
Moonrise Wing Helps In Fall

Date:  Not a Clue
Places:  Benden Weyr's Living Cavern, Northern Bowl, and Skyspace; 
Sky Over Lemos
Game:  PernMUSH
Copyright Info:  The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey 
l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.


Kassi's Note:  For most of Benden it probably wasn't a memorable
Threadfall--HRW and Igen riders came by to fight it too, an unusual
thing, but there were no deaths, no dire injuries.  For the Weyrlings
of Moonrise Wing it was their first blooding.  The young riders-to-be
assist with resupply, with Meli and Aphrael leading them through.


The Log:

Benden LC> T'fian stands. "I'm going out to prepare the Weyrlings. See you

Benden LC> P'tran nods to T'fian. "That sounds good to me. You better get
started with them, then, I'm having LAerth call the wings to the bowl."

<*> T'fian comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern.

<*> Laerth backwings for a landing.

<*> Prefeth backwings for a landing.

<*> Meli slips smoothly down from Juliath's neck to her foreleg and to the
ground, giving her a gentle caress.

<*> Reveth rumbles in anticipation as N'fan begins preparing him to fight

Benden LC> P'tran heads out after T'fian

<*> P'tran comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern.

<*> Meli salutes sharply, eyeing Juliath and fingering her straps again,
hammering down her nervousness.

<*> T'lar slides precipitously down from Nicoth's back.

<*> R'val comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern.

Kassima salutes down to all the riderfolk as they arrive, then unstraps
herself and slips off Lysseth's neck.

You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles,
cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully.

Laerth gives a low rumble as he lands, eyes already whirling orange-red at
the anticipation of the battle. He swings his head around and watches the
other dragons begin to assemble

Dragon> Tzornth bespoke Benden dragons with << I and my rider return to the
Weyr. >>

Aphrael climbs down from Prefeth's neckrides with practised ease, reaching
up to give her lifemate a thankful scritch as the blue dragon crooons.

T'lar begins rechecking Nicoth's straps.

Above, From the Benden Star Stones, Thiva's mottled green Avivth rears on
hind legs and bugles a greeting to bronze Tzornth and his rider, F'hlan,
welcoming them home.

Aphrael salutes the riders as she jumps lightly down.

N'fan snaps off a salute at P'tran and continues checking over Reveth's

P'tran closes his jacket and straightens his leathers a bit and calls for
firestone as he heads over to his dragon

Tzornth backwings for a landing.

T'fian glances around at the weyrling's dragons, returning their salutes.
"Okay. I'm going to cover this once, so listen carefully. Meli, you're
leading this wing. Aph, you're seconding. Pay close attention to the
Weyrleader and Laerth. The rest of you weyrlings, start bagging."

T'lar grabs some firestone sacks and begins distributing.

Kassima nods to T'fian and takes some sacks from T'lar, filling them with
firestone as rapidly as she can.

Aphrael starts as her name is mentioned and blinks, glancing over at Meli,
and stepping a little closer.

Tzornth wings down, his rider already in place on his back. F'hlan catches
P'tran's eye when he can, and salutes.

Meli nods, not quite blanching, and steps over towards T'fian. "Anythin' I
need t'know special, sir?"

Dragon> Laerth bespoke all dragons with << OOC announcement: Benden Weyr
flies Fall at 9PM EST. Any other dragons interested, please head over to
the north bowl at Benden Weyr >>

Benden Weyr> F'hlan joins the Wings, and idly considers whether F'hlan has
developed the habit of mounting his dragon away from most folks. (Bad leg,

Benden Weyr> P'tran grins :)

F'nar comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern.

T'lar bags and distributes firestone.

R'val moves towards Vidarth, and begins checking the dragon's straps over

On Tzornth's back, F'hlan shifts where he sits on his dragon, automatically
seeking out the members of Thunderbolt Wing with his gaze.

P'tran grabs a bag as it is handed to him, not really looking to see who
gave it to him as the gesture is more reflex than anything else. He tosses
a 'stone into his dragon's mouth and looks over towards the others,
assessing the formation as it forms on the ground.

T'fian nods to Meli. "You're in charge. We aren't flying combat, but we may
need to fight our way out of it, so I want all the dragons, with the
exception of Nicoth to have a full belly of flame. We're going to load up
on 'stone, and deliver to riders who need it during the fighting."

Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << croons hesitantly. << Who
can we get the visualisation from? >> >>

Dragon> Meroth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << Get the visualization from
Laerth. >>

Meli's eyes widen a bit, and she nods. "Yessir."

Dragon> Laerth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << I have the visualization
now. >>

Dragon> Laerth bespoke Benden dragons with << OOC note: Same thread room as
always, so most riders have it already, yadda yadda :) >>

Kassima hands out sacks as soon as they're filled, to whomever already
doesn't have enough.

F'nar gets a bag or two on his shoulder, and checks Pavanth's fighting
straps, light and strong. He begins feeding the stone to his blue, joining
the racous chorus emerging in the bowl.

Dragon> Pavanth bespoke Benden dragons with << Are you visualizing, Laerth? >>

Tzornth RUMBLES, brassily, as if to announce his presence. Particularly to
the weyrlings with the firestone.

Dragon> Laerth bespoke Benden dragons with << I am visualizing the
destination now. It is over Lemos. >>

N'fan scrambles up onto Reveth's back, ready to receive the sacks of stone
as they're tossed up to him.

Aphrael nods, echoing Meli's words as she turns and picks out some stones,
feeding them to Prefeth, her nervousness evident in the way she wrings her

T'lar moves quickly, passing out stone to the wings. He makes sure that the
riders on the outer edges have all they require.

N'fan climbs up onto Reveth's back, aided by an extended forelimb and by
the riding straps fastened about the base of the blue dragon's long neck.

T'fian nods. "You and Juliath have to pay special attention to the fighting
riders and dragons. You send the rider over to resupply. I'd suggest a V
wing, but listen carefully to the Weyrleader's report on the conditions."

Laerth loudly crunches his firestone as his rider calls out to the others,
gathering his Wingleaders and Wingseconds around him

Reveth starts chewing his first maw full of stone, fueling the flame inside

Meli nods again, a tad nervous, and replies "Yessir."

T'lar says "Heh, Meli. Where do you want us in formation?"

P'tran looks over to T'fian. "If I may interrupt a moment, T'fian? I need
to describe the situation at Lemos."

Meli shuts her mouth to listen.

T'fian smiles to Meli. "Good." He looks at P'tran. "Of course, sir."

F'nar keeps tossing the stone up at his mount till P'tran begins to speak.

Kassima scrambles to deliver some sacks of 'stone to Tzornth, then returns
to filling bags.

Aphrael rests a hand on her dragons shoulder, tilting her head as she listens.

On Tzornth's back, F'hlan, when he finally receives the firestone, begins
passing it to Tzornth, but watches P'tran silently, and gives a grave nod
of thanks to Kassmia.

R'val takes a sack from Kassima with a brief smile of thanks and
beginsfeeding stone to Vidarth, who crunches loudly on them, his eyes
whirling with faint red tints.

P'tran nods and waits a moment til he has everyone's attention. "Alright,
we have to be very much on the alert in this one. The Fall is cutting right
accross the forests north of Lemos Hold ...."

T'lar checks to see if any rider is without firestone.

Kassima nods back, and then turns to listen intently.

T'fian motions T'lar over to him.

T'lar moves over to T'fian with sacks of firestone.

A general mumble washes over the crowd as the location of the fall is learned.

P'tran continues, "The winds are rather stiff from the south, but at least
they're steady. But be aware that mountains border the forestland on either
side and the winds can get a little tricky at those points ..."

T'fian whispers to T'lar, keeping half an ear on P'tran.

R'val leans on Vidarth's side, listening intently to P'tran.

Aphrael stands a little straighter, and nods, looking between the
weyrleader and Prefeth.

High atop Reveth, N'fan sits tall, listening carefully. If he's nervous
about flying Fall for the first time in months, he's not showing it.

T'lar nods. He whispers back, "I understand. We'll be very careful."

Above, From the Benden Star Stones, M'nar's mint green Gelth rears on hind
legs and bugles a greeting to blue Jesseth and his rider, Dysira of Igen Weyr.

On Tzornth's back, F'hlan frowns to himself, absorbing the information from
his Wingleader and Weyrleader.

Jesseth backwings for a landing.

P'tran says "The fighting wings will go up first, the weyrlings wing to
join about hakfway through as we need 'stone. We need it delivered quickly
and cleanly, as this is going to be a bit of a thick Fall"

T'fian glances over at Meli, making sure she understands the directions.

Kassima nods somberly, taking mental note of every word.

Above, From the Benden Star Stones, M'nar's mint green Gelth rears on hind
legs and bugles a greeting to green Kerilinth and her rider, K'nder of
HighReaches Weyr.

Above, From the Benden Star Stones, M'nar's mint green Gelth rears on hind
legs and bugles a greeting to bronze Dhavoth and his rider, C'san of
HighReaches Weyr.

Above, From the Benden Star Stones, M'nar's mint green Gelth rears on hind
legs and bugles a greeting to blue Brenneth and his rider, J'dar of
HighReaches Weyr.

Public announcement: P'tran announces "Brief announcement that Benden Weyr
will start flying Fall in about 5 minutes or so. Anyone wanting to watch
from afar, +watch on benden-bowl"

Above, From the Benden Star Stones, M'nar's mint green Gelth rears on hind
legs and bugles a greeting to blue Anaryth and his rider, Ceara of
HighReaches Weyr.

R'val looks up at the arriving dragons briefly.

Benden Weyr> F'hlan watches us get invaded. :)

Benden Weyr> R'val hopes someone is logging this? Those of us aspiring
dragonhealers who want to show off to Selenay could use a log ;}

Above, Dhavoth circles, fully laden with stone.

Benden Weyr> Melora says, "Hey, P'tran, you should've given a tel number
for anyone wanting to get scored!"

P'tran hmms as he watches the other dragons arrive and quickly points out
places for them in the formation.

Benden Weyr> Aphrael thinks Kassi'll be logging? :)

Benden Weyr> Kassima thinks Gelth's throat is going to be raw after all of
this. Remind me to give her some Sucrets. And of course I'm logging, you
dwiddlydwonk--aren't I always? :)

Above, Kerilinth hovers with the wing from High Reaches, her rider leaning
over to regard the bowl below.

Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "If there's anything to log healer-wise, Uri,
I'll log it. :)"

P'tran says "Newcomers, take up the flank positions. We'll need more people
to cover the south end."

F'nar closes his eyes, visualizing what the Weyrleader is saying, running
over formations, wind patterns, and all the other things that influence
these events.

T'lar makes sure the newcomers have enough firestone.

Benden Weyr> R'val should've known. Kassi's on, of course she's logging. If
she's conscious,s he's logging :)

Jesseth arcs his wings, tensed for the coming fall and letting out a
raucous croon. Dysira thanks T'lar for firestone and moves her blueto join
the flank.

Kerilinth backwings for a landing.

Anaryth backwings for a landing.

Dhavoth backwings for a landing.

P'tran tosses one last 'stone to Laerth and turns back to the formation.
"Thunderbolt should take center and some of the south flank. Dawnslight and
Skyfire more towards the northern flanks

F'nar emerges from his concentration, having played the fall out in his
mind. "More stone, please?" He throws his empties toward an alert weyrling.

Brenneth backwings for a landing.

Atop Kerilinth, K'nder unstraps and slides down Kerilinth's side.

K'nder slides down Kerilinth easily.

R'val calls loudly for more stone as he sees Vidarth finish what he's had
so far. He tosses his empty sack to a nearby weyrling.

T'lar tosses F'nar some more sacks.

Meroth warbles jealously at the other dragons.

On Tzornth's back, F'hlan gives a single level nod to P'tran; he, and
several of the rest of the Thunderbolt Wing veterans, wait with intent

Meli starts hauling more sacks up, tossing some to R'val.

Dhavoth smiles as the rest of the Reaches wing ands in similarly tight

K'nder walks over to P'tran and throws him a salute. "Afternoon, Weyrleader."

Several Skyfire riders nod, their dragons moving to the assigned positions.

T'lar checks the remaining supply of bagged firestone and begins bagging
some more.

R'val opens his arms wide and catches the sack with an exhaled grunt as it
impacts with hhis chest. He turns quickly to Vidarth, and raises a hefty
chunk to the dragon's maw. Vidarth accepts it, and begins chewing

Aphrael looks up and salutes as she spots all the riders, then continues to
pass sacks over to some of the riders.

Kassima hefts sacks and starts distributing them where needed, making a
note of what requests have already been filled by her friends.

P'tran cups his hands around his mouth. "Everyone that has not done so,
please get your visualization from Laerth! We go up in 2 minutes!"

F'nar catches the tossed sacks with ease, and continues his feeding. When
satisfied with another half-bag, he mounts up.

On Dhavoth, C'san smiles as the rest of the Reaches wing ands in similarly
tight formation. <so there>

Kassima pauses just long enough to give a somewhat ragged salute to all the
incoming riders and their dragons, then gets back to work.

From atop Pavanth's neck, F'nar buckles the riding belt around him, giving
firm tugs on the straps to reassure himself.

P'tran attaches some extra sacks of firestone to the loops on Laerth's
straps and gives the straps a final check

Dragon> Laerth bespoke all dragons with << Last bit of Fall spam: Dragons
in the Fall, please 'dtu hear +fall' >>

Aphrael tugs on her helmet, checking over Prefeth's straps as she takes a
deep breath.

As she sees most of the riders have stone, Meli quietly gets the weyrlings
started on selecting sacks that they will carry on their dragons, waiting
for an indication from T'fian if they should also chew.

T'lar makes sure the other weyrlings have all the stone they need as well.
He slaps Nicoth's neck affectionately as he passes.

T'fian looks over at Meli. "Are we ready?"

P'tran turns to K'nder and nods to him. "Have your riders take up the flank
position .. " he points to what would be the south position in the Fall.
"We need more people at that point. We have a stiff wind from the south."

From atop Pavanth's neck, F'nar fastens his helmet and asks Pavanth to take
his position next to Laerth as Thunderbolt wingsecond.

Meli nods. "Gettin' there, sir. V-formation?"

From atop Jesseth, Dysira gives the Reaches contingent, and its leader
K'nder a brief salute and a sly grin. "I'm with you today."

T'fian nods to Meli. "Yes, all except Nicoth."

K'nder nods solemnly to P'tran. "Okay, C'san and Dhavoth are my 'Seconds if
Kerilinth and I fall out. Fly well."

Dragon> Meroth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << Tell us when you are ready
for more 'stone, Laerth, and we will be there. >>

High atop Reveth, N'fan securely fastens Reveth's riding straps to himself.

Meli gives a quiet signal, and starts to feed small stones to Juliath,
making sure she concentrates carefully, being rather new at this still.

T'lar says "T'fian? Aren't I flying with the wing and just not flaming?"

K'nder leaps up Kerilinth and settles into place between her neckridges.

Dragon> Threadfall Comm sense that Pavanth oocly watches the net pull its
customary tricks.

P'tran calls over to the weyrlings. "Remember, you all launch later and not
with the rest of the fighting wings. We'll give you the signal when to join
us." He turns to the others and calls out. "Mount up!"

T'fian nods to Meli. "Yes. V formation. You give the order to mount and
dragon position. And yes, T'lar you are."

Astride Brenneth's neck, J'dar tries to catch the attention of someone with
firestone, he needs more

P'tran climbs up onto Laerth in one smooth motion.

Kassima starts attaching sacks to Lysseth's straps, so that they'll be
ready for throwing when the need arises. Catching Meli's signal, she
selects a sack of small stones and begins feeding them to Lysseth one by one.

Atop Kerilinth, K'nder tightens his straps and has Kerilinth relay messages
to the High Reaches Wings.

Dragon> Benden Weyrlings sense that Meroth apologizes for his lag that
makes his responses seem somewhat disjointed. :)

T'lar nods.

On Tzornth's back, F'hlan, already mounted, leans slightly forward on
Tzornth as he waits for the order to ascend.

From atop Laerth, P'tran glances about and peers, seeing a few riders not
completely supplied, especially the new ones arriving and calls out for
some more to be delivered to them quickly

Meli catches J'dar's gesture and sends a eager bluerider weyrling over with
some more stone.

Nicoth hangs back as the other weyrlings begin to chew stone. He looks a
bit desolate.

T'fian quickly hands more sacks of stone up to the riders that need it.

Aphrael starts to feed Prefeth chucks of stone, smiling as he begins to
chew contentedly. She turns to watch the riders as they mount up.

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with <<  I should have learned how
so I could help more. >>

R'val uses Vidarth's side straps to mount up agilely, settling onto the
little blue's back and straightening, petting his head once as Vidarth
thrums excitedly, ready to fly.

Dragon> Meroth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << It is okay, Nicoth.
Hopefully you will not need it. >>

Pavanth's stomach makes the familiar rumbling sound that indicates his
flame is ready.

From atop Laerth, P'tran looks around him and sees everyone in place. He
waits just long enough for the last bit of stone to be handed out, then
raises his arm and lets it drop in the signal to launch

Laerth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry him

Dragon> Benden Weyrlings sense that Prefeth warbles to Nicoth. << You are
still a help, Nicoth. We cant carry as many sacks as you. >>

Reveth leaps into the air with a powerful thrust of his hind legs, giving
himself enough clearance for that first crucial downflap of wings.

Reveth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry him

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with <<  But others will need it. I
will just be best at bringing stone. >>

Vidarth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry him

Kerilinth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry
her aloft.

Dhavoth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry him

Anaryth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry him

Brenneth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry him

Tzornth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry him

Jesseth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry him

Pavanth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry him

Dragon> Brenneth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << Where are we going? >>

Above, Reveth rises smoothly into the air, easily and accurately holding
his position in formation.

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Meroth warbles unhappily as the fighting
dragons leave without him.

Above, From atop Laerth, P'tran gives another look to make sure the
formation is in place, then lets his arm drop again in the signal to go

Above, Laerth disappears into Between.

Above, Pavanth disappears into Between.

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Laerth emerges from Between with a blast
of cold air!

Above, Vidarth disappears into Between.

Above, Reveth disappears into Between.

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Pavanth emerges from Between with a blast
of cold air!

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Vidarth emerges from Between with a blast
of cold air!

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Reveth emerges from Between with a blast
of cold air!

Above, Atop Kerilinth, K'nder holds up his arm for the High Reaches Wing to
hold back for a moment.

Above, Tzornth disappears into Between.

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Tzornth emerges from Between with a blast
of cold air!

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Vidarth appears in formation in the
Dawnslight Wing, and gives off a brassy bugle as the rest of his wing appears.

Aphrael takes a deep breath, looking over to Meli for the order to mount up.

Kassima looks over to Meli as Lysseth works on another mouthful. "What will
our positions be, Meli?" she asks quietly.

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Pavanth corrects his position beside
Laerth, opposite Tzornth.

Meli waits til the formation has launched, then takes a deep breath and
calls out "Ok, V formation weyrlin's. I'll be in front, arrange yourselves
as we've been taught, smaller dragons at th'ends... make sure your sacks
are secure on th'dragon, and won't come open in th'air easily" She casts a
quick glance at T'fian for confirmation.

T'lar stands next to Nicoth and strokes his eyeridge, trying to cheer him up.

T'fian glances at Meroth for a moment, his expression grim and somewhat sad
and then looks at Meli, waiting for her, smiling.

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Tzornth, whether or not Laerth is now
leading Thunderbolt Wing, bugles as if HE still were, with an almost
cheerful ferocity.

Dragon> Laerth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << OOC, learn the vis from
Laerth ... dtu learn <alias>=<dragonname> >>

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Reveth roars a challenge at the oncoming
curtain as he adjusts his position slightly in the formation, angling his
wings to adjust for the southerly wind currents.

T'lar is catapulted up by a quick movement of Nicoth's snout. He gets the
bronze an affectionate slap.

T'fian nods, smiling at Meli. "You're doing very well."

Aphrael adjusts the sacks on Prefeth's back and nods.

Kassima nods and checks over all of the fastenings on her straps and the
bags one last time, making sure Lysseth has an adequate amount of sacks.
Satisfied, she looks over to Meli and gives a nod.

Meroth moves towards a position near the tip of the formation, near Lysseth.

Dragon> Brenneth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << Well, where is it so I
know what alias to give it? >>

Meli secures her own sacks onto Juliath as the green finishes her chewing.
She glances around at the group and gives a grim smile. "Be careful, now...
no wild antics, an' watch your tosses... th'weyrleader said they'll need it
fast an' furious. Mount up when your sacks are tied.:

Nicoth moves up toward the front of the V, firestone sacks hang from the
carrying straps of his riding straps.

Dragon> Meroth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << Lemos >>

Dragon> Laerth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << Lemos >>

Dragon> Brenneth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << Thank you >>

Aphrael smiles a little and nods as she moves over to mount up.

Kassima nods again and ties on Lysseth's last sack before mounting up.

Aphrael turns to Prefeth with a smile, eyes slightly faded as she speaks
silently to the blue dragon. She slaps at her lifemate's side with
affection, then uses his extended foreleg to climb up onto Prefeth's

You place one hand on Lysseth's neck and she warbles down at you fondly.
You grin and scratch her eyeridges once before climbing up onto her lower
neckridges, using the riding straps and Lysseth's thoughtfully offered

<*> Meli climbs smoothly up Juliath's extended foreleg and settles herself
between the neck ridges, as the green gives a welcome rumble from deep in
her throat.

<*> From atop Nicoth, T'lar says "Meli. Nicoth has no flame, but he is one
of the biggest. Where do you want us?"

<*> T'fian checks the straps on Meroth and the sacks, smiling to himself
before mounting.

<*> T'fian pulls himself up Meroth's foreleg, grasping the blue's riding
straps, and settles between his neckridges.

Dragon> Benden dragons sense that Laerth OOC waits for the HRW dragons to
catch up ...

<*> Lysseth assumes her place in the formation--to Juliath's left, near the
end but ahead of some smaller greens.

Dragon> Laerth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << Still having probs with the
dest? >>

Dragon> Kerilinth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << Kinda. Almost got it. :)
Waiting for one. :) >>

<*> As she moves Juliath to the point, Meli calls to Nicoth "Near th'point
still, jus' be careful, an' if you find yourself in trouble, just let us
know" She looks around at the formation as it grows.

Dragon> Threadfall Comm sense that Brenneth is having problems with typing,
and preparations for tomorrow's trip.

<*> Prefeth moves to the right of the formation, belly rumbling as he
digests the stone.

<*> Above, Atop Kerilinth, K'nder raises his arm, and takes the High
Reaches Wings between with a drop of the same arm.

<*> Above, Brenneth disappears into Between.

<*> Above, Kerilinth disappears into Between.

<*> Above, Jesseth disappears into Between.

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Brenneth emerges from Between with a
blast of cold air!

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Kerilinth emerges from Between with a
blast of cold air!

<*> Above, Anaryth disappears into Between.

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Jesseth emerges from Between with a blast
of cold air!

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Anaryth emerges from Between with a blast
of cold air!

<*> Above, Dhavoth disappears into Between.

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Kerilinth and the High Reaches Wing
appears to the south and behind the Benden Wings.

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Dhavoth emerges from Between with a blast
of cold air!

<*> Nicoth moves forward and takes his place. He lifts his head as the wing

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Laerth gives a loud rumble and takes his
customary postion in the Fall, craning his nech to look over the formation
in detail

<*> Lysseth almost hisses in anticipation, tail lashing impatiently as she
watches the sky and awaits the signal.

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, The threadfall appears very clearly as a
thick pall of dark greyish-silver to the east, rolling in like storm clouds
over the mountains where it still falls harmlessly on bare, rocky terrain.
However, it is proceeding fairly quickly towards the southwest and will
come in directly over the lush forests between Lemos Hold to the south and
Far Cry to the north. The wind is a bit stiff from the south, but steady.

<*> Atop Meroth, T'fian nods, looking around him at the dragons. He can't
help but call out. "T'mir tighten up. You're too far from Vrunth."

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Tzornth holds his position opposite
Pavanth, keeping a near-running commentary of bugles and warbles, in
contrast to the silent rider on his back.

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Kerilinth slides to the rearmost part of
the High Reaches Diamond patter, with Dhavoth taking point, and the three
blues flying across the center of the diamond.

<*> Prefeth shifts restlessly, raising his head and bugling as the dragons

Dragon> Threadfall Comm sense that Laerth rumbles << Let's watch this one.
Winds are a little stiff. We'll only be fighting this as long as its over
the forests. Once it gets to the opposite side, its Telgars' Wings job >>

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Vidarth rises along with his wing towards
the descending silvery curtain of Thread, and bellows a challenge.

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Jesseth banks quickly and takes up his
position at the center of the Reaches diamon.

<*> Astride Juliath, Meli eyes the formation, adjusts her goggles and grabs
the straps, raising her fist a moment, then giving the signal to launch
with a quick pump.

Dragon> Kerilinth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << We've got your flank,
Laerth. >>

<*> Juliath takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry
her aloft.

<*> Meroth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry
him aloft.

<*> Nicoth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry
him aloft.

<*> Lysseth spreads her wings to their full extent, bringing them down with
a rush of wind as she leaps nimbly into the air.

You spring into the air and catch the thermals rising from the bowl floor
to carry you aloft.

Northern Bowl Airspace(#1362RLQe)
You hover above the northern half of the Benden Weyr bowl. The great walls
of the Weyr surround you on three sides, the only open air to the south
where the bowl extends towards the Weyr lake. To the east and west the
walls are dotted with the cavelike openings to the dragonweyrs. On a few
the ledges you spot dragons lauching into flight or winging carefully in
for a landing.
For a list of landing areas, '+view landing sites'.
You can see the dragonweyrs of Thunderbolt and Skyfire wings. Use '+view
thunderbolt' or '+view skyfire' to see them.
Some puffy clouds skirt across the summer skies.
Obvious exits:
Star Stones  Aerial Entrance  

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Pavanth is silent, saving his limited
strength for the fall. His acute eyes see it, and before his rider's eyes
can, Pavanth picks out individual strands and begins closely watching them.

Dragon> Laerth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << It might be a little rough
at first just as it comes in from the mountains ... >>

<*> Prefeth rises up from the bowl.

Dragon> Juliath bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << My riders says we will
maintain this formation in readiness. >>

Dragon> Meroth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << Everyone on the Fall dtu
channel? >>

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, The steady hissing sound of the searing
hot thread strands as they pierce the summer air becomes a strident
cacaphony as the Fall billows out irregularly over the tops of the hills
just short of the trees, some updrafts disturbing the formerly even leading
edge. Only moments later, the Fall crosses over from the mountains to the

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Dhavoth leads the tight Reaches diamond
to the southern flank, flying strong against the buffeting winds.

<*> Nicoth hovers in place.

Dragon> Lysseth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << We are, and will stay in
formation, Juliath. >>

Dragon> Benden Weyrlings sense that Prefeth rumbles assent, to both Juliath
and Meroth.

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with <<  I am now >>

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Laerth gives a loud roar and soars up to
meet the falling Threads as they now Fall on the lush forest lands below!

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Reveth is ready with a wide swath of
flame as soon as he meets the leading edge. Two roiling clumps are burned
to ash.

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Tzornth sets himself to the eternal
business of flame, soar, flame again.

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Pavanth sees the thread, adjusting his
flight to wait until it is below him before belching his gout of flame to
save his rider from being burned.

<*> Prefeth banks to the right slightly to avoid an updraft, then left
again back into place, tail lashing back and worth.

Dragon> Laerth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << Brief OOC note on my style
of Fall: Feel free to ad lib as you wish; I do atmosphere-type emits and
throw in some one directed at specific dragons now and then to keep things
interesting :) >>

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Vidarth soars upwards among his wing,
roaring defiance at the Thread before spitting a gout of flame at the
nearest particle of Thread.

<*> Between Meroth's neckridges, T'fian glances over to look at Prefeth and
nods, letting his eyes scan over the rest of the wing, noting their

<*> Nicoth tightens up his place in the formation.

Dragon> Threadfall Comm sense that Laerth oops and is reminded; People
doing injuries, page our DH/healer R'val :)

<*> Lysseth stays firmly in place, making only minute adjustments with the

Dragon> Meroth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << On that note, I assume no
one wants to be injured? >>

Dragon> Juliath bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << Nah, just tired and sooty
:) >>

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, The fall starts out a little ragged
because of the uneven winds over the mountains. Some thick clumps fall near
blue Pavanth at a sharp angle due to the crosswind.

Dragon> Benden Weyrlings sense that Lysseth thinks she'd like to come out
of this one intact, thanks just the same. :)

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with <<  I thought about it since I
have no flame. >>

Dragon> Benden Weyrlings sense that Prefeth doesnt know. Maybe if things
need to be interesting.. ;)

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Laerth flames a large patch that comes
near him and banks to avoid another rather than injure himself trying to
get both at once. A wingmate cleanly takes out the missed patch.

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with <<  Do we pop back to the bowl
to get more firestone or just rp it? >>

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Two smaller clumps tumble together into a
larger one as a bit of turbulence hits it, and it rolls downward quickly
towards blue Jesseth.

<*> Prefeth croons, tail moving much less notably so now as he hovers over
the air.

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Two of the clumps are within Pavanth's
reach as they are tied together with a few strands. His flame catches them
as they begin to slip underneath him, the alien substance crackling as it
evaporates into a black ash.

Dragon> Laerth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << Well, when we give the
signal, you all between here to supply us stone in midair. If we need more,
you can RP going back for more, but doing it once will be spammy enough for
most :) >>

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Vidarth whips his head bacck on his neck
with a swift roaring gout of flame belched to hurriedly eliminate a Thread
strand which comes whipping down crazily towards him. It is made ash in
instants, and passes harmlessly over dragon and rider.

<*> Lysseth hisses at the green behind her as the dragon gets too close,
and the errant pair resume their correct spot in the formation. Lyss turns
her attention back to watching Juliath and the leading dragons, alert for
the signal, whenever it will come.

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, A dragon high in an upper tier of the
formation starts to go into a dangerous dive to get at a missed clump but
thinks better of it when he comes close to colliding with another and pulls
up. The clump continues to descend, heading straight for bronze Tzornth.

Dragon> Brenneth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << WHo was the DH? I got
majorly spammed during lag >>

<*> Juliath suddenly gives a hiccup, letting loose a tiny spout of flame,
somehow almost managing to look embarrassed.

Dragon> Laerth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << R'val :) >>

<*> Mounted on his dragon, T'fian smiles at Juliath, chuckling, but the
sound is lost in the wind.

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Laerth rumbles loudly in annoyance at the
dragon and rider that nearly did that rather bad dive and then bugles a
warning below.

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Kerilinth flares her wings, gaining a
sharp few feet in altitude before diving down towards a twisted pair of
Thread tendrils.. She shoots underneath them, then spins to flame them into
harmless ash.. Her rider feeding her another chunk of stone as the pair
return to their position in the HRW wing.

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Dhavoth drops forward and down, folding
his wings against the wind with a snap and crackle. Spouting flame and
defiance against the old foe.

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Brenneth banks down and right, taking his
place in formation among the HRW wing.

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Jesseth banks high and forward, wings
catching air. The blue belches fire in synch with the rest of his wing,
scorching the far top off the mass before falling back into formation.

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Anaryth banks swiftly down and left,
following the lead of his diamond formation He lets out a long stream of
flame in the process.

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Tzornth ROARS at the clump that closes in
on him, and flames it briskly, pulling himself up short a trifle to keep
from singing his own muzzle.

Dragon> Laerth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << Tzornth, watch out! >>

<*> Astride his lifemate, T'fian smiles. "The waiting game," he mutters and
his dragon passes that on to the others in the wing.

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Another clump heads toward Pavanth, this
one catching him by surprise as the dragon above was in the wrong position
for a few moments. The clump heads straight towards him.

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Pavanth disappears into Between.

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Pavanth emerges from Between with a blast
of cold air!

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, The effects of the turbulent winds over
the hills has abated and the Threads fall more evenly than before. However,
the thickest part of the Fall is now upon the Benden wings, and the
crosswind from the south persists, driving the Thread at a steep angle
across the dragons' path.

Dragon> Kerilinth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << High Reaches! Switch to a
descending altitude diamond stack. >>

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Vidarth flames almost constantly for a
long stretch of time as a great tangled morass of Thread descends upon him
at a crazy speed. He roars in rage at the silvery rain and flames as much
of it as he can into ash before ducking yet another clump.

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Dhavoth rumbles,

Dragon> Vidarth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << That last clump was too
fast! Look out below! >>

<*> From Meroth's neck, T'fian says "Descending altitude diamond stack?"

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Laerth flashes a patch of thread to ashes
with a measure burst of dragonfire, then cranes his neck downward for a
quick moment, returning his attention to the skies just in time to dispatch
another clump neatly.

<*> Astride Juliath, Meli shrugs. "Did you teach us that one?" she calls
over the wind.

Dragon> Laerth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << It is falling quite heavy.
Close up the ranks a little, make sure nothing gets through ... >>

Kassima calls out, "Maybe it's a formation they use especially at High
Reaches, sir."

<*> From Meroth's neck, T'fian shakes his head. "Never heard of it!" He
calls back to the wingleader.

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Kerilinth drops a bit in altitude,
watching the underside of the formations, and spies the clump that got past
Vidarth. She folds her wings tight to her side and arrows forward and down,
slipping through the winds to flame three controlled bursts and decimates
the leftover thread.

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Several clumps descend more or less
evenly along the forward part of the formation, at least one near blue
Reveth ...

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Dhavoth wings upward slightly, taking the
high part of the now stacked diamond.

<*> Astride Juliath, Meli nods, choosing instead to recheck their basic V
formation, watching for signs of overanxiousness or overexuberance.

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, ... and a thicker one near blue Anaryth.

<*> Nicoth warbles something that is almost a bugle.

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Reveth flares his wings and brakes to
catch the clump coming straight at him. A wingmate adjusts his position
slightly to cover the gap while Reveth is temporarily out of formation.
Translucent blue wings work hard to bring Reveth quickly back into position.

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Pavanth returns to the thick of the fall,
the tighter formation a surprise. Were it not for the placement of the
formation, his wings would have fouled on both sides. A clump of the
silvery Thread appears in front of him, quickly dispatched into dust.

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Jesseth uses his speed to bank back and
sear the more regularly falling thread at an angle.

<*> From Prefeth's neckridges, Aphrael catches some of the conversation,
frowning for a moment as she shifts a little.

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, The southern flank is briefly threatened
as the winds drive a sheet of thread into the dragons in that area. A patch
gets through the initial defense line and heads straight for green Kerilinth.

<*> From atop Nicoth, T'lar checks his own straps, helmet and gloves. He
also adjust the firestone sacks for quick release and grab.

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Brenneth climbs higher to meet a tangle
of silver Threads. A burst of flame and only black ash is left to drift

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Dhavoth tightens his angle on the
formation to get to a clump. He makes another minor adjustment just in time
to see the patch heading for his wingmate, "K'nder!"

<*> Lysseth may be impatient, but she doesn't show it much; the restless
twitching of her tail is the only sign. Otherwise, she simply hovers as the
others do. Kassi uses this time to recheck her straps--probably needlessly,
since she did that at least four or five times on the ground--and adjust
her goggles more securely.

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Laerth gives a loud roar and banks over
to assist the flank position, taking some wingmates along with him. His
rider shouts some orders, then repeats them when they get drowned out by
another's warning shout.

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Kerilinth turns with her rider and she
flames wildly at the patch, burning most of it into ash before it can get
to her...

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Vidarth raises his head towards another
patch which falls within reach of his Wing, and his maw opens, and he gives
an energetic bugle before spurting a great gout of flame to wipe out this
patch. It falls harmlessly as ash.

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Kerilinth disappears into Between.

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Kerilinth emerges from Between with a
blast of cold air!

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Anaryth bugles as he notices a huge clup
coming toards him! he pours forth a barrage of flame, easily transforming
the htread to ash.

Dragon> Laerth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << watch it, Kerilinth! Shift
south! We need some more coverage that way ... >>

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Kerilinth returns out of between, her
rider wiping ash off his goggles, and back into formation.

Dragon> Kerilinth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << Got it, Wing, lets slow
up and slip south a bit more. Drop about a dragonlength in altitude as
well. >>

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Laerth angles his head back a bit to
receive another 'stone from his rider, which he quickly dispatches

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Pavanth slides into Laerth's former
place, keeping the rest of Thunderbolt together. Three balls of Thread fall
toward him and are flamed as fast as they come, the black char breaking up
behind him.

Dragon> Threadfall Comm sense that Laerth rumbles in approval. << Very
good. Let's have a contingent from Thunderbolt over there. Skyfire and
Dawnslight, spread out over towards center a bit

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Jesseth pulls up, dropping in altitude
and distance from the front wings with the rest of the flank wings.

Benden Bowl> T'ren clambers up Sinith's proffered foreleg and settles
between his neckridges.

Dragon> Pavanth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << The whole wing? >>

Dragon> Threadfall Comm sense that Dhavoth slips south, << More stone! It
falls thick! >>

Benden Bowl> From high atop Blue Sinith, T'ren buckles himself securely
into place.

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Kerilinth slows her wingbeats, losing a
bit of speed and dropping the required altitude as well.

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, There is a loud shout from above and a
strident cry as a dragon is clipped on a wingtip by rapidly-decending
clump. It continues to fall and tumbles very close to bronze Dhavoth.

Benden Weyr> Aphrael says, "North, T'ren."

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Dhavoth falters for a moment, unable to
dodge.. it gets closer and closer until..

Dragon> Laerth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << I"m taking one part of
Thunderbolw to the south flank, the rest will remain in the formation where
they are ... we will need more firestone very soon. I will inform the
weyrlings >>

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Dhavoth disappears into Between.

<*> Sinith flies over from the south end of the bowl.

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Dhavoth emerges from Between with a blast
of cold air!

<*> Sinith trumpets!

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Dhavoth roars to follow it down and turn
it to ash. Catching the wind to rejoin formation.

Dragon> Benden Weyrlings sense that Prefeth rumbles to Sinith! << Have you
got the visualisation, from Laerth? >>

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Reveth adjusts his position along with
the rest of Thunderbolt, tightening up the formation to the south. Another
flame erupts from his maw, allowing naught but dead and harmless ash to
fall to the forest below.

Dragon> Pavanth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << Tzornth went with P'tran.
Rest of Thunderbolt, form up on me. >>

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, The Fall seems to slow its progress a bit
as the wind shifts direction, blowing more from the southwest and creating
a tailwind for the dragons. The thread clumps a bit more thickly as the air
drives against it. The Benden wings start to run the gauntlet between the
two Holds as the river passes slowly beneathe them.

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Laerth gives another burst of flame as he
banks southward, trying to help take some of the pressure off that end. He
already needs another 'stone, which his rider supplies from his dwindling

Dragon> Benden Weyrlings sense that Laerth rumbles loudly << Prepare for
flight, weyrlings >>

Dragon> Benden Weyrlings sense that Nicoth is ready.

<*> Astride Juliath, Meli tightens her goggles once again, giving another
look over the formation, breathing deeply and evenly.

<*> Prefeth raises his head, bugling to Sinith as he seems to ready himself.

Dragon> Laerth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << Wind shift! >>

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Brenneth turns his head back for more
'stone. J'dar obliges, patting the blue head, keeping an eye out for more

<*> Astride Juliath, Meli calls "Moorise Wing, ready! An' careful!"

<*> Atop Prefeth, Aphrael raises her arm in response, signalling her

<*> From atop Nicoth, T'lar raises his arm in readiness.

Dragon> Laerth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << The Fall is heavy, the wind
has shifted from the southwest. You'll have a rather strong tailwind, so
WATCH IT. Come as soon as you all all ready! >>

<*> From high atop Blue Sinith, T'ren salutes with a roguish grin.

Kassima nods to Meli, signalling her readiness.

<*> Astride Juliath, Meli raises her own fist as she sees everyone ready,
then gives a quick pump to take the wing between smoothly.

<*> Nicoth disappears into Between.

<*> Juliath disappears into Between.

<*> Lysseth disappears into Between.

You gasp as the icy black nothingness of Between surrounds you! You hear
nothing, see nothing, and feel nothing. The trip takes five heartbeats...

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Nicoth emerges from Between with a blast
of cold air!

Benden Bowl> From Sky over Lemos, Juliath emerges from Between with a blast
of cold air!

You suddenly emerge...

Sky over Lemos(#8307RFJae$)
You are flying over the lush forests to the north of Lemos Hold. This
stretch of land is bordered by Lemos hold and a large lake to the south,
and Far Cry Hold to the far north. Between the two a river meanders on
through, empying into the lake. Flanking this section of forest to the east
is the Great Barrier Range, and to the west is the smaller Central Range
and Telgar's lands beyond. The winds are warm and a bit stiff, and the
skies are clear.

<*> Lysseth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

<*> Prefeth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

<*> Sinith emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

<*> One side of the formation is assulted heavily by thread, one very large
clump falling practically atop blue Brenneth.

<*> Nicoth quickly resumes his place in the wing.

<*> Jesseth banks dangerously, to seer a clump just of the edge off his
formation and veers upward to rejoin. He turns his head, waiting for Dys to
reload him with stone.

Dragon> Pavanth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << Thunderbolt, form up on a
diagonal northwest to southeast. We need everyone facing the thread! >>

<*> Reveth angles his wings automatically, sensing the shift in wind even
as it happens. N'fan feeds him the last of the stone in this sack, and
breaks into his last one.

Dragon> Brenneth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << perfect for my injury. :) >>

<*> Prefeth warbles loudly as he is almost pushed out of formation by the
wind, then backs swiftly.

<*> Sinith trumpets confidently and maintains formation.

<*> The assault has left a patch of sky briefly uncovered, but long enough
for a clump to fall through uncontested. blue Anaryth is nearest, but its a

Dragon> Kerilinth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << Dhavoth, you have the
wing. Kerilinth's tiring and we need to ready for any injuries. >>

<*> Lysseth flicks out of *between* and into formation, struggling against
the tailwind for an instant.

<*> Astride Juliath, Meli scans the weyrling wing quickly as it emerges,
judging their location beyond the fighting riders and back in the clear,
waiting to resupply.

Dragon> Vidarth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << I need more stone over
here, please! >>

<*> From atop Nicoth, T'lar readies a sack for delivery.

<*> Atop Prefeth, Aphrael keeps her head low, looking around and over to
the riders.

<*> Brenneth screams in pain and shock as part of the clump falls across
his shoulder and foreleg. J'dar cries out as well, partly for his dragon,
partly for the ribbon of fire slicing down his leg.

<*> Laerth gives a roar of warning to the weyrlings as the pop out of
between a little too close to the leading edge, always a danger when
jumping into such a situation

Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << We come! >>

<*> Anaryth uses his neck to stretch, and spews forth a long, deadly stream
of flame, he then qucickly snaps his neck bac kto find his formation.

Dragon> Laerth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << Brenneth! >>

<*> Kerilinth slips out of formation, dropping altitude and wings towards
Brenneth, following him _between_ back to the Weyr.

<*> Nicoth breaks formation and heads for Vidarth missing the leading edge
by inches. T'lar quickly tosses the sack to the rider.

Dragon> Laerth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << Brenneth is injured! Someone
cover his position or he will be hit again! >>

<*> Astride Juliath, Meli starts to assign dragons to resupply, then gasps
as she sees the injury. Juliath bugles unhappily in response.

<*> Kerilinth disappears into Between.

Dragon> Dhavoth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << Kerilinth will see to him.
I have the Reaches wing. >>

<*> From atop of ol' Anaryth, Ceara snaps her head as she hears an awful
noise. "Brenneth! J'dar!"

<*> From Vidarth's back, R'val catches a sack of stone thrown to him by a
nearby weyrling and hurriedly feeds a large chunk to Vidarth. He whips his
head about to watch the dragon and rider get injured, and frowns deeply.

Dragon> Laerth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << Very good. Weyrlings,
careful! You're a little close to the leading edge. Close it up a bit. >>

<*> Jesseth quickly closes the gap left by Keri and Brenneth, the ancient
blue reacting almost on instinct. A gout of fire breaks forth and clips a
set of strands to ash as he falls in oppositeDharvoth.

<*> Brenneth disappears into Between.

Dragon> Brenneth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << what's the +watch? >>

<*> Pavanth pays attention only so much as to ensure his wingmates are
following orders, flaming a large clump. His flame has noticeably died
down. F'nar signals T'lar to throw him a sack. The dragon lets him know of
the injury, confident that the dragons can finish this fall easily. Even
now, Telgar territory is visible on the distant horizon.

Dragon> Juliath bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << Tighten up, and stay away
from the edge. >>

<*> Laerth drops back a bit from the action and comes alongside the
Weyrlings Wing. His rider shouts and lifts his arm in a signal for firestone!

Dragon> Vidarth bespoke Benden dragons with << Laerth, my rider wishes to
know if your rider wants us to return and care for the injured. >>

<*> Reveth adjusts his position according to Pavanth's instructions, and is
met by more thread than he can handle. He has to hang back to completely
sear the clump. Then a trip Between brings him up with the rest of the
wing, and N'fan starts looking around for the needed 'stone to restock his
dwindling supply.

Dragon> Pavanth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << Benden-bowl >>

Dragon> Juliath bespoke Lysseth with << Can you carry a sack to N'fan? >>

Dragon> Laerth bespoke Benden dragons with << If you are the only one that
can tend to them, otherwise we need every fighting dragon we can get >>

<*> Nicoth wings back out of formation and heads for F'nar and Pavanth. He
tosses another sack and skirts the edge of a clump to return to his place.

<*> As the wings reform, the flanks notice the Fall spreading out slightly.
A patch starts to fall to the extreme north of the formations, nearest blue

Kassima unties a sack and signals Lysseth to break formation and head over
to where Reveth is. She tosses the bag to N'fan neatly.

<*> Juliath bugles for Nicoth!

<*> Prefeth pulls back slightly, behind Juliath and the other weyrlings,

Dragon> Vidarth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << Jesseth! How badly are you
and your rider injured? >>

Lysseth> I bespoke Juliath with << It is done. Tell us when you need us
next! >>

<*> Nicoth bugles as he settles into his position in the Moonrise Wing.

Benden Weyr> Sionelle DOHS! And smacks her head. Fall.

<*> From atop Pavanth's neck, F'nar exchanges the tossed full sack for an
empty, and takes a brief rest to feed Pavanth a few stones. As a clump
passes the wings above, Pavanth lets a few stone chunks fall from his maw
to flame it.

Dragon> Threadfall Comm sense that Jesseth is uninjured.

<*> Laerth gives a loud bugle towards Prefeth. Firestone!

Dragon> Juliath bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << Prefeth, you are close to
Laerth. Go! >>

Dragon> Laerth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << Brenneth is injured :) >>

Benden Weyr> F'hlan regretfully announces that his hands are demanding a
typing break. He can't stay, folks.

Benden Weyr> P'tran waves :)

<*> Jesseth finds himself low as well, and bugles for more stone, breaking
formation to find a weyrling.

Benden Weyr> T'lar frowns.

Benden Weyr> Kassima tosses chocolate-orange creme zhai waffles to F'hlan. :)

Benden Weyr> P'tran says, "Don't worry, I got far more people here than I
can handle anyway :)"

Benden Weyr> F'nar beans F'hlan's player with nice soothing
anti-inflammatories. Night.

<*> Prefeth banks to the right and down towards Laerth, bugling in
response. His rider takes the sack, heavingit over quickly.

<*> Weyrlings now move about rapidly, tossing sacks as needed, from on high
to the fighting dragons before rapidly returning to the safety of their

Benden Weyr> F'hlan says, "Please to assume Tzornth and F'hlan Do the Right
Thing(TM) in Fall. :) 'Night folks..."

Dragon> Laerth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << Vidarth, watch your flank!
Thread headed towards you! >>

<*> On Dhavoth, C'san deftly catches a pair of sacks.

<*> Juliath angles over and above Jesseth, as Meli unties a sack and gives
a mighty heave towards Jesseth's rider.

<*> Vidarth roars in outrage as a clump comes too close, and he swiftly
blinks between to evade injury.

<*> Vidarth disappears into Between.

<*> Vidarth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

Dragon> Vidarth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << It was too close! I missed
it! >>

<*> Laerth bugles in response as his rider catches the sack in one smooth
motion and tosses a 'stone into his dragon's waiting maw

<*> Juliath banks back to formation as her rider scans the fighting wing,
craning to see who needs more stone.

<*> From atop Jesseth, Dysira catches the sack midair and immediatly veers
back to the formation, feeding the blue as they fly.

<*> As the river passes to the east, and the holds beyond it, the formerly
steady air is beset by irregular currents as the hills that flank the
western side of the Lemos forests come into view. The Fall has started to
thin a little, but there is still lush greenery below the leading edge that
must be protected.

<*> Prefeth pulls back towards the wing as he deftly dodges a clump and the
brown diving after it.

<*> Nicoth banks right as wind changes and Thread is blown wildly about.

Dragon> All dragons sense that Anaryth mavs like crazy. gotta love me!

<*> Dhavoth 's head snakes back and forth, trying to judge the trailing
edge of the fall from where he flies.

<*> Juliath bugles at the Thread menace, eyes whirling madly!

<*> Laerth draws himself back into the formation, now fully resupplied. he
immediately dispatches another clump of thread with a burst of fire, then
banks to intercept another missed from an upper tier.

<*> Reveth bugles to catch the attention of a nearby Weyrling on restocking
duty. Another flame escapes his gaping maw, burning a twisted living mass
of Thread into black char.

Dragon> Juliath bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << Reveth needs Stone!
Lysseth, you are near! >>

Dragon> Lysseth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << We go! >>

<*> Prefeth watches thread fall around him, tempted to chase, but remains
in place, ducking out to help restock the riders as they signal.

<*> Several large clumps are blown about in the turbulence and break up as
they fall. Most of the pieces fall almost in a circle around blue Jesseth.

<*> Pavanth deftly handles the transition, having flown this pattern many
times before this pass. A Thread is caught by an updraft, and he barely has
enough time to go *between* before he is hit. The thread disappears with
him, freezing in the blackness.

<*> Pavanth disappears into Between.

<*> Pavanth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

<*> Lysseth banks close enough to Reveth for Kassima to heave one of her
sacks to N'fan, then wings back into her place in formation, trumpeting!

Dragon> Laerth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << Careful! Winds are starting
to get a little tricky again ... >>

<*> A roar of dragonfire and a frustrated cry from above! Several partially
flamed chunks fall quickly to blue Reveth.

<*> Jesseth backwings, sending out small gouts of fire in rapid succession,
cutting a line of escape for the blue, but missing several strands that
fall past him. He bugles in frustration.

<*> Dhavoth takes the formation down, catching the last strands.

<*> Anaryth uses short, careful bursts of flame ot help clear Jessesth from
his circle of Thread. he gets the few strands that the other blue left behind.

<*> Vidarth swiftly sprays flame over a tangled morass of Thread which
descends towards him, getting too close. It is swiftly reduced to ash, and
Vidarth's rider wipes the trail of grey from his goggles, and quickly feeds
his dragon another lump of stone.

<*> More warnings shouted from above! Several smallish clumps fall neatly
between two wingriders and tumble towards the Weyrlings' Wing!

<*> As the winds shift and become unstable, one of the younger weyrlings
falters slightly, but his dragon quickly recovers.

Dragon> Benden Weyrlings sense that Prefeth bugles! Do we flame?

<*> Sinith notices the falling thread and readies to flame it, arcing to a

<*> Laerth gives a loud roar of warning but it is cut short as Thread looms
suddenly in his face!

<*> Juliath bugles as the thread heads towards the Moorise Wing! This is
what it is to be a dragon!

<*> Lysseth roars in defiance and unleashes the flames she's been holding
back so long, crisping one of the clumps into ashy nothingness!

<*> Laerth disappears into Between.

<*> Laerth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

<*> Nicoth bugles and banks quickly away. He has no flame and can only
dodge. He goes low to avoid Thread and flame.

Dragon> Benden Weyrlings sense that Laerth skips, then bugles! << Flame or
dodge! Whatever is most prudent! NOW! >>

<*> Prefeth pulls up shiftly, defending some of the other weyrlings as he
rises and flames like he's taught, aiming with good accuracy as the stuff
chars to nothingess.

<*> Juliath rolls slightly to cover Lysseth's position and sends her own
spout of flame out to crisp another small patch of Thread.

<*> Nicoth disappears into Between.

<*> Nicoth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

<*> Lysseth sees the other patches coming towards her too quickly, and,
with a hiss, skips quickly *between*.

<*> Lysseth disappears into Between.

You gasp as the icy black nothingness of Between surrounds you! You hear
nothing, see nothing, and feel nothing. The trip takes five heartbeats...

You suddenly emerge...

<*> Lysseth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

<*> Reveth easily catches the sack tossed to him by Kassima, even as
another gout of flame billows out of Reveth's maw to envelop the partially
burned clump headed straight for him.

Dragon> Laerth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << Quickly, catch some that the
Weyrlings missed. Weyrlings, very good! >>

<*> Nicoth returns away from the falling Thread that threatened the
Weyrling Wing and swoops back toward the others.

<*> There is a sudden and unexpected burst of dragonfire near green
Kerilinth from a less experienced rider that drifted out of formation,
making it harder to see the large, unflamed patch headed straight for them.

Dragon> Threadfall Comm sense that Pavanth OOC: << Are they above us? I
thought they were below. >>

<*> Sinith waits as the wing reforms and looks alert.

<*> Juliath rolls back to point, bugling at the other weyrlings as they
char through their first thread. On her back, Meli scans quickly to make
sure everyone returns to formation and is uninjured.

<*> Vidarth sweeps under a weyrling dragon as he reappears, and flames a
partial clump which swept past the younger dragon, turning it into ash.

<*> Prefeth turns and banks downwards, seeing the Wing broken up by the
thread. He bulges as he takes up his place again.

Dragon> Threadfall Comm sense that Anaryth doesnt think Kerilinth is with
us, anymore.

Benden Weyr> T'ren has to go to class, folks. See ya!

<*> Lysseth reappears, safely out of the way of the patch that had
threatened her. Trumpeting, she returns to position, battling the tricky

<*> Pavanth lets loose a large burst, catching a clump that isn't wholly
taken up in the flame, but the ball crackles as time finishes the job his
breath cannot.

Dragon> Juliath bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << Everyone is well? Not
tired or strained? >>

Dragon> Threadfall Comm sense that Laerth OOC oops :) Sorry, its hard to
keep track :) Feel free to substitute ...

Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with <<  I am fine. I have more
stone if needed. >>

Dragon> Laerth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << OOC to Pavanth: They have to
come level with us to supply 'stone >>

Dragon> Lysseth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << We are well, and await the
next signal. >>

<*> The hills are now nearly directly below the Benden wings, and the air
is getting more turbulent. Thread blows around in diffuse and irregular
patches. As if to taunt the harried riders and dragons, the Fall slows just
a touch and makes the final section of forest to protect a continual battle.

Dragon> All dragons sense that Pavanth OOC: << Ah. I always pictured it as
a mad dash upwards with a lob. >>

Dragon> Benden Weyrlings sense that Prefeth rumblecroons in response. << We
are well. >>

<*> Anaryth banks out of the way of the disoriented rider with a bugle, He
almost backs into another clump of thread, which he sees at the last second
and destroys with a burst of flame.

Dragon> Laerth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << I think we can hold out with
our present supply. The hills are coming up, and we only need to fight up
to that point >>

<*> High atop Reveth, N'fan refuels Reveth from his renewed supply of
'stone. He times it just so the dragon can flame an onrushing patch of
Thread. The dragon's maw tracks it easily as the turbulence pushes it
around, his head swiveling on that long, sinewy neck.

<*> Threads swirl about in a miniature vortex as an odd current of air hits
them, descending in a funnel-like shape towards blue Reveth.

<*> Astride Juliath, seeing that the dragons are well-supplied, Meli
signals the weyrling wing to drop back a little into the clear, and down to
where they can watch for any missed clumps.

<*> Vidarth spews a gout of flame toward a rapidly descending patch of
thread, tilting his wings and angling up directly at the patch, so that the
ash sweeps over the dragon.

Benden Weyr> N'fan chuckles. Switch those two poses around..;)

<*> Laerth swings back a little from the south as that area is not as
threatened as before. He bugles a warning, but it is cut short as he is
forced to flame a patch coming right at him.

Benden Weyr> P'tran oys and always has a knack for emitting to a dragon
just as they are :p :)

<*> Nicoth moves with the wing downward and back toward the trailing edge
of the fall. He looks around for errant cllumps.

Kassima notes Meli's signal and Lysseth obediantly drops, banking a bit and
trying to keep firmly in position despite the trickiness of the currents.

<*> Prefeth banks and drops down lower into the sky, head craning around to
peer upwards at the fighting wings, alert for any more thread.

Dragon> Juliath bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << We've lost T'fian, shall I
take us home, or wait it out? >>

<*> A warning is shouted as a tired dragon cleanly misses a patch of
thread. Before anyone can get to it, it starts to break up as it falls, the
bulk dropping near bronze Dhavoth.

<*> Jesseth's angled manuevers are visably slower as the older dragon
tires. Still, his wings fan out and take him higher to clip the edge of a
front of thread veering down at an angle.

Dragon> Benden Weyrlings sense that Laerth noticed and flames his net. <<
Wait it out til the end of the Fall and then we'll all head back. Its not
for much longer >>

Benden Weyr> Kassima detects and tosses English muffins heavy with butter
to a T'lean. :)

<*> A patch falls, then rises as a thermal hits it, then falls heavier as
blue Anaryth and rider pass directly beneathe.

Benden Weyr> R'val says, "Jeez Kassi, through Fall, Fog, and Spam? ;)"

Dragon> Laerth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << We are almost done, the Fall
is thinning ... Anaryth, watch it! >>

Benden Weyr> T'lean waves....and a good anti-netcom device owuld be
appreciated as well...

Benden Weyr> Kassima grins. I always deliver my breakfast foods, R'val. :)

<*> Anaryth looks up, and pops *between* to aviod it, as it comes too close
to dodge.

<*> Anaryth disappears into Between.

Benden Weyr> Meli says, "T'lean's name always makes me think of 'lean
sausage links' when you do that Kassi :)"

<*> Anaryth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

<*> Laerth soars upward to meet thead and bugles loudly when he sees clear
skies beyond!

<*> Anaryth comes out above the clump that almost hit him, spraying flame
down on to and destroying it with a vengeance.

Benden Weyr> T'lean has been reduced to sausage? I get no respect. :)

<*> On Dhavoth, C'san looks to his right, checking to be sure.

Benden Weyr> Meli snugs a T'lean. "Only when Kassi mentions waffles :)"

Dragon> Anaryth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << got it! >>

Benden Weyr> Kassima grins. In other words, often, Meli? :)

<*> Vidarth soars upwards with his wing to hit a large descending curtain
of Thread. He flames energetically and the nearest patch to him is reduced
to ash.

Dragon> Threadfall Comm sense that Laerth bugles! << Very nice manuver,
Anaryth! >>

<*> The Fall has now passed over into the hills, where it falls harmlessly
along the Central Range. In the distance off to the west, wings from Telgar
Weyr appear in formation, waiting for the Fall to pass over the hills and
more fully into their area. For Benden, however, the Fall is over.

Dragon> Anaryth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << Gotta have a smashing
finale. :) >>

Benden Weyr> Meli says, "Well, um, ya"

<*> From atop Pavanth's neck, F'nar throws a salute to the Telgar riders as
they take over.

Benden Weyr> T'lean says, "As I said..."

<*> Laerth gives a loud roar, eyes still whirling and blazing. They begin
to cool and spin slower as the skies clear and the Thread proceeds over the
hills. He brigs himself to face the west for a moment so thathe can bugle
his regards towards the Telgar Wings

<*> Juliath steadies herself in the tricky currents as Meli scans the
Moonrise Wing, a very pleased smile growing across her somewhat sweat and
soot streaked features.

<*> Reveth flames one last time, then flares his wings to brake suddenly,
letting the other Weyr's wings move in unobtrusively.

Dragon> Laerth bespoke Threadfall Comm with << The Fall is over for us,
Telgar will handle it on their side of the hills. Well done, everyone. >>

Benden Weyr> Meli says, "@whee!!"

Dragon> Threadfall Comm sense that Laerth OOC thanks all for the great
turnout. I was sufficiently spammed to death :)

<*> Laerth turns around and drops back down into formation. "We'll have
some of the reserve wings run sweeps," P'tran calls out. "The rest of you,
line up for the trip home!"

<*> Prefeth bugles happily, waiting for instruction to head home.

Benden Weyr> P'tran takes it you enjoyed the Fall, Meli? :)

<*> Astride Juliath, Meli keeps her eyes on P'tran, waiting to give her own
signal to Moonrise when the weyrleader is ready.

<*> Lysseth keeps on a steady course, Kassima flashing a rather dusty grin
to Meli even though she knows the weyrling leader cannot see it. Then
dragon and weyrling both focus on the lead dragons, waiting for their signal.

<*> Pavanth slides in beside Laerth as his rider signals the rest of
Thunderbolt to follow.

Benden Weyr> R'val grins. Meli did a great job of being in charge :)

Benden Weyr> Meli says, "Nah, I just do that every once in a while... s'why
they've got me locked up, y'know :)"

<*> On Dhavoth, C'san checks his wing, shaking his head at the injured sadly.

<*> Laerth gives a rumble towards some dragons to dress up the formation a
bit as he falls into his customary position. Even after the battle the
bronze is a stickler for every detail.

Benden Weyr> R'val . o O( Meli's in a padded cell? Ohno, get rid of her
knot! We can't have a lunatic at Benden We..err..nevermind ;) )

Benden Weyr> T'lar applauds Meli and the other weyrlings.

Benden Weyr> P'tran notes if we turned away people because they were crazy
it would be one empty Weyr :p :)

Benden Weyr> Kassima thinks Meli's straightjacket collection must surely
rival her own. :)

Benden Weyr> Aphrael says, "We got too many already. :P"

Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "Straightjackets or crazy people?"

Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "You can't have too many deranged lunatics, Aph.
:P :)"

Benden Weyr> Meli has one in plaid, and one with really hoopy stripes, and...

<*> Laerth swings his head around as his rider surveys the injuried as well
with a slight sigh, then he raises his arm and lets it drop in the signal
to head home.

Benden Weyr> K'nan steals the one with hoopy stripes. ;)

<*> Laerth disappears into Between.

<*> Jesseth breaks formation once clear skies are seen and Telgar has the
leading edge. Dysira salutes the Benden wings and fly-by's the Reaches wing
with another salute before heading home.

Benden Weyr> R'val says, "K'nan! :)"

Benden Weyr> Kassima has one with rhinestones; it even came with an Elvis
toupee. :)

Benden Weyr> Aphrael says, "Yes you can. Soon there are so many it become
the norm so its not weyrd anymore. :)"

<*> Pavanth disappears into Between.

<*> Vidarth disappears into Between.

<*> Jesseth disappears into Between.

<*> Astride Juliath, Meli signals Moonrise wing quickly to follow.

<*> Prefeth disappears into Between.

<*> Juliath disappears into Between.

<*> Nicoth disappears into Between.

<*> Lysseth disappears into Between.

You gasp as the icy black nothingness of Between surrounds you! You hear
nothing, see nothing, and feel nothing. The trip takes five heartbeats...

You suddenly emerge...

<*> Lysseth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

<*> From the North, From the Benden Star Stones, M'nar's mint green Gelth
rears on hind legs and bugles a greeting to bronze Nicoth and his rider,
T'lar, welcoming them home.

<*> From the North, From the Benden Star Stones, M'nar's mint green Gelth
rears on hind legs and bugles a greeting to green Lysseth and her rider,
Kassima, welcoming them home.

Benden Weyr> Aphrael pounces! K'nan!!

<*> From atop Pavanth's neck, F'nar hollers to his dad, "Survived another,
da! Come down and see your grandson when you can!"

Benden Weyr> K'nan peers at all the arriving. Where /was/ everyone?

<*> From atop Laerth, P'tran watches the wings reform around him and begins
directing them downward, and the injuried off to one side of the bowl for

Benden Weyr> P'tran says, "Fall :)"

<*> Reveth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air!

<*> From the North, From the Benden Star Stones, M'nar's mint green Gelth
rears on hind legs and bugles a greeting to blue Reveth and his rider,
N'fan, welcoming them home.

<*> Laerth flies downward towards the north end of the bowl.

Benden Weyr> Kassima waffles to everyone, we were at Threadfall, and now I
must go. Zhai, froody folk. :)

<*> From the North, Laerth flies downward to the ground.

Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "Bye, Kassi"

Benden Weyr> K'nan agh, mist /again/...Oy.

Benden Weyr> P'tran waves to Kassima :)

Dragon> Juliath bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << South bowl, weyrlings, to
avoid spamminess? >>

Benden Weyr> Kassima did all the post-Fall stuff too, of course. You just
didn't see her. :)

Benden Weyr> K'nan says, "Night Kassi! *hug*"

Benden Weyr> N'fan says, "Hiyas @ K'nan and byas @ Kassima."

<*> Pavanth flies downward towards the north end of the bowl.

You fly downwards towards the south end of the bowl.