-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kilting En Masse Date: January 26, 1997 Place: Benden Weyr's Living Cavern Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: Meli, K'nan, P'tran, M'kla, Kassima, and Asrai have something in common--kilts! Granted, Kassi's and Asrai's are only loaners, and the Fearless Leader declines to wear his, but it's nevertheless a kiltstravaganza at Benden all touched off by Meli's Turnday gift. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: You walk past the lintel and into the wide living cavern. Jalimax waves at kassi Davidon waves hello to Kassi, giving her a strange look before quickly turning back to Lavinia, "Well, I've been here for a few turns now, but before I lived near Southern Boll." Kassima whistles a faintly recognizable tune to herself as she strides in, hands tucked in her pockets. "G'deve!" she calls to the room with a cheerful wave, blinking a bit as Davi looks at her strangely but then dismissing the thought. She's quick to head over to the citron pitcher, plucking a meatroll from a tray as well. Davidon coughs into his hand, "Ah, how are those firelizards of yours Kassi?" Lavinia nods "Sorry, I was tnking about somethin, Is it warm there." Lavinia takes a mug and pours herseldf a glass of citron." Kassima grins impishly at Davi. "Oh, very well indeed," is her answer, and she laughs to herself as she slides into a chair. "And Sassy? I take it she's just as well?" Lavinia smiles "hi,m I'm Lavinia." Davidon nods, "Aye, very warm there. Makes winters nice, and summers sharding unbearable." he blinks at Kassi, "Eer, she was fine last I saw her, um, curled up on my cot." Lavinia smiles "Now I live here in Benden, what do you do here." Lavinia munches a meatroll Meli walks in from the bowl. Davidon thumbs his knot, "I'm a trainee dragonhealer. Ah, but mostly I scrub floors and crush herbs, or boil numbweed." Kassima ohs and nods to Davi, still grinning. "Aye, I just bet she was, Davi." Chuckling, she turns to nod to Lavinia in greeting. "Well met. M'name's Kassima, green Lysseth's rider... you live here, y'say? I can't recall seeing you about before." Lavinia says "I don't have a craft ,yet."" Meli strides in, flipping off her riding jacket as she goes. With a wave to those present, she vtol-lines it to the tables, grabbing some meatrolls and some juice. Davidon makes a face at Kassi and pales slightly before pausing to wave to Meli. Lavinia grins "I'm thu,thinking of either becoming a starsmith or a harper, i, meli. Meli blinks as someone calls her name. "Evenin'" she replies, with a questioning glance at the young woman. "Have we met?" she asks politely. Lavinia smiles and looksat Meli "Hi." Kassima waves to the arriving greenrider. "Meli! 'Twas hoping I'd catch you; I've that Turnday gift I mentioned, out on Lysseth's straps. Figured I was bound to run into you sooner or later." She chuckles. "Glad to see 'twas right. Hold on but half a moment, and I'll go get it for you." She's quick to get up and dash from the cavern. You walk down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Benden LC> Lavinia smiles "Hi, my name is Lavinia,sorry, I herad what Davidon said and just called you buy thatbname." Benden LC> Meli breaks into a grin then, extending a hand palm up. "Well! Tha's a good ear y'have, then. Well met, Lavinia." Benden LC> Lavinia smiles impishly "Thank, was it your turnday ,I mean was your turnday a few days ago?" Benden LC> Lavinia high fives Meli You walk past the lintel and into the wide living cavern. Meli takes a seat, setting down her juice mug. "Eh?" she replies, glancing out at the bowl. "Turnday? Yeh, a few weeks back. Jus' been too busy t'celebrate til now." Lavinia says "Oh, well happy turndasy" V'rue walks in from the bowl. Kassima walks back in with a leather bundle under one arm, which she's quick to proffer to her friend. "Sorry this is so belated, Meli, but I figure 'tis better late than nay 'tall. This gift's from me, Aph, K'nan, and Asrai." Meli nods, with a smile, turning to look at Kassi as she re-enters. And then, she catches sight of the Fort rider and calls over the duties softly. Taking the gift, she smiles. "Thanks, Kassi! Y'really didn't have t'do it, though." Benden Weyr> N'ren idly debates wandering into the LC, taking some woman into his arms (Meli, maybe), and dipping her. And then, just as quickly, wandering back out. Kassima nods to the Fort rider and calls, "Benden's duties to Fort and her queens... ach, a'course we did, Meli! You're a friend, are you nay?" Benden Weyr> Meli LOL. "Dip? Chocolate or cheese fondue?" Benden Weyr> Asrai chuckles Benden Weyr> Suzotchka hurries to the LC. ;) V'rue nods, "Fort's duty to Benden Weyr! Am I interrupting a party?" Benden Weyr> N'ren says, "No, no. More like in an intricate dance." Benden Weyr> N'ren likes confusing people. ;) Benden Weyr> Meli was teasing :) Benden Weyr> Suzotchka says, "Oh. Well, in that case, n ever mind." Davidon smiles at Lavinia, "Thinking of being a Starsmith? Really? I think that would be a very interesting craft." he nods hello to V'rue. Benden Weyr> Suzotchka wanted to be fondued. Mehlani looks up shyly from her seat on the floor by the hearth, and scoots a little closer to the fire at the sight of all these strangers in the caverns. Benden Weyr> Davidon wonders if 'smiling quietly' is bad RP Benden Weyr> Suzotchka says, "Well, not technically, though I've never heard a loud smile." Benden Weyr> N'ren says, "Well, it's better than smiling at 80 or 90 decibels." Meli eyes the package again, then to the bluerider she replies "Neh, not really. But p'rhaps we could start one, now there's a full company present." V'rue helps himself to a cup of klah. Benden Weyr> Davidon snuffles, "Oh well, glad I'm not going for the best RP award" Kassima chuckles and shakes her head. "Eh, nay, nay really. What brings you to Benden this eve?" She's still watching Meli and the present, anticipating her friend's reaction. Meli quirks a grin at Kassi, and then with a shrug opens the package, careful not to spill her juice mug in the process. V'rue says "Just delivering a package," he looks around, "A different package." In Mehlani's arms, Holl peeks around, less shyly than the human girl who's holding him, and chitters occasionally, eyes whirling with curiosity. [Editor's Note: Here's the desc I @pemitted to Meli. :) ] As you pull away the wrappings of thin black cloth, more cloth is revealed to you--but this, you can tell, is the gift itself. A simple tunic of bluish green fabric lies atop the pile, with a black cord used to lace it; beneath, you find a belt and belt pouch that are also of black leather, tooled extensively with dragons. The last item is--of course--a kilt. Checked with green and black, red embroidery trims the edges, so that it represents each of the colors of a Benden greenrider. The wool is meant to fall just above the knees, a bit shorter than most skirts you may be used to. V'rue seems to choke on his klah as he harkens to a silent voice. "Omph! I gotta go!" V'rue runs out of the cavern. V'rue walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Davidon looks over at V'rue as he runs out, "What's going on?" Meli carefully pulls away the wrapping of black cloth, only to reveal a set of clothing within. First she spies a simple tunic of bluish green, to which she gives a pleased smile. Looking further, however, she suddenly tosses her head back and laughs out loud, as she reveals what can only be a kilt, in green and black with red trim. "Kassi!" Mehlani blinkblinks, quirking her head at the oddly colored... skirt? Kassima grins mischievously. "Well, we thought mayhaps you could use one!" Meli, grinning fit to burst, pulls out the kilt and holds it up against her for size. "Eeyeh! I like th'color, but won't m'knees get cold?" Davidon smiles at Kassi's gift, "jays, you're going to make the weavers rich buying all those kilts." Kassima grins. "'Tis why 'tis meant for wear in summer or in warm places! Much better for summer Gathers than some floor-length gown." Meli grins again, eyes sparkling. "Well, after all th'trouble we went to w'the fellows, I guess it's only fair tha' I have one too, then." N'ren walks in from the bowl. Kassima laughs and nods in agreement. "Meli, I only wish you'd been here to see Mart get his kilt! The expression on his face was just priceless... I'll definitely have to buy more at the next Gather. Who would you say could use a good kilting?" N'ren wanders in. He sort of haphazardly heads towards the turnday girl and her cohorts. Mehlani gets to her feet and creeps closer to the grownups talking about kilt things. Brow furrowed, the girl stands on her tiptoes, to get a better look at the present. Meli, looks up as N'ren approaches, with a nod of her head in greeting. Davidon waves to N'ren. N'ren doesn't seem to notice anyone, adjusting his angle to put him on an intercept path with Meli. Meli begins to turn to pick up the tunic and belt, preparing to go try the outfit on. Kassima waves to N'ren rather absently, as she quips to Meli, "'Least we won't have to chase you around the room with the thing to get you to try it on, I'm hoping?" N'ren steps close to Meli, invading her personal space, and stopping her from turning too far. He pulls her into his arms, and proceeds to dip her, as if he was participating in a throw dance with her. Meli manages to keep from falling over, unexpectedly finding herself peering up at N'ren from a nearly horizontal position. "Ah!" she says clearing her throat. "G'deve, N'ren!" N'ren plants a kiss on Meli's forehead, and then stands the greenrider back up. He releases here and turns away. He doesn't say a word as he, apparently, leaves the Cavern. Meli, still clutching her outfit to her, stares after N'ren, astonished. "Well!" is all she can come up with, through her smile. N'ren walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Kassima blinks at the whole show, then simply shakes her head in bemusement. "I suppose I shouldn't be surprised by *aught* that happens around here, anymore, nay matter how strange it may be." Davidon blinks as he watches, unable to really find anything to say about that. Mehlani looks at all the grownups, wrinkles her little brow, then decides to peer at the kilt again. Meli shakes her head, turning to the others as if hoping they'll have some explanation. But then she just shrugs, adding "Least he didn't drop me" she chuckles. "I'd best go try this on now, neh?" Lavinia walks in from the kitchen. Kassima chuckles, and nods. "Aye, I'm curious as to how 'twill look. Can't say I've ever seen a female wearing a kilt, and I'm curious. 'Least Juliath won't snort at you, eh?" Lavinia giggles at the comment Kassima made "A l,kilt Meli wrinkles her nose at Kassi, but slips out into the inner caverns to try on her new outfit. Meli returns, carrying her riding clothes in a fairly neat bundle. Setting them down, she tugs at the kilt a bit as if trying to make it longer. "Well. S'different, tha's for sure." Jalimax chuckles and looks at Meli, "Hmmmm... Sometimes I'm glad I'm not a rider." Lavinia giggles Kassima grins at Meli. "I think it suits. You'll make quite a splash at Gathers if you go out in that one, that's for sure." Davidon leans over in his chair to get a look at Meli's new outfit. Mehlani blinkblinkblinks at Meli, wide-eyed. The fire lizard, making his way up to the little girl's shoulder, cheeps once in noticeable confusion at such a ... colorful piece of garb. Meli sticks her tongue out maturely, but gives a twirl to test the kilt. It doesn't rise up -too- much, being made of wool, but she chuckles nonetheless. "Have t'be sure t'wear shorts under this." Davidon nods to Meli, "Safer that way." he calls to the greenrider, blushing slightly. Kassima grins. "So you won't end up like K'nan and R'val, y'mean? Truth. Still wish we could've gotten the dragons to whuffle at Mart; Lyss is still curious about why that makes people turn so very red, but anyway. D'you like it, then?" Benden Weyr> C'vadan still can't believe everyone is falling for Kassi's evil plan... :) Benden Weyr> Lily perks up. Evil plan? Benden Weyr> Jalimax isn't. Meli nods, chuckling still. "Yeh, I like it. Really not much diff'rent than a skirt, after all. Not quite so strange t'me as it must be for th'gents." Benden Weyr> Asrai says, "But you guys look good in kilts...not out fault ;)" Asrai walks here from the Inner Cavern. Lavinia looks at Meli=Is it itchy?" Asrai steps back into the living cavern, giving a bright smile and a wave to all those present. Lavinia waves "Hi Asri,Asrai." Meli tilts her head, considering this. "Not right now, but I guess it might be when sittin' down, an' when it gets hotter." Benden Weyr> Kassima grins at Lily. The Kilt Plan. ;) Lavinia smiles "Just don't wear it in the summer Benden Weyr> Jazmin decloaks and wows at the numbers.. Benden Weyr> Lily believes F'red will look utterly charming in a kilt. All Minecraft apprentices should wear them.;) Asrai blinks as she plops down in an empty seat near the others, "Is what itchy?" Benden Weyr> Suzotchka doesn't look good in a kilt. Not that I've ever worn one. Benden Weyr> Meli wouldn't mind getting E'd in one either :) Benden Weyr> Caitria asks everyone to please give Cav a kilt. If he gets enough of them, maybe he'll wear one. ;) Hi, Jazmin. :) Lavinia looks at Asrai "Meli's new kilt,it is ool,wool,? Kassima nods to Meli. "Aye, 'tis nay so much shorter than m'last Gather dress that I wore to Boll; 'twas telling the protesters that there was naught wrong with such a skirt, but for some reason, they wouldn't believe me." Benden Weyr> Suzotchka heys! I thought it was the Boullioni Plan, Secret Agent Kassimalglephinarmsi. Benden Weyr> N'ren says, "Caitria, there's a real easy way to get him to wear a kilt, and it's one you can pull off too." Lavinia giggles Meli sits down, carefully. "Yeh, but in th'winter, m'legs'll get too cold." Benden Weyr> Suzotchka sniggles. The 'easy way' or the 'kilt' is someone she can pull off? Lavinia sits down on the couch next to Asrai." Asrai ohs, "Meli, you like it?? Benden Weyr> Meli pictures Tria pulling off Cav's kilt. *grins at Suz* Benden Weyr> Kassima will be sure to do that, Tria, and thinks that's a *fine* idea, Lily! ;) I have lots of Evil Plans, Agent Suzotchkafedoracasidia, lots and lots. Just ask F'hlan sometime. :) Benden Weyr> K'nan fires a silenced pistol at Suzotchka. She's revealing too much about EPGROTTOTW. ;) Benden Weyr> C'vadan says, "You're no help, N'ren..." Lavinia wrinlkles her nose "oh. yeahg. didn't think aboutthat." Benden Weyr> Caitria ohhs? at N'ren. Benden Weyr> Caitria likes the idea of a breakaway kilt. Benden Weyr> N'ren says, "Yes, Caitria. Just wait until he has a long night and then dawn sweeps... and then steal all of his pants in the middle of the night." Benden Weyr> Jazmin peers at the knot, decides it's in a foreign language and tries not to look too dumb. Meli gives Asrai a wave of greeting. "Evenin'! Yeh, I like it. Don' ask me why..." Asrai grins, "I was there when we picked them all out. " She looks to Kassi, "Has P'tran worn his yet? Benden Weyr> Lily says, "Especially if it's a windy day. *wink*" Benden Weyr> K'tyn grins and uh, did that by accident at an SCA event one time. Tugged playfully at a knight's kilt and it came off. ;) Heh. Twas pretty funny, though I was mortified.:) Lavinia says "A man, a kilt?:" *Lavinia looks confused*" Meli scratches at her knee, fiddling with the embroidery at the edge of the kilt with her other hand. "Think it'd be appropriate for th'hatchin' at Ista?" Kassima shakes her head at Asrai. "Nay that I know of, nay; with Herath's flight and all, 'twas too chaotic that day. I hope they're selling kilts again at the Weaver's tent next Gather; the things are just too marvelous." Mehlani sits down silently on a chair, just listening to all of this. Her fire lizard settles down to perch on her shoulder, tail curled affectionately about the child's neck. Davidon looks at Lavinia and grins, "Well, they are for men you know." he motions towards the kilt. "But Meli looks so nice in that one, I wonder if we shouldn't chip in and get one for Kassi. Davidon chuckles, "Kassi, they had kilts right at the weaver hall you know." Meli's eyes widen, and she quickly digs through her pile of riding clothes til she finds her belt pouch. Pulling out some marks after a moment, she pushes them towards Davi. "I'll chip in f'that!" Asrai giggles some more, "That would serve you right Kassi...since you're making everyone else where them and all." Davidon smiles, and eyes the marks, "I'll need a ride over yonder to the weaverhall to pick it up though." Meli snaps her fingers. "Done an' done!" to Davi. Lavinia smiles "What about me?" Kassima snorts at Davi. "'Tis nay so fun as buying one in the middle of a Gather, d'you ken? Aigh! Me, a kilt? Oh, shells, I don't know about that... I mean, the marks could be so much better spent on a kilt for someone else." Davidon grins, "great, just as soon as we get a few more marks for this I'll be ready." he rolls his eyes at Kassi, "Yeahrightwhatever." Meli nearly ignores Kassi, conspiring with Davi. "I c'n think of a few gents'll be more'n glad t'chip in." And to Lavinia, Meli smiles. "D'you mean you want a kilt too, or you want t'chip in for Kassi's?" Davidon nods, "I'm sure M'rgan and K'nan will want to help. R'val too perhaps." Lavinia says "I want one, that may sound a little strange though" Asrai giggles, quite amused, "Now now Kassi....you know they aren't going to let you get away with not getting one for yourself as well." she shakes her head at her friend, sending one or two more fluffy wherry down feathers floating in the air...seems she still hasn't managed to get them all out yet. Lavinia giggles Meli hrms, tapping her nose with a finger. "Maybe in orange an' purple, with green spots?" Lavinia has the giggles today, she doesm't know why, it might be the same reason that is causing her to want strange things Kassima shudders. "But I don't *need* a kilt!" she protests plaintively. "I bought *enough* clothes this Turn to last me at least three more. Aiyee, Meli, what'd I ever do t'you?" Lavinia shakes her head "I don't think so, maybe one that's red and black Jalimax looks at Kassi, "Of course you need a kilt!" Kassima asks of Jalimax, "And why, pray tell, do I need a kilt?" Meli stifles her grin, still looking at Davi. "An' a nice, striped top in pink an' yellow." Jalimax smiles, "Cause you'd look well in one ?" Davidon nods, "bright pink and yellow is a fine combination too." Lavinia groans "Oh, Asrai :smiles brightly as the tables are finally turned on Kassi, then she looks at Meli and makes a face at her suggestion. Lavinia looks at Meli in disgust Meli chuckles, then turns to Kassi 'Neh, wouldn't really do tha' to you... this one" with a gesture at her kilt "s'too nice t'give you a horrible one like tha' in return." Kassima rolls her eyes. "Well, you can buy me a kilt, but you can't make me wear it, sharditall. Especially if 'tis," she makes a face, "*orange.* Or *pink*. Or *yellow*, for that matter." Davidon looks at Lavinia's expression and chuckles. Lavinia blushes Asrai looks confused, "But Kassi, you're making everyone else wear theirs....why won't you wear yours? When they get it for you that is...and assuming they are just teasing about the colors..." Jalimax nods to Asrai. Lavinia nods in agreement Davidon blinks at Kassi and frowns, "Well, you not wearing a kilt isn't going to help you get others to wear thiers ya know." he says softly, slowly shaking his head. Lavinia says "They aren't really that bad ya now"" Kassima shrugs. "If they're nay kidding about the colors, I suppose it wouldn't be *so* bad. But orange and purple, with green spots? Yech. Anyway, I'd much rather buy them for others than m'self. Sure you can't be persuaded to spend that kilt money on someone who could use a kilting much more than me?" "As long as your wear shorts under um." Davi murmurs. Meli shakes her head. "Can't think o'anyone who could use one more'n you." Kassima suggests, "Cav could use a kilt, I bet. Tria was just saying so." Asrai giggles, "But Kassi....we think /you/ should have one too." She looks around for confirmation on this. "Of course....we /could/ just chase you around the living cavern with it till it'd be less embaressing just to put it on...." Her violet eyes sparkle with amusement as she uses kassi's own words and logic against her. Mehlani walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Meli bites her lower lip, ducking her head and covering her mouth with her hand. *cough cough* Davidon smiles at Kassi, "Tria already got one for him." Lavinia smmiles Kassima snorts, sounding amused. "Asrai, if'n 'twere seeking to flee from a kilt, I'd probably run for m'life the second I saw the package. That was Mart's mistake, y'know--oh, did she? Somehow, I'm nay surprised." Lavinia laughs her green eyes dancing, ans her auburn curls bouncing Asrai makes a mental note to herself to change the shape of the package when they give the kilt to Kassi. Davidon nods, "Well, if you run in fear of it, how do you think others will get talked into wearing one. They'll just say, 'that greenrider Kassi won't wear one, why should I'". Lavinia grins at Asrai Asrai nods in her version of sageness. Kassima shakes her finger at Davi. "I said *if*, Davi; y'think I don't know that 'twould be a bad thing for m'persuading if 'twere to come to pass? Few folk listen to a hypocrite. With good reason, I imagine. So aye, if'n 'twere given one, I'd wear it--but only so long as 'twas nay in some sharding awful coloration." Meli looks up, clearing her throat. "Neh, we'd give y'the same as mine, prolly, wouldn't we?" she asks the others. Davidon smiles, "Well, I think we'll find something that won't be as powerful as say, yellow and pink. Something with the weyr colors 'an all." Lavinia smiles at Kassi "Yeah something red, black and grey." Asrai nods in agreement, "Besides...do they really put orange pink and green together anyway?" Meli shrugs. "I s'pose they might, if someone asked 'em. But tha' would be pretty hideous, aright." Lavinia walks off towards the kitchen. Lavinia walks in from the kitchen. Kassima grimaces faintly. "Grey? Ech, nay, nay unless 'twould be green-grey. I don't much care for the straight shade. Aye, Meli; I imagine the eyes'd bleed from seeing such a thing." Lavinia says "Just had to get som more snacks,soryt"" Lavinia looks confused "Why con't you like grey, it matches red and black?" Asrai gives a shiver, "That would be horrible to see. Oh Meli, "she aks as an aside, "Is the tunic the right color?" Lavinia sets the trya of vegatables down on thetable Meli smiles at Asrai, nodding. "Yeh, remind me o'Jul's hide, where th'kind o'coppery green shades come in." Lavinia says "are all of you dragon riders?"" Asrai smiles brightly, very pleased with herself, "We looked forever for just the correct shade." Davidon shakes his head, "Nope, not all of us." "Kassi an' I are" Meli replies. Asrai an' Davi are residents here. Kassima shakes her head. "Ach, nay; I am, and Meli is, but Asrai and Davi aren't. Why d'you ask?" She grins at Meli. "'Tis a shame the cloth of the headscarf doesn't precisely fit with wool." Meli adds quickly "Davi's a dragon healer trainee." To Kassi she nods. "Yeh, I love tha' scarf, but silk an' wool would be right awful." Lavinia says "aw how terrible,I mean the scarf" Lavinia says "The head thing I mean, not the scarf" Asrai giggles at the thought, "I just sorta help out everyone..." Ok, so its a bit late, she's a little on the slow side. Lavinia takes a bite of a bright orange tuber Salless nods at Meli as she orders something. Salless takes the pitcher of chilled citron juice from the ice box and pours Meli a glass. Lavinia says "Can I order something too."" Lavinia says "is their anything other than citron juice to drink?"" Asrai nodnods, "Oh sure, there's always plenty here." She stands up and walks over to refill her glass herself, "Well, there's cider...and klah." she says the last with some trepidation. Kassima drums her fingers and suggests to Meli, "Y'know, we should get Aph a kilt, too. She really and truly needs one, just as much as I do." Meli purses her lips "Hmm, could be. But you first, an' then we'll start collectin' for Aph." Asrai returns to her seat, plopping down, "Oh yeah...and i saw some red juice in one of the pitchers too." Salless nods at Lavinia as she orders something. Salless unlocks the wine cabinet to pour Lavinia a single goblet of Benden Red. Lavinia says "I needed that, Sorry everyone."" Salless nods at Lavinia as she orders something. Asrai grins, "Oh that's alright, sorry I didn't offer tha tto begin with...though I usually just drink at flights and gathers." Davidon smiles at Lavinia, "Sorry for what?" Salless nods at Lavinia as she orders something. Kassima wrinkles her nose. "Stubborn," she accuses, though not without a smile. "How've you and Juliath been, Meli?" Salless pours a mug of klah from the klah pot for Lavinia. Salless humms as she roots through the kitchen, preparing Lavinia's 1hot l. Finally, she returns, and gives it to her, saying "Sorry that took so long. I had to make it from scratch." Meli leans back against the table, cradling her mug. "We've been fine, Kassi, same as always. You an' Lyss??" Lavinia sips her wine slowly and bites into some roast wherry Kassima chuckles. "We're well. Ran an errand or two today, since 'twas our off day; got to go to Ruatha and see Channa's preliminary version of the painting. I tell you, that lass is *talented*. She captured Mart's fear so precisely!" Lavinia smiles sweetly Lavinia finishes her wine and wherry and starts drinking her mug of klah Meli says "Ah! Can't wait t'see it, then. You goin' to put it in your weyr, or display it out here?" Lavinia says "I was famished,i haven't eaten all day."" Asrai blinks and tilts her head to the side, "You're having a painting done of M'rgan....what for?" Kassima grins. "Put it in m'weyr, but I'll likely bring it to show about when I pick it up. Asrai, 'tis i'truth a long tale... Meli, you want to tell her? I've explained enough, I think, and you were there." Lavinia cocks her head "A painting?" Asrai looks to Meli with barely contained interest, scooting forward in her seat, closer to the Greenrider. Lavinia sips her jklah Meli smiles at Lavinia. "S'all right, we've more'n enough to feed th'odd visitor. Make y'self at home." Turning back to Asrai, she grins. "A permanent reminder o'the victory of a Benden greenrider knife-thrower over a particular 'Reaches brownrider." Salless nods at Lavinia as she orders something. Salless picks a redfruit from a bowl on the counter and gives it to Lavinia. Asrai scrunches up her face, "What...they had a throwing contest?" Lavinia bites into the fruit relishing it's delicious flavor Lavinia says "A throwing contest?"" Lavinia walks towards the inner cavern. Davidon sighs softly and stretches as he stands, "I should go attend to my chores." he waves over his shoulder as he heads to the bowl. Meli nods, leaning forward a bit. "Was a dark an' snowy night... " she begins in a low voice. Davidon walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Asrai gets all into it...you can tell as she doeasn't quite have the knack down of covering up her emotions. Kassima waves after the departing ones, and laughs quietly as Meli adds 'atmosphere' to the whole tale. "An' brave Kassi, rider of th'glorious green Lysseth, found herself along th'frozen lakeshore, reveling in th'wintry air an' the singing blood o'her lifemate" Meli continues. Asrai nods, not even realising that the others left the cavern. Lavinia walks here from the Inner Cavern. Lavinia says "Sorry, I had to go to my room for a sec."" Meli leans further forward, as if imparting a great secret to Asrai. "Now, our heroine had fought long an' hard this day against th'evil headless an' undead snowmen o'the lake, valiantly strikin' them with her magical knives. Knives long, an' short. Knives thin an' thick. Knives silver, an' copper, an' iron." Lavinia says "well, I gots taaa go bye you guys!"" Asrai frowns a bit at the thought of a copper knife...she's about to point this out when she gets shushing motion from one of the other riders listening in on the story. Meli's eyes widen. "When suddenly! From th'east, a great wind arose, whipping Kassi's hair about her face, obscuring her vision. When after a moment th'breeze died down, she looked up t'see a giant shadow 'cross her face. A giant, brown shadow, eyes whirling an' nose whufflin' at her, his breath hot an' cloudy in th'evenin' air." At this point, a brown snout and a large whirling eye make themseves known from the entrance to the bowl. Asrai fidgets in her seat, wanting to ask questions...but not wanting to ruin the tempo of the story.Seeing the brown snout she covers her mouth with one hand to stiffle a giggle. "Just like -tha- one!" Meli exclaims, finger pointing towards the bowl. Aphrael walks in from the bowl. Kassima shakes her head in amazement. "Meli, you are one sharding good storyteller--pray, continue! I'm enjoying this." She waves over to Aph in the meanwhile. Aphrael sneaks in from the bowl, pauses as she hears Meli's story. Wandering closer, she sits down, waving, but listening as she chews on a meatroll. Asrai watches aph squeeze past the Brown snout in the entrance, with a grin she waves her over for the rest of the story. Meli shakes her head now, continuing. "Now, our valiant Kassi was weary from her struggles, an' many o'her knives were deeply buried in th'hides o'the evil snowmen. Nevertheless, her hands empty an' her limbs heavy, she stepped valiantly forward to face this newest foe. "Who comes t'disturb th'serenity o'the Benden lake?" she called clearly. But answer came there none, just th'heavy breathin' o'the brown shadow." Asrai's violet eyes get a bit wider as Meli draws her into the story once more. she scoots over to make room for Aph while also scooting a little forward in her seat. "Step. Step. One by one, closer an' closer she moved, her head held high an' her heart determined" Meli continues, with a nod at Kassi. "Til she was jus' at th'edge o'the shadow, near enough t'touch. Near enough for th'hot breath to cover her, for th'mighty shadow to engulf her. But brave Kassi was not afraid, an' she did reach out her hands to wrestle with th'shadow an' save th'weyr from its menace." Kassima leans a bit forward in her chair, too, entranced by Meli's rather unusual way of wording this particular story. Aphrael squeezes in next to Asrai, listening carefully to Meli's story. Meli says "'Who goes there?' she called again, but still answer came there none. Only th'shadow, an' then a movement from above, as a deeper piece seemed t'break away and descend towards her. Drawing a deep breath, her eyes steely an' her jaw tight, she reached up to grab at th'shadow, taking hold o'the piece an' giving a mighty tug!" Asrai blinsk then blinks again, looking from Meli to Kassi, then back to Meli again. "An then! Oh! What a mighty struggle did ensue, as th'shadow tried to reclaim th'piece o'itself, an' Kassi pulled w'all her might an' all th'might bestowed upon her by greenriders everywhere to defend th'weyr against this awful invader." Meli pauses, reaching out to take a sip from her juice. K'nan walks in from the bowl. Asrai looks back to Kassi, her manor incredulous, never having known this side of her friend before. Aphrael glances over and flashes a smile at K'nan, shifting over slightly on the seat before returning her attention back to Meli's tale. Kassima waves over to K'nan, and simply smiles mysteriously at Asrai. K'nan returns Aph's smile, heading over and sliding into the seat beside her. To the others, he murmurs a quiet, "G'deve..." Meli continues after a moment, her voice quiet and deep as she recounts the tale. "First it seemed th'shadow would win, an' take our poor Kassi off t'who knows where an'to what evil. Then Kassi'd be in th'fore, near to pullin' the shadow's shadow down to th'ground an'revealing it in th'light of day. Back, an'forth. To an' fro. For what seemed t'be an eternity." "But then, lo! Kassi called upon th'spirits o'greenriders, an' her own deepest reserves o'energy! Giving one last mighty *pull* w'all her might, tear loose that shadow's shadow she did, bringing it down to th'ground with a mighty *crash* like thunder!" Meli exclaims, gesturing expansively with her hands and straightening in her seat as her voice rises in volume and intensity. Caitria walks here from the Inner Cavern. Asrai gives a start at the sudden increase in volume, rocking backwards. Then a delighted smile breaks upon her face as she leans forward once more, saying in an excited voice, "What then??!!" Caitria pauses at Asrai's words, then ohs. "A story." She grins faintly and moves to take a seat, to avoid disturbing. "Well" Meli says matter-of-factly. "Tha' was that. Th'shadow fell onto th'ground, landing at Kassi's feet in'the snow, detached from its sustainin' lifeforce. An' so, her heart filled w'song an' her body renewed o'energy, our Kassima did plant her foot squarely on th'shadow and lift her arms high in victory!" Jerissa walks in from the bowl. Benden Weyr> N'ren says, "And then the rider grabbed hold of Kassima's foot and yanked...." Kassima grins. "And this is the subject of Channa's painting... though perhaps nay quite in the manner Meli described." Meli sniffs. "Or at least, it was -somethin- like that." She grins as she finishes. Jerissa strides in, tugging off helmet, gloves and unbuckling her jacket. She smiles and lifts a hand in greeting Asrai giggles clapping enthusiastically, "What a wonderful story!" Caitria greets Jerissa, then shakes her head slightly. "Sounded...interesting." Aphrael laughs softly and grins. "You've a knack for telling a good story, Meli!" She waves over at Jerissa as she notices the greenrider's entrance. Benden Weyr> Kassima stands in awe of Meli's skill to totally warp the truth. ;) M'kla walks in from the bowl. Benden Weyr> K'tyn ums, we are all going to the hatching in kilts, yes? :) M'kla saunters in in search of a warm drink after Sweeps. Benden Weyr> M'kla says, "We are?" Benden Weyr> Meli says, "Hey, it was pretty much accurate. And yes, K'tyn, Meli is going in a kilt :)" Benden Weyr> P'tran ums, not likely :) Benden Weyr> N'ren says, "Wll, this is hardly the first indication that Meli is warped, Kassima." Benden Weyr> Aphrael peers. Benden Weyr> Suzotchka goes in trousers just because Ursa's parents might be there. ;) Benden Weyr> Aphrael doesn't have one, hah! Benden Weyr> Meli says, "Aph, you're next on the list after Kassi. :)" Benden Weyr> K'nan doesn't either! Benden Weyr> Aphrael yipes. Shoudda kept my mouth shut.;) Caitria lifts her juice mug in greeting. "Heyla, M'kla." Benden Weyr> Kassima dittos Aph, and definitely agrees, N'ren. I just never realized the sheer depths of her warped twistedness. Benden Weyr> Aphrael pokes K'nan. You do too! Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Yes you do, K'nan!" Benden Weyr> K'nan does not! Meli sips again at her juice, eyes twinkling. With a nod at the weyrsecond, she watches Asrai's reaction out of the corner of her eye. Jerissa smiles to M'kla and hurridly gets herself a mug of klah. No use being silly about these things. Curling her hands protectively around her mug, she takes a seat, head tilted curiously at the others in the cavern Kassima waves to M'kla, and, belatedly, to K'nan. "G'deve!" she greets, then grins at Meli. "Your ability to twist things into something else nigh unrecognizable will never cease to amaze me." Asrai smiles, "So...Kassi thought M'rgan was attacking the weyr? Its wonderfull how she defended us all...I guess right afterwards is when she found out it was really M'rgan?" Benden Weyr> Asrai says, "But P'tran....it was a present! ;)" K'nan chuckles amusedly, "Actually, she just decided t'make things hard on him, from what I remember..." Caitria blinks at Asrai's words and asks Kassi, sounding amused, "Just what did you _do_ to M'rgan?" Kassima nearly chokes as she stifles a laugh, and quirks a wry grin at Asrai. "Um... something like that." Benden Weyr> P'tran saves it for a more special occassion :) . o O ( Yeah, that's a good excuse, they'll buy that ... ) Meli chuckles. "Neh, but she -did- pull 'im off of Uly, an' plant her foot in his chest. I left out th'bit where she threatened his manhood w'his knife." Asrai's eyes practically bug out of her head, "Kassi!!" You did what??" Benden Weyr> Jehrina doesn't care if you hav a kilt or not, P'tran. Ilike them flying leathers anyway. ;) Benden Weyr> Kassima .o0(Shouldn't think too loud around mindreaders, FL. ;) Benden Weyr> Aphrael ohs? Like.. Benden's hatching? :) Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "Good evening, all. And I agree with Jehrina. ;)" Meli hrms "I mean, -her- knife." Benden Weyr> N'ren says, "Kinky, Jehrina." Benden Weyr> P'tran smirks at Jehrina :) K'nan can't help but laugh, "Aye, that she did.." Kassima bursts out laughing and jerks her thumb towards Meli. "Just what she said, Asrai!" Benden Weyr> Jehrina will have her Weyrleader in *proper* festival garb, thankyouverymuch. :) Caitria quirks a grin. "Bet he didn't like that," she murmurs, shaking her head. Benden Weyr> Suzotchka says, "Have Her Weyrleader. What a lovelyphrase." Asrai shakes her head in disbelief, "But my mother said you should only do that to guys that were trying to,,," She trails off turning bright red at the thought of what she almost said. Meli chuckles, and nods at Asrai. "Yeh, well Kassi an' Mart have a rather strange relationship, y'see." Kassima chuckles. "He was somewhat less than enthused... but the look on his face was just too priceless. 'Course, now I'll never be able to live that down." Caitria grins. "Like the wherry head?" Meli mutters to herself, "... ..add it.. th'list...." Asrai just shakes her head in continued disbelief. Benden Weyr> Jehrina says, "Well, that's what he *is*. :)" Kassima laughs. "Aye, like the wherry head. 'Cept he reminds me of it even more than you remind me of that; remember the scene by that fishing beach, Meli?" Meli nods, lifting her hands up before her. "Yeh, I do! But m'too spent t'tell th'tale tonight. Have t'do tha' one another day." Asrai eyes Kassi and Meli, "Do we really want to know?" Meli grins, nodding. "Yeh, th'stalking an'kidnappin' of a brownrider. S'a good tale too." Asrai blinks, "Kassi...you kidnapped someone? M'rgan I assume..." M'kla disappears back out for a bit. M'kla walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Benden Weyr> M'kla goes to put herself back into that ridiculous kilt. Benden Weyr> Caitria grins. Benden Weyr> Asrai cheers!! Benden Weyr> K'tyn beams! Benden Weyr> Meli says, "Yay!!!" Benden Weyr> Suzotchka says, "You're saying I need a kilt, aren't you? *starts sewing*" Kassima chuckles. "Didn't *technically* kidnap him, since he *sort* of came along of his own free will. Meli, some other time, you'll just have to give me your interpretation of that; your skills as a storyteller are amazing! But anyway, that's what Channa's painting for me. Don't know how long 'twill take for the finished product to be done, but she said she'd send word." Benden Weyr> K'nan doesn't have one. :P Benden Weyr> Kassima applauds!! :) Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Do so, K'nan. We bought it for you; you're stuck with it. ;)" Benden Weyr> Jehrina doesn't *want* one, so. :) Benden Weyr> Meli holds both Davi and K'nan down and be-kilts them. Benden Weyr> Davidon um. lost his desc. :) Benden Weyr> K'nan :P Find it. Benden Weyr> M'kla has one you can borrow, lassie :) Benden Weyr> M'kla has one for Davi too. Benden Weyr> Caitria needs a kilt desc at some point, for Cav. Meli smiles at Kassi. "Let's jus' say th'subject matter inspired me." Benden Weyr> Suzotchka would have to desc it /now/ if I borrowed yours. Benden Weyr> M'kla grins. Yes, but it does show off your legs well :) Asrai giggles into her hand, Benden Weyr> Davidon aws, "Someone page me the generic one? Benden Weyr> Suzotchka clears her throat and ducks her chin. Ahem, yeah, well. Ahem. Page me the generic kiltdesc. Benden Weyr> Kassima almost regrets not having a kilt. Almost. Benden Weyr> Alyssa can fix that, Kouchbabe. Benden Weyr> Kassima eeps at Lys. Should I Fear? Benden Weyr> Asrai giggles and is glad she's innocently out of this loop. Benden Weyr> M'kla is told she looks rather good in hers...but she has reservations. Benden Weyr> Meli just hopes her knees stay warm :) Benden Weyr> M'kla says, "Those are what those socks are for." Benden Weyr> Suzotchka puts it on. Benden Weyr> Kassima just can't see herself in a kilt, for some reason. :) Benden Weyr> Suzotchka twirls around and better get a compliment from someone standing real nearby. *hint* Benden Weyr> Davidon aws, "You got the desc Suzotchka? P'tran walks in from the bowl. Salless tells her girls to look sharp when the weyrleader walks in. Benden Weyr> Suzotchka nods, thanks to M'kla. :) Benden Weyr> M'kla grins. P'tran nods a greeting as he strolls in from the bowl, looking to be in a fairly pleasant mood this evening. "Good evening, all," he calls out as he pulls off his riding gloves. Kassima looks up and snaps a quick salute to the Weyrleader. "G'deve, sir." Meli stands up, straightening her kilt, and giving the weyrleader a sharp salute. Benden Weyr> Suzotchka looks. Kilt. Earring. I LOOK LIKE A BOY. :P Asrai looks up in time to see the Weyrleader enter, she raises her hand and gives him a cheerfull wave, "Hiya sir!" Benden Weyr> M'kla has a spare generic kilt desc for those who want it ;) Just change the colors to suit yer char. Caitria grins at the salutes, and greets P'tran. K'nan looks up at the salutes, and adds his own casual one to the group. "Sir." Benden Weyr> Caitria does, M'kla! Benden Weyr> M'kla peers...nay. Ye look like a pretty lass. Benden Weyr> Davidon would like it too please? Benden Weyr> Suzotchka smiles, well, you pay a pretty compliment. Jerissa smiles as she salutes, "Evening, Sir" she calls out to the Weyrleader, before turning her attention back to her mug Benden Weyr> M'kla grins and steals the unsuspecting lass away for a picnic when no one is looking? P'tran glances at the kilts and smirks slightly, then comments, "No need for formal salutes tonight, I've finished my scheduled duties for tonight and I'm declaring myself *off* duty." He grins, and waves greetings in response to salutes instead Benden Weyr> K'tyn blinkblinks. Ooh! Picnic? :) K'nan blinks, and chuckles. "Off-duty? That's a first....heya, then, P'tran. G'deve." Benden Weyr> M'kla says, "Yer nay a lass, K'tyn ;) Tho yer skirt is pretty." P'tran chuckles at K'nan. "Well, I do get off duty sometimes, but usually I don't announce it. Things have been more or less quiet about the Weyr, though, since we took care of that renegade problem last Turn ... at least until Herath clutches and we start bringing candidates in." Kassima blinks, too. "Nay salutes?" she wonders, pondering that totally alien idea. Shrugging, she grins and waves back. Benden Weyr> Suzotchka looks up at Kiat...over at M'kla...up at Kiat...over at M'kla...Decisions, decisions! Kerlyn walks in from the bowl. Kerlyn walks through teh living cavern, weaving absently between tables and people, on her way through to the inner cavern, nose stuck in her recently ever-present clipboard. Kerlyn walks towards the inner cavern. P'tran tucks his riding gloves into a pocket and opens his jacket. He heads over to the klah pot and peers inside. Answering Kassima, he comments, "Well, I think we can sometimes take a break from formality now and then ... Evening, Kerlyn." Meli reseats herself, carefully, and calls over one of the serving lasses for some fishrolls. "Evenin!" she calls over to Kerlyn. Benden Weyr> Suzotchka whistles, "Ring ding diddle-iddle eye-di-oh, ring ding diddle-eye-oh, I wonder if it's true what they don't wear beneath the kilt.." P'tran considers the klah pot for another moment but passes it by. He instead heads over to Salless and procures a glass of Benden Red, but only half-full. Benden Weyr> Meli says, "Ah! I love that song!" Benden Weyr> M'kla cackles. Benden Weyr> K'nan giggles. Benden Weyr> Suzotchka thinks about rewording it for Riders. ;) Asrai waves to Kerlyn as she walks past but misses, so, she turns to the weyrleader, "Well I'm glad they give you some time off from time to time." Aphrael stands and ambles out towards the bowl. Aphrael walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Asrai stands up, "If you all will excuse me for a moment...I've got a few things to do." Kassima chuckles. "A lovely thought," she admits, waving over to Kerlyn. "Everyone can use time off sometimes, aye?" P'tran takes a sip of his wine and then chuckles as he takes a seat. "Well, I'm really the only one that can give me some time off. Anyway, I understand that Ista's clutch is getting rather close to hatching time. I figured I'd get my duties done early so I'd actually be able to attend one for once." Caitria hmms as she looks up in time to catch a mass exodus. "Mm?" Asrai walks towards the inner cavern. P'tran nods to the ones that are leaving and takes a small sip of wine, leaning back in his seat a bit, and looking relaxed (a rare sight). K'nan looks up and blinks. "Hm?" M'kla walks in from the bowl. Kassima grins. "A Hatching soon, eh? Now that would i'truth be a *wonderful* way to end a day off... hrm, wonder where everyone's off to?" P'tran looks up and smiles to M'kla as she comes in. "Evening, M'kla," he says, taking a small sip of wine. Caitria locates a meatroll from the platter, waving it to M'kla in greeting. M'kla comes sauntering back in, as asparkle as anyone's likely to see her for anything short of one of her children becoming Craftmaster. "Evenin, P'tran, Caitria." P'tran glances over to Kassima. "Well, I'm guessing that Ista's clutch may hatch tonight, but I tend to have a good instinct for these things. At least I hope it hatches tonight; I haven't been able to attend the last 3 or 4 hatchings because of duties or whatever." M'kla makes a line for the Herder, and helps herself to a seat, "Lass...I need t'talk t'ye..." Caitria nods to M'kla, with a faint grin. "Okay. Well...I'm here, now. Not even close to busy." P'tran glances over to M'kla, seeing her appear to be in a better mood than usual. He smiles a bit and looks over from her to Caitria for a moment before looking back to Kassima. Meli chuckles. "Hopefully, ev'ryone's gone off t'try on their kilts." Benden Weyr> M'kla was actually referring to her finery. Benden Weyr> P'tran oops, sorry. Just mentally edit my last pose to make my comment refer to your clothing then :) M'kla grins a bit, and shakes a finger, "I'm nae destined t'have rider children...an my ole Herder-blood's shown through...I caught the youngest o mine in yer stable, insistin he'd grow up t'be a sheep-herd." Benden Weyr> M'kla giggles. Sokay. I'm in a good mood too. Both together is RARE. Caitria's grin widens. "That lad Myklan? Wonderful!" She hrms. "He's a mite young to apprentice, though." Kassima nods, sighing. "I missed the last one, m'self, and someone I knew was Standing too. But she didn't Impress, which was something of a shame... seems happy enough now, though. Hey, Meli, if there is a Hatching, that kilt'll be perfect wear for it." M'kla chuckles, "Aye, he is...he's only 4 an a ha'e....but he'll get bigger, an nae harm in it if he shows an intrest. He does like the moo--bovines." Davidon walks here from the Inner Cavern. P'tran grins wryly at Meli. "Um, I was planning to save my kilt for a more special occassion," he comments. Davidon sneaks up quietly and takes a seat, waving his hello again. P'tran gives a nod to Davidon in greeting. "Evening." M'kla chuckles at P'tran over her shoulder, "Aye. Like Benden's Hatchin." Caitria looks delighted. "Well, that does happen to be my specialty. Anything I can do to help? I'd love to encourage his interest." Meli just chuckles. "Well, m'only other good dress needs cleanin', so I guess this'll be it, if th'hatchin' -is- tonight." P'tran smirks at M'kla and gives her one of those "You're not helping any" looks. "Well, maybe, we'll have to see," he says, temporizing. M'kla nods to Caitria solemnly, "Aye. If ye dan't mind the lad abou. Shoo him back t'Deeni if he gets t'be a pest." Caitria nods, with a smile. "Cail's usually with me, and F'hlan's youngest is around from time to time as well. I doubt he'll be a problem." M'kla nods more happily, and smiles, "Oh good...Da had me ou with the runners soon as I could walk...but not everyon thinks a child should be round beasts of any sort." Kassima chuckles. "I think 'tis a good notion, m'self; kilts are sort of unusual without being too formal or dressy, wouldn't y'say? And who wants to go to a Hatching in Gather finery? Trying nay to wrinkle the skirts would spoil the view." She rolls her eyes. "Almost wish I had a kilt, i'truth, now that I think on that side of it. But m'riding togs will do. Wonder if I'll do any better at the color-guessing game this time?" Caitria snorts softly, shaking her head. "Sounds like your da and mine were two of a kind," she observes, taking a si of her juice. P'tran swirls the wine in his glass for a few moments as he listens to Kassima. He taekes a sip and then grins at Kassima. "You're welcome to borrow mine, if you think it would fit you." M'kla grins, "My Da were a Ruathan runner racer. He lived on runnerback like I do dragonback." M'kla ponders Kassima's long body, "Aye, well...my spare mi' fit her better. It's in Ruathan colors, if ye dan't mind. Comfortable things." Kassima laughs. "A right generous offer, but black and bronze aren't quite m'colors, I fear. Though better than that orange, purple, green, yellow, and pink confection Meli was threatening me with earlier," she adds, giving the aforementioned greenrider the evil eye. T'lar walks in from the bowl. Davidon looks at M'kla, "I don't see many ruders around the weyr though." he comments, "Then again, I haven't been down to the stables in awhile. T'lar smiles as he walks in, waving to everyone. M'kla grins at Davi, "Aye, that's because runners canna stand dragons. Frights em right t'death." P'tran notices T'lar as he takes a sip, leaving just a little bit of wine in his glass. He nods and smiles greetings to him. "Good evening, T'lar." Caitria grins slightly. "There are a few," she observes. "Not many. All carefully trained." She greets T'lar as well. Meli straightens in her seat, smiling as T'lar enters. "Evenin, bronzerider!" she calls over. Kassima raises an eyebrow, and smiles. "'Twould be a generous thing, M'kla, and the colors wouldn't be bothering me a whit; may never've been a Ruathan technically, but I'd still consider that one of m'three homes. Gah, what a sentimental thing t'say--but there 'tis." She turns in her seat to wave over to T'lar. "G'deve, E'd!" T'lar says "Evening, sir." He pops off a salute. Hearing Meli's voice from across the room, his smile brightens considerably." M'kla chuckles quietly, "Aye, well, if ye wanna gae in one, and make us all look like we're from the same Weyr, yer welcom tae it. I'll gae get it." Davidon sighs softly, "Ah well." he shrugs, "And having a runner would be so nice too." Caitria grins at M'kla as she (apparently) prepares to leave, then ohs? to Davi. "Y'want a runner?" P'tran smirks and is about to say "no salutes" again but instead shrugs and finishes off the rest of his wine, setting the empty glass aside. He leans back in his seat a bit more. Kassima chuckles. "'Twould be a right good thing, M'kla, and you've m'thanks for it, whatever 'tis worth. I do appreciate the loan." M'kla gets up carefully, and nods, "I'll shoo the lad at ye, Caitria, with my thanks." T'lar moves over to take a seat between Meli and Kassima. Putting an arm around each greenrider, he plants a kiss on first one, then the other. He sits back with a contented sigh. Davidon smiles at Caitria, not thinking she would have heard him, "Well, I'd thought about it." he shrugs, "Though I'm not sure now if that would be a good idea. Wouldn't want the poor animal to die of fright." M'kla nods to Kassi, and saunters back out, gone a few moments before she returns with the folded up item and the shirt and pouch to go with it. Dragon> All dragons sense that Ivarath wonders, OOC-like, if it is okay to listen to the Istan DTU during the Hatching? Caitria nods to M'kla, with a smile. "No problem at all." She flickers a grin to T'lar, then hms at Davi. "My Tsornin hasn't died yet, and he's been here for over a Turn." Dragon> All dragons sense that Mallorith thinks that's a pretty good question. Dragon> Kheveth bespoke all dragons with << If you're at Ista, you're s'posed to add the Weyr channel, so... ;) >> Dragon> All dragons sense that Tabith doesn't see why not. Benden Weyr> M'kla says, "How DO you turn on another weyr?" Dragon> All dragons sense that Ivarath okies, and was just checking. :) Thanks all. :) Meli: Meli's coppery hair, cut into a very short shag, frames her heart shaped face and shines with highlights. Her creamy complexion and deep brown eyes add to the impression of warmth about this slender, athletic appearing young woman in her twenties. A straight nose and high cheekbones provide an air of grace, offset by her usual quirky smile. A gold ring and an egg-shaped pendant on a silver chain are her only jewelry, but she rarely removes them. For this special occasion, Meli proudly wears her newest outfit. A simple tunic of bluish-green lightweight fabric, laced with a black cord, tucks neatly into a green and black woolen kilt. Trimmed along the edges with delicate red embroidery, it wraps about her waist, falling just above the knees. One end of the cloth rises across her chest to her shoulder, where it is pinned in place by her rider's knot, red and black for Benden, with a strand of green intertwined to indicate her lifemate's color. A black leather belt and belt pouch, extensively tooled with dragons, rests about her waist, while ankle-high leather boots complete the ensemble. Meli is 26 Turns, 1 months, and 8 days old, give or take a few. Davidon hms thoughtfully, "It would be nice to be able to go riding when I don't have studies. Do you ride your runner often Caitria?" Meli grins, leaning over into the embrace and giving T'lar a peck back on the cheek. "Well! Y're in a good mood t'night, neh?" Benden Weyr> P'tran says, "Dress in something sexy? (Sorry, HAD to say that :) ) ... If you mean the DTUs, it would be 'dtu hear +<channel>'" Caitria smiles slightly. "When I can. My apprentices generally exercise him for me." Benden Weyr> T'lar whacks P'tran. <hehehe> Benden Weyr> K'nan LOL at P'tran. Benden Weyr> Caitria LOL at P'te. That's what I was thinking...y'know, the point of wearing the kilts? Benden Weyr> Suzotchka says, "Wear your kilt?" Kassima laughs and gives T'lar a quick, friendly-type hug, before accepting the clothes gratefully. "Thankee again, M'kla. If you lot'll pardon me, I think I'll go change." She gets up and makes her way out of the Cavern. You walk down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Benden Weyr> Suzotchka just loooooves lag. I just love it. Benden Weyr> Kassima woos, FL! Bad pun. Very bad pun. ;) You place one hand on Lysseth's neck and she warbles down at you fondly. You grin and scratch her eyeridges once before climbing up onto her lower neckridges, using the riding straps and Lysseth's thoughtfully offered foreleg. <*> Lysseth spreads her wings to their full extent, bringing them down with a rush of wind as she leaps nimbly into the air. You spring into the air and catch the thermals rising from the bowl floor to carry you aloft. You fold your wings and land on Lysseth's Ledge, then make your way into the weyr proper. Benden LC> Meli grins as Kassi departs. "Aha! Got you to m'self now, I do!" she says to T'lar. Benden LC> P'tran stretches a bit and gives a nod of greetings to people as they arrive. Benden LC> Ofira waves, "'Evening everyone." Benden LC> Davidon waves g'bye to Kassi, and hello to Ofira. Benden LC> T'lar tightens his arm around Meli's shoulders. "And why not? It's been a great day. I'm sitting here with my best friends...and you. And there's eggs on the sands at Ista." He grins widely. "See? A great day." Benden LC> M'kla laughs a bit, "Ach...there you are lad..." Benden Weyr> Meli passes out kilts :) Benden LC> M'kla bends down a little to offer Myklan an arm up. <*> Lysseth spreads her wings to their full extent, bringing them down with a rush of wind as she leaps nimbly into the air. You spring from Lysseth's Ledge with one downsweep of your wings, soaring into the sky above the Northern Bowl. Benden Weyr> L'nay has one of his own already, thankyouverymuch, Meli. You fly downwards towards the ground. You backwing for a landing on sands of the bowl. Benden LC> Myklan patter-patter-patters over to M'kla, and half hurls himself into her arms. You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles, cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully. Benden Weyr> T'lar takes a kilt and tries it on. You walk past the lintel and into the wide living cavern. Benden Weyr> K'tyn beams, Looks great, T'lar.:) Caitria smiles at Myklan, watching him for a few moments. M'kla chuckles and hefts the chunky boy up, "There ye go laddie...I think the eggs a' Ista are gonna crank shells t'nigh..ye wanna go?" Benden Weyr> Meli says, "Sexy knees! Woo woo!" Myklan nodnodnodnodnods emphatically. Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "Thanks, K'tyn. Meli" Benden Weyr> K'nan gives his kilt to T'lar. ;) Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "So, what ARE you wearing now, K'tyn?" M'kla grins as she swings the boy about, "An Caitria lass...here be Mykkie if ye dan't know him already...Mykkie, she's the lady t'shew ye the sheep an coes if ye've a mind." Kassima is looking down towards the floor as she walks in, trying to get used to moving around in the kilt. "Nay so very different from m'last Gather dress after all," she opines as she sits back down carefully. R'val walks in from the bowl. Benden Weyr> K'tyn looks down. "Kilt." Davidon nods as he thinks about runners and such, "Maybe I can speak with you about runners sometime Caitria." Meli chuckles, scratching at her thigh. "Not too diff'rent, but itchy!" Caitria bends down a bit, offering the lad a grin. "Well met." R'val wanders into the cavern and waves cheerily, "Evening all." He grins over at Ofira and sits down near her, "Hey there! What do you think of Channa's redecorating?" P'tran grins at Kassima. "Did you go get yourself a kilt then?" He nodsa greeting to R'val. "Evening, R'val" Benden Weyr> Kassima decided to write out a whole other Kassidesc for the sake of the kilt, just for the heck of it. :P :) R'val looks nervous at the K word, "NOt /more/ kilts?" T'lar says "Want me to scratch it for you, Meli?" Myklan OOohs at Caitria, and announces, "I wanna sheepie when I get bigger. P'tran ahs as he gets a better look at Kassima and notices the kilt she is indeed wearing. M'kla grins some at the overhead comment from Kassi. She shifts him up onto her hip, and swears lightly, "Laddie, ye've got t'quit eatin rocks!" Meli chuckles, ruffling her fingers through T'lar's hair. "Maybe later." Ofira smiles at R'val, "I think she did a great job. It's far more comfortable now, and friendly looking." Benden Weyr> K'tyn beams.:) Yay, Kassi! Caitria laughs at Myklan, with a delighted smile. "That sounds good. But will you do me a favor, kiddo?" Kassima laughs and nods, a bit ruefully. "Aye, sir; M'kla's generously loaning me one of hers. Must admit, they're a bit strange compared to the slacks I'm more used to." T'lar catches her hand and kisses the palm. "That looks great, Kassi. I like the colors." Myklan GRINS broadly. "gettin' bigger!" all the sooner he can have sheep, of course. this is a good thing. He nodnods at Caitria. "Yah! Asrai walks here from the Inner Cavern. Benden Weyr> Kassima grins and thanks M'kla, ayep ayep. :) Asrai: The lovely young woman before you seems to be about 16 turns in age, yet barely reaches 5' in height. Blue/violet eyes peer back at you from under dark sooty lashes holding within their depths a quiet innocence. Her wealth of brownish-red hair is tied at the nape of her neck by a simple leather strip, cascading in waves down to her waist. A few shorter strands have come loose, framing her pixie like face softly. In place of her usual oversized tunic and pants she is now wearing something a bit...different. Her tunic is shorter, actually made to fit her small size and is black in color with short sleaves. In place of pants she instead sports a simple black and red checkered kilt, even with its wide band of clothe going over one shoulder it is rather short...falling to about two inches above her knees..the entire ensamble held in black by a black leather belt around her small waist. Her shapely legs are bare to the tops of her short soft black leather boots which adorn her feet. Affixed to her shoulder is a red and black knot which signifies her proud position as a resident of Benden Weyr. <+detail is available> Caitria is serious, but still sounds friendly, "Sheepies can be pretty big, so will you be careful to just visit them when a grownup is with you?" Asrai slips back into the living cavern where she retakes her seat quickly, very quickly. R'val glances at Caitria and grins at the conversation. P'tran chuckles at Kassima and picks up his empty wine glass. "Well, it looks good on you," he comments, then stands and heads over to Salless, where he gets a partial refill on his wine, again filling it only halfway. Davidon waves to Asrai Benden Weyr> Caitria can't believe she just said 'sheepies', IC. Myklan nods soberly. "I will." he promises, adding, "I'll get bigger." just in case she might forget. he won't be little forever. Benden Weyr> Kassima awws, Tria, no kilt? ;) Asrai gives an embaressd little wave to Davi, leaning over to whisper to Kassi. M'kla grins some, and gives her son a materal peck on the cheek. "Aye now then..that done...we'd best head o're...there anyone needing a ride t'Ista afore the rush?" Benden Weyr> Caitria is going with an alt, Kassi. T'lar waves to Asrai before taking up a mug of ale and downing half its contents. "I hope the eggs crack sheel tonight. I'm tired of waiting. And it they crack tonight, I don't have to pay out on a bet I made." Asrai mutters to Kassima, "... this... my..." Asrai whispers "Did you put this on my cot??" Caitria smiles brightly at Myklan, and nods. "You just let me know when you want to go see them," she says cheerfully, getting to her feet. "And now...the hidework awaits." Kassima chuckles. "Thankee, I think. Riding to the Hatching in this ought to be an experience... just glad 'tis nay winter any more." Asrai motions down at her outfit. P'tran chuckles as he overhears T'lar. "I have a feeling they will hatch either tonight or in the morning. I tend to have a good instinct for this sort of thing." P'tran hmms and nods to KAssima. "Well, be careful. It may not be winter, but *between* is still cold." T'lar says "Good. That give me hope of being richer by 10 marks. Thanks, P'tran." Meli reaches across the table to pull her plate of fishrolls closer. "Anyone want some?" she asks. M'kla nods at Kassi, "Aye. Tuck it unner yer knees, lassie, when yer up in th'air, lest ye show more leg than's proper." A teasing wink. Caitria walks towards the inner cavern. R'val regards Kassima puzzledly, "You don't honestly intend to go between wearing akilt, do you you nutcase?" And at T'lar's comment, Meli grins. "Ten marks! Shells, we'll have t'get you a kilt w'that!" Davidon waves bye to Caitria. M'kla pfts at R'val, "Ae, the lot of us do. Davi, ye need a ride t'Ista?" T'lar's bronze firelizard jumps onto the table and snatches up a fishroll. Kassima grins and nods to Asrai in affirmation. "Wasn't going to let you get away with nay having one, y'know... aye, sir, I plan on it. Lyss'd never forgive me if I caught m'death of cold just from wearing a kilt. Though it'd be at least an unusual way t'go." R'val blinks, "You too? M'kla, you're nuts." M'kla waves a hand at R'val, "Better then a gather-gown." T'lar says "Only if you pick it out for me, sweeting." M'kla finally has to plop Myklan back on his feet. Heavy kid. How do they GET so heavy? Asrai bites her lower lip, trying to pull down the hem of her own newly aquired kilt, "But Kassi...its so short, they didn't look as short on everyone else!" Ofira eyes the kilts, glad to be safely attired in her apron. M'kla grins at Asrai's dismay, not particularly bothered by her own showing knees. Myklan watches all the poeple with that wide-eyed intrest only this sort of event can cause. the first hatching he's seen. he can't really stand still, but does a little wanderfest around M'kla's legs T'lar says "I think you look nice, Asrai. You have beautiful legs." He demonstrates by looking intently as said limbs. "Really nicec." P'tran considers the wine in his glass, not having yet returned to his seat. He takes a small sip, then swirls the wine about in the glass and takes a longer sip. "So long as the riders don't start making a lot of trips *between* in those things, the momentary cold shouldn't be a problem." P'tran hmms? and glances to the bowl for a moment. Kassima laughs and explains, "It only looks short, Asrai; 'tis really just as long as anyone's. T'lar, d'you realize just how incorrigible you are?" R'val glances outside, "The eggs at Ista..." He murmurs, standing. T'lar whoops. "Yes! They hatch and I win. M'kla chuckles softly, "There they go, P'tran." Asrai blinks flushing brightly at T'lar's compliment. T'lar says "Who needs a ride?" M'kla catches sight of her next to youngest, and waves him over as well, into her family group. R'val glances at Ofira as he stands, and smiles, "care to ride on Vidarth with me to the Hatching?" Kassima peers outside, and huhs, starting to laugh. "P'tran, looks like you were right after all! How d'you *do* that? I always guess everything wrong, m'self." She wrinkles her nose. "Well, here I go to play the guessing-game badly again, apparently." M'kla says ""C'mon, laddies, less go..."" P'tran nods to M'kla and swallows the rest of his wine, handing the glass over to Salless with a word of thanks. "Well, anyone that doesn't have a ride yet is welcome to come with LAerth and I," he comments Ofira smiles excitedly. "The eggs? At Ista?" Medrel looks around, eyes bright and excited. He pelts over to his mother. Ofira nods to R'val, "Yes, thank you!" M'kla offers her hands to both boys, headed out. Myklan grabs M'kla's hand and bounces behind. R'val smiles, "My pleasure. Anyone else care to come with me?" M'kla walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Medrel does, too, half skipping along with his boyish excitement. Myklan walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Meli straightens, quickly finishing a meatroll. "Eh! Let's gather some snacks t'take w'us, it might be a long night." Asrai looks up, forgetting her embaressment, "Hatching now? But I don't have time to change..I have to wear this...where other people will see me??" Medrel walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. K'nan walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. T'lar says "C'mon, Asrai. You look fine." He snatches up two skins of ale. "Let's go." P'tran chuckles at Asrai as he buttons his jacket. "Relax, Asrai, most people are going to be concentrating on the Hatching to really notice what anyone is wearing." Kassima rolls her eyes good-naturedly. "Asrai, at least you'll be in semi-decent company; after all, the rest of us aren't changing either. Y'want t'ride with me and Lyss?" R'val walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Ofira takes off her apron and discards it, displaying the new dress she just recieved from the Weavers, and tosses the apron aside, ready to go. P'tran pulls out his riding gloves and looks around. He repeats, "Anyone who still needs a ride, let me know now ..." Ofira walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Asrai stands excitedly, nodding to Kassi, "Oh yes, that would be wonderful." She note's T'lar's actions, "Should we take some wine?" Davidon hms softly and stands up, looking around before walking out towards the bowl. Kassima gets up and grabs a wineskin, nodding to Asrai. "We shall, we are, and I'm heading out now. Meet you in the Bowl." You walk down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.