-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summer Threadfall Over Lemos Date: October 11, 1998 Places: Telgar Weyr's Southern Bowl and Skyspace; Sky Over Lemos Hold Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: With this log posted, I've *almost* restored every last log I lost to Crosswinds and Xoom respectively. (I know, I know--I was late in restoring the Xoom set.) It's a pretty basic Fall; P'ya of Fort, visiting Telgar, ends up lending Thunderbolt a hand, and Arallia takes a scoring in Skyfire. And of course, just after this, a certain contest occurs between Kassi and A'lex. 0:) The log begins in the Southern Bowl, where Kassi and Lyss have just arrived. Thank you, Kiat and D'ton, for organizing this one! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: Telarra nods, giving a sigh, and sits down on the floor, scanning the skies above her. Dragon> Threadfall Comm sense that Xylath tests. Ro considers, glancing at Telarra, Silen, and the other "Well, that is unless you'd help the weyrlings bring firestone for the riders, there're a couple over there who still don't have any." Jayna approaches Ro and Telarra. She starts to roll up her sleeves, then keeps them down, suddenly, as a hint of a bandage is evident on her left arm. "Heya, Ro, heya... I'm sorry, I don't know you?" she says to Telarra. "I'm Jayna, brown Sioneth's rider. Telgar's duties. I'm with the dragonhealers, Faranth hoping we're not needed." Dragon> Threadfall Comm sense that Lorieth tests too? Above, From the Telgar Star Stones, Requa's pale green Ninnenth rears on hind legs and bugles a greeting to blue Olvanth and his rider, P'ya of Fort Weyr. "J'lyn!" Kassima calls as she swings down from Lysseth's neck, signalling a nearby Weyrling for firestone. "Is all in order with the Wing? You know that L'cher will be flying again tonight, I trust." Arallia continues to feed Miyath some stone as she pats her excited dragon's hide. Ro nods gravely "We can hope." Kvasith snorts with his impatience, something not rather typical with him. He stretches his wings, only to recieve a reprimand from his rider to keep his wings folded and save it for the fall. Silen nods to Ro, and goes to haul bags of firestone. "Anyone still need any?" he calls. Telarra scrambles to her feet. "Oh, hello, Jayna. I'm Telarra, Apprentice, Healer Hall's duties to Telgar." D'ton raises one hand at that point, "Out of stone!" he yells, "Someone bring s'more?" Olvanth backwings for a landing. J'lyn nods. "Everything seems to be in order, Kassima. And hopefully we can keep L'cher's hide in one piece." Dragon> Prometh bespoke Telgar dragons with << Has anyone got the tfall room as a dest in the dtu? I seem to have 'Sky Above Lemos' which is out of date, I think >> Jayna smiles rather grimly at Telarra. "Well met, Telarra. I wish it were under other circumstances." Dusty flies up a little and gives Yirn a better view of the surrounding area. Dragon> Lysseth bespoke Telgar dragons with << That's the Threadfall room, or should be. If the Fall's supposed to be somewhere else, the room has to be changed. :) >> Dragon> Telgar dragons sense that Prometh nods. Okay, thanks Lys. Yirn drags somemore bags of stones over to the riders making himself useful. Olvanth lands carefully, away from the bustle of organization. Dragon> Prometh bespoke Telgar dragons with << Okay. I am visualizing, then, for those who need it. >> Jayna rubs her hands together, looking around. "Do we have all the supplies we need ready in the Infirmary?" she asks the congregated healers. D'ton grabs a bag from Silen when the latter comes by with some more firestone, with a quickly muttered thanks. Silen hurries over to D'ton. Telgar Weyr> Silen was doing that, really, D'ton. :) Telgar Weyr> D'ton grins. Aurian yells loudly, "Need more stone!" she tosses the empty sack behind her. Torn from an apparently long conversation with his dragon, Kiat looks about distractedly. "Ah, I missed... did someone say something to me?" he asks as he shoves more 'stone down his bronzes' gullet. Yirn says "I brought somemore over" Telarra shrugs at Jayna. "I just got here, I have no idea." Ro nods to the healer "I'm Rosarrah." Yirn drags another bag of stones to Aurian "Hopefully," is Kassima's dry agreement. "But if'n there's one thing L'cher can do decently, 'tis fly Fall. Leerth wouldn't let him do other." Grabbing the sack of 'stone tossed to her, she pulls it open to begin stoking her dragon's fires. "Everyone's looking good, Wingsecond. Thankee." Ro indicates a pile of supplies carefully sheltered under an overhang "I brought some out earlier." Jayna grins at Telarra. "Well, after they're up," she says, nodding toward the dragons, "we'll take inventory, shall we? The wings're well prepared; hopefully they won't need anything anyway, except some numbweed for their tired muscles after a Fall well flown." R'val blinks, "P'ya!" he waves to the bluerider, "Good to see you, but you've arrived at Threadfall!" J'lyn starts stoking Lorieth with firestone, the big green chewing loudly and messily, her teeth gnashing and scraping. Aurian nods her thanks to Yirn, her hands gripping a chunk quickly for her brown. Neliea finishes tossing one bag of stone into her blue's massive maw, taking a moment to make sure her helmet and gloves are secure. Signaling to a nearby weyrling for another bag, she takes the spare moment to check her lifemate straps once again. Sioneth thunders to his clutchmates and the others dragons, frustration whirling redly in his eyes as he sits back on his haunches. Dusty is really excited and is fling in strange patters above Yirn's head Silen hauls a few more bags of 'stone, and then walks back over to Ro, smiling ruefully. "Not up to doing that all that long," he says. P'ya waves back, mostly to let people know the message has been received. "That means I really ought to learn better organization skills. Need a hand anyhow?" Jayna smiles at Silen. "Muscles alright, Silen?" she asks sympathetically. D'ton stuffs his jacket into a small pack strapped to Kyoteth. He seems to be intending to go Between without it on, for some odd reason. Ro laughs softly, replying to Silen "Maybe we need to send you out to help Halam....strengthen up those muscles a bit." Yirn says "Anyone need any help?" R'val grins at P'ya, "If you wanna fly Threadfall with us, no one'll object!" Jayna blinks, as she sees D'ton pack his jacket. "D'ton," she calls, "are you planning to freeze your rear off between?" Her voice is concerned, despite the facetious tone. Silen nods to Jayna. "I stopped before I hurt myself. Just sore." He shrugs, some discomfort certainly evident. Arallia finishes feeding her dragon's gaping maw and checks the straps over once, twice and finally a third time as she finally checks her helmet and goggles. She pats Miyath again as the young Green bugles her readiness to go and flame the thread. Silen makes an amused face at Ro. Jayna winces at Silen. "Some numbweed, or something?" She grins at Telarra. "You'd be the one to treat him... I only do things with wings," she adds wryly. P'ya actually bothers to salute. "In for a quarter-mark, in for the whole thing. I'm here anyway, and I'd feel a little stupid if I just ran away." Kvasith crunches down on the firestone, his tail twitching with his impatience. R'val chuckles, "Good on ya, P'ya. We'll be honored to have you." D'ton shakes his head, and answers Jayna, "It's incredibly hot where we're going to fly. And we'll only be Between for a moment anyway." Ro winks "I'm not kidding lad, I spent 5 turns doing just that." Yirn asks D'ton, "Where are you going to go fly anyways?" Silen sighs softly, looking down at his spindly self. "I guess it wouldn't be a bad idea," he says, but he sure doesn't sound too enthusiastic. P'ya nods. "Good thing, too. Where d'you want me to help?" K'tyn catches Jayna's comment, and then stares at D'ton. "Lad--I am not leader of this fall, but, I think you'd better put your gear on. Can save your hide, regardless of the heat. Ducking ash and awry winds notwithstanding." Kassima sprints to the pile of firestone sacks, grabbing three and carting them back to her dragon. Quickly, with nimble fingers, she begins to fasten the sacks to Lysseth's straps. "Thunderbolt, fall into formation!" she roars to her Wingmates. "You know the drill! And remember that I'll have the hides of anyone who dares to get themselves killed!" D'ton says to Yirn, "Lemos Highlands. And...I think we'd better get going." R'val uses Vidarth's side straps to mount up agilely, settling onto the little blue's back and straightening. He pets his lifemate's head once as Vidarth rumbles excitedly, ready to fly. Jayna nods at D'ton's answer, apparently relieved, and leans forward to talk with another dragonhealer. She eyes Kassi and the other Thunderbolt riders wistfully. Telgar Weyr> J'lyn sighs, and has to go... Xylath turns his head upwards, eager to be in threadfall but with a glance from his rider as the first calls to mount up are heard. Telgar Weyr> Ro smooches "See ya later baldy." Telgar Weyr> Jayna snugs J'lyn. Aurian slaps her hand against Kvasith, dropping another empty sack. One last tug of her straps and she's up. Aurian pulls herself up onto Kvasith, carefully. Her fingers grip at the straps as she eases herself onto his back. Telgar Weyr> Neliea wavers to J'lyn. Neliea easily climbs up Xylath's back with the help of a forearm as she takes hold of the straps, settling down between his neckridges. Silen bounces up and down slightly as the riders mount. Telarra looks around with wide eyes. Apparently, this is her first threadfallas a helping healer. "What's happening?Did it start yet?" She looks up. "I don't see it!" Telgar Weyr> J'lyn will be back to finish Fall hopefully. K'tyn peers at P'ya, smiling a greeting to the Fortian as he mounts up, checking Prometh's straps a last time. "Duties," he calls out, the pleasantry lost in the furor that is the bowl at this time. Arallia hauls themselves up to Miyath's green neck. D'ton looks at Kiat, hesistates a moment, then pulls his jacket on. Just in time too, since T'saren, the Wingleader of Dawnslight is now calling his Wing to readiness. Jayna shakes her head in response to Telarra's question. "The fall's occuring over Lemos. The injured riders and dragons'll flash back here, if they need to," she clarifies. K'tyn uses both oiled straps and an extended foreleg to mount Prometh. Once settled into Prometh's bronze neckridges, K'tyn thanks Prometh politely, recieving a basso rummble in return. Vidarth 's eyes whirl redly now, and he flexes his wings, eyeing the sky with obvious excitement. He's QUITE awake now. D'ton takes a hold of the straps and climbs onto Kyoteth's back. Kassima gives the signal for her Wing to mount once they've gotten into formation. As soon as she's lowered her hand, she follows suit. You place one hand on Lysseth's neck and she warbles down at you fondly. You grin and scratch her eyeridges once before climbing up onto her lower neckridges, using the riding straps and Lysseth's thoughtfully offered foreleg. <*> From upon Kvasith, Aurian pulls on goggles and gloves as she waits. Her body tense with her anticipation. <*> Jayna grimaces. "At least, I think that's what I heard. Shards, I wish I were flying!" <*> Silen smiles sympathetically at Jayna. Telgar Weyr> Arallia sniffs, she's the only one in her wing on. <*> From upon Kvasith, Aurian laughs at Jayna, "Don't worry about it, Kvasith will sear thread for Sioneth too." Telgar Weyr> R'val says, "We'll keep ya company Ara :)" <*> Jayna snorts at Aurian. "Not sharding likely!" she jokes. <*> P'ya eventually recieves some firestone for Olvanth, but apparently doesn't know whether to use it or not yet. He calls out one last time: "So who's instructions do I follow?" <*> Samantha comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern. <*> T'saren looks over towards Kassima, then raises his arms signalling his Wing to take off. <*> Kvasith takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry him aloft. <*> Kyoteth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry him aloft. <*> Xylath takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry him aloft. <*> Jayna smiles at the petite woman from her spot near the healers and dragonhealers preparing to deal with post-Fall injuries. "Heya, evening," she says, somewhat distractedly. "Helping with Fall?" Dragon> Prometh bespoke Threadfall Comm with << For all who want specific injury thread poses at them (ie, for injury) please page me, if you'd like that >> <*> Prometh takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry him aloft. <*> Ro says softly as the dragons disappear "And now we wait, and hope that we are not needed." <*> Samantha looks up, watching dragons take off. "Not as yet, but it was my intention." Kassima buckles herself securely into place, turning to make certain that her own Wing is following suit, before yelling to P'ya, "Fly with us, man, if'n 'twill. There's room between Guarith and Leerth. Meet us in the sky!" And she signals her Wing aloft. <*> Lysseth springs from the ground, the air from her wings churning up dust as she takes to the skies. You spring into the air and catch the thermals rising from the bowl floor to carry you aloft. <*> Kvasith flies up and out of the bowl. <*> Xylath flies up and out of the bowl. <*> Vidarth rises up from the bowl. The rim of the bowl falls away from you and you soar into the open skies. <*> Vidarth flies up from the northern half of the bowl. <*> Miyath flies up from the northern half of the bowl. Dragon> Kyoteth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << Anyone not here yet? >> <*> Xylath disappears into Between. <*> Prometh roars, impatient to fight the ancient foe -- and K'tyn looks about for the signal, keeping his gaze on T'saren's bronze Solarith before going between. Telgar Weyr> Arallia says, "Oh if anyone wants this log, give me at least 2 days to edit it and I'll pass it out. :)" <*> From the North, T'saren signals once more, then he and Solarith disappear Between. <*> Prometh disappears into Between. <*> From the North, Kyoteth disappears into Between. Telgar Weyr> Kassima will be posting her copy within a day or two, too, most likely. :) [Editor's Note: And so I did. That copy was lost when xoom wiped the files I had there, though, thus why it's now being posted again some years later.] <*> Kvasith disappears into Between. <*> Miyath disappears into Between. <*> Vidarth disappears into Between. <*> Olvanth flies up from the northern half of the bowl. <*> Lysseth disappears into Between. Between You gasp as the icy black nothingness of Between surrounds you! You hear nothing, see nothing, and feel nothing. The trip takes five heartbeats... Black... Blacker... Blackest! You suddenly emerge... <*> Lysseth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air! <*> Vidarth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air! <*> Olvanth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air! <*> In the distance, the hissing sound of Thread can be heard to the east hitting the water under the blazing heat of Rukbat's light. Intense heat and the wavering air about the fighting wings serves only as a reminder that everything may not be as it seems. <*> Olvanth appears - not in formation, but he edges into an empty spot as soon as he can manage it. <*> Lysseth adds her voice to the cacophony of roars coming from the throats of her Wingmates--the dragons' battle-cry against the approaching Thread. Kassima, silent, darts a quick look back at her Wing's formation before turning to face forward and await the first assault. <*> Kvasith roars as the thread is spotted. His total intent is on this one moment. <*> Miyath bugels loudly as she appears in formation with her wing, Skyfire, and stays in formation as Arallia also waits for the first wave to hit. <*> Dawnslight wing soon arranges itself into position to the left of Thunderbolt. Dawnslight appears somewhat depleted next to Thunderbolt, following the disasters of the early spring. <*> Always it is the same -- and yet different. High on adrenaline, the sudden blast of heat as Prometh and K'tyn exit from between are like hammers that knock the breath from both. Rallying, K'tyn directs his bronze into strict formation, nodding as others fall in as well. <*> Vidarth snaps his wings with an audible /crack!/ of muscle and bone as he lifts himself high into the sky with his wing. He lets loose an enormous, violently challenging bugle at the sight of Thread! <*> Like a mirage, the silverly, rainbow colored strands shimmer in the heated air, appearing and disappeaing like betweening dragons in the shimmering heat waves. As if no time as passed between the first sighting and now, the leading edge of Pern's ancient enemy is in reach of some dragons at the forefront. Dragon> Prometh bespoke Threadfall Comm with << who's to the front? Tbolt? Dlight? Sfire? >> <*> Olvanth roars - but only once - as he finishes falling into position, near the back of Thunderbolt. Dragon> Xylath bespoke Threadfall Comm with << Wlingleaders choice. First one to go is at the front? >> Dragon> Prometh bespoke Threadfall Comm with << works for me.:) >> <*> Kyoteth begins flaming as the first clumps of Thread begin reaching the front of Dawnslight's formation. Dragon> Threadfall Comm sense that Kyoteth is too slow, sorry, lag. Thread should hit dlight first, then move towards tbolt, howzat? Dragon> Miyath bespoke Threadfall Comm with << So Skyfire is in the back, then? :) >> Dragon> Xylath bespoke Threadfall Comm with << Sounds like a plan. And the Skyfire? :) >> Dragon> Olvanth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << Sounds fine with me. I just follow directions. :) >> Dragon> Kyoteth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << Yes. >> <*> Lysseth roars again, eyes spinning blazingly red. A deep breath is taken, and the green exhales a blast of fire towards the first wayward tangles fall back to reach out towards her. Black ash drifts back towards her, the only remnant of what was once a sizeable tangle. <*> Kvasith ducks away from a tangle of thread, nearly brushing wings with one of his wingmates as he scorches the clump with harsh rage. <*> Xylath widens his muzzle, exposing whipping flames of orange-red towards the multicolored threads. One patch is burned to a cinder, though ash is returned towards his rider sparringly. <*> Strength thrumming through him, Prometh arches his neck to aim a searing blast of phosphine at the largest of the clump to char the heart of it. Plenty of the roiling deadly mass escapes him, however, falling down to the rows of queens and other low flying dragons and riders below him. <*> Olvanth seems to subscribe to the school of 'better safe then sorry', as his flame is longer then it probably needs to be. The flame bolt catches the edge of a Thread blob, ashing it. Dragon> Threadfall Comm sense that Lysseth gets a phone call... have to idle for a bit. :P <*> Vidarth lets loose a controlled jet of flame as a passing curl of Thread comes within range of his deadly aim. He roars triumphantly as he turns a chunk of the deadly menace to ash. <*> Kyoteth falls back slightly in formation, as a clump of Thread twists through the air dangerously close to his head. He lets go more blasts of flame, though the heat of dragonfire only makes the already overheated air ahead waver even more. <*> The twisting, curling white horrors keep coming, falling almost at a 90 degree angle straight towards the ground in the absence of any prevailing wind. Their only motion is the roiling of strand against strand in their clumps, making them easy targets for the dragons today. <*> Miyath and her wing finally get their chance to flame the thread. With blazing red eyes, Miyath roars a loud long sound before darting forward a bit to flame a small clump, her maw opening wide to let a gush of flame sear the white glob to ash. Dragon> Threadfall Comm sense that Miyath lags, sorry. <*> Panting with the heat, Prometh's rider turns to look at those about him -- Far more active and writhing in this heat, the clouds of thread seem almost arrogant in movement. So be it. Arrogance is something this rider and his dragon well understand, even it is an anthromorphism. With a wild yell, K'tyn urges his dragon to blast at a nearing cloud of the menace, charring a good bit of it to gooey ash. <*> The brown winks between and winks out hurriedly, Kvasith follows the clump that he so neatly evaded, and sears it with a huge burst of flame. <*> Xylath turns his neck towards the clumps falling at a steady rate, dropping back to formation. Releasing a thundering sound of flame, the blue shrivels one of the two clumps headed for his rider before winking between and back. Out of range by now, the clump follows it downward path towards the ground crews below. <*> Kyoteth banks to the left as Vidarth crosses laterally in front of him, D'ton swearing loudly as he and Kyoteth try to regain their optimal position. They regain it in a nick of time to flame a particularly huge and lively column of Thread, but are forced to blink Between almost immediately after and pillars of Thread rain down heavily around the front Wing. <*> Olvanth drops down slightly to catch a blob of Thread with a ragged flame bolt. The ash drift below as Olvanth disappears and reappears at the height he was originally. <*> Vidarth veers to the side, almost leaving his formation to catch a crazily spinning lump of Thread heading towards the ground. A controlled jet of angry red flame sears the clump into harmless ash. <*> Like glimmering shades of precious ore, the queens' wing arcs below. The compentent members use their 'throwers with deadly accuracy, and little to none of the menace escapes them to ravage to forests below. Dragon> Prometh bespoke Threadfall Comm with << If anyone asks, I am doing/did the queen's wing generic emits. >> <*> Miyath turns her angry red eyes on a rather large clump of thread and clips her wings to dive-bomb after it. As she sears it with a blast of fire, another clump falls from above her making her blink between and back, safely out of that particular clumps reaches. <*> T'saren glances back anxiously as about half of his wing begins to slide out of formation as particularly heavy collections of Thread suddenly surround them. He wisely decides to signal to Thunderbolt to space out and cover the gap while his riders recover. Dragon> Threadfall Comm sense that Xylath is idle a quick min. Dragon> Kyoteth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << And if anyone asks, I'm the one profaning T'saren's good name, and doing random other things besides. :) >> <*> Olvanth doesn't even hesitate. At the signal - which he catches - he pulls into one of the gaps as far as he can without getting Threadscored. Another flaming blast takes out a small chunk of Thread. <*> Kvasith finds his position yanked about as the wings formation changes. He dips down to evade a green that seems to have her mind one one bit of thread before her, never mind the one about to score her wing that the brown easily ignites. Dragon> Lysseth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << Auuuuuuuuugh. Mom's timing is *horrid*. >> <*> The Fall is at its worst, half-way through the dreadful battle when the riders are tiring and the Thread shows no mercy. Silvery rain that has as of yet not slackened, continues to pour upon the Telgarian riders in merciless waves, silvery clumps descending to promise painfully swift death to man, beast, and plant, unless it is stopped. As fresh stone is fed to the dragons and riders gather their strength anew in brief, swift seconds of refuelling, the Thread continues to descend. The battle continues! Dragon> Threadfall Comm sense that Kyoteth patpats Lysseth. <<Nevermind. You're just in time to come to Dawnslight's rescue, anyway.>> <*> With sweat dripping into his eyes, stinging and blurring his vision, K'tyn curses as the straps holding the bag of firestone to Prometh's straps break. The heavy bag of rock falls down, narrowly missing one and then another of the riders and their beasts below him. Frantically, Prometh bugles a warning, even as they duck between and out again to cool a cloud of ash blown their way. Kassima nods to T'saren and reinforces the signal; the Wing spaces out, forming a loose net to patch the opening in Dawnslight's ranks. Flickers of fire lash out to crisp the tendrils of Thread, sending the snakelike things into oblivion. Lysseth herself, at the head of the V, chases down an errant tangle; her wings cut through the haze like thin green knives, and the fire on her breath adds to the general heat of the area for a moment just long enough to ensure the Thread's death. <*> Kyoteth is forced to duck in and out of Between repeatedly while the brunt of the Fall unexpectedly batters his Wing. When he finally gets a break, he lets out a great gout of flame at the nearest clump of thread, bugling loudly while his rider regains his bearings and falls back into formation. <*> Olvanth is one of those unlucky 'targets' of the dropped firestone. He blips out, returning just above it - entirely too close for P'ya's comfort, who curses loud and long. But not too long, as he's soon distracted by the flaming of more Thread - a small clump, entirely too near for comfort. <*> Xylath falls back in something that seems like a new formation, his rider taking the quick moment to wipe the grayish-black ash from her goggles. The sight of reinforcements is good, but the Thread is not as both rider and dragon skip between like a stone on the water. Finally able to break out of the demanding pattern, two clumps as burned to a cinder as they emerge. <*> With reckless derring-do, a lithe green and her husky rider dart from *between*. Loaded with sacks and sacks of 'stone, the young weyrling tosses bags left and right, aiming one for Prometh and Kiat. With an oof, the bronzerider catches the bag attaching it to another set of (hopefully) more sturdy straps. Greedily, Prometh chews the rock fairly tossed into his gullet, and with a roar, he turns widely to get back into position, arching his neck to sear at a writhing mass of thread that drops like sheet before him. <*> Miyath blinks in and out from between as a clump of thread falls a touch too close to her green body. Miyath bugles loudly as she veers to the left to snag a smallish clump that seems to have gone unchecked. <*> The sun glares on the grounds below, everything is bright and horrible. Odd for such a day. So hot, the air glimmers with the heat, making everything seem like an illusion. The thread falls straight piercing towards the grounds below. Each with a silver his and writhe. No breeze to move it, but the only relief from the all encompassing heat is the all encompassing cold of between. <*> From Vidarth's back, R'val wipes his forehead, breathing the thick air as Vidarth hovers, chewing hastily on as much stone as he can manage at once. R'val straps the half-full bag to the blue's straps, and they rejoin the fray. <*> Olvanth is starting to falter - and it shows. Between the heat and the length, his aim and speed are starting to suffer. It takes him a second try to hit a falling clump nearby to him, and it takes him even longer to show back up in formation. <*> Lysseth rises back into her place in formation, trumpeting with fierce triumph at the destruction of Thread by herself and her 'mates. Kassi takes a moment to flick a glance towards the Dawnslight formation, analyzing its condition; during that moment of distraction, Lysseth suddenly veers to the left, grabbing a clump of silver strands with fingers of flame and incinerating it at once. The rider's cursing is loud and fervant as she ducks the resulting ash. With a warning bugle to Lorieth and Servoth nearby, the pine green dragon blinks *between* to avoid a ragged and half-charred cluster coming in too close on her right side. <*> Kyoteth is falling back carefully in position with the rest of Dawnslight as they are being resupplied, however he is still dangerously near the Thread front when the, perhaps overly daring weyrling on the young green fly by and toss a bag of stone at D'ton. D'ton seizes the bag, but yells what might be a warning of some sort to the boy on the green. <*> Xylath and his rider fall back from the siege of Thread long enough for his rider to feed a few more chunks to her blue before sending a narrow burst of flame towards a small clump. <*> Vidarth gives a near-yelp of surprise as a clump of Thread nearly slams into him. Without a second's thought, the blue snaps between, reappearing in the same spot, the Thread below him, beyond his range. <*> Olvanth disappears, reappearing near the Thread abandoned by Vidarth. He flames it carefully, not overspending on the firestone this time, and goes back to where he was before. <*> Virroth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air! <*> Hands are outstretched towards a weyrling tossing an additional sack of firestone to Aurian and Kvasith. But those hands never catch it, in the scalding heat her body suddenly slumps against the form of her dragon. The brown bugles his panic and the sack falls down towards the forests. <*> Miyath flames another patch of thread, but her green form is showing signs of wariness as well. A few scant minutes later, Arallia and Miyath's replacements blink between as the two veer out of formation and blink between to home. A roar comes from Miyath and Arallia as they blink between and the fresh Green and her rider takes up Ara's vacated position. Dragon> Threadfall Comm sense that Miyath goes home to make some RP for the healers and stuff. :) Thanks for the great fun! <*> Miyath disappears into Between. <*> Nearly worn out, many of the chromatic colored dragons slip faster and faster into between, reinforcemtents slow in coming as there are not that many to replace those that have gone. Young weyrlings of all colors are pale-faced with effort and exhaustion as they bring sack after sack to depleted riders. Like hope, life and other enduring things, the Queen's wing below seems immutable, untouchable. Their bravery is unmatched as they surround and char the dreaded thread clouds that slip through the patterns of dragons above. Litheth, the green who tossed first Kiat and then D'ton their bags of 'stone, lets out a shriek of agonizing proportions--for a large cloud of thread swerves into her right wing and side. Both disappear between. <*> Lysseth pursues the next tangle within her reach with a vengeance, to make up for the one earlier missed. Her flame is weak, though, and barely adequate to the job. Wisely, she drops down to fly below her 'mates while Kassi renews her flame with fresh chunks of 'stone. A signal is given by the Wingleader to the arriving reinforcements to take their places in formation; several of the smaller dragons, worn to the point of sluggishness, flick back to the Weyr. Their fight is done for the day, but those remaining still have a long way to go. <*> Virroth bugles his youthful cry as he and his lifemate join the ranks, part of the reinforcement team. His blue form slows from it's full flight to slide into the formation. Telgar Weyr> Kassima has to giggle. Litheth? Lyss with a lisp? ;) Telgar Weyr> K'tyn grins.:) Like Lithe, but sure. that works too Telgar Weyr> D'ton grins. We got rid of the wannabe, Kassi. ;-) Telgar Weyr> Kassima discreetly pays off her hit-fungi. Good work. ;) Telgar Weyr> Arallia peers, "An NPC got scored? Telgar Weyr> K'tyn says, "You want her dead or just wounded?" <*> Olvanth still takes a few more ragged flames at small Thread clumps, unwilling to leave yet despite his obvious tiredness. Dragon> Prometh bespoke Threadfall Comm with << Let's kill off a few more NPC's, what you think? Now's the time.:) >> <*> Kvasith is still roaring his upset. His rider is unconcious and he can't go between. He is evading thread as best he can at this moment. Lysseth> Olvanth senses that Lysseth spares a moment to ask, with more than a touch of sternness, << Do you have the energy to finish out this Fall? If not, you must return to the Weyr. >> Dragon> Prometh bespoke Threadfall Comm with << Kvasith, assume that a goldrider gives to direction to return to the weyr. >> <*> Virroth nosedives downward in a tight spiral, allowing Khar to scoop up several of the plummeting sacks. He eases out of the dive, heading to the side before shooting back upward to the others. Khar hangs onto several bags, some still falling downward. <*> Kyoteth is still going strong, his size and stamina finally paying off in the late stages of the Fall. D'ton looks back and forth as first the young green then Kvasith catch his attention. If the Thread were not beginning to slacken at last, things would be looking quite poorly. <*> Kvasith rumbles some relief. <*> Kvasith disappears into Between. Dragon> Lysseth senses that Olvanth doesn't bother to answer. He's busy. <*> Lysseth gives an ear-splitting, angry roar, clearly displeased with these turns of events. "Tighten it up!" Kassima yells back, the order reinforced silently by her dragon. "Watch your bloody flanks, shardit!" Of course, she's kept rather busy by the need to follow her own advice. Lysseth executes a twist in midair, whirling on a wingtip to catch a patch that was falling in from a most awkward angle. Whoooosh! It's gone now, and the cinders drift lazily through the thick air. The green wastes no time in flinging herself up after another cluster. There's no rest for the wicked. Dragon> Virroth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << Ok, anyone need stone? >> <*> The Thread is definetly beginning to slacken at this point, appearing almost to stutter in it's smooth descent. Dawnslight wing has stabilized in its formation now that it has been resupplied, and at T'saren's signal it moves to cover Thunderbolt somewhat so the other wing can receive more stone. <*> Worn thin with heat and exertion, a older bronzerider nearly faints from the heat, and in doing so, fails to urge his dragon out of the way of a cloud of thread. Plunging into the midst of the deadly mass, both dragon and rider slip between forever. <*> Both rider and dragon seemed to be faltreing due to the heat but only for a moment as Kvasith's roar and disapearance is enough to bring both back to action. Both now alert and fall slacking off, doesn't mean that this pair is calling it quitting time as anouther clump of Thread is burnt to a crisp in time for Lysseth's roar. Dragon> Xylath bespoke Threadfall Comm with << Hmm, that was me by the way. Oops. >> Telgar Weyr> Jayna notes that we don't have a real Healer on duty atm, but we're getting injuries. If you can help, come to the infirmary or the bowl. <*> Olvanth flames a small chunk that's coming straight down over him. Unable to disappear in time, the ash from the Thread blows all over the two, almost totally obscuring them for a second. In that split second, they disappear. Dragon> Kyoteth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << Okay everyone, the Fall's slacking off and going to end soon, probably while Tbolt is restocking. :) >> <*> Olvanth disappears into Between. Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "pose an npc healer or have someone pick one up" <*> Prometh offers a peal to the skies in tribute to the bronze and his rider that have slipped between. Almost fainting himself, Kiat looks desperately about, directing his bronze to expend the last of his flame on a smallish clump. <*> Lysseth shrieks a shrill note at the bronze's death. While her Wingmates take turns dropping below their fighting level to restock, she sears a pair of straggly clumps with more violence and force than is strictly required. Considerably more. <*> Virroth catches sight of a rather large clump of Thread right there in front of him as he wings heartily toward a rider who has motioned for more stone. Khar leans forward as Virroth shoots out a large, brilliant flame to send the clump into wispy remnamts, now ashen. As they pass by a rider, she tosses the sack over then nods quickly. Dragon> Prometh bespoke Threadfall Comm with << Lysseth, what are you, supergreen? :) J/k? :) >> Dragon> Olvanth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << It's a bird! It's a plane! It's HyperLysseth! :) >> Dragon> Lysseth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << Nah, but Lyss just restocked, so she's got a lot of flame left, and the Fall's tapering off. She might as well use it, neh? ;) >> Dragon> Olvanth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << Super was overused. :) >> Dragon> Threadfall Comm sense that Prometh laughs. It wasn't a complaint. :) I jsut thought it funny.;) <*> Kyoteth remains grimly silent as he flames continuously at the slackening Thread. Sitting straight in the saddle, D'ton appears to be wiping sweat out of his eyes. Dragon> Kyoteth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << We're ending now, if'n you want to pose once more do it quick! >> Telgar Weyr> Kharty says, "Why does work always interfere with MUSHing? Not fair! :)" <*> It's still hot. Blistering scalding heat. No wind. No cool. Just the heat and the glare. But the thread is tapering off. Soon a strand falls, then one last thread seared from the sky by a brown. And then it stops, and all that is left is the dying heat as the sun starts to set. <*> Vidarth sears a passing clump of Thread that came closer than it should've to him. It descends as harmless ash. <*> Lysseth raises her wings to meet one final grouping of Thread, the writhing strands not surviving the reconnaissance with the blast of dragonfire. A low rumble escapes her on her drop back to her wing... mild protest at the brush of hot ash against her hide, perhaps. <*> From atop Kyoteth, D'ton's first move, when he realizes that the Fall is over, is to take off his jacket. He leans forward, breathing hard while waiting for T'saren to take stock of the situation and give the next order. <*> Slumping in his seat, Kiat nearly misses to direct Prometh away from the cloud of ash that gusts his way. Blearily, he stares toward his wingleader, waiting for Fall's end and the signal to return. <*> Virroth angles up into place beside another blue, hovering watchfully for any further displays of Thread. He waits there for the signal of what to do next. <*> T'saren has Solarith fly a wide sweep around the rest of the Dawnslight dragons as he takes in the state of affairs. Then, as he complete's the loop, he finally gives the signal to go home. <*> Kyoteth disappears into Between. <*> Prometh disappears into Between. <*> Xylath disappears into Between. <*> Virroth disappears into Between. Kassima signals her Wingriders to glide for a moment, watching for any sign of further Thread. When there is none, she lowers her fist, giving the signal to return at last. <*> Lysseth disappears into Between. Between You gasp as the icy black nothingness of Between surrounds you! You hear nothing, see nothing, and feel nothing. The trip takes five heartbeats... Black... Blacker... Blackest! You suddenly emerge... <*> Lysseth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air! <*> From the North, From the Telgar Star Stones, Kl'loh's brick-brown Yoxath rears on hind legs and bugles a greeting to green Lysseth and her rider, Kassima, welcoming them home. You fly downwards towards the southern end of the bowl. You fly downwards towards the ground. You backwing for a landing on sands of the bowl. <*> P'ya sneezes again. "Hey, I can do that, honest. You just have to tell me where it is." He's not stopping her, though. <*> Kyoteth lands awkwardly, one wing dripping a bit of green. <*> Virroth backwings for a landing. <*> D'ton slides down off Kyoteth's back. <*> Kharty swings her leg over Virroth's neck then slides down the blue's side, pausing to give him an affectionate pat. <*> Mishaelle emerges from the infirmary. <*> Samantha watches riders land right and left. She stands near, watching for opportunites to help. <*> Neliea nimbly climbs down from Xylath's neckridges, pausing to gently brush a hand along her lifemate's muzzle as he turns a large light blue muzzle to his lifemate, wuffling her hair gently in return. <*> Kvasith moves beneath the rocky overhang that protects the Infirmary entrance. <*> Ceria finishes wiping P'ya's face, ignoring the protest. "Is that better?" she asks. <*> With limbs moving as if through lead, Kiat unfastens himself and leaps off of his dragon. <*> K'tyn climbs down from Prometh's neck. <*> Above, From the Telgar Star Stones, Kl'loh's brick-brown Yoxath rears on hind legs and bugles a greeting to blue Vidarth and his rider, R'val, welcoming them home. <*> Vidarth backwings for a landing. <*> Miyath moves beneath the rocky overhang that protects the Infirmary entrance. <*> Lysseth lands with somewhat less than her usual delicacy, the jar of her movement sending a light snow of ash showering from her greyed hide. Lifting her weary head, she now keens a high, poignant note for the Weyr's dead. Kassi slumps for a moment at the sound, but grimly unfastens her straps and slides down to begin taking stock of Thunderbolt's condition. You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles, cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully. Kharty turns toward Virroth to brush off some ash from his hide. She sighs quietly then turns around to watch the other dragons arrive. P'ya opens one eye. "Better," he says, "but not great. Still all watery. Better lend it to me." R'val slides down from Vidarth's back and lands in a crouch. Samantha moves around the crowd of riders with a few skins of water and wine. She hands them to those who ask. D'ton scrambles quickly off Kyoteth, and throws his jacket on the floor. He is soaked in sweat. Gesturing quickly to Kyoteth, he takes a look at the bronze's wing, which appears to have a small hole in it. Jayna hands out water to the flustered riders. R'val glances at P'ya as he lands, "P'ya, did you fare well?" Mishaelle emerges, herding drudges and apprentices toward the riders carrying mugs and pitchers of cool water "If'n there's one sick from the heat, there'll be more. C'mon now, make sure everyone takes a drink." Ceria nods and hands the handkerchief to P'ya. She moves to pick up the wineskins she dropped. Jayna approaches D'ton and Kyoteth. "D'ton...is Kyoteth alright? What's wrong?" she asks, running. Dragon> Kyoteth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << Well, that's it folks. Hope you enjoyed our Fall. :) >> Silen freezes for a moment at the keen, then goes about his work, carrying water and wine to riders who need it. Kharty holds out her hand to Ceria, "I'll take one if you've extras." Ceria quickly hands a skin to Kharty, and looks around for others in need. Telgar Weyr> Jayna notes, for the record, that there are NO healers here... except one wonderfully kind person who's brought in an alt. If you're a heat-exhausted rider, you'll have to work something out. P'ya takes the wet handkerchief, dabbing at his eyes carefully. He either doesn't her R'val, or just doesn't answer. K'tyn pulls off coat and helmet, moving to throw himself into a drift of snow at the edge of the bowl. "Thank Faranth for this," he mutters as he gets to his feet and heads toward Kvasith and her rider, if he can get through the crowd. Telgar Weyr> Arallia says, "Miyath and Ara are in the infirm resting up after falling ill due to heatstroke, well Ara fell ill that is. I need to idle foor dinner guys, it was fun thanks!!" D'ton looks over Kyoteth's outstretched wing anxiously, but says quickly to Jayna, "A loose strand hit his wing during the Fall. He says he can still fly alright, but it really stings..." Kassima scowls, setting her fists to her hips. "Nay serious injuries," she finally decides, gruffly. Pulling off her helmet, she shakes down her braid and wipes her arm back over her forehead--never mind that this streaks ash as well as sweat across her face. Dropping the helmet, she heads purposefully for P'ya and Olvanth. "What happened?" she asks the bluerider calmly. Ceria moves among the riders, handing out water and wineskins. She glances back at P'ya occassionally. Mishaelle makes her way among the riders, looking closely for any whose condition needs immediate attention. Jayna grimaces, leaning forward to check the wound. "Quiet him, will you, D'ton?" she says, sympathy in her voice as she moves deftly. Telgar Weyr> K'tyn nods. Yea, Assume there are healers and other sorts going through the crowd. :) R'val glances away from the others, and attends to Vidarth. P'ya pokes his eye again with the wet cloth. "Ash in my eye. I'll be fine once it comes out. Right now it stings and it's watery, but I'll live." D'ton nods, and strokes Kyoteth's side gently. The bronze settles, but watches Jayna with great whirling eyes that are a deep emerald green. Kharty takes a long swig of the wine, then holds it out to Neliea. Telgar Weyr> M'hryn says, "How was the Fall?" Telgar Weyr> Ro waves to the WL "I had to play dragonhealer with a clue today." Telgar Weyr> D'ton says, "Fine. We're just back. Two NPC casualties, one weyrling and one old rider. And a couple of people have heatstroke. :)" Neliea carefully if not slowly removes her gear as if that was the most important thing at the moment. Lifting one hand to wave to Kharty, the next order of business is to lean against her blue in almost a slump. Taking the wine, not even noticing what it is, she takes a long pull before handing it back to her with a grateful smile. "Do I even ask if that was wine?" Of course it was, but anyways. Mishaelle tends to a brownrider who seems to have suffered from the heat more than most, aiding him to loosen his jacket and sit before having him drink some of the water. Ceria stands fidgeting anxiously, unsure of what else to do. Jayna rinses her hands with redwort and quickly slathers the wound with numbweed, speaking soothingly. "Shhh..this'll help, Kyotheth," she murmurs. "It's not bad," she notes, for D'ton's benefit as well. Kharty tries to smile but manages just a turn of her lips. She downs another long drink then walks around the other side of her blue to check his wing there. Kassima nods slowly, considering the younger rider. "Fortunate 'twas all 'twas," she remarks dryly. "You stayed longer than you should've. Word to the wise: don't push yourself like that; all it leads to is casualties, especially in weather like that." With a sigh, the greenrider flicks her braid back over her shoulder. "Our thanks for flying with us, however." Picking up a wineskin, she turns to walk back towards her 'mates, offering it to one of them who looks the most wrung out. "Virroth is well, Kharty?" she asks the bluerider on her way past. Kharty leans around the blue's side to poke her head out so she can see Kassi. "He's fine, just a little tired." D'ton says hoarsely, "Yeah, didn't look...too bad." He attempts to swallow, but finds his mouth is dry as dust. "Are you going to sew it up, Jayna?" he asks anxiously. Ceria glances over at D'ton, and carries a waterskin over to him. She offers it to him silently. P'ya nods once at Kassima, still dabbing his eyes. "Not a problem." Jayna nods quietly, smiling. "It'll be fine, D'ton. Just a stitch or two, really," she says, resting her hands on her mentor's arm. "You should have a seat, get a drink... Kyoteth'll be fine." "Aren't we all?" Kassi mutters, sighing. "Shells. 'Twas nay a good one, but it could easily have been worse, and I for one am grateful 'twas nay. There're wineskins over there, if'n you should want one." Mishaelle aids the worst of the heat injured riders off to the infirmary. Mishaelle moves beneath the rocky overhang that protects the Infirmary entrance. Telgar Weyr> Neliea has to idle a few min. Ro emerges from the infirmary. Ro looks for Jayna, to whom she carries an extra bag of dragonhealer supplies. D'ton glances first at Kyoteth, then at Jayna. "I'll just..go get something to drink. I'll be right back. And thank you," he says. Kyoteth warbles briefly after his rider. D'ton turns, and replies, "Yes, I'll get you something to drink too." Jayna nods, already leaning forward and fishing in a basket. "Shhh," she mutters to the bronze, threading sterilized thread and getting to work. D'ton walks straight into Ceria, not having noticed her earlier. He blinks at her through his ash-smeared face, then takes the waterskin. "Oh..thank you," he says. Silen wanders around, finding himself handing out more wineskins than waterskins. Ceria smiles slightly at D'ton. "You're welcome," she says, looking around for someone else to help. Ro acquires a bowl of water "Better rinse that off first." she murmurs to Jayna. P'ya continues to dab at his face. "Here, do we have anything to drink before I run around running into people?" Silen promptly appears in fromt of P'ya with a pair of 'skins. Ceria starts to move toward P'ya, but stops when she sees Silen. Kassima bends down to pick up a wineskin from an abandoned pile for herself. Snapping off the cork, she drains a good quarter of it in a couple of gulps. "Gah," is her profound commentary on the situation at large. P'ya tries to look at them. "What do those have in them?" Kharty finishes inspecting the blue's hide, then moves around to stand near P'ya. "You and your blue have certainly come a long way since I last saw you both on the sands." she says to him quietly, her eyes looking at P'ya's dragon with admiration. Jayna finishes with Kyoteth, stroking his hide gently, then glances around for another "patient." Seeing things under control, for the moment, she sighs, and snags a waterskin from a passing drudge and taking a long swig. Silen holds up one, then the other. "Water, and wine. Pick one, and I'll hand that one to you, all right?" D'ton drains the waterskin Ceria gave to him, then fetches a large bucket of water for Kyoteth. When he brings it around, the big bronze slurps at it thirstily. D'ton walks up to Jayna and Ro, and says quietly, "Thank you." P'ya points at the wine one. "That one?" He smiles to Kharty. "Hey, thanks. It's been a while since then." Neliea examines Xylath's hide before deciding to go somewhere quieter and to get out of these rather smelly leathers. Neliea easily climbs up Xylath's back with the help of a forearm as she takes hold of the straps, settling down between his neckridges. Jayna drops to the ground for a moment. "How did Fall go?" she asks with concern. "Burrows? Injuries? Aside from the heat, I mean," she adds, gesturing around the bowl. Kharty nods affirmingly to P'ya. "That it has. You and he have learned much. It was a pleasure to ride with you, P'ya." R'val smiles, "Hey P'ya. You did well." Silen pops the top off the wineskins and hands it to P'ya. Xylath takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry him aloft. Ro manages a ghost of a smile for D'ton "It...it was an honor, sir." she murmurs. P'ya nods to both of you. "Thank you very much. I wasn't really expecting to tonight, though." He grins. "Remind me not to mistake like that again. It's not something I want to do every day." R'val laughs, "Can't blame you." D'ton sits down on the ground next to his former mentee, but smiles up at Ro. He says to Jayna, "Not many burrows. We lost..one of the weyrlings, and also T'drar." Jayna pales. "Two dead? Oh, shards, what happened?" she asks, horrified. R'val nods to D'ton sadly, "Poor old T'drar. He was a faithful warrior for Telgar for most of his long life." Ceria glances over, listening to his casualty list. Ro listens solemnly, moving only when she notes a blue whose wingsail has been minorly burned by hot ash. D'ton shakes his head, "I didn't see what happened to T'drar. But the boy, M'uan, he tried to resupply too close to the front. He was just a weyrling, and too eager." Jayna sighs, brow furrowed in sadness and grim resignation. "That's... that's terrible," she says, helplessly. "I hate to hear about any deaths, any injuries, even, but it's worse when it's a weyrling." Ro tends to the stricken blue, but listens as best as she can to what the others are saying. "Methinks 'tis equally bad either way," Kassima remarks, almost idly. "When 'tis an elder rider, you know 'tis likely that they've suffered any number of injuries and pain in the past, in the dream of making it to the end of the Pass. And then... they don't." Ceria listens quietly to the conversation, standing on the edge of the group. Jayna nods to her wingleader, sighing. "You're right, of course," she says. "And the dragons..." She mutters a curse. Kharty nods, thinking of the times when Virroth was overanxious. "I can understand the weyrling being too anxious. Virroth was exactly like that when he was younger." P'ya nods, moving toward the others, still holding the cloth absently. "I guess I still am. I shouldn't do that, and I know it - but I do." D'ton looks up at P'ya, and says, "Didn't have time to talk to you earlier. I'm D'ton. Thanks for flying with us." Ro finishes what she is doing and finds herself a place to sit next to Jayna, looking a little worn about the edges. Silen walks over to Ro and Jayna, carrying one last wineskin. He offers it around silently. P'ya smiles back. "Like I said, not a problem." R'val returns from the cavern with three more flasks of wine, "Wine, anyone?" Jayna nods her thanks to Silen and gratefully takes a pull from the wineskin. "Thanks, Silen... oh, R'val...more wine, hmm?" Ro glances from the wineskin to Jayna "I suppose it's okay, now that the dragons are tended to." Silen ndos to Ro. "I think we could all use at least a little." Jayna nods. "They're all taken care of," she says tiredly. "Although the riders seemed to be a bigger problem than the dragons this time." R'val grins at Jayna, "Ayup, want some?" D'ton says "I'm going to take Kyo somewhere to get some rest. Should he stay on the ground for a while, Jayna?" "Heat doesn't bother dragons," Kassi observes succinctly. "'Twas the riders who suffered from the conditions this round. The winds were actually quite clear, though the air was heavy." Ro nods "But we don't really know how to handle that, so.....so share!" she says, laughing more from nervous exhaustion than from amusement. Jayna furrows her brow thoughtfully, then smiles. "He's alright to get to your weyr, D'ton," she says. "It's really not a problem. Although you probably don't want to do any distance flying for a few days." Ceria looks down at the wineskin in her hand and takes a drink from it. Ro nods to Jayna "A sevenday....til the stitches heal." D'ton nods. "Alrighty then," he says, then says to his dragon, "Let's go, boyo." Kyoteth lumbers north. D'ton walks north. P'ya rubs his eyes absently, back to using his hands. "Anyone mind if I decide to stick around a while?" Silen takes a sip from the wineskin as it comes back to him, and lets out a sigh. Ceria frowns slightly as P'ya rubs at his eyes with his hands. Jayna smiles. "Absolutely not! Please stay.... I'm Jayna, by the way. Brown Sioneth's rider," she says by way of introduction. R'val chuckles, "Stick around, P'ya! Want some wine?" Kharty watches the dragon depart then prepares to mount Virroth. "I think I'll get some rest. Blue's are always welcome." She winks at P'ya, then says to the group, "Thanks for everything." Ro shakes her head "Not at all." She snags the wineskin from Silen, taking more than just a sip. Kharty reaches up to take a firm grasp on Virroth's riding straps, and swings up into the seat between his neckridges with the help of his foreleg. Virroth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry him aloft. P'ya grins. "Sure, why not? P'ya, blue Olvanth's," he says in response to Jayna's introduction. Kassima shakes her head belatedly, wiping her brow again. "A'course nay. Stay until you feel rested enough to return, by all means." A droll look is cast after the departing Kharty. R'val hands P'ya one flask with a grin, "Here friend, it's benden red. Shards knows we all deserve it after /that/ fall.' The little lightbulb in Ro's head finally goes off and she introduces herself "And I'm Rosarrah. Telgar's, if anything." Silen glances aside at Ro, back to P'ya. "Silen," he answers, simply. Telgar Weyr> D'ton says, "So, who logged?" Telgar Weyr> Kassima raises a hand. :) Telgar Weyr> A'lex says, "Like you had to ask..." Telgar Weyr> S'dar smirks. Telgar Weyr> Ro bows to the master of the Kassicam. Telgar Weyr> A'lex says, "What did I miss?" Telgar Weyr> Ro says, "Everything....unless you or Nraith want injuries tended, or you want to get a mighty drunk going." P'ya nods. "Nice to meet all of you, then." He takes a quick drink from it. "Nice one, isn't it?" Ceria glances around at the riders. "Is there anything else I can get anyone?" she ask quietly. Telgar Weyr> Jayna grins, and nudges Ro. "No injuries, remember?" Telgar Weyr> A'lex fehs... We just got back from dinner. Sorry I wasn't here for Fall... :P But I can't pass on free food. Telgar Weyr> Ro says, "Well, we aren't being spammed now, so it wouldn't be that bad Jayna" Telgar Weyr> Jayna laughs and smooches a Ro. Telgar Weyr> D'ton grins. "Our worst rider injuries (apart from the two butchered NPCs) were heatstroke." Telgar Weyr> Ro says, "Shall I start in with the walking teenaged hormone talk? I mean, just think...if he got scored on the shoulder or something, we'd get to see shirtless A'lex, guaranteed to make the LCGs swoon." Telgar Weyr> Ro says, "Yeah, but heatstroke is really severe, potentially fatal." Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Only if he didn't get carried off by drooling female riders first. ;)" Telgar Weyr> A'lex oylags. P'ya shakes his head. "No thanks," he says smiling. "Thanks anyway." Telgar Weyr> S'dar grins. "A'lex is the man." Telgar Weyr> Dossa peers. :) Telgar Weyr> Ro says, "Nah, they're all too wiped out by flying the fall..." Telgar Weyr> D'ton laughs. "Hey, I ripped off my jacket when we got back, and nobody but Kyo blinked an eyelid!" ;-) Telgar Weyr> R'val says, "You are not swoon material I'm afraid, D't ;)" Telgar Weyr> Ro pouts "Had I emerged from the infirmary yet to see that pos?" A'lex walks here from the north. Nraith lumbers here from the north. Telgar Weyr> D'ton sighs, and @baps R'val for shattering his ego. Telgar Weyr> A'lex says, "Hey, D'ton is swoonable." Telgar Weyr> Kassima awwwws. You are too swoonable, D'ton! Telgar Weyr> S'dar nods, he sure is! Telgar Weyr> Dossa swoons, just to prove a point. ;) Telgar Weyr> A'lex says, "S'dar and I founded the Swoon Over D'ton club..." Telgar Weyr> Ceria joins the club. ;) Telgar Weyr> S'dar nodnods! "He's hotstuff." Telgar Weyr> D'ton aw gees and blushes. Telgar Weyr> A'lex says, "Dues are $20 bucks, Ceria." Telgar Weyr> Ro didn't get to see him strip his jacket off...no fair. In consolation she offers a sponge bath to get off all that ash. }:> Telgar Weyr> Ceria aws. I only have 10. Telgar Weyr> Nimiriel will too! :) Telgar Weyr> D'ton hms. Do I get some of the proceeds? ;-) Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Dues are waived for greenriders, right? ;)" Telgar Weyr> A'lex says, "And Ro complains about the B&D... talk about hypocracy. ;)" Telgar Weyr> Ro says, "Hey, what does that have to do with bondage, woofies?" Telgar Weyr> D'ton pauses and blinks. "Man, suddenly, I dunno what B&D stands for.." Telgar Weyr> A'lex says, "Bread and Danishes..." Telgar Weyr> Jayna laughs. "Man, did -I- pick the wrong time to idle...." Kassima looks over and jiggles her wineskin towards A'lex in greeting. "Heya, bronzie. How'd your 'mates come out?" Telgar Weyr> Ro says, "Bondage & Domination. You know, Kassistuff (ducks)" Telgar Weyr> Kassima heys! Telgar Weyr> Ro hides from the mistress of the blades. A'lex wipes some sweat and ash from his brow, "Lookin good. I'm very proud of them. They covered the gaps left by N'ren and S'klin very well." Telgar Weyr> D'ton laughs! Jayna half snoozes where she sits. She sits up straight, abruptly, and reaches for the wineskin. Taking another pull, she apologizes. "I'm sorry... been a long day." Telgar Weyr> Ro . o O (Or do those knives fall more in the realm of S&M? Well, they do, but ambushing poor male riders and forcing them into frilly clothes is definately more B&D) Telgar Weyr> R'val says, "Guys, I hate to ask, but could you lessen the spam please?" Telgar Weyr> A'lex dies. R'val glances at Jayna and smiles, "You should go sleep if you're really tired, Jayna." Telgar Weyr> Ro perks up . o O (Hmm, CPR time!) P'ya takes another swig from the wine. "I should /probably/ be home sometime today. They'll think I got lost or something." Jayna sighs, standing and brushing herself off. "I'd better get to my weyr before I end up spending the night in the bowl," she says. "Evening, all. Well flown." Rather seriously, she mounts Sioneth, after absently saluting the wingleaders. R'val chuckles, "If you have too much to drink, P'ya, you'll be more than welcome in our guest weyr." Jayna steps onto Sioneth's foreleg and scrambles to his back. Sioneth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry him aloft. Ro looks up at the sky "Is it still today, an not tomorrow? Kassima nods to A'lex, looking approving. "They *did* do well. And few injuries are always a good thi--Jayna, nay bloody saluting! Shardit. Why can she never remember?" P'ya nods. "That's why I'm /trying/ not to drink too much." Telgar Weyr> Dossa says, "Frilly clothes!" A'lex nods, "Very, very good." Telgar Weyr> Ro says, "Hey Dossa, no peeking into M'hryn's weyr while he's sleeping." Telgar Weyr> Dossa pouts. Telgar Weyr> Ro says, "Well, just this once." R'val grins at P'ya, "Better switch to juice." Telgar Weyr> D'ton says, "So, did M'hryn ever get more underwear after the bonfire incident?" Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "lacy and frilly" Telgar Weyr> A'lex just laughs. Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Yeah, but it was all frilly, thanks to K'tyn... or maybe K'ti. ;)" Ro takes one more sip of wine before saying "Well, I'd best go and put all the unused supples away." Ceria sighs and heads into the living cavern. Ceria walks beneath the lintel and disappears into the living cavern. R'val hrms at P'ya, "Food would help. Wanna hit the LC, have dinner?" Ro walks beneath the lintel and disappears into the living cavern. Kassima finishes off her wineskin, and tosses it into a pile of empties. "I'm quite satisfied with Thunderbolt's performance, also. Even L'cher managed to behave himself." P'ya nods. "Sure. I haven't had dinner yet." A'lex says "Didn't try to grab anyone during the flight, eh?" Silen stands. "Going to help Ro..." he murmurs, and heads inside. Silen walks beneath the lintel and disappears into the living cavern. "Well," Kassi drawls mischievously, "only one or two. A major improvement, but I suppose he's determined nay t'strain himself after he's just healed and all." R'val grins, "let's do that." R'val walks beneath the lintel and disappears into the living cavern. P'ya walks beneath the lintel and disappears into the living cavern. A'lex nods, "No, I'm very happy. Everyone is settled in well, and now, some of them are leaving for the 'Reaches." He shakes his head, "It never ends." Kassima shakes her head, unable to argue with that one. "Nay--but you knew that when you took up Kiat's old position in the Wing. There's nay rest for the wicked, and we're all decidedly that." Telgar Weyr> A'lex blinks at the bowl, "Wow, everyone went buhbye..." A'lex snorts, "Aye, but even a moment to slow down... not necessairly stop..." Telgar Weyr> Ro guesses D'ton doesn't want that sponge bath. C'est la vi. The swoon club lives on anyhow. O:> Kassima observes philosophically, "You never know but that the 'Reachian transfers may be even better than those you're giving up." She brightens a trifle. "I found out whom four of them are. And all of 'em are, by all means, excellent riders. If'n they're typical of the bunch...." A'lex shakes his head, "But you know how long it takes to relearn wing formations, wind patterns, sweep areas, leadership styles. Even the most accomplished rider is going to suck Tunnelsnake eggs the first few sevendays. I don't care WHO they are..." Telgar Weyr> D'ton says, "S-sponge bath? Huh? did I miss something?" Telgar Weyr> D'ton looks nervous. "True," Kassi has to admit. "True enough. I, however, am determined t'be looking on the bright side of this, and think positively. We could easily gain in the long run. And I'd really rather nay be spending so much time in gloom and doom." Telgar Weyr> Ro says, "Do a recall on the knot." A'lex shakes his head. "I've been the Lord Holder of Gloom and Doom Hold since Jehrina retired." His smiles brightly, "I should have a Gloom and Doom Gather and Dance!" Telgar Weyr> D'ton does so. Man, the missed opportunities when I don't read the screen carefully! :) Kvasith backwings for a landing. Aurian slides off Kvasith after unfastening her riding straps. She lands neatly on her feet this time. Aurian rubs the back of her neck, "Stupid stupid stupid.." Telgar Weyr> Ro snugs the poor bronzie "There's always a next time." Kassima grins at A'lex. "Now *there's* an idea worthy of a crackpot. Even I might have t'be dancing at that one, just for the novelty of it!" A'lex bobs his head, "We'll have to plan it. Think I can get the Holder's Conclave to grant me land?" "I'm certain they'd grant you some barren spot north of the Range," Kassi agrees dryly. "Though how you'd convince Gather-goers t'go there...." A'lex stops short, "Why, lie to them of course. Tell them there are valuable door prizes." Aurian walks beneath the lintel and disappears into the living cavern. Kassima snaps her fingers, inspired. "And we'll serve lots of wine! Anyone would go anywhere for sufficient quantities of Benden Red, don't you think?" A'lex nods, "Speaking of which... Living Cavern?" Kassima nods, glancing that way. "If'n you want, 'Lex. I'd nay mind sitting down for a time, m'self." A'lex nods, "After you, Greenie." You walk past the lintel and into the wide living cavern.