
The Mother Wherry and the Family Jewels

Date:  December 6, 1997
Place:  Telgar Weyr's Living Cavern
Game:  PernMUSH
Copyright Info:  The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey 
l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.


Kassi's Note:  The saga of the second Kassi-Spawn continues!  When last
we saw our heroine's dear friend Kindre, she was threatening to have
Jh'rin's hide for a snack.  What will *really* happen when the 
overprotective weyrwoman and the silver-tongued Istan meet?  Will
Kassi even notice the tension, or will she be too enthralled by a gift
of kiwi?  Will everyone wind up losing their lunches on the floor?
Stay tuned, and the answers shall be imparted unto you.


The Log:

Benden LC> Jh'rin walks in from the bowl.

Benden LC> Jh'rin strolls in with an armload of southern blooms on one 
side and a basket over the other arm.

Benden LC> Kindre is slowly putting warm oatmeal into her mouth with a 
spoon and regarding some scrolls quietly in a corner of the cavern. The 
swish of vaguely chill air pulls her concentration towards the door, her 
mouth curls into a frown before she says, "Ah, Jh'rin. Telgar's duty to 
Ista. More flowers for Kassima, I'm assuming?" Her tone could be likened 
to Telgar's coolest breezes.

Benden LC> "Hey, weyrwoman!" Jh'rin's baritone booms pleasantly, even 
cheerfully, over to Kindre. "Yes, I went south to get her some fruit and 
whatnot; she seems to like it. Hey...something wrong? You seem a bit out 
of sorts today."

You walk through the large entrance to the Living Cavern.

Kindre lets her spoon make an audible *splorp* as she drops it fully into 
the bowl in front of her. "Me? Good shards," she remarks with odd 
sweetness, "whatever could be wrong with me, Jh'rin? You have a small 
tryst with my friend and now she's grounded. I'm sure, though, that the 
flowers will be well appreciated." Gazing at the blossoms, she smiles. 
"Certainly a kind thought. Oh, morn Kassi. Look who's here to visit."

Jh'rin turns, festooned in flowers and fruit -- some might say THAT'S 
appropriate -- and smiles warmly at Kassima. "Hey, love. I brought what 
you asked for and some blooms to boot." As he speaks to Kassima, however, 
his eyes shift mistrustingly toward Kindre.

"Did someone say fruit?" Kassi wonders, strolling into the 'Cavern with a 
handful of hides and a charcoal stick tucked behind one ear. Her hopeful 
expression turns to one of sheer delight as she spots Jh'rin and the fruit 
that he's carrying--to say nothing of the flowers. "So 'twas your voice 
'twas hearing, light of my eyes! And you've brought *fruit*! Duties to 
Ista, by the by--g'morning, Kindre! Aye, I see--isn't it wonderful? He has 
fruit with him!" She beams, looking like a child who's just been presented 
with the pony they asked for as a Turnover gift.

Kindre's jaw slackens a bit before it snaps shut, her expression one of 
slight surprise and mayhaps even...nausea? Mouthing, "light of my eyes" to 
her oatmeal, she regards the couple a bit oddly before speaking aloud. 
"I...I suppose it is wonderful, if you think so. I know how you crave 
fruit. So, uh...he knows?"

Jh'rin just resists the temptation to turn and thbbt at the goldrider. He 
would if she weren't so goshdarn cute. "And Ista's duties to you, sweet 
and wondrous Kassima. You look positively radiant. And yes," he continues 
as he sets the basket on the table, "I got everything you seemed to want, 
including kiwis and mangos and papayas." Then to Kindre he adds with a 
bright smile, "Of course I know. I'm delighted. She seems pleased, too. So 
I reckon her friends would as well. Right?"

Kassima quirks an eyebrow at Kin, and peers. "Are you all right, 
m'friend?" she asks, with a flicker of concern. "I thought *I* was 
supposed t'be the one who looks nauseous in the mornings. Aye, he does--
methinks that loudmouthed messenger told him. I wonder," she muses, while 
eyeing the fruit with an emotion just a shade short of worship in her 
eyes, "whether Richenda really did get Rennick t'go and beat him up? 
Jh'rin, you've my eternal, eternal thanks. I can't seem t'be finding aught 
of that sort around here, and even the cheese-noodles just don't quite 
qualify as a substitute!" She settles herself at the table, putting the 
hides down and grinning up at the greenrider. "Still the silver tongue 
with you, eh?"

Kindre is now the one debating thbbt'ing at the Istan greenrider. Instead, 
she curls her lips into such an obviously insincere smile it's nearly evil 
to the glance. "Oh, but of course I'm delighted! How could I not be when 
you swoop into this Weyr, sweep my friend from her feet, then leave? With 
a small rememberance, of course." A shrug of her shoulders and rolls of 
her eyes precedes a long sigh. "I suppose, to be true, I am happy for both 
of you. Just, shards, it was rather fast in the happening."

Telgar Weyr> Richenda says, "Ouch, Kindre."

Telgar Weyr> Kassima nearly spits Froot Loops all over her monitor, and 
silently dies laughing.

Telgar Weyr> Kindre is an evil, grumpy rider in the morning :b :)

Jh'rin's usually jovial demeanor waivers for a bit, despite his rather 
gallant effort at maintaining a smile. "I'm glad this pleases you, 
Kassima," says the Istan to the mother of his yet-to-be-born child, "and 
I'll come by to visit as often as I can. You can ask Jazmin; I'm not one 
to shirk my responsibilities despite what people might say." The amber 
eyes shift to Kindre. "And you know something, weyrwoman? How come women 
always want to blame men for pregnancies? Last time I looked what she and 
I did was consentual. That's the word, isn't it? Meaning we both wanted 
to? It was our idea together?"

Ignoring the sudden spate of guffaws from some of the riders sitting close 
enough to have heard Kin's last words, Kassi just nods, looking up from 
the bounty of blossoms and fruitstuffs. "Did I ever suggest 'twere? This 
does please me, and 'twould please me indeed if'n you continued t'visit." 
At least that way, she won't be the only one in the room who constantly 
gets odd looks. Stealing a glance Kindrewards, she blinks, eyebrows 
shooting up at the words between the goldrider and Istan greenrider.

"I believe that's the correct term, yes," Kindre agrees quickly enough, 
silver-blue eyes as cold as the winter seas they seem to resemble. "I 
don't recall blaming anyone for anything. I am simply concerned for my 
friend. Certainly I can not be faulted for that, now can I?" Softened, 
albeit slightly, from her Mother Wherry routine by his words of visiting 
often, she shrugs. "I simply wanted to be sure Kassima would be happy. 
Your reputation had preceded you, Jhor. Forgive me for assuming it had 
some truth to it."

Davidon walks in from the kitchen.

Jh'rin crosses his arms over his chest and gives his head a shake to 
dislodge the bit of snow lingering in his forelock. "No, no, not at all, 
ma'am. You go right ahead and assume the worst of me. It's what most 
people do anyways. 'Least those from Benden." He sighs, looking at the 
flowers and fruit, and adds gently to Kassima, "You have Lysseth bespeak 
Siaroth if there's something you need. I'm going to head back to Ista 
before I'm missing a testicle."

Kindre is looking between Jh'rin, Kassima, and her oatmeal, that latter of 
which she occasionally whispered to. She does, however, pause in all of 
that to wave and manage a smile to Davidon before lifting her hand to 
halt Jh'rin. "No, no...don't go," her words seem to have a hint of regret 
to them. "I'm sorry. I did not mean to offend you...well," she grins 
apologeticly, "I just wanted to be sure. And, well, you can keep both of 

Davidon arches his eyebrows as he catches the conversation. He waves 
silenly as he sinks into the nearest chair.

"Kin," Kassi remarks softly, not unmoved by the sentiment, "i'truth, you 
needn't worry for me. Even if'n 'tweren't capable of taking care of 
m'self, Faranth knows the Sky-Lady's always on the task." Smiling, to make 
sure Kin doesn't take that as a chide per se, she looks up at Jh'rin and 
rattles her tongue in dismay. "Ach, must y'be going? You've only just 
gotten here, and I swear, nay anyone here would steal your... ah... family 

Jh'rin mutters, "Of course, there're some who think I don't have any to 
begin with." Then he brightens, with a rueful smile. "Hey, lad," he adds 
to Davidon with a nod. "I just am getting a bit tired of being treated 
like a jester 'r something. Just because that once I got dressed up in 
ladies' clothes...that was Siaroth's influence. I'm a fairly normal guy." 
He tugs on his earring and sighs again. "I don't mean t'hurt anyone. I was 
and am delighted in Kassima's company. It's not so wrong t'want to be 
happy and make her happy with me, is it?"

Kindre sighs and nods. "True enough...I'm still allowed to worry, though," 
she half mumbles along with some conversation with the oatmeal about 
silver-tongues and enchanting words. Summoning up a truly genuine smile, 
she grins. "Family jewels. Well, you can keep those since they seem to 
have gotten you into this anyway. If you are both happy, no, there is 
absolutely nothing wrong with that. Just don't upset her."

"And what's wrong with being a jester?" Kassi retorts, laughing. "When all 
else fails, become absurd--that's m'favorite law of living. Methinks the 
problem isn't with being such, but having everyone think 'tis *all* you're 
capable of being. 'Sides," she adds, rather mischievously, "some of our 
best male friends have worn lady's clothing a time or two." Not by 
*choice,* but still.... "I find naught wrong with that. I'truth, 'tis 
precisely the opposite; I'm touched, honestly...." She wipes at one eye, 
trying not to look like a hormonal, gushing greenrider, which she is.

Davidon waves in response to Jh'rin, smiling quietly.

Telgar Weyr> Richenda says, "Gosh, now Jhor's nauseating -me-."

Telgar Weyr> Kassima passes out insulin where it's required. ;)

Jh'rin leans down and gives Kassima a kiss on the cheek, lingering and 
quite fond. "Wisely put, sweet skyprincess, wisely put."

Telgar Weyr> Kindre snickers...hee!

Telgar Weyr> Davidon's teeth begin to ache :)

Kindre swallows audibly. Another roll of her eyes before she wonders, 
"Skyprincess? Good Eos, where ever do you come up with these enchanting 

Davidon turns to Kindre, "You don't like enchanting words?"

Jh'rin tells Davidon with a wink, "She doesn't appreciate that she 
inspires 'em, same as Kassima here."

"Of course I do," Kindre remarks with a shrug and smile, "Just...well..." 
She can't help but chuckle at Jh'rin's words. "Gold...I swear by Hera's 
shards, you tongue is layered in gold."

Davidon chuckles quietly and shakes his head, pretending to be marking 
down notes in mid air. "I really must remember things like those....

Kassima laughs quietly, taking up one of the flowers and replacing the 
charcoal stick behind her ear with it. "Wise, feh. I'm nay wise... just 
crazy, though some would say that there's nay difference." She reaches for 
the other greenrider's hand, catching it and squeezing it once before 
letting go. "Just what I told him, Kin. Oh! Davi, g'deve; didn't see you 
there." Unsurprising. She's had eyes only for the fruit, with occasional 
glances upwards here and there.

Davidon wiggles his fingers towards Kassi in a wave. "'lo"

Kindre giggles at Davidon. "Jays, I should too the way things are going." 
A wink at the young Dragonhealer before she returns her attentions to the 
adorable expecting couple of greenriders.

Jh'rin calls to Davidon, "It's a style; you gotta develop yer own, lad, if 
y'want it t'come out sincere-like." He rests his free hand on Kassima's 
abdomen. "And how's our son'r daughter doing, hmm? Hope she's as flatly 
gorgeous as her mum, or he has yer eyes."

Davidon says "Naw, women don't have to work on flowery words and what-
not." he looks over at Kindre with a grin and a shrug, "My own style? Gah, 
as if I have time, energy and what-not to bother."

Kindre looks over the sweetroll she procured when she entered for 
breakfast earlier this very morning. "Hrm," she notes quietly to herself, 
"this and them will surely be much too much sugar." Picking the now-
oatmeal-covered spoon from its drowning in her bowl, she wonders, "Have 
either of you thought of names yet? Or is it still too early for all of 

Rashala walks here from the Inner Cavern.

Rashala wanders into the living cavern, smiling a welcome at those 
present. She heads for the kitchen in search of a meal.

"My part's over...it was the easy part. I figure Kassima here's got the 
right t'pick a name after she's done the hard work for nine months." 
Jh'rin gives Kassima's hand a squeeze before shooting a sparkling smile in 
Rashala's direction.

Davidon waves hello to Rashala.

Rashala grabs a steaming mug of klah and some muffins, then settles in 
near the hearth to eat.

Kindre waves a greeting to Rashala and remarks, "Good morn to you," while 
attempting to clean off her spoon with her free hand. Resisting the urge 
to roll her eyes yet again, she grins. "Well, that's terribly kind of you, 
Jh'rin, to give her full right to choose a name."

Kassima chuckles, picking up one of the kiwi and twirling it about in her 
fingers. "Platinum," she remarks. "Nay gold, but platinum. He or she's at 
least lightened up on this whole bit of making Mum nauseous, but 
developing rather bizarre tastes in food, I fear. First child I've ever 
met who craved liver with cheese sauce." Wrinkling her nose at the memory, 
she flashes Kin a grin. "We've had a few ideas, but for some reason, most 
of the 'Cavern seemed t'find 'em groansome. Go figure."

Jh'rin sighs at Kindre and remarks, still holding onto Kassima's spare 
hand, "Some men get noxious about that sort of thing, weyrwoman. If you'll 
give me half a chance you'll find me as supportive as I can be."

Davidon shudders and looks at Kassi with fear filled eyes. "Yak...and you 
can eat that sort of thing without getting sick? Yet you can't stand 

Kindre swallows hard again and drops the spoon back into the bowl before 
pushing it away. "Liver and..." she shudders while making a warding off 
motion. "Nevermind. I fear I'll lose my own breakfast if I think on that 
much longer." Nodding a bit at Jh'rin, she wrinkles up her lips. "If you 
say so. I suppose I've little choice but to see it for my own eyes, though 
I hardly doubt you." Yeah. Right. To Kassima, she chuckles a little. "So 
it goes well enough so far? What have the Healers said?"

"Davi," Kassima patiently explains, lacing her fingers through Jh'rin's, 
"when 'twas expecting Kaylira, m'daily menu consisted of things like... 
oh... cream of mushroom soup topped in whip cream, unsweetened klah, 
asparagus chunks, and a slice of orange. Methinks liver's nay all *that* 
bad--but the T-words? They're still the worst food of all!" Tilting her 
head, she smiles up at Jhor. "'Twas fortunate after all, then, for I know 
many aren't so. Nay that I had aught t'complain of with T'lar, mind... oh, 
would any of you care for some of this fruit, by the by? 'Twould nay do 
t'be selfish with such a generous gift. The Healers, Kin, and Faranth take 
'em for they're sadists all, have been telling me t'get more sleep and eat 
more dairy things, so I'm guessing 'tis more cheese-noodles for me."

Rashala munches on her muffins, washing 'em down with the klah, as she 
listens to the conversations around her.

Kindre chuckles and bobs her head. "Ah, yes, the Healers are often that 
way indeed. Though," she waggles a finger at her friend, "you best 
listen." Smiling wide as if to prove the mostly kidding nature of her 
words, she then shakes her head at the offer. "I don't think I could eat, 
to be true. That liver thing killed me. Not as bad as the others from your 
last pregnancy, yet..."

Jh'rin lifts Kassima's hand and kisses the back with a smile at her eyes. 
"Keep eating the fruit, green eyes. You put something like other food in 
yer mouth while carrying my child and Faranth knows what'll pop out. 
Anyways, I should get back t'Ista soon. I do have duties and all, and I 
got up about dawn today t'fetch flowers and fruit for ya. May I come back 
in a few days, though?"

Davidon pokes out his tongue, "I don't think I could stomach liver no 
matter what you bribed me with! Might as well fry up tunnelsnake steaks or 

Kindre coughs a bit. "Good Faranth's shards, if the liver didn't turn my 
stomach enough, the two of you certainly will." Smirking at the pair, she 
then chuckles at Davidon. "Oh, now there's a horrid thought! I fear I may 
go as well...or end up on Pierron's bad side for messing his cavern 

Kassima's eyes sparkle with bright emerald glints as she mirrors the 
smile. "In that, methinks 'twill be glad t'be obliging. May you? 'Twould 
be quite pleased if'n you would, Jh'rin, though a'course only if'n you 
wish t'be doing so." Stealing a glance at Kin, she doesn't *quite* smirk. 
"What, as though you and Kiat are any better? Wait, Davi--what was that 
y'said about tunnelsnake steaks...?"

Davidon chuckles softly at Kindre, "Sorry. I didn't mean to turn your 
stomach. I guess we should try to talk about more soothing things while 
people are eatting I guess."

Davidon pales slightly as he glances at Kassima, "Did I say something 
about that? Hhmm, it must have slipped my mind. Yup, it's completely 

Kindre laughs a bit and shrugs. "Now, now, we're not all that bad. Oh, 
that's alright Davi, I've a tons of scrolls to tend to as is." Pushing 
away from the table, she lifts the scroll she brought in earlier and heads 
towards the cavern's door. "Clear skies, Jh'rin, and Telgar's best to 
Ista. Good day all!"

Kassima wrinkles her nose at Davi and accuses, "Spoilsport. Kin, are you 
going, too? 'Twill like as nay see you about later, then--if'n you think 
you can endure m'company without retching, that is." A wink proves that 
she's no more serious than she usually is.

Kindre grins at Kassima, "I think I can abide by it," she jests right back 
before slipping back into the chilly outdoors.

Jh'rin gives Kassima a tender kiss on the lips and straightens, releasing 
her hand. "Clear skies, Telgar. I'll be back when I can. Meantime, come 
visit Ista. We're warmer in winter. Kassima, sweeting, you be good. Well. 
Uh. Be well." He waves, making his way toward the bowl.

Kindre walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Davidon waves to Kindre, "Have a good day."

Kassima laughs under her breath. "'Twill endeavor t'be so, as long as you 
do the same, heart's own. Fair be the winds t'you and Siaroth both."

Jh'rin grins, winks at Kassima, waves to Davidon and Rashala, and heads 
out, whistling cheerfully.

Rashala waves at the leaving rider.

Davidon waves bye to Jh'rin, "Nice talking to you."

Jh'rin walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.