-------------------------------------------------------------------------- All Things Come Full Circle Date: December 12, 2002 Places: Ista Weyr's Living Cavern, Southeast Bowl, and Infirmary Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: About five and a half RL years ago, Kassima gave birth to her first child and daughter: Kaylira, who since has grown up, Impressed brown Pheirth at Ista, become Timor's Wingleader, weyrmated to Weyrleader M'llon, had a rendezvous with Ursa's son U'yn... and gotten pregnant. Now it's Kaylira's turn to deliver her firstborn. And Kassi's on hand to provide moral support for her daughter, as well as to join mother, fathers, and Healer in welcoming a new life to the world: her first grandson, Kaylon. Congrats, Kay--and thank you for making this such a fun, touching scene. :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: Ista LC> Kaylira tries to down her discomfort in a large swallow of tea. Bad move - it dones't go down quite right, ending up in a fit of coughing. Ista LC> M'llon frowns at Kaylira, leaning forward to rub her back lightly, "You okay?" Ista LC> Kaylira shakes her head, hands shaking enough that the tea is spilling. "I think I'm going to be sick.." Her eyes widen terribly as she pales again. Ista LC> M'llon takes the tea out of Kaylira's hands, setting it on the table, "Let's go into the infirmary and they can take care of you." Ista LC> Brees sits up straighter and glances over at Kaylira with a bit of worry sticky bun forgetton for a moment. Ista LC> Jascela sets her plate down on the end of the serving table and turns to look back at Kaylira with concern. Ista LC> Kaylira shakes her head, arms pushed out. "I dont want to go to the infirmary. Please.. don't make me go to the infirmary. I.. air.. I just need some air." Ista LC> Mindii leans forward, shushing Oparel with a wave and peeking at Kaylira. "Maybe the baby's comin?" Ista LC> Jascela heads back toward the group, watching Kaylira curiously. She stops behind Brees, placing a hand on the Greenrider's shoulder lightly. Ista LC> M'llon nods and stands up, preparing to help Kaylira stand, "Let's go outside then.. It will be okay, hon." Ista LC> Brees reaches up to rest her free hand on top of Jascela's and then just turns to watch for the moment. Ista LC> Kaylira nods, eyes welling with tears as she stands, leaning heavily against M'llon. "I just need air," she repeats. "Thats all. And my mum. I need my mum." Dragon> Lysseth and Pheirth sense that Bromith warbles softly, << My rider says that Pheirth's rider wants her mum.." Ista LC> M'llon leads Kaylira out to the bowl, letting her set the pace, "Let's get some air. Bromith said he would talk to Lysseth too." Ista LC> Oparel blinks twice at Kaylira and murmurs something into Mindii's ear. She nods twice. "We're gonna go get you a coupl'a nice towels wetted with warm water, m'kay Kaykay?" Lysseth> Pheirth and Bromith sense that Lysseth's mind, alert and brightly-lit, flashes momentary surprise and curiosity, but she sends a pulse of agreement and goes silent for a moment to relay the message. << We will be right there, >> she replies quickly once she's returned. Ista LC> Kaylira nods, though its clear she's not hearing anyone but M'llon and that single word 'Lysseth'. You place one hand on Lysseth's neck and she warbles down at you fondly. You grin and scratch her eyeridges once before climbing up onto her lower neckridges, using the riding straps and Lysseth's thoughtfully offered foreleg. <*> Lysseth springs from the ground, the air from her wings churning up dust as she takes to the skies. You spring from Lysseth's ledge with one downsweep of your wings, soaring into the sky above the Northern Bowl. The rim of the bowl falls away from you and you soar into the open skies. <*> Lysseth disappears into Between. Between You gasp as the icy black nothingness of Between surrounds you! You hear nothing, see nothing, and feel nothing. The trip takes five heartbeats... Black... Blacker... Blackest! You suddenly emerge... <*> Lysseth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air! Ista LC> M'llon smiles and continues out the door with Kaylira. Ista LC> M'llon walks outside, into the bowl. The wind is brisk and feels good under your wings, supporting your wings firmly as you glide lower into the bowl. Dragon> Lysseth and Bromith sense that Pheirth croons (albeit late) << It /is/ the egg! My Lira is hatching>! >> Ista LC> Kaylira walks outside, into the bowl. The huge looming entrances of the living caverns are easily visible from here, and you glide downward to land, scattering firelizards as you do so. <*> Kaylira blinks back tears that insist on falling. "Where's my mum? Why isn't she coming? I feel sick. This can't be normal." <*> Lysseth doesn't actually glide so much as descend in a controlled plummet, backwinging to a neat if somewhat heavy landing; Kassi's already tugging straps free in a scramble to get down to the ground even before the green has fully settled. "Kay? Oh--Kay, love, we're right here," she calls as she slides to terra firma. You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles, cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully. M'llon walks slowly with Kaylira, "She is coming, she will be right here." and indeed she is. He smiles gratefully at Kassima. Kaylira whimpers at sight of Kassi. "I'm not ready!" "Nay anyone ever *is*, minxlet." Kassi gives Lysseth's shoulder a quick, absentminded slap before loping to where her daughter and M'llon are, flicking the bronzerider a quick, rather anxious smile in return. "But you'll be fine. We'll get you to the Infirmary, hey?" M'llon nods to Kassima then leans forward to look at Kaylira's face, "Ready to go in now?" Kaylira shakes her head. "I don't want to go to the infirmary. They'll make me ahve hte baby." Kassima bites her lower lip to keep back a sudden impulse to laugh. "Consider the alternative," she advises. "Imagine how much 'twould hurt t'have a toddler in there, screaming and carousing--or worse, a teenager. And how would you feed her if'n she wanted a sandwich? This is the best alternative, love. C'mon. 'Twill nay be any better t'have your bairn out here in the Bowl, trust me." M'llon nods and smiles, "You should listen to your mother, I think she knows these things." Kaylira nods, however reluctantly. "I have to pee." "I haven't actually had one in the Bowl," Kassi admits, with a wry grin for the Weyrleader. "But I've had five of six in the Infirmary; 'tisn't *that* bad. And we'll be with you, Kay; and Sauscony's here, she'll help you. I'd wager five marks there's a necessary in there for you and everything." She reaches a hand towards her daughter's shoulder to give it a comforting squeeze, should she allow it. Kaylira more than allows the hand, She grasps it tightly within her own. "Its gonna come anyway, isnt' it? The babe." M'llon smiles and nods towards the infirmary, "Let's go inside .. you will be more comfortable in there than you would be out here." Kassima twists her hand about so that she can clasp Kay's in turn. "'Tis pretty hard t'talk one out of being born. Whether you're ready or nay. Listen t'your weyrmate, m'dearest, because he's right." Kaylira nods, "And you won't leave me alone?" The belly is regarded with somethign akin to a look of betrayal. "You were supposed to warn me!" M'llon smiles gently, "I promise, I am going no where without you." Kaylira giggles nervously, "Ready to have another daughter? Oh! We didn't pick a name! How can we have a baby without a name?" However, with her will or no, this child is determined to be born, and almost on cue with with her complaint, a trickle of wet puddles about her feet. "Nay for so much as a moment," Kassima promises at once. "And don't be too angry with the kidlet. It *could* have had you in labor for days a'fore 'twas ready t'come; better fast and without warning than that... shall we, then?" A pause. "Though I confess I don't know where the Infirmary *is*, precisely. I'll trust you t'guide... oh-oh." Yes, she's noticed the water. "*That*, I'm afraid, means there's nay time t'waste, Kay-love." M'llon has gone from gently urging to more insistent, "Kaylira, let's go into the infirmary.. it will be best for you." Kaylira stares down at her feet. "I told you I had to go.." Though at this point she's looking like maybe she's rethinkign that infirmary idea and looking more favourably upon it. M'llon leads Kaylira into the infirmary, "It is right in here Kassima." Kassima murmurs, "I doubt 'tis what that was, though Sauscony can confirm. Looks like your water's broken t'me. You can't stay out here any longer, m'dear--" She nods to M'llon and follows quickly after, keeping Kay's hand in hers. Kaylira follows along, mincing her steps (cold wet pants!). Kaylira walks into the infirmary. You head into the infirmary. M'llon walks into the infirmary. Sauscony is frowning thoughtfully at a hide, dragging her gaze away almost reluctantly as she senses a movement from the corner of her eye. All reluctance slips awat as she recognizes them, stuffing the hide into a pocket of her jacket as she makes her way towards them. "Welcome," She greets, her gaze immediately moving towards Kaylira. M'llon leads Kaylira in slowly, only looking up once inside. He smiles at Sauscony's welcome, "I think someone is about to have a baby." Kaylira tries not to look like that someone. She'd be doing better if she wasn't so pale and wet and well, frankly, as large as a weyr herself. Kassima follows slightly in the wake of the other two, but not much--she's holding her daughter's hand, which doesn't leave much leeway for wandering off. Not, from her anxious expression, that she's particularly interested in wandering off. "Make sure you breathe," she advises Kay in a low, comforting voice. "Deep breaths, and focus on the breathing; it sounds absurd, but it *does* help. And you can crunch m'hand if'n you need to. Sauscony!" Relieved? Pleased? Yes. "I'm glad you're here... time, 'tis, aye. As you can likely tell." Kaylira shakes her head and turns. Thats it. She's leaving again. BReathing? Nobody said there'd be breathing. And .. nope. she's going. "I've changed my mind." "Not you, I hope." Soz notes in amusement to M'llon as she indicates one of the curtain enclosed cubicles. She slants Kassima a quick smile as she nods. "So, it seems. You both will stay to help, yes?" She seems to assume their agreement, for she turns her attention to Kaylira now. "Let's get you comfortable first, then we can talk." Unless the baby is a bit more impatient. Err, well, unless the mother runs. "I think its a wee bit late for that." She reminds." M'llon holds tight to Kaylira, "No, you aren't going .. where would you go?" Kaylira whispers (its that or wail) "I .. out. I'd.. I am *not* having this baby." There, she said it. its decided. Yep. Of course, small and insistant has other dieas. And any hand being held gets a squishing. "Oh.. okay..ow." Kassima holds onto Kay's hand firmly, however. "I fear this isn't one of those things you can change your mind about. You'll be *fine*. Trust the Craftsecond--y'know how I am about Healers; I'd nay say that if'n she wasn't a good one. And," cajolingly, "she has a tea that will help with the pain. Somewhat. A'course we wi--iiiiiill!" The last word's a bit shrill, what with the not-entirely-expected crunch of her hand and all. Sauscony lets out a long sigh as she looks skyward for a moment. Her next remarks are aimed towards her 'assistants', "Would you get her settled on the bed,please? I think I will get the tea." Kaylira nearly loses her footing as another pain hits. As strong as the last. Or perhaps moreso. Only the crunched hands can tell for certain. M'llon nods to Sauscony, urging Kaylira to continue walking over to the bed, "It is going to be okay, love." Kassima's eyes cross briefly as her abused hand is abused some more, but this time she bites her lip on any exclamation. "Mmmph. Right. This way, kidlet--" She attempts to pull Kay towards that indicated bed. "'Twill help you up if'n you need." Kaylira moves, panting her breaths. Okay, so thats not the way she was told, but that *hurt* and she isn't remembering. "Bed. Bed." Chanted as a goal to reach. You got it... one step away and another pain hits. Prelabour? Wanna bet she's been in labour for a goodly time and just ignored it? Luckily, Soz had the water ready, all she needed to to was pour it into the cup. She keeps a careful eye on the trio. "When did you first feel the contractions, Kaylira?" She asks as she sets the cup on the table beside the bed. "When that cools a bit, would you help her drink it, please." She peers at M'llon for a moment. "Sir." She finally finishes before turning her attention to Kassi, "And would you help her with her breathing, please?" Kaylira mumbles something, her pale cheeks flaming crimson. Kassima murmurs, while helping Kay towards and onto that bed, "More like this, love--" She demonstrates the proper breathing pattern, something with which she is *vastly* familiar. "Breathe with--ow--with me. And trust me: if'n you've the strength t'squeeze hands like *that* then you still have plenty t'get that baby out. Oh, Sauscony," she thinks to call over, "methinks her water broke, just a'fore we got in here. A'course, a'course." Back to the breathing demonstration. M'llon nods to Sauscony regarding the water as he helps Kaylira sit down on the bed, "Please, call me M'llon." Kaylira tries to follow her mother's breathing. In long and slow.. ou.. "Ah..ow ow ow.. ow.." Sauscony watches the girl for a moment, a smile touching her lips before she nods to the bronzerider, "Thank you, M'llon." she notes with a nod to herself. "Good." She adds to Kassi's comment. "Not to much longer. Drink the tea." She intsructs Kaylira. "That should help you with the pain." As the healer speaks, she is scrubbing her hands carefully, her movements quick but not rushed. "Concentrate on the breathing," Kassi encourages, "nay on the pain." Realistic expectations and experience bid her add, after a beat, "As much as you can. But you can yell if'n it makes you feel better. Keep going: in... now out... you're doing fine, love, you really are. And here's the tea. Drink up, now, it *does* help." Kaylira looks at the tea, and admits, "Yesterday." Then mumbled quieter, "Morning." There, now if she just downs the tea she can ignore the looks she's sure she's going to get. M'llon had been about to reach for the tea but Kassima has beat him to it, he murmurs encouraging, "It will be okay." Sauscony sets a basin of cool water and a towel on the table by M'llon. "I would like you to wipe her brow as she needs it and hold her hand." Hopefully, it won't break. "Kassima, I would like you to continue to help her with her breathing." She pauses to draw her stool over with her foot, then setting up a draped frame across the girl's hips. Well, that sends *Kassi's* breathing all to the Star, as she breaks off to just stare at her daughter. "Yesterday *morning*, and you didn't say aught until now? Why in Faranth's name--" Oh. Wait. That's probably not helpful, is it. She closes her mouth with a click of teeth and quick headshake, settling for watching Kay to make sure she drinks all the tea instead. "Listen t'your weyrmate; he's absolutely right. And you heard Sauscony: nay much longer, so soon the baby will be here with you too. Right, a'course, a'course...." She takes a deep breath, then instructs, "Back to it, love. In; now out--" M'llon keeps one hand in Kaylira's hand and reaches for the cloth with the other. He smiles at Kassima, "And you are surprised she kept it hidden?" Kaylira remarks, voice rising with another pain, "I am still *he*-ERE*" M'llon pauses, "Did anyone's dragon talk to U'yn's dragon?" Lysseth> High above the bowl, Kismith emerges from Between with a blast of cold air! Kassima admits at her wryest, "I hoped she'd have more sense than I did. 'Twas insistant for a full day that *her* coming was just indigestion brought on by garlic, vinegar, and riverggrain pudding." And never mind that the whole distrust of Healers is also inherited. "Aye, m'heart, you are, but wouldn't you rather have us talking over you than clustered around Sauscony t'have a look at where she'll have t'look? Don't stop the breathing, now!" Sparing a moment for a quick glance Bowl-wards, she observes, "Someone must have. Lyss says he's just arrived." Lysseth> Kismith approaches from above, the wind from his wings stirring the air into a great rush as he lands. Lysseth> U'yn climbs carefully down with the assistance of Kismith's extended forelimb. If Soz is suprised by this, she gives no sign of her, just shaking her head in wry amusement before her head disappears behind the drape. "Well, I do not believe it will be much longer." Her voice sounds a bit disembodied. "Now, Kaylira, I would like for you to -push- whenever you feel a contraction, then relax to catch your breath the minute it stops, alright?" Kaylira tries to catch her breath - hey, its not easy when you're caught between wanting to protest and these interferring pains. "Thought.." Yes, yes, Kassi, she's breathing, in in in... slow exhale over her words, "would go away..." Lysseth> Madieth lifts her head from where she's curled up with Tansith to croon over at Kismith with amusement. Kaylira nods at the instructions. Okay, thats worrisome.. how on Pern is she supposed to know when and how this pushing thing is done? And shards, she never did manage to get that tea. Somehow those of you who know and love her best just nkow she's decided this child has an uncommon lot of stubborn impatience (now, which parent shall we blame that on?). M'llon nods to Kassima, "I'm glad, he should be here too." He smiles again at Kaylira, reaching over to wipe her forehead. Lysseth> Kismith bellows a friendly greeting as he settles down. U'yn, however, seems rather flustered. He hops off of Kismith and starts charging down the bowl. Then, unheard instructions stops him in his tracks, and he turns abruptly, heading a new direction. A third turn finally gets him charging towards the infirmary. U'yn walks into the infirmary. U'yn comes in at top speed, then screeches abruptly to a complete halt. And stands there, near the entrance. Stands there. Uhm. Kassima suggests, her voice soft, "You can bear down on our hands if'n it helps, too." Nice of her to volunteer M'llon's hand like that. Probably not *surprising*, mind, at least to Kay, given her oft-stated views on a father's role in childbirth. Perhaps she sees Kay's confusion, because her next words are, "Your body will know what to do. Just do what feels right, and what feels like 'twill get the kid *out*--and finish that tea right now, young woman." That's said in the Mother Voice, yes. She looks up to nod her agreement to M'llon, then glances back over her shoulder at the sound of footfalls; U'yn gets a rueful, somewhat harried grin. Lysseth> Lysseth and the scads of fire-lizards perched on her neckridges and back like a living cloak have all settled into a low-voiced hum by now. The 'lizards continue the sound, but Lysseth interrupts hers long enough for a brief rumble towards Kismith. [Editor's Note: I got disconnected here--and many other times through the evening :P--but U'yn and later Sauscony were kind enough to page me the poses I missed, so there should be no loss of continuity.] Kaylira takes the remaining gulps of tea in two swallows.. a long childhood of *that* voice proving instinctive. (Hey, no fair M'llon gets to witness that!). Somehow the empty mug is no longer in her hands (probalby found under a cot tomorrow, who knows). And then she sights U'yn.. its like the hand of childbirth came down and said now, because thats exactly what happens. *Now* is when she gets that 'oh shards I have to push' look - a milisecond of time before she just *does* it. Hands grabbed and grasped for purchase. I can see the very tip of a head." Soz announces, settling back on her stool to roll her shoulders. As she does so, she spies the newcomer. Figuring that he must be part of her group, she offers him a quick smile. It never does to try and figure out Weyr relationships. But an extra set of hands are always helpful. "By the fire are packets of tea, as she finishes that cup, could you make her another one,please?" Of course she expects him to obey. Kaylira pushes until her body says 'okay, that was good'. The wave of relaxation rolls over her and without Kassi's prodding she breathes like she's supposed to! Finally looking focused and certain about what she's doing (hey, you move from transitional phase labour to final phase and see what it does for you). M'llon murmurs soft words of encouragement to Kaylira, as everyone looks to the entrance he makes no further comment but he does smile a hello. Now U'yn is not unfamiliar with birth, his mother does midwifery at Telgar, after all. But.... this could, possibly, maybe, be his kid, and that changes all of everything. Tea, though, he can focus on that, so bustles over and gets to work making an oversized overenthusiastic cup of tea. Kaylira barely gets out a warning. "Pushing!" Before her helping hands are put to use again. Its a good and mighty push too. Maybe this isn't so bad after all. Kassima makes a strangled noise as her hand is broken into itty-bitty bits, her eyes crossing again in a spasm of pain. But she complains not at all. And you know why? Because she knows darned well she'd rather be *here* than where *Kay* is right now, that's why. "Good, lass, very good," she manages to get out after a moment, summoning an encouraging smile for her daughter. "Just like that. Your bairn will be here a'fore you know it and you can rest; just push now, that's a way--" She bites her lip on any exclamations of pain that may just want to follow. "Very good!" Soz encourages, raising her head above the draped separation to peer at her assistants. "How are you doing?" She asks as her gaze slips from one to the other before she settles back onto her stool. "Just a few more pushes." She adds. M'llon is not above wincing as his hand is squeezed overly hard now too, "I think everything is going well here." "Devoutly rethinking that desire for more children," Kassima reports with a sidelong glance towards Sauscony, "but otherwise fine." As a belated but still sincere afterthought, "Glad you could make it, U'yn. Hear that, Kay? You can handle a few more; I know you can." Kaylira doe about as much damage as the hand can take in one push and relaxes again. Sitting back and taking a couple more breaths. "Coming.. faster. Think." Couple more pushes.. okay, she can do that. "She'll be here," she murmurs to M'llon. "Couple more." U'yn now hovers. With tea. Sorta hovers. Not too close. Just, uhm. Hovers. Sorta. M'llon wipes at Kaylira's forehead again then leans forward to kiss there, "You are doing wonderfuly." Kaylira gives U'yn an encouraging smile. "We're having a baby," she tells him, as though he could be oblvious to the fact. She actually has time for a bemused smile. Its actually hit her (like labour wasn't a wake up call??) that she really is having this baby. Kassima scootches back a little to leave U'yn room: "You'll likely have t'hold it for her," she suggests, with a glance back to her laboring child. "U'yn has more tea for you, Kay-love. Drink up if'n you can... and I agree, you *are* doing wonderfully. Beautifully. I'm more proud of you than I can say." Kaylira ohs at the tea, taking a sip and then another. "Okay.. no more.." Of course not! She has to push again. Another good, strong push. She's getting right into this now. "Have her drink some of that between pushes." Soz informs U'yn "If she can." Kay's comment does elicit a look from the healer towards M'llon before she shakes her head. Its better not to ask at times. But then the delivery does draw her attention. "Okay. the head is clear now. You can take a rest and relax." She falls silent as she works on the baby for a moment, clearing mouth and nose. Kaylira does relax, and gives everyone a semi-exhausted, sweaty, exuberant smile. "There's a head." Watch Kassi's eyes try to cross again! "You may want t'keep it handy all the same," she mutters to U'yn. "If'n it works on hands, I'd bet one of us will want it when this is over. The head?" Remember what she said about it being better that they were talking than trying to get a peek? Evidently she doesn't, because this is her cue to try and crane her head and lean as much as Kay's grasp on her hand will allow to, indeed, take a look. M'llon catches the healer's look but he merely smiles and looks back to Kaylira, "Soon my dear." U'yn isn't quite sure how to feed a labouring woman tea between pushes, but he's there, offering it. "Have some?" he asks, hopefully. Kaylira gratefully takes the tea - she even holds it while she has a nice long swallow. Somehow she just knows she's got enough time to take the offering, avail of it, and hand it back. "OKay, lets have this baby. She's gotta be tired of waiting.." "One last push, please" Soz's head doesn't appear this time, the healer bent over her patient as she supports the baby's head. U'yn flashes Kaylira a warm grin as he takes mug back. He keeps pulling his hands through his hair, making it an awfully crazy mess. M'llon mostly ignores U'yn's presence now, concentrating on Kaylira he smiles, "You are ready now?" Kassima reluctantly gives up trying to get a look at the baby to return to Kay's side, leaning in to brush a quick kiss against her daughter's temple. "That's m'lass. You can do it, love--just one more, and 'twill all be over." More like just beginning, but why sweat the details? Kaylira nods to M'llon, flashing him a nervous smile, "She's.." But she doesn't get time to finish her sentence as the awaited for push overtakes her. While not stronger than the others, it turns out rather painful, the shoulders clearing, fist one, then the other, as the babe is helped along gently by the ever so capable hands of the attendant healer... After a moment's pause, there is a hiccup from the baby, then a sharp cry as lungs fill for the first time. Soz's head appears over the draped cloth, looking at the mother to make she that she is still there before the healer turns to take care of the baby. M'llon takes a deep breath as the baby cries, smiling in relief, "You did it Kaylira." Kaylira ohs, craning to see the baby. "Is she okay? She's got everything?" Kassima's expression, which had still contained a certain amount of worry, immediately soften and warms at the sound of the baby cry. "Oh, Kay," she says, barely above a whisper, "you have a...." Pause. "You have a... something. Is she--he? It?--all right?" she asks Sauscony, while leaning again, wanting to see. U'yn cranes. Everyone else is craning, so he must, too, to see around all the others craning to see the baby. Wordless, but it's apparent in his eyes. WOW. Sauscony doesn't reply until she turns, carrying a neatly wrapped baby in the crook of her arm. "He is a beautiful little boy." She notes, holding the baby so that all the bystanders may see his face before she bends down to offer him to his mother. "A nice strong little one." She adds. M'llon smiles down at the child, saying quite unneccessarily, "Oh Kaylira, its a little boy." Kaylira takes the small bundle, that ancient soft wonder lighting her face. "A boy? Its not a girl?" But how can she really question this? There's this wonderous being to welcome to the world. Kassima lets go of Kaylira's hand at once, both so her daughter can take her son, and so she can hug her own newly-freed hand close to herself--along with its mate--to help resist any impulse to reach for the baby herself. "A wee little lad," she whispers. "Kay, he's *beautiful*. Just look what you've made." "Check under the cloth, if you doubt." Soz seems amused at the question. She slants a glance to Kassima, nodding to her words. "He is a handsome lad." Kaylira does check, opening his swaddling to look at every single beautiful detail of this tiny being. And he's definitely a he. No doubt about that. Even if he's not yet learnt the fine art of peeing at cool air contact. "Look at him, he's .. wow.. its like.." And she melts all over again. "I'll always be here little one. Momma loves you.." Her dark head bending to kiss a small fist. And then another. Then each foot in turn. M'llon smiles gently as he watches Kaylira and the baby, "He is very beautiful, you did wonderfully Kaylira." Kassima finds a good spot from which to gaze down at Kaylira and her son, wearing a beam which is rather ridiculously wide; not that she cares about such things just now. "Perfect," she murmurs to Kay. "He's perfect. I've never seen a more bonny lad, save mayhaps for your brothers... and what d'you think of him, U'yn?" Kaylira looks up and gestures U'yn over. "Come. See.." Encouraging him to look upon this wonder - that very possibly is his own son. Sauscony disappears beneath the cloth, finishing up as she allows the family to bond. She does slant a curious glance between the men, but this seems to be a situation that she has dealt with before. U'yn can only make one answer, here, but it's sincere, nonetheless. "He's... he's perfect," he breathes, quietly, taking the invitation to come closer. The smile Kassi thinks to flash to Sauscony commingles genuine gratitude with a hint of wry amusement, likely for the situation. But rather than comment on it, she looks back down to watch the baby with wondering, loving, and just a touch wistful eyes. "You said you didn't have a name ready yet...?" Kaylira mms, "Kaylon." The name just comes as she rests back and lets hte father's take their fill of son. M'llon smiles at Kaylira, taking a seat on the cot next to hers, "Can I get you anything?" "I like it," says Kassima at once, unsurprisingly. "'Twould have been wrong for such a bonny lad t'have t'go through life without the Fortunate Letter." As Soz removes the frame, she draws a blanket over the rider, lest she catch a chill, even in the warmth of Ista. Kaylira is tired. That happy 'I just had a baby tired'.. And when the father's have had Kaylon's fill of being oggled.. she does what comes next, naturally, and gives her son his first meal (because you just know all the rest of that icky birth stuff has been attended to.. we won't bore you all with details). Sauscony moves away, out of earshot,as she begins to clean the instruments. She does occasionally glance over at the new mother and her assistants. Kassima gives a quiet, contented sigh that commingles elements of the 'wow' sigh and the 'I want one' sigh. Silence reigns from her corner for several moments; she says nothing for the first minutes of Kaylon's nursing. Eventually she draws her attention away from the baby and his mother long enough to turn and say to Sauscony, as she moves from earshot, a simple, "Thankee, Craftsecond. Thankee." Kaylira would offer her own thanks, but perhaps happy and healthy mother and child is enough for now. Sauscony offers her a warm smile, "It was a pleasure, Kassima. Your daughter is very much like you, it has been interesting." She pauses before asking. "Has your time at the hall changed your opinion of Healers any?" Kaylira finger's stroke along the babe's skin as he suckles. Absolutely entranced with him. "I, ah...." Kassi stalls. Fidgets a bit. "I don't entirely know. Nay anyone's ambushed me and tried t'drag me off t'poke at me or pour foul medicines down m'throat, but Craftmaster Ayanne seems t'have a wee sadistic streak, though 'tis more subtle than, say, Ushu's. So the Council's still out on that, so t'be speaking." "Then we will continue to see you about the hall?" Soz asks rather hopefully. "It has been very good for the apprentices to have a chance to get to know the riders on a different level." Kaylira sighs happily, looking over from her adoring reverie of son. "Thanks. Everyone. He's wonderful.. and guess I'll be pushign capable back yet again." Kassima is a brief moment before answering, but eventually bobs her head. "At least somewhat. I still have a mint there t'visit, that Ayanne put into the greenhouse for me; I couldn't just leave it t'languish, could I?" Lucky mint. Or unlucky mint, as the case may be. "Probably so, kit; he'll keep you busy for a time--nay that he won't be worth it... oh. A'fore I'm forgetting. I brought some things for him, that 'twas meaning t'get here with a'fore he was born. D'you want t'see 'em? Would it wait better for another time?" Sauscony offers Kassima a quick smile. "You are always welcome at the hall," She informs her before she slants a look towards Kay, she seems well pleased with how the new-mother handles her baby. Kaylira has, in the interim, switched sides.. and a glance reveals that Ista's latest member has fallen asleep. "I'd love to. Oh, he's.. I didn't know it would be like this." "I don't think anyone could have told you. Sauscony knows more new mothers than me, so may know better, but I don't think anyone's ever come up with a way t'describe the feeling that can make you *understand* a'fore you feel it for yourself." Kassi flashes the Healer a smile, her daughter a slightly warmer one, and excuses herself, heading out to the Bowl for a few moments. When she returns, it's lugging something oddly-shaped and obviously quite heavy. Kaylira watches this activity with bemusement. "But, I have never been a new mother." Soz points out, watching the greenrider in amusement. "Whyever nay?" Kassi demands in breathless good humor, finally setting the large object down beside Kay's bed. It appears to be a rather large cradle, its interior obscured by leather belts and cloth bound around its middle to keep the contents in place; she unbuckles the belts and whisks the cover off so that the various items can be better seen. Kaylira gives the craddle a teary look. "Oh, mum. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To: Kaylira Cc: Sauscony Subject: Gift Descs. :) ============================================================================== Dragon's Dawning Wooden Baby Cradle Crafted in sturdy white oak, this elegant baby cradle is large enough to carry an infant through to crib age. At the center of this craftpiece is the bed section, enclosed along its length with curvy posts to give the piece a light and airy feel. Each post has two curves, reminiscent of thin hourglasses, which meet in the center at a decorative ovoid. The posts attach at top and bottom to sturdy, flattened beams. The silhouettes of flying dragons have been carved in relief along the top beams of the bed frame, perpetually chasing after one another. At opposite ends of the bed section are an arching headboard and footboard. Both the interior and exterior of the end boards features a dragonet emerging from it's shell, wings unfurling around it's dawning form to create an oval-shaped reverse relief carving. The entire reverse relief has been carefully coated with a burnished brown paint--a notable resemblance of cast bronze. The entire bed frame is supported by four legs affixed to arching rockers. The legs resemble the posts of the bed frame, but come to an end in four, egg-like ovoids, each painted in the same bronze as the emerging hatchling. All the edges on the cradle have been rounded over to avoid sharp edges, and all surfaces have been smoothed to avoid splinters. The oak has been stained in a warm golden-brown, the semi-glossy tone hinting at a pleasant summer day. In an inconspicuous spot is the coniferous stamp of the Woodcraft, the crafter's name "Journeyman Jeroch" burned into the wood to encircle the stamp. --- Nestled within the cradle is a further assortment of objects: a soft blanket to serve as its lining, dyed richly russet and embroidered around its edges with patterns that vaguely suggest dragons in thread of a warm chocolate brown; a plush stuffed dragon whose hide is a handsome shade of green somewhere between hunter and forest, and whose bright, embroidered eyes swirl in gentle blues; a pair of baby outfits to grow into, tiny pants and shirts, one set in russet and the other a shade of golden brown that's a fair match for Pheirth's hide; an infant sweater made of lambswool to be worn on visits to Grandmum Kassi at Telgar, navy blue in color with soot-colored stitching around the collar and sleeves... and one more outfit a cut above the rest: this one is feather-soft cotton dyed a deep midnight blue. And all of it--pants, booties, shirt, cap--is decorated with tiny six-pointed stars, their bright white thread edged with palest blue to suggest a celestial glow. Wind to thy wings, Kassima, green Lysseth's rider and Thunderbolt Wingleader, Telgar Weyr. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sauscony offers a slight shrug. "I think that is one thing I just haven't found time for." She admits. "Maybe someday." Her voice trails off as she spies the cradle. "oooohh. That is lovely." Kaylira brushes a finger to beneath her eyes. "You have all the colours in there. .. Oh mum.. its gorgeous. All of it." Kassima has never entirely lost her smile, but it broadens at this reaction. Her own eyes perhaps aren't as dry as they could be. "I thought you could use one; I wanted something a bit special... Jeroch did fine work, methinks. The rest are just wee tidbits I bought from the Weavers. D'you think *he'll* like it?" She doesn't mean M'llon or U'yn by the tone. One of her hands reaches out to stroke Kay's hair gently. "Nay less than you deserve, m'lass." "If he has any taste, he will." Soz points out as she goes back to cleaning up, staying within earshot. Kaylira looks at the small, perfect bundle nestled to her chest. "How coudl he not like? Everything there has so much love with it. This babe is so lucky - already so lucky. So very loved." "I don't doubt for a moment that your foster-mum will love him, too. And Mum and Da, and Grandsire and Grandmum, and the whole family. Then there's M'llon's family, and U'yn's family; shells, Ursa will probably be over the moon--" Kassima breaks off, shaking her head in marvelling fashion. "He should have naught t'complain of. But he doesn't deserve less... he's a wonderful baby already." There's a pause. She adds, almost reluctantly, "I should admit, I may have another gift for him. From Craftmaster Katlynn. But, ah, I'm nay sure how appropriate 'tis now, and 'twas half-inclined to save her for a granddaughter; but would you like t'see and judge?" Kaylira nods, lips parting in a smirk. "More? I'd love to see!" Sauscony's eyes begin to cross as she tries to follow the relationships, shaking her head as if to clear it. "More?" She echos Kay's comment, Kassima's nod is hesitant. "All right," she finally decides. "I'll go get it. But I'll take nay offense if'n you'd rather I save it or the like, hey?" With that, she lopes back out to the Bowl, returning *this* time with an adorable but very pink item which she holds up rather sheepishly for both women to see. --- Quite large, this stuffed dragon toy has a rather unusual colouring. Her hide is a mis-match of different fabrics, all coloured decidedly pink. Fragile lacey wings of a sweet blush shade have been stitched to fold along her back, with stylised embroidery of wine threads at their tips. The delicate wedge of her head is of a silken sisal, soft and smooth to the touch. The eyes have been first pieced together from many tiny scraps of bright reddy-pink fabrics. Plush fuchsia velvet, multi-coloured brocade, fuzzy, hot pink felt, and a soft, cuddly flannel in the darkest wine have all been stitched together with thick pink thread, creating a mosiac effect over the rest of her body. --- Kaylira chuckles. "Oh, Mum, its wonderful. And sort of appropriate seeing as we were so certain he was a she. But if you wish to keep it until or if.. I would understand. But its terribly lovely." "It struck me as something a lass might appreciate more," Kassima admits, stroking the dragon's soft mosaic hide. "If'n you think he'd like it, though, or want it for him... 'tis up t'you, kit." Kassima then amends, "Her, I should say. She's surely a she." This being the dragon, not her grandson. Kaylira holds a hand out for the toy. "It was made for him.. I dont care if its pink or not. Perhaps he'll like pink.. a colour won't make him any less a man. Or any more one." Kassima passes the stuffed dragon over to Kay. "That's true enough. There are plenty of manly men who wear pink from time t'time, I'm sure, and anyway he's a wee bit young t'have to worry about his testosterone levels. Let me know what he names her when he's old enough t'think of one?" Kaylira says "Twill, mum. Certainly." Kassima nods to that, pleased. Then, if it's permitted, she extends a very gentle finger to brush lightly, lightly against Kaylon's cheek. "Don't make life *too* hard for your mum, lad," she instructs him, more amused than serious. "She's being very good t'you, giving you pink dragons and everything. Just you remember this when you're first tempted t'scream and wail and keep her from getting any sleep at night." Though she asides with even more amusement to Sauscony, "As if'n there's any chance of avoiding *that*." "Knowing most babies, I doubt it will remain that same shade for overly long." Soz notes in amusement. "This is what happens when you are so sure about a baby's gender, its just the way ofit." Kassima agrees, good-humored rue coloring her voice, "He'll spit up on everything, if'n he doesn't pee on it or worse... and lads are a bit worse about that than lasses, for a reason you'll discover fast enough, m'dear. Still, they *are* worth the mess." "I dare say, that each genders has its own particular challenge." Soz notes diplomatically. Kaylira quirks a brow. "Mum, after *that*.. I think I'll reserve judgement on whether boys are worth it." She teases, of course, meaning the fathers, and not the son, but Kay can't help it. Kassima's laughter has just a *touch* of wickedness to it. "Now mayhaps you can understand how 'tis I usually end up threatening t'castrate the fathers of m'children during labor, nay? But they were both fairly good t'you in this. Methinks 'twere lucky, Kay." The reminder of just how good everyone was brings her mind back to her abused hand, and she rubs the still-red skin with an exaggerated grimace. Kaylira notes, for the first time, the damage she did. "Oh! I'm so sorry!" "Would you like some numbweed?" Soz offers Kassi, before she brings over yet another cup of tea. "Drink this is you feel any discomfort." She tells the new mother. "'Twouldn't mind some," Kassi allows. "'Tisn't the first time I've held a laboring woman's hand, but 'tis the first time in *awhile*. I could almost feel sorry for all the men's hands I've crushed if'n they hadn't so richly deserved it." Humor softens into affection as she tells Kay, "You've naught to apologize for! I knew what 'twas getting into when I offered the hand, m'dear--you needed something to hold. And 'twill feel as normal again soon enough." Kaylira drinsk the tea obediantly, even if she isn't feelind discomfort -she's had at least enough training to know (now that she's thinkign straight) that she *will* hurt soon enough and will want it. Sauscony slants a glance towards Kassima, nodding her agreement. "I should look in on a few more patients before I head back to the hall, but I will be back in a couple of days to check up on you and the baby. I would like for you to stay here tonight at least and if you feel up to it, you may return to your weyr on the morrow." Kassima straightens a bit, running a hand back over her hair. "At some point I should likely leave you alone with him," she admits to Kay with considerable reluctance. "I've nay wish to, but I know you probably want some time... and time t'sleep, eventually." Kaylira asks Kassi softly, "Want to hold him.. gramma?" Kassima gives an exaggerated cringe at the G-word, but that doesn't keep her from immediately holding out her arms in answer to the offer; nor from saying, "I'd *love* to." Sauscony can't help but snicker at that as she slips away. Perhaps there is a reason she doesn't have any children. Kaylira holds Kaylon out, letting Kassi do the bulk of the taking - since yes, predicatably, parts of her are beginning to ache just a bit. Kassima gathers the baby boy in close, snuggling him against her chest; there's no hesitation in taking him, nor in holding him. After six children, if there's one thing she knows it's how to hold a baby. She shifts her weight from foot to foot, rocking slightly, and her eyes start to mist over. "Heyla, little darling," she murmurs to him. "I love you; y'know that? You'll find it out soon enough. Because I'm going t'spoil you *rotten* when you come t'visit me." She lowers her head to brush a soft kiss against the baby's forehead before asiding to Kay, "If'n you still have any of that tea from a'fore, it might help a bit... you'll hurt for awhile, though." Kaylira nods, and has a half-cup still. Each drop savoured as exhaustion sets in - mother nature's way of saying yo'ull be up again in two hours, dear, sleep now. Kassima smiles to herself, and doesn't comment to *Kay* on her exhaustion--she does, however, say to Kaylon, "You should be a good bairn and let your Mum sleep tonight. If'n you think *you've* had a hard day, just imagine hers! Pshhh. But you're a lad. You're probably gloating already, under that sweet innocent face, thinking how 'twill never be *you*. But just you wait. If'n you ever do that to a woman then you'll get t'have *your* hand broken, m'fine smug lad!" Whatever she says, her voice stays quiet and soothing in tone, if a little amused. Wouldn't do to wake the baby up and make him actually listen to this nonsense. Kaylira can't help a small, tired grin. Kaylon, for his part bubbles a tiny spit bubble at his lips and goes on blusfully asleep. Setting himself up for turns to come of exactly that male attitude to female advice. Kassima laughs softly at this reaction, turning her head to rest her cheek on top of his downy hair for a moment. But finally, with great reluctance, Kassima straightens and passes him back to his mother, explaining softly, "I don't know if'n 'tis what you want t'do, but I always held the babies while we both slept, the first night... and I don't think you're long from joining him in dreams." Kaylira nods, eyes already drooping. "I thought I'd remembered that. Don't all mommas?" "I don't know. Mayhaps some don't. I've never understood how anyone could be willing t'let their newborn go long enough to sleep." Kassima straightens up again once Kaylon's in Kaylira's arms, but not before attempting to smooth her daughter's hair a last time. "I'll leave the two of you to slumber... if'n you need aught, though, you'll have Pheirth call? I'll come if'n I can. And I can promise, you'll see plenty of me the next few days whether you want to or nay." Kaylira can't help another soft smile. "Thanks mum. Love you." Kassima matches the smile with a warm one of her own. "Love you, too, kit. Always. And mayhaps now," with a nod towards the sleeping bundle in her arms, "you understand a part of why... though I'd love you anyway for yourself. Dream sweetly, loves." And she's off, though not without a last look for the spectacle of mother and son before she disappers into the Bowl. You move into the windy expanse of the bowl.