-------------------------------------------------------------------------- She's My Cherry Pie Date: April 21, 2003 Places: Telgar Weyr's Central Bowl and Hatching Galleries Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: Oh, *man.* This scene was comedy gold. ;) Katlynn, Craftmaster of Weavercraft and a casual acquaintance of Kassi's, has recently suffered some disappointment at the hands of men... so she's decided to try her luck with women. And what woman does she decide wants? Why, Kassima, of course! (I'll leave what this says about her taste up to interpretation. ;) And since Kassi hasn't visited Weaver Hall lately, Kat decides to visit Kassi and profess her love. Believe it or not, it's even more insane than it sounds. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: You walk north. "...have you seen her? You *must* know where she is! She's.." Katlynn's voice rises and falls in waves, as she speaks with one of the weyrlings in the bowl. "Go and *find* her for me! I insist that I must see her right now! I'm dying here.." And the weyrling, well, he looks wary - and disbelieveing, but with a roll of his eyes, wanders off. And whether it's too find this /woman/ or not, is a whole other story. <Weavers> I'sai likes Kat's fringe. And Kassi's glow. Alas for poor Kassima that there's no ominous music playing, nothing to warn her of impending doom and evil, as she makes her way across the Bowl with the Lake her clear objective; if there were, she might know to dive into yon Weyrling Barracks or Hatching Cavern while she still can--or best of all, simply turn tail and flee back the way she came as fast as her pregnancy will allow. But there is not. And so she is heedless. Pity her, won't you? Of course, That Voice is hard to miss even for one whose mind is elsewhere, and she turns her eyes automatically to seek out its source in puzzlement. "*Katlynn*? Is that you?" Kassima: Kassima is a woman gifted magnanimously by genetics: one would likely guess her to be younger than her actual age thanks to high cheekbones and a brow lines dare not touch, and metabolism and height have both dealt a good hand in her slender 5'10" build. Her fine-boned features are framed by a black river braided and confined, allowed free only in the wayward forelock; there, it threatens to dangle into canted eyes the color of emeralds in shadow. A shrewd glint lightens these even when mirth does not, and the well-shaped brows above lend eloquence through their mobility. Kassi seems to be in reasonably good health and condition: she is strong and fit, though as pale in complexion as Telgar's snows, and the distinct glow she radiates rather becomes her. She currently wears a loose wine red blouse, cut generously to help hide the weight four months of pregnancy have added to her frame, and black slacks that have become careworn in their Turns-long service. A pouch and wherry skewer hang from her ornamented belt; the glints of metal at her fingers (+detail available) suggest that she likes jewelry. On one shoulder of her exquisitely crafted riding jacket is the black and white knot of a Telgar Wingleader, with a thin cord of red to honor her Benden Weyr origins and a strand of grey-green to show the color of her lifemate, Lysseth. The patch on the other shoulder identifies her as the leader of Thunderbolt Wing. <Weavers> Kassima grins and thanks. :) The desc needs another update soon. Katlynn: Silver-splashed sapphire eyes, liquid and dark, light up her oval face with rather more mischief than responsibility even now; darkly and delicately lashed, they're set wide beneath winged brows, set off by slanted cheekbones and a slim, straight nose. Curvy lips are just as expressive, full and red and tipped slightly up at the corners even in repose. The rest is all gold and copper: a mane of burnished copper, shot through with shimmering strands of sun-bleached gold and tiny fire-bright highlights, that pools down to the curve of her lower back when set free; and soft skin whose tropical tan gilds trim curves all the way down to dainty toes. Perched daintily on one slim shoulder is a rather fancy lavender and white knot, pristinely kept, with intricate loops and tassels revealing her to be the CraftMaster of the Weaver Hall. A plunging vee-neck, short capped sleeves, and a diagonal fringed hem add interest to the black dress she wears. An underlayer of flesh-toned sisal is fitted closely to her skin, emphasising her curves, with the crotchetted over-layer of black left only slightly looser, to allow her freedom of movement. Diamond-shaped patterns are revealed in the crochet work, leaving large patches of the silky underlayer visible. Her flat stomach is no longer quite-so-flat, being slightly rounded with pregnancy. Slashing down diagonally from left to right, the hem runs from mid-thigh on one side to just above her knee on the other. Long, swishing fringing adorns the hem. Her hair is pulled back in a loose knot at the nape of her neck, and a black ribbon has been tied about her neck in place of jewellery. She wears a pair of comfortable black sandals on her feet. Katlynn appears to be in her early twenties. "Hurry up and fi--" Katlynn shouts after the weyrling, glowering, before her eyes fall upon that glorious figure - that blue-black hair - that pregnant *glow*. "Kassima!" She calls, and hurries over, her pregnancy not so far advanced that she can't move with languid grace, and sway those hips as if she's trying to seduce a bronzerider or two. "Sweetling, how are you? I see being with-child suits you well. You look a *sight* to my eyes.." And her head cants to the side, a subtle smile curving her lips. Not seeming to immediately notice anything amiss--and why should she? Isn't that how Kat *always* moves?--Kassi halts to stay in place as Kat approaches, expression puzzled, but friendly. "Entirely well," she answers--if not without silently mouthing 'Sweetling?' to herself first. "At least apart from the starting t'look fat bit, but I can live with that; how're you? Is told me *all* about how he hooked you on his stick--is that what brings you t'Telgar, are you here t'be abusing him? If'n you are, would you mind terribly if'n I watched?" Only after she's made this hopeful query does the last part of what Kat said seem to sink in; she blinks, momentarily nonplussed. "Ah, thankee, though I worry that means you're concocting some plan involving pink lace right this minute, from how you're looking at me." <Weavers> Katlynn dies. Kassi! <Weavers> Kassima says, "Kassi sometimes seems to me to be trying to raise obliviousness to an art. ;) What? What? He's the one who used that phrasing! I swear!" <Weavers> I'sai'll just be over -here-... <Weavers> Learan wonders what happened? <Weavers> Katlynn giggles a *lot*. <Weavers> Kassima snickers a lot. Kassi told Kat that Is told her all about how he hooked Kat on his stick. ;) <Weavers> Learan hees! "Hooked on his stick, aha.." And *there's* that famous Dimpled Grin, coupled by a slight blush of Katlynn's cheeks, and altogether smug look to her eyes. "He's a good one for fun of that sort, I must say - pity about me being in love with someone else though," She makes doe-eyes at Kassima then, letting her head tilt down and blue eyes peer up through dark lashes. "No pink lace, my darling tuber, no pink lace at all if that is what you wish. Tell me, how did you like my gift?" <Weavers> I'sai says, "Darling tuber! That's a good one. Someone please tell Is so he can remember it. O:)" <Weavers> I'sai says, "Good one for -Kassi-, in case that wasn't completely clear." <Weavers> Katlynn says, "Well, I wasn't sure if cherry-pie would be canon or not ;)" <Weavers> Kassima says, "Someone please *don't*! That makes it sound like she's Pierron's ideal bedmate! ;)" <Weavers> Katlynn LAUGHS! <Weavers> I'sai says, "It does, doesn't it. O:)" <Weavers> Katlynn forgot about Pierron and the tuber. <Weavers> I'sai thought it was on purpose! <Weavers> Katlynn says, "/No/. But I wish it was." <Weavers> Learan hands one of the women a tuber peeler. The smugness seems to amuse Kassi, though her grin is a touch droll. "Mmm-hmm. His phrasing for it, nay mine, only he'd have it that 'twere *multiple* sticks involved; just what were you up to? You'd think I'd remember multiple sticks if'n he had 'em. Well, never mind. You're in love with someone? Oh, that's right, aren't you pairing with your Craftsecond?" Oblivious. She's so oblivious. There's a limit to how oblivious one can be when confronted with doe eyes, however, and she's starting to look somewhat puzzled again. "Are you feeling all right, Kat...? Ack, *shells*!" She casts a frantic look about the Bowl. "Don't say that where anyone might hear! They might tell Pierron and he'd get *ideas*, nay t'mention that I don't like tubers--have you been drinking? You shouldn't, y'know, pregnant--but oh, the booties were lovely. Very *pink*, but lovely." <Weavers> Kassima says, "As to cherry pie: canon, possibly; accurate, no. ;) Eek! I'm not a tuber, I'm not a tuber!" <Weavers> Learan meant to use on I'sai ;) <Weavers> Kassima ohs! Well, then, that's another matter. C'mere, Mr. Potato Head. ;) <Weavers> I'sai says, "...Hey. Hey hey hey." <Weavers> I'sai says, "Where's Mart when you need him?" <Weavers> Kassima says, "In hiding. He's a wiser man than one would think. ;)" "Multiple? No no," Katlynn snorts - some men. "Unless he's sprouted extra *legs* or something since last I same him, or he's /dreaming/. And no, not my Craftsecond - Doran, how could you think that! He's not my type, not my type at all. Not good-looking enough to pair with me. That's why it's fortunate twas *I'sai* who infected me with his spawn - anyone else, and I'd've been raging mad." And there she doe-eyes at Kassima again, wandering closer and smiling a sweet, sad smile, "But Kassima, you *are* my darling tuber.. Well, how about this then: my sweet cherry pie? Juicy too." And though she can't help a smirk there, it's hidden by a scratch of her chin, "I haven't been drinking! Don't be ridiculous - I'sai would likely kill me, or make me see a Healer or *something*. Do you have any mintsticks?" So innocent. <Weavers> I'sai goes to find his hiding spot, then. And, you know, hide. <Weavers> Learan smirks. You do the deed and then hide? <Weavers> I'sai says, "The point is not to be peeled." <Weavers> Learan says, "Take it like a man! ;)" <Weavers> I'sai says, "Which is to say, run and hide? ;)" <Weavers> Learan says, "Well, yeah, dude. What did you think I meant? ;)" <Weavers> Katlynn gets out the lasso. Get back here, I'sai. "Would men really dream of such a thing? It sounds awkward. I mean, how would they fit into pants?" Kassima wants to know, sounding entirely too thoughtful, as if she's *really trying* to picture such a thing. No wonder she shudders after a moment. "Can't say I remember offhand exactly what Doran looks like; 'twasn't meaning to offend, Kat, or insult your tastes. So t'speak. What, is I'sai your only good-looking paramour of the moment?" She doesn't step backwards as she probably should. She does, however, shift her weight a bit as if she's considering doing so, almost reflexively. "I'd prefer t'be a cherry pie," she agrees hesitantly, "since tubers are the scourge of Pern, but... uh, why are we likening me t'food products, Kat? If'n you're hungry enough t'be seeing people as food, you should *really* get to the Living Cavern, have a sandwich or something... shells, aye, he would. And Healers are t'be avoided at all costs. A'course I have a mint stick." So oblivious still. The greenrider reaches into a side of her open jacket, drawing her silver case from its hidden interior pocket and popping it open to offer Katlynn one of the treats. Katlynn shrugs, "I don't know - they probably do. You know, it goes along with the whole 'two women are better than one' thing - you know, always wanting /extra/, so why not more, um, sticks too." *She* doesn't look quite so thoughtful, though she does pause to consider the idea for a moment. "No no, that would just be too weird. Ew. Ew ew ew! And tubers are *lovely*, my little redfruit of love," Leaning forward and peering into that magnificent silver case, she steals one of the sticks, and puts the end of it into her mouth. "But how are you coping, my darling, with the baby-weight? You look as slim and beautiful as ever, and that glow certainly becomes you. Not hungry, no. You're just too sweet, too succelent, too lovely to be called anything *but* pet-names, at the moment, my lovely." Kassima murmurs, discomfited, "That's another thing 'twill have t'take your word on--I've never been much for, ah. Sharing. And I'm going t'stop trying t'picture how that would *work* a'fore I entirely disturb m'self, I'm thinking." After another shudder for good measure, she's left to just... *stare*. The case remains open in her hand, rather forgotten for the moment. "Little redfruit of--? Katlynn, what have you been eating or drinking if'n nay alcohol? Nay that I'm nay, y'know, flattered, but you should be saving compliments like that for your men, don't you think? I mean, someone overhearing you would almost think...." She'll just let that thought trail off, shall she? Yes? Yes. "But, um. I'm doing all right. I've done this a'fore, so 'tisn't aught new t'me--I miss being thin, a'course, but it doesn't really matter--" The realization that she's babbling sinks in enough for her to close her mouth abruptly and busy herself with tucking those mint sticks away. <Weavers> Kassima says, "Alas, it's six, I really should run now. Will we be able to pick up this terror later, Kat? ;)" <Weavers> Katlynn grins. Yes. definetly. :) I will be back in a couple hours, myself. <Weavers> Kassima says, "Yay! Two hours is just how long I'll be gone, so that's a nice coincidence. ;)" <Weavers> Katlynn woots! Cool :) And now I bamf too. *snugs*. <Weavers> Kassima starts a log, *then* bamfs. ;) [Editor's Note: And lo, the RP did indeed break for a couple of hours or so, but later resumed:] "Little redfruit of *love*," Katlynn repeats, and smiles ever so sweetly at Kassima. "And I've been drinking nor eating not a thing! This babe wants nothing but water, water, water." Absentmindedly, she smoothes a hand over her not-quite-smooth but definetly-not-round stomach. "Anyhow, anyhow.. My gift, sweetpea, not those *booties*. They weren't for you, unless your feet have shrunken dramatically, which," she peers down, "They have not. The /roses/ and the /fabric/. Come let's go somewhere a little more," She pauses for dramaticism, raising her eyebrows and peering lewdly at the greenrider, "Private." [Editor's Note: This is as good a place as any to display the nature of Katlynn's gift. ;) I received notice of it in a +mail a couple of days prior to this scene, and I'll include that +mail below:] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Message 42 Date Received: Thu Apr 17 20:22:50 2003 From: Katlynn To: Kassima Subject: Ic letter ============================================================================== Left dumped on your ledge rather unceremoniously, by a sleekly oiled gold firelizard banded in lavender and white, is a package wrapped very carefully in sheer white sisal. Beneath the layer of sisal lies another layer of plush black velvet, and beneath that, a layer of crimson brocade. There's enough fabric there to make *something* later on, but for now it appears the fabric is just a protective wrapping. There is a note that reads: "To my darling Kassima, My heart beats strongly for you. For your blue-black hair. For those gorgeous eyes.. I need to see you, my darling. Please accept this token gift. I'm sorry it isn't un-manned man-parts, or something of similar nature, but maybe you'll see past that to my intent.." And laying within the folds of lush fabric are four crimson roseheads, blackened with death and age. They still smell sweetly enough, but look fragile enough to crumble in your hand should you choose to crush them. ~*~Katlynn, Weaver CraftMaster ~*~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "You'll end up with quadruplets that way," is all Kassi can say at first, folding her hands over her own abdomen for a moment--to protect the spawn within from the crazy lady, maybe? "Best stay away from water *here*... wait. Wait. The roses and fabric--they were from *you*? Nay A'ser? You sent that note?" Hello, trauma, my old friend; I've come to talk with you again. "You said those *things* about me, my hair; you--oh, uh, aye, methinks there might be more discreet places to discuss this." The lewd look clearly worries her, but not so much as the prospect of having this conversation where anyone might wander by and hear. "Records Room, Workroom? Mayhaps the Galleries?" Katlynn blinks blue eyes wide open, "Why yes, of course. Who did you think they were from? Who is A'ser?" Hands go to her hips, "Have you been cheating on me *before* I've even had a chance to profess my lo--" But she's cut short from that, having to worry about just *where* to take this conversation. So, she waves a hand in the direction of the galleries - "That way, my love-pumpkin, that way." And after shooting the greenrider an almost malicious grin - coupled with dimples - walks in that direction with hips all a-sway. Katlynn walks off towards the Galleries. You make your way from the bowl, through the massive entrance to the Hatching Cavern. "*Cheating on you?*" Kassi repeats in a dumbfounded voice that's nearly, in fact, a squeak. "How could I be cheating on you when we aren't in a bloody relationship? And what the shells--Kat, don't you prefer *men*? You did last I knew. And I'm, um, nay a man. I'm nay certain precisely how you came t'confuse me for one, but I can promise you I'm nay. I'd think the pregnancy would make it obvious?" As soon as she's in a good place to sit down, she does so, with something of a thump. This level of surprise evidently makes her legs a bit less inclined to hold her. "A'ser's an insane man who likes t'send me strange gifts and pretend they're tokens of affection. Nay that I didn't like the gift--the fabrics in particular were beautiful--but that note... Faranth. Never mind that. What is this *about*?" "But but *Kassi*" And Katlynn's blue eyes brim with tears - they glitter on her lashes like diamonds, with just one sliding down her cheek. Melodrama. "But we have all that *history* between us! You know, with you, and me, and I'sai and the pink.. and that red *leather* and you can't tell me you've never felt a thing for me all this time! I see the way you look at me," Her chin nods - she sits too, gracefully rather than thumping, and leans toward the greenrider, tear-less now, "Insane men are to keep away from you, Kassima. I will have none hurting you or frightening you or anything of the sort! I have in mind to make a dress for you from those fabrics - don't loose them, you'll want every inch." Wicked smile, wicked glint in her eyes. "I prefer men *usually*. At least, that way until Learan ruined men for me and I'sai decided to be taken with a million other ladies, and and.. whats-his-name K'ryn decided never to visit me and /V'sha/ decided to yell at me. They ruined men! And you, my love, are far too beautiful.." Those tears alarm Kassi yet more; she instinctively leans a bit further away from the crying Weaver, while looking clearly torn on what, precisely, to *do*. "You and I tried t'torment I'sai with pink," she agrees, "and I wore the red leather for the good of the fashion show, but--ack! Katlynn, listen t'me. I *like* you, aye--as a friend," and oh, yes, that's hastily added indeed, "but I don't look at any woman like... well, however the shells you're thinking I look at you. I'm nay attracted t'women. I never have been. Ever. Trust me." Brightening a notch, she says, "I *can* vote for the insane men nay frightening or hurting me, though. We can agree on that. Surely that's enough? You're going t'make me a dress?" At once disturbed and intrigued now, that expression; she can't help it. "What sort of dress? Naught like that leather, I--fardles, what am I talking about dresses for? Kat, I don't know what Learan did--but even if'n K'ryn's neglectful, and V'sha's mean, and I'sai's bedding nigh aught that so much as looks at him, that doesn't mean you should change sexual preference. I mean, that's a big thing t'do. Women aren't--I'm nay--uh, thankee, but--" She can't seem to find any more words for now; she just shuts her mouth, and looks generally quite flustered. "You do!" Katlynn tries to insist - for all that Kassi leans further away, she leans closer. You can't escape impending doom, no matter how hard you try. Or something. "You look at me with lust in your eyes; don't deny it, I've seen it! You're looking at me that way right now." Never mind that the *look* she claims the greenrider is giving her is in regards to the /dress/. And on that matter, "You will see, you will see." - "You'll have to let me sew you into it though. I won't prick you." A half-smirk, "I'm not I'sai. I don't /have/ anything to prick you with.." A hasty cough, and then, "But you do, my love! You do you do and you *must*. Who wouldn't want me?" Poor woman, she pouts. And of course, Kassi leans back yet further. Too much more of that and she's going to be supine, something she seems to realize since she changes her tactic to lean-and-subtly-scooch-backwards. "I don't!" she half-yelps. "I scarcely look at *anyone* with lust in m'eyes, fardles! Certes nay a woman! I'm nay, I'm nay, I'm nay!" And she averts her eyes for good measure, just to be safe. Though that of course means she's not watching what Kat's doing very closely, something which could be dangerous. "Sew me... into it? Y'mean have me stand there in a shift and whatnay while you sew? Couldn't that take awhile? 'Twould have t'be awk--" Splutter. Splutter. More spluttering. "Katlynn! You're the one whom he's been pricking, 'twill thank you to remember!" By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes? Only not exactly. "I, uh. Kat, you're certes a beautiful woman and I'm sure any number of men--and women who prefer women--want you, but you're still a *woman*. I don't sleep with women. If'n you suddenly want t'sleep with women, shouldn't you find a woman who shares the preference? I mean, if'n naught else, they'd surely be more, ah, experienced, and all that." Katlynn scootches *herself* closer, subtly, subtle-subtle, and cants her head to the side. "Kassi, love, baby, sweet-tuber of mine, cherry-pie.." She murmurs in a soothing voice, much as one would talk to a babe or a young child, "You don't have to be *scared*. I won't bite unless you ask me. Beg me." Dimples again - she can't help it. "I'sai only pricked me the *once* well no, more than once --" And there's room there for smugness, "But that doesn't matter. Experience isn't everything, you know! I'll teach you how, and we'll learn together." So helpful, she is. Leaning further over, the Craftmaster stretches out a slim hand, and places it with fingers-splayed against Kassi's knee. "We'll even invite I'sai or or what was his name? Oz....wald? Or something to join us, if it'll make you more at ease." "I'm nay a tuber," Kassi doesn't--quite--whimper. It's a near thing, though, for all that she's not usually the whimpering kind. "And I don't think 'twill be begging t'be bitten any time soon." Scootch, scootch. Back, not forward. In case there was doubt. "I'm nay scared so much as *nonplussed*--well, and disturbed--by the Egg, why me? Of all the women on Pern, why me?" Give her credit: it's bewildered query more than bemoaning. For now. The smugness gets a roll of her eyes skywards and a mutter of, "Why am I nay surprised. Anyway, 'tis still you, you you you, and I don't want t'learn *that*!" The last word takes a quick leap towards one of her higher registers, definite soprano, and is accompanied by a firm jerk of her knee away from Kat's hand and an open scramble backwards. "O'wyn," she corrects automatically once she's scrambled what she considers a safe distance away. Foolish woman. "And apart from the fact that I exceedingly doubt either of them would be interested, I'm nay into groups *either*! Bloody shells!" Kassima then has to ask, though she probably shouldn't, "How could you teach me, anyway, if'n you always preferred men a'fore? Or *did* you always prefer men a'fore?" "But you're *my* tuber," Katlynn sighs, "But if you *insist* - cupcake? Melon? Slice-of-dribbly-cherry-pie?" And, miraculously, she manages all that without cracking a smile. "You, my darling, because you are *you* and you are stunning! Your hair.. those eyes.." Ahh, she swoons - or pretends to anyway - and slides further along the seat to get closer, unfased by the hasty retreat of the greenrider away from her hand. "O'wyn then, sorry sorry. Why not groups? M'sure if you asked around the place, you'd learn it's quite fun! - Not that I'd know - But you would. You live *here* after all," and her eyes sweep the cavern and above, "And if you don't want *me*, well then, you can have fun with the others we'll bring along! I'll ask I'sai, you ask O'wyn, and we'll have ourselves a little party." Kassima shakes her head vigorously at each suggestion; the last gets her to protest, "I'm nay *dribbly*! I'm nay dribbly 'tall!" No comment. "I... ah, I *am* flattered, Kat," if also flustered, "goodness. Nay anyone's been quite so, well, enthused about my dubious virtues, and I'm just going to be over here if that's all right," as she scootches further away. Help! "Because groups are--they're nay *decent*, they have multiple people in 'em! At once!" Why yes, Kassi, that would rather cover the concept. "I don't do that sort of thing with *one* person very oft, much less multiple, and why do I only find that idea marginally less frightening than the earlier one? Besides, I'd stake a ten-marker that Ozy's nay into groups either--can't we leave the poor man out of this? You don't even know him!" "YET!" Katlynn near-shouts, ignoring all of the greenrider's protests. "/Yet/. And that's only because you haven't introduced me yet! I wish to meet him, and *soon* if you please. I bet I could convince him -- I'll just flip my hair and give him the *eyes* and ask him for a kiss, and you'll see," So confident of herself, this one. She flips that hair just for show - it shimmers red and gold as it falls over her shoulders - and lets out a heavy sigh. "How can you think it not decent when you haven't even *tried* it, sweetling? There's a rule you know, that says 'You have to try everything once'. So you do." "Kat! Nay making eyes at the man! He's *shy*, he might blush so hard his head would explode!" Kassi protests, openly dismayed. "Anyway, he's a Weyrsecond down there; he's busy--I don't know when 'twill see him next m'self, much less go introducing him to anyone, and much, much, *much* less go introducing him t'anyone who wants t'pounce on him for group sex games. Sweet Faranth on a stick." She is carefully Not Watching that hair. Wouldn't do to give its owner ideas. "Aye, and there's a rule that says t'live a full life you have t'be kissing every rider on Pern, but I haven't done *that* one either. Nor do I plan to. I'm happy with m'non-full, groupless, less than scandalous life!" Katlynn pouts, "But /I'sai/ is shy - or was shy, or *something* because he certainly isn't *now* - and he still kissed me! And I didn't see him blush." And if she *did*, she'll just leave that part out, won't she. "I bet I could convince him, go on Kassi, let me! Invite us - wouldn't do anything ha-arm." She sing-songs that last part, and makes a show of twisting a few strands of her hair into a silken-smooth braid, carefully watching to see if Kassi is watching, from the corner of her blue eyes. "You should kiss every Rider on pern! I'd like to! We can do it together. Let's start with oh, me kissing you." "I don't think shy would be quite the word anymore, nay." On that much Kassi can dryly agree. "Nay! I'm nay siccing anyone on him who'd embarrass him. I *like* him. I am voting firmly against this notion. He'd probably never come up North again, besides, and I need him there so I can break his hand in a few months." Okay, that at least is standard Kassi-logic. She's keeping her eyes firmly away from that braid. La la la la, she can't see you. "*Kat*! You can kiss every rider on Pern--*except* me--if'n you want to, but leave me out of it! I just don't want t'kiss women!" "I won't embarrass him!" Katlynn is quick to protest, jumping to her own defence and shaking her hair -- loosing that braid to fall down her back. "I bet he couldn't resist me; no man can. Well, excepting *I'sai*, since he managed to for so long - but I actually think there might be something *weird* about I'sai - he's not normal. Otherwise, you know, he'd've renounced all other woman and begged to stay at my side." Such a warped little world Kat lives in. "You can break my hand, sweetling I won't mind. And then I can see the child born of our love" - how does THAT work? - "be birthed! And Kassi, /really/, you should know by now I'm not just *any* woman. I'm Katlynn! And, well, I'm Kat!" "You would!" Kassi fires back, automatically looking at Kat despite herself. "Nay every man under the sun likes t'be pursued and preyed upon, believe it or nay; granted, I don't *know* he wouldn't, I'm just guessing, but until I know better I'm nay in favor of this idea! And I'sai can't resist you either--" There's a glance towards Kat's stomach. "Obviously. But still." She skips over the rest of it entirely to engage in some more spluttering: "Child born of--*Katlynn*, this bairn's born of a fishing trip that had naught t'do with you; 'tisn't a child born of our nonexistant love, which we don't have anyway, let me stress! And a'course you're Katlynn, and I'm sure you are a special woman, but you're still a *woman*. I don't think you can be denying that." Aha! Made you look. Katlynn grins and preens a little - flip-flip-flipping that flow of coppery-gold hair, "Kassima, my darling, stop spluttering and calm down. You /looked/ at me - you can't deny it now. I see the passion your eyes hold for me. You burn for me, admit it!" She slaps a hand down on the bench-seat, "Why are you trying to deny everything! Stop it at once! Fishing-trips are well and good, but you *know* the babe will be born because, because.." A flap of her hand through the air, searching for the right word, "/Because/ I decreed it should be so. And yes, I am a woman. All woman, babycakes. Let me show you." Straight-face. Kassima's voice is first firm: "I did nay," followed after a beat by plaintive: "I *didn't*! Can't you just sharding well believe me? If'n aught's in m'eyes 'tis disturbance for how far out of your mind y'seem t'have gone! I could scarcely be said t'burn for *anyone*, and all of those who qualify have different equipment than you, let's just say. I. Like. Men. I don't know how t'be making this clearer!" Then, indignant, "And you can't change m'child's parentage with a *decree*! Kat, you really are drunk or something, you must be. Shells! I believe you! That's the problem!" Her movement backwards is too fast to be called scootching; it's a wonder she doesn't just get up and flee. Blue eyes brim with tears, drops clinging to her lower lashes before rolling down her cheeks. What a sad, sorry sight Katlynn is. And they're likely not even *real* tears - the woman is so over emotional even at the *best* of times, is it any wonder she's insane when hopped up on pregnancy hormones? "But Kassi," she pouts, and just watches the almost-fleeing from her spot, "But but I *love* you and I'll make you lots of clothes and let you sleep with whoever you want - men, even though they are evil! - and I'll share you and let Os...what was his name? have his way with you if you *insist* and I won't kiss him, I'll just kiss other people. And you, of course. Please, Kassi." Those doe-eyes make a comeback, "Or can you just *pretend* long enough so I can tell I'sai that we're in love and we're going to elope? And then I can be asking him to..." But she says no more. And what a sad, sorry state of affairs it is that Kassi's also pregnant, and more sensitive than her norm, and thus more bothered at making someone else cry. "Kat, I'm sure you don't... you might be *infatuated* with me, I suppose, though Faranth alone knows why, but that's different from love. You certes never looked at me that, ah, way until this, and anyway--that's a beautifully generous arrangement, Kat, it really is, but I just can't. You're a woman. I'm sure if'n I *did* like women I'd be thrilled by your appreciation, but...." She cringes, faintly, at the doe eyes. Those never bode well. But that doesn't keep her from indulging curiosity: "Asking him t'*what*?" Katlynn shakes her head, "It's no infatuation, this is the Real Thing. I know it is! Kassima, please, just indulge me a little.." Finally, she scoots along the chair to bring her closer to the greenrider, "I'll even let you close your eyes and *pretend* I'm not me, that I'm a man, if you'd like. And," she lowers her voice to convey this last. Katlynn mutters to Kassima, "And... to... in... with me right... there,... losing me... ever... my lovely..." "Kat, I just don't think so...." Kassi sounds vaguely helpless, though, along with bewildered again. "Shells. Bloody shells. How much are you wanting t'be indulged? I won't sleep with you, Kat, I just won't." Unable to help herself, she leans in a bit--despite her better instincts--to catch the muttering, and ends up nearly choking on a cross between dismay and laughter. "Katlynn! As much as I'd love t'see his reaction, he'd probably *believe* it, y'know. And he'd go around telling people. I don't really want Pern thinking I prefer women; I have a hard enough time finding men who find me remotely attractive as it stands." Katlynn clucks her tongue against the roof of her mouth, "Oh he will not! And what's so bad about people thinking you're in love with *me*? I'm beautiful - it'd be good for you!" Because you know, beauty is everything. "Oh *please* Kassi *please!* I'll even let you keep to your men, and me to *my* men, and not even try to *kiss* you if'n you'll go along with it.." Fluttery eyelashes *and* a doe-eyed expression; can she resist that? "Please sweetling, I beg you." And down onto her knees she gets, "PLEASE! Just.. go along with it. For awhile." "And for helping," Kat adds, thoughtfully, "I'll even teach you how to seduce a man into brushing and braiding your *hair*." "Because. I. Like. *Men*. Shardit," Kassi repeats, teeth slightly grit now. "You're a lovely woman and a friend, but I don't want people thinking I'm in love with a woman or bedding a woman! I'd never hear the end of it or likely find a man who'd as much as look at me again; shards only know what L'nan would make of it, and Ozy'd probably think 'twas lying t'him about nay wanting t'look at naked women or some such--" One hand is brought up to briefly cover her eyes, massage her temples. She doesn't look happy. "What're you wanting me t'do, t'go along with it? You just want me t'let you tell I'sai we're... couldn't you just tell I'sai you're madly in love with me and leave m'feelings out of it?" Kassima does add with a hint of grudging interest, after a beat, "I can't say I'd mind knowing that trick, but it depends on what you want me t'do here." "But Kassima, smoochiekins, darling," Katlynn murmurs in a soothing voice, watching the temple-massaging the gritting of those teeth, "I need *you* to make it seem real! He won't believe just me. Or at least I don't /think/ he will. And come /on/ doesn't this speak to your evil inner self? Plot with me, cherry-pie, plot with me!" She does pause to look marginally horrified, "Ozy wants you to look at naked woman? What, why! If'n you won't look at *me* naked, you certainly shouldn't be looking at *other* naked women." Kassima doesn't seem much soothed. "I like plotting and I like being evil to the man, but he'd probably start finding women t'fix me *up* with or some such horror--I don't want t'be enduring that, Kat. 'Twould *nay* be fun or entertaining." She exhales a long, quiet sigh. "I can promise nay t'tell him the truth until you've worked your evil plottish wiles, but beyond that... what exactly are you wanting t'do, have me *there* when you tell him?" Then, quickly, "Nay! He doesn't want me t'look at naked women! I just told him I didn't want t'look at naked women, when we discussed Kiat saying all the women had t'go around naked, and how the shells do I get into these conversations?" "I guess that will have to do..." Katlynn sighs heavily, "Can I tell him that you and I kissed then? Will you tell him it isn't true? Because if you do, well, that won't be very nice and it will ruin ALL my plans *and* will result in me sending you a whole bunch of pink frilly underthings just to get you back." Folding her arms, she climbs back onto the bench, and flops down. "All women have to go around naked? Well, why didn't you say so earlier." And she stands again, winks, and turns to face in the opposite direction while reaching up to undo her dress. Cough. "'Twill nay tell him, 'twill nay tell him, and you can tell him that." Pause. Kassi adds, "But you have t'be promising t'tell me all about his reaction to this evil of yours, heya? Or 'twill nay only tell him 'tisn't true, I'll tell him you've been telling *everyone* just how often he pricked you and that you've been saying derogatory things about his stick. So there." Alas, any threatening look she might be trying for is completely disrupted as Kat starts unfastening things; she *does* yelp, this time. "Kat! Keep your clothes on! Nay nakedness! Nay anyone should be naked here!" <Weavers> Katlynn laughs so hard at Kassi's pose she can't breathe. <Weavers> Kassima repeats: this choice of phrasing is *all I'sai's fault*. ;) Katlynn pauses in her dress-removing, fingers holding onto the ties, "Alright, alright. I promise to send word *as soon as* I tell him, and discover what his reaction will be. /And/ I'll even invite you to the you-know-what if I manage to convince him well enough." Sage nod of her head, knowing raise of her brows. "I didn't say a single derogatory thing about his pr--stick! You'd /lie/ to him? How *rude*. Kassi, his stick is..." but she'll just let that satisfied, oh-so-smug grin speak for itself, yes yes. "But *you* just said all women had to walk around naked!" "The you-know-what?" Kassi evidently doesn't know what. Or is afraid she does know what. "A'course I'd lie t'him! *You're* willing t'lie t'him. And I do think I remember, thankee, you needn't go into any detail here. Save it for him; from your expression, he'd probably appreciate hearing whatever you're thinking." Droll, droll, but amusedly so. "I just said that *Kiat* said that all women had t'walk around naked. That somehow never successfully made it into a rule. For which I'm grateful, because apart from nay wanting t'look at naked women as aforementioned, I don't want t'walk around naked m'self *either*. Especially nay here. You'd get *frostbite*." "The you-know-what!" Katlynn repeats firmly, even as she's turning around and re-tying her dress. "You have to know what! And if you don't, well, I'll tell you if it's going to happen, so you'll know in advance." Let her remain clueless then. "You remember? Was it as good for you as it was for me?" She barely hides a laugh there - smile coupled with dimples - and ducks back over to perch on the bench. "Kiat then, Kiat Kiat Kiat. I'd wander around naked back Home if I didn't think the Apprentices would fear me more than they already do - or worse, oogle me more than they already do. Not that I mind *that* so much, but you can see why it'd be bad for work." Kassima insists, "I don't know what--but all right, I can be waiting." Pause. "So long as you're nay meaning you'd invite me t'be watching you two go at it; I've said it a'fore and 'twill say it again, voyeurism isn't something I'm interested in either. Shells, Kat, how could I be answering that?" Apart from with a very colorful blush. And a wicked notion. "Ask *him* if'n you want t'know; he's the only one who was there for both, so he'd be better set t'answer. But you don't have t'tell me his reaction to *that*." She visibly relaxes a trifle once Kat's clearly fully clothed again and in place. "Why doesn't that surprise me either? It probably is just as well, though, Kat; y'never know who else might wander into the Hall and see you. And you could scarcely be displaying your own artistry, naked." <Weavers> Katlynn lesighs and must go after this pose ;) <Weavers> Kassima awwws! But, but, my sweet pudding pop! How will I live without you? ;) Katlynn nods as she stands, smoothing out non-existent dress-wrinkles and flipping back her hair. "I'll let you know how it goes, my precious," she whispers, leaning down to air-kiss either side of Kassima's face, "And I *will* ask him, though I'll keep it to myself. /Especially/ if he decides to say 'No Kat, you were a dud, give me Kassi any day'." Winking, she starts heading for the steps, "Seeyou soon, my little redfruit of loooooove." Katlynn walks out into the bowl. Kassima manages to hold still rather than flinch away for this air-kissery, though she looks distinctly worried by it. "Sometimes," she mutters to herself when the Weaver's gone, blinking once bemusedly after her before turning back to face forward and curl in on herself a bit in the chair, "methinks the entire fardling world must be laughing at me."