-------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Secret of Life Date: July 30, 1998 Places: Nabol Hold's Fireheights, Gather Grounds, Dance Floor, and Road; Island Off the Coast of Greystones Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: I hesitated for a long time before posting this log for a couple of reasons, the main one being the fight at its end. I'm not really pleased with Kassi's behavior there--I do think she had a good point and was generally right, but she expressed herself badly and was rather pretentious about it besides. Not to mention that her then- prejudice against weyrmatings trumpeted itself obnoxiously in spots. Still, I've decided the whole thing is worthwhile: there are some excellent Harper songs in the first part, which is the Nabol dance, and the secret of life as taught by K'ti is just plain hysterical. Even the fight has some worth; if nothing else, it explains a few things about how Kassi views weyrmatings and those who betray them. (She's gotten over the 'domestic slave' idea, though, I promise.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: <*> Lysseth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air! <*> Tierth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air! You glide down to a gentle landing on the fireheights. You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles, cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully. Tierth backwings to a landing. Maylia slides to the ground, giving Tierth a parting caress and a tender smile. Kvasith rumbles welcomingly to the riders arriving. "I haven't the foggiest idea why I go to these things," Kassima mutters good-naturedly, hanging jacket and helmet on Lysseth's straps. "T'be amused by the other people who can't dance, I guess... evening, dragons. This Gather looks t'be well-attended tonight." Tierth settles herself down, glowing eyes surveying the landscape around them. Her rider offers the dragons gathered a smile, and nods to Kassi as she takes her gloves off. "Exactly why you do it. To be amused by folks who can't dance." She replies, grinning. "And to torture those who can by stepping on their toes." Kassima waggles her finger at her mentee. "Ah, nay, nay! I have nary an intent of dancing--just of watching, and picking up a gift for Meli's babe t'come if'n I get the chance. Believe it or nay, I'm nay so sadistic that I'd come here for the express purpose of shattering feet." Maylia laughs, and shrugs. "Well, that's one of my reasons." She thinks a moment, as she begins heading for the drumheights. "Alright. To gather fodder for the purpose of furthering your suspicions on Mart and A'lex?" Kassima follows after Maylia, acknowledging, "That works. I just hope the brownie *himself* doesn't come here. After what I've done t'avoid being killed already, it'd be too ironic if'n he caught me at a Gather and drummed up a lynch mob...." Maylia follows the tunnel back to the drumheights. You follow the tunnel back to the drumheights. You enter the Hold proper. You follow the long staircase down to the first level hall. You follow the stairs down to the Great Hall. You go out through the double doors into the courtyard. You go out the gates to the ramp. You go down the ramp and turn onto the road. You go out to the gather grounds. Loren heads into the SmithCraft Tent. Kassima asks Maylia, half-hopefully, "Mayhaps 'twould be better t'just shop and forget the dance entirely, don't you think?" On the dance floor, Iola looks around the room to try and find the Lord Holder again, but sees that he has a lot of people around him so she might wait a bit. Although, her steps are slow to go over and approach him once more. A soft chirp of encourage from Zamira and the golden tail wraps around her neck a bit more. Maylia laughs, her feet drawn towards the music. "Weeeelll," She drawls out. "I might just be tempted." On the dance floor, Usagi frowns a bit as she sees that she's not holding the young Lord's attention completely. Pft. Men. "It was very nice to meet you." she says smilingly, then, turning on her heel, goes in search of something else. On the dance floor, Carrell, without missing a beat, gives an overheard greenrider in the distances quite a sour look. On the dance floor, The song winds around and around again, continuing its gay frolicing melody. At length, however, on a sharp downbeat, the music comes to an abrupt halt. The harpers, nearly in unison, reach for their drinks before the next number. On the dance floor, Treena why nots, and stands, finishing her wine, then slowly walking over to meet the Lord Holder. She stands back, and looks around, not saying anything, but near the holder, not interrupting him if he's busy On the dance floor, Kharty laughs, leaning her head backwards, vision blurred temporarily. Somehow, her foot finds R'val's toes and his boot is slightly dented as she gives him a slight press of her own boot. "You dance divinely, R'val...", she comments, grinning impishly. On the dance floor, Treena looks aroud behind her, at the dancers, while deciding that meeting the Holder ws a bad idea, and thinking of how to slip away On the dance floor, Tyrie hears a chirrp sound and turns, smiling at Iola, "Greetings,' he says easily. 'Thats a really pretty firelizard. I have two, a green and a bronze, and I Impressed them both here at Nabol, I named him Pepper, and her Apple." Kassima starts to reply to the other greenrider, heedless of any sour looks, when Maylia is abruptly distracted by Tierth. "There are times when dragons do one's work for one," she mutters, peering up at the dancers... and giving the glimpsed Kharty a thumb's-up for her choice of finery. On the dance floor, R'val can't help a wince as Kharty steps on his foot, but as the dance ends, he kisses her on the cheek naughtily, and then squeezes her gently, grinning, "And you are an imp. A cute imp, but still an imp." On the dance floor, Seeing her friend in a snit, Neliea stands and moves to strike up a conversation. "So how do you like the dance so far, Treena?" On the dance floor, Iola seems a bit surprised at the voice talking to her, then eases up after a small bow. "Good evening Lord. I'm Iola." She walks up quietly, and reaches up to scratch the gold's head softly. "Thank you. Her name is Zamira, after my best friend." On the dance floor, Treena uh ohs from being spotted, but smiles a little, " it's lovely! It's also my first real dance,..." On the dance floor, Two quick, sharp chords mark the onset of yet another lively dance number. The song is every bit as fast as the other one, played free spiritedly by the grinning Harper ensemble. On the dance floor, R'val winks at Kharty, "Shall we continue, or do you need a rest?" On the dance floor, Treena looks up at the music,.. and looks around for a partner On the dance floor, Neliea chuckles as she nods to Treena. "I know the feeling. This is my first dance in," she pauses and simply replies, "A long time." Jorai arrives from the road. On the dance floor, Tyrie suddenly says to Iola, offering his arm. 'Thats another dance tune. Would you like to dance?" he inquires politely. On the dance floor, Kharty gives no indication of the kiss R'val's given her but links her arm in his guiding him toward his wine skin. "I think you need more of this, kind sir." Slipping into the seat beside Nel, she looks back to R'val. "Nel may be a willing dancer though if you're still on your feet." On the dance floor, R'val laughs softly, guided back to his seat, he takes a sip of his wine, smiling at Kharty honestly, "I'll ask her. Thanks for the dance, hm? I hope to dance with you again, you imp." he winks. On the dance floor, Treena looks, and seeing that people are paired, sighs and goes back to one of the empty seats, content to watch, and still not sure of her skills as a dancer On the dance floor, Iola smiles and nods slightly, laying a gentle hand on the profered arm. "Actually, t'would be my pleasure m'lord." On the dance floor, Usagi sighs a bit, noticing that everyone she knew before has departed. She blehs, and glances around at the people...and then her eyes come to alight on the form of the Telgarian bluerider. She squints her eyes, hmmmming at him. Walking over in his direction, she goes up to him.."'Scuse me, sir? Have we met before? Cos you look familiar.." On the dance floor, Neliea glances sharply at Kharty as she sits next to her. There's no way she's dancing with R'val he's had too much wine. Nope. There is a faint smile crossing her lips though. On the dance floor, Kharty tosses her head back again and laughs. "I've had practice being an imp, R'val. Just wait until graduation..." On the dance floor, R'val blinks up at Usagi with a grin, "Have we, well, I dunno, though you look familiar to me as well.' He smiles brightly at her, "Name's R'val, blue Vidarth's rider.' He sticks his tongue out at Kharty with a laugh, "You, as a full rider..a frightening thought!" On the dance floor, Tyrie beams and then leads Iola out onto the floor for the dance, gracefully leading her in the steps to the music. On the dance floor, Chasing each other up and down the scales, the gitars and pipes take turns leading, then following in the brisk dance number. The song is motion set to music, its call is unmistakeable. Dance! Dance! On the dance floor, Usagi mms, and grins at him. "R'val...R'val..R'val.." she hmmmms, thinking hard for a moment, and then she squeals in realization. "Now I know! My sister, Brooke, has a minature of you in her sketches..from when she was a Candidate. I knew that was you.." On the dance floor, Iola fumbles a bit at first, but finally gets the beat of the tune and follows his steps. "It has been a while since I last danced. At least a turn." she says softly, looking up at him. On the dance floor, Usagi says "I'm Usagi, by the way. from Igen Weyr." On the dance floor, Treena slips over to the table where The telgar group is gathered, she sits down, and smiles a little, before looking down into her lap. On the dance floor, R'val blinks, "Brooke. Well that's a name I haven't heard in /forever/. And yeah, I recall she was sketching me! Wow, that's a coincidence and a half>" He grins at you warmly, "You look abit like her. Nice meeting you." Oarin arrives from the road. On the dance floor, Kharty turns in her seat to talk with Nel, 'accidentally' sending an elbow to R'val's arm. "Oh, shards, now look what I've done! Nel is probably embarassed to even be seen with me." On the dance floor, Usagi beams at being compared to her sister. "Alotsa people tell me that. And it's nice to meet you, too..I've noticed you've been dancing alot. You must be thirsty...Would you care to come with me to get a glass of some Benden?" On the dance floor, R'val erghs as he gets elbowed, and turns, eyeing her with a grin, "Hey, stop hurtin' me you evil girl." Kassima finds her way over to the side of the square nearest to her mentee. Waving to get Kharty's attention, she mouths, 'Kill him! Kill him!' before offering the Weyrling a wink. On the dance floor, R'val calls over, "Oy, kassi, don't encourage her, she's half-killed me already!" On the dance floor, Tyrie smiles easily and says, voice polite. "you're doing very well, miss." He continues to dance lightly across the square with Iola, obviously enjoying himself. On the dance floor, R'val holds up his flask with a grin, "Why not sit with us, Usagi? I have some Benden right here..." On the dance floor, Neliea arches one fine eyebrow as she glances over at Kassima and just give into giggles. That comment from Kharty is on a short hold. Kassima yells back, good-naturedly, "Then she's only done half of the job, bluerider! And far be it from me t'let m'mentees get away with doing less than their best!" Oarin grins as she watches the dance floor, but remains off of it, content to be child-free this evening. On the dance floor, Kharty looks over quickly toward Kassima then stands to wave her way. "Mentor!" she calls out, "Join us?" On the dance floor, Usagi grins. "Alright! I'd hate to leave this music, anyway.." she takes a seat and giggles at the yelling Kassima.."Say...that woman off in the distance looks familiar, too...What's her name?" On the dance floor, Twirling and swirling about, the music climbs then falls, only to rebuild on its own harmony, rising again. The Harpers trade off short instrumental solos, a gitar, then pipes, then drums, then gitar again. Finally pairs of instruments work their individual pieces before reforming to intermingle back into the melody as a whole. The execution? Perfect. This is Harper Hall's best. On the dance floor, Iola smiles warmly and blushes slightly, getting back in step within moment when she falls out. Every now and then she watches over her shoulder to look around the pavilion, then meets the Lord's eyes once more. On the dance floor, Treena looks up at the music, and sighs, one hand tapping out the rhythm quietly on the table. Kassima makes a face at Kharty across the floor. "You know I can't dance, mentee mine! I'll just sit back and urge everyone t'kill R'val... 'tis what I'm better at." On the dance floor, R'val grins, "Kassi, that's her." he hands the flask to Usagi with a wink. Oarin goes into the Woodsmiths' Gather Tent. On the dance floor, Kharty shakes her head, laughing as she hears Kassima's words. Twirling around once, she calls out to her again, "Leathers, Kassima, you like?" On the dance floor, Usagi giggles, deciding that it would be a terrible waste if the bluerider was killed. She meep!s at the mention of her name.."Kassi? Short for Kassima? Brooke talked about her, too...She was just a little shy girl from Ruatha Hold, she described her as, and she was Searched right before her. Neat! What a small world.." she accepts the wineskin carefully, with a mischevious grin. On the dance floor, R'val laughs, "Kassi, a little shy girl. Yeah, I vaguely remember that." Kassima grins, giving Kharty the thumb's-up again. "You look quite the stunner, Kharty! If'n you don't find your leather-loving man in that get-up sooner or later, I'll eat m'riding gloves--*without* sauce, nay less." On the dance floor, Treena looks across the table at R'val, then at the harpers, then back at R'val, On the dance floor, Treena says "would you.... like to dance? sometime?" On the dance floor, Usagi pours herself a glass of the Benden, and sips at it in a ladylike manner. On the dance floor, Kharty claps her hands in glee at Kassima's words then shakes her head one more time before looking over to Treena. "He'd love to.", she giggles. "I'll hold your skin, R'val, while you dance." Always the helpful one. On the dance floor, R'val looks saddened as his skin is taken away, but brightens as he smiles at Treena, "Ok, hon!" He smiles at Usagi warmly, "See ya in a bit!" He hops to his feet, and offers his arm to Treena. On the dance floor, Usagi watches the two boisterous Telgarian Riders with admiration. She dosen't speak or anything, and nods with a grin to R'val. Kassima calls to Treena, cupping her hands around her mouth to make her voice carry, "Don't forget t'break his feet if'n you can!" Maeve arrives from the road. On the dance floor, Treena grins, and takes the arm happily as she stands. On the dance floor, Carrell stands as the dance number winds to its conclusion. He steps aside as the instrumental soloists rise and take their bows. Quickly, however, an even livelier tune is struck as the dancers hold their places, refusing to yield the floor. The dance goes on! On the dance floor, Tyrie finally finishes the reel with Iola and starts to lead her off the floor. "That was very fun." he says a little breathlessly. "Thank you." Maeve smiles politely as she wanders by people, nodding here and there as she does. Maeve steps over to the dance square. On the dance floor, R'val sticks his tongue out, and THPTS loudly at Kassi, before turning back to Treena, "Evil greenrider." On the dance floor, Kharty leans down as if to unbuckle her boot. "Here Treena, use one of mine if he gets out of line..." On the dance floor, R'val pouts, "Hey. I'll behave!" Telgar Weyr> R'val says, "What is this, pick on R'val night!? ;)" On the dance floor, Treena giggles, and smiles" I promise i won't break them, I intend to dance with you again, if i might Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "But its fun" On the dance floor, R'val squeezes Treena's hand and grins, "That's what I was hoping for." On the dance floor, Maeve slips in towards the back of the tent, quietly standing to one corner as she watches. A young lad and a tray of food and wine goes by, wine gets left, food gets taken, that is as much as will fit in her pockets and hands. On the dance floor, Usagi takes one more sip of the wine, then sits it all. Her eyes alight on Tyrie again. Oh, sod it all. She sits the glass aside, and goes to the young Lord. "May I have this dance?" she says with a hopeful grin. On the dance floor, Jesica grins and watches the people dance and listens to the many conversations going on around her, waving to Kassima who she met at the last High reaches Weyr gather. Telgar Weyr> Neliea giggles. On the dance floor, Iola nods politely to Tyrie and finds her glass of wine that she had set down, then takes a sip before speaking. "So, how is your hold doing Lord Tyrie? I have thought many times of coming up here, but never could." You step into the perfect setting of the Dancing Square. Tyrie turns to face Usagi and nods, "sure.' He smiles. "I'll dance with anyone." he smiles even more widely with excitement. In the distance, Jorai scritches the little 'lizard before joining the rest of the crowd. Usagi arches a brow momentarily at the 'anyone' comment, but shrugs, looping her arm through the young Lord's, and moves to the dance floor. Kassima finally gets tired of shouting and makes her way over towards where the Telgarians sit, finding herself a stray chair. "Ten to one, he breaks *her* feet," she stage-whispers to the two blue Weyrlings. Jorai steps into the perfect setting of the Dancing Square. R'val slides an arm around Treena and grins, "Let's dance, dear." Kharty's face brightens as she sees Kassima sit down. Leaning toward her, she whispers, "I've a mark I'd be wagering with you on that..." Treena steps out onto the dance floor In the distance, Oarin comes out of the Woodsmiths' Gather Tent. Carrell sits the number out, letting the ensemble carry the tune, which they do with the utmost proficiency. Bright, upbeat and utterly danceable, the song is somehow softer than the prior number and perhaps easier to dance to. Carrell slips over to speak in quiet tones with the Journeywoman who just arrived. Neliea giggles as she leans forward in her chair to Kassi. "Sounds good, and Khar can do the wagering. I just want to see it happen," she murmurs to both riders. Telgar Weyr> J'lyn says, "You mean there are nights where it's not?" Tyrie smiles as he leads Usagi out onto the floor, and then proceeds to enter the steps of the dance, oppsite. Telgar Weyr> R'val doesn't believe those foul female creatures are betting he steps on and breaks Treena's feet! Jorai's eyes sweep the dance floor. Finding she was correct in not recognizing anyone, she just takes a seat near the Harpers, her toe quickly picking up the beat. Telgar Weyr> Aurian tries to add marks to the pool on that Kharty takes a goodly swig of the wine from R'val's skin the passes it over to Kassima. "Not bad...", she grins at her mentor. Kassima shakes her head negatively, though with some reluctance. "'Twould, but then he'd somehow miraculously manage t'keep from doing it just t'spite me. Y'know how men can be. I'd rather see her break his feet, but I'd hate t'insult her dancing prowess by wagering on it... oh, thankee, mentee. You've nay been drinking much, have you?" R'val twirls Treena lightly outwards, stepping in to meet her as he pulls her back, h is body and hers colliding lightly. He wiggles his eyebrows down at her and continues the dance. Treena looks up, startled, but smiling. " This is fun" she says, and starts on a slightly fancier pattern of footwork than before, hoping it's on R'val knows. Usagi proves to be a skilled dancer, moving in graceful time with the music. Occasionally, she meets Tyrie's eyes with a slight smile. Kharty shakes her head emphatically. "I've not, mentor. Of course,", her eyes drift toward R'val's on the dance floor, "We've a fair amount of time until he gets back to reclaim it." R'val smiles as he briefly meets Kharty's gaze and waves a hand, before guiding Treena's hips in a circle, again, grinning at her warmly, "It is!" Kassima observes, "True. Especially if'n he does break her feet and has t'take her to the Healers." She takes a long, deep drink from the wineskin, before offering it to Neliea. "Have you two been enjoying yourselves?" Tyrie smiles back at Usagi as his feet nimbly keep time, measuring out the steps to the beat of the music as his graceful movements take him around the square with the girl who's only a little older than he. Lysseth> Kalendrith greets the others with a loud and noisy trumpet. Lysseth> Lysseth replies with a somewhat quieter rumbled salutation. Lysseth> Kvasith bugles in response. Then rubs his head against the ground again. Treena starts to truly enjoy herself, and gain some confidence in her dancing. Starting to work better, she forgets to worry, and becomes more graceful, and less of a mechanical dancer Neliea accepts the skin and takes a small drink before answering, "Oh, I've been having a good time Kassi. It's nice to be out and in a dress," she replies cheerfully handing the skin back to her. Usagi smiles sweetly to Tyrie with a glint in her eyes. "You do dance divinely, Lord Tyrie.." she murmurs in a semi-demure manner, following his lead. Kharty nods to R'val, mouthing some word, barely understandable to him, as she grins. "I've been having a wonderful time, actually." Her eyes flicker toward the bluerider on the dancefloor. "There have been some amusing moments tonight." Lysseth> Xylath bugles a greeting with whirling green eyes. Another abrupt change in the tune, this time to a rapid staccoto drum solo. At length the pipes join in. The beat is rapid, faster than before. The harpers smile as the challenge is put to the dancers. Lysseth> From atop Kalendrith, G'fen untangles himself from the protective safety of Kalendrith's straps. Lysseth> G'fen slides off of Kalendrith, landing unsteadily on the ground. Usagi takes the lead, now, her feet moving in graceful, small steps in time to the music, swirling them around. She giggles softly. R'val winks across the dancefloor at Kharty, with a mischevious gleam in his eyes as he DIPS! Treena, only to pull her up against his chest again, not too hard of course. Jesica chuckles and watches the dancers, head shaking a bit as she listens, "Maybe I should be glad I can't dance." she murmurs despite her foot tapping in time to the music. Kassima snorts slightly at the dress bit, smiling. "Nice t'be out, anyway, though I'm just as happy t'do without the dance bit. I've missed a few laughs, then? A shame... I just couldn't get away from duties sooner." Lysseth> G'fen follows the tunnel back to the drumheights. Treena speeds up, right in time with the dance, and grins up at R'val as she no longer truly depends on him to lead. " I know this one," she whispers, and her mouth forms a little oh at the unexpected dip R'val murmurs to Treena, with a brief and apologetic grin for the dip, "Do you? What is it? I don't recognize it one bit." Jorai leans back in her chair, crossing one leg over the other, eyes following the movements of the new Holder. Tyrie smiles and replies easily, "As do you miss.' The dance changes and he says, 'I think this is a new dance, If you'd mi..' but he doesn't get to finish as Usagi takes the lead. a little youthful annoyance crosses his face as he allows it and continues to dance.. Treena leads in a dance that she'd learned from her cousin. " Like this," she says, " you don't mind my leading, do you?" R'val laughs, and moves into Treena's arms, "Not a bit, lead away!" Usagi notices the annoyance on his face, and it seems to spread to her own...She suddenly slows down quite a bit.."You were saying, Lord Tyrie?" she murmurs, smiling a bit. The initial pace of the song, along with its main them, return at length, slower and more majestic now as the song marches towards its conclusion. Treena slows down, and allows the rider to lead again " This was fun, care to again sometime?" R'val smiles at Treena, "Why stop when we're having fun?" He grins, and swirls her lightly. Jorai's eyes continue on to the child hanging on his every word, a quirk of a grin appearing on her lips. And with a final chord, the song ends. Carrell approaches the center of the dias amid the other harpers, beckoning for the group's attention. Treena lets herself come back into his arms a little, then, with a mischevous grin, twirls back away from him, still holding on with one hand. Tyrie says lightly, 'Oh I'm sorry Usagi, I was just saying that, I'm fairly tired after three dances in a row, and would like to sit out a while and have some cider.' he smiles really wide. Jesica chuckles again and shakes her head as she watches R'val charm with his usual flair, her tapping foot once more slowing down as she follows the rythym of the Music. R'val grins, and reels Treena in after her twirl, dipping her in the end with a wink. Kharty turns to look toward Carrell. "I think something happening.", she whispers to Neliea. Usagi mms, and nods. "I can understand that..It truly was nice meeting you." she curtsies to him politley, and, with a brief smile, turns on her heel, looking about. Neliea chuckles, "There have been quite a few, Kassima. Someone was actually Searched so far." Leaning over to hear Kharty, she nods. Kassima turns in her seat, too, watching the Harpers with interest for a moment. "An announcement of some kind, perhaps?" she theorizes, with a blink at the mention of Search. "Oh... for Igen?" Tyrie looks relieved and gives a short bow to the girl he danced with, then heads off the square to one of the seats nearby and sinks into it gratefully with a sigh. Someone brings him a mug of cider which he accepts gratefully. G'fen steps into the perfect setting of the Dancing Square. G'fen walks by curiously, and sits down on a chair to watch. Usagi spots the Istan bluerider, and smiles in his direction, hoping to catch his eye. Iola looks up as the music stops and looks over to the resting Lord Holder. Slowly moving over to his table, she looks at him quietly. "May I sit down?" Neliea nods again and murmurs, "For Igen, though it was intresting." Looking over at the newcommer, she nods politely. Carrell says, in a rather loud voice. "Per a request received earlier, we will now play a well known ballad about an equally well known Goldrider. I"m sure you've all heard this one before." Treena smiles at R'val, and looks at him, wondering if they should return to their seats Tyrie nods at Iola and smiles warmly, "Sure,' he says easily. The Harper starts to play. The tune is, at first, a very simple melody of single notes with a softly played and very simple harmony. It winds around and back upon itself, setting the stage for the first verse. There's a lady who's sure that she's destined for gold, And she's vying for Search down at Igen When she gets there she knows, as impression draws close, With a look she can get what she came for. And she's vying for Search down at Igen.. In the distance, Chibi comes out of the Winecraft pavillion. G'fen nods to a number of unfamiliar faces, returning their greetings silently, but politely. In the distance, Chibi comes out of the winecraft pavillion, and meeeeeeep!s. "Oarin!!!" she shrieks. Usagi steps out of the square. Carrell pauses just a second after the verse's last line, then begins with the next verse. There's a feeling she has, but she wants to be sure, So she takes time for soapsand and cleaning. In a spot in the bowl, there's a Harper who sings As the dragons look on while they're preening Iola returns his smiles, and carefully gathers her skirts before sitting down. A soft chitter, and Zamira makes her way from the shoulder to the red-brown hair where she is careful not to mess up the bun, and wraps her tail around her slender neck again. "This festival has gone well I suppose?" she asks in a soft voice. Kassima murmurs absently to the two Weyrlings, "Methinks I've heard this one a'fore... but shards if'n I can think where." Jesica listens to the song, a soft sigh coming from her and she rests her chin on her hands, eyes watching the harper that's singing. Jorai arches a brow as one girl gives up on the young Lord and runs from the square. Treena looks at Usagi, and sighs, " I should have let her talk to you R'val. I'm sorry." Kharty holds out her hand to Kassima, silently asking for the flask back. With a grin, she angles her chin toward the bluerider, pointing as she mouths the words, "Don't give it back." The melody shifts, to harmonize with what has up to now been the main theme, and slowly starts to gain momentum. He sings in the middle of this new passage: And she starts to wonder... R'val murmurs something to Treena. Tyrie nods and says brightly, "I sure think so.' He smiles as his voice cracks and he pretends to ignore it. "a lot of people have come to enjoy the Festival's Last day, I wish my mother could see it.' he says with a soft sigh. Tyrie adds, 'She's up resting right now, being a little ill still.' Kassima grins at this, obediantly passing over the flask. 'Wouldn't dream of it,' is her silent, mouthed reply. R'val grins, "Allright then, let's sit. I for one could use another glass of refreshment, that's tiring work." Note, he didn't step on her feet once! This is followed with a shortened version of the verse played instrumentally. He hums along with the tune with his eyes closed, tapping his foot to the slow beat. The third verse begins and the melody intensifies, the harmony becoming a bit richer as the voice sings. And someone whispers "soon" as he's playing his tune, And she turns and puts on her white tunic. And a new day will dawn for blue, green and bronze, As the eggs start to wiggle and shatter. Kharty hears R'val's words so she quickly takes a long sip, passing the skin to Neliea. Grinning at Kassima, she turns back toward Carrell to listen to the song. Treena grins, and leads the way back to the table, happy that he didn't step on her feet. Iola smiles and nods slowly. "I know. I had helped my best friend through her childbirth, and she died shortly afterward, and her son a few hours later in my arms." she says softly and bows her head. "That is why I named my gold Zamira, after her." She blinks back the tears forming in her eyes and looks back up at him. "My parents are doing well last time I heard." Tyrie ahhs in soft sympathy and nods saying "i'm sorry for the loss of your friend." he looks down at his hands. "But come, now is not the time to think of death, but of birth and life. That is what this Festival is all about." he smiles hopefully at Iola. Carrell again plays the harmony interlude. It seems to take on additional life, intensifying again during this short instrumental. If there's a bustle at the hatching, don't be alarmed now, They're just admiring the eggs, Queen. Yes there are two paths to go out by but in the long run, There's still time to impress someone. G'fen listens quietly, only paying attention to the harper right now. Neliea shakes her head at the offer of more wine, grinning at Kharty as she continues to listens to the song. There is no pause between verses this time as the song continues to gather momentum. The dragons' humming and she must go, this she does know. The weyrlings call her to join them Dear lady can you see the eggs crack? And do you know Your lifemate waits for you just within Iola nods slowly and drinks the last of her wine. "Yes, that is why I came here. To have some fun and be happy." She looks up as a drudge offers to refill her glass. "White please." Jesica doesn't say anything as she listens to the song, head tilting a bit as the tune holds her attention, eyes closed as if she's only hearing the tune. Jorai accepts a skin of wine with a flash of a smile for the provider, her dangling foot swaying to the music. R'val pours a glass of wine for himself and grins at Treena, offering the flask. For a moment, the Harper seems to begin another repeat of the verse, then shifts the melody completely. The replacement is a harmony of the original, but much more complicated, as if some glorious transformation has occurred. The instrumental introduction is long and complex, but as the Harper plays, the music flows forth from his gitar. At long last, he sings. And as she looks down at the gold Whose eyes shine through her very soul Transforms the lady as we knew her The dragon radiates right through her The hatching grounds they seem so still But if you listen very hard She calls her lifemate's name aloud They both are one and one is all To ride the Queen's wing during fall! Kharty leans forward somewhat, caught up in the song, elbows on her knees, chin cupped in her palms. Treena shakes her head no, and smiles " You're not getting me drunk, R'val. " R'val laughs softly, 'Ok, then." he sips. Tyrielooks a little sleepy. 'This party is going to last far into the night.' he says with a smile, "though I think I might head off to my bed long before that." Kharty almost sputters when she hears Treena's words. "Smart lass," she laughs quietly. The Harper's voice holds the final sound of this line for a long time, as the music whirls about the pitch of his singing. It slowly winds downward and downward, finally regaining the acoustic simplicity of its earliest moments. He sings the final line. And she's flying a queen down at Igen The last word is almost spoken, the music gone as he finishes. Iola nods slightly and does something totally unexpected and lays a hand on his for only a moment before realizing what she has done and quickly removes it. "You do need to get some sleep m'lord." G'fen claps respectfully, shaking his head to clear it. Jesica sighs faintly, head bowing a little as the tune comes to an end, hands rubbing across her lap before she claps. Tyrie blushes just a little and nods, smiling pleasantly, "Thank you." then he stands and stretches, heading out onto the dance floor and raising his voice, "Hello everyone." he winces as his voice cracks. Maeve sounds out her applause as she takes a few steps nearer the stage, "Nice work, Carrell!" she calls out over the sound of the audience. "Need a break?" Jorai shifts to view the source of the applause, joining it with her own. Kandri comes back onto the stage and looks about, he flushes when he sees Jesica and turns away for a second, before glancing back at her. Tyrie glances at the harpers and signals that he'd like to say something before he continues. Carrell bows, then turns, nodding frantically to Maeve. "Please." He quickly exits to the right of the dias. Iola smiles warmly and watches Tyrie while he speaks, taking another slow sip of her wine. Maeve blinks, then winks at the harper apprentice, turning her attention to the Lord Holder with a finger to her lips as she checks the other apprentices on stage. Treena waves at Kandri " hi again!" Kandri smiles as he sees Treena and gladly goes over to sit with her "Hiya." he says with a smile. The Harpers all silence their instruments, giving their full attention to the Lord HOlder. Kassima smiles abstractedly, straightening to applaud the Harper's performance. "A lovely song," she approves. "Though I have t'say, I'm more partial to the ones about greenriders. Call it a bias." She quiets, then, to listen attentively to Lord Tyrie. Tyrie lets his voice carry as he says, "I'm about ready to head to my bed for the night, but I would like to thank each and every one of you for honoring Nabol with your presence. I'm sure that the music might continue on into the night until the harpers get tired, so I hope you continue to enjoy yourselves until the music dies off and you get too tired to have fun anymore!" occasionally his voice's tone alters and changes between boyish treble and man's deep baritone. Rynet steps into the perfect setting of the Dancing Square. Treena smiles at her friend, and asks " Do you think there will be much more dancing Kandri?" Kandri Rolls his eyes at Treena and grins "Oh you better believe there will be...harpers don't tire easily." he says with a mysterious twinkle in his eye. Rynet grins as she steps into the warm and inviting atmosphere of the dancing square. Watching those who are friends and those who are not, she's obviously very happy with something. Making her way over to Tyrie and Kandri, she overhears the last part of Tyrie's question. "Well, there has to be," she retorts. "I haven't gotten to dance yet!" Iola smiles and watches the Lord Hold with softly whirling brown eyes, and sets her wine glass back on the table. Kandri looks up at Rynet and he fakes a look of horror "Oh no! You/...you don't mean..me!?!" he grins and winks at Rynet. Treena grins, and waits for the harpers o play again, determined to dance at least one more time... Kharty catches sight of Rynet's entrance and stands to greet her. Waving, she smiles, then moves over to lean against a post for a better view of the dance floor. Jesica sighs a bit as she bows her head again at the Lord Holder's words, a smile crossing her lips as she listens to him speaking. Rynet waves back to Kharty - "Hello!" she calls. Then, to Kandri ... "Hrm. That depends. Are you any good?" Maeve takes her place with the apprentices on stage and looks out over the audience. Jorai drinks of her wine, obviously amused by the youthful chatter. Neliea smiles as she notices Rynet's arrival, sitting a bit straighter in her chair as she glances about and back at that dance floor. Kandri continues to grin and says in response to Rynet "You'll just have to find out won't you?" he asks wiggling his eyebrows. R'val grins amiably at Rynet, waving to her as he sips his wine. G'fen rests against the back of his chair, waiting to hear whatever comes next. Kassima asks Kharty almost rhetorically, "I take it you know yonder person?" Maeve glances up from her position on stage, a slightly mischievous look predominating her features as she glances around her would be listeners, trying to see if a certain person is watching it almost seems. Ah good, none here, least not yet. "This song wasn't written about anyone particular" she mentions, flashing one of those impudent smiles as her fingers caress the gitar, "but I think it speaks for itself. It's called the 'Weyrsecond's lament'." Rynet grins at Neliea. She then takes a closer look. "Wow! You look great! Bursin?" she asks with a wink. She waves back at R'val happily, before telling Kandri, "I /suppose/ so." Laughing, she grabs his arm and almost forcibly pulls him onto the dance floor for Maeve's song. Carrell snags his gitar and some juice from a passing tray. He heads out the back of the square and sits by the rear of one of the tents. Tyrie heads off the sqauare, saying good night to people as he passes by them. he smiles hugely as he continues and leaves the square. Tapping her foot to count herself in, Maeve's guitar begins the tune, optimistic and cheerful, the tones weaving joyous harmonies against the dazzling spiral of her soprano as it winds upwards -- like outstretched wings caught on the breath of a breeze, soaring high over mountains and pastures. Her head drops forward, strands of hair dropping to cover the crease of concentration across her forehead, her fingers moving quickly across the fretboard. Tyrie steps out of the square. Carrell steps out of the square. Kandri grins and jumps up to his feet to join Rynet ont he floor I'm the Weyrsecond, I fly on the right, It's up to me to be quick and bright. I never talk back or I'll have regrets, And I remember what the Weyrleader forgets. Neliea chuckles as she nods to Kynet in passing. "Of course," she calls to her as the song starts. In a harmony of bass notes, the movement shifts slightly, the euphonic sounds reaching up and around the melody. Silken phrases fall in opalescent cascades -- like rain drops dripping into a meadow pond -- the colouring suffusing Maeve's voice, as laughter seems to reverberate from each intonation. A flourish at the end of the stanza heralds an arpeggio of notes sounding remarkably like someone's loud snoring echoing down a cavernous hall. Kandri grins at RYnet and dances with the beat swining about and overall showing off and having fun. In the distance, Carrell heads into one of the tents. LIkely at random. Kharty moves over to stand next to Kassima's seat. "That I do, ma'am. Met her at Ista when Nel and I were getting Istan peppers for Ofira. Very friendly woman. She was there to see about attendance at this Festival if I remember correctly." Jesica stands up and stretches, heading off the dance floor to go look at the tents, since she's not one for dancing. Jesica steps out of the square. I make out the flight plan and study the weather, Pull out the 'stone and try not to bother. Make out the Weyr hides and do the reporting, And direct the Wings when the Weyrleader's snoring. Treena covers her mouth lest a laugh come out at the funny lines Kassima says with half-amused, half-real exasperation, "Kharty, you're m'mentee. *Don't* make me report you to Maylia on an insubordination charge! The name's Kassima, or Kassi... ah, I see. One meets the most interesting people running errands, sometimes." Listening to the songs, she remarks with a grin, "This sounds like M'kla." Melodic phrases swirl around the harmony in precise musical qualities, reminiscent of calculated accuracy that might be necessary to fly a wing of dragons against prevailing weather. The melody dampens, though its counterpoint continues as a brook in full flight, or water that swirls in a bath before giving way to clean water once more. Maeve glances up from her recital, her mouth curling fully up at the corners, the amusement barely contained within the words. Rynet nods politely to Kharty, overhearing a bit of her conversation as she and Kandri swing by. She's not sure if it pertains to her, but it doesn't matter. Turning rapidly, she pulls out and back in quickly, almost losing one of her shoes to the beat of the song. Kandri grins at the humerous song and swings Rynet off her feet , enjoying himself and hoping Rynet is too. I take the readings and check all the math, I make sure there's hot water in the Weyr baths. I tell where we are on the darkest night, And do the entire hide work, without any light. G'fen nods to himself, as if the lyrics weren't humorous. Maeve's voice remains clear and sustained, her trained voice projecting deep into the furthest recesses of the room. Capriciousness sparkles from the tone of her notes -- like sunlight setting a lake to glitter in the heat of a summer afternoon. Harmony and melody blend in perfect resonance, drifting over each other in mellifluous inflections as they interact with the merriment in the voice that holds them together. Matlin steps into the perfect setting of the Dancing Square. Neliea nods as Kharty talks, one foot lightly tapping to the music as she turns around in her chair and folding her lightly arms along the back. Kandri swings about happily with Rynet to the lovely tune. I tell the Weyrleader to check on his folks, I always laugh at his corny jokes. And once in a while when his landings are rusty, I come through with "Gawd, but it's gusty!" Chibi steps into the perfect setting of the Dancing Square. Treena looks over at Chibi and smiles " Hey R'val.. want to Dance, look.." Matlin makes her way around the dance square and finds herself a good seat. A resplendent cadence of polyphonic phrases emphasizes sarcastic colouring in the song, the notes entwining in a turbulent embrace around the harmony. The coda exudes exasperated amusement, along with everlasting hope, and somehow in the midst of both emotions, manages to convey a sense of loyalty. As Maeve launches her voice into the last stanza, she grins at her audience her chin held high and her eyes dancing with merriment. R'val grins, "Chibi hey." he waves to her. Jorai turns to rest her gaze on the Istan Bluerider,through the swirling stream of dancers. All in all, I'm a sharding stooge, As I fly to the right of this overall Scrooge. But maybe some day with great understanding, He'll soften a bit and give me first landing! Chibi walks back onto the dancing square, and giggles at Treena. She walks over to R'val and Treena. "Hi! I finally escaped the WineCraft booth..I had just a bit more time to serve there but I'm finished now.." she holds in her hand a mug with unknown contents to everyone but herself. "Not bad, Kandri, not bad," Rynet exclaims as she almost loses her balance. "In fact, you're pretty good!" She grins, realizing that they are the only two dancing. "Let's show off, 'kay?" she murmurs as she twirls out, her gather skirts flying! Aurian steps into the perfect setting of the Dancing Square. R'val grins at Chibi, "Care to dance again?" he asks. Aurian walks over to join some of the Telgar riders. She glances about lightly. With a flurry of notes, the song concludes, the melody echoing it's final tones around the room, unwilling to leave just yet it seems. Finally, Maeve places a hand on the strings, stilling them into silence, and looks around her audience, grinning slightly. Treena smiles, and waits for Kandri to come back, so she can ask him for her dance.. Kandri grins at Rynet and nods doing some slidding tricks across the slick floor and then spinning. He twirls Rynet out and then back again and out and releases her spinnign after her, grinnign the whole time of course. Matlin feels a bit out of place in normal clothing and nothing fancy. G'fen claps again, seemingly enjoying the harpers. Aurian leans over to whisper to Neliea. Chibi grins at R'val. "Of course!" she bats her lashes at Treena.."Could I have a dance from you later as well?" Neliea leans over to listen to Aurian and chuckles, whispering back and sounding amused. Treena looks at the other girl, and a smile makes her face light up. " If you like, but who should lead?" Rynet ohs as she ends up across the floor from Kandri. Sliding to a stop, she grins brightly at him, clapping appreciateively for the harper's song. Walking across the floor, she adjusts her shoes on her feet and asks Kandri with a chuckle, leading him off the floor, "Well? What did you think? Am I any good?" Tilting her chin up to watch her surroundings with a smile, Maeve tests the tuning of the gitar with an arpeggio of notes, the sound produced like water dancing over the pebbles of a babbling brook. Nodding at the harmony of notes, she clears her throat with a light cough and remarks, "I've named this Pern's lament and in some ways its a strange song. There's some embodiment of hope, respect and also a sense of pessimism within it, but I hope that you will enjoy it nonetheless." Tapping out the rhythm with her foot, she begins. In the distance, Jesica walks among the tents, looking in at the wares inside them as she listens to the music from the platform. Chibi shrugs a bit, and winks at Treena. "We can take turns, if you like." she grins between R'val and Treena, and takes a looong swig from her mug. Kassima laughs and applauds this latest song heartily, eyes sparkling. "Faranth's foreclaws if'n that doesn't sound just like M'kla! A shame she wasn't here t'be hearing it. Kharty, where'd that 'skin go?" Kandri claps his hands and coutns out Bravo to Maeve and nods to Rynet "Fantastic Rynet! Absolutely fantastic!" Mellifluous tones are drawn from the gitar, the rich harmony standing strong and proud in its isolation, before, gradually, a latticework of sparkling notes weaves its way around the tune as the melody makes itself known. The silken tones of Maeve's soprano reaches high, droplets melting into fluidity, as it introduces, to the sure movement of her fingers over the fretboard of her gitar. Rynet laughs happily. "You're an excellent dancer. Care to take another go? Or did I wear you out?" Jorai's eyes flicker over to the Igen Greenrider, next. She whispers something to the Nabol woman sitting beside her. Kharty hears her name so she turns and reaches over to R'val's lap, taking his wineskin to toss to Kassima. "There you go, Kassi," she grins as she corrects herself. Mine eyes have seen the days of riders, who ruled the fighting sky. With hearts that laughed at death, and lived for nothing but to fly. My ears have felt the pounding thrum, a hundred, hundred strong Mighty airborne wing and weyr, sent to right the deadly wrong. R'val pouts, "Hey." Treena grins at Kandri " May I have one, when you're done?" M'verick steps back into the danccing tent, peering around. Kandri smiles at Rynet "Nah...didn't tire me out a bit, but I think others might want a go." he says going to the edge and sitting down. In the distance, Meriska pauses a moment to listen to the harpers before moving to a tent. Chibi grins mischeviously at the bluerider, and takes another swig from the mug. She then leans up and whispers something to him. Euphonic tones shift and shiver over the cadenza. Silvery notes falling down, like Thread from the sky. The melodious movement begins to glow with warmth, as fiery chords gust over the harmony, promising destruction to the ancient foe. Maeve looks up, glancing surreptitiously at her listeners, her voice imbued with kindling tones as it pierces the music to tell its tale. In the distance, Oarin taps her foot absently as she watches the dancers but is content to stand where she is, swirling a glass of wine around in her hand. Aurian smiles as she listens to the music, she tilts her head to listen to the lovely tones. Rynet raises her brow. "Oh! Sorry!" Grinning madly, she hands Kandri over to Treena with a wink. "Go for it." She exhales, breathing heavily, as she takes a seat. Neliea isn't one to sit out a dance, though the starting words do catch her attention. So does the Kharty's toss. Treena looks over at Kandri " You don't mind, do you?" Mine eyes have seen hearts and minds, that dance with fighting flames. With dragons that rage at Thread, and blast the Red Star's name. My ears have heard the whispered threat, of a thousand silver deaths And hope that fire will banish all, not leaving us bereft. Matlin sways back and forth to the rythem and taps her foot enjoying watching the dancers. Jorai would seem, by her countenance, to approve of the rider's attire. R'val grins and murmurs to Chibi. Aurian grins at Neliea. Kandri stretches and smiles at Treena "Next round...think I hurt my ankle ont hat last one." he says apologeticly. Soaring high above mountains, forests and seas, the melody takes wing. The harmony coloured with a mixture of sun-bright golds, sundown bronzes, kindled browns and ocean blue-greens. A disharmony of notes vortex around the melody, at times the sound of screams seem to be imbued within the chords. Maeve's soprano breathes airily as it matches the pace and beat of the music, vibrato qualities emphasizing the movement with a degree of sorrow. In the distance, Jesica smiles and stays out of the way of everyone after having looked through all the tents, pausing to listen to the songs again once more, head tilting as she hears the newest one, never having heard it before. M'verick smiles at Joria, looking donw at his gather-goods to see if she might be looking at what he's wearing, and not himself. Well, could be worse. Kassima salutes Kharty with the neatly-caught wineskin, doing her best to drain off some more of the liquid inside. "Marvelous," she says with a contented sigh, offering it back to her mentee. Half of her attention is on the song, and a wry sort of smile curves her mouth. Rynet looks startled. "Did I do that?" she asks Kandri, a concerned note taking over her voice. "I'm so sorry!" Mine eyes have seen all hues of dragons, wounded and struck down. With riders that fall limp from straps, not making any sound. My ears have wanted ragged screams, to echo 'round the bowl. And instead I thank Faranth, that there's any left at all. Chibi hmmhmmhmms, chuckling to herself. She empties the mug, and sits it aside, and loops her arms about R'val's neck, pressing her body to his, her eyes looking strangly glassy. "Dance?" Treena grins and smiles, understanding. " I know how that feels " she says sympathetically, and pats hom on the shoulder and stands up, stretching before walking aroung R'val stands, grinning, "Sure, let's!" Jorai chuckles at herself for having been caught staring at the tall young man. Maeve's hands move in practiced fingers over her gitar as the polyphony of sounds mutes. Fogged and smothered by the melody, the harmony attempts to wrestle free, the sun breaking through the clouds in soft velvety tones. The gitar reaches up an octave, solar heat capturing each lilting phrase of the stanza as the incandescent notes of Maeve's voice resonate with light and hope, sorrow and sadness. Mine eyes have seen empty skies, and grass that's wet with dew. With hearts that live in optimism, that some will make it through. My ears wish for the laughter, and word that Thread has gone. And I patiently await the dawn, to see if I am wrong. M'verick grins boyishly, ducking his head to pretend as though he heasn't seen the weaver watching him. Oh no, he didn't see anything. He looks out over to the harper singing and sighs quietly. Aurian sways a little with the music, she tucks a curl behind her ear. Chibi grins in an odd way, looking deep into R'val's eyes, a somewhat silly expression of originless amusement on her face. She sways to the rythm of the music lightly. The maelstrom of Maeve's soprano reaches a final resolution, concordant with the melody as it fades away. Harmony sounds out in seclusion before that too dissolves into nothingness, echoes sounding from the strings for a moment or two. Looking up, she smiles, tucking an errant lock of hair behind her ear and taking a deep breath. Kandri stands and stretches "I'm gonna go take a breather..." he heads out for a bit Kandri steps out of the square. Treena cautiously walks over to the greenrider and holds out a hand " Are you a friend of Catalina? I think I've seen you before.. I'm Treena." Matlin jumps up and leaves long enough to find something to drink and a bubbly pie, but she brings it back to her spot to enjoy. All in all, I'm a sharding stooge, As I fly to the right of this overall Scrooge. But maybe some day with great understanding, He'll soften a bit and give me first landing! In the distance, Loren stares at the dance floor dancers, a bemused grin showing. Rynet shakes her head, sighing at the incredible meaning of the song. She has snagged a cup of cider from somewhere or another. Watching Kandri leave, she looks about for possible dancing partners, as the lower half of her face is hidden by the large cup. M'verick starts slightly. Wow, someone's coming to introduce themselves to him. He thrusts out his hand to Treena after only a slight moment hesitation. "Of course. I think I saw you at Igen one time. I'm M'verick. I don't think we were introduced before." R'val grins, spinning Chibi out, and hauling her in gently as he spins. Treena smiles " no, I don't think we were. How is she? I was hoping to see .... her.. here." Jorai quirks another grin and faces the Harpers again as his attention is pulled away. Chibi mmfs, and eeps.."Urp..That made my head feel funny.." she snorts and giggles, then hmms, pulling close to R'val. Matlin nibbles at the pie as she keeps watching everyone in thier gather best. M'verick sneaks another look at Jorai but since she's looking at the harpers turns back to Treena quickly, "You haven't heard I guess. She has been searched for Igen's clutch. She won't be able to leave until the hatching." Chibi chuckles softly, looking up at R'val. In the distance, Jesica looks up as a chill breeze floats down across the sky, a faint shiver as the chillness crosses her skin before she looks back to listen to the music and watch the dancers. R'val grins, and lightly dips Chibi before lifting her again, dancing. Treena sighs, and grins " give her my congratulations and my greetings, will you?" M'verick nods, "I will certainly give her your congratulations. You should be happy for her, she was quite pleased to be searched I believe." In the distance, Meriska sits down on the ground and hugs her knees to her chest as she quietly watches both dancers and harpers. Chibi woahs, and giggles a bit. "Now, R'val, stuff like that makes me dizzy...You know.." she sways back and forth to the semi-sad song. Kassima finally espies Aurian, and waves over to her. "Having a good time?" she calls to the Weyrling. "One, two, three. Shards," Rynet's muffled counting can be heard as she over-conspicuously scopes out the spectators around the dance floor. Looking dissappointed, she smiles and sits back, sipping from her mug again. Treena nods " I'm not surprised. It's an honor to be Searched. I'll be sure to come visit her sometime, as she can't visit me.. tell her that?" Jorai takes a sip of her wine, draping her free arm over the back of the vacant chair on her other side. She clinks her ring against it in time to the music. Lysseth> Kalendrith trumpets loud greetings to Nemanth. Aurian smiles at Kassima, "Much better than the first day." Lysseth> Kvasith rumbles welcomingly. Lysseth> Nemanth settles in, wiggling and shifting until he's comfortable. Anyone nearby is subjected to a whuffle of greeting and a happy warble as he settles in. Cathedra dismounts, muttering under her breath about candidates and other such things. M'verick nods again to Treena, "I will be sure to tell her. You are welcome to visit Igen weyr anytime. The eggs are beautiful." Treena looks up suddenly, having forgotten about the eggs. " They must be," she says, thinking... about.. something Matlin takes a sip of her juice as she continues to watch the people. R'val lets Chibi go and grins, handing her the skin, 'Sure!" Maeve glances up, a slightly mischievous look predominating her features. She glances around, barely catching herself from bursting into a fit of laughter. "Something more cheery I think! This is a song about a rider" she begins, smothering a chuckle before continuing, "who had a few problems -- its called 'Greens, whiskey and wild, wild women' and is a collaboration effort between myself and my sister Eithne. The original we found in a dusty storeroom by Harper Nichols, although it was a lot shorter and some of the words didn't make sense." She strums an upbeat chord and nods her satisfaction, her foot tapping to count herself in and any dancers on the floor. In the distance, Oarin smiles and nods to the rider and idly sips her wine. "Evening." In the distance, Jesica smiles as she hears snippets of conversations, even the bit about the eggs at Igen, over the sound of the music. Her foot taps in rythym to the sound once more, hand tapping lightly on her thigh. The gitar begins the melody, upbeat and jaunty, the tones weaving joyous harmonies against the crystal hardness of Maeve's soprano as it spirals dizzyingly upwards, caught on the breath of a breeze. Her head drops forward, hair dropping to cover the crease of concentration on her forehead as her fingers caress the fretboard of her instrument. Chibi accepts the skin, then glances between Treena and R'val. She gives the Rider a wink and grin. She takes a long pull from the skin, then another, then refills her mug. "Thanx, R'val.." she adds in a low whisper,"Later." M'verick sputts slightly and /looks/ at Maeve "But--" Once he was happy and had a good life, He had enough marks and not any strife. Then he met with a dragon and went on a spree, Was taught of flyin' and learnt then of whiskey. Chibi steps out of the square. Rynet looks undecisive for a moment, but then stands and makes her way over to G'fen. "Hello," she introduces herself. "I'm Rynet, Nabol's Assistant Headwoman." She smiles. There- her point should be clear. "Am I inturrupting anything?" she asks politely. In the distance, Cathedra walks up, hands stuffed in the pockets of her oversized riding jacket. M'verick ducks his head slightly at this song, giving the harper a strange look. Maeve glances up, confident as the main signature refrain introduces itself to the listeners, hand's moving with sure and swift movements. The euphonic sounds are covered with gaiety and an almost perceptible laughter Aurian spins about playfully as she listens to the song. She giggles and just stands again. In the distance, Chibi comes trip-tropping from the dance square, swishing her skirts about. She spots Oarin, and meep!s, running to her best friend. "Hi, Oar." she purses her lips together, and states almost flatly,"I've made a friend!" Kassima grins at Aurian. "Same here. I haven't done a single thing that I could get killed for today... at least, I don't *think* so. 'Tis progress!" In the distance, Oarin shrugs a bit and smiles as a single firelizard swoops over her head, landing neatly on her shoulder. Blinking for the longest moment, she smiles to Chibi. "Hey there. Oh?" Greens, whiskey and wild wild women, They'll drive you crazy, they'll drive you insane. Greens, whiskey and wild wild women, They'll drive you crazy, they'll drive you insane. G'fen sits up straighter at that. "The duty of Ista to Nabol, headwoman," he says quietly. Then remembers the question and hastily adds, "You are not interrupting anything." In the distance, Jesica chuckles at the begining refrain of the song, head tilting so sh can catch all of the song. In the distance, Chibi takes a long pull from her mug, and grins sillily at Oarin. "Ayeah. A real good lookin one, too.." The melody dampens, though its counterpoint continues as a stream in full flight. Maeve pauses in her recital, her mouth curling fully up at the corners, before beginning once more. The icy steel-edge of her soprano resounding over the harmony, the amusement barely contained and evident in each poise of hand, face and body. M'verick frowns and shifts from side to side, looking around. THis clearly isn't the sort of song for him. Rynet grins at G'fen, ignoring the formality. "Well met, G'fen. Since I'm not inturrupting anything, then, would you like to dance?" Short and sweet. In the distance, Oarin snorts softly. "A guy hmm? Well good for you Chibi." Her eyes are a bit glazed over with her reply, but the smile on her face seems genuine enough. Her hands lightly brush over the velvety blue materiel of her dress a few times. In the distance, Cathedra chuckles as she hears the song. Blonde head shakes and she starts to laugh loudly. "Someone knows what they're talking about," she says with a smirk. What a good time to notice M'verick, which apparently she does as she wiggles her fingers in a greeting wave to him. His blue cracked his shell and, after, his head, Gave him his name and from there on it led. From one green t'others, and while winnin's nice, Losin' is where he started his vice. Treena smiles at M'verick " You won't forget, willyou?" M'verick looks back at Treena, "forget? to tell Cat? Of course I won't. I haven't even started drinking so I'll be /sure/ to remember." In the distance, Chibi giggles, and takes a long swig from her mug. She grins a bit.."I think I'll go back.." she stumbles back towards the dance floor. Melodic phrases begin to dance around the harmony in tonal qualities more often observed in a popular tavern. Frothy notes entwine with higher, spirited ones modulating this way as if the chords themselves were actually drunk. Maeve's voice remains clear and sustained in the right places, her trained voice lilting high, captured in velvet tones. R'val smile over at Trena, "Hey, Treena? I'm gonna go pretty shortly. You coming?" G'fen stands up at that. "I can, yes, headwoman." He holds out an arm formally. Chibi steps into the perfect setting of the Dancing Square. Treena laughs, and then excuses herself " I'm sorry, than you.. have to go home." Jorai makes a mental note that the Bluerider -does- speak. In the distance, Oarin chuckles and watches her friend go back to the party. Cathedra steps into the perfect setting of the Dancing Square. In the distance, Jesica laughs gently and shakes her head a bit as she keeps listening to the tune, foot tapping a bit, raising a little bit of dust as her boot taps the ground. She's in normal clothes, no gatherday finery for her it seems. R'val spots Cathedra and grins "Cath, Hey!" Treena follows R'val out of the dancing square to go back to Telgar Well he drank Benden whiskey, and Igen and Fort, And at each fardlin' Weyr greens ever held court. It got so's he'd go just t'sample some brew, It near didn't matter whether or not a green flew. Cathedra moves over towards the dancing, walking slowly with her hands still in the pockets of her baggy riding jacket. Treena says "" or maybe, not yet,"" Chibi comes back to the dancing square, and hmms, looking about, for someone to dance with. R'val hmms? at Treena? M'verick looks at Treena, "Ah, I'm not going home to Igen yet. I haven't even had a chance to dance yet." A brilliant arpeggio of notes concludes the chorus, before the tale of this poor, misbegotten rider resumes. The dominant phrases call with dragon-like warbles, welcoming, beckoning and promising the thrill of a chase. Maeve's voice lit with the ardour of passion and yet warming slowly into melancholy. Matlin finishes off her pie and settles back to listen to the music. Rynet shakes her head, accepting G'fen's arm gratefully. "Thank you. But a few things- First, it's /Assistant/ Headwoman." She grins. "Felista is the Headwoman. Secondly, please call me Rynet. I'll feel strange dancing with someone who doesn't call me by my first name, hmm?" She leads him out onto the dance floor, and waits for him to begin. Chibi overhears M'verick's words, and decides that's her cue. The slightly in her cup apprentice saunters over to the Igen rider and grins brightly. "Hi! Want to dance?" Flights are a blight, they're all over the place, You can't fly to a weyr without seein' greens race! Take warnin' dear friend, take warnin' dear brother, A fire at one end, a full wing at the other. Chibi casts a grin and a wink to Treena, too, before taking another long drink from her mug. R'val grins, and leaves with Treena, waving at Cathedra amiably. R'val steps out of the square. Treena steps out of the square. The bracing cadence of polyphonic phrases introduce a more feminine colouring to the song. The gitar resounding with chords of a more sensuous nature, entwining in a lover's embrace around the harmony. Maeve glances up, the corner of her mouth curling up as her soprano breaths heavily over each syllable. Cathedra pulls her hands out of her jacket's pocket and waves to R'val, glancing after him as he leaves. Still on the sidelines, she watches and listens. M'verick looks at Chibi, bowing his head slightly, "do we know eachother?" He's smiling though. In the distance, Oarin finds a comfortable spot to situate herself and gently tucks her skirt under her legs. Quiet eyes scan the floor a few more times before returning to the firelizard on her shoulder. In the distance, Jesica grins and waves to R'val as he passes by her, still listening to the song. In the distance, Meriska hops up from the dusty ground before disappearing between two tents. Jorai leans toward the Nabol woman again, "Since when do the girls ask for the dances?" His downfall, it came after one o'these times-- The green's girl knew things that oughta be crimes! You've heard about bronzeriders, but you believe me, With this wild woman, he'd not a mark nor day free. In the distance, Treena shakes her head, with a smile on her face, as Chibi snags another one Chibi shrugs slightly.."I dunno..I'm from the Winecraft over at Benden..And you do look sortsa..familiar?" she takes a long drink, again, draining the cup. In the distance, Kiyah meanders behind Felista, blinking as she catches sight of 'many' riders. "Oh... my..." is her only words as she nods to R'val and catching the sound of the song, she bites her lip. 'Oh....." "Rather... apt," Kassi has to admit, toying with the retrieved wineskin as she listens to the song. "Certainly sounds like what I've heard maleriders say." Chibi catches one last sight of Treena and waves enthusiastically to her! Frolicking notes re-establish themselves, cavorting high around the melody as if a fair of firelizards. The story continues, each word spelt out in subtle mockery. The sparkling colouration, of the tune and Maeve's telling, smattered by exasperation. In the distance, R'val grins at Treena, "Ready to go?" He offers his arm amiably. In the distance, Loren strolls to the Winemaker's Pavilion. Rynet looks at Jorai. "Hmm? Nabol women asking for dances? Ah, I'm one of a kind," she responds. Matlin listens quietly to the music and conversation. But greens keep on risin' and he was soon out, Again and again, receivin' some shout. His wingleader disliked his not bein' around, He thought he'd fix things and confined him to ground! In the distance, Treena takes the arm, after waving back to the Girl, and walks off G'fen nods agreeably as he takes Rynet's two hands starting to dance very deliberately and consciously as he bites his lip while watching his feet. Jorai turns to blink at Rynet, "Pardon?" M'verick hms and catches sight of Cathedra, looking at her with one of those 'c'mere' looks, even though she's likely not to notice. To the girl he's speaking with he answers, "Well, I'm M'verick of Igen. Amylith's rider. I do not think have met before." The melody intensifies as deceit conquers and unfetters it from the harmony. The stanza fills with exultation and determination and yet, lurking under each counterpoint, a tiredness starts to suffuse the cadence. Maeve's eyebrow quirks upwards in merriment as each resonant note rings true. But the man got resourceful and soon had his fill, O'those lower cavern girls who give a good thrill! Keepin' busy all day an' busy all night, And in between them perhaps squeezin' a flight. Rynet nods agreeably. "Have you danced long?" she asks. Realizing how that sounds, she adds, "I mean, because you're being so careful. You're doing fine ..." The measure slows to a more graceful pace, reflected harmonies muting from major to minor chords. The glacial hardness of Maeve's soprano melts to a flurry of snow, softer now with the mellifluous phrases taking on a more serious colouring as it tells the moral of the tune. The song about greenriders has fully caught Cathedra's listening attention, and along the same lines, a greenrider's glance catches the attention of her eyes. Ducking through dancers and milling people, Cathedra moves over towards M'verick. "Hey Ric. Saw Amylith, kinda figured you'd be down here." And now good people, he's broken with age, The lines on his face make a well written page. I'm tellin' this story -- how sadly but true, On women and whiskey and what they can do. Chibi grins at Ric. "Well, I'm Chibi. Apprentice WineCrafter." she turns and mills about in the people. Rynet shakes her head, laughing at the song, as she continues to dance with G'fen. The melody dusts lightly over the harmony suffusing it with airy tones, the concert of sounds, being drawn from the strings of Maeve's instrument, minor and woeful as it gives warning. Her voice lilting high, each note filled with pensive phrases and tempered with the heat of passion dampened by age. G'fen answers to Rynet, "Three turns ago," as if in the affirmative. "Or mayhaps four. I am still rembering." While his memory of the steps isn't that great, at least he's not embarrassing himself. Write on the hides of the Weyr's history, From drinkin' and lovin' his death's no mystery. Take warnin' poor stranger, take warnin' dear friend, In wide clear letters this tale do I lend. Chibi wanders over to where Kassima is sitting, and grins. "Hi!" Rynet laughs happily. "No problem," she offers. "But let's speed it up a bit," she suggests, even so doing it. She begins to twirl. "Go with the beat!" she encourages with a bright smile. A flurry of notes colored with rays of exhilarating sunlight dapple in frivolous delight as the major refrain resounds and gradually stills into near silence, only a gentle chuckling from Maeve, as she bends over her gitar, obvious. She looks up at her listeners and looks quickly away as laughter threatens to burst forth. Waving a hand at the apprentices, she beckons them to continue with the dance sets as she heads off stage to get herself a drink. In the distance, Oarin picks herself up gently and mvoes off towards the road, a bit tired of all the comotion. In the distance, Oarin goes out to the road. In the distance, Jesica chuckles again as she listens to the music, foot still tapping a bit. M'verick blushes slightly, left by Chibi even as he waves after her. To Cathedra he nods and smiles. "um hi." Kassima blinks and snaps out of her dragon-trance, smiling at Chibi. "Heya," she ofers in turn. "Duties to the Winecraft and her Masters." "Well met, Chibi," Cathedra offers as she overhears the introduction of sorts. "I'm Cathedra, from Igen Weyr." M'verick gets a smile. "Hi," she repeats in echo of his greeting. Maeve steps out of the square. Chibi just grins a bit lopsidedly, and plops onto the ground. "I'm Chibi..." she reaches in her bag, that she is carrying even now, and pulls out a small wineskin. Glancing left and right, she takes a quick, long pull on it."Shh..Don't tell. I'd get in major trouble." she offers it forward.."Want some? It's Benden Red." M'verick ducks his head a little, "how did things go last evening? WIth R'val...>?" G'fen nearly gets caught offguard by the sudeen twirling of his dance partner, being in the middle of some almost silent counting, but manages to speed up, neither letting Rynet or himself fall as he circles around. In the distance, Felista sets down on the sidelines, watching the dancers and once again whispering to Kiyah, "I'll gladly watch Kitol while you dance or just wander about" Cathedra looks at M'verick for a moment blankly. "With R'v-? Oh! It went alright. We talked in the living cavern for a bit, then I went to bed. Sweeps right after a flight wears you out." "Kassima, green Lysseth's rider," Kassi introduces herself, grinning in turn. "Called Kassi by most, and 'that sharding lunatic' by others. Well met...." She quirks a brow, considering, and offers the girl her 'skin in turn. Not that there's so very much in it, of course. "Probably different Turns. This one's of Pass Turn 19, methinks. Yours?" Rynet grins as she stops the twirling - but stays at the same speed. "You've got it!" she encourages her partner. "Wonderful." In the distance, Jesica listens to see if there's going to be anymore music playing, moving back over to the dancefloor sidelines to find a seat to settle down in after getting some juise. M'verick nods slightly, looking away from Cathedra so he doesn't get caught staring. Jesica steps into the perfect setting of the Dancing Square. M'verick mutters to Cathedra, "... tonight." Chibi giggles a bit drunkenly.."Yah, we'll just trade for a second.." she takes a pull on Kassi's skin.."I can refill this for you.." she murmurs, then looks up at her grinning. "Lunatic? Ppl try to say I'm crazy, too..I used to be from Benden Weyr, growing up, and well..Weyrlife is just diffrent." G'fen staggers as Rynet changes her steps again, barely catching himself and his breath. When he has a chance to waste some breath, he asks, "Do you think so?" Kassima takes a pull from the wineskin she's been handed, her brows flying up in appreciation of the vintage. "Nay bad," she remarks, eyeing the 'skin for a Turn-mark. "Oh, that'd be grand, though 'tis nay technically mine. We lifted it from some bluerider... ah! Benden! That'd explain it. Bendenites are crazy. I Impressed there, and consider m'self one still." Maylia steps into the perfect setting of the Dancing Square. Rynet nods emphatically. "Definately!" She ohs as she slows, and stops -- as did the music, long ago. "Hrm. Oops?" she offers, shrugging her shoulders. "You're an excellent dancer, anyhow - and hopefully," she raises her voice a notch, "Another Harper will get up there and sing for us?" She grins as she watches the stage hopefully, still holding G'fen's arm. Maylia steps onto the dance floor area, her eyes searching through the people gathered. M'verick watches Cathedra, blushing when he figures he's said a little too much. Cathedra beams a bright smile. She mutters to M'verick, "Thank you. You... well,... always." M'verick mutters to Cathedra. Chibi grins. "My daddy was a Rider there...He died though." she grins at Kassi.."This R'val's wineskin? Well, I think I'll refill it then..I think R'val's quite a sexy piece.." she looks up at Kassi with glazed over eyes and a drunken grin. "Is that foolish of me? I can't help it. Ah, well..I guess we Bendenites are crazy." Rynet mutters to G'fen, "Well,... idiot... Let's..." Cathedra grins at M'verick and nods a response to him. "Mmm hmm," she replies before glancing around. "Just came from sweeps or I'da dressed up a bit," she comments self-conciously. Maylia wanders up towards Kassi just in time to hear the words 'R'val' and 'sexy' in the same sentence. Her brows raise dubiously. "I suppose some think so..." she replies, leaving the impression she's not among them. Jesica blinks at the drunk girl's comments, shifting a bit away from her and she settles down near Cathedra and M'verick sinc ethey seem to be having a somewhat normal conversation, even if she doesn't know them. M'verick shakes his head a little too quickly, "no no, you look fine." He grins, "did you want to--look around the gather? There's a fine weaver's tent." Kassima affirms, "Aye, R'val's... huh. To each their own." She winks, adding, "I never found him that attractive m'self, but Faranth knows that other women seem to. Lots and lots and lots and *lots* of other women... m'sorry t'hear about your sire, though I don't know whether or nay I'd have known him." G'fen steadies himself at the pause. "But the rhythym?" he asks, at a bit of a loss, to Rynet. M'verick smiles to Jesica as the girl comes over. Seeming glad for something to distract him from saying something silly. Aurian rakes her fingers through her curls, she hmms lightly. Being that her attention is on M'verick, Cathedra doesn't overhear the comments regarding R'val. "I /could/ go back to the Weyr and change.. I coulda changed before coming down here but I didn't want to miss anything. Looking around sounds good; so long as I can find something to drink, I'll be happy." Maylia makes some comment under her breath, perhaps the words 'different' and 'every night' can be heard. "Oh, you got your hands on some of R'val's stock of Benden, did you? I'm still curious as to just how he got it." Rynet grins at G'fen. "Oh. I could make it up ..." she suggests, but then realizes that that's rather absurd. "Hmm." She shakes her head. "Too bad." Chibi watches Jesica shift away from her, and she snorts. She grins up at Kassi.."How come all you ahve to do is mention his name and you get a reaction..Shells.." Jesica grins a bit, "I hope you two don't mind my coming over here, but the young lady over there seems to be a bit in her cups." she murmurs to the two, biting her lip a bit shyly as she speaks to the two strangers. M'verick shrugs up his shoulders at Cathedra, "you don't have to--just find yourself something to drink would be nice I'm sure." He nods to Jesica, "Um, no, it's quite alright--I think." Perhaps it isn't, but he's a little uncertain about how to act aroudn Cathedra it seems. Kassima grins drolly. "The man does get around a lot. 'Twould seem that most of Pern knows him. All you have t'do t'start a conversation anywhere on Pern is say, 'Heya, m'name is so-and-so; isn't that R'val something else?' 'Tis a most remarkable thing. D'you have any idea where he gets his wineskins? He does always seem t'have 'em handy." Neliea listens to the music, sighing softly as she stands. "I think that I'm going to head back to Telgar," she tells Aurian quietly, tucking back a strand of hair behind her ear. Cathedra shakes her head and smiles. "I certainly don't mind. I'm Cathedra, from Igen Weyr. Nemanth's rider," she offers to Jesica. "Speaking of being in your cups, I could use some wine. See any around? I'll grab us some." A glance to Jesica asks if she'd like something as well. Chibi stares at Jesica, and rolls her eyes. "That might be so, but I'm certainly not /deaf/," she mutters a bit darkly, but grins back at Kassi, then looks at Maylia. "Ah..Some men are like that, I guess. And some women. I don't think he's something else..I..I don't know what I think. But anyway.." she grins a bit lopsidedly. Maylia smiles sweetly to the young woman swooning over the bluerider, and shrugs. "Aye, you'll get a reaction. Half the women will join you in swooning and hoping they'll be taken to his weyr, and the other half of us react by," Her voice is drowned out by a nearby conversation, but one might swear she said 'gagging'. "No, I've no clue. He just said he went to Benden and picked up... I believe the word he used was But-load, but a lot of wine." The young greenrider seems rather puzzled by the expression. Aurian nods to Neliea, "Ok." She smiles at her friend lightly. Rynet remains grinning at G'fen, though they are no longer dancing. "That was lovely, thank you for the honor," she says. "All you need is a bit of practice. Jesica grins a bit more, "I'm Jesica, and I think I saw some in one of the tents." she says, pulling back behind Cathedra a bit as she gets glared at by the drunk woman. "Leaving, already?" Rynet ohs at Neliea's statement, overhearing. "I'm sorry to see you go," she says sincerely. Neliea steps out of the square. G'fen takes some time to rest before the next music starts. "Thank you, Assistant Headwoman Rynet. You dance well." He adds, "And fast." Then, "Let me know if you wish another round." Aurian walks over to join Kassima and Maylia, she tilts her head as she catches part of the conversation. She raises her eyebrows and grins a touch. Kassima says whimsically, "Well, at least he's nay topped L'cher's record of eleven children sired yet. If'n he had, I'd truly fear... a *what*-load, May? Nay, never mind. I don't think I want t'be knowing." Chibi snickers, and laughs! "What was the word?? But..But-load? That's intresting..Actually, I do recall a Telgar bluerider pciking up alot of wine..I didn't know it was him, though..." she stares hard at Jesica for a moment, then shakes her head, glancing back to Kassi and Maylia,"What's her deal?" she glances for a moment at Jesica again. Rynet grins. "No problem, G'fen. As do you. And I /will/ want another dance!" she states, her grin broadening happily. "Perhpas something /slower/." Jorai notes yet another young girl approaching the Greenrider. She rises, skin in hand, and weeds her way over to the small group. "Wine, anyone?" she offers, eyes locked on M'verick's face. M'verick murmurs to Jesica, "I'm M'verick, Amylith rider of Igen." A smile if flashed at Cathedra, uncertan. "I'm sure the wine tent will have penty to go around." G'fen smiles slightly at that. "Slower is better," he manages to say to Rynet. "Less .. dangerous." M'verick blinks and grins at Jorai, looking up at her as if he's not sure if he's seen her before. "what sort of wine?" Kassima agrees after some thought, "Interesting's a word for it, aye... 'tis certes never a way I'll want t'describe aught I'm about t'drink, though. *Ugh.*" As a slow song emerges from the instruments of the Harper apprentices, the sky darkens briefly, the outlines of flying dragons illuminated by the vast light of the nightly beauties. Chibi sniggers at Kassima, and stretches a bit. Rynet nods to G'fen. "This is our chance, then, for I must be going soon." She sighs sadly as she offers her arm once more. Maylia shakes her head slowly, also rather bemused by the word. "Well, that's how he described the quantity he picked up. You never can tell with him, probably aqcuired the word from one of the lower caverns girls he brought up to his weyr, though that frightens me." Jorai shakes her head as she passes it to him. "I couldn't begin to tell you. It is good, tho." Cathedra nods to M'verick, still glancing around. Gaze focuses on Jorai and she beams a bright smile. "Perfect timing," she mumbles to herself, motioning to Ric as if to urge him on to reply to the question asked him without another question. Jesica smiles again, "Well met to both of you." she says with a chuckle, "Looks like your request for wine has been answered, I'll just stick with my redfruit juice though." G'fen smiles a little, and places his hands around her arms, starting the slow steps to match the music. Chibi chuckles to herself, still amused by the word. "But-load. Butload. That is funny. I'll remember that one." Kassima asks with disappointment, "So you have t'seduce Lower Caverns' girls t'get stores of wine as large as R'val's rear end? Alas... that venue isn't open t'me. 'Twill have t'think of another way." Maylia groans rolling her eyes. "Oh dear, just don't go using it." She advises. Aurian wrinkles her nose but doesn't say anything about that word, "Sleep with Vintner's maybe?" M'verick grins to Jorai and bows his head to her, "I thank you. I'm M'verick, Amylith's rider." He's saying that a lot lately. "So, now we've met...sort of. As soon as you tell me your name." Chibi shrugs.."Mebbe ya just hafta seduce some winecrafters?" she giggles a bit at her remark. Rynet notices that G'fen has no trouble with this type of dancing. She follows his lead, again realizing that they are the only two on the floor. Freed of the wineskin, Jorai reaches up to brush a speck of lint from M'verick's blouse. "MasterTailor Jorai. You have excellent taste in clothing." Chibi suddenly colours and meep!s. "Woah../I/ had nothing to do with his But-load of wine." she says, trying to remain serious. But she soon melts into giggles. Maylia's eyebrows raise at Kassi, and she shakes her head, about to deny that that's what she meant, when the humour catches her. At Aurian's and Chibi's suggestion, she snaps her fingers. "Ah. that's the way to do it." Aurian chuckles as she gazes out over the dance floor. Chibi grins lopsidedly, again. Kassima holds up her hands and protests, "Hey, hey, now... I'm nay into seducing anyone, even for massive quantities of wine! Really!" A wicked glint settles into her eyes. "'Twill just have t'use blackmail instead." M'verick shivers slightly at the touch but smiles anyway. "Thank you. I'd like to take all the credit, but the weaver who made this for me did all the work. I just like it because it's cool enough for Igen heat." Well, so much for being smooth. Chibi giggles at Kassima. G'fen doesn't seem overly bothered to be the only pair out there. He continues the slow, deliberate shuffle at elbow's lengths, taking time off from watching his feet to look at the assistant headwoman. Maylia wriggles her finger at Kassima. "Really? I heard you seduced Kharisma's father, or that you seduced each other, which still counts." Alvar steps into the perfect setting of the Dancing Square. Alvar wanders into the square, glancing about at the various folk. He smiles, hands in his pockets. Rynet laughs slightly. "You don't have to keep me at arm's length, you know," she hints. She hasn't been watching her feet. Jorai levels her gaze back into the lad's eyes and considers. "Then I must conclude you have excellent taste in Weavers." Kassima turns a truly remarkable shade of red, and whaps May lightly with the near-empty 'skin. "Maylia! Where did you hear that? Dear Faranth's shells and shards and talon-clippings...." M'verick smiles widly at Jorai, "I'd like to think I have an excellent taste in Weavers." Boy everything else in the tent seems to have faded into the background as the greenrider fixes his attention on Jorai. "I'm sure you are fantastic. At weaving--and everything you do." Aurian rests her head against her hand and giggles. The song lilts suddenly into a major key, not changing the mood much, but adding a more upbeat tone to the background music. Then, without any warning besides an disconcerting, off-key strum of an apprentice gitar, the cheerful chords morph back to the first, minor key. Maylia sqeaks a laugh, and reaches for the skin. "I do believe I heard it from you, mentor mine, actually!" Even if it's not true, it's enough to have gotten that blush out of Kassi. "This /is/ good wine," Cathedra mumbles, peering into her glass. Eyes glance around again for a moment before she looks downward at her clothes. She manages a hint of a smile, forced, before taking a drink of the wine. In the distance, On legs none too stable, Loren wends his way around invisible obstacles, making ttowards the smith tent. Kassima looks absolutely appalled at the very idea. "When would I ever go around talking about such things? May, you're making that up!" But, yes, she *has* turned a shade that approximates fuchsia. In the distance, WE ARE POOR LITTLE LAMBS WHO'VE GONE ASTRAY, BAA, BAA, BAH..... [Editor's Note: Don't ask. I have *no idea*.] Telgar Weyr> Maylia goes looking for something and wows. @sweep in the ooc sleeping room and you can see all the hilarious names people try to log on as... Jorai's musical laughter cannot be contained, at that. "We all have our talents, certainly." Telgar Weyr> Alais says, "And get spammed out of your mind? :)" Telgar Weyr> Neliea giggles. Telgar Weyr> Kassima grins at Maylia and has done that, actually. ;) And Alais, if you want to be spammed out of your mind... type @search type=players. 1917 lines of scroll! ;) G'fen takes the hint after a while, and draws rynet closer for the continuation of the dances, hands resting on her shoulders, not able to look down anymore. Jesica chuckles and grins as she looks at M'verick, "The color is lovely." Telgar Weyr> Alais doesn't think she'll do that. :) M'verick smiles at Jorai, bowing his head slightly, "I didn't catch your name ma'am." He's really trying not to stare. Poor greenrider. Telgar Weyr> Alais sorts cheerfully through all the loot she got today. Telgar Weyr> R'val says, "Loot? :)" Telgar Weyr> Alais went to Lilith Fair today. More free stuff than you can shake a stick at :) Alvar grins, moving towards Cathedra as he spots her. Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "Oooh coolies" Telgar Weyr> R'val got stuff today too, but not for free. I gave in and bought a hardcover novel, for the first time in ages. Telgar Weyr> Treena says, "have Amy and Emily come back to the fair Tour yet?" Jorai steadies herself with a hand on his arm as she lifts onto her tiptoes, leaning in towards his ear. "Jorai, please. Not ma'am." Cathedra whispers to M'verick, "Master Tailor Jorai." Remember, she trained at Weaver Hall, she knows these things. Glancing up from her wine, Alvar catches her attention and she smiles as he approaches. Telgar Weyr> Alais found herself a hardcover first-edition copy of The Dragonbone Chair today, too :) It was a good day for stuff. Telgar Weyr> Alaisshakes her head. Shows off her autographed Liz Phair poster, though. It was her first day :) Alvar stops, and smiles apologetically, "Hullo M'verick, Catherda. Didn't mean to intrude." Telgar Weyr> Kassima saw a terrible naked @desc today. That was about the highlight of her afternoon, unless you count the cross-dressing stint. Telgar Weyr> R'val bought a werewolf novel. And a lunch cooler. :P :) Rynet smiles tightly, a hint of satisfaction showing in her eyes. After a few moments, she whispers, "G'fen, the song is over." However, she doesn't really seem to care. To someone who'd just walked by, she looks the perfect example of the word 'contented.' Telgar Weyr> R'val says, "Amy and Emily?" M'verick smiles and then blinks, "Oh, Master Jorai then!" He smiles at the touch on his arm and slips one arm around Jorai to help steady her. "A pleasure." Telgar Weyr> Neliea says, "Indigo Girls, R'val." Kassima shakes her head slowly, the flush slowly fading from her face. "You are a *sadist*, mentee mine. S-A-D-I-S-T. With a capital S, even." M'verick smiles to Alvar as he comes up, eyes all glassy and sparkling at the attention he's getting. Someone, paying attention to him Telgar Weyr> Alais grins. I once got a friend onto a game by showing her a horrible naked desc. She laughed so hard she had to look. Maylia smiles with smug satisfaction, and tries to get her hands on that skin of wine. Might be almost empty, but heck, it's hardly her fault she doesn't have any. "I could've sworn it had something to do with a flirting contest?" She asks, sweetly. Let's see if we can push that shade beyond fuscia. Cathedra shakes her head, still smiling. "Not at all Alvar. I didn't know you were here. Of course, didn't stop for long back at the Weyr before heading over," she says, motioning to her clothes with the hand not holding the glass of wine. "Came right from sweeps. Hence the fashionable outfit." Telgar Weyr> R'val duhs! Amy Ray and Emily Saliers. Didn't connect the names. Telgar Weyr> Treena says, "finally!! someone who knows their names.. Saw them in concert a while back.. had great seats!" Telgar Weyr> Alais says, "It took me a couple of minutes. But see, some friends were one of the second-stage bands (and we stupidly didn't think to contact them beforehand! They probably would have gotten us passes) and their violinist is an Amy" Telgar Weyr> R'val would love to see 'em in concert. G'fen stops as that is pointed out, staying in place. "My apologies," he hastily adds. M'verick grins from ear to ear, "So, are you enjoying yourself Master Jorai?" Rynet bites her lip. "No need." She remains where she is for a moment, then gently removes herself, stepping back. "Hm," she states succinctly. "I should go, then," she adds, swaying slightly. Jorai drops back onto flat feet, but doesn't move back away. "Indeed. I always enjoy Gathers. Tis the best place to view the trends of the region." M'verick doesn't move away from Jorai until she drops back onto her flat feet. "So, it's more like research that you're doing?" Aurian plays with one of the ribbons on her dress lightly. She tilts her head a bit. G'fen smiles once more to Rynet. "Duties?" he asks. "Well, it was my pleasure to dance with you, Rynet. Thank you." He nods once. Kassima coughs faintly, some of the rose-hue returning across her cheekbones. "Flirting contest. Well, aye, there was that. 'Tis a fun game to indulge in sometimes," she explains, a touch defensively, "and Jhor happens t'be a champion at it, 'tis all!" Rynet ducks her head, suddenly shy. "Yes, duties." She grins, backing away. "Thank /you/," she says sincerely. Cathedra glances around. "There's a skin of wine and some glasses around here somewhere," she says to Alvar. "If you'd like some that is. Or you can have mine if we can't find the skin." Alvar grins, and nabs a skin, filling a glas that's handy and sipping from it, "Thanks Cath. You enjoying yourself?" he asks, with a smile. Jesica grins a bit as she listens to the chattering going on around her, not saying anything as she allows the people to talk uninterupted. Rynet backs slowly out of the dancing square, smiling all the way. Rynet steps out of the square. Jorai's eyes flash with merriment, "Of a sort." She moves her hand down his arm to finger the buttons, then traces the embroidery with her fingertip. "You'd be amazed at the ideas that one comes up with at these events..." Maylia snaps her fingers, and returns her attention to the wine skin. "Could I?" She asks, before continuing her teasing. What a way to try to get some wine. "And, so you flirted with one another and wound up with a child, sounds to me like you seduced each other." M'verick gulps nervously and moves a hand to try to catch Jorai's. "Really? What sort of--ideas?" Aurian blinks at Kassima. G'fen makes his way to a chair before sitting. Cathedra nods, seeing that Alvar has his wine. She'd make an awful hostess, it's official. "I'm having an alright time. Hard to have a bad time at a gather. You missed a rather.. interesting song about greenriders." Kassima is starting to approach the fuchsia zone again. "The... decision was mutual, aye," she manages to say, trying to retain her dignity, "but I don't know if'n I'd use a word with so many implications as *seduction*. More like an, um... consentual suggestion. Aye. That's more apt, I should think." Alvar blinks, "A song about greenriders?" He grins, "I'll bet it was interesting." Jesica blinks a little and settles down in her chair once more, nodding a bit to Alvar, remembering him from when Fort was gathering Numbweed and needlethorns, 'Evening sir." Alvar flashes a grin at Jesica, taking a drnk of his wine. Jorai winks, her voice lowering conspiratorially. "I really shouldn't say. Trade secrets, and all." She does allow her hand to be caught. Doesn't seem to let it be gotten rid of, either. G'fen gets up after some time, nodding to a few people as he stands and leaves. Cathedra sneaks a glance at M'verick to see if he's overheard any of this. "I think Ric rather seemed to enjoy it," she says with deceptive sweetness that hints at irony. Eyes sparkle in good humor as she drinks her wine. "Seduction." Maylia's head nods firmly, she ain't budging. Time to bring someone else into this, and who better than the girl she was such good friends with way back at Healer Hall? "Aurian, what do you think? Two people have a flirting contest and wind up with a child. Would you say they seduced each other?" Aurian nods to Maylia, "Certainly sounds more than mutual..." Alvar laughs, "Greenriders. They're worthy of a few songs..." Jesica chuckles and grins, "Some of my best friends are greenriders." Kassima buries her head in her hands, and tries to look invisible. "'Twas *nay* seduction," she mutters desperately. "He'd probably agree with you! Consentual decision, that's all 'twas. Really. Truly." M'verick rubs his fingers over Jorai's hand as he looks over at Cathedra curiously. "I did not like that song!" Aurian chuckles at Kassima's weak weak defense G'fen steps out of the square. Jorai's eyes widen at the shy rider's sudden outburst. Maylia spreads her hands, and shrugs. "Call it what you will, I'd say consentual decision ammounts to mutual seduction. C'mon Kassi, it's nothing to be ashamed of, it happens now and then. Just keep it now and then, unlike some folks we know." Alvar grins, and puts his wine down. His eyes glint as he asks, "Cath, would you like to dance?" M'verick winces and then coughs 'um....sorry..." Jesica grins at M'verick, "Sounds to me as if it was teasing blueriders moreso than green riders M'verick." Cathedra looks up from her wine glass with an all too bright smile that focuses itself in M'verick's direction. She just grins and turns back to Alvar. "It was.. rather interesting," she assures him. "Certainly true to form for many of them, but of course we all know M'verick is the ultimate model of everything that is against the stereotype." Alvar's suggestion -- ahh, to /dance/! -- is found favorable. "I would be honored, my favorite of healers." She finishes her wine before setting down the glass. Kassima mutters, still looking rather horrified and keeping that hand over her eyes, "Once. Once, just once, 'twas with someone outside of a flight in the past eight Turns, and nay anyone ever lets me forget about it. And people wonder why I champion celibacy?" Rowen steps into the perfect setting of the Dancing Square. Aurian grins at the wingleader, "Now now." Jorai gives M'verick a reassuring smile and squeezes his hand lightly. M'verick smiles thankfully to Jesica, glancing to Kassima at her talk of Celibacy. Goodness, what an evening." Alvar laughs softly, s haking his head, "A song about greenriders. Now that I'm sorryI missed.' He actually blushes at being called Cathedra's favorite, and offers her his hand with a smile. Cathedra takes the offered hand and laughs softly, shaking her head. "I'm sure we can probably bribe a harper to play it again. But now, to dance!" Jesica grins at M'verick's smile before going back to listening to the music and watching the dancers, fingers and feet tapping in time to the rythym. M'verick looks a little disapointed at Cathedra going off. But he can't really blame her can he. HE turns his attention back to Jorai and kisses her hand. At least she's still interested in him. Maylia shrugs casually. "Aye, but if you didn't make such a big fuss over celibacy we'd not tease you for the one time." The younger greenrider winks, unable to resist pointing out the no win situation. Of course, she's likely leaving herself open for a bit of teasing herself. She gives up trying to get some of Kassima's wine, and goes in search of some for herself, to return moments later. "Not Benden, but it'll do." Jorai is still eyeing the clothes. You can never be too sure, with the likes of her. Alvar tucks his arm around Cathedra's, grinning. He does indeed get a harper to play, and leads Cathedra in a merry jig that starts off rather quickly. M'verick clears his throat and blushes. She might just be after his clothing style. Oh well. "So, how are things at the weaver hall?" Jorai shakes her head, "I fain can remember the last time I was there, dear. My duties take me across Pern..." Kassima makes a face at Maylia, cradeling her 'skin of Benden close. "I make a fuss over it because I now know for a fact that a life of celibacy *is* much less complicated. What would you have me do, whine and wail about m'lot? Sheeesh. Nutcases, both of you." M'verick smiles, "you should come visit Igen sometime. We have a fine clutch hardening on the sands." Jesica grins as she watches Alvar and Cathedra as a harper starts playing once he see's the couple wanting to dance M'verick mutters to Jorai, "... see... while... of..." For as clumsy as Cathedra tends to be when she gets frustrated with things, she's not a bad dancer. At least, she doesn't stomp on Alvar's feet. Alvar slides an arm around Cathedra, leading her fairly gracefully, turning in slow circles as they dance. He smiles, "You look very pretty tonight, I might add, Cath." Maylia makes a face right back, sticking out her tongue at her mentor. Nyah. Her wineskin's full. She takes a long swing of it, then oh-so-generously offers it to Aurian. That's a safe offer. "But nowhere near as enjoyable a life," She states with a nod. Jorai has to slap her free hand over her mouth to stifle a roar of laughter. A bright pink appears on the bit of cheek her hand doesn't cover. M'verick blushes a little himself and ducks his head, pulling his hand free of Jorai's. "Ah, I'm sorry, that came out wrong." Aurian takes the skin and takes a careful sip, she blinks, "Its not bad... Cathedra blushes slightly, pink creeping it's way across her cheeks. "Why thank you, Alvar. I was debating going back and changing, but wouldn't want to miss a moment of your charming company." Kassima shakes her head in definite disagreement. "I lead a perfectly enjoyable life," she protests. "Perfectly!" Jorai shakes her head, taking his hand back and pulling it through her arm, "Come walk me back to the Hold, dear one. It's time I got my beauty sleep." Telgar Weyr> K'ti looks thoughtful. Should I terrorize someone... Rowen steps onto the dance floor quietly, soft slippers nearly silent on the flooring as she heads for the knot of Telgari. M'verick ohs to Jorai, moving closer to her. "Certainly. I wouldn't want something bad to happen to you." "Oh, nonono, I'm not going to sit up with you tonight if you get drunk," Maylia states to Aurian, though she's grinning to take the sting out of her words. "You watch yourself on that wine. Perfectly? Then why are flirting contests fun when you wind up..." she does not say in bed with, but she nearly does, "With child fun?" Telgar Weyr> Maylia was sorta terrorizing Kassi for a bit there... ;) Telgar Weyr> Channie is glad she's shacked up with someone. Telgar Weyr> K'ti was actually considering it, Maylia... terrorizing Kassi. Telgar Weyr> Neliea chuckles. Telgar Weyr> Aurian giggles Telgar Weyr> Rowen needs some terrorizing. Jorai fairly pulls the boy along, her voice trailing behind her, "Oh, I can quite take care of myself..." Jorai steps out of the square. M'verick steps out of the square. Aurian hands the skin back to Maylia, "Well if it tasted good It might be worthwhile." Kassima folds her arms and says primly, "Because I was drunk, that's why. And we all know that certain people find very odd things entertaining when they're drunk, don't we, May?" Hint, hint. Jesica chuckles a bit as she watches M'verick head off, eyes drifting back to the harper and dancers as the music picks up a bit, a lively dance tune strummed out on the lad's gitar. Telgar Weyr> Maylia grins, c'mon down to the dance floor Alvar laughs softly at the blush, "I think you look marvellous just as you are, and a dress could only make you more lovely. I'ds probably be too shy to talk to you if you were dressed up so well." he winks, and dips Cathedra in the dance. Telgar Weyr> Maylia laughs at Kassi! I was wondering when that'd come up... Telgar Weyr> K'ti says, "Dancing square??" Maylia's not going to take this all by herself, no way. She inclines her head towards Aurian as she takes the wine back, saying, "We do know that, don't we?" Telgar's young assistant weyrlingmaster takes another long drink from the wineskin, and wriggles in a little dance, her hips swaying beneath her gown. This must have to do with some joke, as she's barely able to resist giggling. Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Well, May, you're not going to be able to make her turn fuchsia without getting *some* hits in return... yeah, at the Nabol Gather. :)" Cathedra is dipped! She laughs in reponse, shaking her head slightly. "It's been so long since I've worn a dress that I'd probably act rather unladylike if I did," she replies, grinning. "And I can't picture you being intimidated or shy from anything, Alvar, especially not /me/." She twists, she turns and she moves in the dance's steps. Aurian laughs helplessly. Alvar laughs softly, "The hazards of being a rider, huh?" He grins crookedly, "Forgetting what it's like to be in a dress. But forget t hat, you look wonderful in leather." he laughs softly, and kisses Cath's cheek as he brings her in close, "I admit, I'm not a terribly shy person..." Kassima mutters, taking another swig from the wineskin, "And some of us find appeal in odder things than others. Just watching you lot has convinced me that I'll be better off leading a chaste, fully clothed life." As she approaches the group, Rowen pipes up with a slightly fatigued, "Heyla." Jesica grins as she hears the delight in Cathedra's voice, yawning a bit as she looks around, "No more Fortian riders, how am I gonna get home?" she asks, voice barely above the level of the music as she looks for a familiar face in the crowd stil about the gather grounds. Maylia continues her little 'dance' for a moment, the skirts of her gown pooling in burgendy swirls around her as she wriggles her knees bent, and back up again. Doesn't take much wine, does it? "Ahh, Kassi, that little escapade that never happened wasn't all that bad, and had nothing to do with chastity. Nothing happened there." Telgar Weyr> Maylia ahs. K'ti? You're in the sky... Aurian blushes as she watches her friend. She just shakes her head, "Terrible terrible. Maylia laughs, straightening up and ceasing her wriggle-dance. "It never happened." she states firmly, her eyes twinkling with humour as she catches Aurian's glance. "'Twas all just a very odd dream." Kassima allows, inclining her head slightly, "True, true. I won't deny that one. Aside from that bluerider getting pounced by an overly-amorous bronzerider, poor man. Still, I can safely say that I have never once done the sorts of things you never did in that bar." Aurian nods repeatly to Maylia, "Never happened. Not at all, twas but a dream. Shared by a great many people." Cathedra smiles at Alvar, leaning her flushing cheek against him for a moment. "You," she says pointedly, "are flattering me. And it's true, you aren't shy in the slightest, so don't try to pretend otherwise." "Then you've never lived, if you've never done the things we never did in that bar." Maylia states, and takes another sip of her wine before it strikes her that she should be confused by what she just said. "Which never never happened?" Telgar Weyr> Maylia giggles, and takes a journey to nevernever land... Alvar wiggles his blonde eyebrows and grins crookedly, 'I'm not shy, and it may be flattery, but it's also the truth, you gorgeous rider you." he winks, and dips Cath again. Jesica steps out of the square. Aurian giggles helplessly and leans her head against her hand. Telgar Weyr> Neliea snugs a blue sib! Telgar Weyr> Kharty says, "Nel! :)" Telgar Weyr> R'val snugsa Kharty! Telgar Weyr> Maylia snugas a Cuz! We're tormenting a certain mentor we share, cousin-mine! Telgar Weyr> Treena says, "goodnight Rowen" Telgar Weyr> K'ti says, "Jeeeeesh... I really didn't know there was more down to that departure." In the distance, Jesica heads for the road, a faint frown of worry on her face as she looks for any Fortian riders to give her a ride home. In the distance, Jesica goes out to the road. Kassima sets her hands on her hips, giving Maylia the gimlet green eye. "If'n I have t'do the things you never did in the bar we never went to together in order t'live, I'm glad I never have. I'm too busy t'worry about cluttering m'life by ever doing things that never happened!" K'ti steps into the perfect setting of the Dancing Square. Aurian laughs some more, she leans against a post in the square. K'ti comes up from behind and puts her hands on Kassi's shoulder, one on each shoulder. Cathedra blushes furiously as she laughs. Alvar isn't shy, but she is. Well, was, but does tend to revert to shyness sometimes. She grabs tighter to him as she is dipped, grinning all the while. "Mmm, you can keep telling me things like that. Soon my ego will be as big as Nemanth, and /then/ what will you do with me?" Maylia just dissolves into giggles, the only thing she can get out is "Never what?" Aurian giggles at Maylia. "Never ever Kassima starts, of course--but being a well-trained former lush, she doesn't *quite* lose her grip on the wineskin. "Glack!" she exclaims, turning as best she can in her seat to see who's behind her. "Oh, K'ti! You startled me!" No kidding. "Beware of these two raving madwomen... they keep telling me I should do things they've never done t'live. Why is your nose that peculiar shade of red?" Alvar's hand squeezes Cathedra's hip lightly as he moves her along in the dance, laughing softly, "Then you'll know just how attractive you are. Nothing wrong with that." K'ti leans forward, a bit unsteadily and chuckles, "ye need t'experiance a world b'fer y'can say you lived.. and a world ten's ta be far more'n what ya already done experianced, Dassi Kar... Darssi Ka... Kassi Darlin." A bit of a pause and she says, "I did say that right, din't I? Me nose is red?" Darn! Maylia would've snatched up that wineskin had it been dropped. Instead, she just takes another long drink from her own, and offers it again to Aurian. The greenrider nods firmly, standing by her word. "Aye, you should. Let's see how much more we can get you to drink, maybe it'll be easier? K'ti? Tha's right. You need t'exprience the wolrd b'for... what she said." Cathedra plants a kiss on Alvar's cheek in reponse. "You, my dear healer, are a rogue. If I didn't know better, I would say that you might be trying to flirt with me." Aurian blinks at K'ti and takes the wine skin from Maylia, "Y' think?" She takes another couple swallows. Alvar grins, and kisses Cath's cheek right back, blue eyes glinting, "Me? Flirt? With an attractive, trim young rider? Perish the thought." He winks. Kassima assures K'ti fervently, "But I've experienced a world, K'ti: I've Impressed a dragon, led drills, made up stories about my friends' love-lives, dressed men up as women, dressed up as a ma--err, never mind that... I'm fairly sure I've done just about everything there is t'want t'do, really." Except for castrate brownriders, but she's working *up* to that. "Aye, methinks you said it aright. Have you been drinking, too?" Kharty steps into the perfect setting of the Dancing Square. Aurian passes the skin of whatever bck to Maylia, "It tastes a little better." Kharty returns from her exploring of the tents about the area. "My goodness, you all are still here?", she asks, grinning. "You forgot 'wonderful'," Cathedra replies to Alvar with a wink as she moves a bit closer to him. "But I'll overlook it on account of you being.. well, you." K'ti says "have I been drinkin? Have I been drinkin? Nae now, but earlin I was. Coul' use s'more too. An I know ye all ain't experianced a world, cuz I'm.. " She leans a bit too far and readjusts her stance. "Cuz I'm older'n the lot o'ye and have been 'bouts 'n places. I know o'one thing yeall ain't experianced."" Maylia's curled hair bobs little ringlets around her face as she nods affirmitavely towards Aurian. "I do. Easy there, now. No doin' what you didn't do las time you didn't get drunk..." Her warning ends as she finds herself with the wineskin again. "Yes, but, Kashi," Are her words slurring? "You've never done what we never did, so how've you lived? I've done almost all that stuff an'more. Heya, cousin!" Maylia's attention raises blurrily towards Jaralth's rider. "Wha's that?" She asks, curious. K'ti shakes her head, "Nu huh.. I gotsta see if Kassi's in'trested first." Kharty waves her hand at Maylia. "Heyla, cousin!", she calls back then nods to her mentor. "Kassi, I can't believe you're still here. Have you been telling stories again?" K'ti leans closer to Maylia and asks in a wine laiden voice, "gots annamore o'that wine?" Alvar laughs softly, pressing against Cathedra as he dances, "Wonderful. Well, that goes without saying, it's so obvious." he winks flirtatiously. Kassima protests, still sounding *mostly* clear-voiced, "But I don't *want* t'do what you never did! So why would I be living if'n I'd done it?" Offering K'ti her 'skin of Benden red, which is about half-full, she asks--despite the fact that she's almost certain to regret it--"What's that? Nay, Kharty, I've just been getting tormented by m'other mentee here. She's a true greenrider in that she's absolutely wicked." Maylia reaches over to try to poke Kassi, but her aim's way off. "So? Y'interrested?" She takes another long swig of the wine and absently hands the nearly empty skin to K'ti. "Sure, there's lotsa th'stuff 'round, bu'it's not Bend'n." Aurian nods as she listens to everyone, she grins. Telgar Weyr> Maylia grins. "Bu'i's Nah'Oatmeal!" Sorry. My pose reminded me of the add. Maylia fairly beams. Finally, such a compliment from her mentor. K'ti gains a wineskin in both hands and looks delighted. She peers in each skin's mouth then pours both into her own mouth fairly skillfully. Drinking's not new, but it's not been done in a very long time. After wiping down her lips she says, "I dinnae say it wasn't somethin I'd done, nor'n somethin ye done. Jus somethin ye might liken ta do that ye ain't thought o'." Aurian tilts her head at K'ti, "What?" K'ti says "Nu huh... only iffin Kassi's intrested." Kassima kicks halfheartedly at Maylia in turn. "Depends on what 'tis I'm being asked whether I'm interested in... y'know, it strikes me that the Lounge might be a better place for this discussion, for some reason." It'll be harder to pretend this is all a dream in the middle of a Gather, after all. "Well, what's the something, then?" Kharty slips into a chair close to Aurian, then leans toward her asking, "Have they been this way long?" Her eyes twinkle as she watches the three women. Lounge? She perks up a bit as she listens more intently. Maylia gestures to K'ti to get on with it, even as her eyes start searching for another skin of wine. "Shardit, there must be some... or a viner. Vint'er... wha'ever's apprentice." She mock-doubles over at the kick, just for fun. Aurian waggles a finger, "We could go there... or to the fire heights...." She tilts her head back at Kharty, "Not tha' long an' I'm sor' of on m' way K'ti double barrels the wineskins in either hand again. This, she could get used to. Kassima suggests, thoughtfully, "Mayhaps Boll's beach? That might do best of all, if'n 'twere nay very populated...." Cathedra teasingly rolls her eyes at Alvar. "Are you tired of dancing yet?" she asks, mouth close to his hear. "I left a skin of wine just screaming to be drank." Aurian nods, "Swimming is nice, specially with the weather changing right now. Still toasty at Boll." Alvar grins, and stops, patting Cathedra's shoulder. Alvar grins, and pats Cath's shoulder, "Let's go have a drink, yeah." K'ti uses her sleeve to wipe her lips off then says, "I guess Kassi ain't ever gonna be a full woman fer alla her greenridin lovin hide." She shrugs up her shoulders and looks at the almost empty skin. "Tillik, somethin like a four turn ol'. Screams ta git outta the weyr, barely makes it out 'n jus waters sourly at not bein in th' weyr." Kassima adds whimsically, "Or mayhaps the isle off the coast of Greystones... 'twould be quiet there, I warrant, at this time of evening. Always 'twas." She sighs reminiscently, then just *peers* at K'ti. "What, then? What *is* it? I don't know whether or nay 'twill do it unless I know what 'tis, do I?" Aurian nods at the mention of the island, "That would be best. Really." K'ti winds her arm up to her chin and an overly pensive expression, obviously drunken, washes across her face. "Now woul' ye really be intrested? Or are ye all a pulling me leg?" M'verick steps into the perfect setting of the Dancing Square. M'verick sighs as he walks back onto the dancing square. Maylia presses her lips together with frustration. "C'mon, if Kassi doesn't get t'do wha'ever it is, we don'either." She directs a kick of her own in her mentor's direction. "C'mon..." Can we say whining? Kharty looks up as the rider enters. "Heyla..", she greets with a smile. M'verick works up a smile and flashes it at Kharty and the other riders and people in the dancefloor. "We should go now!..." Aurian chimes in. Kassima sticks out her tongue rudely at Maylia, before giving M'verick a more dignified smile of greeting and turning her attention to K'ti. "That depends," she repeats, with the patience of one not quite sloshed, "on what 'tis... would it be better discussed on the island?" Kharty angles her head at M'verick. "Something wrong?", she asks, after watching her cousin's kicks. M'verick smiles at Kassima too and then answers Kharty, "Oh, nothing is wrong. LIfe is...good. Yes, it's good." Maylia's a little too tipsy and focussed on the conversation to notice any commings and goings. She struggles to her feet, and looks like she's about to drag her mentor physically to her dragon, stuck out tongue and all. Cathedra slips off the dance area and back towards the wine skin she'd left aside earlier. "You're a good dancer," she comments to Alvar as she picks up the wine skin. K'ti reaches behind her head with that pensive arm and scratches her hair. The wine flask bangs against her back a few times. "Coul' be... aye, that coul' be. I don' know iffin I'll b'gittin Jaralth ta take me though. He says I c'n image straight ri' now. Alvar smiles gently, and nods to Cathedra, following her, "Cool. Hey, mind givinng me a lift home if you're on your way?" Kharty shrugs. "Seemed like that sigh betrays your words though, rider." She watches Maylia curiously. Never seen her cousin kick anyone before. "Not at all," Cathedra replies with a bright smile, glancing over and seeing Ric's return. She waves towards him before looking back at Alvar. "When would you like to go? Before long? I'm a bit tired from riding sweeps today.." Alvar chuckles< "if you're tired, I'm ready to go now." M'verick shakes his head to Kharty, "it's quite alright. Nothing to worry about really." he shrugs, willing to deal with the cards life has delt him. He waves to Cathedra and Alvar too and then finds a place to sit and listen to the music. Maylia sits back down again, the velvet skirts of her gown poofing out, causing the greenrider to look like quite the disgruntled child, offered a sweet, but not now. "ohhhhhhh-uh. Think he'd take an image from another drag'n?" Let's see. Out of the group of them, only the weyrlings are likely to be sober enough to visualize that clearly. THere's a switch. Weyrlings leading the assistant weyrlingmaster. Kassima whaps Maylia's hands away, getting to her feet. "Faranth's fardling spinal column. I'll go, I'll go... methinks one of us could give you a ride, K'ti, more likely than nay. Kharty, you've nay been drinking as much as the rest of us, have you?" Aurian sniffs, "I have not had that much...." But not much in Aurian's case is enough to make her giggle like mad. Cathedra fades into the background, possibly pulling Alvar with her back in the direction where she parked Nemanth. Kharty stands, probably straighter than the rest. "Not as yet," she replies to her mentor. "Oddly enough." Alvar walks off with Cath K'ti bobs her head, "Then why don' we.. an someone grab s'more flasks?" M'verick smiles at the Telgar lot. "You all need anything? Help getting back perhaps?" He's only had a glass or two. Maylia rises again, her expression lighting again like a glow unshielded. "Le's go, then. Ooooh, good idea, K'ti." Like she'd've forgotten that little detail. Aurian blinks at M'verick then glances to Maylia, "Think we should allow him to come?" Kharty grins at M'verick. "I think they're thinking of going to Greystones. You've been there?" K'ti tries a wink and says, "'n I purchased a good pair o'Benden flasks jus in case.. they're in Jaralth's side bags. Maylia shrugs to Aurian, the classic look of 'I dunno' upon her features. "T'is K'ti's trip. Ask'er." M'verick shakes his head slowly, "Not for a long time....never for a real visit." He tilts his head to one side, moving over to the Telgar lot. "I'm M'verick, Amylith's rider." Kharty nods and smiles, holding out her hand to M'verick. "Khar, blue Virroth's rider. Well met..." Kassima grins at Kharty. She seems mostly sober still, but perhaps appearances are deceiving. "Then Virroth can visualize; Lyss will double-check, a'course, but she won't take visualizations from me when I'm nay perfectly sober. Methinks 'twill be all right, greenrider, i'truth. K'ti's just going t'tell us what we need t'do t'live truly full lives. You could come, too, if'n you like?" She looks to K'ti for confirmation, before introducing herself as, "Kassima, green Lysseth's rider, Thunderbolt Wingleader. Well met, and our duties t'your Weyr and her queens." Aurian pokes Maylia, "You ask her," She grins at M'verick, "You Searched at Telgar and took that seacrafter right?" K'ti upends the last of the one flask without trouble then leaves it on a table near the edge of the dancing square. Limp, oh so sad, the day when a flask tis empty. One should mourn a good vin's passing. Telgar Weyr> Aurian giggles. Lysseth> Vidarth backwings to a landing. M'verick nods to Aurian, "That's right. I'm sorry Amylith was so--outspoken. She can be like that. " He shrugs, not really upset about her atttitude. K'ti doesn't mourn, for twas a terrible wine after all, but she doesn't realize it as she's already past caring. Aurian grins, "She had an important thing to say." Lysseth> R'val slides down from Vidarth's back and lands in a crouch. M'verick spreads his hands, "she wanted me to take the lass to Igen without waiting around. " He chuckles, "But, it worked out well I guess." Lysseth> R'val glances at the other Telgar dragons and smiles, "I wonder where everyone is." Maylia looks at Kassi, and opens her mouth, but the elder greenrider voices the question to K'ti first. "Well? We goin, or what?" Aurian chuckles at that, "Well I'm sure she's happy to be warm." She misses warmth. Lysseth> R'val glances over the edge of the parapet and hrms. Dragon> Vidarth bespoke Telgar dragons with << My rider wonders where his fellow Telgar riders are? >> M'verick grins and nods his head, "being warm is a good thing. I always miss Igen when I have to go off into the cold of say....Highreaches Weyr. Buurr!" Kharty takes a look at M'verick then smiles. "So are you game to take on the Telgar lot? Never know where we'll end up." M'verick turns his smile to Kharty and shrugs, "would it be alright if I tagged along?" Lysseth> R'val cocks his head, listening to Vidarth. Aurian nods to M'verick, "Come along. Twill be fun." Kharty grins. "I don't see why not, if you can put up with the likes of us. Think you're strong enough?" M'verick laughs, "if I can deal with my dragon, i can deal with -anything-." Lysseth> R'val turns to adjust Vidarth's straps, "Headed this way, are they? Ok then. i'll wait for 'em." Dragon> Telgar dragons sense that Kemith croons smugly, sending images that are rather questionable. Something about a green and a flight and..well...other things having to do with his rider. Dragon> Telgar dragons sense that Veyath warbles quietly, << Right here. >> Kassima asks, after a few moments of silence, "We've got our wineskins, we've got our sober people to provide visualizations for the drunk people... what're we waiting for? The end of the Pass?" She grins, and suggests, "Let's get going!" Aurian giggles delightedly, "Aye wingleader." The redhead salutes playfully. Maylia half stumbles to her feet, but manages to blame it on her skirts with a glare. "Awright, we goin'? Or wha?" With that, she slips across the corner of the dance floor with a giggle, and heads off. Aurian hikes her skirt up enough so she won't stumble and reveals the pair of dancing slippers, "Stupid shoes." You step out of the square, returning to the main part of the festival. On the dance floor, Kharty shakes her head at Maylia. "She's not my cousin.. she's not my cousin.." K'ti leaves the dancing area. Maylia leaves the dancing area. Aurian leaves the dancing area. Kharty leaves the dancing area. On the dance floor, M'verick hms softly and follows the group. "I hope it's ok if I come along." M'verick leaves the dancing area. Aurian grins back at M'verick, "We said it was ok!" Maylia is indeed the bluerider's cousin, and she reaches out an arm to her for stability. Let's hope she doesn't go all mushy on her about loving her and all that stuff. Kassima assures the greenrider cheerfully, "'Tis just fine, really. We're just going t'discover how t'best lead a full life... if'n we can just find the Fire Heights again. I vote for having our dragons come to the road and find *us*, personally." M'verick chuckles as he catches up, "Well, I didn't even catch everyone's name." Aurian nods in agreement with Kassima, "Lets just hope we can wake them up." You go out to the road. Maylia arrives from the gather grounds. Lysseth> Amylith yaws M'verick arrives from the gather grounds. Kharty arrives from the gather grounds. Aurian arrives from the gather grounds. Lysseth> Lysseth stirs from her blissful nap, grumbling faintly to herself. Her rider is such a lazy twit. K'ti arrives from the gather grounds. Lysseth> You spread your wings and leap into the air. Lysseth backwings to a landing. Amylith backwings to a landing. Kvasith backwings to a landing. Kassima reaches out one hand to give Lysseth's shoulder a caress once the green arrives. "Aye, I know, love. And you're a lazy twit, too." Amylith trills sharply at her rider as he walks up. "yes I know. But this will be fun. YOu can nap when we gett here." Lysseth> Amylith, Tierth, Kvasith, Virroth, and Jaralth sense that Lysseth inquires, << Virroth, do you have the visualization for us? >> K'ti steps up on Jaralth's foreleg and swings up with a small leap to settle between two neckridges. Jaralth turns his head to look at K'ti with a small croon. Maylia leans against her cousin, grinning rather widely. "I'm Maylia, That green lump's rider," Her hand waves up towards the heights as the green in question lands behind the group. "Uh. This green's rider." Aurian runs her hand over Kvasith's straps. She rebuckles one, "Salt water, you can go fishing love. Aurian pulls herself up onto Kvasith, carefully. Her fingers grip at the straps as she eases herself onto his back. Astride Jaralth, K'ti shouts, "Lugaway!" Tierth backwings to a landing. Kharty reaches up to take a firm grasp on Virroth's riding straps, and swings up into the seat between his neckridges with the help of his foreleg. Maylia swings up to her place astride Tierth, her lifemate welcoming her with a rumble. M'verick gracefully swings himself up onto his lifemate's neckridges. Amylith watches him protectively, then utters a loving coo once he's safely mounted. Tierth turns her head to whuffle at her rider uncertainly, then blinks slowly at Virroth. You place one hand on Lysseth's neck and she warbles down at you fondly. You grin and scratch her eyeridges once before climbing up onto her lower neckridges, using the riding straps and Lysseth's thoughtfully offered foreleg. <*> Jaralth looks over towards Virroth then tilts his head almost cutely. <*> Astride Kvasith, Aurian scritches Kvasith's neck playfully. Dragon> Virroth bespoke Lysseth, Amylith, Tierth, Kvasith, and Jaralth with << I have the visualization yes! >> <*> Kvasith rumbles in a rather friendly fashion to the Igen green, then whirls his eyes at Virroth. Telgar Weyr> R'val says, "Well, this is interesting." <*> Amylith narrows her eyes at all the Telgar dragons and then huffs faintly. What she does for her rider. Fine--Her trills is faint but friendly enough as she greets the other dragons. Telgar Weyr> K'nan says, "What?" Telgar Weyr> R'val says, "The spider crawling up my leg. :P" Telgar Weyr> K'nan would have started screaming by now. Telgar Weyr> M'kla yechs. Telgar Weyr> R'val reached down and crushed it between two fingers. Marvellous stress relief. <*> From astride Tierth, Maylia straps herself in securely as Tierth warbles. Whirling eyes take in the Igen green, and the green prepares to spring upwards. Telgar Weyr> R'val says, "Of course, now I regret it. A. I like spiders and B. Iew...bug juice." Telgar Weyr> R'val doesn't understand arachnaphobia. I like spiders. :) <*> From his lofty seat on Amylith, M'verick buckles himself in whispering something to his lifemate before waving tothe Telgar-crew that he's set. <*> Astride Kvasith, Aurian spreads her skirts out carefully before she fastens her straps on. <*> Lysseth rumbles to the other dragons, spreading her wings in preparation for take-off. "Let's go!" Kassi calls, raising one fist into the air. <*> Lysseth spreads her wings to their full extent, bringing them down with a rush of wind as she leaps nimbly into the air. You spread your wings and leap into the air. <*> Tierth rises up from the the road. <*> Kvasith rises up from the the road. <*> Amylith rises up from the the road. <*> Jaralth rises up from the the road. Telgar Weyr> K'ti says, "Hisss brrrrain is fixed , mahsta Kassi ;)" <*> Virroth rises up from the the road. Telgar Weyr> Jalimax snuggles K'ti and smoooches her. Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Did you get that brain from the 'Abnormal' jar, K'tigor? ;)" Telgar Weyr> K'ti dipsmooches Jali in greeting :) Telgar Weyr> R'val says, "Heh. K'tigor." <*> Lysseth disappears into Between. Between You gasp as the icy black nothingness of Between surrounds you! You hear nothing, see nothing, and feel nothing. The trip takes five heartbeats... Black... Blacker... Blackest! You suddenly emerge... <*> Lysseth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air! Telgar Weyr> K'nan says, "Abby, sir. Abby Normal." Telgar Weyr> K'ti says, "Nope.. her name was Abby, Kassi." <*> Tierth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air! <*> Kvasith emerges from Between with a blast of cold air! <*> Virroth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air! <*> Amylith emerges from Between with a blast of cold air! Telgar Weyr> Kassima hees! and snugs her fellow Ks. :) Telgar Weyr> Jalimax sniffs, sure, don't snug the lonely J. <*> Kvasith bugles eagerly as he sees the ocean. Telgar Weyr> K'ti already dipsmooched you, Jalimax dear.. isn't that enough? If you just want a little hug instead of a wondereous kiss... <*> Tierth wheels momentarily, before folding her wings and diving, eager for the warm sand. A trumpet of delight wafts up on the winds from the silver-drizzled green. Telgar Weyr> Jalimax pointpoints to Kassi :) <*> Down below, Kvasith follows Tierth quickly landing next to her. You glide downwards through the air. <*> Amylith wings down neatly, trilling as she goes. <*> From a distance, Virroth lifts his young voice as well as he banks sharply to glide downward. He knows where he's at... <*> Virroth glides down from above. Telgar Weyr> Kassima pthbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbts. :) You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles, cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully. Kharty swings her leg over Virroth's neck then slides down the blue's side, pausing to give him an affectionate pat. Maylia slides to the ground, giving Tierth a parting caress and a tender smile. M'verick slides gracefully down from Amylith's neckridges under the loving and watchful eye of his lifemate. Amylith whuffles towards Virroth gingerly before withdrawing. Aurian slides off Kvasith after unfastening her riding straps. She lands neatly on her feet this time. Kassima slides down from her dragon's neck with a broad smile, her eyes devouring the sight of the land around her. "Home sweet home!" she declares, stretching her arms towards the sky. "Or close, 'tany rate. 'Tisn't Benden, 'tisn't Greystones, but 'tis closer t'both than Telgar, so I'm happy." M'verick chuckles quietly after he dismounts, "it's lovely here. Much better than I'd imagined. Maylia stumbles on hitting the sand, and laughs at herself. While her velvet gather gown is getting full of sand, she hardly notices for now, but she'll really notice tomorrow. Aurian hitches up her skirt and kicks off her shoes. She ties a knot in the skirt so she can walk freely not really caring how much of her legs she shows. M'verick blushes as he catches an eyefull of leg from Aurian. Quickly he looks away. Wow, the sea is sure beautiful." Virroth sends his blue head twisting toward Amylith, eyes bright and attentive. He snorts briefly then looks out toward the ocean, but his eyes wander back again. From a distance, Jaralth spirals downward from above. From a distance, Jaralth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air! Jaralth glides down from above. Aurian quickly pulls off Kvasith straps. The moment she does the brown lumbers towards the water. Kassima's own Gather leathers are too warm for this atmosphere, which is much closer to Nerat than Benden is and thus still warm despite the late season. She procures her much more appropriate swimming clothes from Lysseth's pouch, and--being incorrigible--ducks behind her dragon to take care of changing. "Now, K'ti," she says, voice slightly muffled, "tell us about this secret t'living a full life, why don't you?" Jalimax slides down Jaralth's foreleg to land on the ground below. Kharty blushes a bit at her blue's antics, apologizing to M'verick. "He's usually rather polite.", she explains. "Oh, Khar's the name.. blue Virroth's rider. I think I missed yours in the shuffle back there." K'ti dismounts from Jaralth's neck, sliding down his extended foreleg gracefully to the ground. A large blue head swings around to watch her with softly whirling blue eyes. Jalimax waves. K'ti staggers a little to the left on landing then hollars over Lysseth's flank, "Not till ye come out 'gain, you." M'verick holds out his hand to Kharty, "M'verick, Amylith's rider. Don't worry about him. I'm quite used to my own lifemate being tart." he lowers his voice, "she enjoys playing hard to get." Amylith just hisses at him. Aurian giggles at M'verick, "I'm Aurian, Kvasith's rider." Maylia watches Kassi duck behind a rock, and mutters to herself, "Shards... didn't bring..." as she undoes her lifemate's straps. They slither to the sand with a *thunk*, and in no time, so does her gown, leaving her in the light cotton shift she was wearing beneath it. Kharty accepts M'verick's hand, crossing his palm with her own. Laughing, she twists to see Virroth trying to nuzzle the green. Amylith bristles faintly, snaking her head back to /look/ at Virroth. M'verick chuckles, "Perhaps once they get into the water she'll relax. Ah, are we going swimming then? It's nice enough to here." K'ti says "I hadda go get m'sweet Harper.. so I coul' have somethin t'view in swimming apparel." Kvasith bugles to the other dragons as he floats. He obviously wants to know what's slowwing up the works. Kassima pads out from behind her dragon after a few moments, in considerably less clothing and working on unfastening her earrings. "There, now, are you happy? 'Tis a pleasure t'meet you, by the by, greenrider. I hope you don't mind being shanghaied like this." Maylia undoes the flasks of wine from their carrying straps on Tierth's gear, and pushes her gown away from splash-risk, more or less. The young greenrider, clad only in a rather short and flimsy shift, makes her way across the sand to the others, watched intently by whirling opalescent eyes. Kharty takes a moment to look toward her cousin. Pointing to her, she laughs. "I think that one had best laze about on the beach or we'll be calling the dragons to drag her out of the water." Aurian in the end decides to remove her dress, she leaves it on a rock and is garbed in a similar fashion, "Green velvet is too sharding hot." Jalimax finds himself a comfortable seat and stretches. M'verick looks around to see who Kharty's cousin is and grins, "She's not that far gone is she?" He's already working on unbuttoning his tunic. K'ti unsteadily makes her way around Jaralth's side, almost as if not hearing Kassi yet, maybe she hasn't. She goes into changing into her suit there, taking a bit longer than normal. Kharty walks over to the rock Aurian's just used and removes her dress leathers, placing them carefully on the rock's top. Striding toward the water, she motions to her mentor, Kassi. "Now no stealing my clothes,", she grins. Lysseth just plants herself in the sand, muttering irritably. This is her time for sleeping, shardit. Kassima, ever Kassima, pthbbbts at her dragon before wandering over to where the others are. "You brought the wine? None of that Tillek, right?" K'ti's disappearance elicits an equal amount of disappointment at the delay, determination to find out just *what* this secret is, and confusion. "Oh, don't worry, Kharty," she assures her mentee. "You're mistaking me for m'sie again!" K'ti comes back from Jaralth's side wearing a two piece yellow suit. She staggers a little bit more then marks a spot in the sand before her with her toe. "Are ye really se... se... serious?" Maylia, making her way without too badly sloshing her wineskins, heads up close to Kharty. "Hey, hey, now. Th'flight here an'the cold of b'tween got some sense back into me. Hi." She flashes a smile to the Igen rider. "I'm Maylia, Tierth's rider." Some sense? Didn't she already do this introduction thing? Hearing K'ti's plaintive question, she examines the seals. "Nope. South'n, and ... and... I can't read it. Not Benden, though." Such a disappointment. Kassima asks, "About wanting t'know what this mysterious thing is? A'course... 'twouldn't be here if'n nay, eh? Don't you lot want t'know?" she asks everybody else. At the query, she squints at the wineskins. "Southern's good! Maybe there's Green in those 'skins!" Kharty gets closer to M'verick, grinning. "That's my cousin Maylia... and I'd say she's had a few so far." Looking at Maylia, she laughs. "You in clothes? How.. quaint." M'verick doesn't bother ducking behind rocks to strip out of his clothing. He just tosses them into a pile and then works on Amylith's straps. the Green whuffles teasingly at the blue beside her and then ambles quickly to the water. Aurian sighs, "I'm never going to taste Benden at this point." K'ti points at the spot and drawls, "Okay then, stannnn right here on this dot." M'verick blushes a little at Kharty comes close to his naked self and hurries for the water, calling over his shoulder, "Um, Hi there Maylia." Kvasith floats contentedly in the ater. Maylia gives the igen greenrider a wave, and makes a face at her cousin. "I'm not the one who never stripped down to nuttin, and never threw herself at th'weyrleader." She states, firmly, sense though it doesn't make. She hugs the skin of southern close. "T'is good? Mine, then." It's OK. She'll forget and share. "So, wha's this thing we hafta do t'be experienced?" Kharty watches M'verick, laughing, shaking her head. "Men! You'd think they'd not seen a naked woman before? Or that I'd not seen a naked man?" Linking her arm in Maylia's she starts to drag her toward the water. "C'mon..." Aurian goes over to Maylia, and nods to Kharty, "She's right, you didn't do that..." Kassima is clearly confused. Clearly, clearly confused. But she's willing to try almost anything, so she obediantly steps over to the spot in the sand, trying to ignore the fact that her mentee is talking about nakedness *again*. Where did she go *wrong* with that girl? M'verick dives into the water and swims out a ways with Amylith. K'ti leans forward again and promptly clasps her hands on the other rider's shoulders, pulling her down to K'ti height if she can in her drunken manner. Virroth bugles loudly as he sees the green leaving him. Lumbering after her, he plows into the water, sending a spray of water about him, hoping to impress her. "Nununununuh, I wanna..." Maylia protests as she's dragged. "But the'.." Of course, her earlier comment about not stripping naked and throwing herself at the former weyrleader could be commentented on by some. "Wha's with the spot?" She manages to ask as she's knee deep in the salty water. Kvasith rumbles at Virroth as the blue splashes him silly. Amylith watches the blue and then trumpets at him, fanning out her brilliantly lemon wings to send splashes towards him. Aurian watches the spot. "Ok so what's with the spot..." Kharty drags her cousin along the sand, tugging harder now. "Do you have to tell the world about that? Shards, Maylia.. Now you get yourself dunked for that....." Aurian grins at Kharty, "But she said you never did it." M'verick surfaces and splashes at Kharty. Maylia grins triumphantly. "Yeah!" She agrees with Aurian. There's a vocabulary for you. Kassima might not be pullable, if she weren't so sharding curious. But, let's face it: she is, and thus allows herself to be pulled. Something Odd is clearly going on, and the rider is clearly aware of it. "I don't know what's with the spot yet," she calls back to the others. Aurian giggles and sneaks Maylia's skin away from her, "Even the former weyrleader says you never did that." She takes a light pull of the southern vintage. K'ti apparently is still quite soused with liquor, making one wonder just how much she did imbibe before coming down here- the cold didn't take much edge off... but a wineskin is right at the rider's hip. Her hands still on Kassi's shoulders, she pulls the too fardling tall rider right towards her and plants her lips right across the greenrider's own. Aurian giggles delightedly as she watches this act. Kharty turns her attention toward M'verick, but still clings to her cousin's arm. Dragging her further out, she decides to dunk the both of them, hopefully at once. "Aurian!", she yells back to the girl, "Enough!" Aurian sticks her tounge at Kharty, "Fine. It never happened, you should know that." M'verick stops splashing and looks out up the shore at Kharty and her cousin, trying to figure out just what they're talking about. "You've a thing for the weyrleader?" It's probably safe to assume that Kassi was not expecting *that* to be the secret of how to live a full life. In fact, it may be drawn from the greenrider's wide eyes that she wasn't expecting that at all, period. "Mmmrph!" is the only reply she manages, along with some desperate hand-wiggling to her compatriots across the way. Jalimax chuckles as he watcehs K'ti and Kassi. Aurian laughs as she hears what M'verick asked her friend, she then notices Kassima and K'ti again. She continues to laugh. K'ti just doesn't let go. All that betweening and riders are sure to be able to hold their breath well. Kharty literally GLARES at Aurian when she hears M'verick's words. "Now see what you've done?", she yells to the girl. Swiveling in the water toward M'verick, she explains, "It wasn't real. It was a dream.. that's all, a dream. Yeah." Aurian grins at M'verick, "Its just a joke, really. " Maylia's quite tipsy, when trying to stand. But trying to swim, while being dragged? She's an easy target for dunking. While trying to keep her head above water, she yells, "Bu'I can't SEE! I wannaknow! Wha's th'secret! Kassi?!?!?" M'verick nods slowly, looking unsure but he winks. "Well, dreams are always bad things." is his lighthearted comment. Amylith dips her head under the water before plunging out towards the waves and deeper water. Virroth plows into the water after Amylith, his wings fwapping the surface of the water to urge his large body after her. Abruptly stopping, he blinks, eyes whirling, scanning the surface. Kassima's observation of, "Um, K'ti, you can let go of me now," is turned into something more like, "Mmmphrk mrm mmmrrmm mph," due to the fact that she can't really *say* anything. And she is, perhaps, too paralyzed with shock to move away. Heck, what *is* it with today? All this romantic attention from women! Sure, the first couple of times was because she was dressed up as a man, but.... Maylia gets a more frantic hand-waving. Help! Help! I'm being smooched, and I can't get up! Amylith looks over one slim shoulder and lifts her tail from the depths to send a splash Virroth's way. Aurian calls to Maylia, "K'ti is kissing Kassima, she can't talk right now." She takes another pull of Maylia's wine skin Telgar Weyr> K'ti starts thwapping at her player. Breathe, damnit, breathe! They're not good for anything you know? Telgar Weyr> R'val says, "K'ty, don't stop breathing. ;)" Kharty stops right there in the water to hold Maylia upright before calling out loudly over the din of the waves, "Cousin? This one's for you!" Under she goes in a big splash, with Khar pushing in the water for a quick getaway. M'verick looks back to the shore and just stares at the kissing women. "oh!" M'verick blinks a time or two. He never gets kisses like that. What's up with that? Maylia finds herself underwater in a rush, and misses Aurian's call completely. Struggling, she gets herself back up, making some sort of strangled noise. "Wah?? I'm gonna get you!" A slightly sobered up Maylia starts chasing her cousin. K'ti pulls back with a gasp of air and nearly topples over. On regaining her stand she says, "y'ain' ever kissed me befer, nae even while Jar was a flyin after Lysseth. Ye ain't lived life till ye've tried a little o'everathin.." A minor hiccup and she adds, "'n kissed Farnath in the face... and I tell ye, I'll sure look like Farnath in th'mornin after I'm sober." Virroth decides that maybe, just maybe the best way to get the attention of this lovely green would be to stand still and try some 'hard to get' stuff too. Lowering his sea-blue head, he snorts underwater in her direction, eyes attentive to see if the ploy worked. Aurian finds a place to stretch out on the sands. She stares up at the starfilled sky. Ignoring the chaos anymore. M'verick continues to stare for a bit longer. Oh the unfairness of life. It takes him a long moment to drag his attention away and paddle out a little more. Swim away! Swim away! Kharty leaps forward in the water toward M'verick. Churning water as she goes, she yells over to him, "Save me! Save me!" Drawing nearer, she laughs, yelling again, "Mad cousin approaching!" Kassima falls back on her rump as she's finally let go, and decides that air would indeed be a good thing. Pant. Pant. Pant. "So... I have t'kiss every rider in the world a'fore I've lived a full life?" she asks, sounding a bit appalled. "Then I can't live a full life, 'cause I'm sure as shards nay kissing R'val!" Oh, the horror of it! "You'll look like a gold dragon in the morning?" Bewildered is a good word for the rider right now. However, she has an idea. "May," she calls over, "methinks K'ti can show you the meaning of life now...." Amylith narrows her eyes at Virroth and doesn't move, except to close the first set of her eyelides over gleaming blue eyes. Maylia quickly pulls herself after her cousin, calling "I'm no'mad, I'm angry!" With a laugh, but she's stopped by Kassi's voice. "What's that? Huh?" She treads water, holding steadyish. "Wha's that about R'val lookin'like a gold drag'n?" She begins swimming to shore, curious. K'ti says "mubbe, Kassi.. an mubbe even th'brownriders too." M'verick stops paddling at Kharty's cry and bobbs up on the waves, "Save you? How am I 'posed to save you? Oh look, she's not coming way out here." K'ti backs up a step and trips over her own sand. Woman, wine and bathing suit land Jali's lap with a thump and a giggle. "I'll look like a dragon oll right. Ask Jali." Kassima considers this, wrinkling up her nose. "Methinks I got most of the evil brownriders over with already...." She shoots Lyss a glare. "And 'tis all *her* fault. May, *R'val* wouldn't look like a gold dragon!" She has to laugh at that very idea. "Don't be absurd! K'ti looks like a gold dragon. Isn't that right, K'ti?" Kharty swims a little closer then turns to look back, watching her cousin returning to shore. Bobbing in the water, she giggles at M'verick. "You're a man, aren't you? At least last time I checked you were... Don't men know instinctively how to save women?" Jalimax oofs as he catches K'ti in his lap, "You look like a what, love ?" Maylia stumbles up onto shore, short cotton shift dripping wet, and curls all messed up. The ribbon, silvery coloured, hangs round her neck. "So?" She snags up a wineskin and wipes sand from it's neck. "Wha's the secr't to a full life?" Aurian takes another sip of wine as she gazes at the stars. M'verick grins at the bluerider in the water beside him, "I haven't saved a woman in a very long time. I'm afraid I'm quite out of practice." He grins and flicks water at her. "Besides, you look like you could handle yourself quite well enough." K'ti leans her head back till she's talking over her forehead to her mate. "A draogn th'mornin after a hangover... oooh, I need s'more wine." Maylia takes a swig of the wine, and makes a face. "Bleah. Whassis?" She squints at the label, muttering, "I thou'southern wine was s'posed t'be good? Ugh! South Boll! Whassis?" She looks around, a little bewildered. "Is'suh secr't t'long life in Jal's lap?" She manages to ask, grinning. Kharty says nothing, just grins then dives underwater. Swimming toward M'verick's legs, she grabs them, and lifts him upwards with a lunge. Kassima jerks her thumb towards K'ti. "Ask her... believe me, May, I'm nay going t'show you unless you suddenly turn into a man, full life or nay full life... Kharty! Mentee mine, what're you doing, grabbing at greenriders now?" M'verick ulps as he gets lifted, arms fanning around wildly. "Hey, wait!!" Jalimax chuckles at K'ti and steals a kiss from her, "Silly rider." Aurian smiles as Maylia drinks from the wrong wine skin. Kharty breaks the surface of the water to give one last heft, sending M'verick flying out onto a rather large wave. "Take care of myself? I'd imagine so. Want me to teach you how to save a woman?" Laughing, she watches him fly outwards. K'ti says "oooh, I think that one form 'o life is found in his lap..." With that she tosses one of the wineskins at her side in Maylia's general direction. "Don' tell annaone, s'one of my Benden flasks." M'verick is a little too big to be sent flying one would thing. He does, however, get pushed back in the water with Kharty's might effort. But as he goes under the water, he doesn't resurface right away. Kassima decides that now would be a good time to lay in the sand and try to forget that this whole, bizarre day ever happened. "If'n m'parents came to the island right now," she observes, "they'd freak, methinks." Virroth once again sends that blue muzzle down into the sea waters, this time blowing bubbles as he snorts, eyes directed at the green beauty riding the waves. Maylia bends to pick up the flask as it lands in the sand by her feet with a *poof*. "Benden? Oooh, much better'n wha'I was drinking." She seals the first skin, and leaves it on the sand, to take a drink from the Benden. "Awwright, s'thats one form'uh life. Wha's th'one y'had to take us here t'show us?" Amylith floats over closer to Virroth, obviously puzzled by the youngster. Kharty laughs then stops abruptly. "Oh oh...", she says quietly. Spotting a streak under the surface, she pulls in one good gulp of air. Sure enough, she's drug under, prepared but still being yanked. Kvasith leaves the water. He soon curls himself about his stargazing rider. M'verick surfaces, tossing his head back as he chuckles, "That'll teach you to toss me around." Of course he's backing up quickly so the bluerider can't get back at him. K'ti relaxes back in Jalimax' lap with a relaxed toe wiggle. "I din' go draggin annaone ennywhere. It jus was suggested by Kassi ta me that this mightna be a better place.." Her words slur slightly, then she leans her head back to take another sip. Virroth turns his side to her, that one eye keeping careful watch though. More bubbles shoot up past his snout, popping as they hit the surface. Kassima sits up long enough to yell over towards her mentee, "Remember, weyrlings still can't do any of that consentual decision business!" Amylith snakes her neck around to peer at th bubbles. K'ti offers her flask back to the Harper. "S'the good varriety. Bendend's best red blush, 'n a goo' year too. If nothin, after alla these years I gotta goodly mount of marks saved fer it." M'verick blushes and just stares at Kassima. "Ah, I wasn't going to do anything like that." Sputter sputter. Kharty breaks the water's surface, sputtering. Flicking her hair out of her eyes, she mock growls at the greenrider. Leaning forward, her arms cut the water, hearing her mentor, but still charging forward. Jalimax takes the flask and takes a long sip for it. Kassima asks simply, drolly, and with one stray bang obscuring her right eye, "Does *she* know that?" Maylia drops down on the sand, nearly pouting. Alright, so she's got benden wine, but that's not as good as a secret she's not let in on. Some dim glow in her tipsy mind is still working, though, and she shouts out after Kassi, "In other words, NO SEDUCIN', weyrlin'!" Kassima shouts to Maylia, "*Consentual decision* is nay *seduction*!" M'verick forgets about being embarrassed that someone might think his intentions are impure as he watches the weyrling charge for him, "Hey, watch it! YOu're going to get me in trouble!" Kassima sighs. She hates seeing her mentees pout. "May," she explains, scooting nearer to the greenrider so that she won't have to shout, "the secret to a full life is that you've got t'kiss every rider on the planet. I *told* you I didn't want t'live a full life, but did you believe me?" K'ti purrs in that hazy sort of manner and says, "Ye might end up flyin Jaralth home, Jali..." With that she looks over towars Maylia, "Ye wan' the secret too? Shards I'm popular taenight." Maylia sits cross legged in the sand, and leans forward, shouting and laughing at the same time. "Two persons... people.. whatever. consentin' is the same thing as two folks," There, that words' easier, "SEDUCING each'ther." As Kassi scoots closer, she stops yelling, and leans away. "Iewww. I don'wanna kiss R'val! Why'd we come'ere t'lern that?" Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "By the way, K'ti... you're evil. ;)" Jalimax grins at K'ti "Ya think so, eh ?" Telgar Weyr> Maylia is just howling! Kharty has been actually hearing the goings on being shouted at her. Pausing in mid-stroke, she glares at M'verick. "Get you in trouble? Now why'd I want to do that? Hmmph." Finding Virroth's form, she yells over to him, "C'mon. Let's not.. offend.. them!" Clear strokes are sending her back to the shore, miffed. Kassima slams her fist against the sand, and yells, "I did nay seduce *anybody*, so there!" At the ewww, she crinkles up her own nose. "S'what I said. Look, go ask K'ti... she can word it better'n I can." M'verick frowns at Kharty frowns at him. "I'm sorry. Really. I just well." he flaps his hand towards the shore, "they said--" Virroth lifts his head, water cascading down from his muzzle. Eyes flickering first at his lifemate then at the green. He doesn't want to leave but... Telgar Weyr> K'ti will take that as a niiiice compliment :) THanks :) Amylith trills to Virroth. Jalimax wraps his arms around K'ti's waist. Kharty calls over her shoulder to M'verick, still swimming toward the shore, "Shardin Faranth, I'd get YOU in trouble? Well then, stay there all by yourself. See if I care!" M'verick paddles after Kharty, wanting to make things right with her. He was having such a good time afterall. K'ti says "uh huh... I'm sure 'n Jaralth'll letche fly... fly... c'n ye fly iffin ye flap yer arms hard nuff? Jaralth tol' me that once.." Maylia grins triumphantly. The vehemenant denial is as clear a confession as everyone calling a certain trip to a certain lounge a dream. That done, she scooches over in the sand towards the bluerider. "Well?" She leans a bit to the side, and takes another long drink of the wonderful Benden. K'ti peers at Maylia bleerily, "Are ye tellin me yer intrested now?" Aurian rests against Kvasith, in a vaguely contented manner. She seems pensive about something, in somefashion. But she is content to remain where she is. M'verick uses his long arms to catch up with the weyring and tries to catch her attention. "Listen, I just was trying to watch out for you. I didn't know you were under 'those' rules. It was more 'you' I was worried about--" M'verick mutters to Kharty, "... to..." Maylia's 'Yes I am interested' comes out as "Yeaaiwannano!" After all, it's not nice to tell secrets infront of people. "Wha'sa secr't? Why here? Is't sumthin't'do with th'sand and sea an'wind? Or wha? An'why d'I have t'kiss R'val?" Her voice carries with it enough disgust that it's clear she doesn't want to have anything to do with kissing him. K'ti tilts her head back again with enough sense to ask, as she fills Jalimax's mouth with her own red curls, "D'ye mind me teachin someone else, heart?" Telgar Weyr> Maylia leaves it up to you, K'ti... you can always just tell her what you did instead of showing her... whatever you want :) I'm just shocked at May here... Kharty continues to stroke alongside the greenrider, her jaw jutted outward. Finally pausing, she bobs in the water beside him. "What rules? What rule says I can't swim with a man in the sea? What rule says I can't...", She takes one look at him, then leans over and lands a kiss right on his lips. "kiss who I want?" Turning she continues the long swim back to the shore. Kassima groans and claps her hands over her eyes. She didn't see that. She didn't see that. She didn't see that. M'verick faulters and goes under the surface of the water as his arms fail him. Gulb. Aurian saw that. Telgar Weyr> K'ti tries to figure this out.. do you Weyrlings have this utter adoration for being in trouble? Telgar Weyr> Maylia nodnods. Ayup :) Telgar Weyr> Aurian beams Telgar Weyr> Kharty just smiles. Telgar Weyr> K'ti yups... I thought so. M'verick struggles to the surface, shaking his head and coughing, "Hey! I bet that was against the rules!" He calls back and very slowly paddles to the shore after her. Aurian calls, "yes and no!" Jalimax chuckles softly at K'ti, "as long as you teach me again later, love." Maylia didn't see it either... or else she'd be trying to tell Kharty that Virroth had better just caught Amylith in a flight. Or something. But she didn't see it. She's intently trying to figure out this teaching and secret thing. Kharty yells over her shoulder to the greenrider, "Was not! Was not!" To Aurian, she almost screams to her, "Whatdya mean, yes?" Aurian ducks behind Kvasith, "Never mind carry on." K'ti smiles, her expression melting almost with the fire of alcohal and sweetness. She then wrenches her poor old sodden body up from it's lounging spot in the sands with grrreat difficulty. Much akin to molassus sticking to the table at Ista during the hottest season of the year, or akin to a certain blue and his nap. In this manner, wobblying, she marks a spot in the sand. Virroth watches his lifemate with very curious eyes. Glancing to Ameylith, he seems confused as to what to do. Amylith ducks her head just so, arching her neck in the way that most other greens can catch the eye of a male. She's not very good at it, not being one to flirt. M'verick groans, "no no no! AMylith! YOu stop that!" Maylia half turns to look towards the sea, muttering, "Shards, wha're they up t'now?" Figures. She's about to learn the secret to a full life, should it be divulged, and her charges are acting up. As K'ti rises, she eagerly, and rather drunkenly, bounds to her feet. "Here? Right?" Ayup. Someone's excited. K'ti says "o'course I'll show ye as many times as ye like, Jali dear.. an ye can act like yer a slow learner 'n all... 'n I know better.... " And trails off. She focuses on that spot in the sands as if trying to remember and points. "Iffiner that intrested, Mayling, stann right there."" M'verick sighs and continues on to the shore. WHen he gets there he just lays out on the beach. Kvasith notices the pose, and he starts to get up to go investigate. But if one listens closely his rider's voice takes on a pitch and tone that indicates he's being told to park it. Which he does. Maylia weaves to the spot indicated, trying to focus on the bluerider. Carefully, she gets her toes lined up with the spot, nicely. "K?" Kassima decides to advertise. Getting to her feet, which are mostly steady, she calls, "Step up, one and all, t'learn the secret to a full life! Form a line right behind Maylia here!" Kharty paddles to the shore, stomping through the shallow water, almost defiantly. Passing M'verick, she tosses her hair, sending a spray of water his way. Pretending not to see that, she walks past him, sand flying. She plops down on a sandy hill, pulling her legs up to her chest. Not happy at all. Amylith ducks under the water and then swims strongly to the shore. K'ti crosses her eyes a moment then drawls, "wasswith this weyr? Why are ye all so flamin tall?" She plants her hands on Maylia's shoulders and gives one sure tug on her shoulders. Immediately there after, even if the girl's face is close, she hears Kassi's voice and loses the somber look into a 'snffffffff' of a drunken snigger. M'verick watches Kharty stride past him. There's not a whole lot he can do but he rolls over and crawls up the shore to where Kharty has parked herself. "Hey--I am sorry. I didn't mean to offend you." Virroth lowers his head, then swims back, slowly, his eyes never leaving the green's sparking hide. Maylia gives Kassi an odd look, then peers around, half expecting the 'meaning of life' to drop out of the sky and land on her. Unexpected, the tug on her shoulders pulls her down, blinking. "Wha? 's'it on th'sand?" Maylia asks... Aurian yells to K'ti, "We're not all tall!" Kassima wanders over to give her mentee a comforting pat on the shoulder. "Men can be scum sometimes, y'know," she murmurs to the Weyrling soothingly, even though she probably thinks M'verick was in the right about this one. Looking up to him, she adds for his benefit, "And women can be weird." Kharty pretends that she hasn't really seen M'verick, but her flickering eyes say differently. After a moment's pause, she turns to look at him, that chin again jutting forward. "Pardon?" Kassima she can talk to later. Maylia can't help herself. At K'ti's snigger, she begins to giggle, though she likely has no clue what she's laughing about. K'ti catches her breath, thankfully since it smells so winey, and says, "nae.. nono... sorra. Kassi's a bit on th'weird side. Now... " She says, "stay 'bout that height.. yer too flamin tall." Another snigger resides within the drunken rider and she almost topples forward. M'verick stands up and dusts himself off. He turns to Kassima, "I really didn't know the weyrlings were still under rules." He makes sure to grab his clothing and pulls on his breeches at least. "I am sorry that I offended you Kharty. I was enjoying our swim. I did not think you would be upset for me wanting to keep you out of trouble with your wingmates." Kharty grumbles something under her breath that sounds like the words graduate soon will show them mean men nasty... Kassima shrugs and jerks her thumb towards Maylia. "She'd know, but I'm pretty sure they are... Kharty, now, just 'cause you graduate doesn't mean you'll have t'go dragging men off t'bed for revenge. You want t'wind up with kids or something? What are you, a masochist?" Amylith shakes out her wings and trots up to her rider, hissing as she feels his worry. And here she was starting to enjoy herself. Kharty sighs, looking almost as if she's going to cry. "I'm leaving to go back." She announces, standing and going for her clothes. M'verick frowns and steps over to Kharty again, "I really am sorry--" Maylia giggles, and tries to keep her head the same height, as she reaches out to steady K'ti. The blind leading the blind, the drunk leading the drunk. "S'OK, so y'have t'be short'tuh know th'secret?" she manages to ask, her own breath laden with alochol fumes. M'verick mutters to Kharty, "... be upset with... was enjoying... I was." K'ti says "hey, I ain't short.. I'm just .... just.. height depraved." Kharty pulls on her leathers, struggling to get them on over her wet body. Frustrated, she yanks and tugs, ripping one sleeve. Dropping it, she looks at M'verick. "I know... I know... I was too...", she mutters quietly. K'ti mutters, "depraved? Now that soun's funny.." to herself. "High d'praved." Maylia tries to repeat. "Okay. So yahve t'be high'raved to get the secret?" M'verick winces, "listen, why don't you stay here and relax. I'll take Amylith back to Igen." K'ti steadies herself and says, "Here..." with one easy loop she's got her hand behind Maylia's head and is pulling the rider into one of her blueriding for days kisses. One of those 'stay between in lines' types that she learned to hold her breath for. Smooch and she does it. Telgar Weyr> Maylia eeeks! I can't see! the upstairs-kitten (used to be the ex's kitten) is on my keyboard! Telgar Weyr> K'nan says, "Move him?" Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "Take it off!" Telgar Weyr> K'ti says, "You're missing the fun part!" Telgar Weyr> Maylia laughs... hse just keeps comming bakc.. Telgar Weyr> Maylia dumps said kitten out the window. There. :) Kharty shakes her head. "I'm going home." Her eyes lift to meet M'verick's. "I had a very nice time.", she manages to say then leans down to pick up her clothes to try again. Tug Pull Yank, and they're on, sorta. "Virroth?" she calls over to the blue who's still nose butting the green's side. "Let's go.." Lysseth> Virroth senses that Lysseth inquires quietly, << My rider wishes to know whether yours is all right? >> Amylith narrows her eyes at the blue nudging him, but she seems more amused than upset like she might be normaly. Maylia's drunk. Out of sheer habit she returns the kiss for an instant, then her eyes fly open. "MMMRPH?" She's completely missing her cousin's problems, she's rather lip-locked right about now. Dragon> Virroth bespoke Lysseth with << She is upset. She likes him. >> M'verick does his best not to look at the new set of kissing women. Dear dear dear. He says to Kharty instead, "I had a nice time too. I'm sorry it ended so awkwardly. Perhaps you can come to see the eggs at Igen sometime and we can talk?" SOmewhere when people aren't drunk and kissing and naked. That would be good. Lysseth> Virroth senses that Lysseth rumblesighs faintly. These male-female relationship things are out of her area of expertise. Still.... << Kassima, >> she says, after consulting her rider silently, << advises Kharty to wait, and be patient. It is not long until she will be a rider and can fly all the men she wants to. >> K'ti neatly finishes the kiss, a little less wobbly this time but no less hazy. She almost falls to the side after this one. Dragon> Virroth bespoke Lysseth with << She is upset that it is thought she wants to mate with this male. >> Lysseth> Virroth senses that Lysseth points out bluntly, << Tierth's rider is fuzzy-minded, and mine is a bit frayed around the edges, too. Kassima remembers.... >> One moment, as the green rifles through her rider's memory bank, and then she comes up with an alcohol-blurred image of Kharty leaping, clothesless, into K'tyn's lap. << She does not wish your rider to get into trouble. >> Kharty has been fumbling with the snaps on her leather jacket. "Igen? To see the eggs? Oh. Uhm... I'd .. well, Virroth'd like that." Seeing M'verick's honest expression, she smiles for the first time. "and so would I." Maylia, out of pure shock, reaches to keep K'ti on her feet, wavering quite a bit herself. She looks confused, poor thing. "Buh? Golddragons? Secrit? A kiss?" She's clearly unsure. K'ti says, in one fell swoop, "Now, ye'ain't kissed me none befer while flying, so ye ain't lived t'yer fullast 'tall.. full asstall? You're tall, s'right. Annaway, just walk up an kiss Faranth inna face, or she won' kiss ye at all, and I sure do feel like her right now.. do I look like a dragon?" M'verick lets out a sigh of relief and nods to Kharty. "Good. I would like that too." He looks over at his dragon and chuckles, "Amylith might even enjoy that. Depending on her mood." Telgar Weyr> K'ti says, "Oooh, now that one hurts even my deprived brain." Kharty walks over to her blue, soundly whapping him on his flank. "We're leaving.", she tells him, getting his attention. To the others, she glowers at them all, "I'm going home." Kharty reaches up to take a firm grasp on Virroth's riding straps, and swings up into the seat between his neckridges with the help of his foreleg. M'verick calls up to Kharty, "you need--help?" Aurian waves, "Night Kharty." From Virroth's back, Kharty looks down at M'verick as she buckles her straps. "Help with what?" Maylia furrows her brows and blinks, trying to make some sort of sense out of K'ti's ramblings. "S'the secrit has t'do wi'bein d'praved, an tall, an kissin' Faranth.. I don'hafta kiss Kassi do I?" She tries to assimilate all of this, before nodding to K'ti. "Yeah. Y'do, kinda." The world is full of wonderful things when you're drunk as a fish. M'verick shuffles his feet, "Getting home?" Apparently he's not certain now how far the weyrlings are in training. From Virroth's back, Kharty sighs, then gathers herself. "I'm close to graduation, sir. I can get myself home, thank you." Maylia also is with it enough to give Kharty a half-attention wave, or at least in the direction Virroth. She sure hopes Kharty's aroud there. "Seeya, then." She calls, as best she can. M'verick nods, "but they said--" he sighs and just shrugs. By his expression he seems puzzled at Telgar's rules. K'ti waves a hand, kinda floppishly and says, "Donnae kiss Kassi, she don' kiss too well. That.. wassa good kiss there. Kiss yerself more often, 'n kiss Faranth. An.. well, don' kiss Jaralth cept befer he ketches himself a wherry. Dragonbreath... I do?" Kassima folds her arms and mutters, "Well, 'tis nay as though I get *that* much practice. Cut some slack across the board, for Faranth's sake." She waves after her mentee, calling, "Clear skies, mentee mine... and watch out for yourself." M'verick heads for his own dragon and waves to the kising people on the beach. Run away quick before they ask him to do some smooching or something. M'verick gracefully swings himself up onto his lifemate's neckridges. Amylith watches him protectively, then utters a loving coo once he's safely mounted. Maylia brings her attention back to the dragonish appearing bluerider. Well, dragonish appearing whilst one is drinking wine, and when one has had the thought presented to her. "Don'wanna kiss Jaralth 'fter he ketches a wherry, if'n he smells anythin'like Tierth does. Yeah. Y'do, kinda." K'ti yawns widely and looks over her shoulder towards Jalimax. "I think... I think I drank too much.." Her wineskin, she's been sipping almost the whole time from, is anything but full, but quite empty. "Maylingaling, y'know, you do too?" Amylith pulls up and away from you into the sky. From a distance, Amylith disappears into Between. Telgar Weyr> Maylia laughs! Maylingaling? Virroth pulls up and away from you into the sky. From a distance, Virroth disappears into Between. Maylia flops back into the sand, giggling while Tierth watches with curiosity. "I'do?" The greenrider asks, and sits up abruptly. "Does Kassi?" Telgar Weyr> Aurian giggles. Telgar Weyr> K'ti thinks she likes it :) Now you've got your own K'ti naming :) Telgar Weyr> Maylia wheee! Aurian leans back against Kvasith as she watches the others. Jalimax shakes his head at K'ti and takes the wineskin. "I've noticed. As long as you don't grumble too much in the morning." Kassima calls across to Maylia, still sounding a touch perturbed, "I most certainly do nay. Dragon am I none! Therefore, farewell; I see you know me nay." K'ti narrows her eyes and leans forward as if scrutiny is going to make things clearer. "Nae... she dunna look dragon-like 'tall. More like a reaaaally tall .. tall... um... wherrie. Dey's tall'n thin." K'ti drops her head against Jalimax's side and mutters, "take me drunk, honey, I'm home." Maylia peers at Kassi, contemplating her dragonish characteristics. "Nah. Yer hair's too long." She mutters, and lies back in the sand with a sigh, and a murmur of "ah wish mumble w's here. th'n could curl up here an'sleep." Jalimax strokes K'ti's hair softly and chuckles. "Yer not home yet, dear." Kassima sighs and starts counting on her fingers. "I've had a woman trying t'seduce me and a woman kissing me, I've been accused of seducing Jhor, I've been told that I kiss badly, and now I've been called a wherry. Y'know, this just isn't shaping up t'be one of m'top days... go figure." K'ti says "Now I jus' don' kiss annaone, Kassi darlin. Yer th'sweety who works wi'me an y'know I like ye.. now... Get me home?" Aurian narrows her eyes and shakes her head at Maylia. She then leans her head back against Kvasith again. Kassima, listening to Maylia, asks confusedly, "Why would you want t'curl up and sleep with Kiki the serving wench, May? Um... aye, methinks I can visualize clearly enough, K'ti." She's not been drinking, after all. "Can Jaralth pick up the image from Lyss?" K'ti mutters, "Kinky servin wenches?" Maylia opens her eyes, blinking to focus before she gives up. "Wi'who? Who's Kiki?" She pulls herself to a half seated position. "Didna'say Kiki, Kassi." She blinks again, trying to remember who she did say, and rolls over, pulling herself to all fours before attempting to stand. "Kiat, I said." K'ti pushes herself up and looks dazily down towards Jalimax. Telgar Weyr> Maylia stares at her fingers... who's taking control here? Honest, I've just had three cans of coke... no alcohol in rl... K'ti says "Kiat? Oooo... he's pretty good, iffin a bit clumbsy in intimacy. I know.. Kytiat's his babe." Jalimax stands up and hugs K'ti, "Want to go home, dear ?" K'ti bobs her head up and down a little then almost falls against Jalimax. "Jus git me up an tell Jar ta listen only to Lysseth... I don think I coul' picture a hole in th'wall, much less me weyr." Kassima simply says, "Nay comment." Just because Prometh once flew Lysseth doesn't mean she's going to give an analysis. "Why would you want t'curl up and sleep with Kiat, then? Or did you mean Tas? Y'know, your weyrmate?" she adds helpfully. "Whereas Kiat is *Kin's* weyrmate?" Jalimax chuckles and guides K'ti over to Jaralth, and helps her up. K'ti steps up on Jaralth's foreleg and swings up with a small leap to settle between two neckridges. Jaralth turns his head to look at K'ti with a small croon. Astride Jaralth, K'ti almost falls off Jaralth's other side, but grabs a strap and holds on instead, waiting for Jalimax. Maylia lurches to one side, shaking her head. "Really? I didnanow that. An'mebbe a lil'eager, but nah'really clumsy." She manages, yawning hugely. "'Rian? Y'commin'home? Huh?" She blinks at Kassi, clearly confused and drunk. "Tas? Yeah, I love Tas... an'Kiat loves Kin, an... well.." Jalimax waves at everyone else. Jalimax swings up to settle between Jaralth's neck ridges, using the straps for support. Astride Jaralth, K'ti leans over Jaralth's side 'n says, "woul' it help iffin I tol ye I loved ye, Maylingaling?" Kassima adds in a slightly dangerous voice, "And Kin's one of m'best friends, and 'twould probably hurt her if'n Kiat were sleeping about. And I doubt Tas would be pleased t'find *his* weyrmate was sleeping about, either." Kassi may not think much of weyrmating, but she *does* believe that it's sacrosanct. Surprise, surprise. Aurian blinks awake a bit, "Are we going?" Aurian blinks as Kassima says something that's she's been wanting to say. Jaralth turns his head and looks towards Lysseth, quite patiently for a change. He warbles confusedly then makes one of those great big dragon sighs about his rider. "Y'do?" Maylia asks, flopping against Tierth's side. "Tha'ssweet, K'ti. I love you too." Ayup. Somebody's drunk. At the tone in Kassi's voice, she tries to draw herself back to the present, and she scrubs at her face with her hands. "I know, an'like I said, w'both love our weyrmates." She tries to speak clearly. "Don'wanna hurt them. An'I've no'been sleepin'about, exactly." Tierth echoes Jaralth's dragonsigh, and warbles sweetly as she can. Aurian says gently, "Its one thing after a flight.... May... Lysseth> Jaralth senses that Lysseth asks, << Will your rider truly be all right? >> as she provides a visualization of Telgar Weyr. Astride Jaralth, K'ti spreads a grin then murmurs, "Awww.. she loves me. 'N I love ye Jalisweetlyingheart. You know, yer eyes look pretty in th'light like this?" With that Jaralth lifts, and K'ti says, "woop?" Kassima asks quietly, but firmly, "You don't call sleeping with someone else's weyrmate sleeping about? Sounds like it t'me. Some people believe after lost flights, 'tis one thing--though I'm nay certain how I feel about that one. But if'n you've been together since, then there's nay real excuse for it, is there?" Dragon> Lysseth senses that Jaralth bobs his mental image head. He says in a quiet tone, << This time she's at least a happy funny sound in the head. She used to sound this way and be unhappy. I remember.. I think her head will hurt, but I can fly well. I will ground her when we go there. >> Jaralth pulls up and away from you into the sky. Lysseth> Jaralth senses that Lysseth suggests helpfully, << I find that dumping snow over my rider's head when she is fuzzy-minded can be helpful. >> Dragon> Jaralth bespoke Lysseth with << I might try that.. but not when her head hurts. I know better... Good evening to you and your Rider, Lysseth. >> Maylia slides down Tierth's side to a crouched sitting position, her lower lip caught in her lip, and reality comming 'round in a rather dizzying fashion. "I know there isn't, an'we we'd both been drinkin'and.. and..." She stops with a sigh, knowing well that there is no excuse. From a distance, Jaralth disappears into Between. Aurian stands nimbly and crosses to drop near Maylia, "You know we're worried about you." Kassima continues, without mercy, "And you're asking t'be caught and have your weyrmates find out the hard way. If'n 'twere you, I'd do either one of these two things: end it now and hope t'Faranth they never find out, or end it now and be honest with 'em about it." Telgar Weyr> K'ti says, "G'night you strange people :)" Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "G'night, Miss K'ti! :)" Telgar Weyr> Maylia smooches a Miss K'ti g'gnight! Telgar Weyr> K'nan tackles K'ti and smoooches her g'night. Aurian doesn't speak at this point, she just watches Maylia. Maylia sits there in the sand, and nods, slowly. "I know." If only the ground would stop spinning. "And I don't want them to find out, 'cause I love Tas, and I don't want to hurt him, and I really don't wanna hurt Kin." She takes a deep breath, and flicks sand from beside her. Telgar Weyr> K'ti snugs all of ya and goes now.. (garbage night? Who said.. darn!) Aurian says gently, "Then you have a choice to make." Maylia looks up at Kassi, then to Aurian. "I don', not really. I don't wannem to find out, but I think that'if I don't say it's over now, Kin'll find out." Green eyes lift towards her mentor. "Right?" "I'truth," Kassima agrees. "You either have t'be loyal t'him, or tell him you're nay going t'be loyal... and let him decide whether he's willing t'be with you nevertheless. If'n he trusts you and you don't deserve that trust, you're hurting him in a way nay anyone who loves him should." In response to that last question, she simply nods. "Right." Kassima adds, "And even if'n you're *nay* going t'be loyal, messing around with other peoples' weyrmates is still a cold thing t'be doing." Maylia grimaces, and nods, but quickly glances back up. "Now waita minute, it's not like I dragged him kicking and screaming off to his weyr, nor like I flounced myself around'im like some women do 'round R'val, swooning over him." She's clearly just a little put out by the phrasing. "What was the phrase you used, mutual consent?" Aurian murmurs, "May... it was mutual. But you have been obvious in your affection for him...." Maylia actually comes close to glaring at Aurian. "As he's been obvious towards me." Aurian doesn't flinch from the look that Maylia comes close to sending, "You both have been. But also you both from the start new that it wasn't right...." Kassima inclines her head slightly. "That's one phrase. And all it means in this instance is that 'twere both wrong--unless *both* of your weyrmates had been consenting t'you sleeping around. But methinks we both know they're nay. 'Twas his choice t'cheat on Kin, and yours t'help him cheat on her--and vice-versa, for Tas." Maylia's back to her stubborn streak, seems she learned nothing by getting kissed by K'ti, but she'll admit what she did was wrong. "I know it became wrong, but waht we started with wasn't. An'besides, why's everyone so sure Madelynda," And her voice carries just a bit of distaste for the girl she once considered a friend, "Is pregnant with his child if sleeping around isn't OK for him. I know, that means I helped Kiat cheat on Kin, but I didn't make him." Aurian murmurs, "Have you asked him if that's true?" Kassima snorts with slight disgust. "There are differing opinions on whether sleeping with people other than your weyrmate just 'cause they've lost a flight is permissable. Forgiveable, aye--that, I'll grant you, but I'd still nay be happy if'n any weyrmate of mine did it. Try asking Tas whether or nay that rumor's true. Shardit, May, haven't you learned aught from listening t'bizarre rumors flying 'round the Weyr all these Turns? *How* many of 'em turn out t'be true? You didn't make him, nay... that, 'twill certes grant you." Maylia digs her toe in the sand. "I've hardly seen him." And her eyes lift to Kassi for another glare. "And don't tell me I did it 'cause I was mad, or jealous, or whatever. I din't know. But if its' not true, an' she's not pregnant, nobody'd think that without at least seieing him around alot." Aurian murmurs, "From what I've heard if she was pregnant she's not anymore... Flap, flap *poof* flap flap *thud* Prometh lands. K'tyn climbs down from Prometh's neck. Kassima throws up her hands and replies, "So he goes t'Ista a lot! So what? I go to the 'Reaches a lot, but that doesn't mean I'm sleeping with a 'Reachian. And I go t'Ista a lot, too, t'see bring Khari t'see Jhor, but that doesn't bloody well mean we're having an affair either. May, yeesh, at least be *logical*." Aurian narrows a look as she notices a certain bronze rider landing. Kassima looks up at the poofkerthud, and her mouth thins slightly. "Evening, Kiat," she greets him, her tone oddly clipped. "Here t'see Maylia, are you?" Maylia folds her arms stubbornly, still damp in her shift, and sitting in the sand. "Does that matter?" She asks Aurian. As Prometh lands, the young rider drops her head back against Tierth. "So, tell me, who's he visiting, and why does everyone think it's Maddy and she's pregnant if it isn't?" "He was there for months," Kassi goes back to arguing. "You expect that he doesn't have friends there--*besides* Madelynda--that he might want t'see? And what if'n 'tis Madelynda? Men can be friends with women without having affairs with 'em, for the first queen's own sake. As to the last, are we going t'go through this crud again? Rumors aren't *trustworthy*. As a rumormonger, I should know!" "Heya, everyone," K'tyn says amiably as he slides off of Prometh. "I hear from Prometh that Tierth is... Well, actually as a matter of fact, yes I was, Kassi. Is that a problem?" Tierth warbles to the bronze as he lands, her soft green chin resting on the sand, an eye trained on her rider. Aurian actually seems a touch angry, and oddly enough some of that anger seems directed at K'tyn. Kassima replies simply, "Perhaps. That would depend on whether Kindre and Tas know--and don't mind, nay less--that you've been sleeping with her." Telgar Weyr> Kassima finds this laughably ironic, actually. Kassi, who keeps claiming to be avidly against weyrmating, nonetheless believes weyrmatings should be sacrosanct and thinks that the rights of weyrmates are worth defending. What a weird world. ;) Maylia covers her face in her hands, and just groans. "Shardit, we've been through that already!" can be heard from behind the hands. "Tierth... just 'cause I asked you not to call Solarith didn't mean to call Prometh!" Prometh rumbles protectively toward Tierth, eyeing Kvasith and Lysseth with suspicion. Kiat blinks. "Why should who I sleep with matter to you, Kassima?" His voice is even toned, but Prometh stamps his foot and snorts. Kassima folds her arms and says evenly, "Kindre is one of m'dearest friends, K'tyn. If'n you think I won't care when I learn that something's happening that would cause her a lot of heartache if'n she knew, you'd better believe you've another think coming." Lysseth's greeting rumble is also terse, and the green herself seems oddly restless. As rarely as Kassi gets into arguments, it might be possible to forget how defensive Lysseth can get in those few instances when she does. Kvasith just watches the humans and the dragons. He is choosing not to echo his rider's emotion on this and just rests his head on his forefeet to watch. K'tyn glances at Maylia, concern for her obvious in his expression. "Are you all right?" He looks at Kassima, standing a bit straighter, his chin justting out. "Kindre understands flights. She knows and accepts the consequences. I have not yet had the chance to speak to her on this matter, if you must know; I would greatly appreciate it if you would have the decency to allow me to handle my affairs as I see fit?" Urbane his tone is. Almost bland--too bland. The precision of his speech reveals to the listener that this man is fast becoming angry. Maylia rubs her hand along Tierth's side, the young green watching her rider closely. Unable to contain her emotions well, Maylia keeps her mouth pressed shut, tightly, and only nods to K'tyn's question. Kassima tilts her own chin up, green eyes narrowing, as she gets to her feet. "Kin understands flights," she agrees in that too-mild, nearly expressionless way that clues one in to the fact that her emotions are leaning towards the negative. "I know nay how she feels about those who lose flights sleeping with someone other than their weyrmate after 'em, but I'll grant that for all I know, she might find that utterly understandable. However, I find m'self doubting whether she would understand when the affair continues past one instance. D'you truly intend t'speak with her, then?" One might guess, simply by the fact that she hasn't relaxed at all, that she doubts it. K'tyn catches the nod--or rather Prometh does. He looks between the three women, unwilling to be defensive about this. "I do, Kassi." He nods, meaning it. "It may have come to your attention, a time or two, that I'm not Weyrleader. I can't see her when I wish, and when I do, she's either too busy to speak with me, or she's asleep." Frustration creeps into his voice. "Having been in her position, I understand the responsibilities that have settled on her shoulders. And I will speak to her. And I will not have you tormenting a -friend- needlessly." Maylia speaks up, finally. "You know how long you can go between seeing friends, as a wingleader." A pause. "Riders are busy. Kiat and Kin dont speak often, and Tas and I've hardly seen each other in sevendays. Saying, sweethart, I slept with someone else, or have you been sleeping with someone else? while getting dressed in the morning just doesn't work." Kassima arches one eyebrow slightly. "I'd noticed," she says, with only a hint of irony. "And I sympathize with your plight, believe it or nay, though I certes don't think it excuses illicit relations. But the least you can do, if'n you're going t'break every implicit promise made t'her when you asked her t'be your weyrmate, is t'let her know what you're doing. She *deserves* t'be treated honorably and with respect. 'Twill nay torment anyone needlessly, but neither will I just stand by and watch two dear friends be betrayed... and two *other* dear friends betray their honor and risk losing what should be precious to them." Kassima asks Maylia with a hint of frustration creeping into her voice, "If'n you two don't think enough of each other that an honest plea t'have some time t'talk would be met with, 'I'm sorry, I'm too busy,' rather than an offer t'work something out, why the shards are you together? I realize I don't understand this weyrmating business, but even riders have *some* time!" Telgar Weyr> K'nan says, "What time is it?" Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Six-forty in the morning, Eastern Daylight Time. Or thereabouts." Maylia has the same note of frustration in her voice. "Some time? I certainly have some time. I get time to scrub Tierth when Tas is out on sweeps, or drilling his wing. I'm up and out of the weyr at all hours, and as if normal duties weren't enough, Kerlyn's decided that the younger group needs extra drills, and more supervision. Aladis has an infant. Kerlyn's not been well. Who do you think must take the time to do those drills? Don't tell me whether or not I can get time to talk with my weyrmate, don't you think we've tried? It's not that we don't wish to see each other. We can't." Telgar Weyr> Maylia notes that the fact she's just spent several hours ICly on the island might be a difficult fact in this arguement... Telgar Weyr> Kassima has been trying to decide whether or not to bring that up. ;) Telgar Weyr> Jalimax says, "12:45 pm" "Honorably and with respect," K'tyn echoes. "And you think that I have not? I suppose, by some holder's definition, that when one picks a spouse, there is mention of promises. Now, I remember promising to love her. That's not changed. She still has my heart. I'll not leave her unless she bids me go. And I resent that you impugn me so for something that was merely an expression of affection between two people who care for one another!" He shakes his head, his words exhoing Maylia's oddly. "Time, yes. I've time now, don't I? And where's Kin? Hard at work already. I've lots of time, after I drill my wing, do sweeps and all of the other chores that need tending. but you can rest assured that I have scheduled myself some time with her." Aurian pulls herself up onto Kvasith, carefully. Her fingers grip at the straps as she eases herself onto his back. Telgar Weyr> K'tyn huhs. It's 3:45 am here, Jalimax. :) where are you? England? :) Telgar Weyr> Jalimax says, "Norway :)" Kvasith pulls up and away from you into the sky. From a distance, Kvasith disappears into Between. Kassima sighs and runs her fingers through her hair, clearly bewildered. "I do *nay* understand you people. Why d'you suffer stress and heartbreak over people you never see? Why give up independance, freedom, and the right t'live your own life without any interference from anyone save for those of your Weyr for someone you never see? What are you two? Masochists?" Frowning, she asks Kiat with a trace of coolness, "Did you ever think, when you asked her t'be your weyrmate, t'mention, 'Oh, and by the by, I'll be wanting t'sleep with other people with impunity?' A lot of us are Holdbred, bronzerider, including yourself, and there are some things one learns t'take for *granted*. That you may nay be an oathbreaker, I'll grant you, but that you may have *hurt* her by your actions does *nay change* regardless of whether or nay you stated the promises outright! How *could* you people do this?" Frustration shows clearly now as she continues, gesturing widely, "You *finally* find someone in your lives that you love enough t'become domestic slaves for, and you go around *hurting* them, doing things you surely, surely have t'know wouldn't make 'em happy? Shells! If'n the thought that you're hurting people you supposedly love second only t'your lifemates and mayhaps your children isn't enough t'stop you, I really *don't* know why you're together. Apparently, love really isn't all 'tis cracked up t'be." Kassima admits, taking a deep breath, "Now, mayhaps they really are the sorts who'd understand and wouldn't care. Those kinds of people exist, and Faranth bless 'em, because they're certes more understanding than I could ever be. But if'n you don't *know* that, you're still taking the chance of causing pain t'someone you love... and for what? Sexual gratification? Infatuation? Something ephermal? After the flight, I could mayhaps understand, but going beyond that... you're incomprehensible. Really, you are." K'tyn looks at Kassi, then at Maylia, reaching to push back a lock of hair that is no longer there. "Kassi, I think you have a misunderstanding here. Who told you that a person can only love one being or two at a time? That's not how people work. Tisn't how I work, that's for certain." He sighs. "We do the best we can. And sometimes... things happen. Sometimes, the need to simply hold someone that you know needs to be held as much as you wish you were held is overwhelming. Tis not ephemeral, or for mere physical pleasure--" he breaks off. "How do I explain what is unexplainable? That I followed the calling of my heart, and offered comfort, and took comfort when it was offered me." Maylia just blinks. Stunned. "Domestic slave?" She asks. "Since when am I, or is Tas, a domestic slave? We're together because we love each other, and if we only see each other once a month that's better than not at all." She takes a deep breath before going on. "What we did wasn't thought out, it wasn't planned. It happened. Simply because we seek another's company to ease the time doesn't make us horrible people, Kassi. And sure, I'd doubt that Kin would understand that. To be honest, I've no idea about T'saren anymore. All I know is that I love him." She shakes her head, just letting out her breath in a soft groan. Perhaps K'tyn can phrase it better, or perhaps not. She tries again. "Alright, I think we both understand you're looking out for your friends, Kassi. I know you think that weyrmates can exixt needing only each other, and naught else. And in an Ideal life, that might be the case. But it doesn't work that way." The young greenrider, sitting in the sand, just stops. She knows she's not making much sense, and she's going around in circles. Telgar Weyr> Maylia gahs. That was not coherent at all... I know... I'm tired. :P Telgar Weyr> Maylia makes note of the phenomenon of Caffiene when tired. It keeps you awake. But you'd better keep drinking it... Telgar Weyr> K'tyn grins. That makes two of us, May.;) Oh jeez! No, no. I'd need to drink it all day then, lest I fall asleep. Adn i have to be up late tomorrow night to kill some NPC's as Refa on the b5 Mu* ;) Kassima doesn't look to be understanding or sympathizing with this part of the argument at all. "A'course people can love more than one person. There's your lifemate, your children, your relatives, your friends... and your weyrmate. Or weyrmates, plural. Are you trying t'tell me that you love Maylia as much as you love Kindre, and want them both? Then you'd still best be telling Kin about it ere you act on it further, don't you think? Isn't that only fair t'her? T'wait at least long enough t'tell her how you feel a'fore hopping into bed with someone else?" She sighs, too, flipping her braid back over her shoulder. "Da always told me that if'n you're willing t'betray one love for another, then the first isn't your One True Love, and you have nay business being together. I don't know whether I'd agree with that, but I'd certes say you're both being unfair t'your weyrmates by nay just stopping the affair until you've spoken to 'em." She *very* clearly doesn't understand this concept of wanting to be held enough to betray one's honor, but keeps her peace. "All weyrmates are domestic slaves," she tells Maylia, blinking. "You give up your freedom in return for the weyrmating. I don't know about you two. I purely, simply can nay understand being so hot for each other--aside from after the flight, as I said--that you couldn't wait t'flag your weyrmates down and talk with 'em about it, however long it took t'arrange the time." Looking tired, K'tyn tries once more to explain himself, albeit reluctantly. "I think we have different definitions of Weyrmating, Kassi. I never signed on to be anyone's domestic slave, much less Kindre's. I won't touch the concept of 'betrayal' or 'honor' for those are terms that have personal meanings. What I mean, Kassi, is what you consider betrayal, someone else may not. And I will not hold my expectations of such terms to you, to Maylia, T'saren -or- Kindre. That's unfair. I don't expect that you'll understand any of that, but I ask that you'll let Maylia, T'saren, Kindre and I handle this between ourselves and not let it become the topic of gossip of the week." Maylia's head starts shaking even as Kassi mentions 'loving Maylia as much as Kindre', but she holds off her comments, listening until the elder greenrider is finished. Finally, after nodding to Kiat's point, she sighs. "So you've never felt that deep down, craving to wrap your arms around another person, and have them hold you close, and *know* inside that there's some caring there, not just the physical contact? Not the same love you feel for and hope your weyrmate feels for you, but some sort of indication that you're not alone in the world?" Her hand rubs along Tierth's side, gently. "Tierth's wonderful. She's made me see that Pern isn't just some neverending dream where nobody else out there is really there, or really cares. I know she loves me. Same as I know Tas loves me. But, there's more that I want." She pushes her drying hair back from her face, tired, and nearing that awful hung-over stage without having had the benifit of sleep before facing it. "Maybe that's not how you see your life, Kassi. But yes, please. Let us handle our weyrmates?" Kassima holds up her hands and says readily enough, "That's fine, K'tyn. I am *nay* such a terrible person that I'd turn it into the gossip of the sevenday. Faranth help me if'n people think I'm *that* low. However... if'n you continue the affair, and continue nay t'tell 'em, I *will*. I owe it t'them as friends and as decent human beings who don't deserve that sort of treatment. Just... please, stop and find some time t'speak it out with them? Please? They're good people, shardit, and... oh, never mind. If'n you don't believe it, I can't convince you." To Maylia's question, she says, with some regret, "Nay, Maylia. I haven't. Or if'n I have, then I haven't acted on it." "I said I would. I've written myself in on her schedule; she'll have no excuse not to see me. And you're right. They are good people. And so are we." Kiat smiles a bit, turning to get on Prometh. "But now I've got ferry duty at the 'Hold, so I must go. Maylia--I'll speak with you later. Can you get home? Or shall I ferry you in, and have Prometh give Tierth the visualization?" Maylia draws her knees up to her chest, and folds her arms over them. "Thank you, for not bringing others into this. And of course, they're good people," Her voice takes on a bit of exasperation here. "If I didn't think that, I'd hardly be weyrmated to Tas." She gives the bronzerider a weak smile. "I wish T'saren had a clear schedule like that, or myself, for that matter." She rises to her feet, and tries another smile. "I think I'm sobered up, it's been a while. And Tierth says she can see my mind." Kassima shrugs slightly. "I told you, I don't understand weyrmating at all. Apparently, even less than I m'self had imagined." She doesn't exactly look pleased, but at least most of the tension has left her, to be replaced with resignation. "And we've drills in another hour or two. Ah, well; 'tis nay the first all-nighter I've pulled, and 'twill nay be the last." "Good day, then." Kiat looks back at his dragon and laughs. "No, you canna wrestle Lysseth. She'd win." Kassima pauses in ducking behind the dragon in order to change, and permits herself a slight smile. "Probably. Lysseth's vicious about defending those she cares for... and herself, too, when it comes to that. Clear skies, Wingleader, Assistant Weyrlingmaster." K'tyn uses both oiled straps and an extended foreleg to mount Prometh. Once settled into Prometh's bronze neckridges, K'tyn thanks Prometh politely, recieving a basso rummble in return. Maylia wearily heads for where Tierth's straps are piled, the small green turning to follow her so the exhausted rider doesn't have to carry the heavy leather far. Soon, the dragon is harnessed, and Maylia simply pulls her gather gown, sand and all, over her head. "Clear skies," She replies, softly. You place one hand on Lysseth's neck and she warbles down at you fondly. You grin and scratch her eyeridges once before climbing up onto her lower neckridges, using the riding straps and Lysseth's thoughtfully offered foreleg. <*> Maylia swings up to her place astride Tierth, her lifemate welcoming her with a rumble. <*> Lysseth spreads her wings to their full extent, bringing them down with a rush of wind as she leaps nimbly into the air. You wing your way up in a powerful swirl of wings.