
Neiravi's Search

Date:  August 22, 2008
Places:  Igen Weyr's Living Cavern and Candidate Barracks
Game:  PernMUSH
Copyright Info:  The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey 
l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.


Kassi's Note:  For once the Search is really the start of the night's
story; right after Jozell gives Neiravi a gift, Lysseth throws a wrench 
in the works for him by deciding the young woman should Stand.  
Neiravi's happy about it.  Jozell's less so.  And when he uses 
unfortunate phrases in describing the situation to A'deth, an argument 
breaks out from which even fabulous men in fabulous earrings and orange 
straps covered in flowers can't cheer Tannusen.


The Log:

Neiravi comes in from the Bowl.

Kassima has made the most obvious choice of place to polish some of her
jewelry possible: a table in the middle of the Living Cavern, where the
advantages of having enough space to spread it all out in front of her are
balanced out by the atmosphere of two Weyrbrat boys holding a belching
contest just a couple of meters away. It doesn't seem to faze her much, but
then, she has sons. She holds the emerald necklace she's working on at an
angle meant to catch the glowlight. It glitters obligingly green; she's not
satisfied and sets to rubbing it again with a soft cloth.

Neiravi is in the company of three small girls, none older than ten, who
are chattering happily at her without (apparently) stopping for breath.
There's mention of colors and eggs, so three guesses as to where she's
taken them. As soon as she can get a word in edgewise, she announces "I'm
glad you had fun, and we will definitely do it again, if Maidel says we may
and the Weyrwoman and her dragon don't mind. Now, I think you should go
back to the creche and draw pictures of the eggs to show Maidel and the
others. I'll be along shortly." The girls run off, giggling at the belching
boys. Ravi watches them go, then heads unerringly towards the meal tables
and the klah pot. Not even the noises coming from the weyrbrats can
distract her. "Your powers of concentration are remarkable," she comments
with a smile. "And that necklace just begs to be stolen by a fire lizard

"They'd have t'get past Darvan and Koreyn--good luck with that. They've
been hissing at anyone they think's even *thinking* about *considering*
stealing m'stuff for Turns." Kassima glances up to offer a grin. "I
could've done this in one of the weyrs, but this way I can polish and eat
and eavesdrop on the gossip all at once. They've got you on nursery duty

Neiravi nods, rolling her eyes good-humoredly. "One of the toddlers passed
on his cold to all and sundry, so I'm filling in for a bit. Then things
were getting vicious between the boys and the girls, so I decided there
should be a trip out to look at the eggs and decide which was the
prettiest. That broke the tension and got me out for a little while." And
sometimes, that's all you can ask for. Her klah is poured, black as
/between/, and she tilts a mug towards Kassima inquiringly. "Would you like
some? It might scour away any tarnish you find."

Kassima works at a speck on the necklace's silver that only she,
apparently, can see, since the item is already gleaming. She wants to know,
"Was there a consensus on prettiest egg? Nay klah, thankee. I'd nay say nay
to a fresh glass of juice if'n 'twouldn't trouble. The one thing about this
is, I hate t'leave the table now until they're safely back in the case."
Making a face at her own lack of foresight, she then says, "I'm fond enough
of children, but I don't know if'n I envy you--good solution, though, if'n
naught else the Grounds are too *hot* for squabbling."

Neiravi is already searching out the juice and pouring a mug, the very
model of a kitchen girl's efficiency. "It was widely agreed that the
sunsetty one--the one with red and orange and gold and possibly some pink
for good measure--was quite the prettiest egg out there, and may well be
the prettiest egg *ever*. And I went along with the majority, which seemed
the best way to keep the peace." She passes Kassima her juice, and sits
down to get the klah into her system. "Heat as calming agent was part of my
plan," she admits. "Failing that, I would have chased them around the Bowl
until they collapsed." One does what one must.

A'deth comes in from the Bowl.

Jozell comes in from the Bowl.

Jozell walks in behind the quick moving A'deth. He has a small smile on his
face as he is walking along. He has a small package in his hands.

"Children that age agreeing on something? I sit amazed a'fore you." Kassima
sits amused before Neiravi, more like. She's at a table, and there's an
open jewelry box and many pieces of jewelry laid out in front of her--at
the moment she's working a polishing cloth over a silver necklace set with
five large emeralds. "Thankee--" She sets the necklace down long enough to
take the cup, and take a sip. "Oh, still reasonably cold. Lovely. The first
glass was close t'room temperature. D'you have a favored egg when you're
nay being peacekeeper?"

Neiravi shakes her head. "They're all beautiful. I admit to a small bias
towards any with purple; I rather like the color. But I've never seen an
ugly egg. Granted," with a dip of her head, "I haven't seen too many, and
most of those from high up in whichever hatching ground it was." She sips
her klah, then turns her head as the two men enter. "Good evening, Jozell,"
she greets the one familiar face. The greenrider is less familiar...no,
wait, she remembers him and the embryos. "And to you too, dragonhealer."

A'deth wanders in ahead of Jozell, vaguely windblown. He lifts a hand to
Kassima in passing, and then Neiravi, and heads for the meal table, and the
fruit ices. Fortunately, some have been laced with spirits, and that's what
he selects for himself. "And you, ah... Neiravi? And /you/ should become a
trader, Kassima. In the clan my offspring's joined up with, they sell that
kind of thing. You've got enough jewels to set up a small cart."

Jozell makes his way twords Neiravi and smiles. "A good evening to you,
Neiravi. This is for you." He lies the small package down before her, and
he moves himself twords the food tables where he gets a large plate and
something to drink for himself.

Kassima brightens to see A'deth, waving back to him--and seeing him, she
sees Jozell also, and offers an amiable nod of greeting that way. "I saw
one that looked like a giant ball of manure," she says to Neiravi. "Another
one looked rather like someone's hind end. I don't know if'n you could've
called it handsome. These just make me want t'pillage the fruit stores
whenever I've been out looking at 'em, all the bright colors." After
arranging the necklace just so on the table she reaches for another piece,
or pieces: two clip-on earbobs set with rough emerald chips. There are a
lot of emeralds in the lot, maybe unsurprisingly. "I remember! I asked
after a grey pearl bracelet once, for Sria. But I couldn't sell these,
A'deth. This is the sentimental box."

Neiravi quietly admires Kassima's collection. Better jewels than trying to
picture a hind-end egg. "You could use a few peridots, or a piece of jade,"
she suggests. "Just to vary the types of green. Oh, you have my name
right," Neiravi assures A'deth. "I've been called Navi all day in the
nursery, so it's good to hear the whole thing...for me?" She's honestly
surprised, and looks after Jozell curiously for a moment before starting to
unwrap the small package.

A'deth wanders over their way, now, and leans a hip against the table.
"Neiravi it is, then." And he looks over the collection. "The 'gifts I keep
because they're too sentimentally shiny to trade even though they're
horrid' box?" He doesn't watch as Neiravi unwraps the present, for some

Jozell gathers his food up with a grin, balancing it all as he moves to sit
down. As the package opens Neiravi sees a small wooden figure, of a woman,
who looks like she's eather serving food or picking up afterwards.

Kassima leans forward to dig into the box with her other hand. "I've got
two pieces of jade, they're in here somewhere." One of the ornaments she
fishes out is a simple circle of the stuff, not currently strung. The other
circle, darker, dangles from a choker made of red, black, and ice-white
beads laid out in rows. "I haven't worn this for awhile. The colors aren't
appropriate anymore," she says, rueful. Looking up again she wrinkles her
nose at A'deth. "Some of 'em aren't the best kind of sentiment, but most
are lovely. Kich gave me these beads for a Turnday, for example. The
earbobs were a bribe from a Weyrling. What've you got, Neiravi?" She's not
so discreet.

Neiravi is slowly, steadily turning a few shades darker than customary. She
looks down at the little figure, running a finger lightly over the woman's
hair and outreaching arms. "The only thing it needs," she says after a
minute or two, "is the eyes rolling a bit when someone asks if I work here.
I--thank you, Jozell. It's lovely." The smile she bestows on the man might,
possibly, light up a room. She displays the figurine on her open palm for
Kassima's appraisal, while she admires the greenrider's beads in turn.

A'deth blinks slowly. "Kichevio..." His voice is soft. "I haven't seen her
in twenty-five turns." And he considers the jade necklace. "Swap out the
white ones for gold ones? That wouldn't cost very much." Jozell's gift,
revealed and shown off, now makes him look. "How very thoughtful!"

Jozell shrugs his shoulders gently and smiles back at Neiravi. 'I am glad
that you like it. It's what came to me that day while I was here." He grins
slightly. He sets his food down at a different table so that he isn't
intruding. He starts to eat slowly.

It's at about this time that the entrance to the Cavern from the Bowl is
blocked, quite abruptly, by a pair of pine green nostrils. The belching
Weyrbrats break off their contest to stare. Kassima stares too. "Oh, what
now?" If there's an answer it's given silently. After a moment, though, the
nose goes. Kassi turns back to the conversation. "M'dragon's gone back in
time in her *mind*. She's been acting like she's fresh out of the Barracks
for sevendays now. Except she's also turned prude; she doesn't think you
should smile at a man like that, Neiravi." Well. That's... random? "'Tis
beautifully done," she says of the carving, and, "I could wear it then...
but I'd lose some of the sentiment. I could get another like it," she
supposes to A'deth. "Although usually I wear a different necklace these days."

Neiravi is displaying (in a polite, dignified, grown-up way, of course) the
barely-hidden glee of a child with an early Turnday present. "The little
ones in the creche will probably offer to paint it. Not that I'll let them;
it's perfect just how it is...great Faranth, you even got my apron
strings!" She giggles, then blushes a bit more at being caught giggling
like a giddy Holdgirl. The intrusion of dragon nostrils startles her, then
she laughs again and mock-bows to the bit of Lysseth visible. "Please tell
her that I was pleasantly surprised into unladylike behavior, and won't do
it again," she tells Kassima. As for that necklace, and all those lovely
beads..."You could make a bracelet, or a hair ornament, out of the red
beads. Red and gold and black and white all look well together."

Jozell starts to eat his food, digging in hungrily. It seems someone worked
up an appitite today!

Kassima eyes the Cavern entrance sidelong, as though just daring Lysseth to
stick her nose in again--and the green doesn't. "'Tisn't 'unladylike' she
minds," she assures Neiravi. Jozell gets a wry, almost apologetic glance.
"Candidates just aren't supposed t'get too involved. Mind you, it hardly
stops some of 'em from making out in the corridors when they don't realize
I'm there, and Lyss never gripes *then*, so there's a terrible
double-standard at work. I don't want t'destroy it." She fingers the choker
gently. "Mayhaps if'n I wore it as-is from time t'time, Igen would

Jozell blinks and stops his shoveling of food into his mouth. He looks
over. "Candidate? You were searched?!" He smiles. twords Neiravi.

Neiravi rolls her eyes. "I know. If I have to toss one more illicit couple
out of a storeroom or an otherwise-empty cot, I will have Lysseth eat them
if she wants..." She looks at Jozell, smiling and shaking her head.
"Searched? No, not me. A dragon's never looked twice at me, not even
Dad's." And now--now something slowly dawns on her. She looks at Kassima.
She peers out towards the cavern entrance. And back at Kassima. "Search?"
she asks carefully. "Me?" Pause. "Is Lysseth feeling all right?"

A'deth looks over at that great big green head. "Her color's fine.
Congratulations. Are you going to say yes?"

And he adds to Kassima, "You'd just match me. Wear it, it'd still suit you."

"She has t'be accepting yet," Kassima allows, grinning at both the young
man and the young woman. "Assuming she does, she has been. Lysseth's
feeling like a flighty juvenile. That's naught so unusual; rest assured,
the offer's valid. If'n you're willing?" Her eyes find A'deth and so does
her hand, if it can, the backs of her fingers brushing against his arm.
"Black, white, and green I see. For red t'match I'd have t'make you blush."

Jozell smiles broadly at Neiravi. "Congradulations! That's soo cool. Me,
I've never wanted to be a rider...Always been kinda, afraid of them," He
shrugs lightly but keeps smiling. "But I think I know her answer." He says
to Kassima.

Neiravi is still holding her klah mug, looking absolutely flabbergasted.
She sets it down carefully. She should not hold anything fragile right now.
"Now? Turns and Turns, and--now?" She looks like she's waiting for
something to explode, or perhaps a group of pranksters to leap out and
scare her. But, since none of that seems to be occuring, she exhales and
says in a rush "Yes I am willing and would be delighted to stand for the
clutch thank you!" She said it, and it's still happening. Must be real.
"Well, I've seen this happen enough. I need to go grab my things and move
to the Barracks, right?"

IGEN-> Kassima welcomes Neiravi, Searched in a fit of green dragon

IGEN-> M'tri says, "HURRAH!"

IGEN-> Tannusen says, "Congrats! :O"

IGEN-> Neiravi beams, and dances! Delighted to be here!

A'deth glances down at Kassima. "Make me blush later. Gather up your
prize," and he nods to Neiravi, "Now." And to her, or perhaps the word was
for both women, "Perhaps you've raised enough human youngsters that you're
the perfect fit for some rambunctious dragonet?" And to Jozell, curiously:
"Afraid? Of riders? Or dragons?"

IGEN-> A'deth XD

Jozell grins lightly and keeps eatting his food. He keeps glancing over
twords Neiravi, watching the new Canidate. He takes a big drink of his
drink. "Dragons..I've seen what they can do to herd beasts and could just
imagine one getting mad for some reason." He shivers lightly shaking his

Jozell says "So I guess it's a good thing I was never searched." He laughs
softly. "I am not sure I would ever sleep." He grins lightly. Taking
another large drink from his cup."

Kassima doesn't disappear or turn into a giant mess of tunnelsnakes when
Neiravi says the words; nor does Lysseth, out in the Bowl; and there's a
decided lack of anyone flying through the Living Cavern naked.
"Felicitations! And thankee," the female greenrider says, grinning from ear
to ear. "I can't explain Lyss, but she's quite certain. You can finish your
klah first if'n you like. Or come back for it when you've claimed a cot and
gotten your knot, if'n you like. I can escort you. 'Tis m'pleasure t'be the
Coordinator for you lot." A'deth? He gets a laughing, saucy glance full of
promise. Lysseth's not the only one in high spirits, apparently.

Neiravi is explaining something, rapidly and with hand gestures, to one of
the other cavern girls. The girl claps hands to her mouth, squeals, hugs
her, and runs off to tell the head cook that they've lost another pair of
hands in the kitchen. "Maybe," Ravi answers A'deth giddily. "I never
thought so before, but if Lysseth thinks so, it would hardly be safe to
disappoint her! If you'll get me to the Barracks and signed in properly,
Kassima, I'll come back for my klah and things later." She tucks away the
little carving and smiles at Jozell. "This is definitely coming with me.
Thank you. All of you." High spirits all around!

IGEN-> Lanisa belatedly welcomes and congratulates :)

Jozell smiles and laughs softly, giving Neiravi a wave. "It was my
pleasure." He grins at her. "I hope it works out for you!" He cuts another
piece of his beast and eats it slowly.

A'deth gives them all a faint but still-cheerful smile. "The only eating of
humans, here, goes on behind closed doors," he informs Jozell. And reaches
out to delicately brush Kassima's cheek with his fingertips. And for
Neiravi: "I was in my twenties when I was asked to Stand. It happens. Good

Kassima beams all the more like an idiot for this squealing and hugging and
obvious joy. She considers the array of jewels that for a moment she
actually managed to forget, and asks A'deth, "Would you watch over 'em for
me? Without trying on too many of the earrings while I'm gone--" The skin
beneath his fingertips flushes at his words; of course it does, and she'd
like to give him a *look*, but... high spirits. She ducks her head and
laughs instead, and gets to her feet. "All right. This way," she tells
Neiravi, and after a brief pause to catch A'deth's hand and kiss the
fingers she heads out to the Barracks.

You stride through the passageway into the Inner Caverns.

You stride into the Candidates' Barracks.

Neiravi strides in from the hallway.

Neiravi comes in with Kassima, a grin on her face and a bounce in her step.
"All right, so. I get a cot, keep it clean, don't have sex of any kind with
anyone, don't leave the Weyr, do my chores, and salute everyone including
the children in the nursery? I think those are the rules."

IgenW-LC> A'deth simply selects one earring (one that clips!) something
fanciful and with a paler green stone to match his own eyes, and affixes it
to his ear. "Do I look fabulous?" he purrs to Jozell.

"One bit of advice, I'd nay bunk near Kaveshun if'n 'twere you. Rumor has
it he snores," Kassima tells Neiravi over her shoulder, as she leads the
younger woman into the room. "It could be foul calumny. Faranth forfend you
salute me! Augh! Don't salute anyone, i'truth, that'll only come up if'n
you Impress. The rest's all right--don't drink more than a glass of wine,"
she adds, ticking off a finger. "Obey me, the Weyrleaders, and the
Headwoman and Steward, and treat everyone with respect. Nay fights unless
the Weyr arranges something. Watch out for the heat, but that won't be news

IgenW-LC> Jozell laughs softly. "Sir, I can say you are not my type. So
trying to be susgestive I do not think will work." He chuckles. "Plus I
believe you will have someone whom wants you in thier furs already." He
winks at the man.

IgenW-LC> Tannusen walks out of the infirmary.

IgenW-LC> A'deth bahs dismissively, not at all ruffled. "I wasn't hitting
on you. I was asking you," and he straightens up, "If I looked fabulous.
You've got eyes, man! My magnificence transcends gender."

Neiravi has not met Kaveshun yet, but better safe than sorry. There's a cot
in a nice dim spot near the back, she claims it. "One glass at a time is my
limit anyway. Respect, right. Mind the heat, and no fights. I think I can
manage that. Can I--I guess I can't go tell Bettia at Boll, but can I have
a message sent? And check with you for anything else. All right." And now
her legs can give out, and she sits with a thump on her cot. "Oh great
Faranth, it actually *happened*." About fourteen Turns of hopeless
daydreaming are packed into that statement.

IgenW-LC> Klah. That's what Tannusen /reeks/ of when he comes wandering out
of the kitchen, and there's a fine dusting of the stuff over most of him,
including that shiny white knot -- /someone's/ been grinding the day away.
"/I/ could hit on you if you like," the candidate purrs, "though I'm afraid
I couldn't follow up, considering."

IgenW-LC> Jozell shakes his head and chuckles. "The person I had interest
in, just got searched." He smiles. "I am happy for her."

IgenW-LC> A'deth beams at Tannusen. "You smell delicious, my untouchably
delectable one," he purrs. "And Jozell here was being difficult. He claims
to be incapable of assessing my fabulosity. Look! I've absconded with one
of Kassima's jewels." He gestures to his ear and then the spread of jewelry
beside him on the table. "Since he's no fun, you'll have to do. Tell me, am
I magnificently fabulous, or just fantastically fabulous?"

Kassima nods vigorously. "A'course! Shouldn't be hard t'find someone going
t'Boll, Faranth knows. I need t'see if'n I can't dig up a 'lizard clutch
somewhere," she mutters as much to herself as Neiravi. A quick grin for the
young woman and she trots over to the table containing knots, detangling
one from the rest, bringing it back to offer over. "'Twill hope for you
when the day comes. I hope for all of you, even though it can't work that

IgenW-LC> "Why choose one?" Tannu asks cheerfully, "/I/ think you're
magnificently fantastically fabulous." And they're /so/ scaring the straights.

IgenW-LC> Jozell chuckles softly as he finishes up his food and takes
another sip from his cup. "You two are indeed a hoot. I am just slightly

Neiravi takes the knot and quickly threads it into place, patting it
lightly. "I'll take any good luck you can send my way," she says with a
small, shaky laugh. "Thank you, again, and thank Lysseth for me."

IgenW-LC> A'deth nods benevolently at Tannusen, and then turns inquiringly
to Jozell. "Disappointed? Why?"

IGEN-> Neiravi slips away for the evening. Be seeing you, Igen!

IGEN-> A'deth <3!

IGEN-> M'tri says, "Nini!"

IgenW-LC> Jozell laughs. "Hmmm, for someone fabulous, you don't notice so
well." He shrugs. "Neiravi were just starting to get to know eachother."

"Gladly," Kassi assures, and one more beam later she turns and leaves
Neiravi to get settled.

You wend your way out to the Inner Caverns.

IgenW-LC> "Being searched doesn't mean she'll vanish," Tannu points out,
sitting down. "Unless you're motivated to do more than get to know her
right now, I suppose." Eyebrow raise.

IgenW-LC> "I rarely pay attention to the mating habits of... well, you, I
suppose." A'deth looks him over. "You'll die in a few decades. And you only
like women." Tsk! "And you can get to know her anyway. You'd wait if you
/really/ loved her, isn't that what all the Holders say when people are

IgenW-LC> Jozell laughs softly. "Well first. Thanks for being so...typical
of a rider." He shakes his head. "And no she will not go away, nor will she
disappear, but it will mean waiting, up to what? A year..A person can be
disappointed at having things delayed that long. Because as you pointed
out. I will be dead in a few decades."

IgenW-LC> "Typical of a rider?" Tannusen blinks over at A'deth, who he
isn't /quite/ sitting right next to. "And I think if she Impresses it's,
what, two years? But just think," and he leans toward Jozell, putting his
chin in a hand and resting the elbow of the attached arm on the table. "We
candidates will be /mighty/ frustrated by then." Smile! And then the
moment's broken as fast as it began, because Tannu sits up and yawns into
his hand. "Though I guess," he says into the yawn, "the waiting part is for
the patient..."

IgenW-LC> A'deth's smile is dreamy. "I live down to the worst of people's
expectations, young man... it's far more satisfying than trying to prove
something unnecessary. Besides--" And he lifts a finger, "Don't moralize to
me. You chase after more skirts than I do. Why do you live here, anyway, if
you castigate riders for their impulses -- whilst engaging in the same, or
trying to -- and fearing the mounts which insure that you've lived long
enough to chase woman after woman?" And he nods sympathetically to
Tannusen. "Such magnificent self-control. We riders truly are models of
virtue and restraint, especially in the early days."

IgenW-LC> Jozell laughs at A'deth, simply. "Typical of a rider, to know or
atleast point out, how superior they are or think they are to those of us
who aren't. Those of us to take care of the mudane so they can fly around
and take care of thread fall and be the heroes." He shakes his head. "I
never chastised anyone for chasing skirt as you like to put it. Do I flirt?
Yes I do and don't deny a word of it. My comments come meerly from the fact
that, you make light of anything that does not directly affect you or
yours." He shrugs lightly.

IgenW-LC> Tannusen blinks. "And what does that make me, who might become
one? You've just met me and we haven't even exchanged names yet -- in fact,
the girl you /were/ so interested in has the potential to be one too.
What's that make /her/?"

IgenW-LC> Jozell smiles at Tannusen and shrugs slightly. "Perhaps you and
she will be different. But in my time I have met more riders than not, who
believe that the world turns about them."

IgenW-LC> A'deth laughs softly at Jozell. "And yet, you seem quite inclined
to hang on and reap the benefits of a riders' work. You take care of the
mundane," and he begins to unbutton his shirt, and then parts it so that
the resident can see the mass of twisted scarring and missing muscle that
is his chest, "So that I can take care of you. For you, of course, to go on
to be ungrateful." And to Tannusen, he chuckles. "He was hoping to catch
her before she became tainted by our superiority, of course. His own
intentions were far more honorable, though hardly, ah. Selfless. For a man
who rails about selfishness, he certainly is thinking more of his own
needs..." And his hand slides down to play with his belt buckle, "Than her
good fortune. Of course, it might be jealousy. It might not be his name
she'll be calling out after all. '/Ah!/ Dragonth! I love you /more/!'"

IgenW-LC> A'deth's performance earns another smile out of Tannu, but he's
got more to say as well. "I've met more hold-folk than not who believe the
world turns around them, their rules, and their gossip," he counters
pleasantly, the purr never leaving his voice. Sugar for the klah dust all
over him. "The people here at the weyr have been the more open-minded I've
met yet, over-all, by far. Maybe you should take a trip over to Igen Hold?"

IgenW-LC> Jozell shakes his head sadly. "We all have scars. I have suffered
scars from hunts for Wherry. But notice whom it was to show how "much" they
have suffered first?" He tilts his head. "I am glad for her, I am happy for
her truely, because it's for what she wants. Aparently I am a horriable
curr for being mildly disappointed that any relationship we might have,
must need to wait for perhaps up to two years." He shakes his head. "But
now we argue in circles, for I am sure we can each come up with slights
real and imagined that each side has afflicted on eachother." He smiles at
A'deth. "Reguardless of what might or might not happen with Neiravi. that
the best I could ever be is, second. Second closest to her, second best to
know her." He shrugs.

IgenW-LC> "I've worked in the infirmary for the last two turns," says
Tannusen mildly, the purr still there, but the smile has dropped. "I've
seen riders with scarring on over half their bodies, muscle eaten away,
skin all patches -- and A'deth's here extends a bit further than I'm sure
/you/ would want to see. I think it /is/ a real slight, what you're
implying here. And another separate slight on Neiravi for accepting the
search, too... I guess the timing was just right, after all."

IgenW-LC> A'deth begins to laugh, hard enough that his fingers fumble just
a little as he does his shirt back up. "Wherries, you say. Wherries.
Everyone's second best to a rider, Jozell, even other riders. It can't be
helped, our minds are cracked open and another one's poured in, and we
become someone else. Two minds instead of one. They use ours, you know, or
it seems like they do, they've no memory to speak of, and have you heard
their voices? I've read very interesting things..." But he's wandering, so
he looks to Tannu. Said Candidate's words make his expression sober, and he
pushes off the table and paces back toward the meal table. And the wine.
"Benden white, benden white, I'm sure I saw a skin back here..."

IgenW-LC> Jozell shakes his head. "Again, obviously I am the horriable
person here. I was wyermated to a rider before. I have had more than my
share of riders who are and were friends. I have also met more than my fair
share of riders who think everything is about them. Yes and I have met more
than a few of us.."Normal" people who are the same."

IgenW-LC> Jozell nods to A'deth. 'Yes I have heard thier voices..A time or
two, they have desided to grace me, by speaking directly to me."

IgenW-LC> "There's a difference between being opinionated and bigoted,"
says Tannusen. "'I have a few friends who are insert-whatever-here' isn't
much of an argument, since it's the majority that you're aiming to label."
To A'deth, he calls, "Is that it on the left?"

IgenW-LC> A'deth pauses in his wine search. "'Normal', you say?" His voice
is very soft, but edged with pure acid. "'Normal'. In a weyr, /everyone's/
'normal', Jozell. Don't talk to me about observational skills if this very
fundamental point has thus far escaped you." And at Tannu's call: "...Why
yes, it is. Thank you, lad. Perhaps I should start wearing my lenses more.
Though aren't eyes supposed to get long, not short, in a man's old age?"
And he selects the skin. "Ah, good. Someone's been paying attention to my
cantankerousness. A decent vintage tonight!"

IgenW-LC> Jozell sighs and shakes his head and says to Tannusen. "Believe
it or not, but when a person feels attacked, then they try to defend
themselves. Perhaps I was not as elouquent as I could or should have been.
I am sure you have never known disappointment? That was the extent of what
I was expressing, but now I am being accused of hating riders, not caring a
whit for what they do. And hating Neiravi for being searched." He sighs and
shakes his head "A'deth, you yourself have pointed out that Riders are not
normal. Their lives are more dangerous than most, and so their lives are

IgenW-LC> "Defending when attacked is sort of what's going on here, yes,"
sniffs Tannusen. "And if I might -- should lightning strike twice -- become
part of the group you're attacking, why wouldn't I defend? Not that I
wouldn't anyway; I wasn't raised to like wide sweeping generalizations
about whole groups of people, and I've had more than one bone broken over
such things in even /my/ short time." That Tannu hasn't cracked a single
smile since this debate started...

IgenW-LC> A'deth snorts softly at Jozell, and pours himself some wine. "If
that's how you want to see it," he says much more mildly, "You tell
yourself that. I'd hardly want to get between you and that /astoundingly/
large chip on your shoulder. I might get myself and Kassima's lovely
earring crushed, and she might then make me sleep on the dragon couch
tonight. I won't even be able to console myself with our wonderfully
aromatic Tannusen!" And to the klah-scented one in question, "Now, now.
Your face has gotten long--" Nevermind that A'deth isn't smiling anymore,
either. "--And it's quite unbecoming. Would you like some wine? It makes
everything better."

IgenW-LC> K'tel comes in from the Bowl.

IgenW-LC> A'deth stands by the meal table, and is in the process of pouring
himself some wine. At the table at which Tannusen is is a bunch of jewelry,
the stones mostly emeralds. Jozell also sits nearby.

IgenW-LC> K'tel saunters in, humming cheerfully to himself. He heads over
to the meal table, nodding to A'deth as he nears. Most of his interest is
on the food though.

You amble out into the Weyr's Living Caverns.

Jozell stands up and takes up his plate, and glass. "Sir. I would point
out, that I wasn't the one to first start. Speaking poorly about someone. I
expressed mild disappointment, because yes. My life will not run that long
and time, postponed is time lost for me. And for that I was labeled." He
shrugs. "So yes, obviously I am in the wrong, and I should be removed from
the Wyer! Protect the young and innocent." He shakes his head and moves to
put his plate and cup away at this point.

K'tel stops humming and even walking to turn to peer at Jozell, brows
raised in surprise at the statement. He looks back at A'deth and then back
towards Jozell, finally seeming to notice Tannusen and the jewelry.

Tannusen snorts, which is pretty rare for someone usually so polite. "Your
disappointment didn't seem all that mild to me, but that /could/ have been
the fingers in my ears and the light in my eyes." Hmph! To A'deth, he
affects a faint smile, "I can't drink more than a cup a day, and I'd better
wait until my klah-grinding is done for that." Back to Jozell, "Sit down if
I'm the one /offending/ you, I've work to go back to soon anyway."

Kassima has some talent for being quiet and inobtrusive when she wishes.
She's managed to overhear at least some of what's passed, because as she
joins A'deth at the wine she says, "I've never once made you sleep on the
dragon couch. Nay likely to, since sleeping there with you seems
disrespectful t'Lysseth or Jaelith. Would you pass me a cup?" About the
argument with Jozell, she doesn't comment. About the aromatic Tannusen, she
certainly doesn't comment. She just offers a quick-flashed smile and nod to
them--to K'tel, too.

K'tel obviously decides that discretion is the better part of valor. He
returns Kassima's smile and offers a quick, "'Evening." before taking the
last couple steps to the meal table.

"You're remarkably hyperbolic for someone so in the right," A'deth drawls
to Jozell. He smiles again, vaguely feral. "Be as it may, brave
wherry-hunter, savior of Pern, and chaste chaser of skirts..." Tannu's
words, and then Kassima's, make him start to laugh, cutting off the rest of
his words. He pours her a cup of wine, too. And he lifts the skin with a
tilt of his head in K'tel's direction. "It's a party. Care for a glass?"

K'tel inclines his head to A'deth, accepting his offer, "My thanks." A
pause and innocently enough, "What's the occasion?"

Jozell smiles slightly at Tannusen. "No, you do not offend me, I never said
anything of the sort. Obviously it is I am who the one that offends people
to arouse such venom." He shrugs. "So I shall leave so that I do not ruin
anyone's night anymore than I already have." He turns to A'deth. "Again,
please attack me more if you like. Again I have never said that I do not
flirt, but if you want to put those claims in my mouth please do. I never
once claimed to have saved Pern, for obviously I am not so grand to
acomplish such a monuental task." He shakes his head and puts away his
plate and cup. With that he turns and starts making his way out of the cavern.

"What, no flounce?" Tannusen simply asks of the empty air. Hmph!

Kassima accepts the wine, glances towards her jewelry to be sure it's
safe--it is; even if Tannusen weren't watching, a pair of irritable blue
fire-lizards crouch over the sparkly hoard. As before the backs of her
fingers seek A'deth's arm for stroking. Soothing? "Neiravi was Searched,"
she offers to K'tel. "Methinks we've also missed a fight."

A'deth pours K'tel a cup, too. "How fabulous," he informs K'tel loftily,
"Kassima's jewelry looks on me. Look, I've an earring of hers." It's on his
left ear right now, a green jewel. "You should put one on, too. We're both
secure enough in our manhood, right?" And, to the departing one: "Until we
meet again, my love! I promise, /you/ can wear the earring next time!"

He beams at Kassi's petting, too, his smile becoming much less sharp.

K'tel glances after Jozell then turns his head back to nod to Kassima. His
only comment is, "Ah." He then takes his cup from A'deth, admiring the
earring as he does so. After a contemplative sip of the wine, "I don't
know. I look much better with blue or red, I think."

Jozell walks out to the Bowl.

Tannusen just puts his head down on the table with a very faint thump. And
another one, for good measure! He doesn't feel like letting everyone see
his not-smiling-anymore face for too long, but his break's not really over
yet for him to leave when the source of his rare annoyance has already done
the honors. He's too young to always be as smooth about it as A'deth is
being, just yet.

"Hey!" Kassima protests, adopting a wounded tone and kicked puppy face.
Such big eyes, such a trembling lip! For all of two seconds. Longer than
that and it might look *serious*. "I can't be gone an hour and you're
declaring love for someone else, while wearing *my* earring. That's so
tacky. You do look fabulous, though, should I buy you one of your own?" She
flashes a grin at K'tel. "Unfortunately I haven't any other stones that
clip on, or rubies in this box 'tall. You should mayhaps try garnets.
Tannusen, naturally, needs sapphires." When in doubt change the subject to
things that sparkle.

A'deth smiles affectionately at Kassima. "I'm a tramp, haven't I said?
Typical rider, I suppose... I'll give it back to you later, shall I?" To
K'tel, he chuckles softly. "We'll find you a sapphire. Though I don't think
she has any. Excuse me a moment, both of you, will you?" And he dispenses
wineglasses and moves toward Tannusen, and gently claps a hand on his
shoulder. "The Weyr accepts anyone, lad-- or almost anyone, as long as
they're of help. Sometimes, they're like you, looking for a place.
Sometimes, they come here looking for a place to remake in their own image."

K'tel had been giving Tannusen a glance filled with a bit of concern at the
head thumping. After A'deth heads over, he relaxes back to needle Kassima a
little, "What's this? You didn't bring all your jewels down to share?" A
thought occurs just as he brings his glass up for another sip, "Wait...How
many boxes do you have?"

IGEN-> Sylotra says, "Hiyas, Weyrpeeps!"

IGEN-> K'tel says, "Hello!"

IGEN-> K'tel feels like a soft mushy candy now.

Thunk, goes Tannu's head one more time. Then he nods against the furniture
and slowly sits up, a faint -- fainter than usual, but there -- smile in
place. "People are like that everywhere," says the blond. "I know that even
without having traveled much."

IGEN-> Tannusen hees. Pink or yellow?

IGEN-> Sylotra says, "Its Igen. Yellow of course."

IGEN-> K'tel errs, "Yellow, of course. Pink is too girly. ;)"

IGEN-> Tannusen is so totally pink. Fabulous pink.

IGEN-> Tannusen says, "Besides, the Pink Ranger is usually the punk of the
group, that's fitti--oh, right. Peeps."

IGEN-> Sylotra says, "Mind extra company in the LC? Or will you all implode
with a sixth?"

IGEN-> Jozell grins at Sylotra. "I think they might be able to handle you."

IGEN-> K'tel says, "The more, the merrier!"

Sylotra comes in from the Bowl.

IGEN-> Tannusen says, "Implode away. :3"

IGEN-> K'tel grins at the Pink Ranger, "Yum."

Kassima snorts softly at A'deth. "There," she promises, "is naught the
least typical about you." From her to him, that's only a compliment. She
takes a leisurely sip from her wine glass while her eyes follow him to
Tannusen's table. "I brought the sentimental cask down t'polish," she
explains to K'tel, "'tis one of two main boxes, though I've a box or two
for just one piece--the other one's got the things I bought m'self t'go
with Gather wear. Almost everything in there was a gift."

K'tel's brows go up as he eyes the bunch of jewelry, "That's all gifts?" He
eyes Kassima with new respect and can't resist adding, "Hmm. It's a good
thing I don't have a weyrmate for you to corrupt right now. I'd be in

Sylotra hums to herself as she enters the living caverns, grabbing a
redfruit from the Meal Tables and moving towards the tables. She has a
long, rectanglar box under one arm, which she plunks onto the table and
then perches on a chair behind it. She looks around for a moment as she
eats her redfruit, nodding to anyone that meets her eyes.

"I don't think the sting ever fades," A'deth comments quietly to Tannu,
"But you'll get used to it. As it is-- I won't offer you klah. But get
something in you that isn't-- food, now, don't get any ideas. Or drink."
And he straightens, and looks to Kassima and K'tel. "I don't think I can
count high enough to enumerate all her jewels. Fortunate indeed, for you
and your purse. Mine's been rather lightened."

"Almost all," Kassi admits. "The earbob A'deth's wearing and its mate are
more properly termed 'bribes,' there's the silver chain I bought at the
first Gather I went to outside Greystones--Bitra, I met Aphrael there--and
a little silver charm for Kyril t'look at himself in. Same Gather. I'd just
Impressed him... and the amethyst earrings were a different Gather prize."
No great surprise she speaks with such enthusiasm about her jewelry. The
only thing to do when A'deth mentions his depleted purse is to smile wide
and touch the pendant she has on, an emerald and beryl wrapped together in
silver. However, although her conversation may be light and she nods a
friendly greeting to Sylotra, her eyes stay on Tannusen and they openly
show her concern.

K'tel grins at A'deth's comment then listens to Kassima's listing and
shakes his head, "I'm...impressed." He looks about to say more then sees
Sylotra and is easily distracted from talk of sparkly jewelry, "Sylotra,
well met!" He brightens, "I have those flowers for you."

Sylotra notes the conversation about the jewelry but she's observant enough
to notice the concerned glances people are giving Tannusen. She tilts her
head, obviously curious. But, she isn't the kind to ask rude questions.
K'tel's greeting distracts her and she smiles excitedly, "Oh, do you?
Wonderful. I can get to work on the stencil for you tonight, then."

Tannusen just nods, faint little smile a little too static. "I should
actually just go back to work," he says just as quietly, so as not to
interrupt the conversation. "Take out my frustrations on the klah."

A'deth snorts softly. "Don't. Consider it practice." He pats Tannu's
shoulder again, and moves to fetch his own wineglass. "Get good food, enjoy
good company, and leave such things behind. I intend to." He looks to
Kassima and shrugs one shoulder very slightly, and murmurs, "I'll tell you
later. It's not worth noising about."

K'tel says "Do you ever sleep?" He comments to everyone in general, amused,
"Where does one get such energy? I'm tired just thinking about it." He
changes the subject, hurriedly, and makes a face, "I forgot the citrines
though. I'll have to go back for those."

Kassima says, "Tannusen." All the lightness is gone from her quiet voice.
"If'n you need or want t'talk, I'm here. Don't forget Lysseth Searched you.
Her judgment's as worth considering as anyone else's, I'm thinking,
although I'm as biased as it gets." She inclines her head to A'deth, leaves
it there, and shifts back to cheerfully conversational. "Flowers? Whyfor

Sylotra shrugs at K'tel, "I sleep when I'm sleepy. As for the stencil, I
figure it'll take me a couple days to perfect the thing, anyway. The
citrines can wait. Anticipation, you know? Good thing." She grins and then
glances at Kassima, "I'm making a flower stencil for K'tel." She looks to
K'tel to tell Kassima why.

K'tel gives Sylotra a relieved smile then errs at Kassima, appearing just
the tiniest bit uncomfortable. He finally sighs, accepting that yes, he
does have to explain this, "Zmeth would like his straps decorated." He says
this a bit quicker than normal but can't quite come up with an elegant way
to change the subject so he dives back in, shaking his head, "He decided he
wanted flowers - those orange ones from Southern."

"He was talking down about riders and their 'superiority'," replies
Tannusen finally, in much teh same tone. He doesn't bother with politics
much more than his sister does, and so is usually willing to just say
what's on his mind, if in a polite way. "Specifically he tried to say
A'deth in particular is the typical, better-than-thou rider, which isn't
even /typical/. And when A'deth showed him some of his scars, he said
A'deth was just showing them off to be a martyr. Oh, and that Neiravi isn't
someone he'll be waiting around for, since she might end up bonded to a
dragon anyway." So HMPH! In the background, meanwhile, a slender long
bronze firelizard drags out from the kitchen an almost-empty sack in his
teeth, by the bottom, trailing little pieces of un-ground klah. He is
victorious over the monster Tannu fought all day! See? See? He /got him/!
...Can they go back to the infirmary now? This tastes kind of funny.

...Oh dear. A'deth just moves over toward said Erynion, and gathers up the
bronze /and/ the bag, heedless of lizard claws and klah bits. "Come on,
now, that's a good boy, I'm sure he'll be very appreciative but he'd
probably like a tunnelsnake head /much better/. Especially if you eat it
for him and tell him just how good it is."

Kassima's brows quirk. "Straps decorated with orange flowers. How're you
going t'dye the leather?" she wonders, bemused less by the flowers than the
*orange*. "You'll stud 'em with citrines too? I'd like t'see these when
you're done with 'em." She carries her wine glass while she talks over to
the table containing her jewelry, and Tannusen, and she hooks a chair with
her foot to sit herself in. "There are terribly self-righteous braggart
riders about, certes, and there are riders who flash a scar or two t'try
and be sexy, but if'n he thinks that's typical I'd seriously wonder about
his choice of company. It doesn't sound t'me like Neiravi's the one
discredited if'n he's saying she isn't worth waiting for. What he said
about A'deth, does his saying so make any of it true?" It's a pity she
misses seeing Erynion, but this might be an awkward time to crack up anyway.

K'tel blinks at Kassima's 'stud 'em with citrines' comment. He mutters,
apparently to the ceiling, "Please don't give him any more ideas." Turning
back to Sylotra, and completely missing the firelizard too, he tells her,
cheerfully, "I can't stay up till all hours so I'll just go fetch the
flowers for you." He puts his hand to his chest, "And I promise I'll
remember those citrines within the sevenday."

IGEN-> K'tel ponders whether he remembered the right word for oranges. ;)
Now I might have to put jewels on his straps too?? Egads!

Sylotra smiles at K'tel, "Sounds good to me. I'll be here for a while. Take
your time." She finishes up her redfruit and pulls out her hidebound
sketchbook...yup, she's upgraded from scrapped hides...and pulls her long
box over.

IGEN-> Sylotra giggles, "I think the semi precious stone is a cintrine."

IGEN-> Jozell says, "So how are thing going in there? hehe."

IGEN-> Kassima says, "Nope, citrine is the stone. :)"

K'tel nods, "I'll be back before you know it." He takes his wine with him,
pausing only to raise it in farewell to Kassima and the unhappy candidate
as he passes by.

IGEN-> K'tel says, "What are oranges?"

IGEN-> Kassima says, "Citron might be what you're thinking, although I'm
not sure whether that's an orange or a lemon."

IGEN-> K'tel says, "Ha! Figures. The plot now thickens. ;) That's what I
get for rping late at night."

Kassima raises her glass back to K'tel, half-toast, half-wave.

K'tel walks out to the Bowl.

IGEN-> K'tel goes too, "It was fun...Expensive but fun. :)"

Erynion doesn't flail /too/ much, cuz he likes A'deth fine and A'deth is
the source of spicy hot peppery goodness. Instead he looks up at the
greenrider with biiig moooist eyes. /Really?/ He's just trying to cheer his
human up, by conquering the evil klah bag of /doom/! It's /so/ not a worthy
opponent otherwise to a lizard as pretty as he, more used to trying to
sneak off with bits out of the infirmary. "I know, I know, that's why I was
arguing with him," says Tannusen, nodding at the departing K'tel, and also
(mostly) oblivious to the antics off at the entrance to the kitchen. "I
haven't even /met/ Neiravi and I'm offended, and A'deth's my friend. You
too of course, but you weren't on the list of specifics he was looking down
his nose at."

IGEN-> Sylotra grins.

IGEN-> Kassima says, "Bring me back a few of those citrines, too! ;)"

IGEN-> K'tel laughs, "Good night!"

"I don't have to TRY to be sexy." A'deth informs Kassima with just a smidge
of outrage. "I just am. When I breathe, I am sexy. When I drink, I am sexy.
When I sleep, I am sexy. When I... ah. Nevermind. I am /still/ sexy." And,
because he cannot resist the cuteness in his arms, he carries lizard and
bag over to the table and -- minding the jewels -- sets them both down near
Tannu. "Your honor," he informs the Candidate, "Has been avenged."

Sylotra glances up and grins a bit at the scene with the klah bag,
firelizard and rider. She shakes her head in amusement before opening the
box in front of her and pulling out a metal thingamabob with blunt teeth in
a circle. She lays it on the table and begins sketching it.

"'Twill nay argue you shouldn't be offended, by any means, only--sometimes
methinks you have t'consider the source, and I don't mean that as 'his
opinion makes him a terrible person.' I don't know him. He doesn't know
A'deth; he'd nay make the martyr crack otherwise, and he probably doesn't
know Neiravi so well as that, if'n he'd be interested in her but then say
she's nay worth waiting for. Is it worthwhile t'get twisted up about him
when you know he doesn't know what he's talking about?" Kassima rolls her
shoulders. "Riders have t'deal with this. It still bothers me sometimes,
knowing there are people assuming I'm an empty-brained slut because Lyss
rides green, but shells, how dumb is that?" She casts a grin A'deth's way.
"Y'know bloody well you aren't going t'hear me argue. Even carrying around
adorable fire-lizards, you're sexy. --What's that, Sylotra?"

Lyss *is* green, rather.

IGEN-> Sylotra says, "I was beginning to wonder, Kassima. lol"

IGEN-> A'deth XD

IGEN-> <Kassima> Lysseth doesn't swing that way!

IGEN-> A'deth says, "Jaelith: Dammit."

IGEN-> Tannusen snickers.

IGEN-> Tannusen says, "Erynion: If you girls weren't so BIG..."

Jozell walks out of the infirmary.

IGEN-> A'deth XD

Jozell comes walking in from the Infirmary, his left arm curled up and
keeping his bandaged hand to his chest. He keeps his eyes to the floor as
he moves to get a drink.

Sylotra lifts the thingamabob and tilts it in the glowlight, "Gear of some
sort," She told Kassima. Then she put it down and pulled another one from
the box, this one a little bigger than the other one. Sketch...sketch
sketch...smudge...sketch. And a shiny plate of metal the shape of a
triangle comes out of the box.

Erynion gives the bag a vicious shake! See? He beat it up! Little bits of
klah bark scatter across the table with the energy he flails the bag around
with until Tannu reaches over to scritch him, giving both the lizard and
A'deth a genuinely-amused smile. "I know," replies the blond to Kassima, "I
don't usually get so annoyed, but he tried to pull a few arguments I've
heard out of idiots at the hold before... I guess I'm still over-saturated
with that sort of talk."

A'deth's smile for Kassima and Tannu is minimal and crooked, but genuine;
he lets the other two talk the Candidate's frustration out. He casts his
attention to Sylotra's... thing, curiously, and inquires softly, "What /is/
that?" Jozell, he glances at once, and then away, his expression one of

This makes sense to Kassima, and she nods. But, "If'n you Impress, 'twill
be a part of life," she warns him. "Insofar as 'tisn't anyway, everywhere,
but then it gets personal. I'm thinking you can handle it. I'm also
thinking I'd like a second helping of the barbequed ribs, and wondering
if'n anyone else would while I'm over there." She hesitates; dare she ask?
Dare she *not* ask? "What did that klah ever do t'Erynion?" A'deth's asked
the question about Sylotra's doohickey before she could, so she looks
curiously for the answer. To Jozell, she wiggles her fingers in greeting.

Jozell keeps his bandaged hand to his chest, as he gets to the drink
station and takes up his drink. He takes a small drink as he turns and
starts to move twords the exit.

He does nod twords Kassima, as he is making his way deeper into the wyer.

Sylotra keeps pulling bits and bobbins from the box. She giggles at the
firelizard's antics and then pauses when A'deth asks his question, "I like
to call it 'The contraption'. I haven't seen it put together yet, so I have
absolutely no idea what it does. I just draw the pieces, then they put them
together, the smiths, and I draw the finished things. Fun, huh?"

"It's different if it's about me," is all Tannu says further on that
subject. He's got more practice ignoring slander about himself than
anything. "I've been grinding klah all day, I think Erynion thinks the bag
is my mortal enemy now or something." Another affectionate round of
scritching for the slinky bronze gets him to drop the bag finally, which
sports lots of neat little punctures from the lizard's grip. "Honestly I'd
rather be brewing numbweed again... are the ribs good?"

"Take a whiff of our delectable young man," A'deth drawls. "Klah has never
smelled so good." Of food, he makes no requests. Of 'contraptions'... "Why
is it done in this manner? The parts, the drawing, the assembly?"

"A commission from the Smiths?" Kassima wonders--she's risen from her
chair, started towards the food, but she stops en route to get a peek at
the sketches. "I have nay flaming idea what that is." That was helpful,
Kassi. "There's only one man I go around sniffing," she retorts to A'deth
at her drollest. Finally, once she's reached the table she calls over her
shoulder to Tannusen, "They're *excellent*. Absolutely horribly messy, too,
but worth it!"

Sylotra smiles, because this she does know the answer to this question,
"They keep records of every piece of everything. So that they can reproduce
it later, or they can send the schematics with a Journeyman to be made by
another smith halfway across Pern. I'll watch them assemble it later and
make all the notations on how to assemble it...so I have to know all the

"I don't mind messy," Tannusen says cheerfully after another amused glance
at A'deth. He won't go so far as to leer anything back just now,
apparently. The blond gets up to go after some himself, and Erynion plops
down onto the bag and does an energetic victory roll on top of it behind
him, scattering even more klah bark everywhere. /Ha!/ Victory is /his/!
Tannu also pauses to look at Sylotra's stuff, with one of his /normal/
smiles for the girl who'd come in while he was unfortunately... busy. But
food calls, and she's explaining things anyway, so he moves along while
Erynion continues his antics.

A'deth looks back at the lizard, and laughs softly. "Bring him some, too,"
he says to Tannu, "He's probably going to want some reward for savin you
from the dreaded klahmonster." And to Kassima, with a wry little grin, "I
won't be jealous. I know it'd only be platonic sniffing." And to Sylotra,
still grinning: "And thus our civilisation grinds on. Is it a rivergrain
picker? A meat grinder? A water wheel?"

Kassima makes an amused sound and tells Tannusen, "Good thing, since you
have that t'clean up," with a quick wave of the meat fork towards Erynion
and his caffeinated victory wriggle. She doesn't take many ribs for
herself, only a light serving. Or as light as barbeque ribs ever get. She
ladels some sort of noodle onto a second plate and takes this to A'deth; it
smells suitably like something that should melt one's tonsils in a furnace
of pain. "I know. I'm afraid you've spoiled me for all other sniffs,
though. Are all the bits here? Couldn't fit a water wheel in that box."

Sylotra nods, "All bits here. Not a water wheel or a rivergrain picker. Too
much metal to rust. Its a pyramid shaped box with an open bottom, I think.
And a hole at top. And lots of inner gears and such. Maybe a new kind of
lift device to replace pulleys?" She sketches another triangular piece and
then pauses to go get herself a mug of klah...all that klah bark flying has
made her thirsty.

"Of course," Tannu chuckles faintly. Was that to A'deth's comment or to
Kassima's? Yes. He comes back with his food, and a little plate with a rib
on it for Erynion, too, and sets both down. The lizard chirrs and rights
himself to pick daintily at the food, though his little claws continue to
torment that poor inanimate bag!

A'deth peers at the plate of fiery death Kassima's ladling out for him. "So
kind," he purrs. And of lifts and pulleys, he remarks, "I wouldn't know.
I'm a dragonhealer, not a smith."

Kassima proffers the plate. "I try," she tells A'deth breezily. Her grin is
a warm one, making truth of the airy sentiment. "Machines are a great
mystery t'me. Show me a farviewer, tell me which side t'look in, and that's
about as much as I can handle."

Sylotra grins, "I drew one of those last night. It was a beauty, too." She
comments to Kassima as she returns to her seat. She pauses beside Tannu and
his 'lizard, "Hi, Sylotra. I don't think we've met."

"Tannusen," Thankfully he hasn't gotten his hands all... ribby yet, and he
makes a sitting bow toward her. "I'm afraid I was distracted earlier, my
apologies. The bronze firelizard is Erynion."

IGEN-> Sylotra says, "Ew. Its almost 3 am."

IGEN-> A'deth my be starting to fade a little, too.

IGEN-> Kassima says, "Ditto, alas."

A'deth takes the plate, and cautiously samples. And looks surprised, but
not displeased, for while he doesn't dig in, he does begin to eat. And
watches over the other three with a look of contented satisfaction. Good
food, and good company; to him, few things are better.

Kassima's objective thus attained, she can sit again with pleasure in her
chair and tuck into her ribs and her wine as neatly as this foodstuff
allows. "Lysseth tagged Tannusen, too," she mentions to Sylotra between
bites. "Didn't make him wash her wing, though."

Sylotra grins, "Well met, Tannusen. Erynion is fun. I'll bet you're never
bored with him to watch after you." She winks at the little bronze and then
glances at Kassima, "Really? She's been a busy dragon, she has. Good thing
about the wing, though. Wouldn't want that pretty green hide scoured raw."
She chuckles and heads back to her seat.

"Rarely at least," Tannu acknowledges, starting in on his food. He's got
good enough table manners to not make TOO much of a mess, much like his
lizard there. "I'm sure the dragons who have been doing searches aren't
lacking in volunteers to help wash them," he adds about the rest, amused.

As much as A'deth enjoys the company, though... he finishes part of his
plate, sets down the rest, drains his wine. And pushes off the table,
pausing to kiss Kassima's cheek. "I've a shift. I'll see you later." And to
Tannu, with a squeeze of the Candidate's shoulder -- and a wry smile, for
whatever reason -- "I'll see you tomorrow. You've a shift." And to Sylotra,
amiably, "I'll see you around, I'm sure."

Sylotra is back to drawing and she gives A'deth a smile and a wave. She is
then completely absorbed in her work.

"Lysseth won't usually let anyone but me wash her, so when she deigned t'be
touched by other hands," Kassima says, with an exaggerated eyeroll, "I knew
she was up t'something. Four now she's found and she gets more convinced
she's the master of all things Search every time. She disagrees, she'd have
you know, she only takes the appropriate amount of pride in discovering
Candidates! Pshhh." Neatly, quickly, she strips the ribs until there's
nothing left but bone, nothing in her cup but dregs. She turns her cheek
into the kiss. Returns it, if A'deth will permit. "As soon as I put the
jewels away I'm headed up, beloved. Wake me if'n I'm sleeping when you get

IGEN-> Sylotra says, "I'm gonna fade into the background. My pillows are
calling my name."

IGEN-> A'deth <3 you guys. z.z

IGEN-> Sylotra mwahs and poofs.

IGEN-> Kassima zhaiwaffles! Is so zorched too, will probably pose out next

Tannusen nods at the two leaving. He'll finish his food and then clean up
the lizard's mess before going back to -- sigh -- /grinding the klah/.

IGEN-> Tannusen :3

A'deth allows the kiss with a fond smile. "Yes." And to Tannu, he adds
quietly, "Thank you for defending /my/ honor. And Neiravi's. And don't
grind too late." And he heads for the Infirmary.

Kassima deals with her plate and then deals with her jewels, taking care
with each but still getting them squared away efficiently; she's had
practice. The box closes with a muffled click. "G'night, Tannusen. I'd say
'enjoy the klah,' but that'd make me a sadist, so 'twill bid you luck with
it instead." She grins at him, and then she too is away.