-------------------------------------------------------------------------- One Vine Day Date: April 20(?), 1998 Place: Gather Beach of Southern Boll Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: The vine gets its revenge! Some time ago, Kassi won a vine-swinging contest at Southern Boll; now the Hold is hosting another, and the greenrider is back to try her luck a second time. Of course, the Foliage From Hell could hardly let her get away with beating it twice, now could it? Thanks go to Lady Dyane running this terribly fun event, and to everyone who participated for making it that way. :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: You wing down onto the gather beach. <*> Aladis finds a seat after getting herself some juice. She puffs a bit as she sits down. <*> Dyane smiles, waving up, "Welcome, Kassima and Lysseth. Boll's duties." <*> K'nan follows along across the beach with a quiet chuckle, walking over to the sign and looking it over. "Oops, see, can't team up with other people." He snaps his fingers, "Darn. Oh well.." <*> Ceria wanders up the trail from the west and steps out onto the beach. <*> Lysseth folds her wings to land daintily in an unoccupied spot, mindful of the various Gather-goers and stalls that have been set up not far away. "Hail, the Hold! Duties t'Boll and her Lady and Lord--and g'deve t'you, Lady Dyane!" You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles, cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully. Akasha turns back to Jesica, grinning, "Really? That's great! What do you gotta do?" Sandar gives a polite little bow to Lady Dy, and looks around at the group assembled. Kassima said that, of course. Not Lysseth. Anyway, landing on her feet in the sand, she skims over the crowd with her eyes--and brightens, noticeably, on spotting a few familiar faces. "Hey, K'nan!" she calls over. "Nice kilt!" Public announcement: Eleni clears her throat and invites anyone and everyone to come to the Kitchen of Keroon Hold for a gold firelizard hatching. +go Ker-CY or @tel #1515, then kitchen. :) Ceria wanders down the jungle path to the west. Dyane smiles, "Welcome, Kassi." She nods to Sandar, "Welcome." Telgar Weyr> Mehlani .oO (No more for me, thanks, I'm proddy!) Asrai didn't that is till Kassi called out. "Kassi, K'nan won't help me!" Telgar Weyr> Mehlani .oO (Well, okay, fine, in another six months...) K'nan flinches at the call, and looks over sternly towards Kassima and her dragon, "Hey, Kassi - and you better keep Lysseth -away- from me!" Sandar smiles, looking around at the various tents and attractions. Aladis lifts a hand to wave at Kassima. Dyane calls over to the greenrider, "Kassi. Coming back to defend your Weyr's honor at the vine?" Asabeth backwings to a landing. Telgar Weyr> Jorenan blinks at Mehlani. And hten reminds himself again to make his green. proddy. Hmmm. Actually.... Anyone up for a green flight? Sandar heads off to take a look at the grounds. "I'll be back," he tells the Telgarians, then gives Lady Dy a small bow and a smile as the kid in him goes 'splorin'. Kassima ambles on over to the other Telgarians, grinning with what can only be termed wickedness. "What, and risk having her get m'kilt too? Nay, thankee! What is it you're wishing aid with, Asrai?" Turning her head, she laughs and replies to Boll's Lady, "I certes hope so, Lady Dyane! It's been a bit since I last got in much practice-time on that thing, though. I may have t'trust in the luck of Slithereth and sand once again." Telgar Weyr> Ceria blinks. When? Telgar Weyr> M'kla only has female lizards. Sowwy. Sandar steps onto the weathered docks. Telgar Weyr> Mehlani ACK. ProddyJorenan? Telgar Weyr> Makear could throw in a male, "I have lots" :) Asabeth folds her wings as she lands carefully on the beach. Her eyes whirl in concern as she warbles at her rider. Aladis grimaces faintly, "Worry wort." Dyane laughs, nodding, "All hail Slithereth then." Telgar Weyr> Jorenan figures it won't make him very proddy, since he only sees the thing every sevenday or so. Or at least, it won'tmake him proddy for very -long-. Telgar Weyr> J'lyn plots to saddle M'kla and Lani both with golds. MWAhahaha Telgar Weyr> M'kla waits to see all of Kassima's blues go after a single green some day. Telgar Weyr> M'kla has a gold, J'lyn :) Necessity. K'nan lets a soft chuckle pass his lips, "It's against the rules, Asrai!" Telgar Weyr> M'kla got her some...12 turns ago? Asrai points to the sign posted about a Riddle contest. "They are holding a Riddle contest. K'nan won't help me because firelizard eggs are the prizes. He's being completely unfair." Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "They do that frequently off-camera, M'kla. How d'you think Kassi developed such an astonishing wine tolerance? ;)" Telgar Weyr> M'kla says, "Herr...14." Asabeth sidles over as close as she can get to her rider, warbling insistantly. Telgar Weyr> J'lyn oopses, and misread that... Telgar Weyr> Mehlani ACKS and looks for a dragon to hide behind. She don't need no gold flit. Jesica grins at Akasha, "Aye, I had tae write a report about thae wing structure of a dragon's wing. it wasnae easy tae do either." Telgar Weyr> M'kla has Almost (28), Envii (21), Necessity (15), and Hasty (2)...I'm still not sure what possessed me to try for #4. Dyane calls out, "Anyone who wants to particpate in the Vine Contest (it's graet, really, not dangerous,nope) please page me! Telgar Weyr> M'kla used to have a bunch more, but they had a bad habit of following me in to Thread. Kassima purses her lips, leaning forward to read the sign. "He's right," she admits. "Says there that 'tis every lad and lass for themselves. I love a good riddle... but, i'truth, I'm nay quite certain what I'd do with one of the buggers. Mayhaps I'll try after the vine contest. Going t'swing, you two?" Dyane enters the Contest Area Telgar Weyr> Mehlani has 8 flits. Quite enough. ;) Telgar Weyr> M'kla grins at Mehlani. Dyane steps in from the main beach. Telgar Weyr> M'kla had like...13 at one time...*sizzle* Telgar Weyr> Mehlani .oO (Besides, all the leading ladies in Indiana Jones movies are now represented in my fair!) Asrai humphs, "Well, will you at least participate in the vine contest?" She looks to K'nan, not at all pleased that they he's getting off on a technicality. Telgar Weyr> M'kla says, "'Lani, you border on obsessive." Sandar steps down from the docks. Telgar Weyr> Aladis says, "Border on it?" Sandar scurries through. Telgar Weyr> M'kla grins. Aladis sighs and finishes her drink. She rises and makes her way over towards her dragon. Sandar wanders down the jungle path to the west. Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Don't blame her, M'kla. All of Mehlani's greens but Wili are my fault. ;)" Telgar Weyr> Mehlani says, "Hey, I take absolutely NO responsibility for who and what any of my flits were based on. ;)" K'nan runs his fingers back through his hair, relieved to get out of that one..but he must placate his weyrmate somehow, and thus..he agrees. "Sure, I'll do it." Telgar Weyr> Mehlani says, "Holl is the fault of Ryialla, Ria the fault of Kassi, and the six from the Clutch of Doom are solely Kassi, A'lex, and Kindre's fault. ;)" Aladis leaps up onto Asabeth's outstretched foreclaw, and vaults up onto her neck with practiced ease. Asabeth hunches down before launching up into the skies, with powerful strokes. Kandri wanders up the trail from the west and steps out onto the beach. Public announcement: Dyane announces "Boll Gather's Vine Contest will begin in 15 minutes. All participants need to page Dyane with their entry! The contest is fun with a great set of prizes. +go sboll-beach Contest starts @ 9pm ET" Telgar Weyr> M'kla hrms. Almost and Necessity were F'nar's fault. Envii came from a rare wild goldclutch from way back when they still had those. Hasty was E'ryn's gold's...I think. Telgar Weyr> M'kla says, "Vine contest? Auuugh! I wish I could between!" Telgar Weyr> Kassima loves this contest. She won it, once... probably through sheer lunacy. ;) Telgar Weyr> Sandar snickers. Telgar Weyr> Mehlani supposes her only fault is letting Kassima discover her weak points and take shameless advantage of them, but, well, hey, Kassi IS the root of all Evil... Telgar Weyr> Kassima tries! Akasha chuckles, "It's so noisy!" She gives a small sympathetic grimace, "A dragon wing, eh?" She turns to where the vine contest ist starting a cocks a thumb in that direction, "You gonna do it?" Telgar Weyr> Makear double takes as she spots someone with the amost exact same name as Kassima on the +where. "That could be confusing with a Karssima." Kassima nods vigorously to Asrai, her braid bouncing a bit. "Wouldn't miss it for all Pern! Good t'hear you'll swing, too, K'nan--between us, mayhaps we can defend the honor of greenriders everywhere. Or at least, claim to... it seems t'bring luck. By the by, you'd best start putting sand on your clothes now." She reaches down to scoop up a handful, and carefully scatters it over the crown of her head. Jesica chuckles and nods, 'Aye, may as well." Asrai smiles, mullified that K'nan is at least joining her in /this/. Even if he is a big meanie and won't do the riddle with her. "I'm certain you'll do wonderfully, dearest." Her smile is almost too sweet. And hey, can she help it if her eyes flash down to admire K'nan's legs. She goes over and enters their names before he can change his mind. Telgar Weyr> Mehlani says, "Not to mention Kassi's spawn, Kharisma." Telgar Weyr> Kassima arrrrrghs. If one more person says that, I swear, I will politely ask her if she would consider changing her name. This is getting ridiculous. :P :) K'nan leans down and plants a light kiss on Asrai's nose, a rueful grin on his lips. "I'm sure I will, love of my life." Then he looks at Kassi oddly, "Sand? Why?" Asrai blinks, looking rather confused. "Um, Kassi..why are you putting sand all over yourself?" Eljer wanders up the trail from the west and steps out onto the beach. Dyane glances toward Akasha, "Going to take part in the contest?" She chuckles at Kassi, "Oh, no! That's cheating!" Dyane smiles, waving over to her Steward. Sandar hmms. "'Tis good luck!" Kassi explains matter-of-factly. "You need all the luck you can get on that vine. Mart swung on it at least once, so 'tis brownie-cursed. What you do is this: scatter sand on yourself, invoke the honor of Slithereth and greenriders, then curse a bluerider with a fate most dire and hop up and down on one foot for awhile. Cluck like a chicken, eat a trundlebug, then scream the name of your favorite kilt color in the direction of Timor." Surely, surely, she *has* to be making some of that up... right? Akasha arches a brow and peers from Dyane to Kassi. She strokes at her little hatchling and shakes her head, "I don't think Zen'd approve." She gives a rueful smirk and backs up, finding an out of the way patch of sand tosit on and watch. Telgar Weyr> Jorenan declares himself proddy. :> Telgar Weyr> Mehlani EEK Sandar wanders in from the tidal pool. Telgar Weyr> Aladis says, "If you make Mehlani cry again, Jorenan, Dev's gonna kick your butt. :)" Telgar Weyr> Mehlani .oO (Do I dare show my face in public for this?) K'nan blinks. Twice. Then turns to Asrai, "She's gone mad." Dyane blinks at Kassi, peering at her, "You've hit your head oene too many times on the way down." Telgar Weyr> Jorenan gulps. Telgar Weyr> M'kla giggles. Kandri grins and dances "I DID IT!" Dyane nudges Cale, "So, going to defend our honor in the Vine Contest?" She eyes the vine warily, "Should I even bother trying?" Sandar smiles as he comes to a stop beside the group. "Large place," he says simply, at which point you notice he's panting a tad from scurrying around so. Kassima pauses in her recital to wrinkle her nose in the Lady's direction. "Oh, but Lady Dy! How can I give it m'all if'n I don't try every luck trick I know?" Much less make other people look silly, if they're gullible enough to buy this stuff. Asrai places her hands on her hips. "Kassi, no one will be cursing Blue riders in my presance." She glances sideways towards K'nan, "Especially if they plan on sharing my furs later. And as for eating a trundlebug..you sure you're not pregnant again?" she doesn't answer K'nan..its a known fact that Kassi is insane. Dyane starts to laugh at Kassima before calling out again, "Vine Contest. 5 Minutes. Page if you want in!" Sandar grins. "I still have time to find that clutch!" he says, excitedly, before peering at Asrai a bit. "It's the middle of summer," the boy points out. "Why would you even _need_ furs, let alone need them so badly you'd have to share them?" Shrugging, he heads of on his search again. Sandar wanders down the jungle path to the west. K'nan chuckles to himself, "No, Kassi. I have my own luck-secrets." Telarin glances around, wandering. Calana looks something just shied of horrified as the words 'vine contest' and her name enter the same sentence, "Honor? I've been choked by that thing on more than one occassion!" Asrai just looks after Sandar, then shakes ehr head with a blush before turning back to the others. She peers at K'nan, "It doesn't include eating any trundlebugs does it?" Kassima protests, "Would I have come *between* here if'n 'twere? Besides, it's been far and away too long since Lysseth's last flight for *that* t'be true. At least call on the honor of Slithereth, eh? If'n naught else, we could at least win one for the Weyr!" K'nan grins teasingly down to Asrai, "I'd tell you..but it's a secret." Eljer looks over to Calana. "Don't worry, Cale. Lady Dyane should enter before you have to." Dyane * My computer froze up. Please repage if you are intersted in participating in the contest of the perilous vine! Dyane has Jesica, Kassi, Asrai, K'nan, Sandar, Cale Asrai sticks her tongue out at K'nan. "Oh, alright Kassi...guess we've relied on Slitherith before." she then leans close to whisper to the two. "I've never done this vine thing before..how do you do it?" Calana flashes a grin for Eljer, "She's in by default, you know." Dyane sniffs at Calana, "Since when?" Eljer smiles. "Which leaves me to judge, I suppose?" Kassima murmurs under her breath, "Just don't tell anyone about how I killed him, eh? Else people might think we're a bit cracked, swinging on the honor of a dead 'snake... oh, 'tis simplicity itself. You run up there, grab the vine, and just... swing! You'll see. But don't forget the sand." She surreptitiously pours a bit more into the cuffs of her boots. Dyane says "No, Eljer. I'm the judge since my dives don't count. You are in the contest :)"" Telarin wanders up the path and enters the Craft area of the Boll gather. Asrai blinks, "You killed an inflatable raft? Oh, /that/ Slitherith." She leans close to K'nan, talking out the side of her mouth..her eyes sparkling. "We should talk to Judith about upping Kassi's medication." Eljer coughs a little. "I should probably check on the tents." He'd never try to get out of the contest. As an alarming amount of sand disappears from the pristine Boll beaches, yes Cale's the headwoman, it's in her blood to count grains of sand, the headwoman mildly overlooks the scandal, her amusement apparent at Eljer's attempts to dodge the contest, "No, they're fine I'm sure." Dyane smiles sweetly at Eljer, "Afraid of a little vine? Come now, Steward." Telgar Weyr> Jorenan notes that he's going to send his Skein up in about five minutes. Why wait, after all? :) For those who aren't aware of it, the outcome of the flight is pre-determined. Skein is going to be killed by another green (or gold? hmm) who rises at the same time. K'nan slips an arm around Asrai and notes down to her conspiratorially, "Yep." Telgar Weyr> Aladis glack. :) Telgar Weyr> Emlyn laughs at Jorenan. Ahem. Dyane calls over to Kassi, "We'll start as soon as you empty the sand from the beaches, dear." Eljer shakes his head. "No. I should just check on the tents, that's all." Asrai continues woth the joke, although its certain Kassi can hear them. "Do you really think it was safe for us to let her out in public?" "Medication?" Kassima asks absently, wiggling her feet about in the now sand-filled boots. "I'm nay on any medication; what d'you speak of, Asrai? Here, tell me--think you that this is enough sand?" Looking up, she winks to Dyane. "Ah, 'twould gladly try it--but Lyss would flay me for the suicide 'twould be, going into the water so weighed down!" Dyane gives him a disappointed look, "Eljer. Are you going to stand there and let _Telgar_ take the prizes home?" Dragon> Lysseth and Cygnith sense that Prometh sighs, quietly. << Is it warm, there? >> K'nan instantly assumes a knowing expression, and he grins over to Kassima, "You're not -on- any medication. Well, there, that explains it Asrai." Eljer looks from Dyane to Calana. Sandar wanders up the trail from the west and steps out onto the beach. Telgar Weyr> Jorenan furhter notes that he'll use an NPC green if need be, but if anyone else wants to send one up to do the deed, I'm all in favor. Sandar skips in, looking even more out of breath. Dyane says "Okay, last call for vine contest participants."" Jesica chuckles, "I'll defend Boll for ye Lady Dyane, I'm originally from a cothold about a day's ride from here, I'll nae let telgar take thae prizes." Dyane laughs at Jesica, "Good. You've become an honorary Bollian." Sandar grins. Eljer sighs and starts tugging off his boots. Asrai tends to forget little things from time to time..like she's not Pern's greatest swimmer. She's too caught up in the word 'prize'. She nods to K'nan, as if that does indeed settle the matter. she does manage to hide a giggle behind one hand at Kassi'...readiness ofr the competition. Lysseth> Prometh and Cygnith sense that Lysseth warbles a sunny greeting, her mindthoughts reflecting the brilliant blues of the ocean and golds of sun and sand. << As warm as any dragon could wish, Prometh. Are you and your rider not coming? >> Dyane says "Rules: No drowning allowed." Calana peers over Dyane's shoulders at the contestant roster, "The list doesn't look so long. If you're worried about the tents, jump first and while waiting for you other jumps, check out one tent at a time. EAsy enough." Dyane says "That's pretty simple. Now, for how it works." Dragon> Prometh bespoke Lysseth and Cygnith with << I am trying to get him to go. I am sure that it will not be long, now. I hope. >> Dyane says "The contest is judged on the climb up to the vine, the dive and the exit from the water (poses needed for the climb and exit but the vine takes care of the rest)" Dragon> Prometh and Lysseth sense that Cygnith sends forth a respectful tease.<<You would have much fun..there is enough sand here for even you to join us..and room left over.>> Dyane says "You are judged on 3 dives (or attempted dives, depending if you can keep from bellyflopping." Dyane will call your name and ham it up :) Lysseth> I bespoke Prometh and Cygnith with << My rider tells me to mention that there is some sort of game going on here, involving swinging about on a long green thing and falling into the water a-purpose. She says to note that the honor of the Weyr is at stake. I must say that I truly think she has lost what wits she normally possesses. >> Dyane says "To do the dive, type 'vine' :) Simple, enough. Any questions?" Sandar nods, biting his lip a bit nervously. Kassima beams as there seems to be nothing in the rules about enacting bizarre superstitious rituals. "Slithereth, Slithereth," she murmurs, bouncing a bit on her feet. Dragon> Cygnith bespoke Prometh and Lysseth with << My rider says it will be good for your rider to come. Lysseth, do not say so, for my rider also participates..as well as Veyath's. >> Dyane will add contestants until the point that we are about to start over in the rotation. K'nan leans against Asrai with a quiet chuckle, "The things I let you talk me into.." Lysseth> Prometh and Cygnith sense that Lysseth snorts good-naturedly. << Yes, Cygnith, but your rider and Veyath's are not covering themselves in sand and chanting nonsense. >> Dragon> Prometh bespoke Lysseth and Cygnith with << That got him! We will be there shortly--if the honor of the weyr is indeed at risk>> Amusement tinges Prometh's words. << I do not wish to tell him that, Cygnith, lest we stay here and he bends over those scraps some more! >> >> Dyane smiles wickedly, "Ready?" Jesica chuckles and nods as she looks at the vine and the climb, 'This is gonna be a mite bit interesting." Asrai shakes ehr head, understanding the rules such as they are. She turns to beam up at K'nan, giving him a little nudge in the ribs. She still doesn't point out that he's wearing a kilt and the view will be enough for her to put up with any amount of teasing. "YEs dear." Telgar Weyr> Jorenan all rights. Skein, near as I can tell, is controllable, so she's going to start blooding. Is there a standard spot for FLs 'round here? Rhone wanders up the trail from the west and steps out onto the beach. Rhone waves Telgar Weyr> K'tyn hms. I'm heading out to Boll; anyone want a ride? :) Rhone bows Dyane says "Rhone! Coming over to swing?" She motions, "First contestant, "Jesica."" Dragon> Cygnith bespoke Lysseth with << No, do not tell him then. He will have more fun here then over some dull hide things. >> Rhone takes a running start Rhone swings out on the vine, releases but isn't able to twist quickly enough to avoid a bellyflop. *OUCH* Telgar Weyr> Emlyn grins at K'tyn. Pleiath does! Dragon> Cygnith bespoke Prometh and Lysseth with << No, do not tell him then. He will have more fun here then over some dull hide things. >> Kassima calls readily, "Always, Lady Dy!" Yes, now that she has enough sand in her hair to make the crown of it seem more brown than black, she's ready. Dyane says "Okay, folks, that's not how you do it. Jesica. Go ahead. :)" Rhone steps onto the sands and grabs a towel. Rhone has a red belly Sandar winces. Rhone says "had to get preped!" Telgar Weyr> K'tyn grins. Prometh might do that, and leave me behind! Dyane laughs, waiting for Jesica. K'nan winces, and chuckles.. Telgar Weyr> Jorenan says, "Fine, the bowl it is. Anyone sending males, or am I RPing this part by myself?" Juliath backwings to a landing. Telgar Weyr> Mehlani .oO (To send Holl, or not to send Holl...) Telgar Weyr> Makear Is going to send a bronze Telgar Weyr> Aladis can send a male, but not for tooo long. Asrai watches Kassi, an eyebrow arched. she shares a look with K'nan...rolling her eyes at the sight of the other Greenrider. /Her/ Greenrider would never do anything like that. At least that's what she's going to keep telling herself. Telgar Weyr> D'ton says, "Huh? I could send Encil..." Jesica chuckles and moves over to the vine and pulls on it before starting to climb up it after she pulls off her boots. She twists one foot around the vine as she climbs and pauses to look down as she gets about 3/4 of the way up, "Yeesh, good thing I'm nae afriad of hieghts" before she goes on up the rest of the way. Eljer murmurs. He mutters to Calana, "Are... to..." Telgar Weyr> Jorenan says, "It's going to be short; I've got to have this done by 10:30 or so." Jesica runs at the vine, trips, and goes over the edge, arms and legs in frenzied swinging before landing in the water on the tummy. *YIKES* Meli slips smoothly down from Juliath's neck to her foreleg and to the ground, giving her a gentle caress. Telgar Weyr> Ceria will send a bronze. Dyane makes a face, wincing, "Ouch." She waves to Meli and Juliath. Telgar Weyr> M'kla watches the contestants try to kill themselves. Sandar squints his eyes shut and, for some reason, covers his ears as he watches Jesica. Telgar Weyr> Aladis says, "So where is this mythical proddy lizard? :)" Meli kerplops onto the sand, already raising a hand to wipe at her brow. "S'always hotter'n I expect." Telgar Weyr> Jorenan says, "The South Bowl." Kassima waves a sandy hand to the newly-arrived greenrider from her place amidst those waiting to swing. "Meli!" she yells over. "Your timing's as impeccable as ever! Chant a few Slithereths for me, would you?" K'nan certainly isn't covering himself in sand or anything silly like that, no. He grins down to Asrai, shaking his head, then looks up..in time to watch Jesica belly-flop. Ouch. Rhone says "nice form." Dyane smiles at the Meli, "Would you like to join the contest." From the shallow waters, Jesica winces as she comes up, "Ouch." she says, kicking up towards the ladder. Once there she pauses to rub her now red tummy, "That stings, been way too long since I did try tae swing on thae vine." Calana gives Eljer a sharp nod, "Without a doubt." Dyane says "Next is Kassi, the Sand Woman. May Slitereth have mercy on your soul ... and tummy" Jesica steps down from the docks. Asrai grimices, "Wow, that had to hurt." she hears a familier voice and breaks out into a bright smile, "Meli!" she calls over enthusiastically...come join the contest with us!" Meli blinks once or twice as several people call for her attention at once. "Enh, sure Kassi, always ready f'that. An' as for joinin' the contest, I'm not dressed f'it." Sandar uncovers his ears and gives Meli a friendly wave, then lets out a mild Telgarian whoop for Kassi. Eljer continues to speak quietly with the Headwoman. He mutters to Calana, "... was... some quiet time... sometime..." Kassima laughs and asks simply, "Why d'you think I'm wearing a long tunic?" She then kneels in the sand, of all things: a runner's crouch, though it looks pretty comical in a kilt. "For the honor of all greenriders... may m'swing nay result in me having t'be pried from the vine with crowbars!" With that cheerful thought, she's up, up, and away, hurtling for the green rope of death! Kassima grabs at the vine, /misses/ it and lands in the water with an enormous splash. *SPLAT* From the beach, Sandar snickers. From the beach, Dyane calls out, "You recieved your wish! You didn't hav e to be pried off! " From the beach, Asrai watches Kassi go up to take her turn. "Come on Kassi...show them how its done!" She calls out. "Woops." she looks to K'nan and asks, "Aren't you suposed to use the vine?" From the beach, K'nan chuckles under his breath, "The sand must've weighed her down.." Telgar Weyr> M'kla CACKLES at Kassima. Telgar Weyr> M'kla says, "that's on evil rope." Okay, so maybe she got a bit *too* much velocity; Kassi goes sailing out over the edge, windmilling frantically--to little avail, of course. *Kersplash!* When she resurfaces, the greenrider has wet sand dripping all down her face... how lovely. "There's a bright side to everything!" she philosophically agrees inbetween trying to cough up a couple gallons of seawater. From the beach, Meli laughs loudly, then covers her hand with her mouth. "An' tha's another reason..." she intones, leaving the rest unsaid. Moving past Dyane on her way to the other Telgar members, she gives her a nod of polite greeting. "Telgar's duties..." You wade towards the shore. From the sky, Prometh emerges from Between with a blast of cold air! Telgar Weyr> Kassima nodnods! It is. The thing really doesn't like me, either, which is almost more fun than if it actually did. :) Dyane is doubling over with laughter , but manages to say, "Asrai, next." Telgar Weyr> Meli says, "I thought if you cursed blueriders it liked you better?" Dragon> Prometh bespoke Lysseth and Cygnith with << You are on the beach? >> Telgar Weyr> Ceria blinks. Kassima complains under her breath to the other Telgarians as she squelches her wet way back to shore, "I think I swallowed a fish. Ugh." K'nan offers his weyrmate a wink, "Good luck, Asrai - hope you learned from these others." Telgar Weyr> Sandar laughs. Telgar Weyr> Kassima will try that next time. ;) Telgar Weyr> K'tyn grins. Lysseth> I bespoke Prometh and Cygnith with << Where better to watch the humans trying to kill themselves? >> From the sky, Prometh trumpets a greeting to the watchdragon as he circles lower to the ground. Prometh backwings to a landing. K'tyn climbs down from Prometh's neck. Dyane is doubled over with laughter at Kassi's appearance but amanges to say, "Asrai, you'renext." Asrai looks at the Lady Holder, "You're serious? You want me to go up there, swing on that rope..if I can catch it..just to land on my face?" She looks around, "Who's idea was this, anyway?" She hurumphs, stalking towards the cliff. As she assends you can here her manta, "Remember the vine, the vine is yout friend...use the vine..the vine is your friend." "You participatin' in this?" Meli asks of K'nan as she watches Asrai prepare. Asrai swings out on the vine a few times, gaining momentum, releases, and performs 3 somersaults before twisting into a simple dive. Dyane applauds, "Well done!" Telgar Weyr> Asrai says, "YES!!" K'nan chuckles under his breath, "Aye, Meli. I am.." He watches Asrai's dive, and grins broadly, cheering, "Good job!" Sandar smiles at K'tyn, eyes darting nervously toward the dreaded vine and Asrai's descent. He blinks. "What the..." Telgar Weyr> Sandar cheers! Dyane says "The contest is still open for entry. Please page if you want in. " She point sto Asrai "See how easy it is."" Telarin steps in from the main beach. Jesica chuckles and claps her hands together as she tossed her head to get her wet braids out of her face Kassima shakes her fist at the vine, a stray piece of seaweed that caught in her sleeve swaying along with the motion. "Blast, you cursed vine! You *like* blueriders now? What happened to the honor of greenriders?" She folds her arms, looking mildly perturbed. "Must be a'cause Slithereth's dead... good show though, Asrai; the thing seems fond of you!" From the shallow waters, Asrai manages to get into the water..but getting out is another matter all together. After what could only be termed a doggie paddle..and much drinking of water, Asrai manages to get out once more. Do the words 'All show, no go.' mean anything to anyone? Asrai steps onto the sands and grabs a towel. Telarin walks further along the hot sands towards the tidal pool. K'tyn ambles over from where he's had Prometh drop him off, removing flight-gear as he watches Kassima, and then Asrai do this vine thing. He cheers, watching Asrai, and turns to greet the Lady Holder as he passes her. "G'day to you, Madame. A fine day!" Asrai comes out dripping wet, not to graceful for all the dive went off well. "Thanks." she looks to Kassi. "Use the vine..it helps a lot!" Meli leans over towards the sand-drippy greenrider. She mutters to Kassima, "...slithereth...long enough... baby 'snakes... Benden... " Dyane smiles at K'tyn, "Boll's duties to Telgar and her queens, Weyrleader." Akasha walks further along the hot sands towards the tidal pool. Rhone grabs a galss of wine from one of the serving drudges. Rhone Sniffs the sips the fine vintage. Dyane says "K'nan. Next." K'nan grins brightly as Asrai emerges from the water, applauding..then at Dyane's words gets a rueful smile on his lips and heads over towards the rise.. "Wish me luck!" Sandar grins, glad that he doesn't have to follow a dive like Asrai's. Asrai wrings out her hair as she watches. "Come on K'nan!!!: she yells loudly..in between coughing. "Bleck that water is salty." Ocean..salt...go figure. K'tyn dumps his flight gear on the sand, near Sandar. "Heya, Lad," he says in quiet greeting as he tugs at his boots. "By the first--" The boot comes off. "Shell. Someone remind me, next time, to wear cooler clothing!" He grunts, slightly, and looses the remaining boot. "Good Luck, K'nan!" Kassima whirls on her heel to salute the Weyrleader smartly. Thunderbolt's Wingleader is, frankly, a mess... probably from all of the sand. But does she notice? No more than she ever does. "Evening, sir," she calls briskly as she scoops up another handful of the beach. "The key must be nay t'use so much... oh, right you are, Asrai! But better a misdive than having t'be *pried* off. Who would've thought they could pry m'best death grip off with just crowbars? Humiliating, 'twas... and g'luck t'you, K'nan!" Dyane chuckles, watching K'nan. Kassima then brightens at Meli's muttering. "Now *that's* a thought. We could call on the sons of Slithereth instead. Couldn't hurt, right?" K'nan grabs the vine, but slips, arms and legs flailing wildly before landing unceremoniously into the water below. *PLOP* Asrai gets an evil twinkle in her eyes. Cupping her hands to her mouth she calls out, /just/ as K'nan is to jump: "Careful of the kilt, love!" Telgar Weyr> M'kla says, "Yikes. EEEEVIL vine tonight." Dyane lifts her hand, covering her eyes with a sighs, "That was ... interesting." Meli nods to Kassi absently, watching K'nan. She then sits herself down and removes her own boots and stockings, rubbing her toes into the sand. K'tyn returns Kassima's salute, his eyes intent on the contest close by. "I might give that a shot," he mutters. "It does look--" He laughs at K'nan's splashing entrance. "Cool." Kassima watches K'nan's legs flail about with interest, then starts to applaud heartily. "Good show, K'nan!" Why does one get the feeling that she's not referring to the dive? Sandar greets K'tyn with a cheery hullo. "'Tis a good day to thwart death, sir!" he says pleasantly, covering his ears again as K'nan goes *splash*ing into the water below the vine. Dyane grins, turning her head to Sandar, "Glad to hear it, Sandar." She gives him a wicked smile, "You're next." Asrai also applauds with much enthusiasm, "He's gonna /kill/ me." Rhone smiles and wonders what the prize is for the biggest splash from a bellyflop. From the shallow waters, K'nan breaks the surface of the water with a gasp to draw air into his lungs..then starts towards the beach, laughing, "ASRAI!" K'nan steps onto the sands and grabs a towel. Asrai hides behind K'tyn..maybe he won't see her. K'nan emerges onto shore again, dripping wet, shaking his head and sending water everywhere as he heads towards his weyrmate - and the Weyrleader she hides behind. A grin on his lips. Asrai meeps. "K'tyn..save me!" She's distracted, however, by Sandar's rise to take the next plunge. K'tyn eyes the vine, and then Sandar. "I hope tis kinder to you than it was to K'nan, Sandar. His face looks quite red--" He winks at the greenrider, grinning at him. "Twas a fine dive, in my estimation!" Jesica giggles a little as she watches from where she sits waiting to dry off some, "I hope I dinnae do another flop. Meli stuffs her socks into her boots, then removes her jacket and drapes it over both. "Too bad s'not particularly proper t'swing on tha' thing in the altogether," she comments. "Though with tha' kilt, s'almost th'same thing." Sandar's cheerful tone goes a bit sour as his heart hits his stomach. "I'm next?" he stutters. Looking around, he mumbles, "where's M'kla and her spirits when you need 'er." Passing Juliath, he mumbles, "stick yer tail in the water just in case you need to fish me out." Then... he takes to the vine! Squinting his eyes shut, he cliiimbs to the top of the precipice. He breathes deeply, consoled only by the fact that if he _does_ go out this way, he's got an audience, and would likely be the subject of a good yarn or two. Then... he's off!! Sandar runs to the vine, leaps up, grasping the vine and sweeps out majestically out over the sparkling waters! However, upon seeing the distance down to that water, hands tighten and refuse to release the vine. After several minutes of swinging back and forth, two drudges appear with a set of crowbars to release the terrified diver. Kassima stage-whispers to K'nan, "Bonny fine display, K'nan! You've done Telgar proud!" Maybe she thinks that embarrassing greenriders is the new key to luck. Telgar Weyr> Sandar falls down laughing!!! Telgar Weyr> M'kla LAUGHS! Telgar Weyr> M'kla says, "This is better than TV." Dyane laughs. Telgar Weyr> Asrai LOL! K'nan reaches down and smooths his wet kilt down, blushing a bit. "Thanks, sir.." Dyane applauds, "Um ... Well done." K'tyn blinks. "Well, that's one way not to get wet--or sandy, eh, Sandy?" K'tyn calls out to the young man. Telgar Weyr> Emlyn has no idea what y'all are commenting on. Juliath gives a low rumble, tail unused. Sandar steps onto the sands and grabs a towel. Telgar Weyr> K'tyn says, "Turn on your Boll watch, Em. ;)" Dyane says "Eljer. Next." Telgar Weyr> M'kla is watching the vine contest. Kassima winces and just covers her eyes. "Poor Sandrina Sweetbuns... what a way to go." Telgar Weyr> Emlyn says, "Ugh. No thanks." Sandar grins sheepishly. "I uh... wasn't ready," he says. "If I'm gonna beat Asrai's _three_ somersaults, I'm gonna have to have a _much_ larger trajectory. I didn't want to ruin it by an imperfect dive... so." He then laughs. "And if you believe _that_..." Eljer moves up to the vine, eyeing it before looking back at Lady Dyane. "You sure I have to do this?" He looks back to the vine before she can answer, taking it in hand he starts climbing. The he kicks his legs out to get a swing going. Eljer runs to the vine, leaps up, grasping the vine and sweeps out majestically out over the sparkling waters! However, upon seeing the distance down to that water, hands tighten and refuse to release the vine. After several minutes of swinging back and forth, two drudges appear with a set of crowbars to release the terrified diver. Telgar Weyr> Kassima howls!!! It really *is* a green rope of death tonight. :) Asrai winces, "Uh oh..Sandar's stuck." She still keeps K'tyn between herself and her weyrmate. "See, K'nan...it wasn't so bad." She tries that smiling sweetly thing. Looking over K'tyn's now wet shoulder she laughs, "That's alright Sandar..two more tries!" she winks. Dyane laughs, "No, Eljer! You _don't_ follow Sandar's example!" K'tyn chuckles. "Why, I do believe, Sandar, that you've started a trend," he says with a wave at the poor diver. "Someone put tar on tha' thing?" Meli calls out loudly enough to carry across the water. Sandar breathes a sigh of relief. "I sure hope so," he tells K'tyn. "Scared wherries love company!" Calana rests a quizical gaze on Rhone as he whispers to her. Hesitantly she inquires, "Really?" From the shallow waters, Eljer shakes his hands, looking up at Lady Dy.. "Oh, you never said that part." He moves back towards the beach. Eljer steps onto the sands and grabs a towel. K'nan grins down at his weyrmate, eyes dancing for a moment.."We'll talk later, love, at home." Kassima takes a deep breath, watching this latest dive. "Listen, vine," she mutters under her breath. "If'n you do that t'me on m'next Turn, I'll come back... with a *knife*. A long, sharp one. Just you think about that one for a bit." As always, it's just about impossible to tell whether she's serious. "Going t'give the vine a swing, sir? You'd best curse some blueriders if'n you do. 'Tis truly a green rope of death tonight." Dyane chuckles at Eljer, "My humble apologies, Steward." She nudges Cale, "You're next dear." Sandar gives Eljer a grin. Calana turns on Dyane, "Aren't we well into the third round yet? It's a bit late to be jumping..." Dyane smiles sweetly, "Nice try. First round. Go do me proud." Asrai chews on her lower lip, but there is a sparkle to her eyes. She finally comes out from behind K'tyn..if K'nan said later, she's sure she can distract him enough into forgetting. YEah, right! "KAssi, no cursing Blueriders now. Its not nice." Telgar Weyr> Sandar runs to take a quick shower before round 2 :) brb Calana gives Dyane a parting look before making her way towards the vine. No points for sensuality, but Cale can't help it anyway as hips sway towards the vine and hands grasp it. A good tug and two careful steps backwards give her the running room needed to jump, so she does. Calana runs to the vine, leaps up, grasping the vine and sweeps out majestically out over the sparkling waters! However, upon seeing the distance down to that water, hands tighten and refuse to release the vine. After several minutes of swinging back and forth, two drudges appear with a set of crowbars to release the terrified diver. K'tyn grins at Sandar, and looks expectantly at the next diver. "I wonder if a wager might be in order," he ponders aloud, rubbing his chin absently. "Just how many divers will freeze on that vine tonight, hm?" He leans forward to hear what Kassi says, and chuckles. "Tis not the cursing that helps, but the lack of--or granting of--skill in the releasing of said evil vine." Jesica giggles a little and she shakes her head a bit. Dyane claps her hands to her face with a groan, "No. " Calana steps onto the sands and grabs a towel. Telgar Weyr> K'tyn grins! Three in a row! :) Asrai giggles, "That makes three so far, K'tyn. Better get those wagers in now.." Dyane wags her finger at Kassi, "Stop cursing it! " Telgar Weyr> M'kla says, "Go K'tyn! Rescue the contest!" Dyane says "Rhone, next."" Telgar Weyr> M'kla wishes her ticker were better. She'd give you a show! Calana wades out of the water and snatches up a towel, snapping Dyane in passing, "It'll kill someone one of these days." Rhone starts to climb the cliff as he climbs you can hear him singing "They marveled for a moment then one said we must be moving on, and as agift the left a blue silk ribbon tied into a bow, around the bonnie bolliante star kilt did lift and show." At the top of the cliff right before he swing out he sings loudly, " Behind a bush he lifts his kilt and gawks at what he sees, and in a startled voice he cries Lad I don't know where you been but I see you one first prize. Rhone runs to the vine, leaps up, grasping the vine and sweeps out majestically out over the sparkling waters! However, upon seeing the distance down to that water, hands tighten and refuse to release the vine. After several minutes of swinging back and forth, two drudges appear with a set of crowbars to release the terrified diver. Dyane jumps, ouching! Kassima blinks her big green eyes at Dyane, doing her best to look innocent, soulful, and other such things. "But, m'Lady, how could I curse the vine? I'm nay M'rgan, t'be jinxing aught that I touch!" Telgar Weyr> M'kla wishes she could bring in say...M'larr... Telgar Weyr> M'kla grins. Dyane says "K'tyn ... you're next." She looks oddlyat the fine and the divers, "hmmm." From the shallow waters, Rhone swing out again and at perigee does a flip but still lands on his belly. Rhone steps onto the sands and grabs a towel. Meli smothers a grin. "Definitely tar, I think." Dyane laughs at Rhone, "Bad dive but great song." Asrai giggles, "YEah, no joke..that's four so far." Telgar Weyr> Meli says, "Silly random number generator problems :)" Telgar Weyr> Asrai thought it made for great RP, though. ;) Telgar Weyr> Erdrick blinks. Telgar Weyr> Aladis completely blanks on the name of the character before Pierron in our LC. bah. Kassima asks Meli rhetorically, "Y'mean y'want t'be seeing *more* people stick to that thing? Ere you know it, the entire vine would just be coated with people, until it broke and sent 'em all flying--but they'd still be stuck to the thing, so they'd wind up tied together forever. Now, I know nay about you, but I can think of a rare few people I'd want t'be tied to like that!" Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Salless. :)" Telgar Weyr> Aladis says, "That's it! Thanks!" K'tyn loses himself in quiet laughter, his eyes tearing at the sight of another diver frozen on the vine. "Me, lady?" The bronzerider stands, brushing sand from his legs and moves easily through the sand to stand before the vine. He examines it critically, then with a jaunty grin, and cheer for the honor of Telgar Weyr, he takes a leap, grabs hold, and... "Now /tha'/ would be a sight t'see," Meli nods in reply. "Nearly as good as fireworks." K'nan laughs, "Go, K'tyn!" K'tyn grabs the vine, swings out, releases, arcs before performing a pike dive flawlessly. Telgar Weyr> Sandar is back. Meli applauds loudly, sending bits of sand flying off her palms. Dyane applauds, "Well done, Weyrleader!" She grins, "Great. Telgar is crushing my poor little Hold." K'nan grins and breaks into applause, "That's the way to do it!" Cator steps in from the main beach. Sandar cheers for the Weyrleader! Asrai gives a cheer, "Yay, K'tyn!!!" Kassima yells out, "Woo-hoo, *sir*! Yay for Telgar's honor and other such stuff! Fantastic!" She applauds almost as heartily as she did for K'nan, though not *quite.* Dyane hands her board to Calana and takes a deep breath, "I guess I'm next." From the shallow waters, Rising to the surface of the water, Kiat sputters and coughs, water streaming from his mouth and nose. "Ye've hard water here, milady Dyane! Though--tis cool, for all of that. He wades for the shore, a wide grin in place on his face. "As I said-- a matter of the releasing of the vine, n'more." K'tyn steps onto the sands and grabs a towel. Sandar cheers Lady Dy on, forgetting that he should probably be rooting for Telgar in his excitement at seeing a Lady Holder throw herself off a ledge. Asrai jumps up and down a bit, the heat of Boll drying her short hair quickly so that it bounces slightly as she does so. She nods in agreement with K'tyn. "Yep. 1) Catch the vine...everyone got that part towards the end. Now we have to work on 2) Letting go once you've caugh it." Dyane dries her hands and begins the trek up to the vine. You can hear her muttering, "Remember vine. This is _my_ Hold and you belong to me so help me Faranth, I'll cut you down if you do me wrong." She takes a deep breath. Dyane grabs the vine, swings out, releases, arcs before performing a pike dive flawlessly. Sandar cheers! "Good show!" Kassima crosses her fingers, bouncing on the balls of her feet again. "C'mon, c'mon... if'n it reacts to threats, this'll be *much* easie--woo! Fine dive, Lady... and without calling on Slithereth even once!" K'tyn blots his face a bit more, taking a seat near Sandar. "Go, Milady! Tell that vine it need fear you, lest it be--Ah! Now there's a dive, tis true!" He leans over to nod at the lade and speak to Sandar. "See? Tis what practice will get you." Asrai gives a good cheer, "See, just like that. Catch the vine, then let go...easy." she mutters to herself about quitting while she's ahead, meaning herself, of course. From the shallow waters, Dyane surfaces, one hand upraised in a fist, "Yes!" She wades toward the shore, calling out to K'tyn, "Fine example to use." Jesica gives out a piercing whistle as Dyane does a perfect dive, "Yeah!" Dyane steps onto the sands and grabs a towel. Dyane pulls a towel around herself and grins, "Threats. That's something to remember." She heads back to her place with a smiles, "Jesica. Starting Round II" K'nan lets out a sharp whistle, "Looking good, Lady Dyane! You do your Hold proud!" "Indeed it was, Ma'am. A more perfect pike I've never seen," The Weyrleader says agreeably. "I do believe it makes me want to try it again--to see if m'luck--" he winks at those nearby. "Will hold." Jesica chuckles and looks at the vine, "If ye embarass me again, I'll get Faemirth tae singe ye." she mutters before taking a running leap for the vine. Jesica runs at the vine, trips, and goes over the edge, arms and legs in frenzied swinging before landing in the water on the tummy. *YIKES* Sandar yows. K'tyn winces. "Ach! That's Not the way to be doin' a pike," K'tyn says with quiet sympathy. "Tis the way to be doin' a belly flop!" From the shallow waters, Jesica sputters as she comes up, "That's it ye stupid vine, next time Faemirth brings me down here, I'm gonna aske ther Lifemate tae get her tae singe ye off." Asrai winces. "Oh my...you alright?" She calls out. "Gotta watch out, that last step is a doozy. Jesica steps onto the sands and grabs a towel. Sandar nods to K'tyn. "Although," he adds, "I respect landin' on your belly more than I respect having to have your ice cold fingers pried from the vine!" He gives Jesica a sympathetic grin as she climbs out of the water. Dyane chuckles, "Kassi." Kassima grimaces at that one, biting her lip. "What d'you want t'be that we find the vine destroyed by *someone* a'fore next Turn's contest?" she murmurs in an undertone to those nearby. Kassima takes a final deep breath, concentrating with all her might on the vine--as though trying, you might guess, to become one with it. Let's hear it for Zen and the Art of Vine-Swinging. "Remember," she says in a low voice, "I have *knives*. Lots of 'em." Threat--or is that promise?--delivered, she swings her arms a few times to gain momentum before taking off with all the speed of a dragon trying to run on dry land. "For the sons of Slithereth!" she can be heard to yell as she springs for the traitorous bit of vegetation. Kassima grabs the vine and dives simply into the water, rippling the water only slightly. From the beach, Meli grins softly to herself. From the beach, Sandar oooohs. "Threats _do_ work," he says in quiet awe. From the beach, Asrai claps her approval, "Neatly done, Kassi." She nods to Sandar, "I think you're right...you have to really mean them, too. I can see Kassi slicing it off..very slowly and painfully. If vines feel pain that is." There's a long moment before Kassi resurfaces, this time not hacking so much--but with enough seaweed on her head to constitute a toupee; she must've run into a stray clump of the stuff. "I *knew* having all these knives would come in handy someday!" she shouts triumphantly. Ah, vindication! You wade towards the shore. K'tyn nods. "Twas a fine dive!" He calls out, loud enough to be heard over the water. "But I think I'l simply try to keep my timing in check." Dyane says "Asrai :)" Dyane murmurs to Calana as she watches Telgar dive, "It seems that we need to start pullin some drastic measures." K'nan just watches with a grin, standing near Asrai and watching each diver in turn..then flashing his weyrmate a wicked grin and calling to the vine, "Give her a good dive or I'll make you wish -Kassi- got to you!" Calana nods in agreement with Dyane before asking, "Want to slip me a knife before I go up for my next dive? I could just help that vine disconnect itself from the tree a bit..." Kassima puts her hands on her hips as she finally achieves the blessed shoreline, looking wholly ridiculous, peering as she is up at Kiat through a dangling mess of weeds. "Are you claiming that m'timing's off, sir, and that's why I resort t'threats?" she demands, laughing. "Such a lack of confidence in your own riders! Tsk, sir, tsk!" Shaking her head and grinning a broad, salt-water grin, she turns to watch Asrai make her next go. "Remember!" she shouts to the vine. "She's a bluerider!" Dyane laughs lightly, her eyes on the divers, "No. I mean to get ahead." Asrai takes a deep breathe, letting it out slowly. she glances at the others before heading up the cliff. No preasure, so what if she lands on ehr face after her last perfect triple summersault dive. No biggie. How hard can it be to duplicate..you just run, catch, swing and let go. Let go, she'll have to remember that part. She starts running towards the vine..and the cliff. the close observer can tell that in that last step..the Bluerider's eyes are closed. Asrai grabs at the vine, /misses/ it and lands in the water with an enormous splash. *SPLAT* Delany steps in from the main beach. Tanon steps in from the main beach. Dyane laughs, "She should have kept her eyes open!" K'nan cringes back, though his eyes sparkle as he muses, "I suppose I can't blame the vine if she didn't touch it.." K'tyn tries to hide a chuckle, but fails. "Asrai, I dinna think that K'nan will be talkin' to ya, hm?" Delany giggles as Tanon carries her out her arms wrapped around his neck. Sandar oohs. Dyane motions to the vine, "K'nan, please show your weyrmate how to use the vine, not miss it." She grins. Kassima ouches, her face twisting up in a grimace. "Did m'dive go as bad as that?" she wonders. Absently, she starts picking seaweed strands off of her head... and tying them in little bows around her braid, those that are sturdy enough. Go figure. "Better luck this time, K'nan! If'n you miss, flail about some at least, would you?" From the shallow waters, Asrai lets out a yell as she goes head first over the edge, having missed the vine completely. OK, so keeping the eyes open are important. she surfaces with much sputtering and coughing, having taken in a lot of water. Somehow she pulls her body from the water..having it that same clump of seaweed that Kassi did, the long tendrils stream out after her, trying to pull her back. "Let go, let go let go!" Asrai steps onto the sands and grabs a towel. Delany smiles to Tanon, "Vine swinging contest?" Tanon smiles at Delany as he carries her, and looks over the crowd. The only person he recognises is Kassima, and he smiles at her, though it's hardly noticable. He looks back down at Delany. "Sounds fun..." Juliath suddenly lifts her head and gives a short, sharp trumpet before resettling herself at the edge of the beach. K'nan starts to bow to Dyane, then remembers at the last moment that doing so in this attire would be a bad thing. He flashes a broad grin, "I'll do my best.." He turns to the vine and takes a few steps back..then breaks into a run, muttering, "Give me a good dive or I'll take it out on you next time Vey starts to get bright.." K'nan grabs at the vine, /misses/ it and lands in the water with an enormous splash. *SPLAT* Dyane throws her hands up, laughing, "Did I not say NOT miss?" She shakes her head, "Alright, Sandar. You're turn." Jesica chuckles at Sandar as she rubs her tummy, "Remember tae let go this time." K'tyn blinks! "Great Eggs, K'nan! You're not going to be fit for flight man, if you keep this up!" Kassima groans and just plunks down on the sand, heedless of kilt, seaweed, and everything else. "That thing is going t'get agenothree-sprayed soon if'n it doesn't watch out. *Then*, I'll set what's left afire, and stomp on the bits, and pour salt on 'em, and...." If threats do work, she's going to pack on the best ones she can. "You forgot to flail, K'nan!" she belatedly remembers to complain. Asrai joins the others, coughing a bit. She looks up just as K'nan also misses the vine..but oh my, what a lovely view. "I didn't say anything that time, K'nan!" Defend yourself first, then go on..."You ok, love? K'tyn!" She says with a blush. Funny, ogling her flailing weyrmate complete with kilt a flying didn't cause ehr to blush, but K'tyn's comment did. Tanon smiles, looking at Delany. "Want me to try, love?" From the shallow waters, K'nan bursts from the water with a shake of his head, and calls out, "That's it, someone moved that vine too far out!" K'nan steps onto the sands and grabs a towel. Sandar looks up at the vine, then nods to Lady Dy. He climbs slowly, contemplates threatening the vine, but then decides to suck up to it instead. "Nice vine," he tells it. "Why, if I were as splendid a vine as you, I'd probably give nice Assistant Stewards perfect dives!" That being said, he teeters atop the ledge, and looks at his grippy fingers. "Don't fail me now!" Sandar swings out on the vine with one hand, releases, twists forward, back and then somersaults once before diving faultlessly into the clear waters. Dyane laughs at Sandar's pleas and applauds, nodding approvingly, "Well done, Sandar!" Meli rises to her feet, brushing sand off as she replaces her socks and boots, swinging her jacket over her shoulder. Delany looks to Tanon, "Is it not too late?" Asrai blinks, "Oh, was that why I missed to?" She looks up to cheer on Sandar, "Wow, K'nan..the breeze must have moved it back into place. K'tyn sits up. "Great Eggs!" he shouts again. "The boy has talent! And a silver tongue. No wonder he's such a good Steward's assistant!" From the shallow waters, Sandar pokes his head up, looks incredulously at the vine, then makes a splashy ruckus. "Woo hoo!! I did it!!" Jesica chuckles and claps for Sandar. "That twas a great dive, and ye didnae keep ahold of the vine either." Sandar steps onto the sands and grabs a towel. Kassima makes a face at Sandar's leaf-kissing tactics. "You may catch more vtols with sweetner than vinegar, but you get better results with knives than with compliments," she quotes. "Katari always told me that. Strange how Da always gave her an odd look, though... Kiat-sir, one'd *have* t'have a silver tongue t'be Rennick's assistant and still alive!" Delany looks at Tanon, "I'm sure it's too late." Dyane says "Eljer. Go ahead. _Please_ bring Boll out of its slump :P" Tanon smiles, and kisses Delany softly. "I still want to try to make it...would you mind, love, if I did?" K'nan settles back beside Asrai with a quiet chuckle, "The breeze..yeah." Sandar grins, too pleased with himself to argue at having just been called a leaf-kisser. Instead, he struts back to his spot and turns to watch Eljer take a shot at the vine, grinning stupidly to himself. Dyane grins at Sandar as she crosses her arms, tapping her foot nervously on the sands. She mutters, "He's a Bollian, vine. Be nice to him. " Eljer looks at Dyane. "I'll try. I was never good at this anyway." The Steward walks up to the vine, looking it over closely. He takes several steps back away from it, spits on his hands, and starts towards it quickly... "Ready or not, here is coooooooooome," can be heard coming from him as he runs. Asrai gives K'nan a kiss on the cheek before smiling over at Sandar, "See, told you you could do it...was it the compliments..or not looking down this time that did the trick, Sandar?" Eljer grabs the vine, swings out, releases, arcs before performing a pike dive flawlessly. "Yes!" Dyane hisses as she jumps up, pumping her fist in the air. Coughing, she realizes what she's doing, then clears her throat, applauding, "Good job. Yes." Sandar grins at Asrai. "It was the _skill_," he says, though he gives her a big wink as he says it. He gives Eljer a hoot. "Good dive!" Asrai gives a cheer, "There's one for Boll, Lady Dayne!" She laughs at Sandar's answer, returning the wik. "Oh, ok..the skill, right." Tanon smiles at Delany, setting her down lightly. "You're sure?" Delany nods and kisses him softly, "Of, COURSE!" K'tyn grins at the Lady Holder. "Madame, my faith in your staff has been restored," he jokes teasingly, calling out a "Good one!" to the steward as he leaves the water. Jesica giggles at Dyane, "I'm more likely tae bellyflop a third time if my luck'o'th'vine holds true tae the form it's been in today." From the shallow waters, Eljer surfaces after a moment. "I did it?" He murmurs to himself. "Yay, I did it," he calls out before swimming toward the beach. "I just had to find the right spot to grab the vine.>" Eljer steps onto the sands and grabs a towel. Kassima blinks and starts to her feet at that, pointing at Sandar accusingly. "Hey! You! You're in league with the *brownie*! Nay wonder we've all been cursed!" She's the picture of righteous rage, she is... or at least, righteous amused mock-annoyance. Tanon smiles, kissing Delany in return, before he starts to move toward the vine... Asrai giggles at Kassi, burying her face into K'nan's shoulder. "HEre she goes, again. I knew it was only a matter of time before everything became M'rgan's fault." K'nan leans down and kisses Asrai's hair with a soft chuckle, sliding an arm around her waist. "Everything's M'rgan's fault, in Kassi's eyes, dearest." Sandar gives a huff at Kassima's comment. "In league with the _vine_, you mean," he corrects her with a mischievous grin. "Become one with the vine. Embrace it, and it will embrace you and give you stellar dives." Dyane winks at K'tyn, "I had faith in them all along." She glances down at the chart, "Calana, you're next." Tanon sighs softly, and takes a half-dozen steps aways from the vine, and then runs, and jumps toward it. Tanon grabs the vine, swings far out, releases, and does 3 backflips before knifing into the water with nary a ripple. "Just don' embrace it f'_too_ long," Meli quips. "Remember t'let go, after all." Asrai blinks, "I sure am glad /he's/ not in the contest.." Kassima stamps her foot, if only in the interests of melodrama. "That brownrider! He's found a way t'undo us all, and he's nay even *here*. I could almost admire him if'n he weren't m'sworn enemy for life. Embrace the vine of death?" She gives Sandar a *look* that says, more clearly than any words, 'There is someone mad on this beach... and it is no longer me.' Calana smudges her first mark from the roster, "That should help, right?" And with that she dashes up the hill and firmly grasps the vine, not taking much time before energetically swinging out over the cliff. Calana swings out on the vine with one hand, releases, twists forward, back and then somersaults once before diving faultlessly into the clear waters. From the shallow waters, Tanon smiles to himself, and treads water for a moment, before going back toward the shore. Dyane grins, whooping as her staff comes through, "Yes!" Sandar blushes at Meli's comment, and is about to boggle at Kassima, but Tanon's dive snags his attention. "Faranth, did you see that?" Tanon steps onto the sands and grabs a towel. Asrai blinks, "Goodness! I couldn't even follow it!" K'tyn blinks. "Well, that's the way t'do it, certainly," he says as he eyes Tanon, and the n Calana. "Humph. Where's the Tar?" He half-shouts, laughing. From the shallow waters, Calana lazily makes way for the shore, a strong backstroke until she reaches the shallows. Calana steps onto the sands and grabs a towel. Asrai refers to Calana's dive. Kassima points out reasonably, "He's nay competing. Ergo, the vine has nay reason t'make him look foolish." Ah, Kassilogic... the logic that isn't. Tanon smiles, comming back up onto the beach, and he dries off quietly before comming back toward Delany, smiling to himself. Delany smiles and claps, "WOOOOOO!! Good job Tanon." Dyane grins, "Boll's finally making it's comeback so K'tyn, let's see what you can do for Telgar." She gives a light bow to the Weyrleader, "All yours." Sandar cheers Calana and Tanon. "Beautiful dives, both!" Asrai glances over, "Come on K'tyn...we can't let them take it from us!" She winks over at the Lady Holder. Tanon smiles at Delany, blushing a bit. "Thank you, love..." He looks to Sandar, and smiles, "Thank you..." And then he looks back to Delany. "What shall we do now, love?" Dyane grins at Asrai, tilting her head as she calls out, "We'll see." K'nan grins from ear to ear, "Let's show these holders what we can do!" Delany smiles and grins, "How about getting a bite to eat?" Tanon smiles at Delany. "Where?" K'tyn takes a deep breath and stands once more. He offers the most elegant of bows toward Lady Dyane. "Mailady, if yon vine can wend its way about my heart the way your lovely hold has, it doesna stand a chance." He winks, and strides for the vine--taking a leaping jump for it at the very last moment. K'tyn grabs the vine, swings out, releases it before slicing cleanly into the water. Dyane applauds, giving a slight sigh, "I'm supposed to follow him?" Jesica chuckles and claps for Dyane, "Come on ma'am, ye can do it." Sandar cheers!! "Go Telgar!" Then, he nudges Asrai, "where'd he learn to do that?" Asrai applauds, "Well done, K'tyn! That's two sucessful ones in a row!" She grins brightly at the Lady Holder, "Lead through example, Lady Dayne?" Kassima actually jumps up in the air, giving an enthusiastic rebel yell. "All *right*! Another one for Telgar! We're going t'manage t'come away from this with a win yet!" She dances in place a bit in the sand, grinning like the maniac that she so obviously is. Dyane takes a few quick breaths and lifts her hands to push her hair from her eyes. Trudging up the cliff path, she goes back to her mantra, "Die, vine, die, the vine must die ... _if_ it doesn't work with me." She glances waaaaaaaaaay down to the waters where K'tyn is and sighs. From the shallow waters, Thrusting his head from the surface, K'tyn shouts a loud "WHOOP!" and makes his way for the shore. "Flattery, my dear Lady! Twill get you everywhere. Take it from a bronzerider!" K'tyn steps onto the sands and grabs a towel. Delany shrugs, "Lets just take a walk." Dyane grabs the vine, swings out and does four spectacular somersaults, but forgets to let go! The vine becomes twisted about an ankle for a moment before slipping free! All you see is an incredibly huge splash. *CANNONBALL* From the shallow waters, Dyane surfaces, splashing around in the waters, "Let go ... Shards, I forgot to let go~" Sandar winces as the spray hits him. "Wow... that was something else!" K'nan laughs, "I think the vine grabbed you, Lady!" He grins broadly, watching her splash back to shore. Dyane steps onto the sands and grabs a towel. Asrai winces, her head dissapearing between her shoulder. "Well...they didn't need to use the crowbars.." She adds rather helpfully..well, she thinks so at least. K'tyn grins at Dyane. "A perfect--cannonball! Bravo! Bravo!" Delany smiles slipping her hand into Tanon's. Lets go." Dyane snaps up the towel, and sighs, "Four ... four somersaults and I _forget_." She grins ruefully at K'tyn, giving him a deep curtsey, "Thank you. Jesica, you're next." Tanon smiles at Delany, and nods, going back toward the jungles. Tanon wanders down the jungle path to the west. Kassima grins sheepishly and applauds anyway, volunteering, "I thought the splash at the end was particularly impressive, Lady Dy!" Delany wanders down the jungle path to the west. Dyane says "This is Round III, the final one." Dyane makes a face at Kassi, then grins, "Thanks, dear.. Just what I wanted. Asrai glances over at K'nan. "I hope I remember to keep my eyes open this time.." Rhone silently makes his presence known. Jesica winces a bit and chuckles before turning to glare at the vine. She doesn't say anything this time, just seems to look at the vine, getting it's measure before running at it and grapping on into a long swing over the pool and.... Jesica swings out on the vine, releases but isn't able to twist quickly enough to avoid a bellyflop. *OUCH* Dyane says "Ah, I forgot about Rhone." She frowns at Jesica, "Nice try! I'm going to let Rhone take his Round II dive before Kassi." Asrai ouches. "She isn't having much luck is she? I hope ther is some numbweed around somewhere." Sandar covers his ears again as Jesica splats on the surface of the water. "Glows. Her tummy must be as red as a redfruit." Dyane says "Rhone. Please do Boll proud and take your second dive" From the shallow waters, Jesica coughs as she comes up for air and then she rolls onto her back, "Now I remember why I didnae like diving competitions." she says as she slowly floats over to the Beach, "Thankfully I'm a much better jr. Trainee Dragonhealer than I be a diver." K'tyn settles back into the sand, watching the others dive. He yawns, mightily. "Just let me rest my eyes a moment," he mutters. Jesica steps onto the sands and grabs a towel. Rhone climbs to the top of the cliff slightly out of breath this time he doesn't sing. Kassima merps and glances down at her stomach. "I'm reminded of why 'tis always better t'swing on that vine clothed than nay. The thing's *sadistic*, is what 'tis! Wouldn't you agree, K'nan?" Rhone grabs the vine and backs up. Rhone grabs the vine, swings out, releases it before slicing cleanly into the water. Sandar gives Jesica a sympathetic smile. K'nan has no answer for Kassi..his gaze is fixed on that _vine_. Telgar Weyr> K'tyn snugs! Got to go get the SO. ;) Be back soon! Dyane applauds, "Kassi, go next." Jesica rubs her tummy through her shirt and settles down, 'I think I'll be waiting a bit before I get tae considering anything fer dinner." Kassima takes one swift, purposeful stride to the beginning of the path that leads up to Boll's most prime example of dangerous flora. "Let's get one thing straight, vine. If'n you don't give me a good dive, I shall cut you down, chop you into bits, dip the bits into agenothree, and then I shall *jump* on them. I shall keep on jumping on them until... until you've had enough! And then I shall do it some more! Now...." She takes a last calming breath and concludes, "For the glory of greenriders and everything else that's green!" She gives one last war-whoop before taking off. Vroooom--she's away before you can say 'Has anyone checked to see whether this woman's on medication?' Dyane wonders if anyone's checked to see whether Kassi's on medication? ;) Asrai looks over at K'nan's intense gaze, hiding a giggle behind one hand. She offers Jesica a bright smile. "Hey now, least you tried." Kassima runs to the vine, leaps up, grasping the vine and sweeps out majestically out over the sparkling waters! However, upon seeing the distance down to that water, hands tighten and refuse to release the vine. After several minutes of swinging back and forth, two drudges appear with a set of crowbars to release the terrified diver. From the beach, Dyane covers her mouth, stifling the loud laugh at Kassi's plight. She clears her throat a few times, then says, "Good job, there." From the beach, Sandar doesn't comment, knowing that his life probably depends on it. From the beach, Jesica sighs softly and ducks her head, 'I'm just sorry I didnae do any dives good enough tae uphold the glory of Boll." From the beach, Meli suddenly finds the other exhibits extreeeemly fascinating. From the beach, K'nan snickers quietly. "Auuuuuuuuuuu--" Kassi's shriek gets broken off by an enormous splash as water goes flying everywhere. Brave fish faint, seaweed screams, waterbugs run for the hills... but none are in danger from the abjectedly humiliated greenrider. "Shoot me?" she begs, coughing up enough salt to keep Ofira happy for a sevenday. "Just shoot me now?" From the beach, Dyane smiles at Jesica, "You did fine! As long as you had fun, that's what matters." You wade towards the shore. Kelida wanders up the trail from the west and steps out onto the beach. Kelida waves to all Dyane suddenly finds the sand absolutely fascinating as she looks anywhere but at Kassi. She says quickly, "Asrai. Next." and grins. Dyane waves to Kelida. Jesica chuckles and grins 'Ahh well yes, but I dinnae thing my poor tummy will ever forgiveme for the stinging feeling it be experiencing." K'nan gives his weyrmate a gentle push ahead, "Go for it!" Asrai stands up, making a show of brushing herself off. Stalling, Asrai...never. She makes her way to the top of the cliff, muttering to herself the entire way. "Keep your eyes open...but /don't/ look down. You look down and your hands become stuck. So...keep your eyes open, miss the vine, swing, look down, and don't let go. Wait, no..that's not right. what I am doing up here? That first dive was a complete fluke." The words trail off as she reaches the top. "Oh well...." Before she starts to climb back down, she takes off for the vine, yelling the whole way.... Asrai grabs the vine, swings far out, releases, and does 3 backflips before knifing into the water with nary a ripple. K'nan applauds enthusiastically, grinning, "Great!!" Dyane applauds! "Beautiful!" Kassima collapses across the sand in a mock-swoon, one hand held to her forehead. "I am distraught," she announces, "beyond all consolation, and--aigh! There's something in m'tunic!" She jumps up with all haste, squirming about until the hapless fish is finally freed from her clothing. Her help-help-there's-a-fish-in-my-shirt dance turns into one of glee as she spots Asrai's dive, though. "Asrai! Magnificent!" Sandar cheers! "Asrai does more flips up there than... than uh, other flippy things," he concludes lamely. But his cheering continues. "Go, Asrai!" From the shallow waters, Its a good thing that instinct take over in times of extreme stress. For you are certain that is the /only/ way that dive came out of Asrai of all people. She comes up for air, "Am I alive?" Dyane grins at K'nan, giving him a mocking bow, "GO ahead, rider, follow that dive." From the shallow waters, Asrai makes for the beach, rather bemused. Asrai steps onto the sands and grabs a towel. Asrai looks more then a little shocked..and unsteady. too many flips can do that to a person. she collapse on the sand, just as K'nan rises.."Someone make the world stop spinning..." K'nan grins back to Dyane, then takes a breath and marches over to the cliff..walking to the very edge and looking at the vine for a long moment. He says something to it, too soft to be heard over the rest of the Gather, then backs up several feet..gets a running start.. K'nan grabs at the vine, /misses/ it and lands in the water with an enormous splash. *SPLAT* Asrai misses the dive, but hears the splash. Assuming the best, she starts to clap, "Yay, K'nan! Great dive!" Dyane collapses on the sands in laughter. She really shouldn't laugh but that view was too funny. "*cough* Sandar *laugh* Next." From the shallow waters, Rhone pulls on the brake for Pern and watches as everyone stumbles as it screeches to a halt. K'nan steps onto the sands and grabs a towel. Rhone steps onto the sands and grabs a towel. Sandar heads over to where the fish fell out of Kassi's shirt, and picks it up. "Looks like just you 'n me," he tells the fish as it wriggles in his hand. One handed, he climbs up to the top of the ledge. "You're higher up," he tells the fish, "than any other fish has ever been!" He holds the wriggling creature up so that it can look out over the water, and its eyes bulge out in surprise. Well, actually, its eyes were already bulging out - it's a fish. Sandar pats the fish. "It's just you and me," he tells it. "Time to take you home. Aaaarrooooo!!!" Dyane sits on the sands, beaming up at K'nan, "Lovely." Sandar runs at the vine, trips, and goes over the edge, arms and legs in frenzied swinging before landing in the water on the tummy. *YIKES* Rhona wanders up the path and enters the Craft area of the Boll gather. "Woo!" That'd be Kassi cheering, yes, as K'nan again misses and the forces of air velocity work against gravity on his kilt. "Thankee, K'nan; you've distracted me from utmost humiliation, and--*what* is Sandar doing with that fish?" Dyane murmurs to no one in particular, "Well. If he let go of the fish, it may have worked." K'nan wades out onto the beach with a piece of seaweed in his hair..and looks around for a moment. Then he spots the laughing Dyane and heads over towards her with a grin, "If ye weren't Lady Holder, I'd..I'd..tickle you senseless." Dyane grins up at K'nan, still laughing, "Like that's stopped anyone before ..." She laughs. From the shallow waters, Sandar, in his haste to let the fish go, trips, and tumbles into the water! The fish, however, does a graceful flip, and lands with a *ploosh* into the water. The sound Sandy makes, however, is more like a *ker-THWAP*!! His face blushing as red as his stomach, he paddles back up. Sandar steps onto the sands and grabs a towel. Asrai giggles, recovering from her slight case of vertigo. "Oop,s I take it K'nan didn't dive?" She looks over at the others, "I think he was returning the fish to its home...the hard way." Dyane says "Eljer, if you would." Kassima comments as she watches the spectacle, "If'n anyone can catch the fish again, I think it did the best dive I've seen yet this evening. Look at that flip! Gorgeous!" She winks cheerfully at the various people who have, in reality, done a lot better than the ichthyoid. Dyane chuckles at K'nan, "Remind me to have a Harper place that dive into song." She turns her head slightly to see if Eljer is ready for his last dive. Sandar walks, his entire front red, back to rejoin the others, and takes a seat, grinning. "That's it.." You can only tease a greenrider so far, especially about harpers, and sitting in the sand as she is, and watching Eljer, Dyane makes a tempting target. With a grin, K'nan drops to one knee in a smooth motion and reaches over quickly to tickle! Harpers indeed. Isn't one song about his kilt enough? Asrai gets the hint that K'nan put on another..show. She *drats*, hitting her hand on the sand, "And I /missed/ it!" Dyane acks, spinning in the sands at the tickle, "No! K'nan!" She reaches for the hands, laughing. Asrai blinks as K'nan starts to tickle the Lady Holder. One eyebrow arching, lips pursing ever so slightly. she looks back to the cliff quickly, awaiting the next dive. "So...who's next?" she calls out. Dyane is trying to fight off the tickling and manages to say, "Eljer!" Dyane * If Elj can't go next, we'll move onto Calana. Rhone sips his wine. Ryglenn wanders up the trail from the west and steps out onto the beach. K'nan grins from ear to ear as he keeps up the tickling as long as he can, hands deftly avoiding hers at least for the moment. "A song, eh? I'll show you a song.." Kassima perks up and calls over to K'nan, "Did I hear someone requesting a song? Say... one about kilts?" Ryglenn strides onto the beach and eyes the crowd and smiles. Dyane laughs, trying to scoot away from the insane rider, "K'nan! Stop" She shakes her head, "Calana!" Asrai's foot starts tapping the sand. Most times she'd be more then happy to hear a song about kilts, but right now. "PErhaps we should finish the contest first, Kassi?" Dyane * We'll skip Eljer and go to Calana now. Telgar Weyr> K'nan gets his revenge on Asrai for forcing him into a kilt and bringing him to a Gather. Eljer sighs. "Again?" Dyane * neverminds. Sandar grumbles at the mention of kilts, and gives Kassi a wary glance. Telgar Weyr> Asrai says, "We'll see, K'nan..we'll see.:P" K'nan does let up, but not because of her protests..it's Kassi's fault. He spins to face her with a grin, "Don't you -DARE-, greenrider!" Telgar Weyr> Asrai says, "Dang it, we don't even have a bedroom I can kick him out of anymore." Eljer moves up to the vine. This time he only takes one step back before rushing forward. Eljer grabs the vine, swings far out, releases, and does 3 backflips before knifing into the water with nary a ripple. Dyane scrambles to her feet once K'nan is distracted and sprints to hide behind Ryglenn, "You're a guard. Protect me from the tickling fiend." Dyane cheers Eljer! Sandar claps as Eljer executes a flawless dive. Kassima gets swiftly to her feet, striding over to her mentor and giving him her most winning--and wicked--smile. "Though there be many songs of joy and of loss..." she starts to sing, in the clear, audible voice of one who sings to torment others often. Kelida Smiles and Cheers on the divers... Kiryath backwings to a landing. Dyane says "Your turn, Cale." Asrai clapps at Eljer's dive, "Well done! Chalk one up for Boll!" Ryglenn laughs and shakes his head, "Nope, M'Lady..."He tries to step aside, "Tickling is not life threatening." From the shallow waters, Eljer surfaces to the clapping. "What'd I do?" He calls out to the people. A few quick strokes sends him to the shallows and he wades out from there. Eljer steps onto the sands and grabs a towel. Deannus grabs a strap and swings down from Kiryath's neckridges. Using the extended foreleg as a prop to bounce off of, she lands in a neat crouch a few feet away, and turns to flash a grin at the brown. He, of course, is used to this and only heaves a resigned sigh. Avroth backwings to a landing. T'dry swings gracefully from Avroth's neck, using a thoughtfully extended forleg, he slides to the ground. His eyes are distant as he speaks silently to his dragon before giving him an affectionate rub on the nose. Jesica claps her hands and then smiles as she see's Dea, she's soaking wet and still a bit drippy as she watches the rest of the divers. T'dry slides to the ground then turns and waits for Briana. Dyane hrmphs at Ryglenn and shakes her head, spraying him with the water that's still in her gair, "I'll get you for that." Meli climbs smoothly up Juliath's extended foreleg and settles herself between the neck ridges, as the green gives a welcome rumble from deep in her throat. Dyane greets the arriving riders and dragons! Calana murmurs, "So this is to be it, then? Might as well make it short and quick, no use in languishing." Yanking the vine to her, a few more steps send her swinging perilously out over the water. Calana swings out on the vine, releases but isn't able to twist quickly enough to avoid a bellyflop. *OUCH* Sandar grins at Deannus. "Hey!" he smiles, forgetting his manners. "Long time no see!" As others arrive, he remembers his manners again, and offers more polite greetings. Briana clings to Avroth's riding straps and slides down his extended forlimb, landing on the ground beside the great Bronze dragon. Necessity appears out of *between* with a nearly silent pop. Ryglenn brushes the water from his uniform and grins, "You just did." Dyane groans at Calana, "Oh, Cale..." She sighs, "Rhone, you're next." From the shallow waters, Calana resurfaces, floating languidly upon the tide, one hand resting on her pained tummy. Briana slides down off of the bronze, and straight into T'dry's arms. Of course it didn't look pretty, but the sqeal definately was one of enjoyment not fear. Calana steps onto the sands and grabs a towel. Rhone winces as Calana hits the water. K'nan flashes Dyane a playful wink, then heads back over to Asrai and Kassima with a grin still dancing on his lips. "NO kilt songs." Deannus pushes through the crowd, sending a rather sour glance at a certain bronze and his rider, before returning Jesi's smile and flashing a bright grin at Sandar. "Hey!" Necessity wings her way from somewhere, and circles around a few times before she lights near K'tyn, chrrpling in self-possessed pleasure. Dyane sticks her tongue out at Ryglenn as she says, "Some Guard you are." She wanders back to the contest area and grins at K'nan. Juliath hunches down before launching up into the skies, with powerful strokes. Jesica grins and gives Dea a wet hug before whispering in her ear. T'dry catches Briana and sets her rightside up next to him. A quick scan of the surroundings and he's off towards the craft tents. Eljer frowns, moving over to Calana. "Are you alright?" Asrai is busy watching the dives, she winces at Cale's belly flop. "Oh, that had to hurt." She too looks on with concern. Ryglenn smiles and watches the calamity..ah...contest. Kassima tilts her chin up, eyes sparkling with those lighter green flecks that bespeak volumes of mischief. "And of sorrow, of fighting, and guilt," she continues without pause, "still, there's never yet been such a song as this song of K'nan and his kilt...." Dyane offers Calana a towel, "Here you go. Have a seat." Briana skips around people with great energy, trying to see one and all. Deannus chuckles quietly and nods at Jesica. "Not somethin' she admits often, Jes. Good for you," she says as she turns and bounces on her toes, trying to get a better look at those in the crowd. Dyane calls out to Kassi, giving K'nan a broad grin, "Do sing it, Kassi." Dyane waits for Rhone to take his turn. Rhone takes a deep breath then climbs the cliff, he grabs the vine the walks off the cliff backwards swinging out over the ocean. Rhone grabs the vine, swings out, releases it before slicing cleanly into the water. K'nan reaches to slide an arm around Asrai again, and just smirks at Kassi. "You do, and I'll get you one day..you'll never see it coming, and it'll make what I did to R'val look like a picnic.." Calana flops down on a beach chair with the towel offered her, muttering under her breath, "Someone should clear the jungles of vines at some point." T'dry muscles through the crowd. "Heya, Jesica!" he calls as he spots a familiar face. He winces, likely hoping that that other person's familiar looking back isn't who he thinks it is. Rhone steps onto the sands and grabs a towel. Dyane applauds Rhone, before smiling down at Calana. She says to Kassi, "Eh, don't listen to him, a gather is for such things." Rhone Bows to His Lady Holder. Asrai purses her lips, but keeps her attention on Rhone's dive. As he neetly slices intot he water, she claps enthusiastically. "Well, done!" she must be distracted, for she stands rather stiff in K'nan's embrace. Deannus nudges Jesica gently with an elbow and whispers something before striking off through the crowd. Kassima returns K'nan's smirk with a sunny, brilliant smile. "Do, and I'll make you into one of the femalemen... Kanana." With that, she winks at Lady Dy and resumes, "Three riders from Benden went to Boll one eve, with an Apprentice Dragonhealer too. They decided t'look through the Weavercraft's tent, searching for something quite new... ready t'bribe me t'stop yet, K'nan?" Deannus wanders up the path and enters the Craft area of the Boll gather. Suddenly, Dyane blinks, "Oh, dear. I'm next." Taking a deep breath, she heads up the path, muttering vehemently to the vine, "Behave or I'll let Calana tear you to shreds. " Briana seems to be lost inthe crowd, but doesn't quite know it yet. Dyane grabs the vine and dives simply into the water, rippling the water only slightly. K'nan notices these things, though, and thus looks down at his weyrmate with a touch of concern, murmuring, "You okay?" He ignores Kassima. He'll do something terrible to her later. Jesica chuckles and turns to wave to T'dry as she waits to find out who won the prize for best dive, just knowing she certainly didn't with three belly flops, "Heya T'dry." T'dry gestures after the departing brownrider. "What's with her?" From the shallow waters, Dyane reaches for the surface, her eyes closed as she chants, "Thankyouthankyouthankyou." She swims for shore, looking relieved at redeeming herself after that last dive. Dyane steps onto the sands and grabs a towel. Asrai applauds the last attept, ignoring K'nan for the moment. "Well, done! Good way to end the round." She doesn't look at K'nan, but answers him. "why of course..why ever would something be wrong?" Hmm, her normally sweet voice has a rather..sickly sacchrine taste to it. Kassima does cease singing, miraculously enough, in order to cheer Lady Dy. "Nay bad 'tall, Lady! Oh... duties t'Fort and her queens, belatedly. And t'any and all others I've missed, too." Sandar grins at Dyane. "Very cleeeeean." Briana runs over, through, between legs, and even nearly trips one poor gentleman as she looks around the gather Briana-style Jesica sighs a little, "Did ye argue or yell at her today?" she asks T'dry as she watches Sea head off. Dyane glances at K'tyn, "Ready for your last dive?" Telgar Weyr> Asrai says, "K'nan...just wait till we get some Candidates/Werylings here. ;)" Telgar Weyr> Meli heads off to slumbers. Telgar Weyr> Asrai hugs a Meli, "Nighty night!" Telgar Weyr> Kassima hugs a Meli muchly. Y'all come back now, Granola Queen! Telgar Weyr> Erdrick says, "Night Meli" Telgar Weyr> Meli says, "Aw, shucks *blush*" T'dry nods and sighs. "Excuse me. I need to get this sorted out once and for all." He smiles a bit at Jesica and heads after Deannus. Telgar Weyr> R'val says, "Bye Melibabe :)" T'dry wanders down the jungle path to the west. Telgar Weyr> Erdrick blinkblinkblinks, "Granola Queen???" Eljer shrugs at the lack of reply to his question. Inside he finishes drying off as best he can. Dyane rubs the towel through her hair, waiting to see if K'tyn is willing to dive. She nods her greetings to the Fort riders. Jesica sighs softly as T'dry heads off and she shakes her head a little, "Those two dinnae need tae be fighting." K'nan chuckles under his breath, "I don't know..I've gone to the Gather like ye wanted, and wore a kilt to a diving competition like ye wanted..." Asrai gives K'nan a *look*..he must be missing something. K'tyn snorts awake. "Last dive?" He grins, and gets to his feet, snorting wonkily. "I am. I think." Kiat stretches his arms above his head, bending them at the elbow in a strange primate gesture as he hoots quietly. "Ooo ooo!" A moment later, he is running for the vine and launches himself at it. K'tyn grabs the vine, swings far out, releases, and does 3 backflips before knifing into the water with nary a ripple. Ryglenn wanders through the crowd, making his way to the Craft tents. Asrai lets out a cheer as K'tyn copies her dive. "Telgar!" Ryglenn wanders up the path and enters the Craft area of the Boll gather. Sandar cheers!! "A third great dive!" Dyane laughs, applauding, "Wonderful, K'tyn! Magnificent!" K'nan just quirks a brow down at her, still smiling. He apparently doesn't think he did anything wrong. Asrai misses that smile. still cheering for K'tyn. "Well done, sir!" From the shallow waters, K'tyn rises to the surface, an unbearably smug look on his face as grins at his fans on shore. "Thank you, thank you! And for my last trick..." he laughs, ducking sand thrown his way and heads for shore. K'tyn steps onto the sands and grabs a towel. Sandar grins at the Weyrleader as he resurfaces, and waves at the new arrivals to the Gather. Ptodek nods back. Dyane chuckles, looking at the figures and calculating the score. She sighs deeply but grins nonetheless, "Congratulations, Telgar. Asrai won with a score of 41. Her prize is any item of her choosing from the MineCraft tent which Boll will pay for." She turns to look at K'tyn, "As runnerup, K'tyn with 40 points will receive any article of clothing of his choosing to be tailored by the Weavers which Boll will pay." Asrai raises a hand in greeting to the Fort riders after finishing her enthusiastic applause of K'tyn's dive. At the Lady Holder's words, her jaw drops slightly, shutting with an audible *click*..her hands suspended in mid clap. "Me?" Kassima whistles sharply for the two winners, applauding with a grin as broad as that of the proverbial bird-eating feline. "Shard and shells, Asrai, you've all the luck of the world! And you, too, sir. A bonny fine thing. You've defended the Contingent's honor well!" Sandar cheers! for Asrai! "Congratulations!" Farris wanders up the trail from the west and steps out onto the beach. K'nan blinks up at Dyane's words, and grins broadly, "Congratulations, Asrai!" He reaches down to offer his weyrmate a warm hug - if she'll take it. Jesica chuckles, "Well I guess there's naery a prize fer the bellyflops." Farris quietly makes his way into the area, glancing about to see what is happening. K'tyn plomps to the sand near Sandar, nodding at Ptodek and the others newly arrives as he takes a seat--and blinks as he wins a prize. "Congratulations, Asrai! Will you trade prizes?" He grins, clearly teasing her, before turning to the Lady HOlder. "Lady Dyane, may I request an article of clothing for someone else?" Sandar grins at Jesica. Asrai blushes deeply for some odd reason, glancing sideways at K'nan. there is almost a look of guilt in her eyes. she quickly turns to the others. "Oh, thank you...very much. I didn't really know what I was doing..but I had fun." Asrai returns K'nan's hug, still blushing with embaressment. But prolly not for the reason everyone assumes. Dyane nods to K'tyn, "Of course." Sandar smiles as K'tyn sits beside him and gives him a sporting clap in the back in congratulations. At Asrai's comment, he nods wholeheartedly. "It sure was fun," he agrees. "Well, hitting the water with my tummy... that part wasn't so fun. But getting to that point after leaving the vine - that was fun!" K'nan hugs back tightly, smiling down to her with a tender edge to it, "You did wonderfully, love. And isn't that what this is all about, fun?" K'tyn beams. "Lady, I am sure that my Kindre will thank you for that!" he grins, well pleased with himself to have the opportunity to choose something for Kindre. "I'm amazed I didn't fall on -my- face," he volunteers. Dyane grins at K'tyn, "Have Kindre come down to the Fashion Show tomorrow. The Weavers are giving a show with the latest styles. Perhaps she'd like something from there." She turns to Asrai, "Congratulations again. Just let CraftMaster Lily know what you want, and it'll be yours." She grins, "I may never say this again, but with this type of contest, marks are no object." Kassima grins at Kiat and teases, "Glad y'came now, sir? I'm glad t'see good fortune come t'you two--" She looks over to Asrai to include her in that, too. "Mayhaps 'twill nay be chopping down the vine after all. Much though I'd *like* to. After all, how could aught equal the sight of K'nan flailing about in that kilt of his while grabbing for it?" Dyane smiles, turning to all participants, "I hope everyone enjoyed themselves." Asrai looks ot Lady Dayne, "Thank you Lady Holder..I appreciate it. I am sorry that Boll did not win anything..." She offers with a small, but sincere smile. "I think everyone did wonderfully." At Kassi's words she laughs softly, "Aye, that /was/ enjoyable." Sandar laughs at Kassima's comments. "Would be hard to chop down something with such memories now stored into it," he agrees. "Now, if only I had gotten the number of that fish..." Dyane chuckles, "Ah, good thing we didn't win. Everyone would have thought we'd have cheated." She smiles at the bluerider, "Please, call me Dyane. The formality doesn't grow on me too much." K'nan wraps one arm possessively around Asrai's waist, chuckling softly, "It just goes to show how often us Telgarians -come- down here, I guess!" "Aye, Ma'am; I'll do that, if I can. She's been known to be as hidebound as I--or is that bound in hides?--As I am." He stands, flourishing an elegant bow, demonstrating his Holder breeding. "Madame, twas truly enjoyable! I do hope that we can show you and yours--" he gesttures about the area with a hand, looking up at her. "The same hospitality." Jesica snickers, 'I dinnae think three bellyflops was doing too well." Asrai offers the woman a smile, slipping her arm around K'nan's waist. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Dyane." she looks up at K'nan, "shall we go visit the MinerCraft tent?" Eljer murmurs softly. "Now I can go check on the tents..." Calana lapses into a daydream. K'nan grins down softly, "Aye, we can pick out your prize!" Dyane smiles, nodding to K'tyn. "Thank you. You and yours are always welcome at Boll." She grins at Asrai as well. Kassima inquires amiably, "Would y'be objecting, Asrai, if'n I followed you to the Craft tent? Nay prize I may have won, but I've something of a fondness for drooling over sparkling things regardless." Asrai nods, looking to the others. "Please, I could use all the help I can get to pick something out." Asrai says that to Kassi, yep yep. Sandar grins as he goes to check out some more of the sights. "Thanks, Lady Dy," he says pleasantly. "And all. It was really fun!" He waves to his friends as he once again lets the kid in him get the best of him - there's a jungle out there to explore. Sandar wanders down the jungle path to the west. Dyane grins and waves to Sandar. K'tyn grins. "I'm all for it, Asrai, if I can ask for your opinions on a garment for Kindre!" Aurian steps in from the main beach. Asrai just shakes her head, "I hope Sandar doesn't go off and get himself lost..Oh well, he's a big lad. Let us go off to the tents. I'd be honored, K'tyn." K'tyn winks at K'nan. "And I'd appreciate your advice, as well, my friend." Jesica wanders up the path and enters the Craft area of the Boll gather. Asrai wanders up the path and enters the Craft area of the Boll gather. K'nan grins over, "Sure thing, K'tyn. Shall we, Telgar?" Aurian blinks at the sheer numbers of people as she finally gets a break from the healer booth. K'tyn nods. "Lead the way!" He grins, watching Asrai scamper off. K'nan wanders up the path and enters the Craft area of the Boll gather. Dyane wanders down the jungle path to the west. Aurian steps out of the way of the folks heading into the craft area. You enter the Craft area of the Boll beaches.