-------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Best Girlfriend M'rek Never Had Date: December 28, 2004 Place: South Boll's Lava Lounge Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: Kassima gets a chance to learn more about what happened to Kasedy when her path and M'rek's cross in the Lava Lounge (where else?). That's not the only revelation that the bronzerider has for her, though! No, soon she's finding out that she has competition for Rodric's heart from a quarter she never expected, and it's a miracle that she's not drinking in grief at the impossibility of ever matching this other, perfect love by the end of the scene. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: M'rek climbs up from the caves below. It's really never a good sign--for somebody, at least--when Kassima's counting out mark pieces and chortling to herself over them. It may even be a worse sign when she's doing this at a bar with an exasperated Marcus looking on. "Eight and a quarter!" she carols to the uncaring barkeeper. "Isn't the fifteen-plus from the other sevenday, but 'tisn't bad either. Pass me another Lava Twist, man, would you?" A'course, it could be worse if Kassi were /behind/ the bar as well, holding all that lovely liquor hostage. M'rek arrives on the scene, and if he's the devil's favorite messenger then tonight's message must be something like 'leather is in this season' or even 'The well shaved head gathers no moss'. Whatever the glad tidings are, M'rek is here to deliver them with his usual panache. It's about time he earned his moniker of 'Trouble' again. "And a Lava Twist for me as well. And make it a double." Surely you jest? If Kassi were behind the bar, there wouldn't be much liquor left to be hostage at all. Though, come to think of it, she does have a certain hoarding practicality that might lead her to foolishly leave some for another day. "M'rek!" she's greeting even before she's turned around to see him. "Let me pay for one of those. In celebration of m'latest victory in the realm of 'impossibly stupid bar bets'--wait a moment. Wait. Wait." She looks him up and down, taking in the fine leathers and, perhaps most of all, the seeming sobriety. "Something's either very wrong or very right, I'm nay sure which. Was there a formal dinner?" Liquor held hostage is all the sweeter for it's liberation. M'rek slides onto the stool beside his most favorite Telgari and grins to shame that devil. "Aye. It's been at least 12 hours since M'last drink. Might need to make it a treble if you can afford it, as I'm sure you can, Kassi-love." That grin stays plastered on, "I was going to make a full report over at the harper hall, but I didn't quite make it. Must have been that left at Fort that did me in. So. Here I am. Turned up like a bad mark. Speaking of bad marks. Want to schedule a poker game? High stakes. We'll pick out a couple of fat suckers, just ripe for the fleecing." And given the frequency with which they liberate it, they probably needn't fear being the ones up against the wall when the booze revolution comes. Kassi slants him a half-amused, half-suspicious look through green eyes, but nudges the appropriate mark amount over to Marcus regardless. "Trust you t'take advantage of m'generosity," she says with more laughter than rancor. "And trust me t'be sure t'get you t'pay for drinks the very next chance I get. 'Twere going t'talk t'Rodric, then?" The leathers get another look. "All dressed up for him? Shells. Mayhaps I should start worrying. Since I," she teases, "could certes never compete with you--fat suckers, eh? Hmm-mmm. I'm intrigued. What kind of stakes are we talking?" M'rek snickers at this, "What, did he actually tell you that I was a better kisser?" There's laughter from the bronzerider, "A'course I'll return the favor sometime, just as soon as you like. Maybe even tonight. Though. I'm feeling the desire to get up to some sort of trouble. I need only work out what that will be to quell my desire for mischief. Aye. I got all cleaned up. Thought I'd go have a nice chat with 'Ric and then head over to Bitra and bend Vor's ear for awhile." My, isn't he informal this evening. " "Should I have expected him to?" Kassi's surprised at the idea at first, but it can't help but entertain her. "So *that's* why you're at the Hall so oft, the real reason. I should've figured it. How long has this torrid affair been going on? I deny, however, being an inferior kisser t'any bronzerider, thankee muchly," a sentiment which she toasts with her Lava Twist as soon as it arrives. "Trouble sounds most promising... and look at m'luck, mayhaps onhand t'witness or even help. That may just trump the eight-marks luck. Unless mayhaps the trouble you get into involves this bending of ears on either part, depending on what you have t'say and what the likelihood is that whatever 'tis would get the noses of helpless, innocent spectators broken." M'rek chortles brightly and pulls his drink in, giving it a courtesy look over before he takes that first deep drink. Glass back down once more he nods his head a bit and then says, "He never told you that story? Well, he's been holding out on you then. He and I have been a hot item for quite some time now." He laughs a little harder at this and then nods once more, "Aye, I'm thinking it's likely you would be much better kiss than any other bronzerider. Hmm. Well, I could bend ears, or I could break noses. I'm not in much of a mood for fighting of late." Kassima denies, "He never did. So fill me in? When did you two first get it on; how long have you been seeing each other? Should I worry about catching the two of you when I visit him? Now there's a mental image t'make all the good little Apprentices faint." Pause. "Or swoon, depending on their bent. I do thankee for this certainty in m'prowess. You haven't been?" This gets him a quirked eyebrow from the greenrider. She turns about on the stool to better face him, scooping her marks from the counter to slip them into her pocket. "That have aught t'do with recent events? But mayhaps I shouldn't bring that up. You actually look t'be in a good mood, and Faranth forfend I spoil that." M'rek takes another deep swallow from his drink and nods, "Aye. I'm in a good enough mood tonight. Maybe I'm starting to feel more inclined to action again. Tho. I admit, I've been discouraged. I just have to think how to turn it all to the advantage. But anyway. Rodric never told you about that time when I rocked his world?" He snickers. "So. one night I picked the lock on Edris' room at Bitra and went in and fell asleep on the pillows she's always got on the floor..." "If'n there's a way t'do it, you'd be the man t'find it. 'Twill admit though," Kassi says after a moment, "that I'm confused--if'n the point was t'prevent an alliance between her and Vorlin, then her being dead is a problem how? Apart from the many things *inherently* wrong with it." A gulp of drink drowns that thread of shadow, at least for the moment. "I'm glad at any rate t'hear you say that. Because a M'rek without action is like a man with the head of a bovine: unnatural and nay t'be desired. Sadly, he's been keeping me in the dark. Mayhaps so 'twill never despair at the hopelessness of living up t'whatever you did." She gives him a brief eyelash-flutter. "--You picked her lock? So you could sleep on her pillows? That sounds like a story itself, but do go on." M'rek shakes his head, "I'd convinced her to throw him over. She was going to be against Vorlin in all things. Bah. All that time and effort, and I was already too pulled to many directions to begin with. But. That opportunity." He shakes his head, "I guess I misjudged and mores the pity for she's dead now. But anyway. Aye. I sometimes catch a nap in Edris' room and so I was that fate-filled night. Sleeping peacefully like a babe. And then there was a presence in the room. And a snuggling form. And lips to mine. And then. Stubble and a chest, well. Not what I'd imagine Edris' chest to be like once bared. Was our own harper friend. Surprise, surprise." Kassima's low whistle is definitely one of surprise. "Must've been a piece of work. She certes seemed t'want him enough the one time I ever met her. I begin t'see what you meant too with implying it could've been you, if'n someone knows what 'twere up to. You know who did the thing?" After a moment, she mutters, "Can't believe I'm talking about someone's death like 'tis only a game play. Nay that I knew her. Might nay have misjudged the lass; if'n someone hadn't found out--?" She's not reluctant to leave that topic temporarily behind to listen again to the tale, albeit with an entertained, disbelieving snort at the very phrase 'like a babe' used to describe M'rek. "Well, well, *well*. That must've been a shock, and for him too. Question is," all innocence, "was it a bad surprise, or a good surprise?" M'rek nods his head solemnly and drinks more of his twist. "Aye. She had a deal with him, and I showed her a way to get what she wanted without him and set it all in motion. Even talked to the Holder, got her to retire in such a fashion that her chosen heir could have been the lass in question easy enough." Clearly, he did a lot of work on this deal. "And. I got Kase herself to mend some of her ways. Well. At least I think I did. She did seem like she was coming along nicely." He shakes his head, "Aye. It could have been me. Should have been me. You know? I found out because they sent me a lock of her hair and the other key to her cottage. And. A'course, that's where I found her. All laid out peaceful like. At least he was considerate in that way." He laughs then and says with all humor, "Was a kiss that changed my life, that's for sure. He's the best girlfriend I never had, Rodric is." "You do realize that makes it sound like you're the one who got Naomi pregnant," Kassima drawls, quirking a brow at him. "That would have t'be taking the cake for devotion t'doty, I must say. How very interesting. Will it be of benefit or detriment t'Keroon, think you? I don't know a thing about this new Lord. Beyond that he probably can't make a marriage-alliance with Naomi's fiance," which is deadpan. "Could have been you. Shouldn't have by their lights, because that wouldn't have put her out of the way. I don't know whether I want t'ask who 'they' was or nay, but... I'm guessing the Lord was definitely behind it?" She asks this hesitantly, and only after a swallow of her drink. Still, her grin at the last is genuine enough: "Can tell you never got beyond kissing with him, though, M'rek-m'dear, else you'd never, ever call him a *girlfriend*." M'rek makes a snorting noise about the pregnancy and waves one hand dismissively as he remains hunched over his drink, then he laughs, "The new one is a twit. But. I guess time will tell if he's got any spine to him at all. Faranth knows I meddled in Keroon up to my eyeballs. I did all I could. Well. Without me, she'd have been back under his thumb. She had trouble resisting him, and she did get herself into the most assinine agreement with him. I mean. Really." He snorts again and shakes his head, "Aye. I'd say the lord was behind it, and he just doled out the assignment to one of his regulars. But. Not wise to tell you too much on that score. I can't be putting anyone else in such danger. And. There'd be danger indeed." Then he laughs as well, "What? You think I'd want to be the girl for him. Nay. He's not that good of a kisser." Kassima can't help but drawl with a certain amusement, "You do tend t'have have the best opinions of Lords. Mayhaps Keroon can disassociate with Bitra now. Mayhaps. Nay so surprised she didn't resist well; the way she changed how she spoke for him--what was the agreement?" She'd have to be curious. She'd not be Kassima otherwise. "Welladay. T'your discretion 'twill leave it; I've nay wish t'wake up to a slit throat, although I fancy I can defend m'self better than some. *Oh*--" Red climbs into her cheeks as she takes in that phrasing, but she throws her head back to laugh all the same: "I see the problem! Nay, I can't imagine you in, err. That position. *Or* him, for that matter. Which I'm sure means your love is doomed t'never be consummated, and someday his Harpers will be writing a tragic ballad about it." "A child. That was the agreement. A child of Bitra and Keroon." M'rek just shakes his head, "And the fool agreed to it. Well. She was short sighted like that." He snorts derisively, he's so opinionated on this matter it would seem..and so serious as well. "Anyway. It's all over now. She's dead and Keroon has changed hands, and I'm back to square one there." As if he were a concern all to himself, not even representing any group in particular as he does. "Aye. I know you're not one to be taken lightly, Kassi. But. He's truely the most physically dangerous man I know, and I wouldn't want to have to think about you in that kind of predicament." He shakes his head a bit and runs a hand over the top of it before dropping his fingers back to his drink. "Aye. Well. It was a funny thing. And we joke about it often enough." Kassima's brows rise together, slowly, until one disappears under her forelock. "This from a woman who commented herself on her Keroon blood doing her nay favors at Bitra? And she'd have had her heir be *his*? Or did she think--well, and I'm assuming she'd be wrong t'think, from your reaction, though I know the minds of Bitrans about as well as I know the mind of cottage cheese. At least Keroon's new Lord can't be making any such agreements with Bitra's unless there's something about him that's nay immediately obvious." She says this in a rather deadpan fashion, though the rest of her commentary has been sober enough. Sober conversation in the Lava Lounge. What a concept. "Could you even try aught again? Since the Bitrans know your mind. And does that compromise your position now, or--I appreciate it, M'rek. I don't argue the point. But I do thankee, for nay wanting t'think on it." She flashes him a smile that holds a wry sort of warmth. "Nay reason nay to. Shells, but 'tis beautiful. I don't suppose Edris walked in on the two of you too, and got a shock of her own?" M'rek shrugs his shoulder, "Wouldn't matter if such a child was named heir to either hold, just the existance of he or she. Well. Would be a weapon, poor lamb. My guess would be that the idea would be for Vorlin to have his progeny one day holding Keroon. At least. That would be Vorlin's desire, I don't doubt. Who knows what Kasedy thought would happen. That and, well, having her bear his child. That's a psychological thing. She was already having trouble standing up to him before, I would think that would have made it so much the worse for her." He considers and then says, "I don't know that I'll ever find that kind of situation again. I kind of just..fell into it when something else was going wrong for me. Oh. I suspect all the right, or wrong as it may be, already knew my mind well before the situation with Kasedy. So. No telling if I lost any ground there. Though. I'm going to have to have a talk with the assassin." He rests his elbows on the bar and then turns back to that lighter subject, "Edris. She did indeed witness. I don't know how many days it took her to stop laughing, but she was very amused." "What I wondered was if'n she thought 'twould be her progeny ruling Bitra and that she might've gained somehow by it. But 'twould be a foolish assumption, wouldn't it?" Kassima wonders, waving her glass of liquor vaguely. "Between Cain and the unlikelihood--if'n she was so easily manipulated as that, relatively--that she'd be able t'be the ruling influence. Who knows. I'm guessing she was nay exactly a Cailin." She slants a quizzical look his way. "Something else going wrong? That's... interesting, if'n they do know. And confusing. That you'd be bound so much t'someone, both of you knowing how you feel about each other, and yet you're both still there. You sounded the once as if'n you admired him, in a way. Good luck if'n 'tis the lady of the boots--which isn't, note, me asking whether 'tis. I really don't want to know." She does have some filament of self-preservation, in the end. "Oh-ho--when did she come in, then? In time t'see the most passionate liplock of our age? Or more in time for whatever steamy rompings came after?" she teases. "Aye. I like him a great deal. We're..good friends. Could be best friends, you know? Maybe we actually are." M'rek's features take on a musing look as he talks, "Or maybe that's just how it seems when I'm with him. I tend to do that. Become what the other person needs me to be for the bond to form." He shrugs and then says, "Irony. Irony. You know? I made a deal with Vorlin on his behalf and that's the only reason he's probably alive." He still doesn't put the name on the man that killed Kasedy in all likelihood. "I guess I just didn't expect for his next job to be what it was. I guess Vorlin must be feeling pretty sharding smug about the whole thing. I about owe Vorlin the moon for him, and he had to kill Kasedy." With a wry-twisted smile and a hint of understanding, Kassi murmurs, "The mask and the mirror. Aye. And d'you ever start feeling like you don't know who you are without the masks, anymore?" It's not a question she really seems to expect an answer to, although her tone is thoughtful, not rhetorical. "'Twould be an odd best friendship. T'be opposed, too, as it sounds you are. But 'twould be a *strong* friendship if'n it could endure such a thing as that. He's--?" She's not so slow as that, though, to miss the implication of who the 'he' is in deed if not name; she gives a slow nod. "'Tis starting t'sound as if'n deals with Lord Vorlin have a way of turning back in your hand t'sink fangs into your wrist. What are you going t'do?" M'rek considers that and then shakes his head, "No. Not really. I always feel like me. It's just the way I am. Oh. I do get lost sometimes and I need a little fixing, but you know, it works out in the end. And. It's not like I ever feel like I'm not myself, it's just that I feel like the best parts of me get buried in favor of the worst parts. But aye, it's a strong friendship. He saved my life once in all likelihood after all. And we did have a sharding good time camping together. Aye. Such fangs they are too. Well, I'm not sure what I'm going to do. Talk to a harper for starter I guess." Kassima's nod as she takes this in is thoughtful too. "I don't know whether that's enviable or nay," she finally decides. "Methinks mayhaps 'tis. There's plenty of good in you, y'know. Else you'd nay take the risks you do for the goals you hold. Nay that I imagine I'm the first t'be saying that." Back to deadpan, for just a moment: "I'm sure Roddy said there was nay end of good in you too, after that kiss. Ahem. You went camping with Lord Vorlin?" Startlement there, as one might expect, as she blinks at the mental image. "I have a feeling I've gotten crossed here somewhere. Well, but whichever way. You'll probably have t'talk with him too. And Rodric. Are you still mad at him?" M'rek chuckles and nods, "Aye. It's come up. I suppose it's right as well. And it's only from time to time when I need help to find the good things in me." He winks and then drains his glass at last with a backwards motion of his head, "Not Vorlin, the other one. Though. I've been on the road with Vorlin as well." He looks amused a moment and then he shakes his head, "Aye. Well, I'm not a bad kisser." More laughter before he finishes with, "I don't know. I suppose not. I don't even know why I was mad at him anyway." And he's not the type likely to stay angry anyway. "I'm glad of that. And for what 'tis worth, I admire it," Kassi offers, grinning over at him. "Keeping your essential Star-may-care M'rek-ness nay matter what. Next time you need help, if'n I can serve, give a yell; I can if'n naught else remind you of your talent in wheedling the good liquor from Learan. He broke out another bottle of scotch for me at the Gather, y'know." Her grin turns wicked at this. Evil woman, taunting him about how much more time she's had with their mutual beloved. "That must've been a trip? Hard t'imagine the Lord roughing it somehow. And somehow, I find that, M'rek-m'dear," 'that' being his claim of good kissery, "rather easy t'believe." A wink of her own. "'Tis well. 'Twould probably distress him--Rodric I mean, now--t'have caused anger in you. Did he even know about this business with Kasedy?" Kassima adds as an afterthought, "Mind you, I'm still better." That's probably more about kissing than Kasedy, else it's one surreal non sequitor. M'rek laughs, "I'll remember your offer, Kassi, for It's always good to know who I can turn to for straightening out, and I hate to put too much of that burden all at one door in particular. For. Like it or not they who can fix me best are often those who have the least amount of time for such things." His grin is slanted and then he looks appropriately jealous, "Learan opened another bottle just for you? I might have to go by the beastcraft and see about that. I do hate to feel left out, you know?" The laugh that comes now sounds more like a chortle and then, "Tis' easy to believe, isn't it? And you don't even have to read it on the wall in the lava lounge. Aye. Maybe it would. He's a good man, Rodric, and if he wasn't my girlfriend he'd be my father." Kassima promises with all sincerity, "'Twould at least do m'best--which is all anyone *could* do when it comes t'straightening you out, I suspect, you shameless reprobate." There's good humor in her voice, of the sort that suggests she'd be ruffling his hair about now if he had some. More seriously, "I joke, but I do mean it. Time can be found for those who need it. And he *did*," she confirms with great satisfaction. "At the Beastcraft Gather. Invited me t'sit at his table for dinner and let me have all the scotch I wanted. If'n m'plate weren't a bit full already and his Liah apt t'be jealous, I could almost love that man. I don't suppose you might share any left over you'd have when he's treated you similarly?" Wheedle, wheedle, shameless wheedle. "Aye, your reputation would certes suggest 'tis likely. And I'm sure Vorlin would never be in love with a bad kisser. Father, really? Nay brother?" M'rek gets to his feet now, only a little slanted for the triple twist, "Faranth's knees. M'wingleader's looking for me. Aye. Well, I'll look for you then, next time I get lost, Kassima. And maybe even to share that beastcrafter's drink, though you know, I'm not used to sharing much." He winks, "Too old t'be my brother." But not his girlfriend apparantly.