-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pink Pampers, Ooh, Pink Pampers Date: September 13, 2001 Place: Telgar Weyr's Living Cavern Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: This log title is *entirely Conn's fault*. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. In summary: good Craftsecond Katlynn arrives at Telgar with a little gift for Kassi and the luckily absent I'sai, evidently inspired by everyone's favorite bluerider stripper, V'der; havoc and hijinks ensue. And I still say you'll never get Is into the thong, Kat. ;) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: TGW-Bowl>> Katlynn has arrived. TGW-Bowl>> Katlynn ker-plops straight onto the ground, a whuff of dust rising up around her. "Shards." She states with a rather confused frown, tilting her head to stare up at the great blue beast of a watchdragon. "How..did I get down here so fast?" And on her tush, no less. Still, the woman gets up, dusts herself off, and starts marching in the direction of the living cavern. TGW-Bowl>> Katlynn walks south. <Weavers> Kassima gets this insane image of a dragon, instead of a stork, bringing Weavers in bundles to weyrs, and one of them dropping Katlynn from the sky. I will not ask if she is wearing the transparent pink Pampers. ;) <Weavers> Ysabel laughs! <Weavers> Katlynn chokes on her coffee. "I hadn't even *thought* of that when I pose *giggles*. No, Kat is /not/ wearing transparent pink pampers." <Weavers> Katlynn says, "Although.. since she's at Telgar, I think she can have brought across a nice pair for I'sai, especially since he's no here to complain ;)" TGW-LC>> Katlynn walks in from the bowl. <Weavers> Kassima beams. What a *fabulous* notion. ;) TGW-LC>> Zaidra rises at the entrance of the woman with the fancy lavender and white knot, and offers, "Telgar's duties to the Weavers, ma'am. May we help you with anything?" TGW-LC>> Lenka shoots up beside Zai, just seconds later, and nods her greetings, also. TGW-LC>> "Weaver's duties to Telgar, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera." Katlynn calls out in a puffed-up voice as she enters, hands still working at patting the dust out of her clothing. "Shards it's chilly here, where's my jacket gotten too..." Trailing off into mumbles, she pauses near a table, perching her basket upon, and goes riffling through, until she findsa beaten up, worn-out leather jacket, and slings it around her shoulders. "Oh yes, can you tell me where I'd find I'sai, at the time I've day? I've got something to give him." Pause, "And Kassima too." <Weavers> Katlynn says, "Oh. My. Goodness. I cannot believe my typos. Oy. Coffee time ;)" <Weavers> Kassima stares. Katlynn, if you brought *Kassi* transparent pink Pampers.... ;) TGW-LC>> Zaidra hesitates, thinking. "I'm afraid I've been on messenger duty all day, and haven't seen him, ma'am. I'm Zai, brown Ymedath's, by the way. He said something about possibly leading a drill tonight. But...Lenka, d'you know where he is? If not, Yme or Robinth could try to bespeak Taralyth or Lysseth, I guess." <Weavers> Katlynn looks up at the shiny golden halo circling her head. "Uhhm...and what if I did?" *grin* TGW-LC>> Lenka shakes her head, sinking back to a sitting position again. "I've not seen or heard them either... not that that means they're not here, of course," she adds," voice low, looking back at Zai. <Weavers> Kassima lets the 'ka-click' of her switchblade answer that question. ;) (Okay, so more likely Kassi would gibber a lot, but! ;) TGW-LC>> "Oh dear.. I'm afraid I just *don't* have the time to sit around waiting for I'sai to get back from wherever he is." Putting on a mock-sniffle, Katlynn sinks into a chair, letting out a rather loud, and rather melodramatic sigh. "Perhaps one of *you* two could give these things to I'sai." Pause, a sly grin curving her lips, "And Kassima. Could you do that for me?" Another pause, before she makes a little 'oh' with her mouth, "I'm Kat, by the way. Nice to meet you both." <Weavers> Katlynn squeaks and hides under a rock. "But but.. it's such a /lovely/ shade of pink." <Weavers> Kassima says, "And I'll *bet* it has feathers on it. Doesn't it. ;)" Telgar Weyr> Kassima is so deeply afraid to go down to the LC.... TGW-LC>> Lenka stares at Kat, murmurs a greeting, and then gathers just about enough presence of mind (on her part) to point at Zai. Zai gives things. Really she does. Telgar Weyr> Talisha suggests you go with the pull of the dark side, Kassi, and take a visit down there. ;> <Weavers> Katlynn flutters her lashes. "Maaaaybe." TGW-LC>> Zaidra blinks at the one calling herself Kat. "Are you certain you'd rather not see one or the other of them yourself, ma'am?" Telgar Weyr> Kassima, drawn to great evil like an iron filing to a magnet, can only shrill, "Help me! Help meeeeee!" a la the Fly. ;) Telgar Weyr> Zaidra says, "But you have innocent weyrlings down here. Who knows what might happen." Telgar Weyr> Kassima perks up. Ooh! Corruption! Bonus! Telgar Weyr> Lenka lol! Telgar Weyr> F'lone laughs. <*> Lysseth springs from the ground, the air from her wings churning up dust as she takes to the skies. You spring from Lysseth's ledge with one downsweep of your wings, soaring into the sky above the Northern Bowl. Dragon> Lysseth senses that Ymedath sends soft creamy-innocent thoughts, gently asking for attention. <<My *Zai* asks if your *Kassima* can come to the *Living Caverns*>> TGW-LC>> "Oh, absolutely *positive*." Katlynn assures the weyrlings, flashing the pair of them an overly bright grin. "I think it'd be best if somebody -other- than myself passed these along.. And, I'll even whip up a nice blouse for the both of you, just for helping me!" Whatever it is she's got, it must be bad, if she's willing to make shirts for -free-. "Would you mind? I'd be ever-so grateful." Giving another sad-sniffle, she reaches into her basket, removing a bright pink velvet bag, with a yellow drawstring. Telgar Weyr> Erdrick ... Telgar Weyr> Talisha says, "Corruption is Good Thing *sagenod*." Telgar Weyr> Talisha puts an 'a' somewhere in there, yep. Telgar Weyr> Zaidra oh dears :) Lysseth> Ymedath senses that Lysseth, caught mid-launch, is a moment in replying, and when she does her thoughts are touched by the adrenaline of beginning flight: << We come, we come, >> she assures, though the creamy innocence gets a long mental look. You fly downwards towards the bowl. <*> F'lone begins untying several tubes tied to Hroth and setting them down within reach. After a few moments he has about 5 large tubes laying there. He picks them up and, with a sigh, turns towards the living cavern. <*> Hroth warbles a greeting to Lysseth. <*> F'lone walks beneath the lintel and disappears into the living cavern. TGW-LC>> F'lone walks in from the bowl. TGW-LC>> F'lone walks through, his arms loaded with tubes. He nods a greeting to everyone as he passes, grumbling slightly under his breath. TGW-LC>> F'lone walks towards the inner cavern. TGW-LC>> Zaidra glances at Lenka, then finally offers. "Well, I /guess/ one of us could do that, ma'am. If you think it would help. But...you know Kassima's likely to show up at any moment. She's sort of surprising that way." <*> Lysseth swoops down, around, around, spiralling in until she's reached her intended place; backwinging, she comes to a dainty landing there. "This," quoth Kassi, as she frees herself from straps, "ought to be interesting." You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles, cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully. TGW-LC>> Maybe she suspects said free blouse might also be bright pink, but Lenka still looks overly apprehensive. "I - err - well - " She continues to waver a hand in Zai's direction, although it's a rather absent-minded action. Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Thanks, Zai. You flatter me. ;)" Ymedath croons softly toward Lysseth. Once her rider has finished her dismount, Lysseth curves her body into a comfortable curl of green, a low rumble of greeting to the young dragons escaping her throat. Kassi indulges in a moment of scritching her lifemate's muzzle--which Lyss accepts shamelessly--before she responds to her unheard cue. You walk past the lintel and into the wide living cavern. Pierron humphs thoughtfully as the Wingleader of Thunderbolt arrives. "Wonderful! Oh.. and if Kassima /does/ happen to walk in this moment, then please *please* tell her that you didn't get these from me, and that some rider called V'der happened to think that she'd look *stunning* in them, okay? Okay." Katlynn rambles these words out in a quick rush, blue gaze darting toward the entrance in, perhaps checking that said Evil greenrider hasn't arrived while she was babbling. Unlacing the drawstring of the bag, she pulls out a pair of rather puffy, but *very* sheer pink...underthings, with strings of leather dangling from the sides, tipped with bells which tinkle-tinkle as she fluffs them out. "These ones are for Kassi," She explains, holding them up, "And these.." A second pair removed, the same, yet the bells are replaced with feathers, "Are for I'sai." <Weavers> Katlynn squeals. Oh no. Here comes my death. <Weavers> Kassima says, "You'd better believe it, baby. ;)" <Weavers> Katlynn wonders how fast Kat can run, in her clothes ;> <Weavers> Kassima says, "Does it matter, when Kassi's blocking the door? ;)" <Weavers> K'ryn wonders... <Weavers> Katlynn shrieks. "Someone save me, someone take me away from this awful place!" <Weavers> Kassima says, "Give me your baby brother and I'll consider it. ;)" <Weavers> Shylana blinks... what a line to come in on... SHould I find my sailor Weaver costume? <Weavers> Katlynn whines. "Can I give you K'ryn instead?" Zaidra nods, "Right, ma'am. A gift from V'der." She hasn't seen Kassima enter yet, so busy goggling at the pinkthings is she. "And if she asks, of course, you're just coming as a courtesy, right?" <Weavers> K'ryn says, "Eep." Lenka can't help but stare. And then make a small, slightly choked sound. Which is apparently all the comment she's capable of. Or maybe she's just spotted Kassi. <Weavers> Katlynn wonders why she suddenly gets in her head, "Katlynn. You are the weakest link. Goodbye!" "Did someone say m'name?" Kassima inquires genially as she ambles into the room, leaning her shoulder against the side of the entrance; just call her Kassi Boitano. "A little vtol or two suggested I should come dow--" That's where she breaks off. Because that's where she starts to hear Katlynn. That's also, a couple of seconds later, where the belled underpants appear... and where she unconsciously shifts to block the exit, even in her helpless staring. "This is a dream," she decides once that long pause is done. "This is some sort of horrible dream." <Weavers> Kassima says, "...You know, some round, I need to do a proddy desc based on that woman. ;)" <Weavers> K'ryn says, "Eek. Evil." <Weavers> Katlynn hides. "She's going to kill me. *sniffle*." F'lone walks here from the Inner Cavern. <Weavers> Kassima says, "Indeed. Did you see the South Park movie by any chance, Kat? ;)" Katlynn continues on her merry way, fluff-fluffing out the belled pair of strange, padded underthings, a couple of fuschia pink feathers floating into the air from the other pair. "Yes, please do. Just tell Kassima that I dropped them off for him, and I didn't have a thing to d---" Breath audibly catches in her throat, words turning to a high 'squeak', as Kassima's voice reaches her ears. "Hide me!" She shouts, ever-the-dramaqueen, and stumbles out from her chair, tossing the underthingys toward the weyrling pair. "It wasn't me." <Weavers> Katlynn did, yep. But I don't know if I remember it all. F'lone walks back in, this time empty handed and immediatly heads to the serving table. He pours himself a large mug of klah and takes a long drink before refilling the mug and turning. He sees whos there and salutes with his free hand. "Evening Wingleader Kassima. Craftsecond Katlynn." he says. "Hello, Zai. Lenka." he greets. Zaidra just blinks at the craftsecond, and then, though she graciously moves in front of the panicked woman, she simple salutes Kassima as if this sort of thing happened all the time. "Evening, Wingleader Kassima. How're you and Lysseth doing. Hey, F'lone." Kassima would salute F'lone back. Really, she would. It's just that she's too busy taking first one slow step, then another, towards yon Craftsecond is all, her eyes becoming the same intense green as a feline predator's. "Craftsecond, d'you want t'be explaining *what* is going on, that pink underthings with bells on 'em are being waved around with m'name attached?" If not literally, thank goodness. "And why you're now throwing them at Weyrlings, and why you're thinking you can hide?" It's a shame she's not wearing spurs, to jingle at each hit of a heel against floorstone. "Zai, you shouldn't help refugees from justice. I'm sure 'tis one of those Weyrling rules--and besides, I only want t'ask her some *questions*." Riiight. F'lone catches Katlynn as she stumbles into him. "Pardon me, ma'am." he says, righting Katlynn. Lenka finds a pair of - err, underthingys - come flying at her, and - all those drills having done something - even catches them. And then drops them on the table in front of her a moment later, as if they'd burnt her or something. Or maybe it's just so she can salute, then, "Evening," coming out all weak. Kassima adds as an afterthought, "We're good, apart from the whole random pink underpants thing." She's regained enough composure to return Lenka's salute, although her eyes *avoid* those undergarments. Oh, yes, they do. Poor, /poor/ Katlynn. As much as she tries to stumble backward and get as far *far* away from Kassima as she can, she whacks into F'lone, gets righted, and then continues tripping her way backward in desperate attempt to flee. "Uhmm.." She attempts to explain, waving a hand around expressively, using that hand to yank a pink feather from her hair, "Y'/see/ Kassima," pause, toeing the ground, "V'der suggested that maybe you'd like some frilly pink knickers, and well, then he suggested that I'sai might like some to match.." Eyes dart toward the weyrling who managed to catch the ghastly things and drop them, and she pleads, "Tell her it wasn't me!" Zaidra offers mildly, for after actually /seeing/ V'der's...performance...this really is nothing. "She outranks me, ma' - um - Kassima. And...isn't 'hide me' a plea for help? And aren't we s'posed to respond to those?" See, all quite logical, really. Lenka opens her mouth. And then shuts it again. Several times. But anything comprehensible is apparently beyond her. She tries to hide behind Zai, instead, and just look small, and insignificant. F'lone looks around him before bending down to pick up the pieces of the mug which he dropped to catch Katlynn. "What's going on here?" he asks. "And why are there /pink/ knickers on the table?" he asks, a slight grin on his face. "Would you also hide a renegade who'd been thieving and murdering, because he happened t'be a Lord Holder's son?" Pause. Even Kassi evidently realizes the lack-of-workingness of that particular comparison, since she shakes her head after a moment and continues her advance on the poor, backpedalling Craftsecond. "V'der, hmm... what say we make a bargain? You tell me everything y'know--who did the commissioning; I'm guessing the bluerider? And how much was paid, and 'twill take it out of *his* hide instead. I don't believe in killing messengers, and 'twould probably be nay *end* of mess for Weyr-Craft relations, nay t'mention that Doran would probably make me *wear* those knickers in the next fashion show." Did that make any sense whatsoever? Maybe it's the fact that I'sai's also a target for torment that's put her in this oh-so-merciful mood, since she does look *almost* amused as she glances back towards the feathered set. "Don't worry, Lenka, nay anybody's going t'die *here*." She'll let someone else answer F'lone's question, though. Katlynn narrows her eyes down to mere slits of dark blue, staring at Kassima from beneath her trussed-up hair. Deep breaths, as she stops stumbling backwards, and digs a heel into the ground. "Your..your not going to kill m-me?" This would be the number one question on -her- mind at least. "You promise? Greenrider's aren't to be trusted afterall, evil creatures that they are." She gives a disdainful sniff, and reaches up to pluck another pink feather off herself. Finally, she explains, "See, /V'der/--it was all his fault--told me that you and I'sai had a fascination for pink things, and that you wanted to look all cute and match eachother, and well...I didn't see why I /shouldn't/ make them.." Sniffing again, she continues, this time inching back a pace or two, "And he paid, well, he didn't pay. I did it for free, because your my *favourite* greenrider and bronzerider, afterall." Head nods, very, very slowly. "And," For F'lone's benefit, "Because I brought them for Kassi." Lenka bites down on her lower lip, takes several looks around the living cavern, and then, quite simply, slips out and away to somewhere safe, or at the very least, not containing pink underthings. Hopefully. Lenka walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. <Weavers> Javin Waves F'lone takes care of the broken mug and grabs a cloth to clean up the spilled klah as he waits for an answer. He cleans up the spilt klah and then grabs another mug of klah. He returns just in time to hear the weaver's explination. "Ahh." is all he says as he turns to look at the pink knickers. "Well. We can always tie them to a string and hang them from Kassima's weyr, if she doesn't want them." he offers with a slight chuckle and a wink to the greenrider. <Weavers> Katlynn snugs Javin. Zaidra just watches as Katlynn and Kassima fling words around, finally resuming her seat. This could be fun to watch. Telgar Weyr> Talisha says, "F'lone, you want to die, don't you? ;>" <Weavers> Javin snugs Kitty Kat. "Supp?" Telgar Weyr> F'lone laughs ;) <Weavers> Katlynn sniffs and points at Kassima. "She's about to kill me, me-thinks." ;) Telgar Weyr> T'lean chuckles...should the rest of us start a betting pool? Kassima promises with what's definitely amusement, "I'm a woman of m'word." After a beat, she qualifies: "When I'm nay proddy, anyway... you can live, at least for now." How reassuring. But she does edge back towards the table that contains the... items, the better to make herself actually look at them. "I have t'wonder where he could've got a notion like *that*. Like either of those. M'kon and I'sai matching would make a great deal more sense--" Still, she gives the feathered pair a once-over. "Though the look on his *face*... wait a minute, wait a minute. We're your favorite? So you agree t'torment us for free? Oh--g'night, Lenka!" she calls after the young Weyrling, probably too late. "Shards. One of these days, 'twill nay miss. I don't suppose you'd like a pair of belled pink underthings, Zai? I know you Weyrlings don't usually have the marks t'commission such things for *yourself* yet, and... ah, F'lone? Deathwishes are very appropriate for brownriders. But you might want t'be careful of the *extent* of said deathwish." Telgar Weyr> J'an woofs. <Weavers> Javin will protect you. Why? Telgar Weyr> Zaidra says, "If he's gonna get murdered, can I watch? :)" Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Sure! I'll sell tickets. ;)" <Weavers> Katlynn grins. One word, Javin. Pink. <Weavers> Kassima says, "Another word: Pampers." <Weavers> Katlynn says, "With bells and feathers ;) so pretty, very very pretty." Zaidra blinks, "Me? Pink? /Bells/? Next you'll suggest that J'an gets the matching pair, since all we're allowed to do is hold hands just now." She's blushing, of course. Telgar Weyr> F'lone chuckles. Well. You did mention waving them about ;) J'an walks in from the bowl. Kassima is a little too quick to agree, brightly, "That might be a *splendid* notion, if'n Is would be willing t'sacrifice his! Mayhaps you could even wear 'em to this graduation celebration I've heard's in the works. May would approve. Truly." F'lone blinks. "Me. A deathwish, Kassima? No. No deathwish." he says, though he tries to hide a chuckle. "I wasn't really serious about that, Kassima. I would never do that. At least not with you knowing it was me." that last bit is said under his breath. Telgar Weyr> Kassima is becoming more and more tempted to do a flight soon. I'd forgotten how much fun frightening poor Craftseconds can be. ;) J'an wanders in, looking eminently smug and cheerful - perhaps a washover in the bond between himself and his lifemate, since the bronze is sleepy and contented from a recent feeding. "Your -not- proddy though, are you?" Katlynn eyes fling wide, going from those teeny tiny slits, to a pair of huge saucers. "She's not proddy, someone *please* tell me she's not proddy." A quick glance is stolen around the cavern, eyes falling upon F'lone for just a moment, and with an impish grin, quite unlike the horrorified stare her eyes are stilled fixed at, she wonders, "You don't want to live very long, do you?" And then, /then/ she stops, and tilts an *innocent* smile at Kassi. "I'm not trying to torture you! Really. I thought you'd look *nice* in pink frilly, feathery, belled underthingys. Won't you try them on?" Another step back, and another. "Oh, you, weyrling, Zaidra was it? I'll make you another pair if you like, but *these* were specially made for Kassima and I'sai, and I am under *strict* instruction not to allow them to go to anybody else. V'der said so." Telgar Weyr> Kichevio waves. :) Telgar Weyr> Talisha ponders flight-themes for hers. Oh oh. Do another flight! And wear pink feather knickers *snicker*. Hi Kich :) <Weavers> Javin LAUGHS! Zaidra shakes her head, "I'm not the one to ask, ma'am. I've never seen what Kassima's like when Lysseth's proddy...heard lots of stories though." She peers past everyone to try and catch J'an's eye and mouth at him. 'Run. Now.' Telgar Weyr> J'lyn says, "Would it be tasteless to have it during graduation?" Telgar Weyr> Zaidra thinks that would be hilarious. Telgar Weyr> J'lyn grins. More importantly, would I be flogged to death by Nim and May and all of the Weyrlings? :) Telgar Weyr> F'lone says, "I remember someone, can't remember who, told me that once, one of the weyrlings greens rose the night of graduation." Telgar Weyr> Kichevio peers. A flight during graduation and J'lyn in pink feather knickers? *snerk* I'll come watch! Telgar Weyr> Zaidra would never flog someone who outranks her. Telgar Weyr> Talisha says, "I think it was Alessi's, last clutch :)" "Dare I ask what in the name of Faranth's fewmets you all are talking about?" J'an wonders amiably, drawing off his worn leather gloves, slowly... Telgar Weyr> J'lyn WILL NOT have on pink feather knickers. He will be wearing the customary black buttless leather pants. Telgar Weyr> Schmitt likes the thought of pink feather knickers. Telgar Weyr> Zaidra bets they'd look smashing with sheer pink knickers underneath though. "Never underestimate a greenrider's ability t'find out who they need t'get revenge on," Kassi warns F'lone, with a quick wiggle of eyebrows. "You'll wake up finding a severed runner's head in your furs some night." Katlynn's query causes the greenrider to look down at herself, contemplatively. "Nay, couldn't be. I'm nay wearing only black. Kat, someday 'twill ask *why* you'd think I'd look nice in pink knickers, but now I'm nigh afraid to--and since nay anyone would ever *see* 'em, would it matter if'n I tried 'em on?" This line of conversation does get her to edge a bit further from the Underpants of Doom, mind you. Telgar Weyr> Talisha sniffs. What about pink leather buttless pants? Oh! Maybe I'll do that for mine ;> Telgar Weyr> F'lone says, "You're not gona weyr Kat's /pink/ buttless pants? ;)" Telgar Weyr> J'lyn will wear them about 10 minutes after you do, then, Schmitt. Kassima slants a curious look Zaidra-wards. "'Twill probably regret it, but I just have t'be asking--what sorts of stories? And you should ask Katlynn, J'an. She's the evil mastermind here." Telgar Weyr> Schmitt bets Cami would like it. Telgar Weyr> Talisha says, "What about V'der's version of 'em?" Telgar Weyr> Kichevio snickers. Telgar Weyr> Zaidra ooohs. "Those are an excellent idea." <Weavers> Katlynn dies and just /has/ to add underpants of doom to her +pos. <Weavers> Javin snickers <Weavers> Kassima intones, "Indiana Kassi and the Underpants of Doom, coming to theaters near you!" <Weavers> Katlynn chokes, laughing. Ohgoodness. <Weavers> Javin says, "hehe" Telgar Weyr> Kassima belatedly nahhhs at the idea of her wearing pink knickers next proddy-round. I've decided what my next desc will be based on already. ;) Telgar Weyr> Kichevio ooooohs. Do tell! Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Though feathers *would* be involved.... ;) The lady shown on http://www.interplay.com/bg2throne/ :) I'm still looking for a bigger version of the pic, but that gives the basic idea. ;)" "We're /talking/ about those marvellous fluffy pink knickers over there, near Zaidra." Katlynn mutters toward the newest Weyrling entrant, giving a *huge* heaving sigh as she does so. "And don't even /think/ about running of with them, Weyrling, no matter how tempted you may be, they're for I'sai and Kassima." Firm nod. Glancing back to the Greenrider of Death then, she sniffs, and offers, "But /Kassima/, I've heard that you once wore something pink, and you looked just *spectacular!* And here I am, giving you a /gift/ of some perfectly wonderful underthingys, and your saying you won't even try them on? Why, you hurt me." Sniff. "I bet /I'sai/ would at least /try/ them." Well okay, he'd probably run a mile, but that's not the point. "And if you tried them on, you could wear them with buttless leather pants, and that way we *could* see them." It all makes sense to Kat. J'an decides to take shelter behind Zaidra, since he suspects that it's far safer there. "Why underthings? And why pink?" Telgar Weyr> Talisha looks, and oooooohs. I like that. Telgar Weyr> Kichevio says, "Neat!" Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Alas, the enormous razor-fingered glove things would *probably* be uncanon. ;) But I liked it otherwise. :)" "'Twill make you another deal," Kassima proposes, drawing herself up to sit on the very edge of the table. And yea, though I walk through the valley of the Greenrider of Death, I fear no evil.... "If'n you can convince *Is* t'be trying 'em on, then I'll do likewise. But I won't show anybody. Because I never, ever, ever, ever wear buttless leather pants, and never will, although I *do* think Is should wear his with the fish thong. I didn't look spectacular! I looked rid-bloody-iculous! People laughed at me all day!" She hears J'an's questions, but just shoots Katlynn a *look*. Evidently these will also be deferred to the Weaver. One might think first before hiding behind someone who's only five feet tall. Because any protection offered would be symbolic at best. "They're for Kassima and I'sai," Zai murmurs to J'an as if that explains it all. "Although Kassima tried to pawn them off on us. Well me. Well...no...us." She looks to Katlynn, "Ma'am, I promise I won't run off with them. F'lone might though." J'an cheeps, "Us?" Now he's giving Kassima a faintly incredulous look. Kassima retorts to Zaidra, after giving F'lone a vaguely disturbed look for the suggestion that he might shanghai the underpants of much terror, "*You* were the one who said I'd be suggesting next that you and J'an should get the matching set, weren't you? 'Twas just trying t'be helpful." Never mind that she's having trouble keeping a straight face as she says so. "Honestly, truly. I still want t'know about these *stories*, too." Katlynn gives another little sniffle, defeated. "Oh/kay/, so if I can convince I'sai to wear them, then you'll at least try them on?" A hopeful quirk to her lips, and she bounds across to scoop up the Underpants of Doom, and trots happily to the table where her basket was left. "Maybe, /maybe/ he'll wear that fish-thong, and all my hard word won't have gone to waste." A heavy sigh escapes her lips, again over-the-top dramatic, and she begins stuffing the knickers into the pink velvet sack, lacing it tightly shut. "Well /I/ think you would have looked spectacular, Kassi. Afterall, who /doesn't/ look good in pink?" Finally, she nods toward Zaidra, and offers, "I'll still make you that blouse, for protecting me from the Evil Greenrider. What colour would you like?" F'lone's then given a look, and a smirk. "And if you like the knickers so much, maybe I'll make you some of those, just because." Pause, "What stories?" J'an is still attempting to hide behind Zaidra. He's long since concluded that he's not sure he even wants to try to understand this. Zaidra waves a hand, "Um...just stories. Most of them involved knives...and leather. And...I'm afraid I wasn't very good at protecting, so you needn't make me anything ma'am." "Me," Kassi fervently avers. "Be trusting me. I got paid forty-seven and three-quarters marks t'go around in pink lace all day, once, because the sight would be so ridiculous and snicker-inspiring for the Weyr at large." Or so she's figured, evidently. With the Underpants of Doom hidden away, the greenrider deems it safe to edge back to her own Wing's table, and to take possession of her chair there. "That's the deal, though. Be taking it or be leaving it--'tisn't easy t'convince Is t'do aught; you'd probably end up in indentured servitude or some such thing. Zai, be sure t'make it plain if'n you don't want feathers on that blouse. Won't you provide a few details, pretty pretty please?" Kassima spares a distinctly sympathetic look for J'an, too. J'an says "Blouse?" Lysseth> Kichevio _was_ admiring the evening--then the wind picks up. With a grimace of distaste, she ducks her head against the onslaught and hurries inside. Kichevio walks in from the bowl. Zaidra murmurs an explanation to J'an. "Nonsense, without your help, I could have ended up skewered like a wherry by Kassima." Katlynn notes toward Zaidra in a rather amused voice. "Don't get me wrong, I'm not offering anything *wonderful*, but it'll be nice! Now, what colours do you like?" She does a quick double-knot in the lacing of the bag, then hefts it up. "Well, next time I see I'sai, I /will/ convince him to wear the fish-thong, /somehow/." Pause, "I don't know how, but I will. I have to. That thong was a masterpiece!" she throws up one hand dramatically, then tosses the pink velvet bag toward Kassi's table with her other. "For the meantime however, I think that you'd better keep those safe. I wouldn't want the Weyrlings sneaking away with them, and trying them on." Kichevio is untangling her windblown hair, and so is distracted for a moment or three, hearing but not seeing the conversationalists. She gets her eyes clear just in time to here the word 'thong' and see Kassi gifted with a pink velvet bag. Hmmm. "What have I walked in on?" Zaidra ums, "I'm horrible at choosing colors. Ask anyone. But if you feel strongly about it...I'll accept, ma'm, and oh...stories...I'm bad at storytelling. Really." J'an grins. "No, you're not," he murmurs, resting a hand on Zai's shoulder. Kassima's wherry skewer finds its way into her hands, the better for her to polish it briefly and obviously before replacing it in its sheath. "You should take the blouse, Zai. Weavers don't often offer free clothes! And just remember, Kat: I'll only wear the pink thing if'n he wears the pink thing. The thong's an extra bonus." Which doesn't keep her from grinning at the thought all the same. Turning about in her chair--and avoiding that bag as best she can--she calls, "G'deve there, Kich! And 'tweren't," she directs back to the brown Weyrling, "at all bad at it on the storytelling night, as I recall. Methinks you underestimate yourself. Are you *sure* I couldn't reward her for a good story with the underpants, Kat?" Telgar Weyr> Kassima feels oddly like an underpants gnome. Telgar Weyr> Talisha suggests wearing them on your head like a Papa-smurf hat. Corwin walks here from the Inner Cavern. Pierron straightens up and adjusts his apron as the steward arrives. "Would it be more a punishment than a reward?" Kichevio wonders idly, fetching herself some klah and kerflopping down at the Thunderbolt table. "Depending on the underwear given?" Lysseth> K'ran comes out of Tarlo and Cariath's weyr. Kassima assures her tablemate, "They want the underpants. I don't know *why*. But Zaidra was saying something about how she and J'an would match, which I guess makes sense... though," she appends, scrutinizing the bronze Weyrling for a moment, "I don't know if'n feathers would really *suit* him." Corwin easily strides into the caverns, a few hides in one of his hands. He deposits those on a table as he passes towards the serving area. There, he fixes a small plate of food and tops off a glass with something-another. This carries back to the table where he left the hides. Lysseth> K'ran's fumbling with the fastenings of his jacket as he emerges, as he lets lazy steps begin to carry him toward the living cavern -- but there's Ymedath, and he's fashioning a quick grin for the brown, and nearby Saulith too. Zaidra sketches a salute to Kichevio, "Evening ma'am," is called, and then, protesting, "I was /kidding/." Lysseth> Saulith blinks lazily ay K'ran, and hums just a bit. For politeness' sake, of course. Katlynn flutters her lashes at Zaidra, letting out yet another sigh. "Well dear, you have to have *some* idea of a colour that suits you? What say, uhm.. what's your name?" She jabs a finger in the air, pointing toward J'an in a search for his name. "What say /you/ give Zaidra a colour idea, then I shall make a blouse in that choice. And," she pause, to slant a -look- at Kassima and her wherry skewer, shuddering visibly in her seat, "What are -your- favourite colours?" Then she waves toward Kichevio, offering a merry, "Weaver's duties." with an added, "/No/ Kassima, those pink things are for you and I'sai to match. Not the Weyrlings." Sniff, "Maybe I'll employ several hundred proddy greenriders to help me convince I'sai to wear the fish-thong with the pink things." J'an splutters, "Feathers?" He does give Zaidra a speculative look. K'ran walks in from the bowl. Lysseth> Lysseth, odd dragon out, is content to merely watch the bronzerider pass with blue eyes half-dimmed by a set of closed lids. J'an offers, decidedly, "DEep blue. Or green." Zaidra looks back at J'an, "No...no feathers." But she has to salute again, then. "Evening, Wingsecond K'ran." Kichevio must demur, really. "Not even when I'm proddy do I feel the urge to wear pink. Maybe if I was proddy, drunk, and delirious--_then_ maybe. But no other time." She lifts her mug in a mock-toast to K'ran, grinning at the bronzerider. Kassima wiggles her fingers in an amiable greeting to the Steward, her other hand inching to toy with the laces on that pink velvet bag. "*My* favorite?" she has to wonder. "Or did you mean J'an's? I really don't see why 'twouldn't be better for the Weyrlings t'match. I mean, they *do* need new finery for graduation and everything... and aye, J'an, the male's set's feathered. Female set has bells. Be afraid. Are you *sure* you don't want 'em, Zai? Absolutely positively certain?" Kassima asides to Kich, then, in a mutter, "You and me both." "Evening," calls K'ran, light-toned, as he steps within, as he leaves off toying with the fastenings of his jacket against the warmth of the cavern. "Feathers? Duties to Weavercraft, Katlynn, and hey there, Kich, Zai, J'an, Kassima, Corwin." He'll answer Kich with phantom upraised glass of his own, before making his way toward the serving tables to replace imagined drink with one all too real. After he finishes sliding into his seat and getting his glass and plate settled, Corwin returns Kassima's greeting. "Good evening, Kassima. How're you tonight?" Sighing, Katlynn just *has* to put in, with a shake of her head, "Kassima, when -are- you going to stop trying to hand off those gorgeous pink knickers to somebody else? It won't happen. You can't! I spent *so* long crafting them *just* for you and I'sai and--oh hi there, K'ran." She offers a quick waggling of her fingers toward the Wingsecond, smile brightening a moment, before she looks back Kichevio, and the Greenrider of Death. "What if I was to make the same design in /black/? What /then/?" A nod of course, to Zai and J'an, "Blue and green. Nice colours." <Weavers> Katlynn almost forgets who she is. Playing with an altchar in your usual area is confuzzling :> <Weavers> Min chuckles. You have an alt in TGW, then? <Weavers> Katlynn says, "Yep :)" "Black is good," Kichevio allows. "It's the whole concept of knickers I'm struggling with." Zaidra doesn't need to wear pink because right now she /is/ pink. Watch the weyrling become a lobster right before your very eyes. Softly she'll allow, "Um...blue's nice, I guess." "'When the sun and the moons rise together in the West,'" Kassima sings, somehow managing to combine facetiousness with the minor key. "'And that shall never be.' I can *pretend* t'have nay plots, though, if'n 'twould make you feel better. Can't speak for I'sai. And does your passing these things t'me mean you expect *me* t'let him know of this doom you have planned for him?" Suspiciousness plus there. "Apart from the good Craftsecond attempting t'take Turns off m'life through horror," she answers Corwin, "I'm well enough. Hope you can say the same. Kat, they'd still be *translucent*, wouldn't they? And they'd still be fancy underpants." J'an offers, "Black is nice?" No, he's not particularly eloquent this evening. Zaidra being this close most likely has much to do with it. Kassima can't help but ask Kich, "Would *you* like a pair of pink knickers? With bells on 'em? I bet you'd find a use for 'em faster than I." Kichevio's answer is swift and unequivocal. "No. No. A thousand times no. Forever no. And if you ask again, I'll have to get negative. But thanks for asking." Corwin gives Kassima a nod. "Yes, I'm doing well this evening, thanks." He quietly eats from his plate as he listens to the others talk. "How 'bout something *that* color?" suggests K'ran gamely, and with a gesture of the lip of his mug toward Zaidra as he makes his way to a chair. "No pink, Kich? None at all? Jays, you and Tali ought to get together." Telgar Weyr> Talisha notes that she likes pink. Again. Telgar Weyr> Kichevio Fears. ;) Telgar Weyr> Erdrick assumes that's a sign of a Proddy Talisha? Kichevio folds her arms obstinately. "_No_ pink." It's her new mantra. Telgar Weyr> K'ran says, "Yes indeedy, Erdrick." Telgar Weyr> K'ran says, "And as soon as she comes down, she's making maleriders swear on their grandmothers' graves never to let her anywhere *near* anything pink. :)" Katlynn waves a hand through the air in attempted nonchalance, grinning smugly. "Well Kassima, since you now have the pink sack, I think it would be a *much* better plan for *you* to tell I'sai of the evils. He might kill /me/, but he wouldn't kill the mother of his baby." Pause,"Well he might, but I doubt it very much. Anyhow, I've had enough frights for one evening, and I just can't stay around long enough to wait for I'sai to get back, especially if he's only going to kill me once he _does_ get back." A glance at K'ran, "I could make you some pink knickers too, if you like the colour." And then she's grinning again, chattering on, "I wouldn't have to make the black ones /transparent/. But they would be feathery and frilly, still." Telgar Weyr> Talisha grins. "That's right." ;) Kassima tips her head to the young rider, eyes twinkling. "M'pleasure. Always m'pleasure. 'Twas at least worth a try." She switches to a less underpants-intensive subject: "How fares your new wee lassling, by the by? I can't say enough what a good name you chose for her--pshhhh. Tali *likes* pink." A thought which causes the greenrider to suddenly brighten. "Hey, I bet *she'd* like some pink underthings! There's an idea for you, Kat, since you like making these things and won't let me give mine away. Tali should get pink underthings." Slanting a long look at Katlynn after this latest declaration, she wonders, dryly, "Care t'be betting? I do wish you'd stay. His expression would be *so* much better if'n he heard the news from you. Feathery and frilly, nay, nay--such things don't really go well with riding gear, y'know." After he finishes his meal, Corwin pushes away his plate. After a few moments of relaxing, he rises, taking up the hides with him before making his way across the cavern. Seated, now, K'ran lifts his shoulders in a blithe shrug, his, "Hey, *I* don't have anything against an innocent color," droll -- but with a shudder at Kassima's suggestion, he shakes his head emphatically. "No no. I can't let you anywhere near Talisha with anything pink. Gave her my word." Telgar Weyr> Erdrick hrms at a random thought: Invasion of the /Pink/ underwear! 0:) Telgar Weyr> Roma waves. Telgar Weyr> Zaidra says, "Roma. Run." Telgar Weyr> Talisha waves to Roma ;) Telgar Weyr> Erdrick waves back. Kichevio says a devout "_Thank_ you," to K'ran before answering Kassi with a smile. "Kiralee's well. Growing like a weed, spoiled past endurance. I left her in the creche tonight--figured she'd better start getting used to it." Telgar Weyr> Zaidra meant that as a suggestion, to you Roma. Telgar Weyr> Kichevio laughs and snugs Roma. Telgar Weyr> Roma says, "Notice how cleverly I'm NOT in the LC right now. :)" Telgar Weyr> Schmitt runs anyway. Corwin walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Telgar Weyr> Erdrick is safely where nobody else ever goes. :) Kassima's snort is rather amused. "What, how are you going t'stop me? Bribery? That's always a fun one. Make a good enough offer and 'twill consider it; anyway, so long as she was *proddy*, I rather doubt she'd mind." A frown flitters across her features. "Wonder when Imanath's due next, anyway... I should be replenishing m'stores of special brewings. 'Twill have t'pester Marcus. Telgar never has the right stuff." The smile she casts Kich is a bit wry: "Nay nursing her, then? I daresay she's a bonny thing. How's L'son taking being the father of two daughters?" Though she waves after Corwin's exit, she's late about it, as usual. Zaidra slowly returns to her more normal color, as the conversation turns to babies and such. She looks toward the door and considers making a break for it. "As much as I'd /love/ to stay and see I'sai's expression, I've just *got* to get back to the Hall and my apprentices." Katlynn hops up from her chair, wagging fingers all around. "Lovely to meet you, you two." With a grin toward Zai and J'an, "Nice to see you again K'ran," With a wink, and then she struts out toward the bowl, calling back over her shoulder to Kassima, "Remember our deal. Fish-thong and pink knickers in exchange for you trying 'em on.." and out she goes. Katlynn walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. K'ran's smile turns positively cheshire, positively dangerous, as he informs Kassima, "I've ways," in a well-honed tone of certainty. He throws a quick wave after Katlynn as she departs in haste, half-rising as she goes, but as he resumes his seat chases that cobalt-dark regard over after Zaidra and J'an. Kichevio's eyebrows quirk up at the mention of nursing, and she draws discreetly back from the topic. "In deference to the males in the room, I won't go into that. I _will_ say that she is the bonniest baby I've ever seen, even saving Ilessa and Kisai." She winks good-naturedly. "And Lee is telling the world about his wonderful, beautiful children. I think he'd paint the news on the walls of the Weyr if he could." Talisha walks in from the bowl. Telgar Weyr> Roma says, "Okay, looks safe now. :)" Kassima watches Katlynn leave with a bit of a bemused expression. "Well," she quips after a beat, "I got the better of that deal; I only specified the knickers. Don't think 'twill hold m'breath on seeing that. What blouse design did you settle on, Zai?" Her reply to K'ran? An arched eyebrow, followed by a thoroughly droll look. "If'n you're trying t'inspire worry, try it with someone else; greenriders have at least as many ways as bronzers do. That's truly *wonderful* t'be hearing, Kich," she says in a tone transformed from amusement to warmth. "That Lee is pleased, I mean. The other doesn't surprise me--mothers are *supposed* t'think that about our children, else where would the world be? G'deve, there, Tali. Want some pink underpants?" Lysseth> Desdemath warbles a soft greeting to the other dragons, settling down out of the way. Roma walks in from the bowl. Lysseth> Saulith chirps to Desdemath from her lazy coil around a few warm rocks. Lysseth> Lysseth rumbles out a quiet note of salutation to the younger green, though it's interrupted by the forces of a wide, jaw-cracking yawn. Roma wanders in humming, giving a general salute-to-riders-at-large before she really sees who all is around. Lysseth> Ymedath croons softly toward Imanath and Desdemath as they arrive. Blinking at them with sleepy eyes, he curls back into his rest position, and returns to dozing. Temptation, temptation. Talisha strolls into the cavern, singing some merry tune under her breath in a positively *too* happy voice. Kalyn isn't with her for a change, her arms are emptied save for the stalks of several dead wildflowers, petals long removed. "Good Evening everybody. Pink underpants? Where." Gaze instantly shoots over to Kassima, and she goes trotting in that direction. J'an gives up...time to retrieve the food he originally entered for. "Shall we sit and eat?" he suggests softly to Zaidra. Zaidra blinks a moment, looking at J'an. "Um..." she says. "You eat? I think...I need fresh air." Zaidra walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Roma waves at Zai as she goes past with a shrug, then extends that wave over to J'an. "Heya." She heads for the serving tables and grabs a plate to start loading up. "Go on thinking that, do," K'ran encourages Kassima, bright amusement for her wryness -- but then he's to his feet, tossing back his drink, and nodding a quick greeting to clutchmate Talisha as he makes for the entryway. "Evening." Kassima's nod to Talisha, despite the wildflowers and despite those ominous pink clothes, is quite cheerful, even as she waves after Zaidra's departure. "Right here! Though I should note I'm nay really supposed t'give 'em away... I'm sure Craftsecond Katlynn would be deee-lighted t'be making you a pair of your own if'n you like 'em, though. They're in the sack." She inclines her head to the bag in question, belatedly returns Roma's salute, then replies to K'ran just as brightly, "Thankee! Don't mind if'n I do. And g'deve, too, a'course." Kichevio is about to do _something_...say, lure Tali closer to the Pink Bag of Death...but is suddenly up on her feet and aimed for the exit. "Saulith says--Kiralee is--anyway, bye!" Kichevio walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. K'ran walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Talisha drags a chair over by it's back, spins it around on two legs, and plops down, straddling it back-to-front. "Goodnight Zai, Kich, K'ran." She calls idly, attention now focused upon the pink bag, and it's contents. "Aw, you mean I can't have these? What a shame.. I'm in need of some new pink things, too. Imanath says these are looking too old." Huffing, she plucks at the fabric of her blouse, then reaches to take a peak into the bag. "Maybe I'll see about getting something from the Weaver Hall." Pause, "Do I smell or something? Everybody is suddenly leaving." The dead flower stalks get placed on the table. Telgar Weyr> K'ran finds himself unable to keep up with RP and do work at the same time. Blah. J'an is amlbing over in the direction of the kitchen. "Not that I can tell," he observes, as he scoops up a meatpie. Telgar Weyr> Greylin says, "You /work/?!? While RPing? How... rude. ;)" "I *wish* you could," Kassi replies with honest regret. "But methinks it might hurt Katlynn's feelings. Anyway, she's made me a deal involving I'sai and his pair, and with my luck she'd manage t'*get* him t'wear the things if'n I gave my set away. I'd nay say your clothes are in such bad shape--J'an? Roma? What d'you think? Mayhaps you're better judges of fashion than I." Telgar Weyr> Kassima sympathizes, and snickers. Nah, it's the bosses who are rude, to not give him a break for RP now and then. ;) Telgar Weyr> K'ran's at home, so no worries about the boss... until tomorrow, that is. :) Roma turns her head, holding a klah pitcher above her mug. "Hm? Um, uh, they look nice, ma'am." She spills the klah, of course, and eeks as she sets down the pitcher and grabs a rag to clean up her mess. "Oh, do you think I'sai would wear the pink things if I begged him? I'd like to see a man in pink. It's been -so- long since anyone other than me wore the colour, not since V'sha was only Vasha, and dressed in that wherry costume for me." Talisha gives a little sniff, then glances toward the Weyrlings with a grin. "/Thankyou/ Roma, for being so kind, you may have my flowers." And she holds up the petal-less stalks in offering. J'an has to ask. "Wherry costume?" Kassima supposes, a bit dubious, "You're welcome t'*try*, Tali, just so long as I can watch; and wasn't that costume a scream? Second only t'that poor man who ended up mooning everyone." Rising to her feet, the greenrider makes for the food table, asking along the way, "Anyone want aught while I'm up? Oh, this is a good one, J'an. And I've always wondered *how* Tali got him into the costume m'self." J'an grins, leaning in a litte eagerly. "Oh?" Roma hands the wet rag back to Pierron with a mouthed 'sorry', and picks up her food and mug again. She's halfway to a table when Talisha offers the flowers, and Roma just looks at the stalks in confusion. "Um. Flowers?" "Well I /will/ try, and I'll make sure to have Imanath let Lysseth know when I do, so you can come and watch, and perhaps stop him from running away from them." Tali giggles a little, then slants a look over to J'an. "Yes..pink wherry costume." Pausing, she holds up the de-petalled dried-up flower stalks for Roma, and smiles. "For you. They're pretty, aren't they?" She seems oblivious to the fact that said petals are both ugly, and very, very dead. Back to pink things, howver. "I told V'sha, who was then Vasha, that if he wore it, I'd kiss him. So he did. /And/ it took ages to get the poor man into it, you've no idea how many buttons and closures that thing had on it." J'an is just giving Talisha a look. "I see." Roma puts her food down, carefully, and edges closer to Talisha, to take the flowers. She holds them gingerly, like they might bite or something. Or Talisha, maybe. "Thank you, ma'am. I'll.. um. Thank you." "'Twill do m'level best," Kassi solemnly swears as she scoops a large slice of herdbeast onto a plate and reaches for the dregs of the spicy sauce. An inquisitive chirrup sounds; a small bronze head peeps out from her pocket, and she scolds, "Nay for you, greedy thing! You ate just a'fore we got here! That must be some kissing you're capable of, Tali... are you planning on teaching any of our newest riders your technique, as with those Fortians?" Her expression, and her voice, both radiate innocence to the world. All the same, she tries to catch Roma's eye, the better to mouth 'Proddy' to her. Explanation for the flowers, perhaps? J'an turns a nervous look on Talisha. "Technique?" He's doing a lot ofechoing, this evening. Talisha gives J'an a 'look' right bacl - one with upraised brows, and dimples in her cheeks. "What, jealous that I didn't offer -you- a kiss when Imanath and I searched you?" She pokes her tongue out in oh-so mature fashion, then turns a grin on Roma. "My pleasure, keep them safe though, Roma. They're special flowers." Perhaps to explain, she adds, "I've had them since K'ryn gave me The Answer." Cheeks flush then to match her blouse, and she's looking over at Kassima, beaming. "Well, I was thinking that I should teach them y'know. It wouldn't be much good to have these poor, innocent weyrlings going off into graduated life without ever having been taught to kiss like a Master." And a sage nod, "Mmm..maybe I'll teach them like I taught L'nan and K'ryn. Who knows, maybe I can drag Alessi down to help." Roma catches the look, gets even more confused for a second, then her eyes widen, and she backs away from Talisha. Back to her food, of course, but she does sit on the opposite side of the table. She puts the dead flowers down gently on the table. "Special flowers, right. Okay." J'an looks as if he's very tempted to flee. "What about K'ryn?" hewonders. "They aren't formally weyrmated," Kassi murmurs on her way back to her table. "And y'never know when knowing how t'kiss could be useful in--later life." Her eyes absolutely dance with mischief, though; it's unlikely that she's serious. "Will you take 'em to the Lounge, then, Tali, or teach 'em right here? I suppose that would make 'em special flowers, if'n K'ryn gave 'em to you when he said he loved you." Said flowers garner a dubious look. "They appear *old* enough, at least." "K'ryn is wonderful." Talisha murmurs in a soppily-sweet voice toward J'an, then suddenly straightens up in her seat, and pouts. "But so are lots and lots of other men. Humph." A finger gets pointed toward the flowers, and she shakes her head. "K'ryn didn't give me those, I picked them last time Imanath rose, and plucked the petals off. One for each, 'He loves me, he loves me not', until he admitted that he did." After a moment she gets up, and wanders to fetch herself something to eat as well. "I think the 'Lounge is a much nicer setting for learning to kiss, don't you think?" Roma munches on her food, glancing over at J'an, like he's much of a guard. "Was, um. Was that before or-or after Imanath rose?" J'an is still eyeing Talisha warily. "Uh." he replies, all eloquence. "You know, I'm still a weyrling, adn we're not allowed to do things like that." Kassima points out, with a faintly crinkled nose, "'Twouldn't be knowing, personally... but you would. So I guess you'd better wait on teaching anyone until you can go there again, aye?" In an aside to Roma: "A'fore, methinks. I don't *think* she normally picks flowers t'play with...." Though by the considering look she gives Tali, she's not quite *sure*. "I guess waiting until *after* they graduate then, is the best option." Talisha cants a look toward J'an, then another of the same to Roma. "It's not that hard to learn, though. Kich could probably teach you as well, and maybe K'ran--though /he/ didn't get taught by me, unfortunetly." Sigh. It's such a hard life. "How's Kisai, Kassima?" She asks then, fetching a plate and piling it up with sweets of allsorts. Zaidra walks in from the bowl. Roma concentrates on chewing her food thoroughly, so she won't choke. Zaidra slips back into the room, offering salutes to Kassima and Talisha, and adding an impish one to J'an since he's currently leading the weyrling wing. There's no trace of her earlier blush, so that fresh air must've done her some good. For all that she grins, Kassi does finally quip, "Or you might leave the teaching of *this* Weyrling t'someone else, Tali. I believe there may be another interested in the position." She doesn't give details, though; she'll just concentrate on slicing up her meat instead, and keeping Kazander from filching any. "Kiss? As much a darling as ever, though she *keeps* playing that drum Is got for her. 'Tis enough t'be driving me mad. She seems t'learn a new word every day, and she's wild about the plushie I found for her at Ista--what about Kalyn? How's he?" A salute back to Zaidra follows. J'an is simply blushing, his meatpie forgotten on teh table beforeh im. Talisha finishes putting things onto her plate and strolls up the other end of the serving table for a mug of juice. "Why, who wants to teach J'an?" she blinks wide-eyed in *complete* and utter innocence, simply turning on her heel to look over at Zaidra as she re-enters. "/Her/?" That, whispered, before she grins, and offers brightly, "Take Kisai and the drum to I'sai's weyr and leave her there when he's asleep. He won't be dreaming peacefully for long." Taking her plate, she goes back to her previously abandonned seat, and drops down. "Kalyn is...Kalyn. The crying is calming down, but he's still a pain in the tush to settle at nights." Pause, impish grin, "That's why I leave him with the nannies half the time." "Teach J'an what?" is Zai's question, as she walks in on a conversation just as interesting, if less raucous, than the one she walked out of. She glances to her bronzeriding clutchmate, with a questioning look. "Could be," Kassi replies, her voice and tone alike turning mysterious. "Or could nay be. Might be better t'be asking her... 'twere just discussing, Zai, who'll be teaching the Weyrlings t'kiss, and where and when such lessons should take place." So matter-of-fact. So innocent. At least until she turns back to Tali, making a face: "I wish I could, but I can't make poor Myk suffer for I'sai's evils--and for all I say, I'm thrilled that he got her a gift she loves so much. Just wish 'twere something a bit easier on *my* ears. Has he had problems with colic, or...?" A gulp of cider interrupts the query, and she refocuses topics afterwards. "By the by, Roma, d'you have any plans t'learn from anyone in particular?" Roma goes into a coughing fit, grabbing her mug to take a deep drink. By the time she's stopped, her face is red. Must be from the coughing, of course. "*No*. I mean, um, no, ma'am." Kassima's eyes narrow. Just a bit. "Roma," she says, a bit mildly, "you know the rules about that term by now, surely?" In a tone closer to her normal, "Can't say I blame you. 'Tis always seeming as though there are a handful of people in every class who pair off straight away, and most everyone else finds their matches later. Or never." Talisha echoes Kassima, turning her chair around to face the cavern at large. "Yeah, are *you* going to be the one teaching J'an to kiss like a Master, Zai?" Her brows lift gently, questionly, before she's distracted away from the topic by Kassima. Grinning, "I guess if it keeps Kisai entertained, then it's a good present. K'ryn's only given Kalyn some clothes so far, but F'lone gave me a *lot* of toys, enough to last throughout his first three turns, at least. No colic I don't think, he's just /grumpy/." She picks up a sweetroll, nibbling, eyes widening a little at Roma. "Don't choke." J'an's jaw drops, as he chokes on the bit of meatpie he was chewing on. Roma reaches over to thump J'an on the back. "Must be the food today. That's it." Zaidra isn't sure how to answer that. She glances at J'an again, sea-green eyes pleading for help, and finally offers, "It's no secret that I like him, ma'am," to Talisha. Maybe that's enough of an answer to get by? She's still lingering by the door, though, and now she's edging back toward it. Yep...escape is good. Kassima's eyebrows rise in unison. "F'lone gave him toys?" she wonders. "That's terribly sweet of him, but I wonder what prompted it? Well, whatever, a lovely gesture 'tis. Mayhaps you should suggest t'K'ryn that he get a toy, too--children never seem t'be too young t'be bored by gifts of clothing... though as easy as 'tis t'go through 'em while they're at the messy stage, 'tis a good gift all the same." She grins broadly--heartless wench!--as J'an starts to choke; sweetly, "Need a something t'drink t'help with that cough? Do come on in, Zai--Tali won't be biting, I'm sure. *Whatever* state Imanath's in." J'an nods, breathlessly. "Well then, I guess that answer will have to suffice." Talisha sighs over toward Zaidra, rolling her eyes. "Honestly, you lot are some of the shyest weyrlings I've seen." But still, she'll glance over at Kassima, grinning, with a bit of a half-hearted shrug. "Actually I don't know, F'lone gave me quite a few baby presents. He even," And here, her nose crinkles a little, "/Even/ gave me a crib for him. It's gorgeous, but I'm a little worried about all the marks he must have spent." Her brows furrow together for a moment, and then she shakes her head, clearing away the thoughts. "I don't bite!" Grin, "Hard." J'an teases, having managed to get down that lump of pie. "Give us time?" Kassima pushes up from her chair to swoop to the meal table, refilling her own mug and snagging another; when this has been poured full of juice, she takes it to where J'an is sitting and sets it on the nearest table surface. "Breath through your nose," she advises in an undertone before resuming her seat. "And you never knew me as a 'Ling, Tali, or you'd nay say that! A crib... Faranth. That is generous. I wonder what's on his mind." Roma waves a bit of meatroll in the air. "That, I do *not* want to know." "D'you know he gave Kichevio and Kiralee a big basket of toys too?" Roma says. "I don't know about a crib, though." Zaidra inches around the room, taking a seat near where she was sitting before. "I'm not shy," she protests. "I'm just not willing to face the wrath of Maylia." And she lowers her voice to murmur something additional to J'an. J'an is instantly red again, as he gives Zaidra an incredulous look. "Were you shy, oh-Kassima-the-very-evil, as a weyrling? It cannot possibly be." Talisha grins across at said greenrider, then dips a quick nod to Roma. "I did, actually. He said he gave Kich stuff too. I think I've enough clothes to keep Kalyn dressed all turnlong. And.. I'm thinking I might give him some marks, for the crib. I don't have a clue *why* he'd do that for me, but anyhow." She sips from her mug, glancing at Zaidra. "May's wrath probably isn't a good thing, right." "How very odd," Kassi muses, now sounding less bewildered than thoughtful. "Very *nice*, but very odd... I guess he's just liking t'give gifts. Certes nay a bad trait if'n he can afford it. Remind me t'be asking where he finds the marks--mayhaps he can point me towards new areas of profitteering." Trust Kassi to focus on that. With a wink for the red-faced Weyrlings, she confirms for Tali, "Shyer than aught! And very well-behaved. I can't *imagine* what's happened t'me in the interval, really." Roma peers at her now-empty plate. "Hm. I, um, think I'm going to get some sleep. Before the next drill." Roma drops her dirty dishes in the proper bin, then carefully retrieves the de-petaled flower stems before she heads out. "G'night!" "I just can't imagine you as a shy and well-behaved weyrling, Kassi." Talisha murmurs, amused. "But then, I suppose everybody ends up changing a rather large amount." Shrugging one shoulder up, then turns to watch Roma's departure, making sure the weyrling takes those awful dead flowers with her. "Night Roma." "I wore *dresses*," Kassi informs Tali with a hint of old self-disgust and more than a hint of amusement. "When I could; for celebrations, I put flowers in m'hair, the whole thing. A'course, 'twas only fifteen or so... but still. G'deve, Roma; clear skies t'you and Desdemath!" Roma pauses at the entrance to the bowl to wave, but adds somewhat puzzledly, "*I* like to wear dresses..." Roma walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. "Aye, but you haven't spent most of your life now arguing that leathers are just as good and appropriate as dresses," Kassi quips after Roma, with a wry grin, "which is what's making it ironic... ah, well, I still *do* wear gowns from time t'time, I know. But nay *all* the time. The skirts get in the way." Talisha reaches up to tug one of the pale pink flowers from her hair, unravelling a curl from around it's stem. "What's wrong with flowers in your hair?" She wonders, although at any other time she'd probably be rather disgusted with herself. "Dresses I like, but I've never seen *you* in a dress, Kassi. Only black, and usually leather - pants. You should wear dresses more often then, especially if your going to wear those fluffy pink things in that bag you've got." Zaidra is quiet, awfully quiet...but then she murmurs to J'an again. Kassima protests at once, "I'm nay going t'be wearing the fluffy pink things!" Her turn to turn a bit red, 'twould seem. "Naught's wrong with 'em; they just aren't much like the me of now--at least, I don't think so... keep an eye out if'n you ever see me at a Gather, Tali. That's usually when I wear 'em. I've got a wardrobe full, so I have t'be giving 'em exercise *sometime*, albeit without aught pink or frilly underneath." Just to make this Crystal Clear. "You two have been rather quiet," she then observes of Zai and J'an. J'an reaches over to put an arm around Zaidra, gently. "It's fine," he murmurs to her, before looking up at Kassima. Talisha sighs half-heartedly, and reaches to poke at the pink velvet sack. "I don't see why not, they're lovely. I especially like the shade of pink on them. I don't have many dresses, myself. Lots of skirts though, and I think that counts." She grins slightly, then tilts her head to look at J'an and Zai. "Everything ok?" <Weavers> Katlynn waves to Syeara and K'ryn ;) <Weavers> Syeara waves back then. <Weavers> K'ryn licks Kat. <Weavers> Katlynn is glad she didn't give K'ryn to Kassima, afterall. ;> <Weavers> Kassima oohs? You were going to? ;) <Weavers> Katlynn says, "Yes, instead of my brother, so you wouldn't kill me ;)" <Weavers> K'ryn gets passed around. Wheee! "Because for one, I'd feel silly; for two, I'd *jingle*; for three, what point, when nay anyone would ever see 'em?" Kassi reasons, ticking off points on her fingers after setting down her fork. "Nay t'mention that they're *see-through*. See-through! Sweet Faranth!" Her diatribe on the merits or lack thereof of translucent bell-laced underwear doesn't keep her from looking inquisitively towards the Weyrlings, curious. <Weavers> Kassima says, "Ah, well, he'd probably rather belong to you anyway. Sniffle. ;)" Telgar Weyr> Shawnah also notes that's an interesting pose to connect to, Kassi. ;) <Weavers> K'ryn says, "But you're my favorite drinking buddy!" <Weavers> Kassima says, "We still do need to go drinking sometime!" "Well /I/ wouldn't mind a pair of jingly, fluffy, feathery see-through pink underthings." Talisha sniffles down at the velvet sack, prodding it a few more times with her fingers. "Maybe I can convince K'ryn to go and commision some for me.." A grin then, and she bounces up from her chair, scooping up her sweetroll loaded plate to take with her. "I'm going to go and find K'ran.. See you all later." Talisha walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. <Weavers> Katlynn sniffs. "I never get to go drinking." Zaidra glances over at J'an and smiles rather liking his arm there, and clearly not wanting to say anything that would cause him to move. J'an just looks entirely smug, again. Kassima just shakes her head after the other greenrider, murmuring, "There is just nay accounting for taste... and anyway, I succeeded in getting pink near Tali, so m'work here is done." She darts a glance to the Weyrlings again, smiling and/or smug as they are, and rather than making any wisecracks for once limits herself to a bit of a grin behind the rim of her mug. J'an sighs, softly, and removes his arm...dragons can't be bothered to wait. "I'd best get going...Eneryth wants an oiling." <Weavers> Kassima says, "Someday, Kat, we'll all go on a huge drinking binge, and end up singing lewd songs about goat tapestries while you dance on a table in belled pink underpants. ;)" <Weavers> Katlynn giggles. "OOoh..now *that* would be fun." Pause, "So long as said belled underwear wasn't /padded/, like the pampers are." ;) <Weavers> K'ryn will be there. <Weavers> Katlynn says, "Will you dance in the feathery pink pair, K'ryn?" <Weavers> K'ryn dunnos about that... <Weavers> Katlynn pouts. Kassima bobs her head to J'an, gathering up her plates to take them to where such things go. "I'd best get moving too; dawn's always coming too early for m'tastes. Clear skies t'you both, hey?" <Weavers> Kassima says, "Dare I ask what the IC reasoning is for the padding, Kat? Kassi was so wrapped up in their being pink and translucent and belled that she forgot. ;)" <Weavers> Katlynn hmms. "Actually, I have no idea what it'd be. Oh! I know... for when I'sai and Kassima have arguements, and push each other over the ledge. It's padded, so that they land on something soft." oO Well it sounded good to /me/ Oo <Weavers> Syeara takes a lot of -very- tiny steps away from you all. <Weavers> Kassima laughs! That works for me. Syeara, be afraid: Katlynn actually *gave* somebody those transparent pink Pampers of ill-repute. J'an offers a smile and a wave. <Weavers> Katlynn sniffs. "You should have seen it, Syeara. Kassima was going to kill me. *teary-eyes*." <Weavers> Syeara says, "Hey.. Can't I even go to work without missing stuff here?" <Weavers> Katlynn says, "'Fraid not." <Weavers> Syeara says, "Bah" <Weavers> Katlynn says, "Bah blacksheep, have you any wool." <Weavers> Kassima sings, to the tune of 'It's My Party,' "You would kill too if it happened to you!" <Weavers> Katlynn rofl.. Kassima hesitates a moment, but eventually does pick up the velvet bag containing Katlynn's gifts before heading for the door with a last finger-wiggle over her shoulder. You walk down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.