-------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Favored Method of Persuasion Date: February 25, 2000 Places: Telgar Weyr's Living Cavern and Storage Rooms Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: In an obscure way, I have to thank Raimi for this bit of entertaining RP; she's the one who asked me to have Kassi con I'sai into strutting his stuff (so to speak) at the fashion show at Boll. Amazingly, Kassi actually managed the task, once again proving that she has a weird sense of priorities when it comes to what she'll spend marks on--not to mention a proverbial blank check. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: You walk past the lintel and into the wide living cavern. Pierron humphs thoughtfully as the Wingleader of Thunderbolt arrives. Kassima does not walk, no, she *runs* through the Living Cavern, another jar of mint sticks held triumphantly aloft--and as she reaches the kitchens, she turns back just long enough to yell to the Healers pursuing her, "I'm free again, you blood-suckers!" before disappearing into the cooks' demense. You walk off towards the kitchen. You push your way past scurrying kitchen girls into the storeroom passageway. Telgar Weyr> Kassima is starting to have a bit too much fun with this mint-kleptomania, she thinks. ;) You walk off towards the Storage Rooms. Over in textile storage, I'sai isn't so much looking around as just sitting on a dusty crate with arms around his knees. Telgar Weyr> Leya giggles, "You know I was sooo tempted to mutter under my breath that I wish I had a mint stick when given a glass of citron juice." There's a sound of fast footfalls audible from outside the stores; then, a none-too-gradual halt as Kassi skids to a landing next to the doorway. "Going t'have t'be more careful next time," she mutters, pushing the door fully open with the arm not curved possessively around the jar. Upon realizing that the room is not unoccupied, she adds a belated, breathless, "Ach--sorry, I'sai; didn't know the room was being used... am I intruding on some deep thought session or the like?" Telgar Weyr> Kassima beams at Leya. You are being assimilated into the Mint Side. ;) Pale eyes glance up; I'sai assures, once he sees it's her, "Yes, in fact. I'm communing with the clothes. If I'd waited long enough, the right tunic would have popped right out and fluttered over to me. Unfortunately, the mood has been broken." Kassima puts on her best disconsolate expression, though being winded and flushed does mar it some; setting the jar on a nearby shelf--and covering it, cannily, with a spare pair of pants lest the Healers find it again--she ambles towards where the bronzerider and clothes are mingling their thoughts in a sacred mind meld. "I'm *ever* so sorry, I'sai, truly. You should post warning signs outside when you're doing something like that. But why were you looking for the perfect tunic? Did you sign up for Boll, too?" "I would if I could write," I'sai says, who can indeed write, and usually decipherably at that, "But as it is, I don't have enough to bribe a drudge to stand out there and call warning, see. Plus, it'd just attract attention. But what's any of that have to do with Boll? The tunic, it was just looking for me, I was going to indulge it so it didn't get snagged by someone else and have a perfectly horrible life forever after." Kassima's brows inch upwards, honest surprise destroying that careful mask of mock-sorrow. "You can't write? How d'you survive without going mad? I suppose I can understand that; poor tunic, being claimed by someone 'twould only later discover 'twasn't its One True Fit." She raises the back of one hand to her forehead in melodramatic expressivity. "Boll? Oh, hadn't you heard? They're t'be having a fashion show at their Gather a couple of sevendays hence--I thought mayhaps you'd agreed t'model and were looking for something t'be wearing. Though come t'think of it, that doesn't make much logical sense as methinks they always provide the models' clothes." "Oh, I have gone mad, that's why they put me in M'rgan's wing," I'sai explains, hanging his head - so what if pale eyes peek unabashedly out even so; "It just doesn't show much, because, well, there's a reason why D'ton's in the wing too, when he's not watchriding. And that dragonhealing thing. And, ah, I did hear. About the models. Ryialla mentioned it. And that they provided clothes. She mentioned she'd talked to you, but didn't quite answer as to whether she'd lost a bet that made her agree to participate..." Kassima's eyes gleam appreciation of the jest, and she adds in a grin for good measure, sliding down to a ginger cross-legged seat on the floor. "And here 'twas thinking the madmen all went t'me. Still, 'twould explain much, a legacy of Skyfirean lunacy. So D'ton is also mad, is he?" Lacing her fingers together to drop into her lap, or what remains of her lap, she assures, "Nay lost bets. I bet with Ryi, but *only* marks, thankee--she just acceded t'my arts of persuasion." Glancing sidelong, she wonders, "Don't suppose you'd do the same? Have the daring t'be getting up there and showing 'em what Telgar's made of, so t'be speaking? I've heard they're looking for more males." I'sai peeks down at her dark head; "I really couldn't say, about D'ton," he says, "Being that, you know, I'm not one to gossip." And he even says this with a straight face. "No, no, I don't have the daring, not at all, not me." "You should try it," Kassi suggests, keeping a serious mein somehow. "I've a feeling you might enjoy it once you did. Oh, nay? A shame--this from a man who dared be backtalking the Lord of Greenfields' daughter." A toss of her head; mock-hauteur in the tone. "I'm *terribly* disappointed. Nay, in seriousness--you should, y'know; the Weavercraft isn't apt t'be forgetting favors. They might give discounts. And they won't put you in pink lace if'n you tell them nay to, I can be swearing t'that." I'sai does chuckle, but his arms still circle his knees, and he says, "Maybe not -you-. I'm sure they could come up with worse. I don't know; it all seems ...strange. Everyone -looking-," that last with a grimace wrinkling his light voice if not his freckled features. Ryialla walks in from outside the room. Ryialla slips into the entrance to the store rooms, looking relieved. She takes a moment to compose herself - not bothering to go poking around just yet. Kassima chuckles herself at that, and comments, "Me*thinks* I've just been complimented, though t'be truthful I can't quite tell; thankee, just in case." She would find a suggestion of fearsomeness complimentary. "Just be telling 'em you won't wear a kilt or a tight shirt and you'll be fine. I did it, and would I be wearing aught embarrassing in public, I ask you? Without being paid forty-seven and a quarter marks t'do so? *'Tis* strange, but 'tis short in lasting--and," all persuasiveness, now, "'tis good for Weyr-Craft relations. D'you know what would happen if'n the Weavercraft weren't happy with Telgar? Mauve argyle socks. *That's* what'd happen." Noticing movement in the entrance, she turns her head that way and lifts a hand to wiggle its fingers. "Ryi, you're just in time." I'sai calls over in turn, though he doesn't uncurl from his crate, "Ryialla. She's trying to make headway where you didn't." To the other greenrider, he says, "Are you saying that if I say I don't want to wear something, I don't have to, whatever it is? And as for Weyr-Craft relations... I really quite sincerely doubt that my participation would have anything to do with them, and certainly nothing positive. They don't even much know about me. Unless a certain wingleader happened to promise me to them... which that person shouldn't have been doing anyway." Ryialla tilts her head, looking curious, then wanders over to join the two of you. "Well," she says, affably enough, "It's hard to convince someone of something when you keep waffling on it yourself. Kassi's already gotten sucked in, see. So she'll have a more vested interest than I. What was that about 47 and a quarter marks, Kassi? And heyla to you both. I'm trying to avoid K'nan, so don't mind me." Kassima, without looking, reaches back for a suitable piece of clothing to throw at I'sai. It happens to be a pair of socks with, of all ill omens, pink lace around the cuffs. "I *didn't*. I haven't been t'Weavercraft in months, remember? Promised me to 'em, aye; you, nay. Though t'be fair, Sim did hint he might let me buy what 'twill be modelling at cost if'n I could get the Craft a bronzer volunteer or two. They're always so popular." She wisely refrains from detailing just why. "'Tis a show of support, 'tis all. And if'n you specify that there's something you won't wear, they won't make you. I said nay pink lace or black leather for me, and they put me in a perfectly respectable grey thing. Would it reassure you if'n Ryi and I promised t'be wearing whatever 'tis they make you wear, as a guarantee of our trust that 'twill nay be aught evil?" Oh, dear. "That's how much they paid me t'wear pink lace for a day, Ryi. Why the K'nan-avoidance?" "No K'nan here," I'sai agrees, batting the socks away from him, away, away, befor even seeing what they -are-. "I don't want to have to specify, I don't want to wear anything strange, and I -especially- don't want to wear anything while standing up so people can stare at me. And she wouldn't fit, besides, and then we'd all be embarrassed together and what good would -that- be." Ryialla looks most thoughtful. "47 for pink lace. That might not be /quite/ so bad, then...and don't you walk while doing that? Wouldn't be standing all the time, then. And I'm certain as long as you're clear, they won't make you wear anything too horrible or strange." She settles down on an unopened crate with a grunt. "Oh. K'nan seems to think that I should go to the Healers, just because I've lost a little weight. I went before..." 4 or 5 months ago. "And they said I was fine and the baby was fine. So I don't need to go." She mms at I'sai. "Was talking to Jenni in the living cavern, but got lost in his own thoughts after, so I was able to sneak by." "If'n *I'm* going t'be standing so people can stare at me--while *pregnant*, which is hardly the most aesthetic of states--for the good of Weyr-Craft relations and monetary benefit, I don't see why a perfectly healthy bronzer who *isn't* pregnant can't be doing the same." Kassi's tone is a grouse, but at least she doesn't reach for more socks. "Ryi should've spawned by then; she'll fit into whatever 'tis, though *I* might nay. How about it, Ryi? Willing t'be making a promise for a good cause?" Scooting back until she finds a suitable surface to lean against, she suggests, "Next time he suggests it, dump turnip juice down his pants." "Well, better than kissing her," I'sai supposes. "Although even that's better than - oh, healers again? You look about ready to pop, and ... and just because you walk off a cliff doesn't mean -I- have to too." Ryialla mms in assent, and says, "Oh, c'mon, Is. Where's your sense of adventure? If this withered old body is willing to squeeze herself into something just to try it...why not? Just once. I'll even wear the same outfit - and hey, Kassi. I bet they could just make a bigger one for you, too. An I hope I do pop. I am so sharding sick of this pregnancy it's not even funny." I'sai teases, "You don't want to know any more about my sense of adventure than you do already." "Does too," Kassi retorts. "If'n I'm going off a cliff, I plan t'be taking people *with* me. C'mon, I'sai. If'n nay for relations, how about moral support? Or you can snicker at what they put other folk who didn't think t'specify naught odd into with us. Please?" Somehow, without visibly moving at all, Kassi manages to shift her expression to one of pleading baby canine eyes. "Pretty please with mint on top? They're making something accomodating, Ryi. I rather like the sketches, even if'n 'twill nay be green. Mayhaps if'n you ate rivergrain pudding with garlic and vinegar? Or kiwi iced cream with ketchup? Those things worked for me." I'sai has to deal with Taralyth, he of the reproachful stare -and- the link into his gut, ...but that doesn't completely inoculate him from having to lift his chin a little defensively at her expression. "I don't see why I can't approve it first; and I can snicker from the audience, too. I can snicker even more, in fact." Kassima has small children. She's had this expression turned on her so many times that she's learned to copy it to perfection and, with her evil greenrider wiles, improve on it. It's amazing how large and soulful one can make their eyes when they really try. "You won't even do it for us?" she mourns. "You'll leave us to our lonely devices up there on that stage, t'be laughed at alone?" Was that a sniffle? Is her chin quavering just a trifle? "Oh, Is, how *could* you?" I'sai folds his arms tighter, because he can. "You'll have plenty of company," he mutters. "Get the rest of your wing to do it, if you have to." Ryialla says "Well, I'd rather think you'd have to approve it - they'd have to sketch it and fit it to you and all." Those blue eyes of hers soften, becoming a match for Kassi's baby canine eyes. The expression softens the tight lines of her face, the thinness no longer so apparent. "Pretty please, I'sai? Just once. Try it, and if you hate it, never again. I promise. Besides, if you will, we can all badger Myk into doing it too. Think of the fun you'll have being able to watch him up there as well. And it could probably be arranged so you go /first/, and get it overwith. Right, Kassi?" I'sai eyes Ryialla, who just doesn't play fair. "...Neither of - Nobody likes to be badgered," he says. And, the first step to perdition, "It's not good to go first, that way they -are- staring, better to be lost in the shuffle." "M'Wing is full of people with stone for hearts. They wouldn't do it," Kassi mumbles, downcasting her lashes and hunching in on herself to look as pitiful as she can. "That's *true*, Ryi. We likely could--" Peer pressure! "--and Master Raimi is ever so nice and accomodating. Oh, say you'll do it, Is. You'll have our gratitude forever and ever and ever." Or until the next time he does something wicked to them, or they want to do something wicked to him, whichever comes first. "You could order them to," I'sai points out as they return to a semblance of logic, no doubt trusting in M'rgan's own forbearance. "And besides, I have stone for a heart, too. Really, I do. No mushiness here. No, definitely not." Ryialla continues not to play fair, mouth developing the tiniest of pouts. "You've been ever so sweet and wonderful to me, Is. And now you'd cast me to the canines, leave me the only member of Skyfire up there to suffer? If you'd rather be lost in the shuffle, I'm sure it could be arranged. In fact, if you wished to talk to Master Raimi about being anonymous, I /bet/ they'd craft a mask for you. Then no one would know who you are. You'd be mysterious - the handsome, modeling bronzerider who no-one knew.." Kassima lets the pitiful act slip to give I'sai one of those 'And how big is that bridge you have to sell me?' looks. "Mmm-hmm. Sorry; nay going t'be buying that one. But speaking of buying--" A gusty sigh, a flickered glance down to her belt pouch. "If'n all else fails, 'tis time for bribery. What will it take t'be getting you t'do it? I'm trusting you want marks, since if'n you're going t'be asking me t'do a jig on a table while singing the song about the little teapot or some such other horror in exchange, you're going t'be having a longer wait." She brightens at Ryi's suggestion, chiming in, "And they'd all be asking, 'Who *was* that masked man?'" I'sai just narrows his eyes at Ryialla with a, "I'll rub your feet when you're done walking the plank. And that's it." Though, that mask... and his mouth might twitch at Kassima's change in expression, but he goes on with, "Like it'd be so anonymous when they call out our names. Or look at Taralyth. ...Mask. Bribe..." the fish is wiggling near the hook, seacrafters. Near the hook. I'sai adds, "Really, Ryi, you should get M'rgan to do it. That'd take his mind off Kena being so busy." Ryialla inclines her head just a little. "But there's no reason for Taralyth to be /right/ there, correct? He could drop you off where you wouldn't b seen, and there's always aliases, for the names. Plus I'll rub /your/ feet, when you're done showing off." Her smile curves impish. "Now. C'mon, Is. You've got to admit, that if you did it like that, you'd be pulling one over on a lot of people. Right? That's got to have some merit to it.." Kassima offers, hopefully, "Three marks? And a promise t'be eating a bug if'n they make you wear a kilt? You can choose the bug." It's much more motivational if he chooses the bug. "Taralyth could be staying in the courtyard or some such thing, though 'twould be a shame t'deprive him of the chance t'be seeing. They wouldn't have t'be calling your name. They could call you 'The Anonymous Masked Bronzer Person.' Or 'Mr. Flibble,' that'd do. C'mon. Four marks?" I'sai says, with his nose in the air just high enough that he can look down it, and a little more, "Who cares about pulling one over people." Feel free to laugh now. "Besides, -he's- not going to hide. And -certainly- not 'Mr. Flibble.' And, all right, if I -did-, a footrub would help, but, but... thing is, four marks, that's not even enough to buy an outfit with, really. Not a good one anyway. Maylia's -shirt- was..." he catches himself too late, face flaming. Too late indeed. Kassima's curiousity has been triggered. "Maylia's shirt?" she wants to know. "Why'd you--and you paid over four marks for a *shirt*? What are you, nuts? Better idea yet: rather than paying you, 'twill be going with you next trip you make to the Weavercraft t'be doing your bargaining for you. You plainly need lessons." Yep, that's Kassi. Willing to pay four marks for a bronzerider to model, but not for a shirt. "Speaking of rubs, you should give Ryi a backrub sometime, you know. Backrubs win a lot of points with pregnant women." Ryialla blinks. "Over /4/ marks for a shirt? Faranth, I'sai, was it made out of spinner-silk or something, with permanently embedded scent??" I'sai says through his teeth, "It wasn't exactly four marks." But if it wasn't, it was pretty close. "And, uh, never mind about scent. And it was a -good- shirt. A -very- good shirt. And she -liked- it. So there." Or at least said she did. And never mind the backrubs: "It should be four marks and -teaching- me about bargaining, not that you've taught me about knife-throwing yet, and ... hmm, a personal favor might be good too. For the future. No doubt I'll need it." "I'sai, *why* did you buy m'mentee a four-mark scented shirt?" Kassi just has to know now. "'Twasn't her Turnday recently, I'm sure of it; I'd have recalled--oh, shells. Tell me she's nay having an affair with you. Nay *again*. After Kiat, you'd think she'd learn her *lesson* about such things, but *nay*... Faranth's femur on a fork!" Covering her eyes briefly with her hands, she mourns, "Where did I go wrong? One mentee paired off with *two* men, two of 'em wound up dancing on bars, one without *pants*, and I'm sure 'tis just a matter of time a'fore Daffela does something weird...." The beginning of bargaining draws her out of her melancholy, however. "Three marks, teaching, a personal favor, but you have t'be wearing whatever they give you so long as it doesn't void your specifications. And the personal favor can't involve me wearing pink lace in public." Ryialla ohhhhhhhs - something Kassi's said trigging a memory or an assumption of some sort. "As long as she liked it, then, well. Presents are always good, even when there's no reason to give them." She quiets, then, listening to the barganing. That's between the two of them, after all, so she can just sit back and enjoy. Kiat?! I'sai's eyes go wide. "I -said-," he says, "Never mind about scent. And we're -not- having an affair. It's nothing -like- that." He nods firmly at Ryialla, then says, "Give me a few moments to think... and what happened with, with K'tyn anyway? ...And that's not the favor; the favor isn't the favor till I say it is." Kassima's brow furrows. Yes, she's thoroughly confused. "So why the expensive random gifts if'n you're nay having an affair? Are you *hoping* t'have an affair? I have t'be saying, Is, 'twould nay recommend it. Tas wouldn't be pleased, and he can wreak a lot of havoc now that he's Weyrsecond. Never mind him and Madelynda--or him and May and *Aurian*, shards; but at least that was with her participation, as 'twere...." Trailing off as she realizes she's strayed somewhat from the point, she explains, for Ryi too, "May and Kiat were sleeping together for a time. Without Kin or Tas's knowledge. I'm afraid I yelled at 'em for it--likely shouldn't have; none of m'business, but after the thing with K'nan and Jenren, well... anyway. 'Twas a time ago, and methinks they're nay doing it anymore. Tas and Kin were both displeased, as memory serves." Ryialla ahs. "I wasn't aware of that - well, May and Kiat's part. I remember that thing with K'nan and Jenren and...oh, that /was/ a mess." She wrinkles her nose, and grimaces. But..." She looks over at Is, here, then back to Kassi. "Sometimes gifts are just gifts, with nothing behind them other than friendship. Which reminds me, I've a present for /you/." And there's exactly /no/ chance on Pern that it's anything other than a gift for a friend, there. "Can't say as I blame them," I'sai mutters edgily. "At least he and Sa - " he stops, says instead, "...And it wasn't random, anyway. It was... was not quite a Turn and a half ago. Count on your fingers if you have to. And no, -I'm- not the one provoking Weyrseconds... So. Teaching. Favor. I wear whatever doesn't void my specs. No pink lace in public - and no pink _or_ lace, for three and a half marks." And then, then he blinks at Ryialla. "Saskia?" Kassi finishes, without pause or surprise. The counting, though not done on fingers, does take a moment. Then, finally, carefully, "Is... thankee for nay making a practice of needing t'be replacing shirts. That would've been very hard t'be explaining t'Jirel when I gave her the clothes back. Who's provoking Weyrseconds? I'm nay provoking Weyrseconds." Just spawning with them, that's all. Giving this matter due thought, she decides, "Three and a quarter and the favor falls within reasonable bounds--naught impossible, naught that harms anyone, and naught that involves, say, you placing bets on whether 'twould ever bed L'cher and then calling that as the favor t'be making tons of marks--and you've a deal." She, too, blinks at Ryi. "A present? Should I be afraid?" I'sai confirms nothing about the name; just says meanwhile, with a ghost of a smile, "You're quite welcome. ...But no, I don't care for that last condition; I'll be satisfied with your three and the rest." Ryialla shakes her head. "Nope. It's not anything big, anyway. And...well. It's not here, just yet. You'll have to wait and see what it is when it arrives." She smiles - a little playful, impish smile. "You'll like it. You'll see." Kassima flicks a smile back, saying only, "Welcome. Don't care for the last?" Puzzled, in the wake of the latter. "So 'twill nay be agreeing nay t'be asking aught unreasonable? That worries me. I knew 'twere evil, but...." A squint towards Ryi, now. "When you smile that smile, I feel fear in the depths of m'black greenrider heart. Then again, it *could* mean the gift is a gift that will do evil t'someone *else*...." "Good question; will I like her liking it?" I'sai asks Ryialla, before adding, "Well, there's unreasonable and there's -unreasonable-. I think it's safe to say that what might come to mind would not be impossible, would not involve L'cher, and would not deliberately cause much harm... since everything could cause harm, if you look at it the right way. Or the wrong. Feel better?" "I can be agreeing to that," Kassima decides. "I'm just nay going t'be castrating anyone for you on a favor, say. I do m'best t'be honoring any bargain I'm making, but there *are* limits. So. Three and a quarter, favor, lessons, nay pink or lace or combination thereof and you have t'be wearing whatever?" She takes a moment, at this point, to unfold her legs, stand, and fetch that mint stick jar. It's been too long since her last fix. Ryialla lifts her hands, expression engimatic. "You may or may not like it. Probably may. I've gotten you something similar." The real reason for the lack of marks is slowly becoming apparent. She's been buying presents.Because you've both been so good to me during this whole thing." Thing likely having to do with the large protruding belly she's got. "An' you're both my friends, and I've never really got to buy presents for my friends for no good reason before." I'sai agrees, with another small smile, "No castrating. ...And whatever -doesn't fit the specifications-... wait, for both of us?" His gaze searches Ryialla's expression, enigmatic or no, or perhaps the more so because it is. "...Oh. Uh, and thanks? I mean, for what you said." Awwwww. Watch Kassi's expression soften. If the hormones choose to kick in, she may wind up sniffling for real yet. "Ryi, that's terribly sweet. And entirely too kind. You didn't have to, I hope y'know it--'twasn't trying t'be nice in hopes of recompense, and I'm sure Is wasn't either. 'Tis just what friends are for." A pause, and a ruefully amused grimace. "Cliche as that sounds. All right, then--" She holds out the hand not busy picking out the best mint stick to seal the deal. "D'you want payment now, or afterwards? And do either of you want a mint stick? Might be the last batch I can be stealing for awhile. The Healers are on t'me." "Uh, yeah, not in recom-whatever," I'sai agrees, looking away from Ryialla only long enough to cross palms with Kassi, sans spit. "If you have it on you, that's fine, otherwise ... next time we see each other? I, ah, could use it. The marks. Right around now." Ryialla shakes her head. "It's not. I'd never do that. You just reminded me of it, Kassi. That's all. And it's two separate things, one for each of you. In a similar theme. And I'd love a mint stick, thanks." "Hm," says I'sai, speculatively. "...Mint, sure, please." Sayuri walks in from outside the room. Kassima, in answer to the question of whether she has the marks on her, proceeds to unhook her belt pouch and spill its contents onto the floor. Quarter-marks, half-marks, full marks, two markers, one or two ten markers, all come tumbling out into a pile. "Methinks I can scrape 'em up," she comments as she plucks a two, a one, and a quarter from near the top and passes them over. "I'm looking forward t'seeing it then, Ryi, nay matter how evil it may be." After scooping the marks back into their proper place, she withdraws two mint sticks from the jar and proffers one to each. I'sai disappears the marks into his pocket and takes the offered mint stick, afterward saying polite thanks; he leans across his knees, then, to get a look at the newcomer, "Hello!" Sayuri says "hello" Ryialla takes the mint stick and pops it into her mouth, watching in bemusement as Kassi the Mark Mistress shows off her wares. The fall of footsteps causes her to glance over and smile pleasantly enough to the newcomer "Heyla." It's muffled, due to the mint stick in her mouth. I'sai looks at the girl a long moment, and then guesses, "You're not someone I have to pretend I know even though I don't recognize you, are you?" Kassima fastens the pouch back onto her belt with a final, fond slap for it--or rather, its contents--and leans back against her wall-o'-support to suck on her mint stick in bliss for a moment or two. "Heyfwa," she offers to the newcomer, just as muffled as Ryi; and to that greenrider, she offers a wink in response to the bemusement. Sayuri says "No, I just arrived here." Ryialla plucks the mint stick out of her mouth then, and says, "Welcome to Telgar. Or, more specifically, Telgar Weyr's storerooms." She gestures at the cavern around her, then asks, "Is there aught we can help you with?" The stick is popped back in, then, even as Ryi shifts a little on her crate. Sayuri says "Any food around here? Preferrably the edible kind?" I'sai assures, "You're lucky enough to have arrived -after- the 'time of fish' has passed. It was awful. But it's a lot better now." Sayuri says "Great! Any sweets?" "Well," says Kassi, switching her mint-stick over to her cheek so as to be able to talk around it better, "be welcomed to the Icy Wastes, then, and duties t'you and your homeplace." Not on a crate, she nonetheless follows the shifting trend, stretching out her legs and tapping boot-toes together in an idle fashion. "Nay in this room, unless you're considering cloth t'be food, but there's plenty in the Caverns or in the cold Stores--ach, I'sai, don't *remind* me. I don't eat fish but once in a canine's age, so I had t'be hoarding meatrolls from elsewhere and eating *those*. The Holds are nay doubt still wondering how so many disappeared from their serving tables." I'sai's pointed features wrinkle in disappointment, "You want sweets? Not a good cheese, maybe on bread, a slice of sausage to go with... -Good- cheese, I tell you. We had the flaming dessert the other night, I'm afraid, so you're too late for that." Sayuri says "Sweets!" I'sai snaps his fingers, "I was afraid of that." Sayuri says "There aren't any sweets around here, are they? No pies? Cookies? Anything?" Sayuri says "By the way, is Selaye around? I must speak with her." I'sai suggests, practicing his own wide-eyed look, "Ryi, could you? ...You're so -good- with this sort of thing." Kassima considers this with due gravity, while sucking on her mint stick. It seems to be escaping her that mint sticks might be considered sweets. "Nay in this room, nay... there're like as nay still bubblies in the Cavern somewhere... I'*sai*. Don't mention sausage. You're making me hungry again. Headwoman Selaye? She's like as nay in her rooms at this hour, 'twould warrant." Sayuri says "I see you have a very nice mint stick. _Very_ nice." "Aye," Kassi answers. "'Tis, 'tisn't it? And 'tis all mine." I'sai supposes, "I have one that hasn't been licked. Unlike hers. I'll give it to you if you'll eat some cheese afterward; much tastier." Ryialla gives I'sai a slightly narrowed eyed look of her own. She's not buying that. But out comes the mint stick again, to tell Sayuri, "They're Kassi's. You'll have to ask her if she'll be kind enough to give you one." Speaking of sweets, her own smile, as it's turned on the other greenrider, is wonderfully sweet. Too sweet. Passing the wherrybuck here. Sayuri says "Well, if you're going to be like that, I suppose I'll just go one to bed. Cheese! Hmph!" Kassima lazily unbends one arm to reach for another pair of socks to lob I'sai-wards. "Don't be talking nonsense, man. Cheese better'n mint sticks! Are you *mad*?" Ryialla's sweet smile is mirrored to a frightening--and minty--degree. Oh, no, you don't. Sayuri says "If Selaye happens by, do tell her I'll speak to her tomorrow, please? I'm afraid I must get my beauty sleep." I'sai ducks the socks, but too late, as they graze his hair; here's hoping they were washed before returned to the storerooms. "Hey," he then protests, "I thought it was a nice offer... ah, all right. If that happens. Who do we say you are?" Sayuri says "Sayuri, the new girl who just moved in. Well, good night!" The lacy pink socks do indeed seem to be clean, where they now lie forlornly on the floor. Kassi wiggles her fingers after the departing girl. "Beauty sleep?" she then repeats, sounding a bit bemused. "I didn't think sleep really had any impact on beauty. Strange. She seems all right, though." I'sai slides off his crate with a, "Now, you know that someone else might make an unkind comment about that, but -I- won't." Kassima only chuckles, grinning wryly at the bronzerider around her mint stick. "Too kind, though I'd nay mind if'n you had. Until I get to the sniffly hormone stage, people can take as many pot-shots at me as ever; only then will I start bursting into tears or the like, promise. I don't think I'm *too* bad about that, anyway--Ryi, how about you, did you have a sniffly stage this time?" Ryialla nods. "She does seem alright. Good sort, if a little sweet-loving. Not necessarily a bad thing. I used to be that way, too. Remember the sweetner I used to drop in my klah, Kassi?" She snorts, then. "Did I have a sniffly stage? Oh, did I ever. Right around the time with that whole thing with Kao, too. Wonderful timing, for sure." "She did," I'sai avers after an equally wry nod Kassima's way - then stops; "'That whole thing' - is it over?" "Oh, aye--nay that I blamed you; when I drink the stuff and 'tis nay M'kla's, I still load it with sweetner," Kassi assures, then grimaces. "Shells. Should've recalled that m'self, but you might say I could nay tell 'twas hormone-inspired and be telling the truth--aye, how *are* things between you two now?" "The sniffly part? Pretty much - it's about the only thing that's acted like normal, this time around." Ryi sucks on the mint stick contemplatively for a moment. "Well. It's currently back to what it was somewhat before I flipped out. Whinde did move out, though. And seems to be enamoured of some new person. Not sure who. Akiko was talking about kissing." I'sai twitches his way towards the exit, though not so far that he doesn't wonder, "Um, so does that mean it's just you two? Or not even you two?" Kassima does sound relieved as she says, "Glad t'be hearing it. Better t'be in homicidal mode during the spawning than sniffly mode. Anger's more useful than despair, nay?" Trust her to think so. "I'd heard about the move-out, though nay whom she's been dallying with. I do seem t'recall her flirting with K'nan at one point." Ryialla chuckles. "Who /hasn't/ flirted with K'nan, at this point, really? And, aye. Anger is much more useful." A shake of her hand for I'sai. "It's open. I don't ask, he doesn't volunteer. Better that than nothing at all." I'sai raises a hand, "-I- haven't - oh. Oh." He looks at her a long moment, some obscure expression haunting his pale eyes; "...If you say so. Good night," and the very last includes them both. Ryialla looks rather confused at the expression, and it's reflected in her words as she says, "Erm. G'night, then, Is." Kassima echoes the gesture, and words: "I haven't, either." Peering at the other greenrider, she nods, perhaps in sympathy and perhaps in understanding; perhaps in both. "Mayhaps," she offers, tentative, "he'll volunteer after you've spawned? Oh--g'night, I'sai. Sleep well, dream sweet, and regards t'Taralyth." "To Lysseth... Pliarth," I'sai agrees without further illumination, and escapes the rest of the way. "Something," Kassi decides, watching him go, "is up with that bronzerider." Ryialla blinks as Is leaves, then nods. "It is. I can never figure him out. Gives me headaches if I try." She turns towards Kassi. "But, to answer your other question, if he does volunteer, he does. If he doesn't, he doesn't. I really don't expect much from this sort of thing anymore." Kassima agrees with some wryness, "He's an enigma--an interesting one, though. For someone so young, he has so many secrets." Probably unexpectedly, she adds, "'Tis a shame Taralyth wasn't on Benden's Sands--he'd have done well Impressing as a Bendenite. He's evil enough." High praise from her indeed. "I'truth. I know the way of it. I could never offer; only Ev ever asked, if'n you're nay counting J'var or L'cher or all those men who'd bed aught with legs and a pulse. I hope he does, though, Ryi. You deserve some time t'nay be alone." Kassima pauses a moment before amending, "Well... Ev and one other, though the latter was less a case of asking and more of offering, but 'tis nay quite the same thing. Anyway." Ryialla stretches a little. "Last vestiages of being hold-bred, I would think. The woman doesn't ask. Tis the man's place, if he wants it. But...I don't know, Kassi. I don't think K'ryo is the type to be asking, really. It took me enough to convince him that I was interested." She slips off the crate and starts moving around. "Umf. Stiff. Who was the other, if I can be asking?" K'ryo walks in from outside the room. K'ryo wanders in, peering around for ... something. His eyes come to rest on the two greenriders there. He nods a greeting, almost smiling, "Ryialla... Kassima..." Kassima tips her diminished mint stick in silent salute to this ideal. "Precisely that. Precisely. And you may be right." She considers a moment before starting to say, "You can be asking, certes--" But she doesn't finish; the sound of steps interrupts, and she makes no attempt to continue the thought chain. "G'deve, K'ryo," she says instead, gathering her mint sticks, getting to her feet, and offering the bluerider a smile in something like tht order. "And g'deve indeed, I should say. 'Tis late, and I need t'be sleeping--if'n 'twill both excuse?" K'ryo swishes his mouth to one side. "I can go... if I was interrupting something...?" looking somewhat apologetic. Ryialla is walking back and forth, pacing just a bit and rubbing at the small of her back. She glances up at Kassi's greeting, and a happy smile appears on her face. "Heyla, K'ryo. You weren't interrupting." She glances over at Kassi, then back, her expression slightly thoughtful. But all she says is, "I didn't realize I had kept you up, Kassi. Sorry about that. Dream well." There's a pause, and she adds, "I don't think I could, though." It doesn't seem to actually be related to her 'Dream Well' statement, for some odd reason. Kassima shakes her head emphatically, braid swaying. "Nay, 'tis nay that, fear nay. I'd been meaning t'be making m'exit in moments anyhow, a'fore I fell asleep on the Storeroom floor and got a crick in neck and back for m'trouble." At Ryi's words, she shakes her head with a quiet laugh. "Meant you could be asking about the other, though if'n you can nerve yourself up to--anyway, nay worries; I kept me up, you didn't. And now, g'night t'you both." And she's off. You walk out of the Storage Rooms.