-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Looking Forward Into the Old Days Date: May 17, 1997 Place: Benden Weyr Living Cavern Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: Is this an ICly significant log? No, not really. In fact, it's got as much OOC stuff in it as IC; there was a lot of fun channel chat going on this particular evening that I couldn't bear to cut out, since it made me feel so nostalgic. :) Really, this is just some generally fun RP. You could skip over it without missing anything important. But if you're interested in some discussion of Benden history, or in seeing M'kla's announcement of the bet she laid on poor Kassi, read on. :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: Ofira looks over and smiles as Kindre and Kassima enter and waves to both women, "'Evening," she says cheerfully. Torlin is seated next to Ofira, staring powerlessly at a piece of hide in front of him. He looks like he's thinking hard. Kindre arrives with Kassima, offering Salless a return smile, and by-passes the wine and klah tables. Her arms are laden with scrolls, the bulk sitting in the right as she tries to keep from ruffling the bandages on her left shoulder. Smiling wide as she drops her portion carefully upon a table. "Evening," she returns the cheery greeting, "How fares tonight?" Kassima manuevers her way very carefully into the room, mindful of the tray she carries that's piled with empty plates and old-looking hides and scrolls. "Evening, Ofira!" she calls over to the Baker before setting down her burden with an oof. "There's plenty of space here, Kin," she calls over her shoulder to her friend, removing the hides from the tray to stack them on the table. Ofira looks at Torlin and smiles, "Well, there's lots of Crafts a boy like you might take up, and plenty of Crafters here at the Weyr to learn from.," she point s out. "Oh, well enough, Kindre, well enough." "Wonderful...we'll need all the room we get manage to spread them all out and try to read through them," Kindre remarks, her head nodding at the location. To the Baker, she smiles again. "Glad to hear it, Ofira. And that bundle of joy? Faring well, too, I'd hope?" Said bundle of joy sleeps peacefully on Ofira's shoulder, ocassionally hiccuping and making sucking noises in his sleep. Ofira nods, "Quite well," she smiles, "What have you got there?" Kindre's eyes fall to study the young Girad for a moment. "Peaceful younging..." she notes, her smile still in place. Returning her glace to the scrolls which have mostly taken up the full table before her and Kassima, she explains. "Well, I've been spending a lot of time pulling things for P Kassima finishes clearing her tray of all things that even remotely resemble reading material, and passes the remainder on to one of the servitors. "Thankee!" she calls after the lad, settling down with a sigh. "There's room aplenty here, Kin, and food and drink as well--which Faranth knows, we wouldn't find in the Records Room. These are some histories and Records, Ofira--some of the oldest ones we could find, though I believe there are a few from the last Interval and beginning of the Pass... 'tis so, Kin?" ...P'tran and Jehrina. Yes, exactly what you said, Kassi." Benden Weyr> Kindre sighs and thinks her enter key is way, way too touchy :b :) Ofira gets up and wanders over to look, "Interesting...are you looking for anything specific, or just compiling a history?" Kindre shrugs a single shoulder. "Mostly just trying to figure some of them out, though Kassi is also reading through about past Wingseconds. But, true enough, a few are terribly old and we both just found fascination as to what they could be." Torlin keeps looking like he needs advice. No matter on what. Just advice. Kindre adds, "And the fact that we're both grounded and looking for something to do..." she chuckles. Ofira nods, peering down at the scrolls, "I'd be interested to know of any references to food," she remarks. "We have some terribly old baker scrolls , some of them are down in my office, but it's always interesting to see what outsiders to the Craft have to say." Kassima rubs her hands off on her slacks, leaving faint streaks of brownish-grey dust against the black material. "We're both looking mostly for interest's sake, I'd say, though I'm looking for--aye, what Kin said. It seemed like this would be a project that might be useful and prove t'be a cure for boredom both--Faranth knows, we need that! Did you know that Merla said she found something in one of these old Records that said a brownrider was Weyrleader here, a long time agone?" Kindre's eyes widen. "I didn't know that...think I heard it rumored, but passed it off as just that...a simple rumor." Shaking her head a bit, she grins, "Certainly, Ofira. Anything we find about food we'll pass on to you." Ofira blinks, "Really? A brownrider? That's certainly interesting," she nods. Torlin looks up, clearing his mind of questions. Crafttaking. Argh. He hears mention of dragonriders, and opens his eyes. He almost, _almost_ drops his jaw. Instead he begins secretly admiring these two dragonriders. He does take care to make it look like he's reading his hide again, though. Ofira smiles, "Some of my old baker scrolls mention the favorites of weyrwomen and weyrleaders past, if that's every of any interest to you." Kassima taps the hides, "'Tis all here in these hides, somewhere--Merla told us that at m'Turnday party, Kin. I found it hard to believe, save that it's happened at other Weyrs--'twas nay so very long ago that a greenrider was Acting Weyrleader for High Reaches, or so the rumors say." The Wingsecond wrinkles her nose, then. "The only problem with these old ones is that nay only are they well nigh illegible, but they're *old*, and dust-covered t'boot." Kassima looks up at Ofira, green eyes peering through the overgrown black forelock that is getting to be desperately in need of a trim. "Really? Well, I imagine it couldn't hurt as an item of interest's sake. D'you remember any of those favorites off of the top of your head, perchance?" Benden Weyr> J'lyn says, "Who all got promoted last night?" Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Me, Emlyn, Asrai, and Sisirye. :)" Benden Weyr> J'lyn says, "What did Sisirye, Asrai and Emlyn get promoted to?" Bobbing her head slowly as she regards the dust-covered hides, Kindre frowns just a bit. "That's why I wanted some help...mayhaps something that looks like mere firelizard scratchings to me might make sense to you..." Looking over towards one of those conveniently passing-by-drudge-types, she murmurs a request for wine. "Hmm, they very well could mention those, for all we know. We've little clue, Ofira, what they could contain." Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Full riders, in Dawnslight (Emlyn) and Skyfire (Asrai and Sisirye) Wings respectively." Benden Weyr> Kindre says, "into Wings, J'lyn :)" Ofira nods to Kassima, "Apparently one Weyrleader, a turn or so back, favored a dish of potted spiderclaws and garlic, and another, a bit further back , a wherry in a nutsauce, believe it or not." She seems to find this very amusing for some reason. Benden Weyr> J'lyn nods. "Okay, just so I know. "Well, if I find any that mention mushrooms," Kindre smirks, "forgive me if I don't share the information," she quips and winks. "Potted spiderclaws and garlic?" Kassi asks, dubiously. "Though I must say, wherry in nutsauce doesn't sound all that bad...." Torlin raises a brow. "Spiderclaw, garlic... Sounds good." He smiles slightly, keeping his eyes on the hide. Kassima nods to Kin, picking up the topmost hide. "Tell you what: let's work backwards, starting with the most recent and going on to the elder things. Mayhaps we can derive some of what the oldest say based on what we've learned from those that are clear and easy to read." Ofira laughs, "Mushrooms, I know Kindre, I know...all of the old recipes are a bit hard to decipher. Hard to say how they were really prepared. Some of our Bakers spend all their time on such research." Kindre nods, "Sounds like the best idea to me, Kassi," is said while trying to sort the scrolls into piles based on age. Grinning at Ofira, she notes, "Well, you know me and those...-things-..." Ofira nods and sits down nearby to watch the two riders work on the scrolls, patting the hiccuping Girad on the back. Benden Weyr> Kindre has to idle a sec...cat in roses... Benden Weyr> Kindre says, "hookay, all better :)" Kassima rifles through her stacks, scanning the scrolls and hides and setting them into several seperate piles. "There's very recent, fairly recent, kind of recent, distant recent, old recent, and ancient recent," she mutters, seemingly unaware of how nonsensical that sounds. "Mayhaps we'll do best in stacking them by Weyrleader, Kin." Ofira sits back and sips her tea and then looks at Torlin, "So,,,what do you think?" "Ah, very good idea," Kindre agrees with the Wingsecond. "That would be the best way to organize them...doing it by Weyrwoman mayhaps will make the piles too large." Sisirye walks in from the bowl. Salless drains the Klah in the Klah pot to make some fresh. Ofira looks up and waves to Sisirye, and then sips her tea again. For the second time, Torlin looks up, confused, and says, "Wha..? Uh, about what?" Kindre turns towards the cavern door, idling her scroll sorting, and catches sight of the brownrider. Smiling, she waves to her. "Eve to you, Sisirye. How did your first visit to the Lava Lounge go?" Ofira says to Torlin, "About the Crafts? Is there one that appeals to you?" Sisirye meanders in and salutes just out of mere habit before waving. "Evening.." she makes her way over to the various beverages and sighs "Is there any hot water around for tea?" She looks to Kindre with a slight grimace "Oh, well enough. Cept my stomach may never forgive me." Kassima glances over and dips her head once in affirmation. "Aye, 'twas precisely m'thought; there are two or three Weyrleaders for some of these Weyrwomen, so 'twill be decreasing the sizes of the stacks by that much to do it this way. There's P'tran, S'drel, F'hlan, D'vin, C'loren... that's going backwards, a'course, and there're more afterwards, but that seems like a good place to start. If'n y'find any of the previous Weyrleaders, make a new stack, hmmm?" Taking up a new scroll to unroll it and see, she pauses long enough to wave to Sisirye with it. "R'val told me that he conned you into drinking a Brown Dragon, which is likely why. Try some of that asparagus goo of Salless's; 'tis good for about every symptom that comes from drinking." Ofira nods to Sisirye, "Theres a pot of tea I just made," she points to it. Kindre can't help but giggles at Sisirye's comment. "Mine certainly didn't after my first visit," she quips between her mirthful chuckling. Returning her attention to the scrolls layed out before her and Kassima, she continues to attempt to sort them by Weyrleader. "Alright," her head bobs as the piles are sorted out, "If I find others, I will," she concurs. Sisirye nods to Ofira gratefully and pours herself the biggest mug she can find, then grabs a seat near the others. "Asparagus goo?" Her bewilderment continues a moment longer before she decides to concentrate on her tea. Ofira leans over and says out of Salless's hearing. "I'd stay away from the asparagus stuff if I were you . Mint tea will put you right, or better yet, some of Padraig's special brew." Torlin didn't think too hard about that... "I don't know. The thing I like to do is to watch dragons. Be near them. Do you have to be a rider to be a dragonhealer?" With a laugh, Kassima admits, "I decided against even leaving the Lounge that night, i'truth; 'twas m'fortune that I'd the day off the next day, but I *had* planned it that way. Tincture of asparagus, Sisi," she adds, setting the scroll down on one of her five stacks. "That's what I think 'tis called. Salless says 'tis good for what ails you, though I find it all right for the headache but less effective on aught else. Still, that might just be me." Ofira looks at Torlin, "YOu'd do better asking a rider that one Torlin. I couldn't really say." Sisirye nods to and considers that, "Well we'll see if this helps before I go downing too many special whatevers.." she grins, and glances over her shoulder at Salless. Kassima ceases her sorting for a moment, looking up at Ofira. "Whom would do better asking a rider about what?" Ofira points to Torlin, "This lad here Kassima, has some questions I can't answer." Kindre continues to place this scroll and this pile, that scroll on that one. Her eyes squint now and again as she apparently tries to discern the Weyrleader of the period mentioned in some. Reaching for one record causes her to stretch her injured shoulder a bit and she winces slightly. "Oh, for Faranth's sake..." then takes a long sip of her wine. Peering over the rim, she echoes Kassima's query. "Hmm? What kind of questions?" Torlin smiles, a little nervously, even. "Does a dragonhealer have to be a rider?" he emits in the general direction of the riders. Kassima sets down the hide in her hands and dusts said hands off, placing them on the table to brace herself instead. "Nay, nay 'tall," she answers quickly to that question. "Lys was a dragonhealer Turns ere she became a rider, and Davidon's a trainee right now who doesn't ride." Sisirye listens but turns to Kassima and Kindre to answer that one, since she's not even sure herself. "No, not at all," Kindre remarks. "Davidon, who is a resident here, is learning the Craft and isn't a rider. Oh, right there," she bobs her head when the Wingsecond mentions Alyssa. "'Lys and I Impressed from the same clutch, and she was practicing it long before that from what I understand." Torlin nods. "Allright. Thanks." Turning to Ofira, he then says, "That sounds like a craft for me. Dragonhealing." He sounds decided. Ofira smiles, "See? That wasn't so difficult. You just need to speak to one of the dragonhealers about it now." Kassima shifts her position so that she's sort of half-sitting on the table, arms folded. She looks over and nods to Kin. "She was a Dragonhealer--though nay a full one; a trainee--when she Stood with us for Dyinath's clutch, as well. You're in luck, Torlin. I heard rumor that she'll be having a lecture for folk who wish to begin dragonhealing in nay too long, though you'd have t'be asking her to clarify whether or nay 'tis truth." "Oh, that's in just half a sevenday...I'm training in the Craft myself," Kindre notes to Torlin. "It'll be just after evening meal in, hmm, four days if I recall what Alyssa told me this morning." Sisirye swallows another mouthful of tea with a grimace and nods at Kassima "Mmm...I think it is. I wanted to listen in m'self, just to grab some basics.. Don't think I'd be much of a dragonhealer m'self, but it'll be useful to know a little at least." Shyness. Combined with idolism. Not good for communication. But well, it payed off to break through. Torlin hears most of the sentences, and answers them all in one. "Right, Thanks. There is? Oh, great! I'll be there, for sure!" Ofira smiles a little, shaking her head. Girad snuffles in his sleep, lifts his head momentarily and then snuggles back down on Ofira's shoulder. Kassima hrms at Kin, quirking up an eyebrow with interest. "Rumor speaks true, then? Miracle of miracles. I'truth, Sisi, you've the right of it--as Grandsire Keyssin would say, nay knowledge is ever wasted." Kindre carefully slides into a seat, the majority of the hides now put into more easily reachable piles. Taking several more sips of her wine, she returns to sorting the remaining ones. Looking up to catch Sisirye's attentions, she nods. "That's exactly why I started into it...having no true Healer experience, nevermind with dragons. Alyssa suggested it since Herath could be likely to calm a 'scored dragon and I could help. Feh," she smirks, eyes going momentarily to her shoulder, "now if I could manage to keep myself from getting injured..." is quipped, just a hint of frustration notable in her voice. Turning to Kassima, she grins, "Hey, you know? You should come, too...you've been saying you wanted somethings to idle the grounded time with. Just come to listen, mayhaps? You might like it enough to sew up tunnelsnakes with me," she winks. Benden Weyr> Kindre oops...sowwy for that spammage :} Sisirye nods back at Kindre "Well, I've no head at all for herbs and other such healery things, but figured I'd try for Hya's sake. And calming other dragons? I'd never thought of that..." now it seems she does think about it. "Queens are probably best for that I 'suppose." Kindre shrugs a single shoulder. "Well, the dragons seem to listen to the queens when they order them...but, to be true, I never thought I had much of a head for herbs either. Jerissa taught me a neat trick to keep them in order. I've the notes in my weyr and can show them to you sometime, Sisirye?" Kassima snorts at Kindre good-naturedly. "And if'n wishes were dragons, all Pernese would fly," she quips. "You were injured, and there's naught as can be done about it now except be glad 'twas nay worse and learn from it, eh?" Sliding off of the table, she flops inelegantly into a chair instead. "Mayhaps I will--though I have nay real interest in being a dragonhealer, Kin; 'tis merely that y'never know when the most elementary knowledge will still be handy at the crunch time. I might go to listen, but I'd nay seek the sewing of snakes." She winks, grinning wryly. Ofira winces, "Is that part of the training? Sewing tunnel snakes?" she asks as she rocks Girad. Sisirye nods again to Kindre and smiles "Sounds good. Though I dunno any trick good enough to keep things in my thick skull." Finishing off her mug she actually goes for another, filling it only partially this time and grabbing a nice plain cookie to go with it. With a smile at Ofira she says "I hope not. I'll start feeling bad about all the ones we hunted as candidates." Kindre nods slowly, sighing as she does so. "I know...you're absolutely right, Kassi. Still, I can't believe I...ah, feh, no use berating myself. Done with and such." Running her fingers over a particularly old hide, she idles a moment to feel the age of it while she thinks. "Knowing the a bit beyond the basics they teach us in training could only be helpful...aw, come one," she teases, "you -know- that sounds attractive! We've people lined up outside the infirmary hoping to get their chance to sew up a 'snake!" Giggling a bit, she notes to Ofira, "Well, it's a method Jerissa is fond of. Most of us have little sewing experience beyond straps or clothing. Practicing on the hides of tunnelsnakes helps us learn the proper stitches for dragon hide as well as get used to the feel of flesh." "You should just see it, Ofira--right out there in the Infirmary, there's a tunnelsnake that's been preserved with the stitches in its hide. 'Tis the most twisted display I've ever seen." Fanning through one of the piles, she picks up a hide and scans it briefly. "Hmmm... these aren't really in any kind of order, y'know; this one's of the time of the Great Benden Storm, and that was Turns agone. Remember that, Kin?" Ofira shudders slightly, "I think I'll be sure to stay far away from the infirmary that day. Actually, I try to stay far away from the infirmary on any day. Its Sisirye's turn to wince now as the news of sewing tunnelsnakes is confirmed "Oh no..." Then with the news of the pickled 'snake she starts looking a little green again, staring dubiously at the cookie she'd be so confident about only moments before. Kindre nods her head a bit gravely. "I do. It was quick the talk at Circle back then. I was still young, though I recall my father coming with several others hoping to help control all that resulting flooding." Chuckling a bit on the reactions to the petrified tunnelsnake display, she grins. "It made me ill to my stomach, but after a dozen or so of them...mind the pun there...I got used to it." Theory be damned. Torlin gets up. "I've got to see this doen, instead. No use just reading about it." He walks off toward the inner caverns, turning, giving off a slight bow to the assembled riders. Then he's off. Ofira nods to the boy, her expression a bit amused. "Good eve...uh..." Kindre calls after the young man, having missed getting his name. Torlin walks towards the inner cavern. Sisirye sighs and resigns the cookie to the tabletop for the moment. Then watches Torlin leave, raising a hand to wave but he's already gone. Kassima wrinkles her nose at Kin. "That," she proclaims, "was a truly *awful* pun." Taking a closer look at the hide she holds, she remarks, "This looks t'be a record of how the storm affected the Weyr... I recall the storm well; 'twas twelve Turns old, after all, and m'memory was sharp enough, but this is news t'me." She waves absently after the departing lad, naturally missing as she usually does. Ofira shakes her head, patting Girad gently, "Hope he has more sense when he gets to be that age," she remarks. Kaliela walks here from the Inner Cavern. "That sounds right...I was nearing eleven turns then," Kindre remarks slowly, "I recall that only because I had just learned to man some of the nets and wanted to come to help. Was then I first truly started noticing the dragons because they flew moreso than usual. I suppose checking the seas and incoming storms." Peering over to the hide, she tilts her head curiously. "Leilanth had eggs on the Sands then, if I remember right...?" Kaliela smiles as she notices Sisirye "there you are Sisi" Sisirye chuckles "He's not off to look at that tunnelsnake is he? Well...suppose I would've done the same if I wasn't already queasy." She waves to Kaliela as she enters "Heyla Kali. Wondering what happened t'ya." "Aye... aye, she did," Kassi replies absently, attention absorbed by the hide. "'Twas her first clutch, this says--and would y'believe, they had to *sandbag* the entrance to the Hatching Sands t'keep the eggs safe from flooding?" Glancing up out of the corner of her eye, she espies the newcomer and raises one hand in a wave. "Greetings, stranger. Benden's duties t'you and yours." Benden Weyr> Kassima hees as she reads an old log of a certain pub crawl. Y'know, it's a shame there hasn't been another one of those. :) Benden Weyr> Sisirye is up for another one anytime! Well...mebbe not RIGHT away. :) Kindre tears her eyes up from the hide and stops nodding to glance up at the brownrider's friend. "Hmm? Oh, Benden's duties," she adds her formal greeting to Kassima's. Gazing back to where her attention just previously lied, a corner of her mouth quirks down. "Jays. That must have been a frightening time...trying to keep the Sands safe. Thankfully, it says, the waters did reach them. Hmm, somehow it's more interesting to read about these rather than just listen to the Harper's tales of them." Benden Weyr> Kindre wanna go!! :) Benden Weyr> Ofira waves a hand. "I /need/ to go. I have IC post partum depression. Or something." ;) Sisirye gets up and crosses to Kaliela "Umm...sorry. Weyrwoman Kindre, Wingsecond Kassima, Master Ofira this is my friend Kaliela from Ruatha. We ran into her last night and she came back with me. Mostly to keep me from falling off Hyadeth I think." she grins. Ofira waves casually at the stranger from where she sits with the baby, "'Evening." Benden Weyr> Kassima thinks she'll try and get one together as soon as Kassi can go. :) Benden Weyr> Sisirye woohoos and thinks its always fun to bar hop with a buncha girls! :) Kindre smiles after Sisirye's introduction. "Well met, Kaliela, and welcome to Benden. And Sisirye," she turns a vaguely stern silver glare upon the rider, "I thought we warned you not to get -too- bad last eve, hmm?" Kaliela chuckles a bit at Sisirye's introduction and then smiles at the others in the room "its a pleasure to meet y'all" Benden Weyr> Ofira smiles and sometimes gets to do that with her friend in Greenwich Village :) "And here it says that the Weyrs were elemental in rescuing more than one ship from the waters... shells, can you imagine it? Flying but a brief ways above the seas, battling with the wind for control...." Kassi sighs with definite wistfulness. "Frightening, nay doubt, but imagine the adventure of it. Well met, Kaliela of Ruatha," she adds to the girl Sisirye introduces, with a smile. "Welcome to the Weyr, and all of that sort of thing." Benden Weyr> Kindre hasn't done a girls-night-out in -ages- :) Sisirye sighs and nods "I'm only teasing really. I wasn't that bad, ask R'val...I didn't even finish the entire drink. And we stayed long enough to have juice afterward." she smiles again, though somewhat cowed under the weyrwoman's stare. Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "It wasn't *that* long ago that we did the wall-writing fest and swung the vine with Ryi, Kin. :) But another one *would* be a blast. :)" Benden Weyr> Sisirye wonders if she can go visit her IC brother for a bit tonight?? :) Puh-lease.... Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Why couldn't you, Sisi? :)" Kindre smiles, seeming pacified with Sisirye's answer, having been mostly half-teasing. "Well, alright then." Nodding once again to the Wingsecond, she remarks, "It must have been quite a time...I do remember several odd ships seeking refuge at the Hold back then. Believe it or not," she smirks, "I was quite the adventurous young lass." Benden Weyr> Kindre says, "you are Free To Go now that you've been added to a Wing, Sisi :)" Benden Weyr> Sisirye isn't used to that free-to-go places thing yet. :) Sorry... "Somehow," Kassi responds, voice as dry as the Igen Desert but still holding amusement, "I can believe it." Sisirye grins at her friend, introductions made and says "Well....ready to go? I can't wait to stomp on some flowerbeds." Kaliela chuckles and nods "ready" Kindre waggles a finger after Sisirye, "You just behave yourself, young lady...you represent the Weyr when you're out of it now." Scary, indeed, how very Sionellesque that sounds coming from her. As if realizing this, she swallows and offers in a more Kindre-like voice, "Jsut be careful." Kassima mouths, 'Stomp on flowerbeds?' silently to herself, then shakes her head. "I'm nay going to ask. Have fun stomping on flowerbeds for whatever reason, all right?" Abruptly, she clicks her tongue, passing the hide over to Kindre. "I take back what 'twas saying about it being an adventure, m'friend," Kassi says with definite amusement. "If'n they had to ration the Benden wine due t'damaged crops, that's deprivation, nay adventure!" Ofira waves to Sisirye and her friend, "Have a nice evening." Kindre's eyes widen in mock-horror. "Ration the...-wine-? Oh, Faranth forbid! I'm glad I was but a rambunctious child for that..." Sisirye giggles and calls over her shoulder, "Oh, we will.." waving to the others and heading out, leaving the explinations for another day. Sisirye walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Kaliela walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Ofira waves over a drudge for another cup of tea, and yawns. "When that brownrider comes back, I'm definitely going to ask about this flowerbeds business," Kassi speaks up with as she watches Sisirye go. "For now, I'll sate thirst rather than curiousity." Waving over a serving maid, she asks for a glass of milk with a sigh so faint as to be almost imperceptible. "Kin, d'you want something to drink?" Kindre peers at her glass before bobbing her head. "Yes, some more white would be wonderful, thank you for asking." On the subject of Sisirye, she grins. "True enough...flowerbed stomping, she said? Sounds fun...and vaguely mischievious..." she waggles her brows. Ofira shakes her head, "Stomping flower beds? I can think of things a lot more entertaining than that. And where /si/ Padraig?" she sighs impatiently. "By the time he gets back, Girad will be awake again and so much for...entertainment." Kassima chuckles at Kin. "Well, mayhaps 'twould be a thing I'd be good at, with the added weight and all. Though *what* a person would want to stop flowerbeds for...! There must be something about it; we'll have to put her to the inquisition when she gets home." Winking, the rider turns back to the serving maid and adds, "A glass of wine too, please, for the weyrwoman." Anne the servitor dashes off to fulfill the order, coming back a few moments later with Kin's wine and Kassi's milk. Eyeing her friend's drink, Kassi definitely looks rueful as she raises her own glass. "Here's to flowerbed stomping, whatever 'tis." Kindre grins, lifting her glass to toast, "Indeed..." and then calls her thanks as well to Anne. "We will have to prompt her about this little time-killer. Hmm...I wonder just -where- they plan to execute this task..." Kassima shakes her head. "Nay idea, none whatsoever. A mystery upon which to speculate... especially since, Kin, I think 'tis getting late to make sense of crabbed speech. We've tomorrow ahead of us--and you'll be feeling better by then, wouldn't y'think?" "I certainly hope so," Kindre says assuredly. "I'm near positive I will. Portock said the shock would make me feel...what's that technical Healer tern...Jays, something akin to being half-way 'tween." Chuckling a bit at the image that produces in her mind, she continues. "I get a fresh lay of bandages tomorrow morning and should be well on my way to full recovery." Kassima grins and lifts her glass again, with much more enthusiasm. "Now there's news worth drinking to!" Which she proceeds to do, licking off a milk moustasche once she's finished. To Ofira, she hazards, "Mayhaps one of the weyrbrats is giving him trouble?" Ofira nods to Kassima, "Very likely. I left him trying to settle a few of them into bed, while their parents were out on sweeps. Rylan in particular seems to give him trouble." Kindre's lips wrinkle a bit. "For true, Ofira? Jays...children." Ofira smiles, patting Girad's back gently, "Not my son though. He's never going to behave badly, I'm quite sure of it!" she declares, sealing her fate most likely. Kassima blinks, evidently surprised. "Rylan? Ryi and F'hlan's lad? That's surprising; I'd always had the impression that he was rather well-mannered, though Lanryi can be a bit... oh, overexcitable I suppose is a good word. I suppose some of those younglings have inherited their parents' sleeping habits. Y'know how riders are." She glances idly around the room, trying to see how many of those riders are up and about even now; the number she comes up with causes her mouth to quirk upwards in a wry grin. Ofira nods, "Rylan's a quiet boy, but he seems to have taken a very unreasonable dislike to Padraig." Kassima's long fingers drum lightly on the tabletop as she considers this, shrugging as she's unable to come up with an answer. "He might grow out of it, I suppose. Have either of you asked Ryi to speak with him about it?" Ofira blushes, "No...I think I know what the problem is and I suppose it's just better to leave it alone..." Kassima eyes Ofira dubiously for a moment before lifting her shoulder in another shrug. "You'd know best," she observes. "If'n 'tis so, 'twill hopefully nay be such a long wait a'fore the problem resolves itself." Ofira sighs, "Oh, well, it's all rather embarrasing, really. Rylan has some ideas in his head, and he's very stubborn about them." Benden Weyr> Kindre sorries for idle, but has to rotfl when she spots "Bofus" listed as a NPC Candi on the page ;) Benden Weyr> M'kla laughs. It's a bit out of date, ain't it? Benden Weyr> M'kla snuggles hi. Benden Weyr> Ofira snugs M'kla :) Benden Weyr> Kassima grins at Kin and nods, just a tad. ;) Heya, SL M'klalantine. *Snugs.* :) Benden Weyr> Kindre hugsa M'kla! :) Benden Weyr> Kindre hmms...did Bofus or Bufus become the rider? :) Kassima chuckles lightly. "If'n m'cousins are any example, lads can be stubborn about lots of things. As can lasses. I'truth, I suspect m'own will be much the same." Ofira nods, "As were my brothers. I intend to raise /this/ little man a bit differently, " she says with foolish confidence. "He'll hopefully never decide to ask a woman to be his weyrmate when he's but six turns!" Benden Weyr> M'kla nods. He's B'fus...on green...um...I forget. Benden Weyr> M'kla says, "He and my NPC oldest son M'larr impressed in the same clutch." Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Whichever one is described as a letch? ;) B'fus and green Smaarth, but I wasn't here when they Impressed so I'm rather clueless. :)" Benden Weyr> M'kla nods. B'fus is on Smaarth. M'larr should be on bronze Trynth if he's ot on the page. Benden Weyr> M'kla has no websurfing capabilities, so can't check *sniffle* Benden Weyr> Kindre jsut got it M'kla... :) Benden Weyr> Kassima doesn't *think* M'larr is listed, M'kla. Benden Weyr> M'kla heehees. Gratz. I just lost it. ;) Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "And B'fus isn't listed as a rider, either. :P :)" Benden Weyr> M'kla heehees. Well, it's in the log, if anyone still has a copy of the log. Benden Weyr> Kassima has one that she got off of the WWW, and remembers M'larr Impressing in there... not B'fus, though. :) Benden Weyr> M'kla THOUGHT it was in the same hatching...I could easily be wrong ;) Benden Weyr> Kassima thinks he's from the same Hatching, but never saw a particular @emit of him... I could be wrong. I'll check. :) Benden Weyr> M'kla nods. He may have come into it in weyrling training. Benden Weyr> M'kla seems to remember F'lat and bronze Noggith too. Benden Weyr> Kindre has got to send some mail to get S'cot, B'ald, and S'tauf added ;) Benden Weyr> M'kla ohs! And F'lger riding M'kla's Klah Brown Caffeith. Benden Weyr> Kassima grins at M'kla. F'lat's listed, yeah. :) Don't forget F'rosti, Kin! ;) I should have my pet NPCs listed some of these days, V'dan at least. Benden Weyr> M'kla tries to remember some of the old(er) ones...like old R'set on Xoluth (the last rider of the last hatchling of the last gold hatched by Ramoth), and his weyrmate Thiva on old blue Shozulimarth. Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Isn't that Rosa on Shozulimarth, M'kla? Thiva rides Avivth. :)" Benden Weyr> M'kla doahs. Benden Weyr> M'kla wrote the dang NPCs 3 RL years ago, Kassi ;) I can't remember EVERYTHING. Benden Weyr> Kassima laughs and only remembers because she just read about 'em on the page. ;) Benden Weyr> M'kla says, "They used to be on the various watchdragon and ferrydragon objects around Benden territory." Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Ferrydragon? I know Thiva and Avivth are, and M'nar and Gelth, plus Lapri and Olindath, but that fourth NPC who's supposed to be there I've *never* seen." Benden Weyr> M'kla says, "Q'toz on Toulth" Benden Weyr> M'kla says, "Blue Toulth" Benden Weyr> Ofira considers making some NPC bakers to keep an eye on you all when Salless goes off duty ;) Benden Weyr> M'kla says, "THere used to be an object at Bitra and Benden and Lemos, that also had 4 NPCs apiece on them, that changed during the course of the day, and you could get on them, and they would physically fly you to Benden and back." Benden Weyr> Kindre sighs and has to get herself a scanner...I can draw really well and would love to throw some sketches up on the web...*nods* Thiva & M'nar I recognize from the Watchdragons...the others don't sound too familiar...*giggles Ofira!* Will you teach then the Deadly Frying Pan Manuevers?? Benden Weyr> M'kla grins at Kindre. I wish you'd draw M'kla and Torinth...I can draw Torinth but never M'kla. Benden Weyr> Ofira says, "Of course Kindre, it's a basic Baker requirement ;)" Benden Weyr> Kassima oohs and likes that. :) Oooh, Kin, any chance that you could be persuaded to draw Kassi and Lyss? I can draw Kassi somewhat accurately, but never as well as I'd like, and never Lyss. :) Benden Weyr> Kindre is better with ppl than animal-types...though they are vaguely cartoonish...hee, Ofira...I'm getting an image not unlike 'Tria's Macarena Moovine Troup...'cept, o'course, it'd be the Electric Slide Pan Throwers or something ;) Benden Weyr> M'kla grins. Hrm. If you drew M'kla, I could draw Torinth around her ;) Benden Weyr> Kindre says, "surely! Just give me some details to go on :) I wonder if I can use the paint thingy in windows and then copy to email...tho I doubt it'd be as good as by hand. Now, just to get a scanner..." Benden Weyr> Ofira says, "Synchronized frying pan maneuvers! :)" Benden Weyr> Kindre feels some +pos fodder coming on... ;) Benden Weyr> Kassima is *terrible* with those computer paint thingies. I'm okay with sketching, but not on the computer, no way. :) Benden Weyr> Kindre has an idea...if it's possible to +mail me descs, I could probably work from there :) Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Dang bet, Kin! :)" Benden Weyr> Kindre says, "coolio :) I can smail things, too, if anyone has their own scanner :) Not sure when/if I'll be able to afford one :)" Benden Weyr> Sisirye grins and would offer computer sketching services, if she still had access tot he school lab. :) Benden Weyr> Kindre will try with the paint thingy, too. Benden Weyr> Kindre says, "hmm...I can send mail from paint..." Benden Weyr> Kindre wonders how hard it will be via mouse... Benden Weyr> M'kla heehees. I'd prefer on paper, so I can add Torinthy-poo. Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "If you're anything like me, Kin, very. But my hands shake, so maybe you'll do better. :)" Benden Weyr> <M'kla> Torinth snorts awake, << Torinthy-poo? You've been drinking again! >> Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "Torinthy-poo?" Benden Weyr> Kassima snugsaLys! :) Benden Weyr> Kindre okies :) I'd rather do paper, but may try the paint, too, for fun :) Benden Weyr> M'kla has no clue herself why she called Torinth that. My silly player. Benden Weyr> Kindre says, "'Lys!! :) I'm doing sketches, tho don't have a scanner...would regular mail be okay for these things? :)" Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "Torinth, love, come live with me. I won't call you anything like that. ;)" Benden Weyr> Alyssa sends hugs out. Benden Weyr> M'kla nuzzles Alyssa. Benden Weyr> Ofira snugs Alyssa :) Benden Weyr> M'kla says, "No fair! I get to snug her first!" Benden Weyr> M'kla is older, you see ;) Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Shells, Kin, if you'd draw Kassi, you can send it however you darned well please. :) I just wish I had a scanner! And I snugged her first, so nyah. ;)" Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "Trust me; there's plenty to go 'round." Benden Weyr> Kindre is the only one who can snuggybughug, so nyah ;) Hrm, paint is tough to draw in... Benden Weyr> Ofira points out that you nuzzled, M'kla. That beats a snug ;) Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "Thank you all for making me feel welcome. :)" Benden Weyr> M'kla giggles. Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "T'lar says he gets to hug me first, so nya. And speaking of T'lar...he's on the phone and wants my attention, so...'scuse me. ;)" Benden Weyr> Kassima grins and snugs Lys. :) Pthbbbt at T'lar for me? ;) Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "Kassi, T'lar pthbbbt back at your illustrious Wingsecondship, ma'am. Salute." Benden Weyr> Kindre rotfl as she starts to do Hera and ends up having her look like a runner! Hee...sorry, I'm easily amused ... Benden Weyr> M'kla giggles. Oops. Benden Weyr> M'kla says, "Don't tell Herath that, Kin..she'll be not amused." Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "Anyways...night, all. <smooch> See you later. :)" Benden Weyr> Ofira says, "G'night :)" Benden Weyr> <Kindre> Herath snorts. << No. Not amused. >> ;) Well, this paint thing is hard... Benden Weyr> Kassima aighs! Salute me over the phone, will he? I'll give him the trouting of his life when he gets online. :) Benden Weyr> M'kla will just say FAR away from Kassi and her fish. Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "He says that sounds kinda fishy." Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "And he prefers it pan-broiled." Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "But that's another kettle of fish altogether, Lys. ;)" Benden Weyr> Alyssa grins. Sorry. Toodles, all. Benden Weyr> Kassima goes mad trying to fix Kassi's hand on her sketch. :P Benden Weyr> K'tyn waves and hugs, and is very glad that I can't draw.:) Benden Weyr> Kindre is idle via obsessing... :) Benden Weyr> Thera waves! :) Benden Weyr> Kindre says, "THERA!!!! :)" Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "THERA!!!!!!!!! :)" Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Get *out* of my head, Kin. :P :)" Benden Weyr> K'tyn faints. Benden Weyr> Kindre giggles!! :) Benden Weyr> K'tyn opens an eye. "Aye! Thera!" Benden Weyr> M'kla meeps. Thera. Benden Weyr> M'kla hrmmmmmmmmmms. Benden Weyr> M'kla contemplates the callender. Benden Weyr> M'kla contemplates Torinth's colour and general temperament. Benden Weyr> K'tyn aughs! Dragons don't snuggle! Or Cuddle!They...lump! Benden Weyr> Kindre sighs and thinks she messed up her keyboard again :b brb... Benden Weyr> Kindre says, "all better :)" Benden Weyr> Kindre hmms... Benden Weyr> M'kla grins Benden Weyr> Kindre ohs, I need mail addies to send the pics to...tho can wait on that 'til the pics are done...but, being the obsessive type I am, they'll most likely be done by tomorrow afternoon... Benden Weyr> Thera laughs...howdy :) Benden Weyr> Thera ponders her incredible laggedness to the mush... Benden Weyr> Thera kicks her puter to make it send stuff out faster.... Benden Weyr> Kindre has a quicky prelim one of Hera...it stinks, but I think I'm getting the hang of this...via the paint program I mean...shading will be hard... Benden Weyr> Thera hrms. Kindre, you painting Hera? What program? :) Benden Weyr> Thera aies. Oh Dear Faranth, my coz is with child. *faint* Benden Weyr> Kindre says, "with kindergarden windows paint program :b" Benden Weyr> Kassima chortles at Thera. :) Benden Weyr> Thera eyes Kin...you aren't preggers are you? I can't be the only one without... Benden Weyr> M'kla isn't preggers...but is prolly too old ;) Benden Weyr> M'kla says, "Well...not technically IC...but probably a poor idea ;)" Benden Weyr> Thera grins...but M'kla, you've /had/ kids. thats it. I'm obvouiously not having enough unprotected sex. Lith? When's that next flight, girly girl..... Benden Weyr> Kassima bursts out laughing at Thera! :) Drink the Water, coz. It worked for me. :P ;) Benden Weyr> Kindre laughs! No, not yet... ;) Benden Weyr> Thera hits herself...wait...to have kids...i have to....*drumroll*...rp! Go figure... ;) Benden Weyr> Thera grins...i gotta wait till i can rp during daylight hours...aie...this sumemr will be nice...no school, no work...yeeehaa! Benden Weyr> Kindre yays Thera!! :) Benden Weyr> M'kla yeeehaws! Benden Weyr> Kassima woooooooooos for Thera! :) Benden Weyr> K'tyn ahems, and directs y'all to do a quick WHO.:) Benden Weyr> M'kla heehees. Benden Weyr> Kindre gets stuck in the WHO :b Benden Weyr> Kindre ahs...hee :) Benden Weyr> Kassima laughs. :) Benden Weyr> M'kla never gets sandwiched by cute riders anymore. *sulk* Benden Weyr> K'tyn wistles.;) She's pinned B'tween Ista and Benden.:) Benden Weyr> K'tyn will sandwich you, M'kla.:) Anytime, toots! Benden Weyr> K'tyn says, "You want rye and baloney? Or ham on white? :)" Benden Weyr> Kassima wants to be a whimry sandwich, the official Mystery Snack of Benden Weyr Takes the Lounge Night. ;) Benden Weyr> Kindre hugga and Weyr and heads off to obsess over these pics :) Benden Weyr> M'kla laughs. I think you're both, K'tyn. Both ham AND baloney. ;) Benden Weyr> K'tyn nods.;) Aye! Benden Weyr> Thera icks, netcom killed me. Did i mis syour age, Kin? :) Benden Weyr> Kindre ums and thinks so...lemme find afore I go :) Benden Weyr> Kindre says, "okie all, I'm outty :) I'll get to work on these things 'til I can't draw anymore tonight ;) Seeyabye!" Benden Weyr> Kassima snugs Kin muchly! Zhai'helleva, dester'edre. :) Benden Weyr> Kindre notes that it ALWAYS dumps just as I am about to leave...and you -know- you can't leave during a dump...I jsut hate thinking I missed something that may have come thru when it was done. Yeesh. Benden Weyr> K'tyn waves! Benden Weyr> Thera ahuggles Kin :) Benden Weyr> Kindre says, "see??!! ;) Heee...*poof*" Benden Weyr> Thera ponders stalking down new male w'lings and forcing them into weyrmated submission, but alas, hasn't the strength... Benden Weyr> Kassima cheers as Mom's friend *finally* goes home, and idles to get some dinner. Yes, dinner at 1:27 am. :) Benden Weyr> M'kla giggles. Benden Weyr> K'tyn says, "Been there, done that, Kassi.:) :) Enjoy your food" Benden Weyr> Davidon pokes his head up and laughs evily! ^_^ Benden Weyr> Kassima sighs and will. Ye gods. This guy got here at 4pm, stayed until 1:30am, with Mom dropping all the discrete hints that she could that he should go *home*.... :P Benden Weyr> M'kla aughs! Benden Weyr> K'tyn says, "Davi :)" Benden Weyr> Davidon says, "hihihihihihihihihi!!!" Benden Weyr> M'kla snuggles Davi like crazy Benden Weyr> Kassima snugsaDavi! :) Benden Weyr> Davidon sits in M'kla's lap and snuggles up close. (aaww) Benden Weyr> K'tyn carries Davi off!:) Benden Weyr> K'tyn carries M'kla off, while he's at it. Benden Weyr> Davidon says, "Wow! :) :) It's nice to be remembered! Even after a little vacation!" Benden Weyr> Sisirye snugs as she unquiets herself again!! Benden Weyr> Davidon grabs Kassi too. (oups) I mean, snugs her! Benden Weyr> Davidon couldn't sleep. :( Benden Weyr> Kassima watches Kiat carry everyone else off, and thinks, 'Ye gods, it's the return of the Stereotype Run Amok!' Hey! ;) Oh, okay, Davi. Snugs I can live with. :) Benden Weyr> K'tyn can carry you off, too, Kassi. And Sisi as well! Benden Weyr> Davidon bounces happily! Benden Weyr> Thera is by far too big to be carried off lightly ;) Benden Weyr> K'tyn nopes! Not for this bronzerider Thera! I'll just plop you on top.:) Benden Weyr> Thera grins. Benden Weyr> Sisirye is with Thera, Sisi is pretty big herself....don't wanna be blamed for anyone getting a hernea trying to pick her up. :) Benden Weyr> Davidon says, "Ug! I'm getting old! :(" Davidon walks here from the Inner Cavern. Davidon waves as he comes into the living cavern. Benden Weyr> M'kla teehees. Benden Weyr> K'tyn flexes his muscles; indeed, that's all he is, one big muscle! :) No one is too big for him to carry.:) Benden Weyr> Mehlani .oO (Wow.) Benden Weyr> M'kla tosses Torinth on top. Benden Weyr> Sisirye marvels at K'tyn....oooo... Benden Weyr> K'tyn staggers a bit. Benden Weyr> Kassima de-idles, with food. :) Benden Weyr> Davidon sits in Kassi's lap. Benden Weyr> Davidon says, "It is amazing reading old PernMUSH log files you know." Kassima stifles a yawn as she looks up from the hides she's reading, blinking blearily. "Oh--Davi, g'devening. Or mayhaps g'night would be more appropriate; what're you doing up so late?" Benden Weyr> M'kla giggles. Don't read the one of my hatching. Benden Weyr> K'tyn ohs? What old log files? Benden Weyr> Kassima knows, yep; she reads almost every log she can get her hands on. :) Which ones? Benden Weyr> M'kla says, "That one was HORRIBLE...lag 15 minutes long, people connecting and disconnecting at random, bad poses...people thinking at dragonets..." Davidon sits down heavily in a nearby chair, "Couldn't sleep. Think I had something bad with dinner or something." Benden Weyr> Davidon was looking at old old hatching logs on the weyr pages. :) 'mazing, just 'mazing. Benden Weyr> Thera stressed over Lith's hatching...i pulled strings with friends, and had 6 back up accounts, just incase the lag form my school was too bad.... Benden Weyr> M'kla heehees. I was horrible myself. Benden Weyr> M'kla had a shock of calf-length blonde hair and a buxom figure! Benden Weyr> Davidon says, "It's nice to know that even the best rider/RPers started out as normal people too. ^_^" Benden Weyr> Kassima grins at M'kla and has seen worse thinking-at-dragonet stuff in older logs. :) Though I confess, having all of 'em be Blue Hatchling, Brown Hatchling, or Green Hatchling confused me when I was reading it. Benden Weyr> M'kla says, "And an annoying tendency to bounce and flirt ;)" Benden Weyr> Davidon says, "ouch!" Benden Weyr> M'kla giggles. Benden Weyr> M'kla says, "Torinth was a shimmery green hatchingling." Benden Weyr> Thera wonders if there is plastic surgery on pern? I could use a bounce infusion :) Benden Weyr> Davidon says, "Did the thing about seeing riders as just normal people come through? ^_^" Benden Weyr> Kassima tries to visualize that, M'kla, and fails miserably. ;) I was terrible, too, I confess. Oy. :P :) *Blinks.* She was? That didn't show up in the log I read.... Benden Weyr> M'kla heehees at Thera. Benden Weyr> M'kla nods solemnly to Kassima. Benden Weyr> M'kla says, "Come to think of it...take away just a bit of the insane/zany behavior...and M'kla was MUCH like Kassi, temperament wise." Benden Weyr> M'kla says, "That all changed when she became Weyrsecond." Benden Weyr> Kassima's all-time favorite Olden Days Hatching is Jeniath's third. That cracks me up *every* time I read it. :) Wherryburger Brown Hatchling! Hrm... dang it, then; my dragoninfo foo is all wrong, since I was basing it on that log and there were no adjectives besides color in the dragon-names in that. *Blinks at M'kla.* I'm a flirt? :) Benden Weyr> Davidon looks at Kassi in a whole new light. "Hubba hubba!" Benden Weyr> K'tyn grins at Kassima.:) Benden Weyr> M'kla says, "Oh...no, I guess not...but the bouncy-silly-zany bit was there ;) Just add to it the flirtiness usually associated with male greenriders ;)" Benden Weyr> M'kla says, "Okay. M'kla was downright RANDY as a weyrling/young rider ;)" Benden Weyr> Thera grins at Kassi...it's that entire standoffish thing, coz....drives men wild ;) Benden Weyr> M'kla heehees at Thera. "Bad dinner, with Ofira's cooking? Nay; 'tis likely just insomnia, like the rest of us." She gestures to an empty chair at her table, which is covered with stacks and piles of hides and scrolls. "There's room here if you'd like to sit down, and that way I wouldn't have to shout across the room t'talk t'you." Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Now I'm standoffish? Wow, I'm learning a lot about myself that I didn't know. ;) Hee, M'kla... one would *never* guess that from the sheer numbers of spawn you have. ;)" Benden Weyr> K'tyn peers. "I only have one spawn. Hrm." Benden Weyr> Kassima has a little over half of a spawn. :) Benden Weyr> M'kla heehees. Benden Weyr> M'kla would have another spawn...but is prolly too old *grumble* Benden Weyr> Mehlani IS spawn. She's not old enough to breed. Davidon looks at the baker and quickly nods in agreement with the greenrider, "oh, right. I think it must be just insomnia." Benden Weyr> Davidon sneaks over to M'kla's? Benden Weyr> Thera laughs! Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Nah, M'kla, you're not. Have more spawn, have more spawn! ;)" Benden Weyr> Davidon wants to be a Weyr strumpet now that he's back. J/K Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Davi, you just put the song 'Aldonza' in my head, darn it. :)" Benden Weyr> K'tyn takes some of M'kla's turns to add to his own. :) Benden Weyr> Davidon grins! ^_^ Benden Weyr> Kassima generously gives M'kla back her turns by depriving herself of some of her own. A most noble sacrifice, you must agree. ;) Benden Weyr> M'kla shares her turns...she's got enough to go around ;) Benden Weyr> Davidon says, "How old is M'kla?" Benden Weyr> Sisirye snugs everyone and heads to bed for the night!! Benden Weyr> M'kla laughs. 42. Benden Weyr> K'tyn grins at Davi. "Ask her!" Benden Weyr> Davidon is asking. Kassima chuckles, closing one eye in a wink to the dragonhealer. "Wise choice. Very wise indeed. How've you been, Davi? I haven't seen you about for a good while." Benden Weyr> M'kla says, "Admittedly, my RL grandmother had kids till she was 54 or so, and was in MUCH less good condition physically than M'kla...but still." Benden Weyr> Kassima zhaisnugs Sisi! :) And woos, Davi--maybe that was the Ultimate Question! ;) Benden Weyr> K'tynohs! I thought that was a rhetorical question :0 Benden Weyr> M'kla says, "And Grama Hopkins had 10 kids ;)" Benden Weyr> M'kla snuggles Sisi. Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "M'kla, just pick yourself a nice, virile bronzerider lad. I recommend T'lar, since I figure that by helping him advertise I may get a cut of the stud fees. ;)" Benden Weyr> M'kla keeps getting opposition tho, when she suggests she have another kid...most in the 'so...if you get pregnant, don't you think it's time to retire' department from people who don't even belong to our weyr (mostly) :P Benden Weyr> M'kla giggles at Kassi. Davidon puts his hands behind his head and shrugs, "I've been around. Here and there. I just haven't been feeling social." he points to kassi's semi-new-knot, "congrats on your promotion." Benden Weyr> K'tyn grins. T'lar's in hotwater already, Kassi.:) Benden Weyr> Davidon decides to try to call it a night. "I'll return soonishly-like. Benden Weyr> Thera laughs....so Kassi, can you book me a bronze for my next flight? Benden Weyr> Thera grins...or just someone virile? ;) - (kidding!) Benden Weyr> Kassima sures. I've got an almost guarenteed solution for you, coz, if you want to have kids... hey, 'Lani! Can we borrow your father? ;) Benden Weyr> M'kla heehees. Benden Weyr> M'kla says, "Still won't get a rugby team out of Thera ;)" Davidon snaps his fingers and scrambles to his feet, "gah, and speaking of that, I need to check on something. " he hurries away. *poof* Davidon walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Kassima smiles, glancing down at the knot herself. "Thankee, Davi. I--shellshard it, I missed *again*!" Benden Weyr> M'kla hrms and considers...Mykiat...that'd be a cute name. Benden Weyr> Thera giggles...hey M'kla, what's the name of your npc son? Benden Weyr> K'tyn beams: Benden Weyr> M'kla says, "M'larr (Mylarr)" Benden Weyr> M'kla has M'larr, Myklarr, Kylarr, Sayla, Nekla, Myshel, Medrel, and Myklan. Benden Weyr> Mehlani acks belatedly at Kassima's last. Benden Weyr> Davidon thinks M'kla needs some 'D's in there! ;D Benden Weyr> Thera hrms thoughtfully...tharr? yick...Mera? kinda cool...lol Davidon... Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Nah, M'kla, go with Kiat. You need more Ks. ;)" Benden Weyr> Davidon grins, "Hmmm, Dayla has a nice ring to it. ;P Benden Weyr> Thera sighs...that's it. It's my duty to bring the letter T to this Weyr. Benden Weyr> M'kla says, "Admittedly, Myklarr's not got the most appetizing personality, and Kylarr's not exactly father material *giggle*....and Myshel, Medrel, and, Myklan are under the 'jailbait' age, even for Pern :)" Benden Weyr> K'tyn nods. K-team needs more recruits! Benden Weyr> M'kla hrms. If it was a girl, it'd be...what...Kiatla? Kiala? Kiata? Benden Weyr> M'kla has a System, you see ;) Benden Weyr> M'kla says, "If it's a boy, it's my name first, and then the da." Benden Weyr> Kavidon snickers Benden Weyr> M'kla says, "If it's a girl, it's the reverse." Benden Weyr> Kavidon pokes K'tyn, "Isn't that K-mart?" Benden Weyr> Thera laughs! Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "There's already a Kiala, alas. But you could do... hmmm. Kynla, Kiayla... I *still* think Mart and Kena should've named their kid Kemart, darn it. ;)" Benden Weyr> M'kla says, "So if I had a kiddo with Davidon, and it was a boy, it'd be Mydon (Myklidon? Myvidon?), and a girl, Davla. ;)" Benden Weyr> M'kla thinks it should be Savison, Davi ;) Benden Weyr> K'tyn likes Kiala. :) Benden Weyr> Davidon says, "Mavidon? Just incase he's got butter fingers?" Benden Weyr> M'kla grins. I like it to be 'recognizable' too, Kassi ;) Benden Weyr> M'kla giggles. Mavidon...but hard to tell it was my kid. Benden Weyr> Ryialla says, "Baby names?" Benden Weyr> M'kla is just playing the 'name game' again, Ryi. Benden Weyr> Davidon says, "Very true! Hhmmm" Benden Weyr> K'tyn grins! Durn! um, Tykla? Iala?:) Benden Weyr> M'kla says, "See, if Ryi and my NPC son M'larr had kids, they'd be...hrm. Ryiallarr!" Benden Weyr> M'kla thinks Mykiat and Kiatla are the easiest ;) Benden Weyr> Davidon sighs brokenly. Benden Weyr> M'kla smooches Davi. Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "We're partnering M'kla up with Davi and Kiat, Ryi. ;) Hrm. Kityla, Katyla, something like that... aigh! Ryiallarr? Yack." Benden Weyr> K'tyn bows to the supreme wisdom of M'kla.:) Benden Weyr> Thera ponders. Benden Weyr> M'kla uses the ancient right of the woman to name the kids. "I had to go through /X/ hours of labor! I can name it whatever I WANT!" Benden Weyr> M'kla ponders with Thera. Myther. Thela. Thylarr. Thyla. Benden Weyr> Davidon snugs Benden! "Night!" Benden Weyr> K'tyn says, "Thyla! I like that.:)" Benden Weyr> M'kla smooches Davi g'night. Benden Weyr> Thera oooohs....Thyla...a winner? *grin* Benden Weyr> Kassima hrms. Thyla's not bad, but it's missing something... Theryla, maybe? :) Benden Weyr> M'kla giggles. Don't make it long...then you have to shorten it! Tho Theryla'd be good for a second kid ;) Benden Weyr> Thera laughs...wait wait wait...well, this'd solve my paranoid bf's problem with letting me fly tho, if i npc'd it ;) Benden Weyr> M'kla could be obnoxious in her old age, and throw twins. Benden Weyr> Kassima grins at M'kla. ICly, Kassi's mother wanted to name her Alikassimara until *her* mother and husband nagged her to death. Thank Faranth that for the only time in the entire family's history, good sense prevailed. ;) No, no, M'kla! Quints! ;) Benden Weyr> M'kla's great grandmother on her dad's mom's side had /3/ sets of twins and a set of triplets :P Benden Weyr> M'kla says, "Mind you, only one of each set survived to adulthood, but still." Benden Weyr> K'tyn blinks. Wow, M'kla! Benden Weyr> M'kla says, "Irish are known for being prolific, K'tyn ;)" Benden Weyr> M'kla's parents were sensible, and named her Mykla, and her slightly younger brother Mylarn. Benden Weyr> K'tyn grins. I know that.:) I'm half.:) T'other's Italian, and they aren't s'bad either:) Benden Weyr> M'kla teehees at Thera (it now being very late and she not being very swooft.) Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "You should see some of my NPC cousins' names, M'kla. :) Merysithra, Sythriva, Eryssiara, Kessatarina, Kaliawynne... I was evil to them, poor things." Benden Weyr> K'tyn swoofts! ooh, I like that.:) Benden Weyr> M'kla laughs! Benden Weyr> K'tyn lol at Kass. You were dreadful, dear. :) Benden Weyr> M'kla should make an alt to be your cousin, Mirilililt ;) Benden Weyr> Kassima bets that she could work that name into her family tree, M'kla. ;) Benden Weyr> M'kla should warn, this was her suggestion for the penultimate Pernese queenname, after we had so many named things that looked too much like elvish ;) Benden Weyr> M'kla says, "Mirililililth" Benden Weyr> M'kla says, "Pardon. Mirilililth." Benden Weyr> Thera streches out...okidoki, i think i need to get to bed. I'm to be subjected to a family gathering tomm, and i'll need all the rest i can get...g'night all! *HUGS!* :) Benden Weyr> M'kla snuggles Thera. Nini! Benden Weyr> K'tyn waves! Benden Weyr> Kassima still likes Mriswith from that Terry Goodkind series _Sword of Truth_ as a queen-name, but suspects she's alone. ;) Zhai, coz! Y'all come back now, y'hear? :) Benden Weyr> M'kla likes that, Kassi! Benden Weyr> M'kla still maintains tho, that the ULTIMATE queenname would be Womoth. Benden Weyr> K'tyn says, "wouldn't Womath be better? :)" Benden Weyr> M'kla says, "Nono. Say it aloud. Woh-Moth!...it's a good strong name." Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "All through _Blood of the Fold_, they keep talking about the mriswith queen... made sense to me. :) I have always favored Rhoneleath, m'self, but I don't know if anyone else could pronounce it. :P :)" Benden Weyr> M'kla says, "It's not too prissy, nor too showy. It's a sensible name." Benden Weyr> Ryialla sighs. It's one of those nights. Benden Weyr> M'kla would just like to see one named Maith. Benden Weyr> M'kla grins. Maith being the gaelic for 'good' Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Maicheth. I like Maicheth, from Maichen Ambrai in _Ruins of Ambrai_. And while we're at it, Ambraith. :)" Benden Weyr> Kassima changes her @do to go with Kiat's, sorta. Benden Weyr> K'tyn blinks! She was there a sec ago. hrm. :) Benden Weyr> K'tyn grins.:) Benden Weyr> M'kla giggles. Benden Weyr> M'kla yodels for variety. Benden Weyr> M'kla gets silly, and considers other options. Name Game with Ryialla. Ryialla walks in from the bowl. M'kla walks in from the bowl. M'kla saunters in, headed for the klahpot. Benden Weyr> M'kla says, "Myialla?" Benden Weyr> M'kla once swore she'd name her next kid after the person who won her next flight, regardless of gender. (That being a moot point with Ryi *smoocha*) Benden Weyr> M'kla hrms. Myklassima. Benden Weyr> Kassima acks! That sounds like Vlassic pickles, for some reason. Benden Weyr> M'kla giggles. Benden Weyr> M'kla grins. I knew someone that combined their name with their dragon's...Myklinth? Torkla? Benden Weyr> M'kla thinks that wouldn't work in her case. Kassima's light doze breaks as the tread of two footfalls reaches her ears, and she blinks awake. "Hmm? Wha? Wh--oh, heyla, Ryi. M'kla. Evening, if'n it can still be called evening." She yawns, rubbing her eyes wearily. Benden Weyr> Kassima ponders. Lyssima? Hmmm. M'kla grins a bit, and pours a deep mug of klah, "Nay lass, it still be night." Benden Weyr> M'kla grins. M'kla says "But who need sleep?" Benden Weyr> M'kla says, "Protyn, Lyssima, Torkla, and Plialla?" "'Twould think 'twould be closer to morning," Kassi laughs, shaking her head to clear away some of the sleep fog. "I keep asking m'self that question, and trying to convince m'self that the answer *isn't* me." Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Protyn? Sounds like a sub-atomic particle. ;)" Benden Weyr> K'tyn lol! Protyn sounds vaguely obscene.:) M'kla chuckles and settles down. Of course, if the weyrsecond sleeps or not has become something of a matter of debate when the wings are too bored. It may be a moot point all in all. Benden Weyr> M'kla says, "Sounds like something you'd see on the back of fat free, sugar free, cholesterol free, taste free real artificial frozen non-yoghurt." Benden Weyr> K'tyn nods.;) Or! Methtyn. :) There's a drug soundng name.:) Benden Weyr> M'kla giggles. Ryialla salutes M'kla as she strolls in, and makes the salute just that much crisper as she turns it on Kassima. "Greetings and salutations, oh most wonderous spectacular, celebrated, celebrious, distinguished, eminent, fabulous, famed, illustrious, notable, prominent, renowned, superlative, supreme, surpassing, transcendant, marvelous, queen-like, revered, amazing, astonishing, divine, glorious, staggering, studependous and supreme WingsecondMa'am!" Benden Weyr> M'kla says, "Methtyn, Sethima, Rinthla, and Liarthialla" M'kla sputters on her mug of klah, and gives the younger greenriders both odd stares. Benden Weyr> Ryialla throws the Thesaurus at Kassi. :) M'kla chuckles, "lass, ye been cavortin with Harpers 'gain?" Kassima sighs and picks up the stack of hides in front of her, carefully placing it atop another stack and repeating the process until there's only the mega-stack remaining. "I'll have to drop these off with Kin; nay way can I read anymore tonight," she murmurs to herself through a stifled yawn. Said yawn turns into a very vocal and pained groan at Ryi's list of titles. "Ryi!" Kassi nearly wails the other Wingsecond's name. "I never, ever called you *aught* that bad, and y'know it!" Herders woulda stopped and started with 'Ma'am' M'kla chuckles again, and mutters something that sounds suspiciously like 'oh she that rides the great beasts of our salvation', then shakes her head. Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Liarthialla? I like that one. Hrm... why don't we just combine all our names and see what we'd come up with, human and dragon? :P :)" Benden Weyr> K'tyn grins. Once upon an Alt, I wanted to have 'Cythan and Inzara' as child names after my alt's dragon and her 'mate's.:) Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Dear Faranth, Ryi, that's almost as bad as what I'd call Lys sometimes." Ryialla says "Well, I could always pontificate on things to do with your impending motherhood, if you prefer.." M'kla chuckles a bit more, glancing at Kassima. Ryialla grins evilly. That'll teach Kassi to salute -her-. Kassima gives Ryi the Evil Eye for a moment, then leans back in her chair and begins to laugh with what sounds like genuine amusement. "I suspect you're going to do it regardless, Ryi, so let's get it over with; pontificate all you like!" M'kla gives Kassi a sharp look, peering at her and then Ryi to determine if that bit about impending motherhood is truth or jest. Benden Weyr> M'kla hrms. Kiatassyklla? Benden Weyr> M'kla says, "Kiassyiakla." If it had been jest, Kassi probably would've started protesting to Faranth that she was *not* going to be a mother ever, shard it, so Ryi might as well not hold her breath waiting for *that* to happen. As it is, she's just amused. Catching M'kla's sharp look, Lysseth's rider quirks up an eyebrow. "Don't tell me that bit of gossip still hasn't made it all the way around the Weyr?" she asks, trying not to chuckle. Benden Weyr> Kassima grins. That last is no worse than Kiatriakassindre, rider of green-gold-bronze-Holstein Lysserapromooeth. ;) Ryialla giggles, "Now why would I go and do that to a gestating, childing, expectant, gravid, parous, parturient person? Just becuase you're expecting, in a family way, got with child and in an interesting condition doesn't mean I'd go into a big, heavy, enceinte, too-far-gone speech on the situation." M'kla chuckles some, "Lassie, I be lucky to know what the Weyrleader, lady, and the goldriders be doing at any one time....an now R'set, he prolly thought I'd forget an he'd not have to pay up his part o the bet." Oh trust her and her cronies to be betting, even on Kassima's impregnation, or lack there of. "Oh, nay," is Kassi's droll reply to that. "You? Provaricate and pontificate? The idea of the possibility of the thought that you might ever have considered doing so had nay even begun to contemplate the notion of crossing m'mind." Benden Weyr> K'tyn likes that one.:) M'kla stoically waits for the flurry of words to die down again. Benden Weyr> T'fian says, "What?? Nobody's tidied the LC? And this is scary: Wingleader, Wingsecond, Weyrsecond, Wingsecond, Weyrsecond." Kassima blinks, sitting up in her chair. "Pay R'set? Part of what bet?" Name Sex Position Status Idle Q ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * K'tyn (M) Wingleader Weyr AnaKiat Skywalker. 59s * Kassima (F) Wingsecond Weyr Kassi Vader 0s * M'kla (F) Weyrsecond SQUDLRD: M'kla'sDragoons 45s * Ryialla (F) Wingsecond Weyr Princess Ryia 2m * T'fian (M) Weyrsecond Weyr T'fian & Meroth. UR? 30s -------------------------------- ( 5 players ) ------------------------------- M'kla mutters to herself, " more vociferous than a... raving... harpers... a Gather at the Benden Vinyards " Benden Weyr> Kassima laughs! Kiat, you look like the 'one of these things' from the Sesame Street game. You're right, Tiffy; it's downright bizarre. M'kla looks up with an innocent expression, "Lassie?" "You mentioned a bet," Kassi repeats, inclining her head to regard the Weyrsecond with some interest. "One that R'set apparently lost? What bet was that, if'n I might inquire?" M'kla grins broadly, "Iffin we'd see ye be giftin the weyr with a fine boy or lass-child before winter set in. Wi' that green o yers...." She trails off, taking a sip of klah, everchanging eyes sparkling mostly with motherly amusement. Benden Weyr> K'tyn peers at the clock. "Yea, I get about as intelligent as Ernie at this time of the night, Kassi>:) Benden Weyr> M'kla giggles. Benden Weyr> Ryialla growls. What'd I miss? Benden Weyr> M'kla laughs. Not much. Me having bet on Kassi's popping kids or not with the other oldtimers. Benden Weyr> Ryialla says, "Didja win? :)" Benden Weyr> M'kla giggles. Of course I won! M'kla /always/ wins her bets! Benden Weyr> M'kla says, "Why do you think Bitrans run in terror, holding their purses tight?" Kassima groans again, though this time it's more with mingled amusement and good-natured exasperation than the groan she favored Ryi with. "I never realized that I could be a source of income for so many riders a'fore," she chuckles, shaking her head. "Dare I ask how much you won?" Benden Weyr> Kassima laughs. Kassi always wins hers, too, because she always bets with this NPC named V'dan. He's always following her around (NPC lackeys are *so* useful ;). Every bet he makes with Kassi, he loses--but he's determined to win *someday*, so he keeps trying, and she keeps taking his marks. ;) Benden Weyr> T'ren rolls in "Great shells, don't you people sleep?" Benden Weyr> K'tyn doesn't, but is thinking too, soon>:) Benden Weyr> Ryialla pounces T'ren Solo and drags him off to her weyr. Nope. Not at all. Ever! Benden Weyr> Ryialla says, "Oh, btw, if I discon again, I'm gonna stay off." Benden Weyr> T'ren woos to Ryi. If she doesn't sleep, then all night long is a possibility. Benden Weyr> M'kla smoooches Ryi. M'kla chuckles a bit, and leans forward far enough to clap Kassi's shoulder, "Aye lass. Ye may, but I won't tell till the babe get here." Benden Weyr> T'fian is asleep. Benden Weyr> M'kla says, "Suuuuuuure you are TIffy." Benden Weyr> T'fian would be asleep, rather. Except the Tick's on. Benden Weyr> M'kla giggles. Benden Weyr> Kassima snugs Ryi muchly, and settles for dragging a bag of Doritos off to her weyr. Benden Weyr> T'fian always found the thought of M'kla giggling to be ... disturbing. :) M'kla grins a bit more, "An, if ye dan't already have someone in mind, ye knae I kin birth babes wi' the best o them, an I dan't have cold hands like some shard-fool Healer neither." Kassima grins, eyes twinkling impishly. "If'n I'd known that there were bets of that nature, I'd've bribed someone t'place a bet for me after 'twas tricked into drinking the Water a'fore Lyss last rose. Ah, I could be a wealthy woman now, if'n only!" She rolls her eyes up to the ceiling and raises the back of one hand to her forehead in her most melodramatic fashion. "Ach, M'kla, 'tis glad of that I'd likely be--klah or nay klah, you're still nay the sadist that Garant is." Benden Weyr> Ryialla lied. Benden Weyr> T'ren woos, "Lie to me." Benden Weyr> Ryialla says, "T'ren, I find you irresistable. You are such a stud-muffin. I get all gooey thinking about you..I want to run off with you and bear your children.." Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "You're a good liar, Ryi. ;)" Benden Weyr> T'fian ROTFL. Benden Weyr> K'tyn giggles. Benden Weyr> T'ren laughs, "Good job, Ryi'. I'm impressed with the exaggerations and colorations." M'kla chuckles a bit at Kassima, "Aye lass...besides, what's a man know o birthin a babe. Feh, no' a thing." Benden Weyr> M'kla worries for you all. Benden Weyr> K'tyn is past worrying.:) Benden Weyr> Ryialla giggles. I 'specially like the "studmuffin" part. Benden Weyr> T'fian says, "Must... stay... awake.... Must watch ... Tick." Benden Weyr> Kassima giggles at M'kla, and heys! Ryi, you know, I had a thought... you should record that curse you said to R'val that once on the Lava Lounge Wall. If there's room left after all of the limericks we put up there, that is.... :) Benden Weyr> K'tyn blinks. the Tick!? Where?! Benden Weyr> Ryialla says, "What, this one? "May Slithereth take a wrong turn during a flight and wind up chasing R'val, who is wearing a kilt with a patch someone's cut out of the bum. May Salless see this, and start chasing him with a wooden spoon, right into the Evil Kassi's clutches, where she makes a woman of him and he becomes Rivalla forever on. And may the Committee Elected to make Vidarth green reject him unconditionally due to inherent blueness. And for greenriders everywhere, cause when they see that, they'll cheer!"" "'Tis sadistic that he is," Kassi agrees, "and y'can just tell that he's enjoying having so many expecting women in his care 'tween Meli, Lys, and me." She chuckles, grinning ruefully. "But then, in being insufferable, is he nay being just like every man?" Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "That's the one I had in mind. ;)" Benden Weyr> Ryialla says, "It's in my pos." Ryialla nods. "He is." Benden Weyr> Kassima knows, and heartily cheers you that. :) M'kla pfts! "More o ye shoul come to me. I've birthed more babes than he!" Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "For that, even." Benden Weyr> T'ren looks at the WHO list and awws as K'tyn has changed her @doing. Benden Weyr> Kassima tries to figure out why M'kla's last rhyme makes her think of Dr. Seuss and, specifically, Green Eggs and Ham. Benden Weyr> K'tyn did, yup.:) Ryialla says "Pah. No offense, M'kla, but I'm not planning on having any more children ever." Benden Weyr> K'tyn thinks of another.:) M'kla grins. Benden Weyr> K'tyn giggles.:) Kassima snorts amusedly at Ryi, "Did planning or the lack thereof matter with the children you've got? Planning is, methinks, seriously overrated." From afar, to Ellia, Jerethan, Kassima, and M'kla, K'tyn changes his @do a last time.:) Player Name On For Idle Doing Ellia 06:19 40s Pondering those Kassi would call "crazy" Kassima 06:33 0s Peering down at the crazy bronzerider. K'tyn 09:32 5s I do not like green eggs and ham! 15 Players logged in. [Editor's Note: We'd been having a minor @do-war; I leave in that reference to it because the knot chat about it seemed entertaining enough to be worth keeping. ;) ] Ryialla says "Weeeeeelll..no. But it doesn't matter. I'm immune, see." Benden Weyr> Kassima tries to think of something to go along with that, Kiat, but only comes up with, 'I would not, could not, in a tree.' There are just too many ways that could be taken for me to make it a @do. :) Benden Weyr> K'tyn LOL! Kassima shakes her head. "I don't see why y'think having twins makes you immune, though. Surely there've been people who've bourne twins and then gone on t'have more spawn afterwards." Benden Weyr> Kassima can't think of any other lines except that tree thing, how weird. I think there's something about a fox and a mouse somewhere.... Ryialla says "They're them. I'm me." Smug, innit she? Benden Weyr> Breana hugs people :) Benden Weyr> K'tyn hrms, and remembers, I would not on a plane, I would not on (the sea?) ;) something. It's been /years/ :) M'kla chuckles at Kassima and Ryi, "I had the boys all a'once..an that didnae stop me from havin more later, lasses." Benden Weyr> M'kla finds all this 'would not, could not' stuff VEEEEERY limiting ;) Benden Weyr> Ryialla says, "Ooh, it's a Bree!" Ryialla says "Ah. I will..um. Stop having men up to my weyr. That's it. And take powders when I know Pliarth's going to rise." Kassima chuckles and sings under her breath. "I've often been told you can only do what y'know how t'do well, and that's be you... be what you're like; be like yourself." Speaking in a more conversational and less sing-song tone, she quips, "You could always ask Pliarth to get a fixation for dragons with female riders." Ryialla says "She wouldn't listen." Benden Weyr> Kassima waffles to Bree, and grins at M'kla. Not in a car(?), not in a tree, not in a house--please let me be! I think that was a line. Maybe. ;) Benden Weyr> Breana snugs Ry and Kassi, then gets dragged offline barely before i've gotten here *sigh* Nite all! Kassima just shakes her head sorrowfully. "Terribly sorry, Ryi, but I doubt there's any way y'can be *sure* you'll nay have any more. A'course, staying away from the Water would likely help." Benden Weyr> Ryialla merps. Gods..there's not a non-ranked rider on. Ryialla says "Hah. I -am- immune to the water. It's been nearly 7 turns and I drink it all the time. Notice me spwawning?" M'kla chuckles a bit. Benden Weyr> Ryialla says, "I take that back. There's Rowen. Hi, Rowen." M'kla says "Aye, an watch her...she'll pop triplets." Benden Weyr> Rowen wavies and stuff. Benden Weyr> K'tyn waves. :) Benden Weyr> T'fian says, "Heyla, Rowen." Kassima grins at M'kla, and confides, "I'm betting on septuplets, m'self." [Editor's Note: M'kla got disconned at this point, so the scene stops here.]