
The Seeds of a Plan

Date:  December(?), 1996
Place:  Benden Weyr's Living Cavern
Game:  PernMUSH
Copyright Info:  The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey 
l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.


Kassi's Note:  Unfortunately, I can't remember exactly how this scene
got started; I *believe* that P'tran had either suggested that Kindre 
and Kassi might come across information on the renegades to report, or
gave us permission for the same.  In any event, the duo have come to 
the Living Cavern to deliver their data to the Weyrleader in person and
a bit of planning ensues from there.


The Log:

Kassima glances towards Kindre and speaks up with, "We've a report to give,
sir, on the Lemos situation...."

S'klin pours himself a BIG mug and slurps loudly.

T'garrick walks in from the bowl.

Asrai frowns slightly, her violet eyes growing troubled.

S'klin mmmmms, "Klah."

S'klin looks around to see who is in the living cavern.

T'garrick quietly walks into the Living Cavern too, with a bustle of other
older Dawnslight riders, conversing quietly.

P'tran ohs? and raises an eyebrow as Kindre and KAssima speak. He gives a
brief nod to T'gar as he comes in before speaking again. "I take it there's
been some development other than new complaints from Lord Lemos ..."

S'klin walks past T'garrick, slipping a dirty napkin into his pocket.

S'klin looks for a table.

Kindre chuckles briefly as her head bobs, "Ah, true enough there...not fond
of riders, is Lord Lemos? He was kind enough, though, to help us."

Kassima grimaces faintly, but nods. "Aye, a development of sorts. 'Twould
seem, sir, that the...." She looks around, and lowers her voice,
"Renegades, are preparing to change locations. The Lemosians predicted that
'twould be within a sevenday, mayhaps giving or taking a few days."

P'tran nods to Kindre. "I thought perhaps having a goldrider over there
might convince him to help out a bit more in this, certainly if he wants to
get rid of the renegade in his area."

Asrai sips at her juice, trying no tto be too noisey about the whole process.

Kethran quietly takes another sip of juice, and makes a few notations on
the hide in front of him, pausing to wave at Kindre and Kassima. He sighs
quietly, and then Finally, he rises to his feet, and carries his mug toward
the inner caverns.

Kethran walks towards the inner cavern.

P'tran looks over towards Kassima and hrms, frowning a little as he hears
this. "Are they absolutely sure about that? They haven't discovered how
we've been watching them, have they?"

S'klin slides in next to Asrai, bumping her on purpose. "Oh scuse me,
terribly sorry..."

R'val walks in from the bowl.

R'val wanders into the cavern, slipping out of his wherhide jacket,
"Evening, everyone.' He says cheerily, moving towards the Dawnslight table.

Kindre nods quickly, "The people who Lord Lemos...well, leant to us, seem
very sure of that."

Kethran walks here from the Inner Cavern.

Salless drains the Klah in the Klah pot to make some fresh.

T'garrick gets ladled some barley soup, much to his excitment. Okay, maybe
not so exciting. He too joins the Dawnslight table with a couple of others.

Asrai's violet eyes widen as the bump almost causes her to spill her juice,
"Hey! Oh, hello rider.." she scoots over so there is some distance between
her and the rider.

Kassima shakes her head. "Nay so far as I can figure, sir; it might be that
they've found a better place, it might be that they're looking for fresher
areas to raid. Possibly, they're just getting paranoid." She takes on the
tone of someone quoting something: "Just because you can't see the
watchers, after all, doesn't mean they're nay there."

Kethran returns, a moment later, with a new stack of hides, and settles
back into his seat with a sigh.

Kindre frowns, a look of distaste on her face. "They seem to have gotten
all they needed from us," she says with the frown still in place, "and now
mayhap are looking for fresher stores."

Asrai smiles and tilts her mug towards the man, "Its just juice.."

P'tran nods again, looking thoughtful as he hears the riders' report. He
glance absently about the caverns for a moment, his eyes landing briefly on
some of the residents present. He sighs slightly and turns back to Kassima
and Kindre. "Or it could be that they figure any place that feel secure
will ultimately stop being so after a bit ..."

S'klin sniffs.

R'val grins over at Kindre in greeting as he sits, and fills a mug of klah.
"May I ask what is being discussed?" He says, with a glance to P'tran.

Kassima hrms. "Could be," she acknowledges, nodding. "They've got to figure
we'll find them *eventually*. 'Tis said to be harder to hit--or find, in
this case--a moving target."

P'tran looks over to R'val, and then to other curious eyes. "Well, might as
well mention it now. I've been having some riders quietly take a few Lemos
folk out to near the caves where the renegades are holed up to try to keep
an eye on them a little close up. We can't land the dragons too close to
them or they'd see it and run. Seems they may be pulling up stakes now."

Asrai giggles softly as the rider sniffs at her juice.

R'val nods his head swiftly to P'tran, "Do you need volunteers, sir?"

Meli walks in from the bowl.

P'tran shakes his head. "No, we've pretty much completed that part, they're
about to move on. Which again raises the question about whether we try to
get someone on the inside to see what they're really up to."

R'val glances from P'tran to the entrance, and grins, waving towards Meli

Kindre waves to R'val and smiles before looking back and nodding as the
Weyrleader speaks. "I'd caution to guess, P'tran, that we'll lose them for
good if someone -doesn't- get on the inside."

R'val glances towards P'tran, "That'd be risky. I doubt renegades are too
trusting of outsiders.

S'klin yawns and sips his klah....bored.

Kethran lifts his gaze to the Weyrleader, and listens attentively, a
slightly concerned look on his face. "Can you tell us who you sent, sir?"
he asks.

Meli, humming to herself as she strides in, whacking some dust from her
jacket and her trous, quiets as she notices the crowd around the
weyrleader. With a wave in greeting to R'val, she moves in and takes a
seat, though not before snagging a healthy portion of cider in a warm,
brown, earthenware mug.

Kassima nods. "I must reluctantly agree, sir; 'twill nay doubt have danger,
but this could be our only chance for a long time."

Asrai giggles once more, sipping her juice "You looked real tired sir." . o
O (Yep, master of the obvious)

P'tran nods to Kindre and runs a hand through his hair with a breathy sigh.
"I know, I know ..." To the others he says, "Well, I know its risky, and
no, we haven't sent anyone in to try. Frankly, I've been delaying that, I
wanted to use it as a last resort."

R'val nods to P'tran with a thoughtful scowl, "Aye. I can see why."

S'klin yawns, "Yeah...need to get a little more sleep. How are you?"

Asrai looks up and over to the WY says this, her violet eyes losing their
humor and becoming troubled once more.

Kindre continues to frown, "I don't think Lord Lemos will offer us anyone
for -that- task either. He was reluctant enough when Kassi and I were

Meli leans over, cocking a brow and squinting a bit at the crowd. She
mutters to R'val. 

Asrai glances back to the rider, "Who me? Oh I'm just fine...got lots of
sleep last night."

R'val leans towards Meli and says, quietly, He mutters to Meli, "Renegades.
P'tran's... the..." 

Kassima makes a face. "He's reluctant enough to offer aid for *anything*,"
she says dryly. "'Twould be like trying to pull a tooth from a runnerbeast
stallion in full battle-anger. Barehanded, I might add."

Kindre can't help but chuckle a bit as she echoes Kassima with a nod.

R'val chuckles, "He wants to be given aid, not to give aid. I remember Lord

P'tran pauses a moment and turns from the riders and looks out over the
caverns again. "I know, Kassima, Lord Lemos can be a bit of a trying man
sometimes, but at least he did help us this time. Still, now I have to
decide if we're to go with the infiltration plan."

Asrai seems to still be listening to the other conversation as you hear her
mutter softly, "Stupid Lord Holder..what do they expect?"

P'tran adds, "And who to send if I do."

P'tran hmms? as he overhears Asrai, but not quite understanding what she
said. "Come again?"

Kassima shrugs and nods. "'Tis either that or hoping they move somewhere
that gives us more options... and I think they're too cautious for that,
sir. Nay if'n they're paranoid enough to move in the first place."

S'klin says "What's going on?"

S'klin seems to be spooling up from his nap.

Kindre laces her hands together, "I agree...I know this is an awful
decision for you to weigh, but if someone doesn't go...and soon...we'll
lose them for certain."

T'garrick glances up. "Have you thought about offering them a bait they
can't resist?"

Asrai's violet eyes widen and she manages to squeek out, "Oh, nothing
<squeek> sir."

Benden Weyr> Caitria wows. Lots of folks in the LC.

S'klin whispers to Asrai, "What's going on now....?"

P'tran ums and nods to Asrai somewhat absently, looking at her for a moment
longer before turning his gaze to T'gar. "Bait? What kind of bait would
that be?"

Benden Weyr> Meli says, "We're plotting on how to decimate the herds
quickly and quietly... oh, wait, uh, no we're not... wrong knot :b"

Benden Weyr> Kieri grins.

Benden Weyr> R'val Aigh, evil melibabe.

Benden Weyr> Kassima baps Meli. Gee, thanks! Spoil it for the rest of us!
:P ;)

Benden Weyr> W'liam says, "Not necessarily, if dragons are involved. ;)"

Benden Weyr> Caitria grins at Meli. No decimation, please.

Kindre's lips wrinkle up as she mutters aloud, "Seems they feel they've
taken all the need from us already...what could we bait them with?" The
latter being added in a genuinely curious tone.

R'val glances at Kindre, "Foodstuffs? Clothing? They can't be that hard to

Asrai looks to the rider beside her and shrugs nervously.

P'tran nods to Kindre. "These renegades, as I've said before, don't even
fit the standard pattern. They haven't hurt anyone seriously, with that one
exception that was really a lucky shot."

Caitria walks in from the bowl.

R'val shakes his head towards P'tran, "If only they acted more predictably.
It'd make it so much easier to deal with 'em."

R'val waves towards Tria amiably.

Caitria waves a hide at R'val, hmming as she hears his words.

Kassima hrms. "Medical supplies?" she hazards. "Of all the things they'd
need, I'd think 'twould be that that's used up fastest. 'Twould be a shame
to be losing those, though. And they could always suspect 'tis a trap and
nay go near."

Asrai continues to sip her juice as she watches the others over the rim of
her mug.

Kindre nods her head slowly, "Mayhap food? Oh, but true enough," she says
and unlaces her fingers to put her hands on her hips, "they might think it

T'garrick shakes his head. "Medical supplies would be better. Or wine, if
they've been taking that. Or perhaps a shipment of precious stones from
Minecraft, or firestarters? Of course they could suspect it's a trap...we'd
have to do it completely undercover. No weyr involvment."

T'garrick says "It has to be something that would hurt /us/ to loose, yes,
to make it worth their while to endeavor to expose themselves."

R'val grins towards T'garrick wickedly, "Aye, wine always suits a renegades

Meli mumbles "Brandy" then returns to her quiet pose, one ankle resting on
the other knee, leaning back against the table.

Caitria takes a mug of klah from a convenient drudge, giving his sweater a
brief look, then has a seat, nodding slightly as she figures out just what
the conversation discusses.

P'tran is about to say something to Kindre when he hears T'gar and turns to
him. "You mean have someone make them a deal of sorts? We'd still need
someone they would not suspect."

P'tran says "Or do you mean simply give them some false information that
there's something like that to be had?"

T'garrick nods. "Sort of. I was thinking instead make a true shipment or
store of the bait, with all true arrangements, and make it well enough
known that they find out about it, and wait for them to spring."

P'tran ums at T'gar and considers. "Well, let's think about this ... if we
do that, we'd still have to make it known to them, and I don't think simply
making it widely known to everyone will work. That may be too obvious. We'd
need to make it so that they'd 'stumble' over the information so to speak ..."

R'val regards T'gar thoughtfully as he speaks.

Kassima taps her chin thoughtfully. "But mightn't they suspect we'd be
watching for something like that? After all, their going after the Lemos
train is certainly common knowledge. Tempting or nay, a train like that
falling right into their hands 'twould seem mightily suspicious to me if'n
I were in their place."

Gwynden walks in eating a flinched cookie.

Asrai mutters softly, "They'll suspect anything that has good will behind

Caitria comments, as she gets more of the gist of the conversation,
"Doesn't have to be something like a tithe train. Could be....say, a
delivery from a Craft."

P'tran nods to KAssima. "Pretty much what I was thinking," he says. "I'd
want to have some way of getting the information to them indirectly. Make
them think they stumbled on it through good luck." He looks over to Asrai
and nods. "Yes, that's right. Anything obvious would scare them off."

A corner of Kindre's lips curls down and she bobs her head, "I have to
agreee with Kassima there..."

Asrai nods as if that was obvios and isn't the WL smart for having seen it

R'val smiles towards P'tran, "Bait the trap sufficiently, and they'll fall
for it. The more tempting the prize, the more tempted they'll be to accept
the meagerest reasons to pounce."

Benden Weyr> Caitria grins at Asrai.

P'tran adds, "I mean, just to use an example, if someone like Asrai somehow
got them the info, they'd hardly suspect something like that."

Asrai's violet eyes widen incredulously. she swollws before finding her
voice, "Me?"

P'tran hrms at R'val. "I don't know, they don't seem to be interested in
really big stuff. Even from the tithe train they took mostly basic supplies."

T'garrick shakes his head. "I fear..." He grimaces, "I've not been keeping
as close a track as I should. But I'm sure that we could, in some fashion
disguise the trap sufficiently." He looks over at Asrai. "Perhaps. It
definately should not look like there is any weyr involvement. A shipment
between holds, or something like that, would be much better. With only a
few people knowing that it is a trap."

S'klin walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Asrai says almost offhandedly, "They already made it throught the winter,
no real need for such basics anymore.."

Kassima suggests, "Mayhaps have a token guard to it? Enough to look like
'tis being watched after, albeit carelessly, but nay enough to afright
them. Since they don't seem to be hurting anyone in these raids, I'd think
'twould be safe enough for it to be done." She shrugs. "Would even simple
shipments truly be unwatched these days, with people knowing those
renegades are out there somewhere?"

T'garrick looks up. "Seeds."

P'tran looks over to T'gar as he speaks, then looks back to Asrai when he
notices her expression out of the corner of his eye. "Oh, well, I was using
you as an example. I wouldn't ask you to do something like that unless you
thought you could do it ..."

P'tran raises an eyebrow at T'gar. "Seeds?"

Caitria hms at T'gar. "Do they plant?"

Kindre shakes her head and notes, "Aren't theses renegades, though, greedy
just by nature? They must be," she crosses her arms on her chest, pausing
just slightly, "won't they take anything offered? S'long as it isn't too
terribly suspicious?"

T'garrick shrugs at P'tran. "Well, they seem to be setting themselves up as
an independant colony, don't they? No obligations to weyr and all, but just
getting basic supplies to help themselves survive. If they're thinking
about next turn, they'll want food, and they'll need some way to get it."

Asrai frowns, a war of expressions crossing her face..."They aren't used to
be offered anything."

T'garrick says "If they were 'just renegades' why didn't they steal the
whole cart, after all?"

R'val hrms at Kindre, "You'd think so. but these renegades have,
apparently, proved rather more cautious than the garden variety renegade>"

T'garrick says "Then they could sell the proceeds and live off the fat for

P'tran listens to Kindre and T'gar and considers for a moment. Then he nods
at T'gar's final comment and nods. "YEs, that's just it, these are not your
'typical' renegades. There's more than meets the eye here." He looks back
to Asrai. "Well, it wouldn't be that, it would be more like them finding
the information through you somehow, using you as an example again, that is

Asrai bites her lower lip, looking around the cavern. finally she takes a
deep breath letting it out slowly, "They wouldn't suspect me..I...I used to
be one of them..well at least holdless and desperate like they are."

Kassima nods. "And peculiar. Their actions are puzzling; they act nay to
harm, nor to steal more'n they need. From the tales I've heard, 'tis nay
your standard greedy renegade." She hrms, and inclines her head. "'Twas
ever found out whether or nay 'twere masquerading as traders, sir? If so,
mayhaps whoever 'tis could be as a young trader lad or lass, with a loose
tongue and some camp gossip to share with 'em." She glances at Asrai for a

P'tran shakes his head. "No, I could never find that out. I did find out,
however, that the clan whose seal they had left behind at that camp has not
been active for something like 5 Turns or so. No one's seen then since then."

P'tran looks over to Asrai and raises an eyebrow slightly. "Yes, I had
forgotten about that ..." He pauses a moment, looking thoughtful again.

Kethran perks up a bit at the mention of trader clans, and sips his juice
as he listens.

Caitria, like, apparently, most of the other people in the room, glances at
Asrai. She makes an odd gesture with one hand, lips curving briefly into a
wicked smile, then nods slightly.

Asrai continues to chew on her lower lip.

T'garrick falls silent, dropping his head, and resting his forehead on his
knuckle as he gets distracted.

P'tran hrms and glances about for a moment or two before running a hand
through his hair again, the sign that he's searching for thoughts or words,
or both. "All right ... I don't think we can quite agree on what the
renegades would want to steal anymore. How about we set up something where
there's a variety of things being transported, and leak word to them about

P'tran shifts his gaze to Asrai and asks in a softer voice, "Would you be
willing to help out in some way with this?"

Caitria offers, "If the BeastCraft can help...providing beasts to
transport..." She ceases as she hears P'tran speak to Asrai.

Kethran considers the Weyrleader's suggestion for a moment. "It's possible,
sir," he murmurs. "But this renegade isn't stupid. We'd have to leak it
well, and he'd have to hear about it from multiple sources."

Asrai doesn't look at anyone else, for fear of losing her nerve, "Aye sir,
for the kindness you all have shown me since I arrived. for giving me a
chance to become someone other then what those renegades have become."

Kethran frowns, then, and glances to P'tran. "Did Kenai speak to you, sir?"
he wonders.

Caitria reaches over and gently rests a hand on Asrai's arm, giving the
girl an approving nod.

P'tran nods slowly at Asrai's words, but then adds, "You have to be
absolutely sure. I'll only send you if you believe you can do this and you
really want to do this. *no one* will think less of you if you refuse." He
looks over to Kethran and nods. "YEs, I know what you're thinking, and he
was willing to do something like this, but for a variety of reasons I
thought it wouldn't be right."

Asrai takes another deep breathe but then nods with more conviction, "I can
do this sir...I want to do this."

P'tran pauses a moment as he listens to Asrai and nods. "All right then.
We'll have to get on this first thing in the morning, then."

Kethran gives Asrai an approving nod, followed by a reassuring smile, at
her words, nodding. "Would you want to send more than one, sir?" he asks
P'tran. "Might be safer."

P'tran looks over to Kethran. "I'll consider it, but the fewer people we
send, the less suspicious it will be. I was thinking of having Asrai
pretend to be someone with this shipment of whatever that got separated
from the rest." He looks to Caitria. "In which case I'll be coming to you
about for some help."

Asrai nods, "then sir...if you don't mind, I think I'll go get some sleep.."

Kassima looks over at Asrai and comments, "This leaking of information... I
think 'tis a good plan, sir. A safer one. With more chance of working, and
of nay being discovered. If'n there's anything Lyss and I can do to help
with preparations or whatever...."

Caitria nods slightly. "I can talk to the Craftmaster." The briefest of
grimaces crosses her face. "I'm sure we can come up with something."

P'tran nods to Kassima. "Well, I'll definitely need riders as backup, and
I'm sure I'll have no lack of volunteers there. Also, I'll have to speak
with Lily. Might as well toss some gemstones onto this thing as well, just
to be sure."

R'val sports Caitria's grimace and regards her curiously, before commenting
to P'tran, "I volunteer right now, sir. Any way I can help, I will."

Asrai chews on her lip a few moments more before darting out the door.

Asrai walks towards the inner cavern.

P'tran smirks at R'val and chuckles slightly. "I knew you were going to say
that, R'val. Of course, I was thinking of asking you even if you hadn;t

Caitria shakes her head just a bit to R'val, as if to say, 'don't ask',
then nods. "The same goes for me, of course." She glaces after Asrai,
looking just a bit worried. "But I hope that one hasn't bitten off more
than she can chew."

P'tran nods to Asrai as she leaves.

Kethran nods to P'tran. "If you need any supplies, please let me know, sir?"

P'tran nods to Caitria solemnly. "I know, but she's the best person for
this at the moment ..."

P'tran nods to Kethran. "I'll be coming to you in the morning for a few
things, Kethran."

Caitria nods, gaze returning to P'tran. "Oh, I agree. And she's willing.
But to go back..."

Kethran nods to P'tran. "I'll be expecting you, then, sir."

Kassima nods. "Though how they'd hope to hawk good gems without someone
wondering where they came from... well, always better to be safe than
sorry. I do hope that if we use wines, we'll be able to retrieve the good
skins later." She looks mournful for a second, at the thought of losing
wine. "'Tany rate, I'd be right glad to serve as back up, if'n 'tis needed."

Gwynden walks towards the inner cavern.

P'tran nods. "I know, but hopefully if this works, it won't be for long."

Kethran smirks at Kassima. "Maybe we can send 'er off with a bit of
Tillek," he suggests.

P'tran stretches a bit. "Well, I think I better get going and get some
sleep as well. This is going to be a busy sevenday coming up."

[Editor's Note:  At this point, my 'Net curfew kicked in; ICly, Kassi 
sat about for a bit mourning the soon-to-be-dearly-departed wines 
before going back to her weyr. ;) ]