-------------------------------------------------------------------------- To Everything, Turn, Turn, Turn Date: May 14(?), 1997 Places: Benden Weyr's Living Cavern and North Bowl Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: It's Kindre's Turnday that gives this log its name, and the cute song that Kelset wrote in her honor. :) This was just some RP I thought was fun and worth putting up for other people to see. Kiat's moving new furniture into his weyr, to perk up its boring atmosphere; he enlists assistance, but the project is interrupted when Kindre arrives and most of his helpers as well as himself pounce on the chance to give their Turnday gifts. :) I've also left in the LC +watch, not so much because it was related to the RP at hand, but because the convo between Alyssa and T'fian was good RP in its own right and my nostalgia insists it be preserved. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: You walk past the lintel and into the wide living cavern. Ofira waves, "'Evening DKassima." K'tyn grunts a little. "Just some things to...er....perk up m'weyr..." Kassima waves to Ofira as she walks in, looking rather wet and with a water lily--of all things--perched behind one ear. "Afternoon, Master Ofira! Wingleader Kiat!" She grins and salutes the latter crisply, then strides over to get a look at Kiat's cart. "Decorations?" she asks with interest. Ofira eyes Kassima, "You're decorated yourself," she smiles, pointing to the lily. K'tyn manuevers the cart around a table, but fails to see the chair undeneath it. The cart, loaded with tapestries, a perch, a few rugs and a large overstuffed chair wobbles dangerously. "Uh...yea. Decorations, Kassi!" Ofira starts forward, "Look out! What are youdoing with all that stuff?" Kassima chuckles at Ofira, and nods. "One of the fire-lizards did it, actually, during today's swim... aigh, Kiat!" She ducks reflexively, then whews with relief as the things remain in place. "Need any help with that stuff?" K'tyn crinkles his brow in consternation as the chair which nearly toppled the cart does topple him. "Oh! Shards... Ah, sure Kassi. I want to ...redecorate in case Nim comes visiting..." He grins. "Rather dusty and boring in there, now, y'see." Kassima grins at Kiat. "Ah, just in case, hmmm? Sounds like you like this goldrider quite a bit..." she teases. Glancing over the things in the cart, she muses, "I should probably get m'self some tapestries or something. All I have on the walls now are those two paintings, the whip, the knife-rack, and the wherry-mask. Anyway, what d'you need done to these things? Conveyed up to your weyr, put into place, or both? I can do anything that's nay too heavy." Ofira smiles, "Excuse me, I need to check the kitchen. " she gets up, "K'tyn, if you want any decorating ideas, the weaver who helped with my office was very good. You can come and take a look if you like." Ofira walks off towards the kitchen. Benden Weyr> Ofira waves and will be back later :) K'tyn grins at Kassima, eying her closely. "You up to helping me? I was just going to rig a sling for the cart..." He adds, "I wouldn't want you to endanger the kiddo, there..." "Well," Kassi replies drolly, "I'm nay so round that I'd waddle enough to drop all of your stuff *quite* yet." Her mouth curves upwards in her characteristic grin as she adds, "But seriously, so long as 'tis nay too heavy, I can manage. I'm afraid I might nay be up to lugging that chair about, but decorations aren't always as weighty as furniture." Kelset walks here from the Inner Cavern. Kelset walks inwards, hair slightly darker than usual with a bit of damp and freshly combed. "Good afternoon," he says cheerfully, as usual, moving towards the serving table to see what sorts of drinks are available this afternoon. Kassima looks up from Kiat's cart to wave to Kelt, a motion that's turned into shooing Rhiannon away from the water lily behind her ear yet again. "Heya, Weyrharper-type. How'd whatever-'twas go with the tambourine?" K'tyn and Kassima are staring at a cart that's loaded with....stuff. "Oh, heya, Kelt....what she said." Kelset finds a mug and fills it half-full with cold cider - the pitcher ran out before he could completely fill the vessel - and approaches K'tyn and Kassima. "It didn't, I'm afraid," he says with a slight shrug, sending a chuckle alongside the gesture. "Merla asked me to surprise Kindre with a song, in honor of her Turnday. I did my best, but I didn't catch a /glimpse/ of her yesterday." He glances curiously at the cart, lifting the mug to his lips contemplatively. "What might that cart be for?" K'tyn stares at the cart. "Well, it for me. The problem is that I canna seem to get it through the Living Cavern without it toppling--or threatening too." Kassima chuckles ruefully and notes to Kelt, "I didn't see her, either, so I'll have to surprise her with her Turnday gift today instead. I hope she won't mind terribly much. This?" She looks back to the cart and its... stuff. "'Tis stuff," she replies helpfully. Kassima suggests to Kiat, "Why don't you take that chair, and I'll grab a tapestry or something? We can load those onto our dragons, then mayhaps push the lightened--and hopefully, less topple-worthy--cart out to the Bowl." Kelset chuckles a bit, looking at the crate curiously as he answers, "I hope we see her, then. Would you mind terribly if I accompanied your gift with a rather silly song I wrote for the occasion?" He nods slowly at Kassima's suggestion. "Sounds worthy of a try." K'tyn nods. "Aye...though, I'm thinking...." He grunts a little, manuevering the chair to the side, past the small endtables and Firelizard perch. "That if I took the small things off, like you said, and kept the chair on the cart, why, Prometh would not rend the upholstery as he did that couch." K'tyn grins. "I spent hours mending that sofa..." Kassima shakes her head at Kelt, smiling. "Nay 'tall. What better for a silly goldrider than a silly gift and a silly song together?" Peering down again at the cart, she hefts a fire-lizard perch with ease--it might be suspected that she's accustomed to handling those--and tries to get a good grip on a rolled-up tapestry. "Ooof, these things are heavier than they look... well, could you nay get burlap or something to put over the chair so that Prometh's claws would nay scratch it to bits?" Kelset lifts a quick smile to his lips, inclining his head forward in a nod to the greenrider. "Wonderful," he replies simply. He sets his mug down on a nearby table, offering, "I can help, if you need an extra set of hands anywhere." K'tyn nods at the greenrider. "I did that! His claws punched right through...urk!" the chair, seemingly made of ironwood, thuds to the floor. "Oh for the love of.." he sighs, kneeling. "Will you look at this?" He slowly moves a box, revealing a delicately carved glow-holder. "I've been looking for this for ages!" Benden Weyr> K'tyn sighs, and is lagged; my apologies.:/ Kassima shifts her grip on the fire-lizard perch, glaring at a pair of blues who seem to think *now* would be a great time to use the thing. "Get off, you azure abysses. I'm nay hauling you along, too!" She shakes her head at Kiat ruefully. "Well, mayhaps you could strap it onto his back somehow? That's what I did with Lyss, when I needed my bed and chair from m'room back home... oh, Kiat, 'tis lovely! Where'd you get such a find?" Benden Weyr> Kassima snugs Kiat. None needed; I think we all understand that unfortunate phenomenon. :) Benden Weyr> Kayne says, "Hear, hear!" Benden Weyr> Kelset chuckles. "Heard and /witnessed/." Kelset crosses his arms, watching Kassima and K'tyn with rather neutral objectivity, as if pondering each option. "It certainly is," he murmers, as the glow cover is revealed. K'tyn picks up the fragile thing. "Meant to give it to Kindre on her last turnday...think she'll like it now, hm?" He looks from harper to rider. "If not...I'll save it. Tisn't truly an expensive thing, good enough for a weyrwoman..." he bites his lips, clearly thinking of someone else. "But she does like pretty things. Kelt--mayhap you can take that tapestry, there? Or the endtables. Take your pick." Mehlani walks in from the bowl. K'tyn smiles. "I found it at Ista Weyr, would you believe it? A surly rider asked me for 2 marks for it and I took her up on it....Mehlani!" Riding a watchful sentry on his young human's shoulder, bronze Holl chirples, the only sound heralding the arrival of Mehlani as the girl pads into the cavern. Her head turns around, though, as her name is called. K'tyn puts the glow holder down. "Well look at you, you lovely girl! How are you, sweet?" He kneels, an arm outstretched for a hug or other caress. Kassima smiles at Kiat, "I think you're right about that. And who says something needs to be expensive? For Faranth's sake, Kiat, I'm just getting her a swimsuit. Naught like the gold knife I got her last time, unfortunately...." She takes another playful swipe at the hovering fire-lizards, making a face at them as they chitterlaugh at her from a safe distance. "Heya, Mehlani," she calls over when she hears Kiat, glancing over at the girl. Kelset instantly lifts the corners of his lips into a smile, replying, "Sure," and taking a few steps forward to pick up one of the endtables with one arm, then pick up the other with his left. "All right," he says, shifting each one every moment or two as he holds them aloft. "Where to?" He gives a quick smile over to Mehlani, greeting, "Hello, Mehlani." Kassima hefts the fire-lizard perch and tosses it up just enough to get a grip closer to the base. She uses the whole shebang to point dramatically out to the Bowl. "Out there, methinks; these things will need t'be loaded on the dragons for transport up to Kiat's weyr." Mehlani gives the bronze rider a shy small smile, and trots up to him to wrap slender arms about his neck. Holl flutters his red-bronze wings, and croons, nudging the girl's head and making her glance Kassima's way; 'Lani nods silently to the green rider, as well. K'tyn grins at the harper. "Rest easy, my friend. I've got to greet this sweet girl here," he says as he clasps the slender waif to him. "You have grown a length, I think. Here for a visit, hm?" He beams at Mehlani. "And this fine lad of yours seems in perfect health, too!" Kelset sets one endtable on his knee long enough to shift his grip, then rights himself and switches the other on his other knee. "All right, then," he says, grunting slightly. Obviously Harpers were never tempered by firestone bagging drills. Mehlani fixes K'tyn with a solemn blue gaze and says with no less earnest an expression, but with ever so slight a hint of teasing to her tone, "I live here, silly." On her shoulder, the bronze preens, while studying K'tyn consideringly, perhaps judging whether he is dangerous to his human. Holl's eyes are whirling blue, so evidently, K'tyn passes muster. K'tyn grins. "What? Are you back from the beasthall, then? I thought you'd been staying there." Kassima doesn't seem to be minding holding on to her things for awhile longer, though she does absently shift her weight from foot to foot in an attempt to find the most comfortable position. "I'm glad I'm nay the one carrying the chair, then," she grins over at Kiat. Eyeing Mehlani's fire-lizard with interest, she nods in thoughtful agreement. "I'd say he looks well too, though it could nay be said that I'm much judge of bronze fire-lizards." Lysseth> Alyssa walks here from the south. Mehlani blinkblinks, and shakes her head gravely to K'tyn; to Kassima, she looks over and observes simply, "Father taught me all about how to take care of a fire lizard, because his first one was bronze too." Lysseth> Lysseth warbles a greeting to Lys, eyes focusing on the dragonhealer the moment that she approaches. Kelset watches the two riders talking to Mehlani, then looks back to his mug, sitting innocently on a table several feet away. He shifts towards it, then attempts to negotiate around his two endtables to pick it up. After several experiments, all of which occur while he's doing his best to seem to be standing normally, he just lets out a sigh and looks back to the three. Benden Weyr> Mehlani eyes a K'tyn who thought I was at the beasthall. Spreading rumors of my Herderfying before she's knotted me, is Caitria? ;) Benden Weyr> Alyssa can log Glynna on and knot you in a heartbeat. Kassima ahhhs in comprehension, nodding again. "'Twould explain it," she agrees affably. "Of all the fire-lizards who make their home with me, none are bronze, so I don't know as much about them specifically. He looks just as well as K'nan's Dusk ever has, though." Benden Weyr> Kelset chuckles. "You're Glynna's player? I should have /known/." Lysseth> Alyssa rests beside Lysseth and, leaning against her, raises a hand to scritch the green hide delicately. "Good evening, love." Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "How's that?" Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "The email addies are the same, in the +finger info." Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Your inherent evil must've been showing through again, Lys. ;)" Benden Weyr> Kelset chuckles. "Just RP-personality wise. I met Glynna before I ever met you in other character form." K'tyn blinks. "Oh, well then--no matter! I am still glad to see you, since it seems that it has been, what? Nearly a turn?" He glances at Kassima and Kelset with an almost bewildered look on his face. "Have I really been /that/ busy?" He smiles at Mehlani again. "I may not have seen you, but, that doesna mean that you were ever far from my thoughts, little one." Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "Well, Glynna's rather hard to find ICly these days." The young girl says sagely to Kassima, "It's easy with just one." Holl, as if perfectly comprehending what is being said of him, chirps brassily, sitting up a bit, as if to announce that he is vital and strong and guarding his beloved companion well; Mehlani lifts a hand to him to scritch him absently, then turns back to K'tyn and gives him another small smile, more in her eyes than around her mouth. Benden Weyr> Kelset nods. "Well, after her husband died, I'd imagine." Benden Weyr> Mehlani is not sure IC yet what she wants to do with her life. :) Skye appears to have backed off recruiting her for the harpers. ;) Benden Weyr> M'rgan smiles. There's lots of Herders on NC. And Herder alts. ;) Benden Weyr> Alyssa will start in for the dragonhealers. Benden Weyr> Mehlani says, "Of course, I haven't been around... :}" Benden Weyr> Kelset smiles. "Should I try to take up where she left off, Mehlani?" Lysseth> Lysseth rumbles her appreciation of the Wingsecond's capable scritching, her long and slender tail curling lightly around Lys. Her eyes are a bright blue with the merest undertones of green to lend them an aquamarine hue. Benden Weyr> K'tyn hates that, when my husband just up and dies. Really screws things up.:) Benden Weyr> Kelset chuckles. "Exactly, M'rgan." Benden Weyr> Mehlani chuckles to Kelset. Up to you -- ask skye if she'd have told you about me, or something. Benden Weyr> Mehlani has a couple of logs of RP with her and Skye, and of Skye bogging F'hlan to send 'Lani to the Hall. Kelset manages a good-natured chuckle, trying his best to shrug. "We're holding up," he replies. Benden Weyr> K'tyn means that facetiously, of course. no offense intended. :0 "I remember," Kassi recollects. "I had Kyril for... oh, about a sevenday a'fore Impressing Sapphron. One's easier to take care of than fifty-nine, though that many *do* look after themselves admirably. Kiat, d'you want us to go on and take this furniture out to the Bowl? Seems 'twould be more efficient than just standing here with it." Benden Weyr> Kelset chuckles. "I'd love to ask Skye, but she hasn't answered +mail in months. It's the main reason I was posted here." K'tyn blinks, "What? You're still holding it?" He laughs. "Well, of course, if that's what you want." Benden Weyr> Mehlani ohs. Hrmm. Well, chances are you might have some idea of who I am already; I had been supposedly taking lessons with Skye, after she coaxed me into it. :) Skye was pretty adamant to my Da about getting me to the Hall; she might have left a note regarding me, I dunno. :) Or not. We'll see what happens. Mehlani looks from grownup to grownup, her brow crinkling a bit. Benden Weyr> Kelset smiles. "I would have, then. Skye was pretty much my secondary mentor for the large part of my apprenticeship." T'fian walks in from the bowl. Salless waves her dustcloth at the wingleader of Skyfire. Benden Weyr> C'vadan says, "Hiya, Tif" Lysseth> "You always seem to know when such affection is desired, love," Alyssa murmurs to Lysseth as she scritches the green. Benden Weyr> Kelset notes that he /really/ should update his desc since being an apprentice. Bleah. ;) Kassima salutes Kiat with the perch, smiling wryly. "Forgive me if'n I take you up on that. I'll be right back, eh?" She suddenly sneezes, as some stray dust wafts her way. "Evening, sir," she greets T'fian without even having to look over to see him. She duplicates her prior FL-perch-salute. Kelset lifts his endtables once again, looking over to Kassima. "Shall we get rid of this stuff, then?" Benden Weyr> K'tyn grins at Tiffy. Salless thinks you're Skyfire WL.:) She refuses to recognize your promotion T'fian sneezes as he strides into the cavern, eyeing Salless balefully. He quietly makes his way over to the Skyfire table. Benden Weyr> T'fian says, "Or yours, K'tyn. :)" Kassima nods emphatically to Kelt. "Let's!" She follows her own advice promptly, carting a rolled-up tapestry and fire-lizard perch out to the Bowl. You walk down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Benden LC> Kelset follows Kassima as quickly as he can manage with his cargo. Kelset comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern. Benden LC> T'fian sits on a bench at the long table for Skyfire wing. Benden Weyr> K'tyn /stares/ at Kelt. What?! you mean you're not constantly updating it? :) (And yah, T'fian! You're right.:) Benden LC> Mehlani peers after Kassima and the young man she isn't sure she knows, then returns her blue regard to K'tyn, quizzically. Benden Weyr> Mehlani had a growth spurt in honor of turning twelve. Benden Weyr> Kelset chuckles. "Well, I always forget about my desc, to be honest." Kassima meanders out of the LC with a fire-lizard perch and rolled-up tapestry in her hands, saluting Lys with the former and a smile. "Lysseth told me that she'd found someone to pester. I hope she's nay annoying you, Lys?" The greenrider sets down her burdens with an audible sigh of relief. Benden Weyr> T'fian ACKS! Benden Weyr> Kassima blinks at Kelt. Wow. :) I change mine all the time. You should see my descript.doc file; it's huge. :P :) Benden Weyr> C'vadan grins at T'fian. That was a @pemit ;) Kelset lugs the endtables after Kassima, puffing a bit. "Where should I set these down?" he asks quickly. Alyssa steps away from the green and shakes her head once. "Lysseth is a friend, and as such her attentions are never an annoyance." Benden Weyr> Kelset chuckles. "It's just difference of what's important, I suppose. I also forget to check people's descriptions." Benden Weyr> T'fian doesn't think this has ever been, uhm, Salless' personality, people... Benden LC> K'tyn grins at Mehlani, and as Kassi salutes a second time, he turns, greeting the Weyrsecond as well. "T'fian! Heya..." He looks back at Mehlani. "This is just some stuff I've had on order from the woodcraft. For m'weyr... Tis so dry and dusty and...boring up there." Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "What? What? I'm not seeing anything on my +watch...." Benden Weyr> K'tyn didna see it either. :) Cav, tell us!!! Benden LC> Mehlani nods consideringly to K'tyn, her hand till scritching the young bronze perched on her shoulder. Holl's head follows her gaze; the little guy evidently is acutely interested in anything that catches Mehlani's attention. Lysseth whuffles the Wingsecond affectionately, rumbling with disappointment as she steps away and giving her rider the evil eye. Kassi grins at the green unrepetantly. "You can drool all over Lys another time, lump! I'm certain she has things she'd rather be doing than scritching *your* lazy hide... oh, Lys, she adores you too. I'm just afraid that she makes a pest of herself sometimes. Kelt, anywhere should be fine, so long as 'tis nay too close to the Living Cavern entrance." Benden LC> T'fian nods to K'tyn. "Wingleader," he greets. Benden Weyr> <C'vadan> Salless jumps into T'fian's lap. "Now that we are alone, loverboy, why don't you show me how a *Weyrsecond* commands." Benden Weyr> K'tyn lol!!! Benden Weyr> Kassima tries not to fall over laughing, as there's a bowl of ravioli right in her fall-over path. It's difficult not to, though! Benden Weyr> K'tyn cackles. Cav, you are a bad 'un.:) Kelset is quite willing to take that as an answer and drops the end tables down where he stands, then, realizing it might be rather close to the entrance, he lifts them and moves them, barely a foot or so, and sets them down once again. "There," he says, brushing off his hands. Benden Weyr> Mehlani blushes and averts her guileless eyes. :) Benden Weyr> T'fian says, "That was rather evil." Benden Weyr> C'vadan bows :) Benden Weyr> Kassima's typist is cracking up over that! Cav, you're *wicked.* :) Alyssa's smile is faint as she regards Lysseth with plain fondness. "Her company is always welcome, Kassima. Good even, Kelset. Excuse me." Benden Weyr> C'vadan is trying for 'Honorary Evil Greenrider' :) Kelset, relaxing into an easier smile, nods. "Good evening, Alyssa. Clear skies." Benden Weyr> Cail says, "But dad!" Benden Weyr> Cail says, "Sheesh, does that mean he can fly himself? DOH" Alyssa moves beneath the rocky overhang that protects the Infirmary entrance. Kassima smiles back at both Lysses, affection obvious in her expression. "Be careful saying that, Lys, or you may find her following you about relentlessly. Clear skies t'you, a'course. Kelt, shall we head back in?" Benden Weyr> C'vadan says, "I think you have been listening you your mother too much, Cail." Benden Weyr> Cail = Momma's boy. Benden Weyr> C'vadan says, "Mehlani, what is the name of Tria's pony again?" Kelset lets out a breath, glancing around, smiling quickly at Lysseth, then back at Kassima. "Of course," he replies, heading back inwards. You walk past the lintel and into the wide living cavern. Benden Weyr> T'fian says, "Shows how much Cav pays to his weyrmate. :)" Kelset walks in from the bowl. Benden Weyr> C'vadan says, "You're no help, Tif :P :)" K'tyn rocks back on his heels, tapping his chin for a long moment. He nods, as if deciding something. "Will you please help me? I need to get these things--he waves at the profusion of objects--outside. And if you could carry this," he lifts the delicate glass glow holder. "Then I would not fear for it breaking." Benden Weyr> T'fian says, "/attention/ Cav pays... I hate leaving out important words." Benden Weyr> Mehlani says, "Tsornin." Benden Weyr> K'tyn hrms, isn't it like Tzorn? See? I knew! (almost) :) Kassima dusts off her hands as she walks back in, advising Kiat, "Beat those tapestries a'fore you hang 'em up, m'friend; wherever 'twere stored a'fore this, 'twas a place that got them a bit dusty. Aught else that I can carry in there?" She leans over to peer into the cart, looking for non-hernia-causing items. Benden Weyr> C'vadan says, "Yeah, that's a great quality in a Weyrsecond, Tif ;)" Benden Weyr> Cail says, "My pony! <almost put an 'h' in there>" The young girl bobs her head soberly to K'tyn, subtly straightening a little, as though being handed a task to do is something Mehlani takes very dutifully. Kelset walks back in, and, his hands free, heads directly for his forgotten mug of cider. He takes a quick sip, then sets it down and heads back over towards the crate. "Well, the end tables are out there, K'tyn. Anything else?" T'fian glances around at the bustling activity, then looks at the Skyfire wingleader. "What are you doing?" he asks. "He's redecorating his weyr, sir," Kassi replies cheerfully, blithely ignoring the fact that the question wasn't directed at her. Since she's looking at the cart rather than the Weyrsecond, she probably didn't even realize that it wasn't. "We've been recruited into hauling duty. I don't suppose you'd like to join our merry furniture-moving band?" K'tyn nods to Kassi and Kelset. "Just those smaller things in the boxes there... That's really about it, save for this chair, and that small bureau, and that roll of fabric to recover the sofa with." Benden Weyr> R'val snarfs. T'fian scratches a point behind his ear. "Redecorating?" he asks Kassima, glancing between her and K'tyn. "Why?" K'tyn smiles at Mehlani. "Thank, love." He stands, stretching. "Ah... just livening the place up...in case I get a visitor or two." Mehlani curls her small hands around the glow holder K'tyn has pointed her to, _very_ carefully. "Stop that, silly," she whispers very tinily to Holl, as the bronze cranes his head down to peer at the thing. Kelset gives T'fian a slight nod, grinning a bit. "We don't ask questions. We just move," he says, chuckling a bit to himself. "These?" he asks further of K'tyn, reaching into the box and picking up an item or two. Kassima lifts a pair of boxes out of the cart carefully, eyeing them to see if there's any indication of what they contain. Darting a glance at the Weyrsecond, she grins. "The reason he gave earlier was in case a certain Igenite goldrider stopped by, I believe." Alyssa walks here from the Inner Cavern. Kelset hefts up one of the boxes, then stacks another few up on top of them. "Just set them with everything else?" K'tyn reddens briefly, then shrugs as he turns away to manhandle the chair toward the door. "Lys. Heya!" T'fian smiles at the Harper, then chuckles. "Nimiriel?" K'tyn nods, huffing. "I...sure, Kelt! That's fine.." As she arrives with a tablet in her hands, head bent to read whatever's written on it, Alyssa replies softly, "Evening, sir." Then she looks up and tags a salute onto her greeting to K'tyn. Kelset gives K'tyn the closest thing he can manage to a nod as he follows the rider towards the exit, boxes piled in his arms up to his chin. "I'll be right back....That bureau's just awkward, not heavy," K'tyn grunts out as he pushes the chair pst the hearth and outside. Kassima chuckles at Kiat, "Why redden, Wingleader? 'Tis a perfectly legitimate reason. Nay that I'd go to all this trouble unless 'twas that I wished the redecoration for m'self, but that's just me... Kiat, this wagon might be unburdened enough to just push out there now." She turns her head to see Alyssa, and salutes as best she can with a box. "Heyla again, Lys." K'tyn walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Alyssa waves off the salute and offers a lame little smile. "Evening, Kassima." She turns toward T'fian and salutes him as well, though the effort is half-hearted given her decidedly un-riderish attire. Kelset attempts to keep his load balanced, smiling quickly at the others in the cavern as he heads out after K'tyn. Kelset walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. T'fian shakes his head, looking after the bronzerider. "Some wingleaders run their wings," he mutters. "K'tyn redecorates his weyr." He glances up and smiles at Alyssa. "None of that. You're grounded." Benden Weyr> C'vadan grins. Tif is surrounded by hormonal pregnant women :) Benden Weyr> Alyssa isn't hormonal. Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "At least...not ICly. :)" Benden Weyr> C'vadan grins at 'Lys. Lysseth> K'tyn nearly flops into the chair as he gets it outside. "Gods!This char was not that heavy, earlier!" Benden Weyr> Kassima simply snorts. :) Alyssa slides into a seat at Skyfire's table as she tells T'fian quietly, "Some habits die hard, Weyrsecond. If I recall, you had a hard time getting me to notice you all to salute to begin with." Kassima flashes a quick smile in Lys's direction before following the others out, spinning on her heel just before she gets to the entrance in order to box-salute both blueriders. Only then does she step outside in truth. You walk down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Kelset pauses for a moment, shifting backwards to try to keep the stacked boxes from falling forward in his arms. He moves towards the rest of the items, and, one by one, sets the boxes down on top of the end tables. "Ah," he says, relieved. "There you are, K'tyn." Benden LC> T'fian smiles, remembering that. "Yes. I do recall that," he chuckles. "Seems like it was only last week, in fact." Shaking his head after Kassima. "I should ask her to stop that as well." Benden LC> Alyssa places her tablet on the table and, stylus in her fingers and tapping against her cheek, she reads the contents of her tablet with care. "Well over four Turns now, T'fian..." Prometh turns to regard hhis rider and the mound of things near his body with increasing suspicion. K'tyn confirms the request, asking the bronze beast to help him 'get these few things up to the weyr....Twill only take a moment!' Kassima's burden is lighter than Kelt's, so she's able to set down her pair of boxes with ease. "This seems just about as bad as someone moving into their weyr in the first place, Kiat. Did you get all of these from Stores?" Benden LC> T'fian smiles. "I know. But forgive an old rider his fond reminiscing." Benden LC> Amethyst eyes raise from the tablet. "You are very far from old, T'fian," Alyssa murmurs. K'tyn grins at his helpers. "Nope, just been picking things up as a I go--ordering them and what not. I made deals to ferry crafters about --a loud dragonly snort interrupts him-- to get most of it." Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Good luck, Tiffy. Kassi's become a salute-addict. You'd have to send her to months of Saluters Anonymous meetings to get her to quit, and by then, she'd be back on duty and would have to go back to saluting anyway. ;)" Kelset crosses his arms lightly, watching K'tyn and Prometh. "All right. So we're packing this stuff up on him?" he asks doubtfully, already anticipating the dragon's acceptance. He lets out a bit of a sigh, looking /all/ the way up at the bronze. "Though I wouldn't mind being ferried around, myself..." he adds with a chuckle. Benden LC> T'fian grins. "Shards," he chuckles. "How old's K'tyn? Seeing a kid take my place can certainly make somebody feel old." K'tyn grins. "Actually, no. I've a sling here..." Kassima hmmms at Kiat, "Really? That sounds like good bartering-fodder, though I think I've used that too many times in gift purchasing to get aught else for a few more Turns with that chip." She grins, leaning back against one of the tables. "'Cept for the chair, bed, and that lovely table Merla bought me, all of m'furniture's from stores; most of the rest is gifts or Gather winnings. How're you going to fit all of this stuff into that sling, Wingleader?" Benden LC> Alyssa reiterates, quietly, "You're not old. And K'tyn is no kid, T'fian. P'tran was younger than he when he became Weyrleader and Thunderbolt's leader." Benden LC> T'fian laughs. "Come on, Wingsecond," he says, smiling, "at least let me pretend to be self-pitying." Against its nest of sleek black cloth, this necklace gleams a fiery red-bronze that has been crafted to resemble Prometh's sunset hide. The charm is a dragon's head, seen straight on from the front; it appears to stare at those who look at it, forthright and without the faintest trace of shyness or hesitancy. The azure hearts of the tiny dusky blue sapphires that have been faceted and set into the eye sockets gleam with a life all their own. This necklace is a heavy one, with the dragon's visage being complete not only on the fore, but on each side; it is three-dimensional, rather than only given one view. The pendant's setting upon its thin dark golden chain is unusual: rather than having a loop at the top for the chain, it has some sort of holder on the back that each end passes through. There is no clasp. Rather, two small circles tip the end of the chain, preventing the charm from slipping off; they also make it possible to adjust the pendant's fit. The tiny spheres have been set with equally miniscule jewels: ruby on the left, onyx on the right, to display the colors of Benden Weyr. Carved upon the back of the pendant is the almost invisible likeness of two crossed blades, the sign of NPC Journeyman Miner Sythriva. Benden LC> "Self-pity's hardly an emotion I'd usually ascribe to you, T'fian," Alyssa notes as she sets down her stylus. K'tyn says "I'm not; I will have Prometh move the large pieces one at a time, and the rest I will strap to him, though that is not more than those four boxes of things." K'tyn sounds quite smug. "I'll just get him to put this on..." Prometh turns, and just stared at his rider. Finally, he sighs, aquiescing. "Aye, Prometh, I'll make worth your while....just think of how pleased Daelyth will be to see the weyr looking so fancy, hm?" Benden LC> T'fian grins. "Me neither," he grins. "But I was hoping it'd be good for a laugh. And it is true that Meroth was already fifteen turns old by the time I became Wingleader." Benden LC> Alyssa looks toward the bowl, her expression softening. "Such a fine blue..." Benden LC> T'fian rolls his eyes. "A lazy, firelizard-eating blue," he corrects fondly. Kelset ponders moving a box or two off one of the end tables and sits down, just smiling a bit in amusement at K'tyn's conversation with his lifemate. Kassima nods, accepting that answer. She peers at all the various furniture and boxes. "Might be a bit awkward if'n 'twas all strapped on at once," she observes. "If'n you'd like help, Lyss could likely take a share of the stuff. You wouldn't mind, would you, sky-lady?" Lyss gives her rider an unreadable *look.* "She wouldn't mind," Kassi interprets cheerfully, bringing a dry but resigned snort from her lifemate. Emlyn walks here from the south. Pleiath lumbers here from the south. Benden LC> "Did you want to sit down, T'fian?" Alyssa indicates the nearby seat with a light gesture. "I've just a bit of studying to do, and an interruption is welcome." Kelset spares a glance towards Emlyn as he watches K'tyn and Kassima negotiate the carrying arrangments. "Evening, Emlyn!" he greets cheerfully. Benden LC> T'fian walks over to where Alyssa sits. "What are you studying?" he asks. Pleiath and Emlyn come up from the far side of the bowl. As has been typical for all the weyrlings lately, she's hurrying from one intensive training session to another. She pauses when she hears her name and smiles at Kelset. "Evening." Then she salutes the riders present. Benden LC> A smart-aleck greenrider calls out, "You!" to the Weyrsecond. Others laugh. Benden LC> Alyssa slides the tablet closer. "Oh, notes on a lecture for our dragonhealer trainees in a sevenday or so. Me, giving a lecture." K'tyn waves, "Heya, Emlyn... And Kassi, I don't want to trouble you further. This is more than I expected." Kassima waves her hand dismissively at Kiat, "'Twas and 'tis nay trouble, but 'twill be as you wish a'course. Merely thought I'd make the offer." Returning Emlyn's salute with a faint sigh, she smiles ruefully at the Weyrling. "Evening, Emlyn." Benden LC> T'fian glances over at the greenrider and chuckles, shaking his head. He looks back at Alyssa. "At least you're keeping yourself occupied. And you've lectured Candidates before." Benden LC> Alyssa hmmms. "I am...uncomfortable in front of people, however." Benden LC> T'fian chuckles. "They're not people. They're trainees. And bark orders at them." Benden LC> Alyssa lifts an eyebrow elegantly. "Bark at them? Me? Bark?" Emlyn notes the rueful looks and the exchange between Kassima and K'tyn. She quietly asks Kelset, "What's going on?" If the harper doesn't know, nobody will. Pleiath stretches out to rest. Kelset replies, brushing a curl from his eyes, smiling a bit, "Well, apparently, there's a band of renegades down at South Boll, which you probably heard up here the other day. That's where I heard it. Beyond that, things are relatively quiet, as usual. Just a few things happening once in a while, like Mirala coming up for a visit the other day, for which I was rather grateful. How about with you?" Benden LC> T'fian smiles. "I'm sorry. I'm being too flippant today. Must be the weather. Just be yourself when you talk to the trainees and you shouldn't have a problem." Benden LC> Alyssa finally smiles. "Thank you. And my apologies...I've been sleeping rather ill of late. I dozed off in the infirmary earlier, for the love of the Egg." Kassima turns to answer Emlyn with a probably less interesting answer of, "Kiat's redecorating his weyr. That's what all this stuff is for." Kelset chuckles, nodding at Kassima. "And of course, the most immediate." K'tyn pulls the thick sling about Prometh's neck and shoulders, fastening it securely. "Just hauling things, Emlyn," he says cheerily. "Prometh, lower your head! Aye!" he moves the bureau and perch into the sling. "Be right back." Up and away they go, and then, in moments, the bronze and his rider return. Emlyn frowns. "Renegades? Near Boll? Isn't that a bit heavily populated a place..." She falls quiet as kassima speaks up. K'tyn grunts, "When I get this chair up there, twill ne'er come down again." "A bit," Kassi agrees wryly, watching Kiat and Prometh moving things. "I should find some reason to redecorate, except that I like m'weyr as 'tis. This has been the most interesting thing I've done all day, and mayhaps all sevenday for that matter." Kelset gives a very slight shrug, followed by a rather inexpressive smile. "It's only what I've heard. Personally, I'd be /quite/ pleased to hear more on the subject. I hate to give the Masterharper nothing more than vague rumours when I deliver my report." K'tyn pushes the chair onto the sling, piling several boxes into its arms. Emlyn nods to Kelset, finding the concept of renegades so foreign that she decides it must be untrue. She nods at the chair K'tyn's moving. "Er, where did that come from? Did somebody at the weyr make it?" Benden LC> T'fian smiles. "You don't have to apologize to me," he says, then sobers. "It's a bad time to be grounded, isn't it?" Emlyn is a weyrling who knows she's near graduation. Furniture is definitely of interest. Benden LC> That raises a more sincere smile. "Is there ever a good time for a rider to be grounded, T'fian?" Kelset gives Emlyn a slight nod and a smile. It doesn't need to be mentioned unless there's any further news. He stands straight again, having leaned against his end table. "Should this go in before the boxes, or after?" K'tyn grins. "Na! Get on there...urk! ...I had ... it made. But there's tons of things in storage," he gasps. "Just ask Kethran if you can catch him." Kassima peers at Kiat's chair as Emlyn draws her attention to it. "'Tis a nice chair," she observes. "Nay that I'd part with mine for the world, but y'never know when it could just fall to pieces when I try to sit on it one of these days." She makes a face, then ambles over to sit on Lysseth's foreleg and watch the proceedings. "Y'know, Em, there're plenty of great things--aye, what Kiat said. The furniture of dead riders goes into Stores, after all, so there're bound t'be some nice pieces if'n you're of a mind to really do some searching." Benden LC> T'fian shakes his head. "No," he says quietly. "But there are times when a grounded rider feels less completely useless. You watch the riders preparing for this 'Fall or the riders on that sweep and you know you're just taking up space. At least in winter it doesn't seem as important." K'tyn looks up. "Or, y'can wait for Maarie or Kassi to do house cleaning, hm?" Emlyn crosses her arms, thinking about storage. She finally says, "If I got threaded, the stuff I left behind would be better off used by those who were still around." This said, she nods, as if she's come to a decision. "Well, Faranth knows, Ursa's weyr is emptier than the paddock after a thunderstorm." Kassima peers at Kiat, arching up an eyebrow. "Are you suggesting that we're due t'be dead in time for Emlyn to take our furniture?" she asks with a chuckle. "I certes don't plan on weyr-cleaning for any other reason anytime soon... aye, Emlyn, and there've been things stocking up back there since the Weyr began. I found a lot of nice furniture in there, though I took a few items from m'old room back home and a'course the table was a gift from Merla." Benden LC> Alyssa's reply is a bit sad but couched with humour. "That's very true, but as you yourself have said, I have my dragonhealing. And I am at least used to watching the wings fly Thread while I remain on the ground." K'tyn fits a few more boxes in. "Really Kassi? Then, twas not your piles of underthings on my ledge, and scattered inside?" He winks at the others. Kelset lets out a light laugh at K'tyn's comment. Emlyn grins at K'tyn, then over at Kassima. She says, "Greenriders." Kassima blinks at Kiat. Blinks once, then twice, then thrice. "My *what*?" she finally manages to exclaim, plainly confused. "Where'd you get that notion, Kiat? And what were strange underthings doing on--nay, wait a moment; thinking better of it, I suspect I'm better off nay knowing at that...." K'tyn taps his chin. "I peered out to see what was going on, and lo....there was a rain of undergarments falling from the sky." Emlyn nudges Kelset. "Sounds like a ballad in the making." Kelset shakes his head dubiously, muttering audibly, "Well, they did warn me about the weather up here..." Benden LC> T'fian smiles. "It's different though, isn't it?" He shrugs. "I don't know how 'Fall feels for you... but for me it's terrifying and exhilerating at the same time. And after twenty turns, it's still the same way. After the first time... even though nearly half of my class was decimated... I can't sit on the ground and watch that anymore. I've had to, but ... it's like missing a part of myself." Kelset adds a quick wink to Emlyn, nodding in agreement. "The day was clear, the sun was high, when what should I see, dropping from the sky...." he begins, chuckling. Kassima shakes her head most emphatically. "'Twasn't I, Kiat. Mayhaps Miryenne? That sounds an awful lot like her, or even Ylysse if'n she was in a quirky mood... dare I ask why you suspected 'twere *mine*?" She sounds like she's not sure if she *wants* to know the answer. K'tyn grins. "I thought I did see you tossing things....though, now that I think on it, it might have been Maarie." Emlyn laughs and encourages Kelset with a thump on the shoulder blade. Emlyn watches the work for a moment longer, then sighs. "Well, considering I've another drill this evening, and considering I'm supposed to lead a division of Northern Lights for it, I better go get a bite of dinner while I can." She salutes the riders -and- the harper, saying, "pardon me?" "'Twas *nay* me," Kassi states firmly. "I don't throw things out of m'weyr, 'cept for those fish heads--but that was when 'twas proddy, and I still say that Z'rro shouldn't have been standing where he could get hit, anyway! Was the perpetrator on the Skyfire or Thunderbolt side of the Bowl?" Kelset chuckles, continuing in his light tenor voice, growing a bit more confident, "Raining from the sky like thread, falling down from overhead, were women's garments, left and right, blotting out everything from sight..." He stops, laughing. "Well, maybe with a /lot/ of polishing." Emlyn backs toward the living cavern, then turns and heads under the lintel. Emlyn walks beneath the lintel and disappears into the living cavern. Benden LC> T'fian nods. "You handle it far better than some of us," he smiles. Benden LC> Emlyn salutes the riders near the entryway who look her direction. That done, she goes to get herself a plate of dinner. Kindre comes down from Herath's ledge. Pleiath lifts her head to peer at her dam's rider. Kelset looks up, breaking into a smile. "Kindre!" He shakes his head, chuckling. "And me without my tambourine." Benden LC> T'fian returns Emlyn's salute. "Good evening, Weyrling. How is the training?" he asks. Kindre smiles wide, skipping the last step down and half-bounding into the bowl. Admiring Pleiath for a few moments, she strides up. "Tambourine," Kindre wonders, brows arching to betray her curiousity. "How fares all?" Kassima wrinkles her nose at the Harper. "Just make certain that you get the facts straight about who's at fault," she suggests with a wink, then spins on her heel as she catches movement from the direction of Herath's weyr. "Kindre!" she exclaims, beaming. "Just the goldrider 'twas hoping to run into, though I'd have preferred yestereve to today." Without further ado, she pushes herself up and scrambles over to the other side of Lysseth. The sounds of someone rummaging through a belt-pouch can be heard. Benden LC> Emlyn brings her plate over to the weyrsecond's table, she smiles at Alyssa and T'fian as she takes a seat. "Training continues as heavily as ever, Sir. Another set of drills this evening." Kindre peers over towards Lysseth, her brows still slightly arched as she tries to make out what Kassima may be doing. Grinning, she calls over, "Should I worry," is jest. Kelset gives a grin to Kassima, then says, "Well, it'll work without a tambourine. I promised Merla I'd sing this anyway." He pauses, drawing in a low breath, then sings, in a very, very serious tone, his notes high and clear, The Starsmith tells me to pay attention to him, explaining how our planets all spin. And how Pern stays aligned while it reels around blind, Whirring and Whirling upon its own pin. And I asked, rather doubtfully, "What?!" He said, "He won't listen while he learns! Kelt, my boy, it turns!" K'tyn looks up from fastening the last tie about his soon-to-be-hefted furniture. "Heya, Kin! And don't you look stunning, hm?" he breaks off to listen to Kelset sing. Kelset dons a broad grin and, letting his voice slip into a high, jovial reel, he sings, It turns and it turns and it turns and it turns, for Pern is a-turning, a-turning, a-turning, but so, my dear, are you! Kindre's mouth gapes a bit as she listens, the corners of her eyes crinkle...not wrinkling (she's not -that- old yet), her mouth curved into a smile as she listens. She does manage to mouth a 'thank you' to K'tyn's kind words. Kassima waltzes out from behind Lysseth, holding a wide, flat box and grinning as she listens to the music appreciatively. She winks at Kin, and mouths, 'Probably' in response to the goldrider's earlier question. Kelset stops at the end, standing up straight, quite serious once more, his eyes almost closing as his expression shifts so abruptly. As he begins this time, he switches to his falseto, singing in a very proper tone, The Baker reminds me, once again, to let the mixture flow, while explaining what I, sadly, don't know. As long as it takes, spin the pie 'till it bakes! So you don't ruin my beautiful dough! And I asked, rather doubtfully, "What?!" She said, "He won't listen while he learns! Kelt, my boy, it turns!" Benden LC> Alyssa lifts her gaze from her dragonhealer notes and smiles briefly at Emlyn. "Evening." Kelset once again lets his expression relax into a broad smile, spreading his hands out as he sings, dropping into his full voice, It turns and it turns and it turns and it turns, The pies are a-turning, a-turning, a-turning, but so, my dear, are you! Benden LC> Emlyn returns Alyssa's greeting smile with one of her own. "How are you feeling, Alyssa?" she asks quietly. Kindre returns the greenrider's wink with one of her own and grins. "I'd expect no less," she smirks before hushing to listen to the young Harper once again. Benden LC> T'fian glances between weyrling and dragonhealer. He stands and quietly says, "Excuse me, please." T'fian comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern. Benden LC> Lifing her shoulders in a slight shrug, Alyssa answers, "As well as can be, I suppose. How are you?" Kelset doesn't switch images this time, but continues on, grinning at the others as he sings, bright and full, his voice ringing out across the bowl, Now I, the Harper, get a chance to explain, and add my voice to the revolving game, For you're a turn older, Three hundred sixty days bolder, And none of them ever exactly the same! And you may ask, rather doubtfully, "What?!" I'll say, "You won't listen while you learn! Kin, my girl, you turn!" Kindre giggles aloud, clapping her hands together at this latest phrase. "I owe Merla for this..." she remarks. Kelset accentuates each beat, despite his complete lack of accompaniment, whirling around once as he finishes the song. She turns and she turns and she turns and she turns, Kindre's a-turning, a-turning, a-turning, and that, my dear, is you! Kelset finally stops, a bit out of breath, smiling broadly. "And so, happy Turnday, Kindre." Benden LC> Emlyn smiles and shakes her head. "I'm well, thank you. Thriving, in fact." Emlyn peers at Alyssa, then nods. "You -do- look better." "Oh, Kelt, I love that one," Kindre quickly notes and then does a spin or two herself. Giggling, she shrugs, "A turn indeed I am. Thank you, Kelset, that was just wonderful," she adds and semi-curtsies. "Not a sour note! A joy to hear you sing, my friend," Clapping loudly, Kiat congratulates Kelset, turning to grin at Kindre. "Aye, you do! But Kin...I owe you this..Is Mehlani still in the Cavern?" Kassima flashes a grin at Kin and suggests, "You'll have to repay the favor on her next Turnday, mayhaps?" Shifting the box to hold it under her arm in order to applaud, she chuckles and agrees, "A marvelous song! Perfect, I'm certain," she adds, sliding an impish sidelong glance at Kin, "for singing at any Gather." Kelset smiles gratefully at Kindre, K'tyn, and Kassima. "Thanks!" he says, still quite energized by performing. "And thank Merla. I wrote it at her request. This is your twenty first, I believe, Kindre?" He adds a deep bow to Kindre, grinning. "It was a pleasure." He replies to K'tyn, "Thank you, K'tyn. I appreciate that! And you, too, Kassima." He chuckles. "And I'm not sure about the Gather. Just so long as someone's Turning, I expect." Kassima hmmms at Kiat. "I didn't see her come out, so unless she left by way of the Inner Caverns, aye. Kin, d'you suppose you might have time to open a wee bit of a thing?" She proffers the box, which has 'Open Me' printed boldly across the top in Kassi's flourid script. Kindre gazes towards the cavern. "I'm not sure, Kiat...I've been mostly in my weyr most of this day, to be true." Her eyes focus on the package within Kassima's arms before replying, "True enough there, too. I believe I like it much better than the Matchmaker song!" Sighing, she nods, "Yes, twenty and one it is. Shells, I'm such an old maid now," is said and followed with a wink. K'tyn laughs. "Stay here! Niether of you allow her to move, hm? I'll be right back." K'tyn walks beneath the lintel and disappears into the living cavern. Kelset laughs over to K'tyn, "We won't let her move a step." Kassima clears her throat at Kindre, amused. "Watch it, ma'am; there's a twenty-two Turn old spinster present." Benden LC> K'tyn frowns, as he looks about. "Seen Mehlani, Lys? Emlyn?" Kindre laughs while her fingers slide over the presents top. "Aw, shells Kassima," she remarks, pulling her eyes up from the gift, "You honestly didn't have to get me a thing..." Benden Weyr> Kindre says, "it's like a K gathering in the bowl! ;)" Kelset turns back to Kindre, a smile upon his lips, as he watches her open the present with curiosity. Benden LC> Ofira walks here from the Inner Cavern. Benden Weyr> Kelset chuckles. "So /that's/ why I was invited." ;) Kassima wrinkles her nose impishly at Kin. "What, nay get something for one of m'two favorite queenriders? When she's gotten *me* things for two Turndays in a row? In your dreams. Go ahead, open it up! 'Tis nay a gold belt-knife, but...." She looks a bit sheepish, "I hope you'll like it anyway." Benden Weyr> K'tyn laughsl.:) Benden Weyr> Kassima was thinking that earlier, Kin, when there were four of us out here. ;) Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Now all we need to do is change our dragons' names to Kysseth and Krometh, Kiat.... ;)" Benden Weyr> <Kindre> Kerath will be right down, too! :) Benden LC> K'tyn ahs, scooping up a box on a table. "Heya Ofira!" he calls, dashing back out into the bowl. K'tyn comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern. Kindre's eyes re-focus on the gift in her hands. She slowly unwraps the package, perhaps a bit too slowly, before peeking into the shadow to unveil the gift. Her mouth falls fully open as she takes in every detail... This one-piece bathing suit looks simple enough; made of some sort of gleaming opaque golden material, it has little excess ornamentation to hamper a swimmer or vine-swinger at her chosen sport. But be warned: looks can be deceiving! For as the suit is turned about in the light, sparkles of dyed gold threads tinged to have a gentle overtone of rose quartz pink pick out the tiny shapes of queen dragons all over the garment; their heads are high, their wings raised, and their entire demeanors display their pride and inborn vanity. Right where an eye should be on each one is a single metallic stitch that has been washed in an overlay of blue-green. Dazzling viewed one way, simply pretty from another angle... which vision is the true one? Underneath the suit in the box, you find a sash of some sort of gauzy golden material that's very thin indeed, yet surprisingly durable. As soon as you read what has been painted on it most carefully in florishing black script, you know it to be an item of sheer whimsy: it declares you to be 'Kindre, Bollian Vine-Swinger and Nomadic Wanderer Extrordinaire.' Dangling from one end of the sash, rather like little tassles, are chiming metal medallions shaped as flat circles. On each is a different message; one reads, 'Champion R'val-Curser,' while another declares you to be, 'Prime Utilizer of the Word 'Marks' In a Luck-Chant.' The final two announce that you are, respectively, a 'Luck Advocate' and 'Bane of Skill-Attesting Brownriders Everywhere.' Kelset leans over a bit, chuckling slightly, as he attempts to catch a glimpse of the gift. Benden LC> Emlyn shakes her head as she salutes. "I've not seen her, no." Her smile wide enough to equal the brilliance of Eos, Kindre's whole face is fully lit. "Oh...Kassi...this is so beautiful..." she manages before giggling over the 'titles.' "How in Faranth's name...ah, shells, I can only wonder! Thank you!" She hugs the greenrider with great enthusiam, making sure to be careful of her stomach. "I can't wait to wear it! You're amazing." K'tyn rushes back outside in time to see Kindre opening her gift. He clears throat at the sudden silence, trying to speak clearly. "Ah. Kin....I did get this for you...well, asked that it be made nearly a turn ago. Tisn't anything spectacular, but...WHAT is that she gave to you?" He nods at the gift. "I can't make head or tail of it." Kelset steps back, smiling wryly, nodding in agreement with K'tyn. "Hear, hear. Let's see what it is!" Kassima grins broadly at Kin, hugging her friend warmly. She's plainly pleased by the goldrider's approval of the gift. "Everyone's got to have some secrets," she laughs, "so wonder away! As long as you like it, then I'm happy--though I wouldn't call me *amazing* by any means, unless you're referring to the amazing walking beached shipfish that I'll be looking like ere too long." She winks, and steps back from Kin to let her show off the gift. K'tyn holds his own gift under his shirt, the round bulge reminiscent of something rather like a ball. Kindre pulls out a swimming suit, hued simply gold it would seem at first, rays of light catch the blush-pink outlines of dragons across the fabric -- their heads held high, their wings outstretched. A beautiful garment in and of itself, hints of blue-green also dance across the garments color. Pleiath lifts herself and warbles in her bright voice to Jeth! Jeth backwings for a landing. Benden LC> Emlyn jumps to her feet. "Jeth? Here?" Kelset lets out an admiring laugh, clapping his hands once or twice in appreciation. "Very, very, nice!" he says, a full smile upon his lips. Benden LC> Alyssa walks towards the inner cavern. High atop Jeth, D'va unbuckles his straps and lays them to his side. D'va swings down from atop Jeth's back to the ground. Benden LC> Emlyn dashes out, leaving her dinner on the table. Emlyn comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern. Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "I am, apparently, having connection problems. Sorry, all." Benden Weyr> Jazmin snuggles a Lyssa. Benden Weyr> Kelset comforts Alyssa. :) D'va clambers off of Jeth and takes a look around. "Looks like rain, hm?" he comments to nobody in particular, giving Jeth a pat on the flank. Kassima looks up at the arrival of the unfamiliar bronze, glancing at his rider's knot before nodding to him respectfully. "Benden's duties to the High Reaches and her queens, sir, and welcome." Kindre lifts a hand to wave to the High Reaches rider. "Benden's duties and hello," she calls over, shifting the box and present within for a better hold. K'tyn mock-glares at Kassima. "You said it was not something wondrous! And here, as we all see, it is!" He nods at Jeth's rider, "Greetings. Welcome to Benden." Emlyn dashes out. Pleiath has gotten to her feet and is warbling sweetly to the visiting bronze. The weyrling scampers across the bowl, squealing like a child. She practically bowls D'va over in a tight hug. Kelset looks over to the rider, offering in an amiable tone, still admiring the gift for a moment, "Benden and Harper Hall's greetings to High Reaches." D'va is en-welcomed. :) After surviving Emlyn's hug, he manages to sqeuak out a "Hello." Benden Weyr> K'tyn laughs!! I love that mail notication from Kassi!. :):) Jeth rumbles pleasantly to Pleiath, shifting over so that Emlyn's momentum carries the father and daughter into his side. Musn't let them fall down, nope. Kassima grins at Kiat and intones, "One person's wonderous item is another's ewwww-where-did-you-*get*-such-an-awful-thing," she quotes. "It never pays to laud something as marvelous a'fore people can see and decide for themselves." Benden Weyr> Kassima grins at Kiat. Even as spammy as it is? :) Emlyn ends up with her arm around D'va's waist. She accuses, "You didn't have Jeth warn Pleiath that you were coming!" SHe gives him another hug, completely unapologetic at monopolizing her foster-father's attention. K'tyn is standing near his own bronze who is waiting (with a supremely bored air) to get this sling and stupid furniture off and away from him. The rider's midriff bulges with a round, smooth ball shaped object. Kindre grins as she watches Emlyn near-tackled. "I suppose asking you what brought you to Benden would be a rather silly question," she remarks and chuckles. Turning back to Kassima, she just beams. "Shells, I can hardly wait to wear it...honest...mayhaps will even show it off at the lake, if I've the chance," she smirks. Nodding in agreement, her smile falls onto K'tyn. "You truly didn't have to get me a thing, Kiat...I'm grateful for anything you did." Benden Weyr> K'tyn giggles. "I liked it.:) " :) Benden Weyr> Kethran grins at Kiat. Silly bronzerider! ;) D'va chuckles. "I didn't know I was coming until Bryena told me she had a bit of correspondance for Ofira. I only wish I could have torn her away from her apprentices to let her come too, but..." He shrugs. Benden Weyr> K'tyn aye! And proud of it! Benden Weyr> Kethran laughs quietly. Very silly bronzerider. Kassima is standing between her green and Kindre, grinning at the latter. Despite her condition, she still doesn't look as much like she's stuffed some sort of ball-shaped object up her shirt as Kiat does. "I just hope it brings you luck when you next battle a certain brownie or anyone else at the vine. You'll have to tell me if'n it does, y'know!" Emlyn gives D'va one more hug and then lets him go so he can join the others. As she walks with him, she suddenly turns bright red and murmurs to him, "Er, is it okay that I didn't salute you? I'll remember to, next time." K'tyn grins at Kassima. "Brownie? Isn't that a dessert?" Kelset looks back to Kindre, K'tyn, and Kassima, arms crosses loosely before him. "Well, we'll all have to be there for the suit's unveiling, I'm sure," he says to Kindre, smiling. "I think it is," he stage-whispers to K'tyn. "Don't tell them that, though. They might be rather disappointed. Kassima wrinkles her nose at Kiat, laughing. "Nay, 'tis what I call Mart. He calls me greenie, I call him brownie; fair deal, eh?" K'tyn laughs. "Ah! I see. Please, don't call me bronzie, hm?" "Like I'd go and 'compete' with anyone without you there," Kindre laughs after replying to Kassima. "I'll wait to unveil it for compitition until you can be there, too. Aye, M'rgan's nickname...I don't want to know what he may call me..." she smirks. D'va says "Oh believe me, Emlyn, it's quite alright." Kelset looks up at the sky for a moment, brushing a few curls from his eyes as he looks upwards, then glances behind him, into the cavern. "Well," he comments, "I'm going to see what K'tyn, here, got you, and then get back to my quarters, I think. I've got some reports and letters that need writing and sending." Emlyn joins the other riders with D'va. She says to them, "You've all met D'va, I assume? The poor man is my foster father, which is where these wrinkles around his eyes come from." Kassima chortles at Kiat. "Nay, Kiat, I don't think so--nay when you might just be able to convince P'tran to give me dawn sweeps for life for it. I'll call you sirrie instead." She winks at Skyfire's Wingleader, then smiles at Kin, sincerely touched by her sentiment. "Ach, m'friend, you needn't wait for me... and I don't know, but mayhaps we can ask him next time he's about. Wicked Goldrider, I think is his name for you... shells, here I am monopolizing your attention when Kiat's got a gift for you. Forgive me, you two." D'va chuckles to himself. "Yeah, forget all of the wingrider duties and the other three children.. it's YOU that caused all of that, Emlyn." Prometh stamps his foot, impatiently. Kiat glances at the bronze, then nods. "Allright! Just a moment more. Kin, best I give this to you now, lest his arrogance here hets too impatient." Without further ado, he pulls the round object from his shirt and offers it to Kindre. It appears to be a glow holder, made of blown glass. Tiny dragons -bronze after gold, brown and blue after green-cavort in flight across its surface. Emlyn bumps D'va fondly with her hip. "Well, Br'mar may have caused one or two. And Carissea, sure." Kassima ahs, and nods to Emlyn and the bronzerider beside her with an affable grin. "Well met and all of that, sir. I suspect that condolences are due you for looking after Emlyn all of that time?" She winks at the green Weyrling, then glances over to where Kiat is unveiling his gift. "Oh, Kiat... that's sharding magnificent!" Kindre chuckles, "I like the attention. Only happens once a turn," she remarks and grins. "Well met, D'va," she turns, "I don't believe we've met officially, though I recall you visiting when Emlyn was still a Candidate." Slowly taking the gift, her eyes widen like they did just a few moments ago. "Oh, Kiat...it's lovely...my blue has picked the ratty basket I brought from Half Circle to shreads. Thank you," she adds before hugging the bronzerider tightly. D'va shakes his head. "No, no condolences. Emlyn was a pleasure to look after." He grins at his daughter. He nods pleasantly as he makes Kassima's and Kindre's "formal" acquaintance. Kelset merely lets his smile grow, nodding in admiration. "Definitely a beautiful gift, K'tyn. Filled with every possible color from the glows themselves. Almost as if it were created from light, molded by an exceptionally talented glass crafter." K'tyn shakes his head, He mutters to Kindre, "... meant... give... I... so... when... couldn't find it,... that stuff... storage, there is... I am... you do..." K'tyn hugs Kindre briefly, then grins at Kelset. "I'm no harper, but that's what I tohught whenI saw it, aye." Kelset grins over to K'tyn, laughing a bit. "I'm glad I did fairly well, then. To be honest, I'm not exceptional at impromptu verse, but I /try/ to keep practicing." Pleiath lifts her head and warbles at her rider. Emlyn turns from watching Kindre and nods. She says to D'va, "I'm leading Northern Lights in a rope drill this evening, and it's time to get started." Kindre hugs K'tyn tightly once more with her free arm before moving back to face him. "It's so lovely, I would've waiting til I turned thirty. Again, thank you so much..." Stepping back a pace, she simply beams, "Thank you all. I'm flattered you all remembered." "Such poetic words give credit to your Harper's tongue, Kelt," Kassi grins, before looking back over at Emlyn and D'va. "Really?" she asks, with mock-incredulousness, followed by a laugh. "Aye, 'twas facetious that 'twas being. I'm Kassima, by the by," she adds belatedly. Jerking her thumb over her shoulder towards Lysseth, "And that's the green lump that wanders after me all the time; she calls herself Lysseth. 'Tis a pleasure to make your acquaintance, and all of that... oh, clear skies, Emlyn. G'luck with the drills." D'va nods. "Well don't let me keep you from your duties." He grins and hugs Emlyn one final time. "Clear skies, Em. And to you, Pleiath." K'tyn leaps on Prometh, the bronze lifing the sling in front of him with surprising care. A whoosh of wings and they are airborne, and other, and they are at the ledge. Some minutes later, they return, Kiat winded and sweaty, Prometh eager to get back to his napping. Pleiath acknowledges the bronze rider's greeting, which is an extraordinarily rare thing for her to do. Emlyn uses Pleiath's forelimb as a step and seats herself between the green's neckridges. On Pleiath, Emlyn salutes D'va with a jaunty grin, then directs her dragon aloft. Pleiath takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry her aloft. Kelset grins gratefully at Kassima, practically glowing with pleasure at the compliments. "Well, it's the first turnday of yours I've been witness to, so I'll have to admit that I had help. I just wish you the best of luck. Because it's been a pleasure coming here, meeting you, Kindre, and everyone else." D'va grins at Kassima. "Facetious? No. I like to think of it as diplomatic. I had some training in being that, after all, at the Reaches." Siani comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern. Siani shoves her hands in her pockets, looking around. "Best of luck, Emlyn. I'm sure," Kindre notes with a smile, "you'll lead your Wing well." Hearing Kassima's words, she frowns a bit. "Forgive me, D'va, I'm Kindre...my 'lump'," she chuckles and nods up toward the ledge with a vaguely pinkish-gold tail dangling from it, "is napping quite soundly, though calls me her rider." Boy, she's just all smiles this eve, affording one to Kelset. "I'm glad you like it here with all of us. Now, if you can just teach me some of those lovely words sometime..." she winks and then nods a hello to the latest arrival. Kassima hmmms? looking mildly confused. "Oh! Nay, sir, 'twas me that I spoke of, nay you. I'm nigh always facetious." She chuckles, then smiles over at Kelt. "And it's been our pleasure t'meet you, y'know, and 'tis our hope that you'll stay on as Harper for a time. If we don't drive you to flee screaming from the place first," she can't resist adding, with a mischievous grin. Kelset chuckles pleasantly, tracing a smile across his lips. "I'd be happy to try, Kindre. And once again, happy Turnday." He grins over to Kassima, replying with a wry grin, "Well, I /hope/ that won't happen. But no, I really appreciate that. It's not always easy to try to keep up on things around here, but I'm learning. Benden's definitely a wonderful place to have as a first posting." He pauses, glancing back at the cavern with a reluctant sigh. "But. I'd better be getting back to business. It's been quite a pleasure." Siani says "It's nice to see Benden hasn't changed at all." Siani says "Everyone is still too young and talks too much." "Thank you again for the song, Kelt," Kindre calls after the Harper. "I'll keep you to your word on teaching me a few things. Good eve if I don't see you later on." Smiling to Siani, she chuckles. "Well, was my turnday yesterday, so I don't feel terribly young..." K'tyn looks about, hearing an unfamiliar voice. "Better that than the silence that reigns elsewhere, ma'am," he says lightly as he turns to greet the (to him) newcomer. D'va chuckles and nods. "Well if you'll excuse me, I have a message to deliver. A pleasure meeting all of you, and I suppose I'll see you again when I come back out in about an hour or two." D'va walks beneath the lintel and disappears into the living cavern. Kelset gives Siani an amused smile, then turns back to Kindre, lifting his smile lightly. "Well, I certainly won't mind if you do, Kindre. Take care!" Kelset walks beneath the lintel and disappears into the living cavern. Siani inspects Kindre with a grin. "Hmn. Well, you're prettier than the last one ... how old did you turn?" Meroth backwings for a landing. T'fian quickly slides down Meroth's foreleg and jumps to the ground. Kassima waves belatedly after D'va and Kelt, then glances over at the unfamiliar woman. She quirks a half-smile and replies, "As Da would say, 'If'n silence is golden, I'll take silver any day.'" She turns about on her heel to salute T'fian smartly as the Weyrsecond dismounts. "Evening again, sir." Siani eyes T'fian. "You need new boots. What, is your Headwoman not treating you right?" T'fian slips down Meroth's pale blue hide and nods to everybody. "Wingleader. Weyrwoman. Greenrider. Head-- Siani." He turns and heads towards the living cavern, then stops. "Excuse ma'am?" he asks Siani. K'tyn salutes the Weyrsecond, "T'fian, sir." "Evening, Weyrsecond," Kindre smiles when T'fian arrives, "And good eve..." Her words trail off as she regards the unfamiliar woman a moment, brows quirking a little. Reflexively, she peers down at her own boots. Siani lifts a leg, pointing one foot to indicate T'fian's boots. "She should have already had you fitted for new ones." Her tone is faintly aggrieved, though there's a rich layer of amusement under it. "Who is your Headwoman now, anyway?" Benden Weyr> Siani says, "Oh, thank goodness. I'm remembered." "Halyn, still, ma'am," T'fian replies. "And I'm capable of getting new boots when I won't them." Benden Weyr> K'tyn grins.:) Kassima watches Kin peer at her boots, then looks down to observe her own. "Hmmmm," she hmmms, eyeing the somewhat battered knee-high black leather footwear. She shrugs and grins sidelong at Kin. "So what's your diagnosis on your boots, queenrider?" Siani puts her foot down, finding her balance again. "But still incapable of wanting them when you need them. Oh, go on in. I'm just causing a nuisance to make certain I still can." T'fian * yucks at his last pose. Okay. Mind on game. :) Kindre smirks, "Certainly in need of care, though I've been kicking around a bit today..." she remarks and re-gards the brownish wherhide covering her from shin to toes. Her silvery-blue eyes slide over to the greenrider's. "How 'bout yours, Kassi?" "Boots?" Kiat stares at his own well worn pair, and then grins at Siani, "I like you. I am not sure why, but....you remind me of a tart Citron." he shrugs. "But then I've always liked tart and sour things. T'fian shakes his head. "I hate breaking in new boots, ma'am," he replies. "When they become a nuisance Between then I will have them replaced. Now, if you will excuse me, Headwoman, I need to talk to T'mill." Kassima laughs, tapping one booted foot against the Bowl sand idly. "They'll serve, and that's enough for me. Nay like I'll be needing new boots for anything for awhile yet." Siani says "Go on, T'fian. Don't let me keep you; I'm really just practising." T'fian nods. "And doing well," he smiles finally. With that, he's into the tunnel. T'fian walks beneath the lintel and disappears into the living cavern. Siani grins after the bluerider, then turns a slow half-circle to look at K'tyn. Her gaze lingers with obvious appreciation. "Well. I think that's one of the nicer ways I've been described. Much better than the one about thorns." Kindre grins, "True enough, Kassi. Actually," she nods to the departing Weyrsecond, "I like the way T'fian put it...breaking in new ones is a sharding pain. It's not like I do much 'tweening myself as of late, so I suppose they'll last another turn. Well," one corner of her lips quirk up in a smirk, "so I hope. Thorns?" K'tyn passes his sleeve across his sweaty forehead. "Citrons--for all their tartness, are quite refreshing. Don't you agree?" He winks, looking from face to face. Kindre shrugs, smiling. "I suppose I'd have to agree with you there, Kiat." Siani says with a faint drawl, "A certain bronzerider of my long acquaintance -- an Istan, in fact -- once told me that becoming close to me was rather like licking syrup from a thorn." Siani says "I think citrons are rather a nicer image, though." Kassima fehs, wrinkling her nose as she folds her arms and leans back against Lysseth. "I concur, certes. I'll wear mine until they fall apart, I suspect, and after that get another pair custom-made; 'tis more expensive that way, but Eryssiara's sometimes willing to do such things cheaply if'n 'twill manage to find buyers for some of her tunnelsnake-craftings... I'd have to ask her to come here, though, and that'd likely raise the price." Kindre chuckles a bit, her head bobbing in agreement. "I'd say the citron comparison is decidedly more flattering." Tilting her head, she regards Kassima curiously. "Custom made? Hmm, I will mayhaps save my marks up to have the same done when I need new ones. These seemed to have taken until just last sevenday to feel truly comfortable," she smirks. Siani makes a cheerful face. "Unfortunately, G'lin's description was probably more accurate." "Perhaps he didn't enjoy citrons, hm? They are much tastier than any honey-covered thorns." Kiat shakes his head. "I need a soak!" He smiles at everyone, an implicit invitation in his grin." Well? Anyone? Kin? you want to try that fine new suit you have?" Siani says "I'd love to stay and chat and practise some more, but there is a bath with my name on it. I travelled a very long and dusty way to get here, and right now all I want to do is get clean and then get some rest." Siani says "My brother promised me Turns ago that I'd always have a room here. I'd best see if he kept that promise -- which means I'll see all of you delightful people later." She looks at Kindre, then back at K'tyn. "At least I hope to." Kassima grins at Kin and offers, "If'n you'd like a pair of tunnelsnake-hide boots, I know where you could commission a nice pair at a good cost," she suggests impishly. "Eryssiara's a master of tunnelsnake-hide boots! And tunnelsnake-hide jackets, vest, and in fact anything that you can imagine... she crafted that raft of ours, if'n you recall it. Kiat, a soak truly sounds like Faranth's blessing if'n 'tis the hot springs you mean. I've had enough swimming in the Lake today." She raises a hand to finger the water lily behind her ear, then nods to Siani. "Clear skies t'you, then, and rest well." "Ah this," Kindre lifts one of the two packages in her arms, "will have to wait to be worn next time I brave Boll's enbracingly warm climate." Waving to Siani, she smiles, "I hope to see you later on as well, and am sure I will. Good eve if I don't see you later in it." K'tyn grins "We are not likely to be leaving soon, hm?" Siani says "You'll see me after the sunrise, if not before it." Siani says "And riders, sir, are likely to do anything at any time." Siani says "That's why, despite myself, I keep coming back." Siani says "Good evening." Siani walks beneath the lintel and disappears into the living cavern. Benden Weyr> Siani says, "Oh good grief. Now if I can just manage to log in again tomorrow... Good night!" K'tyn shakes his head. "Who /was/ that?" "For true, Kassi? Much as I detest tunnelsnakes...Jerissa," Kindre's eyes roll to the sky and back, "finds them just -the- perfect teaching instruments...if the price is fair, I'd love to get a pair. Agreed, then? A soak sounds lovely." Benden Weyr> T'fian says, "G'night, O Former Prickly Thornlike Headwoman Siani. :)" Benden Weyr> K'tynwaves! G'night! Benden Weyr> Kindre waves to Siani :) Benden Weyr> Siani drapes T'fian in laurel. You're far too good to me. Benden Weyr> Kassima waffles to Siani. Kindre shrugs, her gaze falling on the cavern door as if she could see the mentioned woman through it. "I'm not sure, though she does seem familiar...We've most like seen her in the past four or so turns, though her name completely escapes me...if I ever knew it." K'tyn grins. "I think I like her! She's feisty. Someone should be fiesty!" He turns southward. "Soak, my friends?" Benden Weyr> T'fian eyes K'tyn. Are you suggesting there's nobody fiesty here? Kassima chuckles at Kin. "Mayhaps I should offer Jerissa some of my catches... I hunt them daily, y'know, in my desperation for *something* to do." That desperation flashes clearly across her expression for a moment before she reassumes her usual flippant good humor. "Swimming, hunting, oiling, bathing, and eating are almost all that I do these days! But regardless, a soak sounds marvelous. I'm certain that I've a towel in Lysseth's pouch. C'mon, lump--" She waves the green dragon over, and Lyss follows with a faint sigh. "C'mon, now, you like soaking as much as I do. Admit it." Benden Weyr> K'tyn blinks innocently. "Uh, no sir!" K'tyn walks south. Benden Weyr> T'fian grins. You walk south.