-------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Kaffeklatch With Renegades Date: December 16, 1996 Places: Benden Living Cavern, North Bowl, and Skyspace, Lemosian Skyspace, a Clearing in Lemos Forests, and Outside Some Caves Near Lemos. Game: PernMUSH Copyright Info: The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kassi's Note: This log is not quite complete, mainly because I had to disconnect. Darned 'Net curfews! If anyone knows of an existing copy of the rest of this, *please* tell me. :) Otherwise, this is pretty much a standard log. Items prefixed by <*> take place away from Lysseth while I'm riding her. Such things would occur in the North Bowl, the Forest Clearing, the Lemosian Hills, the Forest Clearing, Benden's Sky, and the North Bowl again, in that order. :) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Log: P'tran walks in from the bowl. Salless tells her girls to look sharp when the weyrleader walks in. P'tran walks in briskly from the bowl and gives a nod as he comes in, his expression more serious than usual. There is a scroll tucked under one arm. "Evening." Kren studies the klah looking up at Asrai then back at the klah "huh?" Asrai sees the WL and smiles brightly, holding up her pendant for him to see, "Look what K'tyn got me ...for my Turnday at the end of the month." Asrai senses the WL's serious mood and quiets, motioning to Kren not to worry bout it. P'tran looks over to Asrai and is about to say something when she shows him the pendant. He manages a small smile and nods. "Yes, I see. That's very lovely." Kassima snaps a salute to the Weyrleader, glancing at the scroll curiously. "G'deve, sir." Asrai does the thing she usually does when a bit uneasy...she takes up a lock of her hair and begins to chew on the end. Kren smiles and nods to P'tran....and takes a careful sip of his klah. P'tran nods in response to the salutes, not seeming to mind them tonight given his more businesslike manner this evening. "I'm glad you're here, Asrai," he says. "I think we're going to have to move on this today." Asrai continues to chew, her only answer a small nod of her head. Alyssa walks in from the bowl. T'vor walks in from the bowl. T'vor walks in, snaps off a crisp salute to P'tran and heads for the klah pots. P'tran glances at the riders also present. "And any of you that volunteered for this as well, I need you all to listen as well." He glances over his shoulder and nods at the riders that are entering the caverns before unrolling the scroll he is carrying onto a table. Alyssa removes her riding helmet and salutes P'tran smartly before she sets aside helmet and gloves. "Evening everyone." P'tran looks again and spots T'vor. "By the way, T'vor, I didn't get a chance to properly welcome you to Benden," he says. "But I've been rather busy." T'vor nods, "No problem, Sir." *Thunk* goes Kassi's mug as she sets it down rather abruptly, her expression turning serious immediately. "Listening, sir." She scoots over to try and get a better view of this scroll thing, nodding a brief greeting to T'vor and Lys with a fleeting smile for the latter before returning her attention to the Weyrleader. Asrai's violet eyes curiously go to the unrolled scroll P'tran sets out on the table. Kren ponders his klah couriously then looks up wondering if he should leave. T'vor sits on a bench at the long table for Skyfire wing. T'vor turns his attention to P'tran. P'tran turns back to the scroll on the table, which is a map of the Lemos area. "As most of you remember, the last report we had was of the renegades in the Lemos caves about to move out," he starts. T'vor blinks, and blanches at the mention of the word. T'vor says, quietly, under his breath, "I pick the best times to do things." P'tran hrms. "I know there are a few new riders at the Weyr that may not be up to speed on this. I'll try to brief you on it a little later." Asrai chews more avidly on the end of her hair, her small face twisted in concentration. Alyssa steps toward the map, immediately attentive and nodding as she listens. P'tran continues, "Now, we planned to lure them into raiding a fake trader caravan that we have set up, but we needed a way to get the word to them in a manner they wouldn't suspect, and that's where Asrai comes in. We have the caravan set up." T'vor walks over towards the table, mug held in a slightly shaking hand. T'vor says "I'll be more than glad to help, sir." P'tran nods to T'vor and grins slightly. Asrai nods to P'tran's words, listening very carefully. Kassima nods, peering intently at the map and listening at the same time. Alyssa glances at Asrai and chews her lip worriedly. T'vor mutters to Alyssa, "... time I... with renegades,... killing..." Alyssa, blinking, looks with utmost surprise at T'vor and says, hand to her throat, "Let's hope that doesn't happen again." Asrai's violet eyes go wide at the word 'killing'. P'tran looks back down at the map. "Now, as I said, Asrai agreed to help in this by getting word to them about it. We plan to have Asrai act as someone who was with the caravan but lost her way and came upon the caves. They'll undoutably question what she's doing there and she can let it 'slip' about the caravan." K'tyn watches P'tran, nodding. "That sounds wise, sir. Have contingencies been made for her safety?" T'vor nods to Asrai, "These are very grave times." He then goes silent. Asrai's nervousness is attested to by the renewed nawing on her hair. T'vor says, "Sir, if I may, I used to be a trader, and as such, I could provide back up. I know some of the phrases that traders use, and, I've done this before." Alyssa rests a hand on Asrai's arm as she continues to listen to P'tran, face pale and serious. Asrai jumps slightly at the touch, but then relaxes a bit as she sees it is Alyssa. P'tran overheard the word 'killing' as well and frowns slightly. "Now, I don't mean to belittle the danger involved, but I'm taking a gamble that these renegades will not harm Asrai, just from seeing how these people seemed to be *avoiding* hurting people." He glances over to T'vor. P'tran says to T'vor. "You have experience in this area, T'vor?" T'vor nods, "Yes sir, as you recall about three turns ago, I was there for the renegades, and I slew one." P'tran hmms and furrows his brow in thought, and then raises an eyebrow. "I think you might be able to help, but one of the things we want to avoid is raising their suspicions. I'm trying to make it look like they're stumbling on this information." P'tran adds, "which is one of the reasons Asrai is helping with this..." Alyssa looks down at her feet, frowning a bit at this talk of killing and violence. She continues to watch Asrai with worry. Asrai takes the hair from her mouth and speaks for the first time, her voice is soft but clear, "I'll be alright." K'tyn frowns, moving to slide a reassuring arm about Asrai. He mutters to Asrai, "... good man;... couldn't... better.... Asrai--you... I... faith... P'tran." T'vor nods, "Of course, sir." Kren moves off to a corner sensing this is none of his buissiness Asrai turns her head to give a small thankfull smile to K'tyn before returning her gaze to P'tran. P'tran considers again. "Actually, T'vor, there may be a way that you can help." He turns back to the map and points. "This is a clearing in the forests just south of the caves. This would be a good place to bring Asrai, and then she can continue on foot to the caves." Kassima nods absently at that. "'Twill make them less cautious that way, one hopes," she murmurs to herself. At mention of danger, killing, violence, and the like, she fingers the hilt of one of her belt-knives, mostly an instinctive reaction. T'vor nods, "I'd be honoured, Penath and I can remain on station in case a sudden evacuation becomes necessary." Asrai frowns at this, "Excuse me...but how will you know that one is necessary?" P'tran nods to T'vor. "What I'll need, actually, is the rider and dragon that bring Asrai to the site to remain in the clearing and keep an eye on Asrai from a distance. The trees should be tall enough to hide the dragon from sight. I was not going to do that, but I realized that having a dragon too far away was going to be too dangerous." Alyssa, unarmed and definitely planning to stay this way, lingers silently around the table and listens once more. T'vor nods, "I'll do it." He smiles to Asrai, "Dragons know." Asrai frowns but nods, her face trusting. P'tran nods to T'vor. "You can certainly be on station to act as backup, though for the actual clearing, the last patrol tells me its big enough for a green. Maybe a blue." K'tyn looks relieved, inadvertantly tightening his arm about Asrai for a moment. Asrai uncounciously leans closer to K'tyn, though her face is resolved. Kassima glances at Lys, then at the Weyrleader. "Lysseth and I can do it, sir. She's likely small enough." Alyssa's lips press together, but she doesn't say anything as she watches Kassima. P'tran nods to Kassima. "I was about to ask you how large Lysseth was. I think she'll just fit." He looks over to some of the other riders. "Apologies to the others that volunteered, but this is the best shot we have. For you others, you can be on hand for the final part of this at the caravan." T'vor nods to P'tran, "Then where will Penath land." He muses for a moment, "Although from what I've gathered from the reports I've read they are not acting as renegades mostly do." Asrai frowns, "Really sir..I'll be alright. You said yourself they go out of their way not to harm people...I don't want to put my friends in any danger." T'vor says "From my experience, they do seem more desparate than harmful." P'tran ums and nods cuatiously to Asrai. "Well, that's what we've observed. Don't think there is no danger involved here, Asrai, because there is. We only know what limited amount we were able to observe." Alyssa takes a breath, then says softly, "I'd feel better remaining here and readying the...um...infirmary. Just in case, sir. I can be there in a moment if needed." P'tran nods to T'vor. "They did injure a rider with a crossbow bolt, but it was likely a lucky shot." T'vor nods to P'tran, "Aye sir." T'vor says "that just leaves my original question, where shall Penath and I land?" P'tran nods to Alysssa. "Hopefully we won't be needing a healer." He turns to Kassima. "Kassima, you're going to be watching from the clearing. If you think that Asrai is going to be seriously hurt, you're authorized to rescue her. but *only* if it comes to that, since as soon as they see a rider and dragon, they'll disappear into those passages behind the caves and we'll lose them again." A bit of steelenters Asrai's eyes...something none have seen often, even those that know her best. One hand goes to finger the belt knife at her waist, though her words distract your attention from it at first, "Alright sir...if it's necessary.." P'tran says to T'vor. "If it comes down to needing you there, you can land in the rocky area just before the caves. By that time the plan would have been for naught anyway and we don't have to worry about stealth. Until then, just Kassima and Lysseth." T'vor nods, "I'll be on alert, then." Kassima glances again at Lys, then nods to the Weyrleader, her expression grave. "Aye, sir. I'll use m'best judgment. Asrai's safety is certainly a priority, but 'tis nay in anyone's interest to lose 'em if'n there's a choice." Alyssa folds her arms over her chest and hugs herself as she watches Kassima. "Be careful," she whispers to the greenrider. "Please." Kassima smiles faintly at Lys, and nods. "'Tis also nay in m'interest to be aught else but cautious, Lys. Besides. Y'know Lysseth; d'you think for an instant she'd let me be aught else either?" She then returns her attention to the Weyrleader and asks, "How clear will the line of sight from the clearing be, sir? I'd want to be able to keep as much of an eye on Asrai as 'tis possible, a'course, without being seen." P'tran nods to Kassima and peers down at the map again with a sigh. "The clearing is a bit far from the caves, you might have a lot of trouble hearing what's going on, but you should be able to see them. Dragon> Adonith bespoke Lysseth with << We will stay here. You be *careful.* >> Kassima nods, returning her eyes to the map. "'Sa shame fire-lizards aren't too good at giving their pets word, but sight should hopefully be enough." Asrai brightens, "then Rose may come with me? Fashaylan walks here from the Inner Cavern. Lysseth> I bespoke Adonith with << I will be careful. If I were not careful, I could not make sure that my rider is careful, and that is very important to me. >> P'tran hrms and nods in agreement. "Believe me, if I could use them, I would, but I don't think they could handle something like this." He turns to Asrai. "All right, I better brief you on your story to these renegades..." P'tran nods to Asrai. "I don't know if she would be able to help, but you can bring her along if it will make you feel more comfortable." Fashaylan comes in, and blinks at the Weyrleader and Asrai, "Hey, anything I can do to help?" Asrai goes to bite her lower lip but forcefully refrains...that habit could get her in trouble around the renegades, "I'd like that sir...and Rose is real smart..she could keep in touch with Lysseth." she then quiets, listening carefully to the WL. Kassima shakes her head in mute agreement as her eyes glaze over; the two-dozen fire-lizards currently with her all abruptly launch and blink *between* with chitters of protest. "I'll be sure to leave the Horde behind, sir," the greenrider says as soon as she's broken off contact with Lysseth. K'tyn snorts, at Kassi's apt term. "Horde, indeed." T'vor chuckles at K'tyn. P'tran hmms? and looks over to Fashaylan. "Not at the moment, but I'm grateful for the offer." He smirks at Kassima. "Thank you, they might have become a distraction." He turns back to Asrai. "Asrai, basically you're simply a holder that got separated from the caravan when you wandered away from camp, and they pulled up stakes and left without you. The caravan is carrying a little of everything; food, crafts, healing supplies, and some gemstones from the minecraft. Um, sapphires, I think." Asrai nods, committing the list to memory. Kassima shrugs. "Horde, Swarm, Blue Brigade, whatever." She quirks a half-grin at Kiat, then nods to P'tran again. "As well as being too shardling noisy." Fashaylan nods, and sighs, going over to sit near Lys, and his eyes twinkle at the mention of the sapphires, "It'd be a shame to lose those. Sharding shame." P'tran hmms and looks thoughtful for a moment, and then nods. "Yes, it was sapphires, I remember Lily mentioning them specifically. Rather valuable ones at that, meant for some commission for the Telgar Weyrleader. Anyway, as I was saying, that's what this 'caravan' is carrying." Asrai raises her hand, "Sir...from which 'Hold' am I from...and where is the caravan going to?" Asrai tries her best not to say 'hold' with her usual tone...another habit she should break lest it cost her dearly. P'tran ahs and nods. "I was getting to that. The caravan is out of Lemos, bound for Benden Hold. They're maybe about two days travel by runner from the caves, along the road south of the forest." P'tran adds, "That will make sense to them, since you'll be coming from the forest when you approach the caves." Kren looks ta P'tran as Benden Hold is mentioned. Asrai nods her face becoming more confident as P'tran continues to outline the plan. Asrai blinks remembering something, she speaks reaching up to finger her knot, "Sir..one more thing...I've no knot for Lemos..." P'tran pauses a moment and runs a hand through his hair. "Asrai, there is a chance thay may want to keep you with them til they raid that caravan, but if you DO see a way out once you've gotten the story across to them, by all means, take it." Asrai nods still wondering about the knot. P'tran nods to Asrai and reaches into a pocket of his leathers, then frowns and looks in another, and then another (a procedure familiar to anyone whose seen him look for knots he hands out to graduating weyrlings) and finally comes up with a rather rumpled Lemos knot. Kassima nods and asks, "What should Lysseth and I do if'n they do take her with them, sir? Wait until they're far enough away nay to see Lyss launching and then come back home?" P'tran nods to Kassima. "Yes, wait til they're out of sight. Unless you see its obvious they intend grave harm to her, let them go." Kassima bobs her head in agreement. "Aye, sir, that we'll do." P'tran ohs and looks back to Asrai. "And Asrai, remember, you don't *know* they're renegades. You're simply someone whose lost." Asrai takes up the rumpled blue and white knot. Reaching up she takes off her red and black one handing it to K'tyn, "would you hold this for me... till I get back?" she then affixes the hated Lemos knot to her shoulder...trying not to shudder. Asrai nods to P'tran, "Yes sir." P'tran hmms at Asrai's reaction and remembers, and looks apologetically at her. He stands up. "All right. I think we should head out to the bowl and assemble there and I'll give you all your final orders for this." T'vor salutes and walks out with crisp, precise strids. Asrai stands from the table, ready to follow the WL out. P'tran gathers up the map and heads out. P'tran walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Asrai walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Kassima nods and stands, not even bothering to pass her mug to someone who'd put it wherever mugs should go once they're no longer needed. She follows the others out to the Bowl. You walk down the short tunnel and out into the bowl. Laerth comes to a landing and folds his wings neatly against his back, eyes whirling quickly as he watches the bowl. T'vor comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern. Penath warbles to all, looking about with an agitated curiosity. Lysseth pulls herself up from her relaxed position, standing closer to attention as she watches the goings on with swirling blue eyes. From under Asrai's hair, Rose croons lightly and rubs her head against her pets cheek. P'tran waits for the others to arrive before continuing, then nods when everyone is present. "Kassima, Laerth has the visual on the *between* area. You'll go straight down from there and that will be the clearing. When you're sure no one spotted you, send Asrai up ahead towards the hills and stay in the clearing." Fashaylan comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern. P'tran turns to T'vor. "T'vor, you and Penath remain ready in case we should need some backup. You can get the visual from Laerth or Lysseth." Kassima nods briskly. "Aye, sir, we've got it." Asrai takes a deep breath then nods, as ready as she'll ever be. Fashaylan settles back, watching the crowd quietly. T'vor nods, "Got it, sir." Penath bugles to Laerth, and shifts about. His eyes whirl tinged orange. Benden LC> K'tyn gets to his feet, "Excuse me!" he says as he dashes out. P'tran looks around for a moment and nods, then says to Kassima and Asrai, "All right, it's now or never. You two get ready." K'tyn comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern. T'vor pulls on his helmet and jacket. T'vor mounts Penath with a nimble and practiced motion, using a thoughtfully lowered forelimb. He nestles himself into his spot between two neckridges. From the ground, he all but disappears from the view. Kassima nods and turns to Lysseth, who has already walked up to her rider and crouched close to the ground for easy mounting. "I'll give you a hand up, Asrai, if'n you need it," she says before vaulting up to her dragon's neck. You place one hand on Lysseth's neck and she warbles down at you fondly. You grin and scratch her eyeridges once before climbing up onto her lower neckridges, using the riding straps and Lysseth's thoughtfully offered foreleg. <*> P'tran ahs as he sees K'tyn. "K'tyn, you and Prometh stand ready in case we need backup. But neither you nor T'vor goes there unless I give the word. Understood?" <*> Asrai lightly fingers the pendant around her neck then glances towards K'tyn briefly before turning to Kassi. she says in as jovial a tone as possible, "Well Kassi...lets fly." <*> K'tyn looks at T'vor, then at P'tran. "I'm to back up T'vor?" he asks, confirming one last time. <*> K'tyn nods. "Yes, sir!" Asrai takes hold of Lysseth's riding straps and climbs aboard the green dragon, who keeps a wary eye on her all the while. Kassima buckles herself in and checks to make sure the passenger's straps are ready, then nods to Asrai with a slightly forced smile. "Aye, lets." She watches to make sure Asrai gets strapped in properly, offering help if needed. <*> Atop Penath, T'vor nods down to P'tran, "Aye, sir, I understand!" <*> P'tran goes over to Laerth and checks the bronze's riding straps before looking back to Kassima and Lysseth. "As soon as you're ready, take off!" <*> K'tyn pulls on his own gear in preparation to mounting the bronze. Quickly, but thoroughly, he checks Prometh's straps. <*> On Penath's ember bronze neck, T'vor double checks his straps. <*> T'vor nimbly slides out of his seat on Penath's neck, using a thoughtfully extended and lowered forelimb to land gently on the ground. Kassima nods and salutes the Weyrleader, then gives Lyss the signal to launch. <*> Lysseth springs from the ground, the air from her wings churning up dust as she takes to the skies. You spring into the air and catch the thermals rising from the bowl floor to carry you aloft. The rim of the bowl falls away from you and you soar into the open skies. <*> Lysseth disappears into Between. Between You gasp as the icy black nothingness of Between surrounds you! You hear nothing, see nothing, and feel nothing. The trip takes five heartbeats... Black... Blacker... Blackest! You suddenly emerge... Sky of Lemos, near the hills You are flying over the lands outside Lemos Hold, near some rolling hills off in the distance to the north. The Hold proper is very far off to the northwest, and very difficult to see from this distance despite the clear weather. Directly below, the Lemos forest continues northward for a bit, then thins out to more rocky terrain near the hills. You can see a clearing below in the middle of the trees. <*> Lysseth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air! You wing downward towards the clearing. Clearing in the Lemos Forests You are standing in a clearing in the forests in the Lemos area. Aways to the north the trees thin out and you can just make out the 'hills' beyond them. Asrai looks around then leans closely to Kassi whispering, "Were we seen?" Benden Weyr> P'tran says, "Note to those watching via the galleries: Asrai will be going up ahead and Kassima staying back, but it will be the same room. Pretend its two separate rooms, please :)" Kassima leans forward on Lysseth's neck, straining eyes and ears to try to make out any sign of their landing and arrival being seen. After an appropriate interval passes, she murmurs, "I don't think so. Go ahead and get down. And remember--Lyss and I'll be here, if'n you're needing us." <*> Everything appears to be still. Up ahead, where the trees part and reveal the rocky area near the caves in the distance, nothing seems to be moving. Asrai takes a deep breath then nods. she swings her leg over Lysseth's back and slips down her side carefully, trying to make as little noise as possible. She bends her knees slightly as she hits. Asrai climbs down from Lysseth's neckridges with the help of her riding straps, looking grateful to be back on the ground. Lysseth eyes Asrai for a moment, rumbling quietly, before turning her attention elsewhere. <*> Asrai gives Kassi a brave thumbs up signal then heads towards the hills. <*> Asrai picks up some twigs before she reaches the caves, preparing herself. <*> There is no movement from the caves for a great deal of time. About 10 minutes pass, until finally someone appears to be emerging from one the cave openings ... <*> Asrai reaches up and musses her hair, scraping her tunic with the leaves and dirt from the twigs, she makes sure to get her knees as well. Kassima watches Asrai from her place on Lysseth's neck, both as still and silent as statues even as the far-off figure seems to be coming out into view. <*> Asrai stumbles on a root as she makes it to the small clearing..only just catching herself in time before splaying out on her face. <*> A man has emerged from one of the caves. He is a bit short, and stocky, with well-muscled arms and sunburnt skin, even in the middle of autumn. His face has a haggard look to it, and he is carrying a crossbow. He looks cautiously about, then whirls around when he hears Asrai's fall. "Who's that? Who goes there?!" he shouts. North Bowl> P'tran smirks. "Nothing here is as easy as that, especially the stuff that looks that way." North Bowl> Felinar mutters to P'tran, "... necessary... in... just... case, I... in the LC should... me." North Bowl> Felinar nods to the weyrleader and goes back inside. North Bowl> Felinar walks beneath the lintel and disappears into the living cavern. North Bowl> P'tran nods to the steward before he leaves. <*> Asrai looks up and meeps, her eyes drawn to the crossbow. There is no need to fake the fright in her voice, "Don't shoot!" She puts up her empty hands in supplication. <*> The man narrows his eyes and holds his crossbow up, but it does not look like a steady grip. He takes a few steps forward and peers, squinting. He frowns deeply, and looks past her towards the forest, studying it intently for a few moments... <*> Asrai stays perfectly still, not wanting to alarm the man. <*> He takes another step foward, maybe about half a 'length from Asrai, and continues to peer at the forest. Then his eyes shift first to the left and then to the right before returning to Asrai. "Who are you? What are you doing here?" North Bowl> K'tyn fidgets quietly with straps and buckles, checking, re-checking and triple checking everything, then stops. He turns to look at T'vor. "I don't believe we've met formally," he says softly. "But since we're at odd ends, I thought I'd introduce myself. K'tyn, Prometh's rider." Kassima grits her teeth as she watches the man and his--well, she can't see exactly what it is, but the way he's holding it, it must be a weapon. Fighting the impulse to fidget as the man stares towards the forest, she contents herself with gnawing her lip raw instead. <*> Asrai says in a shakey voice, her violet eyes wide as saucers, "My name is Benai...I'm lost." <*> Asrai is still on her knees her hands up, the dirt on her clothes and the tears in her tunic attributing to the fact that she's spent quite a while out wondering in the forest...her face is deathly pale...most likely from not having had anything to eat in quite a while. North Bowl> T'vor smiles, "T'vor, Penath's rider, Skyfire wing, former weyrsecond of Igen." North Bowl> T'vor says "It's a pleasure." <*> From inside the cave comes a shout. "Shards! What's with all that yelling, Tallor!" Another man emerges from the cave. He is taller than the first, with fairer skin and a leaner frame, but no less in shape. He has a faint threadscore scar on his right cheek. He stops short when he sees what's going on and his eyes shift to the other for an explanation. North Bowl> P'tran looks over to T'vor. "I hope you didn't have much trouble with the transfer on the Igen side of things, T'vor," he says. "Unfortunately, I've let Weyr relations with Igen lapse a bit recently." <*> Asrai is still shaking, to the men it seems like from exastion...and having a crossbow aimed at her. Her violet eyes become bright as tears begin to well up in them, "I'm lost.." North Bowl> K'tyn smiles, "I'm pleased to make your aquaintance, T'vor. Tis an honor to have one of your..reknown with us in Skyfire." North Bowl> T'vor nods, "It was no problem, P'tran." He flushes, "Er, sir. We felt it would better the cause of the liasonship for the transfer to occur." North Bowl> T'vor smiles, "Reknown?" He chuckles, "Should I be worried?" North Bowl> T'vor smiles to K'tyn, "But your words do me great honour, hopefully I can live up to them." <*> Tallor turns to the taller one and says, "She claims she's lost, Maylon," he says. "Where's your brother?" Maylon replies, "Cleaning out the tunnelsnakes from one of the passages." He looks over to Asrai. "Lost, eh?" he says, looking at her suspiciously. "Lost from what?" North Bowl> P'tran nods to T'vor and manages a small smile. "Good. I'll have to repay the favor with a visit then." North Bowl> K'tyn grins, the slight humor relieving some tension. "I think worry about that is the least of your problems. You'll have others, no doubt, to take your mind off of them." North Bowl> T'vor nods to P'tran, "Thankfully it wasn't a punitive transfer." He winks, "Benden's got enough troublemakers." North Bowl> T'vor nods to K'tyn, and winks at P'tran, "Aye, like when will I be W2 here." North Bowl> P'tran smirks at T'vor and then grins more naturally. "You, a troublemaker? Of course not." <*> Asrai sniffles, looking very young, her small size redoubling this thought in the men's minds. She wipes one torn tunic sleave across her nose, "My caravan...it left me!" she practically wails, then takes a large gulp of breath, as if to stop herself from sobbing. North Bowl> T'vor looks innocent, not. North Bowl> T'vor says "Remember the storm, and Selenay had to confine me to the infirmary? Heh." Kassima relaxes a trifle as the conversation seems to be proceeding well--what she can see and, muffledly, hear of it, anyway. She smiles faintly as she watches Asrai display her acting skills, probably making a mental note to congratulate her. North Bowl> T'vor says "I was having so much fun sandbagging." North Bowl> T'vor says "That was what, 8 turns ago?" <*> Tallor raises his somewhat bushy eyebrows. "Huh? Caravan?" His interest looks kindled at once and he glances briefly to Maylon. Maylon does not react, however, and continues his icy stare at Asrai. "Caravan, eh?" he says simply. North Bowl> P'tran hrms and looks thoughtful. "Was it *that* long ago since that storm?" He pauses and then shakes his head with a sigh. "I'm getting old," he says with a slight grin. North Bowl> T'vor nods and jabs at him verbally, "Thinkin' 'bout retiring?" He winks and it's obvious he's totally joking. North Bowl> P'tran smirks. "I have a feeling I'm stuck with this job so long as Laerth lusts after Leilanth," he says with a good-natured grin, and his dragon simply snorts and refolds his wings. North Bowl> K'tyn watches the byplay with a bit of surprise that fades as the moments pass. He reclines against Prometh, who, rocklike as ever, deigns to offer an eyeridge to be rubbed. <*> Asrai nods sniffling again...trying her best to be a brave little girl, but falling rather short as she breaks out into new tears, "I..I went to go look for some late flowers...one of the women said she'd make a wreath for mt hair. I got <sniffle> tired and laid down to take a short nap...they left me!" she is unable to talk for a bit, then adds, "I went looking for them...but the forest is so big..I got lost." North Bowl> T'vor grins, "Well dragons always know best." He smiles at K'tyn, "I was all of 14 turns old, looking for my mom, and this poor man finally got rid of me when Igen searched me." He laughs, "Now he's stuck with me, my mother, and my sister." North Bowl> T'vor amends, "And my son, and my knife wielding weyrmate. Oh, 'rissa'd love this." <*> Tallor starts to look a little excited. He still holds the crossbow trained on her, but keeps looking to Maylon. "You didn't tell me about any caravan around here!" Maylon frowns at his stocky cohort. "shut up," he snaps, then looks straight at Asrai again. "And where was this supposed caravan, hmm?" North Bowl> K'tyn grins at T'vor, then winks at P'tran. "Seems we've brought in more than just the rider, sir. Seems like half of Igen has come as well." North Bowl> P'tran chuckles slightly. "Well, perhaps," he comments, "But I don't want to be the one accused of draining their ranks of good riders." <*> Asrai looks at the man who adresses her, her face a picture of confusion, "I told you...I lost it." She says in a shaky tear filled voice...why can't the grownups understand she's lost? North Bowl> T'vor chuckles, "Well, sir, it's probably fair to say they still have many good riders. Just not the best two." He winks. North Bowl> K'tyn laughs, quietly. <*> Maylon rolls his eyes, obviously having no patience for this sort of thing, or any tact. "All right then, try telling me where this caravan was going?" He peers at her Lemos knot but makes no comment on it. North Bowl> Penath snorts at his rider, misting up said riders goggles for a moment. North Bowl> P'tran grins at T'vor. "Well, Igen trains very good riders, I'll say that much." <*> Asrai sniffles and nods, understanding this question at least, "We were going to Benden Hold." North Bowl> T'vor actually flushes a little, "Thank you, P'tran, that means a lot. I appreciate it." North Bowl> P'tran smiles a bit. "I only speak the truth. I may not agree with the Igen Weyrleadership in many things, but they certainly know how to get good riders." North Bowl> Above, Areseth lands powerfully from the sky, making a resounding WHUMPH on the ground as he does so. North Bowl> Areseth backwings for a landing. North Bowl> T'vor nods, "That they do." North Bowl> Astride Areseth's back, Lal looks down as Areseth WHUMPHS to the ground. She calls, "Hey, what's wi'alla people? An' oh, 'lo P'tran." She salutes. <*> Tallor looks back at Maylon, his eyes wide. "Can't be more than one or two days travel from here at the most! We could..." Maylon waves him silent and looks back at Asrai. He tries to smile at her, but it comes off looking forced. "And what would this caravan be carrying? Would you happen to know that?" North Bowl> K'tyn nods at Lal, "Greetings," he calls up to her. "We're waiting. Rather impatiently, I think." North Bowl> P'tran glances over to Lal and nods to her. "Evening, Lal." North Bowl> Lal takes a LEAP off of Areseth's neck ridges with consummate ease, sliding down the last few meters on his legs. The dragon visibly flinches, fearing for his rider EVERY shardin' time she does that. North Bowl> Lal folds her arms, and says to K'tyn, "We all have t'wait fer things." To P'tran: "Waitin' fer wha?" North Bowl> T'vor waves to Lal, 'Heyla." North Bowl> P'tran looks up towards the sky for a moment and then back to Lal. "Waiting for Lysseth to return with Kassima and Asrai. We've put the renegade plan in motion." Kassima smiles a bit grimly to herself as she watches. It's still not easy to tell, but it looks like they're buying it. "Good work, 'Benai'," she murmurs in the sotto voce tone of someone very used to talking to themself very very quietly under their breath. North Bowl> Lal ohs, "Awright. Anythin' I can do t'help?" <*> Asrai sniffles once more, but seems to relax under the man's smile, "All sorts of things.." she frowns, obviously concentrating hard to remember everything...you get the picture she wasn't very involved in the caravan, could be why they didn't notice her absence, "Umm, food, and healing stuff, there were some pretty rugs they let me sleep on..hmmm... oh some instruments, we got to listen to music one night..and some clothes.." then her violet eyes widen in rememberance, "Oh yes...and some pretty blue stones...sapphires I heard one of the men saying." North Bowl> P'tran shakes his head, then stops. "Other than be ready for backup in case its needed, there's not much more that can be done." North Bowl> K'tyn glances at T'vor, Lal, and P'tran, then looks back at the LC. "I find...I'd like some klah. Can I interest any of you in a mug?" <*> Asrai looks over at the men hopefully, "Do you think you could show me the way back to the road? North Bowl> Lal shakes her head. "Forgot awready I hate th'stuff." North Bowl> Lal snorts. "Scuse me boys....sir. I need some redfruit juice." North Bowl> Lal walks beneath the lintel and disappears into the living cavern. North Bowl> T'vor nods to K'tyn, "Aye." North Bowl> K'tyn shrugs, and perseveres. At T'vor's assent he smiles. "Yes! P'tran?" <*> Tallor's eyebrows go up and his face lights up. "Maylon... gemstones!" Maylon nods and turns his attention from Asrai. "Yes, I *heard*, I'm not deaf, you dimglow." Tallor shakes his head vigorously, his attention off Asrai, the crossbow dipping a bit. "No, no! I mean we can hit that and get the 'stones we need, and forget about trying to get to the Weyr..." Maylon snaps, "Shut up! You're trying to tell all of Pern or something?" North Bowl> P'tran hmms? and shakes his head. "No, none for me, thanks." North Bowl> K'tyn nods. "Sir." North Bowl> K'tyn walks beneath the lintel and disappears into the living cavern. North Bowl> T'vor smiles, "He's too old, might make his teeth fall out." He ducks behind Pen's leg. North Bowl> P'tran smirks at T'vor. "And you think this is the way to get that Weyrsecond job?" he says good-naturedly. North Bowl> T'vor laughs as he walks out from Pen's leg, "Of course." <*> Asrai continues to look at the men hopeful that they might show her the way home. North Bowl> T'vor clasps P'tran's arm, "It is good to serve under you." <*> Asrai interupts them, "Scuze me sirs, but do you think you could point me in the direction of the big road? <*> The two men start arguing, and the crossbow swings away from Asrai. Maylon looks up briefly from his argument, annoyed. "What do you want?" he says crossly to her. "The road? It's off that way somewhere ..." He waves in the general direction of the forest. Tallor stares at him. "What?! You're sending her *away*??" Kassima bites her lip again, drawing blood this time, though she doesn't seem to notice. Could've sworn she heard the word 'Weyr.' Frustration at her inability to make out the rest of what they're saying is plain on her face as she watches so attentively that she's not even blinking much. <*> Asrai smiles nodding and scampers off back into the forest. North Bowl> P'tran smiles at T'vor and returns the gesture. "Thank you, T'vor, I appreciate that." North Bowl> T'vor nods to P'tran, and goes back to leaning against Pen's leg. North Bowl> K'tyn comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern. <*> Tallor shouts, "She knows our whole plan!" He raises the crossbow at the departing Asrai. "You sharding fool!" Maylon cries, and hits the crossbow with his arm as it fires. The bolt misses its mark and goes *thunk* into the side of a tree instead. "I *said* no killing!" <*> You hear a loud snapping of dried twigs as a small body comes hurling through the forest...not looking where's she's going...and the fact that Lysseth takes up the entire clearing..Asrai plows right into the dragon, bouncing off and onto her butt. North Bowl> K'tyn walks back out, carefully holding the two mugs of hot klah level. "T'vor, sir," he says be way of greeting. North Bowl> T'vor smiles to K'tryn, "thanks!" <*> Asrai sits on her butt, dazed for a moment and breathing heavily. Kassima hisses down to Asrai, "Get up here, quickly!" She leans down, offering her hand, apparently very anxious about something. <*> Asrai scrambles to her feet and climbs up. Asrai takes hold of Lysseth's riding straps and climbs aboard the green dragon, who keeps a wary eye on her all the while. North Bowl> Spineth backwings for a landing. <*> From the caves, Tallor looks to Maylon indignantly but Maylon immediately chides him. "The last time you fired that sharding thing in a panic, you cut a rider. You're lucky you didn't bring the whole Weyr upon us! That Benden Weyrleader must be nuts or soemthing for not going after us." North Bowl> T'vor accepts his mug with a reverance only true addicts can affect. Kassima glances back at her passenger and murmurs, "Be very quiet--we've got to stay here until they're gone, else they'll see us and we'll ne'er find 'em again." Asrai continues to breath heavily, but just leans against the rider's back, trembling violently. North Bowl> Ursa climbs carefully down with the assistance of Spineth's extended forelimb. North Bowl> Ursa hops down with a salute for the weyrleader and a wave for her wingmates and the other folks. North Bowl> Lathen walks here from the south. Kassima spares one more glance backwards at Asrai, but then returns her attention to the caves below--and, more importantly, the men in front of them. <*> From the caves, Tallor sighs and takes a moment to calm down. "So what do we do now?" Maylon smiles. "We hit this caravan. Certainly a lot safer than getting into the Weyr to get at the gemstones." "But you let her go!" Tallor exclaims. Maylon shrugs. "So? She's on foot, we have runners. We can get to the caravan before them. Come, we'll make preparations." The two of them disappear into the caves. Kassima waits for a few moments after the men disappear, then turns to Asrai. "Get yourself strapped in," she whispers. "I think 'tis as safe for us to go now as 'twill ever be." <*> All is again still and quiet in the rocky area just past the trees. North Bowl> K'tyn sips his klah slowly. "Still no word from Lysseth? This is good, I hope." He nods a greeting at Ursa, and at Lathen, too, as he waits for word. With trembling hands Asrai buckles herself in. North Bowl> T'vor manages an off-hand salute to Ursa. North Bowl> P'tran glances over to Ursa and nods a greeting, then looks back up at the skies impatiently. North Bowl> T'vor says "Heyla, 'second." Kassima waits just long enough for Asrai to be strapped in place, then nudges Lyss to take off. <*> Lysseth springs from the ground, the air from her wings churning up dust as she takes to the skies. You launch into the skies above Lemos. <*> Lysseth disappears into Between. Between You gasp as the icy black nothingness of Between surrounds you! You hear nothing, see nothing, and feel nothing. The trip takes five heartbeats... Black... Blacker... Blackest! You suddenly emerge... <*> Lysseth emerges from Between with a blast of cold air! <*> From the North, From the Benden Star Stones, M'nar's mint green Gelth rears on hind legs and bugles a greeting to green Lysseth and her rider, Kassima, welcoming them home. You fly downwards towards the north end of the bowl. You fly downwards towards the ground. You backwing for a landing on sands of the bowl. <*> P'tran blinks and looks back up. He gives a slight sigh of relief as he watches Lysseth land. <*> T'vor loosk up, and looks relieved. He downs more klah, "No worries." <*> Ursa frowns. "What are ya'll waiting for?" <*> K'tyn blinks. "T'was fast, Are they both well?" Asrai sits upon Lysseth's back, trembling violently. <*> P'tran runs over to the green and looks up, seeing Asrai safe and sound next to Kassima. "Well?" he almost demands <*> K'tyn glances at Ursa. "P'tran sent Asrai a-hunting renegades." <*> Ursa blinks, then turns her attention up to the green dragon's back immediately. "And..." she asks, though no one knows that answer yet. <*> T'vor nods, 'And looks like it paid off, at least in the form of no one getting hurt.' Asrai looks down at the WL and manages a small shaky smile, "I did it.." She is then overcome and faints..only the buckles keeping her from sliding off. <*> Ursa murmers an aside to K'tyn, "He sent -Asrai-?" <*> K'tyn stands back, allowing P'tran to interrogate Asrai. "Shards, she may not have been hurt, but she's surely terrified." Kassima waves down to everyone, saluting the Weyrleader for the, what, fourth time that evening? Or is it fifth? "We're both well, sir," are her first words. Her next, grim, are, "Though one of 'em did shoot a crossbow at Asrai. But all's well. I think they bought it, but Asrai can nay doubt tell y'more. C'mon, lass... get down to the ground. 'Tis all right; you're safe." She blinks as Asrai faints, and quickly puts her arm around the lass to keep her steady. <*> K'tyn nods. "He thought she could sneak in...talk to them. Looks like it worked, somewhat." <*> P'tran nods and does look rather relieved, though he does notice her shaking. He lowers his voice and refrains from anymore demands at the moment. <*> P'tran blinks. "They what? Shot at her?" <*> Lathen listens from the fringe of the group, arms crossed. <*> Ursa shakes her head, bewildered. "Shells, I'm not running errands again. Miss all the important stuff," she says, amazed, peering up at the fainted girl with concern. Kassima unbuckles her own straps with one hand, then turns around to sit backwards so she can free Asrai's without letting go of her. "Can someone help me get her down, please? Aye--one shot, but the other kept him from hitting. They were yelling loud enough that even I could hear--the restraining one said, 'Nay killing.' 'Twere right about that, sir, but...." She works at the buckles, eventually getting them free. <*> P'tran runs up to Lysseth to help Asrai down. "Someone fetch some water!" he orders over his shoulder. <*> K'tyn nods, "Yessir!" he shouts, dropping mug and dashing back inside the LC. <*> P'tran listens to Kassima's comments about the renegades and raises an eyebrow. "He actually *said* 'no killing'? Great Faranth, these renegades are unusual..." <*> K'tyn walks beneath the lintel and disappears into the living cavern. Asrai slips down into the WL's arms...good thing she's rather light. <*> Felinar comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern. Asrai unbuckles herself from Lysseth's flight straps and climbs back down to the ground, looking a little disoriented from the flight. <*> Lysseth warbles with distress up at her rider, eyes whirling a bright orange with a tinge of yellow. Kassi carefully eases Asrai over the neckridges, holding her just tight enough to keep her from falling, then releases her to P'tran. <*> Felinar walks over to P'tran, pulls a Radar,and hands P'tran a mug of water and dashes back inside. <*> Felinar walks beneath the lintel and disappears into the living cavern. Kassima's own hands shake as soon as they let go of Asrai, but she forces herself to steady and slides down to the ground on the other side of Lysseth. You slide off of Lysseth's neck to land beside her easily. She rumbles, cocking her head down at you, and you rub her eyeridges gratefully. K'tyn comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern. P'tran grabs the water and splashs a bit lightly on Asrai's face. "Asrai, are you all right?" Lal comes out of the short tunnel from the living cavern. K'tyn strides out, a pitcher of water and a mug in hand. "Sir, here." P'tran ums at K'tyn and says, "Felinar just beat you to it ..." K'tyn looks at Asrai, then nods. "Okay. " Trembling, he pours the water into the mug and drinks it, not knowing what else to do. "I wondered that he moved past me so quickly. Asrai blinks and sputters, taking a moment to get her bearings. No surprise the first words out of her mouth are "They shot at me.." T'vor chuckles, "I've noticed he's highly efficient, that steward." K'tyn pales. "Are you hurt, then, Asrai?" P'tran nods to Asrai and gives her some of the water, this time to drink rather than to splash on her. "I know, Kassima mentioned about that. I'm sorry, Asrai, but I'm glad that you weren't hurt..." Asrai frowns, thinking, "No...no he missed." Asrai smiles brightly, "I did it." P'tran nods. "Kassima said the other deflected it or something." He comments quietly to Kassima. "I was right about that lucky shot thing." T'vor looks at P'tran, "Perhaps, it seems one wants to keep it non violent, but the other doesn't care. Prudence should be the watchword during the apprehension." He chokes back the next question. Asrai continues, "I did just what you said...the one said they should raid the caravan...the other agreed." Asrai thinks for a moment, "There are three of them. Kassima sprints quickly around and over to the Weyrleader and Asrai, peering at the latter with concern. "They did miss, and that's what's important. You're *all right.*" This last is said rather firmly, like she's trying to convince both Asrai and herself of the fact. She then grins broadly at Asrai, looking pretty proud herself. "Y'did, and y'did a marvelous job! Ach, sir, y'should've seen it--she's a born actor, for true. But aye...." Switching conversation topics, she nods. "You were. I think I heard 'em sayin' something about it being fired in a panic, and riders coming down on them all, or some such. They were yelling about it, but it still wasn't too clear." K'tyn looks relieved. He moves the mug toward his mouth, and misses it entirely. The water splashes over his shoulder. "Shards, Asrai. That... was too close." He smiles, at once grim and proud. "You did do it." Lal simply folds her arms. P'tran nods to Asrai and actually gives her a hug. "You did very well, Asrai, thank you." He looks over to Kassima and the other riders and nods. "It's beginning to look like the word 'renegades' doesn't quite fit them anymore. T'vor nods, "The fact remains one of them is not afraid to use weaponry, we should be cautious." Lal says "Try desperate people. Homeless." K'tyn says "Holdless are always desperate, I'd say. I know I was." Kassima nods, then recalls something and turns to Asrai. "Asrai, I thought I heard some of 'em say something about the Weyr, though I might've heard wrong... d'you remember, if'n there was something said like that? I wouldn't bother you--" Indeed, she looks rather apologetic. "But I thought it could be important...." As more people gather round, Lathen gets jostled by people wanting to know what the excitement is. He murmurs answers to people near him. Asrai blushes somewhat at the hug, but smiles...then she remembers something,"Sir...one of them was tan, and stocky. The second...he seemed to be in charge...he was leaner and pale. There was a third mentioned...a brother to the second." P'tran nods to T'vor and K'tyn solemnly. "I agree. Just because they may not be 'renegades' in the normal sense of the word does not make them less dangerous. I took a big chance sending Asrai in there, and it nearly cost her her life." P'tran glances back to Asrai and nods at her account. "We thought there were only three, since that's all anyone ever saw in all the raids that happened." Asrai frowns thinking "Oh right! I had almost forgotten. They were very excited about the sapphires sir...said they could get them from the caravan instead of trying to get them from the weyr. They acted as if they needed them for some reason. K'tyn drinks some more water. "Sir, why'd holdless want sapphires?" P'tran ohs? and raises an eyebrow. "I didn't expect that. I had thrown on the gemstones as an afterthought." Lal scratches her chin. "Sapphires.....one o'em may be a jeweller." P'tran hrms at K'tyn. "Sharding good question, and one I'd like an answer to myself." K'tyn directs the question to everyone. "Why would they want Sapphires? A holdless man can't do much with them. He'd be questioned about them." Lal snaps at K'tyn, "Y'cin sell 'em. I seen many holdless lookin' fer less....reputable traders t'sell 'em to. Or.....they're traders." Kassima blanches. "They were going to come *here*? And bring that idiot with the hasty trigger-finger?" She shudders. "*Thank* you, sir, for putting stones on the caravan instead." P'tran considers for a moment. "And from what Asrai said, it sounds like they were going to try to get them from the Weyr instead. That would probably be Lily's stash. She always has some around the Weyr." Asrai trys to struggle to her feet. P'tran blinks and looks at Lal. "What did you say? Traders?" Ursa shakes her head. "They couldn't get far in the weyr, could they?" K'tyn offers a hand up for Asrai. "Still doesn't make sense." Lal nods. "Illegal traders. S'how they might make they're livin'. They're usually at ports." Kassima snaps her fingers and points, "That could be what the trader badge was for, sir! They may *be* disguising themselves as traders after all!" Lal turns to Ursa. "Karise did." P'tran hrms and furrows his brow. "There *was* that trader seal we found at a renegade campsite once..." Lal says "I didna say disguise. I said traders. Real ones. Smugglers." Lal shrugs. "Y'all havena been t'ports much, eh?" Asrai puts her hand in K'tyn's, thankfully taking his help as she is still a bit shaky. P'tran nods to Kassima. "Yes, I was thinking something along the same lines. But Lal says she thinks they are *real* traders." Ursa looks at Lal and frowns. "Huh. We're awfully secure here, huh? We're pretty friendly to strangers. Weyr image and all that. Maybe they would have..." P'tran says "But why would traders need to steal?" K'tyn frowns. "Traders...but not legitimate ones. Holdless, desparate men." Lal chuckles at Ursa. "Then how did Karise get in? We all fergot she was an urchin?" Kassima tilts her head. "Well... could be, but then why the badges from that one trading family? Unless they've been in action for so many Turns that the old disbanded group was them also?" Asrai reaches over and tugs on the WL's arm, "Sir, Lal said they hang out in ports...could the tan one be a sailor?" Ursa nods. "Yeah, Lal. I take your point." Lal says "Because they cinna afford th'goods, sir. Smugglers. An' Lily's th'master jeweller. Naw surprise they'd wanna come here."