-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Raspberry War Date: June 27, 2006 Place: Bitra Hold's Courtyard Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: Kassima meets up with M'tri and Erisan at Bitra Hold for a bit of harmless gambling. Talking with her wife reveals that Lanisa has indeed gone off to Igen Weyr, and that he--understandably--isn't sure what to do about that. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: You arrive in Bitra Hold, walking up the ramp from the valley. Jingle, jingle, jingle, do you hear her mark pouch ring? She is Kassi Kringle, and the Queen of Jing-el-ing. Except for the part where marks are made out of wood and don't jingle at all. But details, details. Kassima does indeed seem equipped for a gambling trip, bouncing a leather pouch of marks in one hand the second she hits the ground--probably stupid of her to do in this of all places, but never mind that. "Probably nay a ring," she tells Lysseth. "I assume they'll take care of that--they did with Kaylira--y'know, truth be told, I don't know *what* he'd like. Shameful. And since he's a he and all, and a bluerider, the default Emasculator is just straight out." It is likely for the better that Daikoth poofs into existance above them during the rider-dragon conversation about emasculators. The last thing Erisan, who is clinging joyfully to his father and his ride, needs explained is that. Daikoth swoops neetly to a landing, wings folded before he hits the ground. He greets Lysseth and Kassima exuberantly - a trumpet loud enough to echo back and earn an eyeroll from the bluerider climbing down. "Daaaaaaaaaaddy," Erisan says, trying to stand perilously balanced on Daikoth's neck, arms outstretched to be helped down. "I wanna see Auntie Kassi and Lysseth!" That said, and without much more warning, Erisan leaps from his perch, landing in his father's arms. "You're gonna break something one day," M'tri informs him. It falls on deaf ears, because Erisan is jailbreaking, squirming and scrambling from Trii's arms and running to Kassi. Especially explained by either Kassi or M'tri, because it's really hard to imagine that conversation going *anywhere* sane. Lysseth lets the trumpet's echoes die away before answering with a far more muted warble; there is, however, a warm undertone to the sound, suggesting that even if she's not being loud about it she's pleased to see the blue pair. "C'mon, Trii," the greenrider calls to him, laughing. "As if'n he could possibly know what fear is, or caution, with you and Lani as parents--heyla, boyo!" She has just enough time to stuff the pouch into a pocket of her jacket before stooping and holding out her arms, the better to catch Erisan and swing him up and around if he'll let her. "You weigh a bloody *ton*! So big a lad now, 'tis a wonder you didn't squish your Da outright. I'm telling you. Are you here t'win all his marks again?" Erisan squeals in delight, fading down to a giggle and then hanging on, all the better not to be put down. "Daddy says I'm not allowed to play with his money," he pouts, ignoring the fact that M'tri has walked up calmly (no giggling, squealing or swinging around of this bluerider, no no) alongside the pair. "He says it's bad enough you win all the time." M'tri's brows knit together. "I never said that. Four is not a reliable age to be a source of information, so you just ignore that one." Kassima manages to hold onto Erisan with one arm by balancing him on her hip, which allows her to use her free hand for an all-important task: rumpling the ever-living daylights out of his hair. Then attempting to do the same to M'tri's, since he was kind enough to come close. "Your Da is a silly, silly man," she solemnly informs the child. "I'd bet you knew that already. Did he ever tell you that he used t'plot t'win all m'fancy dresses from me? I don't believe he'd look very good at *all* in fancy dresses." She wraps her other arm around Erisan to better secure him and slants an amused look at M'tri. "Four is the *most* reliable age for some forms of information. Such as indiscreet truths. May I remind you that you're the one who wanted t'put ten marks all on one egg?" M'tri looks indignant, at best, smoothing his hair back down the best he can. The result - now it's only poking up in the back and out over his ears. Superb. "Let it go," M'tri says with a laugh, reaching out to smooth his son's hair too. Erisan bats at his hand, made bolder by the fact that he's in Kassi's arms, and Kassi could totally beat his dad up, right? Probably. "That was what, 4 turns ago? Maybe more? If someone had taught me the way of the gamblers..." Leaning in towards Erisan, M'tri whispers theatrically, "You weren't supposed to tell her that." Kassima sidesteps to protect Erisan's hair from de-mussing, helpful sort that she is. Only she's not really *that* helpful, because she doesn't say a thing to Trii about his own follicle difficulties. "Never. Nay ever. I live t'savor the memories of m'triumphs," Kassi sighs, "however old they might be, for that's what makes the days sweet. Is it m'fault that I'sai didn't make you m'mentee so that I could teach you all I know? Nay that I ever would. Remember, Erisan: never teach anyone *all* you know, or share all your tricks, nay for love or money. That's just asking t'get your butt kicked and your marks stolen away." M'tri makes a face, one that doesn't make him look too attractive. "I figured you'd say something like that." Erisan, as though to make sure his father didn't succeed by telepathy, ruffles his own hair more. After that, his four-turn attention span kicks in, and he is trying to squirm from Kassi's grip, reaching for Lysseth now. "Lysseth! I almost forgot!" He says it as though it may well be the end of the world, forgetting Lysseth. Chances are, he's right. Daikoth, who has been ousted as 'dragon that lights up Erisan's eyes', sighs dramatically, curls his tail around him one direction and puts his head on his forepaws, settling in for the rest. "Ach, Trii, don't look like that about it. Or on second thought, do. This is the last place you want t'be inspiring hapless Hold lasses t'swoon over your wiggling hips," which is just the sort of thing Kassi should be saying in front of Erisan, we're sure. She gets the message and lets the child down to the ground so that her dragon can get a turn. The green gives a sad little warble as though she, too, is terribly traumatized by nearly being forgotten, but she lowers her head to Erisan's level regardless... proving once again that when it comes to some things, she's no less than a softie. "I should've brought Kaisan," Kassi quips, rubbing at her lower back with just a little wince. "He'd have been pleased enough t'see his favorite blue, and then perhaps Daikoth wouldn't look so woebegone." M'tri turns to look over his shoulder at Daikoth. Woebegone indeed, the blue is already starting to snore gently. "So upset he can't even function. But it would have been nice to see Kaisan. I guess I'll have to deal with just having you around. It'll be good enough." Behind him, Erisan has finished his attempt to hug all of Lysseth's head, and is currently standing on tippy toe, trying to reach eyeridges for the proper scratching. A jump here and there, for accent. "Watch it, someone's going to lose an eye that way," M'tri warns. Laughing, caught up in a moment of fondness for her friend/wife, Kassi holds out an arm to offer a half-hug. "Thank the stars. If'n you'd said otherwise, it might be m'turn t'be woebegone. You and Err and Lani should drop by Benden sometime; the weather's nay worse than Telgar's, I promise you--" Lysseth's not unduly concerned about her eyes. Namely because she knows what to do, bowing her head as low as it can go and tucking in that chin, while closing all her lids. This is a dragon who's had to survive many, many small children in her life. "How is Lani? 'Tis truth that she's gone t'Igen on that exchange?" Erisan accepts the hug with an extra squeeze. "Being married and all, I don't think it's right for me to tell you you're repulsive. Not that you are, just that if I said that, I don't think I'd ever have a chance at dresses or marks or gold latrines, or...anything. Maybe one day to Benden. Another hold for Err to get lost in." M'tri laughs quietly at that, looking once more at the lad, who is still jumping, quite a lot of effort to make sure he can scratch everything to Lysseth's satisfaction. It is much easier with her lower. M'tri nods his answer. "Yes...she's at Igen." That's definately not complete happiness. "Quite right," Kassi agrees, bobbing her head decisively. "Telling me I'm repulsive means nay dresses, nay marks, nay latrines golden or otherwise, nay patting snow from your behind, and most especially nay dusting. Wouldn't that be sad?" Oh, just tragic. She makes a try at smoothing the hair-bits he didn't get before while telling him, "The Hold has its charms, but 'twas thinking more the Weyr. D'you know, I haven't been to the Hold in at least a Turn?" Stealing another sidelong glance, she says, "Nay your idea for her t'go, I surmise." M'tri shrugs moodily, crossing his arms over his chest. "No. I mean, I realize she wanted to, it makes her happy or whatever. Erisan wants to see her as much as he wants to see me. Shuffling a four-turn-old between weyrs isn't easy, and you know Telgar..." He trails off, obviously not too intent on bad-mouthing anything. Instead, he settles, "I'm thinking about following her. It'd be easier, and a nice change, for the better. Err's making friends there already; showing them tricks." "Aye. I've had that experience, with the taking children on visits." Nor, to judge by Kassi's rueful expression, does she much enjoy it. "...It might be the thing t'do. If'n you *want* to--is she so set she'd stay there without you? 'Tis a decision you should both be making. T'be moving's a sizeable matter. You love her, though, and she you, and if'n you're going t'do it then 'tis probably best while Err's still so young. Mayhaps he wouldn't miss Telgar too much." M'tri shrugs again, noncommittal. "She is really thinking about it. I actually think she's decided. She'd stay at Telgar, if I really, sincerely asked her. But I don't want that. I'd give anything to make sure she's happy, you know..." Another shrug, and Trii looks over his shoulder at Erisan. "I was thinking that, too. At his age, being little -- " An indignant shout follows, ending the conversation abruptly, "'M not /little/, Da!" Kassima has to smile, even if the expression is a little sad--sad for him, probably, given the givens. "I know. You truly, actually love her. Which means 'twould wager with you that you'll go wherever she goes in the end, if'n 'twere only an impartial party." Lysseth lifts her head to give M'tri a distinctly perturbed look: great. Interrupt and possibly stop *her scritching*, will he? Kassi just grins and cheerfully attests, "He isn't. He's a giant among boys, soon t'be seen terrorizing the countryside and peeving the Lords Holder nay end when he accidentally steps on their cattle." "Alas, more marks put out by his poor parents. How are we ever going to afford Daikoth's full scale statue of him rendered in gold and silver if we're paying off Holds?" M'tri wants to know. Erisan gives the don't-know don't-care shrug of youth, and returns to scritching. One, two, three scritches, and he gives Lysseth the pat of a trusty mount. "See you later, Lysseth," he says sweetly trying to plant a kiss on her nose. Where it lands is strictly decided by height. That done, he all-but roars his way back, spreading his little form as a giant terrorizing the countryside. Fee Fi Fo Fum. "You aren't. And that, m'dear, is the secret to a better life for all Pern." Kassima keeps a straight face through this rather dire pronouncement. "Except, a'course, Daikoth--" Lysseth might snicker-rumble, but she's happily distracted by the need to lower her muzzle and have it kissed. Can Kassi be blamed for smiling at them? Or at Erisan's roaring? "Trii!" she quavers, mock-cowering. "'Tis *coming this way*! We should run for our lives, a'fore it can pulverize us into splatters with nary a Harper here t'write our deaths into a mournful ballad!" M'tri's eyes widen in alarm, but not at the would-be giant storming thier way. "Dying without any stories? No infamy, no fame, nothing but a red stain on the ground? I can't handle this sober. Look here, I'll hold it off, and you run. At least one of us deserves a story." Looking towards Daikoth for support (he gets none), M'tri risks his own life, closing his eyes as he approaches the boy storming them. Erisan strides right into his father's leg, clinging and trying to pull him down. M'tri hits the ground wailing histrionically before reaching up, bringing Erisan down, and planting a kiss on his forehead. "Ewwwwwwwwww!" The next few moments are spent with Erisan scrubbing at his face with the palm of his hand, and M'tri curled in a ball, eyes tightly closed, asking, "Did I make it?" "Nor anyone t'even notice the stain, probably. This is Bitra! They might well be used t'cleaning up that sort of thing!" That's Kassi for you, egging on a man's deepest fears. Maybe she regrets it a little when he so-bravely stands between her and death. She flings her arms around him in a brief hug, 'sobbing' out, "I'll never forget you!" before running... oh, maybe five feet away or so. Shrieking in a purposefully high-pitched, girly way all the way. "Oh! Oh! I can't watch! Brave M'tri, m'most courageous wife! How *could* I be so cold all these Turns? Just because he seduced every bronzerider on Pern! He still loved me after all! Oh, oh...." She's so busy mourning that it takes her awhile to register the question, and to peek through the fingers she'd clapped over her eyes. "Huh, looks like you did. Never mind that then." "And with all my limbs, too? Well I'll be..." M'tri uncurls, grabs Err again, and plants another kiss on his cheek. "Don't wipe off my kisses. Pretty soon you're going to be too old for it and then it'll just be wierd, so we'll shake hands and gamble and drink together." Another kiss for emphasis, much to Erisan's chagrin. "So there." The bluerider, still seated, glances sidelong at Kassi, smirking that smirk of his. "And I thought you'd be able to protect me in danger. Goes to show what I know." Kassima volunteers from the side, "You can still hug. You'll just have t'do it in an appropriately manly way, briefly and with much clapping or thumping of the shoulders. 'Tis particularly useful when you *are* drunk, since then you can also wax weepily rhapsodic about how much you love each other; any other time you'd probably find it embarrassing. Especially once you're a teenager." Such a font of useful, comprehensible advice. This font raises her brows at M'tri and protests, "You told me t'run! Here I thought you were self-sacrificing and virtuous. Goes t'show what *I* know." M'tri rolls his eyes, "I'm a -bluerider-," he says, as though that explains it all. Swiftly, sweeping his son up along with him, M'tri rises to his feet. "Are we going to give each other money over some paper with symbols, or are we going to stand out here where we are in danger from giants and evil kisses?" Erisan, who seems to be a beat behind everything, finally says to Kassi with puzzlement, "What are you talking about?" "Hmph. Don't spread your non-virtuous attitude t'my son, then, or t'K'ylon. The former at least is *entirely* capable of being non-virtuous without any further encouragement. I'm nay sure about the latter, and I'm hoping for the best." Kassi tugs that mark pouch from her pocket again, weighing it in her hand to be sure not a single precious mark has spilled out; "I say we go in. Ach, Err, 'twas just speaking of how you and your Da can show affection when you're older. Pay me nay heed. I like t'blather on about fairly irrelevant things, as I'm *sure* your Da can and will tell you." "I'll tell you stories when you're older," M'tri promises, grinning. With Erisan balanced in one arm, he reaches for an inside pocket of his jacket, hands the lad a small pouch, and announces, "He's on my team. I'm not losing today." Kassima promises, or maybe threatens, "Many and myriad are the stories I'll have t'tell, too. Just wait. Mayhaps when you're six. Oh, d'you think nay? *Well*. We shall see. Keep kissing him, and mayhaps he'll wish the luck m'way instead?" M'tri laughs. "I won't push my luck. Lead the way, captain." He salutes with his free hand, saying to Erisan, "If I lose, you're sleeping on the ledge. And your mom isn't there to stop me." Childishly, he sticks out his tongue. Erisan does it back. It's a rasberry war. "I'm nay anyone's captain, anymore." Kassi's grinning at the salute regardless, and she returns it sharply; some abilities, you just never lose. "Don't worry, Erisan. If'n he loses, 'twill creep out t'Telgar t'pick you up and whisk you away t'my ledge, where you can sleep peacefully. Because *I* am nay an evil person." Raspberry! And onwards! You enter Bitra Hold.