-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Incense and Peppermints Date: February 1, 2000 Places: Telgar Weyr's Southern Bowl and Living Cavern Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: The log title is an awful pun on the mint that several chars were munching during this log, but I just couldn't resist. Kassi helps spread the phenomena of mint-sticks and torment in the LC one evening, getting in her RDA of Bronzerider Humiliation. I've left in a lot of knot-chat for the amusement value of it--not that I'sai's blushes didn't provide plenty of amusement in and of themselves, mind. ;) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: You slip out of the records cavern. Taralyth's crouched, tail flicking just above the mud. Dastardly mud. Kassima meanders from the Records Room, hands inkstained and with a stick of... something... poking out from one corner of her mouth. It's probably better not to ask what. "Gfff efff, Tawawff," she manages to get out around around her prize, waving cheerily as she picks her way carefully through, as you say, the mud. You walk past the lintel and into the wide living cavern. I'sai glances over his shoulder, "Taw-_what_?" Kassima pauses just inside the entranceway to do an impromptu jig, the better to ensure that all the mud on her boot-soles gets knocked to the ground before she wanders further. Blinking at I'sai, she scrubs her hands against her slacks, then pulls the mystery stick from her mouth long enough to answer, "Taralyth. Or 'twas what I meant t'be saying. G'deve t'you, Is--haven't seen any Healers about, have you?" I'sai twitches a glance bowl-ward, nods more to him than to her, then says, "...-Here-? No; why, is one chasing you?" Kassima exhales a long breath of relief, replacing the stick for as long as it takes for her to reach her table, sling her jacket over the chair-top, and plunk down unceremoniously. "Apparently nay," she replies. "'Twasn't sure. I, err, borrowed a jar of mint-sticks from 'em the other day; if'n they've nay been looking for me, hopefully they haven't missed 'em yet. Or assume Ushu replaced 'em with rose petals, whichever. How're things with you?" Pale eyes shift thoughtful, not quite as if hers had been a trick question, but nearly, nearly. I'sai flattens his palms on the table, "Mint-sticks? Candy-kind or those things for poking at your teeth? ...We're all right, thanks; day off, but Arallia's run off, or something, and everyone else... filled up the morning, filled up most of the afternoon, but here I am again. Do they think it'll be much longer till Lysseth can get back into flying?" "Candy kind, candy kind," Kassima clarifies, waggling the one she's been attending to for emphasis. A *crunch* follows as she munches off the diminished end, the better to even it out. "Thought they'd be a good thing for Ryi. They're nice t'suck on when you've been retching, which I presume is why the Healers have 'em. What; being productive on your day off? For shame, young bronzer! For shame!" Green eyes twinkle, making the jest plain, then shift towards the direction of the Lower Caverns. "Oh... they think she'll be flightworthy again soon enough," she answers, after a beat-long hesitance. "Took a risk, letting her use the wing enough to get to the springs, but they say the soaking's been doing her good." I'sai grimaces right at the retching part, and protests, "As if I've been productive. Unless you count breathing to keep the place warm... But I could try a stick, if you had more. Just to, you know, see if they'd be worth it for her. Unless they're too sweet. Her being Ryialla, not Lysseth, although... Well, glad she's getting better. Planned where you'll go first when you're free again? I remember our lot doing that as weyrlings, all right." Kassima slings her satchel onto the table to rummage through. "I gave her some already, but I'm sure she'd appreciate more," she notes, coming up at last with a small wrapped bundle and tossing this towards the bronzerider. "Help yourself. I stole a lot, and will steal more if'n I can get away with it. So what's been keeping you busy, if'n nay productivity?" Another one of those pauses. "Boll, I should imagine," she finally says, not sounding as excited about the prospect as she might. "As reparation to the lump for being grounded all this time--she loves the beach there, has ever since we were Weyrlings ourselves." I'sai may fumble but he catches it anyway, and starts rummaging; "Thank you kindly. Funny thing, getting sweets from healers instead of from cooks... you went a lot as weyrlings yourselves, then? And oh, we went off and soaked up some warmth and oiled Taralyth and such, and then I had to track down my father, seeing as how he's easier to find than ma and all. Who of course asked me to check on Auntie Millie again, but I've been putting -that- off. Sharding cold, Tillek, and she talks more than - no offense - you do, and confuses me with da, to boot." Kassima bows as best and floridly as she can, given that bowing from a sitting position is not an easy task. "Quite welcome, sirrah. We went nigh everywhere as Weyrlings--our group stayed 'Lings a long time. Kept having t'explain t'people that nay, we hadn't graduated yet. Sounds like you've had a day--" She leans back in her chair, the better to talk, crunch mint, and lounge all at once. "Warmth is good. Relatives are scary. Want to trade? I'll take your Aunt Millie; you can have m'Aunt Simeythria and her wherry-caps. Or Cousin Maevia and her frilly underthings, whichever." Chuckling, she adds, "None taken, a'course." I'sai nods here and there as she speaks; "Why'd that happen? Anyone mess up? 'A day,' and let's not forget the nap, too. Forget the u - un - frilly things-I-don't-want-to-know-about; the caps, though, what are those exactly?" Eventually he gets around to holding up the mint-stick some distance away from his nose and giving it a testing lick, lest his tongue fall off with greater initial indulgence. "I did, but only just a'fore graduating, so 'twasn't what did it," Kassi murmurs, wry, around her mouthful. One shoulder lifts in a shrug. "Nay certain. Cerilla was just... cautious, I suppose. So Taralyth's a beach-bum of a dragon, is he?" Her brows waggle. "Wise of you. Wish I could forget, but 'twas too priceless a chance t'torment V'hryn, and--oh, the caps, they're little knit hats t'be keeping wherries' heads warm in winter." Enough said. She watches, curious, for the reaction to the mint-stick, her own much diminished by this point. I'sai has wrinkled his nose at it, but then he gives it another try and lets the taste dissolve. "Afraid I don't know V'hryn. Although now that you're talking about him, maybe there's a reason why he doesn't come around here, or at least not that I've seen..." is his light tease. "Guess cautious is well enough, and yeah, we like the beach, so long as it's not too sticky-hot. Snow is good, too, it's just -mud- he doesn't care for. But those caps, they don't sound too bad, as long as you're not the one having to put them on the wherries or the one the headwoman gets after for wasting good yarn... did you see, I can't remember which dragon it is, but -someone- had these headknob-covers with -beads- on them?" Kassima sticks out her tongue at the tease, but then grins, and allows, "Oh, mayhaps. Poor man--got in trouble as a 'Ling for asking Mart about certain rumors that were arguably m'fault, then we dressed him in pink lace, then his Tebrelth caught Lyss, then Auri convinced him 'twas pregnant, or so I've heard. He's probably been traumatized for life. Best t'go in the water for a bit if'n 'tis one of those sticky days--ever swing the vine at Boll? 'Tis a great distractor." Her brief disgusted face would suggest she doesn't much like mud herself, before she blinks. "Beads? *Beads*? 'Twasn't Yasinth and A'ser, was it? He might be crazy enough for beads...." "Definitely wasn't A'ser," I'sai immediately assures. "I'd remember A'ser, all right. And I don't see Yasinth allowing it without a -really- good bribe..." But as for the rest, he nibbles delicately at the mint-stick a moment, and then says, "No, haven't swung the vine, though Kindre was talking about it back when... poor V'hryn. So much to have happen to him. Tell me, is he related to what's his name, M'hryn?" Kassima nods thoughtfully, tucking the remaining section of mint-stick into her cheek for its final demise. "Speaking of A'ser, there was an Istan Wingsecond here the other day--the one who Searched Ptodek--who said some Telgarian rider had left her flowers on her ledge but she knew nay which. I thought it might be A'ser, but you've nay heard of any of our lads going about leaving gifts of flowers, have you?" A snicker escapes at the bribe idea. "True enough," she accedes. "And if'n you've nay swung the vine, I'll wager you've nay been to the Lounge, either, have you? Shells and shards! What happened to the days when new riders were taken there first thing, I'd like t'know? Ah, nay--nay t'my knowledge. Just a coincidence in naming." I'sai buys time by nibbling on -his- mint-stick, now, just with his incisors with lips drawn back. Nibble-nibble. "Don't know about anyone leaving flowers on someone's ledge, here or otherwise," he allows quite sincerely. "Coincidence noted ... and aye, I have been to the Lava Lounge. Kindre took.. who was there? Right, Jenni, and Keara, and Jenni was all oogling over Raimi because of her clothes, you know, and Keara nearly threw up on Tear on the way home but didn't. Good thing, too." Kassima, witnessing this nibbling, inquires, "Has it grown on you yet?" Presumably meaning the taste of the stick. "Huh. Nor did Leya. Mayhaps 'tis a romance in the making; I'll keep m'ears open, if'n only t'be forewarned if'n soeone's going t'be sappy and I need to avoid them lest gagging occur." Her expression brightens. "Good of Kin! See, now, *there* is a lady who knows tradition. But what's this about Master Raimi's clothing and throwing up? And who's Tear?" [Editor's Note: A pose is missing here, and I now have no idea what it said, sadly. Clearing up that Tear = Taralyth must have been part of it.] Not so; Kassi is no teenaged boy, but she rolls her eyes also in accordance with the sentiment. "Ahhhh, I see. Forgive; 'twas confused--even after all these Turns around civilized and primarily accentless people, a few points of pronunciation still have the ability t'befuddle me. Mayhaps Jenni should volunteer next time they host a fashion show, then? Or attend, whichever would be her wont." Caught swallowing the last of her mint at the time the last is said, she coughs in the attempt to laugh, and grabs for a mug of cider to help clear her throat. "These do *nay* mix well," she mutters. "Only that, eh? She'll gain more tolerance in time, if'n she keeps going t'bars with riders. Mark me." Ceria walks here from the Inner Cavern. Ceria emerges from the lower caverns with damp hair. I'sai protests, mint stick in hand, "There were a lot of drinks. But sure, tell her about the fashion - " He turns, then grins to his wingmate; "Ceria, have a seat?" Ceria grins back at I'sai. "Is it safe?" she counters as she moves toward said seat. I'sai says with fine disregard for truth, "As always." "Five? Five isn't a lot," Kassima counters, setting down the cider mug with a clink. "Nay of the dragon-drinks. Five Threads, now, that I'd expect t'see having anyone on the floor. Can't tell her m'self; I don't know the details yet--though I mean t'model again if'n they need such... and circumstance allows, a'course. The last time was fun, though making fun of Tas and 'Lex was the best part. G'deve, Ceria. Is it ever safe in here?" Ceria laughs at that question, not paying mind to the fact that she doesn't know what the rest of the speech is about. "That's a very good question," she says. I'sai says, though, "It sounds like a lot. Doesn't it sound like a lot to you, Ceria?" Nothing like potential reinforcements, for all that they could turn on him; "Of drinks, I mean, but models... so you think they -are- having a show, even if you don't know details yet? And why'd you make fun of them?" Ceria repeats, "Five? I'm not sure. I've never done much drinking." She listens a bit more. "Are the weavers having another fashion show? I saw a bit of the last one." "Methinks they'll have another at some future point, aye; it only stands t'logic, since they do 'em every now and again," Kassima reasons. "Don't know when, don't know where, but it should be fun if'n they do. Five isn't *that* much. But then, you haven't been drinking for...." Consider. Sigh. "Nigh as many Turns as you've been alive, so. I'm taking it you didn't see the show at Benden, then? Did you, Ceria?" she wonders. "If'n you'd seen what they were wearing, you'd nay have t'be asking." I'sai says abruptly, "No, and I don't drink much, either. Didn't -see- it, either." He crunches on the mint-stick for good measure. Ceria grins at Kassima. "I saw some of the things they were wearing," she says. "Definitely an interesting selection by the weavers." Kassima advises, rolling her eyes towards the ceiling at the memory, "Picture 'Lex and Tas in skintight muscle shirts and pants, or shorts, in Tas's case, and an entertaining comment by the latter about his size in relation to a toothpick. 'Twas glad I specified nay pink lace or black leather when I agreed t'model, let me tell you. Have either of you ever considered it? Modelling, I mean." Saskia walks in from the bowl. Ryialla walks in from the bowl. Saskia strolls in and looks around, and waves cheerily before heading for the klah pot. She whistles softly as she pours a mug of klah, then picks up a flower and twirls it between her fingers. Ceria shrugs as she waves to Saskia. "I never really thought about it," she says. "What did you think of your experience with it?" Saskia smiles "Hi Cerial. Thought about what?" I'sai, at Skyfire's table and with the sharpened end of a mint-stick in hand, squints. "First, I don't want to envision it, and second, what you just said seems like a very good reason -not- to..." He glances over at Ceria's greeting, and waves the mint-stick impartially at both women. Ryialla meanders in a few moments after Saskia, arms wrapped tight against the upper half of her body, tunic pulled against her skin enough so abdomen's bulge shows. She drifts by, nodding briefly to the others. Heading for the juices. "I rather enjoyed it," Kassi decides, fishing out another mint-stick from her satchel and waggling this cheerfully at Saskia and Ryi. "Though I'm nay precisely certain why, beyond the chance for bronzer torment. It just seemed like an entertaining thing. What, the pink lace and black leather? Or the tight shirts? Hey, Ryi," she calls over, "would I'sai look good in a tight shirt?" I'sai grimaces. "Either. Both. Don't." Saskia oohs "Mint sticks." then grins hugely at Kassi "It was highly entertaining." She walks over to I'sai and looks over him assessingly "Hrm." Telgar Weyr> Leya just laughs at the LC, "I'm so coming in there after I'm done here." I'sai offers by way of distraction, "There are more, you know; right here, on the table," and he pats the little bundle possessively. "So if you want one, Ceria, or the rest of you even, I hope you can guess the right answer." Ceria eyes I'sai. "Perhaps we should find one for him to try on?" she suggests with a twinkle in her green eyes. Telgar Weyr> I'sai's afraid of that, you know. ;) Telgar Weyr> Ceria grins. Saskia leans a little closer to I'sai and grabs a mint stick. Kassima's eyes artfully widen, and she exclaims, "Sounds like a wonderful idea! If'n we could find one in... blue, aye, blue would suit him; that or green--why, we'd start a new swooning following. You've heard of those, haven't you? The groups of Lower Caverns lasses back home who'd swoon at Mart and F'hlan in secret ceremonies?" Telgar Weyr> Leya grins evilly. Ceria chuckles. "That's just what this Weyr needs," she proclaims, attempting a straight face. "Do you think we could find something for him in the stores?" I'sai reaches for the bundle - evidently Ceria's was the _wrong_ answer - only to lose one to Saskia, and stare at her afterward. "...Blue," is what he manages to say. "Blue is safer than green." Saskia returns I'sai's stare with an unreadable expression and a faint blush "Oh." she says softly "I didn't know you preferred safety." "Don't you *like* green?" Kassi inquires, in tones as injured as artifice can make them. "'Tis the superior color, you know. I'm sure we could find *something*--why, and while 'twere down there, we might even run into that wherry suit J'lor put away ere he left and see how I'sai would look in *that*. 'Twould be a dear and try it on for us, wouldn't you?" she implores the bronzerider. Ryialla pours herself a juice, and sips at it a moment - turning back to study I'sai. Long, long moments pass, then Ryi declares, "Tight shirt, yes. And a kilt." A pause, and she says, "We need more riders to swoon over." Ceria laughs and looks to Ryialla. "Especially bronzeriders," she says playfully. Saskia hrms "Well, green can also be unlucky, Kassi." she says still gazing at I'sai. "I like red myself, but that's the colour of marriage and folks might get the wrong idea." Kassima *beams*. Broadly. This is not a good sign. "A kilt! Ryi, you're a genius, a veritable genius. And then we could take him outside for the dragons t'whuffle at--err, admire. Right." All innocence, she. "Feh, now, that's just superstition." This from one of the most superstitious riders around? "How can green be unlucky? Lysseth's green." "I wouldn't dream of insulting green," I'sai buys time by noting. "And of course I wouldn't try on a wherry suit, without a very good bribe indeed. Ceria would look much tastier in such a suit, I'm sure. And a kilt, for that matter." To Saskia, once he's recovered something of his composure, more gently than anything involving innuendo - for all that he tugs at his so-red sweater - "It depends on the incentive otherwise. And it's my day off; is Rinath's couch needing sweeping again?" Ceria blinks at I'sai. "Did you say tastier?" she asks, her voice full of disbelieving laughter. "And I've never worn a kilt." Telgar Weyr> Alessandra pops on! Telgar Weyr> Ceria snugs. Telgar Weyr> Jehrina says, "yo aless" Telgar Weyr> Leya snugs Alessandra, "Go to the LC! They're torturing I'sai in there." :) Saskia tears her gaze from I'sai to look briefly at Kassima "Well, that's true, Kassi. And Lysseth is lovely. So perhaps green then." She frowns as she eyes I'sai "No, it doesn't. Thank you for asking." she says with cold politeness. Telgar Weyr> Alessandra says, "Ooh..." Alessandra walks here from the Inner Cavern. Pierron tosses some dough into the air to make it as thin as a sheet to make baklava. "Nothing like the first time," I'sai returns, "And it was a, what do you call it, figure of speech... what, -what-?" Kassima slaps her hand against the table. "Shells, shards, and Faranth's shorts afire, I don't know what's gotten into these new generations, nay learning the Traditions of Benden that we brought here and cherished. Such as everyone owning a kilt. I say we *do* rummage through Stores, until we've found kilts for all and a tight shirt for I'sai!" Considering a moment, she adds, "And mayhaps some tight pants t'be matching." Celibate she may be, but oblivious to aesthetic value she isn't. "Thankee, Saskia. I'll pass the compliment on to her when she wakes; it may cheer her a bit." Alessandra just peers as she enters, rolls of personal records in one hand and a folded bit of mending in the other. "Sweet Faranth alive... what have I stumbled into?" Saskia turns away from I'sai and smiles faintly at Kassima. "I'd think kilts'd be hard to fly in." I'sai mutters something under his breath; only a little louder, "I -don't- like the sound of 'shorts afire' matched with the rest of it." "*Faranth's* shorts afire," Kassi reassures, "nay yours. I'm nay K'tyn, t'go burning up people's underpants. Aye, well--" She turns back to Saskia. "That they are; ask J'lyn about the time when Lorieth decided t'do a power-dive while he was wearing one for one of our aerial displays. The entire show was a flashing success." Her only answer to Alessandra is a pair of waggled brows, perhaps suggesting that she may not want to know. Telgar Weyr> Erdrick chuckles at Kassi, "J'lyn's never going to live that day down is he?" ;) Alessandra uh-huh's under her breath at Kassi, then giggles at I'sai's expression as she sits down and drags out thread and needle. "Mmhmm. I am not asking." And so she sits, backlit by one of the hearthfires, silently mending as she listens to this most interesting conversation. Saskia glares at I'sai then turns back to Kassima "Heh, I can see J'lyn doing that sort of thing. That must have been a sight!" Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Nope. ;)" Telgar Weyr> Erdrick chuckles. I'sai stands up from Skyfire's table, shoulders set; "Nobody could compare to that, I'm certain." Kassima, perhaps, recognizes that set of shoulders from other occasions with other men; she changes tactics, and says, "We'd nay try t'be *making* you wear aught, I'sai, but what harm would it do? You might like kilts," she wheedles. "They're comfortable when you're nay flying. Good for circulation and virility and all. Judging by the way the jaws of the folk on the ground dropped, Saskia, methinks you may have the right of that." A wink to Alessandra. Wise woman. Saskia blinks several times then blushes a bright red. "Really?" Alessandra snorts under her breath as she adds softly to herself, "And good for a cool breeze in summer." She didn't say that, honest. Chaya burrows her golden head under her pet's mass of raven hair, twining her tail along her neck to touch Lorin, Verdante, and Cerio's tails. I'sai asks warily - if subtly less so than he had been, though he still eyes Kassi and Saskia - "Summer what? I missed the rest of what you said, Aless... and, Kassima, I'd just like not to speculate on, uh. The rest of what you said. If you'd forgive me." Ryialla's eyes are dancling merrily. "Admiring by dragons is quite, quite good." She simply sips her juice, and listens to the banter, after. Not much for words tonight. Ceria just sits back, her expression amused by the conversation. Kassima nods most emphatically to Saskia, affirming, "Absolutely. Has something t'do with airflow or whatever you'd call it, or so I *hear*. I don't actually worry much about virility m'self, nay being a virile sort, and... well, if'n you'd truly rather nay, I'sai. But here 'twas hoping mayhaps you'd be willing t'experiment and report on whether there's any truth t'that. Wear a kilt for a sevenday and see if'n your love life improves, that sort of thing." She can't quite say this with a straight face--she's too out of practice--and bright glints in dark eyes likely give her away. Alessandra whistles innocently before giggling as she hears Kassima, outright refusing to answer I'sai. Nope. Amythest eyes dance merrily up at the group as she threads another needle. I'sai coughs on his - mint stick, yes, and he's so not looking at Ryialla the potential tattler. Ceria lets out a snort of laughter at Kassima's comment. "In a kilt, I'm sure there'd be no lack of volunteers to help him out," she adds. Ryialla is innocence personified, she is. There's something wicked in her eyes, but she remains - fortunately for certain bronzeriders - quite quiet. Telgar Weyr> Erdrick waffles to J'lyn and notes Kassi's still taking about J'lyn's kilt flight. ;) Telgar Weyr> J'lyn says, "Kassi, for the love of god, stop talking about that!" Very fortunately; not that Is - after what passes for further thought - looks at Ceria, either. No, he just mutters, "Very kind of you." "Oh, aye, methinks I'd agree with that assessment. I can think of a handful in m'Wing alone who'd be willing t'help you out by serving as... ah... test subjects," Kassi informs I'sai, quite, quite helpfully. Telgar Weyr> Leya wonders who exactly Kassi is volunteering... :) Saskia gazes at I'sai and asks softly "Your love life needs improving?" Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "NPCs, NPCs, no worries. :)" I'sai's hands may not leave the edge of the table, but he does back a step - and then he does eye Ceria and Ryialla, as if it could somehow be their collective or even individual fault. And then there's Saskia - "I'm sorry?" Ryialla says quietly, "They'll be lined up three deep.." I'sai's face just -flames-, freckles and all. Telgar Weyr> Leya says, "Oh, ok. :)" Ceria grins wickedly at I'sai. Saskia turns a bright shade of red as well and chokes out "Never mind! Forget I even asked. Anything!" she backs away from I'sai. Alessandra can't help it--poor, poor I'sai. The girl bursts out into gales of laughter, almost falling out of her chair. Ryialla is still all innocence, brows slightly peaked - whole expression saying, "What?" "Three deep?" Kassi simply must inquire. A sidelong look is directed I'sai-wards. "That good, hmm? Shells. I could almost regret m'own chastity." She attempts a leer, fails, and settles for a wolf-whistle instead. Telgar Weyr> Ryialla says, "Telgar: Where the Loons Go." I'sai straightens, shakes his head at Ryialla with the smallest of muted grins - but then comes that whistle and he backs up another step. "Ceria. Why don't you help Aless. She looks like she's having trouble. ...Saskia, you wanted to," he rephrases, "talk; let's go. Talk." Telgar Weyr> Erdrick says, "Telgar: Where the Water is. ;)" Telgar Weyr> Leya laughs, "That's what I tell newbies when they ask about the different weyrs. Telgar is the wacky weyr." Ceria blinks at I'sai. "Trouble with what?" she asks innocently. Alessandra snickers from where she has indeed fallen off her chair. "I'sai!" she chirrups. "Too bad you don't have a kilt on now, I'd be getting a wonderful view!" That's it; Kassima spends the next few moments choking on laughter and mint-stick, her coughs having the definite undertone of mirth trying to escape. Saskia jerks her head up and just looks at I'sai "Wha?" Her face still blazes red. She blinks a few times and then abruptly straightens. "I'm sorry, I'sai. I..." she trails off and looks around at Alessandra and Kassi. She frowns "Yes, it might be best to...talk...elsewhere." Ceria practically falls out of the chair herself at Alessandra's comment, but she tries to restrain herself. "Name the place," I'sai says tightly. He leans over the table just to tell his wingmate - wingmates - "I didn't hear Aless. And you. Are having. Too much fun." ...And, all right, to try to scarf the mint-stick bundle while he's at it. Ryialla's lips just curve into a very slow smile. Ceria manages to snag a single mint-stick before I'sai retrieves them. "Whatever you say," she says with a failed effort at a straight face. Alessandra just clasps her arms around her belly, tears streaming down her face as time after time she tries to stop laughing, only to burst out afresh. "Too much fun?" Kassi coughs out. "What's that mean? 'Tis like too much money: there's nay such thing." [Editor's Note: Credit to Wade Hayes for this line from his "I Ain't Never Had Too Much Fun," and also to Ceria's player for recognizing the reference. ;) ] I'sai thrusts the packet in his pocket; "I'll hold you to that, Ceria," he mutters, shoulders twitching with every convulsion of Aless', not that Ryi's smile is helping matters. And not that he so much as attempts to answer Kassima. Saskia puts her hands on her hips and glares at Alessandra "And what's wrong with a good view?" The blush still suffusing her face ruins the effect somewhat. "We can go to the Star Stones, I'sai. There's a good view there." Alessandra diffuses into giggling, wiping her eyes mostly dry as she crawls back into her chair. "I'sai, dear friend, you turn the most interesting shade of red sometimes..." "Good view if you can convince that bronzerider to go up in the kilt!" a stray male bluerider calls from the corner, with a leer. "Real breezy up there!" Kassima manages to calm herself, though snickers still escape her as she leans back in her chair and extracts the mint-stick from her throat. "This," she decides, "has been a good evening. Mint-sticks and torment. What could be better?" It's also, in addition to breezy, quite cold and public indeed: in short, safe. "Wonderful," I'sai gratefully accedes, and stalks out - not without nearly running into a table or two, thanks to trying not to keep his back turned to any of the fiendish women -or- that bluerider. Telgar Weyr> Kassima beams at the other women in the LC. Hear that? We're fiendish! Hmmm... no idea, Jal. Don't know what a group home is. Telgar Weyr> Ceria grins at Kassi. Its what I've always aspired to. Telgar Weyr> Ryialla is proud. Telgar Weyr> Alessandra beams back at Kassi and giggles. Ryialla says, "Actually getting I'sai into that kilt." I'sai walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. "Well, aye," Kassi concedes, "that *would* be an adventure, and probably aesthetic in its own right." Alicienne, from further down the Thunderbolt table, wishes to know, "Does he have a nice butt?" Ryialla grins sharply. Very sudden and /very/ wide. What do you think, Alicienne? Alicienne beams back. Yep, that's answer enough. Alessandra continues giggling softly, taking up her mending and rethreading that blasted needle. "Best laugh I've had in a few Turns," she comments quietly, eyes flashing playfully up at the other girls. Ceria chuckles at Ryiallya and winks if she was looking. Kassima assures breezily, "We do try. So, now--how is everyone? Well enough, I'm hoping? Any gossip, news, slander, scandal?" Ceria smiles a bit at Kassima. "What's the difference between the bunch?" she wonders. Kassima grins at the question. "News can be bland, gossip can be positive, and scandal can be true," she explains. Alessandra chuckles softly and shakes her head. "I have none at all to tell, unfortunately, but I'd be happy to listen." Ceria ponders that for a moment. "I'm single now," she offers. "But that isn't really new news. It just hasn't been spread around much." Erdrick walks in from the bowl. Erdrick walks quietly in, glancing about idly. Kassima rattles her tongue lightly at that, expression shading more towards sympathetic. "I *have* been out of things. You seem well enough--'twas an amicable parting, I hope?" Ceria nods. "It wasn't unexpected," she says with a slight smile. "We just seemed to grow apart. Especially while I was a weyrling." Erdrick raises an eyebrow slightly at the conversation he walked into, and goes over to the night hearth to pour himself a mug of klah. "Happens, on occasion," Kassima conceeds, spending a moment or two in silence to attend to her mint-stick. "If'n parting must happen, better that it happen peacefully and nay be abrupt. That's news, but nay anyone has any scandal t'be sharing? I'm so disappointed. Seems nay so long agone you couldn't go three days without someone getting in trouble for getting caught minus clothes in the Beastcraft ovine field or the like." Telgar Weyr> J'lyn says, "KASSI! STOP THAT!" Ceria has to laugh at that. "I must have missed that rumor," she says. "And I can't say that I'm sorry." Saskia holds her head up high and follows I'sai outside. Saskia walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Telgar Weyr> Kassima gives J'lyn a look just brimming with innocence. Stop what? 0:) Alessandra peers up at Kassima--old news is new news to this one. "Tell me! I've never heard that..." Telgar Weyr> J'lyn says, "INNOCENCE?!? YOU?????" Erdrick sits down at his usual spot, glancing at Kassi oddly at the comment about getting caught naked, and sips his klah quietly. Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Uh, well... maybe in a parallel universe somewhere?" Telgar Weyr> J'lyn says, "Nope. I've checked them all. You're ALWAYS Evil." Telgar Weyr> J'lyn says, "Nice try, Q." Kassima is glad to oblige. "'Twas something L'cher confessed t'me had happened when he was a new rider, which was a'fore even my time, ancient and crotchety as I'm getting. Evidently he'd done it on a dare, but the Beastcrafters got a different idea of why he was in there, and 'twas one shard-all mess trying t'be explaining." Telgar Weyr> Kassima drats. But it's not like you're any epitome of !evil either, J. ;) Ceria wrinkles her nose. "I've heard more stories about that rider..." she says. Ryialla thinks for a moment. Scandal, scandal. "Well. I'm pregnant," she says with a grin. Gee. Big surprise there. "Sorry. I'm just fresh out. But - oh. Kassi." The grin disappears just like that. "You know what I told you I was going to do? What I was going to ask? He said he didn't know." Alessandra purses her lips together in a desperate attempt not to start laughing again, hiding her expression behind the bundle of mending, a muffled "Sweet Faranth" escaping the fabric. Telgar Weyr> Saskia nods "Celibate doesn't mean innocent." Telgar Weyr> J'lyn says, "Hey, I haven't -quite- raised it to the artform that you have... *GASP* Saskia!!" Telgar Weyr> I'sai laughs! Telgar Weyr> Ryialla says, "Well, that's true." Telgar Weyr> Erdrick raises an eyebrow. Telgar Weyr> Saskia smiles sweetly "Yes?" Telgar Weyr> J'lyn says, "Okay, what is this, Pick On The Old Unemployed Boy Night?? YEESH!" Telgar Weyr> Ceria carries J'lyn off into the night. :) Telgar Weyr> J'lyn says, "Sorry, poodle, wrong plumbing. ;)" Telgar Weyr> Erdrick thinks Kassi's last comment was about L'cher not J'lyn. Kassima glances at Ryi's waistline and drawls, "I *never* would have guessed. Any idea whether 'tis one, two, three, what? Should I open a betting pool on number and gender?" Ryi's words have the same instant sobering effect on her, and she nods slowly. "Aye, I recall it. Better an uncertain answer than the one you'd nay want t'be hearing, at least?" She does flick a brief grin over to Ceria. Telgar Weyr> J'lyn says, "If it was the BeastCraft one, it was about me." Telgar Weyr> Ceria giggles. Telgar Weyr> Erdrick says, "She said L'cher. *shrugs*" Telgar Weyr> Kassima ICly claimed it was about Lach, Jal, since you weren't *ICly* naked. ;) Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "...I assume." Telgar Weyr> J'lyn says, "It was STILL about me, an you know it, kassi. ;)" Telgar Weyr> Kassima polishes her halo. ;) And also offers Ceria lots and lots of alcohol. Get him drunk; that'll do the trick. ;) Telgar Weyr> Erdrick thinks maybe she picks on you 'cause she likes you? ;) Telgar Weyr> J'lyn hasn't been ICly naked since I'sai and J'var were Candidates.... Uh..... Forget I said that. Telgar Weyr> J'lyn blushes WAY RED. Telgar Weyr> Ceria rofl. Telgar Weyr> Saskia says, "Oh, baby! :)" Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Now I *have* to know. ;)" Ryialla bnods, then perks up. "One, and she's a girl." She seems very certain of this. Telgar Weyr> Erdrick hasn't ICly been naked since his last visit to the hot spring. Telgar Weyr> Ryialla says, "And I /missed/ it? Damn damn damn." Telgar Weyr> Alessandra giggles up at J'lyn. Telgar Weyr> Ryialla hasn't been ICly naked since...hey, Erdick stole my line! :P Telgar Weyr> J'lyn was in the Hot Springs, and they came traipsing in, being the teases that they were/are, and had NO respect for an undersexed old greenrider... Telgar Weyr> I'sai unnetfreezes and -remembers- that. Kassima's eyebrows shoot up. "How certain of this are you, Ryi? Enough so that if'n 'twere t'put marks on it, and lost, you'd recompense me?" Telgar Weyr> I'sai also remembers Lorieth's paw in things. Ceria grins at Kassima. "Now where's the adventure in that?" she protests. Telgar Weyr> J'lyn says, "Yeah, she wasn't much of a help that night, was she, I'sai?" Telgar Weyr> I'sai says, "Not that night, no. Not a help. Exactly." Telgar Weyr> J'lyn blahs. At least not to ME she wasn't... Telgar Weyr> <Kassima> Lysseth high-fives Lorieth. Way to promote green evil, sister. (No, wait, not sister... great-great aunt, isn't it? ;) Ryialla sniffs haughtily. "A mother knows. And aye, I'd be willing to make recompense - as long as I get cut if I am right and you clean up." Telgar Weyr> J'lyn debates... Do I want to throw Lorieth up for a flight? FlightMistress, how long has it been? Telgar Weyr> Ceria oohs. I'll come. :) Erdrick raises an eyebrow at the conversation about betting, sipping his klah quietly, content to listen for now. "Given the choice between adventure and marks..." Kassi begins to say, but lets that start speak for itself and closes one eye in a wink. "Fair enough deal, Ryi," she the says, and extends a hand to shake on it. Telgar Weyr> J'lyn says, "Nope, can't tonite. I told T'shar I'd let him know when, so he could be there." Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Last one I have recorded is June 5, 1998." [Editor's Note: Actually, I goofed. Last one I had recorded was October 25, 1998.] Telgar Weyr> J'lyn BLINKS. Telgar Weyr> Erdrick hrms? Telgar Weyr> <J'lyn> Lorieth scowls. << You're telling ME, BLINK?? >> Telgar Weyr> I'sai laughs! Telgar Weyr> Kassima whistles innocently. And speaking of flights.... 0:) Telgar Weyr> J'lyn GAHS! Telgar Weyr> Erdrick ahhhhhhhs! Telgar Weyr> Ceria grins. Ooh, I haven't tortured T'shar in a while. Telgar Weyr> Kassima's last one was in *April*. I've never gone that long without doing one. It's, like, unholy or something. Telgar Weyr> M'dei supposes he ought not mention his own little addition... :) Telgar Weyr> Erdrick has never actually had his FLs do a flight, and has only been in one FL flight. :) Telgar Weyr> Ceria grins. Telgar Weyr> Kassima woo-hoos! Add Lorieth too, Jal, and we can claim the majority of the listing for Telgar greens. ;) Telgar Weyr> I'sai yelps, "M'dei!" Telgar Weyr> Kassima tries to coax Ryi into flying the friendly skies, too. 0:) Ryialla takes the hand, and pumps it firmly. "Deal." Telgar Weyr> M'dei smiles sweetly at I'sai, blinks innocently, and asks, "Yes?" Telgar Weyr> I'sai says, "Great to see you in general, too. :)" Erdrick just listens, sipping his klah quietly. Telgar Weyr> J'lyn bahahahahahas.... Telgar Weyr> M'dei says, "Oh, dear." Telgar Weyr> M'dei says, "Now all we need is a flight for next Thursday. ;)" Kassima returns the shake with equal firmness, then, when released, pulls forth a much-scribbled hide from her satchel and a piece of charcoal with which to make a note; her mint is, of course, stored between her teeth while she works. "Gif Wyiaffa pefentfuh if'n win," she mumbles around her mouthful. Stowing them away, she clears herself of the accoutrement and says more clearly, "Got it. In the meanwhile, do remind me t'be looking through Stores when I get the chance? Just in case I'sai comes around on the kilt issue." Telgar Weyr> I'sai says, "Same day/time as Cyrath's, Jaly?" Telgar Weyr> J'lyn acks. I didn't see that. Ceria chuckles at Kassima's persistance. "I'll have to try one of those on sometime," she says. "I don't see what all the fuss is about." Telgar Weyr> J'lyn says, "Lemme check with Sarai, quick... Wait, wasn't her flight gonna be NPC?" Erdrick mutters, "Kilts?" and shudders slightly, glad nobody's trying to get him into one. "They're good luck!" Kassi proclaims, with a twirl of her mint. "Good luck, aesthetic, and an inducer of male blushes. Wonderful things." Espying a newcomer to the Caverns out of the corner of her eye, she twists in her seat to waggle her fingers towards Akiko. "Duties t'you and yours," she calls. Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Nope, PC--'twas said that the PTBs declared that a PC flight is required to be Sr. WW, I think." Telgar Weyr> I'sai says, "Clutch, but flight's on-camera, I believe." Telgar Weyr> Kassima nods. Clutch is NPC, definitely. Telgar Weyr> J'lyn reschedules. ;) Dragon Color Rider Weyr Time (ET) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Neith Gold Merellia Ista Thu Jan 13 9:00 p.m. Gaiath Green M'dei Telgar Wed Feb 2 10:30 p.m. Cyrath Gold Sarai Igen Thu Feb 3 8:00 p.m. Lorieth Green J'lyn Telgar Thu Feb 3 9:30 p.m. Lysseth Green Kassima Telgar Thu Feb 10 8:00 p.m. Kassima crunches off the last of this mint stick, and, setting satchel aside for a moment, stands. "Methinks 'twill see what's available for dinner tonight," she decides. "Anyone want aught to eat while I'm up?" Akiko always the quiet and studious one remains out of sight, both by the dimunitive frame she possesses and the other significate factor that she is trying to remain out of mind. Alessandra shakes her head slightly as Kassima speaks, indicating the small sweetroll on the table before her as she mends. "Not I, but thank you." Ceria glances up at Kassima. "I could use a meatroll or two if you don't mind grabbing them," she responds. Ryialla nods to Kassi, and says, "Actually, I think I'm going to go poke around there for a bit. Not hungry. Thanks for the offer, though." She waves and heads out. Ryialla walks towards the inner cavern. Kassima waves after Ryi, nods to Ceria, and putters about the food table a bit, dismissing various offers. What she finally comes back with is a pair of meatrolls--which she places in front of Ceria--and a plate of cheese-noodles and mug of cider for herself. "I wish 'twere some of Gwennar's lemon bread here," she remarks rather wistfully. "That'd be divine. Any of you ever tried it?" Lemon bread? It's a new one on Alessandra. "Not I... what's it like? Besides lemony of course." Ceria thanks Kassima for the meatrolls and shakes her head. "I've never tried Gwennar's lemon bread," she says. "But I've made some myself before." "Gwennar's is the best in all the world," Kassi assures. "Probably better than Master Ofira's herself, though I'd nay tell her that! 'Tis this sweet, subtle bread with the most wonderful lemon flavor, crumbly, nay too rich... m'favorite treat in the world. But 'tis only found at Ruatha, alas." Alessandra hm's softly, almost under her breath, and nibbles at her sweetroll. "I'll have to try that out for myself if I could get to Ruath Hold..." Akiko does cross her arms, and lean against the table to listen to this talk to lemon bread. Lemon bread? Eww. Lemons are not any good. Why would they like that sort of things? Oh well, she just smiles as her chin rests in the nook her curving limbs create. Telgar Weyr> J'lyn says, "Okay,opinion time. Green or Blue for Jaly's proddydesc?" Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Green!" Telgar Weyr> Saskia says, "Green :)" Telgar Weyr> I'sai thirds the green, given their conversation earlier. Telgar Weyr> I'sai says, "(The LC's.)" Kassima twirls her fork through the mass of noodles, bringing up a hearty bite which, rather than heartily biting, she just nibbles. Hmm. "Do," she advises, "and you'll nay regret it. I rather miss Gwennar, but I don't get down to Ruatha as often as I'd like anymore. Between the spawn and the Wing... still, 'tis easier t'balance with Kena's able help, so mayhaps 'twill visit and bring up a giant basket of the stuff sometime." Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "At least I never need to wonder what color to make Kassi's proddydesc. They're always, always black. ;)" Telgar Weyr> Alessandra says, "Proddydescs?" Telgar Weyr> I'sai says, "You know, when they grow fangs." Telgar Weyr> Kassima nodnods. I write a new desc every time Kassi's proddy. I've got 'em all saved somewhere. Ever since flight six, each one's based on some movie/book/suchlike character who dresses in either black or white. I've done Darth Vader, Elvis, Mercutio, the man in black from Princess Bride, Riff Raff... the last three were Man In Black from MIB, Black Knight from Holy Grail, and Mister Mistoffelees from Cats. I need a hobby. ;) Telgar Weyr> Alessandra says, "Oh, you change their descs for when they're proddy? (*new concept to her*)" Telgar Weyr> J'lyn says, "Nope, change OUR descs" Telgar Weyr> Kassima nodnods. I don't think most people do, but I like writing descs for Kassi. :) Telgar Weyr> Alessandra oh's! Mau... Akiko walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Ceria peers over at Kassima's cheese noodles as she munches on her meatroll. "You know," she observes, "I've never tried those things. Are they really that good?" "Pretty good," Kassi decides, after another bite of them. "Nay too strongly flavored, which is a good thing, but nay so blah they might as well just be boiled noodles either." Ceria nods thoughtfully. "I'll have to try them sometime," she says. "I'll bet you could add some interesting spices to them." Alessandra finishes her mending and stands, excusing herself quietly. "If you'll pardon me, ladies, there's still time left in the day and I've several things to do..." Alessandra walks towards the inner cavern. Kassima considers the plate in front of her a bit dubiously, then sets her fork down and passes it down to V'dan. "Spices may nay be a bad idea," she agrees, "but methinks 'twill stick t'mint-sticks as all the spice I need for now... excuse me, would you? I need t'be looking in on the spawn ere 'Maeva puts them t'bed." Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Read, I just remembered I have genetics homework due tomorrow that I haven't done yet. Oops. :P :)" Telgar Weyr> J'lyn says, "Oops." Telgar Weyr> I'sai oops with you. Good luck. Ceria nods and waves a meatroll amiably at Kassima. "Nite," she calls. You walk towards the inner cavern.