
A Night For Sharing

Date:  March 2, 2002
Place:  Ista Weyr's North Beach
Game:  PernMUSH
Copyright Info:  The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey 
l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.


Kassi's Note:  Kassima has scarcely seen her eldest child since Kaylira
Impressed brown Pheirth at an Ista Hatching--not because Kassi lacks
interest in how she fares, but more out of a wish not to get in the way
of her new life.  With Weyrlinghood well underway, though, the proud 
mother decides to check up on her daughter at last and deliver a few
presents while she's at it.  But Kay has other things than gifts on her 


The Log:

You fly to the widest part of the beach and land.

<*> Kaylira digs her toes into the sand and drags a shawl about her
shoulders. "Well, that was a nice visit, wasn't it?" Not that the brown
seems to care if it was or wasnt' nice. His whuffle is sleepy and distracted.

<*> And speaking of visits, such as they are--Lysseth descends towards the
beach while the echoes of her greeting-bugle to the watchpair still
resound, a quick banking and flare of wingsails bringing her to a neat
landing half a dragonlength or so from shore. Her rumble of greeting to the
young brownpair is pleasant; her rider's is considerably warmer: "Duties
t'Ista and her queens--Faranth's shards, Kay, 'tis you and Pheirth? Or
someone else entirely? I swear I'd scarce recognize either of you!"

You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles,
cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully.

	Shades of honey warm the hide of this dragonet. At his head, pale 
wherhide marks the lightest colouring, but for the tip of his muzzle where 
deepest brown approaches black. Across his back and the bulk of his body, 
the brown deepens from a rich caramel to heavy molasses on neck ridges, 
tail, and knee creases, leaving his underbelly only slightly darker than 
the sunnied tones of his head. Pale tan marks his wingsails, interspaced 
with a chocolatey definition of fingerbones and faint tracery along the 
edges. Everything about him bespeaks warmth.

	Although tall, and bearing the curves correspondant to her age, Kay 
still carries hints of her tomboy nature. It's in her canted grey eyes, 
how they peer out of beneath her blue-black curls and carry a smile, or 
glints of silver when the moment comes upon her. Or how her care isn't for 
things like the neatness of her clothes, or that her nails may carry a 
smudge or two of dirt beneath them. Lightly browned, and well toned, she 
carries herself with a confidence. No girlish squeals or shy facades for 
Kay! Instead a brightness of eyes and flash of smile that mark her as
comfortable with who and what she is.
	Kay is currently bedecked in black trous and an orange shirt (long 
sleeved when its cool, short sleeved when its not!).Kay wears an Istan 
weyrling's knot with a brown thread for her lifemate. Kay looks to be 
about 20 Turns, 6 months, and 0 days old.

Pheirth lifts his head, giving a low rumble of greeting of his own. Eyes
whirring with consideration as he checks out the lastest of 'guests'. His
curiousity abated, the brown settles back into enjoying the night shore and
lapping of water.

Kaylira fairly jumps out of her skin trying to get off the ground and offer
greetings. "Mum! Lysseth! Its us!" Her laugh is low and bright. "Its been
near forever, hasn't it? Hasn't Pheirth grown?" Proudly gesturing to her

Kassima divests herself of helmet, gloves, and jacket almost at once upon
hitting the ground, but hooks her satchel back onto her now-leatherless
shoulder; it bulks suspiciously with package-like things. "He has!" the
greenrider agrees, just as bright, as she holds out her arms to offer--or
ask for--a hug from her daughter. Lyss, meanwhile, has coiled herself
comfortably into her patented lounging position. Ah, a beach at last. Don't
mind if she makes the most of it while she's here. "Nay even *half* the wee
thing he was, anymore; he's bonny and beautiful, and so are you, m'dear.
Ista appears t'be suiting you!"

Kaylira lets go a happy sigh as her arms fling about her mother. "I love it
here! Its.. I feel at home." Not without a tinge of sorrow in her voice -
she did live at Telgar for long enough that some of her still remains true
to the place. "I can't imagine being anywhere else right now. Even if I
miss you. And Lyss. And hte twins. Oh, and just about everyone."

"Just the twins? Nay your other siblings? Tam and Khari and Kris and Kiss
and Meralla will be *crushed*," Kassi teases as she hugs her daughter
tight. The jest is almost more light-voiced than natural, perhaps to cover
an internal wince at Kay's first words. "'Tis only natural t'feel at home
where you Impressed, kit; you know how I feel about Benden... here, let me
get a good look at you." She takes a step back, releasing Kay but leaving
her hands resting lightly on the girl's shoulders as she gives her a
once-over with a mother's critical eye. "Nay a lass anymore, are you?
You're nigh a full rider, and full grown. But I can't tell you how proud I
am of you, how proud everyone is of you, how proud your father'd be. Tell
me about your lessons? You and Pheirth should be flying now, aye? And
how've you been doing under P'tod, and how d'you get along with your
Wingmates, and--oh, shards, just tell me *everything*!"

Kaylira's head cocks to one side, taking a long, hard look at .. well, not
so much her mother anymore. "Its been..hard. Oh, mum, some of the
weyrlings.. I got into trouble already over speaking my mind. And, in
truth, Tod, er, well, the Weyrlingmaster was right, but I coudl ahve just
smacked him for it all. And this isn't making any sense, is it?" A rush of
laughter escapes the girl as she tucks curls behind her ears nad gestures
to the sands. "Its a bit cool, but I daresay you're decked out enough to
manage. And I've plenty of shawl to share."

Kassima's smile for her daughter is still a mother's smile, though, just as
it always will be: affectionate, proud, and still a bit regretful. "I'll
follow your lead, minx; you're the native here now, and know the land best.
Just so long as I don't swelter t'death a'fore I can give you your
presents." Shifting subjects: "I daresay he *is* right, y'know, but men
always seem the most smackable t'me when they're right. Still. I trust
you're treating him with the respect due a Weyrlingmaster and all that,
since I've nay heard aught about you being assigned extra mucking duties
until the end of time? Tell me about the Weyrlings, though. I don't think I
know any of 'em m'self, save Tas--T'ao."

Kaylira settles back into the slight depression her body had created
earlier, patting beside here - there is a great view of the water, and its
pleasant enough for biding time. Shawl wrapped about her shoulders again,
the young woman gazes out over the night touched water. "Well, I guess the
one I've the largest problem with is Echo. And half that is because she's
jealous. Or I'm jealous." Head turns to seek out her mother's face. "P'tod
you know. I'm totally out of the chain of it on knowing just what her
problem is. She just doens't like me. I dont like her all that much. And I
think she is trying to make me look bad to him. Its complicated."

Kassima sinks easily to a cross-legged seat beside the younger woman,
setting her stuffed satchel slightly to the side. Her hands lace themselves
loosely together in her lap. "You've still feelings for him?" She keeps her
tone on the neutral side of things. "I'd half-hoped... but apart from his
being your Weyrlingmaster, and weyrmated, you could set your sights worse
places. Echo's the one who has two children by him, isn't she." It's not
really a question. Kassi's not that far behind on her Istan gossip. "*That*
must make his life terribly interesting--if'n you want m'opinion, I'd guess
'tis a pure rivalry thing; it sounds like it. She sees you as a rival for
his affections--after graduation a'course--and mayhaps you view her
likewise, so you'd nigh have t'get along like two felines put in the same
sack. Likely she'd prefer it if'n P'tod didn't think well of you."

Kaylira considers in a long silence. "I don't know. I mean, he's..got his
points. But if thats how she feels.." For another moment, the girl is
silent - unable to chew upon her shortened curls, she settles for hugging
her knees. "I don't need him badly enough to wade through that. I mean, we
hadnt' done anything, so there isn't anything to regret or miss. I can cut
that loss. I just.. mum, she's opinionated, and rude, and thinks she
doesn't need anyone or anything. And I don't care if some of it is because
she's pushing folk away before they push her, there's only so much a person
can take before they say fine, have it your way."

"Aye, and 'twould nay say you're obliged t'be looking after her emotional
welfare if'n you don't care for the lass. She's your Wingmate," Kassi
grants, slipping half into her Informal Lecture Mode, "and so you have
t'respect her and work with her, but you don't have t'befriend her or be
close t'her. *Or* let her problems interfere with *your* learning. Accept
her faults, try t'work around 'em, and trust your teachers t'be the ones
t'pound 'em out of her--that's their job; yours is t'work on your own." A
pause, and then she offers a rather wry grin. "Nay that I'm saying you
necessarily *have* any--well, aye, I am; nay pair's perfect. But y'know
what I mean. What does Pheirth make of all this, and of P'tod, for that

Kaylira grins lopsidedly. "Oh, Pheirth doesn't quite know what to make of
this liking other humans thing. He's pretty much more interested in whether
or not they think he's a wonderful brown. Or showing how well he can listen
and do things." More serious, now, and in lower tones, the girl adds, "I
don't trust her, mum. Thats the problem. If push came to shove, I wouldn't
want her at my back with my life depending on her. And thats where the real
problem lies. She sees me as a rival. I see her as a liability."

Kassima responds almost automatically, "A'course he's a wonderful brown;
how could he be aught else?" Not that she's biased or anything. Her quick
grin subsiding, she descends into a mulling silence for several moments.
"That's a problem," she finally agrees. "On her part and yours both.
I'truth, she may nay be a very trustworthy person. She may even *be* a
liability. That's nay unknown t'happen. But you *can't* afford nay t'trust
her as a rider and Wingmate, Kay--y'know that, and if'n you can't trust her
as an individual, you have t'trust your Wingleaders--Weyrlingmasters in
this case--nay t'let her put any of her Wingmates in danger. That's nay
t'say she may nay do so. But what happens in Fall, if'n you're so busy
worrying about whether she's doing her job that you don't do yours?"

Kaylira shakes her head. "No, no, its not like that. Its, well, she's
so..insular. So sure she doesn't need to knwo this stuff because she's been
at a weyr.. and she really doesn't like me above all. Said I was ugly and
no wonder no boy would want me - in front of the entire class, mum. I
just.. I'd be afraid that in FAll, she'd not put that behind her when I
most needed her to be my protection. I told P'tod about it a bit. I agree
with some of what he said. But part of me still harbours worries."

"Then she's a twit," Kassima decides, a bit tartly and nothing like
impartially. "Or acting like one, at least. Picking fights in class is an
immature thing t'be doing, and if'n 'twere ugly and nay boy or man would
want you, then she wouldn't consider you a rival, would she? So she knows
better. But I'll tell you a thing about Fall." She leans forward a bit as
she speaks, eyes on the dark waves and shoulders slightly hunched. "You
can't know until you face it, but in Fall... you'll find out, it doesn't
matter if'n someone's your heart's love or worst enemy; you're still all
together. 'Tis you against the Thread, and that's all that matters. There's
nay place for rivalries in Threaded skies. *After* the Fall, aye, and
before it, but during--during, I don't think you'd need t'fear. 'Tis the
main reason a Wing can function even if'n none of its members care for each
other. Have I ever told you the saying, naught unites like a common enemy?"

Kaylira sighs deeply. "Mum, I stood with her in Fall already. She screamed
like a wherry and was worse than I was. At least I had sense enough to do
something - even if it was only fetch bandages for teh Weyrwoman. Echo
shrieked it was going to get her hair. I don't know I can banish that image
and her making a fool of me. I don't want to be fighting Thread for real
and find out that nothing has changed. Worse yet, what if its me who falls
apart and can't forget?"

Kassima asks, turning her eyes back to her daughter, "But was that as
riders and Wingmates? Impression might have changed her. She'll have her
dragon t'bolster her now, and her dragon's health t'worry about if'n she
panics. I'm *assuming* she has the brains t'realize all this. If'n nay,"
and now her voice turns almost clinical, detached, "then she'll be an early
casuality, little doubt. But. Mayhaps 'twould help if'n you *don't* think
overmuch about her, but trust her *dragon* t'do things right? 'Tisn't as
though--what's her blue's name again? 'Tisn't as though he'd refuse t'flame
Thread because his rider's afraid. If'n frightened riders made dragons
impotent, scarce any Thread would ever be burned... and if'n you fall
apart, Kaylira," she goes on quite firmly, "then you're nay the young woman
I've always known you t'be, or whom *Pheirth* knows you t'be. And I don't
think that's true. Would you really let a patch of Thread get through and
put Echo and her dragon in danger just because you don't care for her? You
know what Thread can do. *She'd* probably duck, but there could be some
innocent groundcrewman below who wouldn't. Or her dragon mightn't."

Kaylira shakes her head without a moment's pause or thought. "I've seen
threadscore enough to know its not pleasant. But I'd rather take it than
let someone under my care be victim. I guess I'll just have to trust and
work it out as it comes. Maybe if she doesn't see me as a rival. Or maybe
I'm.." The girl's lips purse over a deep frown. "Everything changes,
doesn't it? YOu can't just think me and my and I anymore. Those things they
just don't tell you. Can't, maybe. I can't imagine letting my fear win.
Mum?" Serious eyes gaze upon the older rider, "was that what it was like
with us?"

Kassima assures in a very quiet voice, "The first time you have a Wingmate
die of it, or see someone you know die of it... well, I don't think you
could even consider the idea that you might break anymore, if'n you ken."
She's looked back towards the sea as she says that, but her eyes return at
last; they're dark, solemn, but there's a tiny smile beneath them. "That's
what 'tis like with so many things, daughter. 'Tis what 'tis like t'have
children, aye; and 'tis what 'tis like t'have Wingmates, and what 'tis like
t'ride a dragon and be responsible for *lives*. 'Tis what 'tis like t'be an

Kaylira lays her head to her mother's shoulder. "Sometimes I try to
remember what it was like to be a child. I don't think I feel so very
different. But I do. It scares me sometimes to know that you don't get to
change your mind. When Pheirth was a hatchling and so needy.. I thought I'd
die for wanting everything to be perfect and okay. And I think about the
fact that we're graduating soon and this isn't a game." Softer, "You never
really talked about my father much." NOthing more. NOthing less. Just the
simple statment and her head resting with the heaviness of the last
vestiges of youth fleeing. One of those moments that seem so long, and so
entirely inadequately long enough.

Kassima brings up an arm to curve around her daughter in a half-hug. "I
don't really remember either," she confesses. "You become a different
person, methinks. Everyone does... Mum never really accepted that or got
used to it, but she never rode. You have t'ride t'understand." Her hair
whisks against her back as her head shakes. "Nay game. Never a game... and
things are never perfect, Kay. I wish 'twere. But things *can* be all
right, even in a world where we have t'grow up and take on the
responsibilities of adults." A quiet moment is allowed to pass, to prolong
that moment of youth as long as it can be prolonged... but not enough, no.
Never enough. "I can speak of him now," she offers softly into the quiet.
"Though a'course you know some... but what more would you like t'know?"

Kaylira shrugs, suddenly shy. "I don't know. I guess.. maybe just what he
was like. What you liked about him. Maybe just enough to sorta see how I
fit in." Not that the girl lets the rest pass without comment. "No, not a
game. But before you impress, you couldnt' possibly understand that. My
life is his now. There isn't a thing I can do that isn't imbedded in
knowing he is there and always will be. I'm not Kay at all. And I am. I'm
so glad you ride, mum. I feel sorry for the ones that came from holds and
halls and haven't got a you in their life."

"Your life is yours *and* his." It's half confirmation, half gentle
correction. "And his is his own and yours. You're Kaylira, and Pheirth, and
Kaylira-and-Pheirth all three, between you; 'tis as you say, you're
yourself and you're nay. In a sense, I haven't been Kassima for more Turns
than you've been alive... and yet I'm so much *more* Kassima than I ever
was a'fore Lysseth found me." Kassi tightens her arm, hugging Kay against
her for just a moment. "Oh, kit. You're going t'make me tear up in a
second--*I'm* glad that I ride too, though, and I feel sorry for those
parents who can't understand their children now. I hope for everyone's sake
that they all try their best. And speaking of parents...." It takes her a
pause. "Y'know, 'tis funny; I've written down the entire story of how you
came t'be, pretty much. But 'tisn't for your eyes until I've gone, so
you'll have t'do with a verbal version... what T'lar was like." Deep
breath. Thought. "Well, he was a good man--a loving weyrmate t'Meli, a
loving father t'all three of you his children, but that part you know. He
could be a brash man. A bit of an arrogant man. A lady's man. A
bronzerider's bronzerider. A loyal friend, self-sacrificing and devoted; a
fierce fighter, but too impulsive t'be a leader, and as for what I
liked--mayhaps I should begin earlier; I never told you about our meeting
or aught?"

Kaylira smiles, a thing felt more than seen. "Nay. And even if you had, I'd
ask again. Its a night for sharing.." Her voice carries deep threads of
foindness, echoed in the soft answering croon of her lifemate, the brown
stirring long enough to make his presence known before slumbering again.
"Yes," she says, against Kassi's cheek, giving a quick kiss of thanks,
"More. Like a part was missing until you were found."

Kassima laughs low in her throat. "Indeed 'tis so, even if'n 'twasn't
stories I thought I'd be sharing so much as receiving--but I'm pleased
t'share them, as aught else." Lysseth adds a soft draconic sigh to the
collection of sounds, content and half-asleep. "Like you were never whole,
but didn't know," she agrees, grinning and turning her head long enough to
return that kiss at Kay's temple. "Or as if'n life were black and white
a'fore, but now is all in color. Quite. Now, let's see... 'twas thirteen
when I met your Da, and nay a rider," she begins, voice sliding into
reminiscent registers. "Just out of the Holding, i'truth, and he was Taylar
then. Dyinath was rising--you remember, she's Lysseth's dam? 'Twas the
flight that would produce Lyss, though I didn't know, and Taylar was a
resident at Benden. I don't think we spoke much... 'twas too busy gaping at
dragons, m'self. But then one of the riders staggered out of the Guest Weyr
sick. R'val needed people t'help get him into the Infirmary, and there were
Taylar and I, so we got recruited; we met over an fevered bronzerider.
How's that for romance?"

Kaylira laughs, "As good as any romance I could tell. Maybe I should post
myself outside hte infirmary?"

Kassima snorts with quiet amusement and gives Kay's side a nudge. "I'd hope
for something better if'n 'twere you, m'dear! Anyway, we never were really
*romantic*...." She adds a bit hesitantly after that trail-off, "I do think
mayhaps he had interest in that direction, originally. But 'twas all of
fourteen and I'd nay real experience with being flirted with, y'know? So
'twas skittish-shy--this is once 'twas Searched t'Benden, I should say.
He'd been Searched too. So Meli, who was rather less timid, attracted and
held his interest in the long run... he called me his best friend, though,
the night he learned about you."

Kaylira sighs at that. "Thats something. I'm glad, mum. Even if it wasn't
some great romance. Or even if he didn't chose you. You must have been
something special for him to say that." Notes of pride colour her voice. "I
don't know if I'll be so lucky. My luck with men hasn't exactly lived up to
my luck at other things." The girl tries to make a joke of it, but
somewhere it falls flat.

"I fear 'twasn't. The romances in m'life--such as they were--were both more
with the fathers of your younger sibs, I fear." Which doesn't keep Kassi 
from smiling at the memory. "I don't know about special... but he was a fine
man, a fine clutchmate, and always very good t'me and t'you. He was there
when 'twere born, and he always loved you very much--his firstborn as well
as mine, if'n only by a breath." What else she might or could say about him
is left for later. Now, she gives the shoulder nearest her hand a quick
shake. "Kay. Now you listen; you are young yet, and you've *had* luck with
men, more'n mayhaps you know. Wasn't P'tod interested in you? And F'lone
was pursuing you like a spoiled Blooded girl pursues jewelry. You have the
attraction. If'n you haven't met a man who'll be yours t'stay with, then
wait and you may. Or you might find you'd rather nay settle on one but
dally with many," even if she can't sound entirely comfortable with that
notion. "Or any number of fates could happen yet."

Kaylira is shaken easily, though the girl does eventually lift her hand to
hold against her mother's. "He's still that way, in some respects.. was
here just before you in fact." Can't be P'tod she's talking about, could
it? "And, P'tod, he hasn't shown any interest since.. well, long enough now
that I doubt he'll pursue it even when he can. I don't know. I try hard not
to worry about it. But some days I wonder if somethign /is/ wrong with me.
I'm past 20 turns, mum. Thats not being a late bloomer, thats like like
blooming at all."

Kassima turns her hand as much as she can to attempt to find, and squeeze,
her daughter's. "F'lone?" she hazards, surprised. "I'truth? *Still*?
Ramoth's gilded kidneys tied to a rope, but you have t'give the boy credit
for *persistance*; though I've heard tell he's still pursuing Tali as
avidly." Nahhh, she doesn't sound disgusted at *all*. "As for P'tod, he
*is* your Weyrlingmaster, kit. While you were a Candidate and now a
Weyrling, 'twasn't remotely appropriate. It might change when you graduate,
or it might nay; or a flight could happen, and you both lose, and things
get settled that way." So to speak. She has to put effort into making her
tone blithe when talking about her daughter's sex life, for some strange
reason. "I do nay for a moment think aught's wrong with you. Do I wish
you'd found someone t'romance by now? If'n 'twould make you happy, aye--but
'twas Turns your senior a'fore 'twas ever with a man outside of flights,
and I'd been a rider for quite some time by then. I didn't have a steady
lover until 'twas nearly thirty. But I did have one." And if there's a bit
of regret to that admission, well.... "So I'd hardly call you a dried-up
old maid at *twenty*, daughter mine."

Kaylira lifts her mother's fingers to her lips before letting them go.
"Nassa's weyrmated. More than half the weyrling class sounds like they've
got more experience than me, and the ones that don't /are/ just kidlets.
I'm not that anxious, but I can't help but think about it. And, yes, F'lone
is still trying. He's different and the same. First time he came to visit,
I nearly shamed myself acting like a ninny." Her tones turn ruefull at
that. "Shameful. And I don't know how much is me wanting to figure out
where I am in all this and how much is me wanting him. Or P'tod.. or.."
More than passing interest follows the Weyrling Master's name. And hints of
unresolved promise lie in the final or. "Part of me /is/ ready. Only the
people who seem interested aren't maybe the right people for this time."

"If'n naught else, a flight will resolve things sooner or later... but I
hope later," Kassi confesses, tilting her head so that it rests against
Kay's. "That isn't the first time I'd wish for, for you. Well... Kay,
'twill tell you honest and straight, I don't approve of F'lone's suit.
Methinks you can do better." She can be blunt when it suits her.
"But--*but*--if'n you want him, then you want him. You'll be a grown woman
when you graduate, and your decisions are yours t'make. Just be aware that
if'n he does aught t'hurt you, he *will* lose relevant pieces." She's
kidding. Right? She has to be kidding. Exaggerating, at the least. Maybe.
"You're a wise lass--wise woman--if'n you realize that. You'll have t'make
your own choices, kit. And they may be the wrong ones, but that's how we
learn, truth be told."

Kaylira laughs, because she can. Even through doubts and fears and trials,
she's still enough of who she is that laughter becomes her. "I'd rather not
make more wrong choices than I need to. Nassa thinks P'tod is a good choice
for a first time. Says he's got experience enough to know the right things
to do and not have to make a mess of things. He comes with so much -
everything else. And truth, mum? I could fall for him so easily. F'lone
isn't without his charm. Only I've seen how far he can go and it scares me.
I know he's not my heart. Theid didn't deal well with not impressing.. I'm
sure something will come of all of this. I'm trying hard not to over think.
I'm just glad you're here and we can talk about this stuff. Makes me feel
like when I was just a little and you started teaching about how to hold a
knife, or make a fist so we didn't break our thumbs."

Kassima chuckles, one of those low, warm, affectionate sounds that only her
dragon and her children generally hear. "'Tis a mother's job t'teach all
the *important* things in life. I hope you know that if'n you ever need
t'talk, you can send me word--I can't promise t'come right that minute
unless 'tis some sharding horrendous emergency; duty and all that. But
*'twill* come when I can. You'll always be m'daughter, and I'll always be
there for you as much as I'm able, whether you live at Telgar or Ista or on
the moons." Following this sentiment, she seems a bit sheepish, perhaps at
her own drama. "Welladay... Kay, m'heart, I know I just said your decisions
are yours t'make. And they are. But... if'n 'twere me, if'n 'twere me, I'd
do all I could t'avoid falling for a man whose heart will never belong
t'you. I've done that. It bites. And he's weyrmated, bound t'Fluria by love
and honor both I'd presume, and it might be better nay t'interfere with
that. As far as sleeping with him goes," and yes, she colors faintly even
at that mild mention, "that's one thing, but love's another and more
dangerous beast. What I'd guess you have t'watch for with F'lone is *his*
mistaking sex for love. I don't know if'n, if'n you were with him even
once, he'd ever let you alone again."

Kaylira answers back, softly, "I know. And I'm more loathe to do that to
him than myself. Maybe in both cases. " A wry grin marks her features. "I
think I have too much of you in me sometimes. Enough romance to want
something more, but enough sense to settle for less." Changing the subject,
she prods, "Didn't you say there were gifts?"

"Another sign that you're an adult, kit." Kassi mirrors that grin, hers
less wry than genuinely amused. "'Too much' of me? Now how," she teases,
"could that be possible? The sense, methinks, you may just get from your
father instead. He could occasionally be a pragmatic man." At the prodding,
she doesn't quite jump, but does straighten abruptly: "Oh, aye! From your
sibs, and from me--unless you'd rather I leave them for another time?" Yes,
she's teasing again.

[Editor's Note:  Kay's player had to run at this point, so the scene
ended here; ICly, it can be assumed that Kassi gave Kay her gifts 
and they chatted a bit longer before Kassi had to head home.]