
Kaisan's Super-Wonderful Blue

Date:  September 19, 2004
Place:  Telgar Weyr Lake Shore
Game:  PernMUSH
Copyright Info:  The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey 
l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.


Kassi's Note:  There's so much good stuff going on in this scene that
I could've named it after any number of things, but I decided that I 
just had to go with Kaisan's acquisition of a temporary dragon as a 
highlight. :)  Other occurances:  Kassi and Lani dish about how many
children the latter might have; M'tri turns up and gets chided for his
adultery; Daikoth is utterly adorable, a term one would usually not 
use to describe Daikoth and the use of which in his presence would 
probably get one fired; and Claret speaks to her mentor of secrets,
though secrets in general rather than any specific secrets of her 


The Log:

Lanisa heads over from the central bowl.

Tisiath lumbers in from the central bowl.

It probably isn't a great thing for Weyrlings to see Wingleaders making
fools of themselves. Doesn't do much for the whole 'respect the chain of
command' training. But Kassi isn't thinking much about such things as she
runs--unevenly; her limp is much-reduced, but not entirely gone--around the
Lake Shore, yelling at the top of her lungs, with a delighted
three-Turn-old riding piggyback and crowing, "Faster-faster-faster!" as
loud as he can. Which is to say very loudly indeed. It's brave of Lysseth
to watch from such a relatively close vantage point, isn't it?

Not that such a sight effects a certain blue past amusement value. Bath,
and a show. What more could Tisiath ask for? Well, other than for his
scrubber to stop staring, with that lopsided grin. Oh, but she does
remember that habitual salute, only a little delayed, "Afternoon
Wingleader." There. Formalities addressed and then she can giggle, "Are you
a runner today, or a dragon?"

Eventually Kassi's pell-mell course puts her in position to notice the new
arrivals. She slows to a lope, so that by the time she's near them she can
come to a complete and final stop without unduly jostling her 'rider.' And
it's that rider who answers, informing his half-sister happily, "Dragon!"
and giving his mother's braid a tug. "Fighting Thread!" Kassima nods to
second Kaisan. "The Thread lives in terror of K'san and Kassith, don't you
know," she informs Lanisa gravely. "'Tis in fact out of fear of *us* that
it actually retreated. Starsmiths and orbits, bah. Heyla t'you
both--forgive if'n I don't salute, since 'twould mean letting go of this
impling. 'Tis Tisiath's bath time?"

Lanisa relaxes far more than she probably ought, but so things go as she
grins on, hands going to her pockets while Tisiath keeps on his course,
"Well of course it retreated before you two. Never has there been a more
fearsome pair than K'san and Kassith for it to battle. It had no choice but
to retreat for good or face it's final defeat!" Then with a wink in an
aside, "Forgiven, and then some, of course."

Kaisan confides in the delighted not-quite-whisper of a child saying
something of which he doesn't think his mother would approve, "We kick
Thread's *butt*!" And whether Kassi does approve or not, she snickers
outright and reaches to half-pull, half-swing her son around, spinning once
with him and earning another yell of glee before lowering him to the
ground. "Fall's over, and your dragon needs a rest, boyo. Go pester Lyss a
bit?" He sighs, but after a quick, merry wave to Lanisa, jogs off as best
his short and plump legs will allow towards where the green is curled.
"Faranth. Been running him about for an hour now; what is it about wee
children that prevents 'em from *ever* tiring? And how go it with your
straps--any progress?"

"Of course you do!" Lani cheerfully agrees as she pulls a hand back from a
pocket long enough to waves after her brother, "He's too cute." Says she
that says no more? "I'd have come to spell you, but..." Hard to do as a
weyrling? "I just wish I could tap that well again. Now that days start to
early and end to late." Then wrinkling her nose, "I think they are at least
serviceable now anyway. But I need to have them checked again later
tonight. You know, to be sure."

Kassima grins in response to that. "He is, when he's nay gotten himself
covered in mud or fruit jam or the like. Or yelling because he hasn't
gotten his way. Nay something he does quite so much *now*... he's starting
t'learn the sneakier methods of winning what he wants, just more proof that
he's going t'take after his father." Because his mother isn't sneaky at
*all*, oh, no. "Good of you t'say it, anyway. You'd probably nay find
enough hours even if'n 'twere younger--if'n you *did*, they'd just work you
extra, I'm sure. 'Tisn't long a'fore you're going t'have t'*use* those
straps, is it?"

"Oh, I don't know. Covered in jam has it's appeal for one his age, if your
not the one having to clean it up. Could be worse things to play in." Not
that Lani will disagree about the other, "It's the yelling that always gets
to me. I admit. Then I'm ready for a nanny to come back in, or some such."
She giggles then, "Sneaker. Aye, that sounds like something he'd get from
Da." She's willing to go along with out pointing out the other. One reason
she and her Da get along so well there, she's a good accomplice, "Anytime..
And I suspect your right about not enough hours. Just too many different
bits of this and that to focus on at once. Makes anyone tired." A glance
after Tisiath and then a nod, "Before too long now. I'd imagine."

"Aye, but if'n you *are* the one having t'clean it, the appeal is
considerably less." Kassi makes this observation rather dryly. "A pity
about that. If'n you can't stand yelling, children are probably out for
you. Because they yell *all the time*," and so speaks one who knows only
too well. "A sneaker, a filcher, a general rogue and scoundrel; entirely
his father's son. I digress, though. You've got... what, straps I know;
visualizations still too, I've heard, and the unmounted practice?" she
hazards, while sidling towards a promising-looking perching rock. "Nay
t'mention the exercises and formation drills, and the lessons in reading
and writing for those who need 'em--though you don't, I imagine. But J'len
must be having a time. Has he--Tisiath, nay J'len--been enjoying the flying
so far?"

"Well, yes. I have a hard time arguing with that." Lani admits that
willingly, then wrinkles her nose, "Ahh, well Da has enough that I don't
need so many, eh?" She can hope it will be that easy, "Sounds like two of a
kind, aye." And a wink to follow that, before she nods agreement while
following along, "Aye. All of that. Though your right, that I don't have a
problem with the reading and writing at least. I might have given the
harpers a hard time. but ma and Da would hardly have let me slide on
learning anyway." She grins, "J'len's probably getting extra practice in in
the form of letter writing though." A glance for her blue and a warm smile
sent that way, "He loves it. Can't get enough. Especially if he has an

Kassima quips, wry, "I could channel m'relatives here and point out that
*everyone* needs plenty of spawn, but... 'twill be good, and save that for
if'n you should end up in Thunderbolt. Since then you'd be *honor-bound*
t'spawn, and all that. But," and suddenly she's innocence incarnate, "have
you told M'tri of this feeling? What'll you do if'n it turns out he's
longing for children? A sweet daughter named Latrine of his very own?" Less
facetiously: "Couldn't imagine either Is or Lanryi permitting *that*, nay;
but I can well imagine what sorts of punishments the Harpers had t'cook up
for you. Having gone through that with Kiss. *Still* going through that
with Kiss. I wonder if'n he still has t'write so many letters, with Amarie
visiting so oft?" Her own study of Tisiath is more scrutinizing. At the end
of it, though, she too wears a smile. "He's in fine form and fettle. Big
enough that he shouldn't have any trouble carrying you. But nay *so* big
that your straps were likely as much a travail as, say, Volath's--nay?"

"I didn't say really none. Just. Maybe not so many. I'd rather not spend
all my days tied to the weyr when there are still places to explore." But
her cheeks redden at least a little, an one might think it easy to believe
Lani doesn't buy innocent, "We'll talk more when were able to talk more
without, you know..." Half the weyr finding out from the weyrling dragon
grapevine? Or Bertie? "Latrine, eh? Not Kalatrine." Her own innocent look
for that, "Ahh, well. The Harpers were just more upset about that suff they
couldn't prove was me when they were sure it was." And like as not they
were right, "She is here a lot though, isn't she? All things considered."
Her own gaze going to the blue who happily swims, ignoring them both, "And
that all I'm glad for. Big enough for me, and not so big as that."

"Trust me," says Kassima, with both amusement and a kind of rue, "plenty of
children don't mean you're always tied here. If'n I couldn't get away to
the Lava Lounge or go fishing now and then, I'd... well, have three
children fewer, actually." Cough. "Mmm-hmm. Well, can't blame you for
wanting t'slow the mills down a *little*. Kalatrine? Ah, now! You're right,
that would be even better. But," and here she holds up a finger, attempting
sternness, "you have t'be explaining t'your parents how the K got in that
name. I do nay want either of 'em hunting *me* down for knocking you up."
Because that's really forty shades of likely. "That isn't like Kiss; you're
right. She's often too shameless for stealth. I thought so; with her
position as an Assistant, I'd nay have thought she'd have so much time,
y'know? But it goes t'prove that she really does feel strongly for him. I
wonder how they'll juggle it, once *they're* in the time where they can
talk more. And do more."

M'tri heads over from the central bowl.

Daikoth lumbers in from the central bowl.

"I'll keep that in mind." Lani says dryly, but with a smile, "And aye. A
little. Maybe just put off for a turn or two to enjoy things without
complications for once first." Like candidacy, weyrlinghood... Fathers that
hover? "Thought you'd like that and aye... I'll be sure to tell them it
wasn't you that did the deed in my case. Though I'll sure it will take some
doing with the K name in evidence." After all, another grin she nods, "Aye.
Well. Getting caught wasn't so high on my list ever. Then Da would have had
to pretend to punish me." Pretend, riiight. "Maybe they have more than one
assistant?" She suggests for that, "But just the same..." And she shrugs
before she grins, "I'm just glad not to have to work through that
logistical problem. What with Trii here."

Kassima has to admit, from where she's seated herself--as is her wont--on a
convenient rock, "Makes perfect sense t'me. I'm glad I didn't start having
children straight after graduation; shells, what a mess 'twould have been,
nay? Since 'twas all of... methinks sixteen, 'twas. Most kind, most kind.
At the very least, make sure they know M'tri had an, ahem, hand in it
*too*. So they can divide their wish t'kill between us. Or something." Her
right brow twitches upwards; she teases, "*Pretend*? Probably they do.
Can't say I really know, though. Haven't paid all that much attention to
the ways of most Headwomen, if'n truth be known. I do find it interesting
in any event--I'd put marks on their coming up with *some* variant of a
weyrmating as soon as possible, at this rate, and 'twill wager Amarie's
pregnant within... oh... let's call it three Turns? *Mayhaps* five. But
mayhaps shortly after graduation night, too, if'n you get me," and she
wiggles her eyebrows shamelessly. "--This is true. But the question is,
*how many* Turns did you want without complications? So I know what t'bet
on for you. One or two, you said, but is it more like four, five, six?"
Lysseth is still here, too, coiled not far from the Lake, with the small
boy who was riding Kassi's shoulders earlier climbing all over her forelegs
and commanding her to do battle with Thread. Apparently the green can be
awfully patient, when she chooses.

"Why is it that every time I think I'm safe, my mistress and my wife have
to go and talk about me behind my back? Hmm?" M'tri's extra good timing
never fails, apparently, as he saunters in with Daikoth, eager as a puppy,
at his heels. The blue bugles his greeting to his clutchmate and...that
green...halfway through Trii's sentence, cutting the inquiry in half and
leaving the end hanging for later. Without pausing at all in his strides,
Daikoth runs to the water and half-leaps in, barreling straight through the
rise of water and getting water everywhere. "For shame," M'tri adds as he
watches his lifemate, directing the comment very obviously at Kassi and Lani.

"Aye. Quite the mess, I'd say. To be grounded before you even had a chance
to take off? No. I think at least a turn or two. But as I said. I'd have to
discuss once it can be discussed." Lani gives a grin, "I rather suspect one
of them at least already has that idea. Before the deed." Any bets there?
Too easy, "But dividing the danger might not hurt." She pauses there to
wink at *pretend* and nod, "Aye, me either. Payed them much attention. But
I'll wager on conciving the first with in the first turn for them... though
graduation night might be likely, I'll stay with the broader bet..." Oops,
"Heya Trii. What's for shame?" Innocent look, 101?

Lysseth offers a trumpet rather than a rumble in response to Daikoth, for
once, a gesture which delights Kaisan, who claps his hands after waving to
the small blue himself and entreats Lyss to do it *again*! Fortunately for
all, she doesn't seem inclined to comply. "You have a mistress and a *wife*
now?" Kassima asks M'tri, scandalized. "Wasn't cheating on your husband
with *one* person bad enough? Nay t'mention J'len. And I'sai. One of *them*
must be the wife. But we were just talking about you, and about the
children you'll doubtless sire... or mother... with Lani someday, leaving
me out in the cold nay doubt, sniffle sniffle. What d'you think of
'Latrine' for a daughter? Or 'Kalatrine'?" She's far enough from the Lake
not to be splashed, but she throws her hands up regardless--just in case.
"*Someone's* eager. --That's just what happened to Alessi, Lani,
essentially, so clearly 'tis *possible*. But I couldn't blame anyone for
wanting a bit of air-time first. Well, 'twill ask you again then, and hold
off on wagering in the meanwhile; always better t'have some inside
knowledge if'n you can. *First* Turn, eh? How much?"

M'tri looks between the pair of women shortly, one eyebrow cocked high
above his eye, the other nearly flat. Begrudgingly, at another almost-tenor
bugle from the water, M'tri remembers his manners and salutes, short and
slacked, something that I'sai would likely throw him off a dragon for, for
real this time. Then, all formalities more-or-less done, he says, "Kassi.
We're missing K's. And Daikoth's doesn't count." He shakes his head as he
adds, "Who says we're having kids, anyways?"

"Well aye, it's -possible-, but it's possible not..." Lani agrees to that
point while giggling about the other, "There now, see. We might not have
any at all." Not that she really seemed to mind that either way, if one
were to judge, "You didn't answer her question though, Trii. And were not
if you go by my adopted, true birth name." Had to point that out, but then
Lani has one of her own to answer, "Half marker."

Kassima's more formal salute is almost pointed, her only comment on the
sloppiness of his. "I say," she announces. "Because that's m'power, y'know,
as Thunderbolt's leader. I point at people and say, 'You shall spawn!' And
they do." She aims her finger at him in threat. "So just *watch* the
cheating on me, sweetest wife, or 'twill have you spawn with Roberta. Mark
me. Anyway, you can borrow *my* K--name the child after me, see? Since I
won't be knocking Lani up; we already decided that." It may be noted that
while Kassi is practiced at keeping a straight face through many things,
she's having difficulty with *this* one. "Although that's true too.
Half-mark... all right. Methinks 'twill take it. I half think you'll be
*right*, mind you, but the odds seem in m'favor, and what's the fun of
gambling without the occasional risk?"

"I don't /want/ your K," M'tri says cockily, wrinkling his nose. Roberta's
name doesn't earn a familiar grimace but a chuckle. "That's not likely,
especially since she's got a blue too and the chances are very small that
Daikoth's going to rise to chase...a chaser." Very clever M'tri, very
clever! "I don't spawn on command, by the way," he announces evenly. "Not
even for Daikoth." The blue, however, has become very distracted. Not by a
shiny, for once, but instead for that small person crawling all over Lysseth.

"She can do it, Trii. It's a proven fact." But Lani's having a harder time
with the straight face than Kassi. "Oh but not Bertie. That's just evil. We
can't have dear Trii spawn with her if he does have to spawn." Of course
not. "Aye. Can't have my parents after Kassi for knocking me up. We did
agree on that. But there's nothing wrong with a borrowed K if a K was
needed. -- Wait... We back on me spawning? I thought I escaped that fate if
Trii said no?" Straight face, soo gone now, "Oh good. I've not had a proper
bet to place since the hatching -- At least."

"True," Kassi sings out, "but! You forget *lost* flights, M'tri-m'dear.
What if'n Daikoth should lose, and her blue lose too, and your overwhelming
passions lead you into a torrid embrace? Right there in the *Bowl*, nay
less and for shame," since the image she'd provided wasn't
nightmare-inducing enough. "*That's* unfortunately true; and the main
reason we don't have more children. What's wrong with m'K? 'Tis a noble K!
An elegant K! A K of excellent breeding!" Look at her, trying to look all
wounded. "--Oh, I *suppose* nay. I mean, we don't really want our children
being siblings t'hers, do we? That'd be a terror. I don't know, Lani; if'n
M'tri won't, there are other ways. 'Twould nay lay wagers on *never*." And
she shakes her head in most grave, most somber fashion, for emphasis.

Kaisan, now, is entirely unaware of these goings on--Lysseth isn't
stationed that close to the humans, and even if she were, it's doubtless
the stocky little three-Turn-old would much care. "Whoooosh," he says,
straddling Lysseth's foreleg and doubtless imagining flight. Yet Daikoth
distracts him as much as he distracts Daikoth, and soon he's sliding down
to the ground, the better to wander on up to get a better look at this
unusually small, at least in his very limited experience, blue.

"But a K isn't needed because we're not naming /any/ of our children
anything that rhymes with latrine." M'tri doesn't appear prepared to budge
on /that/ in the least. "Who said I said no?" M'tri inquires sweetly of
Lani, batting his lashes at her. "Is Kassi spreading foul rumors that I
said no cause I'm scared of your Da? I'm not scared of him now. I'm
calculating." Innocent look 101 has been taken by both blueriders, apparently.

"Can't we find a nice weyr first, at least?" Lani laments to Kassi, then
with a grin back at M'tri and lifts a brow, "First yes, then maybe, then
no, now yes... I'm thinking it might be safer not to put bets on the two of
us at this rate." She says that with a wink at Kassi, "Trii might just find
a way to by pass them all if given half a chance." Then with a shake of her
head, "No one's been saying your scared of Da in my hearing." Possibly a
good thing, considering.

Kassima asks M'tri with suspicion, "Calculating? Does this mean 'tis *he*
who's your wife, then? And here I'd thought J'len. Doesn't matter, 'tany
rate--a K is *always* needed, for good luck in life and so the child can
get a piece of the action when we conquer all of Pern." A firm nod
emphasizes this. "--So *nay* nay! Mayhaps you can answer, then, M'tri: how
many children d'you want? And how soon? For m'wagering. And from Lani, I
mean, nay from all of your spouses and mistresses, though if'n you've an
idea as to that then I'd like t'know too. Hey, now, Lani, he'd nay do that?
Would you, sweet wife? Skew all m'wagers on purpose?" Oh, look at those
baby canine eyes! So large, so entreating.

Hey now. This human isn't even /half/ the size of his, and Daikoth is not
liking it one bit, it appears. Raising himself right out of the water, he
takes the time to shake water out of his wings only before mounting the
sand and dropping down with a heavy and wet THUMP to peer suspiciously at
Kaisan, wuffle the boys hair, and look at M'tri with as much bewilderment
as he can muster. Then it's back to examination of this obviously rare
specimen. It has to be rare, after all, he, Daikoth, king of all that is
shiny, has never seen it, therefore it must be rare.

"Of course I would," M'tri says, all saccharine and sugar, smiling at
Kassima. "I wouldn't do it on purpose. It would just be a well planned
accident. Hey, now, I don't have a K, and I turned out fine." He asserts
this with a sharp nod. "How many kids? Maybe two. Not soon though. The
/last/ thing I need is to have a bunch of little me's running around. I'd
be strung from the ceiling and Pierron would be mad that anyone got his
floor dirty while you all lynched me. But when you look like me, it's
hard." He sighs dramatically, wiping a nonexistant tear.

"I should hope not da." Lani teases, but she still refrains from mentioning
that K now, "Two doesn't sound so bad to me. And I think waiting a bit a
fine idea, as has already been discussed. Kassi was wanting to know how
long a wait though, since were not discussing this now or anything." Too
amused, oh yes.

Kaisan is one of a kind! As he'd probably be the first to proudly proclaim.
He laughs at the whuffling, not bothered at all, and reaches up a very
small hand to the blue as if to offer a pat to his muzzle, perhaps a rub of
the chin. Someone's trained him well.

"Kai-love, don't bother Daikoth!" Kassi turns to call over to her son.
Then, looking back to M'tri, she offers a toothy smile of her own. "Ah,
well, we'll see. A'course, you get t'explain t'Daikoth why *your* actions
cost an increase in the matrimonial funds, leaving less money for buying
shiny things with. Only two... huh. Apart from our thirteen, a'course. That
might be best for all concerned. But who the parents, I wonder? Wait a
minute--when you look like you, 'tis hard nay t'have children, or when you
look like you, 'tis hard nay t'be lynched?" A solemn nod follows. "Oh, aye.
We're nay talking about it right now at all. Two, within a few Turns... I
can work with this."

Daikoth looks appalled. Did she, the evil carnivorous greenrider, just try
to sway someone (or thing?) away from petting him? The NERVE! Whether the
boy hesitates or not, Dai thrusts his muzzle right out there, all the
better to recieve his reward.

No worries: Kaisan's not one to listen to his mother when she says
something silly like 'don't bother the large creature with many sharp
teeth.' He's only too pleased to pat and stroke that proffered muzzle as
best his tiny hands will allow, perhaps not as expert at the task as
someone older, but reasonable gentle and careful about not accidentally
poking the dragon in the nostril or anything. "Fight Thread?" he wonders
hopefully, craning his neck to look Daikoth in the eye.

M'tri makes a disgruntled sound in the back of his throat. "He's already
demanded all my marks." He looks soberly at his dragon, then back to the
pair to say dryly, "He sleeps with the sack next to his nose so he can
nudge it when he wants to. Like that's /neccessary/." M'tri leans to Lani
to whisper theatrically, "We'll have four by my next turnday; just to throw
her off."

Lanisa teases, "Just so long as I don't have to place my marks in a sack
there too. He might think he's got to go keeping them." But she gets no
farther as the last leaves her in giggles. She pulls together a straight
face after a moment to stage whisper back, "You can tell my da then..."

Kassima brings up a hand to try and cover her grin, and then her snicker;
shame she's not quite quick enough. "Oh," she coughs, "dear. Well, but 'tis
well if'n they give him such pleasure... mayhaps you can sneak some out of
the sack if'n you need 'em for something. Shells, *four*?" Aghast. "Lani,
don't *even* let him talk you into that. Twins are bad enough t'bear. Four
would leave you wanting t'rip off his pertinent parts with your bare hands
a'fore 'twere even in labor. And then the Weyr would be full of
disappointed wives and husbands and mistresses, and they'd throttle you,
and 'twould be oh-so-sad." Lani's whisper prompts a pause. "Or mayhaps
'twould be Is who did the tearing, but that'd be just as tragic in the end.
Better tell Daikoth that he shouldn't do aught t'encourage Kai, M'tri.
'Fight Thread' means, will he let him climb all over him pretending he's a

Daikoth, peering at M'tri closely, pauses as the boy sends the warning
right on through, and exactly what it could entail. Howver, Daikoth's not
getting the attention he deserves, and so he rumbles agreement. Yep,
they'll fight Thread!

Kaisan's smile is wide and sweet, and his blue-green eyes, canted slightly
as Kassi's are, shine with his delight. "We'll go fast!" he announces, and
toddles on over to Daikoth's neck to look up and up. This one is smaller
than Lysseth, but.... "Down, please! Gotta get *up*!" Lysseth herself has
ghosted closer to keep an eye on her rider's child, lest he get into too
much mischief or come in any real danger of breaking his neck.

"Daikoth..." M'tri's protest fades away as the blue rumbles his agreement
and shuffles further out of the water. "Be careful!" he warns instead,
wincing as he says, "Oh, shards. None of that, please. Maybe your Da
wouldn't notice? Maybe he'd just think you should lay off the tarts and
Kassi's making booties for...Tisiath?"

"Da not notice me having four offspring before graduation? Is that like
hope springs eternal?" But after Lani gives Kassi and incredulous look, she
giggles, "Aye. I'm sure that's just what I thought." Then giving it some
thought, "No. If there must four, not all at once, eh? I mean, it's one
thing to get all the work done all together. And another thing to have a
chance to breath between each."

"Booties!" Kassima exclaims. "For your child with your mistress? You've
another think coming, m'sweet. 'Twill make booties for your children with
*her* only if'n you agree t'have children with *me* at the same time. And
if'n she has t'be pregnant with four, then so do you. Only fair. Isn't it?"
She turns an appealing glance on Lanisa. "That should spare you any four.
M'tri wouldn't have the nerve or strength t'bear four children *himself*.
What man would?" She's slightly distracted, saying this; her eyes keep
straying towards Daikoth and Kaisan, a mother's worry flickering across her

Daikoth, for once, isn't being completely reckless. Oh, yes, he's aware of
Kassi and Lysseth's eyes on him, so he lowers down slowly enough,
stretching out and taking the time to practice all the things he's been
using with Trii. He holds very steady for the lad, as careful as if he's
handling a golden latrine.

Kaisan claps again as the big blue does as he says, and, once the top of
that neck seems at least *more* within reach, attempts the scramble up.
Now, he doesn't try to bump or kick or dig his feet into Daikoth's neck. He
tries not to, in fact. But his legs are small and as chubby as the rest of
him, and getting up promises to be a challenge. At length, assuming Daikoth
hasn't already moved away in disgust, Lysseth aims a nudge at the boy's
rear to help boost him up. Voila!

At this point, M'tri is distracted too. It's not Dai's steadiness he's
worried about; it's Kaisan, and in a brilliant display of bruxism, the
weyrling clenches his teeth as the boy mounts, murmuring, "Oh, please, be
careful." - "I would too have the nerve, I just don't have the capacity to
bear four children." Touche.

"Seems fair to'me. and aye. -- There we have it. He's not going to have
four then from the sounds of things." Lani glances from one to the other
and then grins lopsidedly. And she's no completely oblivious to her
brother's antics either, for all that she remains quiet about them while

"Then how d'you explain our thirteen?" Kassi asks in indignation. "Did they
just fall out of the *sky*? I recall well how you screeched and screamed
and wept and begged for mercy! And broke m'hand again *each time*. Bloody
wonder I can use it at all now. You've done it a'fore; you can do it again,
after graduation." Bat, bat, bat go the eyelashes, even as her eyes slide
back to Weyrling dragon and son. "Lyss won't let him fall either," she
murmurs, but she doesn't sound that certain herself. "And he wouldn't hurt
a dragon, but... mayhaps I shouldn't allow...." A slight sniff escapes.
"Well, we'll see. All things considered, 'tis nay *wonder* he gets pregnant
so often, if'n you get me. But if'n nay, at least you're in the clear."

Daikoth sturdy as any blue ever, even as a weyrling, rises slowly and
carefully; when he's sure that the lad atop him isn't going to fall over,
he begins to tromp around with what will, eventually be roars. Now, though,
they're not quite. They're sort of amusing, actually. Not unaware of
everyone who's watching him, he still doesn't let it take up his
attentions. After all, there's Thread to be fought!

"Maybe this is the time to tell you that...that....we adopted?" M'tri,
realizing how asinine the suggestion is, after all her obviously infallable
evidance, blinks at Kassi before giggling. "That doesn't work," he says
around the laughter, before looking at Lani soberly. "I wouldn't burden you
with four all at once," he promises. "It'd kill you."

Kaisan's not entirely unfamiliar with dragonriding, and settles himself in
the appropriate place on Daikoth's neck as best he can; clamps with his
legs as best he can, too, but this isn't saying much given the lack of
length of those legs. "Mummy!" he calls towards his mother. "'M a *rider*!
Look! A *bluerider*!" He sounds entirely thrilled by this development, and
he's only moreso when Daikoth walks and roars. He 'roars' too, or tries. If
anything it's even less effective, but he deserves credit for giving it his
all. "Thread, blue! The Thread's over... um... um. There!" And he gestures
vaguely to the right. Lysseth continues to follow after them as close as a
shadow, not interfering, but not about to let Kai come to harm either.

Lanisa interrupts the round of giggles only in reply to the sober look sent
her way and than it's to place her hands on her hips, "Now Trii. Just
because I don't want to go and have four at once... Just why do you think I
couldn't handle it if I wanted too... Not that I do, because I don't."

Step. Roar. Step. Roar. Daikoth even has the common courtesy to give a
perfunctory flap of the wings, hardly enough to move the air let alone take
him off the ground. He veers to the right, opening his mouth and pretending
to sear Thread. Oh yeah, take that you stinking writhing mass of
invisibility you!

Kassima gives M'tri a vastly puzzled look. "Then," she says slowly, "what
did you do with *our* children, if'n the ones we've foisted off on the
Lower Caverns women t'raise were all fosterlings? This isn't right! That
means there are kidlets with our blood running about and we don't know who
they are! How can we be properly braced for their evil, then?" She smiles a
genuine smile at M'tri's promise, and shakes her head to Lanisa. "Four at
once, Lani--nay offense meant t'you, but 'tis hard t'be imagining any
woman, anywhere, who could handle that. If'n he's offering you an out on
the four thing, I'd take it. Kai-love, be *careful*!" She couldn't go long
without calling that. "Hold onto that neckridge! Lyss, don't let him--"
Lysseth rumbles. She's on it.

Perfunctory or not, it's quite enough to excite Kaisan, who calls out to
the world, "Wheeeeeee! Fly, blue? Will you fly?" Trust him to fasten on
that idea. "Got it! Die, Thread! Die! Die!" Trust him to be homicidal, too.
Let's hear it for genetics.

Sighing in relief at Daikoth's lack of stupid actions, M'tri manages to
turn a bemused look on Lani. "Well, if you really want, we can try to make
a concious effort when the time comes and you can try to do four, but I've
still got my doubts. Even super Kassi couldn't do it, I dare say." M'tri
turns to look at Daikoth again at Kassi's call, piquing a bit, then earning
back his color as he says, "Don't /do/ that. I thought something'd happened!"

Daikoth's all for pretending to fly, but he's not really going to leave the
ground. Maybe a small (miniscule, even) hop, here and there, but nothing
more. After all. They're grounded. Again. Roar! And more invisible Thread
suffers the wrath of Daikoth and his psudo-rider Kaisan!

"Told you." Lani pretends to sulk now. Don't want to have four all at once
anyway. Just saying. It might not -kill- me like you suggest." Might not...
"Might mean you'd have to lock me in a padded weyr and have my head
examined though. *If* I'd even consider it." And only now does she smile.

"Hasn't *yet*," Kassi says, eyes fixed on the not-quite-dragonpair. "Thanks
mostly t'Daikoth. He's being quite good with him... oh, shells, *nay*
flying--" But none seems in evidence. She can breathe again, and even look
back towards Daikoth's rider. "I've only done two at once so far," she
allows. "But if'n you'd like t'experiment, we could always *try* for four,
m'dear," with as close to a leer as she can manage--and that's not saying
much at all. "I couldn't disagree about needing a head examined if'n you
*wanted* four at once, Lani."

Kaisan sways and bounces a bit with the walking and the hops. But he's not
worried--why should he be? He doesn't even think of falling off. And
somehow, perhaps because he does grab for the neckridge in front of him, he
manages to stay on. "Kill, kill," he sings. "Super-wonderful blue! We kill
lots! Kick Thread's butt!" That jubilant call does get a laugh from his

Without the least bit of surprise, M'tri says, "Wow, Kassi. He's just like
you. Very cute. But very smart, because Daikoth is the super-wonderful
blue. Very observant, kid. Hey, Lani, you think ours will be that observant?"

"I'd be fine skipping the two at once too." Lani admits... "Twins don't run
in your family anywhere, do they, Trii?" Then a sage nod, "I didn't suspect
you disagree about the head examining..." For the last she grins, "How
could they not be observant?"

"Awww, you think I'm cute and smart? There's the silver-tongued lady I
married," Kassi sighs, affecting a bit of a swoon on her rock. "He can
scarce think otherwise of a blue who plays his game. Daikoth's replaced
Lyss *and* Tear as his favorite dragon ever, at least for tonight." A grin
steals across her face. "I don't think they could avoid it," she agrees
with Lani. "With such parents. They'd be something else, and that's only

Claret heads over from the central bowl.

Avrieth lumbers in from the central bowl.

"No twins in my family, that I know of." He laughs, saying, "Yeah,
something else, but what is still a bit of a mystery. And Kassi, you
misunderstood, dearest. I said just like you because he's cute, but he's
also smart. You must listen more closely to my silver tongue." He winks as
he rises from where he sat down, stretching and looking over at Daikoth
before wandering closer to him.

"Don't tell Tear. He'll be crushed..." Lani says at first, "Or maybe he
wont." So decisive tonight, "Thanks Kassi. And I'll speak to him about a K
for one of the four. Even if they are born apart." She gives M'tri a wink
for that. "One set in my family that I know of.. But that's maybe not our
line after all. We might be safe yet, Trii."

"'Twill simply have t'prove m'intelligence t'you, then," Kassi informs
M'tri. She's seated on a rock, as is usual for her, her attention divided
between the two Weyrlings with whom she speaks and Daikoth--or, more
accurately, the very small child riding Daikoth. "In some fiendish, evil,
clever way that will make you regret *ever* having doubted it. I won't,
Lani, though Lysseth would gladly console him. If'n there were any being
consoled from such a crushing blow. Oh, *will* you? That's marvelous," and
she beams. "Kalatrine shall be such a beautiful child!"

Daikoth's path is blocked -- by his rider. Well, that's disappointing. The
blue fake-flames one last time, searing his not-so-invisible rider in the
process before Trii says, "Well, that's enough. You're always my favorite
dragon and you don't even have to pretend to flame thread." Daikoth doesn't
budge. He pretends to flame again. Stubborn clump of Thread, his rider.
Maybe more taxing efforts need to be involved. Just as he opens his mouth
again, M'tri says, "You've got to save some energy for when Lani and I have
kids." Daikoth looks skeptical. "Yeah, well...hey, guess what? Fall's
over!" Looking disappointed at this revelation, Daikoth lowers himself
slowly, far enough that Kaisan can slide off without spraining or breaking
anything. Hopefully. "We're not naming anyone Kalatrine!"

Claret walks toward the lake shore alongside Avrieth, her path taking
periodic swerves into near collisions with the dragonet as she looks
everywhere but where she's going, which gives her ample time to note the
forms of the dragons and their riders. Raising her hand first in a salute,
she greets, "Wingleader," before giving everyone a cheery smile. "Evening.
Kalatrine?" she echoes, faintly puzzled.

Kaisan looks down as M'tri approaches, and removes one hand from Daikoth's
neckridge to wave--which causes him to start to list to the side. Smart
child indeed: he's quick to grab that neckridge again and so avoids
splattering on the ground. "Didja see us? We fought Thread--we *won*!" he
tells M'tri, grinning from ear to ear. "He's the best blue ever." A short
pause, then: "What's his name? Oh, Fall's over... know what *that* means."
And apparently he does, because he sighs, but obediantly gets off... if not
before leaning forward to try and 'hug' Daikoth's neck. "You fought real
good, blue. We'll fight again. Thread will be *afraid*." This promise
delivered, he slides down to the ground with care, and doesn't meet with
injury--though his rear end does meet with the ground, as he slips. He
looks very surprised by this.

"I don't doubt he would console him." Lani agrees with a grin and then
giggles "Doesn't have to be Kalatrine, Trii. Just have a K..." She'll work
on it, even in jest, "But good to have Daikoth ready for our brood." She
grins at Claret as she explains, "M'tri's and my first born." And what if
it's a boy? Yes, pray she's teasing.

M'tri,making sure Kaisan, after such a close call, helps Kaisan down,
agreeing, "Yeah, I saw you both. He is a very good blue, isn't he? His
name's Daikoth, and if you ever need someone to help you fight thread and
Lysseth is busy preening, you just come find me and Daikoth'll help you
out, if he's not busy. Promise." M'tri gives a smile and a wave to Claret.
Daikoth, raising his head, rubs against Kaisan in passing and then the pair
are leaving, with M'tri assuring, "Sure, I'll let you play with him again."

Daikoth lumbers in the direction of the central bowl, leaving the
shimmering lake.

M'tri heads in the direction of the central bowl, leaving the shimmering lake.

Kassima takes her eyes off her son and his sort-of-dragon long enough to
flash a grin of welcome to Claret and Avrieth, and call, "Evening! Y'know,
I'm pretty sure you can call me by name--" That doesn't stop her from
returning the salute. "'Tis what Lanisa and M'tri should name their first
daughter, don't you think? Far prettier than just 'Latrine.'" To Lani, she
suggests, "Ketrani, mayhaps? It does have fewer, well, dubious connotations."

Kaisan nods vigorously to M'tri, repeating, "Daikoth. Thankee, Daikoth! And
guy!" There's a passing pat for the passing Daikoth, and then the very
happy child pelts for the rock where his mother sits, scrambling up to her
lap without so much as a by-your-leave and announcing, "I'm a real rider now!"

Claret's brows knit as she considers Lani's words for a moment. "Your
firstborn? But you're not having a baby, are you? That'd be -awful-. I
mean, awful right now, not awful in general." Wrinkling her nose, she
remarks, "But that seems very unlikely. I don't think Latrine is a very
good name at all. Can I call you by your name? Because it wouldn't do if I
did, and then I got heard and had to run laps forever. Most fatiguing."

"Ketrani.. That does have promise and doesn't rhyme..." Lani gives another
grin, glancing after the departing M'tri. But Claret's words draw her back
with a laugh, "As if we could be expecting now and the whole weyr not know
it. We might bunk next to each other, but that's a mite different than
-with- each other."

"I think so. Since you're m'mentee. I asked one of the Assistants, and they
said 'twas all right," Kassi explains. "'Twill do a favor and nay tell the
Weyrlingmaster team what you said about the laps being exhausting--they'd
probably see that as a sign you need t'run *more*. How have the exercises
been going; still doing the laps and calisthenics mostly? Have you started
tossing firestone yet?" She hugs her son as she speaks, listening with half
an ear to his ongoing, happy rambling about how amazing he and Daikoth were
against the Thread, and how he's going to be Daikoth's rider for *real*
when he's old enough, wait and see. "The dragons would let everyone know
even if'n you *didn't* wake everyone up," is the greenrider's dry agreement
with Lanisa. "I like Ketrani too. Nay that I'm biased or the like."

Claret waves her hand dismissively in Lani's direction. "Somehow or other I
always manage to be one of the whole weyr that doesn't know, so I don't
suppose I can set much store by that," she comments ruefully. "But you're
right! I suppose Avrieth would tell me. She tells me enough other things."
Shifting, Claret lays a hand against the green and leans into her for a
moment. "The laps aren't so bad, by themselves. It's just when you have to
do a whole lot -more- that it's kind of tiring, you know? But thanks ever
so for not telling. Exercises are fine; I've mostly been doing calisthenics
still. Mostly."

Lanisa merely rolls her eyes. "You could hardly miss it in the barracks if
we were... As Kassi says." Then with a grins, "So formally, for the record:
We are not." The rest she just listens to as Tisiath comes back ashore and
heads up the beach towards them.

"Does she." Kassi's eyes travel towards Avrieth, regarding the green with
new interest. "What sorts of things? And what else beyond calisthenics,
then? I do understand what you mean. Between us, as many Turns as I've been
riding, I'm still fair exhausted by the end of morning exercises and
drills; the usual soak in the Springs afterward comes as something *most*
welcome." She slants Lanisa a grin. "Could've guessed that," she teases,
"by how you're both still *alive*. Looks like someone's done with his

"Oh, all sorts of things," Claret replies readily. "She just sits there and
watches everything. When she's not sleeping or eating, or when we're not in
drills of course. So anything she sees, or anything a dragon tells her that
she finds interesting, which is just about anything, she'll tell me. For an
hour sometimes!" Throwing Avrieth an exasperated, if fond glance, she tilts
her head to the side. "Well, a bit of tossing sacks and so forth, like you
said. The usual, I expect. Seems like I should get used to it, but I'm not
quite." Her mouth quirking, she adds to Lanisa, "That's true. And I guess
we'd all have been read some lecture and heard about ghastly punishments
you two were undergoing, too."

Tisiath shakes off the excess water before getting close enough to spray
them and Lani grins, "He'll want his oiling next... And aye. Da would have
skinned us both. Daughter or no, I'd be up there as an example for the rest
of you."

Kassima's eyes take on a considering light, as she rocks Kaisan slightly in
an attempt to get him closer to sleep. Not bloodly likely. The boy's still
bouncing about in her lap, murmuring to himself about all the
Thread-killing he and Daikoth will do. "Aught interesting enough t'be worth
sharing?" she just has to ask. "I imagine she could see plenty, if'n she
keeps her eyes so open. Truth, 'tis usual, and you'll have plenty of time
t'get used to it--don't worry on that score. You'll have t'throw 'em from
on your dragons, and throw 'em from on your dragons in the *air*, and by
the time all that's done, it at least shouldn't feel very extraordinary."
Her tone turns droll as she quips, "Mayhaps the moreso for being his
daughter. Or mayhaps nay. Probably he wouldn't let it matter. Thank Tisiath
for his consideration just now for me, would you?"

Claret closes her eyes for a moment, trying to cull over all the little
snippets of information that may or may not be stuck in her memory. "Um...
Probably," she concludes, her eyes snapping open. "I'm not so entirely sure
I can remember anything of particular interest, and Avri can't, of course.
Mostly she watches the weyrlings, after all, so I hear about this or that
complaint, or someone getting in trouble, or who's itching or..." Trailing
off she shrugs, remarking only, "I expect, if I paid more attention, she'd
be a veritable trove of secrets and such. Later, anyway." Shifting her
attention to Lani, she comments, "It would be dreadful if you got skinned
up. I imagine you'd get in the worst kind of trouble ever."

"The more so for his daughter I suspect is something I alone would see."
Lani admits that much. "In that it would be just like for anyone else, I
suspect." But she gives a wry grin, "Aye. Likely the worst I'd faced at
least." Then a pause, "Tisiath says your welcome, and he's lost his shine.
So if you'll all excuse me? I've a dragon to polish." She smiles from one
to the other and then adds a salute for Kassi, a wink for her youngest
brother and a wave for Claret before she'd gone.

Tisiath lumbers in the direction of the central bowl, leaving the
shimmering lake.

Lanisa heads in the direction of the central bowl, leaving the shimmering

"Who gets in trouble," says Kassima, "is of some interest t'me. All
Weyrlings are to a degree, you understand; 'twill have t'be choosing future
Wingmates from the group in time. Well, little matter. But those secrets
later--those could be interesting. For you." She lifts a hand to wave after
Lanisa, as does Kaisan, the boy using his other hand to cover a wide yawn.

Claret waves after Lani before turning a speculative gaze to Avrieth. "I
suppose you're wanting your bath too. But only a quick one," she warns,
stepping away from Avrieth to allow her to lumber toward the water, which
she promptly does, though the fact that she's being talked about draws her
attention back every minute or so. "Maybe," she replies dubitably. "Only, I
don't like to keep secrets so very much. I -can-," she emphasizes in a tone
that suggests that ability is often enough questioned, "But it's ever so
much trouble. Unless they're dreadful secrets, and then that's all right.
Those are some of the most interesting, I think."

Kassima observes, while observing Avrieth, "Soon enough she'll--and
you'll--be able t'bathe in the hot waters, at least. That'll be something.
D'you often have secrets told, that you find hard t'keep?" she wonders,
looking back towards the human half of the greenpair. "And you find
dreadful secrets *easier* t'keep? Really?"

Claret watches as Avrieth wades deeper, immersing herself liberally in the
water. Attention drawn away quickly enough by the questions, she nods her
head enthusiastically. "Oh, yes. Much easier, because if they're dreadful,
then it's very easy to see why people want them to be kept secrets, and so
it's easier to remember not to tell. I don't hear many secrets at all,
though," she admits with a sigh. "I think because people think I'll tell,
because I talk so much. That's exactly what M'tri always says, anyway, but
I don't quite agree."

Kassima nods her understanding. "Makes sense. With some things, 'tis hard
t'know if'n someone wants it kept secret at *all*. For what 'tis worth, I
don't know how many people do have scores of dreadful secrets--I doubt I
do; I might come up with a few if'n I really scratched. People seem t'like
keeping those to themselves. For some strange reason." She chuckles under
her breath. "It might be so. M'tri would probably know; he talks nay little
amount himself, you might've noticed."

"Well, they don't have to be -too- dreadful," Claret clarifies with a
sagacious nod. "Just something unpleasant, or maybe not even so bad, but
extra important or unfortunate. I don't like it much when secrets are told
to other people, but not me, and I'm there when they're told, though.
That's the worst, because then I get awfully curious." Regarding the water
with a wrinkled nose, she supplies, "I did kind of notice that. But I
figure, lots of people are like that, aren't they?"

"'Twould be hard nay t'*wonder*, in such a situation," Kassima agrees.
"What's been told? Why that whispering? Does it involve you; is that why
they won't say...? So many questions. I like knowing things, too. There are
some secrets you can't know, and shouldn't tell; but t'know what's going on
has a lot of appeal." There's a soft dragon-laugh from the darkness. Oh,
no, this opinion of her rider's doesn't surprise Lysseth at all.
"Talkative? True enough. Some more than others; but few about a Weyr, it
seems, are all that silent."

Claret nods in agreement. "Knowing things is terribly interesting, and I
like to find out all I can. It's keeping from telling it that's rotten. Not
that I ever do on purpose, of course. That'd be silly." Pausing as
Avrieth's whuffling and snorts in the water distract her, she remarks,
"Well, seems like M'tri always has been kind of funny about things. When he
first came here, he was so very odd sometimes, and I do think he liked to
choke. That's ever so much more noticeable than someone being quiet."

Kassima shifts Kaisan in her lap. The child has finally, it seemed, nodded
off--into a drowse if not true sleep--and his dark-haired head slumps
against his mother. "What can be fun is telling secrets that aren't true,
if'n you think 'twill nay really make the person angry," she confides. "Or
that the anger's part of the game--if'n 'tis the sort of friend you often
tease, who teases you. I've done that a'fore. Telling people that M'rgan
and A'lex are having a wild affair, that sort of thing. Terrible, desperate
secret--except a'course that 'tis complete lies, as anyone who knows 'em
would probably know. I don't know that I *recommend* doing that, but it can
surely cause some interesting expressions." Go figure. "Liked to choke?"
she wonders. "That's a rather odd pastime."

Claret tilts her chin consideringly. "Sometimes, I think, people get mad
when someone's not telling the truth, even if it's nothing to do with them,
and I think that's too bad. I don't think I can make up stories so well,
but I do so like to listen to them, especially if they don't really sound
true at all." Dipping her head in a nod, she agrees, "Isn't it odd?
Though," she admits, in all fairness, "He never said he liked choking, he
just did an awful lot, and insisted there was nothing wrong with it."

"That," Kassima admits, "is also true enough. Ah, well. At least you're
well-set if'n you like the sorts of stories with nay truth--Pierron and
Roberta between 'em can come up with *plenty* of those, I'm sure, along
with all the bits that have grains of actual fact. What sort of things did
you say that he choked after?"

Claret heads towards the edge of the water as Avrieth makes her way out
again. "Maybe not gossipy stories so much as stories with people that I
don't know, I like," she says, stepping a few paces back from Avrieth as
she emerges, shedding water droplets. "Do you know, that's an awfully good
question, and I did so wonder. He'd choke after just about anything, it
seemed like. I couldn't quite figure it out."

"If'n that's so, then sometime when you've leisure, 'tis possible I might
know stories to interest you," Kassima offers, "about people I don't think
you've met. I don't know, though; so many of m'stories are widespread
knowledge by now, they might quite bore you. But the offer's out there. He
doesn't seem t'choke much *now*, does he? Wonder if'n 'tis a change from
Impression. Something Daikoth's done t'him. --Bath over, I'm guessing? You
did command a short one."

Avrieth pauses as she passes Claret, giving a low croon before commencing
progress back toward a place to get rest and oil. Nodding, Claret adds,
"And one where I didn't have to get wet, either. So yes, it's over."
Wrinkling her nose uncertainly, she wavers for a moment. "Well... I dunno.
I think he stopped being like that mostly during candidacy, but maybe I
just didn't notice. Maybe he's just too busy to choke now. Ooh, coming!"
Claret breaks off, hurrying her step after Avrieth, though her head is
turned over her shoulder. "Good night! And I should very much like to hear
stories, if you don't mind telling them." She sketches a salute,
uncertainly as she recalls it may not be necessary, and then turns to watch
where she's going, headed off toward the bowl.

Avrieth lumbers in the direction of the central bowl, leaving the
shimmering lake.

Claret heads in the direction of the central bowl, leaving the shimmering