-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cheese and Quackers Date: February 6, 2001 Places: Igen Weyr's Field Near the Weyr Entrance; Kazeth's Ledge; Schmitt's Weyr Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: Yes, I have once again sunk to the level of pun to find a log title. Bad me. ;) This was fun. Schmitt of Igen Weyr has an infamous duck by the name of Doom; Doom had a clutch of eggs, and so her player invited me to come attend their hatching. It turned out to be a great opportunity to say "Awww" a lot in-character and RL, and meet some spiffy people to boot. :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: You fly carefully towards the main entrance, then land. <*> Demila sits in the bowl, playing with some toys. <*> Lysseth sweeps to a landing with a minimum of dust, choosing a suitably out-of-the-way place; tucking her wings in close, she lowers her neck to allow her rider to dismount. "Why Alicienne couldn't bring P'yer his belt back *herself*..." the greenrider grumbles as she descends. More audibly, "Duties to Igen and her queens!" You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles, cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully. Demila looks up as the green lands. "Hullo!" she greets. Tzanth lands carefully. Kassima takes a good look about once she's actually reached the ground, tugging off helmet and goggles both. "G'deve, lass, and heyla yourself," she greets Demila, grinning. "Will anyone mind if'n m'dragon parks herself here? We're on a bit of an errand." Kazeth lands carefully. Schmitt slides jauntily off Kazeth, and gives him a loving scritch. Tzanth rummbles a greeting to his fellow dragons. K'ven carefully slides down from Tzanth's back, giving his lifemate an affectionate pat on the shoulder. Dendra walks out from the Weyr's Living Cavern. Kaylith walks out from the Weyr's Living Cavern. Demila shakes her head, watching the green. "You park them?" she asks Kassima. Schmitt grins ear to ear as she slides down from Kazeth and looks around, calling, "Anyone seen Demila?" Demila stands up,sand all over her clothes. "Oh, hiya Aun....Auntie Schmitt." she seems unsure about the older women. "I was just playing. I wasn't doing anything wrong!" K'ven grins at Schmitt and Kazeth and peers around for Demila. Spotting her, he points in her direction. He notices Kassima and raises his brows, "Igen's duties to Telgar." he says, dispite being in his own bowl. "More like she parks herself," Kassi replies, with a glance back over her shoulder at Lysseth. "I imagine the Sky-Lady would object if'n I claimed t'do the parking." Lysseth tosses her head as though in affirmation, though her eyes whirl a lazy and most amiable blue as she rumbles a greeting note to the new arrivals. "Duties t'Igen and her queens," her rider greets in turn, a bit sheepishly. "And heya there, Schmitt--long time, nay seeing." Dendra grins and calls out, "Baker's duties to Telgar and her queens!" Kaylith steps out of the garden, the gate letting out a screetch of protest as she closes it behind her. Ignoring the sound, she looks towards the group nearer to the main entrance as she peels the dirty gloves from her hands, whiping her forhead with one of those hands. Dragon> Lysseth senses that Kazeth hums sarcastically, amused. << That damn duck's eggs are hatching. >> Telgar Weyr> K'ran peers. Something going on at Igen? Telgar Weyr> K'tyn says, "Nay, just a Duck Hatching. :)" Lysseth> Kazeth senses that Lysseth flickers matching amusement back, radiantly blue. << Things that hatch tend to hatch at inconvenient times, but what is a duck? Is it a snack? >> Telgar Weyr> Erdrick says, "Duck Hatching??" Telgar Weyr> Talisha peers. Telgar Weyr> K'ran hears that ducks're good eating. Telgar Weyr> K'tyn says, "Come imprint a duck. :P" Schmitt grins over at Demila, with a wave and a "Duties," for those around. "Remember that duck I promised you?" Dragon> Lysseth senses that Kazeth snickers. << They wouldn't be more than just a bite. >> Telgar Weyr> Erdrick would rather imprint a Peregrine Falcon, but doubts they exist on Pern. :> Telgar Weyr> Talisha says, "Imprint a duck?" Telgar Weyr> <K'tyn> Prometh snickers. << They're a tasty appetizer. >> Telgar Weyr> Canus quacks at Prometh Telgar Weyr> Kindre says, "Peregrines are still endagered, tho E :)" Demila stops trying to defend herself and claim she's doing nothing good. She nods. "Yes! I carry this all around with me." she pulls out a small handmade pouch that looks like it's filled with something. Most likely corn. Kassima appends more sheepishly yet, "And duties t'the Bakercraft and her Masters, too, Master. Would any of you happen t'know where I could be finding P'yer? Alicienne, for reasons 'twill *never* understand, has elected me t'be giving him his belt." She fishes a roll of leather from her pocket and dangles it demonstratively before casting her dragon a very odd look. "You just ate yesterday, beast." Telgar Weyr> Erdrick says, "I know." Lysseth> Kazeth senses that Lysseth makes a mental moue of disappointment. << Isn't that always the way. >> Schmitt crouches down as Kazeth rumbles amusedly. "Well, the eggs are hatching. Now." She adds to the crowd, "It'll be interesting, I dare say, and there are a few extras if anyone's up for a duck." Kaylith slowly walks towards the group, gloves in hand. She waves in greeting before calling out, "Evening!" And then she hears the mention of a duck. "Ducks?" Demila's eyes widen to about the size of saucers. "They is?" she throws her arms around the rider. "Oh boy oh boy!" Rinya walks out from the Weyr's Living Cavern. Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Ducks can be imprinted a little like dragons can be Impressed--I've heard somewhere that they're what gave AM the idea, though I'm not sure whether that's true. :) They tend to attach themselves to the first thing they see after Hatching, I think? *Snugs a Kin g'night.* :)" Jaden walks out from the Weyr's Living Cavern. K'ven raises an eyebrow as Schmitt mentions ...ducks. He leans idley against Tzanth and looks over at the group amused. "What is there? Ducks? As in, more than Doom?" Beliza walks out from the Weyr's Living Cavern. Telgar Weyr> Talisha oohs. Cute fuzzy little ducks for the dragons to eat? ;) Telgar Weyr> K'ran mmm, beak. Telgar Weyr> K'tyn says, "Nice Prometh treats, yes.:)" Telgar Weyr> Erdrick says, "Impression has been compared with imprinting chickens, I think it was, in the DLG. :)" Prometh lands carefully. Dendra nods. "Schmitt said her duck Doom laid eggs that are about to hatch!" Jaden walks up to the group. "I thought I heard a duck!" he says looking more and more awake. Rinya ambles into the Bowl, glancing around at the moderately sized gathering. "Hello," she says warily. "What's going on?" K'ven looks amused and walks over to have a look. "Is that right." Beliza looks around, "Little ducks? Now, what would I do with that?" "They are," Schmitt replies with vast amusement. "Who's up for coming?" She nods towards K'ven. "Ducklings, yes. Any riders want to come? Otherwise I'll have to make a trip or two." Rinya cocks her head. "Ducks?" Demila claps her hands all excited now. SHe looks around. "I wish my mommy were here to see them hatch. She'd like that!" K'ven grins at Schmitt, "I'll come.. where to?" he asks after volunteering. Kassima twists her head about, tucking that belt back into her pocket. "What's this about ducks? I don't know whether I've ever seen one. You've ducks here, then?" She cants her head to one side, considering. "I'd imagine P'yer's belt could wait, if'n you wouldn't mind an extra spectator. Never seen ducks hatch; it'd be something t'tell the kids about." Rinya peers at the others hesitantly. "If you wouldn't mind, I would like to come. Please," she adds hastily. Kaylith raises a brow, looking from face to face. An amused expression rests in her own as she lifts her shoulders in a shrug. "I suppose I could come.." Schmitt strides back towards Kazeth, "Riding with me, Demila? And it's up to my weyr." She grins. "Come along, certainly." Dendra asks, "Can I come watch too?" Jaden looks at the others tiredly. "I don't know, I think I'll sit this one out. Need to wake up a bit. Have fun though!" he smiles and walks back toward the weyr entrance. Prometh snorts. Snacks, that's all those tiny things are. He rumblegreets Lysseth, adding an appreciative warble. Jaden heads through the main entrance, into the Weyr's Living Cavern. Demila nods. "Me ride with you." Schmitt settles herself atop Kazeth, so quickly it seems she went straight from the ground to where she sits fastening her straps. K'ven grins brightly up at his lifemate who has a smug doubting expression, though he does seem interested. "Anyone want to come with me?" K'ven asks. K'ven mounts Tzanth, aided by the riding straps, and settles himself between his warbling lifemate's neckridges. Lysseth warbles a note back to Prometh, looking a bit dismayed when her rider rejoins her and prepares to mount up. "And we can offer a ride if'n there's anyone left needing one," she suggests. You place one hand on Lysseth's neck and she warbles down at you fondly. You grin and scratch her eyeridges once before climbing up onto her lower neckridges, using the riding straps and Lysseth's thoughtfully offered foreleg. <*> Kaylith shrugs once more before trailing after K'ven. Looking up at him over the blue, she asks, "Mind if I ride along?" <*> Dendra calls up to Kassima, "Can I hitch a ride with you?" Dragon> Prometh bespoke Lysseth with << Where is it that you are going? My rider is curious. >> <*> Brenton walks out from the Weyr's Living Cavern. <*> Tzanth croons to the other dragons and stares upward ready for flight. K'ven nods down to Kaylith with a grin, "Sure." He offers her a hand. "Certes you may," Kassi calls down once she's belted herself in. "C'mon up, Master." <*> Brenton wanders out humming to himself. <*> Kaylith takes the hand as she climbs up the blue's side. <*> Kaylith climbs up to mount Tzanth, with the help of an offered foreleg and rider's hand. Dendra takes hold of Lysseth's riding straps and climbs aboard the green dragon, who keeps a wary eye on her all the while. Lysseth> Prometh senses that Lysseth explains, or attempts to explain, << We go to the weyr of Kazeth and his rider, to see things which are not snacks hatch. >> Dendrasays, "Thanks, Kassima. I appreciate this." <*> Astride Tzanth, K'ven checks over Kaylith to ready her for the short flight and then turns about to wave an OK signal to the other riders. <*> Rinya glances up. "Err.." Dragon> Prometh bespoke Lysseth with << They look like snacks. Taste like snacks. Let me know if there are any leftover. >> Kassima twists about to nod to Dendra, grinning. "Hardly a problem," she promises, "and glad t'be of service and all that. This should be rather interesting, don't you think?" <*> Astride Tzanth, K'ven looks back down and his eyes catch on Rinya, "Would you like to come?" <*> Beliza looks up, "Hey, I'd like to go! Can I hitch a ride?" <*> Rinya glances up at K'ven. "May I please?" she calls up, regarding Tzanth and his rider. <*> Brenton looks around and goes over to Rinya. "Where's everyone going?" <*> Mounted atop Tzanth, K'ven says "I can take one more, yeah, come on up Rinya." <*> Prometh watches both humans and leave, and offers the departing a quiet rumble as he settles down. Dendra says, "It should be pretty funny. Doom is the most bizarre duck I've seen and not cooked before." <*> Rinya glances over to Brenton, blushing slightly. "Err. Duck hatching, from what I hear." <*> Demila scrambles upward, mindful of those looks Kazeth is balefully sending her. <*> Rinya climbs up to mount Tzanth, with the help of an offered foreleg and rider's hand. Lysseth> Prometh senses that Lysseth's thoughts ripple blue with laughter. << You have eaten them, then? My rider says I must not eat any--terribly disappointing, that. But I will do so. >> <*> Mounted atop Tzanth, Kaylith rests her hands on the back of K'ven's lifemate, looking down towards Rinya with a grin. Watching her progress, she shifts out of the way. Kassima admits, "I don't think I've ever seen one that *wasn't* cooked, but I've heard of this Doom. Something about socks... hey," she calls groundwards, "if'n anyone's left needing a ride, I've room for another." <*> Tzanth shifts his stance and spreads his wings, awaiting Kazeth and the other dragons. Dragon> Prometh bespoke Lysseth with << They are crunchy, taste a bit like wherry. >> <*> Beliza looks to Breton, "Duck hatching." She looks around to see if there is more room, "Any space left?" <*> Brenton looks over at Kissima. "May I come with you?" He shrugs to Beliza. Dendra says, "Yeah, she's a great sock stealer. And tends to drop them in the bowl at embarrassing moments, too." <*> From between Tzanth's neckridges, K'ven shakes his head at Beliza and calls to the other riders, "Anyone got any more space for Beliza?" <*> Kazeth rumbles impatiently at Beliza, and Schmitt calls, "Room here." Kassima repeats, in the tone of someone who's not absolutely sure she wants to know, "Embarrassing moments. I'm nigh afraid t'ask. Certes, sirrah, there's room enough; c'mon up. Lyss, keep your head lowered just a bit longer." The green rumbles, but duly complies. <*> Beliza nods, "Ok! On my way up..." <*> Beliza scrambles upward, mindful of those looks Kazeth is balefully sending her. Brenton accepts Kassima's proffered hand and swings up onto Lysseth's lower neckridges, settling himself behind Kassima carefully. Kassi grins and reassures the dubious Lysseth that Brenton is safe, and the green faces forward as her rider gets ready to fly. <*> Kazeth tightens his muscles, wings stretching in anticipation, head reaching for the sky, tail whipping from side to side. Prepared for takeoff, now, he bugles. <*> From atop Tzanth, Rinya waves over to Brenton, grinning. Lysseth> Prometh senses that Lysseth doesn't physically lick her chops, but her mindtone suggests she'd like to. << Mmmmm... wherry. >> Hello, Homerth. Dragon> Kazeth bespoke Lysseth and Tzanth with << Ready? It's the first ledge on the right past the one with the fat bronze, beneath the one with the really lovely green. >> Brenton smiles at Kassima. "Thank you." Then he grins over at Rinya and waves back. <*> Kazeth tenses, then springs upwards. <*> Lysseth raises her head once her passengers are all aboard, crouching back on her haunches and extending her wings in preparation for flight. "Make certes you're buckled in good!" Kassi suggests to Dendra and Brenton. <*> Tzanth fans his wings out and straightens his posture, then leaps to the air. <*> Tzanth tenses, then springs upwards. <*> Lysseth springs from the ground, the air from her wings churning up dust as she takes to the skies. You spring into the air of the Bowl. You beat your wings powerfully to swoop up higher in the Bowl. You draw your wings in as you veer left and drop down to land on the Ledge of Doom. <*> Shiver warbles at Lysseth. <*> Kazeth settles himself, folding his wings carefully, reluctantly. He extends a foreleg for ease of dismount. <*> Schmitt slides jauntily off Kazeth, and gives him a loving scritch. <*> Shimmer trills at Schmitt. <*> Beliza climbs off, and Kazeth's just as happy to have her gone, evidenced by the dirty look she gets. <*> Shimmer chitters at Beliza. <*> Astride Tzanth, K'ven looks around as they land on the ledge. Tzanth lowers furthar to the ground to make dismounting simpler. K'ven turns about to Kaylith and Rinya, "Here we are." Dendra climbs down from Lysseth's neckridges with the help of her riding straps, looking grateful to be back on the ground. Lysseth eyes Dendra for a moment, rumbling quietly, before turning her attention elsewhere. <*> Shocker chitters at Dendra. <*> Astride Tzanth, Rinya grins. "Thank you, K'ven, Tzanth." She bobs her head politely to dragon and rider alike. <*> Kazeth squishes himself to one side to make room for the other dragons. <*> Demila climbs off, and Kazeth's just as happy to have her gone, evidenced by the dirty look she gets. <*> Shimmer chitters at Demila. Brenton unbuckles himself from Lysseth's straps and climbs back down to the ground, looking a little disoriented from the flight. <*> Shatter trills at Brenton. <*> Lysseth banks to a dainty landing, folding her narrow wings close to her sides to take up as little room as possible. Not that, her being a great big honking dragon-sized thing, this is saying much. Kassi quips, "Nice-looking ledge," as she starts unbuckling her straps. "And I didn't think the bronze was *that* fat." <*> Beliza hops down, carefully. "Thank you Schmitt and Kazeth. You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles, cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully. Shimmer warbles at Kassima. Kaylith accepts K'ven's hand and Tzanth's forleg, to slowly climb to the ground. Shocker trills at Kaylith. Brenton smiles at Lysseth. "Thank you for the ride." Shiver chitters at Beliza. Dendra bows her head and says, "Thanks for the ride, Lysseth. Come on Kassima, we con't want to get left out of all this." Schmitt grins and pulls the curtain inside. "And do watch out for her beak, neh?" Shocker warbles at Schmitt. Rinya accepts K'ven's hand and Tzanth's forleg, to slowly climb to the ground. Shimmer trills at Rinya. Schmitt pulls the curtain aside and ducks into the inner weyr. Lysseth dips her chin, rumbling to the young man and the Baker Master. "She says that you're both welcome," Kassi translates, then laughs and bobs her head once. "Most certes nay, Dendra. After you!" Kaylith clambers down from the blue, managing to look at least a little graceful. Her gloves are now tucked into the waistband of her trousers. Turning to look back to Tazanth, she pats his side, offering a thank you before turning to face the rest of the crowd. Dendra pulls the curtain aside and ducks into the inner weyr. Shocker chitters at Kaylith. K'ven carefully slides down from Tzanth's back, giving his lifemate an affectionate pat on the shoulder. Shiver chitters at K'ven. You push the curtain to one side and duck in, fabric swishing closed behind as your eyes adjust to the dimmer light. Lysseth> Rinya slides down Tzanth's proffered foreleg, glancing up with a look of contentment. "Thank you, Tzanth," she says, patting the dragon's leg. "Thank you, K'ven!" she calls up. Kaylith ducks through into the inner weyr, letting the curtain swish shut behind her. Brenton ducks through into the inner weyr, letting the curtain swish shut behind him. Quack. It's a duck; what did you expect? Full-grown now, with beautiful mottled light and darker brown feathers. On each wing is a bar of blue, shining green and purple as the light glints off of it. Her tail curls upward, and she waggles it often in that way ducks have. Little beady black eyes nestle on the sides of her head, studying the world and watching out for dragons, and her bill is long and yellowish brown. Feet match, wide and webbed, and around one leg is tied an identifying tag. Those fortunate ones close enough to see it would note that it's edged in the gold and black of Igen Weyr, with 'Schmitt' on one side and 'Doom' on the other. If Doom ever leaves the pillow under the bed - she does, to take care of the needs of nature, but not when anyone is in the weyr to see her eggs - there are five white eggs, or at least marginally white. 'see #' 1. Dirty White Egg 2. Dingy White Egg 3. Smudged White Egg 4. Nasty White Egg 5. Icky White Egg K'ven ducks through into the inner weyr, letting the curtain swish shut behind him. Rinya ducks through into the inner weyr, letting the curtain swish shut behind her. Kaylith walks in behind the others, a curious expression on her face. Rinya slinks into the weyr, looking nervous about being there. "Err." She waves to no one in particular. "Hello." Schmitt is on her hands and knees beside the bed, from underneath which a lot of squacking seems to be coming. She's swiping a hand under the bed, and eventually drags out the pillow on which five eggs sit. "Ha!" But Doom's not far after, looking steamed. Demila ducks through into the inner weyr, letting the curtain swish shut behind her. Beliza ducks through into the inner weyr, letting the curtain swish shut behind her. Brenton watches Rinya come in and grins moving to stand beside her. Kassima tucks her hands into her pockets as she follows in Dendra's wake, eyes wandering about the room. "Someone else fortunate enough t'have chairs," she half-mourns. "Oh--those are the eggs?" Brilliant. The woman is brilliant. Rinya bites her lower lip hesitantly, eyes darting from one person to another. "Erm." she says noncomitally, under her breath. She nearly jumps out of her skin as Brenton stands next to her. Dendra looks at the eggs and makes a little 'moue K'ven walks over, to take a look at the eggs, "I'd almost forgotten how small they are. I haven't seen duck eggs in.. oh three turns now." On the pillow, little pipping sounds come from the eggs. Schmitt takes a halfhearted swing at Doom and gets bitten for her efforts. "Aye. These're the eggs," she says, glaring at mama duck. Dendra looks at the eggs and makes a little 'moue' of distaste. "Yuck, I didn't know that duck eggs didnt' come out clean. Poor Schmitt, having to deal with that while they waited to hatch." Demila watches a trifle unpatiently. Beliza looks at the eggs, "You can't wash them?" she wonders. Brenton smiles at Rinya. "Ever seen duck's hatch before?" He asks her quietly. Kaylith chuckles softly as she spots the eggs resting on the pillow. "Well, they look cute enough." Hmm.. Just what's her estimation of 'cute'? A brow raises at the mother duck bitting, taking a step backwards. Rinya shakes her head. "No, never have," she replies. Fast. Too fast .. nervously fast. Schmitt manages to get Doom by the legs and stuff her back under the bed, where she seems at least somewhat content to sulk and lurk. "If you want to deal with Doom while you wash them, sure." Kassima supposes, peeking at the eggs, "I don't suppose the mother duck would like that." Make that *really* brilliant. "But they're nay as messy as aught that's born live, after all." Demila kneels down to look at the eggs real close. "Do the ducks come out that color?" she points. Rinya peers at the eggs from a distance, not wishing to get any nearer to the throng than she has to. K'ven folds his arms over his chest, a slight smile quirking his lips. His steely eyes stare at the eggs and their mother with apparent curiosity. "I guess we'll find out.." Nasty White Egg's crack gets a little wider, and more of the duckling is visible. "Demi, this'n looks like it will hatch first. C'mon up and sit by the pillow." Brenton nods at Rinya then looks out at the eggs. "I never have either." Beliza looks a the bed, "She's that bad?" Elya has arrived. Dendra says, "Uh-huh. I've heard stories about the duck ever since she got here. She has a rotten temper sometimes." From under the bed comes a nasty-sounding quack-hiss, and Schmitt tries to defend, "She's only like that when she has eggs. I swear." Demila crawls over on her hands and knees. She gets her pouch ready on her lap. Schmitt gets an adoring look then she looks to the egg. Beliza mouth widens, "Ohhh. Well, wouldn't want to make a mother upset." K'ven grins brightly at the sour duck-mother. "Doom may have been a large part of the reason I was Searched." Kaylith rests her hands on her hips, eyeing the cracking egg as she stands with the rest of the group, warily watching. Elya stops at the entrance to the weyr, calling something out over her shoulder. She stops when she spots all of the people present, and turns a little pink. Kassima murmurs, "I get the feeling I should be afraid." Not that this stops her from watching with considerable interest, mind. "'Tis always a wonder t'be watching things be born... really?" She glances curiously at K'ven. "How's that, if'n I'm nay prying t'ask it?" Dendra turns to look over her shoulder. "How did Doom help you get Searched?" Little wings pop out of the Nasty White Egg, and the baby duck peeps softly. Beliza nods, looking at K'ven and nodding. Rinya backs into the corner as far as she can. "Err." These crowds are really starting to make her nervous .. is is really /this/ hot in here? This wet little duckling is a darkish brown, which will dry to a dark yellow. Its tail wiggles back and forth, and dark eyes are lively. K'ven grins and explains, "Well, Schmitt and Kazeth had brought Doom down to the Beast Hall to get her a bag of feed. I was working there at the time, and thats when Kazeth Searched me." Demila squeals very loudly. "Oh lookit! There he is!" "Hi Little duckie!" Brenton smiles looking at the duckling and then grins at Rinya. Rinya peers closer at the egg, bending forward slightly. "It's cute," she says, smiling shyly. "I've never seen a duck hatch before." Schmitt points with a grin, "There he.." She trails off as Demila says it first. Beliza looks curiously, "Huh, kinda slimy looking." K'ven's eyes quickly redirect themselves to the little duckling, "Aww... look at that wet little watter werrie." he chuckles. "Thats what Tzanth likes to call them.." Elya peers over the others to see what's going on. "Ah!" exclaims Kassi, snapping her fingers. "So 'tis a bit like Master Caitria being pregnant was t'blame for T'saren's Search? Awww...." Yes, she's noticed the baby duck. "'Tis *adorable*." Kaylith eyes the egg as well, a smile tugging at her lips. "It is really quite cute." She tilts her head slightly, unconsiously moving slightly closer. Dendra grins as she watches the wagging tail feathers. "It certainly seems more friendly than Doom is." Teeny Wet Duckling flops about until the rest of it comes out of the eggshell. It peep-peeps again and looks up at Demila with little black beady eyes. Demila lets loose another squeal. "It's looking at me! What do I do? What do I do?" she asks excitedly. Brenton smiles and looks out watching the duckling. K'ven grins and stares at the wet little creature. Rinya steps closer to the other eggs, peering curiously. She doesn't say anything, but looks about to run if someone catches her looking. Elya peeks around someone and gasps. "Oh! It's so cute!" Schmitt laughs softly. "Pick that big piece of shard off its back." She kneels next to Demila, "And you can pick it up really gentle-like." She looks up and adds, "You don't all have to stand. There're chairs, the bed, a pillow or two, the floor." Kaylith tucks her tumbs into her waistband along with the gloves. At the invitation she shrugs, gingerly sitting on the bed. She tugs her legs up after her. Just in case. Kassima observes, with that slightly mushy expression on her face that is sad testimony to the evil greenrider's weakness for cute baby animals, "And 'tisn't screaming like a new-hatched 'lizard, either. Oh, floor, floor's good." She plunks down cross-legged without fanfare. K'ven shrugs and takes a seat on the floor comfortably. He nods with a grin to Kassima. Rinya glances around, sitting close, the eggs having her undivided attention. She folds her legs under her and sits without a word. Beliza spies a likely pillow and plops on it, close to the eggs. Dendra crouches down, her weight balanced on her heels. "I'd sit like you guys, but at least I can quickly dodge Doom if necessary from this position." Brenton takes a seat on the floor peering over people at the eggs. Demila ohs and does exactly what Schmitt says. First she takes the shell from the back and then ever so gently she lifts up the baby duck. Her expression is absolutly priceless as she holds the baby duck. Doom, at the mention of her name, quacks disgruntedly again from under the bed, little black beady eyes glinting out of the darkness. K'ven continues to sit right on the floor, but looks over at Dendra and smiles, "Thats a wise idea. Those things don't like to let go when they bite on to you.." Elya glances at Schmitt and backs up from the group, leaning against a wall. Kaylith keeps her legs up and crossed under her, frowning as she hears the quack. She glances towards Demilia, smile returning. Rinya stares at the eggs as though she can will them to hatch.. or at least, bore a hole in them from her rapt gaze. She's grinning like a fool the whole time, eyes lit up like a Christmas tree, if there were a Christmas on Pern. The duckling in the Dirty White Egg gets a bit more of its bill out. Dendra says, "So I've heard. Luckily, I've managed to avoid being bitten so far, and I'd like to keep it that way." Kassima philosophizes, wry, "'Twouldn't be the first time I've been bitten by something irate." Pause. "And I do mean *animals*. And small children, from time t'time. If'n ducks can bite worse than angry toddlers, then I'll be *very* afraid." Elya stifles a laugh with a cough. K'ven leans closer as he looks at the cracking dirty white egg. His eyebrows raise and he looks interested, "They don't really come out like firelizards or dragons do.. look at how long they take." He shoots a grin to Kassima and nods, "I will too." Schmitt says to Kassi, glancing around with slight bemusement at all the people in her weyr, "Thankfully I've never had to deal with an angry toddler." She grins down at Demila. "Finish up holding it now, and we'll tuck it under Mama Doom to keep it warm." Kaylith doesn't stifle her laugh, letting the chuckle out at Kassima's statement. She rests her hands on her knees as her gaze goes back to the pillow. Dendra asks the room at large, "Who's the father of this brood of ducklings? Anyone know?" Rinya peers even closer, watching the emerging Dirty White Duckling. Well, partially emerging. She casts the room a sidelong glance, realizes just how close she's leaning, and rises, stepping back. "Oops." she says, almost inaudibly. She looks to be quite red by now. K'ven shrugs to Dendra's question and continues to peer at the eggs. On the pillow, the Smudged White egg's wing moves a little bit. Brenton smiles reassuringly at Rinya for a moment then goes back to watching the eggs. Kassima advises Schmitt with full earnestness, "Be glad. Be very glad. I don't really have any fingers left; these are all false." She wiggles her hands, making the lie clear. "Mayhaps 'tis the lack of claws? I don't *think* they have claws. They look much softer and fuzzier." Rinya turns, if possible, even more red as Brenton smiles. Demila awes and pets the wet little duck. Finally she says she is finished. "Under Momma Doom? " she questions. "She's gonna sit on it?!" Elya steps a bit closer. "Ducks?" She murmurs to the person closest to her, who nods. The Small Wet Duckling wobbles slooooowly out of the Dirty White Egg in much the same way as the Teeny Wet Duckling did, then flops on the pillow and just breathes. This wet little duckling is a darkish brown, which will dry to a dark yellow. Little legs are a bit bowlegged, but dark eyes are lively. Kaylith raises a brow, glancing up again. "Sit on it? Wouldn't that crush it or something?" Her gaze is drawn back to the pillow even before she gets an answer, a smile tugging at her lips as she spots the newest duckling. Beliza awwws!! "Look, that one has funny legs." Schmitt peers up towards Elya and smiles. "Ducks, yes - ducklings, rather, and Mama's under the bed." She grins at Demila, stifling a chuckles. "Yes. See, it'll keep it warm and snuggly. Um, like a bed. Won't squish it, no." Kassima, flicking a glance about the room, espies the familiar Harper and waves to her. "G'day, Elya! Are you here t'be seeing the ducks hatch, too?" Her attention gets drawn away by the second duckling, however, and she must pause for the necessary, "Awwwww. Are his--her? Its?--legs all right?" Demila looks all ready to hand the baby over then. "Ok. It has to be warm. K'ven grins and points at the newly hatched small duckling, "Isn't that one cute.... crooked.. but cute." Elya nods. "Well...I came to drop of a message, but the watchrider thought I'd enjoy this and left me here." She smiles, reassured by the familar face. Kaylith raises her shoulders in a shrug as she watches the duck. "Yes.. but it adds character, doesn't it?" Dendra looks at the newly hatched duckling and grins. "It's cute, but it's legs look like it's been riding a dragon for too long." Schmitt carefully takes Demila's duckling and turns a grim glance towards the bed. "If you bite me I'll.." She adds, kneeling to reach under the bed, "Crooked? They'll probably straighten out as it grows." Brenton grins looking around for a minute and then laughs at Dendra's comment. Rinya skitters back into her corner, watching from the slight shadows. Demila crawls away from the pillow, ending up beside Schmitt. "Maybe my mommy can come see my bay duck later?" she asks Schmitt Elya sits down near the hatching action, curious. K'ven ahhs and looks relieved that the little thing will be ok. Kassima glances down at her own legs, giving them an experimental poke. "Twenty-two Turns, but I don't think mine look like that," she protests. "Nay offense meant to the little duckling there. They're really cute," she adds for Elya's benefit, as if this weren't self-evident. Small Wet Duckling finally peeps a bit and staggers up, falls down, staggers up, falls down, and topples over towards Kassi. Beliza looks around, "Soo, what does a baby duck eat? I mean, I'm pretty sure it's not fresh meat like a hatchling." Elya grins. "I think that one likes you," She says, pointing to the duckling and leaning towards Kassima. Rinya grins, stepping closer to look at the ducklings. "They're so cute." Kaylith wrinkles her nose as she watches the duckling topple and fall. "Is it.. okay?" Dendra looks down at the duckling at Kassi's feet. "Awwww, it is cute. Just a little tired from being born is all, I guess." "No," Schmitt says amusedly, setlling back down near the pillow, "not fresh meat. Ground up corn, more like, until it's big enough not to choke on real corn. And bits of green stuff here and there." Oh, dear. Watch Kassima melt. "Is it all right t'touch 'em, t'help 'em?" she wonders, though she's already extended hands for that purpose. "Poor little thing. Goodness knows 'tis impressive t'be able t'walk just-born at all." Demila does notices the fact that her question went unanswered. "My my mommy come and see my baby duck?" she tugs on Schmitt's hand to get her attention. Small Wet Duckling tilts its head to stare up at Kassi and peeps softly. Schmitt chuckles. "It's all yours - Kassima, isn't it?" She peers down at Demila and looks rather helpless. "Well. Er." K'ven grins as the duckling falls towards Kassima, "You should help the little guy.. or girl. Look at how fast they learn how to walk.." The Smudged White Egg is pipped a little more, tiny bits of the shell falling off. Brenton smiles warching and listening Demila just sits looking up at Schmitt. "I know she'd like it. Maybe she won't be as sad then. I gave her Tiki to sleep with but she's still very sad. Rinya peers closer at the Smudged Egg hatching, grinning widely. "Look, here comes another one." Elya leans forward as the egg begins to move. "Whoa, I think another one's coming." Kaylith glances from K'ven to Schmitt. "Hmm.. How do you tell if it's a girl or a boy?" She lets the question fade off as Demila has her attention. With a shrug, she turns her attention back to the pillow and the egg that's soon hatching. K'ven's eyes light up like a childs as another begins to hatch. Keeping his eyes on the eggs he says to Kaylith, "You have to wait till they get a bit older, right Schmitt?" Oh, the guilt. The bluerider coughs at her ex-weyrmate's daughter. "Yes, well, I'm sure she can bring you up to see your duck any time when I'm not here to show you." To Kaylith she says, "You have to wait until they're old enough to get their adult feathers in." Back to Demila, "Er, what're you going to name it, dear?" Kassima's expression is just radiating 'awwww' at this point. Gently as can be, she scoops up the tiny ducklet, marvelling, "It's so *tiny*... mine?" She blinks at Schmitt then. "And aye, Kassima. Didn't think you'd forgotten--I guess it has been a Turn or three." Rinya glances over to Schmitt. "How do they .. choose .. who they want? Is it anything like a .. dragon?" she wonders quietly. Finally, the Smudged White egg splits into enough pieces to release a duckling. This wet little duckling is a darkish brown, which will dry to a dark yellow. Its beak is slightly crooked, but dark eyes are lively. Elya squeaks with delight as the egg hatches. K'ven's eyes suddenly turn watery and a bit red... he gets a disturbed expression on his face and pauses, staring at nothing. Dendra says, "They all look friendly so far. Schmitt, was Doom like that when you first got her?" Schmitt adds to Kassima, "When Kazeth chased after I'd smacked my face on the ground after a broken strap, wasn't it?" Her attention is drawn to the duckling, which flaps its tiny wings. "No, Doom was about half-grown when I got her." Kaylith ahhs to both Schmitt and K'ven as they answer her question. A puzzled expression appears on her face as she spots K'ven, but shrugs as she looks back to the pillow. And another hatchling. She bends down over the bed to get a better look. Beliza looks at the tiny duckling, "Humm, that one has a crooked beak. I hope she or he will be able to eat ok. I mean, might not be able to get the bugs and stuff right." K'ven takes a deep breath in, eyes squinting and *sneeze*! He luckily clapped his hands over his mouth and nose just in time. Resettling himself he sniffs, "Got a feather in my nose.." Brenton watches quietly, smiling. Elya glances sympathetically at K'ven, then back at the duck. "It's cute," she murmurs. Demila nods for now. "Okay. I'll tell her. As soon as I get some more toys and stuff from Stores, I'm gonna live with my mommy! When can I bring the baby duck to live with us?" she insists on asking Schmitt all these questions and Macami is usually in them. She is watches the other babies arrive too and squealing with each one's arrival. The two eggs left whole on the pillow have been rather still; finally, the Dingy White Egg moves a bit. "Aye," Kassi agrees, "and for a time at Telgar a'fore that--at least, methinks you're the resident that madman Trevor was harassing about her sex life way back in the day, but memory could be failing." She gives a quiet awwww at this latest duckling, too, though a lot of her attention is on the one that's claimed her. "Sounds like a bad place t'get one," she observes of the feather. K'ven sniffs again, his face tinted in a light hue of red. He clears his throat and smiles, "Whew." He smiles at the other little duckling. "Hey little, umm, duckling." The Tiny Wet Duckling starts away from the sneeze initially, falling back onto its rump, but gets back up and staggers slowly towards K'ven, beady eyes interested. Kaylith rests her hands on her knees as she leans over, brow raised as she spots the other egg twitch. And then towards the hatchling, she chuckles. Schmitt tells Kassima, "Pass it over when you're done, unless you want to risk the wrath of Mama Doom." She turns a whimpery look at Demila. "Are you? How nice.. Um, they'll stay here with Mama Doom until they're a bit bigger." Rinya steps even closer to the other egg, peering interestedly. Beliza humms, "I bet when one of these got older, they'd be a big help in the garden. Eat all the buggies and such. Live pest control." Elya glances up at Schmitt from her place on the floor. "Why do you call their mother "mama doom?" She asks. Dendra nods and says, "As long as they don't inherit their dam's stealing skills. If so, you might find some interesting things left behind in the gardens after they eat the bugs." K'ven sniffs again and leans over, "Hey little guy, aren't you a cute avian." Brenton smiles over at Rinya. "They're all very cute." "Oh, a'course--" Kassi must've been impressed by what she's heard of the Wrath of Mama Doom, since she's relatively quick to do so, though not without a last murmur of nonsense to the poor duckling. "Wouldn't keep a child from her; she'd probably take m'fingers off." Doom herself can be heard under the bed, quacking softly to the first little duckling. "Her name's Doom," Schmitt explains, "and now she has ducklings, so. Though they aren't really hers." She accepts Kassi's duckling and tucks her under the bed, yaking her hand out as Doom nips. Kaylith chuckles in Kassima's direction. "Probably more than that." Elya catches the nipping and grins. "I see the origins of Doom, then." Demila settles comfortably, actually leaning against Schmitt. Her eyes are under the bed now. "Hurry up and grow little on. Maybe you can sleep under mommys and my bed." To Schmitt she asks yet another question. "Is it a boy or girl?" The foot sticking out of the Dingy White Egg gives way to another foot, and then a whole duckling. K'ven scoops up the little duckling infront of him, carefully holding it up with both his hands. "It seems so frail, I don't want to break it." he grins as the little creature cocks its head at him. This wet little duckling is a darkish brown, which will dry to a dark yellow. Little legs are a bit cowhocked, but dark eyes are lively. Kassima agrees cheerfully, rocking back to watch the rest of the precedings, "Probably an ear and the nose, too. Perhaps both ears." While listening for the answer to Demila's question for curiousity's sake, she agrees with K'ven, "Aren't they *small*?" Brilliant *and* astute. Elya peers closer at the newly-hatched duck. "Well, hello there," she says pleasantly. Kaylith chuckles, guesturing towards the newest hatchling. "Look.. that one's legs are odd too." She slides from the bed to the floor, edging away from the bed. And Doom. Better luck on the floor. Yep. Rinya edges back into the corner, into the relative safety of .. well .. the corner. "I don't know yet, Demila," Schmitt says, absently ruffling the girl's hair as she looks at the newest duckling. "Have to wait 'til it grows up. Have a name for the3m?" This asked to the three with ducklings. Little Wet Duck sets up a loud peeping, flopped there on the pillow. Dendra shifts around a bit, standing and then crouching back down to see the babies after flexing her knees. "They'll grow, Kassima. And just think, after you take yours home you could train it to chase after I'sai!" Beliza huhs, "All but the first one have a had a quirk." She turns to the duckling, "Hey little duckie, wouldn't you like to eat the bugs in my garden when you grow up? Nice and crunchy...." K'ven shrugs and grins at the duckling. Answering Schmitt he says, "I'm thinking of one.." Elya wonders aloud, "I wonder how Master Shirana would like a duck at the Hall?" Demila ohs. "We have to wait? Then I'll wait to pick out a name. I have to know if I give it a boys name, or a girls name." Brenton grins a Demila. "You could pick out a name that would work for either." K'ven nods to Demila in agreement, "A good idea." he nods also to Brenton, "Or that, yes." Kassima's chortle at *that* notion is more than a little wicked. "Now *there's* a lovely thought--'twas thinking that mayhaps, with a mother named Doom, 'Dismay' might be apt. But I'm nay sure whether that's a better male name or female name." Kaylith glances to Beliza, a grin on her lips. "The garden could use a mascot.." She chuckles softly before turning back to the flopped duckling. Elya tenatively sticks out fingers and wiggles them, but eyes the Mama duck carefully. Demila looks from Brenton to K'ven. "But I want it to be a /perfect/ name. Like...Doom!" she declares. The Duck of Doom hears that and bustles grumpily out from under the bed, other two ducklings in tow. She reclaims her pillow, settling down on top of the newest duckling and tucking the other two under her wings. And then, she glares at those around. Elya yanks back her hand and turns red. "Sorry, Doom." K'ven returns the duckling he was holding to Doom and chuckles. Kaylith frowns as she duck comes out. Looking to Schmitt, "Know what she's doing?" Dendra suggests, "What about Storm? Or Fury?" Rinya shrinks even more into her corner. Too many people, and that nasty ol' duck isn't helping matters any. That bill looks like it's had some biting experience. Beliza looks at the pillow, "Oh, oh. Now what?" Schmitt stifles a soft laugh. "Looks like it's over, folks. I think that other egg's a dud. Oh, Dismay? I -like- that. And you could pick out something to call it in the meantime, Demila." Demila tilts her head. "What is Fury?" Demila nods. "I'll call it Baby Duckie." not very original but she seems to like it. Dendra says, "It means anger, lots and lots of anger. It can also mean someting very powerful, like when people talk about a rainstorm's fury." Brenton smiles at Demila. "That's a good name for now." Demila beams at Brenton. "Anger? Ooh, I like powerfull. What is a word that means sad and powerfull?" "Baby Duckie," Schmitt repeats. "I like that." Doom hisses at the nearest person. Rinya leaps back into her corner, even more. Right into the wall, in fact. She turns a bit red at her undue display of nervousness. Elya recoils away from Doom and stands up. "I don't think I want to see this," she mutters. "Sad and powerful," Kassi muses, chewing her lower lip. "Despair, mayhaps?" K'ven sits back and continues to ponder a good name. Kaylith leans back, hands supporting behind her. She glances from face to face before smiling lightly, edging away from the duck on the pillow. Schmitt nods in agreement, "Despair," and carefully reaches to drop a light touch on a little duckling with poking out from under Doom's wing. Dendra hmmmmms. "I'm not sure what word does that. 'Tragic' kind of does, I guess." Demila asks. "And what does Despair mean?" Kassima's gaze wanders towards the duck and ducklings again, and her features start to soften before she shakes her head to snap out of it. "'Tis a powerful sadness," she explains, "that breaks your heart and seems t'turn everything dark." "Sad," Schmitt tells Demila. "Really sad. Like.. like. Like when you lose a friend?" She looks around for help. Dendra says, "I'll head on back down now. I need to talk to Jasmyn for a little while." Elya nods encouragingly. "That works." "Very strong sorrow," Rinya offers from her corner. "Makes you want to cry all the time." Dendra pushes back the curtain with one hand and steps out. Kaylith pushes back the curtain with one hand and steps out. A few soft peeps come from under Doom's feathers. Demila looks around at everyone offering the meaning of the word. "Powerfull sadness, dark heart." she repeats. "I think I'll name my duckie Despair when he becomes a boy or girl. Just like my mommy." Elya peers closer to Doom, but out of nipping range. "What a cute bunch." Rinya stands back in her corner, looking for Brenton, or at least /someone/ she remotely knows. "Aren't they though," Schmitt agrees with a smile. "All through that nippy setting period I try to remember why I decided to get eggs again - now I do." She glances down at Demila, bites her lip, but says nothing. "Er, I'm Schmitt," she adds now that the room has cleared out. "Who are all of you?" Rinya glances over to Schmitt, remembering her from the living cavern .. incident. "I'm Rinya," she says shyly. Brenton grins at Demila then smiles at Schmitt. "Brenton." He turns to smiles at Rinya. Elya smiles at the others. "Elya, apprentice Harper." Kassima slides a curious glance towards Demila, but doesn't ask, perhaps out of an attempt at tact. "She's pretty, too," she observes. "Doom, that is t'say--those blue marks on her wings especially. I'm Kassima. Green Lysseth's of Telgar; well met and all that." Demila waves to Kassima. "Hi Kassima. Did you get a duck too? I'm going to name my duck Despair." she says in case it wasn't heard by everyone. "Right you are," Schmitt says, "Well met. And the males are even more brightly colored." She ruffles Demi's hair again, softly. K'ven looks as if a light has turned on in his head, "I think I'll name it Dusk." Schmitt adds, "I have pie around somewhere, if anyone wants to eat and duck-gaze? Though," she eyes Demila, "hands.. maybe I have some water." Mmm, egg-goo. Kassima confirms brightly, "I did, and methinks I'm going t'name it Dismay, unless it turns out nay t'*look* like a Dismay." Don't ask what a Dismay looks like. It's Kassi-logic; it's not supposed to make sense. "Dusk's a good name. Alliterative, with the rest of 'em." Demila does smile up at Schmitt. She seems to be very comfortable in the riders presence, since Schmitt isn't like freaking out and not even looking at her and stuff. "Ooh. Dusk is a pretty name." Schmitt repeats with amusement. "Dusk, Dismay, Dispair. Oh dear. Sound rather Harperish, neh?" She looks over at Elya with a grin, then asks Rinya and Brenton, "Are you two new around here? I don't think I've seen.. wait." She peers at Rinya. "Maybe I saw you?" Elya chuckles and winks in Schmitt's direction. K'ven laughs at their choice of names, "Sounds good to me." Brenton shakes his head. "I've been here a couple of turns. I was just much smaller." He grins and then looks over at Demila. "So did you have a good time sleeping over with my sister?" Kassima suggests with considerable amusement, "Harperish as they sound, mayhaps a Harper will write a song about 'em someday. The Dirge of the Ducklings of Doom." Rinya blinks. "Er," she replies noncomitally. "Um." Elya smirks at Kassima. K'ven laughs at Kassima's words. "Sounds like a tune to me." "Too bad I can't sing," Schmitt says cheerfully and watches Doom stand up, shake duckings loose and turn around to face the other way; the ducklings peep sleepily and scoot back under her. Demila asks. "Did I hear someone say pie?" her hands are indeed covered in Duckie goo. Water might be good too. K'ven perks up a bit too, "Pie? What kind of pie?" He rises from his seat, dusting off his hands without much thought. Kassima starts to awww again, but shakes her head with a rueful grin. "Methinks I'd best get this belt t'P'yer and get back to the weyr a'fore I melt into a big puddle of Faranth-isn't-it-adorable. 'Twas certes a pleasure--and a pleasure t'be meeting you all." Rinya nods to Schmitt. "Er. Yes, we've .. met before. Yes. Hm." Rinya nods to Kassima. "Pleasure here too." Shyly she offers a hand to shake. K'ven grins at Kassima and nods, "And to you. My best to Telgar." Brenton nods to Kassima. "It was nice to meet you." Schmitt stands and pokes about until she finds a hide of water and a bowl to take over to those with ducky hands. "Glad to have you both as duckling-people," she tells the riders with a grin. Kassima, after getting to her feet, bows to Schmitt with a flourish. "The delight is mine...." Pause. "I hope." She extends her hand to cover Rinya's in the traditional Pernese fashion, then steps back to salute the room, calls, "Telgar's duties!" and makes good her escape. With all her fingers intact still, no less. You pull back the curtain and duck out of the weyr.