
Love's Labors Fished

Date:  February 27(?), 1997
Places:  Benden Weyr's Store Rooms, Living Cavern, North Bowl, South
Bowl, and Lake Shore
Game:  PernMUSH
Copyright Info:  The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey 
l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.


Kassi's Note:  Despite the number of places gone through, this is 
actually a fairly short scene--and my log starts in the middle of 
things, unfortunately.  At this point I'm not *exactly* sure of what
was going on before it begins.  I believe Kin and Kassi had informed
the Candidates that they wished to take them off in a trip, and that
was why Emlyn was gathering wine and food.  However, the dubiously
dastardly duo hadn't told the Candidates what this trip would entail...
and being led forth on a holy Quest probably wasn't what they were


The Log:

Kassima laughs. "If nay frightened, then at least confused!" Rummaging
amongst the wooden items near the back, she comes up with four somewhat old
but still sturdy-looking fishing poles. "Think these will serve?"

Benden LC> From the kitchen, Emlyn returns, a skin in one hand. She's
quietly talking with Sofia as they walk.

Benden LC> Emlyn walks in from the kitchen.

Benden LC> Alyssa hmms. "I'd say so. Do you know what's going on?"

Kindre is still chuckling, shoulders bobbing enough to bump a few, small
bolts to the floor. "I'd have to agree with confused...oh," she turns to
look at the poles, "They'll do just fine. Shall we settle their suspicions?"

Benden LC> Sofia walks in from the kitchen.

Benden LC> Alyssa, watching the others, just shakes her head and continues
on to the inner caverns.

Benden LC> Alyssa walks towards the inner cavern.

Benden LC> Emlyn plunks the skins on the table. "Okay, here's half the
order. Why don't we just get some food from the table there and put it in a

Benden Weyr> Alyssa surrenders for the night. Sorry, guys. I MIGHT be back
later, but I can't guarantee it. :) Take care, all.

Benden LC> Sofia nods agreement and starts gathering some food to take along.

Benden Weyr> Kindre snuggybughugs HER bluerider!! :)

Benden Weyr> Asrai pouts at Lys, but snugglies her and the knot hell0o :)

Kassima grins and suggests, "When we get to the Lake? Though I think they
*might* figure it out aforehand. We may as well lead them off on our
valorous trek." Kassi can't quite stifle a chortle at that.

Benden Weyr> Kassima swooooooooooooons at Lys, and snugs the Asrai! :)

Benden LC> Emlyn brings a basket from the kitchen and helps Sofia load

Kassima balances the poles against her shoulder, and picks up a bucket.
"Can you nab another one, there? Assuming we catch aught, we'll need these."

Kindre chuckles and nods her head, "ounds good to me, mm-hmm. Hopefully
they've collected enough food and wine for said mission." Grinning, she
steps up to grab the bucket, "Sure...good idea. Want me to grab a pole, too?"

Benden Weyr> Devlin's rl busies up. He trucks off somewhere quiet.

Benden LC> Devlin walks towards the inner cavern.

Benden LC> Sofia waves to Devlin as he leaves, but he doesn't see because
it took her so long to balance the food bundles and free up one hand.

Kassima chuckles. "Sure, why nay? Let's get back, ere they think we're
pulling a sham on them." With that, Kassi makes her burdened way out of the

You head out of the storeroom toward the main part of the Weyr.

Kindre comes out of Textile Stores.

You follow your nose down the hallway and into the kitchen.

Kindre walks out of the passageway that leads down to the storerooms.

You walk into the Living Cavern.

Kindre walks in from the kitchen.

Salless smiles sweetly at the junior queenrider.

Emlyn is waiting with Sofia and a basket of provisions. She tells Kindre
and Kassima as they come up, "Devlin's duties as Candidate Supervisor took
him away."

Kassima is carefully balancing no less than four fishing poles on one
shoulder, with a bucket handle grasped in her other hand. "We have defeated
the dread foes of Dust and Chaos," she says in her most ringing tones, "and
brought forth these tokens of victory! Behold--the items we need for our
glorious quest!"

Kindre is carrying a bucket in one hand while balancing a single pole
across her shoulder. That rather quirky grins lights her face as well as
her step. "All provisions gathered," she wonders before nodding of Devlin.
"More glory for us all, then!"

Asrai walks here from the Inner Cavern.

Asrai comes in, on her way o the kitchens. Seeing those present she pauses
long enough to give them a wave of greeting, "Hello all, what's up?"

Emlyn waves Asrai over. She mutters, quietly, "Just come with us. Don't ask
any questions."

Sofia waves at a new person she doesn't know!

Kassima peers at Asrai and wonders, "Has Faranth seen it fit to bring forth
another to join us in our adventure and reward? For lo, 'tis Asrai!" She
would probably wave if she didn't have a bucket in one hand and four
fishing-poles being balanced on her left shoulder by the other.

Emlyn indicates Sofia and says to Asrai, "This is Sofia, Asrai. You'll like

Asrai blinks, looking back towards the kitchen and the waiting vegatables.
Looking back at the others she nods, saying softly, "Ummm, ok."

"Asrai, just in time," Kindre exclaims almost too excitedly, "What know you
of missions of peril and overcoming trials of the unknown?" Grinning, she
shrugs and looks bowlwards, pole and bucket clammering with the turn,
"Shall we set off, you think?"

Benden Weyr> Asrai checks real quick to make sure Kassi's not proddy again....

Sofia winks at Asrai. "We don't know what we're doing , but it might be fun."

Benden Weyr> P'tran waves

Kassima eyes the exit critically. "Faranth's silver eggs that have roosted
up in the black Sands of midnight's velvet splendor have crossed high
above, and herald the time of our departure," she agrees. At least, she
seems to agree. Hard to tell with the way she's chosen to word it.

Benden Weyr> Kindre hugsa WL :) Evening, P'tran.

Asrai looks strangly at Kassi...not a big suprise, she often looks at her
friend in that mannor. Doing some quick calculations..ok so not quick, but
calculations none the less...she heaves a sigh of relief, "No no, can't be
that." She says to herself.

Benden Weyr> Jerissa waves

Benden Weyr> Asrai snugs a FL!

Benden Weyr> Kassima isn't proddy until April, Asrai, fear not. I'm just
being purposefully confusing. ;) Hey, FL! Want to join us in our Great and
Glorious Quest for Splendor, Honor, and Rewards Beyond Imagining? ;)

Emlyn adds in an aside, a broad wink as punctuation, "Or perilous." To
Kindre, she says, "Lead on, Lady Adventure, and my your Pole-Wielding
companion guard you well."

Kindre straightens up as if in anticipation of facing this 'foe' their
journal will require. "That's the spirit, Emlyn," she nods briskly before
turning back, "Lead on, Oh Heralded and Wise friend of mine."

Emlyn murmurs to Sofia and Asrai, "I think we'll be safe if we pretend
we're characters in a bad teaching ballad."

Sofia giggles and strikes a most heroic pose.

Asrai continues to look strangly at all the others now, following...but
wheary<sp>. She looks to Sophia and Emlyn...the thought sinking in. Looking
back to Kin and Kassi Asrai smiles and nods.

Asrai just smiles and nods....

Kassima salutes Kin as best she can with her bucket-wielding hand. "Have I
the honor of forging our pathways through the fearsome perils of yonder?
Verily, you accord me with more grace than I deserve! Let us get hither,
ere the night's jocund candles have burnt out!" Pointing her bucket at the
door, she strides out with that Woman On a Mission look in her eyes again.

You walk down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Benden Weyr> Kassima steals shamelessly from Shakespeare. ;)

Benden Weyr> Asrai says, "that's ok Kassi, we forgive you. ;)"

Asrai comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern.

P'tran gives a nod to Kassima as he comes down the ledges from the
Weyrleaders' complex. "Evening," he says in a somewhat subdued tone.

Benden Weyr> Emlyn says, "Since he stole so much in the first place, Kassi,
it's probably alright. ;-)"

Benden LC> Kindre, clanging bucket and woggling pole surrounding her
diminuitiv frame, half-charges out after their leader.

Kindre comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern.

Benden LC> Sofia shrugs and follows them out...

P'tran also bids a similarly subdued greeting to Asrai and Kindre. "Evening."

Benden LC> Emlyn picks up the basket of provisions and follows.

Sofia comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern.

Emlyn comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern.

Emlyn is part of the troop following Kassima and Kindre.

P'tran raises an eyebrow as he sees other people empty into the bowl suddenly.

Asrai follows Kassi out of the cavern. Seeing P'tran she gives him a long
searching look...wondering if this strange 'fevor' has infected him also.
Seeing that it hasn't she sighs in relief, giving the Weyrleader a small
smile, "Hi sir."

Kindre adjusts her decorative paraphenalia aand smiles at P'tran, "Evening,
Weyrleader," she says simply. "Lovely eve, is it not?"

Kassima tries to salute the Weyrleader; not an easy task, with a bucket in
her saluting hand. She only just misses beaning herself upside the head
with the thing. "Fair eve to you, most fearless and valiant of leaders,"
she intones as soon as Asrai walks out. "Might we beg your blessing for our
most noble quest? Sir, is aught amiss?" She lets the bad-ballad-character
demeanor slip for at least long enough to ask that last question.

Benden Weyr> Kassima wishes suddenly that she had some flower petals to
throw at P'tran's feet ICly. For once, it'd almost be appropriate. ;)

P'tran looks a bit confused, and not at all amused. "Um, could you please
repeat that in a more understandable way, Kassima?" He peers at the bucket

Benden Weyr> Asrai LOL

Benden Weyr> P'tran does warn that he's ICly in a questionable mood this
evening :)

Emlyn shifts her basket from one hand to the other, listening to the exchange.

Kassima chuckles faintly and, sliding a glance at the Candidates, drops at
least *some* of the nonsense. "We're off on a trip of sorts, sir."

P'tran ahs and nods, then glances around at the candidates. "By 'we' I
assume you mean you and the candidates as well?"

Kindre blinks and tries to stand a bit more proper...bucket and pole making
it quite a feat too not look blatantly odd. Nodding, she says, "Yes, Sir,
the Candidates and ourselved."

P'tran opens his jacket a bit because of the warmth of the summer night and
nods absently. He glances at the bucket and pole again and furrows his
brow. "I have to admit that I'm at a loss for what activity you have
planned ..."

Kassima nods, as best she can without displacing the four fishing poles
balanced against her shoulder. "Aye, sir; 'tis Kindre, I, Asrai, Emlyn, and
Sofia who are going."

Sofia giggles quietly, no one but the 2 riders is really sure what activity
is planned.

Asrai chews on her bottem lip, fidgetting with the hem of her tunic. Her
violet eyes flicking back and forth between P'tran, Kassi and Kin.

Emlyn speaks up, "I believe we've undertaken a campaign of conquest against
the piscine inhabitants of the weyr lake, Sir."

Kindre frowns just a moment, not wanting to give away the true intentions
of the quest they're about to embark on. Shifting the pole so it's no
longer leaning against her cheek, she waggles it a bit and smiles, "Just
some late night water searching, Sir." She can't help but laugh at Emlyn's

Sofia cocks an eyebrow at Emlyn.

P'tran, not having done much of his share of fishing in his life, does not
recognize the poles for what they are and looks expectantly for an answer.
He hears Emlyn speak and looks at her rather oddly. It is now evident he is
not in one of his better moods. "So if you were all actually speaking
normally this evening, then you're telling me you're going fishing."

Benden Weyr> P'tran has to get in a bad IC mood now and then to break the
monotony and make things interesting :)

Kassima bobs her head in assent. "She's put it dead in the black, sir. 'Tis
an exploration of the Lake's waters, with hopes of providing a snack for a
certain Sands-bound golden lady, and perhaps some for ourselves as well."

Emlyn, oblivious to the weyrleader's mood (she barely knows him after all),
grins over at Sofia and winks.

Benden Weyr> Kassima awwwws, and I was so enjoying talking like a *really*
bad Shakespearean character, too. ;)

P'tran pauses for a moment and then sighs. "I assume the candidates have
finished their chores for the day?" he asks curtly.

Benden Weyr> Kindre chuckles :)

Asrai shirks back a little from the weyrleader, not wanting to displease
him in any way shape or form. Continueing to pluck at her tunic's hem. Upon
hearing what they are really going to do, she relaxes just a bit. But not
enough to slouch any in front of the weyrleader.

Sofia returns Emlyn's wink.

Asrai nods quickly, her words tripping over each other, "Oh yes sir,
andmybedismadeandpressneat...just in case there was another inspection."

"Of course, Weyrleader. I, for one," Kindre says almost solemnly, "would
never risk upsetting Alyssa, Kerlyn, or especially Sionelle for this."

Curt tones are certainly recognizable, no matter how little you know
somebody. Emlyn stands a bit straighter, letting the gold rider speak for

Kassima nods again, firmly. "Aye, sir. We'd nay be taking them away from
their chores for recreational activities. 'Tis as Kindre says."

Asrai sneaks in a little smile for the weyrleader, trying to at least
lighten his mood...if even just a little.

P'tran nods to Kindre, then glance over at Asrai's comment for a moment.
Before returning his attention to the riders. "Very well, I suppose there's
no harm, especially since the candidates seem sure of their ability to pass
another inspection." he pauses a moment, and then adds, "And perhaps I'll
take them up on that later."

Asrai's violet eyes widen, her palms itching to go recheck her cot...even
though it passed the bouncing Mark test the ten times she tried it before
allowing herself to leave its side.

Emlyn casts a glance back at the lit entrance back to the caverns. She
purses her lips, then shrugs slightly. Her space is as neat as she can make

Kindre nods quickly, the pole connecting with the bucket to *clang* as she
switches it to relieve the hand holding it so stiffly until now. "Kassima
and I will take partial responsibility," she drags the greenrider in, "if
they've not met their duties, Weyrleader. That's how certain I am." She
doesn't exactly look certain, but her voice sounds the part.

Sofia is pretty confident, since she doesn't have a cot yet anyway. She
stands very straight and very quiet.

P'tran pauses a moment as if considering this, his expression unreadable
for a few moments. Then he nods at Kindre. "All right then. I trust you
implicitly in these matters, so if you say the candidates are caught up in
the chores, then it should be okay."

Kassima doesn't cringe when Kin says that; in fact, her expression doesn't
change a whit. She's apparently been practicing control of it quite a bit
lately. "Aye, sir. Partial responsibility, shared punishment, or whatever
you may deem appropriate."

P'tran shakes his head, his expression managing to soften a bit. "No, if
Kindre says it's okay, go right on ahead. No objections here."

Emlyn smiles at P'tran's eventual endorsement of the plan.

Kindre smiles, a small sigh and thanks and relief escaping her lips. "Thank
you, P'tran. If we catch anything truly good, we'll save it for you," she
offers and grins. "So, lasses, shall we continue with the mission layed
before us?"

Kassima nods one last time, stepping back a bit. "In that case, I think I'd
like to get to the Lake before my arms fall off from trying to balance
these things. Thankee muchly, sir." She snaps a quick salute, and this time
she *does* bean herself with the bucket. Muttered ouches accompany her to
the South.

P'tran grins very slightly at Kindre and nods his thanks.

You walk south.

Kindre walks here from the north.

Lysseth> Asrai gives P'tran another small smile of thanks, apparently much
more at ease with her companions now that she knows their plans.

Asrai walks here from the north.

Lysseth> Sofia smiles at the Weyrleader, despite the fact he has no idea
who she is, and runs after the others.

Sofia walks here from the north.

Kassima whistles under her breath and walks apace with the goldrider,
lowering her voice to say something to Kin. She mutters to Kindre, "I...
Asrai and... but... we're... say,... that... duty nay so very... for...
titles... Lys..." 

Kindre senses Kassima whistles under her breath and walks apace with the
goldrider, lowering her voice to say something to Kin. "I trust Asrai and
Emlyn implicitly, but I'm glad we're nay taking, say, Benwald on this trip.
All that latrine duty nay so very long ago for the titles I called Lys was
quite enough!"

Asrai looks over at her two friends as she overhears her name.

Kassima straightens and calls to the approaching lasses, "Hark! Do you hear
the sounds of our elusive quarry, darting and seeking to hide themselves
deep in the darkness of the waters? They shant elude our grasp--victory
shall be ours! Let us march!" And, yes, she picks up her feet to start
marching across the Bowl.

Sofia walks north.

Sofia walks here from the north.

Kindre laughs while bobbing her head...dinging it once on the pole, she
winces before concurring, She mutters to Kassima, "... enough... Thank...
take us up... that." 

You sense Kindre laughs while bobbing her head...dinging it once on the
pole, she winces before concurring, "True enough there! Thank Faranth he
didn't take us up on that."

Benden Weyr> Alyssa is going to give this one last try. Why? Nothing on TV. ;)

Lysseth> Alyssa emerges from the infirmary.

Benden Weyr> Ursa says, "Friends and Seinfeld are both reruns, s'why I'm
here tonight. :)"

Kassima chuckles and nods, shifting her poles on her shoulder. "Aye..." is
her only reply to the goldrider, as she sallies forth to do unto the fish
of the Lake.

Asrai giggles softly at her friends' silliness, following along behind,
"Umm, yeah...lets go defeat..our foe?" She trys the strange speach with

Benden Weyr> Alyssa grins at Bear and snugs. :)

Benden Weyr> Kindre has no life, that's why she's here ;)

Benden Weyr> Kassima is here because... hrm. Is because she's always here
reason enough? ;)

You head in the direction of the shimmering lake, leaving the South Bowl
area of the Weyr.

Benden Weyr> Asrai snugs a Lys!

Asrai heads over from the South Bowl.

Kindre heads over from the South Bowl.

Lysseth> P'tran gives a nod to Alyssa after watching the candidates head
off with Kassima to the south. "Evening," he says in a somber voice.

Emlyn heads over from the South Bowl.

Benden Bowl> Sofia smiles. "Glory awaits," she says, not marching though.

Sofia heads over from the South Bowl.

Benden Weyr> M'kla is with Kassi on that one ;)

Lysseth> P'tran pauses a moment and then says with a slight sigh, "Kindre
and Kassima have taken come of the candidates fishing."

Lysseth> "Good evening, sir," says Alyssa pleasantly as she salutes the
Weyrleader. "How are you this evening? And ... where *are* all the
Candidates going tonight? They're scattered about like ... oh. Thank you,
sir. I'd wondered."

Emlyn brings the provisions. She tells Sofia as they walk, "That was the
weyrleader, P'tran. He's a nice man, I think. The bovines in the feeding
grounds watch him placidly enough."

Benden Weyr> R'till says, "The 'I have always been here.' Syndrone?"

Lysseth> Jorenan comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern.

Sofia nods. "Bovines seldom get upset with anything other than dragons."

Lysseth> P'tran nods and hrms, furrowing his brow. "I wouldn't have let
them if Kindre hadn't assured me they had finished their chores. I"m still
very tempted to hold a surprised inspection for them when ..." He trails
off and clears his throat. "Anyway, I gave them leave to go about their
business. I hope that's okay with you."

Kassima sets down all but one of the poles carefully on the ground, and
leaps up to stand on the rock she usually occupies--K'nan's rock, covered
with Turns' worth of carvings. She raises her fishing pole to strike a
dramatic pose. "The night's sweet, warm breath, blown forth across the
still pools of these limpid waters, is still young; the rosy glow of dawn's
light has not yet touched the horizon with delicate fingers of wan fire. We
shall triumph! I can feel it in my blood, in my bones--let us go forth, and

Benden Weyr> Kassima cannot believe she actually posed that. Lord and Lady,
*what* got put in this can of Dew?

Lysseth> Jorenan stops to look around the bowl for a moment. It's likely
his first time outside since he arrived. Which doesn't explain why he's
carrying his socks and boots rather than wearing them.

Emlyn looks at Kassima up on the rock, posturing, and speaking in her
outlandish fashion. She can't help it. She laughs out loud.

Sofia picks up one of the poles Kassima has dropped and swings it over her

Asrai looks over her shoulder at Emlyn rather oddly, "What do bovines have
to do with the Weyrleader? Of /course/ he's a nice man...it doesn't matter
how the bovines look at him." She then turns slowly to look at Kassi...and
her pose, "Umm Kassi...you're silly." Yep, that seems to say it all.

Lysseth> Alyssa hesitates, then says after that pause, "I suppose they're
in good hands, sir, though I confess I'm not sure why they're
so...um...well. Why they're going."

Kindre drops the bucket at her feet and scrambles up atop a rock thats
length perches just above the waters edge. Unwrapping the cord from around
its wooden companion. Shaking her head, she chuckles quietly at the
greenrider's speach. "Well put, indeed, oh conquerer of the vile fins that
lie beneath the water's waves." Blinking, her head shakes again and she
shrugs, "I tried," and winks. "Can I get a skin? And mayhap some bait?"

Lysseth> P'tran rolls his eyes slightly and smirks. "It was Kassima's idea."

Lysseth> Jorenan realizes he's come in on a conference of some kind, and a
high-level one at that. He slides over tot he side, and does his best to
stay unnoticed until he can get his footwear on.

Lysseth> Alyssa ohs and nods as if that explains everything...which, given
Kassima, it does. "You do think everyone's safe, don't you, sir?"

Kassima grins at Emlyn and Asrai, and winks. "Of course. What else would I
be? Can someone bring unto me the delectable victuals of carnivorous
delight that shall tempt forth the slippery creatures from their cold lairs
of depthless shadow?"

Benden Weyr> Kindre hopes like heck your logging this, Kassicam! ;)

Lysseth> P'tran glances over to Jorenan for a moment when he catches the
movement out of the corner of his eye. He looks over to him oddly for a
moment and looks about to say something when Alysss speaks to him again.
"Oh, yes, they're safe," he says to her. "I was only concerned that they
were not missing their duties. I was sorely tempted to march them in the
barracks anyway for an inspection."

Benden Weyr> Kassima is now. I missed the first part of it, though. :P :)

Asrai looks for quite a while at Kassi before blinking in understanding,
"Oh, you mean bait!"

Sofia laughs and starts digging in the basket for bait, even though the
fish have certainly been scared away by all the noise by now.

Kassima chuckles. "Bait, delectable victuals of carnivorous delight... same

Emlyn, a newcomer to such pursuits, stands watching the procedings, grinning.

Lysseth> Alyssa pauses. "An inspection? Shells...I hope they could do
better this goaround, sir. The first inspection was a mite unnerving, and I
was glad you were not there. Jorenan, did you need something?"

Sofia hands some bait to Kassima and puts some on her own hook.

Lysseth> The boy realizes his close call. But now that he's actually
wearing his footwear, perhaps no one will notice that he wasn't
originally-- Whups! Caught. He clears his throat and stands up. "No, ma'am.
I just wanted to see the Bowl. I didn't really look when we came... and I
haven't been out since, so..." He trails off, and looks hopeful that she'll

Asrai giggles, taking a look at the poles, "Umm, Kassi...how do you do
this....defeating of the watery foes?" She giggles once more at her own
attempt at the 'language'. I've never done this before."

Lysseth> P'tran nods to Alyssa. "Which is why I was intending it to be a
surprise this time, but most likely they'll warn the others." He looks over
to Jorenan as well, but does not say anything, as Alyssa is in direct
charge of the candidates.

Sofia laughs and demonstrates for Asrai. "Just put the meat on your
hook...then you swing it like this, so it lands in the water..."

Kassima accepts the raw meat, and nibbles on the edge of it--tasting
without, it might be noted, swallowing. "Ah, fair was the creature who gave
its life to provide me with this scrap of its substance! 'Twas a Lord or
Lady among wherry-kind, truly--for only one such as that could possibly
provide as choice a tidbit as this." Spearing the meat with the hook
expertly, she intones, "Lock your regard upon this, for I shall demonstrate
the battle tactics of my renowned and legendary sire, Keyran the
Perpetually Proposterous Proverb-Person!" The cast she makes into the
water, graceful and neat if not exactly perfect, does show that she has
some experience at this pursuit.

Lysseth> "A delay might then be a prudent thing," Alyssa notes with a small
smile to the Weyrleader before turning back to Jorenan. "It's all right,
Candidate...in fact, I'd wanted to introduce you to P'tran, our Weyrleader.
Sir, this is Jorenan, late of the...ah...a trader family whose name, I
fear, escapes me. Adonith Searched him very recently."

Lysseth> P'tran nods to Alyssa and turns his head to Jorenan, saying
simply, "Well met." After a moment's pause, however, he ads, "YOu may want
to put something on your feet before you go out onto the bowl next time. If
it had been raining, the ground would be a little muddy."

Asrai watches both her instructers. Once they have cast their lines into
the waters she rushes towards the edge, leaning over to peer into the clear
depths. "What now what now?" She waits a moment then frowns. In a rather
pouting voice she intones, "But Kassi, its not working."

Emlyn listens to Kassima with a look of mingled incomprehension and
amusement. She picks up one of the poles and gets her hook inexpertly baited.

Lysseth> Alyssa raises a brow and regards Jorenan's feet with some
surprise. Apparently what escaped her did not escape P'tran's notice. She
sighs, just a bit, but doesn't say anything else.

Lysseth> Jorenan takes a good look at the man for the first time, and just
nods. "Hanright, ma'am, yessir, I will. I... I forget sometimes." He looks
abashed. "It's lots warmer in the South, and I didn't wear 'em much." Not
to mention the fact that his mates would've teased him about the unmatched

Sofia giggles at Asrai's enthusiasm. "The trick normally is not to let the
fish know you're here," she explains. "We've already failed at that." She
looks thoughtful for a second. "On the other hand, if they've been
listening, they aren't likely to know *they're* the watery foes we're after!"

"Patience," counsels the greenrider. "Wily creatures lurk below, and we've
nay a dragon's claws nor fangs to entrap them where they lurk. 'Tis cunning
and wit that we must use, to lure one up to the surface so that they will
see our meat for what it is--and pounce." She jiggles the pole a bit,
causing the meat to jerk around underwater. "Kindre? You've captured many
underwater denizens as prisoners of battle in your time; have you wisdom to
offer forth?"

"Herath says to catch her something good," Kindre chuckles and calls when
finally breaking the mental conversation that's kept her quiet so long.
Grinning, j

Lysseth> P'tran nods to Jorenan, not looking in a very good mood, but not
looking like he's annoyed at Jorenan in particular either. "We just want
the candidates to remain healthy til the hatching," he comments. He looks
over to Alyssa and comments, "The saving grace of the lot of them is that
they behaved themselves rather well on the sand the other evening."

Asrai hmms, continueing to lay on her rock and peer over its edge into the
dark water. Taking Kassi's advise quite literally...as per normal, Asrai
calls softly out to the fishies, "Here fishie fishie fishie, come get our
meat...Hera's hungry. Here fishie fishie fishie."

Lysseth> Jorenan breathes a small sigh of relief, and, figuring that for a
dismissal, starts to turn away.

Lysseth> Alyssa, looking somewhat disquieted by all this, nods briefly.
"They did, sir, though Emlyn -- you'll recall she was at the very fringes
of the sands -- was somewhat ill at ease by being there. And so far there's
been a distinct lack of pranks." She lowers her voice and adds to her
superior, "And, I am sorry to say, discipline."

Emlyn gets her hook baited eventually, then finds herself a rock to sit on.
She drops her hook in the water and looks over at Asrai's technique.

Lysseth> The boy hunches his shoulders when he hears the comment about
discipline. He wasn't that far away. But he heads off, trying to remember
that he wanted to explore while he could.

Lysseth> P'tran hrms and frowns slightly, but then sighs. "Well, all I can
say is it seemed that way with other groups and they appeared to come out
okay. We can hope for as much with this batch." He looks over to Jorenan
for a moment and then back to Alyssa. "Though one-on-one I've founf most of
the candidates to be okay. At least they appear to have respect for the
Weyr and the Weyrfolk."

Lysseth> Jorenan walks south.

Kassima's pole suddenly jerks in her hands, and not by her own design. "One
of my foes calls me to do battle!" she cries as she hauls up the pole.
Unfortunately, there's no fish on the end--just the hook, and a thin thread
of meat to mark where her bait used to be. "Escape!" she mutters with
disgust. Shaking her fist in the direction of the water, she shouts, "You
shan't manage that again, enemy of the brine!"

Sofia laughs out loud and shakes her head. "Too smart, those fish!"

Jorenan heads over from the South Bowl.

Lysseth> Alyssa blows out a deep breath as the Candidate departs, leaving
her to speak more freely. "They do that, sir. They do. I just fear I'm a
mite too tolerant for their own good. I don't want to become
as...uncompromising as Sionelle, but I worry they're more lax than they
should be."

Emlyn watches Kassima's failed attempt. She frowns and peers down at the
spot where her line limply enters the water. Emlyn asks, "Are fish like
whers, then? Able to see in the dark. Like felines."

Jorenan stops. He'd not considered that he might meet more folk on his
explorations, but here they are. He looks down at them, and wonders what on
earth they're doing.

Asrai hrrmmms, leaning up long enough to grab herself a strip of meat.
Leaning back over she trails it along the water's surface, once more
calling softly, "Here fishie fishie fishie." She obviously perfers to do it
this way, for she seems quite comfortable laying upon the rock, trying to
entice a fish to taking her bait.

Fishie? These folk are fising in the middle of the night? (Well,
practically.) Just as well it's dark, so that Jorenan's look of utter
surprise is covered.

"Herath says we'd better catch her something good," Kindre chuckles and
calls out when the mental conversation between her and Herath concludes,
ending her abrupt quiet. Shaking her head and grinning, she goes about
finagling the bait onto the hook before casting it out. Landing with a
satisfactory *ploop* she nods, "That I did...mostly had to gut and dry the
fish, but I did my fair share of catching them as well."

Lysseth> P'tran nods to Alyssa. "I think you're doing a fine job with them,
but yes, don't be afraid to discipline them when you think they need it. As
for Sionelle, she is a bit rigid in her approach, but I believe she's
rather good.

Kassima guides another strip of wherry onto her hook. "Their eyes are
unlike ours, for they must quest among the murks to spy out a vision of
that which they seek. If they had the crystalline sight of land-dwellers,
'twould nay be such a lure they'd fall for--yea, their sight is surely most
poor indeed! But the jerking of the meat has scared the quarry, who has
made off with his piece of nourishment to hide amongst the waving weeds
until the fear of the mighty Bendenite Warriors has faded behind the mists
of time!" Having said this, she casts off again; a *plop* marks the hook's
entrance into the waters once again.

Sofia looks up and smiles sweetly at Jorenan, wondering why he is standing
there staring at us.

Emlyn listens to Kassima and shakes her head, though she's grinning. Her
line is as still as it can be, so she lifts the tip of her pole. "Maybe
fish like for the bait to wiggle a bit?'

Lysseth> "Sionelle?" Alyssa smiles. "Since she trained our class, sir, of
course I'd say she's very good. It's merely that I don't think I could do
what she does the way she does it. And thank you...Kerlyn and I are trying.
Now, sir...are you all right? You look a trifle bone-weary."

Emlyn adds, "Sometimes if you've got a calf reluctant to suckle, you can
sort of wiggle the .. um.." She frowns and hushes.

Lysseth> P'tran shakes his head. "No, I'm fine, I just have a few things on
my mind," he says simply

Asrai lets her hand drop into the water slightly, keeping up her liteny,
"Here little fishie...Hera just wants to say hello. Here litle fishie, no
need to be afraid...got some nice meat for you. Here little fishie fishie
fishie." She overhears the others and moves her fingers slightly, giving
the trailing bit of meat a wiglgle...it might even look alive...were she
not holding it with her hand.

Kindre, recognizing the young man so recently Searched, smiles. "Must have
heard the tempting rewards one might afford themselves should they find the
courage to join the mighty and sacred quest," she says with a flourishing
wave of her hand. "Evening, Jorenan! Is that what you've come to do, I
hope? Would not be fair for just us ladyfolk to garnish ourselves with all
the glory!"

Lysseth> Alyssa, smiling softly, inquires, "When is that not the case, sir?"

Emlyn hears Kindre and cranes a bit to get a look at the newcomer.

"They are fooled by the movements, and the ripples caused by them that mar
the silvered mirrors of the stillness. See, how the moon's fair light is
wavering o'er the liquid onyx that forms these waters? They see! They know
what breaks the stillness--prey!" Kassi jerks her pole again by way of
demonstration. "They know nay how soon 'tis that they shall feel the bite
of cold steel in their bellies, or the slice of a dragon's fang."

Lysseth> P'tran grins faintly, but it's a bit forced. "Apologies for having
to take my leave, but I have a few thing I need to do. If you'll excuse
me?" Without waiting for a reply, he turns and heads up to the Weyrleaders'

Jorenan stumbles through something like a greeting. "Uhm. Hmmm. Hello." The
fisher with the gilded tongue seems to have discombobulated him entirely.
Let's see. What does one ask fishermen (women?) who think they're on a
mighty and sacred quest. "Are they biting?" Well, it's a start.

Lysseth> P'tran starts up the long flight of stairs to the Weyrwoman's Ledge.

"They watch," is Kassima's cryptic reply. "They wait. They see--but they do
nay come. Nay yet. The moment will come when we shall arrive at our victory
and realize our valiant goals--but til that moment comes upon us to still
the breath and herald aquatic conquest by we... we, too, must wait."

Sofia shakes her head. "No."

Blinking, Kindre seems shocked by the inquiry. "Biting? Creatures of this
sort do not 'bite'....they lurk," she casts a suspicious glance to the
waters surface as the twinkles of moonslight reflects eerily onto her
features. "They wait. They wish to mock our efforts...to stall and squish
our spirits of the Quest. So, no," she turns back and smiles, "They are not
biting." Try as she may, she can't hide the enormous smirk that tugs her lips.

Jorenan just stares at the rider for a moment, and then nods to whomever
gave the simple answer. He steps down a little closer to the water, and has
a seat. "Does she always talk like that?"

Sofia wiggles the line a little in the hopes that a fish will bite it, but
not really expecting one to.

Asrai cranes her neck around to see the one Kin called Candi, "Oh hi, she
says softly. "Be very quiet, we're hunting fishies." with that she turns
back to her watching of the water, her arm with the long strip of meat
dangling from its fingers trails silently through the water.

Sofia answers Jorenan, "I don't know, I just met her today. The promises of
glory and riches were just too much to resist."

Emlyn waves a hand from where she's unsuccessfully fishing. "Hello. I'm

Kassima nods over to the queenrider. "They would prevent us from our glory,
from our Cause! We must--" Whatever she was about to say next is blessedly
forestalled as her line jerks again. "Hark! One has fallen into one of the
traps that ever lie in wait for the uncautious! You shall nay flee again,
villainous fish-scum!" With much pulling, tugging, and flowery
pronouncements, Kassi manages to haul up a struggling, medium-sized
speckler. "Behold! The enemy!"

Sofia cheers her congratulations to Kassima.

Jorenan mmms. "She's got a silver Trader's tongue, it's true. But were
there any riches, or was it all paste and fool's gold?" He nods to Emlyn.
"Hullo, I'm Jorenan."

Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Villainous fish-scum. I just called a speckler
'villainous fish-scum.' I think I need to be institutionalized. :P :)"

Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "Kassima...why is this news to you and noone
else? :)"

Benden Weyr> Kenai blinks. Several times.

Sofia sighs. "I'm Sofia, by the way," she tells Jorenan. "I'm really bad
about introduction, I'm afraid. I always forget."

Benden Weyr> Kassima never said it was news. ;) She's just surprised to
just what depths of craziness she's fallen this time. :)

Benden Weyr> Alyssa hees.

Emlyn grins at the other candidate's question about whether or not teh
quest will produce anything worth having.

Benden Weyr> Kassima also eeps as she needs to go. Assume Kassi continues
fishing, maybe catching something now and then, but mostly just posing on
top of her favorite rock and spouting florid phrases? ;)

Sofia doesn't think they eat enough fish...of course it'll be worth having!

Kindre scrambles to stand up on the rock she's claimed as her
battle-station. "See? How silly is their refusal to fall! How remarkably
lame their attempts to thwart us! With one of their numbers in our grasp,"
she laughs while raising an arm to shake at the lake, "many more will

Benden Weyr> Alyssa smooches the Upholstered One and yawwwwns.

Jorenan says "S'okay. As long as you introduce yourself eventually, it's

Asrai giggles as she hears Kassi, though her violet eyes widen a bit as she
sees her come up unsuspectedly with the fish. Smiling brightly in the
darkness she goes back to 'fishing. Unbeknownced to hAsrai, her braid seems
to have slipped around her shoulder and into the water. Its 'tail' dancing
along the surface. Too engrosed in the meat in her hand...and calling out
softly to the fishie she just /knows/ is hiding under the rock upon which
she lies...the hair goes unnotised.

Benden Weyr> Kindre snugsa Kasssi! Sorry my call-hate kicked m so much :b

Benden Weyr> Asrai snuggs a Kassi!

Benden Weyr> Kenai hugsaKassi.

Kassima drops to a sitting position on the rock, holding onto the speckler
tightly as she works the hook free of its mouth. "Victory," she proclaims,
"is sweet. For we have thwarted one of Them! Many more shall fall to us--it
is so written!" She dumps the fish into the tall bucket of water with a
splash, and rebaits her hook. "Be encouraged, comrades! Be of good cheer,
for success is imminent!"

Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Can anyone currently at the Lake log? :)"

A startled exclaimation is heard from the splayed out form that is Asrai,
as her braid is pulled underneath the water. Giving a startled tug
backwards...the rather large fish goes flying out of the water and onto the
rocks. At first Asrai is too startled to do anything but watch it flop around.

Sofia laughs so hard she almost loses her pole in the water. She can't help
it, seeing the look on Asrai's face.

Emlyn frowns as she hears another fish come flying out of the water. As it
flops on the rocks it makes a silly slapping sound.

Benden Weyr> Kindre wishes she could...actually can, just doesn't know how
to retrieve it :b

Benden Weyr> Kassima drats and snugs all anyway. Must bamf, now! :) Night!