
Questions and Answers

Date:  July 2, 2003
Place:  Telgar Weyr Lake Shore
Game:  PernMUSH
Copyright Info:  The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey 
l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.


Kassi's Note:  Just as the title says, questions and answers:  Mirah
has questions, and Kassi has answers.  The young green Weyrling has 
been assigned to shadow Thunderbolt for a period and learn from its
riders, part of a new, experimental program I'sai's running, and she
takes the opportunity to pick Kassi's brain on a subject or two.  
And if not every question is directly related to Wing mechanics, 
well, Kassi really doesn't mind. :)


The Log:

Trinaith flies in from above.

Mirah slides down Trinaith's side quickly, landing in a crouch.

Lysseth is still occupying the position in the meadow she doubtless has
since the sun was up: back down, stomach up, wings outstretched, in an
inelegant sort of sprawling that would nevertheless be fairly good for
catching the sun's warmth. She doesn't snore in her sleep, a fact for which
Kassi's doubtless grateful since she's seated back against her lifemate's
neck. Her youngest son is in her lap, and he sleeps, too, but she has her
eyes open, and turned up towards the stars.

Trinaith swoops down on the lake, scattering little debris with her
backwinging. By the determined set of her rider's jaw one can assume they
are not just here for a swim. Sliding down off her lifemate's neck and
landing in a almost graceful crouch, Mirah looks about her, spotting
Kassima she salutes. "Evening ma'am." quietly walking over as she has
sighted the child she asks "Mind if I ask you some questions... about your

"Ouch," says Kassi, looking up and over and wearing a rueful half-grin as
she returns the salute. "The M-word. Ow, ow, ow. Just 'greenrider' or
'Wingleader' will do, hey? They don't make me feel *quite* as old... and
one of these days I really have t'see if'n I'sai would accept a monetary
bribe to let you lot call us by name." She seems aware that she's
digressing, though, since she shifts subjects: "G'deve t'you both, I should
be saying. Questions? Nay 'tall. Have a seat if'n you want, and fire away."

Seating herself a few feet in front of the greenrider, Mirah cocks her head
to one side as if listening and then chuckles. Nodding her head in
Trinaith's direction as the small green settles herself she chuckles again.
"Trinaith says I always get to ask first and says it is her turn. She wants
to know what Firestone tastes like." folding her hands Mirah draws her
knees up and wraps her arms around them waiting for her turn to ask her

Kassima flashes a grin to the younger green. "Only fair, Trinaith; pity is,
you've asked a question *I* can't really answer. I've never tried taking a
mouthful of the stuff, and Her Irritability here of course is asleep when
she's needed." Probably genuinely asleep, too, since Lysseth doesn't even
twitch at the nickname. "But I've tasted it through her a couple of times,
a bit. 'Tis hard t'be explaining. There's naught we eat," she explains,
looking back towards Mirah, "that really tastes like it, y'know? It doesn't
really taste *good*. Definitely naught like food. But 'tisn't exactly bad
either; at least, I've never seen a dragon spit it out and refuse t'chew
any more. Best I can say is that it tastes a bit like it smells. Sulfuric.

"See I told you it would taste like rock!" Mirah exclaims quietly at her
lifemate's puzzlement. "My turn now. Does the whole wing ever just gather
together for the fun of it? Does the whole wing fly together at all times
in fall? Have you ever had to ground anyone?" realizing she just asked
several questions all at once Mirah falls silent blushing at her own
eagerness. "Sorry a little ahead of myself there...um..."

With a soft laugh and shake of her head, Kassi says, "Nay need t'be
apologizing. I don't mind a whit. First question: does the whole Wing ever
gather? The *whole* Wing, nay so often. We have some members who aren't
much for socializing, who don't really want t'go out drinking, or dancing,
or play cards, or whatever else some of us might like t'do. Sometimes quite
a few Wingfolk do get together, though. Second question: the whole Wing
doesn't fly together at *all* times, nay. Actually, 'tis pretty rare for
everyone t'be hale--we usually have one or two riders out for pregnancy, or
injury, and some injuries take a long while t'heal so the injured pair
misses plenty of Falls. Even when everyone is sound, we keep a team of
reserves; methinks most Wings do. Greens and blues usually can't last a
full Fall unless the Fall is short. So some members stay behind, early on,
and then come in t'replace the ones who are too tired to continue, so we
always have fresh fighters. As t'having t'ground, d'you mean as a
punishment, or because of their health?"

"Punishment." Mirah mutters looking down at her hands. "Or health." Looking
uncomfortable she picks at the grass. "I have another question, but I'm not
sure I should ask. It may not be... appropriate."

Kassima leans back a bit more against Lysseth for a moment, thinking. "For
health, certes. Pregnant women have t'be grounded. Those sufficiently
injured, too; if'n the Healers or Dragonhealers say t'ground someone, I do
it. Punishment... once or twice. I prefer t'assign annoying duties as
punishment over grounding, but sometimes 'tis the most effective thing."
Letting her eyes stray towards the picked-at grass, the greenrider
suggests, "Go ahead and ask anyway. 'Twill nay take offense, and I don't
think this shadowing's about sticking altogether to the comfortable topics."

"I was...just... I was wondering the other day about mating flights."
Blushing so red her face looks like it may glow Mirah continues "I've never
seen one, only the aftermath of disappointed riders. I was just wondering
what they are like, " pausing to gather herself again she rushes on
"Trinaith will rise at some point and I have no idea what it will be like."
frowning she looks back at her hands.

Kassima smiles at the question, but it's not a mocking nor even amused
smile. If anything, it seems sympathetic. "There's nay shame in asking that
question, Mirah, I promise. Even the Weyrbred don't really understand what
a mating flight's like for a dragonrider--even if'n they think they do.
'Tis a bit different for everyone, but... well, first there's usually
proddiness. It doesn't always happen, but usually a female dragon will
start t'glow--though 'tis more an intensifying in color than a real glow--a
day or two or more a'fore she rises. Sometimes her personality seems
t'change, too. Quite a few proddy greens are irritable," and she glances at
her own lifemate at that, "but some just become very sensual, flirtatious,
that sort of thing. Maleriders can usually tell when a female's proddy--but
a femalerider might *nay* be able t'tell, the first time, because their
*own* moods are so altered. 'Tis a bit like how some women get a bit
prickly at some time of the month, if'n you get me. You've seen the
aftermath; have you ever seen a proddy rider?"

Mirah nods looking about at Trinaith who is dosing through all this. "Yes I
attempted to have a conversation with a greenrider once right before her
green rose. I'm lucky Pierron was the object of her fury and not me or
Trinaith would have found no one on the sands that suited her."

Kassima has to grin at that. "Ach, *probably* nay. Few proddy riders really
hurt anyone--though they *can*, and that's a big part of why they're
usually grounded to the Weyr. Y'know what I mean, then. When Trinaith's
turn comes, you may or may nay realize what's going on, but most Weyrfolk
will, and will probably either try t'humor you or walk wary around you.
Depends on what you're like, really. Anyway... after a few days, generally,
the female's ready t'rise, and the males will start blooding at the
Grounds. Some females go to the Grounds a'fore the males do, some don't--"
She gestures vaguely in the direction of the Feeding Grounds. "Either way,
you'll be able t'tell what's happening, because when a female's getting
ready t'blood she's very... different. She might be naught like her normal
self. She's all hunger, and want, and--well, lust, usually, or mayhaps
anger. Completely ruled by emotion. You'll feel it too, but you have t'keep
hold of yourself well enough t'control her and keep her from *eating* the
meat. With a gold, if'n she eats, she might have a short flight and the
clutch will be poor. With a green, that's nay a danger, but the flight
might still be short--and she won't be as satisfied by it--or, worse, she
might be so heavy she can't maneuver properly in the air. Which could mean
she'd crash and get hurt, or worse. So making sure she only takes the blood
is very important."

Mirah nods at each point made and seems to be taking mental notes. "One
thing that has been bothering me is how she will choose. What if it's
someone we don't know," she pauses lowing her voice even further, "or worse
what if it is someone we do?" she shudders as she thinks of someone with
whom she would not want to share a flight with. "When will she rise? How
much time have I to be without this burden?"

Kassima is quiet for a moment. "There are varying theories," she finally
says, "on whether or nay they *choose* exactly. At least, whether greens
do. Mayhaps it depends on the green--I don't think Lyss really does; she
doesn't want t'be caught, y'ken? So she doesn't want *any* male, and
methinks the one who catches her is just the one who flew the best, or who
had the most luck. Trinaith might be the same, or she might decide on a
particular male and permit him to catch her. Hard t'say in advance. But you
sound more worried about the aftermath part...." Another beat of silence.
"'Twill nay lie, that can be awkward. But at the *time*, you don't care who
you're with, really, or even what gender they are. 'Tis all the dragons.
You'll be *with* Trinaith, moreso than you have been since that moment of
Impression; during the flight, in many ways, you *are* your green. Some
riders have said they can't even remember what *they* did, just their
dragon's part of it." Glancing towards Trinaith, she blows out a breath.
"That's hard t'say too. Just over a Turn, isn't she? It might be half a
Turn--*mayhaps* less, but more likely more. There was a green in our class
who rose a'fore any of us had graduated, but 'tis far more common for the
greens nay t'rise until some time afterwards. For what 'tis worth,
though... 'tisn't always a burden. Some people *like* flights. And even
if'n you don't, you sort of get used to them, for your lifemate's sake."

"I just don't know what I would do if I awoke next to someone I know or
even a stranger. And if I were to ... ahem... do anything with another
woman I think I may just have some issues with that too." Mirah says
seeming a little over-occupied with the subject.

"I understand that. Believe me. Lyss's first three flights were all won by
males ridden by women," Kassi explains, with a hint of a grimace. "And
that's nay my preference either. That I didn't have any other, ah,
experience a'forehand didn't help it be less awkward. In a Weyr, though,
everyone's going t'understand that who wins her flights has nay bearing or
reflection on *your* preferences. Y'know? They aren't going t'start
thinking you're a lover of women if'n Naelanth catches Trinaith, say. The
malerider will probably be understanding too. 'Tis just something riders
have t'put up with." She tips her head slightly to one side. "This is a
personal question, and don't feel you have t'answer it. I won't be offended
if'n you'd rather nay. But have you ever been with anyone?"

"No." the answer is barely a whisper accompanied by another one of Mirah's
now famous glowing face blushes. "No I haven't." shifting from side to side
slightly she plucks more grass with one hand and plays with the end of her
red plait with the other. "And according to Weyrling rules I expect
Trinaith's first flight will be mine as well."

Kassima says, quite gently, "There's nay shame in that either. I hadn't
m'self." She pauses, considering something, then makes a confession that
brings a slight flush to her own cheeks: "'Twasn't with anyone outside of
flights until Lyss was nigh ten Turns old. I ask because some people do
advise trying t'find someone t'be with a'fore your green rises the first
time, after you've graduated--or sooner if'n the Weyrlingmaster allows.
Some are more permissive after the first Threadfall, or once the males
start rising; 'twill be up to I'sai. If'n that option comes up and there's
someone you'd feel comfortable enough with, you *might* want t'look into
that so that you'll have less t'be nervous about. But if'n you aren't
comfortable doing that, 'twill nay do any harm if'n you go into her first
flight a maiden."

"Thank you ma'a- Wingleader," Mirah says catching her self as she stands
brushing off the seat of her trousers. "I should be off if I am expected to
be up with the rest in the morn. Thank you." the thanks is heartfelt and
genuine as these questions had been troubling her for a while. "Good
evening." she says with a final salute as she swings up onto Trinaith's neck.

Mirah climbs quickly onto Trinaith's neck.

Kassima smiles warmly up at the Weyrling pair. "Always welcome, Mirah--'tis
part of what I'm here for, hey? If'n you've any other questions, feel free
t'hunt me down another time, and I'll answer as best I can. Clear skies and
sweet dreams t'both of you tonight."

Upon Trinaith, "My duties to Lysseth when she wakes, night wingleader."
Mirah says with a final wave before she is born silently toward the clouds.

Trinaith takes flight, using the thermals rising from the bowl to carry her