
Proddiness Can Be a Revelation

Date:  February 7, 2000
Places:  Telgar Weyr's Living Caver, Southern Bowl, and Records Room
Game:  PernMUSH
Copyright Info:  The World of Pern is copyright(c) to Anne McCaffrey 
l967. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is a registered copyright.


Kassi's Note:  Whether one is talking about the revealing of Jal's
rump by that black leather outfit, the slightly less modest than usual
attire Kassi wore, or revelations of a different sort entirely, the 
title of this one *does* seem to hold true.  A long log, but fun:  
Ryi's relationship with K'ryo is discussed, Lorieth rises, Kassi helps
the flight-lost riders get drunk, a young child gets the ribs and the
Water confused with the wherries and the vtols, and Our Heroine and
I'sai have a most interesting conversation.


The Log:

You walk past the lintel and into the wide living cavern.

Pierron humphs thoughtfully as the Wingleader of Thunderbolt arrives.

Whinde eyes Ryialla thoughtfully, while nursing a glass of something
resembling wine. She doesn't say anything, but looks like she wants to.

Ryialla's eyes narrow as she sees Whinde is still there. "You." Grumpy,
terse Ryi.

Whinde peers at Ryialla "Let me guess. You're upset at me because of
something relating to Kao?"

Accompanied for once by the soft pat of slipper soles rather than the click
of the harder heels of boots is Kassi's entrance, and the faint swish of a
skirt. It's a shame she's chewing on that mint-stick. She might actually
look elegant, otherwise. "G'deve, all," she hails, gliding to her Wing's
table and her seat there. Ooh. She's just in time. Now, where'd the Bakers
put the popped corn?

        Though those who don't know Kassima are apt to see only a striking 
woman of about 33 Turns, 1 months, and 18 days of age, garbed in a rather 
becoming fashion, those who *do* know her may be wondering what psychosis 
has worked its way into the greenrider's mind this time. The dress she 
wears is flattering, yes--but it's *not* the greenrider's usual style. 
        From the diagonal-cut neckline that leaves one arm and shoulder 
bare, to the skirt slit up to the thigh on the sleeved side, this drape of 
black sisal clings closely to its wearer to make her tall frame seem less 
lanky and more elegant. Interestingly enough, an embroidered dusty 
pine-hued dragon wraps herself around the garment, her head on Kassi's 
shoulder and her tail twining about the woman's ankles. It makes a good 
match for the jade hairpiece that the greenrider wears: another darkly 
verdant dragon is nestled at the crown of her head, transfixed by pins 
which also serve to secure the long river of blue-black tresses that 
cascades down to the greenrider's knees. Simple sable slippers complete 
the ensemble. 
        Beyond her rings and a pair of silver-and-emerald earrings, Kassi 
wears no other ornament, including a knot; however, given the motif of her 
outfit, it likely wouldn't be hard for anyone to guess that she is the 
lifemate of a green dragon.

Ryialla says, unhelpfully, "Maybe." She nods to Kassi, and says to her
pleasantly, "Heyla, Kassi. You look rather...elegant, today."

Kassima gives a most inelegant snort at that assessment, catching at the
back of her chair and dragging it out to seat herself on it. With some care
for the skirt. She's not used to these things. "Hardly. Don't mind the odd
attire. 'Twas going through the clothes-presses today, looking for
something t'wear t'pose for Khari--she reminded me I promised t'let her
draw a picture of me in 'something pretty' a'fore I can't fit into
aught--and found this. Ro gave it to me some Turns ago. Promised I'd wear
it; hadn't yet; won't get another chance to for some time, so." Enough
said. Twirling the mint-stick between two fingers for a moment, she
wonders, "What's happened t'you? Didn't sleep well? Woke up on the wrong
side of the sickness-basin?"

Whinde shrugs at Ryialla and waves to Kassi with a smile "Well, frankly
Ryi, K'ryo wants you, you know that right?"

Ryialla looks skeptical, and says shortly, "Why would he want this used-up
old bag when he's got someone ready and willing right in his weyr?" She
gives Whinde a little smile. "Unless you're not ready or willing."

Whinde shrugs "Maybe he got bored with me. Since he found out you were
pregnant, you're all he talks about."

Kassima only just barely manages to hold onto enough tact to stifle a
triumphant whoop. "Ryi, don't be ridiculous. You're *nay* a used-up old
bag. You're a greenrider. Snap out of it." Kind of hard for her to sound
firm about that while grinning so broadly, though. "Ooh. If'n you two wind
up weyrmated and have children, remember t'name 'em things starting with K,
all right?"

Whinde grins at Kassima "/I/ think they'll wind up weyrmated, but only if
she'll stop being mad at me long enough to let me get them together."

Ryialla shakes her head. "Maybe it's just the pregnancy. I don't know. He's
told me he likes spending time with me, but..." She's not as grumpy, now.
More thoughtful. "You're still living in his weyr, aren't you.." Her nose
twitches at Kassi's comment - then again, at Whinde's.

Kassima reaches to try and poke Ryi with the non-sticky end of her
mint-stick. "He's *shy*, 'twill wager you aught. And mayhaps he's afraid of
an unhappy relationship too. Who can be saying? Ryi, this is *fantastic*
news, truly." Back into her mouth the stick goes, to be nibbled
thoughtfully. "I don't go for matchmaking," she admits to Whinde. "But a
happy ending should be reachable somehow. Mayhaps if'n we just sat on him
t'be holding him down so he can't run away while Ryi talks t'him."

Whinde nods to Kassi "Aye, and when he was asleep, I was talking at Jaith
about it, and he never /said/ anything to me, but he nodded along like he
agreed. Those two want to get together, and I think I can ask Jaith to 

Ryialla just watches Whinde and Kassi, her expression bemused. "Don't I get
a say in this?"

Whinde peers at Ryi "Sure. Do you want to be with him or not?"

Kassima has the grace to look slightly sheepish. "Sorry, sorry, Ryi. You're
right. I let m'zeal and sadisticness in wanting t'be seeing you get a
chance t'have your very own bluerider t'torture carry me away. What think
you--this *is* good news, 'tis nay?"

Ryialla looks rather abruptly shy. "Umn..well.." She looks down at her
feet. "That is.." She blushes.

Whinde sighs a bit and grins "Come now, no need to be shy about it. He
likes you, I know he'd like to share a weyr with you."

Kassima undergoes one of those rare moments of softening. "Ryi, I know I
talk oft of weyrmating being a horror and a travesty, but if'n you want
t'be with him and he with you... why, nay shame in admitting it. 'Tis one
of the happier things in the world, y'know." She gives a quick bark of
laughter, adding, "Just don't be telling Mart I said that; 'twould never
hear the end of it."

Ryialla holds up both hands. "Woah, woah, woah. I'm not ready for
weyrmating yet. One step at a time."

Whinde sets her empty wineglass on the table and says "Okay, lets back up a
few steps then. How about I get him to meet you off somewhere where the two
of you can talk? Have the healers grounded you yet?"

Sheepish again, Kassi glances out to the Bowl. "Shells. I don't know where
m'mind is today, rushing off like that." Come to think of it, she does seem
just a touch... distracted. "Can I safely say that I hope it works out for
you in whatever way would be happiest for you both, though?"

Ryialla shakes her head at Whinde. "Not yet. Fairly soon, though." She
sucks on her lower lip, and says to Whinde, "You know, I don't mind if you
still want to persue something with him, too.."

Kassima favors Ryialla with a distinctly envious look. "Lucky," she
mutters. "Remind me never t'be spawning again with someone local who ranks
me, would you?"

Whinde shrugs a bit "I want to have a baby. He want's you. Until I get out
of there, and have a room to put my bed in, I'm just in his way."

Ryialla points out to Whinde, "Have you asked him if he wants a baby? I'm
certainly in no position to give him one, right now..well, not one that
he's fathered."

"Why d'you want t'have a baby?" Kassima asks, sounding... well, bewildered.
"You seem relatively sane t'me, and that's an insane wish. You *want* t'be
tired and sicking up all the time?" Shaking her head in disbelief, she
settles back in her chair, playing idly with her mint.

Whinde shrugs "He's not interested in me. He may father a child for me, but
I haven't the desire to make him feel tied down to someone he
ca..wo..doesn't want."

Ryialla blinks, looking confused. "What's a cawo?"

Whinde blushes. "Me stammering over words." she says and turns her back,
refilling her glass.

"Cawo," Kassi repeats, thoughtful. "Ca-wo. Ca... wo. Can't, won't? Can't
and won't--oh, can't and won't love?" It's like a little sounding out her
Harper lesson, isn't it?

Telgar Weyr> J'lyn says, "OH CRAP. Ack, time for ProddyJ'lyn."

Whinde blushes. "Me stammering over words." she says and turns her back,
refilling her glass.

J'lyn walks in from the bowl.

Pierron gives a respectful nod to the Weyrsecond.

Ryialla just blinks at Kassi, then turns to Whinde. "Is that it, truth?'

Aurian walks in from the bowl.

Pierron looks over the Dawnslight Wingleader with an appraising eye and an
approving nod.

Akiko comes into view, a minor nuisance perhaps but a perpetual one. She
hops up ont a chair, which she uses to climb onto the table, sitting down.

Kassima wiggles her mint stick at the various arriving-types, tipping her
chair back and propping slippered feet up on a bare one nearby. Faranth
only knows why she's wearing what she is. "Heya, Jal, Auri--Akiko, too;
g'deve, you lot."

Aurian wanders in. She pushes her hair out of her eyes as she heads towards
the serving table.

J'lyn snarls and tosses his helmet and gloves in a chair and gets some
wine. All that's left is that nasty Telgar White, which only makes his mood

Akiko smiles at the recognition. She lifts her small hand and waves it
slowly to Kassima, but allows it to drop and returns to simply being a
quiet face in the background."

Ryialla waves over at Akiko, briefly.

The back of Whinde's neck turns red. She looks at J'lyn "Oh go get it out
of the case." she says, knowing his mood and turns back to Ryi and Kassi
with a pokerfaced expression. Strange for her, she's never said a harsh
word to anyone before. "Perhaps. I care for him, I want him to be happy. He
wont be with me, he will with you."

Telgar Weyr> Nimiriel says, "Oh, dear lord. Welcome to Telgar, aka Flight

Aurian edges away from J'lyn as she takes a fish roll from a plate. She's
not in the mood.

J'lyn gets himself more of the nasty white and flumps down in his chair.
"I'll make do."

Telgar Weyr> Erdrick gawks at the +flights.

Telgar Weyr> J'lyn says, "M'dei! Get your green on +flights! :)"

Telgar Weyr> Jehrina says, "M'dei!!!!"

Telgar Weyr> Leya giggles, then /laughs/ as she does +flight. "More?!"

Telgar Weyr> M'dei says, "She was just there!"

Telgar Weyr> K'nan says, "Yay! We have the -whole- +flights list!"

Telgar Weyr> Jehrina SLAPS J'lyn. :)

Telgar Weyr> Leya says, "Yes, he was!"

Telgar Weyr> J'lyn cackles! TGW's Orgy of Proddiness. :)

Telgar Weyr> Ryialla giggles.

Telgar Weyr> <Aurian> Kvasith gets out his pendulum and starts to wave it
in front of Daelyth, << You are feeling very sleepy.. and want to rise.. >>

Telgar Weyr> Ryialla pssts to M'dei. "Hey. Pliarth went up in December, but
I've got a green and a gold firelizard that can go proddy. How about you?"

Telgar Weyr> Leya laughs!

Telgar Weyr> Dalika knows Fear. ;)

Telgar Weyr> Nimiriel says, "Ohhhhh no. No, no no. Daelyth will not be
listening to that. :)"

Telgar Weyr> J'lyn says, "Now we just need J'var and Miseth on there. 

Ryialla sucks on her lip some more, watching J'lyn for a moment. "Well,"
she says, "Are you absolutely sure about that? Have you talked to him?"

Leya walks in from the bowl.

"Understandable," Kassi murmurs, suddenly finding her mint-stick quite an
interesting thing. With a hiss of sisal, she rises from her chair to glide
to where the food is. "Ribs today? *Finally*! Wonderful!" She hastens to
scoop a serving of the meat-covered rib-bones onto a platter, and carries
that, a glass of cider, and a small dish of what looks like mint-sauce back
to her table. "Ribs," she informs the Cavern, beaming. "Isn't it wonderful?"

Telgar Weyr> M'dei says, "Alas, I've no firelizards. ;)"

Ryialla turns to Whinde as she says that last, addressing the wo,man.

Telgar Weyr> J'var waves and snugs as desired.

Telgar Weyr> Leya falls over, "What? None at all?!" :)

Telgar Weyr> Nimiriel says, "Speak of the devil..."

Telgar Weyr> J'lyn CACKLES! Right on cue, J'var!

Telgar Weyr> Kassima borrows Auri's watch to wave it at Ryi. "Second week
of March. Go on. You know you want to. Speak of the devil!"

Telgar Weyr> M'dei says, "None at all! :)"

Telgar Weyr> J'var cowers. "I didn't do it!" ;)

Whinde just looks expressionlessly at Ryi. "You know him as well as I. Do
you think I got a word out of him about it?"

Telgar Weyr> Nimiriel says, "J'var, just tell me that Miseth's not going to
rise anytime in the next month. ;)"

Telgar Weyr> J'lyn says, "M'dei, you can borrow the 5 greens and 2 golds
that I have if you want to. :)"

Telgar Weyr> Aurian blinks at +flight

Telgar Weyr> J'lyn says, "Add Miseth, J'var! Don't listen to her. :)"

Telgar Weyr> A'lex peers at +flights and about messes his shorts. You
people are freakin EVIL!

Telgar Weyr> J'var glances toward +flights, and snickers. How tempting...

Telgar Weyr> Kassima murmurs something about how Taralyth would probably
just love a flight to be scheduled on Feb 22.

[Editor's Note:  As of this editing, Taralyth has won three flights, each
on the 22nd of some month. ;) ]

Leya waves as she walks in, then smiles at Kassi, "Ribs? I suppose so,
rather messy though." She just gets herself a mug of cider and goes to sit
at the Thunderbolt table.

Telgar Weyr> Jehrina dies laughing.

Telgar Weyr> Nimiriel says, "Oy, my head."

Ryialla shakes her head. "No. I don't think you have. Which is why I think
maybe we should both talk to him - until he does admit if he wants you, or
me, or both."

Telgar Weyr> J'lyn says, "ICly, this would be happening all the time. Every
day or 2 a green would rise. We're just making it happen OOCly, too. :)"

Aurian goes to a corner of the room far from her usual seat. She's not
going to look at J'lyn and eat.

Telgar Weyr> Leya giggles at Kassi,

J'lyn doesn't wanna look at you either, Aurian, so there. He just continues
to drink his wine and grumble about shiny freakin' dragons with tempers.

Telgar Weyr> J'var gives into temptation.

Telgar Weyr> Anra says, "J'var!"

Telgar Weyr> Leya just laughs and laughs...

Telgar Weyr> Whinde rises. :P

Telgar Weyr> Nimiriel says, "Oh, for cryin out loud."

Telgar Weyr> J'lyn says, "YES!"

Kassima considers the plate in front of her. "Quite right," she decides,
and nabs a napkin from V'dan's plate to protect the front of her gown with.
Just tuck into the neckline like *so*; there. "That's better. Want any,
Leya? They're marvelous dipped in the mint sauce."

Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "Peer pressure"

  Dragon       Color   Rider          Weyr          Time (ET)
  Lorieth      Green   J'lyn          Telgar        Mon Feb  7 7:30 p.m. 
  Lysseth      Green   Kassima        Telgar        Thu Feb 10 8:00 p.m. 
  Veyath       Green   K'nan          Telgar        Fri Feb 18 11:00 p.m. 
  Tierth       Green   Maylia         Telgar        Sun Feb 20 7:30 p.m. 
  Cymrith      Green   Kena           Telgar        Thu Mar  2 9:30 p.m. 
  Rinath       Gold    Saskia         Telgar        Sun Mar  5 9:30 p.m. 
  Miseth       Green   J'var          Telgar        Sat Mar 11 9:30 a.m.

Telgar Weyr> Whinde digs out her "Breedable" sign and staples it to her
shirt. :P

Telgar Weyr> Anra eyes +flights. hmmmmm. mebbe Anra should avoid Telgar for
a while. :)

Telgar Weyr> K'nan ponders. The newly-single K'nan shall be proddy soon. Uh

Telgar Weyr> Dalika peeks. Er, where are the best hiding spots?

Telgar Weyr> Erdrick says, "The LC. 0:)"

Ceria walks in from the bowl.

Akiko frowns, and crosses her arms as she sits there. Something is bugging
her, but even she doesn't seem to be able to quite place it. She hops up,
and looks around, taking a seat near Kassima for the pure randomness of it.

Leya takes a sip of her cider, then shakes her head, "That's all right,
Kassi. Maybe later, I'm not very hungry right now." She glances back around
the living cavern, her eyes passing over J'lyn, then jumping back to him.
She stares for a long moment, then with visible effort turns her gaze to
the table in front of her. "I think someone is proddy..." she murmurs
softly. "Great." That is said sarcasticly.

Ceria makes her way briskly into the living cavern and makes straight for
the serving tables. She glances quizically at Leya as she catches her
comment on the way past.

J'lyn snarls. "Yeah, Lorieth is proddy. That's a bad thing? She's green. It

Ryialla grumbles at J'lyn, "At least /you/ won't wind up pregnant."

Aurian crouches into her chair.

Kassima dips a rib into the mint sauce as delicately as she can. It isn't
very appetizing-looking, covered with green glop, but she seems to enjoy
it. "Mmm-hmm," she mumbles around her mouthful. "Very, very proddy. Watch
that Tovith doesn't catch her, Leya. You might spawn, too. Want a rib, 

Leya glances back at J'lyn, her expression carefully blank,

Akiko carefully asks. "Will it." She pauses and takes the rib from Kassima.
"Make me do that as well? Cause you said that was a bad thing and all.."

Ryialla sniffs the ribs and mint sauce, and frowns. Getting to her feet,
she gets herself a plate of it, and a glass of turnip juice. Settling back
in her seat, she dips a rib in the mint sauce, and tries it. "Yeeeeeeeuck.
Kassi. That's awful."

"Spawn? Nay, nay, Akiko. Babies don't come from ribs," Kassi assures, as
reassuringly as she can, while stripping the poor rib of every last scrap
of meat. "Good thing. You really are too young t'be spawning." Her eyes
slide towards the Bowl, and abruptly, she frowns. "My," she quips, mild. "A
lot of males here all of a sudden. Ryi, care t'be wagering with me? And
'tisn't any worse than that glop *you* keep eating! Turnip juice is

Telgar Weyr> J'lyn says, "Ye gods, we're being invaded. :)"

Ceria grabs herself a mugful of klah and raises an eyebrow at the
conversations going on.

Ryialla mms. "I would aimable to a wager. What's the stakes? And turnip
juice is /great/. You don't know what you're missing." Grand. It's the war
of the pregnant greenriders.

Telgar Weyr> Leya nodnods and points, "And it's all /your/ fault!" ;>

Telgar Weyr> J'lyn is a glutton for this, yeah. :)

Telgar Weyr> Alessandra says, "J'lyn? In leather? *whistle* ;)"

Telgar Weyr> Aurian says, "J'lyn.. I think I'm going to faint"

Telgar Weyr> Nimiriel says, "It's a good thing Jessalyn's not here to see
that. :)"

Whinde sits down again in front of Ryi "You're welcome to try. I'd rather
not be present." from the expression on her face she'd rather not have to
worry about it either. In fact, to judge from the way she's forgotten about
her glass and is drinking from a skin, she seems to only desire getting
forgetful tonight. "He want's you Ryi, I know that much. I would like you
two to be happy. Go for it, I'm moving out soon anyway."

Telgar Weyr> Ceria grins. Lets see how talented I am. I'm trying to cook
dinner and join this flight at the same time.

Leya scoots her chair back a little as she eyes both pregnant greenriders,
"Ya'll are scaring me." She then ponders what she just said, "But then
ya'll are greenriders, so I suppose you're supposed to scare me."

Telgar Weyr> Ryialla watches Ceria send up the dinner and burn the flight.

J'lyn downs the last of his glass of wine, and heads toward the cabinet. He
digs out a key and gets the best vintage of Benden Red that he can find.
Popping the top, he takes a swig. "Now THAT is good stuff!" He smacks his
lips and takes the entire skin.

Telgar Weyr> K'nan mutters quiet plots under his breath. "..naked coed
dragon oil twister.."

Telgar Weyr> Aurian doesn't think she can keep up with all this

T'shar walks in from the bowl.

Ceria edges closer to Leya. "I'd guess that depends on the rider," she
says. "I don't necessarily think the color of the dragon makes them scary
all the time."

J'lyn peers around the room. "Why is everyone looking at me? You've never
seen me before? Stop that. There's nothing to see here. Go about your

"A mark says...." Pause here while Kassi ruffles through her ever-present
satchel for the appropriate hide. "Let's see. Lorieth, Lorieth--here she
is. Hmmm." Squinting at her swirling script, she decides, "A mark says that
young Fortian bronze Lyss says is out there. What's the name, Lyss?
Right--Toniath. Take me up on it?" The look she gives the juice is brimming
with disgust. "Oh, I do know. I'm missing another opportunity t'heave,
that's all."

T'shar wanders in, blinking furiously, zeroing in on Kassima as his
dragon's name is mentioned. "Huh?" he wonders, dispensing his duty
elegantly with that monosyllable.

Ryialla blinks at Whinde, then says to her, "I really do hope that's not on
my account.." A glanec over to J'lyn, and she smiles at him. "It's just a
very nice outfit, J'lyn."

Lyree walks in from the bowl.

J'lyn says "Want me to have one commissioned for you, Ryialla?"

Whinde shakes her head "No. It's on my account."

Lyree hands Sooth's straps on a peg, and collects a glass of white wine,
surveying the cavern.

Ceria eyes J'lyn for a moment as he turns around, her eyes widening a bit
before she buries her face in her klah mug again.

Telgar Weyr> J'lyn ohdearlords. A cute bronzerider, or get Aurian pregnant.
Hmmmmmm, the choices.... ;)

Kassima takes a look at the bronzerider's knot, and two and two click
together in her head. "Toniath's rider?" she hazards. "'Twas just placing a
bet on your bronze t'be winning Lorieth when she rises. Which should be
aaany minute now. Want t'be betting against?"

Telgar Weyr> A'lex ugs...

Telgar Weyr> Aurian squawks.

Telgar Weyr> Jehrina says, "Hey, just because you sleep with her doesn't
mean she has to get pregnant :)"

Telgar Weyr> Aurian kicks A'lex though

Cenica walks in from the bowl.

Ryialla shakes her head. "I'll wait until after the babe. But thankee, 

Leya smiles at Ceria, "Not all the time, but they seem to scaring me an
awful lot lately." She cautiously eyes J'lyn, then looks down at the floor,
shaking her head.

Kandri walks in from the bowl.

Ryialla hrmps. "That's the one /I/ was going to pick..."

Ceria safely focuses her eyes back on Leya. "Do you suppose they'd be that
way without the dragons?" she wonders with a grin.

T'shar scratches himself somewhere indecent and shrugs at Kassima. "Sure,"
he grunts, glancing over at J'lyn and then out towards the bowl. Then he
blinks. "Rising? No. I have to talk to T'saren. Then I have to go drink
some more," he says quite seriously.

Cenica follows Lyree into the cavern, a few steps behind.

Leya tries to supress a grin as she looks over the pregnant greenriders,
then glances over at proddy one before she answers Ceria, "You know, I'm
not sure. I didn't know them before they impressed so I don't know if they
were always like this or not."

J'lyn feels the glass start to slip out of his hand at the sound of a
shrill bugle from outside. "Faranth, dragon," he mutters. "You get more
shrill as every Turn passes."

Lyree winces, and takes a large gulp of wine.

Kassima sticks her tongue out at Ryi. Telgar greenriders. Such a mature
lot. "Tough." Mercifully managing to miss the scratching, she beams up at
the bronzerider. "Good, good...." Another piece of hide is snatched from
the satchel, and she scrawls a name across it. "'Twill collect tomorrow,
then--and I don't think 'twill be possible, Weyrsecond, with due respects.
Unless you can drag your dragon away from a rising green. But if'n you win
the bet, you can drink *after* the flight?" Yes, she's a helpful sort.

Kandri walks in, holding her straps in hand, and grumbling to herself. One
of the pieces slips and she growls, crouching to gather it up neatly.
"Stupid...stupid...stupid." she mutters to herself. Then looks up and over
her shoulder, sighing. "Not EVEN time for a drink! Shards and shells..."
she growls, turning to walk back out again.

Ceria's eyes widen again suddenly and she grimaces. "Here we go..." she
mutters to herself.

Ryialla grumbles, then says, "Fine. I'll put my marks on Toniath /not/
winning. But not many - I'm a little thin."

T'shar furrows his eyebrows at Kassima. "Well," he says, eyeing J'lyn
again, a bit more speculatively. "As long as I can still drink." He pats at
his side for his wineskin and nods, comforted.

Aurian rubs the bridge of her nose.

Leya frowns at Ceria, then she closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, "Do
me a favor and don't win this, Tovith?" she can heard to murmur under her

Kandri walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Cenica turns her head at the title 'Weyrsecond,' but since she's not at
Ista, she quickly looks away. Suddenly, it seems to hit her what she's
walked into, "Shards!"

Lyree silently offers her still half-full wineglass to Cenica.

Kassima promises, pointing her charcoal stick towards Pierron, "We'll have
heaps and scads of wine out if'n you run out. Nay worries there. I suppose
you could drink if'n you *win*, but Jal might object a tad, hey?" Another
beam is directed Ryi-wards. "Just one, Ryi. You're such a good sport."
Another name goes onto the hide. "Any other bets?"

J'lyn sets his glass on the counter and goes to yell at Lorieth.

J'lyn walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Aurian grumbles, "I can't believe she's doing this tonight.."

Whinde hiccups.

From the kitchen, K'nan walks out of the passageway that leads down to the

K'nan walks in from the kitchen.

Ryialla sighs at Whinde, then says gently, "Did you want to talk about it?"
It being on her account, that is.

T'shar scrunches up his nose, spending a moment or two in conversation with
his dragon. All that the cavern gets to hear is, "...old,

Cenica takes a swallow of Lyree's wine, with a grateful mutter of "Thanks.
Rahth and I have the worst timing."

Is that a snicker coming from Kassi's direction? Nah, couldn't be. She
surveys the Cavern again, quite pleased. "This should be making Lorieth
happy. Mayhaps Jal will be so cheered he'll lift that flight restriction on
me. Or he'll get another woman pregnant and fuss over *her*; that'd be as
good. K'nan! Hey! Just in time--care t'be placing any marks? Lots of males
t'be choosing from tonight."

Lyree grins weakly at Cenica. "Well, I doubt Rahth would put it that way.
Sooth doesn't." With that and a wink, she's down the corridor.

Leya opens her eyes, takes another deep breath, and walks stiffly out after
J'lyn muttering imprecations under her breath.

Lyree walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Leya walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Cenica shakes her head and follows Lyree.

Cenica walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Cutting straight through the kitchen (much to the consternation of the
cooks, who never seem comfortable having this particular greenrider
within), K'nan strides along out into the living cavern, munching
contentedly on a sweetroll - nabbed, no doubt, during his short-cut. An
eyebrow lifts as he glances over the gatherings of people therein - and
exiting, one hand lifting in a casual wave as he heads for the Skyfire 

Whinde shrugs and hiccups again. "What more is there to say?" she offers a
grin upwards, and seems to be feeling a tad better now "I know what I want.
I'm pretty sure of what he wants, what's left to say?" Hic.

T'shar wanders back outside, T'saren forgotten for the moment in the
promise of some prime time, age cured greenrider.

T'shar walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Ryialla says, still gently, "Well. Maybe you should find up for sure before
giving up completely, you know.."

Aurian stands and rakes her hand through her hair, "Kassima haul me to the
lake when this is done.."

Ceria sighs and stalks outside.

Whinde shakes her head and smiles "Nay, I'm not giving up. I'm being 

Ceria walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Kassima calls after Aurian, "'Twill be doing m'level best t'remember, Auri!
Great. Now I need t'drag Auri to the Lake and collect marks in the morning;
this should be fun. Wine, wine, where's the wine?" She hikes up her
skirt--not that it's loose enough to allow very well for this--enough to
let her sprint towards the Cavern and the wines stored there.

Ryialla sighs, and says, "As long as you're sure, Whinde. But I don't mind

Well, when there's a flight at least there's wine available. So K'nan
sprawls gracelessly into a seat, kicking his feet up onto the table
opposite him, and leans back.. gaze watching the bowl's entrance
thoughtfully. "So.. anyone started a betting pool yet?"

Kassima returns with the required armful of wineskins in time to catch that
query. "You should know me better than t'have t'be asking, K'nan." She
minces her slippered way to the table nearest the entrance to begin setting
up the liquor stand. "I've got a mark on Toniath; Ryi and his rider each
have a mark against. Where d'you want t'be putting your money?"

Whinde hiccups and blinks up at Ryialla "Share?" she grins "He might go for
that." she shakes her head "Althought I'm not so sure."

"A mark on Kvasith," K'nan bets, more or less at complete random, and lifts
one hand towards Kassima, a clear request for one of those wine skins.
After all, while she's got them out..

Telgar Weyr> Merla wanna chase Lorieth. Why didn't Krys put me on a brown
dragon. I wanted a brown dragon.
Telgar Weyr> Merla says, "Actually, I wanted a bronze ;)."

Ryialla gives the wine a wistful look. "Soon. Soon." She murmurs to Whinde,
somewhat quietly, "We should still at least both talk to him, and I think
it'd be better together."

Telgar Weyr> Merla has always had a desire to be different ;).
Telgar Weyr> K'nan thought Kimbrith -was- bronze.. O:)

Kassima snags one of the 'skins and lofts it in a low underhand toss
towards K'nan. "Mark on Kvasith. Got it, and 'twill take it." Giving the
alcohol a rather regretful, longing look, she backs away and glides back to
her chair and abandoned ribs with mint sauce. "Take an extra-hearty swig of
that wine for me, would you, K'nan? Since I can only drink vicariously 

Telgar Weyr> Kassima gets out the Rainbow Wand that Merlath gave her and
points it at Kimmie. "Your wish is my command." ;)
Telgar Weyr> Merla patpats K'nan. She is. Among other colours ;).
Ooh...there's an idea. *beam* Kassi, I love you :)

As with most thrown objects hurled at K'nan, due to long experience, it's
snatched out of the air.. and he chuckles softly, "I'll drink for you an'
Ryi both -- only fair, after all."

Ryialla beams over at K'nan. "Thank you, K'nan. That's awful kind of you."

Kassima beams, too. "K'nan, you're all right. For an evil greenrider." She
twirls a rib through the mint sauce, then rips off the flesh as neatly as
she can. Somehow, ribs just don't go with fancy dresses, do they? "Glad
Lyss only grumped at the flight," she comments out of the blue. "Nay
certain what I'd done if'n she'd decided t'be flying too, since I can't
really take her away."

Whinde grins again. She's getting fairly toasted. "Well, what /I/ want just
now" she waves one hand toward Ryi's stomache "is one of those. I'm a
mothery type. Except for right now, right now I'm just a giggly type." she
demonstrates this by giggling. "Have you ever seen the way he acts when I'm
around with the nursery kids? He's a fraidy of 'em."

K'nan lets an easy chuckle fall from his lips, and bobs his head a few
times.. uncorking the 'skin, and glancing to Kassima with a crooked grin,
"Vey's off hiding on her ledge, right now, and keeping well clear of it 

Ryialla rolls her eyes, and says, "And Pliarth - Faranth knows how she's
managed this one - is our weyr, out cold."

"Oh, and speaking of which, sort of--" Kassi gives Ryi a toothy, minty
grin. "I've got your Turnday present ready. Just so you know t'be fearing
in advance."

Ryialla looks oblingingly horrifed. "Remind me to be hiding in a couple of
days, when it gets here."

After taking a long swallow of wine, K'nan relaxes once more.. and glances
over to the woman speaking with Ryi, flashing over a toothy grin, "Don't
think we've really met yet, but any friend of Ryi's.. I'm K'nan, Veyath's

Kassima's grin becomes even more toothy, if possible. "Remind you? Ryi, why
would *I* be reminding you? I *want* t'bestow the gift." Which doesn't bode
well, does it?

Whinde demonstrates her giggliness again and waves to K'nan, even thought
he's /right/ there. "I'm Whinde. I blow through places."

"And she wants t'be having a baby," Kassi notes, ever-helpful. "Mayhaps you
could help her out with that, evil mentor mine? Then it could have a
K-name, see."

Ryialla groans. It's unclear if she's groaning at Kassi wanting to gift her
a present or the fact she's just blurted out Whinde wanting a baby. From
the looks she's shooting Kassi, though, she /is/ groaning at Kassi. Most

A rather wry glance is cast to Ryialla, before K'nan's amused gaze turns to
the giggling Whinde.. and he flashes her a lopsided grin, "Well, I've
fathered five.. six or so children in my time, so I suppose I -am- good at
it, Kass."

Kassima tenders a sunny smile to Ryi, all lash-fluttering green-eyed
innocence, before she raises her cider mug in a toast to K'nan. "Male
greenriders are talented that way, or so I've found."

Whinde grins widely at K'nan and giggles again "You're a daddy lots over
then!" she nods and raises her eyebrows. "How many are you going to have?"

Ryialla grins wickedly. "Oh, yes, K'nan. -Very- talented."

K'nan lets a warm laugh bubble up from his throat, blue eyes sparkling
briefly as he replies to the question, "As many as I can get to.." An
amused glance, Ryi's way.

Kassima starts ticking off on her fingers. "Jh'rin had five, this will be
five for Jal, K'nan, you've five or six; N'kshar's only got one, but he's
just getting started... and that's t'say naught of *female* greenriders,
eh, Ryi?"

Kassima amends, "Nay, wait, Nikh has two. Forgot for a moment about 

Ryialla sends that glance right back, and says - laying one hand on her
abdomen - "This is only my third. I'm behind."

Whinde giggles again "I dont have one yet."

K'nan's head bobs a few times, thoughtfully, and he grins over to the drunk
girl.. "Well, after th'flight, there'll be plenty of people disappointed
that you might be able to grab.. or else, well, there's always someone
around." A wink.

Kassima laughs quietly. "Four, for me," she admits. "Nay bad, for sleeping
with fewer men outside of flights than I could count on one hand--and with
fingers t'be sparing, besides. Don't forget t'be drinking the Water,
Whinde, if'n you want t'be certain of spawn."

Whinde titters a bit at the wink and tries to drink from the skin. She
finds it empty and peers into it's depths. "Hey! It's empty!"

Keara walks here from the Inner Cavern.

In Keara comes, stopping to scan the food table carefully before tossing a
wave to the rest of the cavern.

Ryialla snickers. "That's what usually happens when you drink a whole skin.
It gets empty."

"I recall that," Kassi mourns. "Many 'skins have I emptied in my day."
Pause. "A'course, that's what got me *into* this mess. G'deve, Keara. How'd
that baklava turn out?"

K'nan's head tilts slightly to one side, and a grin finds his lips.. "I
think you've drank just about enough wine, though - perfect amount, in 

Keara, picky picky, moves the bowls of chopped vegetables around on the
table. "Twas fine, of course, and I sure am glad the dragon didn't sneeze
upon it - though it certainly might've made the flavor distinctive."

Whinde blinks at Ryialla and K'nan "The whole skin? It was empty when I
picked it up!" she protests and then corrects "No, It was /full/ when I
picked it up. I can't drunk have the whole skin!"

Kassima murmurs, facetious, "You're nay as think as we drunk you are?"
Stripping the last of her ribs, she pulls the napkin out of the neckline of
her dress and uses it to wipe off mouth and fingers. "The mint sauce was
*excellent*, as were the ribs. M'compliments to the Bakers. A good thing
all around that he didn't sneeze on it--then he may have tried t'be
Searching the pastry instead of Timera, and how would pastry Stand?"

Ryialla says dryly, "At least pastry wouldn't have hot feet."

Keara considers, "I could make a sort of stiffer pastry, that'd stand up -
perhaps, could even bake it on the heat of the sands. I remember my
blistered feet, I do. I had -calluses-," the vain baker complains.

K'nan laughs, softly as he hears Whinde's words.. and then glances over to
Keara as the conversation turns to things pastry, an interested look
crossing his face, "I sense that I missed some good food.."

Whinde blinks at Kassima, completely unable to figure out what is wrong
with her last statement. "That's exactly right." she nods "I'm not as think
as I look."

Keara peers over at Whinde with a soft giggle, then to K'nan, "Well,
there's another pan - something went very right with that last batch and I
wanted to see if I could duplicate it. Which I did."

"Baklava," Kassi confirms. "'Twas a treat, K'nan--'twas an Istan here,
Ellwiny, and a Fortian, Al'oren, and Keara had 'em helping us make baklava.
Only the dragons wanted t'be watching, so we had t'take it outside, only
Cirameth sniffed the mix and sneezed all over Timera. Dragon-snot
*everywhere*." A grin crosses her face at Whinde's reply.

Ryialla grins at Whinde. "Yes. You are." She pouts then. "I missed that?
Shardit all."

"Was quite a sight," says Kea. "I'm awfully glad he turns aside, or would
have been me, and then he might've tried to Search me in apology, and then
/I'd've/ had burnt feet again. I have such delicate skin." She babbles
happily as she pours herself a glass of juice.

K'nan clucks his tongue once.. and then his eyes brighten as he looks to
the Baker once more, his lips curling in a broad smile.. "You say there's
another pan?" Ah, his weak point. Baklava and wine.

Kassima bobs her head to Ryi. "'Twas just a'fore J'lyn set in with the
grounding thing." She's quiet for a moment, finishing the clean-up with the
napkin; when done, she remarks, thoughtful, "'Twas interesting t'finally be
meeting Ellwiny. She seemed a good woman. I can see what Jhor saw in her."

Ryialla ahs. "That's unfair of him, by the way, Kassi." She licks her lips.
"A little baklava couldn't hurt.."

Keara grins at K'nan happily. "Oh, aye. Over there," she waves, and heads
towards her hearth chair, pulling it around to face the cavern. "Grounding,
Kassi? And who's this Jhor everyone keeps talking about?"

Kassima snorts quietly. "You're telling me?" Pushing the stripped bones
aside, she reaches for her mug of cider to wash out the taste of mint
sauce. "At least he relented enough t'be allowing me t'travel with an
escort, but Faranth forfend I ever spawn with someone who ranks me again.
Aye, Keara--Jal said I can't be flying at all without an escort. And Jhor's
Jh'rin, green Siaroth's rider, Kharisma's father. Gone *between* now."

From his seat to his feet, and his feet leading the way, K'nan heads
straight along towards that pan of baklava.. and after a moment's worth of
distracting anyone nearby ('Hey, I think they're coming back from the
flight..'), he's nabbed the entire pan, and promptly carries it along back
towards where everyone's sitting.

Whinde peers at the baklava "Ooh.. Sweets for the teeth." she nods solemnly
looking at K'nan. "I hear they taste good."

Keara adds, her feet stretched and crossed before her, "And share,

Whinde nods again "Yessir big daddy, share." she giggles too. Since she's
drunk, she can't really be expected to behave like a normal person, right?

Kassima drinks off the last of her cider, and gets up to put her dishes
away. Mid-route, she pauses and half-turns, looking Bowl-wards. "Lyss says
it looks like the males are closing. Mayhaps 'twill be collecting m'marks

"I have e'vry intention of sharing, Keara.. I have no intention of growing
as large as m'dragon," K'nan calls with a grin -- and laughs as Whinde
calls him 'big daddy', easing himself to a seat near Ryi and Whinde and
setting the pan on the table.

Keara asks idly, "Jorieth that's up, yes? Who's chasing, and who's your
money on?"

Ryialla snickers at K'nan. "Big Daddy. That's a good one, K'nan." She gives
him that sort of smile that bespeaks of Turns and Turns of teasing.

"Lorieth," Kassi corrects, with a flickered grin. "A slew of males; m'marks
are on Toniath. Bet with his rider on that one, too. K'nan's got a mark on

Ryialla comments, "I'm fairly sure it's going to be Toniath, personally.
Kassi just beat me to the punch."

Keara lifts a shoulder slightly to accompany her returned grin, and
"Toniath? That's not from here, is it? Not familiar at any rate." Her eyes
dart over to check the status of her baklava. Can't be too careful when
it's in greenrider hands.

I'sai walks in from the bowl.

I'sai wanders in, only for once, -he's- not the bleary, sweaty, grumbly
one. Which doesn't stop him from going for a glass of wine anyway.

Telgar Weyr> Ryialla must away. Kassi, Ryi'll grumble when you get your
mark. See you all later.

Ryialla gets up from her seat, to get another glass of turnip juice. She
waves at I'sai as she spots him.

Telgar Weyr> J'lyn collapses in his chair.

Telgar Weyr> K'nan says, "Who won?"

Telgar Weyr> J'lyn says, "T'shar and Toniath. :)"

Kassima agrees, "From Fort--" But she breaks off to close her eyes for a
moment, communing with Lysseth. "Hah!" she crows, triumphant, once the
green reports. "Hah! And hah again!" In the middle of the floor as she is,
she kilts up her skirt to do an impromptu jig of triumph. Not that this
dress is suited for a jig, but. "Marks, marks, markety mark mark marks,"
she sings.

Leya walks in from the bowl.

I'sai toasts that particular greenrider, sauntering on with a, "What are
you -doing- to yourself, Kassima?"

K'nan casts a glance, just as amused, to Ryialla.. and then leans back in
his seat, skin of wine in one hand and piece of baklava in the other, as
'riders begin to wander into the 'cavern. A faint snort at Kassima, head
shaking, "I'll pay y'in th'morrow."

Oh my, it's an I'sai. Kea's eyes go briefly wide, and then she becomes
noticeably stiller. No journeyman baker over here.

Ceria walks in from the bowl.

Ceria stalks into the living cavern, not really looking where she's going.
In fact, she practically trips over a chair on her way toward the serving

Leya stares blankly at Kassi, then makes straight toward the wine and pours
herself a large helping. She stares down at the skin as she thinks, then
finally decides to bring it with her. She walks as best as she can on shaky
legs over to the nearest table and collapses in the nearest chair, spilling
some of her wine down the front of her before she can guzzle it down.

Kassima replies, quite reasonably, "I'm doing a dance of victory in the
dress I promised Ro I'd be wearing someday, since she made it and gave it
t'me. Figured I should give it a debut a'fore I couldn't fit into it. Nay
precisely m'style, but--" A helpless shrug. "Anyway, nay matter; the
important thing is, I won three marks. Life is good. Aye, K'nan, at your
leisure--" She curtseys to the greenrider, then calls to the arriving,
"Wine's on the table by the door there."

Ceria alters her direction as she hears Kassima, nearly tripping over the
chair again. The troublesome chair is rewarded with a kick as Ceria heads
for the wine.

I'sai bypasses these arrivals, giving that baker a sideways grin along the
way, in favor of, "Oh, the flight? I missed that," and he snaps his fingers
for good measure. "Which reminds me, I need your opinion, Kassima... but,
ah, not now. Later." He hesitates to call over, "Are you sure you want to,
uh, break those?"

K'nan lifts one hand - and his 'skin of wine - in salute to Kassima as she
strides out.. and just watches the arriving 'riders as they stumble in, in
ones and twos, his expression faintly sympathetic now. He's sitting in
front of an entire pan of baklava, and if nobody else takes any, he'll
likely devour it all. Hahahaha-- sorry, Keara.

Kassima does a final spin and dance-step before sauntering back to her
table to plunk into her chair with a final, "Hah!" No, she's not normally
this bad of a winner. Lyss is starting to set her off, that's all. But if
one didn't happen to notice the green's slightly-brighter hue.... "Would
you really want t'be bedding Jal and his leather if'n Taralyth won,
though?" she asks of I'sai. "Nay that Toniath's rider's likely complaining,
but... opinions are always freely given, and worth as much as they cost.
Come t'think of it, I'd been meaning t'speak with you, too, later." A
glance towards the preoccupied Ryi as she says that? Maybe. "And K'nan's
got baklava," she calls to the room in general, sheerly for evil's sake.

I'sai reddens, "That's who? I hadn't -looked-... wait,
Toniath-and-Anlin-Toniath? And baklava, and ...let's just go with later.
Yes. Later." He has a long swallow of wine, to wash the rest down with.

Leya pours herself another glass of wine, managing to get the majority of
it in the glass. She stares sullenly at the puddle around her glass, wipes
her wet hand on her pants, then down that glass too.

A very drunk Whinde giggles from her seat, just watching the people coming 

Kassima has to blink at I'sai. "Toniath-and-*Anlin*? Toniath's another of
those bronzes who makes odd comments about human females being attractive,

Small and still Keara shrugs; he spotted her. A small wave, and she puts
her juice down and pats her kerchief into place.

I'sai explains, "Well, Chaluth, but I know - knew - Anlin a little better,
for all that Chaluth ...you-know-what." He risks a wider wave to Keara,
still moderately cheerful.

Ceria grabs herself some wine and goes traipsing across the cavern again in
search of someplace to sit. This time instead of running into a chair, she
manages to come dangerously close to running over I'sai. Or perhaps she
does run into him. She's not paying enough attention to notice.

Keara nods from the bronzerider to the baklava near K'nan, "Had any yet?
Tis even a little better than what we made out in the bowl, and oh, I'sai,
have you heard? Timera was searched." Aye, that would seem to be a flicker
of relief passing quickly over her face.

I'sai may notice, and he might have heard, but - right now the world's
tipping, oddly enough, and his wineglass with it, and he's just not that
great at juggling them both as his too-soon stumble shows.

Kassima sobers somewhat from her winning giddiness, dipping her head. "Went
*between*. Aye. Only met Anlin once m'self, but I've heard more about
her--did you know, her Chaluth came from the same clutch as Amberyl's
Jeniath? The mother of nigh all of Benden's current line. Careful, I'sai!
That's good drink you'd be wasting!" She is, yes, a woman of priorities.

Ceria drops down into the nearest chair and downs some wine before managing
to look back up at I'sai. "Sorry..." she mumbles before gulping more wine.

I'sai finally rebalances onto the bench by her, and recovers enough breath
to say, "It's all right, Ceria. And it was mostly drunk anyway, Kassi...
just glad I'm not in your boots -this- night," though by his tone, it'll be
his turn soon enough. "Er, yours, Ceria, that is, Ceria and Leya, not
yours, Kassima, although I wouldn't want those either, it's just a whole
lot less likely."

Keara blinks at Ceria, raises an eyebrow slightly, and then sighs quietly.
She may be heard to mumble, if the wind's blowing the right direction,
"Baker before, an' still not careful of the food? Or another Baker, for
that matter. Flight an' all."

Telgar Weyr> Whinde peers and can't keep up. What's this about someone
going between?

Telgar Weyr> I'sai says, "That was Anlin/Chaluth, T'shar/Toniath's 

Kassima wiggles her slippered feet. "Don't think you'd fit in m'shoes
tonight, Is, though 'twould be amusing t'be seeing you try." Casting
sympathetic looks towards the two brownriders, she wonders, "Would
something stronger help, mayhaps? I've still a bit of Black Gold stashed in
m'satchel, against need."

Leya finally stops guzzling wine long enough to look around the cavern. She
lifts a hand to wave at I'sai, Keara, Ceria, and Kassi, each in turn. She
blinks slowly at Kassima, then calls out, "I take ," she pauses to collect
her thoughts," you didn' bet on Tovith this time. Good. Didn' wanna win."
Her speech is rather slured as if you were to see the half empty wine skin
you'd see why.

Telgar Weyr> Whinde says, "When and why?"

Ceria peers down at her boots and then back up at I'sai. "What's the matter
with my boots?" she asks him plaintively.

Kassima shakes her head to Leya, hair swaying gently behind her. "Nay, nay,
though I did think on it. Lorieth seems t'be having a thing for browns and
bronzes. But taking today's weather into account, along with Jal's
preferences and Lorieth's long experience...." She shrugs a shoulder. "Just
seemed 'twould be a bronze tonight. Just as well you didn't, though. The
Wing doesn't need *more* folk out spawning, hey?"

"Well, why didn't you?" I'sai asks Leya reasonably, after a headshake
Kassima's way. "Just because you mightn't want to be, oh, ...grounded,
say," he adds, this time -not- looking at the greenrider. And as for Ceria,
"You don't look happy in 'em. Would you like some of that, what was it,
'Black Gold'?"

The news that's talked about brings a surprised blink from K'nan -- and
then a slow, sad shake of his head as the words sink in. The 'skin is
lifted, as a slight and silent toast to the lost goldrider.. and then,
after a swallow, he calls out, "Baklava, anyone? Fresh batch.."

Keara tucks her red-slippered feet underwards; what with all the talk of
I'sai in shoes. Content just to watch for the moment, her fingers tap at
the arm of the chair.

Ceria frowns a bit and gulps more wine, which only serves to befuddle her
more. "Black gold?" she asks and then shrugs. "Why not."

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "+bbread/ftw 18 has Anlin's farewell post."

"Because you'll get a headache," I'sai supplies. "Not that you won't
anyway, I'd bet. ...My, it's -so- much nicer being on this end; I keep
forgetting - did I hear baklava?" a glance between K'nan and Keara, this 

Leya stares at Kassi, her eyes following the swaying of her hair, "Oh," is
all she says for a few long moments, before adding, "No, not me. No
spawning." She blinks at I'sai, then, "Didna win? 'Cause Tovith didn't
catch her." She looks at her empty glass, then at the skin. She picks up
the skin and drinks of it instead. Forget the imbetween step.

Telgar Weyr> J'lyn says, "Okay, that made me !happy. Anlin was one of the
people I remember from when I first logged in..."

Kassima makes a face at the bronzerider, but only momentarily before her
attention is taken by the need to locate the bottle amidst the morass of
hides she carries. Eventually, a tall, slender glass container with a
vaguely blackish-brownish-purplish liquor is produced. "Black Gold," she
explains. "Who wanted glasses? Thankee, K'nan, but methinks baklava
wouldn't agree with me right now."

"Said baklava when you came in," chides Kea to Is. "It's there. And if
somebody else doesn't eat someone, it rather loooks as though K'nan'll be
eating it all."

Telgar Weyr> Kassima likes Anlin's player. She sent me several logs.

Telgar Weyr> S'dar didn't even get any branches :/

Telgar Weyr> Kassima whaps Sandrina Sweetbuns for that pun.

Telgar Weyr> Leya snorts, "Sandrina what?!"

"-That- would be a sight," Is teases, "You'd be as round as Ryialla,
practically. Which reminds me... oh, right, she left. Could I just try a
sip? And are you -sure- no spawning, Leya? Unless you've forgotten Gaiath
so soon..."

Ceria peers at Kassi. "I already have a glass," she says bluntly, holding
up her empty one.

Telgar Weyr> J'lyn says, "Have you ever seen S'dar's backside? It's 
tasty. ;)"

Telgar Weyr> Leya says, "Do you feminine names for /all/ the male riders

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Sandrina Sweetbuns. He's one of Kassi's
Femalemen of Pern, and he used to make sweetbuns. ;)"

Telgar Weyr> Ceria grisn.

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Nope, only... uh... seven? I think. And they're
not *all* riders. Rivalla, Martina, Sandrina, Cavadanna, Alexia, Vahrynna,
Keaganna: the Femalemen of Pern. ;)"

Telgar Weyr> Leya stares, "The poor men..." :)

Telgar Weyr> Ro says, "What about Kiat?"

"That makes matters easier," Kassi quips, uncorking the bottle to fill
Ceria's glass with. "A'course, I'sai. Unless you're allergic either
t'blackberries or the stuff they make Boll's Gold Dragons out of. Is now
later, then?"

Leya peeks over her wineskin at Kassima and the bottle. "Wha's that?" She
then glares as best as she can at I'sai, "I didn' forget. I 'member. Too
soon to know." She

Telgar Weyr> Kassima doesn't think Kassi ever got Kiat into a dress, but I
know she's joked about wanting to. And renaming him Kiatynna. Come to think
of it, she never actually got Sandy or Cav into dresses either.

Telgar Weyr> S'dar cheers!

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "But they're still femalemen. ;)"

Telgar Weyr> S'dar boos!

Leya peeks over her wineskin at Kassima and the bottle. "Wha's that?" She
then glares as best as she can at I'sai, "I didn' forget. I 'member. Too
soon to know." She looks back at the bottle. "I ha' some?"

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Since they've been Officially Renamed in
Kassi's mind. ;)"

Telgar Weyr> Ro just remembers multi-colored ribbons in his hair and lots
of paint/makeup.

Telgar Weyr> Leya giggles.

Ceria would thank Kassima, but she's too busy sampling the drink just
poured into her glass.

"Oh, -all- right," I'sai says agreeably to them both. "I don't -think- I'm,
what do you say, allergic. But is now later what? ...Here, Ceria, share
with your nice clutchmate. No, not Leya: me."

Kassima reaches to snag a cup from a servitor who's conveniently passing by
with a tray of the things, and fills it about half-full before offering it
to Leya. "Blackberry liqueur, Gold Dragon--thus the name--and a few other
dribs and drabs t'be making it palatable. Can't give away the rest of the
ingrediants, or how will I ever be able t'sell or trade the stuff
exclusively?" It's a Kassimonopoly. "You mentioned Ryi and speaking of
which--the thing I'd wanted t'be asking you about was connected t'Ryi, or
one of 'em, so I'd wondered whether 'twas a cue. Never mind. M'mind is
gone, and 'twill nay be getting better for a few days yet, I warrant."

Ceria eyes I'sai. "Share?" she asks and ponders this for a moment.
Apparently she decides this is a good idea because she stands up and
carefully makes her way back to I'sai.

I'sai meanwhile hesitates, "Funny, mine was sort of connected too. Kind of.
Well, a lot. In fact ... oh, -that- later? Come to think of it... well, how
about after this drink," and slides over enough to make room for the

Leya reaches out and clumsily takes the cup with both of her hands. She
actually doesn't spill any. She nods to Kassi, polite even when drunk. She
stares blearily at the stuff for a while before bringing it to her lips and
taking a drink.

Kassima eyes the bottle with grave regret before capping and replacing it.
No liquor for her. Sniffle. "Sounds like a plan t'me, Is. Can be talking
here or someplace less crowded, whichever you'd rather. What d'you think?"
she then asks the Black Gold drinkers a touch anxiously, ever eager for
reactions to her work.

Ceria takes the room I'sai gives and then attempts to take a little more,
practically seating herself on top of him as she offers him the glas.

Leya stares down dark liquid for a while after she takes a first drink. It
just takes her longer to get her thought together and in words, "Is good.
Bery nice." She picks up the cup and confirms this by taking another 

I'sai indulgently rests his forehead on her shoulderblade, as long as she's
leaning, and takes the glass; "-Definitely- somewhere less crowded," he
assures the greenrider before trying a trial sip of the liqueur. A shallow

A slow beam spreads across Kassi's face at these words from Leya. Way to
win points with the Wingleader, ayep. "I can brew you a bottle next time I
get t'Boll, if'n you like," she offers, then turns expectant eyes towards
I'sai and Ceria.

Ceria takes the glass back from I'sai and drinks from it again. "Good," is
her pronouncement and she looks back to I'sai.

K'nan has, it seemed, reached the limit of his baklava-consumption for the
evening.. and is just watching the others, quiet as he tends to be at times
and alone where he sits. His lips smile, lightly, wineskin tilting back
from time to time as he sips at it.

I'sai relaxes back again; "Not bad," he allows. "It tastes like one of
those suspicious drinks where they seem like they're going to be all right,
just fruit and all, until suddenly you're under the bench and don't
remember how you got there. Not that I've, uh, ever done that."

Leya gives Kassi lopsided grin, "Suure." She picks up the cup with both of
her hand and finishes it off. "Good," she says again her head nodding in
exzagerated motions to emphasize this.

Leya giggles rather loudly at I'sai, "Yeaahh, right."

Kassima's beam broadens, and she nods decisively. "Good. You all can live."
She's kidding, right? "I'm *sure* you haven't, I'sai." Uh-huh. "But 'tisn't
so bad as that. I created it for F'hlan, for one of his Turndays, and he'd
never have forgiven me if'n I'd gotten him drunk in public again." Again?
"Nay that the first time was *my* fault, really... if'n you want t'be
knocked under the bench, ask me for one of the more powerful liquors."

I'sai winks Leya's way, if certainly not Kassima's; "Thanks, but. Funny,
you've brought it around to Ryialla again, in a strange sort of way..." to
K'nan, Keara, "Going to try some, if she's still offering? If you dare."

Ceria rearranges herself on the seat so as to be more comfortable. This
seems to mean leaning a bit more on I'sai if he'll permit it.

K'nan lifts one hand to the air, then, at the question.. and he flashes a
lopsided grin, "Certes - bring it here, I'll take a try."

Keara, somewhere around there, has been managing to throw tiny little
daggers of glare at Ceria whenever I'sai seems to be otherwise distracted -
and then she's distracted, "Um? Oh. No, thanks - you can drink my share for
me, I'sai."

"She got you drunk in public?" Kassi queries, brows lifting. Reopening the
bottle, she rises to take it over to K'nan. "Nay as strong as the Bottle,"
she warns, "so don't expect t'be turning purple again." Eyeing Ceria, she
quips, "Still sure you want t'be going t'talk, Is? If'n you're comfortable
here, it can probably wait...."

I'sai obliges; she's his clutchmate, after all, though he does warn in a
whisper, "Tell me if you're going to fall asleep." A little louder to
K'nan, "I'd get up, but... thanks, Kassima. And no, no, it's just that the
twins are by him, and I, uh, -know- one of his other children, and... You
sure, Keara? It's tasty. Bet it'd be good on an iced cream. And perfectly
sure, the question's just a matter of when. No hurry for tonight, anyway, I

Managing to garner some of that stuff for himself, K'nan chuckles.. and
admonishes, "I myself -liked- the Bottle, Kassi. Hmf. Y'have no recognition
for good alcohol.."

Kassima's eyebrows lift yet further. "Know," she repeats. "*Know*. Did
Taralyth catch Mehlani's green in a flight, then? I have t'confess, I'm a
bit glad Tzornth never caught Lysseth; between m'fertility and his
virility, I'd likely have spawned quadruplets, and wouldn't *that* be a
mess. At your leisure--I did want t'be asking that opinion a'fore *too*
long, since Ryi's Turnday's in a handful of days, but tomorrow would do
if'n you're otherwise occupied. What d'you mean, I have nay recognition,
K'nan? I'm the one who brewed it, aren't I?" All mock-injury here.

Leya blinks at I'sai and Ceria, her eyes focusing and unfocusing, "Is, I
thought you..." she trails off as she loses that thought. She peers at her
empty cup, then at the wine skin. She picks up the wineskin and squirts
most of the wine in her mouth. "I hate flights..." she mutters once she

Ceria sits up straighter for a moment. "I don't wanna sleep," she says
petulantly before slumping into that leaning position again.

"I'm sure," replies Keara, darting another glare twards Ceria, then
reforming her face into cheerfulness and light. "By the way, I'sai, there's
some definite not-the-F-word over there at the end of the serving table,"
(away from Ceria), "ribs. They were good, right, Kassi?"

"Tell me later," I'sai suggests warmly to Leya. "I think we all do, most of
the time... hate them, that is, not sleep. Not that we don't sleep a lot,"
he adds, before resting his chin back on Ceria's shoulder; "Which, really,
wastes a lot of time. Or so I've always thought... ribs? Would you be
really kind and bring some? Please."

Keara says simply, "But I"m sitting down. And you're closer."

Ceria finishes off the glass and peers blearily over at Keara.

"Nay much fun from our side either," Kassi mutters, with a meaningful
glance outside. Oh, aye, the ribs were good--with mint sauce." Perhaps in
hope of more ribs for herself while she's at it, she suggests, "I'll get
some," and hops up to do just that.

"Y'still claim it wasna a good drink, though, Kassima.." K'nan lifts his
cup in a slight toast to the room at general, then tosses it back in one
swallow. Eyes blink a few times, watering slightly.. then he coughs, and
grins crookedly, "An' that's good."

I'sai mentions, "I'm sitting down too - that's right, Ceria, just don't
sleep - thanks, Kassima, lots. An' I did say, us all, didn't I?"

Keara smiles sweetly at Ceria, now that she's watching, and turns her glare
upon Kassima's back. Not helping much, are you? "And don't forget the mahed

Leya just blinks slowly at I'sai a comicly bewildered expression on her
face, she's already forgotten what she said. She takes another swig from
the wineskin, then rest her cheek on her arm, which is resting on the table
in a pool of wine. Her blinks keep getting slower and slower.

One of the cavern drudges wanders by, pausing by Akiko, "There you are
again! Did you get enough to eat, little one?"

Kassima echoes Keara's sweet smile to Ceria, only hers is directed to the
Baker. Her eyes aren't quite as sweet. "With mint sauce," she agrees,
dishing up a plate of *that* as well and carrying both back to I'sai's
table. Fortunately, she's only included a small dish of mint on the plate
beside the ribs rather than pouring it over them. "Looks as though you're
both about t'be sleeping, if'n you ask me--you both referring to you
brownriding types."

Akiko turns her head towards that drudge, blinking a few times in furrowed
brow thought. "Here I am again..? What do you mean.." She says in quiet
reply to that statement, looking at the spot she is sitting in. "Its
alright that I sit here. Right?"

Leya doesn't answer Kassi, or even look at her for that matter as her eyes
are closed and if you listen closely you can hear the sound of her steady
breathing. She's out, but at least she's not snoring.

I'sai frees a hand to reach for the ribs with a quick, "Thank you. Looks
scrumptious," as if that would placate that baker.

The drudge wrinkles her pert nose, and then says, "I'd think so! Though
they say I'm silly. You don't look like you're in the way. But did you 

Akiko rests a willowy hand against her stomach, fingers playing back and
forth as she answers. "Yes, Kassima gave me the Ribs that make you spawn. I
think.." She looks to the side, not quite sure. "Well.. I think thats what
she said. But I'm not sure." She has a half smile that seems on the edge of
fading away.

"With mint sauce, 'tis," Kassi assures. She likes mint. She likes mint a
lot. "Well, 'tisn't a good drink if'n you want t'be staying sober after the
first sip, mentor mine... but thankee. Always glad t'hear positive reports
about m'drinks. *Akiko*, they won't make you spawn, I *promise*--" Break
off. Pause. Consider. "At least, I've never heard that 'twould...."

Well, it's a start - as it is Keara half-smiles at I'sai, "You should that
it's the taste that matters, really." She stands and heads for the
kitchens. "Have some - oh, inventory to take care of, methinks. Have a good

The drudge instructs, "You're too young to spawn, little one! She must have
been joking with you... they say it's with you, you know, even when it's at

"Good night!" I'sai calls over Ceria's shoulder to the baker, and duly
takes a nice, large bite, as neatly as he can with just one hand.

Kassima eyes the ribs with new respect. And maybe even a bit of worry.
"Spawning ribs," she mutters. "Surely nay. Oh--g'night, Keara. And g'luck
with that inventorying."

Akiko gives a simple shrug of her shoulders. So they don't make you spawn.
She was just going off what she thought she heard from Kassima. Brown eyes
turn towards the drudge and she asks. ".. So they do make you spawn then?"
She has no idea what that is, either, but still.

Keara trudges off. Oh, /definitely/ a pity-inspiring appearance. Mm-hmm.

Keara walks off towards the kitchen.

The drudge says, wistfully, "No, ...not me. Not yet. I keep hoping." She
sniffs, and daubs at her eyes.

Ceria watches I'sai eating, her eyes drawn to his lips.

Akiko 's eyes show her.. lack of enthusiasm on this subject, but like a
proper young girl she gives nods, to show intrest or at least the image
there off. She looks around towards the others, but of course we come to
the slight block of her being a child, and them adults which leaves her
quietly sitting here, watching them. She can manage.

Which, thankfully, are attached - unlike the poor beast's ribs (to the
beast, at least) in which he's indulging. "Want a bite?" I'sai suggests.

Kassima, watching Keara go, purses her mouth just slightly and abruptly
leans down to be able to speak quietly to the bronzerider. She mutters to
I'sai, "By the... something you should... your chastity... well if'n..."
Cryptic message thus delivered, she reassures Akiko, "I don't *think* so."
Well, sort of reassures.

I'sai senses Kassima, watching Keara go, purses her mouth just slightly and
abruptly leans down to be able to speak quietly to the bronzerider. "By the
by, I'sai, something you should know--there's a plot against you. Guard
your chastity and your singleness well if'n you value them." Cryptic
message thus delivered, she reassures Akiko, "I don't *think* so." Well,
sort of reassures.

The drudge stares at Akiko for a little while longer, blinking from round,
now-puffy eyes: "I'm sorry," she says. "...I'm sorry. You're just a girl. I
shouldn't." She sniffs again.

Ceria shakes her head at the offer, ignoring Kassima's mutterings. "Nah,"
she says. "Not...hungry."

I'sai peers up at the greenrider, a smear of mint-sauce giving him an
absurd sort of dimple, "A -what-? I don't see - are you sure you're not
hungry? It's good, Ceria," he coaxes like any uncle, "...Are you -sure-,

.. Just a girl. Those words seem to echo themselves at her, over and over.
Akiko's eyes harden just slightly, a visible change from passive neutrality
to a deeply hidden and repressed anger. ".. Right.." She says quietly.

"You have mint-sauce on your face," Kassima points out. Isn't she helpful?
She's very helpful, really. "Very sure. I can be elucidating later, if'n
you like, but... the walls have ears." She gives the room in general a wary
glance. "If'n I revealed more details where someone might hear, who knows
but that I could find a wherry head in m'bed some evening?" Hopefully meant
literally rather than in the sense of the 'wherryhead' insult, but you
never know.

Ceria keeps her eyes locked on I'sai, but she shakes her head again.
"Definitely not hungry," she repeats with a bit of a smile.

I'sai flushes. "Yes. That is, yes, later. No for couldn't have that, and
they do listen, they do. ...Well, if you're not hungry, let's put you
somewhere safe, all right? My knee, it's falling, uh, asleep. Yes. Asleep."

Ceria pouts at I'sai. "I'm not safe here?" she asks him.

K'nan pushes himself up from his seat, and laces his fingers together --
both hands lifting above his head as he stretches his entire lanky frame,
before dropping to his side once more. A soft chuckle, "Well, I suppose
I've had enough t'eat an' drink t'night.."

Kassima straightens, and works very hard to keep a straight face. Really.
But she's not succeeding very well. "Question's more like, is *I'sai*
safe...? Clear skies, evil mentor mine--and regards t'Veyath, if'n 

Akiko 's color fades again as the attention seems to flit away from her.
She just goes back to being quiet, and unnoticed.

"No, you'll do in your neck," I'sai says practically, "If you fall asleep
here. -That- I've done." He dares a momentary squint at Kassima, and then
at K'nan, but... "Are you going to be all right on Carabeth, or do I need
to strap you - _not_ like that. Do you need the balance, I mean."

Ceria pushes herself to her feet unsteadily. "Carabeth won't drop me," she
says indignantly.

Kassima returns I'sai's look with bland innocence. Almost bland. A twinge
of amusement spices it somewhat. "Sleeping in a weyr *is* more comfortable
than sleeping in the Cavern," she relents enough to agree, "and both more
comfortable than falling asleep on the floor. I've done all three. Amazing
where you'll sleep after a good pub crawl."

K'nan lifts one hand in a general wave to the rest of the 'cavern, "Anyone
need me.. I'll be up in m'weyr working on m'collection, most likely. Naught
much else t'do." A flash of smile, and on his heel he turns to stride
towards the bowl's entrance. And on the way, he snags an extra 'skin.

"So glad you agree," I'sai assures Kassima, and stands up after Ceria,
rubbing his knee before straightening to add with more confidence than is
strictly deserved, "Of course he won't. Just have to get you there. Come 

"Collection?" Kassima echoes, puzzled. "'Twill be recalling it, though,
K'nan. G'luck t'you with your, ah, collecting."

Ceria eyes I'sai for a moment and then stumbles a bit as she takes a step

Leya slowly raises her head and blinks as she squints around the room. She
props up her head with her hand, her elbow on the table. "Did I fall
asleep?" she asks, then rubs at her cheek with her other hand, the cheek
with the bright red imprint of her sleeve on it.

I'sai reaches for Ceria's shoulder at that stumble, matter-of-factly
escorting her, "See, if you fall asleep you'll end up like - on second
thought, don't look at Leya. She'll be all right, you'll be all right, it's
not much further."

K'nan walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Ceria latches onto I'sai as he reaches for her, leaning against him again
as he escorts her out.

Kassima snags herself a rib from the abandoned set and takes it back to her
seat, watching the duo depart with a great deal of amusement that she no
longer bothers to hide. "Mmm-hmm," she tells her Wingrider, waggling the
piece of food lightly at her. "Shouldn't do that, y'know. You'll get a
cricked neck."

Leya peers in confusion at I'sai, "Wha? What wrong with how I look?" She
frowns at Kassi, then rubs her head. "Uh huh." Her gaze wanders back at
I'sai and Ceria, "Where're they goin'?"

I'sai gets a last, defensive, "She's my -wingmate-," to Kassima before
steadying Ceria once again: on they go, and nobody'd better bet on them in
any three-legged race.

I'sai walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Ceria walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

"Depends whether Ceria manages t'be convincing him t'go up to her weyr and
bed with her, I should imagine," Kassi replies, wiggling cheerful fingers
after the two. "Want t'be betting on whether she will?" Is it time to call
Gamblers' Anonymous yet? "Half-mark says he comes back. He's nay the right
sort for it."

Leya is anything but cheerful, she's still half drunk and is starting to
get a headache on top of that. "I don't wanna bet. Don't have enough marks
as it is." She eyes the bowl exit, then adds sourly, "You always win."

Kassima shakes her head at that. "Ah, nay. I lose--I'm just careful t'keep
the losses smaller and less significant than the wins. And I *have* had
eighteen Turns t'be honing the art. A'fore that," she admits, with a wry
smile, "'twas nay believing in betting. Tovith feeling any better?"

Leya hmphs, "Well, I certainly don't." She gets that odd look that rider's
get when they're talking to their dragons, "He's a little better. Still
grumpy though." She shrugs and picks at her wine soaked sleeve. "He'll get
over it. He always does. At least he won't be unbearable any more. He
always thinks he's invi...invincible after he wins a flight," she says,
only stumbling over the one big word.

"Mayhaps he'll have forgotten by morning," Kassi suggests, sympathetic,
getting up to fetch something nonalcoholic for herself. Citron will do.
"I've heard that of more than one male. Mayhaps 'tis a common dragon 

Leya nods, rolling up her sodden sleeve so she doesn't have to feel it's
unpleasant wetness against her skin. Good thing she hasn't noticed the
front of her sweater yet. "Perhaps. I hope so." She pushes her empty cup
and glass to the side of the table. "Perhaps," she says again. "I know
Tovith certainly has it. Maybe it just has something to do with males." She
shrugs. She's not one so she can't say.

"Well," Kassima muses, "M'rgan's always been insufferable about won
flights, but I've known nigh as many men who were as embarrassed about it
as the women--at least, for the first few rounds. Could be there're even
males who don't puff up after a won flight. Just because I can't *think* of
any...." The sweater is eyed. "Should likely change out of that a'fore you
sleep, y'know."

Leya nods, "M'dei certainly was embarressed. He's not a malerider though."
She quickly looks down at her sweater and does a pretty good example of how
/she/ looks embarressed. "Oh. Yes." She pinchs the sodden fabric, bringing
it off of her skin with a sucking sound. "I wonder if this'll come out..."
she says with a grimace.

Kassima reminisces, laughing quietly, "Should've seen V'hryn after Tebrelth
caught Lyss. He screamed and fell out of bed. Such is the problem with
having a reputation like mine, I suppose." Shaking her head, she switches
topics, surveying the sweater a moment. "Don't really know," she confesses.
"I don't know much about sweaters--give it to the laundry folk in the
Cavern? They can clean it if'n anyone can."

Leya smiles at little at the mental picture that brings up, but it quickly
disappears as it also brings up memories of her own. She's doesn't find
those quite as funny. She leans over and wrings some of the wine out of her
sweater, stretching it so that the front sags strangely. "I hope so. I like
this sweater." She rubs at the front, trying to get it to lie right again.

Kassima watches the stretching-out with some dubiousness. "Doubt that'll do
it any good. They don't seem t'spring back into shape as well as some other
things," she cautions. "If'n nay, could commission one like it from the
Weavers, I suppose."

Leya stops rubbing at the sweater, it wasn't doing much good anyways.
"Yeah, I suppose." She sighs, "Mean more marks though." You certainly won't
have to worry about her spending all her marks on something extravagently

No, spending marks on something extravagantly useless is Kassi's job. "If'n
you're flat-pouched, I can loan you some of what I won off of Tovith," she
offers. "Since you're a Wingmate, I'll nay even charge you exhorbitant
interest fees."

Leya smiles at Kassima, "Thanks, I do have a few marks, but not much." She
grins wryly at the last part, "I'll remember though if I ever am in dire
need of marks."

Kassima grins, tapping the belt pouch... that isn't there. So she winds up
just tapping her waist and looking somewhat silly. "M'belt-pouch *would* be
nice and full, if'n I had it with me," she comments, wry. "So aye, if'n in
dire need. Mart's rumors about the prices I charge are *greatly*
exaggerated. Honest."

Leya chuckles, even though her hand is still absently rubbing her temples.
"How much do you charge then?"

"Depends entirely on whom I'm loaning it to," Kassi answers. "Meaning, on
how much they've tormented me in the past, on whether they've been slow
about paying back previous loans, on whether they have a reputation as
being untrustworty t'loan money to... I *have* soaked some people out of
everything they had, but the way I see it, 'twere warned at the outset and
usually deserved it."

Leya slowly nods, pondering over those factors and how she does in those in
her head. "So...I think I've been all right in all of those. So I wouldn't
get soaked?" She wrinkles her nose at her sweater, "Not that I'm not

Akiko speaks up quietly. "You steal from people?" Her voice full of shock
and surprise at Kassima. After all, she pretty much takes everything the
Rider says at face value.

Kassima stifles a laugh at the pun. "'Twouldn't," she assures. "For a
Wingmate about whom I've never heard aught about being unsound with money,
I'd likely nay charge any interest at all, at least the first time.
Assuming 'twas paid back in good time or 'twere a good reason for that nay
being so, I might never charge interest. Mart quotes tales where so-and-so
has had t'be selling off something t'pay me, but that's usually only after
so-and-so lost what I loaned him and then went sevenday after sevenday
without paying it back. I'm nay *merciless*. Just mercenary." Peeking
towards the Bowl, she observes, "And I'd have won that half-mark, looks
like. Nay precisely, Akiko, nay--never steal. Acquire their marks or
possessions as the result of a pre-agreed bargain, aye."

I'sai walks in from the bowl.

I'sai enters some time later, expression sober, tunic decidedly rumpled but
trous pristine as his boot-lacings. He nods singly to the cavern, then
walks straight through.

I'sai walks towards the inner cavern.

Kassima watches I'sai pass through, and laughs low in her throat. "Poor Is.
Poor Ceria, for that matter. Reason two-hundred and sixteen I'm eternally
glad nay t'be a malerider."

Leya smiles, "Really? None at all? Wow, thanks." She nods at the
explaination, "I can understand that." She waves to I'sai as he walks in,
then looks back Kassima, "So, does M'rgan always says things like that
about you?"

"Generally speaking," Kassima admits. "We're archnemesis; he rather has to.
Just as 'twill always say the worst of him. I have one law t'live by,
y'know: if'n aught can go wrong... blame it on M'rgan."

I'sai walks here from the Inner Cavern.

Leya frowns, lowering her eyebrows as I'sai just walks right through. She
sighs, then quirks a small smile at Kassima, "Really? I've always been glad
I'm not a femalerider. Just seeing J'lyn today is a good enough reason for

I'sai enters yet again, far less time having passed, dishevelled hair now
slicked back against his skull after a good dosing of water.

Leya slowly nods, her smile growing a little, just a little bit wider. "I
see. I'm still allowed be friends with those in his wing, right?"

One corner of Kassi's mouth quirks downwards; the other, up. Neat trick,
that. "Wait'll you get a load of me," she suggests, dry. "By the morrow,
Lyss should have finished the preliminaries t'proddiness, knowing her. But
for us, we deal with flights much less frequently--" She takes a moment to
blink at I'sai. "Goodness, bronzer. Surely you'd nay gotten a hungover
*already*? Oh, a'course, Leya--so long as you don't let that friendship
interfere with kicking their rumps in Wing competitions and drills."

Leya's eyes widen and she closes her eyes, then opens them again. "You too?
Great, just great...

I'sai shakes his head, but briefly, even as he crosses to them; "What did I

Leya nods to the last part of Kassi's statement, "Yes, ma'am." She turns to
I'sai and points to Kassi, "Watch out for her for the next few days.
Lysseth is going to rise." She looks at Kassi, "How long are usually
proddy? I want to know how long I have to hide in my weyr." Maybe she's
joking, but then maybe she's not.

Kassima chirrups brightly, "I tried t'bet a half-mark that you'd come back,
but nay anyone would take me up on it. Pity. Sit? 'Twere just discussing
flights, and maleriderdome versus femaleriderdom." One slippered foot moves
to nudge out a chair in invitation, before she turns back to Leya. "Oh,
aye. Can't even say I'm terribly surprised; 'tis far past time, but 'twas
incovenient today. She didn't much like Lorieth rising right under her
nose. A sevenday, a bit less, give and take." How reassuring. "Should be
fun, with the raw meat and klah *both* barred t'me. And 'tis *Kassima*, nay
ma'am. Remember?"

Telgar Weyr> Kassima eyes Kassi. She *chirruped*. That's a new one.

"Oh, all right," I'sai says, matter-of-fact enough to be flat about it;
"Then we'd better talk now over later, hadn't we. And if we're quiet... I
trust Leya with my half, don't know about yours." He sits, then rests his
elbows on the table, just like that.

Telgar Weyr> Timera grins. Amazing what pregnancy will do.

Telgar Weyr> Leya grins.

Kassima considers Leya for a moment, then answers, simply, "She's a
Wingmate. Nay problems. D'you want t'go first, or shall I?"

"I will." I'sai does remember to add, "Unless you mind, Leya. Just, if we
don't finish that business now, it won't -be- finished for a while, as you

Leya pales and looks slightly nauseated at the mention of raw meat, "I
don't think I want to know," she mutters under her breath. "If you don't
mind, Kassima, not ma'am," she smiles," I'll do my best to avoid you for
the next sevenday then." She then nods to I'sai. "I don't mind. Go ahead."

Kassima smiles a toothy smile at Leya, then bobs her head to I'sai. "All
right, then. You said 'twere wanting an opinion on a matter, and that 'tis
relating t'Ryi?"

I'sai pitches his tenor more quietly now, quietly enough not to be heard
beyond the three of them, though it gains little more vibrance at best.
"Yes. It seems to me," he begins, "It would be good to have something for
Ryialla. For the baby. No matter," he shrugs slightly, far more offhanded
about the whole thing than he'd have been able to feign a few months ago,
"...whose. So I was thinking... do you remember how she said, once upon a
time, that she really liked those decorative knives to go in people's 

Leya rests her chins in her hands, her elbows on the table. She leans her
head a little to one side, more on one hand, "That's sweet that you want to
get her something, I'sai. But wouldn't knives be rather dangerous to have
in your hair?" She looks over at Kassi, the resident knife expert, raising
an eyebrow in question.

"She thought I might be interested in getting some," Kassima recollects and
confirms, "since m'hair is long and she'd only seen ones for long hair.
You're thinking about trying t'find some for short hair, then?" A moment
later, she smiles, a genuine smile rather than one of those barings of
teeth or flippant grins she's been firing off today. "Y'know, Is, you're a
good sort of person. 'Tis good t'see someone recognizing that Ryi deserves
special treatment; she's a fine lady. 'Twas glad t'hear she may be able
t'work things out with K'ryo. Anyway... are you wanting these knives in
time for the birth, then?" A shake of her head to Leya. "Nay if'n they're
the right sort."

I'sai flushes faintly, just the tips of his ears this time. "Thanks," he
says. "And, yeah, before if possible. She's due in ... getting near a
couple months, not even a season yet. And yeah, for short hair, a comb or
something. I was going to talk to the smiths; met Loren a few times on
sweepriding, he seems like he'd know who to talk to. Unless you have a good
idea of who to go to, right off. See, Leya, if they have their own sheaths,
then it works all right, it's not like you cut your own hair off." After
just a heartbeat's hesitation, "It's for sure, then, with K'ryo? Instead of
just those looks and all? ...Oh, right, you said 'may.'"

Leya watches the two other riders, a faint smile on her lips. She raises
her eyebrows in comprehension, "Oh, I see." She resumes watching.

Kassima peers into her cider mug a moment, mulling. No pun on mulled cider
intended. "I've a cousin who does exotic weaponry; he could do the trick
for you, but only if'n he doesn't have too many other commissions pending.
Might do best t'be checking at Smithcraft first," she suggests. "And I
daresay Ryi will be glad t'finally be spawning." Another moment of mull.
"'Tis for certain that Ryi cares for him," she answers carefully, quietly.
"And Whinde says that he speaks often of her, and cares for her. 'Tis only
a question of wreaking a happy ending from that. Hopefully *without* anyone
trying t'play matchmaker." A nearly-inaudible sigh. "I hope it works out.
Ryi should be happy; she's waited long enough t'find someone who can make
her so."

I'sai mutters something about -matchmakers-; afterward, "Who can make
anyone happy? Or maybe it's a figure of speech... and Whinde, but she's the
girl who's in his ...weyr all the time, isn't she?" pale eyes glinting
turquoise as he searches their faces.

Akiko peeks up beside Kassima, and asks. "Ryialla? She talked with me. Even
put my hair into tails. But they came out when I washed." She asks of
course, since she is -so- stuck on the issue because of the Rider. "Does
that mean she ate the ribs as well? So she is going to spawn?"

I'sai drops his gaze, guiltily, and sits back against the bench.

"His bedmate," Kassi confirms in a somewhat blunter fashion. "She's said
she's going t'be moving out, though. Wants a child, evidently, and doesn't
want t'be tying K'ryo down with such when he doesn't care for her." A
smile, slightly ironic in nature, flashes across her face momentarily.
"Being around someone can make someone happy," she amends. "For a time. But
it always ends, in the end, doesn't it? If'n Ryi's found one who'll stay
with her--well. Different." Looking over at Akiko, she brings up her hand
to cover a grin and stifle mirth. "Ryialla's going t'spawn, but 'tis nay
because she ate the ribs. 'Tis because she drank the Water." And other
things; green eyes slide briefly towards I'sai, gleaming, amused. "Ryi has
a pair of twins older than you, did she mention?"

Akiko suddenly becomes rather alert, and intrested. Oh no! She has eaten
the ribs /and/ drank the water! She looks at her hands, and then reaches to
pat at her stomach, as if knocking a few times on the flesh. Hoping no one
is noticing her, she speaks in soft tones, "Hello? Spawn.. ? Are you in
there..?" She waits, as if expecting an answer.

I'sai may twitch, gaze and shoulders alike, but once she's quite finished
he says clinically enough to be talking about someone else entirely, "Yes.
As a matter of fact, she did. Lanry Stood with Leya and me, did you know?
And their father, F'hlan... I knew one of his other daughters. Back at the
Hall." He squints at Akiko, even so, and sits a little further back.

No one noticing? Too much to ask, alas; Kassi notices, and presses her lips
together in a very thin line in a desperate attempt to keep from laughing.
"You needn't worry," she promises Akiko, holding up a hand to show that
it's a solemn vow. "Until you're an old, adult woman, the Water and ribs
can't make you spawn. That's good, because being fat is a pain." She casts
a wry glance down at herself. Not that *she's* fat, yet, or remotely near,
but soon enough.... "'Twas speaking with Akiko," Kassi tells I'sai, "but I
suppose her twins *are* older than you, too, aren't they? Now *that's* a
bit of a scary thought. Mind, I'm nay certain Jal's eldest aren't my
elders, so I'm nay one t'be speaking. F'hlan's a fine man. He's Benden's
Weyrleader now, a'course. Used t'be Wingsecond of Thunderbolt with me;
first t'ever lead the Wing at all. Ryi has two children, a third on the 

I'sai nods, a measured gesture, at the explanation; "...Well, about my
age," he supposes. "Do you remember how old Lanryi was compared to us,
Leya? Younger than Ceria, but..." everyone was.

Leya grins at Akika, swallowing a giggle, "You're fine. It takes more than
ribs and the Water to make you spawn, and you'll find out soon enough what
that is."

I'sai mutters protectively, "Give her a -few- Turns, at least. Even in the
-Holds- they would."

Akiko looks towards I'sai curiously. Well. Pity you, as you now have the
young girls attention. She scampers on over and slides up into a seat
beside him. "Few turns for what?" She inquires, eyes bright and energetic
with the wish for understanding.

Leya nods to I'sai, "Definitely." She then purses her lips together as she
thinks, "I think Lanryi is the same age as I am if I remember right. She
joined the craft later though."

"Spawning," I'sai tells the young girl; "Thanks," to the young woman.

Kassima murmurs, rueful, "And Lanryi is the little lass who used t'help
feed m'fire-lizards and chant for me t'get 'boo' at Hatchings. Should I be
setting up a chair in the Old Auntie Rider corner yet, d'you think?"
Clearing her throat at Akiko's query, she gives I'sai a pointed glance.
*He* can explain, yes.

Leya smiles as she remembers the hall, "You know, I didn't even remember
who Lanyri's Da was until you mentioned that. Funny, I never even thought
of it." She grins at Kassi, "No, not quite yet. Wait at least until you're
done spawning."

Akiko nods her head quickly. "Oh... Alright. Why does the water and ribs
make her spawn though?" She asks, pointing over at Kassima as her other
hand tugged at I'sai's arm. "Why why? How does water and ribs do that?" Oh,
you bad peple! You have the poor girl just confused!

Kassima chuckles and dips her chin to Leya. "All right, all right. Though
I'm actually nay ever inclined t'be old auntie-sit-by-the-fire. Too much
Mart-torment t'do and too few Turns of life t'be doing it in. But if'n
we've settled your question, I'sai," she begins, back to the bronzerider,
"should I be telling you of the plot against you or asking you m'question
in turn? Or were we nay done yet?" Merriment glints again. Oh, do explain,
I'sai. This should be entertaining.

I'sai hastily tugs his arm right back again, widened eyes showing all of
irises' turquoise rings and the whites beyond; "...Kassima. Yes. Exactly.
You had something else to say. To me. Not here. Didn't you." To Akiko,
"Maybe I'll be used to that sort of thing in a while. But I -don't- count
on it."

J'var walks in from the bowl.

Ryialla returns, from the necessary, sucking grumpily on a mint stick.

"To you," Kassi echoes, and, "Nay here. Wherever you prefer, I suppose? But
really, Is, you should answer the girl first." A nod towards Akiko; a
too-sweet smile; a wave to the incoming greenriders with a de-meatified
rib-bone. "Heyla and g'deve, greens."

J'var gives a half-wave in the direction of his wingleader and the group
surrounding her, pausing to peer around the cavern. Shaking his head, he
heads over to drop into a seat sideways, leaning on his elbow on the table,
and grins. "What girl? I'm great at answering girls. Usually with 'of
course, I'll respect you in the morning'."

I'sai flicks a look around, only to catch on, "-There-. Ryialla will tell
you. She told me, after all," with a sudden grin of his own, though it's
perhaps prompted more by his standing and potential escape. Soft-voiced,
pointing, "That's Ryialla; and tell her, please, I've something to give
her, but it's in Tear's straps, and I have to wait... On second thought.
J'var. You're -perfect-. Isn't he, Leya?"

Akiko looks between J'var Ryialla and I'sai. Utter confusion the reigning
emotion on her face. She coughs lightly and tries to say, "I.. I just want
to know is all.." She makes a soft hmph sound and both of her hands go to
her hips. "Just because I'm not an adault like you. Doesn't mean I don't
deserve.. reps.. Resp... Respect!" She finally manages, and then blinks,
hidding her head behind I'sai's arm at her little outburst.

Ryialla blinks, and stops dead, plucking the mint stick out of her mouth.
Irasciably, she says, "What am I telling whom? And who's perfect.." She
turns, and spots J'var. "Oh, heyla, J'var."

"The *young* girl," Kassi answers dryly, flicking a finger towards
eleven-Turn-old Akiko. "Say that t'her, and if'n her parents don't box your
ears, I'll do it for 'em." I'sai's last words earn him a look of new
respect. "You're evil," she admires. "'Tisn't because we're nay wishing
t'show you respect, Akiko, only that 'tis difficult t'be explaining. 'Tis a
question of who'd be able t'do it best."

J'var blinks, but amiably nods. "I'm perfect. Everybody knows that." He
pauses to peer at the girl hiding behind I'sai. "Did somebody get you
drunk, kiddo?"

I'sai attempts to extricate his arm - gently - only to call over to
Ryialla, "No, no, she was to explain to you, not the other way around," and
afterwards, well, J'var gets quite the grateful glance as he sidles away
like any spiderclaw worth its, er, salt.

Telgar Weyr> J'var eyes y'all. Why do I get the sudden feeling I should be
hiding under a table? :)

Telgar Weyr> I'sai says, "She wants to know about Spawning."

Telgar Weyr> Kassima says, "Because you're very astute. ;)"

Telgar Weyr> J'var snickers. Oh dear.

Leya giggles as she looks from J'var to I'sai, "Oh, yes of course, but
isn't she a little young..." She eyes Kassi, "Would you like me more if I
was evil?"

Telgar Weyr> I'sai says, "But she's not asking salaciously, which is good,
since she's 11, I figure. :)"

Kassima informs J'var in her most pleasant fashion, tossing her head a bit
to make earrings ring, "Wingrider, you are hereby assigned the task of
answering any and all questions Akiko might have for you. Akiko, this man
knows about how spawn come t'be; you ask *him.*" There. Problem solved.
Sometimes, it's good to be a Wingleader, even if one is a grounded pregnant
Wingleader who's about to go proddy and is still wearing a dress. "I'd
probably *understand* you better if'n 'twere evil, Leya, simply because
people do tend t'say I'm evil and like understands like."

Akiko just sighs, and slinks away. To young, to little. Not old enough. She
isn't old enough for /anything/! She finds a nice spot away from everyone
else and throws herself down to sit, arms crossed and a rather annoyed look
hanging within the dark pools of her eyes.

Ryialla is very confused, and it shows. "Who's explaining?" She peers at
the young girl, and says gently, "Akiko? Is anything amiss?"

J'var blinks again. "I... see. Does this mean I get out of sweeps
tomorrow?" His eyes follow the girl, and he shakes his head. "Problem,
kiddo? Here, c'mere, grab a seat, and stop screwing up your pretty little
face with that pout."

I'sai lets out an admiring breath, waves vaguely at the little girl, and
tells said wingleader, "Name the place."

Kassima actually considers this. "Do a good enough job of explaining
without traumatizing her, and you do," she decides. "But you get t'be
explaining it to Kena." Slanting a glance outside, she suggests, "Records
Room, Work Room, the like? Both should be empty, this time of night. And
there aren't too many places for spies t'be hiding."

Akiko says, "To little for anything." She complains to Ryialla, I'sai gets
the best hurt look she can muster up, and J'var gets a confused one. "Why?
Your just gonna say I'm not old enough anyways. That is what everyone
says." She doesn't move, trying to milk this little scene for all its worth.

Close enough. "Workroom," I'sai agrees. "Always something there to keep
hands busy - ah. Excuse me," he says to Leya and, with a last apologetic
wave to the rest of the cavern, makes for the bowl.

I'sai walks down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Kassima steals out after I'sai, making good on her escape while she can.

You walk down the short tunnel and out into the bowl.

Taralyth dips his dark muzzle to nuzzle his rider's shoulder a moment, once
the youth's close enough. Oh, you'd -like- to think they're going to go
flying, now wouldn't you...

I'sai mutters at his dragon - who merely turns sparkling blue eyes on the
others - and reluctantly breaks off to disappear within the workroom.

I'sai moves down a short passage and past a curtain, moving out of sight as
he enters the Guest Weyr.

I'sai emerges from the passage leading to Southern Bowl.

I'sai disappears into the records cavern.

Funny; Lysseth doesn't give her rider any similar gesture of affection. In
fact, if anything, the pair trade mildly irritated glances before the
greenrider follows the bronze.

You walk into the records cavern, leaving the bowl behind.

I'sai enters, stiff-legged, "I -didn't- need to see that."

"Your own fault for going into the guest weyr after a flight," Kassi points
out, considerably amused. "There's a reason I didn't follow you--so which
are you wanting first, the plot or the question? I'm guessing the plot.
'Tis more nefarious than what I got Ryi for her Turnday, hopefully."

"Fine. Whichever," I'sai says, pacing a quarter-turn around the table, but
not so far that it closes off the exit from him. "I'm in the dark... where
-are- those glows; these are dim."

Kassima, more familiar with the room, glides towards a certain cabinet and
draws from it a fresher glowbasket, unshielding it to rectify the dimness
problem. "Better?" she inquires, but without waiting for an answer, goes
on: "Business first, then. 'Tis only fair t'let you know that Timera and
mayhaps others have a plan t'fix you up with Keara, will-you nill-you as
far as I can be figuring."

I'sai's hand flattens, fingers spread, pale even with its faintly freckled
tan against the dark-stained wood. "Oh. No," he denies, though there's
little enough of surprise in it.

Kassima chooses to scoot up to a seat on the table, fingers curling around
the edge. "Oh, aye," she retorts, with a sharp nod that sends the emeralds
at her ears jangling. "In fact, Timera said I should be taking on the task
of nudging you--subtly--towards the match. But I'm rather firmly opposed
t'matchmaking plots, and I figured you should be warned a'fore they found
some way t'be tucking her in your weyr after a lost flight or Faranth alone
knows what."

Jangled as his nerves, by the way his pale glance prickles up, made by the
glows a green more wan than those emeralds' fire; "Thank you," I'sai
finally says. And then, "Tell me it wasn't... She should know better. Keara
should. ...Although, after a flight," and the corner of his mouth twists
up, self-mockery.

Kassima watches this reaction with the dispassionate curiousity of a
glow-addled greenrider, experimentor to subject, for a moment; then sense
reasserts and compassion adds depths to her dark gaze. "Welcome," she
answers. "I don't know whose idea 'twas. Only that Timera seemed t'be
enthused about it. It may have been *her* plan, and you're in nay danger
now, but 'tis likely that she got the idea from... somewhere. If'n 'twere
t'hazard a guess, I'd wager Keara's sweet on you; did you know?" She quirks
a wry smile of her own, teeth glinting briefly. "After a flight," she
repeats. "It must be interesting, at times, t'be able t'lose."

"So long as Keara didn't have something to do with it," I'sai says; and
summons the semblance of dispassion of his own, tenor light and clear as
that length of muscovite that had before shown only darkness and is now but
a mirror, "And yes. I do know. I've known..." There's silence; his hand is
still, there, on the table. Unmoving. "If you really care to know, Kassima,
...have Lysseth bespeak Taralyth next time it's not her that rises, and not
us that catches. We'll show you." If you dare.

Kassima's mouth curves in a faint, sardonic smile: recognition, admiration.
She knows the art of mask and mirror. "She seems...." Pause for words.
"Well, vain, but nay the sort t'be going through intermediaries like that.
Intercession by kindly others is more likely." A disdainful, disgusted
snort. "Far more likely. I know." Turning to stare into the shadows the
glowlight can't reach, she adds, "And I know what 'tis t'have that sort of
situation. 'Tis nay... easy, is it?" Her knuckles, gripped around
table-edge, whiten briefly, then relax, before surprise causes her to twist
a look back. "That's an intriguing offer," she remarks. "Do I detect a
challenge, perhaps?"

She knows it; I'sai may as yet only sense it, as through that glass darkly,
...and one may still be a puppet for not knowing the self that pulls the
strings. "If you'd care to call it that," he accedes to the last. "It's a
true offer, Kassima. All I ask is that you ... feel it." A few silent
moments lend an easier slip into what came before, the, "As for Keara, she
is kind, and honest in her way, and her craft too is true. She's
passionate," that untrustworthy virtue. "I don't fancy myself too good for
her, if that's what you ask. But..." The silence returns, if this time for
but half a measure: "No, it hasn't been easy; and I'm led to believe this
is but the beginning..." He's watching her. Still.

Kassima has had some of experience's bitter acid to etch the glass clear of
darkness; what she knows, she also knows the price of knowing. "Well," she
decides, drumming ringed fingers lightly against the table's edge with the
dulled flash of jewels, "a challenge, I have t'take. Aught else, impulse
bids me take anyway. So... but reverse that--have Taralyth bespeak Lysseth,
if'n 'twould, since 'tis easier thus. We are always here." A mirthless
smile. "J'lyn has seen to that, with his grounding. Too good for her? Did I
suggest that?" Honest surprise registers in the higher pitch of contralto
voice. "Didn't mean to. It isn't a question of being too good." Slanting a
glance to meet wan green eyes with darker emerald, she gives a soundless
laugh. "I'truth... just the opposite, I'd have said, when 'twas in that
place. I wasn't good enough for him. It won't get any easier--nay unless
she finds another without getting t'you first."

But does etching leave clarity, or instead a stain that occludes true
vision, however white? The fair head inclines, but his gaze holds hers even
so, however fragile. "For the first, as you wish. It puts some burden on
us, having thought - and memory - to do it with, not to mention the desire
to reach," and his own hand curls in on itself, barren of even the heavy
gold of dragonman's ring. "For the rest... how did you know 'you weren't
good enough' for him? How did you -know-, and not just have the question
haunt you? And must it matter?"

A question that the one who looks through the glass cannot answer; one can
believe clear what is actually murky, and until true sight manifests, have
no basis for comparison to show the error. "Ah," Kassima murmurs, dark
lashes lowering to half-veil eyes that continue to train on his regardless.
"I see the problem. Burdened as you'd already be, 'twould be a most
unmannerly thing of me t'be increasing it. Lysseth can bespeak, then."
Then, with faint wryness, "Assuming she's back to herself by then. She
isn't... amiable... when she glows." Switching topics, old cynicism
overlays her voice like a black shroud as she asks, "How could I know? How
could I *nay* know? He was young, nigh innocent--idealistic... I, nay. I've
been too long alone t'hope much anymore, y'see. It says something, don't
you think, when all your clutchmates are paired but you? The only thing
that haunted me after he left was the irony of it. I'd been right, but I'd
loved him anyway. Idiot." Self-directed, that. "Must which matter? Whether
you're good enough, or whether the question stays with you?"

"Condescension or kindness," I'sai says, timbre for all three words drummed
the same, "I'll accept either. And 'Either,' as well, for mattering. And in
between... why 'idiot,' for - loving?" See, he can say the word, however
clipped. "I don't pretend to match your Turns, Kassima, and not your rank,
and surely not your reputation. But it seems to me that what things say,
they can vary a great deal, depending on who's saying them. Who's
listening. Who has sweetening on their tongue, and who vinegar. Who it's
said to, and who is overhearing. And if you - loved - him, and he you, and
you both knew and could... that says something by itself, for all that it's
truth about dragons and truest love."

"Neither," Kassi answers, rather mildly. "I'm nay affected enough yet t'be
condescending; I'm too affected t'be kind. Understanding only, as much as a
greenrider can." Shoulders, one sable-cloaked and one bare, rise and fall.
"Simply put: I knew he'd stop loving and leave, someday. I never told
him... the only real comfort, I suppose; I've pride left. For him,
'twas--infatuation only, more easily lost, and I *knew* that." A breath
escapes her in the quietest of sighs. "That's truth, all of it. You may
outmatch me in wisdom whether or nay you match me in Turns, in some
respects--d'you ever wonder," she asks, abrupt, "whether you could love? Or
know if'n you did? Or do some people nay have that doubt cast over them?"

At that, I'sai's gaze does drop, even more from words than the muscle
visible beneath that pale skin; he shifts, says, "Then I should apologize
for that." He's quiet a few moments more before he looks back, gaze murkier
now but light voice correspondingly clearer yet again, though minus the
metallic sheen of a pin. "He did so leave, then? And I did, yes, wonder...
and who's to tell what's infatuation, and what will, unnurtured, survive
Turns of wishing, of wanting, and what's ... in between, as I'd guess so
many are." Another long breath's hesitation is followed in like kind by,
"It seems to me also that 'love' is a pale word for what can be."

Telgar Weyr> I'sai passes on to M'kon, "Leya -liked- the action figures."

Telgar Weyr> M'kon ehs? Wha? Huh? What'd i do again?

Telgar Weyr> I'sai points to Kassi and Ryi's statuses. Wonder Twin powers,
Kassiryi the Evil.

Telgar Weyr> M'kon ohdears.

Telgar Weyr> M'kon says, "you realize I was temporarily insane that night,

Telgar Weyr> Ryialla poses.

Telgar Weyr> M'kon . o O ( Goes nicely with my current state tonight. Yay
stomach flu, thanks to my coworkers. )

Telgar Weyr> I'sai'll pass it on, but she may seek independent
corroboration. Paperwork.

Telgar Weyr> I'sai shakes his head. Those coworkers do seem to be ...
sharing people.

Kassima curves a sudden smile, one with a hint of teeth. "Don't worry," she
promises. "I'm certain 'twill be making it up t'you sometime a'fore Lyss
rises; cynical remarks *do* seem t'be m'forte then." The flippance fades,
replaced by pensiveness that clouds the deep green of her eyes to something
nearer black. "Oh, aye. He did, and found another in time, and the only
real link between us now is our son." A ghost of a mother's smile of pride.
Then: "I don't know," she murmurs, after several moments. "'Tis a question
I've asked m'self. How d'you know? And *can* true love die, be killed,
short of the final *between*? Is it ephemeral rather than the lasting thing
we're told of and dream of--well, in some cases--as children?" Her pale
chin dips again in an almost absent, thoughtful nod "The name of 'love' can
nay apply; its commoness can nay descry that haunted, hunted, painful cry,"
she recites, with a faint shake of her head.

After a brief nod, for her initial foray requires no more acknowledgement,
I'sai repeats, "Your son," with quite the inturned irony within the
gentleness. A few moments later, "Dragons aside... dragons aside, I'd guess
it can, not that I'd plan to test it. If for no other reason than if it
can't, who would match up? and ... and that would mean one could be
careless. And feeling a certain way, that doesn't justify..." Again he
breaks off, but briefly. "Haunted, hunted, painful, that's as it may be,
but also fierce and tender and altogether joy."

I'sai says, "Whatever it is."

Kassima agrees, with the irony but also regret in the shifting of
possessive pronoun, "My son now, aye." A pause for quiet for her end before
she resumes with, "'Tis a dream, in its way, the thought of unending,
unbreakable love, but--could that exist without destroying some integral
part of *self*, I wonder. The dragon-bond does, though we don't oft think
on it. We're nay longer who we were; we never will be again, and perhaps
there's simply nay room for two of those loves in the same soul." Then:
"Mmm. Perhaps... well, aye. Those things and more, and things there are nay
words for, and things that defy thought or logic or aught but feeling." A
brief half-smile flickers. "You're certain you don't know that you can
love? You seem t'know well what it involves, better than 'twould have
expressed it m'self."

I'sai retreats, for all he doesn't take so much as a backward step; he
shoves both hands in his jacket pockets, says, "As I said. It's a pale
word. And I ... I didn't say any of the rest of it, either," denial
transparent but edged all the same. "Keep in mind, Kassima, if it's
unending, and unbreakable, that means there's no longer -choice-."

Kassima unlocks her hands from their grip on the table and holds them up in
a gesture of concession, apology. "Nay, you didn't say it," is her
acknowledgment. "And 'twas but a question. One which you've evaded, I might
add. But I won't say aught else; 'tis nay m'business t'know, only
curiousity's prompt again." She lets her hands drop to rest in her lap.
"Choice," she echoes. Musing. "How much of that do riders ever have? That
could mean you could choose whom t'love, or whom nay t'love, or whom t'deny
love for. One of the three, two of the three, all of the three. I don't
pretend t'know."

I'sai ducks her a light bow, again without looking away. "As much choice as
anyone? Maybe. Then again... let's save that one for another night, shall
we? Even if it takes us a sevenday; I thought you had a second thing to
say, after all, unless it's swept by already said."

"Most people don't have their life decided for them in a moment on the
Sands, unbreakable save by death, irrevocable forever," Kassima must needs
point out, slightly droll, but she returns the bow. "Another night will do.
You're welcome, a'course, t'try and talk with me any time it pleases you,
proddy or nay--I just don't promise even what rationality I may normally
possess, in those circumstances." A blink; she'd almost forgotten the
second thing. "Oh, aye. I wondered--d'you know, perchance, whether Ryi
already has a cradle for the baby?"

I'sai waves an elbow in lieu of a hand, "Yeah, aside from -that-. Cradle."
Again hesitation, longer than it deserves; "I don't think she does. But ...
we were talking about it; it might be taken care of. Already. There was the
question, did it have to be a new one or not, that sort of thing. But I
think ... I think it might be taken care of. But I'm not sure."

I'sai adds, "I can find out."

Kassima explains, making vague hand gestures to demarcate the general shape
of what she has in mind, "I ask because 'tis what I got for Ryi for her
Turnday, y'see; skybroom wood, yea big, with a dragon atop--Pliarth--and
spread sage cloth for the 'wings.' Outspread like they're protecting the
kidlet, belike. If'n she has one, I can be giving that t'someone
else--there's always someone in need of such things in a Weyr--and find her
a different gift, but 'twill take until I can rustle up an escort. I'm nay
t'go anywhere unaccompanied; J'lyn's ruling."

I'sai bites at his lip, "...I'll find out," is what he says. "I don't think
she has one -yet-. Except for, well, the one you gave her, and you can't
exactly be taking that back, now can you? She wouldn't like it. ...And I
heard about J'lyn. Not exactly fair, is -that-, though I'd put no wagers on
T'saren or even A'lex doing the same. But if you do need an escort, and
M'rgan doesn't have me busy..."

"Her Turnday's nay yet--'tis in a day or two; haven't given it yet, so
there's still time t'be returning it," Kassima observes, with a thoughtful
nod. "If'n she has one already. Nay fair, but as he pointed out t'me, life
isn't--'twill teach me t'be having children with those who rank me, I
suppose. And may I say, there's little more irritating than having your
former 'second be ordering you about like that." Particularly when the
order rankles on one as much as that does on Kassi. "Tas and 'Lex both know
better... you'd be willing?" She smiles, brief, but genuinely pleased.
"Entirely too generous of you, and I may take you up on it all the same.
Mayhaps you could even get off of particularly noxious duties by pleading
escort; I could try t'plan trips for when 'twould get you out of dawn
sweeps." A hint of teasing in her tone. "In seriousness, I do appreciate

"I suppose I'm expected to know when it is, now," I'sai speculates right
through her nod, but then at least he's quiet enough to wait through the
rest: "Save rank for yet another night, hmm? And we'll come up with
something. You know how to find us." He rocks back on his heels a moment,
thumps back flat-footed, deliberately so. "If there's anything just now,
say so; otherwise I'd like to get to - sleep."

"The Register is helpful," Kassi suggests, with a nod towards the opened
book in question. "If'n a bit too revealing in matters of age. Fair enough;
fair deal--" She considers, then shakes her head in negative. "Naught just
now. And I should seek sleep m'self, while I still can." A beat-long pause
before she murmurs, "Thankee, though, for the... discussion, debate, what
it may be called. 'Twas a pleasure of sorts. 'Twould say lighter topics
would have made it more so, but the chance t'be discussing the darker is
probably better--and oh, speaking of. G'luck in your matters with Keara.
If'n you need any help evading or frightening off matchmakers, I've some
practice in that area."

"I appreciate that," I'sai says to one and all. "...And I'll get the glows.
Good - morning."

Kassima echoes, wryly, "Morning. Aye. Sleep well, I'sai. Dream sweet."

You slip out of the records cavern.