
The End Of the World, Part Three

Date:  January 22, 1999
Place:  Lysseth and Kassima's Weyr
Game:  PernMUSH
Copyright Info:  The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey 
l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.


Kassi's Note:  The impossible finally occured:  Kassima spawned a *boy*,
and there was much rejoicing.  (Yay!)  Or maybe just a lot of fearing,
but hey, that counts!  Many, many, many thanks go to E'vrin, without
whom none of this would've been possible, and also to Meli, Maylia, and
Aurian for their assistance in the spawning.  Dragon chat, some knot 
chat, and a @doing or two have been left in for comedy's sake.


The Log:

Sharath touches down and disgorges a rider so /he/ can curl up and hoard 
some prickly, sniffy warmth amid the chill and damp. E'vrin just thumps 
his shoulder and starts weyr-ward.

Rummage, rummage, clank. Kassima is buried somewhere in her wardrobe, 
faint cloth-muffled curses escaping to the world outside. "Bloody... 
sharding... shelling... ouch!" Having startled herself into banging her 
head on the wardrobe rim, she winces, rubs the back of her skull, and 
affords E'vrin a grateful look. "E'vrin, I'm *so* glad you're here. You 
can help me find m'nightgown." Huh?

"Your nightgown?" E'vrin repeats stupidly. It /is/ night, but perhaps his 
visit had more to do with disrobing -- ah, well. He steps forward 
gingerly, uncertainly, and makes a swift motion of his hands. "Where 
should I start?"

Kassima explains matter-of-factly, "Aye. See, m'water just broke, and 
'twas *going* to have Lyss yell for Sharath--and probably a Healer, too, 
come t'think of it--but since you're here *anyway*, you can help me look 
for my nightgown." Helpfully: "'Tis the rust-colored one. Less apt t'be 
showing bloodstains, y'know."

"Water broke?" E'vrin, a harper of skill, training, and experience, has 
been reduced to parroting small words. Then sense smacks him: "The 

Dragon> Lysseth senses that Sharath's mind comes glimmering by. << The 
baby, is it? And yet, she doesn't scream or grunt or cry as other mothers 
do. Strong one, your rider. >>

"Uh-huh," Kassi agrees, still sorting through the nightgowns. "And this 
time, I didn't even have to eat any strange foods. Imagine that. Don't 
suppose you brought towels with you?" Trust the woman to be taking this 
calmly. Maybe she's in denial.

Lysseth> Sharath senses that Lysseth replies in a pride-washed tone, 
undercut by anxiety's spikes, << It is, and she is; she has done this 
twice before. She knows to save the screaming for when she *really* needs 
it, but that time will come. >> Much to the probable delight of the 
occupants of the weyrs nearby.

E'vrin says "Of course I didn't bring any towels; it was just a social 
visit -- Kassima, you're having a /baby./ Why aren't you -- I mean, you're 
so calm." He hovers closer, torn between protectiveness and wariness at 
how, say, she might accept such protection. "Is everything all right? 
Where's the healer? Do you want to lie down?"

E'vrin doesn't add, "Why aren't you screaming fit to tear the Weyr from 
the ground?" but really, he could have.

Dragon> Lysseth senses that Sharath stays coolly aloof, interested in 
intellect's sake. << Wise of her. Sometimes the expression of pain would 
not help; one must choose the right place and time for venting, for 
maximum relief. I'll tell E'vrin. >>

Kassima gives a cry--no, not of pain; of triumph. She's found the 
nightgown. Slinging it over her arm, she turns, and explains quite 
reasonably, "Because I know that if'n I start screaming now, I'll tear 
m'throat out a'fore I actually *need* to scream, when it gets about ten 
times worse. Experience has its good points. I'll call him, and ask for 
towels, too--shells if'n I want t'get blood all over the *bed*. Ick. Be 
back in a moment." After patting his shoulder in an absentminded, 
comforting way, she waddles towards the curtain that marks the entrance to 
the storerooms, probably for privacy's sake. "Don't kill the Healer when 
he gets here, all right?" she tosses over her shoulder. "Unless 'tis 

Lysseth> Tierth senses that Lysseth reaches out a tendril of thought that 
is unaccustomedly edgy, even bristling: anxiety. << My rider asks, quite 
calmly, though shards if I know how she manages that, whether your rider 
might be willing to find a Healer and escort him up to our weyr? >>

Lysseth> Juliath senses that Lysseth sees fit to mention, perhaps in a 
hope to allay her worried state: << My rider's clutching, and yours isn't. 
Neener, neener, neener. >>

E'vrin reverts, for a moment, to standing stupidly. Then he shoots a 
disgusted, fraying look out at the ledge -- bronze huffs -- and turns back 
towards the sound of his lover's voice. His own is straying within its 
bounds. "...What does Ushu look like?" Might as well try to appear useful 
in the shadow of her vast competence.

Lysseth> Sharath senses that Lysseth agrees wryly, << Yes. And the 
appropriate subject. She prefers to save her energy for abusing the 
Healer; she never has been fond of them. >>

Dragon> Lysseth senses that Juliath lifts a sleepy mental lid, irritation 
leaking at the edges of her thoughts. << Your rider is always 
clutching. >> She drifts back toward drowsiness, then resurfaces abruptly. 
<< My rider seems to think this is important. Where is yours, and does she 
need help? >> She pauses again. << I do not see why they make such a big 
fuss.... >> as one can tell she begins to rouse herself fully.

Dragon> Lysseth senses that Sharath passes along, << Then E'vrin will be 
glad that she is not abusing him, for all that he did play a role in her 
predicament, did he not? >> Amused, the rose-glowing mind leaps sideways. 
<< I shall hope that Irianth will not blame me so when /her/ time 
comes. >>

Dragon> Lysseth senses that Tierth's cool thoughts reach out, gentle waves 
of inquiry that aren't voiced. << We come. >>

Lysseth lashes her tail in vague and helpless anxiety, wings rustling; 
she'd be pacing if she could. "He's balding, and would be carrying lots of 
rose petals with him," Kassi hollers over the various cloth-rustling 
sounds. "If'n anyone's going t'kill *him*, then *I* want t'be doing it. 
Could you boil some water, m'dear?" Not that there's any real point to 
that, but it's surely better than worrying.

Lysseth> Juliath senses that Lysseth replies proudly, << Yes, she is. She 
is a good clutchmother. She is in her weyr, and certainly needs help, 
although *she* denies this. >> This is Lysseth, after all. She won't be 
content until the entire Weyr plus the MasterHealer is attending her 

"What?" E'vrin turns 'round and 'round, eyes frantically seeking. Boiled 
water must be important, but -- "Where do I do it? Is there a pot?"

Dragon> Juliath bespoke Lysseth with << We come. >>

Lysseth> Tierth senses that Lysseth adds, as an afterthought, << Can the 
Healer bring towels? >>

Juliath backwings for a landing.

There's a pause. Perhaps Kassi doesn't know? "Um... let me think... nay, 
there's nay. But there's a teakettle; should suffice. Probably has water 
in it, even. Sharding bloody fardling effing clothing!" Seems she's found 
one source to vent at, sort of.

Juliath squeezes in along the edge of the ledge, one can only hope the 
combined weight of three dragons will not drop the entire rock face down 
onto the bowl below.

Meli slips smoothly down from Juliath's neck to her foreleg and to the 
ground, giving her a gentle caress.

Lysseth> Sharath senses that Lysseth assures, << Oh, his turn will come. I 
doubt Irianth will fuss, though; queens are much more reasonable about 
this business than humans. >>

E'vrin is fluttering in the center of the weyr, with Kassima swearing 
poetically offstage. At clothing, of course. He turns his head to peer 
towards the sound of dragonwings -- Sharath makes a rude noise and tries 
to make room -- and then he's back to hunting up a ... kettle. Pot. 

"Kassi, y'all right?" Meli calls, even as she's dropping down Jul's side 
to land in a crouch. "Oh, hi, E'v," she adds. "Where's th'Healer? Do 
w'have time t'get you to th'Infirmary?"

Dragon> Lysseth senses that Sharath notes, << They do birth more at once 
than does a woman, though. Kassima has only to push out one child, not 
thirty or forty. >>

E'vrin looks up with a box idle in his hands. It's not what he /wants,/ 
obviously, but it's something to cling to with yellow-knuckled hands, and 
that's good enough. "What? Kassima told me to wait here for the 

Lysseth is, fortunately, inside the weyr rather than on the rock face, 
humming hummingishly along with the fire-lizard chorus. Worry more about 
the collective eardrums than the rock face. "In here," Kassi yells from 
the direction of the storeroom a moment before pushing aside the curtain 
to re-enter the scene, now appropriately garbed in a rust-hued nightgown. 
"I'll be all right as long as someone brought towels. The Healer's on the 
way. The Infirmary's still too full from that last Fall--Healers swarming 
everywhere, so I asked Tierth to bring one... oh, E'vrin, meet Meli; Meli, 
this is E'vrin. Say hello, everyone. Meli, did *you* bring towels?"

E'vrin half-offers his box to Kassima. It's something. He's useless; help 
him out.

Meli frowns, pausing microscopically to nod a hello, then frowns again. 
"Towels? Towels? Lyss said nothin' about you wantin' towels." She shrugs 
out of her jacket and starts rolling up her tunic sleeves. "How far along 
are y'now?

Tierth backwings for a landing.

Juliath rumbles a low welcome, shifting further to the side.

Kassima accepts the box as gracefully as she can. "Thankee, Ev. I'm sure 
this'll come in handy." Mind, she has no idea *how*, but.... "Relax, 
relax! Shards, I haven't even *started* breaking your hand yet. I can't 
believe Lyss forgot to mention towels. Water just broke a few minutes ago, 
and I only vaguely feel like killing someone; does that help?"

Sharath grunts and shifts to a smaller section of the ledge, cramming now 
tightly against the cliff face. His eyes, murky behind two sets of lids, 
spin a slow and yellowing green.

Dragon> Lysseth senses that Tierth's voice is confused, but tinged with 
appology. << My rider cannot belive this? >>

Lysseth> Sharath senses that Lysseth agrees, thoughts fairly well stripped 
of most ornamentation, << Yes, but those thirty and forty don't start 
screaming the moment they're born. It's very disconcerting. >>

"Yeh, tha' does," Meli replies, taking a breath or two herself to slow 
down. "Ah, Jul says Maylia's here.... hopefully she's got towels." She 
stops, fists planted on hips. "E'v, why don' you fix up some pillows at 
th'head o'th'bed, for Kassi t'lean on when she feels like lyin' 

E'vrin doesn't back from Kassima at that last announcement, but he does 
find refuge in murmuring a belated greeting to Meli. Oh, and she orders 
him, too! Lovely: he putters over to do as instructed, playing with 

From astride Tierth, Maylia's appologies begin before the girl's even 
dismounted - and with good reason. The rose petals drifting down from the 
stack of towels might be a rather good indication as to why. "Ka-a-a-si! 
He's the only one who was there, honest to Faranth!"

Lysseth> Tierth senses that Lysseth sounds vaguely startled. << Cannot 
believe what? That she wants towels? Kassima says that she does not want 
her sleeping-place to be bloody. >>

Dragon> Lysseth senses that Tierth rumbles a tad bit unhappily. << She 
thinks there will be blood, and perhaps much of it. >> A carcass littered 
with rose petals?

Dragon> Lysseth senses that Sharath lets a slip of a laugh fall through 
his thoughts, fondly else-directed. Poor E'vrin. << I suppose. If only 
women would incubate their children less and let them be born in proper 
shells to harden on sands, they would pass through birth more easily. >>

Maylia slides to the ground, giving Tierth a parting caress and a tender 

Meli smiles faintly, watching E'vrin. Best not to count on him too 
heavily, apparently. "Kassi, y'got fresh water an' a bowl? Th'Healer'll 
want t'wash an'redwort..." she's going on, as Maylia calls out. "He 

"Oh, naaaaay," Kassi groans, the most heartfelt sound of agony to come 
from her yet. "Maylia, if'n you weren't m'friend, I'd kill you and him 
*both*; as 'tis, I'll settle for him. Meli, could you help me? Methinks--" 
A hiss of breath through clenched teeth. This is starting to get to her. 
"Methinks I'd like t'be walking."

Meli casts a glance over her shoulder, curious to see who is going to 
emerge from around Lysseth's concerned form. No sign yet, so she steps 
over and offers Kassi her arm. "Here, luv, jus' try not t'break me."

Lysseth> Sharath senses that Lysseth grumps, << I agree, and then they 
would not need to worry their lifemates with their pain and distress. 
Riders are very inconsiderate creatures. >>

E'vrin's attention rises from the nest of pillows he's dutifully 
constructing on the bed. "Walking?" Gaze skitters past at the newest 
arrivals before fixing firmly on Kassima. --Who's well under control. He 
lowers his eyes back to the pillows.

Dragon> Lysseth senses that Sharath banters archly, << Divorce her. Remove 
yourself from her. Live your life free and clear of the 
inconsideration. >>

Maylia's soon on the ground, and the mass of towels follows behind her, 
someone's long arms wrapped around them. From behind the towels (and rose 
petals they were once folded with) comes that absent, stuttering voice of 
Ushu. "Ah, um, ah, Weyrlingmaster? So this is what the inside of a weyr 
looks like. Yes, mmmm, must include this in my research notes, I must, I 

Kassima adds hopefully, "And E'vrin, if'n you could help the Healer... 
that's Ushu up there; he's going t'need all the help he can *get*." She 
does indeed accept the proffered arm, leaning on it as heavily as she 
dares. "May, the towels go on the bed, many thanks and such...."

Lysseth> Sharath senses that Lysseth recoils at the thought, instantaneous 
abhorration of the thought surging along the link. << Never! >>

Dragon> Lysseth senses that Sharath laughs again. << Then don't fret so. 
What if it affects her, which would be revisited upon you in a horrible 
cycle? >>

Maylia relieves the healer of some of his load, the towels at least, 
leaving the absent minded Healer with an armload of hide notes, and a 
carry bag of various healer accoutrements. Shaking the rose petals 
remaining in the towels, Maylia leaves the Healer to his own devices. 
"Don't worry, Kassi," She hisses. "He'll faint. Shall we keep him from the 
edge of the ledge, so you can kill him 'stead of the fall to the bowl 
floor?" Leaving a small pile of scattering petals, the young greenrider 
begins covering the bed and nest of pillows with the towels.

Meli is nearly shocked to a standstill as Kassi mentions Ushu by name 
without any apparent disgust or amazement. Well, any more than she'd 
already cursed out at Maylia's initial call. "Slow an' steady, watch 
th'boxes." She gives May a grateful nod of greeting.

E'vrin skips adroitly around the Weyrlingmaster with only a brief nod to 
respect her, and makes his way towards the healer.

Lysseth> Sharath senses that Lysseth returns, worriedly, << I would not 
want that. But I can't *not* worry. >> Lysseth? Not worry? Inconceivable.

Dragon> Sharath bespoke Lysseth with << Then worry /quietly./ The weyr is 
loud enough to my senses -- to yours as well, I dare say. >>

"Aye," Kassi agrees wholeheartedly, her fingers tightening on Meli's arm. 
Hiss. Poor Wingsecond. "Mayhaps walking wasn't such a good idea--"

Meli erks inaudibly, picking at Kassi's fingers to resettle them a bit. 
"Jus' breathe through it... y'know how t'do this, Kassi."

Lysseth> Sharath senses that Lysseth openly considers whether to be 
affronted, and dismisses the notion. There are better focuses for her 
attention. << The littlecousins are loud, >> she instead agrees, neutral 
and vague.

Ushu's nose is instantly in his notes, his writing tool scritching 
unreadable scrawl across the pages. Finally, somehow, he gets his bag on a 
box, and begins hauling out jars, potions, and such, with various 
mutterings to himself. Finally, the man comes to what pass for his senses, 
and he blinkblinkblinks up at E'vrin. "Ah. YEs. Hmm. You're not the one 
expecting, now are you." Such an observant man.

Dragon> Lysseth senses that Sharath tickles a long, curving feather of 
gold thought along that vagueness, as if to tease color out of grey. 
<< Come, come; at least you can keep your mind off your rider's suffering, 
as I do mine. >>

"But I don't *like* doing this," Kassima snarls. There is no Kassi, only 
Zuhl. "Remind me who I get to kill again? 'Cause whoever it is, I'm going 
to put my hand around his throat, and *squeeze*...." Her hand, of course, 
squeezes Meli's arm again as she says that. Nice of her to provide a 

"No, good sir, I'm not." E'vrin's most grave, respectful; after all, 
what's Ushu to him, or he to Ushu? "I'm the father--" the most useless 
person in the room, hello "--but is there any way I may assist you?"

Meli reflexively leans toward the squozed arm as if to free it, 
momentarily threatening to unbalance mother-to-be and injured wingsecond 
both. "Kassi.... please! If y'need t'sit down...."

Maylia returns the nod of greeting, brushing a couple of brilliant pink 
petals from her hair. "Easy on Meli's arm there!" Maylia jokes, finally 
leaving the towels for Kassi's other side. Probably not the swiftest of 
moves, but it's too late now.

Lysseth> Sharath senses that Lysseth replies with color indeed; an 
irritable red, sparked only at intervals by characteristic green, << I 
feel what she does; she cannot block me out, though she tried. It is not 
pleasant. >> Hello, Understatement of the Century.

Dragon> Lysseth senses that Sharath tickles the red out, out with more 
feathery gold. A fine match, if a touch martial for a birthing. << Block 
/her/ out, silly green, or at least attenuate, put yourself at a 
remove. >>

Ushu blinks again, in a near futile attempt at focussing eyes far too long 
used for reading barely legible notes in too dim light. "Assist me?" The 
man asks, clearly dazed. Looks like there might be some tough competition 
for uselessness in this room. "AH! Yes. With the proud mother-to-be." More 
quick scritches of notes are added to those already filling his pages. 
"She must be so excited that her babe's nearly here. Such an exciting 
time. Oh, yes, yes, yes. Have you rose petals for her? They've such a 

Kassima reluctantly relaxes her death grip. "Might be a better idea," she 
admits, wrinkling her nose as a rose-petal lands on it. "Sorry. I know, I 
know, nay maiming A'lex's Wingseconds. E'vrin, have you killed that Healer 

E'vrin might start ushering Ushu /towards/ the mother-to-be, whom he 
answers in shock, "No, of course not! He's here to help you. Although--" 
his voice drops solicitously to the healer "--if you might set aside your 
notes for just a little while...? Children are not paper things; we need 
your attention focused outward."

Meli slips her other hand over to rub lightly at her bruised flesh. "I've 
heard they tend t'come faster th'more o'em you have. Is tha' true?" she 
asks, though it's unclear whether she's asking Ushu or Maylia.

Lysseth> Sharath senses that Lysseth admits, with reluctance, << Perhaps I 
could... I do not know; I never have before. >> Other birthings are too 
distant for her to recall.

Dragon> Lysseth senses that Sharath demonstrates: the cords binding his 
mind with E'vrin's, the intimate plaits, drawn out -- thus -- to a fine 
needle-bore, allowing only the most pertinent of information to pass. All 
else stays where it should, out of /his/ mind.

"Well, that's the first good thing I've heard all bloody night," Kassima 
offers up. Uh-huh. She's definitely lost the calmness, or at least most of 
it. "He's probably hoping to bury me alive in bloody *rose petals*, if'n I 
know him, and I do. Oh, fardling shells. *Someone* help me get over to the 
flaming bed a'fore I'm forced t'bean someone upside the head with a 
fire-lizard perch."

"But my notes!" Ushu exclaims, clinging the valuable hides close to him. 
Allowing himself to be steered, he continues nattering - "And my research, 
it is far, far, far too important to just drop for anything, you do 
realize of course. Now, you really really should cool her forehead with 
rosewater, you sh-" Abruptly, the man's speech is cut off. Apparently, the 
Healer's close enough to recognise Kassima finally. Unsteadily, he weaves 
on his feet, looking ready to faint dead away.

E'vrin is caught trying to catch Ushu; his eyes cast mute misery over at 
his lover -- can't help just yet. (At least the healer smells good.)

Meli, on the other hand (...other arm?), starts to steer Kassi toward that 
piece of furniture, oblivious to the Healer's precarious condition.

Lysseth> Sharath senses that Lysseth attempts, uncertain; dual landscapes, 
crystal and stained glass, lightning and quicksilver, slowly separate. A 
tenuous barrier of opaque white quartz springs between. Relief, when 
expressed, is done so in a voice less resonant, colors--save for 
amethyst--muted and minus rider's black entirely: << That is better, yes. 
Thank you. >>

Player Name        On For Idle  Doing
Meli                00:58   3s  FearFearFearFearFearFEarFEArFEAR
68 Players logged in.

Maylia shrugs, trying her best to assist. "They say they come easier?" She 
admits, before making a face at Ushu. Whether it's just out of meanness, 
distaste for the Healer, or trying to get him to snap out of it is hard to 

Dragon> Lysseth senses that Sharath's thoughts flick a feather of a 
different, darker hue: the burnished bronze of negligent noblesse. It's 
nothing, really.

Kassima helps the situation by snarling openly at Ushu, not precisely her 
usual amiable self. "Had *better*. I don't trust him," she informs the 
room at large. An abrupt look is shot towards Lysseth--startled, betrayed; 
fading to relieved understanding. "Oh, good," she breathes, relaxing 
slightly, settling herself on the towel-clad bed. "Very good. Now. 

Ushu wavers, leaning heavily against E'vrin, his knees giving way. Still 
somewhat concious, he manages a sniff of the heady perfume of roses, a 
salve in one of his jars.

Player Name        On For Idle  Doing
Kassima             07:44   0s  ICan'tImagineWhatYou'reSoAfraidOf,Meli..
67 Players logged in.

E'vrin braces his legs with a half-swallowed grunt and tugs, still 
attempting civility, at the healer. "Come, come; she's right this way, and 
I can't carry you, sir, I /am/ sorry...." Help?

Kassima is not greatly helpful. "Shoot him," she suggests.

E'vrin stares reproach at her. "And if the baby's a breech birth? Or 
something worse?"

"F'great Faranth's sake," Meli exclaims, as she finally spots Ushu. 
"Should've tied him t'Leilanth's tail an' *tween*ed him back to his Hall 
in very short, cold, hops." That noted, she continues to shuffle walk 
Kassi to the bed, trying to coordinate with Maylia so as not to drop 

Kassima points out with relative patience, "Maylia was a Healer. S'why I 
asked her to fetch someone, in case she wound up with an utter nimrod." 
Which, clearly, she has. Now perched on the bed, she flashes Meli and May 
both looks of brief gratitude, and works on getting herself situated 
against that comfy nest of pillows. "Still need hands," she reminds her 
attendants--poor friends!--rather more pointedly. "And him dead. C'mon, 
there're knives right over there; how hard can it be?"

E'vrin snaps, right out of his mind for a moment, "I will not have my 
child born hard on the heels of murder, Kassima! Someone, lay her down 
before she tries to do the deed herself, or I'll /hold/ her down."

"Then he won't be much help anyways," Maylia suggests to E'vrin, clearly 
unimpressed with the healer. 'I /am/ sorry, Kassi. Honestly, he was the 
only one there!" A shocked look is given to Kassima next. "Uh. Was, past 
tense. And only a junior apprentice!" Absently, her mind focussed on that, 
her hand is offered. "C'mon, onto the bed."

Meli abruptly bursts out laughing, watching E'vrin getting all indignant 
while supporting a puddle of Ushu. The mention of 'hands', however, very 
quickly sobers her, and she rolls down her tunic sleeves again before 
pulling out her flight gloves. "Jus' a moment, Kassi, I need t'be 

E'vrin just glowers indiscriminately at all three women -- /women/ -- and 
tries to right Ushu again.

Ushu staggers back to his feet, inhaling deeply of roses. "Ah, right. 
Must. Research waits for No Man!" One can almost hear the capitalization.

Kvasith backwings for a landing.

Aurian slides off Kvasith after unfastening her riding straps. She lands 
neatly on her feet this time.

Aurian pops her head in, "Oh Shards there a party goin' on? Um I was told 
that Kassima had th' fall formations for Benden?

Kassima's eyes flash, homicidal tendencies glinting within their depths as 
they haven't since the spate of proddiness that got her in this mess in 
the first place. "I'll kill whomever I want t'be killing," she growls, 
"and I'd very much like t'be seeing you try!" But then it passes, and 
she has the grace to look abashed for a moment... if still annoyed. 
"You've done it a'fore, Maylia. Don't try and pretend otherwise; 'twas 

Given that Kassi is currently in her bed, in a nightgown, propped up by 
pillows, and threatening the life of Ushu, it's probably a safe bet that 
she doesn't have the Fall formations for Benden on her person at this 

E'vrin reserves a good bit of his glower's remnants for his beloved all 
the same; then he returns to leading Ushu the rose-scented healer of great 
and glorious renown to the bedside (and, perhaps, his doom). Aurian 
doesn't even rate a look at this point in the scene.

Meli, standing on one side of the bed, finishes tugging on her wherhide 
gloves before offering a hand to Kassi for support. Better safe than 
sorry. "Oh, evenin' Aurian."

Oh, isn't it sweet? They're glaring at each other. Kassima gratefully 
takes Meli's gloved hand, with an accusatory look for E'vrin, and then 
greets Aurian with a glad cry: "Auri! You can help me kill him!"

Aurian blinks as she realizes what's going on, "Um I don't think Igen's 
weyrleaders would want me to involve myself in the murder of their 
bronzerider. " She glances to Maylia, "Who was stupid enough to bring Rose 
Petal up?" She gestures with her thumb towards Ushu the puddle.

"No one is killing anyone!" E'vrin cries out at full harper strength. 
"--Not /me,/ Aurian, with all due respect, but this poor healer." See? 
It's Ushu. Who'd want to kill Ushu?

Most of the women in Telgar and Benden.

Maylia nods, trying to temporize, as she offers her hand. With any luck, 
her fingers will be spared the crushing of a lifetime, and Aurian's will 
be claimed instead. "Sure, sure. I was there... Aurian!" The greeting's 
called, before a blush to match the copious rosepetals rises on her 
cheeks. "Uh... well. Me?"

E'vrin narrows his eyes at Maylia. "Well. Kill him on your own time, then, 
any or all of you. /After/ the birth."

Kassima kicks futilely towards Ushu. "Nay *that* him. *That* him! Kill 
him, kill him, kill him!" This gleeful chant is broken as the greenrider 
abruptly grips Meli's hand with considerable strength, teeth biting 
through lower lip in the effort to restrain a scream. "You're lucky I'm so 
fond of you," she snaps at E'vrin, "or I'd be pulling your intestines out 
through your nose and roasting them on an open fire right about now."

Out of the corner of her mouth, Meli stage-whispers to Aurian as she 
approaches. "/May/ said he was th'only one there..." almost as if she 
didn't quite believe it. "Aiiiiiieeeeeee....."

E'vrin grunts right back at the glowing light of his life, "I'd like to 
see you try. Right now you're about as nimble as a bovine in a mud 

Ushu the puddle weaves a tad bit unsteadily, clearly unaware that various 
people are plotting his death this very moment. And equally unaware that 
the bronzerider has been physically and verbally supporting him. "Ah. Yes. 
A birth, and.. and... where /are/ my notes on this?" As he speaks, the 
healer urgently flips through his research notes.

Aurian shudders and glances to Maylia, "Guess you better deliver May.." 
Never mind she was actually a rank higher than May when she was searched, 
but she wants no involvement in the spawn of evil.

Kassima would take Maylia's hand, but, you know, E'vrin's throat is such a 
more inviting target. At least, judging by the way she's trying to lunge 
for it. "You die, too!" she shrieks. "This is all *your* fault!"

"Let. GO!" Meli hisses through clenched teeth.

"Blame Lysseth!" E'vrin bites back, and if his grip on Ushu is now more 
painful than helpful ... well, at least the Igenite hasn't called for the 
healer's death yet. "It was /her/ flight, wasn't it? You can't blame /me,/ 
for my first--" Oh, shells.

Aurian blinks at E'vrin, "Its not Lysseth's fault she was caught by a male 
dragon with a male rider."

Of course it is. E'vrin transfers some glared energy at the brown rider. 
Plenty to go around.

Maylia's defensive glare encompases both Meli and Aurian, the one for 
obviously not believing her, and the other for delegating this to her. As 
Kassi attempts to share the Pains of her labour with the father, the 
Weyrlingmaster grimaces. "Didn't someone warn him he'd be taking his life 
in his own hands, being here?" She asks of the other two.

Kassima isn't listening to Meli, sadly. No, she's maintaining the 
Greenrider Grip of Death on the other's hand with one hand, while flailing 
for some reachable part of E'vrin to pummel with the other. "Aye, she 
rose, but 'twas *your* dragon who caught her! You, you, you!" So there! 

Meli's far too involved in separating her near-snapped metacarpals back 
into their respective locations to make note of E'v's slip of the tongue 
or any of the glares flying about. "Maylia...Aurian... y'think we could 
jus' tie her hands t'th'bedposts an'have her squeeze those?"

Aurian doesn't even feel the glare, "I don't think so Meli. She fights 
meaner than a wild wherry."

"Not now," E'vrin notes to Aurian and Meli. "She's wallowing, see?" And 
he's stepping out of range, oh yes, he is.

Aurian keeps her distance from Kassima, she's assisted births before but 
never with such... ferocity.

Meli's cries turn into low whimpers, as she pulls up a box and seats 
herself, resting her forehead in her free hand. "Maybe I c'n convince 
m'self that it's not my hand then.... s'not mine, not mine..." Head rises 
again, cheeks flushed. "Someone /please/ tell me she's progressin' a bit 

Ushu manages to somehow find his assortment of dubious Healer aids, and 
commences setting them out - noticeably rather far from Kassima's side. 
"Well, ah, now. Ma'am?" He calls, taking a seat on a handy box, clearly 
oblivious to the death threats. "Can you describe to me exactly what 
you're experiencing? My research you see..."

"Oh Faranth's ovaries you quack.. will you ruddy well check and see if 
she's dialated at all?" Aurian yells towards the petal pusher.

Wallowing? *Wallowing*? Kassi stabs one finger, ring glittering balefully, 
towards the bronzerider. "Kill hiiiiaiyeeeeeeee--" Seems that when Kassi's 
concentrating on killing someone, she can't concentrate very well on not 
screaming. "--eeeeeeeeyach! Shardit! I feel as though my innards are being 
ripped out of my body and tied in sailor's knots, you half-witted 
wher-arsed buffoon!"

E'vrin leaves off supporting Ushu: he has to defend himself now, and he 
does it instinctively, helplessly. He grabs at Kassima's finger, hand, 
before she can grab him -- and now /he's/ grabbed. Caught.

Ushu pales at Aurian's yell. "You mustn't yell. You'll get the mother all 
in a tizzy, now young girl." He corrects, then thinks about it. "You. You 
want /me/ to do that? Touch her /there/?" There's the soft sound of a body 
thwoumping to the floor, and a resounding crack as the front of his head 
makes contact with rock.

Dragon> Lysseth senses that Sharath crouches mentally, a thought's tail 
flickering. << I don't think she could kill him. >>

Caught, indeed, in the viselike grip of a greenrider who's *not* used to 
letting anything go before she's good and done with it. Pity him. Kassi's 
fingers clench around the captured hands, bone and ring-bands digging in 
mercilessly. "*Now* kill him!" she screeches as the Healer faints. At 
least this stress is taking her mind off of things.

Aurian closes her eyes, "He got promoted and I got passed over. I will 
never ever understand this." She glances to Kassima, "Oh he's probably 
dead now?"

Lysseth> Sharath senses that Lysseth admits freely, << She would not, were 
she sane, and probably not now. But she *could*. >>

Dragon> Lysseth senses that Sharath extends doubt. << Then she does /not/ 
love him. >>

Lysseth> Sharath senses that Lysseth exudes startlement. << The Healer? Of 
course not! >>

Dragon> Lysseth senses that Sharath scorns with a tail-flick. 
<< /E'vrin./ >>

Meli half-rises, peering across the bed to try to spot the Healer. "Well, 
so much f'that," she comments, then begins to work again at freeing 
herself between contractions. "F'he's still out when we're done, c'n we 
paint him blue or somethin'?"

E'vrin chokes on whatever new injunction he might have made against 
murder; need that breath to push down the pain of breaking fingers. 
"...Can't we just deliver the baby first?" he asks, now quite meek.

Lysseth> Sharath senses that Lysseth is suitably chastened. << Oh. Him. I 
think she does, but she won't admit it. Even to herself. >>

Maylia grumbles, "I'd rather drop him from the stones, myself," as she 
peers over the ample rise of Kassima's belly. A grin crosses her face, 
ever so slowly. "Ah, Auri?" Comes the sing-song voice. "You weren't passed 
over for /all/ promotions! Kassi, mentor-mine, wouldn't you rather a 
senior apprentice turned brownrider help you than a junior turned 

Kassima's grip relaxes slightly, yes, so Meli might be able to wrench 
free. "Love to," she gasps, panting. "Sooner this is over, believe me, the 
sharding bloody better--Maylia, I don't care *who* does it, so long as 
someone does and there are nay fardling *rose petals* involved!"

Dragon> Lysseth senses that Sharath salves somewhat with the chimed note, 
<< Not that this healer does not deserve some chiding, if not quite to the 
threshold of death. But ... ah. Well. I may tell E'vrin that. I may 
not. >>

Aurian glares at Maylia,"Shush woman!"

E'vrin asks Kassima, still winded and weak, "Would you like something to 
hold, do you think, besides my hand?" It /is/ still attached to his wrist, 
right? Never mind contractions and the primal wrench of childbirth -- his 
poor little hand hurts!

Meli does indeed extract herself. Grabbing a free towel, she wraps it 
around her forearm over her tunic and then places Kassi's hand back on it. 
"One o'you please decide, neh?"

Maylia looks just about ready to challenge the brownrider to a game of 
rock-shears-hides for the 'honour' of assisting in this birth, but the 
anticipation of doing something horrid to the pile of clothing that's Ushu 
speeds her on. "Okay, alright, fine. Lemme check and see where y'ar, 

Aurian points at Maylia, "You have to help."

Lysseth> Sharath senses that Lysseth agrees, mollified and droll, << He 
does. I do not understand why he is a Healer at all; he is always 
fainting. >>

Kassima agrees wearily, and with some relief, "Fine, fine, fine... E'vrin, 
listen t'me. 'Tis your fault that I'm about ready to start screaming in 
mortal agony, so the *least* you can do is let me break your hand. Don't 
you agree?" Her smile is more of a baring of teeth than anything else.

Aurian tilts her head at Maylia, "Thread, stone, or greens?" She holds a 
hand up/

E'vrin hesitates. "...You could have aborted." He's hushed, glancing 
furtively at the others. "We discussed that."

Kassima's eyes narrow. Dangerously. "Would you really have wanted me t'be 
doing that?"

Meli glances across the bed at E'vrin, at Kassi. "Now is /not/ th'time 
f'this, you two. Kassi... c'n you take maybe three or four slow, deep 
breaths an' calm y'self a bit, center y'self? You'll get th'baby all 
tensed up too." As if she were such an expert herself.

Maylia's hand raises, joining in that age-old manner of deciding who gets 
to be 'it', who gets first pick of candies, and now - who gets to not do 
the next step of delivering Evil unto Pern. "Count it off," She states, 
her hand in a fist.

A smile; a small smile. "Never," E'vrin confesses and lowers to his knees. 
Ignoring the rest ... he presses Kassima's knuckles to his lips, holds 
them there, and he watches her face, always, her face.

Aurian bounces her hand, "1.. 2.. 3.." Her hand shifting into a tight 

Maylia's hand bounces with the count, her own hand forming the sign for 
Thread - as predictable as can be.

Kassima's fire-filled gaze whips about to Meli for a moment, delivering a 
second of pure glare, before she falls back against the pillows and 
obediantly breathes. Puff. Puff. As her knuckles are kissed, however, she 
softens perceptibly--a miracle!--and even manages a tremulous and pain-
touched smile. "Sorry," she rasps. "Should've warned you I'd be a 
harridan." Even more miraculously, she doesn't kill the two who are 
playing shears-rocks-hides to see who has to deliver her offspring. 
Although she's probably tempted.

Aurian sighs, "Grab a glow May and hold it near by so I can see better." 
She walks towards the caterwauling rider.

Maylia dutifully hands over the glowstick, smiling smugly. Heh.

E'vrin spares a glance towards the three women brewing over his lover's 
cauldron about to bubble over, and he shakes his head briefly. "I'm no 
paragon of solicitude," he reminds Kassima. "Does the breathing help? 
Isn't there some drug, herb, something?"

"Probably," Kassi wheezes, "but I'd nay lay bets on Ushu having brought 
it." Trust Kassi to be thinking of gambling at a time like this. 
"Breathing's better'n naught, but all that really helps is for it t'be 

Maylia offers E'vrin a smile, illuminated in the eerie greenish glow of 
the Healers instrument, held to illuminate the nether regions of her 
mentor. "Check in Ushu's satchel? I'll wager he brought naught but 

Telgar Weyr> Trilana wheedles RP out of all the lovely nice people on the 

Telgar Weyr> Kassima is a wee bit busy ATM, sorry. ;)

Telgar Weyr> Trilana darns.

Telgar Weyr> K'ti ponders falling down the crack in a moment herself 
(going home)

Telgar Weyr> Maylia says, "Just say No to crack..."

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Well, I suppose I *could* come downstairs in 
the middle of labor and give birth on the LC floor, but, y'know, the 

Telgar Weyr> Trilana blinks.

Telgar Weyr> Maylia spews ham sandwich over her monitor, Kassi...

Telgar Weyr> Meli says, "I don't think Lyss would want to get all drippy, 

E'vrin starts to reach, then gives the Weyrlingmaster a pained smile in 
return. "I'm well and truly caught; the bag's too far. But if breathing 
works ... surely it's almost here?"

Telgar Weyr> K'ti thinks May's ham sandwich is worse'n the mess on Lys' 
back then ;)

Aurian blinks, "Faranth.. she's fully dialated."

"Great golden egg goobers," Meli intones with a sigh. "Tha's good t'hear."

Kassima, once again helpful--she really is helpful tonight, in case 
anyone's managed to miss that--aids E'vrin's pained smile along by 
gripping his hand even tighter as another contraction hits--this one 
accompanied by a strangled scream. "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" 
she yells at Aurian, not exactly conversant in those technical Healer 

E'vrin ventures, when he can speak again, "Meli said it's good...."

Aurian waggles her hands, "Maylia... this baby is gonna get born soon!"

Telgar Weyr> Syrali says, "Ooh. Methinks I sense a spawning."

Telgar Weyr> Trilana says, "Probably."

Maylia relaxes visibly. The Terror is nearly over - and she's not even 
getting a crushed hand. "That's the best news all day, Aurian." She 
intones, pushing sleeves up, clearly ready to help despite her earlier 

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Was it the screams from on high that gave it 
away? ;)"

Telgar Weyr> Syrali says, "Nah. The congregation."

Telgar Weyr> Trilana figured it out when Kassima offered to have the spawn 
on the LC floor. ;P

Telgar Weyr> Syrali bets she'd do it, too.

Telgar Weyr> Trilana nods. Yeah. When my mom had me, she yelled at my dad 
and said: "GET ME MY COAT! I'M GOING HOME!" So he got the coat and then 
she hit him a few times and said: "WHAT ARE YOU DOING GIVING ME MY COAT? 

Telgar Weyr> Syrali giggles.

Aurian yanks off her gloves and jacket, "Ok Kassima.. breathe carefully.." 
She glances to E'vrin, "There is a small brazier in here, start heating 
it. Don't want to welcome the baby into a cold weyr."

Telgar Weyr> Trilana says, "And what was worse was that the nurse lady 
encouraged my dad to get the coat when he didn't think he should and then 
yelled at him when my mom did."

Telgar Weyr> Syrali says, "Poor guy."

Telgar Weyr> Trilana says, "My poor dad."

"Well, then, can't you make it *hurry*?" Kassima demands, shaking sweat-
dripping bangs from her face. "Shardit! I've had enough! If'n this spawn's 
nay born soon, I'm going to quit this whole idea, I'm telling you." Denial 
is such a lovely phase. She does indeed breathe, though, carefully if 
rather sullenly.

E'vrin tugs again at the joined hands binding him to bedside. "I /can't,/ 
Aurian; I'm sorry." His eyes prod their soft, hooded worry back at 
Kassima. "I should stay beside her, anyway. That's only proper." So noble, 

"An' find some extra towels, clean ones, f'th'baby," Meli adds. She 
readjusts her position on the box, a tad closer to the bed so that she can 
lean against it. "Nearly there, Kassi..." only wincing slightly as the 
yelling strikes her ears.

Kassima gives E'vrin's hand a quick squeeze, unmindful of the fact that 
this is a pretty poor way to show affection at the moment, all things 
considered. "Aiiiieeeyarch!" is her sole, shrieked reply to Meli.

Meli closes her eyes, nose wrinkling, shoulders hunching. Bruised forearm, 
broken hand, ruptured eardrums. This is going to cost....

Aurian glances to Maylia, "She's supposed to start pushing now right?"

E'vrin winces, but since no one's immediately demanding words of him ... 
he can hide the pain. Now /he's/ breathing rhythmically.

Maylia gestures to the towels, clean but for the odd fleck of pinkish rose 
petals. "Got'em." The pile of supplies is the one and only way Ushu was 
useful, it might seem. "All set, I'll start the brazier." She suggests, 
nodding to Aurian. "Unles s you want to? Push, yes."

Aurian takes the towels, "You start it.. " SHe glances to Kassima, "Um 

Kassima is quite willing to oblige the request for pushing, yes, and does 
so; the only request she'd be happier to oblige would probably be one to 
kill Ushu. "How much *longer*?" she wails--then, accusatory of Meli, "I 
thought you said this'd go *faster*!"

Meli straightens, looking back at Kassi, then over at the candles on the 
wall. "Hasn't been all tha' long, Kassi...." she manages. "Jus' /seems/ 
longer t'you."

Aurian calls, "Ok Kassima.. another big push!"

E'vrin hunches over Kassima's and his pain-jointed, pain-joined hands, as 
if he would pitch in pushing, too. His gaze is fixed on the great belly. 
Go. Go.

"Methinks," Kassima decides, gritting her teeth, bearing down on E'vrin's 
hand, and obediantly pushing, "that if'n 'tis all the same t'you, I'm 
going t'stick Ushu's head down a bloody *latrine* when this is over." 
Which threat is followed up, of course, by a resounding, throat-ripping 
scream. Even Lysseth winces.

Maylia returns, the brazier beginning to add some warmth to the air, and 
adds her encouraging words. "Push, and it'll be over. Just one more...?" 
Someone hand her pompoms and a megaphone.

When he can, E'vrin asks rather breathlessly, "But what did Ushu do except 
faint? I think your friends are doing fine; never mind about the healer."

Aurian nods, "One more!"

Kassima takes a deeeeeeep breath, uses her spare hand to wipe blood from 
her bitten lip, and hisses, "You'd *better* be right about that," before 
giving her all to the indicated push. Including a third scream which, this 
time, ends in a voice-cracked squeak; oh, the indignities of it all!

Dragon> Lysseth senses that Sharath projects, << She sounds like a little 
bird. >>

One can almost hear Meli's thoughts, read her lips as she echoes this 
sentiment inaudibly. "Push push push push push."

Aurian bites her bottom lip, "Uh just one more Kassi.." So they were 

E'vrin swallows a moan. /One/ more. Sure.

Kassima can only *gape* at Aurian. "What?" she shrills, with another 
crack. "E'vrin, help me kill *them* when this is over!" But she does 
push--really, she can't much help it--and gives that hand-breaking another 
go. Amazing that *her* fingers don't snap, as tightly clenched as they 

Lysseth> Sharath senses that Lysseth marvels, << Doesn't she, though? She 
usually can't make such sounds. >>

Dragon> Sharath bespoke Lysseth with << And she does like death, to throw 
it around at her friends and colleagues like a gift. >>

Lysseth> Sharath senses that Lysseth rumbles noncommittally, << Perhaps 
she thinks everyone should give death a chance. >> This message has been 
brought to you by the Death Council.

And at that there is a mighty cry. Aurian calls, "Um May I need those 
towels...its a something."

Dragon> Lysseth senses that Sharath extends cool doubt. << Death? Let's 
not jump to conclusions. >>

Kassima falls back against the pillows, gasping for breath, and gaping--
again--at Aurian. "'Sa *what*?"

Lysseth> Sharath senses that Lysseth's thoughts only reflect the unique 
color of a red emerald in reply.

E'vrin demands, "Is it a baby?"

Kassima barely manages to refrain from smacking E'vrin. "What d'you think 
'tis, a *chicken*?" she demands.

Aurian gets the umbilical cord moved, "Oh! My! Its a boy!"

Meli gapes. Just gapes. "A boy? F'Kassi????"

E'vrin defends, "She said 'something' -- how should I know whether -- a 

But then, of course, through the miracle of childbirth--and oh, boy, is it 
a miracle this time--Kassi abandons all (yes, all) thoughts of violence in 
the attempt to struggle to a sitting-up position despite her muscles' 
extreme protest. "A lad? A son? Let me see!" And yes, she does let go of 
E'vrin's maltreated hand to reach eagerly for the crying baby, heedless of 
mess or his still-attached state.

"Hurrah!" Meli exclaims, leaning forward to try to see herself. "Good job, 
Kassi. Ten fingers an' ten toes?" she asks the two healer-types.

The baby boy screams with a set of lungs that could possibly be heard all 
over the weyr. Aurian wraps him carefully, "Ten fingers ten toes and 

E'vrin immediately snatches his hand to his breast for brooding nursing; 
after a few beats, he nudges forward on his knees to see with wide, wide 

Meli grins fit to burst, rising and scooching the box away from the bed. 
"Ah, wonderful. "Y'got a name ready?" she asks, giving her fingers a 
waggle after pulling off her glove.

Aurian walks to Kassima, the little squaling mass offered.

Kassima's eyes positively shine at the healthily-lunged yelling. "Gimme, 
gimme, gimme," she pleads, but she takes the tiny, ruddy, black-haired 
bundle so gently when offered that you'd think her son were made of blown 
glass. "E'vrin, just look," she chokes out through the lump in her throat. 
"He's *beautiful*." Names? Names, what?

"Keveris," E'vrin answers absently, all other attention on the child. His 
child. Their child.

Telgar Weyr> Trilana wavies. Congrats, Kassi, on the SPawn.

Dragon> Telgar dragons sense that Juliath lets out with a resounding 
mental bugle.

Dragon> Telgar dragons sense that Kvasith bugles quite loudly. Heck why be 
mental about it.

Meli grins still, nodding at this murmur. She starts to extract herself 
from the tableau, leaving the family together. "Nice job t'you two too," 
she murmurs to Aurian and Maylia. "An' now... what t'do w'this pile?" with 
a nudge of her toe at Ushu's still still form.

Kassima dreamily agrees, cuddling the baby close, carressing one tiny 
cheek with her forefinger to soothe him, "Keveris, aye. A fine, strong 
name, Keveris." Absent, then, "I still think you should kill him." That 
would be Ushu she's referring to, most likely.

Aurian stares at her sticky hands, "Keveris a lovely name.." She glances 
at Ushu, "Drop him in the lake?"

Dragon> Telgar dragons sense that Lysseth joins in the deafening chorus, 
loudest of all and with a great deal of mental pyrotechnics. So what if 
most of the Weyr's asleep? Wake them up!

E'vrin touches the infant's head with just a fingertip, stirring a few 
strands of pitch hair. "A long name, though," he muses. "Could we nickname 
him? Children can be cruel about their peers' names...."

Meli's nose twitches, eyes sparkling a touch through their mistiness. 
"Well, le's drag him back to one o'th'dragons a'least." She bends down to 
grab one boot, apparently intent on dragging him feet first, head be 

Kassima laughs softly, pressing her lips to the baby's crown as his cries 
fade into muted whimpers. "Better than m'cousin Lirymorisia, but I agree. 
Don't know that I like the sound of 'Kev', though." Belatedly, she looks 
up long enough to thank the women present with shining and unashamedly wet 
eyes, "Thankee, by the by."

Aurian blinks and then smiles a bit shyly, "Ummm your welcome of 

E'vrin hastens to add, not without his own dampness, "Yes, yes, thank you. 
You were all wonderful." He wasn't, goes without saying. Then, softer to 
Kassima: "'Kris,' perhaps? It's short, and it has that nice sibilant for 
hissing when he's getting yelled at."

Meli gives a nod in reply, mouthing a "You're welcome" as she works on 
rousing the healer, playfulness at an end. "Let's get him out o'here, 
leave them alone, neh?"

Aurian nods to Meli, "Oh aye. For certain."

Kassima adds softly, swiveling her gaze to the bronzerider, "And thankee 
most of all, m'dear. Oh! 'Kris'--I like the sound of that. I do."

E'vrin presses a kiss to her temple. "You did the work, and you know it." 
All together now: awwwwwww.

Telgar Weyr> Meli waves a good night to the weyr. Survived another one. :)

Aurian drags Ushu out by his wrists.

Kassima leans over just enough to rest her own head on E'vrin's shoulder, 
exhaustion battling with euphoria. Of course, a single look at the baby 
snuggled in her arms is enough to bring back the euphoria. "But I couldn't 
have done it without you, and *you* know *that*." She's ignoring the 
plight of poor Ushu for now. She can kill him *later*.

Telgar Weyr> Syrali tickles Kass. Congratulations. ;)

Telgar Weyr> Kassima would take a bow, but it'd hurt too much. ;)

Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "Post Kassi post"

Aurian pulls herself up onto Kvasith, carefully. Her fingers grip at the 
straps as she eases herself onto his back.

Telgar Weyr> Syrali grins. Numbweed?

Telgar Weyr> A'lex groans, "ANOTHER one? Prettysoon we're going to be over 
run... ;)

From upon Kvasith, Aurian drags Ushu onto the dragon infront of her. Yep 
its the lake for him. But she won't let him drown.

Telgar Weyr> Syrali says, "Overran the first time she spawned. ;)"

Telgar Weyr> A'lex says, "At least I still have the use of both my hands 
this time..."

Telgar Weyr> Syrali hmms. What'd she do to you /last/ time?

Telgar Weyr> A'lex says, "Just crushed my hand... no big deal."

Telgar Weyr> Syrali says, "Oh, well. That's not much. O.o"

21   Kassima         Fri Jan 22 22:51 1999 The End Of the World, Part III.

        It was a dark and stormy night... aww, heck, no it wasn't. But it 
was at least a *dark* night when Kassima, attended by E'vrin of Igen, 
Meli, Maylia, Aurian, and Telgar's own ineffectual Ushu, gave birth to her 
third child--a son, wonder of wonders, whom she and E'vrin have named 
Keveris, to be called Kris for short.
        Mother and son will be recouperating in the weyr for awhile, but 
word has it that visitors (especially if they bring large monetary 
donations with them! ;) would be appreciated. :) Amazingly enough, Ushu 
survived the experience, as did all involved.


Kvasith spreads his wings and leaps from Lysseth's ledge.

Maylia trots off to Tierth, quietly leaving the trio in the peace of the 

Maylia swings up to her place astride Tierth, her lifemate welcoming her 
with a rumble.

Tierth spreads her wings and leaps from Lysseth's ledge.

E'vrin does have to peer, bemused, out after Ushu's departure, as ignoble 
as his presence, then he turns back to completing the tight-knit trio. 
Mother, father, child -- with murder and mayhem yet to come.

Murder and mayhem, indeed--though child, at least, will probably be 
incapable of such for at least awhile longer, and mother is far too 
exhausted to be of much use in those pursuits either. "Y'know," Kassima 
muses, just as she drifts off to sleep with head still propped on E'vrin's 
shoulder, "it should be interesting to see how this one turns out...." So 
stay tuned, same Bat-time, same Bat-channel.