-------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Sweet Celebration Date: January 8, 1999 Places: Telgar Weyr's Living Cavern, Southern Bowl, and Skyspace; Shipfish Island's Skyspace and Fine Sand Beach Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: This is another of my rare logs where Kay rather than Kassi is the protagonist (the explanation for that can be found in the note for 'Meeting Fehuth'--this is actually the first of those logs chronologically, but it's the second one I edited). Kassi does make a very brief appearance in the beginning, but after that, it's all Kay as the young demon-spawn hitches a ride to the celebration taking place on Shipfish Island. I normally would have gone as Kassi, but she was pregnant and couldn't; perhaps it's as well, though, for this is definitely my favorite of the few kidlet-scenes I've done, and I enjoyed the RP so much that I really wanted to post it. :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: You walk through the large entrance to the Living Cavern. Silen grins at Syrali, and heads outside. Richenda heads to the bowl as well, mumbling, "I hope someone'll take me..." Richenda walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Kaylira sprints into the room pell-mell, throwing herself at her mother's leg for a quick hug. "To the Bowl with you, demonling," Kassi laughs, giving the girl's backside a swat. "Go on!" Kay beams at the room in general, waves a cookie-laden hand, and follows directions. Bronwynn walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. You walk down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Silen comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern. Meli climbs smoothly up Juliath's extended foreleg and settles herself between the neck ridges, as the green gives a welcome rumble from deep in her throat. Richenda, glancing behind her, holds out her free hand to Kaylira. "Coming, love?" Syrali comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern. Atop sturdy Ularrith, M'rgan twines a hand tightly around the straps in front of him before leaning far over and extending a hand to those on the ground as his lifemate thoughtfully proffers a foreleg. Kaylira screeches to a halt just outside the Bowl, and carefully tucks her cookie away before beaming at Richenda. "Aye, Auntie Fish. Mum said there'd be a ride for me?" Astride Juliath, Meli says "Up here, Kay, w'me, ok?" Richenda looks around at the dragons and then queries, "All right...shall I wait here, or...?" Syrali's attempts to hang back from the general crowd probably don't do terribly well, given she's got an arm looped through Silen's. "Which one do we go with?" she whispers to him, voice raised over the more-than-murmur. Silen shrugs. "Whoever has room?" Telgar Weyr> M'rgan says, "For those going to the party at Shipfish, just pick your dragon. You've got 'Juliath' and 'Ularrith'. :)" Myklan comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern. Telgar Weyr> A'lex says, "That's tonite!?" Rillanon glances at Bronwynn, "Who shall we go with?" She is pretty excited. Nraith backwings for a landing. Kaylira tugs at Richenda's sleeve with her newly-free hand. "Come with us, Auntie Fish! Aunt Meli will give us both a ride, won't you, Aunt Meli?" She's so cute when she implores, isn't she? Telgar Weyr> A'lex says, "Or Nraith!!!" Telgar Weyr> Syrali plays Kassima. "Hurry those little bronze buns, 'Lex." Atop sturdy Ularrith, M'rgan tugs one Candidate to a spot behind him before reaching down to the next one as the first Candidate straps himself in. Astride Juliath, Meli checks the extra straps, then calls down again. "Kaylira, I'll set y'right behind me, an' then we'll have Richenda b'hind you if you like, an' then Jul c'n probably handle one or two more." High atop Nraith, A'lex says "Sorry I'm late..." Telgar Weyr> Kassima idles in this connection, but can be reached in her much more nefarious Kaylira-form. ;) Richenda raises her gaze to Nraith as he arrives, and with a sigh she asks Meli, "Please let us ride with you, because A'lex flies like a demented Seacrafter." Bronwynn steps towards Ularrith, "Can Rill and I ride with you?" Astride Juliath, Meli nods, grinning, former Seacrafter drudge that she is. Syrali squints at Nraith's landing, nose wrinkling up against the backwind. "Maybe him," she suggests to Silen, starting that way. "Come on!" Rillanon bounces up with Bronwynn, their arms still linked. Kaylira beams again, and tucks Dagonth into the sling she wears to hold him before grabbing for the straps. "Thankee, Aunt Meli! Heya, Aunt Jul! Thankee for the ride also!" High atop Nraith, A'lex sticks his tongue out at Richenda. Juliath swings her head around to look you over with a curious glance. At a silent word from Meli, she extends a foreleg and lets you scramble up to her lower neck ridges. >>>> Atop sturdy Ularrith, M'rgan twists his gloves hand in a sort of waving gesture as he leans down a touch further, extending his arm towards Bronwynn. "Certainly. Come on up." >>>> Silen nods, and follows Syrali. "Sounds good to me..." >>>> Richenda queries of Kaylira, "Need a boost, love...oh, guess not." And she joyously sticks her tongue out at A'lex. >>>> High atop Nraith, A'lex says "Anyone who needs a lift, climb aboard, we've got all our passenger straps with us." >>>> Silen says "Want me to boost you up?" >>>> Rillanon climbs up onto Ularrith's back, using his foreleg as a step. >>>> Syrali pauses long enough to get a good look at Nraith, then back at Silen. "I can manage." And she does, if with a bit of scrabbling. Telgar Weyr> Ro says, "Woo woo, a ride with 'lexibabe." "S'too bad Tam's got tha' cold," Meli comments to her 'niece'. "You'll jus' have t'have twice as much fun f'him. Y'ready, Richenda ma'am?" >>>> Syrali steps up onto Nraith's foreleg and grabs ahold of riding straps, hauling herself up the great Bronze neck. >>>> Myklan waits quietly while the dragons are loaded...then looks for the one with the fewest passengers. Richenda scrambles up Juliath's foreleg to settle herself between the lower neck ridges behind you. >>>> Silen waits until Syrali's up, then scrambles up himself. >>>> Above, Xylath flies over from the north end of the bowl. >>>> Silen grabs ahold of Nraith's riding straps and hauls himself up the great Bronze neck. Telgar Weyr> Syrali gets snagged for dinner, RL. Finally. No more gurglestomach. Feel free to 'drop' Syr off, 'Lex. ;) Thanks for the ride. >>>> Xylath backwings for a landing. >>>> Neliea nimbly climbs down from Xylath's neckridges, pausing to gently brush a hand along her lifemate's muzzle as he turns a large light blue muzzle to his lifemate, wuffling her hair gently in return. >>>> Neliea walks up the pitted ledge and disappears into M'hryn's weyr. >>>> Bronwynn vaults up onto Ularrith's back, as the dragon rumbles softly. >>>> Astride Nraith, Silen waves over to Neliea and Xylath, then straps himself in. Kaylira calls down to Richenda, "Mum taught me to climb all by m'self, Auntie Fish!" And oh, isn't she proud. "Will you thank Aunt Jul for me, Aunt Meli?" she asks with obediant politeness. Someone has clearly been drilled in more than just strap-climbing. "I can tell him all about it, sure." >>>> Astride Nraith, A'lex nods to Silen, "You know how to Strap yourself in?" >>>> Atop sturdy Ularrith, Rillanon looks at Bronwynn excitedly, "I still can't get used to this. Its soo fun!" >>>> Astride Nraith, A'lex grins, "Good." Meli smiles. "I will, Kay. Calling down, she adds 'S'room for another. Anyone else?" >>>> Seated atop Nraith, A'lex smiles asks the same of Syrali. >>>> Astride Nraith, Silen smiles at A'lex. "I've done it enough times, sir." >>>> High atop Nraith, A'lex nods. >>>> Atop sturdy Ularrith, M'rgan quickly passes back the passenger straps and belts and points out what goes through where as he looks around for anymore passengers milling about on the ground. >>>> Ro comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern. Telgar Weyr> A'lex thinks Ro is lost... >>>> High atop Nraith, A'lex waves Ro up, "Come on, we don't have all day!" Telgar Weyr> Ro isn't used to waking up in the infirmary. >>>> Ro grabs ahold of Nraith's riding straps and hauls herself up the great Bronze neck. >>>> High atop Nraith, Silen smiles at Ro. "Hi!" Telgar Weyr> M'rgan asks, "Do we have everyone?" Meli says "Ev'ryone buckled in an' snug?" >>>> Nraith looks back at those strapping themselves in. >>>> Atop sturdy Ularrith, Bronwynn grins as she settles herself with a grin. Nodding enthusiastically, "I know, I know." She takes the straps and follows M'rgan's instruction, "Am I strapped in tight enough?" she ask, tugging on the staps experimentally. >>>> Astride Nraith, Ro picks her way up carefully, favoring her hands as much as possible. "Hi Silen." Kaylira asks Richenda eagerly, hugging her stuffed toy tight, "Will there be sweets at this party thing, Aunt Fish? Think so, Aunt Meli!" >>>> High atop Nraith, A'lex says "You need a hand, Ro?" >>>> From betwixt Nraith's neckridges, Silen says "How are your hands?" Richenda waves to Meli and tucks her cane somewhere safe, then closes her eyes. "Bloody shards and shells...oh, that is, yes, dearie, there will be sweets." >>>> Atop sturdy Ularrith, Rillanon follows Bronwynn's example and straps herself in. "I think thats right." Telgar Weyr> Meli says, "Whoa, major deja vu. :b" >>>> Atop sturdy Ularrith, M'rgan clips the straps to his flight belt before twisting around to check on the Candidates'. His hands and fingers move quickly but with the precision of turns of experience as he checks all of the buckles and tugs on the straps. "Good job. You're all strapped in just fine." Kaylira gives a puzzled frown. "Could swear it means something different when Mum says it," she mumbles. "Sweets are good, though. I'll even share some with you if'n you want." >>>> Seated atop Nraith, Ro gets herself into the straps, not too much of an invalid "I think I've got it, thanks A'lex." and then to Silen "They aren't bad, really. The healer just wanted to be careful." >>>> Seated atop Nraith, Silen nods to Ro. "Good. Just let me know if you need anything, all right?" >>>> Myklan waits quietly at Juliath's side, for the hand up. Myklan scrambles up Juliath's foreleg to settle himself between the lower neck ridges behind you. >>>> Seated atop Nraith, A'lex smiles at Silen's politeness. Richenda beams at Myklan and settles herself again, closing her eyes. Myklan settles in, trying not to squish Kaylira too much... >>>> From betwixt Nraith's neckridges, Ro nods with a bemused smile "I'll be sure to do that, thank you." Meli scans the group a moment, watching until it seems that everyone is settled and buckled. Raising a fist aloft, she pauses a moment, then gives the traditional pump signal to rise. >>>> Nraith takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry him aloft. >>>> Above, Nraith rises up from the bowl. You spring into the air and catch the thermals rising from the bowl floor to carry you aloft. >>>> Nraith snorts, happy to be aloft. >>>> Ularrith rises up from the bowl. >>>> Atop sturdy Ularrith, Bronwynn nods silently and holds onto Rilla. >>>> Atop sturdy Ularrith, Rillanon oohs in delight, holding on tight >>>> Astride Nraith, A'lex says "Hang on... he flies like he's a Green when he knows we're going to shipfish. Unfortunately, his body doesn't respond like one." >>>> Astride Nraith, Silen winces slightly. "Oh boy," he says, and tightens his grip. >>>> Juliath pauses a moment in the lower air, then with a few strong strokes climbs to the clearer space above. Richenda's eyes close all the more tightly. This woman, it seems, doesn't like flying all -that- much. >>>> Juliath disappears into Between. Between You gasp as the icy black nothingness of Between surrounds you! You hear nothing, see nothing, and feel nothing. The trip takes five heartbeats... Black... Blacker... Blackest! You suddenly emerge... >>>> Juliath emerges from Between with a blast of cold air! >>>> Nraith emerges from Between with a blast of cold air! >>>> Ularrith emerges from Between with a blast of cold air! >>>> Seated atop Nraith, A'lex says "Did we all make it?" Myklan hands onto the straps, but seems nonplussed with the entire affair. He even manages to pretend that *between* doesn't scare him witless. >>>> Seated atop Nraith, Silen lets out a lungful of cold Telgar air, and takes in the warm Shipfish air. "I'm still here, sir." >>>> Atop sturdy Ularrith, Rillanon ahhs in relief, "Phew." >>>> Astride Nraith, Ro laughs "Well, I'm still here, anyhow." Meli lets out a soft laugh. "Nice not t'be headin' to a Fall this time." >>>> Ularrith bugles as he comes out of *between*. He drops his shoulder, curving down towards the beach far below. Kaylira, quite the opposite, clearly delights in flying--even the trip *between*, unnatural child that she is. "Wheee! Ohhh... *look*!" Yes, she's realized that there's an island below her. Myklan giggles, and reaches to tickle-poke Kaylira (lives dangerously don't we?) "Didn't even loose you between!" You spiral down towards the strip of sand facing the bay. "Whee? Faranth's gilded ovaries. Whee?" Richenda lets out a groan and watches the island come closer, further murmuring to herself about flights. >>>> Ularrith dives down from above, and sends up a flurry of sand when he touches down. >>>> Nraith dives down from above, and sends up a flurry of sand when he touches down. >>>> Juliath lands rapidly, her small size making for speed and tight spirals. With barely a *whump*, she lands on the sand. Kaylira yelps with laughter at the poke, and pries one hand from Dagonth to reach back and return it. "Couldn't! Aunt Jul knows better'n that, silly!" >>>> Atop sturdy Ularrith, M'rgan lifts a hand to protect his face as Ularrith lands. But the brown dragon carefully stalls his wings at the last second and only stirs up a little of the sand. >>>> Nraith slides a bit in the sand, the overzealous wherryhead. >>>> From betwixt Nraith's neckridges, Silen yikes and hangs on tight. "Allll right!" Meli yells out over the noise. "Ev'ryone out, but don' wander off too far! We'll set some folks up t'gatherin' wood for th'fire, an' such, 'fore we go for a swim." >>>> Atop sturdy Ularrith, Bronwynn sighs, "All done. My, it's warm here." She starts to pry at the straps, but her excited fingers are practically useless as she struggle to get free. Myklan laughs, and refrains from getting into a ticklefest with Kaylira...yet. >>>> Astride Nraith, A'lex says "Careful ya big lump!" >>>> From betwixt Nraith's neckridges, A'lex says "Be careful getting down, folks." >>>> Atop sturdy Ularrith, Rillanon gazes around, "Isn't it beautiful! Oh, I want to come back here again and again." She tugs at her straps, undoing them as well as she can. >>>> Seated atop Nraith, Silen waits to be sure Nraith is done before venturing to unstrap. >>>> Nraith sighs and settles down into the sand. Richenda isn't getting down yet. No, she is not. She's up on the dragon, and there she is staying. >>>> High atop Nraith, Ro scritches Nraith, a scarcely concealed smile on her lips, while no one is watching. >>>> Juliath carefully furls her wings, settling closer to the ground and shifting one foreleg to assist in passenger removal. >>>> Atop sturdy Ularrith, M'rgan strokes the neckridge in front of him for a moment as he murmurs congratulations to his lifemate. Only when that is done does he release his own straps and turn around to check on his passengers. "Can you get it?" >>>> Atop sturdy Ularrith, Having succeeded in unstrapping herself, she manages to make her way down. "Thank you, M'rgan." >>>> Rillanon climbs down Ularrith's side to the ground, as the dragon warbles a greeting. >>>> Silen lowers himself back to the ground using Nraith's riding straps. >>>> Silen says "Want me to catch you, Ro?" Kaylira then nods, vigorously enough to make her curls bounce, to Richenda. "Whee, Auntie Fish, 'cause 'tis *fun* t'be flying with Aunt Jul! She's nay as fast as Lyss, mayhaps, but she's awful close." Myklan is favored with a considering look, but she too accepts a truce... temporarily. "Can you help me, Aunt Meli? I can't find the buckle." Probably because Dagonth is in the way. Telgar Weyr> Trilana says, "Where'd everyone go?" >>>> Rillanon runs around, the first to get down, "Coming Bronwynn?" She asks. Telgar Weyr> Richenda says, "Shipfish...you'll need a ride. :)" Telgar Weyr> Trilana says, "Everyone's left, haven't they." Telgar Weyr> K'ti says, "Poof... they've gone to Shipfish. I've gotta dragon if you need it."" >>>> Atop sturdy Ularrith, Bronwynn shakes her head, but just then manages to undo the strap, "I've got it," she grins. Meli gives a nod even as she's twisting about to help Kay out of the straps. "Y'survive ok, Richenda?" Myklan undoes his belt and reaches to help Kaylira before he realizes Meli's doing it too...then decides to get off the dragon instead. Myklan slides down to Juliath's extended foreleg with some help from the straps, then makes the short jump to the ground. "I'm perfectly well, thank you, Meli, Kaylira, thank you," sniffles Richenda as she stays precisely where she is. >>>> Ularrith lifts his great, white-flecked head and twists it around, watching closely as one person after another scrambles down his straps. As each person steps onto the sand he whuffgrunts in satisfaction, glad to be free of the burden. >>>> Syrali climbs down from Nraith's neck using his riding straps. Nraith watches her carefully the whole time. >>>> Nraith dropped Syrali. Telgar Weyr> Richenda says, "Gosh, Syrali. *Boom*." >>>> Rillanon comes up to Ularrith's great wedgeshaped face and says, "Thank you, Ularrith. Thank you very much." Telgar Weyr> A'lex says, "She's not here... :) Nraith was being a little uncareful." Meli nods again, not entirely convinced. "There y'go, love," she asides to Kaylira. "Hmm, y'want me t'go down first an' help you tha' way, or help you f'up here, Riche?" Kaylira grins at Meli, dutifully chiming, "Thankee, Aunt Meli," as she twists about to dismount. But before she does, she shifts Dagonth to her other arm and tugs at Richenda's sleeve. "C'mon, Auntie Fish. There're *sweets* down there somewhere." Telgar Weyr> Richenda grins. >>>> From betwixt Nraith's neckridges, Ro blushes deeply, nearly squeaking "Catch me?" Something about that just seems to be having an effect. Richenda pauses. "Ah...I can slide down myself, I expect. My leg's not all that bad." Does she sound doubtful? Yes, she does. >>>> Myklan looks around to see if he can lend a hand somehwere, stretching his filling-out torso as he does so. The warmth apparently agrees with him. >>>> Atop sturdy Ularrith, M'rgan chuckles just a bit as he sees Rillanon and he gives his lifemate's neck a mild thumping. "Don't expect a your welcome back, Rillanon," he calls down to her. "The lump's not much for people." >>>> Astride Nraith, A'lex starts unbuckling himself as he chuckles at Ro. >>>> Myklan turns back as he hears that, and moves closer to the green again, offering a hand up to the retired Headwoman. >>>> Silen grins. "Well, steady you, maybe. I imagine you've gotten down from dragons a few times before." "Why don' I jus' stand below, jus' in case," Meli replies, moving down herself. Kaylira accepts this with a child's trust, and bounces down to the ground, Lucki popping out of *between* just in time to swoop after her. Meli slips smoothly down from Juliath's neck to her foreleg and to the ground, giving her a gentle caress. You slide down to Juliath's extended foreleg with some help from the straps, then make the short jump to the ground. Telgar Weyr> K'ti says, "Oh gah, sorry.. work pulled me off for a bit." Rillanon shrugs, "Thats all right, I thought I should at least make the effort." She turns and walks over to the rest of the people on the beach. From betwixt Nraith's neckridges, Ro unbuckles herself and gives Nraith one more scritch before sliding down. In the end she does end up needing a little help, as she is unable to use the straps to steady herself as much as she would like. At least she doesn't collide with Silen as he aids her, though. Between Juliath's lower neck ridges, Richenda coughs, closes her eyes, holds onto her cane, and slides down. Richenda slides down to Juliath's extended foreleg with some help from the straps, then makes the short jump to the ground. Ro lowers herself back to the ground using Nraith's riding straps. Bronwynn clambers down Ularrith's side to the ground, the dragon's sparkling eyes watching closely. Meli reaches out her hands to slow Richenda's descent, helping to deposit her safely at Juliath's side. Silen makes sure Ro is safely down, then steps back. "There y'go," he says, then calls, "Thanks, Nraith!" Astride Nraith, A'lex watches to be sure Ro doesn't kill herself, or Silen, then hops down from Nraith's neck without using the straps. A'lex slides down Nraith's riding straps and lands carefully beside him. Nraith rumbles quietly as A'lex pats his side in thanks. Richenda thuds to a stop and mumbles, "Thank you, child," to Meli before patting Juliath. "Good...ah...yes, good dragon." A'lex grins, "I've not been here in at least a turn..." Myklan grins at Richenda, reaching out a hand to help steady her. Richenda sets up a table and places all sorts of deserts on it. Richenda looks over the dessert table, deciding which treat to try first. M'rgan hops down Ularrith's side to the ground, using his straps as handholds. Richenda looks over the dessert table, deciding which treat to try first. Kaylira remarks, ever observant, "'Tis *warm* here." Frowning in thought, she jogs over to a rather large boulder and very carefully sets Dagonth down beside it. "You won't get wet here, Dagonth. Watch m'jacket for me?" The hapless stuffed toy has no real choice but to comply, and Kay returns to Juliath and the others sans the leather accessory. "Aunt Jul's nice, aye. Nickie likes her." Silen says "Kaylira, can he watch my riding jacket too?" "You, you, you, an' you," Meli points. "Firewood patrol." Some others are pointed to assist the former headwoman with the picnic, while others are set to assisting in dragon strap removal and various other tasks. Finally, she calls out "F'those o'you who need t'change, y'can use th'shelter." M'rgan remains exactly where he landed and by the wide leather straps that circle his lifemate's neck. As Ularrith rumbles with impatience and shivers the ridges down his back, the man immediately reaches for the first of the buckles on the straps, opening it. "Just give me a minute or two, lump. All right?" Kaylira bobbles her head to Silen. "Bet he can! He's good at stuff like that. Better'n Lucki, even." Silen grins. "Thanks!" He sets the jacket down, then goes to collect firewood. Rillanon turns to Bronwynn, "Do you need to change? I've gotta out on my bathing suit." Bronwynn shakes her head, "I'm wearing mine," she grins. Taking a step towards M'rgan she asks, "Need any help before we scamper off?" Rillanon gets the suit out of the bag she carries, and says, "Alright. I'll get changed, just wait here." Rillanon steps into the stone shelter. M'rgan points to the second strap as he hears Bronwynn. "If you could help me with that one, this'll go much faster. Just don't let it get in the sand. It makes the lump itch." Kaylira considers a moment, then peels off shoes and socks to let them join the pile of Dagonth-guarded apparel. "Lots of people here. We're going swimming?" This is asked of no one in particular; a general query. From the shelter, Rillanon glances around, throwing of her clothes at the same time. The minute they are off, the suit is on, and then a wrap around skirt as well. Once dressed, she comes out again, putting her clothes in a tidy pile. Rillanon steps out from the stone shelter. "Yes, love," Meli replies to Kay. "But no swimmin' by y'self. You keep w'the others, an' not too deep, right?" A'lex strips down to his breeches and lays himself down in the sun. Rillanon looks over the dessert table, deciding which treat to try first. Richenda is stripping down not a whit: no sense in scaring the fish. Silen comes back with an armload of firewood, sets it down, and strips down to his swimming trunks. Bronwynn grins and reaches up to work on the straps, "Alright, I'll be careful," she giggles. She gives 'the lump' another affectionate pat, "We wouldn't want you to itch now would we? Then poor M'rgan would have to listen to your complaining." Kaylira indulges in a momentary pout, but nods. "If'n you say so, Aunt Meli. Foster-Mum's been teaching me t'swim, though. She says I'm getting really good at it!" Rillanon rejoins Bronwynn, helping her with the straps. Her suit is blue, and the skirt red. Richenda finds a rock on which she may perch and lets out a long sigh, closing her eyes as the warmth surrounds her and lulls her into a sense of comfort. Syrali's not stripping any more than Richenda, but for another reason entirely. She gives the water a suspicious glance, then retreats further in from the shoreline to investigate the less damp areas of the island. Meli slips beneath Juliath's wing briefly, emerging with her hides in hand, dressed in her bandeau top and wrap skirt. "Much better. An' yeh, I know y've been learning, Kay. Tam too. Both doin' well, I've heard." Ularrith's rumble only deepens and he twists his head back around, to stare out longingly at the ocean waters. Telgar Weyr> Leigh finally gets online. Hi, everybody. :) Telgar Weyr> Syrali says, "Heya. :)" Telgar Weyr> Rei says, "hi" Telgar Weyr> Leigh wants to be where you all are! Telgar Weyr> K'ti will come back for you in a moment Leigh? Telgar Weyr> Leigh beams. "Thanks!" Ro says in Silen and A'lex's general direction "What shall we do now?" A'lex says "I plan on lying here and getting warm for a bit... all the way to the core." M'rgan slips the straps over his shoulder and loops them over his arm as he starts to pull them off of his lifemate's neck. As the dragon's hide is well-oiled there's barely a scratching sound as they slither off. Silen says "I was gonna swim a little...maybe build a sand hold." Meli grins. "I guess y'can go explore, or swim, if y'like, but don' get lost." A'lex grins, "Ooooh, sand hold!! Let me know when, and I'll give ya a hand." Jaralth dives down from above, and sends up a flurry of sand when he touches down. Ro nods "Me too. Are they hard to make?" Meli looks over the dessert table, deciding which treat to try first. Silen says "I will! No, not really. Well, they can be. It depends on how big you make 'em." Astride Jaralth, K'ti says "well.. first we land, then y'can slide down Jaralth's shoulder. He's used to it'n the sand's soft." Myklan settles down into the sand after making a small, lonesome trail off by himself. He digs into his pocket and produces a tiny, re-crafted knifeblade and grabs a bit of driftwood. Melitakes some baklava from the dessert table. Kaylira noddles agreement, grey graze stealing wistfully towards the ocean also. "I'm better'n Khari at it. Foster-Mum won't let her go very far in 'tall." She considers once again, pondering, pondering, until 'sand hold' reaches her ears and she perks up. "Oh! Can we build a sand Weyr, too?" Syrali pokes along around the trees, kicking at stones half-buried in the sand, sometimes pausing to worry out one or two of the deeper ones. She glances over, catching part of Silen's suggestion, and starts wandering back that way. She pauses by the tables to strip out of her sweater, before making the rest of the way over, hands buried in her breeches pockets. Telgar Weyr> K'ti would stay down here, but they'er shutting the pooters down at 7 at work. Maintenance purposes Astride Jaralth, Trilana smiles again, leaning back and reaching down to scritch Jaralth's shoulder in thanks. "Thank you, Jaralth. And K'ti," she adds, smiling cheerily as she slides off. Telgar Weyr> Syrali ewws. Condolences. Trilana slides down Jaralth's foreleg to land on the ground below. Telgar Weyr> Silen grumbles and swears and has to give someone else the line. Have fun with the sand hold... Jaralth warbles as he's scritched. The warble turns into one of those 'do we have to' whines that any kid could fashion in a pinch. Leave? Noooooo... warm! Okay... *sigh* leave. Meli collects a sweet, nibbling at it as she scrunches her toes into the sand. "Swim first, or build first?" "There *is* food and drink, you know," Richenda carols from her rock, the one she has claimed in every way but by carving her name upon it. "If you don't want Ofira gnawing your heads off, you'd best not let it go to waste." Astride Jaralth, K'ti waves and doesn't bother to nudge her dragon. Jaralth launches up up into the sea air, and soars high above the island. Trilana smiles up at K'ti. "I thank you," she says again before reluctantly, or not-so-reluctantly, turning to face her friends. Telgar Weyr> Syrali ulps. Bye, Sil! Kaylira eyes Meli's sweet longingly, and turns her eyes to the table. They widen, and she gasps, her expression turning into the beatific one of a child who has seen utopia. "Eat first?" she pleads. Rillanon looks at the food hungrily, but smiles and waves to Trilana first. But she is very interested in the food. Ro nods thoughtfully as she seats herself carefully on the sand. To her credit not using her hands does _not_ cause her to tip over during the maneuver. Telgar Weyr> Silen says, "Assume I'm still here, I guess. See you guys..." Syrali looks over the dessert table, deciding which treat to try first. Trilana gives Rillanon a cheerful wave. So she was noticed. And there's food. And fashionably late. Telgar Weyr> Ro snugs "Bye K'ti." Telgar Weyr> Kaylira zhaisnugs the departing. Telgar Weyr> K'ti smoochies a Ro of course :) Telgar Weyr> Ursa bearsnugs herself some partying telgarites. Telgar Weyr> Syrali oofs. Bears on picnic? Telgar Weyr> Syrali hmms. How's that go? Picnic time for teddy bears... Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "Ursa is gonna steal some pic-a-nic baskets" Meli grins. "Sure, 'lira. But then y'have t'wait awhile before swimmin'." She settles herself into the sand, leaning back on her elbows with ankles crossed, watching the activity. Telgar Weyr> Meli's uncle's singing group put out a 45 of Teddy Bear's Picnic some years back. Telgar Weyr> A'lex says, "Hey there Mister Weyrleader sir, wa do you got in that pic-a-nic basket?" Telgar Weyr> K'ti sings, "If you go down to the woods today, you better go in disguise. If you go down to the woods todday you're in for a big surprise. Today's the day the teddybears have their picnic..." Trilana slides towards the food, poking Syrali in the side. "What's best?" M'rgan finishes twining the straps into large loops as he watches his lifemate lumberwaddle into the water, the dragon's feet sending up huge splashes. "Thanks, Bronwynn. I'll take care of the rest of it." Bronwynn grins at M'rgan and then to Rillanon, "Wanna go explore? or would you rather eat first?" Richenda gives out a large groan and heaves herself to her feet to approach the table of food, which is situated near the vast kettles of steaming shellfish. Her intent, plainly, is to serve as something akin to hostess. Once a Headwoman... Syrali ignores the sweets for the time being, waving off Trilana with a shrug. "I don't eat too much of it. Fruit's always good, though, and cookies. Rest... depends." That said, she pokes her way down the shore, picking a spot where the sand is well-packed down and just slightly damp to plunk herself, belt knife already slipped out of its sheath. "Hmm-mm..." Rillanon looks at the food and then decides, "Explore. YOu can't explore on a full stomach." She is still bouncing. Oh, woe! Oh, dolor! Oh, the horror of a child who's been told she can't have it both ways! Kaylira seems quite crestfallen for several moments... until she seems to register that swimming isn't a popular activity yet anyway. "Food, then." Hopefully, oh, so hopefully, she implores of Richenda, "Can I have some of *everything*?" "Fruit. yes, fruit," Tril decides, grabbing a big redfruit and biting into it. "Good." Richenda's eyebrow arches. "Start with the seafood, my dear." A'lex closes his eyes and smiles up into the sun. Rillanon looks over the dessert table, deciding which treat to try first. Trilana bites into her redfruit again and peers at Richenda. "Me?" Bronwynn thinks, glancing about, "How about that way?" she asks Rilla, pointing to the shady, overgrown path. Rillanon nods, "Great! Lets go." She glances back for a minute and then waves to everyone, heading down the path. Rillanon strides towards the small path which disappears west into the trees. Ro looks thoughtful for a while before she picks up a handful of warm sand and mischieviously trickles it onto A'lex's chest. Kaylira is perhaps, just perhaps, deliberately obtuse here. "Seafood? Sweets come from the sea?" Bronwynn walks towards the small path which disappears west into the trees. Syrali hunches, and starts with a line. Long, wavy, and meandering, it eventually curves around into a circle, tiny dibbits of sand plowed up by the tip of her knife lining the sides of the shallow groove. Tongue caught between her teeth, frowning, she scrapes them away and sits back to consider the extremely ragged 'circle' -- more like a cooked tuber smushed under a dragon's foot. A'lex open one eye, glancing up at whomever is not only sanding him, but blocking his sun, "I can have Nraith sit on you, you know." "Like scallops," Richenda confirms, indicating a bowl of the treats nearby...along with molten butter. "They're sweet." Meli mmmms to herself, before levering back to her feet. "Shellfish. Wha' a treat!" She quickly starts to fill a plate with the steaming food. M'rgan glances around him for a few seconds until he spots an absolutely perfect boulder. The rock is both flat and wide and far enough away that the water shouldn't touch it. The man marches over there and deposits the straps atop it. Only then does he comment, "I think I'm going to go for a swim," and proceed to add all of his clothes to the pile. Without a bit of shame the man pads across the beach and into the water, joining his lifemate in a swim. Telgar Weyr> Meli says, "Gah, now I'm really hungry." Telgar Weyr> M'rgan waves to everyone. Have a good night. Trilana gives up, sitting down on the sand and frowning as sand gets in her sandals. "Oh, I hate that." Telgar Weyr> Leigh shares her tuna fish sandwich with Meli. It's on homemade bread. Telgar Weyr> Bronwynn says, "See ya M'rgan!" Telgar Weyr> Kaylira says, "Ditto. :P :) Oh, you're leaving, Mart? *Snugs, if so.*" Telgar Weyr> Meli says, "Oh, sure, strip naked and then disconnect. ;)" Telgar Weyr> Rillanon waves to M'rgan :) Telgar Weyr> Leigh <-- Philistine. Telgar Weyr> K'ti wishes everyone a good night= time to disappear from work. Telgar Weyr> Syrali says, "Ninight. :)" Telgar Weyr> Trilana huggles. Kaylira doesn't look entirely trusting of this, but scoots over to the bowl all the same. "Never had *those* a'fore. They don't look sweet." A longing glance is cast towards the baklava, cakes, and other treats. So close, and yet so far! Ro chuckles "He wouldn't do that, A'lex. He knows if he did I'd stop scritching him." Trilana wiggles a finger down towards her sandals and pulls them off irritably, tossing them backwards. She'll find 'em later. Telgar Weyr> Syrali's not hungry, but wouldn't pass up shellfish. Particularly shrimp. Telgar Weyr> M'rgan always strips nekkid before disconnecting. ;) Telgar Weyr> Kassima will remember to note that next time you get disconned in the LC, Mart. ;) A'lex says "True... he's a sucker for a woman that knows her way around a headknob." Ro chuckles and leaves the bronzerider be, wandering over to pay attention to his better half. A'lex chuckles, "I *WILL* get you back, Ro..." Richenda taps the table. "All right, Kaylira, m'dear, eat a few things here first, then sweets. Rules are rules." His better half. Fortunate she didn't say that out loud, Tril thinks. But she says nothing, rising and walking along the water, toe digging slightly into the soft sand as she wanders aimlessly. Kaylira's lower lip juts out, but she does comply, finding herself a plate and a pair of tongs that are rather unwieldy in her small hands--both of which she tries to use to operate the things. "I'm gonna get you, little fishie," she sings tunelessly to herself as she works. Syrali flicks out a few divots in the circle she's drawn, ponders that for a bit, then starts scratching in another few awkward shapes attatched to the original. She pauses at one point, knife stuck in the sand, to glance out at the swimming folk with a faintly annoyed frown. Trilana turns towards Syrali, catching the end of the frown. "Hello to you, too." Ro laughs and says over her shoulder "You'd have to catch me first, 'lex. In fact, about the worst thing you probably could do is get yourself hurt so I had one more dragon to wash." A'lex Chuckles. "Watch me." Richenda smiles warmly at Kaylira, then, letting go an expansive sigh, finds a seat for herself. "I'm watching you...!" she warns the child, then massages her leg as she is wont to do. Syrali blinks in on Trilana. "Huh? Heya..." she says, sounding confused. "What's wrong?" Ro lifts an eyebrow and replies "That shouldn't be to hard." There is just something about her smile as she says it. Meanwhile, she perches by Nraith, scritching him as she watches his lifemate. "That was quite a glare," Tril replies, entirely cheerful, tracing lines in the sand with that toe. "I can be good," Kaylira objects, wounded. "But someday, when I'm a brownrider, I'm going to eat all the sweets I want. Why d'you do that to your leg, Aunt Fish?" She plunks down onto the sand gracelessly with a platter of various strange seafood things, some of which have shells, much to her consternation when presented with the task of trying to *eat* it. Meli works on her supper, somehow managing to keep most of the sand from the scallops and other shellfish as she resettles herself. Telgar Weyr> A'lex apologises for idle... I'm trying to shove dinner down my maw. Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "That um sounds attractive" "Because it feels better when I do. Just pry open the shell and pluck out the meat and dunk it in that red sauce," Richenda suggests. Telgar Weyr> Richenda says, "Doesn't she object?" Telgar Weyr> A'lex nods. Telgar Weyr> Leigh says, "RICHENDA." Telgar Weyr> Syrali giggles at Rich. Telgar Weyr> Aurian snugs a Richenda. Telgar Weyr> Richenda says, "It's been a long week." Kaylira sticks out her tongue in concentration, pulling and tugging at the stubborn shell. Eventually, it flies apart. Literally. She's left holding the meat-carrying bit, but the other half goes sailing off Faranth knows where. "*Neat*!" she exclaims, thrilled. The meat is snatched and tasted almost as an afterthought. "Tastes... weird. Nay bad, but... weird." Telgar Weyr> Meli grins, then apologizes to the shipfishers. Just remembered I need to call the 'rents tonight, sorry to leave you short another dragon. A firelizard has the rest. No problems, none at all. Zoom, zip, and it's gone. Telgar Weyr> Richenda Awwwwws! and hugs the woogababe. Telgar Weyr> Kaylira snugs an Aunt Meli! Telgar Weyr> Myklan says, "No problems. We'll just all ride Nraith back." Telgar Weyr> Richenda says, "Not me. A'lex flies like a demented Seacrafter." "It was not a glare," Syrali protests. "I was just... watching." She glares at the toe, though. "You're ruining the lines of my sand Weyr." Telgar Weyr> Meli resembles that remark. :b Ok, just assume we're here trying not to sunburn! Kaylira scrambles to gather some of the sauce onto her plate, making, on the whole, a mess of said plate. Dinner is going to be an interesting affair. "Sand Weyr?" she wonders, looking about to see who said that. Trilana eeees and squinches up her toes. "Oh no! I'm so sorry!" And then she leaps into the water so as to get away from it. Rillanon walks through the trees, emerging at the end of the overgrown path. Bronwynn strides through the trees, emerging at the end of the overgrown path. Bronwynn looks over the dessert table, deciding which treat to try first. A'lex stretched and rolls over, so as not to burn his frontside. Rillanon says to Bronwynn quietly, "Shall we go to the Shale Beach after this?" She, too, looks at the dessert table. Ro whispers to Nraith. Let A'lex worry. Trilana turns and smiles at Rilla and Bronwynn. "Hi, guys." Kaylira, receiving no answer, picks up her plate and wanders on over to where 'Lex is roasting himself. "Want some strange fish things in red stuff, Uncle 'Lex?" she offers, quite politely. Never mind that she's probably just trying to get her plate cleaned--and refilled with dessert--faster. A'lex looks up, "Does your mother like to eat it?" Rillanon smiles, "Hey Trilana." She takes a ripe redfruit, letting the juice run down her fingers and all down her face. Kaylira peers down at the plate. "The red stuff isn't *chutney*, Uncle 'Lex," she chides. Trilana realizes she's got a dripping redfruit in her hand and grimaces. Sticky. Nraith eyes Ro, and somehow manages to look conspiring. Bronwynn distractedly nods to Rilla, but swings about when she hears Trilana, "Oh Heya Trilana." She laughs at Rilla's messy eating, "You porcine," she jokes. A'lex says "But does your mother eat whatever it *IS*..." Kaylira gives a small shrug. "I dunno. Maybe she would, but she's nay *here*, so I can't share it with her." Rillanon giggles, trying to wipe the juice off with her hands, but just making a bigger mess. "Whoops." A'lex rolls back over, "You'll have to clean the plate yourself, dear. I'm not hungry. Sorry. Try Richenda." Trilana snorts and drops the rest of the stickyredfruit into her mouth, placing her hands into the lake to wash them of the juices. Kaylira frowns at the bronzerider, quite piqued. "Then why'd you ask whether Mum eats it?" she wants to know. "Auntie Fish won't help me. She's the one who said I had t'be eating 'em in the first place." Kvasith descends down from above, and sends up a flurry of sand when he touches down. A'lex laughs, "Cause if it's something SHE likes, I probably won't." Kvasith rumbles a greeting to the other dragons as he lands. Richenda raises an eyebrow at A'lex. It's a visual warning shot across the bow. A'lex raises an eyebrow at Richenda, "WHAT? Kassima had odd tastes!" Aurian slides off Kvasith after unfastening her riding straps. She lands neatly on her feet this time. Ro nods, chiming in her agreement "As someone who hunted fresh tunnelsnake for her, I agree." Aurian pushes up her goggles, "How goes the event?" "Mum does *nay* have odd tastes!" Kaylira immediately retorts, then takes a moment to think about this. "Okay, so the cabbage with frosting on it was kinda weird. But this food isn't bad-weird, 'tis just weird-weird." Syrali flips a stone over into the middle of her design, frowning fiercely at it. "Maybe if I..." A'lex chuckles. Richenda mmms. "KASSIMA has odd tastes? This from a bronzerider?" Aurian chuckles as she wanders with a couple skins of fruit juices, "Now now, the Chutney thing is ODD." A'lex snorts, "Yes... what have I ever eaten that made YOUR stomach turn?" "How about the pickles with whipped cream?" Syrali asks, giving up on the mangled Weyr-design for now. Not that it looks like a Weyr. "And the mashed wherry?" Richenda opens her mouth, then hmms again. "Good point, lad." Telgar Weyr> Rillanon sighs and better go. Have a good time, all! Kaylira sits down on the sand to sullenly pick at her shellfish, getting red sauce all over her hands. "Mum says 'tis *good* t'be odd. 'Sides, all that's the *spawn's* fault." A'lex makes a "So there" face at Richenda. Trilana ees. "Pickles with /what/?" Richenda sticks her tongue out at A'lex. What's the use of being grown up if you can't misbehave? Syrali nods multiple times. "Pickles with whipped cream," she repeats. "She liked that idea." A'lex grins back. Aurian chuckles softly and drops into the sand. Aurian looks over the dessert table, deciding which treat to try first. Ro says "She asked me if I'd make herb bread with chutney on it." Richenda coughs. "What? What was that, Ro?" Trilana shudders. "That's... silly." "But fat people have t'be eating weird stuff," Kaylira seems honor-bound to point out. And then her gaze drops to the plate. "Does that mean eating weird stuff makes you fat?" Aurian snickers, "She loves her chutney." She glances to Kaylira, "Dependes on how wierd it is..what do you have there?" Richenda and her plumpish self give another cough. Kaylira eyes the plate. "Fish in shells and red stuff." She scoops it up, and solemnly walks back to Richenda. "Auntie Fish, I can't eat this. I don't want t'spawn." Telgar Weyr> Ro snerks at Kaylira "Good one!" Aurian laughs, "Eating that won't make you spawn. You should ask your mother about that." Telgar Weyr> A'lex erks... Something's definatley wrong with my heat... I gotta go for a bit... Bronwynn catched Aurian's last comment and giggles before muching a cookie. Trilana sighs and finds a seat, smiling cheerfully at everyone as she grabs a sweet. Yum. Syrali tosses another rock into her sand-sketching and heaves herself to her feet, kicking the awkward drawing into obliteration before wandering up toward the food. "Seafood's good stuff." "All right, Kaylira, you at least tried. Have a few sweets," Richenda sighs, caving in. Again. As always. Aurian glances back over her shoulder, "Where does one find some of the shellfish.." Yes she's a brave brownrider. Nyah. "But 'tis weird food, and only spawning people eat weird food," Kaylira argues. "Mum probably *would* like it. Thankee, Auntie Fish! Can we take some back to her?" She looks all too relieved to hear that she won't have to eat the rest of the food... until Aurian speaks, commandeering her attention as only a brownrider can. "Brownriders eat the weird shell things, Aunt Auri?" Syrali spears a scallop with one of the provided splinters, dips it in the 'red sauce' and dangles it toward Kaylira. "Did you try it?" she asks, wide-eyed and innocent. "I eat 'em." Aurian nods to Kaylira, "Yup, its not the oddest thing to eat you know. Not like you were eating crawlers or Vtols. Or there is always that raw fish dish that they make at Boll." She stands to go hunt down the shellfish in the red sauce. Myklan wittles quietly at his bit of driftwood, making the rough shape of an abstractly stretched runner. He looks up, to smile at the conversation. Kaylira gives the dangling scallop a thoroughly dubious look. "Well... nay *those*... I tried some of these." She points to a red-stuff-soaked clam. "And I pulled it apart, and the other part flew away, and 'twas kinda slimy inside." Aurian chuckles, "You have to toss it back quickly." Syrali jiggles it a little. "Scallops are delicious," she promises, reaching for another with her free hand, as she turns the first to keep the sauce from dripping all off. "Try it." Telgar Weyr> Richenda has need to idle for a bit, she fears. Kaylira very gingerly pinches the scallop between her fingers, drawing it off the fork and taking a bite. Munch. Munch. Swallow. Brighten. "That wasn't slimy or weird!" she announces for the benefit of the beach at large. Aurian serves herself a portion of the shellfish, she sits down with one of her skins of juice. She carefully works on the bivalves but clearly enjoying herself. Syrali grins. "Told you so," she says, uncharacteristically impish, and flips the fork around to offer the handle. "Have some more. I always liked them at home," she adds, spearing one with the new fork she's picked up. "They're sweet." Kaylira grasps the fork firmly and dutifully attacks the plate. Rule one of getting young children to eat: the food is more appetizing if it's on someone *else's* plate. Kaylira, klepto that she is, hasn't quite outgrown this rule yet. "Want some of m'slimy shell things?" she offers in return, all politesse. Trilana comes out of her reverie, standing up suddenly to grab another redfruit. "I'll stick to the scallops, thanks," Syrali says, dipping one in sauce before popping it in her mouth. "Slimy's not my favorite. Fish is good, though." Kaylira admits, gingerly attempting to eat another of the shellfish--a spiderclaw, it looks like--"I like fish okay. Sweets are *better*, but Auntie Fish wants me to eat this stuff first. Will you help me build a sand Weyr later?" "Shellfish are wonderful," Tril offers innocently. Syrali scrapes a fish filet onto her plate, nodding. "Sure, kiddo, if you want. I'm not real good at it, though." Richenda blinks out of her drowse and mumbles, "It's time to head back, for me, at least. You children have fun, hmmm?" Kaylira asks Trilana around a mouthful of shellfish, "And you'll help, won't you?" Without waiting for an answer, she yells over to Myklan, "And you? Mayhaps you can make some sand-ovines and porcines and runners and stuff for the Beasthold? Oh, Auntie Fish, d'you *have* to?" "I'm half-asleep, and besides, Rennick's awaiting me," Richenda notes, holding out her arms for Kaylira. "Now come give me a hug and kiss before I go." Trilana nods cheerfully. "Of course I will," she tells Kaylira and then smiles at Richenda almost shyly. "Night, ma'am," Syrali calls toward Richenda, looking not the least bit sleepy yet, herself. That nap must've done it. Richenda smiles maternally at the others, then waves, finds some amenable rider, and catches a ride back to Telgar. Aurian wavesto Richenda, "Good night." Telgar Weyr> Richenda is at least going to idle a while, so she'll logoff for a bit. :) Kaylira sets down her plate and scrubs sauce-smeared hands off on her breeches before running to Richenda, throwing her arms about the woman's neck and presenting her with a kiss on the cheek. "Thankee, Auntie Fish, and g'night!" Keron carefully moves his over, and slips to the ground with Kvasith's foreleg steadying them. Telgar Weyr> Kaylira zhaisnugs the Richefish. :) Keron looks over the dessert table, deciding which treat to try first. Aurian chews contentedly, she sighs happily. Richenda laughs, hugging and kissing the child back, then departs. Kerontakes some baklava from the dessert table. Keron devoures the Baklava. "My one true love, the only dessert for me. Baklava.." Myklan finally gets up, and dusts his backside off, making his way down to the table. Myklan wrinkles his nose, "I think it's a little sweet...." Myklan looks over the dessert table, deciding which treat to try first. Kaylira wanders back to the table, and ponders her plate. "Have I eaten enough for dessert yet?" she appeals of the Candidates, now Authorities to her given their rather greater ages. Myklan wrinkles his nose at Kaylira, "What've you eaten already, kiltrat?" His voice teases a little. "Far as /I/ care," Syrali says, nose wrinkling in unconscious mimicry of Myklan's. "Most of it's too sweet." Kaylira sets her small hands on her hips and protests, "I'm nay a kilt! Ivrihn's a kilt! I've eaten the slimy shell things, and the... whatchamacallum things that Syrali had, and something that had a lot of legs...." Keron looks at the other people. "How can you not like Baklava. It's a Benden speciality. My being from Benden doesn't make me biased or anything. It's just the best." Kerontakes some baklava from the dessert table. Syrali chuckles. "Scallops and spiderclaws," she clarifies for Myklan. "She actually likes scallops. Kid's got sense." Trilana gives up this food talk, leaning back on the sand, not caring that it's in her hair, humming softly to herself. Aurian takes another bites out of the shellfish, mmm. "Well, a'*course*," Kaylira agrees. Modest, she ain't. "I'm gonna be a brownrider, and brownriders have got t'have sense, unless mayhaps they're Aunt Martina and his Secret Dendity. I can have the sweets now, though?" Let's not forget the important part of this conversation. "Oh, are you?" Syrali waves vaguely toward the sweets, wandering that way herself. "Maybe a cookie... so you want to be a brownrider? Not green, or blue?" Myklan wrinkles his nose a bit more at Keron and grins, "I was born there..I know." Myklan reaches up, and cuts a slice of pie...and offers it to Kaylira, "How's this?" Telgar Weyr> Ro has to go. RL calls. Ro curls up in Nraith's shadow, falling asleep. Keron grins at Myklan. "'Tis also the best hold, with the best dessert, oh and lets not forget the best wine, although I don't drink it." He gets somemore baklava and savours each bite. Myklan grins a bit, "I meant the Weyr..." Aurian chews idly, she peers at Keron. Kaylira relinquishes her plate to Lucki gladly, snatching up another for desserts. "Ooh, thankee, Mykkie! Can I have some of the cake, too? And the yellow rectangles? 'Twas born at Benden too," she belatedly notes, puffing up with pride despite the fact that she can't *possibly* remember Benden at all. "Nay, I'm going t'ride brown. Like Aunt Auri and Uncle Mart. Greens are all right, and blue's better'n gold anyway, but brown's best of all." Myklan grins some, "You eat the pie FIRST!...then you can have my share of cake." Syrali nods, obviously amused and trying to hide it. "Don't you have to be... y'know... picked out for it, or something?" Kaylira beams at Myklan. "You make sense, ovine boy. For a boy-type, you're nay so very bad." High praise indeed, coming from this one, and she sets to devouring pie with all speed--avoiding a mess this time. She'd not want to miss a single crumb. "Aye," she agrees with Syrali after swallowing a bite. "But Mum's a rider and Da's a rider, so I'll prolly be a rider, and there's nay reason I can't have brown if'n I'm perfect for brown, which I am. Brownriders have t'be strong and brave and fearless, and laugh in the face of having their underpants burned by Uncle Kiat." "Underpants burned?" Syrali asks, startled into a blunt question. "By... Uncle Kiat?" Myklan chokes almost, on his bite of redfruit, and stares at the younger caverns brat. Aurian sighs at Kaylira, "Must we continue to discuss that." Myklan apparently missed it, "Why'd he burn underpants?" "Uncle Kiat!" Kaylira crows in triumphant confirmation, pleased to get to tell this story. "'Tis a *fun* story, Aunt Auri. See, Mum told me that Uncle Kiat was real mad at the Leader, I don't know why, and gathered up all his underpants and threw 'em in a bonfire. They burned and burned, and the Leader didn't find out until morning. Then there's something about frilly underpants with pink lace on 'em, but I didn't pay much attention to that." Bronwynn, who has all but fallen asleep on the sand, open's one eye and glances at Aurian, waiting for her reply. Aurian hmmphs, "Its been a turn at least." Syrali giggles, chokes on a scallop, and whirls away to stifle a fit of coughing. Myklan wrinkles his nose, then ohs, "He was mad cuz M'hryn's Talibenth got Herath, I bet." Trilana blinks. "Not /this/ again." Myklan is a bit slow on the uptake though...."M'hryn had pink frilly underpants?" The youth goes pink to the ears. Aurian sighs, "K'ti gave them to him. And no he doesn't wear them." Myklan is still pink, "He had pink frilly underpants?" Aurian rubs her temples, "He gave them away." Kaylira beams broadly at her audience. "Uh-huh. Oh, that's it, Mykkie! He thought Aunt Kin liked the Leader and was angry, but that doesn't explain... oh, Aunt K'ti. *That* explains frilly underpants. Did he give 'em to Aunt Lirra? She likes painting underpants." Syrali's still coughing. Ostensibly coughing, anyway." Aurian shakes her head, "no he didn't." Telgar Weyr> Myklan just notes for the record that pink frilly underpants are the bane of young teen boys. Totally forbidden territory there ;) Telgar Weyr> Alyssa says, "What a line to log onto." Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "Ain't it keen." Telgar Weyr> Syrali boots her keyboard. Hey, they don't do much for tomboy teen girls, either. ;) Telgar Weyr> Myklan heehees. Telgar Weyr> Trilana snorts and grins. Aurian mutters, "and they weren't pink. They were sisal. Kassima had the pink lace." Telgar Weyr> Syrali does a real quick idle to fetch coffee. Telgar Weyr> Kaylira snugs her Aunt Lys. I'm telling everyone the burning underpants story. :) Keron grins and stuffs another bite of baklava in his mouth. When he finishes he tries to speak but laughs instead. "I've heard that one before. What is such a big deal about him having pink, frilly, underwear? If he likes them that's his personal choice." Myklan glances at Aurian and rubs his face a little. Kassima in pink frilly lacy underwear is just utterly verboten to his mind. Aurian glares at Keron, "He doesn't like them. They were a surprise gift." Telgar Weyr> Alyssa says, "Oh, um...joy. :)" Telgar Weyr> Alyssa winks. Kaylira notes primly to Aurian, "Mum only wore the pink lace 'cause you *paid* her. She hates that stuff. When I'm Leader, nay anybody's gonna make me wear pink lace." Trilana shakes her head, amused and detached from this conversation. Aurian grins at Kaylira, "And yer mum looked so lovely too." Telgar Weyr> Alyssa says, "Kaylira, you frighten me. :)" Keron grins again. "I know he didn't." He looks at Kaylira. "Kassima will do anything is the price is right." (To coin a phrase.) Telgar Weyr> Neliea belatedly hugs Lys and any other incomming people. :) Kaylira snorts a denial of this. "Mum looked *silly*. Even sillier than she looks now. And she promised me and Khari that she'd never, ever, ever make us wear pink lace, ever." Just in case there was doubt of this. Finishing off the last bite of pie, she holds up her plate. "Can I have that cake now, Mykkie? Maybe we can work on the sand Weyr while eating? Bet we can make a really good one, all of us." Telgar Weyr> Kaylira grins at Lys. That's the whole point of being evil-spawn! :) Trilana reaches over and grabs a cookie. "I think pink lace is silly," she offers through a mouthful. Telgar Weyr> Alyssa smooochies Myklan chuckles and quietly cuts Kaylira a slightly smaller piece of cake, handing it over. Keron grabs some more baklava. "I wonder id I should stop eating this stuff. Nah." He starts to eat again. Syrali must've had some eye trouble, too, because she's wiping hers when she finally turns back to fetch herself a couple of cookies. "Sand Weyr. That'll work, sure..." Aurian finishes her meal, she leans back in the sand and sighs contentedly. Keron says "You could make the hatching sands easy, but they weyrs would be a challenge." "You're right," Kaylira informs Trilana, nodding a thanks for the cake and plunking down to demolish it at a slightly slower speed. "'Tis really silly. Think we can make dragons for the sand Weyr? And people? And animals and stuff? How 'bout Uncle Pie--could we make an Uncle Pie?" "I'm always right," Tril replies cheerily, leaning forward. "Can you imagine trying to make sky-high weyrs?" she asks. About the Sand of course. "Maybe." Syrali sounds ever so confident; doesn't she always? "Last time I tried to make a runner, it looked like a canine. Who's Uncle Pie?" Kaylira sets her fork down long enough to make a gesture with her hands to suggest that whoever Uncle Pie is, he's rather rotund. "*You* know. Uncle Pie. Big man in the Living Cavern, with the moustache? Always making animal noises at Mum?" Myklan wrinkles his nose, quietly. Trilana raises an eyebrow. "Pie...Pierron?" Syrali mouths, "Animal noises?" then brightens, glancing over at Trilana. "Oh, /him/. I dunno, I can't even do runners..." "A runner noise? Or a sand runner?" Tril wonders. Kaylira noddles to Trilana. "That's the one! Uncle Pie. And yeah, he's always grunting like a porcine at Mum. She hates it. Don't know why he does it. I worry 'bout him sometimes. So can we get started, can we, can we?" "Sand runner." Syrali grins at Kaylira, shrugs, and starts down toward where she was semi-sketching by knifepoint earlier. "Come on, then, kiddo." Myklan grins, and then dusts himself off...he looks around to see if any of the riders seem to be heading back home at the moment. Trilana giggles. "Oh, well I can't do that either, Syr." Kaylira scoops up her cake plate and fork and obediantly tags after Syrali. "Near the water's got the best sand," she informs, matter-of-fact. "'Cause the wet stuff sticks. Bet we could make it *really* high. Think 'twould be big enough for Dagonth to live in?" Imploringly, "Ovine-boy, you're gonna help too, aren't you?" Myklan smiles at Kaylira, and says, "Actually, I think I'm gonna go back to the Weyr...and .... finish chores or something." Keron piles sand up and tries to form it into something. "I can make piles real well. I'll try to help but I'm no master at this." Syrali inquries, "Dagonth?" then, "Oh, that stuffed dragon of yours? Maybe... that'd take an awful lot of sand, though. That'd take ages to build, unless a bunch of us worked." Kaylira objects, "But that's *boring*." Sigh. "Okay, then, Mykkie. Thankee for the sweets. But you'd better help *next* time, or else." Myklan grins and kneels down to offer Kaylira his hand formally, "I promise." Kaylira solemnly covers his hand with her smaller, rather sand-dusted and sticky one. "Heard and witnessed. Whatever that means. Tell Aunt Klah hi?" Even as she asks this, she seats herself in the sand, beginning to gather the stuff to herself to help. "Mayhaps we can't make it that big, but we can make it pretty big. Just have t'be making sand dragons too!" Myklan chuckles, and picks himself up, dusting off and catching a ride with one of M'kla's former wingmates. Aurian tilts her head, "Why not make it big enough for firelizards. We did that back at fort." Syrali chuckles. "Sure." She starts shoving sand aroung obligingly, kneeling for better leverage. "So who's Aunt Klah? You call /everybody/ Aunt and Uncle?" "I've only got the one 'lizard to live there," Kay remarks dubiously, peering at Lucki, who's perched safely far away from the ruckus. "But then Dagonth could probably live there too, and that'd be good." Scraping the sand together into a somewhat sloppy wall, then working to smooth it, she answers shrewdly, "Nay *everybody*. Nay Mum or Da or Foster-Mum, or Lyss or Nickie, or Tam or Khari or Mela, or Mykkie or you. But lots of people, aye. Mum's friends and their dragons. Aunt Klah's M'kla--she makes klah, see?" Dazan pokes his head around Syr's neck to cheep inquiringly. "Yes, I /was/ thinking of you," the girl murmurs, scooping him down. "Well, Daz can live there too." Kaylira pauses for another bite of cake before resuming work on her wall, scooting about on her knees in the sand. "We can't make *weyrs* big enough for the 'lizards, though, can we? That'd be awful big." Aurian watches quietly. Keron piles up more sand and works on a part of it, shaping it with his hands. "I'm gonna make a weyr for my 2 'lizards, but I don't think it'll be big enough." He shrugs his shoulders and continues working. Syrali hmms. "Not very easily," she admits, scooping out a hole in the ground about the size of her fist. "Maybe if the weyrs were the wrong size for the rest of the sand Weyr?" "If'n they were on the *ground*," Kaylira offers, rocking back to consider. "Nay in the air. Couldn't do *that*." More wall is built, sagging, but still standing. Barely. "Aunt Auri," she calls over, imperious, "we need more help!" Keron consentrates on the sand mound that is slowly looking like a molded pile of sand. "Maybe we can skip the Weyr and make a single weyr, much eaiser. Aurian glances up from her place in the sand, "Do we?" Syrali nods slowly, busy shaping a cavern in the sand. Sure, it goes /down/ instead of up, but you can't have things perfect all the time. "Maybe that'd work." Kaylira points to the rough beginnings of the sand Weyr. "Doesn't look like a Weyr yet," she answers Aurian. "Could make a weyr, but there'd just be walls and a dent in the sand for a couch. 'Less we made furniture?" Aurian chuckles, "I thought you wanted to make a miniature Telgar or Benden." Keron grins. "Too hard." He continues to gather sand and mold. Kaylira agrees sourly, "I *want* to. But 'tis hard. Telgar, I mean; I know Mum likes Benden best, but I don't know it well enough t'be making it. A real Weyr wouldn't be too hard, if'n 'twere small, but if'n 'tis t'be big...." Aurian grins, "So use your imagination." Kaylira frowns at this. "But the weyrs for the 'lizards... I guess mayhaps, if'n 'twere on the ground and didn't have a ceiling? Could do that?" Kaylira doesn't wait for much of an answer; instead, she polishes off the last of her cake, nudges the plate aside, and starts to gather up a rather *large* pile of sand somewhat off to the side. She's not even trying to shape it; she's just making a huge sand-lump. Syrali flicks sand out of the way and starts tracing lines with her knife tip again. Detail work seems to be her thing. "Daz, you like it?" The blue just peers down and chirps curiously. Once Kaylira's gotten her sand lump large enough, she gets to her feet, surveys it a moment... and then steps into the middle. Squish. Sand spreads outwards, moreso as she plants a second foot beside the first, and starts to stomp about in the middle of the sand-pile to flatten out a central section. Squatting, she scoops up the displaced sand, molding it back up closer to her legs. The result isn't exactly pretty, but when she very carefully steps out of the sand-ring, she looks satisfied. "See, Lucki? That's big enough for you. Kinda. Needs a couch, though." The long-suffering 'lizard is picked up and set into the sand hollow, ostensibly so that Kay can get a feel for his size. "Kinda small, but the couch can be big enough, maybe... how's this, Syrali?" Aurian grins as she watches the child and candidate. Syrali yelps aloud as the top collapses in on her 'weyr'. "Oh, shells." Kaylira looks up from digging out the 'couch' for her unenthused-seeming 'lizard. One wonders whether the poor creature knew what he was in for when he Impressed to Kay. "Ceilings are too hard. 'Sides, they might attract strange women." Keron looks over at the collapsed ceiling. "I try not to go to far in or it falls." He digs out a part of his now firm base to make the weyr. Kaylira finally seems content with her very rough 'weyr'... well, sort of. Humming to herself, she pokes a small hand through a wall carefully, carefully... making an entrance. "Nay really big enough, Lucki, but since there's nay ceiling it doesn't really matter. Now there's got t'be a bed and a chair and some boxes and a knife rack... how d'you make a knife rack?" Telgar Weyr> Myklan hees. Lucky you. *snugs all, specially Alyssa, and runs off to be good and attend to RL for a bit* Telgar Weyr> Alyssa hugs back! Telgar Weyr> Neliea snugs Myklan. :) Telgar Weyr> Syrali snugsa Myk. Night! Telgar Weyr> Myklan ohs. I'll prolly be back...just gotta like...do my laundry before I go on shift again :P Outta scrubs. Keron piles up more sand to be used. "This is good sand for building." He gets a piece of baklava and finishes it off before starting again. Aurian yawns. Syrali grumbles, stands, and pads off into the trees. She comes back a few minutes later clutching a handful of twigs, which she brandishes toward the rest of you. "Here. These'll prop things up." Grinning a bit, kind of shyly, she adds, "I studied a little architecture as part of apprentice lessons." Telgar Weyr> Kassima zhaisnugs a Myklan. :) Telgar Weyr> Alyssa is tired tired tired. Bedtime, kids. Keron takes a few sturdy sticks. "Ooh, nice. He builds a frame and supports his weyr with sticks. "I hope they hold." Telgar Weyr> Leigh tucks in Alyssa and then Adonithswoons. Telgar Weyr> Syrali says, "Night, Lys. :)" Kaylira peers at the twigs a moment, perhaps not sure what to do with them, though she takes them readily enough. Then... inspiration strikes. "Oh! Can make the door big enough" She flops onto her stomach near the 'entrance', and begins to poke with the twigs, trying to make a workable 'doorframe'. Really, the whole thing is only vaguely weyr-shaped, but what do you expect of a six-Turn-old? Telgar Weyr> Kaylira smooches her Aunt Lys. :) Telgar Weyr> Alyssa says, "Awww. :)" Telgar Weyr> Leigh says, "You can even borrow my bear, but only till you're breathing right again." Telgar Weyr> Alyssa grabs the bear and runs. Night!!! "Can try." Syrali's hard at it already, half the pile filched for herself as she starts bracing the inner walls of a scooped-out cavern. Keron takes a few good twigs and places them in the sand at random points for slight support. He then get's on his belly and carves out the actual weyr through the entrance he made and braced, always adding good sticks and twigs to make sure the inside doesn't cave in. Kaylira doesn't take half as much care, but she appears to be having a blissful good time anyway. She sketches out a rough 'ledge' shape with the end of a twig, then solemnly places half a clamshell on said ledge, and sticks the twig deep into the sand beside it. "That's the rider," she explains. "That's the oil bin, for the dragon, see?" Syrali leans over to study the child's work. "That's awful good." And it /is/, to the less than artistic Smith. "Big bin. Lots of oil." "I like to make lasting structures." He walks off and gathers more studry sticks and twigs, putting a couple by Kaylira ans Syrali, but keeping most of the good ones. Aurian chuckles as she watches. Kaylira nods, pleased. "Uh-huh. 'Cause the rider's got lots of 'lizards who need oil too, like Mum does." Scootching back, she rummages around on the beach until she finds a few smallish rocks of the right general shape. The largest, a flattish one, is set against one wall of the 'weyr'. "There's the bed for the rider... and here's a chair." A squarish rock is placed near the bed. "And the boxes for guests." Small pebbles are scattered about, near bed and chair. "And the big rock for perching on." That's a tall, craggy stone, set end-side up. Doesn't look much like furniture, but to a child's imagination, perhaps.... Syrali studies the layout interestedly. "Looks neat. What about.... um..." Frowning, she looks over the bits of 'furniture'. "Wait... boxes? For guests?" Kaylira nods, quite serious. "Ayep. Mum's got 'em in her weyr. Don't think Da does in his, but--see, there's one chair, for the rider, and the rock, and visitors can sit on the empty boxes." Keron looks over at the other weyrs but continues on his own. "Nice." "Oh, to /sit/ on. I remember those." Syrali shakes her head, grinning. "I thought you meant... to sleep in, or something." Kaylira shakes her head, giggling at that. "Nay! Can't sleep in *boxes*. Well, mayhaps Khari could, but riders couldn't." Rocking back on her heels, she considers the 'weyr', covering a wide yawn. "Mmph. Looks done t'me. Think it needs aught else?" Syrali considers with every evidence of seriousness, then shakes her head. "I can't think of anything. But I've only ever seen your mother's weyr, so I don't know if others look different." Kaylira decides, "Doesn't matter. If'n 'tis good enough for Lyss, 'tis good enough for Lucki." Lucki, oddly, seems rather less enthused. Probably because he's curled up sound asleep in the sand nearby, earning him a first scornful, then exasperated, then finally fond look from Kaylira. "'Lizards are *silly* creatures." Dazan, who's busy digging up sand mites, doesn't even flinch at that, though his owner gives him an amused look. "Yeah, they are." Keron says "My two are back at the barracks lounging around. Lazy but they /are/ funny." Kaylira gives another yawn, showing off the gaps of two missing teeth. "Building's tiring," she mutters. "Even Lucki's asleep now." "It's late," Syrali notes, settling back to sit on her heels. "Maybe we ought to get back or something..." Aurian stands, "Time to wrap this party up folks." She stands. Syrali nods, scooping Dazan up to the firelizard's startled k-cheep! and sets him on her shoulder. "It was fun," she says wistfully, surveying what's done of the 'Weyr'. She pokes her toe at her own construction until it collapses, first in trickles of sand, then in big lumps. "Lot like home." Keron stands up and admires his creation. "It's about time to go anyways. I'll just leave it up." Kaylira frowns, but doesn't vocally object. Rather, she just picks up one last twig and scrawls in the sand a rather uneven, but legible, 'Kaylira Was Here.' Then she sprints over to collect socks, shoes, jacket, and stuffed dragon companion. "Aunt Auri, can we take some of the fish-foods back to the Weyr for Mum? And desserts, too?" Though those she probably intends at least partially for herself. Aurian nods to Kaylira, "Of course, go ahead and pick out what you want to give her." Kaylira nods and scrambles for the food tray, finding an emptied bowl and starting to gather shellfish. "Slimy things and scallops and spiderclaws--she'll love those. And I don't know what these are, but they look disgusting, so she'll probably like them too...." A second bowl is filled with cookies, an abandoned piece of cake, and a few of the citron rectangles. "These, Aunt Auri!" "But will they go to your mother or you?" Syrali mutters, not /quite/ under her breath, as she stoops to collect her knife from the sand. She wipes it off carefully on her tunic hem, then tucks it away in its sheath, snapping the safe-strap around the hilt. Kaylira replies serenely, "The fish go to Mum. The other stuff prolly goes to Khari and me, and Foster-Mum. Mum doesn't like much that's sweet unless there's chutney all over it." Aurian chuckles and takes a satchel down from Kvasith's straps, "Put the bowl in here and then hold it on your lap." Keron walks over to Kvasith and waits for the others to get ready to leave. Syrali notes, "Chutney is disgusting." She abandons the remains of the sand-Weyr and wanders at an angle toward the three of you and Kvasith. "He isn't going to start spitting or splashing again, is he?" she asks, mostly teasing. Kaylira picks up the two bowls with a grunt, and very carefully totters them to where Auri holds the satchel, slipping them inside. "Mum will like the strange-looking food, I know," she declares, all confidence as she runs to pick up Dagonth again. "C'mon, Lucki!" Aurian chuckles, "No Lysseth isn't here to incite him." Bronwynn wakes up with the movement, "Is it time to go?" she asks, pushing herself up into a sitting position, sand stuck to her tunic and face. Aurian pulls herself up onto Kvasith, carefully. Her fingers grip at the straps as she eases herself onto his back. Keron says "Climb on?" Keron scrambles quickly up Kvasith's side using the thoughtfully provided foreleg and his dark straps. Kaylira tucks Dagonth under her arm and slings the satchel over her neck, then, with some effort, works to climb up the straps. "Thank Faranth," Syrali says, distinctly relieved, and pulls herself a bit awkwardly up astride the brown. "Oops, sorry! Didn't mean to kick you like that." You scramble quickly up Kvasith's side, with the aid of a rather thoughtfully offered foreleg and the riding straps. Syrali scrambles quickly up Kvasith's side, with the aid of his straps and the rather thoughtfully provided foreleg. >>> Kvasith snorts. >>> Bronwynn stumbles to her feet and staggers towards Kvasith, "Me too?" she asks, sleepily brushing the sand away. Keron secures himself the best he can on the dragon, tring make sure he won't fall off. Kaylira gets the satchel and her toy settled in her lap, once she's wrangled straps into place. "Lyss doesn't spit *much*," she notes. "She mostly just splashes." Aurian tilts her head, "Yes you too." She grins. Pulling down her goggles, she glances back to check the straps of the folk on her dragon. Syrali snaps in with -- well, it's not ease, but it's the familiarity of a half-dozen times or so a'dragonback. "She spit the other day. Lots." Kaylira considers this. "Bet another dragon made her do it," she decides, shrewd. Bronwynn scrambles quickly up Kvasith's side, with the aid of his straps and the rather thoughtfully provided foreleg. You launch up up into the sea air, and soars high above the island. >>> Kvasith stretches his wings quickly catching a thermal dragging him even higher. Syrali hangs on, fingers wound tightly into the straps and eyes squinted against the wind. Kaylira holds tightly to satchel and Dagonth, but for the most part seems serene, even sleepy. She really must be tired if she's dozing off a-dragonback. Aurian calls back, "here we go." >>> Kvasith disappears into Between. Between You gasp as the icy black nothingness of Between surrounds you! You hear nothing, see nothing, and feel nothing. The trip takes five heartbeats... Black... Blacker... Blackest! You suddenly emerge... >>> Kvasith emerges from Between with a blast of cold air! >>> From the North, From the Telgar Star Stones, Kl'loh's brick-brown Yoxath rears on hind legs and bugles a greeting to brown Kvasith and his rider, Aurian, welcoming them home. Keron gasps as he emerges from between. "Wow." You fly downwards towards the southern end of the bowl. >>> Kvasith spirals down slowly letting the winds guide him down. Syrali shivers on emergence, unwinding her fingers from the straps to flex them. "I hate that," she mutters, probably inaudible against the wind. You fly downwards towards the ground. You backwing for a landing on sands of the bowl. >>> Kvasith lands carefully, so as not to jostle anyone. Keron carefully moves his over, and slips to the ground with Kvasith's foreleg steadying them. Kaylira loosens her death-grip on satchel and Dagonth a trifle. "I'd best take these in to Foster-Mum so she can figure out what t'be doing with 'em. Thankee, Aunt Auri. I'll give you your satchel back real soon." >>> Keron climbs off the brown and thuds softly as he hits the ground. "I always enjoy that. Between is.. different though. Always makes it intresting." Aurian nods, "Anytime Kaylira. Give your sister a squeeze for me." Syrali fumbles for the straps. "Need a hand down?" she asks of Kaylira, already scrambling to slide off. And /slide/ it is -- a slip *thud* as she lands on both feet, gracelessly. Syrali carefully moves her over, and slips to the ground with Kvasith's foreleg steadying them. Kaylira grins at that, and nods. "Will do, Aunt Auri." You shift over and slide quickly off the brown dragon. Kaylira then thinks to ask, belatedly--she *is* tired--"Sister Khari, or sister Mela? Mela's kinda little t'be squeezing, but I could *try*." From upon Kvasith, Aurian chuckles, "Khari, don't know Mela." Kaylira explains, with a yawn, "Mela's Aunt Meli and Da's daughter... she's little enough t'still be a pain, but I don't see her *too* much, so 'tis all right." Syrali retreats from the dragons, head half-splitting in a yawn. Stuffing her hands in her breeches pockets, she wanders into the caverns. Syrali walks beneath the lintel and disappears into the living cavern. Bronwynn carefully moves her over, and slips to the ground with Kvasith's foreleg steadying them. Aurian slides off Kvasith after unfastening her riding straps. She lands neatly on her feet this time. Kvasith lumbers up the pitted ledge to M'hryn's weyr and passes through the large opening. Kaylira watches Syrali go, and notes, "I should go, too. Thankee again, Aunt Auri, and Aunt Auri's dragon whose name I can't say very well!" She has no hands to wave with, so just bobbles her head at them, and then wheels about to run for home. You walk past the lintel and into the wide living cavern. Syrali pauses just outside the tunnel, glancing back over her shoulder. "Oh... went good." She smiles lopsidedly, slumping against the wall with one foot out to brace herself. "Lot of fun." Kaylira sprints through the Cavern, a large satchel and a stuffed dragon clutched close to her person. It may be better not to ask what she's up to. You walk towards the inner cavern.