-------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Surprise For Maylia Date: January 1, 2001 Places: Solarith and Tierth's Ledge; Maylia and T'saren's Weyr Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: It was the Weyrlings who organized this particular event, both ICly and OOCly. Maylia's Turnday had fallen on a day that lent itself to a celebratory mood, and so the 'Lings decided that they would ICly surprise their Weyrlingmaster by decorating her weyr for a party. Fortunately or unfortunately, the woman in question came home a bit early, and with company--but it didn't end up preventing anyone from having a good time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: You land on Solarith and Tierth's Ledge. <*> Maylia slides to the ground, giving Tierth a parting caress and a tender smile. <*> And lo, at the start of the new millenium, there shall be a swarm of green dragons from the heavens, and the moons shall weep blood, and Kassi shall be carrying scary presents. Well, *a* scary present. A scary present and an entirely too cheerful expression. "May! Looks like I just caught you...." Uh-oh? You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles, cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully. Maylia eyes Tierth, as little Tasayli slips down the green's shoulders, and into her mom's arms. "You're being odd tonight." the weyrlingmaster accuses Tierth. "I swear that dragon lept from the ledge here, not one below us... ah, evening Kassi, Lysseth!" Tasayli chirps in with a "Hihi Kaaaaa-ssi!" Tasayli squirms until her mom lets her down. With a pat on the tush, May sends the child into the weyr. Lysseth rumbles somewhat less disturbing greetings, cheerful if drowsy. Riders. They just have to bop around at late hours of the night, don't they? "It seemed as though a young green was heading from this direction," the rider agrees with May, shifting her gaudily-wrapped parcel under one arm. "But I couldn't be sure from which ledge. Couldn't be one above or beside? And heya there, kidlet!" Kassi wiggles her fingers to Tasayli, smiling the broad smile she has around small children. "She's looking hyperactive for this hour. Are we disturbing you? Thought I'd make a delivery a'fore it got t'be too late, but it could wait 'til morning...." Maylia watches Tasayli disappear down the dragon-sized corridor to the weyr proper, and shakes her head. "Just finished her bath, she'll be out like a shuttered glow in moments. I hope. And nono, you're not disturbing a thing, come on in." A glance is directed down into the bowl, but it's quite too dark to make out which dragon would've been the one to slip away. Kassima bobs her head agreeably, and uses her free hand to slap Lysseth fondly on the shoulder. "Behave," she instructs. "Nay flirting with Solarith or aught, you hear?" Lyss does her best to radiate innocence; her rider gives May a wry smile. "That's bairns for you. Anyway, the pleasure would be mine, if'n you're sure I'm nay be intruding." She tilts her head slightly, a suggestion that the Weyrlingmaster precede her. Her weyr, after all. Maylia, at that, heads in. Maylia heads into Maylia and T'saren's Weyr. You head into Maylia and T'saren's Weyr. Maylia and T'saren's Weyr A large room, this weyr is divided into three separate rooms by heavy curtains. The first room contains Solarith and Tierth's couches, the second is T'saren and Maylia's sleeping area, and the third is a small bathing chamber. Shelves line the walls of the sleeping area, containing all sorts of knick-knacks and things Tas and Maylia have collected. A bed lays up against one wall, looking big enough for two. Two small chests sit at the foot of the bed, and thick rugs are piled across the floor to keep out some of the chill of the Telgar air. Contents: Maylia(#15669PJceq) Greylin Kichevio Snarl Obvious exits: Ledge Greylin says a very bad Benden Hold Guard cuss-word. Kichevio swallows _very_ hard, and manages a credible (if squeaky) "Surprise...?" For them as well as Maylia, apparently. Tasayli is still just standing there, gawking at the decorations, and at the people. Maylia stops dead in her tracks, too, for a moment, until Greylin's cussing catches her attention. "Watch your mouth, weyrling." What? No pushups? Yet, at least. "What...?" Seems to be all the Weyrlingmaster can get out. But at least she's not spluttering with anger, nor geting icy quiet. From somewhere behind Greylin--smart kid, definitely--J'rin pipes up. "Happy Turnday, Weyrlingmaster!" Telgar Weyr> Keara peers. Do I want to know? ;) Telgar Weyr> Maylia heyas, Keara! Kassima trails Maylia in by a couple of steps, something gaudily-wrapped under one arm; the cursing and squeaking go unnoticed in favor of blinking at the presence of people, decorations, and whatnot. "Oooh," she quips after a moment's staring. "They're nay leaping out and trying t'give you a coronary--they must like you, May." Telgar Weyr> Maylia says, "C'mon up - they decorated May's weyr for her turnday, and May and Kassi just walzed in..." Telgar Weyr> Kassima heyawaffles to Keara. :) Telgar Weyr> Kichevio snugsa Kea. Come on up. Bring a cake. ;) Telgar Weyr> Keara grins, oh fun. I'm supposedly not on for long, though. Lessee what I can do with today's rwho. --He did what, ghost of Greylin's past? Could -you-? Would you, in a tree? Mash me! Smash me, crash me, greenrider-to-be. Fear a cute bag-thing; thanks, rogue tunnelsnake hunter. Telgar Weyr> Kichevio applauds the Master of +PosPhrases. ;) Telgar Weyr> Greylin says, "No, actually, we're having group sex and May doesn't want to share us." "Oh my." Seems to be the extent of Maylia's vocabulary, as she says it twice more. Each time, though, the Weyrlingmaster looks a little more pleased, until Tasayli starts bouncing around. "It's a party! a party, momma!" The little squeals, happy as can be, and this seems to win over Maylia, who scoops her daughter up, adding her own smile. "It sure seems to be. They must, Kassi! Ah.. thank you!?" Telgar Weyr> Keara points out that she invited Kea up, Greylin. :) Greylin remains where she is, leaning up against the wall. She nods once at May's curt order regarding saying bad words, but doesn't say anything else, fiddling with her crutch. Kichevio relaxes visibly. Death or push-ups must not be imminent, if Maylia's smiling. "We were trying to finish before you and Tasayli were done in the baths, but...oh well, we tried. Greylin orchestrated," she adds, with a wave toward the brownrider, "and the rest of us did the hard labor." Kassima grins over Maylia's shoulder at the Weyrlings, eyes gleaming. She evidently approves. "About *time* someone pounced you with one of these, May. And there aren't even any embarrassing things hanging about. Amazing." Greylin murmurs softly, "No, it's all right, Kheprith. She's not going to throw us off her ledge or anything. No, you can't come up." Maylia bats her eyelashes at her mentor, noting quietly, "With littles in here? Those get tucked *away*." Indeed, she doesn't look ready to give the weyrlings an improntu lesson in airborn rescues of falling riders. It's confirmed: "Well, now. This is far better than putting Tasa to bed, and sipping wine until Tas gets back." She does, however, still look shocked. Kichevio hisses out of the corner of her mouth to Z'phen, "Now see, aren't you glad I didn't let you look for her underwear?" Then snaps back into Party Mode. "We have a cake back here, I believe..." Telgar Weyr> Maylia espies a sneaky Tarlo, and notes that everyone's invited up here :) If you're up for RP, just @tel, or the ledge is 'sol' off the sky over the central bowl. "I *meant* that they might have decided t'rummage through your press and turn odd things into decorations," Kassi returns in that same undertone, amused and with a wink. A shame she can't quite hear Kich; Z'phen would be getting an approving look. "Feh, May, you should celebrate your last Turnday a'fore officially being old better'n *that*. Cake sounds like an excellent start. Unless... 'tisn't shaped like a tent peg, is it, Kich?" Telgar Weyr> Greylin howls. tent peg. Kichevio hasn't heard that story yet, and so gives Kassi an odd look. "No, it's cake-shaped, unless N'lish and Imoen got creative on us." Maylia misses Kich's hiss to Z'phen, as Tasayli squeals to be let down. Feet on the ground, the child twirls over to Kassi, behaving muchly, as littles will do, as if the party is for her alone. "Cake?" The Weyrlingmaster asks, then notes for Kassi, "I've another turn before I hit thirty, so I've a whole turn of being young yet," in a teasing voice. "Shells, decorations and all!" Telgar Weyr> Kassima grins. Kassi has an aunt who makes tent peg shaped cakes, see.... ;) Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "With real fruit filling!" Greylin closes her eyes, tuning out the conversations in front of her for a few moments. When she opens her eyes again, she musters a wan smile. K'list and his group of friends puff out in pride as Maylia admires the decorations. Decorations that _they_, manly men that they are, helped put up. Announcement: Rilor announces "Happy new year all those in the Central Time Zone (and everyone else :) ) !!" Kassima drops to one knee in order to attempt to ruffle Tasayli's hair, though she is merciful and does not pinch the child's cheek. "There's enough cake for Tasayli, too, isn't there?" she asks, looking up with guileless eyes. "And that's a relief; given the cakes m'aunt makes for Turndays, I've gotten out of the habit of being certain... aye, a whole Turn a'fore people start tsking at you for dancing on bars, mentee mine." Lysseth> Kvasith backwings for a landing. Lysseth> Aurian slides off Kvasith after unfastening her riding straps. She lands neatly on her feet this time. Lysseth> Kvasith warbles a greeting to his favorite greens. Tasayli dances about, but allows her hair to be ruffled. Kassi's hand'll be damp, the child did just have a bath. "Caaaake?" The kidlet asks, wide eyed. "Really?" Lysseth> Lysseth rumbles a good-natured, sleepy rumble in salutation to Kvasith. Hey there, hot stuff. Kichevio laughs softly. "Yes, plenty of cake for Tasayli, if her mother says she can have some." Lysseth> Tierth is sharing the ledge without fuss, but is peering down the wide corridor that leads to the weyr itself, curiously. A warble is directed warmly to Kvasith, full of humour. Greylin says in her usual quiet voice, "Save me a piece, too." Kassima doesn't seem to mind the damp hand. Where small children are involved, dampness from bathwater is a pretty good alternative to other possibilities. "Lots and *lots* of cake, just full of sweetner," the greenrider almost croons, not even bothering to hide her grin. "Tasayli can have some cake," Maylia assures both Kich and Tasa, nodding. "Just a bit. Or else she'll be bouncing off the walls all night long." A mock glare aimed at Kassi turns into a glance towards the ledge, along with a smile. "Aurian's here. Wonderful. Now, there's enough for everyone? Who wants to cut the cake?" Taura, who has been valiantly guarding the cake from her gluttonous fellow weyrlings, shouts "I will!" And begins doling out slices impartially. "Yellow cake with klah-and-vanilla swirled icing. All the baker 'lings teamed up to make it." Greylin suggestions, "I think that's your task, Weyrlingmaster." Lysseth> Kvasith makes his way inbetween the pair while his rider makes her way in clutching her son. Aurian comes into the weyr from out on the ledge. Aurian wanders in carrying Tavauri. The redhead flicks an eyebrow as she looks about. Kassima gives the Weyrlingmaster an unrepentantly impish look in exchange for the glare. "You can pay me back later," she promises airily. "Get all of mine t'eat sweets a'fore bedtime, when you get the chance." And never mind that Kassi isn't the one who'll have to deal with the sugar-high hellions in question. She rises back to her feet, keeping that parcel held close. "Oooh," she murmurs as she receives a slice. "Yellow cake's delightful stuff... heyla, Auri." Kichevio is supervising the cutting of the cake. "Evening, Weyrsecond. Have some cake? Mind you don't trip over the confetti." Tavauri shrieks into wakefulness, "Ake! Ake! Ake!" His little fat hands reach out as his mother sighs, "You don't need more sweetening dearheart.." The weyrsecond gives a rueful grin as she makes her way through, "Thank you Kichevio.. but just cut a slice for Tavvy.." Maylia shakes her head to Greylin, likely to the relief of many of the weyrlings. Let's keep knives away from the Weyrlingmaster, hmmm? "Aurian!" Maylia greets, while Tasayli sips behind Kassima. The greenrider will make a good sheild for the little girl to safely hide behind, now and the leaning around to stick her tongue out at her half brother. "Just look at what the weyrlings did!" Kichevio obligingly passes Aurian and Tavauri a small slice of cake. "There you are. And out humble apologies if it keeps him up all night." Greylin immediately states, "It was all my fault, too." Quick to take the blame, she is. Aurian grins at Maylia, "I was just about to ask if T'saren had gotten into some felis and decided to redecorate, happy turnday love." She grins at the others and shifts Tavauri onto her hip as she takes the cake to easily pass it to him, the boy proceeds to make a mess, "It looks lovely though... nice and merry." Kassima turns just enough to grin back at the little girl, and stays where she is, the better to serve as hiding place. She does set that bundle down on the floor, though; two hands are useful when one is trying to eat cake. "Shells... Tavauri and Tasayli always look bigger every time I see 'em," she marvels. "Which *could*, I suppose, be due to all the cake. Isn't it fabulous, Auri? And nay frilly underwear in sight! They even made the cake!" Kichevio inquires, with a lifted eyebrow that speaks volumes, "_Should_ we have included frilly underwear?" "*Nay*," Kassi replies emphatically. "Nay, nay, nay. Frilly underpants aren't a *good* thing." Pause. "Unless," she amends, with a slyly inquiring look towards Maylia, "Tas thinks they are?" Maylia divides a horrified look between Kassi and Kichevio, and includes a resounding, "No. _NO_ frilly underwear!" AUGH! "Fault?" she chides Greylin, shaking her head, still quite tickled by this whole thing. "Who's laying blame? This is... a wonderful suprise!" Greylin ducks her head and smiles. "Just didn't want anyone to get in trouble, or anything," she says. Kichevio teases her friend gently. "You _need_ to get in trouble. All these months of lying around with a broken leg--you're way behind on your mischief-causing." Telgar Weyr> Maylia YAYS, my luggage is here, idle a few :) Greylin pouts and stiffly replies, "I /never/ caused mischief. Just ask Lord Rodin if he remembers who threw the snowballs at him." Kassima chortles under her breath, waggling her brows once at May before settling for several moments to the serious business of munching. "It won't be a fault until she's officially Old," she quips between mouthfuls. "That's when telling everyone her age for party purposes might be deserving of punishment. Wouldn't you say so, Auri?" Telgar Weyr> Maylia does the 'I've got my luggage finally' dance! Aurian sighs as she watches her son mash his cake into his face and then show off his work towards his half sister by opening up his mouth to show her the chewed stuff. "I'll agree with that Kassima.. what is officially old these days anyways.. I had to yank a grey hair last night.." Telgar Weyr> Kassima yaaays the luggage! Telgar Weyr> Greylin hopes it doesn't follow you... Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "On a hundred little pink feet?" Telgar Weyr> Greylin yay P'terry! Greylin nibbles on the piece of cake she gets, licking at any errant bit of frosting. Tasayli responds to her half brother with a pink stuck out tongue, before she sets about making her own mess. Her mother doesn't seem in much mood for her typical martinet behaviour, but she does firmly remind the weyrlings, "Nobody needs to get in trouble, and nobody will for this." Her heart isn't quite made of ice, apparently, as she smiles, something that's a rare sight for the weyrlings. "And I'm still under thirty, I'm not old yet!" "Thirty," Kassi informs the Weyrsecond sweetly. "Which means you qualify as well as I these days. Though your position is probably to blame for the grey--another reason t'be glad I'm a Wingleader, methinks. Nay grey yet." She tugs at her long, black braid with satisfaction, and glances about for a place to put her now-empty plate. "That's very impressive, Tavauri. But methinks Tasayli's pink tongue beats it for style." Telgar Weyr> Tarlo says, "Is the birthday bash still going on?" As Tavauri finishes his cake, his mother is quick with a rag she has in her pocket probably for just this purpose. She licks the end of it and then proceeds to wipe the boy's face clean. "I'm barely thirty. .. where do the turns go.. you know. Its so odd.. I can remember thinking this ages away.. but its been 12 turns since I impressed Kvasith." Greylin glances over at the other weyrlings, who seem still a bit put out to see that their Weyrlingmaster is actually human. Telgar Weyr> Tarlo says, "Buehler? Buehler?" Telgar Weyr> Greylin says, "It is. :)" Telgar Weyr> Tarlo says, "Can someone refresh me on how to get there? The exit name, I mean. :)" Kassima mourns, "Twenty and two Turns since Lysseth found me. I never used t'be thinking I'd *ever* be thirty-seven; it seemed so *old*... if'n I knew where the Turns went, I'd catch a few of 'em and sell for an outrageous profit the ones I didn't keep." Naturally. Telgar Weyr> Maylia sorries for the idle - checking my bags and... freaking out. My brand new super-neat swiss army knife is missing. Telgar Weyr> Tarlo says, "Ow! :/ Not cool." Telgar Weyr> Greylin says, "Slay 'em!" Telgar Weyr> Kassima acks. Kill! Kill! Telgar Weyr> Maylia hasn't yet checked everywhere... I'm worried, I signed for the luggage, I might not be able to raise a fuss if it is indeed missing. Greylin hears footsteps and smiles wanly at Tarlo, still propped up in a corner there with her crutch and splinted leg, the remains of a piece of cake in hand. Tarlo salutes the room, calls out, "Happy Turning, Maylia!" and proceeds inside, balancing a tray between her hands. "Timbril sent me up with a few pitchers of juice and klah." she offers. Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "You signed for their arrival. You didn't sign for the contents you can deffinitely complain hon" Telgar Weyr> Maylia woooos, panic over. Found it! *dancedance* Telgar Weyr> Kassima cheers! Go, knife! "Thank you, Tarlo," Maylia calls, then adds a "Thank all of you," to all the weyrlings who seemed to be in on this. "Kassi, you might be old, but you've a couple turns left before you're ancient." She says this as if it's meant to make her mentor feel better. Kassima glances over and reflexively returns that salute, with an amiable greeting nod for good measure, then darts a look towards the Turnday Girl. "Speaking thereof, I'm almost forgetting--this bundle, 'tis a present for you." Well, that would explain the wrapping. Black, red, white, and green-streaked cloth, big gaudy green ribbon... yep, definitely a Kassi-gift. "D'you want t'be opening it, so I can know whether you like it or I should start hiding from your vengeance? And *thankee* for that kind reminder." Tarlo settles the tray, then herself. Plopping down near Greylin, she asks her fellow weyrling, "Want anything? I'll run around for you and bring you stuff." Maylia flashes Kassi an impudent grin, one which even some weyrlings might be a witness to. She's in her own weyr, she can indulge in facial expressions ranging beyond the usual Weyrlingmaster Granite, Ice, and Iron. "I can remind you more often, if you like? And see, Aurian, you've still turns to go before ancient. Mentor-mine, you do know, you really don't have to give me things simply for adding another count to my turns?" Greylin smiles gratefully to Tarlo. "Just some juice would be nice," she admits. Tarlo makes as if Maylia's grin knocks her over, then with a laugh, rises and gets Greylin some juice. "I know, I know," Kassi cheerfully assures. "But I *like* giving things. Besides, 'tisn't as if'n you haven't given me a gift or two over the Turns, remember?" Wistfully, "I still haven't had a chance t'be dyeing A'lex's water blue... well, but go on, take it. And then if'n you like it, you can be all repentant for trying t'make me feel old." In a stage-whisper to Aurian: "I should've gotten her a *wicked* gift, as wicked as she's being!" Aurian smirks and reaches into her jacket and takes out a flask of something. Tavauri is now making faces at his sister from his mother's lap, "Some Citron brandy, Maylia.. picked up a few bottles when I was at Southern. Also found a redfruit variety.. terribly sweet but I didn't bring that from my weyr.. Your sisters send their love." She laughs at Kassima, "You could have found her something in a pink leather.. I saw some made into tiny little boots.. looked hideous.." Tarlo scrunches her face. "Eww, who made /those/?" Maylia gives over, and reaches for the gift, taking a moment to look a bit askance at Kassi. "Faranth's golden..." oops, weyrlings around, and it's apparent that the Weyrlingmaster alters whatever it was that was golden: "-NOSE-, mentor-mine. I don't know that that stuff keeps. I'll find some more for you." The floppy yet heavy pillow sized package gets squished gently and shaken, an expression of puzzlement on Maylia's face. "Pink leather? Oh - wonderful! Brandy, Aurian? They're well? We should really ship the youngsters down there for a visit." Kassima shudders in reflexive horror at the very words 'pink leather.' "I don't have that much evil in m'heart," she protests to Auri in mock-horror. "Even as black as 'tis! Oh, now, *there's* a fine gift. Something better for May t'sip with Tas, mayhaps." Under her breath, she mutters, "Doubtless some sadist who like as nay had t'be blind t'boot. Oh, it doesn't? Shardit. I should've bent and used it on someone else, but 'twas saving it, stupid me." Greylin grins widely as she sees the various gifts, holding the glass of juice with her free hand. That shaken package, by the way, neither makes disturbing sounds nor begins to wriggle in Maylia's hands. How disappointing. Telgar Weyr> Neliea wishes everyone a Happy New Year and blinks. "Party at your place, May?" Telgar Weyr> Kassima waffles to Nel. Happy New Year! :) Telgar Weyr> Greylin wonders why no one believes her when she tells them we're having group sex up here? Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Probably because everyone knows we'd never do that with Weyrlings, or without Tas being awake. He'd never forgive us. ;)" Telgar Weyr> Maylia shushes Greylin, and nodnods to Neliea! Turnday suprise party for May. come on over, ifyou're up for RP? Telgar Weyr> Neliea is testing her mental state. I wanna, but not sure if I can do group RP this late. Already getting a mild headache. Raincheck for later today? Telgar Weyr> Aurian snugs a Neliea Maylia begins to peel back the wrappings on the package, peering at them, lowering herself down so an inquisitive Tasayli can reach in with little fingers to assist. --- A single scene dominates this cheerful, medium-sized tapestry--one of ultimate mayhem and chaos. Sure, the sunny blue sky above Telgar's Bowl isn't filled with stormclouds or ominous flashes of lightning; blood isn't leaking from the walls of the Weyrling Barracks; no visages of the dearly departed are shouting, 'Beware! Beware!' Yet here, within the bounds of woven cloth, is a much, much worse scenario: Weyrling dragon pairs in their first flight together. Little wonder that the figure clearly recognizable as Maylia has her head buried in her hands, what with the catastrophe before her and all. One particularly bright blue pair, attempting a tricky manuever, seems to have gotten stuck in the Star Stones... whoever knew a dragon's head could fit through the Eye Rock like that? They may be more fortunate than the poor brown who has simply crashed head-first into the Bowl wall, the pained expression on his side-viewed profile painful to witness. Have no fear, though--dragon heads are too thick to crack easily! All of these, however, are still better off than the hapless greenpair that misjudged the depth of their dive... and wound up buried up to the dragon's haunches in a muckpile of truly amazing size. The green's hind feet kick helplessly at the air, her tail thrashing--but then, wouldn't you be desperate to escape such a fate, too? In fact, given all of this, it's a wonder you can't hear the depicted Maylia moaning outright in despair. A small legend is written on the very bottom of the tapestry, giving it what may perhaps be a most appropriate name: 'They're Flying! They're Flying! *THUD.*' --- Telgar Weyr> Maylia HOWLS at the desc, Kassi!!!!! Gimme a sec, folks, I"ll pose about it :) Or - kassi, want to emit it so the room can see? (three paragraphs, not much spam :) ) Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Sure, if people like. :)" Telgar Weyr> Greylin says, "Any spam that I didn't generate is welcome. :)" Telgar Weyr> Kassima okies and gives the brace-for-spam warning, then. :) Maylia's jaw unhinges as she unfolds the tapestry that was in the package. A pause, followed by a slow chuckle, which gains impetus into a full fledged (pun intended) laugh. "-Kassi!-" She exclaims, turning it so that others might see. Tarlo takes a look, and bursts into laughter, cupping her hands over her face. "Oh...oh...that's just not right!" Kassima watches this unwrapping with anticipation, nearly bouncing on her feet like a small, eager child. That laughter wins a bright, relieved beam. Oh, good. She doesn't need to run for her life after all. "What? What?" she asks, all innocence. "It seemed fitting enough t'*me*...." Greylin stares and stares and then starts /laughing/. "Oh, dear Faranth!" Maylia takes a moment to regain her composure, but mirth still lingers in her expression. "I'm torn between hanging it in here, and hanging it behind my desk in the barracks." Aurian peers at the tapestry with an arched eyebrow, "Now that was skillfully rendered." Kassima grins and waggles her brows briefly at the Weyrlings, looking pleased by their laughter, too. "Nay that any Weyrlings of May's training would really be that clumsy, a'course, which is really just as well. Thankee, Auri; m'cousins' work, a'course--and your choice, May. So long as it pleases you, you can hang it over a latrine for all of me." Tarlo grins. "As funny as it would be, the morale would just plummet..." Greylin adds quietly, "I've already broken something of mine... I don't need Kheprith to see how /he/ can break something..." Maylia shrugs, still not bringing her guard fully back up. "Moral'd jump, though, once the new fliers realized they're not this," and the tapestry is indicated, "bad." Tarlo grins. "Well, I guess you're right - I mean, you really can't pick out specific weyrlings in the tapestry..." "And I've never seen a pair end up head-first in the muck pile yet," Kassi chimes in. She pauses. "Though there was that time Pleiath got in the *ash*-pit... but that was a different sort of flight entirely." Maylia grimaces at Kassi, nodding. "Totally different type of flight. I've seen weyrlings waddle into muck pits, their eyes somewhere else." Greylin murmurs softly, "Note to self, make sure that doesn't happen." Kassima reminisces a bit whimsically, "Prefeth used t'be suggesting that the dragonets should be emptying the muck bins in R'val's weyr rather than into a pile... probably just as well that we never went along with it, tempting though 'twas." Greylin quietly leans over and asks for a ride back to the barracks. Tarlo rises. "I'd better get going." she grins. "I'll see everyone tomorrow at drills." she rises and makes an exit. [Editor's Note: And by that point, May herself had to go, so the log ends here.]