-------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's a Wonderful Life Date: January 26, 1996 Places: Benden Weyr's Weyrling Barracks and Lake Shore Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: Another of those logs I'm posting over four years after the date, this is also (unsurprisingly) one of those logs that's getting posted more for its relative importance in the sequence of Kassi's life than because I'm particularly pleased with or proud of my own RP. ;) This was the first chance I had to RP Lysseth, really--I had to leave directly after the Hatching--and I think a few of her later personality traits were beginning to show through. :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: P'tran walks in from the bowl. Jehrina walks in from the bowl. T'lar stands and salutes the weyrleaders. Meli salutes the weyrleaders, standing near her sleeping lifemate. T'lar says "Practicing." Maarie saltues from where she is sitting with Zuseth's head in her lap. P'tran smiles as he walks in from the bowl. "Good evening all," he says in a cheerful but soft voice so as not to disturb any dragon-weyrling pairs that are sleeping at the moment. He glances back to Jehrina for a moment, ever fussing, making sure she made it in ok Jehrina smiles, and returns T'lar's and the other weyrlings' salutes. Kassima salutes Jehrina and P'tran from her spot beside Lysseth. P'tran watches the salutes and returns them with a simple nod of his head. Dragon> Benden Weyrlings sense that Laerth rumbles with amusement << Even with Weyrlings my rider sometimes feels uncomfortable with receiving salutes. And even after all this time as Weyrleader >> Jehrina grins at P'tran. Dragon> Benden Weyrlings sense that Palinth rumblechuckles and wonders about the weyrleadership. ;) W'liam is doing something. Prolly busy work, but he's by-golly doing something. Dragon> Leilanth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << We've wondered for a long time. >> P'tran rolls his eyes and glances towards the bowl for a moment. "Sometimes I wish Laerth would keep his comments to himself," he mutters, but after a moment he chuckles softly. P'tran smirks at Jehrina suddenly. "Leilanth is no help, either." Jehrina makes a face. "I know." Aphrael clambers out of Prefeth's Couch. Aphrael steps out of her couch and quickly salutes the riders. Prefeth clambers out of Prefeth's Couch. Nicoth whuffles at Meli. P'tran grins. "I just wanted to stop by to offer my congratulations to you all, I did not get a chance to properly do so the night of the hatching." Jehrina nods at P'tran's words. "Indeed. Congratualtions." T'lar says "Thank you, sir." T'lar says "Thank you, ma'am." Meli chuckles softly and smiles at Nicoth. Meli nods to the weyrleaders, unable to stop smiling, resting a hand on Juliath's head. P'tran glances over to T'lar and chuckles. "I wonder if Master Susaen was watching the hatching that evening." Kassima nods. "Aye, many thanks, sir and ma'am. 'Tis well appreciated." Aphrael smiles, nodding quietly as she reaches out to Prefeth. T'lar ducks his head. "I don't know. But I plan to show her Nicoth as soon as possible." Jehrina chuckles softly, "She'll be so disappointed." Meli mutters to herself, " T'led? " P'tran grins. "She'll probably start calling you E'd." P'tran smirks at Jehrina, "More likely she'll say something about the Weyr 'stealing' one of her apprentices." Jehrina snickers. "They all complain about that." T'lar laughs. "I'm sure she will. She thinks that Chiloth is just friendly to T'garrick." P'tran laughs and looks over to the other weyrlings, his expression soft and a little wistful as he watches them. "I trust everyone has started to settle in? I know everything probably seems a little overwhelming to you all." Nicoth warbles and butts T'lar's legs, trying to get his attention back. Aphrael smiles, looking down at Prefeth, "No sir. Actually I feel right at home, especially with Prefeth near me." Prefeth croons agreement. Kassima smiles slightly and nods. "Well, sir, that it does. But everyone's been very nice about helping us to get settled in and things." Jehrina nods. "Very good. " Meli quirks a grin. "Yah" is all she says, and quietly at that. Maarie looks down to the pale dragonet head resting in her lap and looks up with a grin. P'tran nods. "I think you'll be spending most of the time now just getting used to being Impressed." he pauses a moment and then says to Kassima, "You had a cousin on the sands as well, didn't you? That was Thera, wasn't it?" Kassima nods. "Aye, sir, Thera is my cousin. I suspect she's gone back to Healer Hall now." Jehrina nods. "I hope she does well there." P'tran hmms and nods slowly. He looks over to Jehrina for a moment before responding, "I do also, but for a bit there I thought she'd Impress." You say "So do I, ma'am. But she told me that she liked it there, so she'll probably be happy." P'tran nods. "That's good. I know there's always more disappointed candidates than Impressed ones." Meli sighs softly. "Eh, sir, ma'am?" P'tran hmms? "Yes, Meli?" Meli says "I was worried 'bout Alyssa... haven't been able t'talk to her..." P'tran raises an eyebrow. "Alyssa? I have to admit, I wasn't able to keep track of the individual candidates left on the sands after the hatching." He looks over to Jehrina with an inquiring look T'lar says "I thought for sure Alyssa would Impress. All the dragons like her so." Prefeth warbles softly, watching Lysseth's tail flick back and forth. He crouches down as if wanting to pounce. P'tran sighs softly. "I know, but with Impressions it's impossible to predict. It's one of the reasons we have so many candidates compared to the number of eggs." Jehrina shakes her head, "I haven't seen her. She'll be fine, I'm sure. you never know who'll be chosen." Aphrael nods sadly, "They dont know why the dragons choose who they do, though." She says softly, watching Prefeth with a grin. T'lar nods and scritches Nicoth's eyeridge with pride. P'tran looks slightly concerned, however. "Well, still, I'll see if I can check on her later. Or I can ask Selenay." P'tran chuckles at Aphrael. "I know I used to wonder why Laerth picked me." Jehrina snorts. "Merla still does." Meli nods. "Thanks you, sir." P'tran grins wryly at Jehrina. P'tran nods to Meli. "Not at all. I'd like to know how she is myself." W'liam what Jehrina said. Hee. P'tran grins at W'liam. Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Lysseth with << May I pounce on your tail? :) >> P'tran smiles. "Anyway, it's good to see everyone well. Maybe Cerilla will go easy on you when the training starts," he says with an expression that shows he obviously does NOT believe what he just said. Lysseth> I bespoke Prefeth with << May you *what*? >> Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Lysseth with << Let me show you. >> Juliath rumbles softly in her sleep. Lysseth> I bespoke Prefeth with << Well... all right, I guess it wouldn't hurt anything. >> Prefeth crouches close to the floor of the barracks, then springs forward, landing on Lysseth's tail. Lysseth lets out a startled squawk and pulls her tail away, looking at Prefeth in astonishment. W'liam mutters something about getting klah, and heads out. W'liam moves through the opening to the west, heading toward the bowl. Prefeth croons adamently, looking very proud of himself. Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Lysseth with << You did ask. >> Sleath gives Prefeth a 5 for style, but only a 3 for technical merit. P'tran blinks as he watches the tail mishap. He then grins. "The dragons are still a little awkward ..." he comments Kassima grins and reassures her startled lifemate, rolling her eyes good-naturedly at Aphrael. Lysseth> I bespoke Prefeth with << Remind me of one thing, Prefeth.... >> Aphrael giggles softly, not even attempting to tell off Prefeth. She grins at Kassi. P'tran adds, "I think you're going to find that they're going to start trying stuff like that a lot as they get more settled in and comfortable." Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Lysseth with << ?? >> Lysseth> I bespoke Prefeth with << Not to ask you any more questions! >> Lysseth> Prefeth senses that Lysseth rumbles with dragon laughter. P'tran chuckles. "Not necessarily landing on each other's tails, just anything that stretches their muscles a bit." Prefeth croons quizzically at Lysseth. Kassima grins. "Hopefully something less startling, sir." Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Lysseth with << Then how would I have fun? >> Lysseth looks levelly at Prefeth for a moment before warbling slightly, but keeping a close watch on her tail. Aphrael grins, leaning back against the wall of the barracks as she watches Prefeth. P'tran nods to Kassima, a slight grin still playing on his face. "Usually, but occassionally they'll try to pull something. You'll just have to patiently explain to her what she can and can't do when it happens." Dragon> Benden Weyrlings sense that Juliath wakens slowly as her hatchmates move about. <<I am dirty. I do not like it.>> Lysseth> I bespoke Prefeth with << I am certain you'll think of a way! >> Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << Tail pouncing is fun! >> Meli blinks, and glances up at the weyrleader. "Can we take them out to bathe yet? I think she's uncomfortable." Prefeth rumblechuckles, finally sitting back does, eyes looking around with curiousity. Kassima chuckles. "I'll do that, sir, though I don't think she'll let herself be startled that way again." Lysseth> I bespoke Prefeth with << My rider says to tell you you're 'incorrigible.' Whatever that means. >> P'tran nods to Meli. "Of course, You're allowed to go as far as the lake." Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Lysseth with << Inca-what? Let my just ask my lifemate. >> P'tran grins. "We would not keep you from being able to keep your dragon clean." Lysseth> I bespoke Prefeth with << Did she know what it meant? >> Prefeth blinks, his inner eyelids opening wide as he looks at his lifemate. Aphrael blinks, then looks at Kassi, and bursts out laughing, "Oh.. nothing, dear." Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << Hello. >> Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Lysseth with << She will not say! >> Dragon> Zibrith bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << Hello, Nicoth. >> Kassima smothers a chuckle. "Well, it's true, Aph," she says, keeping a mostly straight face. P'tran sees some other weyrlings and lifemates beginning to wake and more activity stir in the barracks and senses he will soon be in the way. "I have some other duties to attend to, so I'll leave you to your lifemates." Lysseth> I bespoke Prefeth with << How strange... I wonder why not. >> Aphrael rolls her eye at Kassi and hugs her lifemate. "No, dont worry dear. She didnt mean harm." P'tran smiles to the weyrlings as he heads out P'tran moves through the opening to the west, heading toward the bowl. Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Lysseth with << Maybe its food? >> Lysseth> I bespoke Prefeth with << Mmmm, food.... >> Dragon> Palinth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << Hello, clutchmate Nicoth! >> Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Lysseth with << I am hungry. Shall we eat now? >> Nicoth looks at Juliath. Prefeth nudges her lifemate insistantly. Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << Hello, Palinth. >> Lysseth> I bespoke Prefeth with << My lifemate says I just ate and must wait before eating again. I don't know why. Food is so good. >> Juliath opens her wings to show off their beauty, watching Nicoth. Dragon> Benden Weyrlings sense that Palinth rumbles happily. Nicoth shuffles over to Juliath and looks at her wings closely. He opens his own and looks at them. Lysseth creels, and Kassi shakes her head. "No, love, you've already had enough." She grins ruefully. "All someone has to do is just mention food...." Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Lysseth with << If you are hungry all the time, you must eat all the time, no? >> Lysseth> Prefeth senses that Lysseth grumbles. << Tell that to my lifemate. >> Juliath snorts at Nicoth, refolding her wings, and bumping Meli in the knees with her nose. Prefeth rumbles, looking at Kassi for a while, then nudges her lifemate again. "Urgh. Look, lets go for a swim instead?" Zuseth goes barreling out the cavern entrance with Maarie running behind her, trying to catch up. Zuseth moves through the opening to the west, heading toward the bowl. Maarie moves through the opening to the west, heading toward the bowl. Meli keeps her balance. "Yes, yes, right now" she says, leading Juliath out to the water. Kassima grins slightly. "Think that'd help them take their mind off of food?" Prefeth moves through the opening to the west, heading toward the bowl. T'lar says "Bath sounds like fun." Nicoth moves through the opening to the west, heading toward the bowl. T'lar moves through the opening to the west, heading toward the bowl. Aphrael moves through the opening to the west, heading toward the bowl. Juliath moves through the opening to the west, heading toward the bowl. Meli moves through the opening to the west, heading toward the bowl. You move through the opening to the west, heading into the bowl. Juliath follows the blue with something approaching grace, though she can't quite pull it off. Juliath lumbers in the direction of the shimmering lake, leaving the South Bowl area of the Weyr. Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Lysseth and Juliath with << Water is good. Feels nice on my skin. >> Meli heads in the direction of the shimmering lake, leaving the South Bowl area of the Weyr. Lysseth> I bespoke Prefeth and Juliath with << Just let me get this slow-moving lifemate of mine over there.... >> You head in the direction of the shimmering lake, leaving the South Bowl area of the Weyr. Nicoth looks at the water and then back at T'lar. He marches confidently into the water and trips over a wave. Juliath enters the water, stopping when it reaches her chest, at a silent comment from Meli. T'lar laughs. Aphrael giggles, and nods. "Okay, I'm coming." She quickly strips off her clothes and runs in after her lifemate. Zuseth uses her wings to splash Prefeth but loses her balance and falls over backwards with a *sploosh*! Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Lysseth and Juliath with << Why do they take off their skins? >> Meli eyes the probably very cold water and shrugs, taking off her clothes and moving into the shallows. Kassima grins as Lysseth warbles excitedly and dashes into the water, sending small waves all around. Kassima removes her boots only before joining the others in the cold water, shivering. Nicoth looks over at his lifemate as if to say 'Are you coming?' T'lar strips and joins his dragon in the water. Maarie slips off her clothes and wades into the water. Zuseth eyes her bemused from where she lies in the shallows. Lysseth> I bespoke Prefeth and Juliath with << Your lifemates take their skins off? Why would they do such a thing? >> Prefeth moves like liquid in the water, far more easily than no land. He warbles happily at Zuseth, rolling over in the water to make a wave. Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Lysseth and Juliath with << Let me ask. >> Nicoth ducks under the water and blows bubbles. Lysseth puts her muzzle down into the water, and snorts, sending big bubbles of water around her. She looks delighted at this and does it again. Dragon> Juliath bespoke Prefeth, Nicoth, and Lysseth with << It is very cold but I like the feeling. >> Prefeth pausies for a moment, warblecrooning at Aphrael, who looks rather puzzled. "Skins?" Zuseth, still on her back, beats her wings to send waves over Prefeth. Lysseth> I bespoke Prefeth, Nicoth, and Juliath with << I am enjoying this. The water is pleasant and it tickles my nose. >> Benden Weyr> Maarie frowns, "Gotta go too. Bye guys." T'lar grabs a handful of sand and begins scrubbing the golden/bronze hide. Prefeth warbles again, this time diving completely under the water. Meli laughs, hurrying over to Juliath. "Eh, all right, m'love, clean first... then we play, eh?" T'lar says "I'm gonna keep him so clean, he'll be blinding in full sunlight." Aphrael shakes her head in confusion, then suddenly blinks. "Oh! You mean clothes dear?" She pauses, "Well.. its to keep us warm." Kassima ducks under the water and shivers more pronouncedly. Her eyes unfocus for a moment, and she looks across at Aphrael. "What's this about you taking your skin off?" she asks curiously. Meli grabs some sand herself, using the vigorous scrubbing to warm up. Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Lysseth and Juliath with << To keep warm!? >> Lysseth> I bespoke Prefeth and Juliath with << How can diving into this cold water with no skin keep them warm? >> Aphrael grins, "Prefeth doesnt understand why we take our clothes off to get in the water." Dragon> Juliath bespoke Prefeth and Lysseth with << They are Silly but they are Ours. >> Nicoth lets his inner eyelids close. His nostrils remain above water just barely. Prefeth snorts, sending a spray of water at his lifemate. Juliath spreads her wings out, resting them on the water, so that Meli can clean the delicate mainsail. Lysseth> I bespoke Prefeth and Juliath with << Besides, if that's so, why isn't my lifemate taking her skin off? >> Jazmin heads over from the South Bowl. Kassima pauses again in her gentle scrubbing. "Now she's asking me why I don't take my skin off to get warm in this cold water," she sighs. "What kind of notions are you putting in their heads, Aphrael?" Prefeth gets a glint in his eyes, moving back to the shore quickly. Kassima looks up and salutes Jazmin. Jazmin smiles as she wanders in, with her mug of klah and salutes to the weyrlings. Standing waist deep in the water as she bathes Juliath, Meli gives Jazmin a salute. Lysseth spots Prefeth sneaking off and, rumbling with a draconic chuckle, moves her tail quickly to splash him. Aphrael giggles, "Me? Nothing Kassi!" She watches curiously as Prefeth emerges from the lake. Using his muzzle and forelegs, he moves the skinthings into a pile, pushing them towards the water. Kassima grins, then eyes Aphrael's blue. "Uh, Aph, what's he doing with those clothes?" T'lar says "Who's clothes?" Aphrael blinks, moving to the shore, "Uh, Prefeth, love? What are you doing?" Lysseth> I bespoke Prefeth, Nicoth, and Juliath with << My lifemate wants to know what you are doing to those skinthings? >> Meli grins, standing to watch the blue a moment, til she starts slightly and returns to her scrubbing. "Yes, m'love, I know... we'll have y'clean soon." You say "All the clothes that no one's wearing at the moment, T'lar...." Prefeth simply snorts and pushes the clothes into the water. He rumblechuckles, wating for approval. Jazmin snickers softly, leaning against a tree to watch. Meli lifts a brow when she hears Kassi. "All o'them?" Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Nicoth, Lysseth, and Juliath with << I do not want my lifemate to be cold! I shall keep the skinthings in the water. >> T'lar says "Prefeth?! Aph. Control him." Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Prefeth, Lysseth, and Juliath with << Good idea. >> Kassima bursts out laughing, which causes Lysseth to look at her oddly--and that makes her laugh all the more. "Aph, you really should explain that the skinthings aren't meant to be pushed into the lake...." T'lar stalks over and snatches his clothes out of the water angrily. He mutters, "Stupid blue." Aphrael is doubled over with laughter, and so had /no/ control over her dragon, who rumbles happily and nudges her lifemate. Lysseth> I bespoke Prefeth, Nicoth, and Juliath with << A very good idea. What are you going to do with the skinthings now? >> Dragon> Juliath bespoke Prefeth, Nicoth, and Lysseth with << I am confused. My lifemate tells me this is -not- a good thing, but I sense she is amused. >> Kassima raises an eyebrow at T'lar. "Getting your clothes wet won't hurt them, you know," she says lightly. She should know, since she always wears hers in the water. Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Prefeth, Lysseth, and Juliath with << My lifemate is angry. Why? >> Prefeth snorts at T'lar, and pushes the clothes even further out into the lake. T'lar has his and doesn't care. Lysseth> I bespoke Prefeth, Nicoth, and Juliath with << I do not know. Mine is very amused. I do not know why that is, either. >> Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Nicoth, Lysseth, and Juliath with << My lifemate is happy! She how she laughs! >> Juliath turns to allow Meli to clean the other wing, also giving her a better view of the other dragons. She seems intent on being clean even as she puzzles over this conundrum. Nicoth warbles to his lifemate with concern. Lysseth> I bespoke Prefeth, Nicoth, and Juliath with << What is this laughter? My lifemate is happy, but it looks as though she is going to choke. After all the times she's warned me not to choke on too much food, too. >> T'lar turns to Nicoth and his expression softens. "It's ok, Nicoth. I'm not angry at you." Meli steps back to the edge of the lake, pulling her soaked clothes out of the water. She sets them up on a rock and returns to finish off Juliath's bath. Lysseth nudges Kassima, trying to get her to stop making those strange laughing noises and get back to scrubbing. T'lar lays his clothes out on a rock after wringing them out. He returns to the water and continues with the bath. Dragon> Juliath bespoke Prefeth, Nicoth, and Lysseth with << All this talk of skinthings keeps my lifemate too busy. I do not like being dirty. I shall be clean! I shall shine! >> Prefeth blinkblinks and stares at T'lar, then looks at his lifemate in confusion. Aphrael giggles and grabs the rest of the clothes. "He's only trying to help." She says to T'lar as she places the clothes back on the shore. Sayla heads over from the South Bowl. Susaen heads over from the South Bowl. Lily heads over from the South Bowl. T'lar chuckles. "You are definately larger than a firelizard. There is so much more of you to bathe." Jadith flies in from above and lands in the waters of the lake. T'lar stands in the lake next to a 5 meter long bronze dragon. Kassima rubs sand onto Lysseth's neck obligingly, watching the others retrieve their clothes. "This is just another point in my argument that it won't hurt anyone to wear their clothing into the lake--then things like this wouldn't happen, aye?" Sayla grins. "T'lar!!!" she cries out with a bounce, "look who =I= brought!!" On Jadith, Triayla directs Jadith to land on the *shore* this time, and not *in* the lake! Lily smiles brightly when she sees T'lar and waves to him, pointing to Master Susaen. T'lar looks toward Sayla with a smile which freezes in place when he sees who she is with. "Uh, Master Susaen. Lily. Susaen's tender heart relaxes because of the serentiy of the lake. T'lar. T'lar. Why does that name sound familiar. Gird your loins, Benden Weyr, Susaen might faint from a fit of the vapors when she learns what has happened. Juliath gives a reasonable imitation of a trumpet, at least for the smallest dragon in her clutch. Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Jadith, Nicoth, Lysseth, and Juliath with << Jadith is joining us. He knows about white powdery stuff! >> Lysseth> I bespoke Prefeth, Nicoth, and Juliath with << My lifemate tells me to watch the funny lady. Which funny lady? And what white stuff? >> T'lar leads Nicoth out of the water. Jadith rumbles faintly in disappointment before landing neatly on the shore. He swings his head around to gaze at the weyrlings with blue whirling eyes. Prefeth croons and nudges his lifemate as she enters the water again. Nicoth waddles out of the water nearly tripping over a wingtip. Sayla grins at the dragonets, keeping her distance as she watches them. "Look, they're all tho cute!" T'lar says "Come to meet Nicoth?" On Jadith, Triayla strokes Jadith lovingly before swinging a leg over his neck... Triayla jumps down Jadith's side to the ground, the dragon's sparkling eyes watching closely. Lily winces at the near trip, and glances almost fearfully up at Susaen, before turning to T'lar and nodding. "Yes...um, Master Susaen wanted to meet your baby." Jazmin watches more people arrive, leaning against her tree very quietly. Lysseth warbles, splashing around happily in the water and making it very difficult for Kassi to get her clean. "Hold still for a moment, love, so I can get your hide clean!" Susaen squints. What in tarnation are all these large firelizards. She takes a step closer, recognzing Ed's voice. As she leans closer, Nicoth's lovely eyes loom into view. By the first Egg! This is no firelizard! Meli steps back a step in the water, looking Juliath over. "Yah, that'll do" she says to herself. T'lar says "Evening, Master Susaen." Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Jadith, Nicoth, Lysseth, and Juliath with << What are those humans doing? Why do they stand there when there is water to play in? >> Benden Weyr> Kassima starts laughing. I'm very glad I'm logging this. :) Nicoth looks up at this strange person. His eyes whirl a happy blue. Benden Weyr> Kieri grins. :) Sayla giggles mightily, almost rolling on the lake shore at the antics of Mathter Thuthaen. Benden Weyr> P'tran will pester you for the log later :) Lysseth> I bespoke Jadith, Prefeth, Nicoth, and Juliath with << I do not know! And what is this about white stuff? >> Aphrael bends down and grabs some sand, scrubbing gently at her lifemate's hide. Prefeth's eyes whirl a happy blue as he watches everything on the shore. He bugles a greeting to Jadith. Susaen says, "Who is this?" She says this to Nicoth, as though he might be, perhaps, a two turn old miner child. Lily takes ahold of Susaen's arm, just in case. Can't have her falling into the lake and drowning. Wouldn't do at all. "Master, that's Nicoth. Ed...er T'lar's dragon." Triayla recognizes Susaen and nods pleasantly, before shrugging out of her riding leathers and following an enthusiastic Jadith into the water. Nicoth whuffles at Master Susaen's face. His breath blows her hair around. Jadith bugles a greeting in return to Prefeth as he splashes into the lake. Dragon> Juliath bespoke Jadith, Prefeth, Nicoth, and Lysseth with << That human has different looking skinthings. >> T'lar puts a hand possessivly on Nicoth's neck. "This is my dragon." Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Jadith, Nicoth, Lysseth, and Juliath with << Shall I help them into the water? They would be happy then. >> Benden Weyr> K'nan says, "Oh no! Ed's been taken by the harpers and forced to have a baby!" Benden Weyr> Kieri laughs and caught that one! Benden Weyr> K'nan giggles. Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Jadith, Prefeth, Lysseth, and Juliath with << She's funny. What are those things over her eyes? >> Triayla gets thoroughly soaked as she swims in after Jadith. She grins happily to the weyrlings, and calls, "Congratulations, all of you!" Benden Weyr> P'tran has GOT to see that log :) Lysseth's eyes whirl blue-green as she watches the new people. Aphrael laughs softly and runs/splahes/etc over to hug Triayla, her eyes shining. "Oh! Come and meet Prefeth!" Lysseth> I bespoke Jadith, Prefeth, Nicoth, and Juliath with << Maybe they are to keep sand from her eyes? >> Jadith swims over to the weyrling dragons and inspects each one of them in turn with inquisitive warbles and wufflings. Lily reaches out a hand tenatively, pausing and looking at T'lar, "Can I pat him?" Jazmin heads in the direction of the South bowl, leaving the shimmering lake. Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "I don't get it, K'nan." Benden Weyr> K'nan says, "Susaen said that. ;)" Susaen's ponytail bounces up and down at all the hot air from Nicoth. She is thinking, to herself: there go 30 more potential apprentices. And Ed. Just look at him. Well, some could look at him, Susaen can only squint. She says, "Just like Miner T'garrick." But she holds her hand out to the dragon. Now, this isn't singular in itself, since most people like dragons, especially baby dragons. Susaen, however, is scared stiff of dragons. This is singular indeed. Master Susaen, bravely trying to scritch a dragon. Sayla moves closer to Lysseth, the little dragonet who stole her heart at the hatching. "Oh, the ith thtill tho thin!" T'lar nods. "Just a bit. Scratch his eyeridge. Prefeth touches a muzzle to Jadith, crooning softly. Benden Weyr> Kieri nods. :) Benden Weyr> Kassima will be glad to oblige, but d'you want the draconic talk about why do humans take off their skins to swim, or shall I snip that out? :) Triayla hugs Aphrael in return and swims over to Prefeth. "Hello Prefeth," she smiles into his eyes. "You certainly chose well." Benden Weyr> Aphrael muwhahahaha's. :) Kassima nods to Sayla, giving Lysseth's eyeridges a scratch. "Aye, that she is, though it seems she's always eating." Benden Weyr> K'nan wants both, Kassi! Juliath reaches her nose up to whuffle at Jadith. Nicoth moves his head forward until it is under Master Susaen's hand. He closes the innermost eyelids in contentment. Lily smiles gently and reaches out to gently scritch Nicoth's ridges, "It's okay, Master. He's really soft...and he's a miner's dragon after all." Susaen hears Triayla's voice, misjudges where she is, and waves to Aphrael instead. And in doing so, she is, for the first time in her life, patting the dragon. "Such a little thing, he is." *pat*pat*pat* Benden Weyr> Kassima okays, and clears up one point now--if you want a log, +mail her your email addy. :) It'll be fully edited by Mon or Tues, since I have to go somewhere for the weekend. :) [Editor's Note: And thus did a long and glorious career as distributor of logs begin. ;) ] Aphrael giggles and watches Prefeth whuffle Triayla. He croons questioningly at Aphrael, who laughs, "No.. I dont think Tria wants her clothes wet too dear.." Jadith turns to wuffle Juliath gently, and seems to want to play with every weyrling dragon all at the same time. Kassima oh nos. "Still trying to get the skinthings wet?" she asks Aph, trying to keep a straight face. T'lar says "Isn't he the most perfect dragon you have ever seen?" Benden Weyr> P'tran says, "This is a switch, me sending +mail to someone else for a log instead of the opposite way around :)" Triayla giggles happily at Prefeth, and pats his muzzle affectionately. "You're a beautiful colour.." Aphrael blinks as she gets waved at. She looks down at Prefeth, "No! She doesnt want a hand into the water, Prefeth!" She cringes and looks up at Susaen. Benden Weyr> F'nar snickers. :) Nicoth warblecroons. One eye fixed on Susaen and one on Lily. Lily looks into the whirling blue eyes, murmuring, "Almost like sapphires, they are." She smiles, and nods to T'lar, "He's just gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous. I'm...very happy for you." Prefeth warbles happily, eyes whirling quickly. Lysseth cavorts in the water, doing her best to splash everyone and everything. She trumpets happily as Kassima gets soaked. Juliath wades over towards Prefeth, Triayla and Jadith, now that her bath is done. She lowers her head and snorts into the water. Lysseth> I bespoke Jadith, Prefeth, Nicoth, and Juliath with << This water stuff is fun! >> Sayla calls to Lily, "I wanna thwim with the dragoneth too!" Susaen glances at T'lar and says, "How lucky you are, E'd, for such a clever young dragon to befriend you." She continues to *pat*pat*pat* Nicoth, just like she does her canine, Raiser. She has a small idea that E'd might be a dragon rider, but she hasn't let that sink in yet. "He's quite perfect. Who is his rider?" She .had. to ask. T'lar stands tall and straight. "Thank you. I'm happy too. It's something that can't be described. T'lar says "I am, Master Susaen." Dragon> Prefeth, Nicoth, Lysseth, and Juliath sense that Jadith rumbles in agreement. << Water is fun to splash in and *projects an image of snow* is fun to snort around! >> Lily waves Sayla over, "C'mon then, I don't think it'd be bad.." She watches Susaen carefully, wondering at the possible reaction to T'lar's news, one eye closing in a wink to him as she scritches gently. Prefeth warbles happily at Juliath! Nicoth reaches out and begins to nibble on the tail of Susaen's shirt. Meli mutters to herself. Lysseth> I bespoke Jadith, Prefeth, and Juliath with << What's *that* stuff? It looks fun, too! >> Jadith turns his head to admire Lysseth next. Susaen stops patting Nicoth, puts her hand to her breast and says, "It can't be so!" Poor Poor Pitiful Susaen. She glances at the dragon eating her textiles and says to you, "Tell me you didn't impress Ed." As if the dragon would speak. Lysseth does a few splashing leaps in the water, landing near Jadith, whom she looks up at inquisitively. T'lar smiles. "I didn't Impress Ed. I Impressed Nicoth." Dragon> Prefeth, Lysseth, and Juliath sense that Jadith consults with his lifemate and is reminded of its name << It is called "snow". It only is there when it is very, very *projects an image of cold* >> Sayla moves closer to the dragonets. "But Momma thayth that we thouldn't get close to the new hatchlingth..." Dragon> Juliath bespoke Jadith, Prefeth, and Lysseth with << Snow? Does it taste as good as wherry? >> Lily almost laughs as she sees the nibbling of Susaen's shirt, shaking her head to T'lar, murmuring softly, "I think she was talking to Nicoth." Lysseth> I bespoke Jadith, Prefeth, Nicoth, and Juliath with << Snow? Will we ever get to see this snow? It is--*she projects a feeling of the lower temperatures it gets at night* here, too. >> Nicoth pulls Susaen's shirt out of waistband and belt. Lily turns to Sayla, startled, pulling her hand back. "We shouldn't? Why not?" Dragon> Jadith bespoke Prefeth, Lysseth, and Juliath with << The taste is surprisingly disappointing. You catch it on your tongue and it fades away into something that tastes like water. But snow is fun to snort around and flip into the air with your tail >> T'lar says "I think it's ok for a little contact, just not much. That's why we've been staying in the weyrling barrack.s" Lysseth> I bespoke Jadith, Prefeth, and Juliath with << Like this? >> Juliath switches her tail in the water, then brings it down *splat* onto the surface. Meli just laughs. "Yah, like that, love." Lysseth suddenly lowers her nose into the water and snorts big bubbles. Nicoth WARBLES and bumps Susaen's arm. He releases the shirt which is now rumpled and wet. Dragon> Prefeth, Lysseth, and Juliath sense that Jadith admires Lysseth snorting bubbles. What a scandal. Master Susaen unclothed by a dragon. This makes the song about P'tran look benign. Susaen says to Nicoth. "You did. You took E'd away." She can't help but *pat*pat* Nicoth again, though. How can you be put-off with such a cute dragon? *EEK* Susaen falls ellegantly on to her butt with an updraft of dust as the little rat warbles loudly at her. Triayla smiles, absolutely charmed as she watches Lysseth blow bubbles in the water. Sayla looks like a weyrbrat incarnate as she explains, "When they're tho young, they have to thee only a few people, but really jutht their lifemate." Prefeth crouches down, and pounces towards Juliath's tail, sending water in all directions. Lysseth lifts her head from the water proudly, her snout dripping. T'lar hands a laugh behind his hand. "Are you ok, Master Susaen?" Nicoth looks down at the fallen woman and nudges at her. Lysseth> I bespoke Jadith, Prefeth, and Juliath with << That is fun! I like to blow bubbles. >> Triayla grins as Jadith hovers protectively around the young dragons. "I think he's playing "grownup". Lily giggles, quickly stifling it, reaching a hand down to Susaen. "Want some help up? And he didn't take E'd away. He's still right here. I'll keep an eye on him for you." Juliath spins around, sending a whirlpool of water around with her, and snorts at Prefeth. T'lar puts an arm around Nicoth. "Back up, Nic. Let Master Susaen get back up." Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Jadith, Lysseth, and Juliath with << This is fun! I like tail pouncing. But it makes me *hunger*. >> Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << This one is funny. Why she sit down? >> Sayla skips around the mess involving Master Susaen to put her arms around T'lar from behind. He's NOT that much taller than she... Susaen wonders, absently, if dragons slobber. Tiercel will not be pleased to have a rumpled and slobbered wife. Why, he might come all the way to Benden Weyr just to punch poor, unknowing, P'tran in the nose. She stands up and says, "Miner E'd has a new friend." This is how it will be: Susaen has reconciled herself to T'gar being a rider in the only way she can, and this vein of logic seems to fit for E'd too. Lily nods slowly to Sayla, and patpats Nicoth's nose, "You're awful sweet you know. And your rider is too." She glances at Susaen again. What a mess that'd be, having to deal with a dead Master at the Benden Weyr lake. Prefeth warbles and rolls over, sending water cascading over Juliath, Jadith, Triayla and Aphrael. Dragon> Lysseth and Juliath sense that Jadith feels full and contented. << I ate well of 2 fat herdbeasts and a particularly juicy wherry yesterday >> Dragon> Juliath bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << Did she taste as good as wherry Nicoth? >> T'lar hugs Sayla. Lysseth> I bespoke Jadith, Prefeth, and Juliath with << I am hungry, too. My lifemate says things swim here, but I want meat and not swimming things. >> Lily nods to Susaen. "And his friend is very nice, Master. He likes you, and he likes Ed. He's a Miner dragon." Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << No. Dry and blah. >> Triayla acks as the wave caused by Juliath hits her from behind. Once the wave has passed over, she pushes her sodden hair out of her eyes and shakes her head at the young green. But she doesn't look at all mad. T'lar says "It's ok, Master. I'm still as much a part of the Minercraft as ever." Sayla reaches a hand toward bronze Nicoth...gosh, he's so cute! Lily grins at T'lar, "Course you are." Meli gives a rueful grin, and leads Juliath out of the water. "Sorry, Triya..." T'lar picks up Sayla and throws her over his shoulder. Jadith rumblesnorts with amusement as his side is splashed with water. He in turn bats one huge wing down and causes a tidal wave in Juliath's direction. Susaen will take Lily's advice. She says, "Nicoth needs a miner knot." Her hands, lithe and gentle, run over the bronze's eye ridges with affection. Dragon> Jadith, Lysseth, and Juliath sense that Prefeth rumbles curiously. << Swimming things? >> He pauses, speaking to his lifemate. << She thinks I cannot catch one! I will! >> Prefeth ducks under the water, and dissapears. Hearing the girl squeal, Nicoth turns and looks at her. His lifemate seems to like her, so he whuffles her hair. Jadith's wave catches Meli and Juliath in the back, propelling Meli onto the shore while her lifemate manages to keep her feet. Triayla giggles to Meli. "I remember a few weyrlings doing the same thing a couple of turns ago." she grins fondly at Jadith. Lily watches Sayla closely and smiles as T'lar picks her up. She nods slowly, "That he does, Master. Apprentice MIner Nicoth, subcraft firestone." Lysseth continues her bubbling underwater, occasionally flicking a tail or wing to soak Kassi when she least expects it. "Was Vidarth talking to you today?" she asks, but Lysseth only peers up at her innocently. Nicoth croons from the attention. Benden Weyr> Kassima falls over laughing. Susaen just made Nicoth an apprentice miner! :) Benden Weyr> Kieri laughs! Jerethan heads over from the South Bowl. Triayla gulps in embarrasement when she sees what Jadith does. "Oh Jadith! You're supposed to be setting an example!" Jerethan heads in the direction of the South bowl, leaving the shimmering lake. T'lar laughs. "A dragon as a miner. It could happen. Look at all the dragons that helped clear the mines." Sayla giggles and beats on T'lar's back. "Eeee!!! Lemme down!" Benden Weyr> K'nan LOL! I -must- get this log... T'lar lets Sayla slip slightly, headfirst, toward the ground. Susaen says, "Nicoth will be the first, posted dragon." She wonders if Kaylarn will buy this. Benden Weyr> F'nar wonders through his coding what's going on.. Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "So must I. Please Kassima?" Benden Weyr> Aphrael LOL!! Posted dragon! :) Benden Weyr> Kassima grins. "I'll get a copy to you, I promise. T'lar, just +mail me your email addy and it's done. :)" Meli lands on the sandy shore, and sits there chuckling and wiping water out of her eyes as Juliath nuzzles her. "Eh, ok, ok... y'silly bottomless pit" she mutters. Benden Weyr> K'nan can picture the Jman miners. 'Can she -do- that?!' Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "Nicoth is to be the first apprenticed and posted miner dragon." Sayla cries out louder than ever and squirms...no wait! Squirming is worse! "Taylar, I'll fall!" she giggles. Kassima sits down in the water, hugging her playful dragon. Lysseth snorts water all over her and then looks proud of herself. Lily nods, "That sounds like a wonderful idea, Master. The other Crafts will be jealous. I bet they don't have posted dragons." She reaches out a hand to patpat Nicoth again. "Welcome to the craft, Nicoth." Little ripples of water occasionally indicate where Prefeth is, but he does not surface yet. Aphrael frowns slight, looking at Triayla, "Is it alright for him to do that?" Susaen can't help but look regretfully at Ed. He would've been so good with rocks. And he has that wonderful potential for being a complete nut, like the rest of the miners. However, this isn't so bad. Susaen likes Nicoth, exceedingly well. Perhaps she'll be less afraid of dragons in the future, too. Triayla turns her attention away from Jadith to smile at Aph. "Er, sorry? Didn't catch what you said?" T'lar sets Sayla down, on her feet with a smile. Nicoth croons and warbles like he understands what is going on. Aphrael looks up from the water at Tria, "Is it alright for him to be under the water so long?" Sayla hugs Ed...er, T'lar, then reaches out for Nicoth again, still staying close to the weyrling. Meli rises to her feet, brushing at the wet sand on her skin with little effect, and grabs her hardly any drier clothes, shaking them out a few times. She peers over at the cluster of people around Nicoth, trying to figure out what's going on. Lysseth> I bespoke Jadith, Prefeth, and Juliath with << Did you catch a swimming thing? >> T'lar says "I'm glad you like him, Master. He certainly seems to like you. He'll will proudly be a part of the Minecraft." Lily gives Susaen a gentle hug. Hopefully she'll accept what has happened. She smiles at Sayla and T'lar and then at Nicoth. "How could we not like him? He's your dragon after all, Ed...T'lar." Dragon> Juliath bespoke Jadith, Prefeth, and Lysseth with << My lifemate will feed me *image of wherry meat*. What is this swimming thing? >> Susaen rumages aruond in her bag and pulls out a remarkably un-crumbed, but very wrinkled miner knot and gives it to Ed with a solomnity befitting a nut-case miner master and says, "For his straps, when he gets older." Nicoth rears back on his hind legs, lifts his snout to the sky and BUGLES. [Editor's Note: Major game crash here, so the RP got disrupted. We pick up again sometime later, presumably.] Benden Weyr> Kassima grins. Okay, we're all alive and well. I caught plenty of funny stuff on what log there is, and the log's running again, so if they come back.... :) Benden Weyr> W'liam says, "Man, did the game crash?" Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "And I was just accepting Nicoth's miner knot." Benden Weyr> Kassima thinks so. 1500-second lag is not for non-crashing situations. :) Benden Weyr> K'nan is still on..was locked, but never lost con. Benden Weyr> Aphrael spams herself silly to see if she got her last code thing in. :) Benden Weyr> Alyssa yays! Benden Weyr> F'nar rassafrassaNET! *kickkickkickbapbapbap* Benden Weyr> Meli thinks Nicoth scared the MUSH to death with that impressive BUGLE of his. Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "We all went down, F'nar." Lysseth wriggles around in the wet sand, finding it almost as good for itch as oil. She wades back over to Kassi and carefully shakes out all the wet lumps of sand onto her lifemate. Benden Weyr> Kassima laughs! That'd figure! T'lar, you watch that bronze lad--he's got a voice to summon Netsplits with. :) Benden Weyr> T'lar says, "I'm still laughing over Nicoth being made a miner." Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "The last time I saw a freeze like this, it was because J'lor tried to RP. :)" Benden Weyr> T'lar rofl Benden Weyr> Kassima chortles, remembering that. Lily blinks and patpats Nicoth's nose tenderly. "You'll be a good miner." Benden Weyr> Alyssa says, "Those pants of his are FEARSOME. ;)" Nicoth whuffles Lily and knocks her over too. Benden Weyr> Kassima ain't afraid of no pants. :) But she is curious--what's so fearsome about 'em? :) Lily oofs, falling and landing flat on her back, looking up at a bronze snout. "Umm...T'lar? Does he have a sense of humor? Or do all dragons just like knocking people down?" T'lar gets a faraway look in his eyes. Then he laughs. "He says it seemed ok before." Lysseth watches this with interest, then knocks down her lifemate experimentally. Lysseth> I bespoke Prefeth, Nicoth, and Juliath with << I think splashing is more fun than knocking people over, don't you? >> Juliath carefully settles her wings onto her back, keeping them out of the sand, and moves off purposefully to *foood* as her lifemate struggles to collect her sopping clothes. Juliath lumbers in the direction of the South bowl, leaving the shimmering lake. Lysseth then nearly drowns Kassi by whipping water all over her with her wings, and then buries her with globs of wet sand. Satisfied that her job is done, she lets a spluttering Kassima back up and prances around, trumpeting proudly at her antic. Lily reaches a hand up to patpat Nicoth's nose., smiling wryly. "It's okay with me, Nicoth. Means you're clever. Good in a miner, actually." Yep, definitely good in a miner, they need to have senses of humor. Especially with Masters like the craft has. Meli gives a wave to everyone as she rushes after Juliath. T'lar reaches down and helps Lily to her feet. He release her quickly. "Sorry, I have to be careful. I, uh, can't, uh, well. Me and women...." he blushes. Meli heads in the direction of the South bowl, leaving the shimmering lake. Lily jumps up and brushes the sand off of her leggings, "Hey, thanks, awful nice of you." She peers at T'lar, curiously. Until she sees the blush. One just like hers. "Umm...you can't do mushy stuff now?" T'lar shakes his head and turns a deeper shade of pink. "No, uh, the young dragons can't take it." Nicoth whuffles Lily and his lifemate. He turns and head back into the water. Lily scuffs the toe of one boot into the sand, giggling as the whuffle blows her hair. "So you have to wait until he grows up? To get mushy?" After watching Nicoth trundle off into the water, she comments, "Got an office today." Prefeth emerges from under the water, crooning softly, and maybe a little tiredly. T'lar is grateful for the change of subject. "Really? I'd like to see it when I can leave the barracks. In another couple of sevendays or so." Kassima calls to Aphrael, "Ready to come ashore?" She gestures to the beach. "Maybe we can try to make sand dragons." Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Lysseth with << I am *tired*. I do not understand why? >> Lysseth> I bespoke Prefeth with << I, too, am tired! Why is that? I will ask my lifemate. >> Lily grins, watching the dragonets in the water. She nods, "It's still pretty bare, but it's sure fun having my own office. I'm gonna set up a workshop and start working harder on those commissions." Aphrael grins and nods. "Sure thing." Her eyes fade as she smiles at Prefeth. "I know dear. We should rest on the shore." T'lar chuckles. "In my copious free time, we'll have to work on that project." Kassima goes out of focus and stares off into the distance for a moment before grinning. "It's because you used up all your energy covering me with water, beloved," she tells Lysseth affectionately. Lysseth> I bespoke Prefeth with << She says we used up all our 'energy' playing games. >> Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Lysseth with << What is energy? >> Lily rolls her eyes and laughs. "We do indeed. It'd be fun." Brushing some wildly disarrayed hair back, she turns to ask, "Do you really hear him in your head?" Aphrael smiles, wrapping her arm around Prfeth as they head towards the shore. Lysseth> I bespoke Prefeth with << I have no idea. I got the feeling it's the stuff that lets us do things, but that makes no sense. >> T'lar nods. "Yes, I do. Right now, he talks kinda like a child. He told me his name not 10 minutes out of his shell. Lily's brows furrow, and she peers between T'lar and Nicoth for several moments. "Well, he does seem kinda like a baby. Well, a baby dragon anyway. He knew his own name? Thats neat." Aphrael reaches the shore, all but falling down on the sand next to her lifemate. T'lar says "It's really hard to explain the feeling. It's like having a part of yourself that was empty suddenly filled, but you didn't know it was empty until it was filled." K'nan heads over from the South Bowl. Kassima looks up and salutes with all the energy she can muster. "Good eve, sir." Reveth flies in from above and lands in the waters of the lake. High atop Reveth, N'fan removes the straps from himself, preparing to dismount. Aphrael giggles at Kassi and just grins at K'nan. N'fan climbs down from Reveth's back, aided by a thoughtfully extended forelimb. Lily tries to take this in, scratching her brow for a moment. "So now you...and Nicoth are a pair. Together." T'lar nods. "But not a pair. One." Kassima salutes to N'fan, too, and grins to Aphrael. T'lar smiles to N'fan and salutes him. Lily blinks and nods slowly. "One, then." She winks, "And you're both miners too." N'fan blinks. Salutes? Dazedly, he returns them. "Um..hi everyone." Lily waves cheerfully to K'nan and N'fan. Prefeth nudges Aph, all but rolling her over on the sand so she is covered in the stuff. Aphrael blinks and laughs, "Eh! I dont need a scrubbing!" She salutes at N'fan. Kassima stifles a yawn as she says, "Heyla and greetings." Nicoth splashes playfully in the water. N'fan looks at the new dragons and smiles a little. "Looks like they're doing pretty good.." Kassima chortles to Aphrael. "At least he's not trying wet sand!" she says. Lysseth snorts. K'nan /cringes/ back from Kassi. "Hey! Stop that!" He grins. "Heya, Aph, Kassi, th'rest of you all..." Lily grins as she watches the dragons, nodding in agreement to N'fan. "They do. Baby dragons are cute." Kassima grins. "We were told saluting riders was part of being Weyrlings, sir," she says with a slightly apologetic shrug. T'lar says "C'mon out of the water, Nic. Time for bed." K'nan smirks. "Here's the biggest secret to Weyrlingness...never, ever, salute me or call me sir when there's no WLMs around." Nicoth splashes some more before leaving the water. Lily turns to T'lar, "Bed? Do you tuck him in and all?" Aphrael sits up, brushing the sand off her clothes. She grins at Prefeth and waves at K'nan, "Heyla! How are you and Veyath doing?" N'fan glances at Lily when she makes her comment, and he smiles a little. To Kassima he says, "Oh. Yeah, I guess that's right. It's been eight turns for me now.." He shugs apologetically back. :) T'lar smiles. "Good night, Lily. See you soon. I sleep with him." Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << He's being a partypooper. >> Kassima nods. "Okay," she says, grinning. She waves to T'lar as she sees him getting ready to go back to the Barracks. Dragon> Meroth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << Who's being a party pooper? >> Dragon> Benden Weyrlings sense that Prefeth yawns and rumbles. << Who? >> Lily smiles back at N'fan and grins at T'lar and Nicoth. "Well, you two sleep well. And take care." Dragon> Nicoth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << My lifemate. Making me go to bed. >> T'lar heads in the direction of the South bowl, leaving the shimmering lake. Nicoth lumbers in the direction of the South bowl, leaving the shimmering lake. Dragon> Lysseth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << Why doesn't he want to play? Playing is good, when you've got this 'energy' my lifemate keeps talking about. What's energy? >> K'nan turns to grin over at Aphrael and Prefeth, "Heya...we're doing fine. You and Prefeth?" Veyath flies in from above and lands in the waters of the lake. Dragon> Meroth bespoke Benden Weyrlings with << You should be going to bed. >> N'fan points his thumb towards the hot springs. "Um..I was just gonna soak for a while.." He takes a step in that direction, and then another, glancing over his shoulder. Dragon> Benden Weyrlings sense that Juliath rumblecroons softly as she drifts to sleep. Aphrael chuckles, turning back to watch Prefeth roll in the sand. She grins, looking back at K'nan, "Good. Though he is a little too curious. Pushed all our clothes into the water earlier." She laughs softly. Veyath splashes into the lake, quickly surfacing and lumbering over to peer at the new dragonets. Lily waves to T'lar as he leaves, and pauses. She looks at N'fan, and walks up to him, "Want some company? I'm beat today. Got stuff moved into my office." Kassima grins. "That should teach you to wear them into the lake, Aph," she says. N'fan says to Lily, "You did? Oh..sorry I couldn't help you.." Vidarth flies in from above and lands in the waters of the lake. R'val slides down from Vidarth's back and lands in a crouch. Lysseth warbles to the big green, peering up at her curiously. Vidarth bugles and charges into the water once his dragon's dismounted. K'nan chuckles softly. "Wait until he starts throwing -you- into the lake..." Prefeth sits up slowly, spreading his wings and folding them back. He warbles a greeting to the dragons! Kassima waves to R'val. "Heyla, R'val! Should I salute you now?" she asks with a half-grin. Vidarth tilts his head at the tiny blue, and warbles a greeting. Aphrael rolls her eys at Kassi, then sighs at K'nan, "I can hardly wait!" R'val sits down near the lake shore and grins, "H'llo gang." N'fan shrugs and smiles apologetically at Lily. "I had sweeps over Bitra this afternoon." Lily shakes her head, "S'allright N'fan. Really. I don't mind at all." She waves to R'val. "Heya." Prefeth blinks, rumbling slightly. Dragon> Prefeth and Lysseth sense that Veyath croooons softly in welcome. << Hello... >> Vidarth tilts his head down, on a level with Prefeth, and examines the tiny blue. Dragon> Veyath and Lysseth sense that Prefeth warblescroons. << Hello! I am Prefeth. My lifemate is *happiness*. >> N'fan takes another step towards the springs. "Well..whenever you're ready I guess. N'fan picks his way across the rocks to the steamy hot springs of Benden. Prefeth snorts, sending sand from his hide flying in all directions. Dragon> Prefeth and Lysseth sense that Veyath warbles happily. << I amm Veyath. My Rider is *happiness*, as well. This is good, our lifemates always should be *happiness*. >> Lysseth> Veyath and Prefeth sense that Lysseth warbles a response. << Heyla, I am Lysseth. >> Reveth gazes on the dragonets from a distance, his oversized faceted eyes reflecting moonlight. Lily tries to avoid the flying sand and heads off toward the hot springs. Lily picks her way across the rocks to the steamy hot springs of Benden. R'val chukles and remarks to Aphrael, "he's already gettin' bigger, Aph." Aphrael grins and nods at R'val. "I know. I have to oil every bit of him." She watches Prefeth with open affection. K'nan grins. "Before y'know it he'll dwarf my love up there..." R'val smiles konwingly, 'And you love every bit of it, I'l wager.' Dragon> Veyath and Lysseth sense that Prefeth blinks. << I will be *projects an image of a large dragon*? >> Kassima grins slightly. "You should've seen them splashing us earlier, R'val," she yawns. "I asked Lysseth if she'd been talking to Vidarth, but she just gave me an innocent look." Dragon> Veyath bespoke Prefeth and Lysseth with << Yes, you will! You will be maybe as big as Reveth there, one day. >> Aphrael giggles, and shrugs, "Hard to believe. He is quite small still." Prefeth turns to Aph and snorts softly, before looking back /up/ at the dragons. R'val laughs uproariously and grins at Kassima, "He mentioned something to me about 'instructing the little ones'. I guess i know what he meant now." Lysseth> I bespoke Veyath and Prefeth with << Wow, to think we'd ever be so big.... >> Prefeth blinkblinks and sits still for the moment. The first moment this whole day as he thinks. Dragon> Veyath bespoke Vidarth, Prefeth, and Lysseth with << Brother, what are you telling the hatchlings? *suspiciousness* >> Dragon> Veyath, Prefeth, and Lysseth sense that Vidarth warbles smugly. << How much /fun/ it is to dunk their riders. >> Kassima snickers. "I knew that blue rogue of yours had to have something to do with this," she says, scratching Lyssath's eyeridges. Lysseth> I bespoke Vidarth, Veyath, and Prefeth with << He was right, too, weren't you, Vidarth? It's fun! Lots of fun to cover them in water and wet sand! >> Dragon> Veyath bespoke Vidarth, Prefeth, and Lysseth with << Oh. It /is/ Fun. You must be careful with them, though. There are many Fun games to play with water and sand! >> Dragon> Veyath, Prefeth, and Lysseth sense that Vidarth croooooons. << It's true!LOADS of fun! >> Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Vidarth, Veyath, and Lysseth with << It is *happiness* to dunk their skins too. >> Lysseth> I bespoke Vidarth, Veyath, and Prefeth with << Maybe you big dragons know--why do humans take off their skins to swim? They said to get warm, but that seems all wrong. >> Dragon> Vidarth bespoke Veyath, Prefeth, and Lysseth with << They only take off their outer skins little one, the ones that get too wet to swim n. >> Lysseth> I bespoke Vidarth, Veyath, and Prefeth with << Why do only some humans do it, then? And why'd they get upset when Prefeth put the skins in the water? >> Vidarth sprays water everywhere as he splashes, and looks hopefully towards the shore an his rider. R'val chuckles, 'No, they have their own dragons to wash, now." Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Vidarth, Veyath, and Lysseth with << My lifemate seemed amused but Nicoth's rider was angry. I was just helping them! >> Dragon> Veyath, Prefeth, and Lysseth sense that Vidarth chides. << Silly green, they get upset because you get their other skins wet, which is why they take them off when they swim, they do not /like/ getting their outter skins wet. >> Angelique heads over from the South Bowl. Reveth lifts his head and looks towards Angelique, moonlight reflecting from his oversized faceted eyes as he rumbles quietly. Aphrael frowns slightly, peering at Prefeth, "What's going on dear? You seem suspiciously quiet?" Prefeth croons and assumes an expression of total innocence. R'val grins, "I think Prefeth and Lysseth are getting a talking-to from Vidarth and Veyath. Explaining the facts of dragon life no doubt." Angelique grins and walks over to the blue. "Hello,pretty." Dragon> Vidarth, Prefeth, and Lysseth sense that Veyath warbles. << Nicoth is bronze. Their lifemates get *anger* over many things. >> Lysseth> Vidarth, Veyath, and Prefeth sense that Lysseth thinks about this for a minute. << What for? >> Aphrael sighs and rolls her eyes. "Dont get any ideas now, love." K'nan grins, looking up at his lifemate. He chuckles softly. "Apparently, yeah..." Dragon> Veyath, Prefeth, and Lysseth sense that Vidarth snorts. << Bronzes. Ridiculous, the lot of them. >> R'val winks at Aph, "I hear he already got some ideas, earlier?" Kassima chuckles. "I think it's too late, Aphrael." Reveth stretches his neck towards Angelique, bringing his snout within scritching/whuffling distance. K'nan smirks. "And just think, it's winter...Veyath can teach them all the joys of snow." Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Vidarth, Veyath, and Lysseth with << I think greens and blues are much more *happiness* about a lot of things. >> Angelique grins and scritches the dragons snout. "Do you know where your rider is?" she asks him,even though she knows he can't answer. Aphrael groans and nods. "Yeah.. he thought he'd help out by putting out clothes in the water, and he also wanted to help some people into the lake too.." She cringes. Dragon> Vidarth, Prefeth, and Lysseth sense that Veyath croons agreement. << Yes, we are. Greens are the best, blues are alright, browns tend to be grouchy and slow and clumsy, and bronzes can be fun but their lifemates are usually not. >> Kassima grins. "He's just got an irrepressable spirit, Aph," she comments. K'nan sits heavily down on a rock near the lakeside, and blinks. Aphrael grins at Kassi, "Yeah, I think he does. Irrepressable is the word." R'val snickers quietly, 'I remember more than one dragonet from our clutch doing that." Angelique shivers alittle Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Vidarth, Veyath, and Lysseth with << Blues are more than alright. My lifemate thinks I am *amazement*. >> Dragon> Veyath, Prefeth, and Lysseth sense that Vidarth snorts. << We blues are FAR more than allright. >> Dragon> Vidarth, Prefeth, and Lysseth sense that Veyath croons. << Blues can be *wonderful*. Sorath is. My Brother here, Vidarth, can get annoying at times *mental grin* >> Aphrael yawns, echoing Prefeth's sleepy state. Lysseth> I bespoke Vidarth, Veyath, and Prefeth with << Will you splash with us sometime, Vidarth? >> Angelique scritches the dragon again "I'll see you later big blue." Angelique picks her way across the rocks to the steamy hot springs of Benden. Dragon> Vidarth bespoke Veyath, Prefeth, and Lysseth with << I shall splash with you now if you wish! >> Vidarth raises his head and rumbles towards Prefeth and Lysseth,sounding amused. Veyath does them all one better, being in the lake already, and uses both of her wings to splash everyone and every/thing/ even remotely near the lake. She then warbles mildly, eyes swirling with mischief. Reveth lifts his head and just sort of /stares/ at Veyath. K'nan acks, getting swamped as he's sitting at the edge of the water. "Veyath!" Lysseth shakes splashed water safely away from her (and onto her lifemate), and trills, looking torn between sleep and fun. Veyath shrinks from Reveth's gaze, trying (/Very/ unsuccessfully) to hide behind her lifemate. R'val laughs wickedly," That's the spirit Lysseth!" HE watches, with a wicked chuckle, as Lysseth soaks Kassima. Aphrael blinks and is drenches. She sighs, and grins as Prefeth bounds up and splashes into the water, causing a dragonet sized wave to emerge. Kassima laughs as she gets freshly drenched. "You have been taking lessons from Vidarth," she says, grinning. Lysseth warbles agreement and then bounds out into the lake for more fun. Sleep can wait! R'val watches the weyrling dragonets soak their riders, "Excellent! Good going, kids." Kassima gives R'val an exasperated but highly amused look. "You're out to get a whole new generation of dragon splash maniacs, aren't you?" K'nan thwacks R'val lightly on the back of the head. Aphrael pokes her tongue out at R'val. "It's not like they /need/ encouragement." R'val winks at Aphrael with a wry grin, "Vidarth's all too willing to oblige in any case." Reveth leaps into the air with a powerful thrust of his hind legs, giving himself enough clearance for that first crucial downflap of wings. Reveth takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry him aloft. Dragon> Prefeth and Lysseth sense that Veyath warbles mischevously. << Now, everyone splash Vidarth to show him how much you've learned. Be careful not to splash Reveth, though. >> Kassima chortles. "I'm just bound to get splashed every time I wash her," she says happily. "Life is good." Prefeth warbles loudly! He aims carefully, rolling over and sending a good sized wave at Vidarth and R'val. Lysseth darts up to Vidarth and fans her wings forward to make a great big--for her--splash! She warbles in delight! Lysseth> I bespoke Vidarth, Veyath, and Prefeth with << Excellent wave, Prefeth! >> Veyath trumpets! And aims a large dragon-sized wave at Vidarth and R'val..mostly at R'val. Vidarth peers down at the small green and warbles amusedly, his eyes whirling down at her kindly. He nudges her with his muzzle. Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Veyath and Lysseth with << Splashing is fun! I will repay Vidarth for *projects image of her lifemate getting soaked as a candidate*! >> R'val sputters, "Veyath!" Lysseth ducks her head underwater and blows big bubbles, her favorite thing. She looks up proudly. Dragon> Lysseth senses that Veyath croons! << Very good, Lysseth! Bubbles is a fun Game to play! >> Lysseth> I bespoke Veyath with << Can you make bigger bubbles? Can I see? >> Prefeth warblebugles and nuzzles Lysseth. Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Lysseth with << You are not so bad yourself, clutchsister. >> Lysseth trumpets mischievouly and snorts water all over Prefeth. Veyath whuffles at R'val, then moves a bit back in the lake before ducking her head under and blowing bubbles as well. Dragon> Veyath bespoke Lysseth with << There! >> Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Lysseth with << I will enjoy pouncing on your tail. >> Lysseth> Prefeth senses that Lysseth rumblelaughs. << Thank you! >> Prefeth croooons at Lysseth, not seeming to mind the water dripping off him. Lysseth> Veyath senses that Lysseth warbles with excitement. << Those are really good bubbles! >> R'val heads in the direction of the South bowl, leaving the shimmering lake. Jerethan heads over from the South Bowl. Jerethan enters, and manages a smile at Kassima and Aphrael. "Congratulations on your Impressions!" he tells them. Aphrael blinks and looks over, "Oh, thank you." She says, watching Prefeth splash around with the other dragons. Jerethan smiles at Aphrael. "He's a beautiful blue," he adds. Kassima grins to Aphrael. "It's nice to see them having fun," she says, gesturing to the splashing dragonets. She grins to Jerethan. "Thanks." Aphrael laughs, gazing at Prefeth fondly, "Of course he is. He's mine!" She winks. Jerethan smiles, and continues to watch the dragons. "When they get as big as Vidarth, you think I could help bathe them?" Kassima looks pensive. "Maybe. It depends on how they feel about other people helping with them, once they grow up." She shrugs. Jerethan grins, starts to say something, and then stops, frowning suddenly. K'nan is sitting on a rock by the lakeside, going from watching the dragons to watching the rock itself. Jerethan glances over at K'nan. "Greenrider?" he says tentatively. K'nan glances up, and raises an eyebrow. "Yah?" Jerethan moves over a bit closer to K'nan, and speaks softly. "Thank you for what you said tonight, in the Living Cavern," he manages. K'nan shrugs slightly. "Y'needed /someone/ t'tell you th'truth, even if y'weren't listening to it at all." K'nan glances back down at the rock, running his hand lightly along some scratched letters. Ursa heads over from the South Bowl. Spineth lumbers in from the South Bowl. Kassima waves to Ursa from her safe and mostly dry--unfortunately--position on the shore. Ursa comes along with Spineth waddling good-naturedly along side of her. "Hey guys!" Aphrael grins and waves at Ursa, "Heyla!" Prefeth warbles a greeting from the lake! Jerethan shrugs back. "I should have thought before I opened my mouth. And Alyssa was right," he adds. "I should have waited a few sevendays, at least. But I didn't know -- didn't really understand. And afterward, it wasn't fair of me to burden everyone else with my problems." Jerethan shrugs again. "All I can do is do better next time," he decides. "I just wanted to say thank you for trying to help me, and that it did make a difference." Spineth warblecroons and galumphs his way to the lake, splashing his way on into the lake. K'nan glances up, half-smiling. "You're welcome, and thank you...And don't worry, if you hang around you'll figure everything and everyone out in time... Jerethan manages to grin. "Oh, never. That'd take the fun out of it." He gestures toward the rock beside K'nan. "Would you mind if I sat down?" he asks. Kassima suddenly chuckles. "Did Prefeth ever catch a fish, Aphrael?" K'nan shrugs slightly. "Go ahead...s'not my rock. Whatever it may say." Ursa plops down on the lake shore, beaming like a mommy as she watches Spineth splash, "They've been fishing?" she laughs? Zaphia darts in from the South Bowl. Kassima grins. "Lysseth tells me that Prefeth was going to try to catch a swimming thing." Jerethan sits. "I would guess that my song didn't make you very happy either," he says softly. Zaphia trumpets Vidarth flies in from above and lands in the waters of the lake. R'val slides down from Vidarth's back and lands in a crouch. Aphrael giggles and shakes her head, "No, unfortunately not. He seems miffed about it." She whispers, laughing softly. Jerethan waves to R'val and Vidarth. R'val leaps off Vidarth's back and lands amid the group with a grin, as his dragon plunges into the lake. Lysseth looks up from where she was floating placidly on the lake and warbles a greeting. Zaphia crooons to the cousins! Dragon> Lysseth senses that Prefeth snorts. << I could not catch them because there were none. >> Vidarth rumbles loudly to the small dragons as he lands in the water near Lysseth and regards her curiously. Kassima waves to R'val, and then salutes, just because. "Heyla, R'val, come back to incite our lifemates to more mayhem?" She grins. R'val winks at Kassi as he settles down on the lake shore, "S'not my idea, Kassi, it's all Vidarth's." Prefeth warbles at Vidarth, then regards Lysseth. Ursa waves merrily to R'val, in the few moments she takes her eyes off of Spineth. R'val winks teasingly at Ursa, "You forgot to salute." Lysseth peers up at Vidarth for a moment before splashing him with a wing and then diving under the water to re-emerge a few feet away, looking pleased with herself. K'nan smiles slightly. "It was a good song." Kassima chuckles. "So you say, but I heard you egging them on." Zaphia chitters Jerethan shakes his head. "Not if it made everyone unhappy who heard it." Ursa sheeshes and gives R'val the crispest salute, so crisp, the corners crackle. Vidarth rumbles down at the tiny splash and whuffles Lysseth. Lysseth> I bespoke Prefeth with << No swimming things? >> R'val rolls his eyes at Ursa, 'No need to exaggerate, silly." He winks, "I'm the same old R'val you always knew, I'm simply reminding you cuz there are some old-fashioned riders in this weyr, you forget to salute 'em, they'll come down on you like a ton of firestone." Lysseth blinks and tries to imitate the whuffling, coming up with something more like a whiffle. Dragon> Vidarth bespoke Lysseth with << Not bad for a first try little one. >> K'nan shakes his head slowly. "There's more'n one kind of song, Jerethan. Some make you happy..some don't. Both're necessary." Kassima clicks her boot heels together. "Yes, *sir*!" she says, chuckling. Ursa grins at R'val, and says sharply, "Thanks, for the reminder, SIR!" and salutes again to show her gratitude. R'val sticks his tongue out at Kassi, "You watchit, or I'll have my dragon dunk you, weyrling or no." He winks. Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Lysseth with << If there is, I would have found it. *smug* >> Zaphia flitters to sit on Lysseth's head, looking down at her. Lysseth> I bespoke Vidarth with << Will you show me how you splash your rider? I'm trying to find a good way to make a splashing totally unexpected. >> R'val grimaces, "Ursa, please...don't 'sir' me, saluting I can stand but..not that!" Veyath considers R'val. Jerethan nods to K'nan. "Some songs are better left unsung, I'm learning. And there's always the question of the right time." Dragon> Vidarth bespoke Lysseth with << How I splash my rider? Wel, anything for a cute little green. >> Aphrael snorts at R'val, then looks at K'nan, "What type of song?" She asks, only half listening. Lysseth tries to look up at Zaphia, and only winds up falling over in the water with a startled sound. Vidarth double-slaps his wings on the water, sending a huge wave crashing towards the shore, which soaks pretty much everyone. K'nan nods slowly. "Aye..timing is very impor-" The rest of his sentence is lost as the wave rolls over him. Zaphia warbles at the pretty green cousin, flitting around her happily. Prefeth blinks! Another plaything! He snorts at the lizard, sending her flying, then pounces towards her. Kassima grins to R'val. "You almost make that sound like a punishment," she laughs, before she gets totally soaked! R'val ends up on his bottom on the ground, soaked and coughing up water, "VIDARTH!" Vidarth tilts his nose towards Lysseth and rumbles smugly. Spineth spreads his wings out in an frantic attempt to keep from getting beached. Zaphia spins head over tail warbling happily, finaly righting herself in the air and diving back for more. Dragon> Vidarth bespoke Lysseth with << THAT is how it's done! >> Jerethan glances at Aphrael. "A song I wrote, and made the mistake of playing for Alyssa. I was trying..." Jereth falls off the rock into the water, instantly soaked. "Augh!" Lysseth warbles in delight, capering around in the water delightedly. Allegro appears from beneath Jereth's hair and takes off into the air. Lysseth> I bespoke Vidarth with << That was excellent! You took him totally by surprse, wow! >> Prefeth rumblechuckles at his soaked lifemate, then blinkblinks. Dragon> Lysseth senses that Vidarth smugly rumbles. << You'll learn the trick as you get older. >> Zaphia trumpets happily, nice happy cousins....not snappy with her now! Allegro chitters disapprovingly at his pet and at the water. She shakes herself dry, then flies up away from the lake. Kassima calls to Vidarth, "You incorrigible blue demon!" She laughs, rolling about on the sands and laughing herself silly. R'val stands, wiping wet hair from his face with a sigh and an exasperated grin at Kassima, "He wouldn't have done it if YOUR evil little green hadn't encouraged him.." He winks. Prefeth flicks his tail at Zaphia, changing her direction so that she plunges into the sea. Jerethan gazes over at Vidarth, and shakes his head. "Same old R'val, and same old Vidarth, it seems. I'm glad I left my gitar on my cot!" Lysseth> Vidarth senses that Lysseth sighs. << Well, I'll just have to get a head start on practice. >> Zaphia splooshes into the water. Dragon> Lysseth senses that Vidarth croons reassuringly. << You splash well already for one so young, and dont' worry you have LOTS of time to practice. >> Zaphia yammers at the dunking and grabs the tail. Kassima splutters, "Evil little green?" She mock-glares, then her eyes unfocus and refocus awhile later. "You're right," she says, chortling. "She's an evil little green, which makes her all the more perfect!" Allegro chirples once and vanishes between. Prefeth bugles happily, flicking his tail back and forth, up and down, so that the littlegreencousin gets a good dunking. R'val rolls his eyes and groans, flopping down wetly on the ground with a beleagured sigh, "ame old Kassima, evil as ever." K'nan chuckles softly, wiping his hair out of his face. "Eh? Evil greens? Tyrrath? Where?" Lysseth> I bespoke Vidarth with << And when practice is so much fun anyway, then maybe I can convince my lifemate to bring me here lots of times for more practice! >> R'val snorts and points at the water, towards Lysseth, "Right there, Tyrrath's next incarnation, I tell you." Spineth wavewaves his wings around, then waddles his way out onto the beach to nudge Ursa gently, then more insistantly. Veyath takes vengeance for her lifemate's soaking, by pouncing on Vidarth from the side. Jerethan splashes out of the water, his earlier shame forgotten, and strips out his outer clothing. He leaps back into the water and says, "All right, /now/ it's fair..." Zaphia spreads her wings wide as she goes sailing arcross in the air, and back into the water. She flutters wet wings chittering. Zaphia floats in the water with her wings fully spread out. Kassima chuckles. "Same old Kassima," she agrees. "With a whole new partner in crime." Lysseth trumpets and practices her splashing, trying to get a really good arc of water by slicing the surface with her tail. Prefeth extends hid wings and rolls over, sending a large waves crashing over the poor lizard. He bugles happily! Vidarth rumbles indignantly as he is dunked in the water, flailing his tail about and catching Veyath's nose, dragging her under with him. Zaphia surfes the wave with her wings really wide warbling at full 'lizard volume. Lysseth trills as she watches the antics of the big dragons, and blows bubbles, managing to splash Zaphia. Veyath squirms out of Vidarth's grip and out from underwater, trumpeting happily. Prefeth lowers his muzzle, and *sniffs* at the littlegreencousin. Zaphia grabs onto the muzzle chittering as she flutters her wings with a fine spray of water. Ursa finally rises, grumbling very good naturedly, "Oh, ok, I'm comin. I'm coming." And she pulls off her clothes to follow Spineth into the lake. Vidarth surfaces and blows water over Veyath, righting himself with an indignant snort. Lysseth> I bespoke Prefeth with << There goes another human, shedding her skin again. Won't it just get wet when she puts it back on anyway? >> Prefeth takes a step back, trying to focus on the 'lizard. He eyes all but cross as her stares hard at Zaphia. Zaphia trumpets!! She has him now!! Veyath warbles, and splashes Vidarth back with her wings. Prefeth shakes his muzzle back and forth, trying to dislodge the littlecousin. He pauses, crooning questioningly at Lysseth. Lysseth watches the adult dragons, fascinated. You could almost swear she's mentally taking notes. K'nan chuckles amusedly, and climbs back up on the rock. He smiles warmly out at the playing dragons and dragonets. Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Lysseth with << Do you think she would be greatful if I soaked her skin too? >> Zaphia lets go and sails through the air before beating her wings and flitting around again. Lysseth> I bespoke Prefeth with << I don't know. Maybe Spineth would know, though. >> Prefeth warbles in joy and lifts her muzzle, snapping at the lizard. Zaphia zips through the babydragons mouth yammering at the snap. Vidarth SNORTS! another lungfull of wate rall over Veyath, and croons smugly. Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Vidarth, Veyath, Spineth, and Lysseth with << Can I eat the littlegreenthing? I am *hunger* >> Dragon> Veyath, Prefeth, Spineth, and Lysseth sense that Vidarth snorts. << No, silly, they do not taste good. >> Prefeth all but bounces, snapping at the littlegreen, then pauses, blinking curiously. Jerethan nods. Definitely same old Vidarth... Dragon> Vidarth, Prefeth, Spineth, and Lysseth sense that Veyath warbles! << No! Do not eat the littlecousins, Prefeth! They are friends.... >> Lysseth> I bespoke Vidarth, Veyath, Prefeth, and Spineth with << I don't think so. My lifemate has said I shouldn't ever eat her littlegreenthing, or her littlebluethings either. >> Zaphia circles Prefeth, over, and over again. Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Vidarth, Veyath, Spineth, and Lysseth with << You have eaten them? Oh.. what is friend? >> Allegro darts in from the South Bowl. Dragon> Vidarth bespoke Veyath, Prefeth, Spineth, and Lysseth with << Tell your rider if you are hungry, and she will take you back to your couch and feed you strips of wherry, it is /much/ better. >> Lysseth> I bespoke Vidarth, Veyath, Prefeth, and Spineth with << Mmmmmmmm, wherry.... >> Prefeth snorts with dissapointment, and ceases snapping at the littegreencousin. He looks towards the shore, and BUGLES at his lifemate. Dragon> Spineth bespoke Vidarth, Veyath, Prefeth, and Lysseth with << Friend is you. That's what my mate said. >> Dragon> Vidarth, Prefeth, Spineth, and Lysseth sense that Veyath blinks slowly. << Friend? It is...um..it is *friendship*. What your lifemates have between each other. They are Friends. >> Allegro hovers over the little dragon/big firelizard-thingies and chirples curiously. Zaphia warbles, looking for someone else to play with, she hovers in the air. Allegro trilllls at Zaphia and dives toward her. Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Vidarth, Veyath, Spineth, and Lysseth with << Oh! *happiness*! I understand! >> Zaphia trumpets at Allegro and zips aside. Veyath takes advantage of Vidarth's conversation with the dragonets to push him under again. Lysseth> I bespoke Vidarth, Veyath, Prefeth, and Spineth with << Is Friendship another sort of *happiness,* then? >> Ursa laughs out loud as she splashes into the lake beside Spineth, one arm happily around him, the other just splashing. Prefeth whuffles the littlegreencousin before bounding onto the shore, sending a spray of water everywhere. Vidarth RUMBLES! indignantly as he is dunked! He surfaces and splashes Veyath with all his might. Dragon> Veyath bespoke Vidarth, Spineth, and Lysseth with << Yes....I think... >> Dragon> Vidarth bespoke Veyath, Prefeth, and Lysseth with << Yes! That's just what it is. They are *friends*, so you cannot eat them. >> Zaphia flies up, then turns to chase Allegro. Lysseth warbles and flaps her wings, sending small waves everywhere. K'nan grins as Prefeth bounds past him. "Heya, Prefeth." Allegro chitters and zips away, flying past Vidarth's head and then zipping aside. Aphrael blinks as Prefeth approaches her. "You what? Tried to eat a-" She bursts out laughing, "No, you cant eat firelizards love." Prefeth snorts and turns his muzzle, whuffling K'nan. Lysseth> I bespoke Vidarth, Veyath, Prefeth, and Spineth with << But is it all right to *soak* them? >> Zaphia zigzags over the older dragoncousins. R'val grins towards Aphrael, "They ask the funniest things, don't they?" Dragon> Veyath, Prefeth, Spineth, and Lysseth sense that Vidarth rumbles wickedly. << Ok? It is more than OK, it is /fun/. >> Zaphia Yammers at Prefeth K'nan chuckles softly. "They're fun to explain things to..." He smiles gently at the young blue. "I like you too, Prefeth." Lysseth> I bespoke Vidarth, Veyath, Prefeth, and Spineth with << All spashing is *fun*! Can we splash the littlethings now? >> Jerethan grins as Prefeth nuzzles K'nan. Dragon> Vidarth bespoke Veyath, Prefeth, Spineth, and Lysseth with << Of /course/! >> "'Course," Jereth adds, "as pretty as you are, /everyone/ will like you..." Aphrael shakes her head in suprise, "What next!" She blinks and looks at K'nan, smiling slightly. Zaphia settles down on Lysseth's head again. R'val sidles closer to Kassima and stops at her side, grinning at her, "You know, she's got that same look of mischief in her eyes that you do!" Lysseth trumpets and suddenly dives under the water, soaking Zaphia totally! Zaphia holds onto Lysseth, going all the way under... Kassima grins mischievously. "Like dragon, like lifemate," she says, and laughs as she sees Lysseth play Dunk the Fire-Lizard! Veyath moves away from Vidarth's splashing, spreading her wings. R'val watches the water and groans sympathetically,' Oh that, poor lizard..' He grins, "Remind me never to be around you or your lifemate when she gets proddy!" Vidarth SNORTS at Veyath smugly Lysseth surfaces in a big splash and then shakes her head around energetically. Jerethan cringes at the thought. Kassima chortles. "She's just being playful." Dragon> Vidarth bespoke Veyath, Prefeth, Spineth, and Lysseth with << Hah! See? It's also fun to soak your clutchmates. >> Allegro swoops toward Zaphia, hovering a few feet above the other green and chirping sympathetically. Zaphia Chiiiiiiirps as she hangs on a little, then goes flying through the air... R'val watches the young dragonets and grins,' That she is." Prefeth mover back slightly, and extends his wings, shaking them, and soaking everyone on the beach. He warbles happily. Zaphia opens her wings, and flitters around in dizzy circles before settling on the shore, talking to herself in chirps. R'val acks as Prefeth's spray hits him and he glares playfully at the blue, "I see Vidarth's been talking to you too!" Veyath finishes extending her wings, tilts them slightly back, and /leaps/ forwards at Vidarth, preceded by a tidal wave. Lysseth warbles and looks for a new victim--err, playmate. Allegro chitters as she falls in the water beside Lysseth. Zaphia sways back and forth from her perch on the bank. Lysseth uses her wings to cause a wave, carrying the little green thing back to shore, looking very, very happy with herself. Vidarth was ready for that. He disappears under the water and beneath the tidal wave before Veyath's assaulte reaches him. Ursa shrieks with happy laughter as she clings to Spineth to avoid going under. Lysseth suddenly submerges, and no trace of her can be seen on the surface.... Prefeth bugles and bouncd across the shore, sending sand flying at R'val. Of course, he does it by accident.. Dragon> Vidarth bespoke Veyath, Prefeth, Spineth, and Lysseth with << Look under the water, little ones! You can see fish, lots of fish! They are very good to eat, but hard to catch. >> Allegro chitter-bubble-splutters as she finally gains footing in the sand. She takes off and hovers a bit above Lysseth's head, thinking she's out of reach. R'val covers his eyes as he is sprayed by sand, "Faugh!" He exclaims, "Yer as much trouble as your rider, Prefeth!" Lysseth> I bespoke Vidarth, Veyath, Prefeth, and Spineth with << See! I told you there were swimming things, Prefeth. >> Veyath turns after landing with a /splash/, looking around for Vidarth. Allegro hovers over the spot where Lysseth submerged, chirping curiously. Dragon> Vidarth bespoke Veyath, Prefeth, Spineth, and Lysseth with << THere /are/ and they're YUMMY. >> Spineth suddenly ducks under water as if looking for something, taking a spluttering Ursa with him. Vidarth wraps his tail around Veyath's tail, and yanks her under. Kassima looks out to the lake, still seeing no sign of Lysseth. "Methinks I detect a plan afoot--or rather, awing," she says with a secretive grin. Dragon> Vidarth, Veyath, Spineth, and Lysseth sense that Prefeth snorts. << Hpmh. >> Jerethan nods at Kassima and ducks. R'val grins at Kassi, "She's probably looking for the fish. All weyrling dragons are curious about 'em." Prefeth warblescroons. He's not trouble, he's /fun/! To prove it, he nudges R'val, sending him tumbling. Veyath warbles in surprise, and is pulled under. R'val rolls to his feet and eyes the dragonet, "Behave yourself, you.' His amused tone belies his words. K'nan chuckles softly. "Go get 'im, Prefeth..." Lysseth suddenly bolts up onto the shore, absolutely covered with wet sand--which she takes great delight in shaking all over R'val and Aphrael! Jerethan grins at the young dragons, standing only a few feet away from him. Ursa splutters as she struggles her head out of the water, "Spineth! I can't go fishing with you!" Prefeth whuffles R'val, then turns to watch the lake intently. Zaphia sprawls out on the beach, wings outspread flat Jerethan glances at K'nan. "I don't know what I'll do if I get accepted at the Harper Hall. No dragons for miles..." Lysseth prances about on the shore for a moment, once having disposed of all that pesky sand on R'val and Aphrael, and then darts back into the lake. R'val reaches out and pats Prefeth's muzzle affectionately, grinning, "You remind me of Quinath, or Jareth, you michevious little demon." Tepp darts in from the South Bowl. K'nan smirks over. "Nah. There's th'watchrider there, and deliveries all th'time..." Zaphia chitters to Tepp Tepp yammers eagerly. Jerethan grins back at K'nan. "But somehow, I'm gonna /miss/ this... Prefeth rumbles with disappointment, laying down and closing his eyelids. Kassima smothers her laughter long enough to say to R'val and Aphrael, "Dreadfully sorry about that...." Somehow, she doesn't seem quite sincere. Ursa straggles to the shore to plop down and cough a lil. "Who told him he could go fishing?" she snorts. Zaphia leaps into the air, and zig-zags around Tepp R'val looks sheepish, "Sorry Ursa, Vidarth was telling him all about the fish.." Tepp spirals around Zaphia. Veyath manages to twist out of Vidarth's grasp, and lumbers up on shore, curling up near K'nan and his rock in a large, vaguely Veyath-shaped indenation. Zaphia warbles, following Tepp Allegro chitters and tries to shake sand from her wings. She finally dives into the water to remove it, then resurfaces, chittering at the wet stuff. Veyath watches Prefeth, eyes swirling a slow green. Lysseth gets herself thoroughly sand-free before coming back to shore, looking proud but very tired. She walks over to her lifemate and lays down, watching sleepily. Zaphia dives at Allegro, knocking into her, and the two fall into the lake with a splash. Prefeth gets up and SNORTS, pacing back and forth, glancing up at Veyath. Ursa coughs and splutters, which eventually comes out as a giggle. "Well!" is all she says. Tepp croons a little song to the young big ones. Zaphia flutters in the water, then floats again, chirping. Spineth finally emerges, and snorts, spraying water everywhere. Kassima grins ruefully. "So much for a nice, restful trip to the lake." Zaphia floats over to Spineth, looking like a leaf with her wings spread like that. K'nan chuckles softly, leaning back to lean against his lifemate's hide. "I dunno about that, I'm rested..." Jerethan grins at the dragons, then submerges himself in the water, looking for these fish everyone's talking about. Lily picks her way to the lake shore from behind a steamy outcrop by the hot springs. Prefeth crooons and joins his lifemate, nudging her gently. Tepp spirals upward a few dragonlengths, then folds his wings and drops into the water like a little blue stone. Splish. Vidarth resurfaces and floats idly, snorting water, his whirling eyes pleasedly regarding the littl e ones. Zaphia floats over to Tepp Lily walks quickly away from the hot springs, her jaw set and her eyes flashing. She stops short to watch the dragonets. Jerethan resurfaces and gasps for air. "What fish?" he finally asks. Dragon> Vidarth, Veyath, Prefeth, and Lysseth sense that Spineth croons sadly, << fish are fast... >> Zaphia cawls out of the water, dragging her wings as she waddles over to Kassima Kassima grins and rubs poor Zaphia's eyeridges. "You poor thing, has my green dearling here been soaking you to death?" Tepp surfaces, snorting. Prefeth warbles happily at the littlegreencousin, and curls up, resting his head on his forelegs. Zaphia warbles softly, but she sounds very happy. Zaphia likes happy playfull bigdragoncousins!! Lily acutally manages to smile a bit at the young dragons. She shakes a bit of water out of her hair, standing back and watching closely. Tepp skims his wings on the surface of the water in an attempt to splash Prefeth. R'val smiles over at Lily, "Lily, hey. How're you doing? Jerethan swims closer to the dragonets, floating on his back. K'nan glances back down at the rock, tracing his finger along something and moving his lips, reading silently. Zaphia waddles over to Prefeth, and uses her little fingers to rub the eyerides like humanpets do to her! Kassima waves to Lily, careful not to disturb the sleepy Lysseth. Lily's eyes flash, and she takes several deep breaths before forcing herself to relax. She waves to Kassima and nods to R'val. "I'm okay, I guess. Just learning a few lessons," she says softly, glancing toward the hot springs. Tepp crawls to the shore and yawns. Prefeth crooons in contentment, eyes swirling happily as she regards the littlegreencousin. R'val hrms at Lily, "Lessons?" Zaphia tells Prefeth some wild story she made up the other day....something about a shipfish. Ursa beckons to Spineth, a tender-fond smile on her face, "Well, get over here and I'll take care of it, silly." She watches Spineth waddle over and stars scritching before glancing up to wave at Lily. Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Vidarth, Veyath, and Lysseth with << You are right. Littlecousins are *friendship*. >> Kassima looks out to the hot springs, puzzled. "Didn't know they taught lessons out there." She shrugs. Dragon> Veyath, Prefeth, and Lysseth sense that Vidarth croons warmly. << Of course they are, even though they're annoying sometimes. >> R'val pokes Kassi gently and murmurs something. Lysseth> I bespoke Vidarth, Veyath, and Prefeth with << Especially when they all want to perch on your head. >> R'val whispers "I think she's learning some crafter lessons about how to live with weyrfolk. They're very hard lessons to learn sometime!" Avac heads over from the South Bowl. Lily nods, her jaw clenching. "Yes, lessons. Something Master Susaen tried to explain to me, that I was too stupid to understand." She smiles wryly, "But we all gotta learn sometime." She ventures a wave to Ursa." Kassima nods and murmurs back. You whisper "Then I wish her much joy of the learning." to R'val. Prefeth rumblescroons at the littlegreencousin. He holds his muzzle still so she cen perch carefully. R'val whispers "They're not always fun lessons, Kassi, but she'll be better off for having learned 'em." R'val turns from murmuring to the weyrling to regarding Lily worreidly, "Are you allright, Lily?" Jerethan jumps, startled, as Prefath rumbles near his ear. K'nan raises an eyebrow over at Lily, and hrms for a moment. Zaphia perches, being careful for his soft hide, she looks into his eye crooning softly. You whisper "Better off, indeed. I hope she isn't hurt by them, though." to R'val. Lysseth rumbles a sleepy version of dragon laughter as she watches Prefeth and the little green cousin. Tepp emits an eager chirrup, and blinks away into *between*. Lily nods to R'val, "Oh, I'm quite all right. Now I just understand things a little better." Shaking her head a little, she looks over toward Ursa and ventures a little smile. "How's your dragon?" Storm darts in from the South Bowl. Avac heads in the direction of the South bowl, leaving the shimmering lake. K'nan hmphs to himself consideringly for a moment. Storm "Cheeerrrrup!" Zaphia warbles to Strorm then Eps at dragoncousin Prefeth warbles comfortingly. Storm chirples back to Zaphia! Avac heads over from the South Bowl. Ursa smiles up at Lily, no, to be honest, she beams. "He's... he's just doing great, thanks." Avac dropped Tarakus. Storm flies about, as if looking for somebody. Storm bugles a happy greeting to Pretty Big Green Veyath! Veyath croons an amused greeting to Storm. K'nan glances up at Storm, and smiles. "Heya Storm!" Lily nods and smiles a bit more widely. "You sure looked happy when you Impressed her..he's such a nice shade of brown." Storm, with a long stemmed red bloom in his foreclaws, circles around looking for Greenpretty Veyath's rider. Tarakus dive-bombs into the lake, making a big splash. Kieri heads over from the South Bowl. Ursa strokes his muzzle gently, nodding, "Isn't it? I've never seen such a lovely shad of brown." She doesn't seem to realize she's gushing. Veyon heads over from the South Bowl. Storm spreads his wings and gracefully backwings, making himself to almost float down, to the Big friend of BIG green dragoncousin! Kieri waves, pausing to look around. Kassima waves to Veyon and salutes Kieri. R'val looks up and smiles warmly,' H'llo, Ki!" Kieri grins as Kassima salutes. Aphrael smiles at Kieri and salutes, and waves ato Veyon. Veyon waves to the cute girls. R'val waves his weyrmate over and grins sheepishly, "Vidarth's been teaching the dragonets to hunt fish." Zaphia chitters to Perfeth happily Zaphia warbles to Veyon, preening. K'nan smiles over, "Heya Ki, Veyon..." He looks back up at Storm, "Heya Storm. How's Brendan doing?" Storm floats down towards K'nan. Veyon heads for the hot springs. Veyon picks his way across the rocks to the steamy hot springs of Benden. Tarakus TRUMPETS loudly, announcing himself. Prefeth sends out his tongue and *licks* the littlegreencousin, warbling happily. Kieri returns the salutes, wandering over to R'val with a grin. "Is he?" Lily nods a greeting to Kieri and Veyon, taking a step closer to Spineth. "I think he's nice. You sure look happy with him." R'val grins, "He was, last time I looked..they got distracted by firelizards mind you.' He murmurs to Ki with a silly grin, "Prefeth tried to eat one." K'nan allows brown Storm to perch on his outstretched arm. Lysseth warbles and peers around at all the little cousins. From K'nan's shoulder, Storm hovers just out of K'nan's reach. Zaphia chitters at the bigcousin drool. Ursa looks up to salute the incoming rider, then beckons to Lily to come even closer if she wants, "Come meet him?" Kieri laughs. "Eat you? Oh, shards." Prefeth snorts. From K'nan's shoulder, Storm lands on K'nan's arm, extends his foreclaws with the log stemmed red bloom. From K'nan's shoulder, Storm "Chrrrreeeep?" K'nan blinks, and takes the bloom. "For me?" Lysseth> I bespoke Vidarth, Veyath, and Prefeth with << Why anyone would want to eat a little cousin when they could dunk them instead is beyond me. >> Tarakus starts zooming around all the bigcousins. Zaphia jumps on Prefeth's head, playing queen of the mountain. Tarakus tries to knock off the queen....:) Zaphia spreads her tiny wings to keep the hill. Prefeth gets up, careful not to unbalance the littlegreencousin on his head. He lumbers down the beach to Lysseth and snorts, flicking sand at her with his tail. Lysseth snorts loudly and crouches down, blowing sand all over Prefeth. Prefeth rumbles! Zaphia dives at Lysseth, she looks like much more fun to bug!! Vidarth lowers his head to the sand as he rumbles out of the water and flops down, spraying sand over Prefeth and Lysseth, and wurbling happily. Tarakus cheeps to the green/queen of the hill... Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Lysseth with << Do not upset littlegreencousin. She is *friendship*. >> Lysseth trills and shakes off the sand, all over Prefeth and Kassima, then snorts at Zaphia gently. Lysseth> I bespoke Prefeth with << I would not upset her. >> Prefeth crooons approval, laying down in the sand nearby. Zaphia lands beside Lysseth, and has a chat with the pretty greencousingreen. R'val grins and regards the dragonets. Zaphia looks at Aph, then Kass....she think's it was those charms...yup yup... Lily walks over slowly, shaking her hair out, trying to untangle some of the wet curls. Smiling, she extends a hand, "Umm...hi there Spineth. Nice to meetcha." She raises her eyebrows and shrugs at Ursa, "What do you say to dragons?" Lysseth peers down at the little green, eyes whirling a contented blue-green color. Aphrael grins and smiles at Prefeth, then Zaphia. Zaphia puffs out her chest and spreads her wings, trying to look impressive Tarakus flits over to the biggreencousin, and chitters happily. Spineth looks at Lily curiously and snorts at her, an indecipherable sound. Lysseth warbles at the little cousins. From K'nan's shoulder, Storm "Cheeerrrup!" Zaphia chitters Ursa grins at Lily, "I dunno. Just say hi. He thinks you're interesting." Prefeth rumblesin what could be translated as amusement, and whuffles Zaphia. Zaphia falls back as she's whuffled, and chirps. Tarakus spreads his wings and TRUMPETS proudly. From K'nan's shoulder, Storm, with toungue hangin' out, nods rapidly. Lysseth whiffles the little fire-lizard, looking amused. Zaphia rights herself, but doesn't look quite so puffed up anymore. Angelique picks her way to the lake shore from behind a steamy outcrop by the hot springs. Lily grins and reaches out to gently patpat Spineth's nose. "You're sure a nice dragon. 'Course you're cute, with all the other baby dragons and all. And with Ursa." She smiles, "And you're awful nice. Oh, I'm Lily," she says belatedly, "the new Weyrminer." Avac sees the woman coming, and looks away. Angelique walks from the springs,soaking wet. She looks rather upset as she hurries by. Angelique heads in the direction of the South bowl, leaving the shimmering lake. Blazer zips to the lake shore from behind a steamy outcrop by the hot springs. Lily's smile disappears as she sees Angelique, turning away. From K'nan's shoulder, Storm thinks he's Wacko...from animaniacs tonight! (That's an OOC comment, all you Masters!) Ursa smiles at Lily, "And I'm Ursa. But you know that." She trails off as she loses Lily's attention. From K'nan's shoulder, Storm jauntily tilts his head from side to side as he sings a silly little 'lizard tune to you! N'fan picks his way to the lake shore from behind a steamy outcrop by the hot springs. K'nan grins at Storm, and looks the flower over. Zaphia trumpets to Prefeth, hopping in place, looking very silly. Kassima salutes N'fan. "Good eve, sir," she says, suppressing a yawn. R'val grins, "Hey, N'fan." Prefeth rumblesnorts, sending Zaphia flying again! Ursa sees Kassima salute and quickly does the same in N"fan's direction. Tarakus waddles over to the biggreencousin and chirps inquisitively. Zaphia tumbles in the air head over tail untill she rights herself and hovers in the air chittering. Lily nods distractedly to Ursa, "Nice to meet you officially," she murmurs, her face downturned, not noticing N'fan's arrival. N'fan is walking rather quickly. He stops abruptly when someone salutes him, and blinks confusedly. "Hm? Oh." He salutes back to all the Weyrlings, somewhat abruptly, as if he doesn't really feel like going through formalities right now. Aphrael salutes in N'fan's direction, then turns back to watch her lifemate. Lysseth peers at the little cousins before crooning to them inquisitively. Tarakus chitters, introducing himself to the biggreencousin. From K'nan's shoulder, Storm finishes his song and suddenly drops off your arm and spreads his wings before he hits the ground. K'nan dropped Storm. Storm flaps his way over to land on Veyath's head. Zaphia zips over to Prefeth, settling down to rest a little. Veyath blinks slowly, the warbles tolerantly at the 'lizard, closing her eyes again. Prefeth shakes his head emphatically with a amused snort. Spineth nudges the new lilyfriend gently. Zaphia chitters up at the young bluecousin. N'fan keeps going on his way, apparently upset about something. He'd probably better not be around the dragonets in this condition anyway. They might be sensitive to it. N'fan heads in the direction of the South bowl, leaving the shimmering lake. Avac looks around, and sighs. Blazer darts in the direction of the South bowl, leaving the shimmering lake. Aphrael chuckles softly as she picks up some images from her dragon. Kassima grins over to Aphrael. "Something funny?" Zaphia chitters at Aphrael, as if she's trying to get some suport Lily blinks at the nudge, looking at the brown and smiling gently. "Sorry about that, guess I'm a little distracted." She gives him another pat and smiles at Ursa. "I'd better get myself dried off and tend to unpacking my office and all. It was good meeting you, Ursa. And Spineth." With a nod to the others, she heads away from the lake. Zaphia warbles to Kassima too. Vidarth lays his head on his crossed paws and regards the dragonets. He swishes his tail about, blowing sand around him. K'nan glances around at the dragonets, and smiles suddenly. He drops off the rock to kneel beside it. R'val smiles, awaving, "Bye, Lily." Ursa waves to Lily while Spineth croons quietly at her retreating back. Aphrael grins at Kassi, then laughs at Zaphia. "Prefeth is talking to Zaphia. Some of the images.." She laughs. Lily gives R'val a little wave. "See you later." Kassima waves to Lily. R'val grins, "Firelizards don't make much sense, your dragon'll probably comment on that." Lily heads in the direction of the South bowl, leaving the shimmering lake. Ursa smiles and hugs Spineth, "No, she likes you, sweetie." Jerethan gazes up at R'val from where he's floating in the water. "Heck, I can tell you that, and I'm just a fire-lizard pet." Zaphia cocks her head at R'val, turning it almost all the way upside down. R'val grins at Jerethan, "Yes, but some dragonets get particularily confused on occasion." He grins at Zaphia, "Silly beast." K'nan draws his beltknife and considers it for a moment, then shakes his head and resheathes it. Reaching down to his boot, he draws a second one and tests the edge, nodding in satisfaction. Lysseth turns over on her back, watching all the fire-lizards from upside-down. Interesting. Benden Weyr> R'val edges away from K'nan as his knives make a reappearance. Allegro chitters in annoyance -- first at her pet, then at R'val. Tarakus flies over to the bigbrowncousin, and chitters in a friendly manner. Zaphia croooooooons softly at Prefeth. Benden Weyr> F'nar finds his Freddy Krueger gloves. Muahahaha. Benden Weyr> Kassima sees knives and thinks, I know I used my infamous cleavers to have m'self a good chunk of Vidarth steak now and then, but what's gonna get cut up this time? :) Benden Weyr> R'val whimpers in fear, and begins to twitch uncontrollably as he remembers his ultimate nightmare, Veyath Rising! Benden Weyr> N'fan makes a pact with the Mangler..? Benden Weyr> Kassima chortles. Sounds like a movie title, R'val. :) Avac sits down, and looks pensive. Zaphia croons again. Benden Weyr> Jerethan says, "Tom Clancy Novel: The Sum of All Clear and Present Veyath Risings." Benden Weyr> R'val shudders at Kassima. Just you wait. You'll see how badly I get treated by the proddies around here..oh wait, you already did...Wereth *sigh* :} Zaphia turns to R'val and starts chattering some story to him, as if he could understand firelizard. Benden Weyr> W'liam takes aim at Jerethan with the Nerf Bat of Doom (tm). Prefeth crooons back, turning his gaze onto R'val for a moment. Tarakus cheeps to the little green FL. Benden Weyr> Kassima snickers. Yep, that was fun. A shining example of True Evil. :) Storm "Cheeeeerup up up!" Benden Weyr> R'val glares at Kassima, "And you'll do worse, won't you!?:)" Benden Weyr> Kassima bows. "I can but try." <eg> Prefeth blinks at Zaphia and rumbles softly. Benden Weyr> R'val sighs. A whole new generation of Evil Greens and their Evil Riders, determined to torment R'val and his dragon, and then get themselves flown by Sorath. :} K'nan runs his hand along the rock until he finds the proper place, and starts to scratch something onto the rock itself. Benden Weyr> Kassima muwahahahahahas. Evil! Evil since the dawn of time! :) Ursa pulls herself to her feet, a guiding, friendly hand on Spineth's back as teh two make their way back to the barracks. She calls over her shoulder, "Feeding time," as a parting message. Kassima waves to Ursa and Spineth. R'val calls out, "SEe you later, Ursa, Spineth!" Ursa heads in the direction of the South bowl, leaving the shimmering lake. Aphrael waves at Ursa and Spineth. "Bye!" Spineth lumbers in the direction of the South bowl, leaving the shimmering lake. Veyon picks his way to the lake shore from behind a steamy outcrop by the hot springs. K'nan glances up, and smiles. "Clear skies, Ursa, Spineth..." Zaphia bobs her head at Prefeth Prefeth rumbles happily, eyes spinning with mischief. Tarakus chitters to Prefeth. Veyon slips into the lake, and begins swimming quietly. Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Lysseth with << Zaphia and I are going to splash *picture of R'val*. Will you help? We need to move him to the shore. >> Lysseth> I bespoke Prefeth with << I'll always help with a splashing. How should we get him there? >> Jerethan moves out of Veyon's way. "Hiya," he grins as Veyon passes him. Veyon turns, "Heya." Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Lysseth with << You and I can drive him. Like *picture of sheep dog*. My lifemate thinks it is a wonderful idea. >> Aphrael grins widely. She shoots a look at Kassi, then back to Prefeth. Lysseth> Prefeth senses that Lysseth considers. << It could work, at that. Let's try it! >> R'val sits down near Vidarth, and leans back against the blue hide as he watches. Kassima slowly grins, then assumes her most innocent expression. Storm takes off from Veyath's head and circles around Aphrael for a few moments! Prefeth bounds up, moving across the beach sedately. R'val narrows his eyes at Kassima, KNOWING that look. Lysseth springs from her position, trailing behind Prefeth slightly, for now content to follow. Kassima blinks at R'val, looking very innocent. "What?" Aphrael follow's Prefeth's movements, and pauses to smile at Storm. "Hello there! How's your pet?" R'val eyes Kassi,' I know that look!" Avac chuckles softly. Storm "Chirp!" Kassima widens her eyes. "Why, what look is that, R'val?" Dragon> Vidarth and Lysseth sense that Prefeth nudges R'val. << Vidarth, tell your rider we have a surprise. He needs to stand up for a moment. >> Prefeth moves over to R'val and Vidarth, nudging the former slightly. Dragon> Prefeth and Lysseth sense that Vidarth rumbles. << My rider does not trust you, you naughty dragonets. But I think he is being Silly. >> Storm wings up into the air before disappearing into *between* with the characteristic clap of air collapsing in on itself. Vidarth nudges his rider, who sighs and stands, eyeingAph and Kassi suspiciously. Zaphia warbles softly as she zigs around. Lysseth helps Prefeth to nudge at R'val. Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Vidarth and Lysseth with << We would not *hurt* your lifemate! >> Kassima continues looking very, very innocent indeed. Aphrael pretends not to watch. Lysseth> I bespoke Vidarth and Prefeth with << Of *course* not. We'd *never* do that. >> R'val grins and scritches Lysseth's muzzle, "You're a beauty, you are. "He grins down at her, and then regards Kassi, "Whatever you've got planned..' He threatens vaguely, waving a finger at her. Prefeth nudges R'val, pushing him slightly towards the water's edge. R'val laughs and scritches Prefeth's muzzle, "Trying to dunk me? Nuh-uh, I had my swim today." Avac wades into the lake, and starts to dog-paddle. Kassima places one hand on her collarbone, blinking up at him. "I have nothing planned," she says, quite sincerely, with a slight emphasis on the first word. Prefeth nudges more insistantly, and moves him, with Lysseth's help. Zaphia closes her wings and drops into the water like a little stone. **Sploosh** R'val oofs, "Hey! You two.." He mumbles, "No respect for a rider..hmph." He moves back slightly. Vidarth watches in amusement. Lysseth nudges firmly at R'val, trying to get him to move. R'val oofs and moves back s'more, "Hey..." Prefeth croons at the littlegreencousin, while forcing R'val back further. Jerethan plunges into the water just behind R'val, managing to land just behind R'val's legs. R'val calls out, "Kassi, Aph...what are these two doing?" K'nan glances up from whatever he's doing, and grins. Oh, he -has- to watch this. Aphrael bites her lip to keep from openly laughing. "Uh.. er.. its a suprise!" It sure will be. Zaphia triiils, sitting up in the water with wings fanning watter over the sillyhumantypeperson. Kassima says in her most sweet, innocent voice, "Why, R'val, I haven't the faintest." Avac holds his breath, and dives underwater. R'val grumbles, "I'm sure it'll be a very unplea...ACK!" He squawks as he trips backwards over Jarethan and tumbles into the water. Lysseth bugles in triumph! Jerethan grins and cheers. R'val lands face first int the water and stands, glaring at the conspirators. He spits water all over Jerethan and ughs, "Nasty weyrlings...I"ll tell Cerilla 'bout this."he winks, showing he's joking. Prefeth uses his forelegs to nudge R'val deeper into the water, trumpting a clear, happy bugle. Zaphia flitters over to R'val, splashing with tiny wings. Then quickly finds a place to hide. Jerethan dives back into the water. "Yuck!" he says. Kassima laughs and applauds. "Good work, Prefeth, Jerethan, Lysseth!" She gives R'val a look of horror about as genuine as her look of innocence. "You wouldn't!" Prefeth warbles to Zaphia! He then flicks his tail, tickling R'val with the end of it. Tarakus joins in the fun, splashing the dunked rider with his wings. Veyath lazily stretches her tail down into the water and towards R'val. Vidarth suddenly sweeps his muzzle out from his paws, and into Prefeth and Lysseth's bottoms, sending them flying into the water! Aphrael giggles from her safe /dry/ back back from the shoreline. "Eh, it wasnt /our/ idea, R'val.." Zaphia triils, swooping around the olderdragoncousin Lysseth SHRIEKS and falls into the water with a giant splash! R'val doubles over laughing, "Good going, Vidarth!" Vidarth rumbles amusedly. Prefeth topples into the water, sending a huge wave over R'val, Vidarth and Lysseth. Dragon> Prefeth and Lysseth sense that Vidarth rumbles. << Splashing is /such/ fun, dunking too. >> Lysseth starts splashing R'val in earnest, to make him pay for... well, probably nothing. But it's still fun! Veyath slips her tail around R'val's leg while he's laughing, and abruptly lifts him out of the water by one leg. Prefeth rights himself, warbling happily at Veyath! R'val yelps and wiggles out of Veyath's grip, "Hey! stop that. Vidarth was just avenging me, have a sense of humour Veyath.." He grins. Lysseth> Vidarth and Prefeth sense that Lysseth splutters. << Could've given us a little warning! >> Veyath croons amusedly at R'val through half-lidden eyes. Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Vidarth and Lysseth with << We will get him back, clutchsister, when we are *image of big dragon* >> Avac is REALLY enjoying this....:) Dragon> Prefeth and Lysseth sense that Vidarth rumbles mellowly. << Nah. That would've ruined the fun! >> Lysseth keeps trying, without success, to find a good way to splash R'val when he's up there. Jerethan tries to sneak up behind R'val, but spoils it at the last minute by chuckling. Prefeth turns and pounces on Vidarth's tail! R'val moves away from Veyath as he wiggles free, "Hmph. Sadistic green. K'nan, git that beast of yours away from me...." He grins. Zaphia chitters and splashes Prefeth, and Lysseth happily. Lysseth> Vidarth and Prefeth sense that Lysseth is amused. << That we will, Prefeth! >> K'nan glances back up again, and grins. "R'val, I -am- holding a knife, y'know." K'nan then goes back to his rock-scratching. R'val sticks his tongue out at K'nan, "Ki'd be upset if you used that on me!" Dragon> Prefeth and Lysseth sense that Vidarth snorts. << Silly little dragonets. >> Lysseth does a sudden turn in the water, causing a generous wave to splash Zaphia. She trills. K'nan doesn't look up. "Nah. Not if I left...certain parts of you...intact, she wouldn't." Zaphia flitters out of the water then zips around Vidarth's head trumpeting. Prefeth warbles delightedly, eyes following Vidarth's tail as she jumps on it. Veyath waves her tail idly in the water for a bit, watching the ripples it creates. Kassima suppresses a chortle at this conversation, and watches Lysseth splashing hither and yon. Prefeth croons encouragement to Zaphia. He spots movement of another tail. Fun! He dives towards it, sending water flying. R'val grins at Kassi, "Sorry about that, but..you know Vidarth and his sense of humour." Avac starts zooming around under-water. Veyath blinks, pulling her head back slightly as her tail is pounced upon. Zaphia lands on the oldergreencousin's head. Lysseth decides to turn the tables on Prefeth and dives towards his tail, forming a dragonet-chain. Veyath blinks again, shaking her head slightly. Zaphia is on Vidarth's head. Vidarth crosses his whirling eyes and regards Zaphia. Zaphia chirps sorry for not being clear 'bout that..... Kassima grins at R'val. "Only too well. He's an evil blue dunking demon." Prefeth stalks the tail, as it escapes him. Suddenly he BUGLES as his tail in turn is pounched upon. R'val winks, And he's teaching Lysseth all his tricks, by doing them to her." Avac pokes his head up, sees all the dragons, then goes back underwater. Lysseth rumbles in laughter at Prefeth's startlement. Zaphia looks into Vidarth's eye chirping at *him* Kassima chuckles. "But you forget, R'val, that for me, that's a side bonus! The more she dunks me, the better off I'll be, aye?" Prefeth turns and tumbles towards Lysseth, sending her flying as she both *splash* ending up under water. R'val shakes his head, still grinning in amusement at Kassi, "Only you would ENJOY being dunked, you silly." Jerethan grins at Kassima. "Yeah, water her and she Jerethan grins at Kassima. "Yeah, water her and she'll grow." Veyath warbles tolerantly at the dragonets, pulling her tail up on shore. She reaches out and with one foreclaw and brings a mound of wet sand ahead a bit. Lysseth trills and firmly dunks Prefeth. Avac starts complaining underwater. Prefeth bugles delightedly and rolls over, sending Lysseth under again. Vidarth slaps his large wings down on the water, and aims the resultant splash at the two silly young dragonets. Kassima chuckles to R'val. "Oh, I don't know about that--I'm sure there've been other Candies who enjoyed Vidarth's antics." R'val grins at Kassima, "I was dunked a few times myself." Zaphia tries to pull Vidarth, her wings *blur* as she leans back, holding onto him. Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Lysseth with << Fun! >> Kassima nods. "Aye, do you not think I remember? That first time I helped wash him, he dunked us both with those wings of his." She grins. Zaphia looks for some help here...she's just a little thing! Tarakus zooms over and helps pulling... Lysseth> I bespoke Prefeth with << Lots of fun! >> Allegro zips over toward Zaphia, lending her tiny strength as well. K'nan finishes whatever he was scratching, and resheathes his boot knife. He turns, "Tidranth. Tidranth is the ultimate dunking teacher." R'val groans," Tidranth. The ultimate dunking teacher, tickling teacher..." Jerethan notices K'nan and points him out to R'val. "Hey, he's dry! We can't let that happen, can we?" Zaphia keeps puuuulling. Aphrael chuckles softly, "Tidranth's not so bad." She comments. You say "He must've taught Vidarth everything he knows, then, aye?" K'nan considers for a moment. "No...Roddy was the best tickling teacher." He turns back and heads over to where Veyath is apparently attempting to build a sand weyr. Tarakus keeps tugging along.... R'val snorts, "Vidarth's afraid to make Veyath mad, he ain't gonna soak her." Allegro flutters madly as she pulllllls. Zaphia gets bored....and stops pulling, she zips around. Vidarth SNORTS! at Zaphia and rumbles amusedly. Tarakus keeps pulling.... Zaphia tumbles in the air at the snort and trumpets Lysseth manages to get back onshore shakes herself off, most of the water falling on R'val and Zaphia. She peers around for a new, exciting thing to catch her attention. Allegro flits up to the top of Vidarth's head. Perhaps /pushing/ /down/ will be easier... Prefeth bursts from the water, bugling happily! Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Vidarth, Veyath, and Lysseth with << I got one! A swimming thing! >> Zaphia swoops down on the littlebabygreencousin. Prefeth opens his maw slightly, showing a wriggling creature, before he /gulps/ and its gone. Dragon> Vidarth bespoke Veyath, Prefeth, and Lysseth with << Excellent, Prefeth! Gulp it down, they are delicious. >> Tarakus joins Allegro in pushing down.... Lysseth> I bespoke Vidarth, Veyath, and Prefeth with << Good catching, Prefeth! >> Avac *yelps as he gets swallowed....:) Kassima grins. "Lysseth says Prefeth managed to catch a swimming thing." Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Vidarth, Veyath, and Lysseth with << They are *taste*! But not very filling. >> R'val smiles, "Ah, one of the lake's fish." Aphrael grins at her lifemate. "Congratulations love." She calls. Dragon> Vidarth bespoke Veyath, Prefeth, and Lysseth with << Yes, that is so. But they /do/ make nice snacks. >> Lysseth> I bespoke Vidarth, Veyath, and Prefeth with << That's probably why our lifemates don't feed them to us for meals. >> Prefeth croons happily and darts back under the water. Zaphia lands on Lysseth, and walks on her. Lysseth looks back, eyes whirling, before deciding the little green isn't going to do any harm. Still, she keeps an eye on her. Allegro flits over and lands beside Prefeth, chirpling up at him curiously. Zaphia warbles at Lysseth, and flops down on her back, spreading her wings over the littlegreencousin's back on either side. Lysseth walks carefully back to her previous position and lies down, trying not to disturb Zaphia. She snorts and watches everything around her quietly. Zaphia looks down at Lysseth and decides she's not so little, but snuggles down to rest, watching the fun. Prefeth emerges more slowly this time. He wanders over to Veyath, peering at her sand sculpture. K'nan grins over to Prefeth as he helps his lifemate shape a wall. "Heya again, Prefeth." Allegro chirples and lands atop Prefeth's back. Prefeth croons a greeting, his tail twitching. Zaphia chirps softly. Prefeth turns his head to look at the littlelizard on his back. He warbles softly at Veyath and sits down to watch. Allegro chirps at Prefeth, then warblecroons at him affectionately. Jerethan grins at Prefeth. "Seems you've got a friend," he says. Zaphia rolls off prettybabygreencousin's back and skitters across the sand yammering. Zaphia waddles over to Prefeth, and Veyath and the castle, crooning up at babybluecousin Veyath hollows out the middle of the sandweyr for the bowl roughly with one talon. Withdrawing, K'nan climbs up a bit to do the finer details. Prefeth nudges Zaphia encouragingly, lifting her on his muzzle and letting her off on her back next tot he other lizard. Jerethan glances over at K'nan, decides he doesn't have enough to do, and pantomimes splashing him. Prefeth peers over K'nan's shoulder, his head in the way of the light. Zaphia churbles as she's lifted, and continues to *talk* as she scritches the bigcousin's soft hide. Allegro chirples at Zaphia and rubs her head against one of Prefeth's neck ridges. Zaphia warbles to Allegro as she scratches carefully. Prefeth croons relief, his eyes swirling happily as she watches K'nan. Allegro watches Zaphia for a moment, then scritches as well. Zaphia walks up Prefeth's head and scritches eyeridges. Jerethan climbs out of the water reluctantly, waving to everyone. He approaches the beach, looking for his clothes. K'nan turns to grin at Prefeth, now covered with wet and dry sand, and abruptly laughs! Aphrael bursts out laughing, walking over to join her lifemate. "No, dear." Allegro moves backward and wanders back toward Prefeth's tail, continuing to scritch. She flutters over and lands on the tail, scritching itchy spots there. K'nan starts to giggle madly, collapsing against the side of the sand weyr. Jerethan wanders along the beach, looking for his clothes. They were just here... Zaphia chirps at the sillyhumanpeople Jerethan stops as he reaches the Sand Weyr, still searching about. He recognizes the rock by which he left them, and then his eyes travel toward the sand weyr. Prefeth croons in confusion, looking down at his lifemate, then back at Veyath. Jerethan gazes at the sand weyr and ummmmms for a moment. Veyath cocks her head curiously at Prefeth. K'nan composes himself, and climbs back to his feet. He grins at Aphrael, "I didn't remember just how funny this could be..." Zaphia warbles to Kassima Aphrael chortles, scratching Prefeth gently. "He's so innocent, its hilarious. But I still love him." Prefeth warblesin confusion at Veyath. R'val winks at Aph, "He'll not be innocent forever. Treasure his childhood while it lasts." K'nan smiles, glancing up at his own lifemate. "I know what y'mean..." Aphrael grins at R'val. "I am!" She says as she laughs. Benden Weyr> K'nan oohs, new weyrlings. When can I teach them the BDS? Benden Weyr> F'nar wonders what the BDS is? Benden Weyr> K'nan says, "The Benden Drinking Song!" Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Benden Drinking Song? :)" Benden Weyr> F'nar ose. Why not? Benden Weyr> K'nan doesn't think they're supposed to be drinking, F'nar. :P Benden Weyr> R'val washed his hands /very/ thoroughly thank you : Benden Weyr> F'nar grins. Doesn't mean they can't learn the song.. Benden Weyr> Kassima sighs. Too true. :) Remind me to show you my poem about the one time I did get drunk, ICly, in mixed company. :) It's actually a coded thing I carry around with me, Faranth only knows why. :) Benden Weyr> R'val oohs. I remember that poem ;) Benden Weyr> K'nan hmphs. Yes it does! You can /only/ learn the BDS while drinking. It's a law. Jerethan gazes at the sand weyr for a moment longer, then turns to K'nan. "Ummm," he begins, blushing. Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "Yeah, that, and "The Tuber," and "The Lay of the Lair In the Latrines" are my only contributions to the great archive of poetry and song thusfar. :)" Benden Weyr> R'val says, "LET'S GET SH..ER...err...nevermind. Sorry. Canadian drinking instincts JUST about took over for a second there!" K'nan glances back, "Hmm?" Benden Weyr> R'val tickles. Did you submit those songs to Opa, Kassi? Prefeth hangs his head in dissapointment. Benden Weyr> K'nan just has 'Restoration'. *Shrug*. Benden Weyr> Kassima grins. The one about the snakes, yes. The other two weren't particularly Weyr related, though "The Tuber" was close. :) Benden Weyr> R'val hrms. True :) Benden Weyr> K'nan considers sending that one to Opa. Hmm. Benden Weyr> Kassima would drop them and let y'all see them, but she can't think of a good reason for her to do so, drat. :) Benden Weyr> R'val was the one who persuaded Ki to hold her flight when she did, thus the huge log that was contributed is partly to his credit. Really!@ :) Jerethan glances at K'nan. "Greenrider?" he says hesitantly. K'nan nods, "Yep, s'me...what is it?" Benden Weyr> K'nan tries to decide whether it's weyr-related enough. Prefeth bounces happily, emitting a loud tenot BUGLE and startling the firelizards perched on his back. Zaphia chirps and flitters into the air. Benden Weyr> N'fan says, "If you wrote it, must be Weyr-related. :)" Veyath nuzzles Prefeth fondly before settling back down again. Jerethan glances toward the sand weyr. "Um, it seems that, well, er... my clothes." He stops, embarased. K'nan blinkblinks, and prompts, "Your clothes?.... Zaphia circles Lysseth, wondering what she's doing. Prefeth croons happily, settling back down and apologetically warbling to the firelizards. Lysseth dozes lightly. Jerethan nods and points at the sand weyr. "I left them beside your rock, you remember." Zaphia does 'cartwheels' in the air, trying to impress everyone. Allegro trills at Zaphia, impressed. She tries the same stunt and lands in the water. She chitters in annoyance. Benden Weyr> Jerethan loves the Engineer's Drinking Song! Zaphia chitters at Allegro, zipping over her before perching back on Prefeth. K'nan nods. "Oh!...right. It's on the other side of th'sand weyr." He grins. "I was /not/ about to bury my rock." Benden Weyr> K'nan says, "The BDS is a variation on it." Benden Weyr> R'val says, "Yo he yo, pick pick pick!" Jerethan gazes past and spots his clothes. "Ah," he says, much relieved, and goes over to retrieve them. Benden Weyr> F'nar says, "I hit at the walls with my sharp pointed stick!" Aphrael pauses in scratching a dry patch on Prefeth. She looks at K'nan, "Your rock? Prefeth would ask if you made it.." She grins. Benden Weyr> F'nar says, "I dig out gems and gold, just like a dream." K'nan chuckles. "He would, prolly...." Benden Weyr> Jerethan says, "But, Commander Riker, suppose I do not /wish/ to be processed..."" Benden Weyr> K'nan says, "The Miner's Drinking Song, f'nar?" Benden Weyr> F'nar says, "For I'm a miner bold! (Or, that's how I'd like to seem!)" Benden Weyr> Kassima tsks tsks and is going to wind up singing "Snailman" to y'all. :) Prefeth BUGLES delight! He crouches down, and watches the sand weyr carefully, waiting for K'nan to move. Jerethan shakes the sand out of his clothes, noting that they're still wet. K'nan blinks at Prefeth, and takes a long step away. Benden Weyr> Jerethan sighs and almost dreads going to the Harper Hall ;) This knot has /so much/ fun stuff on it ;) Benden Weyr> F'nar says, "And then there's the variation, "Yo he ho, kick kick kick, I hit all miners cuz they're sick sick sick!"" Benden Weyr> Kassima grins and knows. Where else can you order a Vidarthburger for only 1/4 mark? :) Prefeth lines up, holding still for a moment, tail twitching. *pounce* He lands on the sand weyr, destroying it totally and sending sand flying. He warbles in delight! Benden Weyr> K'nan says, "We are, We are, We are, We are, We are from Benden Weyr..." Jerethan aaaaacks as he's hit by a flying wall of sand. Zaphia hangs onto Prefeth, trumpeting happily. K'nan grins, and notices that he's become covered in sand somehow. Benden Weyr> Jerethan says, "And anyone who meets with us is in for quite a scare!" Benden Weyr> F'nar says, "We live, we live, we live, we live, we live for Benden Beer?" Aphrael sighs and spits out some of the sand. "You could've warned me.." She lectures, but grins as she watches Prefeth roll around in the sand. R'val laughs softly at Prefeth's antics. Benden Weyr> K'nan checks. No, no, those aren't the next lines....;) Benden Weyr> Kassima says, "We can, we can, we can, we can demolish forty beers. :)" Benden Weyr> K'nan says, "That's it!" Benden Weyr> K'nan says, "Once you weyrlings graduate, I think we should take you all to do the nine. ;)" Benden Weyr> Jerethan hates slant rhyme. Benden Weyr> Kassima yeps. She's not sure she remembers the next one, though she does the one after that... do the nine? Benden Weyr> F'nar says, "Drink rum, drink rum, drink rum all day, and cuome along with us, because we don't give a damn for any old man who don't give a damn for us?" Benden Weyr> K'nan says, "Well, ale, not rum, and shard, not damn, but close enough. ;)" Jerethan sputters sand and gazes at Prefeth. "Definitely another Vidarth," he says, and smiles. Zaphia flitters into the sand and digs a hole into the soft sand. Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Vidarth, Veyath, and Lysseth with << Sand pouncing is fun! It is fun to destroy something you made *image* Though it does not come back like *image of waves* do. >> Benden Weyr> K'nan says, "The nine. :) There're nine weyrs. All have their own particular ales, beers, etc." Benden Weyr> Jerethan says, "I like F'nar's away limerick, myself ;)" Benden Weyr> K'nan says, "So, we drink the nine by going to all of them and sampling all these. ;)" Dragon> Vidarth bespoke Veyath, Prefeth, and Lysseth with << It is /even/ more fun when you are a weyrling to make HUGE piles of *image of muck in the bins*. Your riders will be ECSTATIC to clean it all! >> Benden Weyr> Jerethan says, "And when you get done, you won't know weyr you are..." Dragon> Veyath bespoke Vidarth, Prefeth, and Lysseth with << Vidarth! They will not! >> Dragon> Veyath, Prefeth, and Lysseth sense that Vidarth rumbles mischeviously. Lysseth> Vidarth, Veyath, and Prefeth sense that Lysseth wrinkles her snout. << Are you certain about that, Vidarth? >> Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Vidarth, Veyath, and Lysseth with << I will keep that in mind. I will *image of muck in R'val's weyr* for him. I will do that for *friendship*. >> Zaphia tunnles into the sand. Dragon> Veyath, Prefeth, and Lysseth sense that Vidarth sighs. << No no, Prefeth, you don't understand. You only do that in *image of bins*. Silly dragonet. >> Lysseth> Vidarth, Veyath, and Prefeth sense that Lysseth nods enthusiastically. << I think you have the right idea, Prefeth. After all, we do want our *friends* to be ecsastic, too! >> Dragon> Prefeth bespoke Vidarth, Veyath, and Lysseth with << *confusion* But it will make your rider happy, no? >> Jerethan shrugs and carries his clothes back with him toward the Weyr. He's wearing his 'boxers' after all, and those clothes are /wet/. Jerethan pauses a moment to wave to everyone. "g'night!" he says. Zaphia pops her head out of her tunnle and warbles to Jerethan. Dragon> Vidarth bespoke Veyath, Prefeth, and Lysseth with << NONONO! My rider will be /much/ happier if you *image of dragonets making muck in their bins.* Or do you WANT to make Varquith angry? Silly dragonets. >> >> Dragon> Vidarth, Veyath, and Lysseth sense that Prefeth rumbles with annoyance. << I am not silly. You said it would make him happy. >> Jerethan heads in the direction of the South bowl, leaving the shimmering lake.