-------------------------------------------------------------------------- This Little Piggy Went To Kassi Date: September 13(?), 1998 Place: Benden Weyr's Southern Bowl Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: Did somebody say McPorcine's? Never one to pass up a challenge, Kassi moves from the goose-herding contest to a greased porcine chase, and shamelessly gets herself mud-covered and filthy in pursuit of the elusive Maltese Piglet. Meanwhile, near the pond, Lysseth and Falsanath discuss chops from an entirely different species. ;) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: You head eastwards towards a field of smaller herdbeasts. Aurian comes up the gentle slope from the pond to the west. Kaitra heads towards the porcine pens, leading a number of Telgar riders - an odd sight for anyone familiar with the girl. Kassima's face is still burning red, and she's glaring at Aurian. Must be one interesting conversation they were having on the way up here. "I can't *believe*..." she starts to hiss, but talking requires breathing, and breathing isn't something one wants to do a lot of around porcines. She quiets, summons a smile, anad wiggles her fingers greetingly. "Duties to the Beastcraft and her Masters." Lysseth> From the sky above you, Gaudiorth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air! Lysseth> From the sky above you, Falsanath emerges from Between with a blast of cold air! Csinonor shakes his head, listening to Kristine. "Even I couldn't miss that," he says with a sober expression, before turning his attention to the arriving entourage. He'll let Kristine handle the official greetings, though, since she outranks him and all. Aurian laughs at Kassima delightedly, "Ohhh come on Kassi..." Lysseth> Gaudiorth wings down from the sky above. Kristine * goes OOC to explain the rules. We have one small piggy, slightly greased. The object it to catch said piggy and hold him. Please limit one pose per pig pose. And the winner's prize will be delivered within a RL week. Lysseth> Falsanath wings down from the sky above. Kristine smiles to the riders. "Beastcraft's duties. Have you come to join in the fun?" Lysseth> Loren steps back out of the way of the landing dragons. S'klin salutes, "Greetings from Telgar." Lysseth> Lysseth lifts her head to rumble a salutation to the familiar Istan bronze. Lysseth> Gaudiorth bugles a greeting to the other dragons as he neatly backwings for a landing, his hide gleaming with fresh oil. Lysseth> Falsanath rumbles a greeting to the other dragons, especially that cute little Telgar green over there. Matter of fact, he sidles over to be next to said cute green, despite his rider's snort. Kassima appears somewhat aghast, indubitably due to Aurian's continuing insistance. "Auri!" A niggling thought occurs to her, and she decides to switch the evil to someone else: "If'n you're that eager t'be knowing, then ask him, for Faranth's sake." Trying to change the subject, she asks Kaitra, "Ever done this a'fore?" Tasso climbs down from his perch and strolls over to the pig-clutching herder. This could be a hoot... Lysseth> From high atop Gaudiorth's neck, Tamina removes her helmet to hook it on her blue's straps and eagerly dismounts her eyes scanning the crowds. S'klin walks over to Kristine, "Lots of players today?" Lysseth> Lysseth seems rather amused by the snort--amused enough to even rumblechuckle, never mind that it's probably not polite. She's quite content to sidle over herself to make room, while rumbling a cordial greeting to the newly-arrived blue as well. Lysseth> Tamina climbs down from Gaudiorth's neck after the blue dragon extends a foreleg. Kaitra gives the two women an odd look, curious, but not really wishing to know. At the question, she shakes her head, "Tried to catch'em, but never greased. Hard enough without grease, they seem to be able to squirm out of any hold." Lysseth> G'har uses Falsanath's conveniently proffered foreleg as a step, and goes from his back to the ground. Lysseth> Loren waves to G'har and Tamina. He smiles as he calls "Hello, Tamina, G'har!" Kristine nods to the Telgar blue rider. "Seems to be a decent turn out." Lysseth> Kvasith rumbles. Lysseth> G'har watches Loren for a moment, then returns the smile. "Ista's duty to the Smithcraft," he says, without even wincing. "How're you doing, Loren?" The little squealer in Kris's arms does just that, squeal. She barely manages to hold onto him. "Everyone understand the rules?" Naldo sneezes loudly. He sniffles as he goes through his pockets. A worried look crosses his face and he goes through his pockets again. "Shards!" he curses softly, "I must've forgotten them." Kassima confesses, with a dubious look towards the piglet in question, "I've never had much t'do with porcines a'fore... but I'll try anything once." She shoots a look at Aurian that just *dares* the foul-minded woman to take that wrong. "G'luck, eh?" Lysseth> Tamina shrugs out of her riding jacket before heading over to Lorn and G'har adding her own, "Ista's duties." She watches the younger man carefully offering a more tentative smile. Kaitra grins at the man wearing a Bitran knot, and shakes her head. "No fair trying to wipe the grease of'im with handkerchiefs," she teases, before nodding to Kristine. "Yes'm, got the rules." S'klin watches the scene unfold from the side. Aurian stares down at the pig...."I don't hink I should... my wrist is bothering me.." Naldo laughs, and nods himself. "Yeah, I understand." Lysseth> Loren walks over to the pair. "Smithcrafts du... Oh... my!" Loren says looking thunderstruck. "He smiles anyway, "I'm fine, G'har. Any news about what happened?" Csinonor takes a step away from Kristine, giving her some room, and plants the tip of his cane firmly on the ground for him to lean on. This /is/ a pretty good turnout here, it should make for interesting viewing. Something to talk about when he gets back to StarCraft. Kristine sets the pig down, the cute lil feller trots out into the middle of the cleared area and roots around in the grass. Tasso sticks up a hand. "Can we use gloves, ma'am?" he asks. Lysseth> G'har shakes his head slightly, his smile still firmly in place. "I'm sure it'll get resolved soon," he says, practically radiating confidence. Matter of fact, he's trying a little too hard. Kaitra gives the others a glance, then raises her eyebrows to the Craft Second. "Start, now?" she asks, edging towards the little piggy. Kristine steps back from the porcine. "No glves, but dirt does help sometimes," she says as she backs way back. "Go!" R'val comes in from the field to the south, which contains somewhat larger herdbeasts. R'val walks over towards the group. S'klin nods to R'val. Lysseth> Falsanath senses that Lysseth asks, amiably, << How fare things, Falsanath? Has your rider become any less odd? >> This seems to be a fail-safe draconic small-talk starter... sort of like 'What's your sign?' Dragon> Lysseth senses that Falsanath rumbles thoughtfully. << No, I don't think he has. Gaudiorth's rider thinks there's something wrong with his head and his eyes, though. >> Lysseth> Tamina nods as G'har finishes then rummages out for the last marks due to the smith, "I have those last few marks for the buckle Loren. Thanks for meeting me with it." Lysseth> Loren looks at Tamina. "Master Allory said nothing about commissions allready accepted, Tamina. I don't hold a grudge but I do have to follow my Craftmaster's instructions. Here it is." he says as he holds out a package. Lysseth> Kreolin comes in from the road to the west. S'klin dashes off for a few moments and returns with a large goblet of wine. Kassima hesitates a moment, eyeing the little pig. And its grease-covered hide. Somehow, it makes her think of sausage. "Mmmmm," she murmurs. "The rump-roast *will* be mine. Oh, aye. It *will* be mine." With that, what the hey, she bends her knees... and then springs, trying to perform the flying tackle that's so effective against fleeing maleriders. Maleriders, pigs... there're certain similarities there, right? Tasso clucks his tongue. "Here pigpigpigpiggie. SooooIE! C'mere ya shardling little s..." he says, slowly approaching the animal. Lysseth> Kreolin walks over to the field holding the greased porcine contest, and is about to enter when she spots Tamina, her rider friend from Ista weyr. "Tamina! Good to see you again!" Naldo slowly walks towards the litle pig from behind. When he gets to be a few feet away from it, he leaps at the pig, sliding in the muck. He grabs onto one of the pigs hind legs, but he sneezes, and loses his grip. Lysseth> Falsanath senses that Lysseth replies brightly, in flecks of blue and green, << Oh, good. When riders become less odd, they tend to be boring. >> Insanity is the spice of life, after all. << Why is that? Do his eyes bug out, as some humans' do? >> Kaitra wouldn't know about catching maleriders, or men, for that matter, but she does know to anticipate the direction that the pig will either run, or slip, as Kassi flings herself at it. Dragon> Lysseth senses that Falsanath rumbles an amused negative. << Gaudiorth says his rider didn't explain. I think it's that he can't see things on the ground as well as I can, when we're in the air. >> Lysseth> Tamina accepts the package with a slightly confused glance at G'har, "Are you giving me this against your craftmaster's orders then? I already gave you half payment though." With a SQUEAL the porcine takes off with a surprising turn of speed. It darts right into the crowd of people, dodging legs and ankles and hands. Lysseth> Tamina turns as Kreolin approaches and smiles politely giving her a nod in greeting but turning back to G'har and Loren. Lysseth> I bespoke Falsanath with << Well, but that's not something *wrong*, that's just a human failing. Does he have delusions? >> Naldo tries to stand up and head after the pig, but he's hit by both Kassima and Kaitra at the same time. He Oofs! loudly and falls over again. Lysseth> Loren shakes his head. "No, she said nothing about commissons allready accepted. So I'm assuming it's allright. If not, I may be looking for a new occupation." Lysseth> Kreolin realizes that her friend is in the middle of a conversation, and quietly enters the field. Kreolin comes up the gentle slope from the pond to the west. Lysseth> G'har shakes his head. "You commissioned it before Master Allory made her decision, Tamina," he says quietly, offering a faint smile to Kreolin. To Loren, he adds, "I don't think she'll have a problem with it. I hope." Kaitra makes a grab as the porcine rushes past her, missing by a dragonlength. She spins around, and dashes after the little squealer, riccochet-ing off bodies as she collides, stumbling. "Hey! Come back here, you... you.... OINKER!" Kassima lands with a wet *splorp* in the mud... her Gather leathers will never be the same, but she doesn't seem to care. Scrambling up out of the mud and away from the others, she takes off, as fixated on the pig as L'cher would be on a pretty woman. "I'm going t'get you, little porcine," she chants, slipping through the crowds with as little struggle as she can manage. There're times when it's good to be thin and mud-covered besides. "C'mere!" Lysseth> Stephon blinks as he emerges from the lounge. S'klin sips his goblet and laughs as the silly people chase the even sillier pigs. Tasso curses as the riders spook the squealer into running. He sprints after the beastie, trying to figure which way it'll dodge next. Concentrating on the piglet, he plows right into the crowd. Lysseth> Stephon walks out, giving a look around at all the faces. "Oooof! Blast it lad...!" "My foot! Get off my foot!" Lysseth> Tamina lifts the lid of the box to look at the contents inside and smiles warmly, "It's certainly well made. If your master has a problem with you, you can tell her to talk to me about it Loren." "Come here you little... Wh-Wh-Whoa!" Sliding in the mud and pulling a U-turn, the porcine goes into a spin. When it comes to a stop it takes off away from the people this time, back towards the middle of the clearing. Kreolinrealizes that she's late, and darts in after the running little porker. Dragon> Lysseth senses that Falsanath rumbles his amusement. << I suppose that depends on how you define delusions. He has daydreams. Do they count? >> Aurian sits on the railing of the fence, she tilts her head lightly. Lysseth> Stephon wonders what shadow he's standing in, and then he looks up at the brown and blue dragons. Lysseth> Kvasith yawns. Aurian laughs brightly as she watches Kassima go down. Naldo scrambles up on all fours, pushes his way through bodies, and heads towards the pig. When he gets a few feet away from it, he makes another flying leap... Lysseth> Loren chuckles softly and shakes his head. "I wouldn't do that to you, Tamina. She's really upset. More than I've ever seen her." he says as he looks at her. Dragon> Lysseth senses that Falsanath dragonhmmms. << That human just thought of me as a brown. And he didn't even -notice- you. Maybe I should eat him. ;) >> R'val watches from nearby, amused. Lysseth> G'har frowns just a bit at Loren's words. "I'd have thought she would have calmed down somewhat by -now-," he murmurs. "She really is overreacting." Kaitra skids to a stop, nearly barrelling into an onlooker over dressed for the occasion. The woman glares at the now dirty apprentice, but Kaitra takes off without more than quick murmur that could be taken for an appology. The porcine is what matters now. She tears after it, trying to anticipate which way it'll turn once it's gone as far as it can. S'klin ambles on his way. Oh, lovely. Kassi skids to a halt, sending quite a bit of mud flying, then spins to pelt in the opposite direction. Her braid probably splatters mud onto a few people as she runs past, much to their delight she's sure. "Get your little pink rear end over here, you son of a sausage!" she yells enthusiastically, lengthening her stride as much as her long legs will allow. So she's getting filthy and looks utterly foolish... does she care? Nope. She wants to bring home the bacon! Lysseth> Tamina glances at G'har quickly then back at Loren with raised eyebrows, "Maybe you shouldn't mention the delivery then. I won't if it gets you into trouble." Lysseth> Falsanath senses that Lysseth laughs lightly, the response a negative. << Not... *quite*, though they can be bizarre, too. If you eat him, will you leave me a drumstick? ;) >> Lysseth> Stephon spots the green in the background. Four! All sitting at the pond! He skirts his way around the people, to a group of trees, where he can watch. Lysseth> Loren shrugs. "I'm staying out of her way, that's for sure. I never knew Silane myself. But I have to admit a ceiling falling is pretty serious." Slowing to a pig trot and then a walk, the little porker pants as he catches his breath. Naldo's leap nearly ends up catching him but with a frightened oink, the mud splattered porcine takes off again. Dodging kicks and curses, Tasso reverses course and charges after the porker. "Ha! Gotcha!" he cries in triumph as he grabs for the animal's tail. Lysseth> G'har says to Loren, with a faint smile, "Silane was, uh, known for certain difficulties in his experiments. Destroyed an entire forge, once. So I think that the ceiling might have had a bit of help." He catches Stephon's movement out of the corner of his eye, and nods to the apprentice. Kreolin's late start helped her. She's right in the path of the little porcine. She bends down ass it comes barreling at her, arms wide, as he runs. Lysseth> Stephon smiles at G'har, then goes back to spying on the immense dragons. Kassima would probably be panting, too, if she weren't too obsessed to consider matters like tiredness. "Nay this time, lunchmeat with legs!" is her battle-cry, and she flings herself again--not towards the pig, exactly, but more towards the muddy area in *front* of the pig, trying to slide in on her side. If there's one thing that can be said about mud, it's that it makes sliding easy. Kaitra side-steps quickly, crouching down with her arms spread as the little porcine scoots past her. Springing quickly, she dives for it, sliding in the turf as her fingers reach out to grasp whatever they might find, be it porcine, wrist, ankle, or fencepost. Aurian applauds. "Come on Kassima.. get Lysseth a ham sandwich.." Lysseth> Loren looks inquisitively at G'har. "Experiments? Is that how he made his blades you were bragging about at the harvest?" Lysseth> Tamina closes the lid of the box again and nods, "We hope the miners can tell us just what went wrong. Of course we don't want anything like that to happen again." Her tone is firm as she walks over to Gaudiorth to secure the box in his riding straps. Dragon> Lysseth senses that Falsanath rumbles thoughtfully. << Perhaps. If you're nice to me. >> Lysseth> Falsanath senses that Lysseth protests innocently, << When have I ever been anything but nice to you? >> Lysseth> Falsanath turns to regard the Herder apprentice, then rumbles to Lysseth. Dragon> Falsanath bespoke Lysseth with << Well, there's nice, and then there's -nice-. >> Lysseth> Lysseth tilts her head to peer at the young man as well. Oddly, her gaze seems focused on one particular area: his right leg. How bizarre. (Ham sandwich? I think not!) As if the porcine understood that, he heads towards Aurian, dodging slipping and sliding people like a football player. Hands grasp at him, one gets a hold on his tail but a quick swerve breaks that grip. Lysseth> Falsanath senses that Lysseth rumbles consideringly. << Define *nice*? >> Lysseth> G'har nods to Loren. "Yes. They certainly weren't standard." At Tamina's words, he nods as well, firmly. "Yes. Though we'd have a better chance finding out what happened if Master Allory'd send a -Smith-." Lysseth> Stephon realizes Lysseth is looking at him... er, his leg. He looks down, then back up at her. Laughing quietly, he sneaks behind another tree, to watch from a different vantage point. Tasso lunges for the squealer's tail, just barely nabbing it with his fingers. "Ooooooof!" he gasps, belly-flopping in the mud and releasing his grip on the animal as Kaitra grabs his leg. Lysseth> Kvasith peers at the person Lysseth is looking at. Dragon> Lysseth senses that Falsanath's rumble is amused. << I'm sure you could think of something. >> Of course, beneath his words is a brief image of a mating flight. Gee, that'd be nice, -right- over the Herder Hall. Dragon> Kvasith bespoke Lysseth with << What's that? >> Kreolinarghs as the plump little porcine dodges right past her. She quickly scrambles up, runs off to intercept it, and makes a flying leap, towards exactly where the porcine will be. Most likely. Kassima is, at this point, more sliding around on hands and knees than actually running--the better to be able to catch it, she hopes. One arm extends towards the little bugger, fingers grabbing. "Scare it this way, Auri!" "Oh Shards!" Naldo cries as he goes flying chin-first into the mud. He crashes into several other people, and twists towards the pig. Sputtering mud, he stands and races at the little porcine. Kaitra rolls in the mud, that tantalizing touch of what might've been the porcine's tail, or perhaps Kreolin's ankle, slipping from her reach. Oh - nope. Tasso's leg. Without a sorry nor a whoops, she gets her feet underneath her, and scrambles after the porcine. Lysseth> Gaudiorth warbles as he notices the other dragons' attention, then swings his head around to peer in Stephon's direction, eyes whirling slightly faster with interest. Lysseth> Stephon suddenly realizes he's the center of -three- dragons' attention, and pales somewhat. They look so much bigger when they're all staring at you... Lysseth> Falsanath senses that Lysseth is certain that the Herders would *love* that. At least she and her rider don't need to fear their Emasculators. << Again, so soon? >> she protests, laughing. << I don't think so. My rider would turn me into... what is the human word? 'Sausages-inna-bun'? >> Lysseth> Loren nods. "That makes sense to me. I'd do it but I don't know nearly enough to help. Carmella is the only glass worker I know personally and I don't think she'd leave the hall unless ordered." Lysseth> Kvasith senses that Lysseth explains cheerfully, << Falsanath and I are discussing whether or not to eat him. I was asking whether Falsanath would save me a drumstick. >> Tasso pulls himself to his knees, bathed in mud from head to foot. "Maya's gonna skin me," he groans, looking down at his clothes. Now where's that shardin' squealer? Dragon> Lysseth senses that Falsanath warbles rather unhappily. << You mean I -missed- one? I thought you were going to tell me the next time you did that. But your rider wouldn't mind, especially if -I- caught you. She likes *G'har*. >> Lysseth> Tamina gives her blue's hide an affectionate thump, grinning up at him then turns to walk back over to G'har and Loren, catching the tale end of his comment, "Was Silane doing things with glass?" Lysseth> G'har nods his agreement, with a small grimace. "She'd certainly not cross Master Allory," he agrees. To Tamina, he nods. "With the sand. It's black, you know." Gee, isn't he just a fount of obvious information? Nononononono! Skid, turn, turn. Little porcine legs scramble for all they are worth, trying to get traction as the porcine sees someone right in front of him with arms out wide. Skidding into a turn, he's now faced with a herd of mud people coming right for him. Escape! The only escape is off to the side, and a narrow chance. Kreolin groans as the pig slips by yet again, and grabs foreward with all her might, just getting hold of his leg. Lysseth> Stephon retreats a little from the trees, almost able to feel the hot dragons' breath. He smiles nervously, and then makes a break for the llama fields. Lysseth> Falsanath senses that Lysseth does seem somewhat apologetic. << It's hard to remember such things when I'm glowing, you know. >> It's hard to remember *anything* when she's glowing, except for how much she wants to disembowel male dragons, so.... << She does, yes. But are you so certain you could catch me? >> That last is tossed off rather saucily, accompanied by a flick of her tail. Predicting the pigs movements, Naldo turns slightly. He runs through the bodies of his competitors, and leaps at the side of the pig. He wraps his hand around the little oinkers other hind leg. Dragon> Lysseth senses that Falsanath's rumble is almost insulted. << Of -course- I'm certain. And the next time you rise, if I actually manage to find out about it before it happens, you'll be certain, too. >> Kaitra madly turns and dashes the other direction as the porcine goes for its escape, not running straight for it, but trying to deterimine where it'll go with the next attempt on... well, its life, for all it knows. Arms wide, ready to catch should it come barelling her way, she crouches low. Lysseth> Tamina fingercombs her helmet flattened hair out and looks at G'har with wry amusement, "I had realized that it was black, I just didn't know what Silane was working on." Did somebody say McPorcine's? With as much agility as she can summon--not a great deal, given the bruised state of her legs and such--Kassi twists in the mud, throwing herself forward to skid on her stomach towards the fleeing pig--both arms extended, of course, with hands grasping like pinchers. "C'mon, lunch--come t'Kassi!" Of course, if this doesn't work, she'll probably get a faceful of mud... but she'll worry about that *later*. Tasso /lunges/ as the porcine goes racing by him. He wraps his arms around the little beast. "I caught it! I caught it! I....phhbbbbbbt," he yells, as the squealer shoots out of his arms like an orangefruit seed, spraying the lad's face with mud and water. Lysseth> Loren looks at G'har. "I'll do what I can. Sometimes Master Allory will talk with me and I'll bring up the idea. Maybe she'll listen to me." Lysseth> G'har looks just a bit abashed at Tamina's words, mumbling something under his breath. As Loren speaks, he nods. "That would be good. If she's as angry as she says, though..." He shrugs. "I can try, too, I guess." Standing there in sheer shock, the porcine is bowled over by a sliding Kassima. Unable to move, it ends up in her outstretched arms. Lysseth> Falsanath senses that Lysseth's mindtone is bubbly with amusement, but she *does* recall that being nice is a prerequisite to getting that drumstick, and so manages to summon some contriteness. << Well, perhaps. With luck. I'm not that easy to catch, you know! >> Kreolinsighs as the porcine yanks his leg out of her grasp. She lays in the mud for a minute, oblivious to the goings-on around her. Stephon comes up the gentle slope from the pond to the west. Lysseth> Falsanath moves as if to follow Stephon, but stops, very likely at a silent request from his lifemate. Apparently, G'har thinks that Falsanath and llamas would not be a good combination. Kaitra holds her pose, crouched down, arms stretched out, for a moment. Then, it hits her... no little porcine dashing around. "Who caught it?" She asks, wiping mud splatters into streaks across her face. Dragon> Lysseth senses that Falsanath rumbles his amusment. << I'm very skilled. I think I can manage it. >> My, isn't he modest? Aurian laughs repeatedly and helplessly. Lysseth> Tamina sobers as the talk moves back to Silane and glances at G'har with a serious light in her eyes, "Do you think you might make it worse? Being an Istan now. She might not appreciate you telling her what to do." Kassima lets loose a whoop of victory, being very careful *not* to let the porcine go. "That's a good porcine," she approves breathlessly, spitting out a pound of mud or two. "Nay pink lace for you." Kristine doubles over, laughing. "K-k-k-assima, did." Aurian applauds, "Yaaaaaaay kassima" She contineues to laugh. Tasso wipes his face clean and stands up. "Why you little f.... c'mere!" he growls, charging after the porcine. It's personal, now. Stephon makes a point to stay very clear of the mud. Lysseth> G'har grimaces just a bit. "Tamina, I'd never -tell- her what to do. Not Master Allory. Suggest, maybe. I don't know." Kaitra straightens up, oblivious to the muddy mess she's become, and smiles. "Good job!" She calls to the greenrider. Naldo lies there in the mud, stunned at his near-victory. "Wha-wha?" he says as he looks at Kassima. He sighs, and congratulates the winner. Csinonor decides this would probably be an appropriate time to hook his cane in his arm, and applaud the heroic efforts of the porcine-pursuers. "Although I want to know who thought having the chase on such a wet field was a good idea," he says, then smiles. "I'd like to congratulate them too." Lysseth> Gaudiorth warbles, a disapointed sound, as the man leaves then settles down to sun himself for awhile. Lysseth> Falsanath senses that Lysseth probably doesn't think so, but she's only amused by the fact, and indulgently tolerant. << Well... you're quite welcome to *try*, and we'll see whether you're as right as you think. >> Kassima gets to her feet with some slip-sliding effort, arms locked around the hapless porcine. "Thankee!" she replies to the congratulators, grinning brightly... and muddily. Peering down at her small, greasy pink armful, she inquires, "Now, what should I do with... him? Her? It?" Lunch? Kristine adds her applause to the rest, for all the contestants. "I think we have the recent rains to than for that, Csin." R'val chortles. Dragon> Falsanath bespoke Lysseth with << That's assuming that I know -when- to try, of course. >> And assuming that he remembers, but that's probably a pretty safe bet. << And you will see, as well. >> Kristine chuckles. "I'm sure we can supply you iwth something easier to take home if you don't care to have a pet porcine, Kassima." Calista comes in from the field to the south, which contains somewhat larger herdbeasts. Lysseth> Loren looks at Gaudiorth and admires the blue coloring. He studies the patterns and the different hues. Then he turns back to Tamina and G'har. "Keep me in mind should you need help at the hall. If it's not against Allory's wishes, I'll do what I can." Lysseth> Tamina makes a face then shrugs her shoulders, "But she might see as that." At Loren's words she says more warmly, "Thanks Loren. I'm sure everyone would appreciate that. "Well," Kassi drawls, "he... she?... *is* charming, but I'm afraid Lysseth would probably see a snack more than a pet. That'd probably be a bit cruel to the poor lad, after all he's been through!" She seems almost fond of the mobile meal, but then, that would follow. Lysseth> G'har inclines his head, with a murmured thanks. "Just have to figure out what's against her wishes," he murmurs. Kristine grins. "How about you wait until you want to go home. We can always deliver him to Telgar for you. Very unique pet." Lysseth> Falsanath senses that Lysseth suggests impishly, << When the male dragons of Telgar can be heard to complain that all their riders want them to flee, that would be the time. >> She doesn't have any illusions about her rider's effect on maleriders. Kaitra tries to brush the mud and grass from her clothes, and grins at Kassima, nodding to the critter she holds. "Unique, but he'll get big. Though, he'll wind up being food, anyways, more than likely." Lysseth> Loren says "True. But I've not noticed any lack in her ability to inform someone of those wishes." Kristine once again gets dragged away by a frantic apprentice. She makes her apologies and goes to see what the crisis is now. Kassima grins and bobs her head, sending a glob of mud dripping from her bangs onto her nose. How charming. "Methinks Kaylira and Kharisma might like that... and, as a matter of fact, *'twas* looking for a Turnday gift for Khari. The little lad might suit well... for which I thank you." Tasso stomps over to Kassi and her catch, dripping in mud from head to toe. "Baked porcine, Kassi," he says, sputtering grit and glaring at the little animal. "Very definitely baked porcine..." Lysseth> G'har chuckles at that, nodding. "Mm. True. Just a question of whether she informs you before or after you act." Stephon groans. "i'm gonna have to walk all that laundry," he whimpers. Lysseth> Fahlina toddles up quietly, something furry clutched to her chest. Kristine walks towards the MBH - Pond. Lysseth> Loren shrugs and says "It's always easier to get forgiven than permission." Tasso glances at Stephon. Then slowly grins. Well. There /is/ a silver lining to every dark cloud, isn't there? Lysseth> G'har's eyebrows lift just a bit. "Interesting viewpoint," he says blandly. Spotting the child, however, he offers the little girl a smile. Lysseth> Tamina smiles as Fahlina approaches then leans down to give her a friendly greeting, "Hello there. What have you got?" Dragon> Lysseth senses that Falsanath rumbles his amusement. << I'll be sure to keep an eye out for that. >> Lysseth> Loren turns around and watches Fahlina and Tamina. Lysseth> Fahlina peers up at Tamina suspiciously, "Caniny. Fali bought." the little furry thing seems to be red-brown. Kassima walks back towards Kaitra and Aurian, assuming that they're anywhere near each other, and grins ruefully at both. "I don't imagine that the Winecrafters would be apt t'let us back in, looking like this." Naldo tries vainly to wipe the mud off himself. He shrugs, and heads back towards the pond. Naldo walks towards the MBH - Pond. Tasso shakes his head, disgusted by the state of his clothes. (Especially since he didn't catch the squealer.) "I'm going for a swim," the lad declares. Tasso walks towards the MBH - Pond. Lysseth> Tamina's smile widens as she crouches down to the little girl's height, "Caniny huh? That's a pretty name. What's yours?" Calista walks towards the MBH - Pond. Kaitra glances over towards the Hall, and shrugs. "You're more than welcome t'use the Hall's facilities to clean up, but if you're planning on taking part in the tug of war, I'd suggest you wait. It's gonna be held over a mud puddle, rumour has it." Lysseth> Tasso strolls over to the pond, completely encrusted in muck and manure from the pig chase. He shucks off his jacket, shirt and pants and dives into the pond. Lysseth> SPLASH! Lysseth> "YeeeeeOOOOOOW! It's bloody freezing in here!" Tasso yells. Kassima repeats, brightening, "Tug-of-war?" Yes, Kaitra spoke another magic phrase. "How delightful! I don't imagine a bit of mud," or the considerably larger amount all over her person, "will hurt for a time, then." Lysseth> Loren watches Tasso. "You should be familiar with that, Tasso!" he calls. Lysseth> Fahlina says "Fali my name. I from Tegar." Stephon walks towards the MBH - Pond. Lysseth> Falsanath senses that Lysseth watches Tasso for a moment, then suggests, << Shall we eat that one, also? He's loud. >> One has to wonder whether Kassi was wise to bring Lyss here when she keeps wanting to eat things. Lysseth> Tasso gaaaaaahs. "Familiar?! I'm from Ista! You think I like the bloody weather at Fort?!" he shouts back grinning. "C'mon in, Loren. It's /absolutely/ loverly." Lysseth> Tamina looks up at G'har with a grin then back down at Fahlina, "Fali is a pretty name too. Where's your mother at? Does she know you're wandering around by yourself?" Dragon> Lysseth senses that Falsanath rumbles lazily. << If you like. Though he'll be rather chilly. >> Lysseth> Falsanath senses that Lysseth warbles whimsically, << Perhaps he could be dessert. Many dessert-foods seem to be chilly. >> Human-flavored ice-cream, mmmmm. Lysseth> Fahlina shakes her head, "She at Tegar. I came wif Timil and his mummy. They know. I come meet at pond." Lysseth> Tasso paddles around in the pond, trying to become accustomed to the water temperature. Lysseth> Loren turns to G'har and offers a hand. "Remember me and what I said, G'har. I don't like doing anything to impare the ability of anyone to fight thread. That is our one true enemy!" Lysseth> G'har moves to cover Loren's hand with his own, nodding a fervent agreement to his words. "Thank you. I'll remember. That's good to know, Loren." Csinonor simply shakes his head to himself, and begins the long, slow hobble back towards the Hall proper. That's one of the advantages to being older -- no one expects you to get involved in any games that get you muddy or injured. Lysseth> Tamina chuckles and shakes her head at Fahlina, "Oh they do? They let you go off by yourself? You must be a big girl then. Who's Timil's mother?" Lysseth> Tasso dives. Lysseth> Loren nods and turns to watch Tamina and Fahlina, a smile once again on his face. Lysseth> Stephon lounges by the doors back to the hall, sitting down on the ground and watching the myriad of humans and dragons. Lysseth> Sputtering and splashing, Tasso pops his head out of the water. His snorts, flinging long, wet locks of curly hair away from his face, and swims over to the bathing nook. "Toss me my clothes, will you please, Loren?" he asks. "I gotta get 'em at least presentable before Maya sees me or I'm a goner..." Aurian stretches wearily. "well well... Lysseth> Loren laughs and walks over to the soiled pile. With his finger tips he picks out one piece and tosses it to Tasso. "Get this one done then throw it back, then I'll toss you another one. That way maybe none will get lost." Lysseth> R'val looks towards the MBH - Sky. Lysseth> Kala comes in from the road to the west. Kassima swipes mud-encrusted bangs back from her mud-splattered face. She seems to have handed the porcine off to one of the appropriate authorities during the lull. "An eventful couple of days, this has been," she observes. "And a tug-of-war next. Think you that we should head to the pond? I doubt 'twould be held here." Lysseth> Tasso gives the smithcrafter a long dubious stare. "OK..." he says finally, and starts scrubbing at his jacket, making liberal use of the bathing nook's soapstone. Lysseth> Tamina dusts off her knees as she gets back to her feet and looks around for G'har, moving in his direction, "So did you want to stay for a few of the events?" Lysseth> Loren waves to Celeb. "Hi! Celebanna." Lysseth> Celebanna quietly walks uo, poking her head about to look at those gather, heading for Loren as she spotsthem, she calls out, "Hey? Did I hear there was going to be tug-of war here, soon?" Lysseth> Kala comes into sight quickly, her pace slowing down as she gets closer. Finally she makes it to a walk, and, eyes roaming, sends nods towards the people she recognizes. Lysseth> Loren nods. "That's what's on the schedule. Lysseth> Celebanna closes the distanse, and asks, "Really? You going in it?" Lysseth> Tasso finishes his scrubbing and examines the jacket critically. Well, if it's not completely clean, at least it's not a total disaster... He flings it over a low-lying tree branch to dry a bit. "OK, Loren," he calls out. "Ready for the pants..." Aurian nods to Kassima, "Let's go.." Lysseth> Loren smiles and nods again. "Yes, It should fun!.. Ok, Tasso!" he says to Celebanna and then Tasso. He picks out the pants from the noisome mess and tosses them to the waiting Tasso. Csinonor goes south towards a field containing somewhat larger herdbeasts. Lysseth> G'har's gaze refocuses at the mention of pants, and he peers towards Tasso, expression utterly befuddled. "What? Stay? Yeah, sure, that sounds good." Lysseth> Kvasith rubs his head against the ground. Lysseth> Tasso catches the pants in mid-air, getting sprayed with muck, manure and grit as he does so. "Phhhbbbt!" he sputters, dropping down into the waters of the bathing nook to rinse himself off. You walk towards the MBH - Pond.