kaimi glances up and grins at Y'il, "Well of course. It was baker made wasn't it?" Group pride and all that of course. Y'il smiles. "Certainly." He is curious. "Did you have a hand in any of this, Kaimi?" Rhianwen shakes her head at M'llon's words, curls bouncing "Nothing to say that would be of much importance..." she murmurs to herself, before glancing over at Y'il again "Isn't the Weyr's food some of the best? I know food, and I can say we have excellent cooks - although you are right, this meal does compare well." Considering she's polishing her plate, it must. She refills her wine glass and takes another sip before turning to E'ric again "So how come you only eat vegetables? I mean, besides Sulaith's eating so much meat." Her curiosity is at work, it seems. E'ric looks about at the weyrlings then to M'llon before standing up. he raises his glass before saying, "I would just like to say congratulations to all of you for making it through your training. I know it was difficult but I think you will find it well worth the effort. I also want to say that you are all very good riders and I look forward to riding with you. You made it very difficult to decide who to tap but you will all make very fine riders and shouldbe very proud." Kaimi shakes her head and replies quietly to Y'il, so as not to disrupt, "Keroon has it's own fine staff of Bakers." Elisse puffs up slightly, only with her own well-deserved pride. Wine glass is eyed thoughtfully while the 'few words' continue. J'radin is torn between listening to the speaker and watching his new firelizard. E'ric finishes his speach before sitting back down and grinning at Rhianwen and shrugging, "Just doesn't appeal to me. I have always found vegetables to have so much more flavour and so much more filling and satisfying I guess." Y'il smiles in a small way in response to E'ric's speech and then murmurs to Kaimi, "Well, thank them for me, whoever cooked this spread deserves it." Kaylira seems as intent on ejoying hte fine fare as she is in listening to the commentary. M'llon smiles and lifts his glass with the toast, taking a drink in agreement. Divya raises her grape juice and drinks a toast to E'ric. Elseve follows in suit, raising her glass and taking a sip. Y'il hastily raises his glass and takes a sip. Water, not wine. Kassima toasts the Istan Wingleader's sentiment with a briefly raised glass, and another of those beams that are so prevalent with her this evening. Kaylira elbows the uptight one with a smirk. She mutters to Y'il, "A... to... you. I promise... to... you tipsy... have..." E'ric grins before adding after a moment, "Oh and sorry to any of you poor souls who end up with me." U'lyn comes in through the main doors from the courtyard. Elisse hurriedly grabs at the wine glass, lifting it--if belated-- and sipping at the top. Tongue smacks slightly. Marus comes in through the main doors from the courtyard. Rhianwen raises her glass to E'ric's toast, then smiles as he sits down "That was very nice.." she murmurs appreciatively, before chuckling a bit. "Again, I don't think I could do it - not eat meat. I think I must be part dragon myself." she says laughingly, before waving to U'lyn as he shows up. Y'il blinks at Kaylira, surprised, then nods. Paola comes in through the main doors from the courtyard. U'lyn puffs into the hall, pausing at the doorway for a moment to gain his breath before trying to slip in unnoticed, not catching Rhianwen's wave. Elisse glances immediately toward U'lyn's appearance, slightly glad that of the familiar faces, she wasn't the -latest- one. If that's comfort slightly to her. Wine glass is sipped at again. Y'il awaits the next toast, figiting a bit. Kaylira looks smug, and helps herself to another roll. One mission accomplished. Now what. Marus follows close behind the bluerider, in the same sort of fashion, his hair a bit mussed. Kyrola lifts her glass of water and drinks the toast set up by E'ric. Then, she rises to her feet. Her eyes rove the weyrlings and the others. "I don't imagine anything I can say can attest to my vast pride in all of you. You ride my Zaith's first clutch's dragons. There will be other clutches, and more weyrlings, but you all were the first, and that makes it a bit more special. I am very proud of each and every one of you, and I wish you long lives and success in all your endeavors. To you," she concludes, lifting her glass toward the weyrlings. M'llon lifts his glass again, "Wonderfully said." E'ric nods to Kyrola's sentiment and raises his glass before downing the last of it, and motioning a drudge over to refill it. Rhianwen raises her glass again - at this rate, she'll get nice and tipsy real fast, especially if she takes such hearty sips after each toast. She does so, and then waits for the next one, smiling contentedly. Kassima manages to get a refill of her wine glass before drinking to this toast. "A beautiful sentiment," she murmurs. U'lyn quickly grabs himself a nearby empty seat, slinking into it as he tries to get acquainted with the goings on. J'radin only sips to the toast, but he smiles and nods with the rest. I'sai toasts in his turn, lightly. Y'il raises his glass rather quicker this time around. He smiles at Kyrola. Marus pauses momentarily, looking a bit lost, but then pulls up a seat beside U'lyn, trying to look like he has been here all along. Elseve mutters to Y'il, "Don't... to tipsy yet, we've... do..." Elseve mutters to Kaylira, "Don't go... still... do..." Elseve mutters to Elisse, "... to... do..." Elseve mutters to J'radin, "... yet,... do..." Y'il grins to Elseve. "It's water, Elseve. Really. I think I don't like wine very much." Divya carefully sets her sleeping green hatchling on her shoulder, and luckily she doesn't even wake up during the maneuver. The rider raises her glass and says, "I also want to salute all of you. I'm still amazed that Konnevath managed to catch himself a gold and sire such beautiful dragon babies. You do his children great honor, and I am very pleased that you all will be lifemated to them. May you all fly well, in good health and with honor for the sake of Pern!" She drinks the last of her juice from her raised glass, and gestures for a refill once she is seated again. Kaylira blinks, She mutters to Elseve, "We do?... dancinga nd -... enjoying hte..." Fluria is fairly quiet actually. Her eyes are distant and her motions are distracted as she raises her glass to each toast. Kyrola blushes and sits back down as Divya rises. "Yours was better than mine," she murmurs to the brownrider when the other sits down again. Elseve nods to Kay, She mutters to Kaylira, "... we'll... Don't..." U'lyn looks around for some drink to raise, and finding none in his immediat vicinity, he just raises a fist, smiling warmly. J'cot comes in through the main doors from the courtyard. Sitting on the end of the table, Y'il quickly offers U'lyn a glass. "Here, sir." J'cot slips in from the courtyard. He looks around to see who is sitting where. Elisse sits the wine glass down on the table, nodding slightly toward Elseve-- and reaching for her juice glass again. "I'm not sure about that wine, either..." Marus mutters to U'lyn, "Hmm...I hope... else here..." Divya murmurs to Kyrola, "Thank you. But I liked your toast too." She offers to clink glasses with the goldrider. I'sai glances to M'llon, then stands, balancing the new-hatched firelizard on his arm; for some moments, he studies the weyrlings over his glass. His voice is more softly pitched than usual, though no less clear, no less carrying: "Through Fall and, if Faranth wills, Interval - may your flight always be fast, far, and _free_." After a small pause, "And come to visit sometime, eh?" He salutes them with the glass, then, and drinks deep before taking back his seat. Jascela looks toward the door and waves to J'cot, grinning. She elbows Elseve lightly and points her toward him too. U'lyn mutters to Marus. M'llon grins and nods to I'sai as he speaks. U'lyn takes the glass happily from Y'il, nodding his thanks. Kassima hesitates a moment, but eventually lifts her glass to this, too, and drinks silently. Kyrola grins and then quickly demurs as someone tries to fill her glass with wine. "No, thank you," she says, then smiles to Divya. "It was all right. I'm still not used to public speaking." Kaylira laughs, lifting her glass and taking a sip. Like she didn't plan on visiting /without/ the invite. Y'il smiles at I'sai, his sharp features softened a tad. "Thanks, I'sai." Elseve grins, stands, "My turn, I suppose." She smiles about the table. "During these two turns, there've been times when it seemed like weyrlinghood would never end...At those times I would always think about climbing onto Dulci and fly forever, not even knowing where I was going. But she's always remind me that no matter how hard it seemed, there were always people around to converse with, about whatever was on my mind. It still feels like weyrlinghood is going to last forever, even though I'm standing here making a toast at graduation already. Two turns is not long enough to be with you all, all of my classmates, so I look forward to spending many a wonderful turn with you, and having many an exciting battle with thread with some of you as my wingmates. May we always go unscored, and may we always have clear skies. To us, and our Weyr." She smiles raises her glass, takes a sip and seats herself. J'cot grins and waves back at his daughter then looks around. Kaylira catches sight of her mentor nad waves him over, shifting a tad closer to Y'il so there's room. J'radin gives up even pretending to follow along with a sip at each toast. Something must be wrong with his stomach right now because he's hardly touched his food and the wine seems to be disagreeing with him now, too. He just sits quietly and gives a little nod with each new sentiment expressed. U'lyn smiles warmly at Elseve, raising his glass high. "Here, here!" he says, just loud enough to be ehard. Kassima observes softly as she sips to the latest, "This is a lovely idea. Mayhaps toasts should be called for when Telgar's next group is up... I should suggest it t'Maylia." Y'il positively beams at Elseve. Y'il hears Kassima. "Doesn't every weyr do this?" J'cot grins as he spies Kaylira and heads toward her. He smiles down at her. "Mind if I join you kids?" Kyrola smiles and lifts her glass. "To the Weyr," she echoes and takes a sip from the water which she was eventually given. I'sai drinks likewise, pale eyes light. Elisse chuckles and nods. "The Weyr." Juice is gulped. Wine is left to sparkle where it sit. Kassima shakes her head to Y'il. "I don't think so--they all usually have some sort of ceremony," she amends/appends, "though I've known a few groups for which there was none. But the call of toasts from everyone is a new one on me." Quirking a wry half-grin, she adds, "My poor clutch had t'get drunk on our own without all these fine excuses t'sip." Kaylira stands, glass in hand and looks around the room with a calculated slowness. "Everyone has said such kind things. But I think its important to remember that we, the weyrlings, wouldn't be where we are without the effort of a lot of people - most of whom have been congratulating us tonight. Our leaders," she looks to them, and each of those she names in turn, "Our weyrling staff, mentors.. other riders who have helped us make the transition. The wonderful staff here at Keroon who have made us welcome and fed us this wonderful meal in celebration. Our parents and relatives who have loved and supported us - all of you. Thank you, and congratulations on the fine job you've done in helping us become full riders." She turns, now, to her mates. "And to each and every one of you. We've been through so much. I just want you to know how proud I am to stand here and call you my clutchmates. YOu did good." I'sai flashes a tired grin Kaylira's way - tired, but still bright - and lets his glance sideslip to that mother of hers. U'lyn can't help but blush slightly, glass raised again. Kaylira adds, lifting her glass, and sipping, "Oh yeah, to us." Y'il turns a fond look on Kaylira, and the rest of his staff and friends. Rhianwen laughs a bit at Kaylira's addition and raises her glass to the brownrider - and the rest of the weyrlings, before taking another sip. E'ric riases his glass and tips it in a toast to both Kaylira's and Elseve's toasts. M'llon looks around the room, trying to spot if anyone else looks like they are going to stand and toast. Not spotting anyone he leans down, pulling a box out from under the table where he must have hid it earlier. He stands up and smiles, "Everyone.. could I have your attention.. now for the formal. As I call each of your names, come up to the table as the weyr has a gift for each of you.. and to make it official." Kassima ducks her head--at Kay's speech, at the glance, at both? Whichever, she's faintly red as she tips her wine glass in the brownrider's direction and echoes, "T'you, aye, Weyrlings." M'llon calls out clearly the first name on his list, "Y'il." Y'il is taken aback as he is the first name to be called. Obviously not expecting this, he stands up and nervously walks over to the Weyrleader. M'llon opens the lid of the box and pulls out a ring, handing it to the young man he smiles, "Congratulations bronzerider." U'lyn claps loudly for Y'il, grin spreading across his face. Elisse watches in amusement at Y'il, although finds herself drinking nervously at her juice while she waits for the list to be read. A bit of a clap is given as the Weyrleader congratulates Y'il. Marus does as well, giving a small cheer in addition. Y'il stares at the ring, then looks up at M'llon. "Thank-you, sir," he says softly. I'sai applauds in his turn, softly, just a fingers-to-palm clap of the one hand he has to spare. Kaylira puts her fingers to her lips and whistles for Y'il - if only to get a rise from the young man. M'llon smiles, "You are welcome.. and -please- call me M'llon now." Kassima sets--finally!--the glass down to applaud for the young man. "Felicitations, rider." And if Kay's whistle garners an amused look, well.... M'llon consults his list, "Kaylira?" Y'il grins sheepishly. "Oh right. . . M'llon." He blushes brightly as he hears the whistles and cheers. Kaylira hastily drops her fingers - twouldn't do to whistle herself, now would it? And heads up to retrieve her gift from the WL. "Sir." Y'il steps quickly back to his seat to admire his gift. J'cot grins as his mentee is called. He watches as she walks up to the Weyrleader, perhaps a bit more closely than is necessary. M'llon smiles and pulls the next ring from his box, handing it to Kaylira he smiles, "Congratulations Brownrider." Kyrola applauds for Y'il, grinning at him merrily. Then, for Kaylira, a wink. Kaylira takes hte ring and gives a hearty salute in response. "Last time for posterity's sake. M'llon." I'sai prims his mouth short of a grin, though his eyes dance as he regards Kaylira over that glass. M'llon chuckles and returns the salute, "It better be the last one.." Kassima takes a turn at whistling sharply for the newest graduate. Dignity? Whazzat? "Congratulations, minxlet!" she calls for good measure. [Editor's Note: Kaylira was kind enough to forward me the description of her ring, which follows:] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Message 54 Date Received: Mon Apr 8 22:11:55 2002 From: M'llon To: Kaylira Subject: Graduation Ring ============================================================================== An ornately carved, square-topped ring made from brilliant white gold. On the one side of the ring is a dark blue sapphire chip, carved into the shape of a dragon's egg. On the other is a dark amber chip carved into the shape of a dragonet. Stamped between the two are the initials K&P. On the inside of the ring it is inscribed to read, 'Marking the Impression of Kaylira and brown Pheirth on the 31st day of the 12th month in the 38th turn of the 10th pass. -- long may they ride!' M'llon - Bronze Bromith's rider ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Elisse claps, smiling, juice glass still pressed at her lips. Kaylira slips her ring on before heading back to her seat. M'llon looks at his list and smiles, "Elisse?" He looks around for the next soon not to be weyrling. J'cot smiles broadly at Kaylira as she sits again. "Congratulations, Kay." He looks her over briefly and smiles. "You're looking very pretty tonight." Kaylira gives an impish grin. She mutters to J'cot. Rhianwen claps for all the weyrlings as their names are called... J'cot chuckles softly and smiles at the young Brownrider. He mutters to Kaylira, "... meant to... earlier, but... feel like... I... send... ahead..." Kaylira nudges J'cot. "I'd noticed," she murmurs quietly. "You missed the mini-hatching. I think it loosened everyone up." Taleir raises his left arm to give a congratulatory Woohoo gesture to the new dragonriders and is dismayed to discover that there is a flailing bronze firelizard attached to it. He blushes richly and lowers it again, muttering apologies to Reed and grins broadly all round the hall instead. J'cot grins at Kaylira and nods. "Then I count myself lucky. I've got enough as it is." Brees beams brightly from her seat as she watches one leg bouncing on the floor a tiny blue in the crook of her arm. Kaylira quirks a brow, though her attention is divided as she watches her 'mates collect their rings, and looks smugly proud for each and every one of them. She mutters to J'cot, "... one. And... to me.... you..." Elisse immediately stands, if not a bit too quickly, and nearly forgets to set her juice glass down upon the table. But she does finally manage to make it toward M'llon. "Thank you, sir." A bit of a smile pulls at her lips. Kassima doesn't miss applauding for the newest rider, for all that she directs a quick, maternally suspicious glance towards her daughter and said daughter's mentor. "Congratulations, greenrider," she turns her head to call again for Elisse. Y'il admires the ring on his finger, clapping hard for his fellow 'lings. Kaimi continues to applaud as each name is called, pausing now and then to settle the little bronze as he fusses a bit. J'cot shrugs a bit and smiles at the little Green sleeping on Kaylira's lap. He mutters to Kaylira, "... very... like... owner. Mine only... show... when its... bathe..." I'sai applauds in his turn, as careful as he can with the firelizard and all, eyes bright for all the increasing weariness about his pointed face. M'llon smiles and pulls out another ring, smiling at Elisse, "Congratuations Greenrider." Kaylira laughs softly. She mutters to J'cot, "... she's... usurper... love her to... is a blue..." Elisse grins, nodding politely and taking the ring. The smile broadens to a large grin as she makes her way back to her seat, ring immediately slipped upon finger and admired. Kyrola applauds for Elisse. "Good going!" she says happily. Marus applauds for Elisse, giving a "whoot!" of sorts. Brees cheers enthustiastically. "Way to go, Elisse!" Kaylira has stopped whistling her fellows - mostly because she's chatting. But she looks none-the-less pleased for each. I'sai, experimenting, takes up Kay's whistling - if softer-pitched - instead of trying the one-handed clap. M'llon finishes passing out the rings, congratulating each rider in turn until the end, finally he smiles, "Congratulations again riders.. I will shortly have the list to the wingleaders sobe prepared to be tapped into wings within a couple of seven days.. in the mean time take the opportunity to relax, get settled into a weyr of your very own and try not to blow anything up." Y'il claps hard enough for two. Elisse glances toward those shouting, and puffs up all the more at her seat. I'sai's whistle merely gains him an -eye-. Brees giggles. "Well now, that takes the fun out of everything." She grins. "But who's up for relaxing?" I'sai looks positively benign, though the look registers in a moment's glinting smile. Kaylira chortles wickedly, "Or blowing things up?" J'cot pokes Kaylira gently. "Now now. You heard the Weyrleader." Kaylira puts on an innocent face. "Alas." Kaimi's smile turns to a bit of a yawn, hastily covered, and she slides over to the closet rider, Lucky I'sai Picked on again. But then it was his fault earlier. So Bronze carefully cradled, she quietly asks, "I's? You wouldn't happen to mind giving me a lift back would you? I have to have breakfast ready in the morn.." J'cot chuckles amusedly at Kaylira. Elseve grins and stands up and winks in the WL's direction, as if to say a silent 'Thanks M'llon'. And she looks to Jas, "Feel like taking a quick walk?" She asks softly. Taleir nods to I'sai, who seems to be nodding off next to him, and gets up from his seat gathering up his firelizard and waving a pleasant good evening to everyone. "Congratulations again, and goodnight all!" Kaylira finishes off hte remains of her wine - very little after all hte toasts. "Its not like I even have a clue how to blow things up. Neither a baker nor a miner, J'cot. With good reason." Jascela looks up at Elseve and smiles. "If you like, sure." J'cot grins at Kaylira. "Probably for the best. I get the feeling you'd be dangerous if you did have any idea how." Brees looks over at Elseve and Jascela for a moment then just reaches down to move her lizard to her shoulder. She looks over at Kaylira. "We do have flaming dragons. I'm sure we could figure something out." I'sai blinks back, finds her a smile - "Quite all right, I can; need to get back home, myself. And look, Taleir's gone - already." He hesitates. "Good seeing you, Kassima, and in anything but ruffly pink, too." J'cot groans and shakes his head slowly at Brees. "I was hoping nobody would think to point that out..." Kaylira pouts at J'cot, though it would probably look more sinceree if her lips weren't twitching and her eyes didn't glitte.r "Oh, I'm wounded.." Brees gets a tongue-sticking out. "Don't give him any fuel, Brees. He's already entirely too full of himself." Kassima draws her attention away from her shameless eavesdropping. She looks towards Is in silence for a beat, two; then, "Likewise, Assistant Weyrlingmaster... and the finery suits you, since I didn't mention it before. M'regards t'Taralyth as ever." Elseve smiles and slips away from her chair, cradling the blue in one arm, making her way towards the door. Jascela stands up, shifting her sleeping green to her arm as well. She follows after Elseve, waving farewell. Kaylira rises from her seat with a wuickly worded excuse, "Be right back..." And heads over to I'sai, throwing her arms abruptly about him. "Thanks for coming. It was so nice to see familiar faces." "You know my name," I'sai says. "Later, we'll - " and then he's engulfed by Kaylira, firelizards and all; "You made it, you made it," is muffled by her shoulder. Kaimi waves around a bit, though quietly, "Congratulations again." And makes ready to slip out with I'sai, commenting to him when she gets a moment , "I really appreciate this." M'llon slips out quietly with Fluria.. now where are those two off to. Elseve nods to all and exits with Jas. Elseve walks through the doors out into the courtyard. J'cot chuckles softly as he watches Kaylira. He notices Elseve and Jascela leaving and waves to them too. Jascela walks through the doors out into the courtyard. Kaylira lets I'sai go,a nd stops on her way back to her seat to retrieve her green FL and give her mother a kiss. "Thanks. For believing in me, mum." Kassima nods once, fractionally; "I do know it," she agrees. And that's all, since she's content to let her daughter have her moment, then a moment later occupied with attempting to give Kay a one-armed hug. "As if'n I could do aught less, minx? Or as if'n you deserved aught less?" I'sai blinks after her, finds a smile again - the pair of them - and beckons Kaimi on; he does pause by Brees and by Elisse, though, "We'll talk later? Now just isn't... well. And it was good working with you, too, U'lyn." Kaylira smiles at Kassi. "Maybe. But sometimes you just gotta say it aloud. You know? I'll visit when things settle down and we'll talk?" Kaimi follows I'sai along, with smiles for all, but the look of one tired baker as well. Brees nods her head to I'sai still smiling brightly then looks around the cavern. Elisse stands up from her seat, suddenly caught up by a few thoughts--and while rubbing that new graduation ring upon her finger, she makes her way from the hall. Kassima nods again with more emphasis. "You'd *better*," she warns Kay, "especially since--oh, oh, have you time for one more present a'fore you go do whatever you plan t'do and shoo me off to the Weyr?" Kyrola eventually wanders out of the Hold, cradling her little bronze friend. "Jays, I don't even have a name for you yet." Kyrola walks through the doors out into the courtyard. Elisse walks through the doors out into the courtyard. J'cot stands up and smiles at Kaylira. "Will you be heading back to the weyr now?" I'sai pauses once more, and only once, this time to thank those of Keroon who hosted - and then he's out in truth. Kaylira smiles at her mother, and spares a quick glance to check to see who's left. She motions to J'cot that she needs a word with him and then settles with her mum to see whats been brought. "I know, I feel like I'm leaving you in the cold, but there's so much to do tonight! I hope you dont mind, mum?" I'sai walks through the doors out into the courtyard. Kaimi walks through the doors out into the courtyard. Lysseth> You sense I'sai murmurs, "Good to see you," even as he goes. Lysseth> I'sai climbs the stairs along the eastern wall and slips into the tower. Lysseth> Kaimi climbs the stairs along the eastern wall and slips into the tower. J'cot steps toward Kaylira and her mother. He flashes Kassima a smile as he quite nosily looks to see what this present is. Kassima laughs softly and assures, "'Tis all right, Kay; I should be getting back to the Weyr and your sibs anyway--" She nods to J'cot, amiably, before producing a gaudily-wrapped package that she'd evidently been keeping beside her and offering it to her daughter. "I hope you'll like it, but you might want t'be saving any thanks until you've opened it." Kaylira gives her mother a curious look. "Shoudl I waiut to open it? Or?" "Go ahead," Kassi encourages, with a wave of her hand. "I want t'be seeing your reaction, I confess it." Kaylira rips throught eh wrapping - well, not exactly. Somehow she finds the way to open it quickly and without ruining the package - setting it aside for mother to collect, or, if not, for her own later reuse. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To: Kaylira Subject: Gift. :) ============================================================================== It can't really be called delicate, this dagger. True, its blade is slim and tapering; true, its hilt is similarly slender, and its grip is bound with fine gold chain, which might enhance that initial assumption of fragility. But appearances can be deceiving. The silver-bright edge of that blade is as sharp as a razor, perfectly honed, and the steel that went into its making is of such quality that it's not likely to break--especially since it's really not much of a fighting weapon when you get right down to it, being better suited for slicing and stabbing than for turning others' blows. And while its hilt may be of gold on the surface, there's a stronger metal somewhere underneath it; the precious covering is merely to lend beauty to something that would otherwise be austere. Indeed, the small sigils of Ista Weyr that have been engraved into each of the diamond-shaped cross points and the slightly larger pommel nut almost seem to glow... and what finer setting for the walnut-sized and oval-shaped shard of Pheirth's egg, encased in protecting glass and resting in the heart of the crosspiece, could there really be? Wind to thy wings, Kassima, green Lysseth's rider and Thunderbolt Wingleader, Telgar Weyr. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kassima leans forward to watch the unwrapping with an almost childlike anticipation, sisal skirts rustling as she bounces a bit in her seat. Kaylira touches her gift with a reverence that few see in the young woman. Her fingers light upon the hilt of a dagger. "Oh, mum.. Its absolutely beautiful.." Tears prick in her eyes as she traces the gold upon the hilt - and is terribly careful not to touch the live blade. "Is.. I mean, can it withstand for cutting leathers?" Her voice catches as the hopeful entreaty is given. J'cot smiles at Kassima as he sees the dagger. "Oh, that's beautiful..." U'lyn gets up from where he's sitting, almost teetering, and waves as he heads back home. Brees glances around again and then heads up the stairs after a quick wave. Brees climbs the staircase slowly, as though she were heading for the roof. "'Twould never get m'daughter aught that was less than beautiful," Kassima replies, smiling a warm, full smile at the offspring in question. "It can--I'd nay be sparring with it, but leather, methinks it can manage. Does it suit you, then?" Kaylira answers her mother by pressing a tear-stained cheek to the elder rider's. "It suits. Thank-you. For everything." Kaylira draws back from her mother and wipes her cheeks. "Right. I'm making a public display. And I think I shouldn't keep J'cot wiating much longer?" She carefully tucks hte knife away. "I will visit mum, promise. Send my love to the sibs?" Derwin clears his throat a bit nervously before declaring, "I introduce to you Y'il, Bronzerider." Y'il flushes again as he comes back into the Hall. Kassima reaches up to ruffle Kay's hair for old time's sake, her own eyes a suspiciously bright, damp green. "You should know by now that your happiness is thanks enough, m'dear," she murmurs back, "but you're welcome, all the same. And I'm glad that you like the knife. A token, 'tis, of how proud I am of you and Pheirth both, though nay object could ever really express it in full." Clearing her throat, she veers a bit from all this sentiment to say, "You *will* visit, won't you?" Not really a question. "And soon. I want t'know when you're tapped, nigh on the instant. But a'course I will... clear skies, minx, and m'regards t'Pheirth always." Rhianwen turns away from talking to some rider or other, whose name she never caught, and smiles as she sees Kaylira getting all teary eyed, moving in the rider's direction "Just thought I'd congratulate you again before you go, Kay.." she says... Kaylira stands and gives her mum a salute. "Clear skies, ma'am." And taking a deep breath, drops the hand, turning to give J'cot a sheepish look. "sorry about the wait? Can I talk with you? Its about Jas, actually." Kaylira smiles at Rhia first, because, of course, she'd have seen that.. Y'il climbs the staircase slowly, as though he were heading for the roof. J'cot grins at Kaylira. "Its okay. I don't mind a bit." He looks at the Brownrider curiously. "About Jas? Okay... Where would you like to talk?" Kassima grimaces and protests, "Kaylira! Don't call me that!" But nevertheless, she returns the salute with full flourish, and stands herself with care for the still-sleeping young brown. "A cue 'tis t'take m'leave, methinks... g'night, all. Clear skies and duties and all that sort of thing." Kaylira wipes her cheeks again. "Anywhere that suits. I dont want to keep you from any duties you might have?" She lets J'cot decide as she gives her mum another smile. "Just this once. Never again, Mum." Rhianwen heads for the door, now that things have died down, with one last cheery wave to everyone - and she's out of here! Rhianwen walks through the doors out into the courtyard. "*Better* be never again," Kassi mutters in half-mock warning as she slips from the hold with a last hiss of sisal. You walk through the main doors of the Hold out into the courtyard.