
The Mastery of Air

Date:  March(?), 1996
Places:  Benden Weyr's South Bowl, Skyspace, and North Bowl
Game:  PernMUSH
Copyright Info:  The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey 
l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.


Kassi's Note:  They've been gliding solo for awhile; now it's time for
the Weyrling dragons to practice longer and higher flights, honing
their formation skills and building up endurance.  Cerilla, Varquith,
T'fian, and Meroth take Palinth, Prefeth, Juliath, Lysseth, and their
respective riders up into the sky for their first real introduction to
flying--and as might be expected, the taste leaves all the Weyrlings
wanting more.


The Log:

Cerilla glances around as L'nay comes out of the barracks. "Ah, done your 
chores? Good then, you can join us. I was just explaining to the others that 
we'll be doing a straight line formation, one behind the other, and Varquith 
will be doing very slow, gradual turns for the dragons to get used to flying."

Darakin blinks and looks not noticing he had walked in on something and 
moves out of the way... far away...

Prefeth rumbles gently, eyes on Varquith.

Cerilla spares a glance at the man nearby before turning her attention back 
to L'nay. "Also, remember to have Palinth tell Varquith if he gets sore, or 
if that wing strain acts up. Hasn't been bothering him for a sevenday now, 
but no use taking chances."

L'nay nods at Cerilla as he adjusts his riding gear. "Kerlyn has had Palinth 
and I practising gliding, ma'am. She said that Palinth was showing enough 
ability to join the others..." He trails off, eyeing Palinth's straps. He 
swallows, and nods again. "I will, ma'am."

Cerilla nods slowly, looking around at the Weyrlings. "Good. Riders, mount 
your dragons and we'll be off. Remember to wait for my signal, and get in 
formation on the ground before we launch."

Cerilla watches Varquith warily as she mounts, noticing the mischeivous look 
in his eyes today.

Aphrael turns to Prefeth with a smile, eyes slightly faded as she speaks 
silently to the blue dragon. She slaps at her lifemate's side with 
affection, then uses his extended foreleg to climb up onto Prefeth's 

L'nay steps quickly up onto Palinth's thoughtfully extended foreleg, 
climbing quickly and gracefully up to his neck, where he seats hiself 
securely between his dragon's neckridges.

Meli climbs smoothly up Juliath's extended foreleg and settles herself 
between the neck ridges, as the green gives a welcome rumble from deep in 
her throat.

You place one hand on Lysseth's neck and she warbles down at you fondly. You 
grin and scratch her eyeridges once before climbing up onto her lower 
neckridges, using the riding straps and Lysseth's thoughtfully offered foreleg.

<*> Astride Prefeth, Aphrael settles hersefl carefully, finally putting on 
her goggles. She straps herself in, adjusting them carefully as she takes a 
deep breath.

<*> Meli buckles herself into the riding straps, checking carefully to make 
sure she is secure.

<*> Astride the huge brown, Cerilla pulls on her helmet and goggles, and 
straps herself securely to Varquith.

<*> Juliath shifts a bit to get into the straight line formation as Meli 
pulls her goggles down.

<*> Astride Palinth, L'nay lowers his goggles after checking his straps yet 
again. His hands shake slightly as he clasps the last buckle.

<*> From Varquith's neck ridges, Cerilla twists around, waiting for all the 
dragons to get into the straight line formation behind Varquith.

<*> Atop Prefeth, Aphrael glances around, then calls out over to Cerilla, 
"Do you want us in a particular order, ma'am?"

<*> Astride Juliath, Meli shifts slightly as she readjusts the straps minutely.

<*> From Varquith's neck ridges, Cerilla waits until all the dragons are in 
position, then gives the signal to launch.

<*> Varquith extends his glossy brown wings in a powerful downsweep, causing 
eddies of dust to swirl beneath him as he leaps into the air.

<*> Varquith takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry 
him aloft.

<*> Astride Juliath, Meli quickly checks all around and above before 
allowing Juliath to launch.

<*> Prefeth rumbles slightly, waiting for Juliath to launch before him.

Kassima pulls down her goggles and buckles her straps carefully, then takes 
a deep breath and gives Lysseth the go-ahead. The dragon places herself 
carefully in the straight-line formation. They both tense as they ready to 
launch, Kassima checking the area around her before they take off.

<*> Astride Palinth, L'nay glances down at the ground... and blinks. He 
finally tears his gaze from the bowl floor faaaar, faaaar down, and tenses 
as Palinth receives his signal.

<*> Juliath extends her wings, giving a strong sweep and pushing off into 
the air.

<*> Above, Varquith spirals in a loose circle, head arched back and 
downwards to regard the other dragons.

<*> Juliath takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry 
her aloft.

<*> Lysseth springs from the ground, the air from her wings churning up dust 
as she takes to the skies.

You spring into the air and catch the thermals rising from the bowl floor to 
carry you aloft.

Benden Bowl> Prefeth looks around carefully, then spreads his wings, 
launching upwrds.

<*> Prefeth rises up from the bowl.

<*> Prefeth manuvers into place behind Lysseth.

Benden Bowl> Palinth crouches low to the ground, then leaps *forward*, at 
the last minute catching air and lifting up above the bowl floor.

<*> Palinth rises up from the bowl.

<*> Palinth glides into close formation behind Prefeth, his massive brown 
body somehow moving gracefully through the air.

<*> Varquith bugles brassily as the young dragons follow behind him, his 
wings spread wide to slow his flight so the smaller dragons can keep up. He 
makes a slow turn to the left, banking gradually.

Benden Bowl> T'fian quickly climbs up Meroth's foreleg, giving the blue 
dragon an affectionate scritch as he settles between the neckridges.

<*> Astride Juliath, Meli grins, glancing down and all around, then back at 
Varquith's bugle.

<*> Juliath follows suit, banking a little more sharply so that she has to 
recover slightly to remain in line.

<*> Prefeth warbles his sheer delight, testing the wings carefully as he 
keeps his place between Lysseth and Palith, eyes moving all around as his 
wings beat carefully.

Benden Bowl> Meroth bugles upward at the young dragons.

<*> Lysseth follows Varquith's movements carefully, turning to the left with 
more agility than she can ever show on the ground.

<*> Astride Prefeth, Aphrael smiles brightly, leaning slightly into Prefeth 
as she blue dragon banks left, following the dragons in front of him.

Dragon> Benden Weyrlings sense that Juliath rumble-bugles!!

<*> Palinth bugles! and begins a slow bank to the left, eyes whirling a 
rapid blue as he holds tightly to the formation.

<*> A slight breeze blows in from the north, sweeping down the bowl. 
Varquith turns into it, making it easier for the other dragons to adjust to 
the currents.

<*> Meroth rises up from the bowl.

<*> Meroth soars upwards into the open sky above the weyr.

<*> Juliath seems to wobble momentarily as she adjusts to the feel of 
stronger currents across and under her wings, following Varquith.

<*> Palinth's wings flutter briefly in the unfamiliar breeze, until he 
follows Varquith's suit, turning into the wind.

<*> Prefeth turns his head to face the wind, his body shifting direction 
slightly as he turns into the wind.

<*> Lysseth alters her movements to go with the currents with some 
difficulty, her eyes whirling blue as she adjusts herself to them.

<*> Astride Palinth, L'nay leans in his straps a bit, head rolling slightly. 
He clutches at his straps, hands clenched into fists around the hide.

<*> Astride Juliath, Meli nearly whoops with delight, but manages to control 
herself enough to keep a close mental ear on Juliath's condition so the 
green won't outfly herself.

<*> Atop Prefeth, Aphrael lets out a soft laugh, hand releasing the straps 
breifly to stroke Prefeth, before gripping again at the straps.

Kassima keeps a firm grip on her straps as Lysseth changes position, then 
hears Meli's whoop and grins over to her friend, barely restraining a 
similar exclamation.

<*> Meroth glides down from above.

<*> Varquith arches his back, flying upwards as he banks right and turns to 
create an exaggeratedly large figure-8.

<*> Juliath strokes downward firmly, rising higher and following Varquith. 
She banks smoothly to the right this time, starting to understand how to 
compensate for the steady north wind.

<*> Lysseth copies Varquith's and Juliath's movements without quite as much 
finesse, but enough to succeed, using the strong currents efficiently if 
without perfect grace.

<*> Meroth wings easily after the young dragons, his wings beating a slow, 
easy rhythm as he rides the familiar currents of the bowl, staying below the 

<*> Palinth bugles in a tremendous basso voice, dipping down towards the 
bowl briefly before he begins to bank to the right, following within a 
dragonlength of Varquith's path. Cupping his wings, he sweeps them down 
twice, lifting himself quickly above the other weyrlings.

<*> Prefeth flicks his tail slightly, wings beating strongly as he rises a 
bit higher, banking right with only a slight quaver as compensation. Keeping 
formation carefully, his eyes move from Lysseth in directly in front, to 

Dragon> Varquith bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << Palinth. No showing off, 
you are new to this *and* have recently had a wing injury. >>

<*> Meroth bugles at the larger Palinth.

Dragon> Benden Weyrlings sense that Palinth rumbles happily. << I am not 
showing off. It is simply so wonderful to be flying! >>

<*> Juliath's eyes whirl as she seems to come home, finding her true 
element, in the air with Meli.

<*> Astride the huge brown, Cerilla frowns as she regards the Weyrling's 
formation, and the one brown dragon who seems to be dipping in and out of 
it. She gives the arm signal to resume formation, then turns to face forward 
again as Varquith turns towards the north.

<*> Palinth bugles back at Meroth, adding a rumble at the end. From his 
straps, L'nay snaps a salute, and then waves to T'fian, grinning.

<*> Varquith flies towards the north end of the bowl.

<*> Prefeth cranes his neck to peer at Palith behind him for a moment, 
turning back and adjusting slightly with wind as he slightly north slowly.

<*> Juliath flies towards the north end of the bowl.

<*> Astride Palinth, L'nay catches Cerilla's signal, and looks down at 
Palinth. After a long moment, Palinth drops slowly downwards, resuming his 
place in the formation as he heads north.

<*> Atop Meroth, T'fian shakes his head at L'nay and his brown, but at this 
distance it can be told whether he's smiling or not.

<*> Lysseth adjusts herself to be directly behind Juliath. The wind whistles 
on her wings as she flies north.

You fly towards the north end of the bowl.

<*> Prefeth flies over from the south end of the bowl.

<*> Palinth flies over from the south end of the bowl.

<*> Meroth flies over from the south end of the bowl.

<*> Varquith wings left, his turn taking him into an increasingly tightening 
spiral downwards. His head stays cocked towards the other dragons, watching 
them adjust to this new manouver.

Benden Weyr> N'fan says, "Flight's not tonight, is it? I better get Reveth 
outta there if it is.."

<*> Juliath wobbles again momentarily as the currents change over the north 
end of the bowl. She rumbles as she watches Varquith, then as Meli leans 
back against a neck ridge, she starts to spiral downward, perhaps not quite 
as tightly however.

Benden Weyr> Cerilla says, "Well, the bowl is filled with practicing 
weyrlings, so there'd better not be a flight tonight. ;)"

Benden Weyr> Teyal grins, "big bowl"

<*> Prefeth slowly relaxes into the movement of his wings as her joyfully 
soars above the bowl, veering slightly left. He holds his wings out in a 
gliding position as his speed drops, lowering in height.

Benden Weyr> Cerilla says, "Young dragons. >:) >:)"

Benden Weyr> <R'val> Tyrrath leaps into the sky, crashing into weyrlings 
left right and center, sending them crashing into the ground ;)

<*> Lysseth eyes the manuevering, then wings to the left and begins her 
spiral. She moves with fluidity, but, like Juliath, is not as successful at 
keeping the spiral a tight one.

<*> Palinth rumbles and begins to descend after Varquith, wingtips 
fluttering a bit as he adjusts to a shifting breeze. His first turnabout is 
rather sloppy, but the subsequent turns are remarkably more graceful.

<*> Varquith pulls to the north again, moving to climb upwards away from the 
spiraling weyrlings. His wings beat the air easily as he moves up to where 
the spiral began, but this time he keeps flying higher.

Dragon> Benden Weyrlings sense that Meroth warbles with disdain at Varquith 
and Palinth. << Big lugs. You can't maneouver. >>

Dragon> Varquith bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << How are everyone's wings 
feeling?>> He snorts at Meroth, <<And you can't fly as fast or as long. We 
all have our talents. >>

<*> Juliath, caught slightly unprepared, continues down a little ways before 
she turns and beats strongly to rise again and follow Varquith. Meli pats 
her neck reassuringly as the pair realigns themselves with the formation.

Dragon> Palinth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << My wings are doing well. I 
do not feel the soreness. It does not hurt anymore where it used to hurt. >>

<*> Prefeth turns northward with ease, wings beating quickly as he tries to 
keep up with the larger Varquith. He catches up slowly, rumblins happily as 
they rise even higher.

<*> Lysseth warbles as she completes and subsequently pulls out of her 
spiral, churning up small gusts of wind as she beats her wings to ascend 
after Varquith.

Dragon> Varquith bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << Is anyone tired? It is 
important you say so if you are. >>

<*> Meroth circles over the ground, much farther down than the weyrlings, 
making sure they all pull back up before following.

Dragon> Benden Weyrlings sense that Juliath rumbles enthusiastically << We 
Fly! We Soar! We are Strong! >>

Dragon> Lysseth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << They are well. I do not 
feel any soreness, nor do I tire yet. >>

Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << My wings are fine. My 
lifemate and I are happy. >> He adds unneccessarily. << We can keep up. >>

<*> Palinth wheels about, sweeping his wings downwards several times in slow 
succession as he follows the formation, his rider leaning back in his straps.

Dragon> Varquith bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << Good. We will fly a bit 
higher then. The winds become stronger at the mouth of the bowl (image of 
the edge of the crater).. so be ready for it. >>

<*> Varquith pumps his wings slowly, keeping his flight slow as he flies 
even further upwards.

<*> Varquith flies up and out of the bowl.

<*> Lysseth beats her wings a bit more rapidly to keep up, as Kassima 
visibly braces for the winds.

<*> Meroth floats lazily in wide circles, gaining a little altitude with 
each successive circuit, waiting for the young ones to follow the brown.

<*> Juliath's smaller wings still propel her smaller bulk easily upwards, 
more and more confidently. As the reach the mouth, she pauses slightly to 
feel the new currents before beginning to stroke again.

<*> Juliath flies up and out of the bowl.

<*> Astride Palinth, L'nay continues to beat his wings in slow, powerful 
downstrokes, slower than many of the other weyrlings, and rises up to the 
higher skies above Benden Weyr.

The rim of the bowl falls away from you and you soar into the open skies.

<*> From the North, Prefeth alters his direction slightly, aiming higher as 
he rises up after the others, his lifemate, leaning back slightly.

<*> Prefeth flies up from the northern half of the bowl.

<*> Palinth flies up from the northern half of the bowl.

Benden Weyr> L'nay doh! Looks like my flying lessons are paying off...

<*> Meroth flies up from the northern half of the bowl.

<*> Astride Juliath, Meli peers around Juliath's neck towards the ground 
carefully. She hangs onto the straps as she enjoys the view.

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Meroth wishes his clutchmate would 
eventually land. << Vyrinth! Go home! >>

Dragon> Varquith bespoke Benden dragons with << Poor Cioth was circling up 
here for sevendays once. >>

<*> Astride Palinth, L'nay's hands tighten around the straps as he glances 
down at the weyr caldera. At last he tears his eyes from the ground, 
hunching down in his straps.

<*> From Prefeth's neckridges, Aphrael's hair whips around her face slightly 
as wisps escape from her helmet in the winds. She barely notices though, she 
is too much awed by the view.

Dragon> Juliath bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << That is home? It looks much 
different from here. I did not know there was so much outside it. >>

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Meroth remembers. Cioth kept passing close 
to my ledge (* and everytime he landed, there was a rollback. :)

<*> Varquith begins to fly in gradual up and down waves, dropping and then 
flying upwards again, over and over. He looks backwards to watch the 
weyrlings carefully.

Kassima reaches up with one hand to push bangs that have escaped from under 
her helmet out of the way, then glances about her. She stares down at the 
ground, a grin spreading across her face as she admires the view.

Dragon> Benden Weyrlings sense that Prefeth rumbles with amusement. << My 
rider says she promises to cut her *image of hair* when we return to the 
ground. >>

<*> Juliath bugles happily, enjoying this particular maneuver especially. 
She alternates her wingbeats faster then slower to allow her to rise and 
fall after Varquith.

<*> Prefeth adapts to this new technique quickly as learns to use his wings 
to assist in altering with the wind. Rising slowly and heading down quickly, 
he keeps up with the other weyrlings.

<*> Lysseth spreads her wings and trumpets, eyes whirling blue as she enjoys 
the feeling of the strong winds here. She follows Juliath carefully, slowly 
going through the waves, and managing to stay apace with the others.

<*> Palinth glides along slowly, wings pumping now and then to maintain his 
altitude or to follow the rise of the formation. His neck cranes around as 
he takes in the view of the weyr and the countryside surrounding it, before 
he finally turns to watch Varquith again.

Dragon> Varquith bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << It is this diving and 
arching that can help you learn to manouver quickly to avoid Thread. We will 
practice it more later. >>

<*> Varquith turns about, arching in a downwards spiral again, though this 
time to the right.

<*> Juliath banks to the right to follow varquith, dropping speed and mostly 
gliding down.

<*> Prefeth banks to the right, this time using the winds to help, rather 
then hinder him as he heads in a spiral, growing slightly tighter as he does.

<*> Lysseth wings right, experiencing some difficulty with the strength of 
the wind but managing to spiral with grace nonetheless. Her spiral is better 
than the last, except where she has to compensate more for the wind.

<*> Varquith flies downward towards the north end of the bowl.

<*> Palinth croons happily, forcing L'nay into a grin at his dragon's 
enthousiasm. The weyrling leans into his straps as Palinth banks to the 
right, drifting downwards with the other dragons.

<*> Atop Prefeth, Aphrael brushes some rain out of her eyes, then leans back 
as she prepares for Prefeth to head down sharply.

<*> From the North, Varquith bugles a greeting to the watchdragon on the 
star stones as he continues his downwards spiral.

<*> Juliath flies downward towards the north end of the bowl.

<*> Prefeth flies downward towards the north end of the bowl.

You fly downwards towards the north end of the bowl.

<*> Varquith flies downward to the ground.

<*> Palinth glides down from above.

<*> Prefeth hesitates a moment, then bugles his own greeting to the 
watchdragon as he sprials downwards towards the ground.

Dragon> Benden Weyrlings sense that Juliath rumbles slightly << I am a 
little tired, but I am enjoying this much. >>

<*> Lysseth warbles to the watchdragon as she continues her spiral, finding 
it much easier with less wind to push her offcourse.

<*> Prefeth flies downward to the ground.

You fly downwards towards the ground.

You backwing for a landing on sands of the bowl.

<*> Cerilla swings one leg over Varquith's neck and hangs from his straps to 
jump lightly to the ground.

<*> Juliath backwings for a landing.

<*> Above, Palinth eyes Prefeth and Varquith, and finally bugles--- well, 
bellows--- at the watchdragon, his already loud voice echoing of the caldera 
walls. He spirals slowly and easily downwards to the ground.

<*> Chaeth warbles a greeting to Varquith and the weyrlings.

<*> Palinth backwings for a landing.

<*> Cerilla pulls off her riding helmet, and waits for the last of the 
weyrlings to land.

<*> Juliath lands rather well, not making much noise. She remedies that by 
bugling back at the others.

<*> Meli unbuckles herself from Juliath's riding straps.

<*> Prefeth rumbles a happy greeting as he lands a short distance away from 
the dragons on the ground, folding his wings carefully behind his back.

<*> Cerilla waits for all bugling to finish... and ends up waiting a while. 
She raises one hand for silence, turning her gaze to Varquith.

<*> Astride Juliath, Meli pulls her goggles up, then removes her helmet, 
running a hand through her hair to fluff it up.

Kassima unfastens her straps and raises her goggles, grinning brightly.

<*> Meli slips smoothly down from Juliath's neck to her foreleg and to the 
ground, giving her a gentle caress.

<*> Palinth touches down in a blast of loose earth, stretching his wings a 
final time before furling them at his sides. L'nay seems to sigh with relief 
as he tugs off his helmet, his hair spilling around his shoulders.

<*> L'nay swings gracefully from Palinth's neck, stepping down onto 
Palinth's thoughtfully extended foreleg and dropping from there to the 
ground. His eyes fade slightly as he speaks silently to the brown, sending 
him a loving smile.

You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles, 
cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully.

Atop Prefeth, Aphrael slowly unbuckles herself, taking a deep breath as she 
pulls off her helmet and goggles, holding them in one hand as she dismounts.

Aphrael climbs down from Prefeth's neckrides with practised ease, reaching 
up to give her lifemate a thankful scritch as the blue dragon crooons.

Meli's face, wet from the rain, nevertheless shows her great joy and 
excitement, even as she runs a hand over Jul's side.

Cerilla speaks as silence is achieved. "That was very well done. Very well 
done indeed. Do any of your dragons feel sore, or overly tired? They should 
feel a little tired, as they've just had a good workout."

L'nay lets out an explosive breath after he hits solid ground, leaning 
heavily against his lifemate.

Prefeth extends his wings again, testing slowly.

L'nay looks up at Palinth, who croons.

Dragon> Palinth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << Flying is very fun... Can 
we sleep now? >>

Juliath extends her wings carefully at Meli's request. Meli carefully 
inspects them, paying special attention to the musculature that they'd 
concentrated on with her exercises. "She seems t'be ok, ma'am."

Aphrael smiles at the praise, then turns to run her hands gently over 
Prefeth's muscle wings. She mutters softly to him. "You did great, my love." 
Turning back she grins, "Prefeth says he feels just fine, ma'am."

Kassima grins and says, "Lyss says she's tired some, ma'am, but not a great 
deal so, and not sore at all." She turns to give her lifemate's shoulder an 
affectionate thump.

Dragon> Varquith bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << You will first get washed 
and oiled, and then you can sleep. >>

Dragon> Benden Weyrlings sense that Palinth rumbles contentedly. << Yes. 
Bathed and oiled. That is good. >>

Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << A nice soak will be 
welcome, indeed. >>

R'val comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern.

R'val uses Vidarth's side straps to mount up agilely, settling onto the 
little blue's back and straightening, petting his head once as Vidarth 
thrums excitedly, ready to fly.

J'cob comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern.

Vidarth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry him 

Cerilla nods in satisfaction, then looks upwards a moment. "You may fly 
daily now, but only with another experienced rider there, and only in good 
weather, no gusty breezes just yet. Understood? Additionally, you are only 
to go as far as we went today. And no bringing along weyrlings who haven't 
been up yet."

Meli nods. "Yes ma'am." Sounds wonderful to her.

L'nay nods curtly in responce. "Aye, ma'am."

Aphrael grins and nods. "Yes ma'am." She says brightly.

Kassima nods solemnly at Cerilla. "Aye, certainly, ma'am."

Cerilla crosses her arms, leaning back against Varquith. "Once your dragons 
are strong fliers, and can handle the wind currents in the bowl and above 
it... that'll probably be in another three or four sevendays... we'll start 
sweeps-training you and that's when you'll be visiting holds nearby."

Meli can't help grinning even though she knows there's plenty of hard work 

L'nay nods again, staring off into the distance for a few moments before 
turning back to Cerilla.

Aphrael nods happily, her hand reaching up to scritch at Prefeth's eyerides, 
the blue crooning softly.

Cerilla's expression suddenly breaks into an uncharacteristically bright 
grin. "But for now, give yourselves a pat on the back. Your first flights 
went very well, and you all should be proud of yourselves. Go wash your 
dragons in the springs, oil them, and grab a bite to eat."

Meli pulls off her gloves, running her fingers through her hair again. 
"Whew... s'hot..." thinking how it'll be during the summer. She quirks a 
grin at the thought of a bath for Juliath... and for herself.

Aphrael smiles and nods, slowly moving off before pausing. "Ma'am, may I ask 
a question?"

L'nay exhales and looks up at the big brown lump beside him. Smiling, he 
calls up, "Come on, you. Let's get those straps off and get you bathed."

Kassima grins and nods enthusiastically, then glances over at Aphrael.

Meli unfastens Juliath's riding straps, gradually removing them as she 
checks for any signs of wear on the straps or any chafe marks on Juliath's 

Cerilla snorts at Meli's statement. "You won't say that when we start 
Between." Turning to Aphrael, "Sure, what is it?"

Aphrael hesitates a moment. "Well, um, can the dragons take passangers yet, 
ma'am? Or are they not strong enough?"

Cerilla shakes her head. "I wouldn't, yet. After all, they're still at the 
point where they get wobbily with slight breezes. Wait a few more sevendays, 
when they're more used to flying and stronger. I'll let you know when 
they're ready."

Palinth whuffles L'nay noisily, eyes whirling bright blue. When L'nay has 
finished collecting his helmet and gloves from the ground again, the brown 
rumbles affectionately and turns south, hitching his wings a bit, as if in 
faint echo of flapping them.

Aphrael nods understandingly and smiles. "Thanks, ma'am." She turns, then 
takes Prefeth's straps off, checking them over carefully as she does.

Kassima loosens Lysseth's straps, saving the actual removal for when they're 
closer to the barracks. She pulls off her helmet and unpins her braid, 
running a hand through the shaggy bangs before pulling off her gloves and 
tucking them in a pocket.

Cerilla chuckles softly. "No problem. And once they are ready, you'll know. 
I'll have you all doing ferry duty up to the ledges."

Jazmin comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern.

L'nay chuckles wryly and follows Palinth. "Aye, try that again, Palinth." He 
raises his voice. "Palinth! LEt me get those straps off first! Palinth..." 
With that the two move out of earshot, the broad, lumbering brown dragon and 
his jogging lifemate.

Palinth lumbers south.

L'nay walks south.

Aphrael bundles her gear up in her arms, grinning at the thought of ferrying 
people. "Come on Prefeth, I know how much you want that bath."

Jazmin moves slowly and somewhat stiffly, waving to the weyrlings and Cerilla.

Meli grins, slinging straps, gloves, helmet, goggles and all over arms and 
shoulders, somehow still managing to keep her feet clear as the pair head 
off for the water.

Juliath lumbers south.

Meli walks south.

Prefeth rumbles happily as he heads south slowly.

Prefeth lumbers south.

Kassima grins and then salutes Jazmin, shifting her gear to make it easier 
to carry and grinning up at Lysseth. "Well, Lady Lyss, let's get you to the 
springs, aye?" She chuckles.

Aphrael salutes Jazmin as she follows not far behind her lifemate.

Aphrael walks south.

Lysseth lumbers south.

Cerilla smiles a greeting at Jazmin, tucking her helmet under her arm.

You walk south.