-------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Life Hands You Lemons, Make Lemonsmile Date: January 31, 2005 Places: Ista Weyr's Southeast Bowl and Living Caverns Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: M'rek, I love you; have I told you that lately? ;) On a visit to that illustrious bronzerider, who's now based at Ista while Ulfianth and Essieth's clutch hardens (and what's with the bronzers of Kassi's acquaintance all turning into clutchfathers, anyway?), Kassi gets her first weyrmating proposal--sort of--and ends up agreeing to eat bugs. These things aren't directly connected, so you'll just have to read the log to see how they got from point A to point B. ;) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: The huge looming entrances of the living caverns are easily visible from here, and you glide downward to land, scattering firelizards as you do so. <*> Balinne emerges from said Living Caverns, a small clay pot in one hand, and a small plate of river grains in the other. Balanced in the crook of the pot-holding arm is a small blue firelizard. As Balinne leaves the caverns, she glances towards the evening sun with appreciation. Spotting a form, she turns and regards M'rek. "Mind if I sit near here?" she asks kindly, motioning to a spot near the entrance. <*> Lysseth descends just ahead of a glittering flock of fire-lizards, each member of which is doubtless hoping for a SuSu feast to match the bounty of a few days ago. Odds are that they may be slightly disappointed. Odds are that the dragon and her rider will not. "Managed t'get all the way down here without having t'spit out a bug. This is progress," Kassima brightly reports to no one in particular before sliding down to the ground. You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles, cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully. Balinne tilts her head and peers upwards towards Kassima while she's still perched on her dragon's neck. She smiles, and nods in agreement though it might not be seen. "SuSu's," she says with a bit of annoyance. "If I never see another one, it'll be too soon." She takes a seat on the bowl floor, setting the clay pot beside her so she can finish her meal. The firelizard in her arm is sound asleep and not budging. M'rek shrugs his shoulders to Balinne and then grins at her easily, "Don't mind at all. I'm just visiting myself." As the insects buzz around he just ignores them, letting them land on him or take off at will and only stirring himself when they threaten the heated drink in his mug. "I'm M'rek." His name is offered to Balinne in a drawl before the arriving green and rider earn a lazy smile. "Kassi. So what brings the fairest of them all out to this neck of the woods? Got a new brew that calls for SuSu?" "I'm hoping t'avoid their illustrious presence for the rest of m'life, once they're gone," Kassima readily agrees as she shrugs off riding jacket and helmet, and sets to removing the pins that keep her braid in place. "Thought I'd choke on 'em at the clutching. Or that the greedyguts," with a nod towards the fire-lizards, "would all be too fat t'fly and try and get me t'carry 'em home, as if'n I have that many arms. Duties t'Ista and her queens, too." Her grin broadens as she adds, "As well as t'High Reaches and her queens. Flatterer. What else but t'be seeing you, jewel of m'heart?" She says this in a teasing tone. "M'longing for new brews is naught t'my longing for the sound of your voice. Or some other such thing." Balinne peers at Kassima and rolls her eyes a little at all the sweet talk. It's not her thing. But a tiny smile teases the corner of her mouth, and she can't help watching the pair in what she hopes to be an inconspicuous manner. "Well met, M'rek. I'm Balinne. I just needed a bit more quiet from the Living Caverns, and it's nice out here in the evening." A bug is shooed away from her food and she takes a bite. M'rek keeps leaning against the wall as if he's loathe to move a muscle without dire need. Still, he grins for Kassi, and he must be all about the sweet talk for he doesn't give it up, "I might fall over from the excitement, Kassi." He smiles to back that incongruous thought up and then shifts the hand holding the mug to discourage a bug. "Duties, aye, duties to all that lot as well." He's so bad. Then, "Aye, I bet the firelizard population is going to go through the ceiling with so much to feed them, tame or wild." He shifts his eyes down to Balinne, "Nice to meet you, that's Kassima of Telgar. Aye. I was enjoying the evening myself and a nice mug of tea. Just the thing for a pounding head." Aquileth approaches from above, the wind from his wings stirring the air into a great rush as he lands. Kassima's own mouth twitches in suspicious fashion, as if she just may have noted that eye-roll, and just may be amused by it. "Kassima, green Lysseth's," she confirms of herself. "As Pern's most illustrious bronzer over there says. Is the bug problem any better 'tall? They don't seem quite *as* pervasive, which is a nice change." Indeed, her fire-lizard hoard is having a relatively easy time of it keeping the air around her mostly bug-free. "Oh, M'rek-darling, don't do *that*. You might knock your head when you fell, and 'twould have t'take you to the Healers; and those envious creatures, they'd poison you, because they all long for you and would rather have you dead than living with your heart belonging t'me." A pause ensues before she gives a satisfied nod, as if happy with this version of reality. Balinne shakes her head slightly, dislodging one stubborn bug. Her firelizard, see, is not quiet old enough to chase them away. "I don't know if it's any better, or if we're all just getting used to them. It certainly /feels/ more bug-free out there." She peers around, a thoughtful pout to her face before she goes back to her meal, finishing it with zest. "Why do you have a headache?" she asks suddenly, peering up with a curious look. M'rek leans forward a little bit so that only his lower back rests to the wall as he chuckles at the Greenrider, "Aye. And I'm glad you've got my heart. So I know where it is, and aren't tempted to put it in hock or anything. Besides. I'm willing to bet it goes with that collection of yours. Or is as close as having my liver to complete your collection as you're likely to get." A snicker and then, "Healer. Aye. They can't leave me alone after that trip we made to their lounge, but I always just assumed they were angry." He winks and then settles back up, causing the group of SuSu's on his shoulders to resettle. "If this plague lasts any long, I might need to start naming them and seeing how big of a message I can get tied to their legs." He tilts a look back down to Balinne and says, "It's all L'vor's fault. Or more like it's Nezzerth's fault for only allowing L'vor two drinks and someone had to finish off batch four so that we could get started on batch five in the newly modified still." Balinne rolls her eyes. "So you got drunk," she simplifies with a shake of her head. She finishs her meal and sets the plate down beside her, nearest the Living Caverns entrance. She picks up the clay pot and pulls out the stopper. In a swift motion, she dips her fingers in, takes a helping of oil, and begins slathering it onto her firelizard. She giggles a little, glancing back at M'rek. "I don't know how successful you'll be. They don't look too intelligent and you'd likely wind up with nothing more than a SuSu chewed note." "Ask him sooner how many drinks it took t'be getting it," Kassi advises Balinne with something of a grin, which only widens when M'rek confirms her guess. "Surely they'll have t'go away *sometime*. If'n only because they've all been killed. Seeing 'em all over the Hatching Sands... that has t'take the cake for the most unsettling thing I've viewed in quite awhile." Her green eyes pick that amused gleam back up as they slide back to the bronzerider. "Collection?" she protests. "I'm sure I don't know what you mean. Anyway, if'n I *did* have a collection, I'm sure 'twould be the crowning jewel and centerpiece of it. Are you sure you won't give me your liver? You could have mine. Then we could finally find out whose has been more thoroughly abused. You clearly underestimate the Healers' determination t'get you in one of their gowns that don't close up in the back--oh-ho, so *you've* been brewing, then?" This catches her interest; imagine that. "How'd it go?" She'd have to ask. "Are you so desperate t'send messages as that?" M'rek grins from ear to ear, "Got drunk? That doesn't really do it justice. It was more than drunk. I actually got into a brawl with a set of riding straps. I'm pretty sure I lost too." He seems to be very pleased about this, as if losing well were everything. A grin goes down to Balinne, "I bet that's what they said about the first firelizard as well. You never know, this time next turn everyone could be sporting a SuSu named Aurora or Lemonsmile." He points a finger to Kassima, "That's a good question. I wish I remembered." Then his smile is all for Kassima, "Aye. You can have my liver the day you move into my ledge at Reaches and forsake all other bronzers. I won't begrudge you your wife, but I might pick a fight with that Flyboy. Just for the fun of it." There's a laugh then about the gown and yet he chooses to leave that one alone to say, "A'course I've been brewing. I'm at Ista! You'll have to come up and sample later, if Nezzerth will let me back." Then he grins, "Aye. Actually I am desperate. I need a favor." Balinne finishs slathering her firelizard in oil. She wipes her hands on her tunic, wincing slightly at the stain. "Oh well," she said with a sigh. She gathers the clay pot, her plate, and the sleeping lizard and stands "Well, it was nice to meet you, M'rek, Kassima. I have to see a friend in the Infirmary now." With a smile and a small nod, she heads on in. Balinne walks into the infirmary. Such a notion fascinates Kassima, as well it might. "You fought with straps... and lost. M'rek, would it kill you t'be inviting me t'see these things sometime? I swear! Mayhaps I could've written a ballad commemorating it, or at least given an account t'Rodric. And... this is me, just nay asking why you'd name a SuSu 'Lemonsmile.'" Apparently there *are* questions Kassi will not ask. "Careful what you wish for, M'rek-love. Circumstance has put me on a hiatus from other bronzers," she points out with a crooked smile. "And so you almost tempt me t'do just that--just t'see you and Rodric fighting. *That's* something I've never gotten t'be witnessing either. I might take you up on that, and... are you? Do you? I should've guessed it." Back to being amused. "Name it. If'n I can help--nice t'meet you too, Balinne!" she calls after the departing girl. "Best wishes t'your friend!" M'rek nods his head to Balinne as the girl leaves and then he pulls himself forward from the wall and takes a step closer to Kassi, sending a few of the insects to the air and then back down again, looking for a place to rest. "Why wouldn't you name a SuSu Lemonsmile? It's a perfectly good name. Or do you want to save it for our firstborn?" He winks and then takes a sip from his mug of tea. "I'll be sure to send for you next time there's an epic battle with an inanimate object and I'm sure to lose." A slanted smile her way, "You won't have too much trouble finding my ledge. Just look for the one with the dead bush covered in little tiny bottles. Home sweet home. And it could be all yours and Lemonsmile's. Aye, a fight with Rodric is always worthwhile. He's brutal strong for all that he's a little soft from the desk work. Someone should spar with him." Teasing and then something that he slips serious for, "Could you go by the Reaches and see if Jos as finished making a bunch of figurines for me? And if so, could you bring them out this way all on the quiet like?" "M'rek," Kassima chides over laughter, "you know bloody well that 'Lemonsmile' doesn't start with a *K*. 'Twill have t'be the lad or lass's nickname if'n aught--and may I say, I hope lass, because it seems t'me a lad called Lemonsmile would be asking for more than the usual amount of teasing. A'course, any child of ours would probably be born too drunk t'care." She ambles a step or two closer herself, now that the conversation is just between them. "You'd better. Sending me an invitation would make far more sense than sending me strange young men. What the shells was up with that, anyway? That Brenden lad? All right: 'twill remember that description. Just in case I ever need the knowledge." Her brows give one of their outrageous waggles. "Is he... I've never seen him fight. But you sparred with him once, nay? Mayhaps you should again--" But this suggestion is less serious than what he asks, and less serious than her nodded response. "I don't see any reason why nay. Should be easy enough... are they, by any chance, figurines of a particular color?" M'rek moves in and out of seriousness as he chats with the greenrider, "Aye! So it's not. I'll blame that on my lack of intelligence? Kiwismile just doesn't have the same ring to it, though. Aye, well. Any lad of mine would learn young how to defend himself anyway. Keep off the hoards of women." He winks and then starts laughing so hard that he accidentally spills some of his hot tea over his hand and has to shift the mug so that he can move his damp wrist in the night air to dry it. "Brenden. Well. The lad needs a job. Faranth knows you can't impress the ladies until you have a job and sometimes even when you finally make Wingleader you still can't get them to move in with you." He winks and chuckels once more, "Rodric and I have had several fights. I seem to have a knack for making the man angry. Has he ever yelled at you?" Curiousity before business. "Aye. If it's not trouble some to you, a'course, Kassi. Aye. They're runners of a green hue. Has to do with our friend Osmor. Who escaped by the way. Did you know that?" Maiani walks out of the living cavern. "I don't know," Kassima muses. "I rather like Kiwismile. A'course, I'm honor-bound t'prefer a green fruit to a yellow fruit, which might be a part of that. And any daughter of *mine* would catch on quick which part of a man t'be kicking if'n she needed to--at least, they all have so far." There's a sunny smile to follow this, before her shoulders hunch as she joins him in laughter, snickering. She just can't help it. "Honestly, M'rek! He turns up at Telgar and won't say aught but that you told him he should come find me. Wouldn't say why, and in fact didn't seem t'know. That brother of yours suggested that mayhaps you sent him t'shine m'boots or something, but he swore that wasn't it. You could always move in with me instead?" she offers, ever-magnanimous. "I'm a Wingleader too, after all. And I have plenty of furniture for stashing empty bottles under. Roddy's never yelled at me, nay--" A sudden grin crosses the greenrider's face. She amends, "Nay in anger. I hope he'll never have cause. I'd ask what you and he have fought about, only I have this hunch you'd nay say. And don't worry about trouble. What's one more trip t'High Reaches?" Her brows pop up, both of them, at this last news. "Nay. Strangely enough, that news hadn't reached Telgar. How the shells did he manage that?" She speaks a bit more quietly for this last, so that the words might not carry beyond the immediate area that the two occupy. "The shin?" Dead serious in tone from M'rek to Kassima before he laughs. The two riders stand outside the entrance to the living caverns and a little to one side. The Bronzerider is holding a mug of tea in one hand and some of the swarming SuSu's land on him occasionally and he ignores them. Mind over matter. Either that, or he's just completely oblivious. He winks at Kassima, "Brenden was asking about nice girls. So naturally, I thought of you. If I'm going to be in competition with someone, it might as well be someone unemployed as someone who's much better employed. I mean really, next thing you know you'll be getting a dinner invitation from Lord Vorlin and then I'd really be jealous." Then there's surprise, "My brother? Which one?" Before he laughs and looks to the toes of his boots, "Oh. Just things. Sometimes the truth hurts, and I have a way of sharing it at times. The truth that is. Not that I don't share other things as well." A breath then, "All right then. I'll be over as soon as I'm able. I like the right side." Lightly spoken before the bronzerider takes a half step back and smiles charmingly, "A friend with a crossbow, good aim, and a night of fog while Gerome was stuck down at Boll. Lost a few guards in that one, I understand. Haven't seen Osmor since." Maiani walks purposefully into the bowl, thinking it was empty. When she see's the two in the room, she stops and turns abruptly, almost shocked. Quickly recovering herself, she takes a step forward and smiles. Thinking she may be interrupting something, she pauses, no saying anything. She adopts a welcoming pose, hoping to not be a nuisance. The brown on her shoulder peers at the two quizically, and tilts its head to the side, not sure what to make of the two and Maiani's emotions. Kassima shakes her head in leisurely fashion. "Try something higher and closer to the center of the body." She has her thumbs hooked through her belt; as far as SuSus go, she's mostly free of them, due to the swarm of fire-lizards that snap them from the air in her vicinity. "M'rek! Trying t'set up more competition, employed or nay. I'm surprised at you. Only I shouldn't be; you seem t'love a challenge. I'm afraid that I really don't think the young man in question is m'type--" Excuse her while she chokes on the next idea. "Doesn't seem likely," she deadpans. "I don't wear nearly enough purple. You have several? Shells, I didn't know of any until R'than introduced himself as such. He had a parcel for our Steward. I imagine you have an intriguing way of sharing many things." That's less innuendo than it might otherwise be; her tone in saying it is gentle. "Truth isn't always the fairest of gifts. Just be sure t'have Ulfianth check with Lysseth, m'dear--the weyr's less likely t'be otherwise occupied now, but Roddy *does* visit sometimes." Her grin for him fades at this last. "Mayhaps merciful for those guards that were lost. Is there any plan for his retrieval?" It's only at this point that she catches sight of Maiani--alerted by Lysseth, perhaps--and turns a bit towards the young woman, bobbing her head to her in friendly greeting. "Heyla; sorry, didn't see you there for a minute--duties t'Ista and her queens." M'rek turns to look at Maiani as Kassima does, a dozen replies to the Greenrider halted for the moment as he glashes a warm smile to the lass. "And Reaches duties to Ista as well. I'm M'rek." He tilts his head towards the woman standing near him, "And this is Kassima. How're you this evening? I was just about to tell Kassima about some of the news of Bitra Hold of late, if you've a mind for that kind of thing." Maiani is now positive she interrupted the conversation, but is glad for the polite responses she is recieveing. Nodding graceously, she replies, "Nice to meet you both. And I'm fine, just a bit flustered. And you two can continue your conversation if you don't mind me." Smiling, she relaxes her pose and takes a step towards M'rek and Kassima. Kassima unfolds her arms to wiggle her fingers in further greeting when her name is given. "Green Lysseth's," she adds, with a flick of eyes towards her dragon that suggests this addition might have been prompted. "A pleasure. Don't worry--M'rek and I can tease each other to the moon and back any time. And often do. And may well anyway, even if'n we change subjects," she adds with a grin to him. "I for one seem unable t'help it. What has you flustered? Or is that nosy t'be asking?" M'rek doesn't seem the type to mind interruptions, he's all casual ease as he loosely grips the mug of tea and lets the insects settle over his broad shoulders. He chuckles as Kassima adds in that blurb about her dragon, and he still doesn't name his own dragon, though that might just seem like a part of the general laziness that seems to hang over him. "Aye, there's always time for teasing." He too looks curious to hear what has Maiani flustered and he gives a nod as kassi actually asks. Maiani sighes, not sure how to put it quite into words. Twirling a piece of long black hair around her finger, she says, "Eh..well, let's just say, some people on pern aren't quite as nice about interruptions as others." Knowing she is being beyond vague, but not wanting to name names, she tries to sound cheery and says, "Well, let's forget about me maybe, what did I interrupt, if that isn't mighty forward of me to say." "Did someone get upset because you walked in on a conversation?" Kassi asks, rather more sympathetic than chiding. "Shells, 'tisn't your fault. Any conversation in public is fair game. You needn't be flustered over us, in any event." Glancing to M'rek, she says, "I don't mind your asking. Part was us teasing each other over who's going t'move t'whose ledge one of these days, among other things." The other part, it seems, she'll leave to the bronzerider to explain. M'rek shrugs his shoulders and grins, "Lord Holder's don't like to be interrupted." His eyes get a little devilish, "But aye, in public I don't see why anyone would mind. I don't mind. Then I don't mind much." He seems to be joking in that last before he goes on, "Aye. Kassi and I were just having a bit of fun. She's going to move in with me someday, when she gets tired to playing around with the lightweights. We were also talking a bit about Bitra Hold. There was a man being held there for questioning, and he escaped. Some guards were killed. Was a crossbow, and by all sounds, maybe just one or two men. Happened while there was that monsoon over Boll's way. Have you ever been to Bitra, lass?" This last question is to Maiani. Maiani now colored a bit."No actually, the only places I've ever been are home and Ista. I ain't one for traveling, and besides, I have no reason to go anywhere." Smiling and for the sake of politeness, she answered their first questionwith, "And I didn't walk in on someone's conversation actually, I walked in on someone's...er, privacy I guess you'd say, all thanks to this little fella." With those words she gestured to her firelizard dozing quietly. Kassima slants M'rek an amused look. "Don't they just. I wonder how you of all people could *possibly* know that. Lightweights? Oh-ho! So should I tell Roddy you called him that? Mayhaps then I'd finally get t'witness you two brawling," she teases. Although her eyebrows do lift again, fractionally, at the open divulgence of thosse details, it's only slight surprise. Nor does she seem inclined to protest. "Where's home, then?" she wonders of Maiani. "If'n nay Ista? Ach, but traveling can be lovely. Say I, a'course, who has a bias since I've been going all over the place nigh since I graduated." Well, but now her eyebrows do pop up. Quite a bit. "You walked in on...? Oh. Oh. Well, aye, I can see why you'd be flustered, then. I'd certes be flustered." "Aye, where's home, lass? And what's your name as well?" M'rek asks Maiani two questions in rapid sucession. "I like to travel myself. It's amazing how many places you can hit all in one day from sunrise to sunrise. Well. When you've got a dragon to help you. And you don't get sidetracked anyplace." He laughs before going on, "Aye? Well, walking in on something like that, aye, would fluster many people." He agrees with Kassi on that one and the offers something new. "Someone set fire to my cottage." Maiani begins to feel at ease with the two, and replies simaltaneously to the questions being shot at her by the two new, she hoped, friends. "Home, or at least what used to be my home I guess, since now I live at Ista, is Triniat Sea Hold , and I'm sorry for forgetting my manners, my name is Maiani. And my little friend here is Oko." Her eyes beginning to sag, she snaps awake and smiles. "And when those places feature good alcohol?" Kassi drawls to M'rek as an amused aside. Her next aside is rather less amused and more surprised: "Someone set fire t'your cottage? And it had t'do with being flustered over walking in on you and someone else?" she hazards, looking as if she's not sure whether she wants to be disturbed or impressed. "That might go beyond 'flustered'... Triniat Sea Hold, is it? Is that within Ista's range? I'm nay familiar with the place," the greenrider confesses to Maiani, with a sheepish smile. "I'm from Greystones originally, m'self. Then Benden Weyr, and now Telgar. 'Tis a pleasure t'meet you both, Maiani, Oko. Is all well with you? You look t'be on the tired side." M'rek grins at Kassima, "That's the best sidetracking of all!" Then he nods to the girl, "Pleased to meet you then, Maiani. I don't think I've been to Triniat, but how's Ista working out for you, then? Like it here?" He looks to the firelizard and then nods amiably before he sighs, "Aye. Someone set fire to my cottage. Not that it hasn't had a fire in it before, but at least those have been contained in the hearth. This. Was pretty serious. Gerome and some of the Bitrans put it out for me. I'll sharding have to rebuild I guess." [Editor's Note: Maiani got disconnected here.] Kassima has to tease, "The best, the very best? Really now? I'm crushed. 'Twill remember it, that you'd sooner sidetrack t'see alcohol than sidetrack t'see me." So not serious. "Oh--*oh*. You mean recently... shells and shards, what would anyone get out of burning your cottage? I suppose 'tis some sort of message?" She too looks interested in Maiani's answers, and mildly disappointed when the girl seems too distracted to give them. "She seems a nice sort. There must've been a fire-lizard Hatching; that other lass had a young one, too." M'rek chuckles, "Why, are you going to offer me better sidetracking, Kassi-love?" He waves to Maiani as she wanders off and then he turns his attention back to Kassima, "Happened before the Monsoon. I just never got around to telling anyone about it. Made me pretty angry." M'rek actually angry. He swells his chest in a sigh. "I loved that cottage. The number of times I made a full recovery there. Bah." Then, "Firelizard hatching? Wouldn't be surprised, there are all these SuSu's after all. Hate to waste them. I wonder if you can eat them?" "Are you sure you could survive it, M'rek-m'dear?" Kassima counters, slanting him an amused glance. "Although methinks after the other night I do owe you either one make-out session or a lot of drinks, if'n those count. Shells, I shouldn't wonder. And then the other on top of that... 'twas yours from a'fore Ulfianth, I'm guessing? I can't imagine having m'own building, really. But I'd be in either hysterics or foaming rages if'n aught happened t'my weyr. Mayhaps it can be rebuilt--although 'tisn't the same--a'fore you're off the Sands?" The nearest SuSus get a very dubious glance. "I don't know. I'm nay exactly itching t'try." A beat. "*You* try. I dare you." M'rek laughs and says, "Only one way to find out." The bronzerider tips over his mug then and pours out the remainder of the tea into the bowl so the SuSu's can swarm over it. "Either or but not both? That's a rough choice, Kassi. Are you the one making the drinks?" Might be the deciding factor there. "Aye. That it was. Part of what I got paid when He ascended. I suppose I could rebuild something nicer. That might be a fun thing, coming up with a better cottage without it being more than I want to pay marks to have cleaned. Though, that lass who does Gerome's place is pretty nice. Maybe I can steal her. Once the building's done a'course." He seems to steal a bit of Kassi's accent the longer he talks to her. "Would be hard to burn down a weyr, wouldn't it?" He rubs a hand over his head as if actually considering it. "And. I've no idea who actually did it. Maybe they thought it was Gerome's place." He leans over then and plucks up one of the bugs off the ground, "Should I? Raw?" Kassima gives this due thought. "Aye," she decides. "I can be making or buying, whichever you'd rather. Whatever repayment for buying all those drinks the other night that your heart desires--I *did* promise, sort of. You got paid for Lord Vorlin's ascension?" She can translate the emphasized reference even if she doesn't use it herself, it would seem; and, "Somehow, you wanting t'steal Gerome's cleaning lady just doesn't surprise me like it should... what would you do, build wine cabinets into every wall?" If she has yet realized the triumph of the accent, she keeps her glee hidden inside for now. Wouldn't do to reveal her Plan. "Probably. Why? Had you a weyr in mind? You totally should. Be a man," she encourages him. "Eat a bug." M'rek chuckles, "I'll have to think on that one. It's not every day you do offer to make out with the likes of me. In fact, you've never offered. I'm not sure if I'm thrilled or worried." He gives a suspicious sort of look at Kassi before he breaks into laughter. The insect is kept carefully pinched between his thumb and finger. "She's a really good cleaning lady. Oh. Wine cabinets in every wall. I like that." Be a man, as if he could pull that feat off along with everything else. "All right. But. I want some sauce. Let's go in and see what they've got. I'm not sure, know a weyr that needs burning down?" Oh, the treason. M'rek walks into the huge living cavern. You walk into the huge living cavern. The ragged rhythm of the make-shift drums and rattles, the tinny pie-plate tamborines being beaten by workworn hands, the light haze from the hearth fire, all swirl together in a grand celebration of life. The message booms down the corridors, out to the bowl, and people straggle in just to see what's going on, and to join in with hand claps, or toe-taps. Except, of course, for the grouchy old Uncle who complaints bitterly about youngsters today with no manners and no respect. Lirit's eyes slide sideways to Dairyn. "She dared y't'take a spin of th'knife" she says, deadpan. Jillah laughs at Dairyn, "Hunter-lad, I don't double dare you to anything. You're the sort a single dare would do. And I'd have to be reeeeal careful..." she stops to make some sort of high pitched whistling ululation as the double deckered dancers make another round, then says, "what I dared you to do. Cause you would." Ngara laughs merrily atop the young boy and leans down to whisper something to him. He nods and Ngara hops down, switching places with him so they're dancing with the opposite gender now. M'rek strolls into the Istan living caverns with Kassima, he's got a SuSu held carefully between the thumb and forefinger of one hand and he takes a look around to see what's going on before he tilts his head towards the group, "Want to have a seat while I try to find some sauce for this little guy?" Kassima is still conversing with M'rek as she walks in with him, although her eyes linger on the living SuSu that he, for whatever reason, holds. "'Tisn't m'nature t'be offering," she points out, reasonably enough. "It usually seems too forward. But you asked, after a fashion, so I thought you might nay be too terribly offended--oh, aye, 'tis her *cleaning* skills that make you want t'steal her." A grin crosses her face then, but it's a dark sort. "One does come t'mind. But later, later... duties," she turns to call now to the Cavern proper, "To Ista and her queens, and g'deve. Shells, M'rek, what've we walked in on? Sure, that works," and she sets out to find a seat that's open. Jillah elbows Lirit hard in the ribs, and then indicates M'rek with a shaking finger. She's trying REALLY hard not to laugh. Dairyn nods appreciatively at Jillah's observation. "Of course I would, you don't go down on any kind of dare now, do you?" He glances at Lirit rather apprasingly before averting his attention to M'rek and just going completely blank face. "What, as some kind of pet?" Absolutely flabbergasted, really. Lirit snrks, covering her mouth. Great minds and all that...? Pandemonium, pure and simple. Dancing people, laughing people, making music and celebrating nothing in particular, and everything in general. The dancing draws to a close and Ngara drops the boy from her shoulder. She whispers a few more things to group as they disperse, chattering about their recient escapade. "Next?" she says smugly as she returns to her place next to L'vor. M'rek vanishes for a bit and comes back with a small bowl of what seems to be a cold, red sauce in on hand and that same SuSu in the other hand. He looks around and nods to those present before he falls into a chair next to Kassima and near L'vor. "Looks like a good time tonight." Generally offered before he grins at Kassima, "Aye. I'm not offended at all. You should have offered turns ago." He winks and then says in all innocence, "But a'course it's her cleaning skills I covet. What else would it be? Now then. All at once, or do you think I should bite the head off first?" L'vor looks over towards M'rek, "Just what are you trying to eat over there M'rek?" He asks of the bronzerider as he scoots to make space for Ngara next to him again. He flashes a grin at her, "Well that was interesting, what'd you have to do to get them to agree to dance like that?" Jillah says, to no one in particular, as she watches M'rek. "I don't think we need to spin the knife this time, looks like someone elected themselves to be next." Lirit stretches and yawns, the late hour finally catching up to her. "Hey, Jillah....m'off t'my cot, I think. Bring m'knife with you when y'come?" she asks. Kassima agrees with M'rek, somewhat surprised still by the merry chaos: "Indeed it does. Seems as if'n you'll get entertainment with your dinner, aye?" she adds, pointing to the SuSu. "Hah. Mayhaps I sensed you'd have a hard time choosing between that and drinks. This is a Bitran cleaning woman? Then mayhaps you'd covet her tracts of land, for all I know. Mmm... whichever would make the death quickest. Poor thing probably doesn't deserve torture." She flicks glances towards the ensuant havoc as she speaks. "He's going t'eat a bug!" she informs L'vor very cheerfully. "Raw. With sauce." Ngara smirks at L'vor. "Wouldn't y'all like to know." she says again and her eyes focus on M'rek "Appears so...That a Susu??" she asks. People stagger off to bed, the littles who danced themselves out as only children can, tossed over broad shoulders like rolls of carpet. There's laughter drifting away and people arm in arm, and a whole heap of kitchen pots, pans, and utensils that look the worse for their impromptu roles as musical instruments. Oops. Jillah mmms in agreement to Lirit's request. "I'll probably be along behind you before long, night m'friend." Lirit stands, patting the fisher-girl on the shoulder. "Night t'you, too" she says, before nodding to the others nearby and saubtering off toward the inner caverns. M'rek nods and shows the SuSu in all it's glory. "Aye, 'tis a SuSu. With a red sauce. Seems like just the thing, though I don't know yet how it tastes, but if they're edible, could be a bonus for the weyr's provisions." He tilts a nod to the departing Lirit and then says, "I wonder how many of these it would take to make a meal? 30?" And then he dips it into the sauce and pops it into his mouth. Dairyn waves to Lirit as she says she's leaving and finishes off his gathered food, but the fact this dragonrider's going to eat a SuSu instead of having it as a pet is not as entertaining for some reason. Maybe he should take a glance around the Ista Weyr for once, since he hasn't taken a great look yet. Lirit walks down the corridor. L'vor just eyes M'rek for a bit, then glances out towards the bowl for a moment, then back to M'rek, "So, crunchy, chewy?" He eyes the sauce, and rubs his chin a bit, "You'd probably have to eat more than you could keep down to have a full stomach of the things." Kassima also waves after the departing types, but a bit absently. She probably can't be blamed: her eyes are fixed on the SuSu-eating saga, with the sort of fascination due to something intriguingly gross. "I suppose you could try some sort of hot sauce instead," she muses. "And wine. What sort of wine," she wonders of the various parties watching M'rek now, "would go well with SuSu, anyway?" Her eyes follow the bug as it meets its toothsome end, a little wider for it. "A half-mark says he doesn't spit it out." Ngara grins as she watches M'rek eat the bug remember a certain riders reaction to her recient disection of one of said bugs. "Cruchy with squishy insides?" she adds to L'vor's question, leaning over him slightly to get a better look at M'rek's face. Jillah gets to her feet, and as she's doing so, says quietly to Dairyn, "We didn't think about mayhap saucing them. Hmmm...." and then she straightens, tugging on her shabby tunic, and completely ignoring the mess that is the usual state of her hair. "Sweet dreams, all." M'rek chews and moves his head from side to side before he finally swallows and says, "Cruchy and a little soft, like a really good bubbly pie only without the really good part. It's okay, but it wasn't the right sauce for it. Maybe something with a single malt." He smiles friendly like to Dairyn, Jillah and Ngara and then tells L'vor. "Aye. You'd have to eat at least 30. Well. I'd have to eat 40, but you could only eat 30." Jillah walks down the corridor. Ngara waves idly to those who are leaving. "Was it any good?" she wonders. L'vor eyes M'rek a bit, "That sounds a bit like a challenge there." He leans over towards Ngara, "Did that sound like a challenge to you?" He eyes M'rek again, waiting to see if he starts spitting it up any moment now. Dairyn thinks that is an odd reaction, since he couldn't really hold down the stuff when he ate one. "That's strange, but then I did only bite down on the head." He remarks after that thoughtfully, running a stray hand through his hair and leaning back on his chair. Really, there's been so much commotion today that it's almost as bad as the hatching the day before. Not that he's complaining, mind. Kassima calls after Jillah, "G'night! --Shells, missed, methinks. As usual." M'rek gets a decidedly entertained snort. "*That* would be cheating. There's probably naught one couldn't get down with the help of a good single malt." Challenge indeed; she just grins, and listens, while her eyes roam towards the others in the room. "The head would probably be the least tasty bit," she offers in an attempt to be helpful. "Nay that I've tried 'em, but it seems like the body would have all the, err, meat." M'rek nods a bit, "It was pretty good. You know? If you like that kind of thing. I wouldn't say SuSu's are for everyone, though." He waves a hand at L'vor almost dismissively though he gives Kassi a sly wink, "Did it sound like a challenge, L'vor? What? You think you could eat more than 30? More than I could?" Then, "There's not much a single malt couldn't make better, aye." Ngara grins. "Sounds like a challenge indeed. Though don't you go getting yourself sick y'hear?" she teases. Dairyn notes something crawling across the floor and picks up another SuSu, thumbing it for a moment in deep thought. "I still stick by the idea that if you got some addlebrained Holder and told 'em it was a real delicasy, like, then you could sell it in mass order for any price. All you've got to do is make one top class sample dish, and then get them to order it." It's up to them to deal with it then. "All you need is a good chef to make it all look good, like." L'vor chuckles a bit, "Oh, I don't think I'll be getting myself sick. Nezzerth has me on such a regimen that I can handle just about anything. Even if it's Susus with a bad sauce. So what do you say M'rek, do you want to see just which one of us can put away the most? A bottle of single malt to the winner perhaps?" Ngara eyes Dairyn. "Well that sounds rather brilliant." she grins. She takes a sip of her now cold klah. "Can't be any worse than hot klah turned cold." she comments making a very sour face indeed. Kassima's green eyes gleam with a humor that she ducks her head--too late, perhaps--to try and hide. "Could be an interesting competition," she remarks in a bland voice. "A contest for men. Real, bug-eating men. Mmm-hmm." Hearing the prize, she aims a light nudge of elbow towards M'rek's ribs: "If'n you win, don't you think the person who suggested you eat one in the first place get a cut?" she suggests, shame apparently not being her forte. Looking back to Dairyn, the woman quips, "There's a theory that the right salesperson, with the right pitch, could sell aught he wanted, so I'm nay going t'argue that you're wrong. Have you thought of trying it yourself?" M'rek nods over to Dairyn and Ngara, "I'll be careful. And aye, I agree. I bet you could do that, sell the whole lot of them." He laughs over at L'vor then, "Anything, huh? All right then. When? Do you need enough time for the SuSu's to die down or shall we have a go at it tomorrow, L'vor?" He's just terrible tonight. Then he grins at Kassima, "Do you want in as well, Kassi? How many could you eat? Would be your best chance at a cut in." Dairyn glances over at Ngara and dosn't actually mind hot klah turned cold, but that's just one of his odd little quirks. "Actually the SuSu head on it's own is, but you'd be surprised what some people'd do to upstage thier equals." Referring partly to the Holders in question, also giving a glance to L'vor and M'rek's bet. That's theory in motion, people! As for Kassima he nods with a broad smile, "I probably would try it myself, but I don't know the person to try selling it to. And there's no chef I'm familiar with, otherwise I would." Ngara smiles and offers to Dairyn "Pearl around here is a great cook, always comming up with something new, and P'ton, over at Igen was a great cook b'for he impressed." she offers then to the bet. "You'll share with me right?" she bats her lashes at L'vor. L'vor chuckles a bit, "Sure, tomorrow night sounds good to me. Shall we see if we can get a baker to throw together a few sauces to try them on?" He takes the last sip from his cup of juice then flashes a smile at Ngara, "Sure, when M'rek can't take another bite, I'll share the spoils with you." It's a sign of how much Kassima likes single malt liquor that she seems horribly, terribly tempted. "The odds would be against me," she mutters, thoughtful. "Since if'n you haven't the larger stomach, 'twill eat a hat instead. But all the more glory if'n I did triumph. Hmm." It doesn't take her too much more thought to decide, "If'n duties and whatnay permit, I'm in. But if'n I can't make it, go on without me, and 'twill just try t'wheedle m'rightful cut from M'rek later if'n he wins. I don't imagine Kaimi would be interested," she agrees with Dairyn, wry. "None of the Bakers I know really strike me as the 'mmm, bugs' sort of people." "Sell it to Lord Vorlin." M'rek suggests to Dairyn before he laughs, "All right then, L'vor. The more sauces the better, I'm thinking." Then he nods to Kassima, "All right then. If we see you, we'll see you. Wouldn't want to keep you from your duties for such things." Dairyn is getting into the idea now, if he can get a cut of the marks they'd sell all the SuSu's for of course he'd be a very well-off hunter lad indeed. "Well if I can get Pearl to whip up something, i'll taste-test the lot of them for her." Thinking for a moment and placing the Susu he was holding on the table and letting it scatter around, "And I can always convince them that the SuSu taste is just from the spices we had to use to keep it fresh, and in the next batch there won't be any if they wash it off and leave it be for a couple of days. After all it's a rare insect that only emerges every so often, the reason we havn't sold it before is because we couldn't keep it fresh." L'vor grins, "Tomorrow evening it is, shall we do it during dinner, or wait till everyone has gotten a chance to eat, M'rek?" Kassima says rather morosely, "*I'd* like t'keep me from m'duties for such things. A bug-eating contest is far more novel than duties. We'll just see, though. I haven't been at the Weyr as much of late as methinks some might like." She nods to Dairyn, and her response is to all evidence sincere: "The whole once-per-twenty-Turns angle would be a great one t'play--y'know; 'you only have so many chances t'taste this in your lifetime'! Shells, I'd probably even buy some at that. From sheer perverse curiosity. And-or because I'm a bit stupid at times." Ngara grins at L'vor and leans in to say "You'll win." despite her not knowing the size of M'rek's stomach she instills utter confidence in her man. "After. I know of a few riders who may not be too happy if you did it durring dinner." she answers L'vor's question. M'rek listens to Dairyn a bit and then grins over at L'vor, "After dinner. Less fuss that way." As if M'rek's ever worried about fuss. There's laughter for Kassima, "Some, huh? Well. Can't have someone unhappy." He chortles then, teasing. "Shards. Ulfianth wants me to do a turn on the sands. Guarding. As if I'm any use as a guardian anymore." L'vor chuckles as he gets to his feet. "Sounds good to me, M'rek, you can go roast on the sands. I'll go rest up so I'm in tip top shape for tomorrow." He smiles, "Well, night all, Nezzerth is telling me I need to turn in if I'm going to be up at the crack of complete darkness well before dawn to start my exercises." "Nay, which is why I can't really plot t'burn down anyone's weyr. But I can fantasize," Kassi says cheerily enough, always looking on the bright side. "*M'rek*. You're a fine guardian. You're just a guardian with a sharding virile dragon. Keep doubting it and I might take back that earlier offer." There's a gentle tease in that. She, too, rises to her feet: "I should likely scatter as well, though. See you both tomorrow, I hope, and good t'see everyone--may we all dream of victory, even those who aren't competing, because victory's always fun." Ngara pecks L'vor softly on the cheek. "I'll be up soon, not quite tired yet." she says to him. M'rek gets to his feet, though he seems reluctant. He drops a kiss to Kassima's cheek and says, "I'll see you around. Don't forget to check on those things for me with that girl at that place. Now...don't take back that offer." He teases and then sighs and trots out, stopping only to wave, "Night all!" L'vor walks outside, into the bowl. Kassima laughs quietly after the departing bronzerider, waving to both him and L'vor; she then turns to bid, "Duties again, and g'night--and g'luck on that bug-selling plot! I hope it succeeds, and that someday 'twill be able t'say 'twas here t'witness the start of it all." She closes one eye in a quick wink, then heads Bowl-wards. You walk outside, into the bowl.